The Evidence Based Medicine Database (EBM)
The Evidence Based Medicine Database (EBM)
The Evidence Based Medicine Database (EBM)
Agus Widiyatmoko
The most current and widely accepted definition of evidencebased medicine is the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values This reflects a systematic approach to clinical problem solving.
systematic process for implementing evidence based medicine into clinical practice
Start with the patient -- a clinical problem or question arises out of the care of the patient Construct a well built (PICO) clinical question Select the appropriate resource Appraise that evidence Return to the patient Evaluate your performance
Cochrane Database
Highest level of rigor, systematically reviews the entire English publications on a topic. Abstracts are free at their website. Full text is available through WileyInterscience. Cochrane Systematic Reviews on therapy topics only contain randomized clinical trials It produces and disseminates systematic reviews of healthcare interventions and promotes the search for evidence in the form of clinical trials and other studies of interventions.
Patient Oriented Evidence that Matters. Published daily, and ongoing since 1996, editors review more than 1,200 studies monthly from 100+ medical journals, presenting only the best as InfoPOEMs. The acclaimed POEMs process applies specific criteria for validity and relevance to clinical practice. About 1 in 40 studies qualifies.
PIER (Physicians' Information and Education Resource) is an evidence based, decisionsupport tool designed for rapid point-of-care delivery of up-to-date guidance for clinicians. PIER is an evidence-based "System" of actionable information about health conditions and interventions. Information in PIER is presented in a "drill down" format, in which the user clicks from an opening guidance statement through to more specific information.
Clinical Evidence
DynaMed is a huge, evidence based reference designed to pro-vide the most useful and current disease information at the point-of-care for health care profes-sionals. Where available, links are provided to full-text elec-tronic resources, including all FSU-available e-journals via a PubMed reference and patient education handouts.
WebFeat is a search engine developed specifically to search the vast subscription resources of the College of Medicine Maguire Medical Library. It has been in a constant state of revision and improvement. There are limitations, and the product should be considered in Beta testing for a while longer. However, it is getting better all the time, as the Beatles say. The link to WebFeat it at the top, center of the home page.