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Insulation Products Catalog





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FIBRAN was founded in 1974 in Thessaloniki by its current Chairman Mr. Dimitrios Anastasiadis having as its major activity initially the production of prefabricated elements and their application in settlements in Greece and abroad.

In November of 1995, in a highly advanced industrial unit at Terpni Serres, FIBRAN SA starts its production of thermoinsulating building elements of extruded polystyrene, under the trade name FIBRAN XPS. In June 1998 a second production line is being established while in January 2000 a new double production line for expanded polyethylene and extruded polystyrene has been put into operation, producing materials addressed to sound insulation, thermoinsulation and packaging. The total production capacity rose up to 320.000m3 annually and FIBRAN has been placed among the biggest European producers. In 1999 FIBRAN takes over its subsidiary BIMO together with its subsidiary in Athens IZOTEC SA distribute throughout Greece a big series of products consisting of thermoinsulating products, sound insulating, waterproofing materials, falce ceilings, concrete admixtures, repairing materials and geosynthetics.

In September of 2001 FIBRAN initiates a new industrial unit for the production of stonewool materials, covering a total area of 11000m2 in Terpni Serres. The unit, unique in Greece, has an annual capacity of 30.000 tn. The production process involves the fusion of minerals in electric twin ovens. This highly advanced unit belongs to the few units worldwide that ows equipment in the peak of technology, totally friendly to the environment. Stonewool materials are used for thermoinsulation, soundinsulation, fire protection in the building sector and by the industry, shipbuilding and agriculture. The products are specified to cover demands both in Greece and abroad. Additionally, a new line of production of extruded polystyrene foam boards has been completed and put into operation in Portugal. The factory is located in Porto, occupies 40 people, with capacity of 120.000m3 of extruded polystyrene products and will cover mostly the markets of Iberian peninsula and France.

Moreover, until the end of 2003 a new investment in Boulgaria is expected to be finalized. The new factory of extruded polystyrene foam boards is being established in Russe and will cover the demands of Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraina, Moldavia and Russia. During the first two months of 2003 a new investment in FYROM is also expected to be completed. The new factory in Strumica, has as its major activity the production of expanded polystyrene.


L o w We i g h t Bo a rd s The Low weight boards of stonewool could be used in Cavity walls, dry constructions, roofs, and false ceilings.

G eo l an B- 04 0 Lo w W e ig h t Bo ar d s Density Thickness Board dimensions: Fire Performance: Operation Temperature (0C): Thermal Conductivity: = 40 kg / m3 30 40 50 60 80 mm 1200 x 600 mm A1 750 0C = 0.0327 W / m*K


M ed i um W e i g h t B oa rd s Medium Weight Boards could be used in Cavity walls, Ventilated facades, dry constructions, roofs.

G eo l an B- 05 0 M edi u m W e ig h t Bo a r ds Density Thickness Board dimensions: Fire Performance: Operation Temperature (0C): Thermal Conductivity: = 50 kg / m3 30 40 50 60 80 mm 1200 x 600 mm A1 750 0C = 0.0327 W / m*K


S e mi Ri g i d B o a r d s Semi Rigid Boards could be used in Cavity walls, dry constructions, ventilated facades, and roofs.

Ge ol a n B- 57 0 S e mi R i g id Bo a r d s Density Thickness Board dimensions: Fire Performance: Operation Temperature (0C): Thermal Conductivity: = 75 kg / m3 30 40 50 60 80 mm 1200 x 600 mm A1 750 0C = 0.0318 W / m*K


R ig i d Bo a rd s Rigid Boards could find use in floors, ventilated facades, and roofs.

G eo l an B - 0 0 1 R ig i d Bo a r d s Density Thickness Board dimensions: Fire Performance: Operation Temperature (0C): Thermal Conductivity: = 100 kg / m3 30 40 50 60 80 mm 1200 x 600 mm A1 750 0C = 0.0315 W / m*K


Hard Boards Hard Boards could find application in floors and roofs.

Ge ol a n B- 05 1 H a r d Bo a r d s Density Thickness Board dimensions: Fire Performance: Operation Temperature (0C): Thermal Conductivity: = 150 kg / m3 20 30 40 50 60 80 mm 1200 x 600 mm A1 750 0C = 0.033 W / m*K


Ex tr a Ha rd Bo a rd s Extra Hard Boards could find application in floors and roofs.

G eo l an B- 57 1 E x tr a H a r d Bo ar d s Density Thickness Board dimensions: Fire Performance: Operation Temperature (0C): Thermal Conductivity: = 175 kg / m3 20 30 40 50 60 80 mm 1200 x 600 mm A1 750 0C = 0.036 W / m*K


GEOLAN BULK could be used in Boiler, Container.

Packages of 40, 80, 400 kg


with facings
Geolan products can produced with different types of facing like: Alufoil, craft paper, glass tissue (white/ black).


R- 040
Insulation Roll Insulation Rolls applications are Cavity wall, dry construction and roofs.

G eo l an R- 0 40 In s ul a ti o n R o ll Density Thickness Roll dimensions: Fire Performance: Operation Temperature (0C): Thermal Conductivity: = 40 kg / m3 50 60 80 100 120 mm 1000 x 600 mm A1 750 0C = 0.033 W / m*K


R- 56-KO
Ma t re s s o n Wi re n e t Matress on wirenet applications are in industrial insulation, pipes, ventilations.

Ge ol a n R- 5 6- KO Ma tr e s s o n Wi r en e t Density Thickness Roll dimensions: Fire Performance: Operation Temperature (0C): Thermal Conductivity: = 65 kg / m3 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 mm 1m x 6m /5m /5m /3m /3m /2.5m /2.5m A1 750 0C = 0.032 W / m*K


R- 080-KO
M a tr es s o n Wi r e ne t Matress on wirenet applications are in industrial insulation, pipes, ventilations.

G eo l an R- 08 0 - K O Ma tr e s s o n W ir e n et : : : : (0C): = 80 kg / m3 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 mm 1m x 6m /5m /5m /3m /3m /2.5m /2.5m A1 750 0C

: = 0.0318 W / m*K


M a tr e s s o n Wi r e ne t Matresses on wirenet applications are in industrial insulation, tanks, Boiler, furnace.

G eo l an R- 00 1 - K O Mat r e s s o n W ir e n et : : : : (0C): : = 100 kg / m3 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 mm 1m x 6m /5m /5m /3m /3m /2.5m /2.5m A1 750 0C = 0.0315 W / m*K


Roof Insulation of roofs, floors, walls, basements.

F ib r a n E co R F/6 0 R oo f Bo a r ds

Density: Thickness: Board dimensions: Water absorption by immersion: Water vapor permeability: Thermal conductivity:

= 28 kg / m3 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 mm 1250 x 600 mm 0.5% by volume 1,8 ng/ (Pa s m) = 0.032 W / m*K
Available edge finish I / L / D

Compression strength at 10% deform. 300kPa


C a v i ty Wa l l Insulation of Cavity Wall.

F ib r a n Ec o W L /6 0 W a ll Bo a r ds Density: Thickness: Board dimensions: Water absorption by immersion: Water vapor permeability: Thermal conductivity: = 30 kg / m3 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 mm 2500 x 600 mm
Available edge finish I / L / D

Compression strength at 10% deform. 300kPa 0.3% by volume 1,2 ng/ (Pa s m) = 0.03 W / m*K


Rough Insulations of external wall Facades

Fi b r a nE c o BT/ 6 0 R o u g h B o ar d s Density: Thickness: Board dimensions: Compression strength at 10% deform. Water absorption by immersion: Water vapor permeability: Thermal conductivity: 0.5% by volume 1,8 ng/ (Pa s m) = 0.032 W / m*K = 28 kg / m3 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 mm 2500 x 600 mm
Available edge finish I / L / D



Gofre Insulation for general use .

Fi b r a nE c o GF /6 0 G o fr e Bo a r d s Density: Thickness: Board dimensions: Water absorption by immersion: Water vapor permeability: Thermal conductivity: = 32 kg / m3 20 30 40 50 mm 2500 x 600 mm
Available edge finish I / L / D

Compression strength at 10% deform. 300kPa 0.3% by volume 1 ng/ (Pa s m) = 0.03 W / m*K


Giga Insulation of big surfaces false ceiling of industrial buildings, ect.

F ib r a n E co G I/ 1 20 /I Gi g a Bo a r ds

Density: Thickness: Board dimensions: Compression strength at 10% deform. Water absorption by immersion: Water vapor permeability: Thermal conductivity:

= 32 kg / m3 30 40 50 60 mm 2500 x 600 mm 300 - 400 kPa 0.3% by volume 1 ng/ (Pa s m) = 0.03 W / m*K
Available edge finish I / L


Floor Insulation of floors with big loads.

F ib r a n Ec o F L /6 0 Fl o o r Bo a r ds Density: Thickness: Board dimensions: Compression strength at 10% deform. Water absorption by immersion: Water vapor permeability: Thermal conductivity: = 38 kg / m3 30 50 mm 1250 x 600 mm 400 - 500 kPa 0.3% by volume 1 ng/ (Pa s m) = 0.03 W / m*K
Available edge finish I / L / D


C oo l Ro o ms Insulation of cool rooms.

Fi b r a nE co FR /6 0 C oo l R o om Bo a rd Density: Thickness: Board dimensions: Compression strength at 10% deform. Water absorption by immersion: Water vapor permeability: Thermal conductivity: = 35 kg / m3 50 75 mm 2500 x 600 mm 350kPa 0.3% by volume 1 ng/ (Pa s m) = 0.03 W / m*K
Available edge finish I / L / D



Wa l l F a ci n g Insulation of walls internally and plaster elements.

Fi b r a nE c o GP /1 2 0/I W al l F ac i n g Bo a r d s Density: Thickness: Board dimensions: Compression strength at 10% deform. Water absorption by immersion: Water vapor permeability: Thermal conductivity: 0.5% by volume 1,8 ng/ (Pa s m) = 0.032 W / m*K = 28 kg / m3 39.5 49.5 59.5 mm 2500 x 600 mm
Available edge finish I


Pilotis Insulation of cavity walls from the surface below.

F ibr a n Ec o P I/1 2 0/ I P ilo ti s B o ar d s


Density: Thickness: Board dimensions: Compression strength at 10% deform. Water absorption by immersion: Water vapor permeability: Thermal conductivity:

= 28 kg / m3 42.5 52.5 62.5 mm 2500 x 600 mm 0.5% by volume 1,8 ng/ (Pa s m) = 0.032 W / m*K
Available edge finish I


F l a t R o o fti l e Insulation of roofs.

F ib r a n Ec o T L/ 3 0 F l a t Roo f t ile Bo a r d s Density: Thickness: Board dimensions: Compression strength at 10% deform. Water absorption by immersion: Water vapor permeability: Thermal conductivity: 0.5% by volume 1,8 ng/ (Pa s m) = 0.032 W / m*K = 28 kg / m3 70 mm 600 x 300 mm
Available edge finish D


Roll The expanded extruded polyethylene FIBRAN XPE could be used in sound insulation of flooring (floatable screed, floating floor), and in industrial insulations like pipes. It is found in three types: - Without facing - With facing HDPE 15m for vapor barrier - With facing PP Alum 20m for reflection of heat

F i br a nX p e Rol l Gravity Compression strength at 10% deformation: Water absorption by immersion: Thermal conductivity: Roll dimensions 25 - 30 kg / m3 150 gr / m2 0,5% .. 24 = 0.035 W / m*K 1500cm x 200m x 2 mm 1500cm x 1400m x 3 mm 1500cm x 1000m x 5 mm 1500cm x 45m x 8 mm

For any further information please consulted the technical brochures of the products with the technical information on the safety and the right application and their storage.

Web site: / e-mail: INDUSTRIAL SITE TERPNI, SERRES THESSALONIKI 6th Km Thessaloniki - Oreokastro P.O.B. 40306, 560 10 Thessaloniki T +3 2310/ 682.425 , 681.823 F +3 2310/ 683.131 ATHENS IZOTEC S.A., 37, Ag. Athanasiou str. 145 65, Anixi Atikis, Athens T +3 210/ 81.42.415 , 81.42.414 F +3 210/ 81.41.850 CYPRUS 312, Tseriou str., P.O.B 22395 CY-1521 Nicosia, Cyprus T 00357 22 814300 F 00357 22 324255

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