Well-Defined Stochastic Petri Nets

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Well-dened stochastic Petri nets

Gianfranco Ciardo Department of Computer Science College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795, USA ciardo@cs.wm.edu
Formalisms based on stochastic Petri Nets (SPNs) can employ structural analysis to ensure that the underlying stochastic process is fully determined. The focus is on the detection of conicts and confusions at the net level, but this might require to overspecify a given SPN model. The problem becomes even more critical when reward processes of interest derived from the basic underlying process are considered. Typical examples are state-dependent impulse reward measures. We propose a denition of well-dened SPNs, which takes into account whether the basic underlying stochastic process or the derived reward processes are determined. A state-space-based algorithm to determine whether a given SPN is well-dened is provided. Keywords: Stochastic Petri net, reward process, conict, confusion.

Robert Zijal Institut f ur Technische Informatik Technische Universit at Berlin Franklinstr. 28/29, 10587 Berlin, Germany bob@cs.tu-berlin.de
enabled. This allows for contemporary rings, and requires to specify additional information in the model, to break the ties. More recently, a class of SPNs having an underlying discrete-time Markov chain (DTMC) has been introduced [10], which extends earlier denitions [15]. For these SPN models, contemporary rings become the rule more than the exception, since all transitions re only at integral times. Also in this case, we must ensure that the underlying stochastic process of interest is fully determined. We then say that such a SPN is well-dened. The initial approach to break the ties in GSPNs was to dene (global) weights for the immediate transitions, and select the one to re among those enabled with a probability proportional to its weight. This results in a model whose stochastic behavior is completely dened. The modeler, however, is forced to assign weights to each immediate transition, hence he must implicitly know which sets of immediate transitions might become enabled in some reachable marking, a formidable task in a large, complex model. The issue is particularly important if there is a possibility of confusion among immediate transitions. In [6], a dierent approach is chosen. Weights are only meaningful locally, within an extended conict set (ECS). Immediate transitions in dierent ECSs can be red independently, or concurrently, because any sequentialization of their ring has the same eect. A structural analysis of the GSPN is performed to dene the ECSs, ensuring that no confusion or conict exists among transitions in dierent ECSs. This class of GSPNs is said to be dened at the net level. Both approaches to ensure that the SPN clearly denes a stochastic process have advantages and disadvantages. Global weights put the burden on the modeler, while local weights are easier to specify and less prone to change the model behavior in unexpected and subtle ways which can result in undetected errors. However, the structural tests of [6] are based on necessary, not sucient, conditions, hence they can generate false alarms. When this happens, the modeler is forced to either specify weights which are not going to be used in the analysis, or ignore the structural analysis warnings, taking responsibility for its consequences. In this second case, the burden on the modeler is analogous to that required to ensure that global weights result in the intended behavior. We propose a mixed approach, where weights are


The Petri net (PN) formalism is an excellent tool for the description of the logical behavior of discrete-state systems exhibiting concurrence, synchronization, and conict. In the performance and reliability arena, the need to explicitly model the timing and probabilistic behavior of a system further led to several denitions of related, but not exactly equivalent, stochastic Petri net (SPN) formalisms [14, 4, 5, 11, 12]. Most of the work has focussed on SPNs having an underlying continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC). This is achieved by associating an exponentially or PHtype [13] distributed ring time to each transition. The continuous support interval [0, +) of these distributions implies that the modeler does not have to worry about contemporary events in the model: they have null probability. However, this property implies that it is actually dicult to model systems where causal connections between untimed events does indeed arise. This problem was solved in the GSPNs and related formalisms [4, 2, 3, 6, 11] by introducing the immediate transitions, which re immediately upon becoming
Gianfranco Ciardo was partially supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NASA Contract No. NAS1-19480 Robert Zijal was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the German National Research Council under grant Ho 1257/1-2.

meaningful locally, but the determination of whether the SPN is well-dened is performed during the generation of the underlying stochastic process, not before. Our approach is more general and does not cause false alarms, but it is more computationally expensive. Indeed, it can be used in conjunction with the approach in [6], since it applies to the subsequent phase of the analysis. The work most closely related to ours is that of Sanders [17] on well-specied Stochastic Activity Networks (SANs). Our contribution can be seen as an extension of that work, because it applies also to reward structures where impulse rewards are statedependent. It should also be noted that Sanders recently generalized further his denition of well-specied SANs [16]. The approach presented here has several similarities with this later work. Our SPN denition allows marking-dependent arc cardinalities, which have no correspondence in SANs; on the other hand, the denition in [16] associates reward impulses to entire vanishing paths (steps, in his terminology), rather than just individual rings, hence it is potentially even more general in this respect. Sections 2 and 3 dene the PN and SPN formalisms we adopt. Section 4 describes stochastic conicts and confusions, and how they can be solved, resulting in the denition of well-dened SPNs of Section 5. Finally, Section 6 oers an algorithm to ensure that a SPN is indeed well-dened.

Let E () be the set of transitions enabled in marking . A transition t T is enabled in marking if, and only if, its guard evaluates to 1, its input and inhibitor arc conditions are satised, and no other transition with preselection priority over t is enabled: (gt () = 1) () p Dp,t () > p Dp,t () = 0 p P, Dp,t (u E (), u t) . A transition t E () can re, causing a change to marking M(t, ), obtained from by subtracting the + input bag D ,t () and adding the output bag D,t () + to it: M(t, ) = D,t () + D,t () = + D,t (), where D = D + D is the incidence matrix. M can be extended to its reexive and transitive closure by considering the marking reached from after ring a sequence of transitions. The reachability set is then given by S = { : T = M(, [0] )}, where T indicates the set of transition sequences. The reacht ability graph is (S , A), where A contains an arc i S , t T , and = M(t, ).

The SPN formalism

The PN formalism

We recall the (extended) PN formalism used in [10]. See also [9] for more details on PNs with marking-dependent arc multiplicities. A PN is a tuple P, T, D , D+ , D , , g, [0] where: P is a nite set of places, which can contain tokens. A marking IN|P | denes the number of tokens in each place p P , indicated by p (when relevant, a marking should be considered a column vector). T is a nite set of transitions. P T = .
+ p P, t T, IN|P | , Dp,t () IN, Dp,t () IN, and Dp,t () IN are the multiplicities of the input arc from p to t, the output arc from t to p, and the inhibitor arc from p to t, when the marking is , respectively.

A SPN is obtained by associating random durations to the ring time of the PN transitions. If no restriction is placed on the distributions, the state s of a SPN has a discrete structural component, the marking , and a continuous timing component, the remaining ring times (RFTs) : s = (, ) IN|P | (IR0 )|T | , where we dene IR0 = [0, +) and IR+ = (0, +). For each transition t, t is the time that must elapse while t is enabled, before it can re. If we do not reset t when t becomes disabled, we can model an age memory behavior [1]. Otherwise, if we resample it when t becomes enabled again, we can model an enabling memory behavior [1]. Any mixture of these behaviors, and other more complex ones are included in our denition. Using the terminology of [1], we assume a race policy: only the enabled transitions with the minimum RFT can re in a given state. In addition to the distribution of the ring times, stochastic information might be required to fully dene the behavior of the SPN, since multiple enabled transitions might have the same minimum RFT in a state. The weights are used to determine the probability that a given one res rst. Formally, a SPN is a tuple P, T, D , D+ , D , , g, [0] , F, [0] , , C, w where: P, T, D , D+ , D , , g, [0] dene a PN. S , t E (), u T, u IR0 , Ft,u (, u , ) is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the new RFT of u when t res in marking , and the RFT of u just before the ring of t was u . t T, t IR0 is the initial RFT of t. T T is an acyclic (post-selection) priority relation.

T T is an acyclic (pre-selection) priority relation.

t T, IN|P | , gt () {0, 1} is the guard for t in marking . [0] IN|P | is the initial marking. Places and transitions are drawn as circles and rectangles, respectively. The number of tokens in a place is written inside the place itself (default is zero). Input and output arcs have an arrowhead on their destination, inhibitor arcs have a small circle. The multiplicity is written on the arc (default is 1); a missing arc indicates that the multiplicity is 0. The default value for guards is 1.

C is a partition of T into weight classes. Let Ct be the weight class containing transition t T .

S , t E (), S Ct E (), wt|S () IR+ is the ring weight for t in marking when S is the set of candidates (see the following) to re in the same weight class as t. We now formalize the dynamic evolution of a SPN. At time 1 , the SPN is in state s(1 ) = ((1 ), (1 )). If E ((1 )) is empty, the state is absorbing. Otherwise, let = mintE ((1 )) {t (1 )} be the minimum RFT among the enabled transitions and 2 = 1 + . Then, at any time [1 , 2 ), the state is s( ) = ((1 ), ( )), where t ( ) = t (1 ) t (1 ) ( 1 ) if t E ((1 )) if t E ((1 ))

transitions in its weight class Ct w.p. w t|C (s)Ct () = wt|C (s)Ct () wu|C (s)Ct ()
uC (s)Ct

Unlike [11], no ring probability is dened when t1 and t2 are candidates belonging to dierent classes. We adopt the GSPN terminology and call a state s tangible if C (s) = , vanishing otherwise.

Stochastic conict and confusion

This means that the RFT of each transition is decremented by the amount of time elapsed while being enabled. At time 2 , at least one RFT reaches zero, and the corresponding transitions attempt to re. The notation for the state at time needs then to be rened. If one or more rings occur at time : lim + s( ) = s( + ) and lim s( ) = s( ) normally dier. We dene the state at time as the new state reached after any rings occurring at time : def s() = s( + ). Assuming n rings occur, we need to denote the n 1 intermediate states visited during these rings: s(, i) = ((, i), (, i)), i {1, 2, . . . , n 1} is the i-th state entered at time . Also, let def s(, 0) = ((, 0), (, 0)) = s( ) and s(, n) = ((, n), (, n)) = s(). Continuing our example, if only one transition t E ((1 )) has the minimum RFT , it res immediately at time 2 , and the new state of the SPN is s(2 ) = ((2 ), (2 )) = M(t, s(1 )), where M has been extended from markings to states: (2 ) = M(t, (1 )), and u T, u (2 ) is a random deviate from the distribution Ft,u ((2 , 0), u (2 , 0), ), that is, from Ft,u ((1 ), u (1 ) , ), if u E ((1 )), and from Ft,u ((1 ), u (1 ), ), otherwise. If multiple transitions reach a zero RFT at the same time, we choose one to re among them, say t, according to the post-selection priority and the weights. In the new marking, some transitions might still have a zero RFT, so they can re immediately, depending on the eect of the ring of t on the marking and on the RFTs, and so on, until we reach a state where no enabled transition has a zero RFT. Formally, a transition t T is said to be a candidate in state s() = ((), ()) i t E (()) t () = 0 (u T, u t u is not a candidate in s()). That is, a transition t is a candidate in s() if it is enabled, its RFT is zero, and no other candidate has post-selection priority over it. Let C (s) be the set of candidates in state s = (, ). Then, transition t C (s) is chosen to re among the

Fig. 1 shows three SPNs and their underlying basic process. For all three, s(0) = (1100, cc), where indicates a no-value RFT for t3 , meaning that its ring time must be resampled as soon as it becomes enabled. Consider the rst SPN. At time c , the state is s(c, 0) = (1100, 00). Since C (s(c, 0)) = {t1 , t2 }, the state is vanishing. Then, either t1 or t2 res next, with probability or 1 , and the next state s(c, 1) is (0110, 0) or (1001, 00), respectively (note that is dened by the SPN i Ct1 = Ct2 ). If s(c, 1) = (0110, 0), the new state is again vanishing, and t2 res immediately, leading to state s(c, 2) = (0011, 0), also vanishing. Finally, t3 res, leading to the tangible (absorbing) state s(c) = s(c, 3) = (0010, ). If s(c, 1) = (1001, 00), the new state has two candidates, t1 and t3 , with probability and 1 , respectively, and so on, until reaching state (0010, ). Any path from s(0) = (1100, cc) results in s(c) = (0010, ) with probability one. In the second SPN, the ring of t3 also moves a token from p1 to p3 , thus disabling t1 . The choices labeled with probabilities vs. 1 and vs. 1 correspond to reaching tangible states s(c) = (0011, ) or s(c) = (0010, ). These two events happen with probability + (1 ) and (1 )(1 ), respectively. The rst choice probabilistically resolves a confusion, while the second resolves the conict created by the confusion. It is interesting to note that, from a stochastic point of view, there is no dierence between confusion and conict. Both express the fact that different states can be reached according to the choice of sequentialization for transitions attempting to re at the same time, and both must be resolved by assigning appropriate probabilities. Finally, in the third SPN, the ring of t3 moves all tokens (either zero or one) from p1 to p3 . We still have a confusion between t1 and t2 , but the resulting conict between t1 and t3 is a new type of asymmetric conict due to marking-dependent arc cardinalities. The ring of t3 disables t1 , but not vice versa. Here, as in the rst case, the tangible state at time c is s(c) = (0010, ) with probability one. However, sequences with dierent ring counts lead to this state. If we are only interested in the tangible-to-tangible transitions, and are relevant only for the second SPN. If we are also interested in the number (but not the order) of rings, then and become relevant for the third SPN as well.

Const(c) p1 t1 Const(c) p2 t2 p3 Const(0)



1100,00 t2:1- 1001,00 t3:1-


0110,0 t2 :1


0011,0 t3:1






Const(c) p1 t1 Const(c) p2 t2 p3 Const(0)



1100,00 t2:1- 1001,00 t3:1-


0110,0 t2 :1



Denition 5.3 {Y () IR : IR0 } is a reward process derived from the basic process through the reward structure (, r) if: [n1] Y () = 0 ((u))du + 1nn ) rt[n] ( [n] [n+1] [n] ( ) ( ) + ( [ n ]) = 0n<n [ n] [n1] ( ) + 1nn ) where the re rt[n] ( |P | ward rates : IN IR describe the rate at which reward is accumulated in each marking and the reward impulses r : (T IN|P | ) IR describe the impulse accumulated when each transition res in each marking. It is then possible for the reward process to be welldened, even when the basic process is not. Denition 5.4 respect to a Pr{Y () = y } the elements of A SPN is well-dened with reward structure (, r) if is completely determined by the SPN.




Const(c) p1 t1 Const(c) p2 t2 #(p1) p3 #(p1) Const(0) p4 t3



1100,00 t2:1- 1001,00 t3:1- 0010,


0110,0 t2 :1

t1: t3:1


Figure 1: Stochastic conicts and confusions.

Corollary 5.1 A well-dened SPN is welldened with respect to any reward structure. Note that the SPN might not be well-dened even if the underlying untimed PN does not contain conicts or confusions. In the rst example of Fig. 1, if t1 , t2 , and t3 are in dierent weight classes, and are not dened. Most reward processes of interest are not aected by these choices, so we could re t1 and t2 concurrently. Equivalently, we could enforce a particular sequentialization of t1 , t2 , and t3 , for example (t1 , t2 , t3 ), and ignore the other equivalent ones. Detecting these situation is one of the goals of the structural analysis of [6]. However, the value of and is relevant for the reward process Y () = the number of rings of t3 occurring while t1 is disabled, during the interval (0, ]. In this case, t1 , t2 , and t3 must be in the same weight class, resulting in = w t1 |{t1 ,t2 } (1100) and = w t1 |{t1 ,t3 } (1001). On the other hand, weights might not have to be dened in a SPN even if the underlying PN exhibits conict and confusions. For an extreme case, consider a constant zero reward process, for which the SPN is always well-dened. More interestingly, consider the reward process Y () = the amount of time #(p1) = #(p2), during the interval (0, ] in the second SPN, or any reward process which disregards the rings of t1 in the third SPN. The two SPNs are well-dened with respect to these processes, even if they are not well-dened (with respect to their basic processes). We can focus on the instants of transition rings, since the semantics of the SPN evolution during instants of time where there is no ring is determined by the race behavior. In other words, stochastic conicts and confusions are more likely to occur in DDP-SPNs [10] (or in other SPN denitions with discrete or mixedtime distributions) than in GSPNs [4, 6], but they can be treated with a uniform approach. In the next section, we examine an algorithm to determine whether a SPN is well-dened with respect to a reward process (strictly speaking, it is a semi-algorithm

Well-dened SPNs

We now introduce the concept of well-dened SPNs, and provide a state-space-based algorithm to determine when a SPN satises it. First, we need to dene the stochastic process underlying a SPN. Often, this is taken to mean the marking at time , {() : IR0 }. However, this takes into account only information regarding the sojourn of tokens into places, not the ring of transitions. A more detailed process is needed: Denition 5.1 The underlying stochastic process for a SPN, or basic process, is {(t[n] , [n] , [n] ) : n IN}, where, for n > 0, t[n] T is the n-th transition to re, in marking [n1] , [n] is the time at which it res, and [n] is the new marking reached with this ring (t[0] = N U LL, [0] = 0, and n] () = [ , where n = max{n : [n] } is the number of rings up to time ). In our notation, [0] and (0) represent dierent concepts. The former is the initial marking, before any ring. The latter is the marking at time 0+ , that is, after any ring occurring at time 0. The two can dier if a transition has a zero RFT initially. Denition 5.2 A SPN is well-dened if its basic process is completely dened, that is, if n IN, t T, 0, IN|P | , Pr{t[n] = t, [n] , [n] = } is completely determined by the elements of the SPN. Hence, any stochastic conicts and confusions must be resolved by post-selection priorities or weights. If any is unresolved, the SPN is not well-dened. In practice, we are normally interested in stochastic reward processes derived from the basic process [11].

because it is not guaranteed to terminate if the number of states to be considered is innite, a common limitation for any approach based on the enumeration of the state space). We observe that the denition of the basic and reward processes given above have a strong simulation avor. If indeed simulation is used for the solution, our algorithm can be applied every time a vanishing state is encountered. This will ensure that the SPN is well-dened or that, if it is not, none of the unresolved stochastic conicts and confusions was encountered during the simulation runs. Either way, the results of the simulation are reliable. If the SPN has sucient restrictions on the ring times, its underlying process might be a DTMC, CTMC, or a Markov-regenerative process (MRGP), also known as semi-regenerative process Numerical methods can then be employed for the transient or steady-state solution of the processes of interest, provided the number of reachable markings is nite [11, 10, 7, 8, 12]. In all cases, the algorithm requires to generate a state-space where the RFT information is implicitly encoded in the discrete part of the state (the marking, or the marking plus the phase of the RFT if discrete or continuous time phase distributions are used). Regardless of whether simulation or a numerical method is employed, stochastic conicts and confusions can arise only under these conditions: (1) multiple transitions attempt to re at the same time (for GSPNs and related models, this can happen only with immediate transitions, since contemporary rings of timed transitions have probability zero), (2) at least two of them are in dierent weight classes, and (3) they have no post-selection priority dened between them. Our algorithm checks whether the SPN is not well-dened by testing for these conditions. If they are satised, it can further check whether the reward process(es) of interest are not well-dened as well.

1 and s = (s ) is a vector containing, for ev , ..., s ery impulse reward function r m M , the accumum lated reward value s along these paths. The probability of reaching tangible state s in zero time from s is Pr{s(0) = s |s(0 ) = s} = s , and the m-th expected accumulated impulse reward in reaching it is m E [Y m (0) | (s(0 ) = s s(0) = s )] = s . If the SPN is not well-dened, the behavior of the algorithm depends on the type of problems encountered:

|M |

If the probability s Ts of reaching some state s from s cannot be determined, the algorithm assumes, conservatively, that all reward processes derived from the SPN are also not well-dened and it issues an error message. It could indeed be the case that the marking reached does not aect the further evolution of the reward process, but this would require a more global understanding of the stochastic process and of the reward structure than it seems reasonable to assume. We call this case probability-confusion. If the probability of reaching the states in Ts from s can be determined, but multiple ring sequences can lead to a given state s Ts and the SPN does not provide enough information to compute their probability individually, the reward structures determine whether the derived reward processes are well-dened or not. If the dierent ring sequences result in the same accumulated impulse rewards, there is no need to distinguish among them, and the reward processes are well-dened. Otherwise, if dierent ring sequences leading to s accumulate dierent reward impulses and the SPN does not provide a way to compute their probability individually, E [Y m (0)|s(0 ) = s s(0) = s ] itself cannot be computed. In this case, the SPN is guaranteed to be not well-dened with respect to the corresponding reward structure (, r m ) and the algorithm issues an error. We call this case reward-confusion. For simplicity, the algorithm assumes that there exists a unique x for which Ft,u (, u , x) = 1. If this is not the case, the ring of t results in multiple states, diering only in the RFTs, and the algorithm should be adjusted accordingly. The reachability graph exploration could be restarted after a probability- or reward-confusion is found and the user has supplied the missing information to resolve it. However, the same task could be performed on-line, continuing the exploration after the user redenes some weight classes or post-selection priorities, as long as the new information is consistent with that previously available. Fig. 2 shows the algorithm. Parameter calls can be by value (in), by reference (out), or by value-reference (inout). The initial call is trav(s; Ts ; Ps ), where s is the initial vanishing state and Ts is initially empty. The rst loop of the procedure trav partitions all candidate transitions of s into sets of candidate transitions i = C (s) Ci belonging to the same weight class. C The second (innermost) loop calculates, for every set i , the set of paths P Ps , which start with the C s,Ci

The algorithm

The algorithm described in this section examines every possible ordering of contemporary transition rings starting from a vanishing state s and until tangible states are reached. The input is: a SPN (P, T, D , D+ , D , , g, [0] , F, [0] , , C, w), with a vanishing initial state, s = s(0 ) = ([0] , [0] ), and a set of impulse reward functions M = m {r1 , ..., r |M | }, where rt () IR is the impulse reward obtained when ring transition t in marking according to the m-th reward structure, 1 m |M | (reward rates are not needed). If the SPN is well-dened, the output is the set of tangible states Ts reachable from s in zero time Ts = {s : Pr{s(0) = s | s(0 ) = s} > 0} and the set Ps = |M | {(s Ts }, where s and s , s )|s IR (0, 1]. (s , s ) Ps represents all possible paths to a single tangible state s Ts starting from the vanishing state s, where s is the sum of the path probabilities,

procedure trav( in: s (, ); inout: Ts ; out: Ps ) Ps = ; foreach Ci C do i = C (s) Ci ; P = ; C s,Ci i do foreach t C + = D ,t () + D,t (); ft = w t|C i (); u T, u = new value according to Ft,u (, u , ); s = ( , ); if C (s ) = then # s is vanishing trav(s ; Ts ; Ps ); Ps,t = ( , )P { (s , s ft ) | m {1, . . . , |M |},
m m s + rt ()s = (s )ft ; else # s is tangible if s Ts then Ts = Ts {s }; m m Ps,t = { (s , ft ) | m {1, . . . , |M |}, s = rt ()ft } ; { ( + , + )} ; Ps, = (s s s s s ,s )Ps,t :( , )P
s s s,C i s s s

accumulated impulse rewards and path probabilities are added, (s + s + s ). , s 2. All remaining paths of Ps,t and Ps,C i not included in Ps, , namely paths going to dierent tangible states, are aggregated in the new Ps,C i , together with Ps, . Probability- or reward-confusion cannot occur i : C i , s among transitions of C = 1. ( s ,s )Ps,C i The SPN is not well-dened if a vanishing state s is encountered such that Ps,C i = Ps,C j , for dier j . The ent sets of candidate transitions Ci = C depth-rst search ensures that a minimal set of transitions causing the SPN to be not well-dened is found, since the test is performed in every vanishing state. Then, probability-confusion and rewardconfusion correspond, respectively, to the conditions (s j : s i , (s = s , s ) Ps,C and , s ) Ps,C m m m, (s j : s i , (s , s ) Ps,C = s . , s ) Ps,C The SPN is instead well-dened with respect to the reward structures if the following condition holds for all vanishing states s generated by the algorithm: i , C j , P = P . C s,Ci s,Cj In the description, we assume that the SPN starts at time zero in state s(0 ) with probability Pr{s(0 ) = s} = 1 and that it has no accumulated reward initially, E [Y (0 )] = 0. When our algorithm is used within the overall state space exploration, these values can be used appropriately. This is possible because our denition assumes time-homogeneous distributions and reward structures. Before concluding this section, we observe that the complexity of the proposed algorithm as stated is proportional to the number of paths going through the vanishing markings and ending in a tangible marking. However, if the set of vanishing states is kept during the recursive calls, the complexity is reduced to be proportional to the number of arcs in the vanishing portion of the reachability graph, thus analogous to any other algorithm for the exploration of the state space.

Ps,C i =

/ s, (s ,s )Ps,t Ps,C :(s ,s )P i

{(s , s )} Ps, ;

if Ps = then Ps = Ps,C i ; else if Ps = Ps,C i then stop; end procedure

# error

Figure 2: Algorithm for well-dened SPNs. i . Every transition t C i is ring of transitions from C red according to its ring probability ft leading to the new marking . The new RFTs are obtained from by applying the appropriate race policy [1], resulting in the new state s = ( , ). If s is vanishing, the recursive call trav(s ; Ts ; Ps ) explores further reachable states and computes Ps , assuming that the vanishing reachability graph created from s is acyclic and that no probability- or rewardconfusion occurred. The eect of ring t, which led to s , is added to Ps , resulting in the subset of all paths Ps,t Ps , which start with the ring of t in s. Thus, the instantaneous impulse reward rt ()s gained by ring t in , reaching tangible state s , is added to the corresponding accumulated impulse rewards s of Ps . Then, all accumulated impulse rewards and the path probability of going from s to s are multiplied by the ring probability ft of the transition t which red in s. If s is tangible, the recursion terminates, s is added to the set of tangible states Ts , if not already there, and a single initial direct path from s to s is created in Ps,t . The instantaneous impulse reward gained by the ring of t with probability ft in is stored in s . i , the set Finally, for every iteration over all t C which is iniPs,t is obtained and aggregated in Ps,C i tially empty for every set Ci . During a single iteration Ps,t and the old Ps,C i are unied in two steps, because multiple paths going to the same tangible state have to be eliminated and grouped into one, resulting in the new Ps,C i : 1. Paths in both (s i , s ) Ps,t and (s , s ) Ps,C going to the same tangible state s are aggregated in the intersection Ps, , where the corresponding


We extended Sanderss work [17], which is appropriate for constant reward impulses and constant cardinality arcs. Our marking-dependent generalizations require a non-trivial extension of all denitions, since ring the same set of transitions in a dierent order might lead to dierent markings. [17], and more recently [16], allow for an unspecied probability when choosing which transition to re next, and examine after the fact whether that choice makes a dierence (if it does, the model is not well-specied). We instead say that the SPN is not well-dened if the probabilistic evolution of the underlying stochastic process cannot be determined. This includes the sequencing of rings occurring at the same clock time so it is more restrictive. We then introduce the notion of well-dened with respect to a reward structure. A well-specied SPN according to [17], may be not well-dened with respect

to a reward structure, if marking-dependent impulse rewards are used, while a not well-specied SPN may be well-dened with respect to a reward structure, if no reward impulses are used in the reward structure.

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