The document provides an introduction to setting up and using DB2 Express C version 10.1. It discusses key concepts like the database manager, instance, and databases. It describes how to setup DB2 on a virtual machine, create a database called "tuning", load sample data, and run basic queries. It also introduces the option of remote access by installing the DB2 client to connect to the database server running on another machine.
The document provides an introduction to setting up and using DB2 Express C version 10.1. It discusses key concepts like the database manager, instance, and databases. It describes how to setup DB2 on a virtual machine, create a database called "tuning", load sample data, and run basic queries. It also introduces the option of remote access by installing the DB2 client to connect to the database server running on another machine.
The document provides an introduction to setting up and using DB2 Express C version 10.1. It discusses key concepts like the database manager, instance, and databases. It describes how to setup DB2 on a virtual machine, create a database called "tuning", load sample data, and run basic queries. It also introduces the option of remote access by installing the DB2 client to connect to the database server running on another machine.
The document provides an introduction to setting up and using DB2 Express C version 10.1. It discusses key concepts like the database manager, instance, and databases. It describes how to setup DB2 on a virtual machine, create a database called "tuning", load sample data, and run basic queries. It also introduces the option of remote access by installing the DB2 client to connect to the database server running on another machine.
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Getting Started with DB2 Express C v10.1
We are using DB2 Express C for the exercises and assignments.
This document is not a full documentation of DB2. It is just an introduction to a quick start. I will introduce new functionalities as we need them. Documentation is available at the DB2 Information Center (Bookmark this!):
1. Basic DB2 Concepts
You need to understand the concept of database manager, instance and databases to get started. Those concepts are in the DB2 environment section of the Getting Started with DB2 Express C available on the web site (still focused on version 9.7 but most of it is still valid).
Briefly: The database manager is DB2-express C. It runs on the Ubuntu VM image (DB2-10.1- students) running on VirtualBox (version 4.2) A DB2 instance is an independant environment where databases can be created. In the following, I assume that the instance name is db2inst1. A database is a collection of tables. In the following, I assume that two databases have been created on the db2inbst1 instance: SAMPLE and tuning. We will only be using tuning here.
When db2 is running, a few processes are running in the background (db2sysc, db2acd, db2bp, ). Look up the command db2_local_ps if you are interested. No need to go into details there for now though.
Note that you can access a DB2 instance locally, on your Ubuntu VM. You can also access it remotely from your laptop. For remote access, you need to install a client on your laptop (see Section 3). 2. DB2 Setup
You are very much welcome to download DB2 express and install it yourself on your laptop, or on a server at home. I recommend that you install it on a VM, e.g., VirtualBox, so that you avoid impacting your laptop installation (e.g., DB2 creates OS users).
Database Manager
Instance Database Database
I have created a VirtualBox appliance that contains Ubuntu 12.04 and DB2 v10.1. It is pretty straightforward to import an appliance into VirtualBox. Please follow the steps mentioned in the VirtualBox documentation. This VM contains a few users (login/password). In case you forget, they all have the same password: root: student/tuning db2 instance owner: db2inst1/tuning db2 adminstration server: dasusr1/tuning
You should rely on the db2inst1 user to access to the DB2 instance running on the VM (See Section 1 above). Note that by default the default shell for db2inst1 is /bin/sh on linux. I have changed it to /bin/bash on the VM. Note that the installation adds a couple of lines to .bashrc (and .profile) to setup all appropriate environment variables.
You can now start the database server with (note that it should autostart whenever you log into db2inst1): # db2start
And stop it with: # db2stop
Note that whenever you open a connection to a database (see below), you need to close it (db2 connect reset) so that db2stop completes.
For the rest of the exercise, I assume that the db2 server is running: # db2start
You can now launch the db2 client with the db2 command: # db2
You get a command prompt that you can use to enter commands to the database manager, as well as SQL commands once you are connected to a given database. Type quit to exit.
You can either type db2, enter the command editor, type commands and quit when you are finished, or give a command as parameter to the db2 program (see below).
I created a database on the db2inst1 instance, called tuning. Before you can access a database, you must establish a connection with it.:
# db2 connecL Lo Lunlng
You can then enter SQL commands using the same db2 program. Use db2 -L to enter multiline SQL commands terminated by a semicolon.
# db2 -L
db2 => creaLe Lable r (a lnL), u820000l 1he SCL command compleLed successfully. db2 => selecL * db2 (conL.) => from r,
A -----------
0 record(s) selecLed.
It is very cumbersome to use db2 online command as there is no advanced editing feature. An alternative is to write your SQL code into a file which you execute with db2 as follows:
# db2 -Lf yourflle.sql
You can create your own yourfile.sql. We will give an example in a second. When you are done working you should terminate the connection:
# db2 connecL reseL
Now to a slightly more interesting exercise.
You can download airline-schema.sql and insert-airline.sql from the web site (still as db2inst1 user).
# db2 connecL Lo Lunlng
You can now load the SQL commands contained in the file airline-schema.sql
# db2 -Lf alrllne-schema.sql
This is an efficient alternative to typing in commands in an interactive way.
11 tables have been created. Use the list tables command to display their names:
# db2 llsL Lables
Table/View Schema Type Creation time ------------------------------- --------------- ----- -------------------------- AIRCRAFT DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27- ASSIGNED_TO DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27- BOOKED_ON DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27- CAN_FLY DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27- DEPARTURE DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27- EMPLOYEE DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27- EQUIPMENT DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27- FLIGHT DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27- PERSON DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27- PILOT DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27- PLANE DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27- R DB2INST1 T 2010-01-27-
12 record(s) selected.
You can also use the describe command followed by an sql query to find out the attribute names of the query result, e.g. Execute db2 -t to enter interactive mode: db2 => descrlbe selecL * from alrcrafL,
What are the attribute names for the tables Flight and Plane?
Step 2
Download the file insert-airline.sql. Same procedure using the insert-airline.sql file that inserts rows into the tables you have just created.
# db2 -Lf lnserL-alrllne.sql # db2 commlL
Don't forget this last line (commit). You can now select all the tuples of a table using the following SQL command:
# !"# %selecL * from AlrcrafL"
How many rows are there in table Flight? What is the earlier arrival time in table Flight?
Step 3
The airline database contains information about airplanes, personel (including pilots) as well as flight routes.
The following SQL query finds out the employee number and name of the pilots booked (as passengers) on a flight they are assigned to (as pilots). Ideally, this should not happen in a consistent database (a pilot cannot be a passenger in the plane she is flying). Is it however the case for the database you have created? The way to find out is to run the following SQLquery that finds the employee number, name of those employees who are booked and assigned to a same flight. The result of this query should be the empty set. Use db2 -t:
select distinct Employee.Emp_No, from Employee, Booked_On, Assigned_To, Pilot where Employee.Name = Booked_On.Name and Employee.Emp_No = Pilot.Emp_No and Assigned_To.Emp_No = Employee.Emp_No and Assigned_To.Dep_date = Booked_On.Dep_Date;
What result do you get? Why?
3. Remote Access
This step is very optional, but recommended as it allows you to run experiments with a dedicated computer for the database server while you run experiments from a (separate) client computer.
You should download the data server client from You will need to register to the IBM academic initiative, which is gratis and has no downside that I can see.
Once you have downloaded the client, read the readmefirst.txt file and follow the instructions (they are different on windows and linux). A GUI shows up, you should simply follow the steps. The client comprises a set of tools both commands that you can run from a shell prompt and GUI for database management. These tools are clients that connect to the database instance running on your server. At the end of the process, a post installation message shows up that lets you know that you should run the db2profile script before using the tools. You can also follow some first steps (I skipped that so I cannot say much about it).
Now, you should have a working db2 client environment on your laptop. For example you can run the db2 command:
your laptop $ db2 list db directory
This command should not return anything if you have just installed the DB2 client and there are no local databases.
What we need to do is to register the remote instance and the remote database on our client. The way it works in DB2 is that this registration is static (it is a separate step that must take place before you can connect to the database). The concept is that of a local catalog that you update with information about the remote instance and database. Run the command:
your laptop$ db2 catalog tcpip node dbms remote <YOUR INSTANCE IP> server <YOUR INSTANCE PORT NUMBER> remote_instance db2inst1
Note that ts is the name I gave to the node. You can pick your own (but there are limitations on the number of characters for that name).
You get the instance port number on the server by running # db2 attach to db2inst1 # db2 get dbm cfg show detail This command displays a set of lines. One of them gives the port number (that DB2 mixes with the notion of service name, which I don't want to get into): TCP/IP Service name (SVCENAME) = 50000
Note also that if your instance is running on the VM that I prepared (with a NAT network interface), you will need to establish port forwarding so that the traffic incoming on the host is transmitted to the guest VM. Assuming YOUR INSTANCE PORT NUMBER is 50000, and that the VM name is DB2-10.1-student you will have to run on the host where your VM is located (not within the VM, but in the host OS): VBoxManage modifyvm "DB2-10.1-students" -natpf2 "db2server,tcp,,50000,,50000"
See for details.
Now, you need to configure your server firewall so that your client can connect to the DB2 instance via port 50000.
Now back to the client on your laptop. To commit the change to the catalog you need to flush the cache with the following command: your laptop$ db2 terminate
Once you have registered the remote instance (node), you can register the remote database:
your laptop$ db2 catalog database tuning at node dbms your laptop$ db2 terminate
After you have registered remote instance and database, you can connect to the database: your laptop$ db2 connect to tuning user db2inst1 using tuning
Now that you are connected you can run any command on your remote database using db2: your laptop$ db2 list tables