An Assessment of The Motor Ability of Leaners

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Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
in the
(Department of Human Movement Science)
University of Zululand
May 2007
I. the undersigned, hereby declare that the work contained in this
thesis is my own original work and has not previously in its entirety
or in part been submitted at any university for a degree.
To Mom, Dad, Darren and Morne'
I would like to thank the following individuals for their help and support
throughout this research project.
Dr GK Longhurst
Prof ES Bressan
Miss Judith Bulman. for proof reading this study
An assessment of the motor ability of leamers
in the Foundation Phase of primary school
N. Portela
Or GK Longhurst
Prof ES Bressan
The development of gross motor skills is a process of maturity in movement
proficiency, which is fulfilled by the age of eight years. The purpose of this study
was to examine the contributions of age, gender and physical activity on the
levels of motor proficiency in learners. The subjects (N=366) aged seven years
six months to eight years were assessed using eight subtests including tasks for
running, balance, bilateral and upper-limb coordination from the Bruininks-
Oseretsky Test Battery. There was a significant difference in the relationship
between girls and boys: Girls fared better in balance and bilateral coordination
skills while boys performed better in strength and running skills (p<.05). The
results also indicated a positive correlation between increasing age and motor
ability in most areas, except for balance which was performed better by younger
age groups. The influence of the physical education curricula showed better
scores for learners who participated in physical activity on a daily basis in
comparison to learners who only participated in one lesson per week. Learners
living in a rural environment outperformed their counterparts in three areas of
motor proficiency. This can possibly be attributed to the leisure activities
experienced by low socio-economic school learners during pre-primary years,
and may offer evidence to the negative effects of modern society on the
movement development of youth. This raises questions regarding the proficiency
in motor performance. of the children of KwazululNatal and the influence of our
modern society and its advancing change in leisure time activities. as well as the
structure of physical education classes at school.
An assessment of the motor ability of learners
in the Foundation Phase of primary school
N. Portela
Or GK Longhurst
Prof ES Bressan
Die ontwikkeling van groot motoriese vaardighede is 'n rypwordings proses van
beweging wat teen die ouderdom van 8 jaar reeds ontwikkeJ is. Die doeJ van
hierdie studie was om die effek van ouderdom, geslag en fisieke aktiwiteit op die
leerders se motoriese ontwikkeling vlakke te bepaal. Die teikengroep is (366),
vanaf die ouderdomme 7jaar en 6 maande tot agt jaar en was geevalweer. Net
agt toetse van die bruininks-Oseretsky Toets Battery, is vir hierdie studie gebruik.
Die dogters het beter as die seuns in balans en bilaterale koordinasie gevaar en
die seuns het weer beter in die krag oefeninge en hardloop toetse gevaar
(p<O.05). Die resultate toon ook dat daar 'n positiewe verband tussen toename
in ouderdom en motoriese ontwikkeling is, behalwe in die balans afdeling. Die
invloed van 'n daaglikse deelname aan liggaamlike oefening het beter toets
resultate getoon as vir diegene wat net een keer per week deelgeneem het.
Leerders wat woonagtig is in die platteland ("rural area") het beter as hul
eweknie, van die stedelike gebiede in drie afdelings van motoriese vaardighede
gevaar. Dit kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan hul aktiewe leefstyl op die
platteland. Die negatiewe effekte van passiewe modeme samelewing was
duidelik sigbaar op die bewegings aktiwiteite van die stedelike leerders. Dit laat
vrae ontstaan omtrent die verwantskap tussen motoriese vaardighede en ons
moderne samelewing
1.1 Purpose of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 2
1.3 Main focus areas 4
1.3.1 Secondary focus areas 4
1.4 Research questions 4
1.5 Delimitations of the study 5
1.6 Limitations of the study 5
1.7 Definitions of terms 6
Motor proficiency
Factors that influence motor proficiency
Biological factors
Environmental factors
How children develop motor skills
Rudimentary motor skills
Fundamental movement skills
Loco-motor and non-loco-motor skills
Specific movement skills
Movement awareness
Motor skills that lay a foundation for learning
The importance of motor proficiency
Physical activity and physical education
The importance of physical education in developing motor skills
Physical activity guidelines for children
Physical education: influence on low motor skill acquisition
Physical education in the South African school curriculum
Testing to determine motor level proficiency - The Bruininks-
Oseretsky Test of motor proficiency (BOTMP)
3.1 Research design 43
Pilot study 44
3.3 Procedure of the primary stUdy 44
Subjects and sample selection 44
3.3.2 Informed consent 46
3.3.3 Assessment test battery 46
3.4 Pre-test procedures 47
3.5 Test battery procedures 47
Statistical analysis
4.1 Levels of motor proficiency in Pietermaritzburg 52
4.1.1 Boys versus girls 52
4.1.2 Age group categories 55
Comparison of motor proficiency scores for all the learners from the
Pietermaritzburg and Empangeni regions. 58
4.2.1 Compositive result scores (Empangeni versus Pietermaritzburg) 58
4.2.2 Comparison of boys motor proficiency scores between the two
regions 60
4.2.3 Comparison of girls motor proficiency scores between the two
regions 62
4.3 Motor proficiency scores and gender differences 65
4.4 Motor proficiency and three demographic school categories 67
4.4.1 Differences in motor proficiency between the three demographic
classes of schools tested in the Pietermaritzburg region 67
4.4.2 Motor proficiency scores for independent versus low
socio-economic schools 69
Motor proficiency and physical education 73
Gender and motor proficiency
Age and motor proficiency
Motor proficiency and the three demographic classes of schools
Physical education and motor proficiency
Appendix A 89
Letter requesting permission to conduct research 90
Letter of permission from the department of education (Kwa-Zulu Natal) 92
Letter to all the schools involved in the assessments 93
Letter to the parents of the learners selected for testing 95
Informed Consent 96
Appendix B 97
Evaluation sheet for each assessment 98
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2.1 Factors which influence motor proficiency in children.
2.2 Levels of motor skill development
Mean score for boys and girls in the five areas of motor proficiency
(Pietermaritzburg). 54
4.2 Mean score for age group differences in running speed and agility. 56
Mean score for age group differences in balance. 56
Mean score for age group differences in bilateral coordination. 57
4.5 Mean score for age group differences in strength. 57
4.6 Mean score for age group differences in upper-limb coordination. 58
4.7 Mean score of motor proficiency for all the learners from Empangeni
and Pietermaritzburg. 59
4.8 Mean score of motor proficiency for boys from Empangeni and
Pietermaritzburg. 62
4.9 Mean score of motor proficiency for girls from Empangeni and
Pietermaritzburg. 63
4.10 Mean score of motor proficiency for boys versus girls (compositive
scores from Empangeni and Pietermaritzburg). 66
4.11 Mean score of motor proficiency for the different demographic
categories of schools tested in Pietermaritzburg. 68
4.12 Differences in mean scores of motor performance between
independent school learners and low socio-economic government
schoolleamers from Pietermaritzburg. 70
Physical activity guidelines for children five to twelve years 37
3.1 Total number of subjects tested 45
4.1 Mean scores, standard deviations and t values of sub-test items
for boys versus girls tested in Pietermaritzburg 53
4.2 Mean scores, standard deviations and t values of sub-test items
for all subjects tested in Empangeni and Pietermaritzburg 59
4.3 Mean scores, standard deviation and t values of sub test items
for boys from Empangeni and Pietermaritzburg 61
4.4 Mean scores, standard deviation and t values of sub test items
for girls from Empangeni and Pietermaritzburg. 63
4.5 Mean scores, standard deviation and t values of sub test items
for boys versus girls (compositive scores of the two regions tested) 65
4.6 Degree of freedom and F values of the sub test items for the three
different demographic categories of schools in Pietermaritzburg. 68
4.7 Mean scores, standard deviation and t values of sub test items
for learners from independent and low socio-economic schools. 70
In this age of high technology, we often find that the motor development of
primary school children has not kept pace with their cognitive development and
chronological age.
The reasons for this lag in motor development are not difficult to see. With
today's lifestyle, many children are driven to school instead of being encouraged
or allowed to walk or ride bikes. They do not engage in as many interactive and
active neighbourhood games, family chores, and outdoor activities as they once
did. Passive television viewing and time spent with computer or video games
seem to have replaced children's natural play. (Anonymous, n.d.
Regarding our modern lifestyle one often questions whether we are creating a
rainbow nation equipped with future couch potatoes? Other concerns relate to
the current educational system and in particular the role physical education plays
in primary schools in developing motor skill proficiency. These concerns form the
basis of the researcher's decision for the need of this research.
It is essential for all children to learn motor skills so that they may be able to
explore their environment and thus enhance their cognitive and social
development. Behaviour in the motor domain has long been judged as a
significant indicator of unusual child development, as can be seen from the
inclusion of movement tasks in well-known early childhood screening inventories.
The adequate development of fundamental movement abilities, fine motor skills
and perceptual motor abilities is essential for school beginners, as these provide
a child with the necessary basic tools to be a successful scholar (Pienaar, 1994).
Numerous studies have been conducted which have identified the importance of
physical activity and sport skill development in the school curricula (Amold, 1979;
Bunker, 1981; Graham, 1987; Pillay & Oosthuizen, 1990; Katzenellenbogen,
1994 and Miller, 1995).
The turn of the century has been characterized by the vast technological
progress. Children now find themselves in an environment full of sedentary
alternatives such as television and computers. Cycling and walking to school
have become rare conducts as many parents drive their children to school. All of
this has contributed to a decline in the motor behaviour of children.
Poor motor proficiency can lead to a vicious cycle of physical inactivity and
limited participation in sport. It is known that under-development of such
movement skills in children may lead to psychological and social problems in
school (Porsteinsdottir & Bogadottir, n.d.).
Movement skills help children develop self-confidence and provide them with the
opportunity to be physically fit and participate in recreational activities and
games. This physical fitness is the capacity of the heart, blood vessels, lungs
and muscles to function at optimal efficiency. Thus, without developing such
movement skills efficiently, the body is unable to experience the level of physical
activity needed to maintain healthy hearts, lungs and muscles. This could mean
more passive, less-fUlfilling and less healthy lives (Sanders, 1992).
It is therefore important to assess the extent of motor proficiency in primary
school children to prevent the above problems and also to investigate the
growing concerns over physical inactivity among children caused by a modern
sedentary lifestyle.
D To determine what the average motor performance capabilities of
children between the age range of seven years and six months to eight
years in Pietermaritzburg are.
D To compare the values collected from primary schools in
Pietermaritzburg to those collected in Empangeni, northern KwaZulu
1.3.1 Secondary focus areas
D To identify the influence of gender on the development of gross motor
skills at this age.
D To compare the level of motor proficiency of children from three
different demographic categories of primary schools.
1. Will boys achieve better than girls in gross motor performance in the
Pietermaritzburg region?
2. Will children from the Pietermaritzburg area have a higher level of motor
proficiency than those from the Empangeni area?
3. Will children completing the Foundation Phase at an independent school
perform better than children from government schools and low socio-
economic schools?
In accordance with the stated purpose of the study and in an attempt to answer
the questions the following Hypotheses were formulated:
a) Boys will perform better than girls in gross motor skills.
b) Children from the Pietermarizburg area will perform better than
children from the Empangeni area with regards to their motor
proficiency level.
c) Children attending independent schools will perform better than
children from government and low socio-economic schools with
regards to their motor proficiency levels.
Foundation Phase learners from primary school, aged seven years and six
months up to eight years, of all cultural backgrounds, will form part of the test
Testing of learners will be limited to school hours in an attempt to avoid
minimizing the number of subjects available for testing and thus variance
amongst the subjects. This time allocation will be limited to the morning.
Gross motor speed - the ability to maintain a high degree of speed during a
brief shuttle run (Bruininks, 1978).
Static balance - the ability to maintain body equilibrium while stationary
(Bruininks, 1978).
Performance balance - the ability to maintain body equilibrium while moving
(Bruininks, 1978).
Coordinated movements - the ability to coordinate the hands and feet in
simultaneous or sequential movement patterns (Bruininks, 1978).
Strength - the ability to perform tasks requiring the use of certain arm, leg and
abdominal muscles (Bruininks, 1978).
Motor performance - the observable attempt of an individual to produce a
voluntary action. The level of a person's performance is susceptible to
fluctuations in temporary factors such as motivation, arousal, fatigue and physical
Motor proficiency - is the specific abilities measured by tests of running speed
and agility, balance, bilateral coordination, strength, upper-limb coordination,
response speed, visual-motor control, and upper-limb-speed and dexterity.
South African schooling - in reference to the South African Schools Act of 1996
two categories of schools are recognized: public and independent. Public schools
are state controlled and independent schools are privately governed.
Motor proficiency is multidimensional and is based upon the performance of
f1exion, extension and rotational movements that lead to the successful
performance of loco-motor, balance, and manipulative skills. Rhythm and
coordination is evident in performance (Sherrill, 1986). However, motor
proficiency is not the same thing as motor performance. The best definition of
motor proficiency is the specific abilities measured by tests of running speed and
agility, balance, bilateral coordination, strength, upper-limb coordination,
response speed, visual-motor control and upper-limb-speed and dexterity
(Sherrill, 1993). When evaluating a child's level of motor proficiency, selected
tasks are judged to be significant indicators of the level of development of these
abilities. Although a variety of movement abilities have been proposed to be
fundamental to motor skill performance, there is general agreement in the
literature that the ability to exhibit speed, precision, strength, balance and
coordination are critical factors that must be tested in order to assess any
individual's level of motor proficiency.
As humans, we leam to exist within our environment. Throughout our life span,
we constantly develop or adapt our abilities and skills to live our lives in a
satisfying and meaningful manner. The capacity to exist within the environment
is influenced by our ability to function, and the quality of our functional ability is
related to all aspects of development. During the process of motor development,
children change in size, shape, maturity, physical activity and motor proficiency.
These changes are driven by two factors namely biological factors which include
genetics, gender and maturation and environmental factors which include
experience, opportunity, encouragement, demographics and social factors
(Gallahue 1982 & Thomas, 2001).
According to Newell (1986), the ability to perform a motor skill depends on the
interaction between the learner and the environment. The personal
characteristics of the child, motivation and previous motor skill experience, all
influence motor skill performance. Newell (1986), also states that motor skill
ability also depends on physical characteristics such as body size, strength,
balance and brain maturation. The extent, to which children develop their
genetic potential for motor skills, depends on temperament and personality
factors such as energy levels, adventuresome-ness, aggressiveness and
persistence. As well as their attitude towards their body, their build and their
eagemess to participate in group activities and competition. Shy children or
children with low self-esteem will have difficulty competing with other children,
and since motor skills are developed primarily in the context of the peer group,
these children will miss out on the opportunity to acquire and develop such skills
(Edward & Finn-Stevensen, 1987).
Psychological Factors
I Genetics and Maturation
Physical Education
Figure 2.1. Factors which influence motor proficiency in children.
(adapted by Portela, 2006)
2.2.1 Biological factors
a. Gender differences
Prior to pUberty, gender differences in motor proficiency of children are
generally small. These differences tend to increase across the high school
years. These slight differences favour boys in direct and straight forward
shows of power; in tasks such as ball-throwi'lg velocity and standing
broad jump. Girls on the other hand, sometimes, excel in precise actions
involving accurate hopping and balance. These differences may be
caused by subtle contrasts in the rate of neurological maturation exhibited
by the two genders, and by the accompanying attention difference this
may bring about. Research suggests that the differences found are due to
parents, peers, teachers and coaches, who provide opportunities and
encourage girls and boys toward different activities. Girls are generally
encouraged to play quietly and practice fine motor skills such as drawing
and colouring in whilst boys are encouraged to participate in more
vigorous movement activities such as running, chasing and jumping
(Bouchard et aI., 1994).
Research by Govatos (1959) and Krombholz (1997) shows that with
respect to physical performance of motor skills, significant differences are
identified in the scores between girls and boys, where boys exceeded on
some items and girls on others. Boys and girls of similar growth status
seemed to be equally effective in activities involving running and jumping.
However, boys appear to excel more than girls in throwing and kicking.
In terms of specific skills, significant relationships exist between specific
physical skills, such as the 40-yard dash, standing broad jump and
throwing distance and various growth measurements such as height,
weight and carpal development of children in the primary grades
(Govatos, 1959). In terms of developmental sequences regarding the
specific action of throwing, research has shown boys to achieve mature
throwing patterns at an earlier age compared to girls (Butterfield & Loovis,
b. Age
The shaping of human development is demonstrated by an orderly
sequence of events, which occur throughout an individual's development
process. Muscular strength and the proficiency of gross motor skills
improve with advancing chronological age throughout childhood and
adolescence, with the gender difference in performance tending to favour
that of males (Rarick, 1980).
Literature by Rudisill et al. (2002) shows that motor activity, defined as a
combination of perceptions in new motor patterns, is often influenced by
intellectual, affective and cultural factors and also varies with age. It is
recognized that with a steady and sustained growth, an increased ability to
execute motor skills and master more complex and elaborate motor tasks
is very apparent. Not only do children of the same age grow at different
rates, children today are taller than they were in previous generations, and
they also mature at an earlier age, a phenomenon known as the secular
trend (Edward & Finn-Stevensen, 1987). School age children, who are
not going through the rapid growth spurts of childhood are quite skilled at
controlling their body movements and coordination. They are also able to
complete a wide variety of physical activities well, although their ability
varies according to their maturation level and physical stature
(Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health, n.d.). Research by
Krombholz (1997) showed that an increase in physical growth increases
physical performance as well as cognitive performance. Measurements of
physical fitness and body coordination also increased with increasing age.
c. Genetics and Maturation
Genetics and maturation contribute to and control the body's internal
environment. The body's intemal chemistry must be balanced to support
growth, development and functional activities such as movement.
Hormones play a major role in controlling physical growth, initiating
puberty, regulating the body's metabolism and the body's ability to utilize
chemistry sources of energy for growth, maturation, adaptation and
learning. Few maturation differences are observed between boys and
girls before puberty. However, following puberty, girls are typically smaller
and have less muscle than boys (characteristics that are likely to impact
on motor and sport performance). Thomas (2001) states that late
maturing children, while not as large at the time (or often as skilled), will
on average be larger than early maturing children. If early maturing
children are selected for youth sport teams because of their size and skill,
later maturing children often drop out even though their potential may be
greater for high school sports.
2.2.2. Environmental factors
a. Expertise
The development of expertise goes hand in hand with the process of
growth and maturation. Older children, on an average, perform motor skills
better than younger children. However, practise to develop expertise has
consistently been shown to overcome age with more expert younger
children performing better than less experienced children (McPherson &
Thomas, 1989). Research by Thomas and Thomas (1988) proves that
practice alone does not assure expertise and suggests that the quality of
practice is what is essential. They encourage children to practise correctly,
practise the "righf things, practise a lot and practise as they will perform.
b. Physical factors
Malnutrition, season of birth, and number of people living in a household
are examples of physical factors that influence the motor development of
young children (Cintas, 1995). Malnutrition may affect motor development
by affecting the stature or physical growth and energy levels of children.
The season of birth may be associated with the onset of children's
locomotion. It is Hypothesised that heavier clothing or the absence of
floor experience during the cold season may delay the onset of locomotion
in some infants. In environments where chaotic or crowded conditions
exist, opportunities for motor skills development may be restricted for the
young child (Loucaides et aI., 2004).
Seasonal and geographical influences are also examples of physical
environmental factors which influence motor proficiency. According to
data from the National Children Youth and Fitness Study (NCYFS),
physical activity levels are highest in summer, drop during the autumn to
reach a lowest point during the winter months and increasing again during
the spring season (Kohll & Hobbs, 1998). Geographical variations in
physical activity are not available, but it logically follows that children who
reside in regions with a milder winter season can be more active during
these months. The outdoor environment is closely related to physical
activity, as this is where this behaviour needs to take place, in an
appropriate setting with available space. The dependent nature of a child
forces them to rely on their parents in terms of the exposure to a safe
outdoor playing space within their home environment. Secondly, if a child
does not have an outside garden or play area, he or she often has to rely
upon an adult for transport to an area where they can be physically active.
Research shows that a limited availability of outdoor playing areas during
the after school hours, is related to children spending 72.4% of their time
sitting or laying down and only 10.4% of their time being physically active
(Loucaides et aI., 2004).
c. Demographics
There are a number of environmental differences between urban and rural
schools which are determinants of motor proficiency. Research by
(Loucaides et aI., 2004) shows that children who attend rural schools
spend more time outside than those children who attend urban schools.
This is possibly as a result of more space available outside in the garden
and neighbourhood as well as the safety of the neighborhood as reported
by parents. Furthermore, children attending urban schools were more
likely to attend private lessons not related to physical activity and engaged
in more time playing video games than rural school children (Loucaides et
d. Social factors
Children learn certain behaviours by observing others, who serve as
models, and by internalizing those behaviours. Role models, especially
those significant to the child, can encourage or discourage behaviours,
This is done through the role model, by either engaging in certain activities
or not, or by how they label certain activities. The process of social
learning extends throughout life as other people and situations influence
individuals. Social learning involves many types of behaviour including;
social skills, physical skills, traits, values, knowledge, attitudes, and
dispositions. Socialisation is critical for motor development. Children who
are socialized into motor experiences are more likely to learn motor skills.
Increased proficiency in skill performance is enjoyable and rewarding in
itself and in turn promotes continued participation. Parents appear to be a
strong social influence in physical activity, this can either be via direct
support, encouragement and motivation or indirect through modeling or an
interaction of the two. Children whose parents are physically active have
been reported to be nearly six times more active than those children
whose parents are inactive (Kohll & Hobbs, 1998).
e. Psychological factors
Self efficacy, is the confidence an individual has to change or maintain
certain actions. Self efficacy is closely linked to intention when describing
factors which influence physical activity. However, it is not sufficient just
for an individual to intend, but rather to believe that he or she has the
capabilities to engage in physical activity. With self efficacy and
confidence comes perceived barriers such as lack of time, lack of interest
or desire, unfavourable weather or access to equipment and facilities
which become potential factors capable of influencing motor proficiency in
children. Attitudes and knowledge are two additional avenues which have
been tapped as psychological determinants of physical activity. It is
generally thought that children will participate in physical activities to which
they have a positive attitude towards (Kohll & Hobbs, 1998).
f. Leisure time activities
A frequently cited determinant of physical activity and motor proficiency is
the amount of time children spend watching television and playing video
games. Although the hours of viewing per week have not been shown
specifically to be related to decreased levels of physical activity, these
viewing hours certainly reduce the opportunity to be active. Leisure time
variables such as participation in sports clubs and availability of exercise
equipment at home have also been found to be significant correlates of
physical activity and motor proficiency (Kohll & Hobbs, 1998). A study by
Graft et al. (2004), involving an analysis of childrens' leisure behaviour
showed that children who are more active (either in organized extramural
activities and/or on a regular basis) do have better gross motor
development. Similar findings have been reported in research by
Krombholz (1997). The study by Graft et al. (2004) also showed that
children with a higher weekly television viewing frequency, tended to
demonstrate poorer gross motor development.
g. Physical education presented at school
Nearly all children attend school; therefore school can play a noteworthy
role in increasing a child's physical activity level and promoting a healthy
fitness behaviour. According to the National Youth Fitness Study (NYFS)
(Kohll & Hobbs, 1998), first to fourth grade children, showed that the
frequency with which schools conduct physical education classes is
related inversely to the amount of time children are given for recess. This
suggests that schools use recess to substitute rather than supplement
physical activity. In this study (NYFS) it was stated that, 76% of the
children never saw a classroom or an appropriately qualified teacher for
physical education (Kohll & Hobbs, 1998).
The term motor skills, is used to refer to both fundamental movement skills and
also basic sports skills (Graham, 1987).
Motor skills are deliberate and controlled movements requiring both
muscle development and maturation of the central nervous system. The
skeletal system too, needs to be strong enough to maintain the movement
and weight involved in any new activity, once these conditions are met,
children are able to learn new physical skills by practicing them until each
skill is mastered (Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health, n.d. : 1).
The development of motor skills is important for our daily living, and is a process
that involves both inherent abilities and considerable practise during childhood
and adolescence. Self selected, unplanned play is important for acquiring motor
skill abilities, as well as structured movement instruction. Without this formalized
learning, movement performance and improvement is really left to chance. In an
article by Smith and O'Keefe (1999) they purport that, this factor is often not
recognized and even some professional educators assume that such essential
skills will emerge automatically. However, with many skills young children need
to learn and practise these skills until they can proficiently participate in a variety
of games and sports. Findings show that when teaching interventions are
applied for the learning of fundamental motor skills, children aged four to six
years are able to achieve full proficiency (Smith & O'keefe, 1999).
literature shows that movement skills may be defined as identifiable movement
patterns, which are used to accomplish certain tasks. These skills can be
categorized into a four level developmental hierarchy. Level one is made up of
the rudimentary skills of sitting, crawling, creeping, standing and walking. Level
two consists of what is usually called fundamental motor skills, which emerge
from birth to the end of about six or seven years of age. Level three represents
loco-motor skills, such as running, jumping, hopping, galloping, skipping, and
object control skills, such as throwing, catching, striking, kicking, and dribbling.
These fundamental motor skills provide the foundation for the learning of other
more specialized movement skills. Level four is at the top of the hierarchy of
specialized movement skills; these are referred to as ontogenic (development of
an individual) skills, and specific to the needs and interests of a particular person
(Burton, 1992).
Figure 2.2 Levels of motor skill development.
(adapted by Portela, 2006)
Understanding the various levels of skills that children need to learn is important.
These skills set the foundation for adult activity and when learned correctly,
performers move with confidence and style. All individual, dual and team sport
activities, use fundamental and specialised skills of one type or another (Dauer &
2.3.1. Rudimentary motor skills
During early childhood, discovering and exploring movement, provides children
with many exciting and thoughtful learning experiences. Young children are
delighted with their emerging capabilities and find opportunities to learn, play and
practise. It is during this age bracket that children develop a foundation for body
management abilities, needed in games, recreational activities and for sport
specific skills. Research also shows that early and appropriate movement
experiences help to create and extend neural networks in the developing brain.
Constructive and well planned lessons are required to enhance these areas and
others like cognitive, social and emotional aspects (Carson, 2001)
A child's motor development depends on its total physical development. In order
to crawl, walk, climb and grasp, the infant must first have reached a certain level
of skeletal, neural and muscular development (Louw, 1995). At birth, infants
have a repertoire of movements that can be used in their new environment. The
collection of movement responses, exhibited by the infant and young child, are
used to build later movement patterns. When a child starts to be mobile, they go
through a series of movement patterns performed with al/ limbs. They will
typically progress from homologous to homolateral movements and then to
cross-lateral patterns during creeping and crawling (Louw, 1995).
2.3.2. Fundamental movement skills
Fundamental motor skills are the ABCs of movement. These basic skills are
divided into two categories: locomotive skills, which involve moving the body from
one point to another and manipulative skills, which involve moving objects with
hands and feet (Goodway & Robinson, 2006). Fundamental skills are those that
involve the projection and reception of the body and are used during both work
and leisure activities by most individuals. They are seen as universal in the
motor pattern range. These skills include basic movements such as walking,
running, hopping, twisting, throwing, catching and striking an object. Walking
and running retain their importance in the achievement and continuation of
physical fitness throughout life. Other skills, such as skipping and rolling also
have a significant contribution during childhood. Development of such skills is
emphasized during elementary school (Seefeldt, 1984).
Fundamental motor skills are prerequisites to the learning of sport specific skills
such as the skills used in soccer, basketball, hockey, etc.
Balance, is considered to be a fundamental gross motor skill, since all gross
motor skills require some element of balance. Proper development of static and
dynamic balance skills is thus considered as essential in the development of
gross motor skills (Du Toit & Pienaar, 2001).
-. .
To define Dynamic and static salance, Knight and Rizzuto (1993: 1296), offer the
"Dynamic Balance: The ability to maintain a balanced position, while
moving through space -the centre of gravity is shifting constantly to
remain inside the base of support."
"Static Balance: The ability to maintain a stationary position, for a specified
period of time -the centre of gravity remains the base of support."
2.3.3. Loco-motor and non-loco-motor Skills
Locomotor skills are used to move the body from one place to another or to
project the body upward. as in jumping and hopping. These skills form the
foundation of gross motor coordination and involve large muscle movement
(Goodway & Robinson. 2006).
Non-locomotor skills are performed without appreciable movement from place to
place. These skills are not as well defined as locomotor skills. They include
bending and stretching, pushing and pulling. raising and lowering, twisting and
tuming. shaking, bouncing and circling (Goodway & Robinson, 2006).
2.3.4. Specific movement skills
Specific skills are those used in various sports and in other areas of physical
education including; apparatus activities, tumbling, dance, and specific games.
In developing specific skills, progression is attained through planned instruction
and drills. Specific skills are usually a combination of locomotor, non-locomotor,
and manipulative skills. Specific skills are situation-spacific and involve a high
level of refinement. Basic sports skills are a combination of the fundamental
skills such as throwing a ball in a game of cricket, dribbling a ball in a game of
soccer or running and jumping such as in gymnastics (Graham, 1987). These
sport specific skills are composed of variations of these fundamental skills. Thus,
it is difficult to achieve proficiency of such skills unless the fundamental skills are
mastered (Smith & O'Keefe, 1999).
Carson (2001) identified four categories of awareness which constitute a child's
movement awareness. These categories refer to a knowledge base that allows
the child to select movements that meet a respective demand of a specific task
or circumstance.
The four categories of movement awareness:
1. Action awareness
2. Effort awareness
3. Space awareness
4. Relational awareness
Action awareness comprises of three categories of movement actions that a
child is able to do with their body. They are traveling, manipulating and
stabilizing. Initially, children should be allowed maximum time to practise basic
components of awareness, commonly known as fundamental skills. These are
the foundation for more complex specialised skills like those needed in games
and sports. Most skills develop in a predictable developmental sequence, and
competence of such ability is dependent on maximum appropriate practise of
basic skills and actions. There are an infinite number of possibilities of how
movement concepts can adjust actions and as a result, an action or movement
awareness is developed. Various practise opportunities allow children an
opportunity to master basic skills and then refine and combine these skills into
specialised actions (Carson, 2001).
Effort awareness is an understanding of how the body moves, and that
muscular effort is required to produce, maintain, stop and regulate movement. A
time component of "effort awareness' is related to the speed and rhythm of a
particular movement. Therefore, children need to be able to control the speed of
a specific movement, including acceleration and deceleration. A second
component of effort awareness is force, the amount of muscular effort and
energy required to perform a task. The categories of a creating force and an
absorbing force allow children to recognize how much muscle tension is needed
to start, maintain or stop various movements. The absorbing force is what
happens when one catches a ball and how muscles react to the receiving force.
The last component of effort awareness is control or the coordination of
movement, which is essential in learning how to regulate a movement (Carson,
Space awareness is the understanding of where the body can move, and
knowing how it should move (Carson, 2001).
Lastly, relational awareness is understanding the relationship your body
creates. The relationship created by the body to either its segments or to other
movers or objects (Carson. 2001).
a. Body awareness
Body awareness skills, such as rope climbing, facilitate the understanding
of one's own body. its parts and how it works. Body awareness is the root
skill of organisation. It affects how a child organizes himself, his
belongings and his thoughts. Children who have difficulty getting projects
or tasks started without assistance, generally reflect disorganization
( n.d.).
b. Spatial Awareness
Spatial awareness is the ability to work within one's own space - an area
one arms length around in all directions. This ski:1 affects handwriting and
all graph and fine motor work. It combines with eye-hand coordination
and centre-line skills to influence all copy work
(http/ n.d.).
c. Balance
Balance is the ability to control your body when it is contact with Mother
Earth or one of her substitutes. Long term memory grows out of balance
(http/, n.d.).
d. Dynamic balance
Short term memory skills flow out of dynamic balance. How one controls
one's body when suspended in the air for any length of time affects the
proficiency of dynamic balance. Children who have difficulty following a
series of directions tend to be weak in this skill area
( n.d.).
e. Laterality
The ability to use one side of the body smoothly and evenly and to
distinguish between the left and right sides of the body. Laterality affects
the ability to understand words ( n.d.).
1. Bi-Iaterality
The ability to use the upper and lower parts of the body independently. Bi-
laterality affects the ability to conceptualise ideas
( n.d.).
g. Cross laterality
The ability to use opposite sides of the body at the same time in a smooth,
rhythmic manner. Cross-laterality affects the ability to read, sequence and
prioritise items (http/ n.d.).
h. Tracking
Tracking is the ability to deal with objects and people outside of our own
space. Tracking affects copying information from outside one's own
space. It allows for the transfer of information from far to near
(http/ n.d.).
i. Centre-line
This is the ability to perform tasks directly centred on our mid-line. It is the
ability to work efficiently from left to right, such as reading test questions
and writing the answers on an answer sheet
(http/ n.d.).
j. Eye-foot coordination
Eye foot coordination requires that the eyes and feet work together to
achieve a given result. It works best when the focus eye (the dominant
eye) matches the dominant foot, so that the eye and foot can work
together to accomplish a given task ( n.d.).
"According to epidemiological studies, about 6% of all school age children
are described by experts and parents as uncoordinated in their fine and
gross motor skills' (American Psychiatric Association, 1994:).
Each milestone achieved by the child in terms of motor skills has implications for
other developmental domains. Motor skills and "play" are important precursors of
the more formal and styliZed elements of what are referred to as cognitive or
intellectual development (Wade, 1992). For many years there has been a link
between movement and successful learning. Theorists believe that movement
reflects neural organization and provides stimulation to the neurological systems
necessary for their development and optimal functioning. Today, these views are
reflected in research by Pica (199B) and De Jager (2001), who agree in
considering the brain and body as a united whole. Interplay of the human brain
and body allows us to clearly see that movement is an integral part of all mental
processing, and that every movement is a sensory-motor experience which is
linked to our understanding and interpretation of our physical world from which all
our learning originates (Fredericks et aI., 2006). Furthermore, movement
remains a significant medium for cognitive, social, emotional and motor
development through the child's pre-school and early primary school years
(Luebke, 1981).
A view from Goddard-Blyth (2000) suggests that attention, balance and
coordination constitute the primary ABC upon which all later learning depends. If
these skills are not developed at the time that children enter school, children run
the risk of later developing specific learning difficulties, not only because they
lack intelligence, but because the basic systems fundamental to learning are not
fully developed when these children start school. The development of these
fundamental skills plays an important role in a child's school readiness
development, since a child's gross motor skills are closely related to his/her fine
motor, cognitive and perceptual development (Gallahue & Ozmun, 1998). Thus,
movement which is meaningful for development, will ensure that these skills
develop in the holistic growth of a child.
Perceptual motor skill development is directly related to the central nervous
system and the processing of information received via the sensory organs.
There are four areas within perceptual motor development that are supportive to
the complete development of a child. These are bilateral proficiency, throwing
and catching, balance and acceleration and deceleration.
Bilateral proficiency is trained through cross lateral activities, while catching helps
children to practise reacting to information provided by proprioceptive organs and
the eyes. The skill of acceleration and deceleration teaches a child the principles
of motion and the inter-relationship that exists between stability and mobility
(Gallahue & Ozmun, 1998).
Spatial awareness, earlier referred to as a motor skill which lays a foundation for
learning, is reported by Gorso (1993), to be reliant on a healthy gross motor
development and movement awareness. Spatial awareness is the term given to
a person's conscious awareness of their place in time. However, without
balance, spatial awareness is impossible. Children need to first have gained
experience and practice in orientating their bodies in space, by moving up, under,
over and in front of objects, in order to attain spatial and directional awareness.
Until then, they may experience difficulty dealing with letter identification and the
orientation of symbols on a page (Olds, 1994).
Memory has shown to be correlated to positive movement skills in research by
Hager (2000). It is concluded, that movement is necessary to stimulate the
ability of the brain, to perceive, process and store information appropriately.
Therefore movement is seen as essential in strengthening both long and short
term memory (Hager, 2000).
Motor development is a fundamental aspect in the course of human
ontogeny. Particularly in later childhood, motor skills play an important role
in establishing the child's reputation among peers and the development of
self-esteem" (Krombholz, 1997: 1168)
This statement by Krombholz, shows that children who are commonly labelled as
clumsy, experience tremendous difficulties in developing adequate movement
skills. These problems occur in the absence of general sensory and intellectual
impairments and without signs of neurological damage. Children with this kind of
problem are less likely to seek out new and exciting experiences because of an
associated repeated failure in the movement domain; their interactions in the play
ground are limited. As a consequence, they will have a poor knowledge of
evaluating, understanding and elaborating information related to movement.
Contrary to this, children who are successful at movement patterns, are more
likely to become willing learners, motivated by curiosity and will find pleasure in
participating. Poorly coordinated children perceive a lowered competence in the
motor domain, have reduced social support and interaction from peers, and
develop higher levels of anxiety. Consequently, they are less likely to investigate
situations for building movement patterns. These children also lack interest in
physical activity and perseverance in challenging situations. According to the
competence motivation theory, children who are successful at movement will be
intrinsically or self motivated in the motor field. In Contrast to this, children's self-
motivation is likely to be reduced if they repeatedly fail at movement tasks (Rose,
The focus on fundamental motor skill also has implications for health. Many
modern day diseases are at least in part due to lack of physical activity.
Research shows that physical activity patterns developed in childhood tend to
last throughout adulthood and people are more likely to take up or continue
sports or some kind of physical activity if they are proficient in the required
degree of skill (Smith & O'Keefe, 1999; Janz et aI., 2000).
Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal
muscle which increases energy expenditure in the body (Kohl &Hobbs, 1998).
Schools use physical education lessons, together with play, to promote physical
activity in the school curricula. Physical education is an integral part of the
complete education of every child, and aims to increase physical competence,
health related fitness, self responsibility and enjoyment of physical activity for all
learners. (Buncker, 1981)
2.7.1 The importance of physical education in developing motor skills
Physical education and youth sport provide opportunities for children to acquire
skills and to test their abilities. Physical education is designed to develop each
child's capacity to function at an optimal level, and by this, children must develop
sound body movement skills and good basic skills which produce efficient
conscious movements (Bunker, 1981).
Physical education plays a significant role in the pre-school years. Seefeldt
(1984) discussed fundamental motor skills versus. fitness in pre-school years,
and it is evident that the rudimentary skills which make up the components for
our games and sports, can be learned by children in an enriched environment
before they are six years of age. These early childhood years are the most
opportune time for perfecting the motor skills basic to all subsequent locomotion
sports skills and aerobic activities. Findings from research done by Saakslahti et
al. (1999), Thomas (1999) and Rudisill et al. (2002), suggest that a physical
activity and a pre-school skill development program has a dramatic influence on
participants' loco-motor skill and coordination performance and that a lack of
such a program, could negatively influence motor development. Even, minimal
instruction time of a development specific program has shown significant
changes to motor performance. Thus, children who do not have experience of or
sufficient exposure to such programs may not develop their loco-motor skills
before starting school. Research by Goodway & Branta (2003) shows an
agreement with these findings.
Graham (1987) purports that there appears to be a false assumption, in believing
that students learn motor skills by playing games. This may be true when
children play hours and hours of one particular game, but there aren't hours and
hours scheduled for physical education which can be devoted to playing one
particular game. With this restriction in mind motor skill acquisition should be
considered an essential goal in a physical education program.
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A study by Housner et al. (2006) compared the effects of a year-long-daily versus
a one-day-a-week physical education program on the proficiency and acquisition
of fitness and gross motor skills in K-2 elementary school children. Analysis of
gain scores showed a remarkable advantage to the daily physical education
lesson in improvements of motor skills and fitness. Although, one could question
the influence of such a time loss -to physical education c1asses- on the academic
timetable and academic progress. Research by Shephard (1997), states that
when a substantial portion of curricular time (14-26%) is allocated to physical
education, learning seems to proceed more rapidly per unit time. Children who
received additional physical education classes showed acceleration in their
psychomotor development, which ultimately resulted in improved academic skills.
These learners showed no reductions in their grades and standard test scores,
many had improved on these parameters. Thus, physical education can be
introduced without compromising academic performance. Black. (1995) reports
that good physical education programs can boost academic achievement and
also feels that children may be learning more in physical education lessons than
ever imagined. He concludes that schools which require children to sit all day
long deny children an important connection between movement and learning.
2.7.2 Physical activity guidelines for children
In 1998, physical activity guidelines for children (ages 5-12) were developed by
both the national Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) and the
Health Education Authority in the United Kingdom. In 2004, the NASPE physical
activity guidelines for children were revised (see Table 2.1). These guidelines
indicate that children should complete at least 60 minutes up to several hours of
moderate to vigorous physical activity a day. Dependable with developmental
needs, this activity should be characterised as intermittent rather than continuous
in nature. Accordingly, the 60-minute standard is a minimum, and for children to
achieve the multiple benefits, it would require physical activity exceeding this
minimum; thus the stated need for up to several hours of activity per day. Based
on patterns of activity for youth, it is apparent that without bouts of activity such
as physical education, breaks or sports, children are unlikely to meet activity
guidelines. (Corbin et aI., 2004).
Table 2.1 Physical activity guidelines for children five to twelve years
Source: NASPE (2004: 5).
Physical Activity Guidelines for Children 5-12.
1. Children should accumulate at least 60 minutes, and up to several hours, of age-
appropriate physical activity on most if not all days of the week. This daily
accumulation should include moderate and vigorous physical activity with the
majority of the time being spent in activity that is intermittent in nature.
2. Children should participate in several bouts of physical activity lasting 15 minutes
or more each day.
3. Children should participate each day in a variety 01 age appropriate physical
activities designed to achieve optimal health, well ness, fitness, and performance
4. Extended periods of inactivity (periods of two or more hours) are discouraged for
children, especially during the daytime hours.
Poor motor proficiency and skill acquisition may be a consequence of the factors
which influence physical activity. Further research by Graham (1987), has
identified five possible reasons for low motor skill acquisition which can be
related to physical education specifically.
Time spent in physical activity. Numerous studies have shown how educators
use their time during a physical education lesson, and that children spend a
substantial amount of time listening to the teacher talk, or engaging in
management activities, or waiting. Ultimately, on average children will spend
only a third of the lesson engaged in specific physical activity. Thus, leamers
don't have many opportunities to learn, practise or play (Graham, 1987).
Refining a motor skill. Qualitative studies of motor skills have identified that
children are not performing the skill correctly, which may be because of
educators not emphasizing these quality aspects but rather providing a variety of
tasks (Graham, 19B?).
Specific feedback. Several studies have shown that educators do not provide
positive feedback but rather general comments. When learners are given
specific gUidelines, in terms offeedback, they learn (Graham, 198?).
Games. Research by Ross and Gilbert (1985) has shown that children play
more games than actually learning and practising motor skills. Motor skills may
be learnt from playing games, but learners would have to play hours and hours of
one game, which is obviously not feasible in a child's learning program. Games
also allow only a few children the majority of opportunities (Graham, 198?).
Transition. Many children are taught gross motor skills as if they were a closed
skill, which occurs in a predictable, static environment, when actually the skill
should be used in an open, dynamic environment such as a sport game
(Graham, 198?).
During the post-apartheid period of South African transformation and reform,
physical education found itself, as a subject without its own identity. It now
functions as only one of the learning outcomes of life orientation (Department of
Education, 2002). The majority of schools with this transformation have shifted
to more classroom-based and academic-based educational content, which has
lead to a respective lack of creative and activity-based learning.
Generally, there are two schools of thought around the status of physical
education, the first is that physical education should be an essential part of the
core curriculum and the second being physical education, while important to a
child's development, is regarded as being of secondary importance to the core
academic curriculum (Gabbard, 2000).
As stated in literature by Hendricks (2004), the life orientation focus, and the area
of the physical education curriculum is divided into three phases; the Foundation
Phase, the Intermediate Phase, and the Senior Phase.
In the Foundation Phase (Grade R to 3) of the physical education curriculum,
leaming focuses on children discovering, exploring and experimenting with
movement patterns, in an aim to stimulate gross motor development and
physiological growth (Sitzer, 2003). Examples of the physical education focus in
this foundation phase includes learners participating in free play, demonstrations
of specific skills. using a combination of body parts, perfonming basic movements
in a sequence or pattern, and exploring expressive movements using contrasts of
speed. direction, body shape and position (Department of Education, 2002).
The benefits of physical education include; muscular strength, flexibility and
respiratory endurance. Regular movement activities improve motor skills and
coordination. Collectively these benefits lead to an improved self confidence in
one's abilities ultimately, an increased enthusiasm and will to participate
(Hendricks, 2004).
After a review of possible and available test instruments. the researcher chose
the Bruininks Oseretsky test as it adhered to the testing criteria required to test
motor proficiency in children.
Burton and Davis (1992) stated that the Bruininks Oseretsky test battery is the
most commonly used multipurpose motor assessment tool. This statement has
been proven true in numerous surveys completed for Physical Educators
(Sherrill. 1986) and Pediatric. Occupational and Physical. therapists (Crewe.
1989; Yack, 1989; Gowland et aI., 1991; Rodger, 1994). This test has wide
clinical and educational acceptance because it measures skills important to
childrens' development and it is perceived to have good psychometric properties.
Until recently, few other tests existed for the school age child (Wilson et "I.,
The Bruininks-Oseretsky test is an individually administered test designed to
assess motor skills in children aged from four and a half to fourteen and a half
years of age (Bruininks, 1978).
It has been described as the most outstanding instrument of its kind, and one
which fills a clinical void (Sabatino, 1987). Sattler (1992), concludes that the test
is useful in assessing gross and fine motor skills.
The BOTMP was developed for use by clinicians, educators and researchers.
Recommended uses include making decisions about educational placements,
screening as part of psychological test batteries, and for assessing neurological
development (Wilson, et al., 2000).
The original form of this test was developed by Oseretsky in Russia in 1923, after
extensive observations in children. The tests underwent revisions reSUlting in the
Lincoln-Oseretsky Motor Development Scale (Sloan, 1995), and finally the
Bruininks-oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (Bruininks 1978) which was based
on the original Oseretsky test.
This individually administered test includes 46 items, compromising of eight sub
tests. These include: running speed and agility, balance, bilateral coordination,
strength, upper-limb coordination, response speed, visual-motor control and
upper-limb speed and dexterity. Items are arranged into three categories and
produce a detailed index of motor proficiency as well as a separate rating of fine
and gross motor skills. Normalised standard scores are available for each of the
composites and age equivalents are also available for the sub-test scores. The
entire battery takes about an hour to administer, while the short form takes
20minutes (Bruininks, 1978).
The aim of this study was to investigate the current status of motor performance
among children completing the Foundation Phase of primary school. Age and
gender differences, differences in motor performance competency between
different demographic school categories and the impact of various physical
education structures were also addressed.
1. Type: This research is quantitative and comparative.
2. Independent variables: These include variables which you are
unable to control, such as previous exposure to movement and
motor skill based programs.
3. Dependent variables: These include the test battery being
used in the assessment of the subject.
4. Categorical variable: These include variables such as gender,
the subject's home language, age and any after-school activities
which he/she may participate in.
These variables were measured using the Bruininicks-Oseretsky Test of Motor
A pilot study, "Motor proficiency levels of children in the Empangeni Region" was
completed in 2004. The procedure of testing followed a similar pattem to the
primary study of gross motor proficiency in Pietermaritzburg. In the pilot study
six schools in the Empangeni region were involved. Results of the study
compared differences in motor skill ability between the various age groups as
well as differences between genders and the schools involved in the pilot study.
A total of 123 children were tested, which included girls and boys of many
cultural backgrounds.
3.3.1 Subjects and sample selection
The sample of participants was selected from 17 primary schools in the
Pietermaritzburg region, of KwaZulu Natal Midlands. This number accounted for
60% of the primary schools in the greater Pietermaritzburg area, which is
regarded as the educational core of Natal and included schools of a wide
demographic range. These 17 schools constituted seven private schools, and
nine government schools and one low socio-economic government school. All
children of the grade 1 and 2 classes, which were in the age category seven
years and six months to eight years on the date of testing, were selected to
complete the test battery. This sample selection N=366 (Table 3.1). included
both girls and boys and children of various cultural backgrounds. This particular
age group was selected since pilot study completed in 2004, showed that this
age group was one with the most variance regarding motor skill performance and
gross motor level scores. The number of children tested at each school varied in
accordance with the type of school. Private schools had smaller classes ranging
from eight to 18 learners per class and two classes per grade thus. fewer
children were tested from these schools. While government schools had a larger
number of learners per class [25 - 40] and three to four classes per grade. Thus,
there were a greater number of children in the subject age-group from these
Table 3.1 Total Number of Subjects tested
Total number of learners tested 366 i
Boys versus girls
180 i
Girls 186 !
50 i
7years-7months 62
Number of learners in each age-group
7years-9months 69
! 64
Number of subjects tested from a low socio-economic
government school in Pietermaritzburg
I Number of subjects tested from government schools In
3.3.2 Informed consent
Firstly, a letter was forwarded to the Department of Education (see Appendix A)
requesting their permission to conduct research in the Foundation Phase of
selected schools. Secondly the schools were required to give their consent and
lastly informed consent from the parent or guardian of each subject selected for
testing was required (see page letter on p. 95).
3.3.3 Assessment Test Battery
Key elements of the Bruinincks-Oseretsky Test (BOT) of Motor Proficiency were
used to assess the gross motor skill development of the participants. This
standardised procedure permits replication and comparison between and within
individuals in the study. Extensive validity and reliability evidence is reported for
both the complete battery and short form. This test has been normed on children
whose gross motor skills are considered to be within a normal range (Bruininks,
1978). The 8 tests included, took a time of 15 - 20 minutes to administer per
child. This shortened version of the test battery was used to accommodate time
constraints and the gross motor skill limitations of the research project. The BOT
was individually administered. The test began with a pre-test to determine the
child's arm and leg preference. Performance scores for each item were
converted to point scores on the appropriate scales given in the test manual.
An informative letter bearing details of the study was forwarded to the relative
Department of Education seeking permission to continue with the assessment
procedure. Following positive confirmation by the Department of Education the
researcher approached the principles of all the identified schools. A full
discussion that entailed an explanation of the purpose of the study as well as the
assessment procedure was held. An Informative notice was then forwarded to
the necessary parties for perusal and approval (Appendix A). Once permission
was granted by all those involved, testing dates for each school were scheduled.
Subjects were selected according to the age group specified [7years 6months to
8years] from class lists provided by the school. These identified learners were
given informative notices and consent forms (Appendix B) which were completed
by their parenUguardian and returned to the school prior to the scheduled testing
date. No child was forced into the testing procedure. and only the learner who
presented an informed consent undertook the assessment procedure.
The assessment was undertaken at each of the respective schools in
Pietermaritzburg and included a test battery of eight sub-tests. Testing took
place in the morning at each of the schools and was completed in a covered
venue such as the hall or other such location. This was done to minimize
environmental factors such as the weather and availability of facilities.
On the scheduled day of assessment, the tester set up the required testing
stations in the order of 1)the timed sprint, 2)balancing on his/her preferred leg,
3)walking heel-toe on the balance beam, 4)test for bilateral coordination; tapping
feet alternately while making circles with fingers, 5)jumping once while clapping
hands as many times as possible, 6)standing long jump, 7)catching a tossed ball
with the preferred hand and 8)throwing ball at a target with the preferred hand.
A maximum of four subjects were assessed at one time on an individual basis.
They accompanied the tester to the venue for testing. The tester prior to
assessment of the subjects informed all the subjects verbally that either, their
Mom, Dad or Guardian had said it was okay for them to complete these activities.
Subjects were also informed that they needed to try to complete each exercise to
the best of their ability and that if they wanted to, they could stop at any time and
wouldn't get into trouble. Following this, each candidate commenced with the
physical assessment beginning with the pre-test to determine arm and leg
preference. The candidates then followed the testing procedure as in the order
set out by the tester [as mentioned above] which the tester explained in detail
what was expected of the learner at each activity. The subject was encouraged
at all times to complete each task to the best of his/her capability.
The learners were not required to change into physical education kit and were
able to complete the assessment in there school clothing. They were required to
remove shoes and socks and undertook the assessment barefoot.
(J Sub-test 1: running speed and agility
Two lines 16 yards (14.5m) apart are marked; a block is placed on the far
line. A short line, the "timing line", is marked 1 yard (9Ocm) in front of the
first line. The child begins at the first line, runs to the far line, picks up the
block, and then runs back across the first line as fast as possible. The
child is timed to the nearest 0.2 second between the first and the last
crossings of the timing line. Two trials are taken and the best score is
Cl Sub-test 2: balance
Standing on the preferred leg on balance beam. The child stands on the
preferred leg on the balance beam, looking at a wall target, with hands on
hips, and free leg held with thigh parallel 10 the floor. The score is made
up of the time the child can maintain the balance position to a maximum of
10 seconds. A second trial is given if the child does not score the
maximum on the first trial.
Walking forward heel-ta-toe on balance beam. The child walks forward on
the balance beam heel-ta-toe, with hands on hips. The recorder keeps
track of the correct and incorrect steps on six steps. The child must make
six consecutive steps correctly to achieve maximum score. A second trial
is given if the child does not score the maximum on the first trial.
[J Sub-test 3: Bilateral Coordination
Tapping feet altemately while making circles with fingers. The child sits
on a chair and attempts to tap feet altematively while simultaneously
making inward to outward circles with the index fingers. This item is
scored pass-fail. The child is given 90 seconds to complete 10
consecutive foot taps correctly.
Jumping up and clapping hands. The child jumps as high as possible
before landing. The score is the number of claps; a maximum score is
five. A second trial is given if the child does not score the maximum on
the first trial.
(J Sub-test 4: Strength
After warming up, the child assumes a bent-knee position, and then does
a standing long jump. The child's score is the longest jump of three trials,
recorded to the nearest number on the test kit measuring tape.
[J Sub-test 5: Upper-limb Coordination
Catching a tossed ball with the preferred hand. The child stands on the
mat and the assessor slowly tosses the ball underhand from the 3 rn tape
mark towards the child. The child is given one practise trial. The number
of correct catches made in five trials is recorded.
Throwing a ball at a target with the preferred hand. With the preferred
hand. the child throws a tennis ball overhand at a target from a distance
1.5 m. The child is given one practice trial. The number of correct throws
(that hit the target) in five trials. is recorded.
The research is quantitative in nature and comparative when examined in
relation to norms. The outcomes were converted into standardised scores. and
the mean score was calculated for each of the five areas of motor proficiency
tested. ANOVA was used to assess comparisons between the data collected in
Pietermaritzburg. of the three demographic categories of the schools tested. T-
test was used to evaluate the differences in the respective values of gross motor
skill scores of children in Pietermarilzburg and Empangeni also to identify
significant differences in the two gender scores, as well as the difference in the
scores of the independent schools and those of the low socio-economic school.
In this chapter many different angles and aspects of the collected data are
analyzed and compared, in answering the research questions. Firstly the
Pietermaritzburg data is described in respect to gender and age, followed by a
comparison of the motor proficiency scores with the Empangeni region. Lastly,
comparisons are made between the three types of schools tested in the
Pietermaritzburg region, with respect to their physical education structure and the
influence such has, on motor performance scores.
4.1.1. Boys versus girls
Figure 4.1 shows the respective scores of boys versus girls in the
Pietermaritzburg region for the respective five areas of gross motor skills. Table
4.1 refers to the !values where boys performed significantly better on their tests
of running speed and agility (t=7.12), strength (t=6.07) as well as upper limb
coordination (t= 4.88). Girls scored significantly higher on the tests of balance
(t=2.00) and bilateral coordination (t=1.72). The boys performed 12% (w
better than the girls in running, 8.9% (w
= 0.089) and 5.9% (w
= 0.059) higher
than the girls in strength and upper limb coordination tasks respectively. Balance
and bilateral coordination skills favoured the girls, although they only performed
0.8% (w
= 0.008) and 0.5% (w
= 0.005) respectively, better than their male
Table 4.1 Mean scores, standard deviations and t values of sub-test items for
boys versus girls in Pietermaritzburg
Sub Test Omega
Items Mean Iso squared
Running 12.19 1.54
90 i 1.92 7.12 0.12
Balance 7.31 2.53
7.84 2.56
2.92 0.92 3.09
: 0.96
1-1.72 10.005
Strength 7.26 1.63 ' 6.22 .1.65 6.07
Upper limb
3.76 1.26
3.12 1.31
i 4.88 1
w = omega squared
significant at p<.05
Figure 4.1 Mean score for boys vs girls in the five areas of motor
proficiency (Pietermaritzburg).

The observations regarding the differences in motor proficiency between girls
and boys, can be associated with a number of explanations. The days are gone
where boys spend the majority of their childhood outdoors. Currently both girls
and boys are exposed to equal amounts of physical activity during their school
time and minimal outdoor exposure after these hours. The results show girls
significantly stronger in balance. although this may not necessarily be as a result
of the modern environment in which children develop but rather due to genetic
differences regarding balance which has been identified between girls and boys.
These results are in agreement with research by Rarick (1980); BUllerfield &
Loovis (1993) and Krombholz (1997); which have shown the differences in motor
proficiency between girls and boys to be significant, where girls exceed on some
items (balance and bilateral coordination) and boys on others (running spped and
agility, strength and upper limb coordination).
4.1.2 Age Group Categories
Figure 4.2 - 4.6 show the mean scores of the chosen areas of gross motor skills
with respect to various age groups. The age groups range from seven years and
six months to seven years and 11months. The older learners exhibited overall
better gross motor skill performance scores than younger learners. The older
children showed higher scores in four of the five chosen areas of motor
proficiency which include running speed and agility, bilateral coordination,
strength and upper-limb coordination. A higher score for the fifth area of motor
skill performance (balance) was attained by children aged seven years and nine
months, with the lowest scores for this skill being claimed by learners in the
seven years and seven months age range. These learners also scored lowest in
bilateral coordination. Scores for bilateral coordination were consistently higher
in the older age groups from seven years and eight months. Performance scores
in the test of strength were consistently lower in the younger age groups but
these scores for strength did increase in the older age groups with the 7 years
and 11 months scoring uppermost. Scores for upper limb coordination through-
out the age-groups was the most consistent of all the major areas of motor skills
~ 11.4

1 0 8 w ~ ~
Figure 4.2 Mean score for age group differences in running speed and agility.
Figure 4.3 Mean score for age group differences in balance.


Figure 4.4 Mean score for age group differences in bilateral coordination.
Figure 4.5 Mean score for age group differences in strength.

Figure 4.6 Mean score for agegroup differences in upper-limb coordination.
This pattern of higher scores and better performances found in the older children
confers with literature. As children grow older, they will show improved motor
proficiency (Govatos, 1959; Rarick, 1980; Krombholz 1997).
4.2.1 Campositive result scores (Empangeni versus Pietermarit2burg)
Compositive score results for boys and girls represent the differences in the five
areas of motor proficiency between the Empangeni and the Pietermaritzburg
areas of KwaZulu- Natal. The differences between these two regions in all five of
the areas of motor proficiency represented by skills for running speed and agility
(t=1.60), balance (t=0.66), bilateral coordination (t=0.18), strength (t=3.55) and
upper limb coordination (t=1.69), are significant at p< .05 (Table 4.2).
Table 4.2 Mean scores, standard deviations and t values of sub-test items for
all subjects tested in Empangeni and Pietermaritzburg
Sub Test
Empangeni Pietermaritzburg t values
Compositive Compositive
scores (n=123) scores (n=366) Empangeni
r.'-:'-'--'-'-'--'''-r-='=:=..L..--+:'-:'''''-=-'''--''-'-r::c::'-'---j vs PMB
Mean SD Mean SD
Running 11.22 1.93 11.54 1.85 -1.60. 0.002
Balance 7.75 2.39 7.58 2.56 0.66 -0.001
2.99 0.84 3.01 0.94 -0.18. -0.002
Strength 7.29 1.44 6.73 1.72 3.55

Upper limb
3.63 1.10 3.43
32 1.69

w = omega squared
.significant at p<.05
BalanCe Bi-lateral Coordination Strength Upper--limb Coordination
Figure 4.7 Mean score of motor proficiency for all the learners from Empangeni
and Pietermaritzburg.
These results show that the greatest significant differences fall in the area of
strength ability. Here, learners from the Empangeni region scored 2.3% (w
0.023) higher than the learners from Pietermaritzburg. This difference in strength
scores can be attributed to the differences in the constructive nature of play
within the two regions. Children in the small town of Empangeni might find
themselves more inclined to engage in physical activities outside (farm-like
activities) which would possibly include actions such and moving, pushing and
carrying heavy objects. Children from the Empangeni region also scored higher
in tests for balance, strength and upper limb coordination. These superior scores
may also be attributed to the difference in weather conditions experienced in the
separate towns. Empangeni experiences a considerably milder winter compared
to Pietermaritzburg. These findings are in agreement with literature by Kohll and
Hobbs (1998) and the National Children Youth and Fitness Study (1987). These
studies show that activity levels are higher during the warmer months and drop
during the colder months. As Empangeni does not experience a terribly cold
wintry season, children in this region are able to play outside for a much longer
duration of the year, thus, increasing their accessibility to physical activity.
4.2.2 Comparison of boys' motor proficiency scores between the two
Scores for the five areas of motor proficiency in Table 4.3 represent the
differences between the scores for male learners from Empangeni and
Pietermaritzburg. The male learners from Pietermaritzburg performed better in
the running speed and agility tests (Cl} =0.0015), balance (cl =0.0004) and upper
limb coordination (0)2 =0.0032), while the male learners from Empangeni scored
higher on the bilateral coordination (Cl} =0.0038) and strength tests (Cl} =0.0051).
However, none of the differences in scores for the learners from the two regions
were significant. Figure 4.8 represents the mean scores of the sub-tests
between the male learner from Empangeni and Pietermarilzburg
Table 4.3
Mean scores, standard deviation and t values of sub test items for
boys from Empangeni and Pietermarilzburg
Sub Test
Empangeni Pietermarilzburg tvalues
Bo s (n=58) Bo s (n=180) Empangeni
Mean SO Mean SO vsPMB
11.88 1.87 12.19 1.54 -1.16 0.0015
6.95 2.53 7.31
53 -0.95 -0.0004
2.97 0.94 2.92 0.92 0.31 -0.0038
7.60 1.49 7.26
63 1.49 0.0051
Upper limb
3.67 1.15 3.76 i 1.26 -0.50 -0.0032
w = omega squared
Running Balance Bilateral Coordination Strength Upper..jimb Coordination
Figure 4.8 Mean score of motor proficiency for boys from Empangeni and
4.2.3 Comparison of girls' motor proficiency scores between the two
Motor skill ability scores for female learners from Empangeni and
Pietermaritzburg presented significant differences at p<0.05 for four of the five
areas of gross motor proficiency. These skills included balance (t=1.97), bilateral
coordination (t=0.65), strength (t=3.84) and upper limb coordination (t=3.00).
Scores for balance and strength tests were performed 1.13%, 5.19% higher
respectively, while upper limb coordination was performed 3.08% better by the
female learners from Empangeni. Running speed and agility as well as bilateral
coordination test scores for girls presented more proficient in the
Pietermaritzburg area.
Table 4.4 Mean scores, standard deviation and t values of sub test items for
girls from Empangeni and Pietermaritzburg
Sub Test
Empangeni Pietermaritzburg tvalues
Girls (n=65) Girls (n=186) Empangeni
Mean SD Mean ,SD vsPMB
Running 10.63 1.79 10.90 1.92 -1.04 0.0003
Balance 8.46 2.02 7.84
56 1.97 0.0113
3.02 0.76 3.09 0.96 -0.65. -0.0023
Strength 7.02 1.35 6.22
65 3.84

Upper limb
3.6 1.07 3.12
31 3.00

w = omega squared
significant at p<.05



Running Balance Bilateral Coordination Strength Upper4imb Coordination
Figure 4.9 Mean score of motor proficiency scores for girls from Empangeni and
The differences seen in their test scores of balance, strength and upper-limb
coordination may be attributed to the possibility that girls in the Empangeni area
may have an increased exposure to physical activity and that a significant total
time of this play takes place outdoors, where balance, strength and upper-limb
coordination have a greater prevalence to develop as opposed to their
Pietermaritzburg counterparts who may not be inclined to play outdoors as often.
Although girls from Pietermaritzburg excelled at bilateral coordination which is
associated more with games, dance and specific activities completed indoors.
The composite scores discussed in 4.2.1 rely highly on the significant differences
identified in the girls' scores between the two regions. Four of the five areas of
motor proficiency were proven significant in the girls scores compared to only
one area in the scores of the boys. Thus, the girls in the Empangeni and
Pietermaritzburg region display noteworthy differences in their motor proficiency.
The girls from Empangeni show better overall performances in the physical skills
compared to the Pietermaritzburg subjects tested. The possible cause of such
findings may be as a result of the girls in the Empangeni region possibly being
more inclined to play outdoors and participate in more of the "tom-boy" like
activities compared to the girls from the city.
Table 4.5 and its corresponding Figure 4.10, represent the results of the
comparative scores of girls versus boys. The results are compositive scores of
both the Empangeni and the Pietermaritzburg subjects tested. The t scores for
all five areas of motor proficiency have a significant difference at p<.05. The
boys performed significantly better on their sub-tests of running speed and agility
(t=8.08), strength (t=6.31) and upper-limb coordination (t=4.47). The girls scored
favourable results on their tests of balance (t=-3.47) and bilateral coordination
(t=-1.67). The biggest differences in scores were seen on the test of running
speed and agility and strength where the boys scored 11.6% and 7.4% better
than the girls respectively.
Table 4.5 Mean scores, standard deviation and t values of sub test items for
boys versus girls (compositive scores of the two regions tested)
Sub Test
BOYS GIRLS tvalues
(n=238) (n=251) Boys vs
Mean SO Mean Iso Girls
squared i
Et:>;:'" <",,)<; <,;'i ,,:;d ;,,) ..:: ' .. ';'i :.i;i;'!;:;';;! .. ir,;':::::....(,: I
12.12 10.83 ! 1.89 8.08 0.116
Balance 7.22 2.53 8.00
-3.47. 0.022
2.93 0.93 3.07
! 0.91
-1.67. 0.004
7.34 1.60 6.43
Strength ! 1.62

Upper limb
! 3.24 i 1.27 4.47 10.037
! 1.23
I Coordination
w'= omega squared
significant at p<.05
Running Balance Bilateral Coordination Strength Upper-limb Coordination
Figure 4.10 Mean score of motor proficiency for boys versus girls (Compositive
scores from Empangeni and Pietermarilzburg).
Although it is generally expected that little difference in motor proficiency scores
between genders will be seen in the early elementary school years, some doubt
has been cast on this generalization. Numerous research by Rarick (1980);
Butterfield et al. (1993) and Krombholz (1997) has shown the differences in
motor proficiency between girls and boys to be significant, where girls exceed on
some items and boys on others. Reasons for these gender differences, may be
attributed to the fact that parents, peers, teachers, and coaches, who provide
opportunities, encourage girls and boys toward different activities. Girls are
generally encouraged to play quietly and practise fine motor skills such as
drawing and colouring in, whilst boys are encouraged to participate in more
vigorous movement activities such as running, chasing and jumping (Bouchard et
aI., 1994).
4.4.1 Differences in motor proficiency between the three demographic
classes of schools tested in the Pietermaritzburg region
ANOVA was completed to determine the differences between motor proficiency
levels within the three demographic groups of the schools tested in
Pietermaritzburg. These groups included independent schools (n=75),
government schools (n=270) and low socio-economic govemment schools
This ANOVA analysis was completed for each of the five areas of motor
proficiency assessed and the meaningfulness of these results was determined by
omega squared. The results show significant differences between the categories
of schools for performances in all of the five areas assessed, and can be
expressed as follows (Table 4.6). F is significant for running speed and agility
and may be described as, F (2,807) = 560.10052p<O.5. F is significant for
balance skills between the 3 demographic school categories F (2,807) =
333.2691 p<0.5 as well as for bilateral coordination F (2,807) = 381.9516p<0.5.
Lastly, significant differences are also seen between the three school categories
on their tests of strength and upper-limb coordination, F may be described as F
(2,807) = 462.4185p<0.5 and F (2,807) = 304.0145p<0.5 respectively.
Table 4.6 Degree of freedom and F values of the sub test items for the 3
different demographic categories of schools in Pietermaritzburg
Subtest Item F-Value
Running 2 807 560.10_
Balance 2 807 333.27-
2 807 381.95-
Strength 2 807 462.42_
2 807 304.01-
- significant at p<.05
Running Balance Bilateral Coordination Strength Upper-limb Coordination
Figure 4.11 Mean score of motor proficiency for the different demographic
categories of schools tested in PietermarilZburg.
4.4.2 Motor proficiency scores for independent versus low socio-
economic schools
Interesting results are shown in the comparison of the independent school and
the iow socio-economic school, motor proficiency scores in the Pietermaritzburg
region. Three of the sub-eategories for motor proficiency show favourable results
by low socio-economic schools. These skills include balance, bilateral
coordination and upper-limb coordination. The other two remaining areas of
motor proficiency running and strength exhibited superior scores performed by
independent school learners.
The most prevalent and significant difference in scores, was seen in the scores
related to upper-limb coordination (t=5.17), which was performed 24.8% better by
the learners from a low socio-economic school than the learners from an
independent institution. On the test of running speed and agility independent
school learners narrowly beat their lower socio-economic counterparts by 1%.
The tests of balance and bilateral coordination expressed 4% and 5% differences
respectively, favouring the low socio-economic school learners.
independent school learners performed 3% better on their test of strength.
Table 4.7 Mean scores, standard deviation and t values of sub test items for
learners from Independent and Low socio-economic schools
Independent Low Socio- tvalues
School Scores Economic School Independent
Sub Test (n=75) Scores (n=21) Vs Low Omega
Items Socio- squared
Mean SO Mean SO Ecomonic
Running 11.94 2.04 11.90 1.26 0.12 -0.01
Balance 8.25 2.23 9.29 1.62 -2.36 0.05
3.13 0.92 3.62 0.74 -2.51 0.05
Strength 7.25 1.59 6.57 1.25 2.07 0.03
Upper limb
3.55 1.29 4.71 0.64 i -5.17

w = omega squared
significant at p<0.05

Running speed and
Balance Bilateral coordination strength Upperlimb coordination
Figure 4.12 Differences in mean scores of motor performance between
independent school leamers, and low socio-economic government
school learners from Pietermaritzburg.
Results of this nature have not been readily written in literature to-date, only an
article by Krombholz (1997) showed contradictory findings to these, stating that
children of a higher socio-economic status performed better than children of a
lower status. A possible reasoning for findings of such a study would be the
effect of leisure activities during the pre-primary years (3-5years) of development.
Children attending low socio-economic schools may not be exposed to as strict a
physical activity program as children attending independent schools, or have
state of the art equipment, facilities and trained educators. Yet on some tasks
these children scored higher than those attending school with such amenities.
There are two possible explanations for such findings; which involves previous
exposure to physical activities and leisure activities during pre-school and
foundation school years. According Krombholz (1997) and Graft et al., (2004),
an analysis of children's leisure behaviour showed that children who are more
active-either in organized extramural activities and/or on a regular basis do have
better gross motor development, and that, children with a higher weekly
Television viewing frequency tended to demonstrate poorer gross motor
Children attending independent schools are often exposed to a busy afternoon of
extramural activities which may possibly take away from their outdoor play time.
The parents of these children are also more conservative in terms of safety, and
often restrict playing outdoors and interacting in neighbourhood activities. On the
other end of the scale children attending the low socia-economic schools are
most likely to grow up out of town, perhaps on a farm in the hills where toys are
not much other than a ball and rope, or possibly a home-made bat, and what-
ever else their imagination can come up with. These children have limited
access to things like a television or computer, they experience hours of
unstructured play outside, where imagination is the only educator and the
environment their endless room of equipment Isn't this the time these subjects
invest in developing gross motor skills? This rural world has been compared to
the world of a child attending an independent school, with many amenities plus a
television, a DVD player, and a computer. A media world at their finger tips
(many from a young age), with little will to experience real play or encouragement
to experience the outdoors. This comparison agrees with research by Loucaides
et aI., (2004) which shows that children who attend rural schools or grow up in a
rural environment, spend more time outside than those children who attend
urban schools.
Finally, the task which tested strength was scored higher by those attending
independent schools. This may possibly be attributed to malnutrition and a lack
of protein in the diet of the children attending a low socio-economic school, who
currently mayor may not have a feeding scheme in place.
The discussion in 4.4 relates to the three demographic categories of schools
assessed, to which various patterns regarding their physical education class
structure can be assigned. The independent schools encompass a high
standard of physical education where classes are presented twice per week for
learners (Grade 1 &2) for a duration of 45 minutes each, and are constructively
planned and coordinated by an adequately qualified teacher. The classes mostly
include the learning and practising of basic gross motor skills required for
particular sporting games. These schools also include compulsory afternoon
sport sessions where these learners engage in learning, practicing and playing a
particular sport code. It was established that physical education classes in the
government and low socio-economic government schools, take place on average
only once per week in the majority of these schools. Most often these classes
are presented by the class teachers themselves and often involve the children
playing specific sports, where most of the learners are unable to perform basic
gross motor skills required for the different sports. At these schools there is no
regular compulsory afternoon sporting activities. These activities are offered on
a voluntary basis only. This set-up, where after-school sport is not compulsory
for the learners, allows those who are less confident to shy away from sport at a
young age, and most often never to participate in sport again possibly not even in
their high school career.
Possible causes of such findings may again be further explained in literature by
Saakslahti et aI., (1999); Thomas (1999); Rudisill et aI., (2002) and Graft et aI.,
(2004) who have discussed the negative influences of the lack of physical activity
and, the fact that children, who are more active, -either in organized extramural
activities and/or on a regular basis- have better gross motor development. These
observations made may also be attributed to how ~ m is spent during the
different physical education classes, to what extent the refining of motor skills
has been expressed and the extent of the quality of the feedback given; a
phenomenon for low motor skill acquisition (Graham, 1987). For example,
physical education lessons completed at an independent school take place more
often than at a government school, and there is also compulsory after-school
sport at these schools which most often the government schools don't inflict. The
physical education lessons at such schools include extreme refining of motor
skills, positive specific feedback and limited time for games. Whereas, at a
government school, and this is possibly also associated with an increase in the
number of children per class, most classes are more often games and specific
sports codes with relative feedback comments, little refinement of basic motor
skills and no individualized attention. This influence of a physical education trend
shows remarkably in the results.
Findings from this study show that motor proficiency trends in todays children
vary according to age and gender. The type and amount of physical education
children are exposed to before and during their elementary school years also
influences motor performance.
1. Gender differences in motor proficiency scores were significant. Boys are
no longer significantly stronger than girls in all motor skills. Girls show
strength in skills such as balance and bilateral coordination.
2. An increase in chronological age is associated with an improved
performance of motor skills.
3. Learners attending independent schools scored superior levels of motor
proficiency, in contrast to government school learners who scored lower.
4. Physical education structures between the schools shows an influence on
motor performance, as well as a child's previous exposure to physical
activity during pre-primary years.
5.1.1 Gender and motor proficiency
The results of this stUdy agreed with research by Krombholz (1997). who stated
that girls fare better in some skills while boys perform better in others. In this
specific study the differences are statistically significant. Girls out performed
boys in tests for balance and bilateral coordination, while boys were significantly
stronger in tests of running speed and strength. Upper-limb coordination was
closely contested with the girls being narrowly defeated. Since physical
characteristics of girls and boys are very similar prior to puberty, it would seem
probable that differences in motor performance may be environmentally
encouraged and attributed to the preferential motor activities of girls and boys
Krombholz (1997). Also, as a result of our modern society, girls are brought-up
and encouraged to participate in physical activity more now than ever before.
With such gender equality, in respect to physical activity, gender differences in
motor skill performance will soon be closely marginalized.
5.1.2 Age and motor proficiency
Motor proficiency commonly improves with age, but there are some skills in
which older learners, possibly because of a proportionate increase in physical
growth will be outperformed by a younger counter-part. These outcomes are in
agreement with research by Govatas (1959); Rarick (1980) and Krombholz
(1997). Results demonstrated in the study, show improved motor performance
by the older learners in four of the five areas of motor proficiency. Balance being
the only task which is performed better by the younger learner. This result is
possibly because older learners have experienced an unbalanced growth in
stature and seem to be clumsy in terms of body control. A stronger, core stability
may counteract the awkward body control associated with a disproportionate
growth experienced during child development. However. further investigations of
this topic would be necessary.
5.1.3 Motor proficiency and the three demographic classes of schools
Children who are growing up in a rural environment and who attend a Low soda-
economic government school, showed better acquisition in three of the five areas
of motor skill performance (balance. bilateral and upper-limb coordination)
possibly as a result of leisure activities they were exposed to during the important
(pre-primary) fundamental development years. Such scores also verify the
negative effects modern society and technology is initiating with regards to
movement patterns and basic gross motor skills, which should be developed
during childhood.
5.1.4 Physical education and motor proficiency
Participation in a physical education program can result in significant
improvements in motor proficiency (Light et al.. 2000). The structure and number
of these physical education classes contribute to overall motor performance. The
independent schools curriculum allows for physical education classes to be
presented twice per week as well as a structured compulsory after-school
sporting program which is in place. In contrast, government schools only allow
for on average one class per week, without any compulsory after school activity
plan in place. The structure and nature of these physical education classes,
regardless of number, is also very important. At this young developing age
(under 8 years), fundamental motor skills need to be practised and mastered in
order for these skills to become autonomous in sports specific situations. It has
been the experience of this author that when physical education is assigned to a
time period during the school day in a government organization, that children
often spend the time in an unstructured environment or are "taught" to play
specific sports such as soccer, hockey, etc. Again this is in contrast to the
independent school set-up, where these lessons are prepared and the aim is for
the learners to refine and master fundamental tasks in dynamic situations.
In despair to low motor proficiency scores by learners, literature by Smith and
O'Keefe (1999), shows that low motor performance levels can be improved
through appropriate and disciplined Physical Education lessons and learners up
to the age of 12 years can catch up to achieve full development. Sufficient time
in the elementary school curricula should be devoted to physical activity, as it has
been stated by Shepard (1997) that added time for physical activity, has shown
no reduction in grades, many learners contrarily demonstrated improvement in
their grades.
The relationship between gross motor performance and previous exposure to
movement programs during the elementary school years of a child (4 -7years) -
which are most prevalent for initial fundamental motor skill development (Burton
1992) - is a topic that requires further investigation.
The results of this study also lead to recommendation of topics for further
A continuation of such research is necessary to establish norm values of
gross motor skills for South African children at various developmental
stages of childhood. Gross motor skills should be concentrated on, as
these are skills required to develop movement patterns for every day living
and promote better social interactions.
The issue of pre-primary exposure to physical activity should also be
taken into consideration in a study of a child's experience in motor
learning at pre-school, or what is now known as grade R. This may be
where the learning phase is most predominant and experience will be
most beneficial.
The importance of physical education in the South African school curricula
should be reconsidered.
Finally, it would be interesting to continue to compare and investigate the
difference in motor competency of higher socio-economic and lower socio-
economic learners.
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Letter to Department of Education -KZN: Requesting Permission to
Conduct Research
University of Zululand
Private Bag X 1001
7 March 2006
Department of Education
Private Bag X9137
Attention: Or R C Lubisi.
I, Nicola Portela, am currently completing my Masters in Human Movement
Science through the University of Zululand and have chosen to complete my
project in the area of physical education and the proficiency of gross motor skills
in Primary School learners.
The purpose of my stUdy is to determine the average gross motor capabilities of
primary school learners and to compare these values with others, as well as to
identify the importance of a movement program on a regular basis in the class
time table. Value of this research too lies in turn, with the end results being
forwarded to a collection of data necessary for the development of a National
Data-base of Motor Proficiency in Children.
Research methodology
The sample of participants will be selected from 17 Primary Schools in the
Pietermaritzburg region of Kwazulu-Natal, which is regarded as the educational
core of this respective province, and includes schools of a wide demographic
range. Within each of the 17 schools all the learners of Grade One and Grade
Two aged seven years and six months to 8 years at the time of the arranged
assessment date will undergo motor proficiency assessments.
The Participation of both the school and the leamer in this project would be on a
voluntary basis. I, the researcher will personally confer with the school to
negotiate a date and time, which would not compromise the learning schedule.
Confidentiality of the school as well as the learner will be respected. Each child
selected for assessment will need to have a consent form completed by his or
her guardian prior to testing.
Key elements of the Bruininks-oseretsky test (BOMPT) of motor proficiency will
be used to assess the development of gross motor skills of learners. This test
battery is comprised of 8 Subtests; these include an assessment of Running
Speed and Agility, Balance, Bilateral Coordination, Strength and Upper Limb
Coordination. The SUbjects will be encouraged at all times to complete each task
to the best of his/her capability.
On Completion of this study both the Department of Education as well as each of
the participating Schools will have a copy of the research available to them.
I will greatly appreciate if you could grant me the opportunity to carry out my
study at schools within the Pietermaritzburg region as this would help me to
further my education and knowledge of the related subject as well as facilitate
research in the Motor Proficiency field
Thanking You,
Nicola Portela
Contact Details:
033 394 3662 (fax)

Telephone: 033 4&512S
Fax: onM65188
Private Bag )(9137
Ms Nk:oIa PorteIa
Univmily 01 Zululand
Private Bag .1001
Dear Ms Portela,
Your request for permission to COnduct researdl in the PietermarilZburg Region in
the area of physical education and the profICiency of gross motor skills in Primary
Sdloolleamel3 is glallled subject to the following ccn<li!ions'
o Pmopa15 and educators are under 00 obligation to assist you in yew
c Principals, edUcators and: 5Chools should not be identifiable "In any way from the
results of the mvestigation.
c YDU malte all the arrangl!l'Tlents concerning your investigation.
c TeachinQ and Learning ~ o g a m S 3IB oolro be in1&nl..'pled.
c A photocopy of this letter ia submilted to the princrpal of the sctloolflllmtioo
where the intendBd resaacd'l is to be conciud:ed
o Yoor research WI" be _ to the identified _earn....
, A brief s_oftne content, lin<ingS ana Il!COfl1mendations .re provided to the
Supemt_of Il1is Depar1ll'lent
, 'The Department .-a copy of Ille campIele<l reportldissertBti_
It is hoped that you will find the above in order.
Best Wisnes
Letter to all the schools involved in the assessments
To The Principle of '" '" .
I, Nicola Portela, am currently completing my masters in Human Movement
Science at the University of Zululand and have chosen to complete my project in
the area of physical education, and the proficiency of gross motor skills in
primary school children.
The purpose of my study is to determine the average gross motor capabilities of
the children and to compare these values with those I collected from a study in
Empangeni during my honours year [2004]. This study will help to identify the
importance of a movement program on a regular basis in the class timetable.
Through this study I will be assessing 17 schools in the Pietermaritzburg region
and will be able to provide you with feedback regarding the motor skill abilities of
your learners.
I hereby ask permission to conduct a gross motor skill proficiency assessment on
the Foundation Phase learners [between the ages of 7 years 6months and 8
years], of your School. The test will be individually administered and 4 children
can be accommodated every half hour.
The assessment procedure will G0nsist of eight sub-tests related to running
speed and agility, bilateral coordination, balance, strength, and upper limb
coordination, and will be conducted by myself. In order to avoid variance in the
availability of the subjects I would appreciate it if the tests could be completed
during school time and in an indoor facility at your school. All information used in
this regard will remain confidential, and neither the name of the school or any of
the subjects tested will be mentioned in the document.
I would appreciate it if you could grant me the opportunity to carry out my study
at your school as this will help me successfully complete my masters project and
thus further my education and knowledge of the related subject.
Your positive confirmation in this regard will be highly appreciated.
Thanking you,
Nicola Portela
Letter to the parents of the learners selected for testing
Dear Parent! Guardian,
I Nicola Portela am currently completing my Masters in Human Movement Science at the
University at Zululand. I have chosen to direct my research in the field of motor
development in children and the project is entitled "Motor skIll proficiency levels of
foundation phase primary school children in the Pietermaritzburg area".
I require subjects both boys and girls currently completing Grade 1 or 2 within the age
bracket 7 years and 6 months to 8 years. The test battery to be completed consists of 8
subtests aimed at evaluating gross motor skills, from which my data will be recorded.
These tests include activities such as running, jumping, throWing, kicking and balancing,
which the child will be encouraged to complete to the best of his/her ability.
All testing will be administered dUring school hours allocated by the school and at the
school premises. Children will be required to wear PE kit during the testing period.
Please be assured that neither the name of the school nor the candidates, being
assessed will be mentioned in the document.
Any further questions may be directed to the respective class teacher who will confer
with me.
With this I ask you to kindly complete the attached consent form and return it to your
child's class teacher as soon as possible prior to the testing.
Your cooperation in this regard is greatly appreciated,
Thank you,
Nicola Portela
I, '" .. , , having been fully informed of the nature of
the research entitled Investigation of the proficiency of motor skills in primary
school children in Pietermaritzburg, do hereby give my consent for my
child , to act as a subject in the above mentioned research.
I agree to any relevant finding being passed on to members of the research
team, and to the use of this information in publication for research purposes with
the name of the participant remaining confidential.
I realize that it is necessary for my child to promptly report any signs or
symptoms indicating any abnormalities to the researcher.
I am aware that I may withdraw my consent and that my child can withdraw from
participation in the research at any time.
I have read the above and understand it, any questions which may have
occurred have been answered to my satisfaction.
[Print name] [Signature]
[Print name] [Signature]
Evaluation sheet for each assessment


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Point Score Table
Table 1: Point scores for test 1 Running speed and agility
10.9 -11 1
10.5 -10.8 2
9.9 - 10.4 3
9.5- 9.8 4
9.4-8.9 5
8.8-8.5 6
8.4- 7.9 7
7.8-7.5 8
7.4-6.9 9
6.8-6.7 10
6.6-6.3 11
6.2 - 6.1 12
6.0 -5.7 13
5.6-5.5 14
<5.5 15
Table 2: Point scores for test 2 Balance (standing on the preferred leg on a
balance beam)
! 1
3-4 2
5-6 3
7-8 4
Table 3: Point scores for test 2 Balance (walking forward heel-to-toe on a
balance beam)
0 0
1-3 1
4 2
5 3
6 4
Table 4: Point scores for test 3 Bilateral Coordination (tapping feet
alternately while making circle with fingers)
Pass 1
Fail 0
Table 5: Point scores for test 3 Bilateral Coordination (jumping up and
clapping hands)
0 10
1 11
2 12
3 3
4 4
>4 5
Table 6: Point scores for test 4 Strength
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
Table 7: Point scores for test 5 Upper-Limb Coordination (catching a
tossed ball with the preferred hand)
0 0
1-2 1
3-4 2
5 3
Table 8: Point scores for test 5 Upper-Limb Coordination (throwing a ball at
a target with the preferred hand)
! 3-4 12
i 5 ! 3

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