Linux Kodachi

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Linux Kodachi

Posted by W. Almaawali on Oct 20, 2013

The purpose of inu! "odachi is to pro#ide a secure, anti forensic, and anonymous operatin$ system considerin$ all features that a person who is concern about pri#acy would need to ha#e in order to be secure. "odachi is #ery easy to use all you ha#e to do is boot it up on you pc and you should ha#e an operatin$ system with #pn connection established % Tor &onnection established % '()crypt ser#ice runnin$ all of that in one $o with *ero setup re+uired from your side. The entire O) is functional from your temporary memory ,A- so once you shut it down no trace is left behind all your acti#ities are wiped out for +uic. $uide . ,ead -ore on Server Managment "odachi is based on the beautiful$ inu! -int /0&1 edition.

How to use it:

0irst option 2recommended34 'ownload the 5)O file and burn it on a 6)7 flash memory usin$ a free tool li.e ,ufus or inu! i#e then boot your P& from it. )econd option4 'ownload the 5)O file and burn it on a '8' usin$ a free tool li.e 'A1-O( Tools then boot your P& from it. Third option4 'ownload the 5)O file boot it up usin$ 8mware player or 8irtualbo!. 0ourth option4 0rom first or second option you can permanently install it on your P&.

To o$in as normal user4 6sername4 "odachi Password4 r99t00 5f you need to use )udo command or su as root password is the same4r99t00 "odachi comes with many pre:installed tools such as )tealth 7rowser which surfs the web sites usin$ tor anonymous connection only, &ryptocat , &loud sharin$ tools, ;PA , Truecrypt and "eepass. <ou can also chan$e Tor e!it country from one clic. as well reset your dns

ser#ers from one simple clic.. <ou also don=t ha#e to worry about your wireless or display dri#ers we ha#e included most of the common used dri#ers and tested them on our mini ab.

Where to use it:

Personal computer or laptop. &orporate computer. 5nternet cafes. >otels or durin$ tra#el. )chool labs. Any computer that has '8' ,O- or 6)7 port and allows to boot from them.


"odachi can be permanently installed on your P& but we do not recommend that as it will sa#e all your settin$s on the hard dri#e which defeats the main purpose of bein$ anti forensic to .now more about forensic please clic. here. "odachi is a -int:based li#e '8'?6)7 operatin$ system which means that all pac.a$es are based on inu! -int repository. "odachi has been customi@ed and twea.ed usin$ plain te!t bash scripts which are included with the 5)O pac.a$e. "odachi is totally free and in order to maintain the monthly cost of our 8P( ser#ers we utili@e small portion of &P6 resources 2less than 1A3 for T& on any computer that runs "odachi. 0or people who would li.e to donate to the proBect, the &P6 utili@ation option can be turned on?off manually based on their preference.

Support Kodachi to keep it free:

5n 5ndie$o$o 4 here 5n 7itcoins4 133#1"tCDnaB*#aEF G"sH1c1ofeu@n+sC 5n i$htcoins4 fh#7)--H1WW6ntf6")0r3-C,p3A/A()&$ Product Name: Kodachi Usage: pen Source ! "PL #ersion: $%$

Si&e: '%$ "( )e*eased on: +,%$,%+,$' Updated on: +-%$,%+,$' P*atform: Linux #ersion *og: 6pdate o$ .own*oad: )ourcefor$e 2hi$h speed3 M./SUM: ',$cadd0e1ee/aef$$1+1'2c+2d$-3c2

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