Let's Move Analysis
Let's Move Analysis
Let's Move Analysis
created by Michelle Obama in response to the fact that America is becoming increasingly sedentary and obese. In her own words, The initiative is about generational change -- designed with the goal that, a decade from now, our nation's children will live in a profoundly different food and physical-fitness culture (Gordy, 2012). Obesity is rising among both adults and children, and research has found that one in three children is overweight. The campaign has been created to combat this obesity as early in life as possible and specifically targets children. Childhood obesity is caused by a number of factors. Research from the campaigns website indicates that a few of the most prevalent causes are inadequate prenatal care, chemical exposure, overeating, lack of health care services or eating foods that lack nutritional value. Over the past 20 years daily activity has changed in the United States. In the past it was common for people to maintain a healthy weight by living their lives normally. Children used to walk to and from school and play outside for hours every day. Today, many kids ride the bus or have rides to and from school. After-school activities consist of playing video games or watching television. According to research done on the campaigns website, American children eight to 18-years-old spend more than seven and a half hours each day watching TV, texting or playing video games (2010). Children have fewer opportunities and less desire to be active. This campaign is necessary because it is the job of adults to look after their children and give them the best chance possible to succeed. Success is more easily achieved when a person is
healthy and strong. It is also a necessary step for America as a whole. In order for the country to live up to its potential and be as healthy as possible the upcoming generation needs to be prepared to continue this legacy of greatness. The initiatives efforts are typically accepted with open arms because of its positive nature and agenda to help the community and put children first. This campaign began in February 2010 and has accomplished many things already. Some of the most influential changes include the Healthier, Hunger-Free Kids Act, the White House Kitchen Garden, the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award and the Affordable Care Act (Lets Move.gov, 2010). At this time Michelle Obamas husband, President Barack Obama, is serving the last year of his first term as president of the United States. The next presidential election, in which he hopes to be re-elected, will occur in November of 2012. It is important for the Obama family to maintain relevancy and popularity among Americans before the election. Mrs. Obama is passionate about staying physically fit, and with this movement she can do so while winning the approval of women, children and families in America to hopefully help her husband be reelected in the fall. Besides, every first lady has a pet cause. Michelle Obama is not one to shy away from pushup and arm wrestling contests; she shows her passion for the cause by doing the things she is suggesting. Case Analysis Objectives The Lets Move website states that the initiative is dedicated to solving the problems of obesity within a generation, so that children born today will grow up healthier and be able to pursue their dreams (2010).
The objectives created by this initiative to help solve the problem of obesity are creating a healthier start for children, reducing obesity, increasing healthy food choices, educating parents about nutrition, exercise and how to make healthy choices, providing healthy food in schools and increasing physical activity. Logistical objectives include improving access to healthy and affordable foods and improving information and tools parents need to make desired changes in families. Key Publics The main target of the Lets Move initiative is children, but many publics were reached in the process of getting the message through to children. These intervening groups included parents, professional athletes and schools. The website they states, Everyone has a role to play in reducing childhood obesity. Your involvement is key to ensuring a healthy future for our children (2010). The campaign could have been better by targeting college students and obese people in some of the objectives. These are two publics that could use the push to be active as well. The campaign is limited to children and their families, but if America as a whole can get back in shape together, a bigger difference will be made. Children Children are the main focus of the efforts of this campaign, and the driving force behind contact with all other publics. The message being directed to them is that they can be healthy and achieve their dreams by eating right and being active. Children are also encouraged to help solve the problem by getting their families involved in physical activities, get their parents moving as well.
Tactics used to reach children include YouTube dance videos, messages through childrens television networks, the Lets Move website, schools, parents and professional athletes. Recreating the dance in an online video featuring Beyonce is a popular activity used when visiting schools. Mrs. Obama usually brings along a celebrity or an athlete when she visits schools to help her teach students to moves to Beyonces song Move Your Body so they can post a video of them dancing as well. In a recent address to Olympic athletes, it was announced that the campaign expects athletes to be role models to children in America by encouraging them to accomplish their dreams and get active. On the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon public service announcements and characters in the shows have advocated the campaign heavily. Parents The message being sent to parents is that they can set an example for their children and build healthy habits for life by creating a healthy environment in the home. Research statistics on the website back up this message. On the website there is a specific page for a parental action plan with recipes, activities and things they can do to help their children gain a love for physical activity. Facebook and Twitter accounts have been created and updated daily to plunge into the social media channel and most likely get the attention of mothers. Michelle Obama herself is getting the message to parents by appearing on daytime talk shows and even The Biggest Loser, a popular primetime television show about getting in shape. Mass media is another avenue that has been exploited to get in contact with parents. On WebMD Mrs. Obama was recently quoted saying, Turn off the TV and turn on the radio, and have a dance party in the living room with
your kids. Walk them to school. Cook dinner at home just one or two nights a week. You don't have to do anything drastic to make a difference (Shaw, 2012). The campaign has sent out messages encouraging families to eat more nutritiously, plant a garden, get active and spend time together while doing it. In the same article Mrs. Obama says, Ultimately, that's what "Let's Move" is all about too: not just making kids healthier, but strengthening families. And the beauty of it is that it's not just another government program. It's a series of important partnerships with the business community, nonprofits, and foundations. No one's ever set the goal of ending childhood obesity in a generation before, but we've got momentum now, and we're going to keep going (Shaw, 2012). Athletes Many events have been set up to get athletes to act as an intervening public in the campaign to reach the children who look up to them. The message to athletes in particular is that they need to be the opinion leaders of the campaign and encourage children to be active and accomplish their dreams. The NFLs exercise campaign and the NBAs Fit campaign are partners with Lets Move to reach children and parents. The latest thing Michelle Obama has been working on is getting the United States Olympic athletes to do as much as they can to encourage children who look up to them. She informed the athletes at their Olympic Media Summit May 14, 2012 about all the associations and organizations that were creating programs to help. Associations included: U.S. Tennis Association, U.S.A. Track and Field, Field Hockey, Cycling, B.M.X., Swimming and U.S. Soccer Federation (Pilon, 2012). Movements within these organizations to encourage fitness will help extend the campaign out across the country and hit sports-loving parents and children. Schools
The message sent to schools, delivered through online blogs, events and the campaigns website is that it is necessary to provide quality nutrition, integrate physical activity during the day and teach children about the importance of embracing a healthy lifestyle in order to make schools healthier places to learn. The goal in schools specifically is to increase physical education and improve school lunches. Media coverage of groups of elementary school children visiting the White House and participating in free sports clinics appear in newspapers and on education blogs in an attempt to reach schools and teachers. There is a section on the website that specifically targets schools and gives teachers a toolkit with suggestions for a healthier classroom. The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act to strictly monitor school lunches has already been passed. The new standards for lunches instigated by this act include double amounts of fruit and vegetables, switching all grains to whole grains and offering fat-free or low-fat milk (Jalonick, 2012). Mass media coverage of regulations regarding school meals is targeted specifically at school leaders. They pay special attention to these messages because they are concerned with following the law and providing a healthy environment in their schools. Many schools are being encouraged to plant gardens and get children involved in more physical activities. The campaign has grown strong since its beginning in 2010, but success is hard to measure because the campaign is trying to change the upcoming generation as a whole. It is not paying attention to specific numbers like pounds lost or percentage of healthy children. It seems like there are two key people missing from all the publicity that would be beneficial to this campaign: Sasha and Malia Obama, Michelle Obamas daughters. She talks often about how they get involved in extracurricular activities and eat a set diet, but they have no involvement in any of the Lets Move events or activities. It would be cool to see that not only is
Mrs. Obama getting active herself, she is encouraging her children to do so as well through this national movement.
First lady Michelle Obama launches lets move: Americas move to raise a healthier generation of kids. (2010, February 9). Retrieved from http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-pressoffice/first-lady-michelle-obama-launches-lets-move-americas-move-raise-a-healthiergenera Gordy, C. (2012, May 01). How quickly lets move is moving forward. Retrieved from http://www.theroot.com/views/how-quickly-let-s-move-moving-forward Jalonick, M. C. (2012, January 25). School lunches to be healthier: Have more fruits, vegetables, whole grains . Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/25/schoollunches-to-have-mo_0_n_1230749.html
Let's move: federal employees help students gear up for fitness. (2011, May 18). Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/blog/2011/05/lets-move-federal-employees-help-students-gear-upfor-fitness/ Michelle Obama gets US moving. (2012, May 16). Retrieved from http://gulfnews.com/sport/other-sports/michelle-obama-gets-us-moving-1.1023439 Obama, M. (2010, February 7). Lets move. Retrieved from http://www.facebook.com/letsmove Obama, M. (2010, February 7). Lets move. Retrieved from http://www.letsmove.gov/ Pilon, M. (2012, May 14). Michelle obama urges olympians to draw children to sports. Retrieved from http://london2012.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/14/michelle-obama-urgesolympians-to-draw-children-to-sports/ Shaw, G (2012, May 27). Americas first mom talks with WebMD about how familiesincluding herscan eat healthy and be active . Retrieved from http://www.webmd.com/parenting/features/michelle-obama-intervew Wargin, S. (2012, May 16). Susie wargin meets with first lady michelle obama to discuss childhood obesity. Retrieved from http://www.9news.com/news/article/268222/222/Susie-Wargin-First-Lady-discussobesity-in-kids