Summer Internship Report

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The Petroleum Institute Department of Electrical Engineering

Summer Internship 2012 ELEG 397

Final Report: Overview of Water Injection Clusters Word count: 4216

ADCO Operating Company: BUHASA Field Name:

OPCO Mentors names: Mr. Abdul Karim Chanbour Mr. Qayed Ahmed

Mentor Position Maintenance Engineer (Electrical) Maintenance Engineer (Electrical)

Name: Abed Al Halwani ID: 920013639

I pledge that I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this project

This report contains an overview of the operations in Buhasa oil field. It studies the water injection system and mainly focuses on the importance of water injection on the production of oil and gas. The report also discusses the mechanism of water injection, tools and equipment and electrical power supply. The report explains the learning outcomes of the summer internship program and how it affects future career progress.

Table of content
1. Introduction 1.1 Summer internship program 1.2 Assigned company 1.3 Placement and role 2. Water Injection Operations 2.1 Field overview
2.1.1 Power supply 2.1.2 Power generation 2.1.3 Power transmission and distribution 2.1.4 Introduction to water injection 2.1.5 Well status

4 4 4 5 6 6
6 6 6 7 7

2.2 Operations 2.3 Power requirements 2.4 Submersible pump assembly

2.4.1 Pump motor 2.4.2 Pump control

8 10 11
11 11

2.5 Surface injection pump

2.5.1 Surface injection pump electrical specifications 2.5.2 Injection pump motor

14 14

2.6 Cluster electrical power supply 3. Experience and learning outcomes 4. Feedback 5. Acknowledgment

15 16 16 17

Table of figures Figure 1 : ADCO logo Figure 2: Water and CO2 injection 4 9

Table of tables Table 1: Clusters electrical load Table 2: Surface pump motors Table 3: Injection pump motors 10 12 13

1. Introduction
1.1 Summer Internship program A summer practical training program is required for all undergraduate students at the Petroleum Institute. The purpose of the program is to introduce students to the petroleum industry, and to interweave theory and practice in an actual workplace setting. The objective of the summer internship program is to provide students with valuable work experience in their selected engineering discipline. Students are placed under the direct supervision of a mentor in the ADNOC group of companies, or with one of the international stakeholders. The intern is given a significant individual engineering project in a discipline-specific environment. The summer internship program involves actual engineering project work including, where possible, collection and combination of data, analysis, and reporting. 1.2 Assigned Company The Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) operates onshore and in shallow coastal water of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The original concession agreement was made with Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast) Ltd. On 11th January 1939, but geological work did not begin until after the Second World War. Exploratory drilling began in Abu Dhabi in February 1950. The First commercial oil discovery was made at Bab in 1960, and exports began from the Jebel Dhanna terminal on 14th December 1963. In 1962, the Company was renamed the Abu Dhabi Petroleum Company, ADPC. On 1st January 1973, the Government of Abu Dhabi acquired a 25% interest, which was increased to 60% as from 1st January 1974. The Government interest is held by the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, ADNOC.

ADCO was incorporated under Law No. 14 for 1978, on 8th October 1978 and has been responsible, since February 1979, for operations in the concession area, which after relinquishments, now covers more than 21,000 square kilometers.

The Company produces mainly from six oil fields:

Asab Sahil Shah Bab Buhasa North-East Bab (Dabbiya, Rumaitha & Shanayel) Figure 1: ADCO logo 4

1.3 Placement and role I have been assigned to Buhasa onshore field at Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations ADCO. I have been asked to work according to a schedule. For the last 8 weeks I have covered the following departments: Induction in E-learning / safety and camp service orientation Familiarization with Operations (Power /ND) Familiarization with Operations (Water) activities Familiarization with Operations (Corrosion & Inspection) activities Familiarization with Operations (Oil) activities Familiarization with Operations (Gas) activities Familiarization with Operations (PE) activities

The schedule was tentative, that means I was rotating through departments upon the availability of engineers and their free time. My role as a summer intern was limited to observation and inspection. All the experience I have gained was through the observations I have noticed and the questions that I have asked. There are no certain tasks that were assigned to me during this period.

2. Water Injection Operations

2.1 Field overview Buhasa field is located 200km south-west of Abu Dhabi city in a desert area accessed by a road to the Central Processing Facilities, Offices, Workshops and Accommodation. Oil was discovered in Buhasa in 1962. Drilling of the first well, becoming Bu 12, started in 1962 and by 1965 the field was in production from the Shuaiba Reservoir, followed in 1971 from Thamama B, and in 1995 from Thamama F. The oilfield covers an area of approximately 600 km2, comprising reservoirs formed of shallow-water limestone separated by dense limestone, located at depths between 7500 and 9250ft, known as the Thamama Group. The oil is produced predominantly by natural flow, currently from 69 single completion, 137 dual completion, 10 oil producer/water injector, and 3 artificial lift wells. The oil flows via single flowlines from each well to one of three Remote Degassing Stations and onward to, or direct to, one of the four Central Degassing Stations. The reservoir sustainable production rate is maintained by pressure support using mainly water injection, introduced in 1987, and gas injection introduced in 1995 to the North Shuaiba, Zone B and Zone F. 2.1.1 Power Supply Buhasa is fed with 220kV supply coming from ADWEA through Mirfa and Jabal Dhanna power generation stations. The two main incomer lines feed 4 transformers which then feed the main substation in Buhasa. The transformers step down the 220kV to 33kV to feed the station 2.1.2 Power Generation For power generation, there are 3 main 33kV operating generators in the main power station GTA 4, GTA 5 and GTA 6. Each generator provides 18.6 MW which provides a total of 55.8 MW. The generators can be used to supply power to Buhasa to prevent any blackouts in case the power is lost from ADWEA. 2.1.3 Power Transmission and Distribution Power throughout Buhasa is transmitted via overhead lines varying from 220kV external and 132kV internal. Also there are 8 incomer feeders that transmit power to the different facilities around the field. Average transmission losses are summed to be 1.6 MW. Power is distributed to 5 power substations that

are located around Buhasa. The Substations arranges the power supply needed to operate the different loads. 2.1.4 Introduction to water injection Wells in Buhasa field are categorized as oil producers, water supply wells, water injectors, gas injectors, aquifer and reservoir observation wells, and disposal wells. Disposal wells are shallow and used only for disposal of treated effluent water. Observation wells are used to measure bottom hole pressures for reservoir performance monitoring. As oil is extracted from the reservoir so the pressure in the reservoir will tend to fall over a period of time. One way in which the reservoir pressure can be maintained is by injecting water into the reservoir below the oil/water contact. In the case of Buhasa field this is done through water injection wells which are located around the periphery of the reservoir, and gas injection in the North Shuaiba, Zone B and Zone F. The water injection system lifts water from supply aquifers by means of an electrically driven submersible pump and delivers it to a surface injection pump which supplies pressurized water to the injection wells. One supply well provides injection water to several injection wells, for pressure support to the various reservoirs. The water injection system comprises 45 water supply clusters and 132 injection wells. 2.1.5 Well status The status of oil wells can be categorized as abandoned, suspended or producing, with definitions as follows: An abandoned well is one which is no longer considered to be capable of production. Most of the equipment associated with the well will have been removed and the well plugged as a safety measure. To return this type of well into production would require a major effort almost equivalent to drilling a new well. Dry holes also fall under the abandoned well category. A suspended well is one which is not producing, or one that is to be completed at a later stage. A suspended well can be returned to production with relatively little effort. The reason for suspending the well in the first place could be one of many, including (but not limited to) a change in reservoir characteristics in the producing zone of the well, faulty equipment associated with the well, equipment stuck in the well tubing preventing production, or pending completion.

A producing well is either in production, or is capable of production active or inactive. This means that the well may not be producing at any given time, but is available for production.

All producing wells in Buhasa field produce oil with associated hydrocarbon gas. There are no wells producing gas only. The produced fluids are currently classified as sour, containing up to 9000 ppm of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Producing wells are predominantly dual completion type, although there are a number of single completion wells. Well completion may be defined as having all down hole equipment in place to control the flow and, in the case of producers, are equipped with the sub-surface and surface safety valves. 2.2 Operations To maximize oil production from the Buhasa field, a program of Selective Injection and Production (SIP) was introduced in 1980. Implementation of SIP began with water injection wells located around the periphery of the field. A later development has been to drill water injection wells within the more difficult northern production area, referred to as pattern injection. Water is pumped into the injection wells under relatively high pressure to squeeze oil out of the production formation. The water for the injection wells is pumped out of a number of supply wells drilled into adjacent aquifer zones. There are three major aquifers in the Buhasa field: Dammam (the shallowest). Umm Er Radhuma. Simsima, the deepest formation.

Each supply well is equipped with a submersible pump to deliver water to surface facilities, from where an injection pump distributes high pressure water through surface flow lines to the injection wells. The reservoir areas where the aquifer water is injected are listed below: Thamama Shuaiba Peripheral; clusters 1-35. Thamama Zone B Peripheral; clusters 36-39. Thamama Shuaiba North Pattern; clusters 40-42. Thamama Zone F Peripheral; clusters 43-45.

Water is supplied at a rate that, together with natural influx, will effectively balance the production rate. Note that the volume of water injected will actually exceed the surface-measured volumes of oil and water produced, due to the density differences between oil and water and the presence of entrained gas. As an approximate guide, about two barrels of water need to be injected for every barrel of oil produced. The aquifer water is highly saline and also sour due to the presence of dissolved hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. Anti-corrosion chemical is injected on a continuous basis to minimize the effect of these contaminants.

Figure 2: Water and CO2 injection

2.3 Power requirements The power to drive the submersible and injection pumps is supplied from a central electrical generation station located within the Buhasa field. Additionally, the power system is interconnected with generating stations located throughout the ADCO concession area. Consequently, if power supplies are lost at Buhasa, the load will automatically be taken up by the other interlinked stations. (Conversely, Buhasa generating facilities will supply other areas if necessary). The generator station comprises a total of six generator sets. Originally, there were three 7.5MW sets. These have since been augmented by three 18.6MW sets. All are driven by gas-fuelled turbines. Power from the Buhasa electric generators is fed via transformers into a 33kV substation which provides for the radial feeders to each cluster system. Interconnection with other stations is via 132kV overhead lines. The total electrical load comprises the following: Table 1: Clusters electrical load Load 45 cluster systems transmission losses generator auxiliaries oil gathering gas injection Total Power supply: Rolls-Royce Avon generator sets; 3 at 7.5MW each G.E Frame 5 generator sets; 3 at 18.6MW each Power Consumed 51MW 1.2MW 1.0MW 0.6MW 4.0MW 57.8MW

Because normal operation utilizes two Avon sets and two Frame 5 sets, thus providing less power than that required for operation of all 45 cluster pumps, power to the field is imported from the inter-field power transmission system.


2.4 Submersible pump assembly The submersible supply pump assemblies each comprise electric motor and pump units connected together by an adaptor and protector. To satisfy flow and pressure requirements, each pump assembly will contain two or three motors and either one or two pumps. 2.4.1 Pump Motor The 3-phase, squirrel-cage induction-type motor unit comprises a central rotor supported by a top mounted thrust bearing, revolving within the stator. There are two (or three) motors wired in series to provide the requisite power for the installation. Unlike conventional motors, the internal cavity is oilfilled. The oil acts as an insulating medium and also provides lubrication and cooling. The thrust bearing incorporates thrower discs to circulate the oil within the unit. Cooling of the motor is also effected by passage of the aquifer water over the outer casing of the unit. Power to the motors is fed via a cable run down inside the length of the 95/8 inch casing entering the unit through a waterproof gland. The units use a 2.82kV supply from a dedicated transformer stepping down from the 33kV overhead transmission lines. The transformer is located in an enclosure adjacent to the water supply wellhead. A double mechanical seal system is utilized in the submersible pump motors. An inner and outer seal provide dual protection for the motor. The sealing operates on a pressure balanced principle. The outer seal separates the pumped fluid from the motor oil and is the primary seal. The inner seal has oil on both sides and is the secondary seal. If the outer seal leaks pumped fluid into the seal chamber between the two seals, it is expelled to the bottom of the motor via a communication line, thereby preventing damage to the windings. 2.4.2 Submersible pump control Incoming electrical supplies to the pump motor are fed from the 33kV/2.82kV transformer. There is a computer-interface motor controller which switches the 2.82kV supply to the pump as required. The controller is a Keltronic K095 Advanced Motor Controller (AMC) which provides the necessary monitoring and protection for the motor. AMC monitoring functions: motor operating parameters incoming power supply 11

external switching analogue instruments.

AMC protection functions: alarm activation shutdown activation startup permissive control.

Alarm set point, time curve and active parameters can be adjusted by computer interface. A Keltronics laptop computer is plugged into the display panel whenever adjustments are required. Normally, the system operates at a preset calibration. The settings of parameters and the alarm history can be read directly off the permanently installed screen. 2.5 Surface injection pump The surface-powered injection pumps are of the multi-stage centrifugal type. The pumps are of horizontal split-case construction installed on a skid base which also incorporates the associated lube oil system, and seal water system for the double mechanical seals. Also provided are the air-cooled lube and seal system coolers and the control panel. The casing passages are of the double volute type, thus minimizing radial forces within the pump. The suction and discharge nozzles are cast in the bottom half of the casing so that during major maintenance the top half can be removed without disturbing the pipe work. The casing wear rings are located in the pump by means of spigots on the external diameter of the ring which fit into mating recesses in the casing. Table 2: Surface pump motors
CLUSTER MANUFACTURER No. 1 2 3 4 5 24 25 Mather & Platt Ingersoll Rand Mather & Platt Mather & Platt Ingersoll Rand Ingersoll Rand Ingersoll Rand 9 11 9 9 11 11 11 SURFACE PUMP STAGES HEAD(m) 1007 1032 1070 1049 1127 1016 1029 RATED CAPACITY(m/hr) 148.5 162.3 175.1 133.4 152 147.7 138.5 LOAD(kW) 720 850 825 720 850 760 760


26 27 28 40 41

Ingersoll Rand Mather & Platt Mather & Platt Weir Weir

11 9 9 9-Oct 9-Oct

1049 1033 1001 1294 1294

138.8 148.1 138.4 121.9 121.9

850 720 825 1200 1200

Table 3: Injection pump motors

TRANSFORMER CLUSTER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 MANUFACTURER S.W.S FR.TRANS. FR.TRANS. S.W.S FR.TRANS. T.UNION FR.TRANS. FR.TRANS. FR.TRANS. FR.TRANS. FR.TRANS. FR.TRANS. S.W.S S.W.S S.W.S S.W.S RATING 900 kVA 1500 kVA 1500 kVA 900 kVA 1500 kVA 900 kVA 1500 kVA 1500 kVA 1500 kVA 1500 kVA 1500 kVA 1500 kVA 900 kVA 900 kVA 900 kVA 900 kVA INJECTION PUMP MANUFACTURER M&P GEC M&P GEC GEC M&P GEC GEC M&P GEC GEC M&P GEC GEC M&P M&P RATING 720 kW 850 kW 825 kW 850 kW 760 kW 720 kW 760 kW 760 kW 720 kW 850 kW 760 kW 720 kW 760 kW 850 kW 720 kW 720 kW AMPS. 146 A 175 A 165 A 175 A 165 A 146 A 165 A 165 A 146 A 175 A 165 A 146 A 165 A 175 A 146 A 146 A


2.5.1 Surface Injection Pump Electrical Specifications From the outlet of the filter assembly, the oil is fed to the injection pump bearings at a pressure of 25psig. There is an additional line tied into the discharge pipe work terminating in a normally closed valve (which can be opened to depressurize to the reservoir tank, if required). This line incorporates a low pressure switch, set at 20psig (falling) which will start the standby lube oil pump if activated. This spur line has a restriction orifice installed in it to dampen out pressure fluctuations, so that the standby pump is not needlessly started due to momentary pressure dips. The oil is cooled by passage through a fan-driven air blast cooler situated between reservoir and filter assembly. There is a line bypassing the cooler and re-combining with the flow via a 3-way temperature control valve. The valve operates to allow oil through the cooler, bypass the cooler or a combination of both routes, in order to maintain the temperature at 65C. There is a high temperature trip in the circulation path which will trip the injection pumps if the temperature reaches 85C (it also has a prealarm set at 75C). There is a low pressure switch which will trip the injection pump if the pressure drops to 15psig (falling). Because the oil circulation will vary with viscosity, there is an immersed tank heater to maintain the oil at a steady temperature. It is part of the pump start logic that a minimum of 10C is available, to allow the pump to start. The general construction of the motor comprises a rotor unit, located by oil lubricated bearings, set inside a cylindrical stator core. The rotor/stator assembly is housed inside a rectangular steel housing. There is an upper compartment to the motor enclosure which houses a fan unit. Air is drawn in at the non-drive end via an axial fan and circulates through the enclosure and is exhausted through a grille at the drive end of the motor. The motors are rated at 1200kW and have a rotational speed of 2975rpm. The specified runup time to full speed is 3.5sec.

2.5.2 Injection Pump Motor

Throughout the Buhasa field, the water injection pumps are driven by either a Mather & Platt or a GEC electric motor. They are essentially similar machines; both types being supplied from the 33kV supply network distributed throughout the field. At each cluster, there is a dedicated transformer unit to step the 33kV supply down to the 3.3kV supply required by both makes of motor.


2.6 Cluster electrical power supply A radial system of 33kV overhead power lines, with seven feeders from the 33kV main substation with section switches between feeders, form a ring system. The 33kV main substation is linked by 2 x 132kV overhead lines to Habshan power stations and controlled by the Load Dispatch Centre at Bab. Situated at each cluster is an enclosed area containing two transformer units. One of the transformer units has a stepped-down output of 3.3kV power supply to feed the surface injection pump. The other transformer unit has a stepped-down output of 2.82kV power supply to feed the submersible pump. An auxiliary transformer is connected to the 2.82kV transformer and produces 430V for cluster auxiliary supplies. The following equipment items are supplied from the 430V auxiliary transformer: chemical injection pump skid seal water pressurization pump skid seal water/lube oil cooling fans lube oil circulation pump skid control and instrument panel cluster lighting.


3. Experience & learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course and as a PI student, I have gained technical skills that will be very beneficial to me in my future career and placement in ADNOC-OPCOs. I am now more able to describe common business practices in the oil and gas industries and also describe the basic operational principles of systems and equipment in the oil and gas industry. Team work skills also have improved as observed how teams work to identify, formulate and solve a related engineering problem, despite being limited to observation rather than being practically involved in work. Because I was working on a business related assignment, time and resource management skills have improved. Being exposed to oil and gas industry helped me a lot to raise my awareness of current issues and their impact on the oil and gas industry. This also led to improve my skills in demonstrating ethical behavior at the work place and maintaining good attitude and manner. Being a part of ADCO helped a lot in raising my awareness towards safe practices at the workplace as it is one of the most important objectives of ADCO. The internship program also helped improve my skills in HSE and be more aware about the related issues. The safety induction that I had during the first week of my internship covered an overview of the safety measures that should be taken when working in the operation areas as well as the camp and other facilities available in Buhasa field. The safety induction mainly covers: Driving safety policies Personnel self protection during operations and usage of personal protective equipment PPE Familiarization with alarm sirens and evacuation procedures in case of emergencies H2S safety Fire safety Waste disposal

4. Feedback
The theory covered in the PI has helped me a lot during the last period. The Power System Analysis course which I have taken the previous semester covered the three phase system analysis and power calculations that are related to this topic. Also the per-unit analysis was more helpful when dealing with such systems that are available in the field. Also I found the power transmission and line parameters that were covered by the course very helpful do better understand the power transmission process. 16

Relationships between departments play an important role in the jobs that are undergoing in the field. Any job that needs to be carried should be analyzed be teams that include different members from different departments. In order to carry out any job, there is a certain procedure that should be gone through which is the Permit to Work procedure. All jobs should be approved by team leaders from different department to make sure that everything has been taken care of and to maintain the HSE measures and to protect the working personnel. There is almost nothing that I disliked in the previous period. My coach is very helpful and he is there for me whenever I need him. One thing I can suggest is to assign certain tasks to interns, small tasks maybe that requires little experience and knowledge because this can be helpful to us as interns rather than just sitting and observing the processes.

5. Acknowledgment
I would like to express my greatest gratitude to the people who have helped & supported me throughout my project. I am grateful to my PI mentor Dr. Redy Mardiana for his continuous support for the project, from initial advice & contacts in the early stages of conceptual inception & through ongoing advice & encouragement to this day. A special thank of mine goes to my ADCO mentors Mr. Abdul Karim Chanbour and Mr. Qayed Ahmed who helped me in completing the project exchanged their interesting ideas, thoughts & made this project easy. I wish to thank Mr. Tareq Ali Bualsafared and Mr. Salem Al Naqbi for their undivided support which helped me adjust to the working environment and made my stay in the Buhasa accommodation complex comfortable and joyful.


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