Law 416 Legislative Process in Malaysia Parliament

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LAW 416



LEGISLATI'E PRO%ESS IN MALAYSIAN PARLIAMENT There are several Legislative Processes in Malaysian Parliament. The Bill introduced to parliament may be classified as Private Bills, Private Member Bills, Hybrid Bills and Government Bills. proposed act of la! begins its life !hen a particular government minister or ministry prepares a first draft !ith the assistance of the ttorney"General#s $epartment. The draft, %no!n as a Bill, can be proposed by either House of the Parliament &House of 'epresentatives or (enate). The Bill is then discussed by the *abinet. +f it is agreed to be submitted to Parliament, the Bill is distributed to all Members of Parliament &MPs). +t then goes through , stages before the House of 'epresentatives &Dewan Rakyat). The first reading is !here the minister or his deputy submits it to Parliament. stage, only the title of Bill !ill be read. -o debate or voting from MPs. t this

t the second reading, the Bill is discussed and debated by MPs. .irst voting !ill be needed to passed the Bill !ith simple ma/ority or 012 ma/ority accordingly. Then the Bill !ill be submitted to a *ommittee of House. *ommittee of House !ill consider the Bills in detail and may amend any part of it. The committee than submits a report on the Bills to the house. +f the report is approved, the Bill goes on the third reading in the house. t the third reading, debate ta%e place and amendments maybe put to a note. The minister or his deputy formally submits it to a vote for approval. 012 ma/ority is usually re3uired to pass the bill, but in certain cases, a simple ma/ority suffices. (hould the bill pass, it is sent to the (enate & Dewan Negara), !here the , stages are carried out again. t (enate, first reading !ill be carry out !here at this stage, the title of the Bill !ill be read and there is no voting and debate activity from MPs. Then it !ill goes to ne4t stage. (econd reading !ill be done by MPs !here at this stage discussion, debate and voting activities !ill be do again. +f the Bill is passed, the Bill !ill be submitted to a *ommittee of House. *ommittee of House again !ill discuss in specifics the particular of Bill and the amendment !ill put to a note. The committee than submits a report on the Bill to the house. Third reading !ill goes in the house if the report had been approved. $uring third reading before the $e!an -egara, debate ta%es place and may amend any part of it and may put to a note. The house then approved the Bill. The Dewan Negara may choose not to pass the bill, but this only delay its passage by a month, or in some cases, a year5 once this period e4pires, the bill is considered to have been passed by the house.

+f the bill passes, it is presented to the 6ang di"Pertuan gong, !ho has 27 days to consider the bill. (hould he disagree !ith it, he returns it to Parliament !ith a list of suggested amendments. Parliament must then reconsider the bill and its proposed amendments and return it to the 6ang di"Pertuan gong !ithin 27 days if they pass it again. The 6ang di"Pertuan gong then has another 27 days to give the royal assent5 other!ise, it passes into la!. The la! does not ta%e effect until it is published in the Government Ga8ette. s a summary, legislative authority of the .ederation shall be vested in a Parliament, !hich shall consist of the 6ang di"Pertuan gong and t!o Ma/lis &Houses of Parliament) to be %no!n as the $e!an -egara &(enate) and the $e!an 'a%yat &House of 'epresentatives). Bill can be proposed by either House of the Parliament &$e!an 'a%yat or $e!an -egara). 9hen a Bill is passed, it !ill be sent to another House of Parliament. fter both House had passed the Bill, the Bill !ill be presented to the 6ang di"Pertuan gong. +f a Bill had been amended by one of the House of Parliament, the changes must be agreed by the House of Parliament !ho proposed the Bill before the Bill is presented to the 6ang di"Pertuan gong.

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