The Future of Logotherapy

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The document discusses the future of logotherapy and includes the program and abstracts from the conference in Vienna. It provides information on the Viktor Frankl Institute and opportunities for logotherapy research.

The Logotherapy Research Platform is an international web-based forum for researchers to share information about ongoing or completed logotherapy research projects, manuscripts, and abstracts in order to promote collaboration and communication.

The Viktor Frankl Fund of the City of Vienna was established in 1999 to support the work of the Viktor Frankl Institute through regular funding and by sponsoring relevant scientific and practical projects through an annual award.






Dear Conference Participants, welcome to Vienna, where the concepts of logotherapy were first developed and formulated! Hopefully, apart from the scientific get-together, you can enjoy some of the rich history of this town. The very building where the conference takes place was Frankl's professional home throughout his life. This makes the Gesellschaft der rzte the perfect location for discussing the Future of Logotherapy. Thanks to the initiative of organizer and director Alexander Batthyany, proven friends and pioneers of logotherapeutc teaching, research and application, as well as young and gifted professionals get together and will surely contribute to what Frankl always declared his highest goal: helping people find meaning in their lives. In the name of the family of Viktor Frankl, we wish you a successful meeting and many fruitful encounters. Remember that creating a work or doing a deed is only one road to meaning. You should also take this unique chance to experience the friendship and informal exchange this conference makes possible.

Gabriele Vesely-Frankl, Ph.D. Katharina Ratheiser-Frankl, L.L.M., M.A.



Prinz Eugenstr. 18/12, A-1040 Vienna, Austria

Honorary President

Dept. of Psychology James Madison University Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA


President Head of Research Department and Viktor Frankl Archives Middle European Research Program in Cognitive Science University of Vienna, Austria and Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of Psychotherapy, Vienna Medical School, Vienna, Austria

U.S. Fulbright Fellow at the Viktor Frankl Archives


Secretary, President, 1992-2007


Viktor Frankl Archives Research Staff, The Functional Neuroimaging Group PET and fMRI Dept. of Neurology Vienna Medical School, Vienna, Austria

Vicepresident, President, 2007-2009


Psychotherapist, Vienna

Bibliography, Book Rights, Website


Dept. of Philosophy Apor Vilmos Catholic University College


Vice Dean Dept. Neuroscience of Psychotherapy Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, Austria

Assistant and Secretary, Research Dept. VFI, Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria

Dept. of Psychology Salesiana Pontifical University, Rome, Italy

Media Archives


If you require any help during the conference, please ask a member of Organisation Team. And should you need special assistance, or got lost somewhere in town, or have special requests during your stay in Vienna, please feel free to call the conference help line: 0676-9345 750. We look forward to helping you to enjoy your stay in Vienna and the company of fellow logotherapists and our staff members.

On behalf of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna and the Conference Organisation Committee, we welcome you to the Vienna 2012 Conference The Future of Logotherapy. It is both a privilege and pleasure to host this meeting of about 150 logotherapists from more than twenty-eight countries, coming together in order to share their concerns, ideas, and concrete action plans on how to work towards a successful future of logotherapy and existential analysis. We have a full agenda during the next two days, so please take a few minutes to read through the information in this packet. It includes our itinerary and other important information. Over the next two days, about eighty brief lectures on a wide range of topics relevant for the future of logotherapy will be presented. The program is, as planned, quite heterogeneous and we tried to arrange the program so that parallel sessions appeal to different interest groups. The abstracts are arranged in alphabetical order by the surname of the (fist named) presenter. The final program, included in your registration pack, gives the details of which lectures are presented in which room, and at which times. All sessions for presentations listed in this booklet will take place either at the Festsaal, the Grosse Bibliothek, or the Verwaltungsratszimmer of the Billrothhaus. The opening and closing addresses and the special round table session will be held in the Festsaal. The Festsaal and the Verwaltungsratszimmer are situated on the first floor of the building, the Grosse Bibliothek is on the ground floor (see plan). If you are uncertain where to go, members of the Organisation Team will be available to guide you through the building.

The Organisation Committee




Conference Venue: Friday Evening Reception: Saturday Luncheon: Saturday Dinner: Vienna Medical Society, Billrothhaus Albert Schweitzer Haus Albert Schweitzer Haus Gasthaus Rebhuhn

The bookstore (ground floor) is open during conference hours and during lunch and coffee breaks.

(For further details and directions, see pages 11ff).


As an extra service to the world-wide logotherapeutical community, especially for those colleagues who arent able to participate in this years Future of Logotherapy-Conference, a radio booth is installed on the ground floor near the information booth. Marshall Lewis will broadcast from the Conference, and will interview participants about their projects, their work, or generally about their views and perspective on logotherapy and its future. Opening hours of the radio booth vary; please ask at the information booth for further details or leave a message at the radio booth.


The registration and information booth is on the ground floor and is occupied during the opening hours of the conference. The staff is looking forward to helping and assisting you.

The Conference Exhibition (ground floor) is open during conference hours. Institutes, initiatives, and individuals are invited to display information about their current and future projects. If you are an exhibitor, or if you wish to sell books or CDs through the bookstore, please ask for assistance at the information booth before displaying brochures and flyers and only use your designated space.



PROGRAM AT A GLANCE FRIDAY, 16.03. 07.00 PM - ca. 10.30 PM Reception and Dinner Albert Schweitzer Haus Schwarzspanierstr. 13 SUNDAY, 18.03. Vienna Medical Society, Billrothhaus, Frankgasse 8 Parallel Sessions End of Conference A Walk Through Frankls Vienna: A Guided Tour (Max. 20 per group; groups depart every hour from Hotel Regina. Please register at Information Booth)

09.00 AM - 13.30 PM 13.30 PM 15.00 PM

SATURDAY, 17.03.

Vienna Medical Society, Billrothhaus, Frankgasse 8 Registration Conference Opening Welcome Message (Alex. Batthyny) Greeting Message (Eleonore Frankl) Keynote (William Evans) Round Table and Parallel Sessions Lunch Albert Schweitzer Haus Presentations / Parallel Sessions End of Conference Day 1 Conference Dinner Buffet (Traditional Austrian Food) Gasthaus Rebhuhn Berggasse 24

08.30 AM 09.30 AM

10.30 AM - 12.15 PM 12.30 PM 13.30 PM 18.30 PM 20.00 PM






Conference Venue


A Hotel Regina B Vienna Medical Society Rooseveltplatz , 9th district, Vienna Frankgasse 8, 9th district, Vienna

The Conference Venue, The Billrothhaus of Vienna Medical Society, is about 350 metres from Hotel Regina. Leave the hotel, turn right and follow Rooseveltplatz. Pass Ferstelgasse; the next street (right side) is Frankgasse. Enter and follow Frankgasse (youll have to cross Garnisongasse, Frankgasse continues on the other side of the road). The Billrothhaus is Frankgasse Number 8 on the right side.



Saturday Luncheon


A Vienna Medical Society B Albert Schweitzer Haus Frankgasse 8, 9th district, Vienna Schwarzspanierstrae 13, 9th district, Vienna

Saturdays luncheon is served at the Albert Schweitzer Haus, which is about 150 metres from the Conference Venue. When leaving the Conference Building, turn left to Garnisongasse and follow the street for about 100 metres. The Albert Schweitzer Haus is at the end of Garnisongasse and looks like a church (which it used to be). The restaurant is reserved for conference participants.



Saturday Dinner:


A Hotel Regina B Gasthaus Rebhuhn Rooseveltplatz, 9th district, Vienna Berggasse 24, 9th district, Vienna

On Saturday evening, you are invited to a traditional Austrian dinner buffet at the Gasthaus Rebhuhn on Berggasse. The Gasthaus is about 500 metres from Hotel Regina. When you leave the Hotel, turn left to Whringer Strasse. After about 200 metres, turn right into Berggasse. You will pass Berggasse 19, former home of Sigmund Freud (on the left side of the street). Continue until you come to the end of the street. Gasthaus Rebhuhn is at Berggasse 24, on the right hand side.











HOW POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY STOLE FROM LOGOTHERAPY Many contemporary psychologists assume that Viktor Frankls ideas have already passed into the public domain and are now borrowing from his writings without even acknowledging their source (i.e. those who propound the approach of positive psychology.) Should we consider this a sort of plagiarism or a contribution to the development of the meaning-centered psychotherapy? Others do mention Frankl in their bibliography but not as the initiator of a certain idea. It is therefore our task to publicize the contribution made by Frankl by using the new media that are available to us in the 21st century. This presenter will suggest four original ways of achieving this task: the diffusion of a weekly on-line newsletter (in several languages) to a large network of subscribers; the creation of permanent training centers, preferably attached to universities; making a complete program of initiation to logotherapy available on line - as is already being done by the University of South Africa and possibly others; the edition of brief digests of topics of logotherapy for the non-professional reader. The presenter will briefly discuss the funding and feasibility of such programs.

ACEVEDO, GERNIMO [Prof.; Ph.D.] [Argentina]

LOGOTHERAPY: A NEW UNIFIED PARADIGM BEYOND THE CONCEPT OF PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE Logotherapy is not just an advance in psychotherapy. Neither is it just a new educational process, a logo-education, or a new communitarian view of society, or just a philosophical thinking. Logotherapy is all of this, but it also represents a new unified paradigm, both interactive and existential that goes beyond the concept of psychosomatic medicine. The predominant health model prioritizes the one-dimensional concept of disease and operates on a reductionist approach, which in turn leads to an anthropological exclusion and leaves out other areas. In this scenario, therapeutic intervention, both at the individual and institutional level, focuses on three things: the event produced by the agent (the sickness), the

event produced by the individual (the pathology) and the events manifestation (the symptom). All these instances imply an anthropological exclusion. Logotherapy highlights the unity within the individuals plurality by including his spiritual and social dimensions, taking into consideration the contribution of various spheres of science. On this basis, we approach the process of knowledge as an approximation to the complex task of arriving at a concept of health within an integrative and interactive paradigm and a concept of healthiness as a dynamic process that aims at the development of the being in the world in its essence and meaning. The proposed paths to health may be approached from different levels that go from macro to micro levels, including social networks. Therapy aims at making visible what is invisible. The therapist is much as an ophthalmologist that operates on a patients cataracts to make him see what he wants to see, and not a painter, who paints a picture and shows it to a viewer so that he sees what the artist intended. No one is a better as a professional than as a person. Professional help must be aware of its own limits, open to exchange within and between disciplines and it must rely on an anthropological model based on a nonexcluding perspective. Logotherapy takes into account contributions made by various areas of scientific knowledge that recognize the unity underlying the individuals biological, psychological and spiritual dimensions. According to Edgar Morin (Cf. Medina Bisiach, 2007), those who isolate themselves deeply and industriously in their specialty, although their aim may be commendable and significant, will gradually lose sight of the complete scene around them, of their environment, and end up cut off from reality. Morin calls these people the barbarians of our century because they master their specialty, but know very little about life. The proposal of an inter-disciplinary approach, the inclusion of dimensional ontology and the search for meaning have been enriched by Viktor Frankls theories and experience. Professors, doctors, psychologists and philosophers take part at the Viktor Frankl Centers training courses, not aiming to become polymaths, professionals who know about everything; but professionals who perceive the limits of every discipline and are open to fruitful and permanent scientific dialogue.




THE ASOCIACION IBEROAMERICANO DE LOGOTERAPIE (ASIL) La Logoterapia ha tenido el enorme merito de rescatar, para el pensamiento contemporneo, la dimensin espiritual de la realidad humana. El espritu del hombre se eleva con Frankl hasta una altura sin precedentes en la historia de la psicologa, se erige en expresin de una antropologa que es a su vez fundamento de una nueva manera de pensar y de actuar, construye una teora y orienta una prctica destinada a aliviar el enfermar humano. Pero la logoterapia misma tiene su propio espritu, un espritu forjado a la sombra del alambre de pas de Auswichtz, acrecentado en la generosa esperanza de un porvenir ms solidario, que el mismo Viktor Frankl aliment con esmero y profunda confianza en aquellos interminables das del campo de concentracin. Un espritu que burbujea en sus libros, que atrapa por la misma libertad a la que invita, que es sostn y estimulo de un sendero, que iniciado por el autor se ofrece en forma abierta para ser profundizado. Esta integracin se ve favorecida por la actitud de bsqueda de Leticia, Mara ngeles y Gernimo que partiendo del tronco comn la antropologa Frankliana comparten su aplicacin preponderante en educacin y psicologa (Leticia) Comunitaria y psicolgica (Mara ngeles) Medica Psicolgica (Gernimo), lo que posibilita el surgimiento de un nuevo paradigma de salud antropolgico- integrativo interactivo-dimensional existencial comunitario. Es todo eso pero, y adems, representa un nuevo paradigma integrador -interactivo-existencial del enfermar humano que supera el concepto de Medicina Psicosomtica. La logoterapia es prioritariamente terapia, es decir atencin y por lo tanto entra en juego cuando alguien requiere atencin (Cuidado). Desde estas bases se aborda el proceso de conocimiento como una aproximacin a la complejidad para recalar en los conceptos de salud, en el contexto de un paradigma integrador e interactivo, y de lo saludable como proceso dinmico que apunta al desarrollo del ser en el mundo en su esencia y sentido. Se proponen caminos para la salud que se pueden abordar desde diferentes niveles, del macro al micro, pasando por las redes sociales.

La tarea teraputica desde este paradigma intergrador no es una imposicin de teoras sino que consiste propiamente en hacer visible lo invisible. El terapeuta tiene que actuar como un oculista que opera las cataratas para que el paciente pueda ver lo que quiere ver, no como un pintor que pinta un cuadro y se lo ensea para que vea lo que el pintor quiere que vea. La ayuda profesional debe ser consciente de sus propios lmites, abierta al intercambio inter y transdisciplinario y contar con un modelo antropolgico que funde una perspectiva no excluyente de la compleja realidad humana. La logoterapia rescata y jerarquiza los aportes provenientes de diversos sectores del quehacer cientfico y el reconocimiento, en la unidad de la persona, de las dimensiones biolgica, psicolgica y espiritual. Desde esta perspectiva integradora, la logoterapia corre tambin un peligro: el de fragmentarse en esos diversos factores o lo que suele suceder en creer que puede integrar cualquier otro tipo de visin biolgica, psicolgica, espiritual o social. Por eso es necesario un reposicionamiento de la espiritualidad humana y su reconocimiento, como un fenmeno no reductible al plano de la facticidad psicofsica y por ende no comprensible plenamente desde una ptica mecanicista, conduce a nuevos enfoques en el campo de la salud que tienen relevancia tambin desde el punto de vista de la tica. Edgar Morn deca (Cf. Medina Bisiach, 2007) que aquel que se asle laboriosa y profundamente en su especialidad, no obstante tener un objetivo loable y significativo, perder paulatinamente el panorama integral del entorno, alejndose de la realidad circundante. Morn los llama los brbaros de este siglo, porque dominarn mucho de su especialidad pero muy poco de la vida misma. La propuesta de un abordaje transdiciplinario, la inclusin de la ontologia dimensional y la bsqueda de sentido son enriquecidas por las teoras y las experiencias de Viktor Frankl. La bsqueda de Sentido es la intencionalidad y su efecto teraputico es la consecuenciaEn las actividades de ASIL participan profesores Mdicos, Psiclogos, Filsofos, Trabajadores sociales no con la intencin de formar todologos que sepan todo, sino que perciban los lmites de cada disciplina y se abran a un fecundo y permanente dilogo cientfico.



LVAREZ-SEGURA, MARIA [Ph.D.] [Spain]; ECHEVARRIA, M. [Argentina]


EGO-CENTRICITY VS. SELF-TRANSCENDENCE: UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOPATHOLOGY FROM A LOGOTHERAPEUTIC PERSPECTIVE Logotherapy has analyzed self-transcendence as a fundamental anthropological characteristic which makes it possible to go beyond oneself and to discover meaning in values (Frankl 1985). However, its opposite, egocentricity (Kunkel 1984), has attracted little attention. This concept was first described by Adler (1912) and later developed by F. Kunkel and R. Allers (1934); from it stems Frankls term hyperreflection (Echevarria 2011). If self-transcendence is directed toward something that is not itself, egocentricity makes the person think, feel and act exclusively in the service of the preservation or elevation of his/her own self. The spiritual act of going beyond and forgetting oneself is diametrically opposed to the egocentric orientation which produces an infatuation and obsession with ones self. In this presentation I would like to analyze the involutive effect of egocentricity. I hypothesize that this egocentric attitude leads to a lack of mature relations and a progressive increase in a psychopathology of neurotic and personality disorders. Healthy relations depend on self-transcendence as a person engages with another. Under egocentric rule, however, all objectives are geared to protecting ones ego from others. With this self-protection attitude, personal development is built on minimum expectations of others. The desire to engage with others is turned into a personal desire of not being harmed by others (Stratton 2006). It thus has tragic consequences in relationships: human potentials are arrested by an incapacity for complete self-giving and commitment to others. If the acting of the spiritual dimension produces a distance between the patient and his symptoms (self-distance), the egocentric orientation will produce an over interest in the self (Bursten 1989). This egocentricity may become the guiding principle of the patients existence and then draw all psychic forces in its direction. In this case, egocentricity gradually assumes a more pathological intensity and hinders acting from the spirit. In chronic situations, it will produce a progressive increase of psychopathology in reactive, psychogenic and noogenic neuroses, psychosomatic illnesses and personality disorders.

THE FUTURE OF LOGOTHERAPY/FRANKL ON PSYCHOLOGY; THE NEED FOR IMPROVING OUR PRESENT PRACTICE The beauty of Logotherapy is that it is ontological anthropological in nature which makes it fit to all individuals, situations and environments. That is, the totality of man is seen as he interacts with his environment because Logotherapy views man as an interactionist which makes its concept to be for life. This means that as long as man live on the earth, he would always be in search for the meaning for his life. Therefore, the future of Logotherapy/ Franklian Psychology is very bright for both the Health Care Providers and Patients as well as the people at large. But we all need to work harder and change our present strategies in terms of how we promote, project and practice Logotherapy to the rest of the world. Asagba (2011) commended to the Viktor Frankl Institute for bringing Logotherapy to the USA as well as to the rest of the world, which was started from the late founding father Dr Fabry in 1970, and this continues to the present stage. While commending their great influences over the years, Asagba (2011) recommended a changing of their present method of promoting logotherapy to fit the present changing world. We all can witness many Scholars who are now using Frankls Concepts under different terms and names of schools without acknowledging logotherapy or Viktor Frankl. Yet, logotherapy or Frankl were not listed in the `U.S.A. Current Psychotherapy Manual`. We all need to work harder to be able to come up with more empirical studies in the years ahead for us to justify the relevance of logotherapy to the world. Yes, we can do it. It is now that we must act. This is the meaning of the moment of our time to bring logotherapy to both the academic and clinical circles.




LOGOTHERAPY IN NIGERIA In this presentation, the challenges and opportunities of Logotherapy in Nigeria will be discussed in some detail; also, experiences with conducting clinical and empirical work, and teaching, of logotherapy in the Nigerian context will be analysed. Next to the national and local perspective, however, the presentation will also address the international situation of logotherapy both from the Nigerian perspective and, more generally, from the perspective of an academic researcher who has been active in the field for many years.


Logotherapie im Vermitteln psychischer Heilung sieht, dessen Nebeneffekt sich nur u.U. in einer Annherung zu Gott uern kann. Der vorliegende komparatistische Versuch verzichtet auch auf einen praktischen Vergleich von Therapie und Pastoral; und kann auch die Erluterung vieler entscheidender Begriffe im Bereich der Theorie beider Disziplinen nicht erschpfend leisten. Das Anliegen unserer berlegungen vermeidet ebenso eine vorschnelle Identifikation logotherapeutischer und theologischer Begriffe (wie z.B. Transzendenz, Geist, unbewute Religiositt) sowie eine verflschte Interpretation von Frankls Begriffsverwendungen in Form ihrer bersetzung ins theologische Denken: Frankl warnt ja vor einer dilettierenden Theologie. Das Vorhaben des Beitrags liegt in der Vorstellung des Personverstndnisses beider Disziplinen, ohne sie gegenseitig zu vereinnahmen in der Vielfalt ihrer Entstehungsgeschichte und im Spannungsgefge von mglichen Brcken bzw. Divergenzen.

CONCERNS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOGOTHERAPY Logotherapy is open to all; it is an invitation to man to re-encounter who he really is and could, or should, be by choosing and living a meaningful life. This is our common basis. And yet, questions abound when it comes to asking how logotherapy will navigate through its future. For example, how can we promote logotherapy? Who will promote it, and who will train logotherapists, and who will preserve and propagate the legacy of Viktor Frankl? Who will be responsible for the accreditation of the many institutes - and are all of them fit to be accredited? These and other concerns will be discussed in this presentation, with special emphasis on the situation in Peru, which no doubt mirrors that of many other countries.

BRINGING CONSCIENCE INTO THE PROCESS: A MEANING ANALYSIS OF SEXUAL ABUSE AND CURRENT TRENDS IN RESEARCH AND TREATMENT The presentation will outline the basic approach used in the treatment of sexual offenders, and will demonstrate how, with the addition of the Logotherapeutic dimension, the entire process of treatment can be not only enhanced but transformed to being a more values-oriented protocol, empowering the client to make conscience-based life changes, instead of merely acquiring skills to avoid re-offending. The treatment of paraphilias in general, and of sexual offenders in particular, has been evolving or over a century, culminating in the treatment protocol that is offered to sexual offenders today. Elements of treatment include accountability, identifying cognitive distortions and triggers, empathy training, understanding the cycle of abuse, and relapse prevention. These items are essential and impart to the client necessary tools to prevent him or herself from repeating the cycle, i.e. how to not re-offend. What is lacking in treatment is a dimension that enables the client

BRAUNSTEINER, GLORIA [Assist. Prof.; Ph.D.] [Slovakia]

FRANKLS PERSONBEGRIFF IM DIALOG MIT DER THEOLOGIE Ziel des Beitrags ist die Erkundung von Bezgen zwischen dem Personbegriff Frankls und dem theologischen Verstndnis der Person in Anbetracht dessen, wie Frankl seine Logotherapie von der Theologie abgegrenzt hat. Er spricht der Theologie die Kompetenz zu, das Seelenheil zu suchen, wobei er die Aufgabe der



to internalize the reasons why he or she should not re-offend. This is not a dimension of techniques, but a serious exploration of the clients connection to conscience and meaning at every stage of the therapeutic process. Though meaning is primarily a phenomenological experience, its presence in therapy can be built in to the existing structure of treatment. Therapists who work with sexual abusers suffer amongst the highest rates of burnout due not only to the horrendous nature of the crime and the often difficult personalities of the clients, but also to the nature of the therapy, which halts at the psychological level of the clients, and does not reach higher. Bringing the noological, or human dimension into the process will enable clients and therapists to uncover the humanity in the client, as well as the clients potential for conscious responsibility and decency. This presentation will culminate in group discussion aimed at developing a Logotherapeutic approach to the treatment of sexual abusers, an invitation to ongoing work amongst colleagues to arrive at an effective working model.

evident in his psychiatric-logotherapeutic work, On the Theory and Therapy of Mental Disorders, which is lacking in clinical philosophical consultancy. Mention shall also be made of seminal and apposite papers by Reinhard Zaiser and Peter Srkny, two philosophers and logotherapists, to support my thesis and which provide a context for the reflection. I will then proceed to pose some practical questions in the light of my theoretical observations which have consequences for our clinical work in the light of on-going discussions concerning the profession of mental health with statutory regulations from Europe looming.


APLICACIN CLNICA DE LA ESCALA DE RECURSOS NOOLGICOS ERN Logotherapy can be defined as therapy that mobilizes noetic resources in order to unrestrict psychophysical dimensions in a clinical process which is based on two characteristics and abilities: self-detachment and self-transcendence. In order to integrate these two factors into a theoretical and clinical research instrument, the "Scale Noological Resources" (SNR) is a new test which measures the self-detachment and self-transcendence. This instrument was subjected to validation with a non-random incidental sample (627 male and female). 28.1% (176) had a history of clinical psychological condition. We obtained a structure of 6 components, which were conceptualized as strength/weakness, Distance / Addiction itself, Domain / Submission of itself, Immanence / Transcendence, Difference / Indifference, and self-projection, and structure noological resources. Because this scale is able to identify the ways and means by which therapists facilitate the healing process, the SNR allows professionals to develop a coherent therapeutic process that goes on a road suitable for most clinical effectiveness.

COSTELLO, STEPHEN J. [Ph.D.] [Ireland]

THE MEANING OF LOGOTHERAPY In this paper, drawing on a close textual reading of Viktor Frankl's works, I shall argue that logotherapy is not a psychotherapy as this latter term is employed nowadays but rather that logotherapy is best construed as a noetic therapy, as a noology rather than a psychology, and as a philosophical form of praxis. The subtitle of Frankl's The Doctor and the Soul is instructive in this regard: 'From Psychotherapy to Logotherapy'. Furthermore, its 'metapsychology' is rooted in existential and transpersonal philosophy. According to the German philosopher Eric Voegelin, Frankl retrieved and renewed the older practice of philosophy understood as therapeia in the Platonic sense ('Socratic dialogue') and as a spiritual exercise. Moreover, a number of Stoical ideas re-emerge in Frankl's form of existential analysis, namely attitudinal change, de-reflection and paradoxical intention. However, it goes beyond, I contend, philosophical counselling (a widespread and interesting contemporary phenomenon) in that Frankl has a coherent theory of neuroses and psychoses as



EVANS, WILLIAM F. [Assoc.Prof.; Ph.D.] [USA]

THE WORLD STILL CRIES FOR MEANING ARE WE STILL LISTENING? In The Unheard Cry for Meaning Dr. Viktor Frankl defined logotherapy as meaning-centered psychotherapy, and therapy through meaning (1978, p. 19). In our postmodern age, the world is still struggling, perhaps more than ever, with meaninglessness, hopelessness, and existential emptiness. Logotherapy, as lived and taught by Dr. Frankl, still stands firm as a viable alternative to reductionism, depersonalization, and this pervasive existential vacuum. We who honor the life and legacy of Dr. Frankl have the ability to offer meaning, a sense of direction, and hope to people who are calling out for help. The world still cries for meaning! Are we still listening? How will we respond?

In the latter case this population becomes forgotten and lost. By the virtue of their managing to survive we can evidence the utter strength of the defiant power of the human spirit a teacher that must be validated with the aim of creating an environment to avoid further trauma among the forgotten population.

GAPARKOV, MARTA [Mag.] [Slovakia]; GINZERIOV, MONIKA [Mag.] [Slovakia]

MGLICHKEITEN EINER LOGOTHERAPEUTISCHEN INTERVENTION BEI ERWACHSENEN KLIENTEN IN EXISTENTIELLEN KRISEN Das Ziel unserer Prsentation ist es, ber Lebenskrisen vom Standpunkt konkreter Klienten nachzudenken. Die Autoren legen in Form kurzer Kasuistiken und Beispiele aus ihrer Praxis einige Beispiele von existentiellen Krisen vor und stellen die Mglichkeiten logotherapeutischer Intervention dabei dar. Grenzsituationen treten hufig reale Vernderungsmglichkeit der ueren Lebensumstnde auf, weshalb Klienten keinen positiven Ausweg oder sogar keine optimale Lsung finden knnen. Sie wissen nicht, wozu oder fr was es einzusetzen gibt. Nach Viktor E. Frankl existiert auch in solchen anspruchsvollen Situationen eine Mglichkeit zu helfen: durch Vernderung der Einstellung, die der Klient in dieser gegebenen Situation whlt. Im ersten Teil der Prsentation legen wir Beschreibungen von Beratungsfllen bei krperlicher Behinderung und generell bei einer existentiellen Krise vor. Im nchsten Teil wird der ganze Proze der Intervention nach E. Lukas - Diagnostische, Therapeutische und Posttherapeutische Phase vorgestellt. Zur Sprache kommen unter anderem die Einstellungsmodulation, die Dereflexion und die Korrektur des Selbstverstndnisses im Einklang mit der Idee von V. E Frankl: Das Leben selbst fragt den Menschen und nicht der Mensch soll das Leben fragen. Der Mensch ist derjenige, den das Leben fragt und er soll antworten.

FRANCIS, DOREEN [Ph.D.] [United Kingdom]

THE FORGOTTEN POPULATION As we know, there is a plethora of research out there on child development, from whether or not a foetus feels pain to understanding the complexities of teenage behaviour. From my perspective, particularly since my recent experience working with 12 to 18 year olds, Ive come to understand that albeit there is all of this knowledge out there we continue to perpetuate a problem that is pervasive throughout the domains of childhood development. In many sectors when programs are sought for troubled 12 to 18 year olds, it appears to me that the problem is one of not fully acknowledging the fact that meaning begins its formation at the point at which experts say that attachment begins to establish its significance. My presentation will briefly discuss my findings and my rationale for a proposal to the Frankl Institute to consider further and more extensive research on how the sense of meaning a) begins to develop in infancy which transmits and impacts a sense of meaning in adulthood and b) is paralysed, when a child is abused (in any way physically including sexual abuse, psychologically and emotionally) to create a deadly existential vacuum.



GRAF, HELMUT [MMag. Ph.D.] [Austria]

MEANING OCCUPATION ASSESSMENT (MOA). ARBEITSPSYCHOLOGISCHES TESTVERFAHREN FR SINNORIENTIERTE MOTIVATION, CHRONISCHE STRESSBELASTUNG UND BURNOUT-PRVENTION Im Vortrag wird das Testverfahren kurz vorgestellt und praxisrelevante Beispiele aufgezeigt, wie das Testverfahren im klinischen Bereich (REHA-Klinik Klagenfurt), in der betrieblichen Gesundheitsfrderung und im arbeitspsychologisch-psychotherapeutischen Coaching-Proze (noetive Dissonanz) eingesetzt werden kann, wobei auch darber diskutiert werden soll, wie stark eine biographisch bedingte Stressvulnerabilitt einen Sinnwahrnehmungsprozess negativ beeinflussen kann. Das Testverfahren hat zum Ziel, latente Faktoren und intrapsychische Strukturen der Motivation (Sinndimension) im Arbeitskontext zu messen. Neben dieser Dimension werden gesundheitsrelevante Persnlichkeitsvariablen erfat, die einen Burnout-Proze ermglichen bzw. verhindern knnen (inter- und intrapsychische Stressvulnerabilitt, Sinndissonanz, salutogene Faktoren, somatoforme Strungen).

dological and psychometric works etc.). They present publishing activities related to logotherapy (translations of original works of V. E. Frankl, E. Lukas, K. Popielski as well as publishing Slovak original studies and books). They also point to international cooperation of Slovak logotherapists with logotherapist from other countries (especially from former Eastern Block Poland and Czech republic). Slovak logotherapist organized several local logotherapy conferences with several invited participants from abroad, and together with Czech colleagues they started to organize annual Czech and Slovak conferences on logotherapy. The presentation also describes how postgraduate education and accredited training in logotherapy is carried out in regard to the criteria of Slovak Psychotherapeutic Society for becoming licensed psychotherapist. Possibilities for logotherapeutic intervention in psychotherapy, counselling, health care, education, social care and crisis intervention are also discussed. At the end, the authors outline, what are the goals and perspectives of further development of logotherapy and logotheory in Slovakia and they suggest several areas: further development of education and training in logotherapy in regard with local requirements and standards; establishing logotherapeutic centers; interdisciplinary cooperation between psychologists, doctors, theologians, philosophers etc. and finally, development in theory and research (e.g. development integral psychological anthropology, creation of new research methods etc.).

HALAMA, PETER [Assistant Prof.; Mag. Ph.D.] [Slovakia]; NANITOVA, EVA [Assistant Prof.; Ph.D.] [Slovakia]; STEMPELOV, JUDITA [Assistant Prof.; Ph.D.] [Slovakia]

LOGOTHERAPY IN SLOVAKIA: ESTABLISHING, DEVELOPMENT AND PERSPECTIVES The goal of the presentation is to show how logotherapy in Slovakia was established and developed, including the activities of the Institute of Existential Psychology and Noo-logotherapy at Trnava University (in years 2000-2010) and recently created the Slovak Institute of Logotherapy (SILOE), which has been institutional base for logotherapy in Slovakia. The authors describe history of logotherapy in Slovakia (first information, lectures, workshops on logotherapy methods), its academic development with strong inspiration by Prof. Kazimierz Popielski (research projects, scientific seminars, metho-

HEISEL, MARNIN J. [Prof.; Ph.D.] [Canada]

ASSESSING EXPERIENCED MEANING IN LIFE AMONG OLDER ADULTS: THE DEVELOPMENT AND INITIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMIL Older adults have high rates of suicide and the older adult population is growing. Research findings demonstrate a negative association between recognition of Meaning in Life (MIL) and late-life suicide ideation (Heisel & Flett, 2007, 2008). Yet existing measures of MIL were generally not developed or validated with older adults or treat MIL as unidimensional. This presentation will describe the development and validation of the Experienced Meaning in Life scale (EMIL), a novel, multidimensional measure assessing Creative, Experiential, Attitudinal, and



Ultimate sources of meaning among older adults, consistent with Logotherapy theory (e.g., Frankl, 1985). A sample of 173 adults 65 years or older was recruited from community locations in London, Canada into a longitudinal study assessing the onset and/or exacerbation of suicide ideation; participants could return for 2-4 week, 6-12 month, and 12-24 month repeat interviews. Findings indicate strong internal consistency and 2-week test-retest reliability for the EMIL and its subscales, positive associations with existing measures of MIL and of well-being (life satisfaction, purpose in life, spirituality, and psychological wellbeing), negative associations with suicide ideation and pathology (depression, hopelessness, anxiety, and physical health complaints), and no association with social desirability or functional impairment. MIL further appears to confer resiliency to suicide ideation, as initial EMIL scores were negatively associated with 1-2 year suicide ideation, controlling for initial suicide ideation and intervening depressive symptom severity and daily hassles. Findings will be discussed in the context of meaning-centered approaches to the prevention of suicide and promotion of mental health among older adults.

transfer and attitudinal change of healthcare and social service providers attending half-day training workshops incorporating knowledge translation tools developed with the Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health. We will specifically outline our multi-component project methods, including an iterative process of developing and validating novel scales to assess provider knowledge and attitudes towards working with at-risk older adults, incorporating expert input, a provider focus group, online data collection, and psychometric evaluation. Findings will also be presented from half-day training workshops in late-life suicide prevention delivered to healthcare and social support professionals, including from a pre-conference workshop at the 2011 Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention scientific meeting, demonstrating a significant increase in participant knowledge of late-life suicide prevention and positive attitudinal change. Findings will be discussed in the context of our on-going research and public health imperatives for late-life suicide prevention.

HERMANN, HANS [Dir.] [Austria]


HEISEL, MARNIN J. [Prof.; Ph.D.] [Canada]; BOWMAN, JORDAN [H.BSc.] [Canada]; MOORE, SHARON [Ph.D.] [Canada]; WILSON, K. [MSW] [Canada]

UTILIZING KNOWLEDGE TRANSLATION TO REDUCE RISK FOR SUICIDE AMONG OLDER ADULTS: EVALUATING THE CANADIAN COALITION FOR SENIORS' MENTAL HEALTH LATE-LIFE SUICIDE PREVENTION KNOWLEDGE TRANSLATION PROJECT Older adults have high rates of suicide and employ lethal means of self-harm (Heisel, 2006). Many at-risk older adults do not access mental healthcare services, and those who do so rarely receive recommended care, partly due to a paucity of provider knowledge regarding suicide risk assessment and intervention (Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health, 2006). The present study describes a late-life suicide prevention knowledge translation study funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, assessing knowledge

Wie Arbeitsleben gelingen kann: In dieser Prsentation wird zunchst berichtet von dem Auftrag der Neuorganisation eines Unternehmens samt einer strategischen Neuausrichtung, ohne dabei das Kernangebot (Gesundheit / Kneippen) wesentlich zu verndern-und dies als erster weltlicher Verantwortungstrger in einem katholischen Frauenorden. Nach grundlegenden Manahmen in Organisation, Struktur, Verwaltung und Bausubstanz kam die Erkenntnis, da das Wesentliche vernachlssigt worden war; die Mitarbeiter. Erster Schritt, um diesen gerecht zu werden, war ein Projekt in betrieblicher Gesundheitsfrderung. Von 137 vorgeschlagenen Manahmen konnten 130 gut umgesetzt werden, zwei wurden als derzeit nicht machbar zurckgestellt und fnf Punkte (Anerkennung, Lob, Partizipation, Information und Kommunikation) forderten eine besondere Lsung. Die herkmmliche Lsung in Form von Seminaren oder Schulungen war nicht zufriedenstellend. Auf der Suche nach effektiven Mglichkeiten wurde Viktor Frankls Logotherapie entdeckt.



Damit war der Grundstein zur sinnzentrierten Unternehmenskultur gelegt und eine Reise in die Welt von Sinn und Werten begann. Der intensive Proze dauerte ein Jahr, Schlo alle Mitarbeiter ein und ist bis heute in lebendiger Entwicklung. Die einzelnen Meilensteine (persnliche Werte der Fhrungskrfte, Werte des Unternehmens, Fhrungsleitstze, Leitstze der Abteilungen, Begegnungs- und Beziehungsqualitt) und praktische Erfahrungen sind Inhalt des Vortrags. Wie Gesundheitspflege gelingen kann: Als besonderes Ergebnis dieser Ausrichtung hat ein Betrieb, das Kneipp Traditionshaus Aspach als Spezialist fr Stressbewltigung und Burnout-Vorbeugung, die Logotherapie als wesentliche Sule fr die Gste erkannt und in der Angebotsstruktur und marktstrategischen Ausrichtung fest verankert.

namic approaches are known to work in an archaeologists fashion, digging back to the crime scenes, where the evoked emotions with current issues in the hereand-now are first felt. Psychodynamic approaches work toward affect regulation through naming, experiencing, and metalizing the intra-psychic dynamics. In doing so, Psychodynamic psychotherapies emphasise the notion of remaining in the affect. With the same token, Logotherapy works with awareness as well, however, it carries the client to the steps laying further, through inviting the client to explore his/her area of freedom, to make an aware choice and to be prepared for the consequences responsibly. The current proposed framework assumes that Psychodynamic orientation works in the past and Logotherapy works toward the future, and these two orientations meet in the present time. The discussion about the framework is based both on theory and cases.


LOGOTHERAPY AND PSYCHODYNAMIC ORIENTATION: TOWARD THE COMBINED USAGE OF LOGOTHERAPEUTIC AND PSYCHODYNAMIC ORIENTATIONS IN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOTHERAPY Logotherapy can be used as a complimentary or combined treatment with other approaches, as well as a mono-treatment in dealing with various distresses and diseases. In the existing Logotherapy literature, there is an abundance of papers, research and applications of Logotherapy applied with Cognitive-Behavioural approaches. This presentation aims at discussing how to use Logotherapy in combination with psychodynamically oriented psychotherapies. This presentation takes all the main four schools of Psychodynamic orientation into its scope; namely, drive theory, ego psychology, object relations, and self-psychology. The first part of the presentation compares and contrasts Logotherapy and Psychodynamic psychotherapies. This part deals with what seems to be incompatible between Logotherapy and Psychodynamic approach. The second part of the presentation explores the common sides of Logotherapy and Psychodynamic psychotherapies. After the orienting first two parts, the presentation looks into a functional framework as the basis for combined usage of Logotherapy and Psychodynamic psychotherapies. This framework mainly emphasises the time perspective. Psychody-


VIKTOR FRANKL SCHOOL (VFS), RIBEIRO PRETO, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL The Viktor Frankl School (VFS) will celebrate 20 years of service in 2012, offering guidance from kindergarten through to high school. At time I learned the basic principles of Logotherapy, I noticed a new meaning emerging in my life-"what life expected of me", and we decided as a family to establish a school based on Frankls anthropology. Viktor Frankl says that life goes in the right direction when we are on the right track. A committed team was formed and we received support, including financial funding, from family and friends. Theory was turned into practice through training and constant improvement of teamwork, through courses and study groups of the work of Viktor Frankl as well as other significant authors. The foundation of this educational approach is based on the personalist concept developed by Frankl, according to which there is no education without clear understanding of the human person and a vision of the world. Re-humanization requires education of the human being, that is, to rescue and protect the inner being of a man and his spiritual dimension. The ultimate



purpose of education, as we view it, is the facilitate the discovery and realization of the personal project of life and the meaning of life of each of us in the educational community. At VFS, the transmission of knowledge is permeated by the consciousness that makes education relevant to meet the specific requirements of our time, marked by the crisis of values and the existential void. With a heightened awareness combined with responsibility, we can see the horizon of meaning waiting to be reached, and with the knowledge, skills, and values developed it is possible to achieve it. As examples, we name some projects: Protagonist of the week Early Childhood Education; Reciprocity teens teaching computer to seniors; Yes to Life - drug prevention; Healthy sexuality; Inclusion of people with disabilities.

and practicing it in group workshops during the last decade, provides a fresh view on the new possibilities hidden in the logotherapeutic methodology. The focus of this work is making sense of ones own experience, and the basic method is Socratic dialogue making a person become aware of the inconsistencies and dead ends in his/her own constructions of reality. Many long-term problems just dissolve in course of this work without special elaboration.

LEWIS, MARSHALL H. [MA., cand.Ph.D.] [USA]

LEONTIEV, DMITRY [Prof.; Ph.D.] [Russia]

LOGOTHERAPY BEYOND PSYCHOTHERAPY The difficulties logotherapy faces trying to match the standard requirements of present-day institutionalized psychotherapy are evidence of a very special status and nature of logotherapy, rather than of its weakness. My claim is that the practice of logotherapy viewed in a broader context is not to be reduced to a special form of psychotherapeutic practice, though in times of its elaboration there could hardly be any option of its categorization other than as a form of psychotherapy. On the contrary, the most important and innovative aspects of logotherapy exemplify a special form of practice, unfolding on the noetic level of human functioning. This practice can be called content-centered, because it is focused on ones construction of his/her life-world, rather than on individual problems and peculiarities. This practice is often incorporated in various forms of psychological counselling and psychotherapy, but is also a substantial part of non-psychological practices like teaching or pastoral care. Today we are challenged to step beyond the psychotherapists study and to contribute to helping people to elaborate sound and unprejudiced foundations for their spiritual navigation in the world of postmodernity. Logotherapy is able to serve a highly relevant methodological basis for this existential practice. My experience of singling out such a practice, that I call life enhancement, in its pure form,

LogoTalk Radio the worlds first Internet podcast on Logotherapy and Existential Analysis presently heard in 54 countries around the world, offers to work with Congress Vienna to record certain presentations for later broadcast on LogoTalk Radio and proposes to offer interviews to Congress participants who would like to further discuss their work for later broadcast on LogoTalk Radio. LogoTalk Radio is completely volunteer. It does not pay for interviews, does not offer time to paid advertisers, and offers its podcasts at no cost around the world.

LEWIS, MARSHALL H. [MA., cand.Ph.D.] [USA]

LOGOTHERAPY AND POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY This presentation provides a comparison between Logotherapy and the Positive Psychology movement, highlighting key areas of similarity and difference. These areas include definitions, philosophy, clinical techniques and current research. For example, Positive Psychology defines happiness as the Well-Lived Life. The WellLived Life is based on The Three Pillars of Positive Psychology, known as The Pleasant Life, The Engaged Life, and the Meaningful Life. The Pleasant Life is a life of pleasure, especially simple pleasures in living including joy and love. The Engaged Life is a life wherein one uses ones strengths in a way that is productive. The Meaningful Life is one in which one lives for a higher purpose. This example is compared to Frankls categorical values. The benefit to



Logotherapy from the research produced by the Positive Psychology movement is explored. The reductionism of the Positive Psychology movement is compared to the noetic position of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis.


LOS CIRCULOS DE DIALOGO EXISTENCIAL (C.D.E.) Los Circulos de Dilogo existencial, son una tcnica creada por el Psiclogo Jos Arturo Luna, director del Instituto Colombiano de Anlisis Existencial y Logoterapia. La base fundamental de esta tcnica es la logoterapia del dr. Viktor Frankl a quien conocio en 1987 y quien en 1995 lo autoriz por medio de una carta para traducir parte de su obra del Italiano al espaol. Se parte de la reflexin de que hay demasiada Comunicacin Instrumental, pragmtica, funcionalista, que desde luego es importante, pero desafortunadamente se est erdiendo la Comunicacin Existencial, afectuosa, gratuita. La tcnica parte de una hiptesis y es que a mayor Comunicacin Instrumental y menor Comunicacin Existencial hay ms problemas de Soledad y Depresin. La tcnica se aplica en varios pases de suramrica y actualmente con la Universidad Autnoma de Barcelona Espaa en el Mster Prosocialidad y Logoterapia hay 20 tesis de grado con este tema.

The participants are 14 members of the Welkom Campus Management Committee (WCMC) at the Central University of Technology, Free State. For the quantitative data, a pre-experimental design, one group pretest-posttest design, has been used, to evaluate the influence of the workshop on the participants Purpose in Life Test (PIL) scores and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) scores. T-tests for paired samples were computed on the 28 complete sets of pre- and post-test PIL and MSQ scales to test the significance of the outcomes. In the qualitative section, a participatory action research design has been used to determine whether the participants experienced an increased consciousness with regard to the concept of meaning in life. The results of the current study revealed that on average, the group displayed a high purpose in life before the workshop, with a mean score of 121.50. However, the workshop brought about a significant increase of 6.21 in the participants PIL scores. In terms of general work adjustment, the group displayed a high degree of satisfaction before the workshop (MSQ M= 82.29; after the workshop, their mean MSQ score increased to 85.21. Thus, teaching Logotherapy to the management team resulted to significant improvement in their levels of meaning, as well as job satisfaction. The results were confirmed by the qualitative part of the action research, which suggested that themes which emerged, from participants responses, confirmed that the participants could comprehend the construct of finding meaning in life, and apply the theory to their lives.

MARSHALL, EDWARD [MD., Ph.D.] [Canada] MAKOLA, SOLOMON [Ph.D.] [South Africa]

LOGOTHERAPY IN CANADA There have Logotherapists in Canada since the time of Viktor Frankl. Two world congresses of Logotherapy were organized in Toronto in 1986 and 1993. Logotherapists trained in Europe, some of them with Dr. Viktor Frankl immigrated to Canada. Doctoral dissertations on Logotherapy were done at the Universities of Alberta and Ottawa. Dr. Viktor Frankl himself visited the country in several occasions, to attend conferences, offer presentations (Toronto, 1972) and media interviews (CBC, 1977).

HOW I INTEGRATE THE PRINCIPLES OF LOGOTHERAPY (MEANING/PURPOSE IN LIFE) IN MY WORK ENVIRONMENT The purpose of this study was to investigate whether Viktor Frankls theory of finding meaning in life, can be taught to all people, including members of the management team in my institution. The following hypothesis was tested by the study: The sense of meaning of the staff members will be rated significantly higher after the staff members have been exposed to the workshop.



There are Logotherapy groups in the East and West coast, Quebec and Ontario. They include individuals with a variety of faith denominations and professions. Many interested individuals from Canada train through the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy in the USA and a Canadian Chapter of this Institute was established in 2010, which include all the Canadian members. There are other Logotherapists not affiliated with the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy offering individual and group work. In 2011 a Canadian Association of Logotherapy (The Canadian Institute of Logotherapy) was established to include any interested Logotherapist in Canada, independently of any other affiliation, and offer a Logotherapy program in Canada. The Canadian Institute of Logotherapy is member of the Alliance of Psychotherapy Training Institutions (, an association of training Institutions working towards recognition of their training by the newly formed Transitional Council of the College of Psychotherapists of Ontario. We are seeking recognition of Viktor Frankls Logotherapy among other psychotherapeutic modalities, to train future psychotherapist in Ontario. This model would likely be implemented in other provinces in Canada in the future.

with special emphasis on the congresses in which they can be presented, the journals in which they are to be published, as well as a general outlook on how to diffuse Logotherapy and Existential Analysis as a Psychological Current. The purpose of this paper is to present a brief description of the actual state of the four research lines.

MARTINEZ SNCHEZ, CLARA [Prof.; Ph.D.] [Colombia]

GUIDING CHILDHOOD TOWARDS MEANING: A CLINICAL INTERVENTION PROPOSAL It is our life mission to contribute individually to the task of meaning fulfilment. Childhood in the 21st century demands special attention from psychology and education, in order to offer professional help on many layers, such as family, scholar and existential issues. However, currently, there are only few contributions to the logotherapeutic practice with children. For instance, some say that children lack the capacity to find meaning, and that the ongoing and relatively slow process of personality maturation from infancy to adolescence is an impediment to come to a full understanding and utilization of freedom and responsibility. But on the other hand, clinical practice tells us that the search for meaning is present in childhood, too. The clinical setting from the perspective of logotherapy aims to ease the process of reflective self-consciousness that allows the expression of the spiritual dimension of the child. The purpose of this presentation is to propose a model of clinical logotherapeutic intervention for children which also looks at different intervention techniques and strategies for both the assessment and the therapeutic stages of the psychotherapeutic process based on the anthropological vision of Viktor Frankl.


SAPS - SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MEANING-CENTERED PSYCHOTHERAPY (SOCIEDAD PARA EL AVANCE DE LA PSICOTERAPIA CENTRADA EN EL SENTIDO) The SAPS Project was founded with the clear intention to position Logotherapy and Existential Analysis in the academic world, specially in the current psychological environment, through the use of an interaction model between academic formation, research, and diffusion. Academic formation is offered through a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology and a Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling, both of them with a clear emphasis on Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, from which ten research projects are derived per year. These research projects focus on four different empirical research lines: 1. Development of Assessment Instruments, 2. Life Meaning, 3. Noological Resources and 4. Personality Disorders. A diffusion plan for these research projects is created,




THE FUTURE OF LOGOTHERAPY: IDEA, IDEAL, OR IDOL? It is appropriate for us to discuss the future of logotherapy in the shadow of Viktor Frankls home, 15 years after his passing. In fact, logotherapy requires that we consider the future. The concept of notic temporality is suited not just for the patient facing an existential vacuum; it is appropriate for us to apply to logotherapy itself. For us to discover the future of logotherapy, we must live it. For two days, we are called to both the meaning of the moment and the discovery of a greater meaning for logotherapy itself. But several overarching paradoxes exist. There is an elephant in the room. How do we harvest the best ideas we know, while not creating idols in the process? The first is the idea that we must perfectly maintain the exactitude of logotherapy in order to uphold it. This contains within it the seed of truth, that we must understand its essence, and find a way to convey it to others, which is not an easy task. But we must also be vigilant to guard against creating or upholding a logotheologya monolithic idol of logotherapy that rapidly becomes a biblical pillar of salt, a crystallization of the past. For example, do we extend logotherapy based on Frankls acknowledgement of four dimensions, rather than three, or continue to teach what weve always taught? The second idea is related to the first, that procedures and processes of logotherapy must be taught exactly and precisely followed. This idea stems from the desire to ensure that practitioners who call themselves logotherapists have grasped the essence of Frankls orientation to meaning. But the extreme idolof exact praxis obscures the foundational idea that each person is unique. In fact, it is through the notic dimension (beyond cognition) that we find our true authenticity, and our uniqueness. The third idea follows: that the training programs for logotherapy must be standardized. Here the core of truth is that we must make sure that those who call themselves logotherapists have found their own unique way of living itof infusing a meaning orientation into their own lives and demonstrating that in their respective professions they are learning to help others to do the same. But we must be wary of those who would presume to impose their values on others in the name of meaning or logotherapy. When I read the great teachers of logotherapy, I note the surprises they present usthe unexpected twists and turns. Frankl: Why would you not commit suicide?

Lukas: Perhaps this tragic accident [that disfigured your face] has given you a truth detector. (and this after many weeks of working with the client). How do we teach surprise? Is this not a key to the Socratic dialogue? The obstacles we face, at this juncture in world history, are challenging. But consider the opportunity we have as well: I see the same problems in the United States, in education, counselling, psychology, and medicine. The solutions we find here for logotherapy have implications far beyond our small discipline. These problems, of standardization, of finding uniqueness, and of the unique discovery of meaning, are opportunities for us to move logotherapyand all of humanityinto the future.


TRAINING LAY COUNSELLORS IN LOGOTHERAPY AT THE BIRMINGHAM SUICIDE HELP LINE/CRISIS CENTER I have volunteered at the Birmingham Suicide Help Line for nearly two years. The training program was extensive and comprehensive. However, the pendulum had swung too far: the idea presented in our training was that suicide is caused by a medical imbalance; it is not a choice. After a year, I approached the director and began a dialogue to integrate logotherapy into our training. Together we identified areas of logotherapy that a) could be readily presented and applied by the lay counsellors, b) were lacking in our current training, and c) were safe to use with minimal training. The in-service training program incorporates several introductory logotherapeutic issues: the person lives in multiple dimensions; the somatic and psychic dimensions need to be supplemented in training with the notic (and perhaps the theologic) dimensions; honouring the philosophical stance of the caller, whether mechanical or teleological; considering the logotherapeutic view of psychosis vs. neurosis; and listening for key phrases to which attention should be paid as cries for meaning. Two other concepts were later added: notic temporality, which increases the awareness of the counsellor to the time stance of the callers dialogue (stuck in the past, focused on the present and near future, or dreaming on the far



future); and the importance of attitudinal values, the last choice with which a person can take a stance toward fate. The in-service program was well received and a larger implementation is planned for late February/early March, and will be evaluated fully.

Core findings seem to support Viktor Frankls research on the importance of values and meaning (Frankl, 19461991, 1997) and its translation into work and project environments (Boeckmann, 1980; Covey, 1989; Martin, 2000; Terez, 2000; Pattakos, 2004; Mengel, 2004, 2005, 2008; Mengel & Thomas, 2004; Thomas & Mengel, 2007). While foundational research on the significance of discovering meaning in project environments has still been missing, the results of this research project and this presentation will contribute to filling that gap.

MENGEL, THOMAS [Prof.; Ph.D.] [Canada]

EXISTENTIAL AND MOTIVATIONAL ANALYSIS IN LEADERSHIP AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT This conceptual and practical presentation is integrating the work of Viktor Frankl (1985) and Steven Reiss (2000, 2008) into a model of Existential and Motivational Analysis (EMotiAn). This integrated model and approach may provide scholars, educators, consultants and practitioners alike with an innovative and meaningful framework for leadership and leadership development. First, it will be discussed how the two approaches to motivation presented by Frankl and Reiss may serve as a basis for leadership and leadership development. In particular, the presentation will show how the Sources of Meaning Profile (SOMP; Reker, 1996), a scientifically developed instrument based on Frankls work, allows individuals to identify and prioritize areas of meaningful engagement and value actualization. Furthermore, it will demonstrate how the Reiss Motivational Profile (RMP) and the respective strivings and values of an individual may allow for a balanced evaluation and coaching process. Both, the SOMP and the RMP-strivings and values, are integrated into a coherent leadership and (self-)leadership development model based on an Existential and Motivational Analysis (EMotiAn). Finally, the application of the EMotiAn will be described presenting the case of the coaching client Sam Someone. Based on five case studies ( four in Canada and one in Germany) this research project investigated the value of values and meaning in the context of project management implementation and project environments. The presentation will first briefly summarize the research approach. It will then discuss the findings of the case studies and a comparative content analysis of the interview protocols; the results will be focused on the concepts of values and meaningful work.

LOGOTHERAPY IN ISRAEL: LOGOTHERAPY IN SPITE OF THE DIFFICULTIES. CARRYING THE TORCH OF LOGOTHERAPY IN "WINDY" ISRAEL FOR THE WELFARE AND PEACE OF ALL All of us here know that a meaningful life brings with it healing and peace. This is so much needed in this war-torn and problem-afflicted part of the world, in which Israel, we believe, is but a reflection sample of the crisis and upheaval faced in the wider parts of our restless Globe. Surrounded, on one hand, by radical fundamentalists who try to acquire nuclear and super modern weapons in order, as they openly proclaim, to wipe off the globe Israel, Israelis and also parasite Jews, investing meanwhile continuous efforts to spread terror, death and agony among civilians, women, children and elderly by "Shahid" murderers and daily shelling of rockets. On the other hand, we live in a small country with a high cultural mixture, evidencing tough difficulties in economics, in immigrant's absorption and foreign labour, in social structures, unemployment, poverty and rising criminality. In spite of this special and complex situation here in Israel, we try humbly for the last 17 years to forward and spread Logotherapy, with a handful people and no financial capability except of our private pockets. That by teaching, lecturing and conducting a variety of activities through our OTSMT Institute and the non profitable Association of Logotherapy in Israel, which we established over two years ago. By now, we trained a round of certified Logotherapy Diplomates, conducted several introductory courses and lectures to different populations, Like PhD physicians,



social workers, Therapists in different fields, as well as staff and tenants in elderly homes and clubs, some of which had no formal education, coming from mixed cultures. Presentations were also given on National and International conferences. During all that time we learned how difficult it is to introduce Logotherapy in the rigid academic and organizational world. However, we succeeded, in spite of that, to conduct some courses and teachings at the Open University, at the Haifa University, and at the high technological school, the Technion, at the Bar Ilan University, and also in some governmental and private enterprises. In parallel, Dr. Teria Shantall trained Logotherapy Diplomates in Jerusalem besides her being Head of Logotherapy studies at UNISA (the University in South Africa), and vice president of the OTSMOT Institute and the Logotherapy Association in Israel. In view of our long experiences in facing the difficulties of spreading Logotherapy in Israel, which we believe are also present worldwide, we think that time has come to join forces with other Logotherapy systems, by expanding communication channels on regular basis, exchanging information on ongoing activities, conducting joint Logotherapeutic projects for communities' welfare, intensifying the efforts for receiving academicals and states official recognition to Logotherapy, and widening the efforts to enlarge the financial resources of the bodies dealing with Logotherapy, including mutual support, if possible, between them.


UNIVERSITY LEVEL LOGOTHERAPY TRAINING: THE GUATEMALA EXPERIENCE AT THE INSTITUTE OF FAMILY SCIENCES (ICF) With the important innovative advances of the mental health studies in the neurosciences, and the demanding need for scientific verification and statistical measure of research work, the mental health professionals are more inclined towards scientific approaches in the fields of psychology and psychiatry. In this scientific school of thought, Logotherapy is often viewed and reduced to a humanistic approach in the trend of positive psychology, or as part of the self help movement. Since core

concepts of Logotherapy such as meaning, values, freedom, dignity, and responsibility are specific human conditions that resonate to every person, many times its universality and familiarity are erroneously misunderstood as superficial in this positivist environment. Therefore the need for an actualized scientific, humanistic, as well as methodologically and technically sound training for professionals specializing in the field of Logotherapy. It is with this objective that ICF organized and implemented two successful programs at University level that merge academic issues with practical aspects, in accordance with international academic standards and our national reality, integrating the advances of the neurosciences, and of anthropology, sociology, psychopharmacology, psychopathology, psychometrics, and psychotherapy in an integral professional training. A two year Masters program in Logotherapy for professionals in the mental health areas, and a five year License program in Logotherapy and family sciences, for those with no formal training in Psychology. To achieve university degrees in Logotherapy, graduates from ICF Guatemala go through extensive preparation, including, but not limited to, the following basic areas: 1. Philosophical anthropology, 2. Psychology and psychotherapy, 3. Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, 4. Neuroscience, 5. Methodology and research, and 6. Clinical applications and supervised practice. Relevance should be given to the shaping of the future of Logotherapy and existential analysis in the 21st century, and the ICF Guatemala has more than a decade proving to be both innovative and successful in promoting Logotherapy in the field of mental health through academic teaching and therapeutic training, and graduating professionals with knowledge and skills in the scientific, research and clinical fields, with a deep understanding of the human personhood. In order for Logotherapy to avoid being erroneously reduced, more steps should be taken following the path that Viktor Frankl, a neurologist, psychiatrist and great humanist, set, who wanted Logotherapy to be accessible to everybody, but at the same time urged that despite its accessibility, it should not be taken lightly. After all, simple and precise is not to be misunderstood as superficial. The ICF has achieved university recognition for its Logotherapy programs. It is responding to the need to provide society with meaning-oriented professionals with a sound scientific basis, as well as an educational model that could be implemented in other societies in order to foster the growth of the future of Frankls Logotherapy in the contemporary scientific landscape which is shaped by a prominent role of the neurosciences, statistics and scientific verification of research.




THE HERITAGE OF VIKTOR FRANKL IN THE WORLD OF THE 21ST CENTURY CONNECTING AND SEPARATING INFLUENCES FROM A PERSONAL VIEW Since the celebrations of Viktor Frankls 100th birthday in 2005 I had the chance to experience logotherapeutic developments and institutes in many parts of the world, in European countries as well as in Brasil, Japan, Argentina, Uruguay, United States, Canada and Russia. 25 years ago I became personal student of Viktor Frankl in Vienna and also his assistant in his university lectures and in some personal affairs for about 10 years until his death in 1997. During these times I experienced many people and institutes working in the field of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA). About some of them, I had the chance to discuss with Viktor Frankl personally, and I found confirmed, what he had published in his article about The Degurufication of Logotherapy. During this time, I could clearly see Frankls intention he wanted Logotherapy and Existential Analysis above all to be part of a medical or psychological treatment. Obviously sincere institutes all over the world are trying to follow this idea as is testified, for instance, by the fact that they are more and more located in or affiliated with universities. Visiting some of these institutes I recognized two types of tendencies how logotherapists communicate with each other: either it was a synergetic and respectful constructive work or it was a sort of hostility with or without personal disparagement. In my presentation I would like to present some of my experiences with successful and constructive cooperation which flourished and succeeded, without being ridden by the fear to lose the personal and cultural aspect of the particular identity.

Eine Gruppe ttiger Beraterinnen initiierte 2008 mit den Frage: Gibt es nicht auch eine logotherapeutische Paarberatung? Was genau kennzeichnet diese? Worin unterscheidet sie sich von anderen? die Entwicklung eines solchen Curriculums. In der kurzen Prsentation werden die zentralen Grundprinzipien logotherapeutischer Paarberatung an einem kleinen Beispiel aus der Praxis dargestellt. In einem Bild/Modell wird gezeigt, wie sich die verschiedenen Ebenen und Notwendigkeiten einer Paarberatung mit diesem logotherapeutischen Kern verbinden lassen.

MUCCI, ROBERTO JUAN [Prof.; Ph.D.] [Argentina]

SOZIO-POLITISCHE DIMENSIONEN DER LOGOTHERAPIE La Logoterapia asume la funcin de volver inaceptable toda forma de vida indigna del hombre libre. Somos artfices de nuestro destino y debemos hacernos cargo de nuestra realidad social en todas sus reas. Hacemos intervenir la Logoterapia en las distintas reas de la vida social?. Cul es nuestro aporte desde los valores, al mundo de la poltica, del trabajo, de la empresa, de la educacin, de la salud, de los medios de comunicacin, de la justicia? Viktor Frankl nos presenta los valores de creacin, de vivencia y de actitud y pienso que podemos sumar una cuarta categora, los valores de servicio en el contexto de lo que es la dimensin socio-poltica de la Logoterapia; dentro de los cuales podemos ubicar el sentido de la responsabilidad y el sentido del liderazgo. El sentido de la responsabilidad: La trada de la responsabilidad: (a) El Sentido de la Responsabilidad, donde descubro cul es el motivo para ser responsable?, Qu sentido tiene vivir desde la responsabilidad?; (b) La tica de la Responsabilidad, donde se aborda el cmo y, de qu manera me hago responsable; (c) El Espritu de la Responsabilidad: la fuente desde donde acto, siendo responsable de la realidad que me toca construir; desde el corazn y con alegra. El sentido del liderazgo personal y socio-politico: Ser lder empieza por uno mismo (G. Utrilla). Hay que conocer nuestra realidad interior y lograr el autogobierno. Los lderes sociales influyen en la vida de las personas, ayudan a crecer a la gente; por lo tanto el liderazgo social es una su vocacin de servicio. Los lderes sociales trabajan para promover acciones conjuntas dirigidas a proyectos

MRUSEK, RENATE [Ph.D.] [Germany]

LOGOTHERAPEUTISCHE PAARBERATUNG Angesichts vielfltiger und wachsender Schwierigkeiten, Partnerschaften langfristig zu leben, und der daraus resultierenden Not in Familien, werden wir auch in der logotherapeutischen Beratungspraxis intensiv mit diesen Problemen konfrontiert.



comunitarios donde se interrelaciona el capital humano, social y econmico para modificar la realidad de la que se es parte, en vista a logros que mejoren las condiciones de vida de una comunidad. En mi comunidad, venimos realizando desde 1997 hasta la fecha, a travs de la Asociacin Bonaerense de Logoterapia, las siguientes actividades: (a) Programa radial sobre Logoterapia; (b) Coordinando en nuestra zona la red solidaria de profesionales de la salud; (c) Encuentros sobre Logoterapia y vida cotidiana realizados desde los Centros Culturales del Gobierno Local; (d) Cursos sobre Logoterapia y Anlisis Existencial y Ciencia, Fe y humanidades para profesionales y agentes de la salud; (e) Jornadas y Congresos sobre Logoterapia con entrada libre y gratuita; (f) Jornada para la Prevencin de la violencia a nivel familiar, institucional y comunitario, con participacin de todas las instituciones locales; (g) Realizacin del proyecto Logoterapia desde la Universidad para la Comunidad; (h) Abordaje de los contenidos temticos de Elementos de Filosofa y Psicosociologa de las Organizaciones en la Carrera de Ciencia Poltica; en la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, desde la perspectiva antropofilosfica y axiolgica frankliana.

NAGATA, KATSUTARO [Prof.; MD., Ph.D.] [Japan]

SPONTANEOUS REGRESSION OF CANCER AND THE EXISTENTIAL SHIFT Objective: Spontaneous regression of cancer (SRC) is an ultimate goal that palliative medicine may achieve. SRC appears to occur when a patient experiences an existential shift. This paper aims at exploring contributing factors in and the mechanism of an existential shift. Materials and Methods: A total of 289 cancer patients had come to the psychosomatic division of H university hospital between 1988 and 2007. Of them, 41 patients were involved in our study because 1) active treatment provided by conventional medicine would no longer help them and they had been advised by oncologists to seek hospice care, 2) the estimate of survival given by oncologists was less than 6 months, 3) they had come to us of their own accord, 4) they were capable of ingesting food, and 5) they had receptivity and responsiveness to

psychotherapy and a good record of compliance. Evaluation was attempted by measuring the quality of life of the patients (QOL) with the QOL questionnaire, the sense of coherence (SOC, or attitude toward life) with the SOC questionnaire, urinary 17-ketosteroid sulfate (S), urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (OH), S/OH ratio, and oxidative stress with d-ROM test, BAP test and the modified BAP/dROM ratio (the modified ratio). Based upon integrative medicine, treatment of the patients included the administration of reducing type coenzyme Q10 and a Kampo formula (Juzentaihoto and red ginseng) to boost their energy, immunology and anti-oxidative stress, and logotherapy and existential analysis (e.g. life review interview). To make a comparison, the patients were assessed at their first visit and 16 weeks afterwards. Results: In contrast to the healthy population, the patients in our study scored, at their first visit, significantly low in total QOL, SOC, S, S/OH ratio, and the modified ratio. And the scores in OH and d-ROM test were remarkably high. 16 weeks later, all the scores improved; increases were observed in formerly low scores and a decrease in d-ROM score. The average length of survival was 19.41 months (M=11.56 months) from their first visit (p less than 0.01 versus an estimate of survival of less than 6 months). Discussion: Poor prognoses of the patients in our study might have prompted doctors of conventional medicine to refer them to palliative care programs. Nonetheless, our pharmacotherapy by complementary medicines and logotherapy and existential analysis brought improvement in their actual survival and quality of life. Of the 41 patients, 10 (24.4 per cent) appeared to have accomplished existential shift. This group showed in the week 16s data marked increases in the scores of SOC, S and the modified rate, reported on low depressiveness and peak experiences, and succeeded in perceiving and focusing on meaning in life. Presumably, existential shift occurred because the patients regained the meaning of life and attempted to fulfil it while becoming aware of death and their capabilities to shape a meaningful life. Peak experiences also appeared to play an important role. It was speculated that the whole process helped brain functions to be activated and secrete dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), a precursor of urinary 17-KS-S.




PATHS OF LOGOTHERAPEUTIC RESEARCH IN SPAIN Logotherapeutic research in Spain during the last decades is presented. Empirical work has increasingly become more relevant in order to confirm and give statistical validity to the general line of thought on human realities that logotherapy has postulated from its roots. Our discussion focuses on the preceding decades (from the background to the creation of the Spanish Association of Logotherapy). The analysed works have been collected by searching for the keywords of logotherapy in the database of doctoral theses Theseus, which includes scientific studies since 1976. Besides, current contributions have been selected because of its proximity to what has been the binding agent of Franklian empirical studies in Spain, the Spanish Association of Logotherapy. We can distinguish two fundamental lines of investigations: The first one is related to basic tools and targets to get norms of tests (PIL, Logotest, SOMP-R, LAP-R, SONG, Existential Scale) or to study their structural features, reliability and validity. The latter refers to applied studies that have been grouped into three blocks: drug addiction, disease (e.g. cancer, Alzheimer) and noogenic neurosis, and other life situations (the end of life, adolescents and young people, teachers, parents of children with autism, indicators of suicide). The common denominator of these blocks is existential confrontation under extreme circumstances and challenges. Currently, the first line is aimed at deepening the multidimensionality of the meaning construct and the second one is to study the relationship between selfconcept, use of leisure time and values in young people and meaning in their life.

rapy, we consider it necessary to evaluate the quality of the treatment that the patients who come to our institution receive and to measure the results by weighing the fortitudes and weaknesses of our service. In the first phase of this investigation, and based on our research, we combined two different tests: the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2) created by Michael Lambert in 1996 and the Purpose in Life Test created by Crumbaugh and Maholick in 1964. During the research, we analyzed 436 patients who came to the Fundacion Argentina de Logoterapia with a spontaneous requests for psychological treatment. Results obtained by the correlation of both techniques show that the therapeutic help offered by the logotherapists of the Fundacion Argentina de Logoterapia helped to mobilize clients resources; furthermore, they show that the questioning of the situation of each patient during the psychotherapy has contributed to a significant improvement in their general health and the relation with their environment.


LOGO-LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT: LOGOTHERAPY AS AN ORGANISATIONAL STRATEGY FOR ATTAINING SANE AND SUSTAINABLE ORGANISATIONS I would like to make my case for the applicability of Logotherapy in Organizational Management and generating consultancy and coaching material to facilitate organizations, in their effort to achieve effectiveness and sustainability in a sane way. Businesses today operate in a world characterized by what almost amounts to a worship of high profit margins. Persons in position of leadership focuses on process and outcome but give very little importance to people and future. This factor contributes to an overall perspective of the corporate world being driven by the concept of survival of the fittest with money and power being the main focus. Frankl theorized that these behaviours that are detrimental to a meaningful life (i.e. hubris, greed, selfishness) are manifestations of a lack of true meaning or purpose in life. A literature survey revealed that Logotherapys contribution to Organizational Management and Business can be categorized as (i) Organi-

ORO, OSCAR R. [Ph.D.] [Argentina]; SOSA TERRADAS, ADRIANA [Ph.D.] [Argentina]

VALIDACION DE LA EFECTIVIDAD CLINICA DE LA LOGOTERAPIA EN LA FUNDACION ARGENTINA DE LOGOTERAPIA The Fundacin Argentina de Logoterapia was founded in 1992 as an initiative of a group of health professionals who wished to live and spread Viktor Frankls hopeful message. Due to our predisposition for a clinical formation in logothe-



zations alignment to its mission, (ii) Leadership and Governance, (iii)Motivation and Creating meaningful climate/culture in work environment, (iv)Change Management. Based on the literature survey a methodology is established and titled as Logo-Management. Logo-Leadership & Management methodology is considered to be an intervention merely based on meaningcentered mentoring and coaching. A case history about the implementation is also available.

PATSCH, INGE [Austria]

DAS PROJEKT SINNAKTIV DES TILO (TIROLER INSTITUT FR LOGOTHERAPIE UND EXISTENZANALYSE) Fragt nicht, was Eure Kinder fr Euch tun knnen, sondern fragt, was wir gemeinsam fr die Zukunft unserer Kinder tun knnen! Mit diesem Thema feiert das Tiroler Institut fr Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse seinen 10. Geburtstag. Wir starten mit unserer Initiative SINNAKTIV verschiedene soziale Projekte, in welchen sich Jung und Alt engagieren und sich der Zukunft unserer Kinder widmen. Die Zukunft unseres Landes wird von den Kindern gestaltet, die heute heranwachsen. Wir mssen unseren Kindern und Jugendlichen das ntige Rstzeug zur Bewltigung dieser Aufgaben mit auf den Weg geben und ihre Lebensfreude und Begeisterung sowie den Wert am gemeinsamen Miteinander frdern. Die Mglichkeiten und die Verantwortung liegen in den Hnden eines jeden von uns. Diese Projekte entstehen im Rahmen der Sinnstiftung, deren Prsident Univ. Prof. DDr. Gerald Hther ist. Die Sinnstiftung gibt Menschen die Gelegenheit Krfte und Fhigkeiten in sich zu entdecken, die sie bisher nur erahnen konnten und in einem gelingenden Miteinander ber sich hinauszuwachsen. Auch wenn eine Fackel erlischt, hat ihr Leuchten einen Sinn gehabt. Keinen Sinn hat es aber, eine Fackel weiterzureichen, die nicht brennt. Viktor E. Frankl


DER NIHILSMUS, DIE POSTMODERNE UND DAS AUFTRETEN VON LEBENSBEDEUTUNG: EINE VISION BER DIE GLTIGKEIT DER LOGOTHERAPIE IN DER KOLUMBIANISCHEN KONTEXT Wie in vielen anderen Lndern hat auch Kolumbien in den letzten Jahren eine soziale Dichotomie zwischen zwei Wirklichkeiten erfahren: Auf der einen Seite besteht der Wunsch, Kolumbien in die globalen Prozesse des wirtschaftlichen Wachstums einzubinden. Dies fhrt in einem groen Teil der Bevlkerung zu einer Art von Individualismus und von Unternehmertum, das die Anerkennung des Anderen und die Selbst-Erkenntnis nahezu ausschliet. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es hunderte Obdachlose, die in Stdte abwandern, um fr ihr bares berleben zu betteln. Die erste Wirklichkeit versucht und schafft es, die zweite zu verstecken, mit dem Resultat da viele der Vertriebenen dazu verurteilt sind, ohne jegliche Hilfe und Anerkennung als Obdachlose auf den Straen zu leben. Wie blickt ein solches Dasein auf den Wert der eigenen Person und die Sinnfrage? Verschiedene Autoren behaupten in ihren philosophischen Theorien, es gbe eine Art Grundregel auf der Basis der Logotherapie und die Existenzanalyse: dieses besage, da der Lebensinn auch, und manchmal gerade, in Zeiten des grten Verlusts aufscheine, und es dem Menschen unter allen ueren und inneren Umstnden mglich sei, den greren Sinn um seine Existenz zu finden. Intention dieser Prsentation ist es, die aktuelle Situation Kolumbiens unter diesem Gesichtspunkt zu beleuchten. Tatschlich zeigt sich nmlich der Wert und die Wirksamkeit der Logotherapie im Zeitalter der Postmoderne und des Nihilismus auch unter den beschriebenen Umstnden.

PILAT, MARZENA [Ph.D.] [Poland]

THE APPLICATION OF LOGOTHERAPY FOR THE CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY In the era of globalisation, which is related to mass migration, contacts with people coming from different cultures become an everyday reality. Direct contact with an unknown culture and loss of support from your own is often connected with stress, which can threaten the well-being of an individual, cause adaptive and mental disorders, and consequentially lead even to disqualifying a person from partaking in social life in the receiving country. As a consequence, psychologists have to find new ways for support and psychotherapy for migrants, refugees and alien employees, who come to European countries. This paper is concerned with



the psychological problems and disorders (e.g. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, combat fatigue, grief reaction) of migrants and refugees who have traumatic experiences such as military conflicts, extreme poverty and the necessity to leave their motherland. The efficiency of methods of logotherapy (paradoxical intention, hint, dereflection) is introduced on example of case study, too. Using the examples derived from my own, 17-year work experience, the application of logotherapy on the job with war, torture or persecution victims will be described and discussed.


LOGOTHERAPY INN BRAZIL: EMPOWERING LOGOTHERAPY FOR A STRENGTHENS SOCIETY. Since the motto of the Congress Vienna 2012 is The Future of Logotherapy, this presentation is a panorama of the repercussion of Logotherapy in Brazil and our aims for the next years. In 1984 Viktor E. Frankl went to Brazil and presided the First Latin-American Congress of Humanism. When the Brazilian Society of Logotherapy was founded, it was composed of Brazilians and mainly Argentine and Mexican teachers. Those teachers had in general obtained their credentials in Europe or USA. At that time courses began to be offered in Brazil. Despite of the efforts, however, almost three decades later, the professionals still have little contact with colleagues in Logotherapy. They usually meet each other in other countries, and some great works and researches remain little known by the community, which raises a doubt: why arent we having more success with the promotion of Logotherapy in our country and the strengthening of our community? Some obstacles can be indicated, for example the geographical distance in a country with the magnitude of a continent. However, Logotherapy teaches us to overcome the obstacles, when it is possible. And it is. The institutions and professionals in general get restricted to their own region and groups. According to the B.I.A. no2: in Brazil, Logotherapy is still not very well known; being aware of these efforts, forces were joined to create an institution intended to promote Logotherapy properly. There are several professionals promoting Logotherapy in Brazil, and great projects are taking place in the country; hence now is the time to get our strength together and improve our unity, aiming to empower the spirit of our society. In 2010 the Brazilian Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis was founded during the Fifth Brazilian Congress of Logotherapy/Existential Analysis, when Eugenio Fizzotti was present and lectured. ABRAL is now improving actions to integrate all Logotherapys institutions and professionals, and to promote Logotherapy in Brazil. The next Brazilian Congress will happen in November of 2012, by the theme Ethics of Meaning and Culture of Peace and aims to discuss and promote the Logotherapy in the clinical, social and educational aspects.

PISHYAR, REZA [PH.D.] [Australia]

THE NEED FOR LOGOTHERAPY IN IRAN: PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATION, CURRENT CLINICAL IMPLICATION AND FUTURE DIRECTION Iranian philosophy can be traced back to 1500 BC, and started with prophet Zoroaster. Since Islam was brought to Iran, many physician, philosophers, poets, writers and religious scholars have produced psychological and philosophical concepts. Existential concepts have been developed by Persian philosopher, Mula Sadra. Despite having strong past philosophical foundations in existentialism, Iranian psychologists adopted more psychoanalytic and cognitive behaviour orientations in academic and clinical settings. And yet, in order to give answers to people today, logotherapy focuses on the meaning of human existence. It is a psychotheraputic school that integrates all three aspects of human beings: biological, psychological and spiritual. From this approach, the logotheraputic credo consists of freedom of will, will to meaning and the meaning of life (Frankl, 1967, 1986). Therefore, losing the freedom to take a stand towards ones conditions and circumstances, and ignoring the human capacity to find meaning will necessarily result in existential frustration and various neurotic disorders. In fact, the aim of logotherapy in Iran is to help man consciously accept responsibility for himself by using the spiritual freedom to make personal choices and decisions in the discovery of meaning and purpose. Finally, the current clinical implication of logotherapy and its future direction in Iran will be discussed.



PURJO, TIMO [Ph.D.] [Finland]

DER KERN DER LOGOTHERAPIE Bevor es sich lohnt, ber die Popularisierung der Logotheorie (hiermit wird die sowohl aus der Logotherapie als aus der Existenzanalyse bestehende Lehre Viktor E. Frankls gemeint) oder wiederum ber die Verwissenschaftlichung der Logotheorie zu sprechen, gilt es zu fragen, was die Logotheorie bedeutet. Mit anderen Wrtern, es mu versichert werden, da wir ber das Gleiche sprechen, wenn wir uns auf die Logotheorie beziehen. Sogar unter den Experten der Logotheorie scheint es groe Unsicherheit ber die wahre Bedeutung der Grundbegriffe der Logotheorie zu geben, mindestens so wie ich sie infolge meiner Untersuchungen und Auslegungen verstanden habe. Der Grund meiner Besorgnis ist also die gesprte Gefahr, da der ursprngliche Kern der Logotheorie langsam verloren gehen kann. Vor dem Beginn einer weiteren Ausbreitung der Logotheorie, lohnt es sich, eine Art von Qualittssicherung durchzufhren, d.h. jedem, der sich mit der Logotheorie befat, die Grundbegriffe der Lehre Viktor Frankls ausfhrlich ins Gedchtnis zurckzurufen. Mit der Vorsilbe logo[s] im Wort Logotheorie meinte Frankl sowohl den Geist als den Sinn. Er stellte auch fest: Der Geist braucht den Sinn der Nous den Logos. Meiner Ansicht nach kann ebenso gut gesagt werden, da der Sinn den Geistigen braucht. Wesentlich ist es jedoch, was mit diesen beiden zentralen Begriffen der Logotheorie gemeint ist, beziehungsweise wie sie verstanden werden sollten. Der Zweck meines Vortrages und meines in Arbeit befindlichen Buches ber Logotheorie ist es, nach meinem Verstndnis zu erlutern, was fr die Logotheorie ihren wesentlichen Kern bildet, ohne den es nicht begrndet ist, ber eine auf der Logotheorie beruhende Vorgehensweise oder ber deren Anwendung zu sprechen. Wenn nur einige Teile aus der Logotheorie herausgenommen oder irgendwie fehlerhaft interpretiert werden, kann der Kerngedanke der Logotheorie verloren gehen. Dementsprechend ist es meine Absicht, darauf hinzuwirken, da aus der Logotheorie nicht nur solches ausgesucht wird, das auch zu vielen anderen theoretischen Richtungen gehrt, und da die genau fr die Logotheorie gehrende Gedanken nicht ausgelassen oder separat aus der Ganzheit und deswegen falsch interpretiert werden. Damit die Identitt der Logotheorie geschtzt werden kann, stelle ich das in den Mittelpunkt, was sie so einzigartig macht.

Die Grundbegriffe der Logotheorie gestalten eine holistische Ganzheit, deren verschiedene Teile nicht nur kompatibel, sondern auch notwendig zueinander sind. Kritische Begriffe sind meiner Ansicht nach: der Sinn, der Geist/die Geistigkeit/die noetische Dimension, die Selbstdistanzierung, die Trotzmacht des Geistes und die Verantwortung/die Verantwortlichkeit/das Verantwortlichsein.

REINHOLD, HELGA [Ph.D.] [Brazil]

INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE VIKTOR FRANKL The idea of creating a non-profitable organization which is based on the ideas of Viktor Frankl was the impetus of founding the Viktor Frankl School (VFS), which for 20 years has worked with the application of Existential Analysis and Logotherapy in education. The Institute of Education and Culture Viktor Frankl (IECVF) was established on December 8, 2008 in response to the crisis of lack of meaning in life, which manifests as an increase of depression, addiction, violence, the devaluation of sexuality, boredom and lack of hope. As Viktor Frankl said "today's society gratifies and satisfies any need, with the exception of one, the need for meaning of life". Therefore, our proposal was to create an educational institute for the dissemination, promotion and application of Frankls thoughts through academic activities. The IECVF is a founding member of the ABLAE (Brazilian Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis) and is registered in the Municipal Council for the Rights of the Child and Adolescent (CMDCA) in Ribeiro Preto, So Paulo, Brazil. Its major achievements included: (a) the Postgraduate Course Lato Sensu in Existential Analysis and Logotherapy applied to education and organizations, in partnership with Claretiana University Center, Batatais, Sao Paulo, Brazil; (b) various lectures and courses in partnership with the University of So Paulo - USP, granting scholarships to students in social vulnerability, including people with disabilities; (c) Ana e Joaquim Programme the renewed sense of life for seniors, in partnership with FVC (computer education for seniors by students of the VFS; Grandparents and grandchildren meeting, cognitive stimulation workshops, tours); (d) Program Yes to Life - drug prevention:



lectures, theatre, various educational activities; (e) publication of the book: Every life is poetry ... The song of resilience by Maria Luiza de Souza. We certify that the legacy of Viktor Frankl is a sign of hope for the global society and should be studies, dessiminated, and applied.


VIKTOR FRANKL ZENTRUM WIEN Im Herbst 2004 wurde im privaten Kreis der Grundstein zum Viktor Frankl Zentrum Wien gelegt. Entscheidender Faktor dazu war die Vision, das heilende Gedankengut Frankls der breiten ffentlichkeit in allen Gesellschaftsschichten zugnglich zu machen wobei vor allem die Jugend als Zielgruppe ein groes Anliegen ist. Dazu kam der 100. Geburtstag Frankls am 26. Mrz 2005. Dieses Datum und die Begeisterung zog das Grndungskomitee ber alle Hindernisse finanzieller, politischer und sonstiger Art hinweg. In nchtelangen Diskussionen, wie die umfassende Lehre in einer Ausstellung prsentiert werden soll und in der fieberhaften Kontaktsuche nach freiwilligen Medienspezialisten fr Grafik, Aufbereitung, Logo, PR-Arbeit und inhaltliche Darstellung, verflog uns die Zeit. Was sich aus diesen begeisterten Anfngen bis heute entwickelt hat und welche Visionen neuerdings aufleuchten, wird Thema des Kurzreferates sein.

SARFATI, GEORGES E. [Prof., Ph.D.] [France & Israel]

LOGOTHERAPY AND VICTIMOLOGY This communication untertakes an evaluation of the specific contribution of Logotherapy to psychotraumatology. It deals with Dr Viktor Frankls concept of orientation of meaning in the treatment of Post-Traumatic Disorder Symptom (PTDS). We intent to demonstrate here the simultaneous relevance of the three categories of values defined by Dr V. Frankl (values of attitude, values of experience, values of creativity) in the progressive overcoming of the trauma.

SRKNY, PTER [Assistant Prof., Ph.D.] [Hungary]

DIE BEDEUTUNG DER UNIVERSITREN FORTBILDUNGSSTUDIENGNGE UND DIE ROLLE EINES MGLICHEN INTERNATIONALEN AKKREDITATIONSVERFAHRENS VON LOGOTHEREPEUTISCHEN AUSBILDUNGSPROGRAMMEN In meinem Vortrag prsentiere ich das Programm der logotherapeutischen Fortbildungsstudiengnge an der Apor Vilmos Katholischen Hochschule (Logotherapeutische Beratung und Persnlichkeitsentwicklung) und an der Pzmny Pter Katholischen Universitt (Philosophische Praxis). Dann skizziere ich einen mglichen Akkreditierungsentwurf von logotherapeutischen Ausbildungsprogrammen, die meines Erachtens in der Zukunft vom Viktor Frankl Institut koordinert werden knnten.

SOSA TERRADAS, ADRIANA [Ph.D.] [Argentina]; MARTNEZ SNCHEZ, CLARA [Prof.; Ph.D.] [Colombia]

CHILDS PSYCHOTHERAPY FOCUSED ON MEANING Logotherapy is doubtlessly a growing Psychotherapy which requires the effort of Logotherapists to put in paper their own experiences. It is our intention to provide those who are interested in Childs Psychotherapy a new approach that may be useful, simple and effective and also deep in meaning and hope-giving to a human being that is maturing. Child clinical intervention with a Logotherapeutical approach is a new model that is beginning to record important advances in its construction process. Childhood disorders and difficulties have been rising in the last few years, demanding a different intervention from the conventional or traditional one, an intervention that could improve the progression from child to adult. In this perspective, the objectives of a therapy focused on meaning in childhood are to deal with the various disorders that the child may have in order to help him develop spiritually.



We consider Logotherapy as psychotherapy capable of enlightening traditional clinic approach with children, a model that has been worked on for more than 20 years in Argentina. First of all, we should explain why Logotherapy with children is feasible, and then we should make a framework of the sessions, to help create the bond with the child, in order to give him security and confidence to express his feelings. Viktor Frankl has asked us to be active workers in the transformation and positioning of the humanized vision of the human being. To achieve that it is necessary to start from childhood, to analyze pedagogical, educational, legal, social-political and mental health features.

VIK, JNOS [Ph.D.] [Romania]

PRSENTATION BER DIE EINFHRUNG DER LOGOTHERAPIE IN DIE AUSBILDUNG DER THEOLOGEN UND BER DIE GRNDUNG DES INTERNATIONALEN WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN VEREINS FR LOGOTHERAPIE UND EXISTENZANALYSE (LENTE) IN CLUJ (RUMNIEN) Aufgrund ihres mit der christlichen Anthropologie kompatiblen theoretischen Hintergrundes wird der Logotherapie eine besondere Brckenrolle im Dialog zwischen Theologie und Psychologie zugewiesen. Diese Brckenrolle der Logotherapie Viktor E. Frankls wird dadurch unterstrichen, da sie 2008 als Pflichtfach im Rahmen des Masterstudiengangs (MA) Pastorale Beratung an der Rmisch-Katholischen Theologischen Fakultt der Universitt Babes-Bolyai in Cluj (Siebenbrgen/Rumnien) eingefhrt worden ist. Dadurch sollen sowohl Laientheologen als auch Priesteramtskandidaten von Siebenbrgen die Grundstze der Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse kennenlernen und sie vor allem in der seelsorgerlichen Gesprchsfhrung bzw. in der pastoralen Beratung fruchtbar einsetzen. Der Internationale Wissenschaftliche Verein fr Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse (LENTE), der 2010 in Cluj (Rumnien) gegrndet worden ist, verfolgt unter anderem das Ziel, diese Brckenrolle der Logotherapie weiter auszubauen und zu strken. Das Grndungsdokument nennt allerdings die Verbreitung und die Frderung der Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse Viktor E. Frankls unter den Hauptzielen von LENTE. Der Internationale Wissenschaftliche Verein fr Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse (LENTE) will darber hinaus sowohl in Rumnien als auch auf internationaler Ebene die wissenschaftliche Forschung und die Bildung auf dem Gebiet der Logotherapie durch seine Aktivitten animieren und weiterbringen (vgl. Am 4. Juni 2011 hat der Internationale Wissenschaftliche Verein fr Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse (LENTE) den ersten Tag der offenen Tr mit dem Titel organisiert: Sinnsuche im Alltag. Dieses Ereignis fand in enger Kooperation mit der der Rmisch-Katholischen Theologischen Fakultt der Universitt Babes-Bolyai in Cluj und mit der Siebenbrgischen Ungarischen Gesellschaft fr Philosophie (EMFT) statt.

VELIZ DE ESPER, MARA Y. [Lic. Psych.] [Argentina]

ASISTENCIA A VCTIMAS DE ABUSO SEXUAL El Amor es el valor superior; visto como generador de sentido, se define como A: sin Mor: muerte; quiere decir que donde hay amor hay vida, y donde hay vida hay posibilidades. Abrirse a las posibilidades es abrirse al sentido. Teniendo en cuenta la definicin de valores de Viktor Frankl los valores son aquellos sentidos universales que se cristalizan en situaciones tpicas que una sociedad, o an la humanidad, deben enfrentar, como Centro de Logoterapia asumimos el compromiso con nosotros mismos y con los dems, es decir, apuntamos a la trascendencia. Cmo desde el amor encontramos sentido? Grupo A.V.A.S., Asistencia a Vctimas de Abuso Sexual: es un grupo de encuentro de personas de ambos sexos que sufrieron abuso y que en soledad consideraban que su vida careca de valor y significado; al encontrarse con personas en sus mismas condiciones, comprendieron que podan sobreponerse a esta situacin y decidir darle un sentido a sus vidas. Crcel de mujeres: trabajando con las internas, ms all del hecho que las llev a estar convictas, hay en ellas una esencia sana, y desde all se trabaja la ontologa dimensional (biolgica, psicolgica, social y espiritual) para guiarlas a descubrir el sentido de sus vidas, y desde all ayudarlas a proyectarse a su vida futura. En grupos sociales: Asociacin de Padres con Hijos con Sndrome de Down y personas interesadas en aprender la Logoterapia. Todo cobra sentido en nombre del amor cuando trascendemos en actitud de servicio hacia la vida.





THE FUTURE OF LOGOTHERAPY AND TRANSCULTURALISM Logotherapy has the cultural colour of the time and place where it was born, but at the same time has spread in culturally different countries of all continents. Frankls wish not to be a guru, but to let his followers develop Logotherapy has interesting consequences in the spreading of Logotherapy around the world, and has allowed different schools to develop in very different styles from Mexico to Finland or Japan. But the connection of Logotherapy and Transculturality goes far beyond that. The holistic perspective of the person that Frankl develops in his dimensional ontology, including the spiritual or noetic dimension, although clearly rooted in European Philosophy, is especially interesting for professionals working in transcultural contexts, as these professionals are used to other professionals trained in western standards to treat spirituality as something to be disregarded or even, as renowned transcultural expert Suman Fernando says, something taboo. The great advantage of the Logotherapeutic perspective for working with refugees and traumatised persons has also already been proven in the context of Frankls own experience in the concentration camps. And the actual presence of students from Rwanda and Haiti, among others, in the training of Logotherapy proves that its suitability remains unchanged in present contexts. Logotherapy, as a western discipline with transcultural-adequate characteristics (i.e. a lack of disdain or ignorance of the spiritual-noetic dimension; strong rejection of any reductionism; openness for innovation and adaptation to the time and place where it is to be developed; ideal anthropological fundament basis to work with migrants as refugees, etc.), could help other western disciplines with the necessary task of recognizing its cultural origin and, at the same time, adapting to the needs of persons and groups with other visions of the person, the self, the world and the believes.

CODE OF ETHICS FOR LOGOTHERAPISTS IN EUROPE All medical and social professions have a code of ethics that enshrines its professional activity, states its limits and protects the clients from bad practice. Logotherapists are still defining their own status and profession (as states the lack of uniformity in their own professional self-description) since they have very different first or original professions (physicians, psychologists, but also sociologists, teachers, economists, etc.). In order to move forward with the project of developing a code of ethics, not only the final result is important, but also the process and interdisciplinary discussion that will be enriched by the transcultural perspective as it will be developed already in its first phase in 3 countries simultaneously. The General Objective of this project is to develop a code of ethics with a fundamental common core of shared items and specific items for every country. The Methodology includes: 1) Elaborating a set fundamental items as working paper. For every association; 2) Development of the formulation of each item into different articles, through questionnaires, focus groups, forums, workshops, etc.). The formulation of each article must be as short, precise and clear as possible, and the process must involve learned logotherapists and logotherapists with experience. The result must reflect the opinions and points of view of a variety of logotherapists with diverse professional and academic backgrounds. 3) The coordinator of each area will gather the result of the process and elaborate a proposal. 4) The 3 coordinators will establish the core of articles in common and the specific articles for every country and it will be reviewed again in each country. 5) The proposal of the code of ethics will be presented to associations of other countries.



VON DEVIVERE, BEATE [Dipl. Soz., MA.] [Germany]

COPING IN TIMES OF CRISIS. BUILDING RESILIENCE AND PERSONAL GROWTH CURRENT CHALLENGES FOR COUNSELLING AND LOGOTHERAPY IN THE WORKPLACE The presentation is developing and discussing challenges, processes, and outcomes of coaching and counselling in the workplace, especially in the context of the current extreme challenges. It will specifically be exploring the following issues in the light of the specific indicators for search for meaning: (a) Sociological, organizational and personal challenges of the present crisis and influencing factors; (b) Basic needs analysis, i.e. how can personal selfdetermination, selfefficacy and coherence in the work place be met? Further keywords: Pathways to a good life and personal growth in the workplace; Meaning oriented employee assistance: Spelling the present and the future. The presentation will present selected case studies issues, process and outcomes. It will also show how art works from different fields and centuries could encourage the clients inherent search for meaning in these demanding times.

Bewut gemacht werden sollen den Zielgruppen die Wurzeln der Konfliktsituationen: u. a. das Fehlen von Sinn, zirkulre Dynamik und komplementre Kommunikation (von oben nach unten) Double-bind (sich selbst verewigende entwertende, damit zerstrende Kommunikationsstrukturen), dadurch sollen neue Wege eines respektvollen Miteinanders wieder in den Familien und in der Schule vermehrt lebbar werden. Nebeneffekte sind: Gewaltprvention, Suizidprvention, Suchtprvention, Krisenintervention. Mit diesem Programm sind die folgenden Personen und Institutionen affiliiert: Universitt Heidelberg & Mozarteum (Kieselschule): Univ.Prof. Dr. Klaus Femann; Evangelische Hochschule Nrnberg, Univ. Prof. Dr. Dieter Lotz, Universitt Barcelona mit Logotherapieinstitut Barcelona, Dr. Cristina Visiers; Viktor-FranklHochschule Klagenfurt: Dr. Friedrich Fuchs; Internationale Universitt Kiev, Psychologisches Institut.

WIESMEYR, OTMAR [Ph.D.] [Austria]


VONWALD, HEIDI [Ph.D.] [Austria]

ABILE EU-PROJEKT GEWALTPRVENTION: DAS AGGRESSIVE POTENTIAL VON JUGENDLICHEN IN KONSTRUKTIVE SINNENERGIE UMWANDELN 10% von Jugendlichen pro Schulklasse lassen sich nicht mehr in den normalen Schulunterricht integrieren. Die entstehenden Gewaltsysteme sollen bereits im Vorfeld aufgelst werden, um zuknftige Amoklufe nicht erst entstehen zu lassen. (1) Wege einer neuen Pdagogik aufzeigen Zielgruppen: (a) GewalttterInnen & ehemalige Gewaltopfer (nach der Psychotherapie) & Eltern & LehrerInnen & ErzieherInnen & ehemalige GewalttterInnen gemeinsam nicht die jugendlichen GewalttterInnen sollen repariert und umerzogen werden, sondern sie sollen mehr Mut erhalten, ihre persnliche Einzigartigkeit im Wirken fr diese Welt kreativ und begeistert zu leben.

Das ABILE als psychotherapeutisches Ausbildungsinstitut in Existenzanalyse und Logotherapie bietet seit Herbst 2010 Universittslehrgnge mit Masterabschluss in Kooperation mit der Donauuniversitt Krems an. Der bisweilen beschwerliche Weg dorthin wird mittels humorvoller Karikaturen dargestellt. Welche Aktivitten und Untersttzungen sind notwendig, damit sinnvolle Entwicklungen entstehen? Welche Gefahren verhindern diese Prozesse? Konkrete Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung und Organisation von Lehrgngen sollen Einblicke in Konzepte und deren Umsetzungen geben.




ZRNER, HEIDI [Austria]

NEW STRATEGIES FOR OUTREACH ON MEANING BASED PSYCHOTHERAPY AND MEANING BASED APPROACHES TO LIFE This presentation will outline several strategies (some tested, some yet to be tested) for reaching out to new populations of psychotherapists and to the general public. (1) Rebranding Logotherapy as Meaning Based Psychotherapy and A Meaning Based Approach to Life. Logotherapy is often difficult to explain simply. By using meaning-based approach it may be easier to compare and contrast meaning based approaches with, for example, cognitive approaches. (2) Diverse ways of offering professional training: Need: A one-day (6 or 7 hour) introduction to Meaning-Based Psychotherapy course for therapists that is accredited. While the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy (headquartered in Abilene, TX, USA) has a complete curriculum, its introductory course is a 15 hour course requiring 2 days to teach. This is not a common model for mental health continuing education in the United States. A one day course could be developed using the existing curriculum, and taken to sites where there is no training program in Logotherapy. This would increase therapist exposure to Logotherapy, and promote advanced training. More specialization could be developed for individual courses, i.e., Logotherapy applied to Addiction treatment, Logotherapy Applied to Grief and Morning, Logotherapy in Crisis intervention, Logotherapy applied to depression, etc. (3) Lay education: Similarly a course for the general public could be developed (as I have done). Using a fairly standardized curriculum, this course could be adapted for lay adult education, college undergraduate education, church or other religious education, etc. Using a standard, or fairly standard, curriculum would make it possible to offer advanced courses and perhaps have a designation of multiple levels of knowledge for non-professionals. (4) Distance supervision leading to the Diplomate of Logotherapy has been an effective model and should be enhanced, perhaps by offering skype supervision groups.

LOGOPDAGOGIK-AUSBILDUNG Im Herbst 2003 starteten Fr. Johanna Schechner und Heidemarie Zrner den ersten Lehrgang in Pdagogik als Prvention an der Pdagogischen Akademie in Klagenfurt und 1 Jahr spter in Wien mit 12 TeilnehmerInnen heuer starten wir mit 42 TeilnehmerInnen. Als Absolventinnen der Logotherapieausbildung bei Dr. habil. Elisabeth Lukas war es uns ein Anliegen mit den hilfreichen Inhalten der Logotherapie in der Pdagogik sinnzentrierte Akzente zu setzen. In einer privaten Initiative mit zwei Universittsprofessorinnen gelingt es mehrere Institute zur Mitarbeit zu gewinnen und zu begeistern: Der erste Lehrgang findet in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut fr Erziehungswissenschaften und Bildungsforschung der Universitt Klagenfurt, des Landesschulrates fr Krnten, dem Pdagogischen Institut des Bundes in Krnten, dem Religionspdagogischen Institut und dem Bischflichen Schulamt der Dizese Gurk-Klagenfurt statt. Diese Initiativen ermglichten die Verwirklichung des Hochschullehrgangs Logopdagogik nach Viktor Frankl Zentrum Wien, sowie Namensgebung der Pdagogischen Hochschule Krnten, Viktor Frankl Hochschule und einer Schule in Klagenfurt, Neuen Mittelschule Annabichl/Viktor Frankl Schule. Weitere interessante Planungen sind im Gange. Darber wird im Kurzreferat berichtet.






Are you planning a clinical or empirical logotherapy research project? Do you need collegial help or advice regarding the available test instruments, statistical methods, or research protocols? Then you may to wish join the Logotherapy Research Platform.
The Logotherapy Research Platform is an international and interdisciplinary web-based meeting point for professional and student researchers in academic and applied settings. It serves as a data base and meeting point for the international logotherapy research community to receive feedback and encouragement and to develop ideas and joint research projects. To that end, you are encouraged to post descriptions of ongoing or completed research projects, individual manuscripts, or abstracts to promote information sharing and communication between researchers.

Participation is free; the platform is open to everyone who is interested in current topics and future trends in logotherapy research:







COMMITTEE OF THE VIKTOR FRANKL AWARD Mayor Michael Hupl, Ph.D. Andreas Mailath-Pokorny, Ph.D. Prof. Hubert Christian Ehalt, Ph.D. Eleonore Frankl, Hon.D. Katharina Ratheiser, LL.M. Prof. Max Friedrich, Ph.D. Prof. Alexaner Batthyany, Ph.D. Prof. Marianne Gruber Prof. Susanne Heine Ph.D. Prof. Giselher Guttmann, Ph.D. Prof. Peter Kampits, Ph.D. Prof. Siegfried Kasper, MD, Ph.D. Prof. Ulrich Krtner, Ph.D. Prof. Brigitte Rollett, Ph.D. Cecily Corti Elisabeth Lindner, MA

The fund was established in December 1999 and formally constituted in April 2000. It supports the work of the Viktor Frankl Institute by regular endowments. In addition, it supports and stimulates relevant scientific and practical projects by the yearly announcement of the Viktor Frankl Award.

BOARD OF THE VIKTOR FRANKL FUND The Mayor of Vienna, Michael Hupl, Ph.D. City Councillor for Culture, Andreas Mailath-Pokorny, Ph.D. Secretary General of the Fund, Prof. Hubert Christian Ehalt, Ph.D. Eleonore Frankl, Hon.D. Katharina Ratheiser LL.M. Assoc.-Prof. Alexaner Batthyany, Ph.D.

SECRETARY GENERAL VIKTOR FRANKL FUND OF THE CITY OF VIENNA Prof. Hubert Christian Ehalt, Ph.D. Friedrich Schmidt-Platz 5 A-1082 Vienna Tel. (+431) 4000-88 742 Fax (+431) 4000-7167 EHA@M07.MAGWIEN.GV.AT

For more information, go to












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