CUSTOM CLASS: Agresseur (The Evil Paladin)
CUSTOM CLASS: Agresseur (The Evil Paladin)
CUSTOM CLASS: Agresseur (The Evil Paladin)
Class Skills
The Agresseurs class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con) Craft (!nt) !nti"idate (Cha) #luff (Cha) $nowledge (nobility and royalty) (!nt) $nowledge (religion) (!nt) %rofession (&is) 'ide ((e)) and *ense +otive (&is), Skill P ints at !st Level: (- . !nt "odifier) )/, Skill P ints at Ea"h Additi nal Level: - . !nt "odifier, Ta#le: The Agresseur Level 1st -nd 2rd /th 7th 8th 9th :th ;th 10th 11th 1-th 12th 1/th 17th 18th 19th 1:th 1;th -0th 'ase Atta"k ' nus .1 ..2 ./ .7 .80.1 .90..:0.2 .;0./ .100.7 .110.80.1 .1-0.90..120.:0.2 .1/0.;0./ .170.100.7 . .190.1-0.90..1:0.120.:0.2 .1;0.1/0.;0./ .- ( rt Save ..2 .2 ./ ./ .7 .7 .8 .8 .9 .9 .: .: .; .; .10 .10 .11 .11 .1)e* Save .0 .0 .1 .1 .1 ....2 .2 .2 ./ ./ ./ .7 .7 .7 .8 .8 .8 +ill Save .0 .0 .1 .1 .1 ....2 .2 .2 ./ ./ ./ .7 .7 .7 .8 .8 .8 S%e"ial Aura of law0evil, detect good s"ite good 10day 3a4e of (oo" 5a"6iric Touch Aura of fear !nfernal !""unity 'ebuke undead *"ite good -0day s6ecial "ount Contagion 10week Contagion -0week *"ite good 20day Contagion 20week Contagion /0week s"ite good /0day Contagion 70week *"ite good 70day $ S%ells %er Da& $ .t !st ,nd -rd h 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2
Class (eatures
+ea% n and Arm r Pr *i"ien"&: Agresseurs are 6roficient with all si"6le and "artial wea6ons with all ty6es of ar"or (heavy "ediu" and light) and with shields (e)ce6t tower shields), Aura * La/0Evil (E1): The 6ower of an Agresseur<s aura of law and evil (see the detect good s6ell) is e=ual to his Agresseur level,
Dete"t 2
Smite 2 d (Su): >nce 6er day an Agresseur "ay atte"6t to s"ite good with one nor"al "elee attack, ?e adds his Charis"a bonus (if any) to his attack roll and deals 1 e)tra 6oint of da"age 6er Agresseur level, !f the Agresseur accidentally s"ites a creature that is not good the s"ite has no effect but the ability is still used u6 for that day, At 7th level and at every five levels thereafter the Agresseur "ay s"ite good one additional ti"e 6er day as indicated on Table@ The Agresseur to a "a)i"u" of five ti"es 6er day at -0th level, 2a3e * D m (Su): At -nd level an Agresseur<s ga4e can 6lace his victi" under a Curse (save vs, &ill at (C 10 . Agresseur<s level . his C?A "odifier), Aailing to save "eans the victi" suffers a 6enalty to all of his saving throws e=ual to the Agresseur<s C?A "odifier, The effect wears off either when lineBofBsight between the Agresseur and his chosen target is broken (for at least one full round) or when the Agresseur wishes it to end, 4am%iri" T u"h (Su): #eginning at -nd level an Agresseur with a Charis"a score of 1- or higher "ay 6erfor" a s6ecial 5a"6iric Touch, ?e "ust succeed on a "elee touch attack, The touch deals a total nu"ber of hit 6oints of da"age e=ual to his Agresseur level ) his Charis"a bonus, ?e gains hit 6oints e=ual to the da"age he deals, ?owever he cant gain "ore than the victi"<s current hit 6oints .10 which is enough to kill the subCect, Aura * (ear (Su): #eginning at 2rd level an Agresseur causes fear to those around hi", Each ene"y within 10 feet of hi" takes a B/ "orale 6enalty on saving throws against fear effects, This ability functions while the Agresseur is conscious but not if he is unconscious or dead, 5n*ernal 5mmunit& (E1): At 2rd level an Agresseur gains i""unity to all diseases including su6ernatural and "agical diseases, )e#uke Undead (Su): &hen an Agresseur reaches /th level he gains the su6ernatural ability to rebuke undead, ?e "ay use this ability a nu"ber of ti"es 6er day e=ual to 2 . his Charis"a "odifier, ?e turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would, S%ells: #eginning at /th level an Agresseur gains the ability to cast a s"all nu"ber of divine (infernal) s6ells which are drawn fro" the Agresseur s6ell list, Like other s6ellcasters an Agresseur can cast only a certain nu"ber of s6ells of each s6ell level 6er day, ?is base daily s6ell allot"ent is given on Table@ The Agresseur, !n addition he receives bonus s6ells 6er day if he has a high &isdo" score, &hen Table@ The Agresseur indicates that the Agresseur gets 0 s6ells 6er day of a given s6ell level he gains only the bonus s6ells he would be entitled to based on his &isdo" score for that s6ell level The Agresseur does not have access to any do"ain s6ells or granted 6owers as a cleric does, Through 2rd level an Agresseur has no caster level, At /th level and higher his caster level is oneBhalf his Agresseur level, S%e"ial M unt (S%): D6on reaching 7th level an Agresseur gains the service of a Eight"are to serve his in his crusade against good (see below), >nce 6er day as a fullBround action an Agresseur "ay "agically call his "ount fro" the infernal real"s in which it resides, This ability is the e=uivalent of a s6ell of a level e=ual to oneBthird the Agresseurs level, The "ount i""ediately a66ears adCacent to the Agresseur and re"ains for - hours 6er Agresseur levelF it "ay be dis"issed at any ti"e as a free action, The "ount is the sa"e creature each ti"e it is su""oned though the Agresseur "ay release a 6articular "ount fro" service, Each ti"e the "ount is called it a66ears in full health regardless of any da"age it "ay have taken 6reviously, The "ount also a66ears wearing or carrying any gear it had when it was last dis"issed, Calling a "ount is a conCuration (calling) effect, *hould the Agresseurs "ount die it i""ediately disa66ears leaving behind any e=ui6"ent it was carrying, The Agresseur "ay not su""on another "ount for thirty days or until he gains an Agresseur level whichever co"es first even if the "ount is so"ehow returned fro" the dead, (uring this thirtyBday 6eriod the Agresseur takes a G1 6enalty on attack and wea6on da"age rolls,
C ntagi n (Su): At 8th level an Agresseur beco"es contagious (as the Contagion s6ell), >nce 6er week if he can succeed in a touch attack the victi" "ust "ake a Aortitude save ((C 10 . Agresseur<s level . his C?A "odifier), !f the victi" fails this save he contracts a disease selected fro" the table below which strikes i""ediately (no incubation 6eriod), Note that this Extraordinary power can affect Paladins as well (it is especially designed for that)! Disease Aever *hakes Le6rosy #lack %lague (ail '& 1B2B7 8B; 10. Damage 1d/ !nt 1d: (e) 1d/ Con . 1d/ Cha 1d8 *tr . 1d8 Con
The Agresseur can use this ability one additional ti"e 6er week for every three levels after 8th, C de * C ndu"t: An Agresseur "ust be of lawful evil align"ent and loses all class abilities if he ever willingly co""its an good act, Additionally an Agresseurs code re=uires that he res6ect legiti"ate authority (though they will need to 6rove their legiti"acy) act with honor (not lying or cheating etc, though strategic covertness is acce6table) hel6 those who ask for hel6 (6rovided they do not use the hel6 for good or chaotic ends) and 6unish those who har" or threaten their >rder and allies, Ass "iates: &hile he "ay adventure with characters of any evil or neutral align"ent an Agresseur will never knowingly associate with good characters nor will he continue an association with so"eone who consistently offends his code, An Agresseur "ay acce6t only hench"en followers or cohorts who are lawful evil,
An Agresseur who ceases to be lawful evil who willfully co""its a good act or who grossly violates the code of conduct loses all Agresseur s6ells and abilities (including the service of the Agresseurs "ount but not wea6on ar"or and shield 6roficiencies), ?e "ay not 6rogress any farther in levels as an Agresseur, ?e regains his abilities and advance"ent 6otential if he atones for his violations (see the atonement s6ell descri6tion) as a66ro6riate, Like a "e"ber of any other class an Agresseur "ay be a "ulticlass character but "ulticlass Agresseurs face a s6ecial restriction, An Agresseur who gains a level in any class other than Agresseur "ay never again raise his Agresseur level though he retains all his Agresseur abilities, T?E A3'E**ED'* +>DET The Agresseurs "ount is a standard Eight"are whose statistics are re6roduced here, 7ightmare Large >utsider (Evil E)tra6lanar) 8d:.1: (/7 h6) .8 /0 ft, (: s=uares) fly ;0 ft, (good) -/ (G1 si4e .- (e) .12 natural) touch 11 flatBfooted -.80.1/ ?oof .; "elee (1d:./ 6lus 1d/ fire) - hooves .; "elee (1d:./ 6lus 1d/ fire) and bite ./ "elee (1d:.-) 10 ft,07 ft, Ala"ing hooves s"oke Astral 6roCection darkvision 80 ft, etherealness
Hit Di"e: 5nitiative: S%eed: Arm r Class: 'ase Atta"k02ra%%le: Atta"k: (ull Atta"k: S%a"e0)ea"h: S%e"ial Atta"ks: S%e"ial 8ualities:
Aort .: 'ef .9 &ill .8 *tr 1: (e) 17 Con 18 !nt 12 &is 12 Cha 1Concentration .1- (i6lo"acy .2 !nti"idate .10 $nowledge (the 6lanes) .10 Listen .1- +ove *ilently .11 *earch .10 *ense +otive .10 *6ot .1- *urvival .10 (.1- on other 6lanes and following tracks) Alertness !"6roved !nitiative 'un A evilBaligned 6lane *olitary *olitary
A night"are is about the si4e of a light war horse, C>+#AT A night"are can fight while carrying a rider but the rider cannot also fight unless he or she succeeds on a 'ide check, A night"ares natural wea6ons as well as any wea6ons it wields are treated as evilBaligned for the 6ur6ose of overco"ing da"age reduction, (laming H ves (Su): A blow fro" a night"ares hooves sets co"bustible "aterials alight, Sm ke (Su): (uring the e)cite"ent of battle a night"are snorts and neighs with rage, This snorting fills a 17Bfoot cone with a hot sulfurous s"oke that chokes and blinds o66onents, Anyone in the cone "ust succeed on a (C 18 Aortitude save or take a G- 6enalty on all attack and da"age rolls until 1d8 "inutes after leaving the cone, The cone lasts 1 round and the night"are uses it once as a free action during its turn each round, The save (C is ConstitutionB based, #ecause of the s"oke it gives off a night"are has conceal"ent against creatures 7 feet away and total conceal"ent against creatures 10 feet or farther away, The s"oke does not obscure the night"ares vision at all, Astral Pr 9e"ti n and Etherealness (Su): These abilities function Cust like the s6ells of the sa"e na"es (caster level -0th)F a night"are can use either at will, Carr&ing Ca%a"it&: A light load for a night"are is u6 to 200 6oundsF a "ediu" load 201G800 6oundsF and a heavy load 801G;00 6ounds,