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Name : Dr. Venkatathri Narayanan

Designation : Assistant Professor
Office : Advanced Materials and Heterogeneous Catalysis Research Group,
Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology Warangal (Deemed
University, A Institute of National Importance), Warangal, 506 004, Andhra Pradesh,
Campus Residence: C-13/3 National Institute of Technology Quarters.
E-mail : and
Mobile : +91-9491319976, Tel.: +91-870-2462676 (O) and +91-870-2468676 (R)
Website :, and
Member : facebook, linked in and research gate

Academic profile

* B.Sc. (1988) Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur

* M.Sc. (1990, Project Adviser : Dr. M. Sundaravadivelu, Senior Lecturer, Department
of Chemistry) Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University), Gandhigram.
* Ph.D. (1997, Thesis Adviser : Dr. S. Sivasanker, Deputy director, Catalysis division)
National Chemical Laboratory (Pune University), Pune.

Teaching qualifications

* M.Phil.(1991, Adviser : Dr. Shakunthala Kumaraswamy, Reader, Department of

Physical Chemistry) University of Madras, Chennai.
* B.Ed. (1993) Department of Distance Education, Annamalai University, Annamalai

Additional qualifications

* Certificate course in Typing Higher (Tamil (1987) & English (1986)).

* Diploma in Hindi (1988).
* National Cadet Corps (1985-88, Corporal, B – certificate (1987)).
* National Service Scheme (1985-88 & 1988-90).
Pre doctoral fellowship

* Department of Chemistry, Bharathidasan University (CSIR, 1992-93, Adviser : Prof.

R. Jeyaraman), Tiruchirapalli, India.

Doctoral fellowship

*Catalysis division, National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR, 1993-1997, Adviser : Dr. S.

Sivasanker, Deputy director), Pune, India.

Post-Doctoral Fellowships (National/International)

* National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR, 1997-98, Adviser : Dr. Sivasanker, Deputy

director, Catalysis division), Pune, India.
* Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse (CNRS, 1998-01, Adviser : Dr. Paul
Meriaudeau, Director, Oxides group), 69626 Villeurbanne cedex, France.
* National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR, 2001-05, Adviser : Dr. S. Sivasanker, Deputy
director, Catalysis division), Pune, India.
* Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (KFSTS, 2005 – 06,
Adviser : Dr. J.W. Yoo, Senior Researcher, Materials Research group), Seoul, South
* Anna University (CSIR, 2007 – 08, Adviser : Dr. K. Shanthi, Assistant Professor,
Department of Chemistry), Chennai, India.

Regular Employnment Experience/Post employnment Fellowship

* Research Associate, Research & Development section, Ashapura Mine Chem Ltd.
(March 2005 – May, 2005), Navi Mumbai, India.
* Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology,
Warangal (2008 onwards).
* IASc/INSA/NASI – Summer Research Fellow, (Adviser : Dr. Vijayamohanan K.
Pillai, Deputy director, Physical and Materials Chemistry Division) National Chemical
Laboratory, Pune, May-July, 2010.


* Best Scientist Award, Science Tech Foundation, Anantpur, 2013 (Applied).

* CSIR - Pool officer Award, 2007.
* National Chemical Laboratory gold medal for USA Patent grant, 2006.
* Brain Pool program Award, The Korean Federation of Science and Technology
Societies, South Korea, 2005.
* Young Scientist Award, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, 2005.
* CSIR, New Delhi - Research Associate Award, 2001.
* CNRS, France - Post doctoral fellowship Award, 1998.
* Best presentation Award, 12th National symposium on catalysis, BARC, Bombay

* CSIR, New Delhi – Senior Research Fellowship Award, 1995.
* CSIR, New Delhi – Junior Research Fellowship Award, 1993.
* CSIR-UGC , June 1992, CSIR category, National eligibility test Award.
* CSIR, New Delhi – Project Junior Research Fellowhip Award, 1992.
* GATE-92 Award.


* Biography in the Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering (11th - editions,
2 008 – till date)
* Biography, Namyaz search for world reputable professionals, 2006 on wards.
* Chief guest, Alumini meet, Department of Chemistry, Gandhigram Rural Institute
(Deemed university), Gandhigram, 13 February 2013.
* Chief guest, Chemistry Association, GTN PG & Research Science and Arts college,
Dindigul, 13 February 2013.
* Fellow of American Nano Society, 411 WalnutStreet, Green Cove Springs,FL 32043-
3443, USA, 2011.
* Fellow of Indian council of Chemists, Agra, India, 2012.
* Fellow of Indian Chemical Society, 92 Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata,
India, 2003.
* Incharge, Catalysis Research Centre, National Institute of Technology, Warangal
* Member
1. Library Advisery Committee, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 2012 –
till date.
2. Best thesis Award selection Committee, 21st National symposium on Catalysis for
sustainable development, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology & Catalysis Society of
India, Hyderabad, 10-13 February 2013.
3. Best poster Award selection committee, National conference on Recent Advances on
Surface Science, Department of Chemistry, Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed
university), Gandhigram, 14-15 February 2013.
4. Executive committee, Catalysis Society of India, Chennai, 2011-2012.
5. International Editorial Advisory Board
i) The Open Catalysis Journal, Bentham Open Publications, Yokkaichi, Japan, 2009
ii) Current World Environment, Pushbha Publications, Bhopal, India, 2006 onwards.
iii) Journal of Ultra Chemistry, Ultra scientific Publications, Bhopal, 2006 onwards.
iv) International journal of Analytical, Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences,
Hyderabad, India (2013 onwards).
v) World Research Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Hyderabad (2013
6. International Scientific committee, 14th International clay conference, Italy,
June 14-20, 2009.
7. Local Organizing Committee, National Conference on Interface between Chemical
sciences and Technologies, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology,

Warangal, 29-30 December 2011.
8. National Organizing Committee, 21st National Symposium on Catalysis
(CATSYMP – 21), Catalysis for Sustaninable Development, CSIR – Indian Institute of
Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, 10-13 February 2013.
9. National Organizing Committee, 15th National Workshop on the role of Materials in
Catalysis, National Centre for Catalysis Research, Indian Institute of Technology –
Madras, Chennai, 11-13, December 2011.
* Organizing secretary, Recent trends in Chemistry of Porous and Nano Materials,
Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 2-3 December
2011 (proposed)
* Session co-ordinator and Co-convener, National Seminar Recent Trends in
Nanoscience and Technology, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of
Technology, Warangal, 21-22, December 2011.
* Two Sessions co-ordinator and Co-convener, National Conference on Interface
between Chemical sciences and Technologies, Department of Chemistry, National
Institute of Technology, Warangal, 29-30 December 2011.
* S.S. Bhatnagar Award (Nominated, 2008).

Field of Specialization

* Materials Science, Catalysis and Electrochemistry

Resource Person

* Nano Materials, Hollow silica, Molecular sieves, Heterogeneous catalysis and Journal’s
Impact factor.

Research Interest

* Nanomaterials, Hollow silica, Aluminophosphate molecular sieves, Metal containing

molecular sieves, Mesoporous Materials, Organophosphates, Electrocatalysis, Carbon
Nanotubes, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Drug delivery system and Cosmetic Applications .


* Author / Co-author of over 200 Research Papers (In peer reviewed

Journals/Reviews/Books/Patents/Conf. Proceedings)
Journals: Published : 140 (Sole author : 70 & Multiple authors : 70) & In process : 22
Patents: Granted : 2 (USA) & 2 (Indian), Filed : 1 (USA) & 18 (Indian)
Seminar and Conference : 35 (Conference) & Seminar: 13
Books : Sole author: 6 (Published : 2 & In process : 4), Multiple authors: (published: 6 &
In process : 1) and Compiled : 1
Selected Citations : 17 & Reports : 3
Total citations : 800 (1995 – 2010 with h-index =15)
Total impact factors : 150 (6.5 to 0)

Selected Publications (National/International)


* J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical (2013) [IF : 2.9]

* Mat. Lett. (2013) [IF : 2.4]
* J. Saudi Chem. Society (2013) [ IF : 1.3]
* Adv. Por. Mat (2013) [IF : 0.0]
* Arabian J. Chem. (2013) [IF : 2.3]
* Chemical Papers (2013) [IF : 1.0]
* J. Chem. Sci. 125 (2013) 63 [IF : 1.2]
* Bull. Korean. Chem. Soc. 34 (2013) 143 [IF : 1.2]
* Ind. J. Chem. Sec. A, 52 (2013) 619. [IF : 0.9]
* Mat. Res. 16 (2013) 181. [IF : 0.3]
* Bull. Catal. Soc. India 12 (2013) 9 [IF : 0.0]
* J. Applicable Chem. 2 (2013) 122 [ Impact factor : 0.0]
* Asian J. Chem. 24 (2012) 5817. [IF : 0.3]
* Smart Nanoparticles Technology 2 (2012) 29. [IF : 0.0]
* The Open catalysis journal 5 (2012) 14. [IF : 0.0]
* Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 5 (2011) 943.
* React. Kinet. Mech. Catal., 99 (2010) 439. [IF : 0.7]
* Mat. Chem. Phys., 113 (2009) 933. [IF : 2.6]
* Mat. Res. Bull., 44 (2009) 1317. [IF : 2.3]
* Mat. Sci. Eng. : C, 29 (2009) 242. [IF : 2.4]
* Mat. Res. 12 (2009) 411. [IF : 0.3]
* Appl. Catal. A: General, 340 (2008) 265. [IF : 3.9]
* Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 112 (2008) 147 [IF : 3.5].
* Mat. Lett., 62 (2008) 462. [IF : 2.3]
* Mat. Sci. Eng. : C, 28 (2008) 1260.[IF : 2.4]
* Bull. Korean Chemical Society, 23 (2008) 29. [IF : 1.2]
* Bull. Mat. Sci., 31 (2008) 609. [IF : 0.9]
* React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., 95 (2008) 53. [IF : 0.7]
* React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., 93 (2008) 287.[IF : 0.7]
* Mat. Res., 11 (2008) 443. [IF : 0.3]
* Mat. Lett., 61 (2007) 1 .[IF : 2.3]
* Solid State Communications, 143 (2007) 493. [IF : 2.3]
* Bull. Mat. Sci., 30 (2007) 615.[IF : 0.9]
* React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., 91 (2007) 283.[IF : 0.7]
* Solid State Phenomina, 124-126 (2007) 1249.[IF : 0.6]
* Appl. Catal. A : General, 310 (2006) 31.[IF : 3.9]
* Catal. Commun., 7 (2006) 773.[IF : 3.0]
* Catal. Commun., 7 (2006) 1015. [IF : 3.0]
* Catal. Commun., 6 (2005) 177. [IF : 3.0]
* Mat. Res. Bull., 40 (2005) 1157 [IF : 2.3]
* J. Chem. Sci., 16 (2004) 1. [IF : 1.2]

* Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 154 (2004) 978. [IF : 0.5]
* Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 154 (2004) 189. [IF : 0.5]
* Appl. Catal. A: General, 242 (2003) 393. [IF : 3.9]
* Tet. Lett., 44 (2003) 3649. [IF : 2.6]
* Mat. Lett., 58 (2003) 241. [IF : 2.3]
* Bull. Mat. Sci., 26 (2003) 101. [IF : 0.9]
* Microporous and Mesoprous Materials, 23 (1998) 277. [IF : 3.5]
* J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 93 (1997) 3411. [IF : 4.0]
* J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 92 (1996) 473. [IF : 4.0]
* J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., (1995) 151. [IF : 6.5]
* Catal. Lett., 35 (1995) 313. [IF : 2.2]
* J. Ind. Chem. Soc., 89 (2012) 1. [IF : 0.4]
* Bull. Catal. Soc. India, 8 (2009) 85. [IF : 0.0]
* Ind. J. Chem., Sec. A, 46 (2007) 1955. [IF : 0.9]
* Ind. J. Chem. Sec. B., 43 (2004) 888. [Impact Factor : 0.6]


* U.S. Pat., 7,037,874 (2006) 502 (2 May 2006).

* U.S. Pat., Appl. 0,147,364 (2006) 1 (6 July 2006)
* U.S. Pat., Appl. 0,090,390 (28 April 2005)
* Ind. Pat., 238,334 (2010)
* Ind. Pat., 1363/DEL/2003.
* Ind. Pat., 813/DEL/2005.
* Ind. Pat., NF-108/2005
* Ind. Pat., NF-109/2005
* Ind. Pat., NF-166/2005
* Ind. Pat., NF-167/2005
* Ind. Pat., NF-168/2005
* Ind. Pat., NF-169/2005
* Ind. Pat., NF-170/2005
*Ind. Pat., NF-171/2005
* Ind. Pat., NF-172/2005
* Ind. Pat., NF-173/2005
* Ind. Pat., NF-174/2005
* Ind. Pat., NF-362/2005
* Ind. Pat., NF-368/2005


* Annual Moral science essay competetion, Winner, Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur,
* Best Poster Award – Second Prize, International Conference on Nano and
Biosciences, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 24-26, February, 2010.
* Best oral presentation Award – First prize, 12th National Symposium on Catalysis,

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, India, 19-22, December, 1994.
* Best thesis Award (Student : Dr. R. Srivastava), Catalysis Society of India, Chennai,
* Chapter written by self in “Smart Nanoparticles Technology”, book was 3000 times
downloaded by different viewers as on May 2013 from 2012.
* Encyclopedia of Catalysis, Methanol to Olefine reaction over SAPO-35, 2012.
* Elocution competition, First prize, Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur, 1985.
* M.Phil. (1990 – 91) thesis graded as highly commended.
* Ph.D. (1993 - 97) thesis partially sponsored by Indo – French council for Advanced
Research, New Delhi.
* Nature – India, Study of the synthesis mechanism of Aluminophosphate molecular
sieves, 1998.
* Nature – India, Invention of a efficient mode of silicon incorporation in
Aluminophosphate molecular sieves, 2006.
* Pd-SAPO-31, an efficient, heterogeneous catalyst for Heck reactions of aryl chlorides,
Tet. Lett., 44 (2003) 3649, Chemistry : Nobel Prize – 2010 Research Area.
* TOP-25 Hottest Articles: One of the most downloaded Solid State Communications
TOP-25 articles within the journal during July-September 2007.
* Verticle Technology News, Synthesis of new Hollow nano silica synthesis, 2007 –


* Compiled a book entitled “Azabicyclic compounds”, by Prof. R. Jeyaraman,

Department of Chemistry, Bharathidasan university, Tiruchirapalli, India, 1992.
* Electroanalytical studies on interaction of Mercury with Dicarboxylic amino acids,
Lambert Academic Publishing, Berlin, Germany, 2010 (ISBN: 978-3-8383-4218-4, Book
Prize = 49 Euro).
* Hollow micro to nano silica : A novel material for wide applications, Lambert
Academic Publishing, Berlin, Germany (in preparation).
* Methods of Physicochemical Characterization, Narosha Publications, New Delhi (to
be published).
* Physical chemistry for Engineers, Lambert Academic Publishing, Berlin, Germany
(to be published).
* Studies on Vanadium Aluminophosphate molecular sieves, Lambert Academic
Publishing, Berlin, Germany, 2010 (ISBN: 978-3-8383-3014-3, Book prize = 98 US $).
* Synthesis, characterization, catalytic and biological Applications of Metallo
organicaminophosphates, Lambert Academic Publishing, Berlin, Germany (in
* Synthesi and Catalytic Applications of some mesoporous materials, Lambert
Academic Publishing, Berlin, Germany (in preparation).
* Water Pollution, Narosha Publications, New Delhi (to be Published).

Reviews/Book chapters

* Catalysis: Modern Trends, Narosha Publishing house, New Delhi, India, (1995) 72

(Prize = Rs. 650).
* Catalysis: Modern Trends, Narosha Publishing house, New Delhi, India, (1995) 152
(Prize = Rs. 650).
* Mesoporous Molecular sieves: Preparation, Properties and Applications, Nova
Science Publishers, Inc., 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY 11788, USA
(2009) 317 (Prize = 130.50 US $).
* Smart Nanoparticles Technology, Intech open Access Publishers, University
campus, Rijeka, Crotia, Chapter II, (2012) 29.
* Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Elsevier Publications, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 154 (2004) 189 (Prize = 120 US $).
* Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Elsevier Publications, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 154 (2004) 978 (Prize = 120 US $).

Session Chaired

* 21st National symposium on catalysis, Indian Institue of Chemical Technology,

Hyderabad, 10-13 February 2013.
* National conference on Recent Advances in Surface Science, Gandhigram Rural
Institute (Deemed university), Gandhigram, 14-15 February 2013.
* 2nd International Conference on Competetive Materials and Technology Processes,
Hunguest Hotal Palota Lillafured, Hungary, 8-12, October, 2012 (invited)
* Mesoporous Molecular sieves, 14th International Clay Conference, Castellinita
Marina, Italy, 13-20th June 2009.

Keynote Address

Chemistry Association, GTN PG and Research Science and Arts College, Dindigul, 13
February, 2013.

Pleanary speaker

Alumini Association, Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University), Gandhigram, 13

February 2013.

Invited Talk

* Workshop on Innovations in Materials and Processes and Transfer of Technology

to Industries, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 17-19 October 2013.
* National conference on Recent Advances in Surface Science, Gandhigram Rural
Institute (Deemed university), Gandhigram, 14-15 February 2013.
* Composite materials center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and
Technology, Seoul, South Korea, 19 th January 2006.
* Mesoporous silica as molecular sieves, 14th International clay conference, Italy,
June, 14-20, 2009.
* Nano materials : Preparation, Properties and Applications, Auxilium college
(Autonamus), Katpadi, Tamil Nadu, India, 14 December 2011.

* Microsphere and Implications, BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Nano-S&T-
2011, F4 Dalian Hightech ZoneDalian , LN 116025, China, 23-26 October 2011.
* National Seminar on Recent developments in Nanomaterials, Maharaja’s post
graduate college, Vizianagaram 535 002, A.P., India, 30th January 2011.
* National Seminar on Materials Chemistry and Catalysis, North Orissa University,
Takatpur, Baripada 757 003, Orissa, India, 3-4 April, 2010.
* National seminor on Role of Chemistry in Monitoring and Management of
Environment, Department of Chemistry, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati 517
502, February 16-17, 2009
* R & D centre, Ashapura Mine Chem Ltd., Navi Mumbai, 20th February, 2005.
* Invited Teacher, Mid year meet, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore , 13-14 July

National/International conference/symposium/workshop/seminar/research meeting


* 12th National symposium on Catalysis, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay,

India, 1994.
* National workshop on catalysis, CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, 1995.
* National workshop on catalysis (Mumbai chapter), Bhabha Atomic Research
Centre, Mumbai, 1996.
* 16th National symposium & 1st Indo – German Conference on Catalysis, Indian
Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India, 2003.
* A symposium organized in honour of Dr. A.V. Ramaswamy, Head, Catalysis
division, NCL, Pune, India on his superannuation, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune,
* 14th International Zeolite symposium, Capetown, South Africa, 2004.
* 17th National symposium on catalysis, Bhavnagar, India, 2005.
* National workshop on Catalysis for Energy, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi,
India, 2006.
* IUMRS-ICA – 2006, Hotel Shilla, Jeju, South Korea, 2006.
* 18th National symposium and first Indo – US seminar on catalysis, Indian Institute
of Petroleum, Dehradun, India, 2007.
* National workshop on catalysis, Indian Institute of Materials and Minerals
Technology, Bhuvaneshwar, India, 2008.
* 19th National symposium on catalysis, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India,
* 14th National symposium on solid state chemistry and allied areas, Vellore
Institute of Technology University, Vellore, India, 2009.
* National seminor on Role of Chemistry in Monitoring and Management of
Environment, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India, 16-17 February 2009.
* 14th International Clay conference, Castellinamarina, Italy, 14-20 June 2009.
* National workshop on catalysis, Tezpur University, Tezpur, India, 2009.
* Two day workshop on Teaching Methods and Student Evaluation, National
Institute of Technology, Warangal 506 004, India, 7-8 December 2009.
* International conference on Recent Trends in Nanomaterials and Biochemistry,

Osmania university, Hyderabad, India, 2010.
* International conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials,
Gitam University, Vizakhapatnam, India, 2010.
* National Seminar on Materials Chemistry and Catalysis, North Orissa University,
Baripada, India, 3-4 April 2010.
* 20th National symposium on Catalysis for Energy Conversion and Conseration of
Environment, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, 19-12 December 2010.
* National Seminar on Recent developments in Nanomaterials, Vizianagaram, India,
* International conference on Supramolecular chemistry and Nano materials,
University of Mumbai, Mumbai, 2011.
* One day seminar on Environmental Issues and Challenges, National Institute of
Technology, Warangal, 18th March 2011.
* International symposium on Advances in Nanomaterials, Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Cochin, 2011.
* 15th National workshop on The Role of Materials in Catalysis, Indian Institute of
Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 11-13 December 2011.
* National Conference on Interface Between Chemical Sciences and Technologies,
Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 29-30, December
* National Seminar Recent Trends in Nanoscience and Technology, Department of
Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 23-24, December 2011.
* DST-PAC meeting, Jadavpur university, Kolkata, 2011.
* 2nd International conference, Indian Council of Chemists, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia,
10-12th June, 2012.
* Twenty third Science Education Mid – Year Meeting, Indian Institute of Science
(Indian Academy of Sciences), Bangalore, 13-14 July 2012.
* DST-PAC meeting, Indian Association for Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, 2012.
* 31st Annual conference of Indian Council of Chemists, Department of
Chemistry, Saurashtra university, Rajkot, Gujarat, 26-28 December 2012 (accepted).
* 21st National symposium on Catalysis for sustainable development, Indian Institute
of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, 10-13 February 2013.
* National conference on Recent advances in Surface Science, Department of
Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 14-15 February, 2013.
* Workshop on Expertise in research among NIT’s through e- journal organized by
Central Library, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 12-13 July 2013.
* Workshop on Teaching and Evaluation methods for effective learning organized
by Tequip Phase – II, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 15-17 July 2013.
* “National workshop on Computational methods in development of chemistry
research” organized by Tequip Phase – II, Department of chemistry, National Institute of
Technology, Warangal, 20-22 September 2013.
* Wrokshop on “Innovations in Materials and Processes and Transfer of Technology
to Industries”, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 17-19 October 2013.
* National Workshop on “Modern Instrumental Methods of Inorganic Chemical
Analysis of Engineering Materials (MIMICAEM)”, Department of Chemistry,
National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 22-26th October 2013.

International conference

* 14th International Clay conference, Castellinamarina, Italy, 14-20 June 2009.

* 2nd International conference, Indian Council of Chemists, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia,
10-12th June, 2012.
* 17th International zeolite conference, Moscow, Russia, 7-13 July 2013 (accepted).
* Nanotech 2013, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., 12-16th May 2013 (accepted).

Countries visited

* France (Lyon, Greenville, & Paris, 1998-2001)

* South Korea (Seoul & Daejon, 2005-2006)
* Singapore (Singapore, 2005 & 2006)
* Italy (Castellinamarina, Bari & Rome, 2009)
* United Arab Emirates (Dubai, 2009)
* Malaysia (Koulalampur, 2012)
* Russia (Moscow, planned, 2013)
* United States of America (South carolina & Washington, planned, 2013)

National Air travel

* Hyderabad to Chennai (1st August 2013)

* Chennai to Hyderabad (1st August 2013)

Projects handled


1. DST, New Delhi – Fast track proposal for Young scientists (Rs. 10,44,000/- (2005-
2. DST, New Delhi – International Travel grant (Rs. 54,316/- (2009))
3. NIT, Warangal – Research Development Fund (Rs. 50,000/- (2008-2009))
4. NIT, Warangal – Professional Development Allowance (Rs. 2,50,000/- (2008-2011))


1. MHRD, New Delhi – Research Seed money (Rs. 2,20,000/- (2012-2013))

2. DST, New Delhi – FIST program (Rs. 35,00,000/- (2010 -2014))
3. NIT, Warangal – Professional Development Allowance (Rs. 3,00,000/- (2012-2015))

In process

1. DST, New Delhi – Basic sciences – Physical Chemistry (Rs. 26,24,000/- (2012-2013)
2. CSIR, New Delhi – Applied Research (Rs. 14,82,000/- (2012-13))
3. Bhaba Atomic Research Centre – Applied Research (Rs. 30,60,000/- (2013-14))


1. DST, New Delhi – Nanomission (Rs. 34,00,000/- (2009))

2. DST, New Delhi – Basic sciences – Inorganic Chemistry (Rs. 30,60,000/- (2011-12)
3. DST, New Delhi – Basic sciences – Inorganic Chemistry (Rs. 33, 24,000/- (2012-13)
4. CSIR, New Delhi – Applied Research (Rs. 14,00,000/- (2009)).
5. Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited, Ranchi (Rs. 30,60,000/- (2013-14))

Project Reviewer

1. Bhaba Atomic Research Centre – Analytical Chemistry (Rs. 50,00,000/-, 2012-2013).

Theses Supervised

* Supervisor: Ph.D. / M.Phil. / M.Sc. : 5 / 0 / 13

* Co-supervisor : Ph.D./M.Phil./M.Sc. : 10 / 1 / 2


* Zigma International, Taluka Khalapur, Maharastra, India.

* Zodiac Life Sciences Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad, India.
* R.R.Laxmi Vignes, Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu, India.
* Green Trust (A Environmental protection awareness Non Governmental
Organization), Vellore, India.

Research Group

1. Facultys

* Prof. B.V. Appa rao (Senior Faculty)

* Prof. I.A.K. Reddy (Senior Faculty)

2. Ph.D. Scholars

* Mrs. A. Rajini (NITW Research Fellow)

* Mr. A. Ajay Kumar (NITW Research Fellow)
* Mr. M. Nookaraju (NITW Research Fellow)
* Mr. K. Muneswara Rao (NITW Research Fellow)
* Mr. K. Sowri Babu (NITW Research Fellow)

3. M.Sc. Students

Mr. P. Nandakishore Krishna (M.Sc. Final year)

Miss.P. Radhika (M.Sc. Final year)
Miss. S. Spandana (M. Sc. Final year)

Mr. S. Vinod (M. Sc. First year)
Miss. P. Keerthi (M. Sc. First year)
Mr. Nagarjun (M. Sc. First year)

Former Scholars

* Dr. R. Srivastava (Faculty, IIT Ropar, Best Thesis award - Winner (2006), Catalysis
Society of India)
* Dr. Lakshi saikia (2007, Scientist, CSIR-RRL, Jorhat)
* Dr. D.S. Yun (2006, Researcher, KICET, Seoul, South Korea)
* Dr. D. Santhanaraj (2011, Ohlahama state university, USA)
* Mr. P. Lakshmana Rao (Scientist, Indian oil corporation)
* Mr. Janani Kumar Reddy (Researcher, Texas University, USA)


* Research : M.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. : 24 years

* Teaching : B.Tech./M.Sc./Ph.D.: 20 years

Courses Taught


* Engineering Chemistry – Ist and IInd Semester

* Instrumental methods of chemical analysis – IIIrd Semester (Bio Technology)
* Engineering Chemistry – IIIrd Semester (Automobile & Aeronautical Engineering)
* Chemistry Practicals - Ist & IInd Semesters
* Physical and Organic Chemistry Practicals – IIIrd Semester (Chemical Engineering)
* Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis Practicals – IIIrd Semester (Materials and
Metallurgical Engineering)

M.Sc. (Chemistry)

* Physical Methods in chemical Analysis (M.Sc. – IIIrd Semester)

* Environmental Pollution: Monitoring and Control (M.Sc. – IIIrd Semester)
* Analytical Chemistry Practicals – Ist Semester (M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry)
* Inorganic Chemistry Practicals – IInd Semester (M.Sc. Organic Chemistry)
* Inorganic Chemistry Practicals – Ist Semster (M.Sc. Geology)
* Viva (M.Sc. – IInd & IIIrd semesters, Analytical Chemistry, Seminar)
* Viva (M.Sc. - IVth semester, Analytical Chemistry, Industrial Training)
* Viva (M.Sc. – IVth semester, Analytical Chemistry, Comprehensive Viva).

Ph. D. (Chemistry)

* Catalysis
* Nano materials and Nano Chemistry
* Advances in kinetics and mechanism of reactions
* Supramolecular chemistry and Nano materials
* Advanced Analytical Techniques

National/International Professional Affiliations

* Member: International Clay Society; International Zeolite Association, Indian Council

of Chemists.
* Life Member: Catalysis Society of India; Chemical Research Society of India (LM
1419), Indian Association of Solid State Chemists and Allied Scientists (LM 365),
Materials Research Society of India (LM B722), NITW - Chemistry Association, NITW
– Teachers welfare association, NITW- Teachers Welfare Association for Social Justice
and NITW – Staff club.

Organizing National/ International Conferences

* Co-convenor, International Scientific committee member, 14th International clay

conference, Italy, June 14-20, 2009.
* Co-convenor, Poster Session Conducting Committee member, National Conference on
Interface between Chemical sciences and Technologies, Department of Chemistry,
National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 29-30 December 2011.
* Co-convenor, 2nd International Conference on Competetive Materials and Technology
Processes, Hunguest Hotal Palota Lillafured, Hungary, 8-12, October, 2012 (invited).
* Member
1. National Organizing Committee, 21st National Symposium on Catalysi for Sustainable
Development (CATSYMP – 21), Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad
500 607, 10-13 February 2013.
2. National Organizing Committee, 15th National Workshop on The Role of Materials in
Catalysis, National Centre for Catalysis Research, Indian Institute of Technology –
Madras, Chennai, 11-13, December 2011.
3. Local Organizing Committee, National Symposium on Recent Trends in Organic and
Medicinal Chemistry, 16-17 January 2009.
* Organizing secretary, National symposium on Recent trends in Chemistry of Porous
materials, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 2-3
December 2011 (proposed).
* Session co-ordinator, National Seminar Recent Trends in Nanoscience and
Technology, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 22-
23, December 2011.
* Two Sessions co-ordinator, National Conference on Interface between Chemical
sciences and Technologies, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology,
Warangal, 29-30 December 2011.

Reviewer for National/International Journals Publications

* Journal of Hazardous Materials
* Talanta
* Applied Catalysis A: General
* Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
* Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical
* Catalysis Today
* Catalysis Communications
* Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
* Materials Chemistry and Physics
* Materials Letters
* Materials Science and Engineering : C
* Journal of Nanoscience and NanoTechnology
* Journal of Non-crystalline solids
* Materials Research Bulletin
* Journal of Materials Research
* Solid state communications
* Powder Technology
* Journal of Molecular structure
* Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society
* Bulletin of Materials Science
* Materials Research
* The open catalysis journal
* African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry
* African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
* African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
* International Journal of Physical Sciences
* Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A
* Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B
* Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
* Indian Journal of Chemical Technology
* Indian Journal of Physics

Publications in Journals ((133), Numbers from 1995 – till date)

Catalysis (34)

* Applied Catalysis A: General (3)

* Tetrahedron Letters (1)
* Catalysis Communications (3)
* Catalysis Letters (1)
* Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters (3)
* Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and Catalysis (1)
* The Open Catalysis Journal (1)
* Bulletin of Catalysis Society of India (19)
* Catalysis : Modern Trends (2)

Chemistry (48)

* Journal of Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (1)

* Journal of Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions (2)
* Arabian Journal of Chemistry (1)
* Journal of Saudhi chemical society (1)
* Journal of Chemical Sciences (1)
* Chemical Papers (1)
* Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society (3)
* Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A (13)
* Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B (1)
* Journal of Indian Chemical Society (14)
* Asian Journal of Chemistry (3)
* Journal of Applicable Chemistry (1)
* Oriental Journal of Chemistry (4)
* Journal of Ultra Chemistry (2)

Environment (1)

* Current world environment (1)

Materials Science (27)

* Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2)

* Materials Chemistry and Physics (1)
* Materials Letters (3)
* Materials Research Bulletin (2)
* Materials Science and Engineering : C (2)
* Solid State Communications (1)
* Bulletin of Materials Science (3)
* Solid State Phenomina (1)
* Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials (1)
* Materials Research (3)
* Advanced Porous Materials (1)
* Mesoporous Materials: Preparation, Properties and Applications (1)
* Smart Nanoparticles Technology (1)
* Lambert Academic Publications (2)
* Materials Science Research India (3)

Science and Technology (17)

* Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (3)

* Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (1)
* Journal of Indian Institute of Science (1)
* Journal of Ultra Science (12)

Surface Science (6)

* Studies on Surface Science and Catalysis (2)

* Proceedings of the National conference on Recent Advances in Surface Science 2013

Year wise Number of Journal Publications (1995 – upto date)

* 2013 (12)
* 2012 (4)
* 2011 (5)
* 2010 (5)
* 2009 (6)
* 2008 (17)
* 2007 (8)
* 2006 (20)
* 2005 (15)
* 2004 (17)
* 2003 (10)
* 2002 (3)
* 1998 (1)
* 1997 (1)
* 1996 (2)
* 1995 (4)

Research Experience


Macroporous molecular sieves

* Hollow silica/V-Hollow silica

* Titanosilicate

Mesoporous molecular sieves

* V/Ti/Mn/MCM-41
* V/SBA-15
* Nanosilica
* Ti/ Aluminophosphate molecular sieves
* V/Ti/Mn/ - Organophosphate molecular sieves

Microporous molecular sieves

* ZSM-5/ ZSM-35/Template free/Ethylene diamine template

* AlPO4-5/AlPO4-11/AlPO4-16/AlPO4-21/AlPO4-22/AlPO4-31/AlPO4-41/AlPO4-
L/Aqueous medium/ Non-aqueous medium/mechanism of synthesis/V/Ti/Mn/ -
Aluminophosphate molecular sieves/Hexamethyleneimine /Di-butylamine/Diethylamine
template/Novel molecular sieves/NCL-2 to NCL-15.
* SAPO-5/SAPO-35/ V - Silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieves
* V/Ti/Pd/Mn - Organophosphate molecular sieves


*- XRD/Elemental analysis (AAS/ICP/E-DAX/XRF/XPS/C&NA)/SEM/TEM/TG-

DTA/TG-MS/TPD/FT-IR/Cahn Balance/N2 Adsorption/ ESR/UV-Vis/XPS/AC-DC
Polarography/Cyclic voltammetry/CP-MAS-2DMAS NMR/GC/GC-MS/Batch – Fixed
bed – Parr reactors.


* Heck reaction
* Suziki reaction
* Liquid phase/gas phase oxidation reactions
* Liquid phase reduction
* Electro catalysis
* Methanol to olefin reaction
* n-hexane hydroisomerization
* Acetalide synthesis
* Synthesis of Xanthene diones
* Phosphomidone synthesis
* Coumarine synthesis
* Dye degradation studies

4. Biological properties

* Anti cancer
* Anti microbial
* Anti fungal
* DNA clevage studies

5. Miscellaneous

* Amorphous Nanosilica
* Carbon nano tubes
* Hollow nanocuboids/Drug delivery system
* Mercury/Dicarboxylic aminoacids
* Cooling effect of commercial Talcum powders

Title of the Thesis

1. Ph.D. “Synthesis, characterization and catalytic properties of AlPO and VAPO

molecular sieves with different Pore characteristics, December 1997” (Dr. S. Sivasanker).

2. M.Phil. “Electroanalytical analysis of Interaaaaacation of Mercury with Dicarboxylic

acids”, December 1991 (Dr. Shakunthala Kumaraswamy).

3. M.Sc. “Mode of coolig sng the human body and effect of various talcum powders”,
May 1990 (Adviser : Dr. Sundara Vadivelu).

National/International Research Collaborators

* Prof. B. Viswanathan, National Centre for Catalysis Research, Indian Institute of

Technology Madras, Chennai, India (
* Prof. S. Sivasanker, National Centre for Catalysis Research, Indian Institute of
Technology Madras, Chennai, India (
* Prof. P. Selvam, National Centre for Catalysis Research, Indian Institue of Technology
Madras, Chennai, India (
* Prof. K. Shanthi, Anna university, Chennai, India (
* Prof. Asim Bhaumik, Indian Association for Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India
* Prof. Ramesh Ch. Deka, Tezpur university, Tezpur, India (
* Prof. Ajayan Vinu, Australian Institute for Bioengineering and & Nanotechnology,
The University of Queensland, St Lucia Q 4072, Australia (, Tel.: 61 7
334 64122).
* Dr. Vijayamohanan K. Pillai, Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi,
India (
* Dr. N. Margasagayam, Green Trust, Vellore, India (
* Dr. A. Tuel, Institut de Recherches sur la catalyse, Lyon, France
* Dr. Robert Raja, Southampton university, Southampton, United Kingdom
* Dr. J. W. Yoo, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Seoul, South
Korea (
* Dr. Tapas sen, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, United Kingdom
* Dr. S. Kannan, Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute,
Bhavanagar, India (
* Dr. Anil Kumar Sinha, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, India
* Dr. N.K. Mal, Tata chemicals, Pune, India (
* Dr. P. Manikandan, Dow chemicals, Pune, India (
* Dr. M. Karthikeyan, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India
* Dr. B. David Raju, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India

* Dr. K. Selvaraj, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India (
* Dr. Suresh B Waghmore, Pune university, Pune, India ( &
* Dr. R. Anand, Anna university, Chennai, India (
* Dr. Ch. Subramaniam, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India
* Dr. R. Srivastava, Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, India (
* Mr. N. Hariramakrishnan, National Thermal Power Corporation, Sakthi nagar, India
* Mr. R. Kannan, Cognesant, Green ville, South Carolina, USA
* Mr. R. Sivaramakrishnan, Cognesant, Chennai, India (

Institutional understanding

* National Chemical Laboratory, Pune

* Anna University, Chennai.
* Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed university), Gandhigram.
* Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
* GTN Arts college (Autonamus), Dindigul.
* Sacred Heart College (Autonamus), Tirupattur.
* Oxelium womens college (Autonamus), Katpadi.

Additional Academic/Professional Activities

* Chairman of the Selection committee, District Students Drawing competition, Tamil

Nadu State Pollution control Board, Vellore, 2007.
* Chief guest, Public Meeting, Organized by Green Trust at Wallaja, Tamil Nadu,
India, 2006.
* Convenor, District Phillatelic club exhibition, North Arcot district, Sacred Heart
College, Tirupattur.
* Co-ordinator, Installing two fume cupboards, Department of Chemistry, National
Institutte of Technology, Warangal 506 004, A.P., India, March 2011.
* External Examiner
1. I/II M.Sc. Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
i) Chaithanya P.G. College (Autonamus), Hanamkonda, Warangal.
2. II/IV B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering), Organic Chemistry
i) Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, 2008.
2. Ph.D. thesis
i) Reviewed as an external examiner, the thesis & Open Viva at Department of
Chemistry, Anna university, Chennai 600 025, India, 01 August 2013.
ii) Department of Environmental chemistry, Central Leather Research Institute,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
iii) Department of Chemistry, Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed university,
Gandhigram, Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, India (Invited).

iv) Department of Chemistry, Tiruvalluvar university, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
v) Department of Chemistry, North Orissa University, Takatpur, Baripada 757 003,
Orissa, India (Invited).
vi) Department of Chemistry, Oxelium women’s college (Thiruvalluvar University),
Katpadi, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India (Invited).
vii) Department of Chemistry, Saint Johns College (Manonmaniam Sundaranar
University), Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India, 2011.
* Faculty Adviser, II M.Sc. MMCA, IV th semester, Department of Chemistry, National
Institute of Technology, Warangal, India. 2011 – till date.
* In charge, Muffle Furnace purchase committe, Department of Chemistry, NIT
Warangal, 2011.
* In charge, Registration : I. B.Tech. (2009-10) and II M.Sc. MMCA (2011- till date).
* Invigilator : GATE-2009, 2011 & 2012, IIT-JEE-2010, 2011 & 2012, AIEEE –
2010, NIMCET – 2012, NEET-2013 and JEE - 2013 (Advanced) exams.
* Member
1. Executive committee, Teachers Welfare Association for Social Justice, National
Institute of Technology, Warangal , 2013 – till date.
2. Best poster award selection committee, Recent Advances in Surface Science (RASS
– 2013), Department of Chemistry, Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed University),
Gandhigram, 14-15 February 2013.
3. Best thesis award selection committe, Catalysis Society of India, 21st National
symposium on Catalysis for sustainable development, Indian Institute of Chemical
Technology, Hyderabad, 10-13 February 2013.
4. Anti Ragging Vigilance committee, Ultra Mega Hostel and 1K Hostel, NIT
Warangal, 2008- till date.
5. Library Advisory Committee, Department of Chemistry, NIT Warangal, 2012 to till
6. PG DOC committee, Department of Chemistry, NIT, Warangal, 2008- till date.
7. Purchase committee, Department of Chemistry, NIT, Warangal, 2011- till date.
8. Board of studies, Department of Chemistry, NIT, Warangal, 2012 – till date.
* Micro observer, Interm - Member of Legislative Assembly elections
1. Warangal – 2010.
2. Ganpur - 2012.
3. Khanapur mandal & Sangem mandal Local body elections – 2013.
* Secretary, Phillatelic club, Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur, 1987-88.
* Secretary, Tamil Research Scholars welfare club, National Chemical Laboratory,
Pune, 1993-98.


* Indian Passport (No. K1849752)

* Date of birth : 15-07-1967
* Place of birth : Then maha deva mangalam, Polur taluk, Tiruvannamalai district, Tamil
Nadu – 606 908, India.
* Marital status : Married
* Spouse Name : Mrs. V. Dhana Lakshmi

* Son : Master V. Kishore
* Father : Mr. M. Narayana Udayar
* Mother: Mrs. N. Unnamalai Ammal
* Father/Mother’s occupation : Farmer
* Caste and Religion : Agamudayar (OBC) and Hindu
* Languages known : English, Hindi and Tamil (Mother tongue),
* Brothers (3) and Sister (1) (all are elders) :
1. Mr. N. Hariramakrishnan, M.Com., ICWA, ACS, Senior Finance Manager,
National Thermal Power Corporation, Sakthi Nagar, U.P., India.
2. Dr. N. Margasagayam, M.Sc., B.Ed., P.G.D.M., M.Phil., Ph.D., Director, Green
Trust, Vellore, India.
3. Mr. N. Sekar, Sales man, Co-operative society, Veeralore, Tamil Nadu, India.
4. Mrs. R. Govindammal, House wife, Then maha deva mangalam, Tamil Nadu, India.
* Hobbies :- Acting; Driving : Bike and car; Lecturing; Listening : Lectures and music;
Play : Carrums and Table Tennis; Reading : Articles, News Paper and Text books;
Watching Television; Writing : Articles and Poems.

Social service

By Self

* Teaching
* Writing scientific articles to enrich knowledge bank
* Donated for Local Ganapathi temple (Then maha devamangalam) renevation
* Thulabram coins donated for Triumala Tirupathi temple.

By Family

* Gave life to two handicapped girls by family members

* One of my brother is a full time social worker


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