Marx's Capital - A Student Edition by Karl Marx Preview
Marx's Capital - A Student Edition by Karl Marx Preview
Marx's Capital - A Student Edition by Karl Marx Preview
A Student Edition
Edited and
C J Arthur
Marx's Capital
A Student Edition
Karl Marx
ISBN 1 84327 096 X
Marx’s Capital
A Student Edition
ElecBook London
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Students’ Capital 4
Editor's Introduction 8
Preface to the First German Edition 27
Afterword to the Second German Edition 30
Students’ Capital 5
Students’ Capital 6
Chapter 19 – The Transformation of the Value (and
Respectively the Price) of Labour-power into Wages 449
Chapter 22 – National Differences in Wages 457
Students’ Capital 7
Students’ Capital 8
arl Marx was one of the intellectual giants of the modern epoch.
While it is true that even without him we would still be arguing
about capitalism and socialism, class struggle and revolution, it
cannot be denied that in his work he established in large part the
framework within which the discussion has been carried on.
Furthermore, many of his own concepts have become common currency
in the social sciences: ‘class consciousness’; ‘alienation’, ‘ideology’;
‘exploitation’; ‘mode of production’; ‘relations of production’;
‘commodity fetishism’; ‘materialist conception of history’. Above all,
Marx challenged the rationality of capitalist society. His ‘critique of
political economy’ argued that capitalism was exploitative, inherently
contradictory and systematically prone to crisis. That we still speak of
capital and wage labour, that we can trace the booms and slumps in the
economy since his day, means that Marx may still have much to teach
us. Serious scholars, whether economists, historians or political
scientists, know that if his work is not accepted or developed it must be
refuted. In a word, he is unavoidable: anyone wishing to further their
own education must take Marx's Capital seriously.
It was in 1867 that Marx brought out his masterpiece Capital: A
Critique of Political Economy; to be precise, he brought out Volume
One: The Process of Production of Capital. From the mass of his notes,
Friedrich Engels brought out after his death two more volumes: Volume
Two on circulation of capital, and Volume Three dealing with revenues
such as rent. These are inferior in literary quality and coherence to
Students’ Capital 9
Students’ Capital 10
all other relations in this mode of production can be located. The later
volumes are thus not of equal weight to the first, nor are they the
conclusions to premises established here; rather, they are
concretisations in more determinate form of the main relationships and
tendencies established in the first volume.
Methodologically speaking, Marx can work in this way because, as
the presentation itself shows, the capitalist mode of production has an
organic unity. This means that knowledge of it must take the form of a
system of related categories rather than a series of discrete
investigations; moreover, in the theory, it is necessary to establish what
is the hierarchy of determinations involved, and especially what lies at
the heart of the matter – the principle that works itself out through the
increasingly complex secondary and tertiary layers of the entire structure.
Of course, it is equally necessary for theory to develop these further
mediations, in order to show, in principle at least, how this fundamental
dynamic grounds itself in its effects and thereby successfully reproduces
the whole system.
But Marx's most significant problem clearly lay in disentangling from
the bewilderingly complicated phenomena of modern economic life the
essential features, which can be articulated in a few simple abstract
categories (value, surplus-value, etc.). This he gives us here.
This means that the argument of Capital is pitched at a high level of
generality throughout all three volumes, but especially Volume One.
New readers should not make the mistake of imagining that the
discussion deals with very detailed movements and relationships of
wages, prices and profits as they are determined in everyday life. When
Marx formulates his law of value it is certainly intended to be the really
fundamental regulator of everyday phenomena, but many further stages
would be necessary to explain, even in principle, its concrete
Classics in Politics: Marx and Engels ElecBook
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Students’ Capital 11
manifestation. This leads the more obtuse critic to wonder what use it is
then, if it cannot be immediately ‘applied’, if it refers to relationships not
visible on the surface of things. But no science, including social science,
can dispense with such fundamental principles, ‘abstracted’, if you like,
from contingent empirical phenomena.
It is clear that when Marx uses the metaphor ‘laws of motion’ he has
Newton in mind. This should be taken quite seriously. No one ever saw
a body moving at a constant speed in a straight line for ever. Such a
body is always subject to disturbing influences, friction, air resistance,
gravity and the like. But this did not stop Newton correctly considering
such a law as the basic regulator of mechanical motion, and defending it
against the Aristotelian assumption that bodies tend to a state of rest.
Marx's law of value, explained in this volume, has much the same
status. In its purity it is the principle underlying the most complex
phenomena of capitalism, albeit that market prices never coincide with
values, or profits with surplus-value. But Marx shows how one must
understand the latter as a stage in generating the former.
Marx makes the point in Volume Three that there would be no need
for science if the appearance of things directly coincided with their
essence. He argues that the real relationships may be quite contrary to
the way they appear; though that they appear so must itself be
explained as well. Thus Marx's theory is explanatory because, instead of
making observations of surface phenomena like costs and prices, it
develops the inner structure of the observable relations. In so far as
appearances are systematically misleading it is a critical science; for it
undercuts moral and political positions rooted in these appearances; and
conversely it represents in theory the standpoint of the proletariat.
Students’ Capital 12
Students’ Capital 13
Because social forms vary, there are no economic laws valid for each
and every different form of society. Each socially specified mode of
production has its own laws of motion. Marx's concern, as the very title
of his work indicates, is with the capitalist mode of production; nothing
he says here necessarily has any application to pre-capitalist, post-
capitalist or, in general, non-capitalist societies. It is important,
therefore, for theorists today to determine whether or not the mode of
production has changed sufficiently to invalidate the laws Marx
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Students’ Capital 14
Students’ Capital 15
Students’ Capital 16
The main conceptual difficulties which lie in the way of the reader of
Capital relate to the concepts of ‘value’ and ‘surplus-value’. It is
important to understand that Marx sharply distinguishes between use-
value and exchange-value, and that the latter has a purely social reality.
Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe naturally took a great interest in the
useful properties of the items salvaged from his ship, but it would have
had no meaning whatsoever to ‘value’ them to see how much he was
‘worth’. Nor does it make sense in any communal form of social
production. It is only when the products of labour are treated by society
as exchangeable commodities that they acquire value in the economic
sense. Value does not inhere in them naturally like their mass. Just as a
pawn is only an oddly shaped piece of wood outside the contest of the
rules of chess, within which it acquires certain powers in relation to
other pieces, so also does a product of labour acquire a certain value in
relation to other such commodities within the rules of the ‘exchange
game’. To treat such powers as naturally inherent is to fetishise the
commodity, says Marx.
At the same time, once the exchange system is in operation then the
value of a commodity is perfectly objective, as against the hopes and
wishes of individuals. Marx argues that the substance of value is
‘abstract labour’ and that its measure is ‘socially necessary labour-time’.
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Students’ Capital 17
Students’ Capital 18
Students’ Capital 19
not the labour-time extorted out of it during the working day. One sees
immediately that there is no necessary relationship between these two
quantities. In Marx's favourite arithmetical illustration, suppose it takes
six hours’ labour a day to produce the workers’ means of subsistence,
and yet the employer gets twelve hours’ labour a day out of them. Six
hours of these twelve must go to create the counter-value of their wages.
But this still leaves six hours’ ‘surplus labour’ for the benefit of the
capitalist, if he succeeds in realising it in the form of surplus-value.
Unfortunately Marx often confuses the matter by using the expression
unpaid labour’, contrary to his own argument. In chapter eighteen he
asserts that this ‘popular expression’ for surplus labour could not mislead
anyone into thinking that the capitalist pays for labour. But it has.
The temptation to use the expression ‘unpaid labour’ has obvious
political roots. It can even be justified theoretically in so far as ‘surplus
labour’ is too general an expression. All exploitative modes of production
rest on the ‘pumping out’ (Volume Three) of surplus labour. Marx
explains the implications of this in Volume One: ‘What distinguishes the
various economic formations of society – the distinction for example
between slavery and wage-labour – is the form in which this surplus
labour is in each case extorted from the immediate producer, the
worker.’ The slave and the serf are obliged by force or customary
obligations to work ‘for nothing’. Yet capital claims to ‘pay for’ labour.
Therefore Marx's interest (theoretical and practical) lies in the specific
form in which surplus labour is appropriated in this case.
Marx did not discover that capitalism is exploitative. It does not
require great intellect to see that the capitalists live off other people's
labour. The theoretical problem resolved in the way just discussed is
how it happens. Even those who had isolated labour as the sole source
of value thought exploitation must be based on a failure to return to the
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Students’ Capital 20
labourers the full value of their labour. Marx grasped that surplus-value
resulted, not from such a deduction, but from something, namely
surplus labour, being added to the original values brought into play in
the production process. This was how the value originally in the hands
of the worker could be paid for in full, and yet surplus-value be
appropriated by its purchaser.