Flipit Paper Combat
Flipit Paper Combat
Flipit Paper Combat
Introduction.............................................2 The World of Flipit...................................3 Basics of Play..........................................4 Game Types.............................................5 Setup of Terrain......................................6 Shooting & Resolution..........................7-8 Movement Phase......................................9 Aircraft..................................................10 Heroes, Commandos & Specialists....11-12 Weapons Armory...................................13 Medals & House Rules...........................14 Green Stars......................................15-17 Black X.............................................18-20 Red Hammers...................................21-23 Blue Falcons.....................................24-26
Welcome to Flipit: Paper Combat, a game of skill and strategy set in a world at war.
Build your followers and lead them in the battle to free Jurop.... or conquer it! The Game
This rulebook contains all the rules you will need to play a game of Flipit: Paper Combat.
The game requires at least two players, a coin, dice, a tape measure and models that are available online at www.flipitpapercombat.com Buiding An Army
After choosing a faction to lead, you can begin downloading and printing your army. Stalwart soldiers, courageous heroes and powerful vehicles are yours to command as soon as you can print, cut and assemble them. The paper model templates for Flipit are designed with ease of construction in mind, so even beginners at papercrafting can build an army that they can be proud of.
PRINTING AND ASSEMBLING While standard printer paper may be used, card stock is recommended for printing out your models. We suggest a 110lb stock, which can be found at most stationary retailers. Scissors can cut out most pieces for models, but you will sometimes encounter a part that requires a hole punch or a cutting board and hobby knife. There are many kinds of adhesives available, from glue sticks to quick drying drying cyanocrylate (superglue), so choose a glue that works best for you. If youre finding that the thickness of your card stock causes the white edge of the paper to be visible on a finished model, use a dark colored marker to shade it in. Building your first paper models may seem daunting for beginners, but with just a bit of practice, you can make pieces that will be sure to impress. Take your time and have fun, building is half the hobby!
Written By: James Bowen Art: James Bowen, Jean-Charles Doublet and other uncredited artists Miniature Design: James Bowen
Flipit: Paper Combat, characters and models and all associated logos are all copyright 2012 by James Bowen
Basics of Play
Turn Order
Note that critical damage may remove an enemy figure before the resolution phase, giving an advantage to the first player of a round of shooting
Resolution Phase
shooting phase, they determine which models they have that have taken lethal damage. These models are removed with excess damage on vehicles being applied to the crew inside before disembarking.
Movement Phase
Shooting Phase
Game Types
Choosing A Game Type Despite always using the same set of rules, games of Flipit may have different objectives depending on what game type the players agree on. This is determined before either player decides which of their models they are going to use in their army for that game. The game types are as follows... V.I.P . Each army will have a single infantry figure they must protect while at the same time trying to eliminate the enemy V.I.P. figure. The V.I.P. must be able to stand out from the rest of the army and will be armed with only a pistol (no upgrades are allowed for the V.I.P.). This figure may not be a part of any squad. They may ride in a transport only if there are no other passengers. The game ends when the first player that manages to successfully eliminate the enemy V.I.P. is declared the winner. This is usually the shortest game type. Capture Enemy Intel Each army will have an intelligence briefcase or other item placed somewhere on their deployment zone. The object is to cross the board, grab the enemy flag (only infantry on foot may pick up a flag, though they may board a transport afterward), and bring it back to your deploying table edge. If a figure is eliminated while carrying the flag, any figure from either side may attempt to pick it up and move it. The game ends when the first player that manages to retrieve the enemy flag is declared the winner. Base Defense Each army will have a building on the board that they have to defend. This building will be upgraded to a base (4 health). The game ends when the player that destroys the enemys base is declared the winner. Convoy One army will take on the roll of the convoy attempting to breach an enemy barricade while the other attempts to stop them from crossing. The convoy player will have twice the point total in their army as the opposing player. The convoy player will win if they manage to get more than 50% (in points) of their army off the opposite side of the table in less than ten turns. If more than half the convoy army is destroyed, the blockade player wins. Note: Aircraft from any faction and The paratrooper upgrade for Blue Falcon infantry is not allowed in this game type. Elimination The object of this game is simple, eliminate the opposing army to the last man! This game type will take a long time to finish, so you may want to set a time limit. At the end of the time limit, whichever player has the most points left on the battlefield wins. Create Your Own Mission After playing a few of the basic missions, you might come up with ideas for new game types to try out. These can be anything from large battles attempting to destroy new enemy supervehicles to small skirmish sized games using only infantry. Campaign missions will also be available from time to time on the Flipit website.
Fig 1. The Black X and Green Star infantry figures may shoot at each other, but the Green Star tank is blocked by the building.
2) The unit has enough range to reach the enemy target. The range for infantry is determined by the weapon they are holding. Vehicles ranges are listed under their factions motor pool in the rule book. 3) Determine if you have firing priority to your target of choice. If the target is the closest visible enemy to the unit firing, no priority test is needed. If not, then you must pass a priority test to be able to fire at the desired target. This is done by rolling one die and passing on a 4 or higher (some infantry figures have rules that modify or ignore priority tests). If passed, you may target any visible unit in range. If failed, the figure must fire at the closest visible enemy instead.
Fig 2. In order for the Black X tank to fire at the Green Star tank, it would have to pass a priority test or be forced to fire on the closest enemy vehicle.
Infantry units locked in melee (a figure in the squad is within 1 of an enemy infantry) must always perform a melee attack. This attack will use any melee weapons the squad has, or 1 attack per infantry without a melee weapon. Units firing into melee must roll a die after the attack is made. On
The Resolution Phase In the resolution phase, all damage markers are applied to units not affected by critical damage. 1) If an infantry formation has a damage token on it, you may choose to remove that token by using a medic (note that this can only be done in the resolution phase). If no medic is present, the owning player must choose an infantry figure in that squad to remove during the resolution phase. If the removed figure was equipped with a heavy weapon, remove the weapon from the figure and place it on the space formerly occupied by it. 2) If a vehicle has taken damage tokens equal to or greater than its health value, the vehicle is destroyed. Any extra hits that go over the health value are applied to the pilot, then any passengers if the pilot fails an armor roll and any hits still remain. 3) Once all damage tokens on a vehicle have been resolved, remove any surviving crew or passengers and place them adjacent (within 1) to the vehicle before removing it from the game and replacing it with a destroyed vehicle marker.
Fig 3. The Green Star Halftrack has cover from the Black X Flakwagen by having more than 50% of the vehicle behind blocking terrain. The Flakwagen has cover from both Green Star vehicles due to the low walls. The Green Star tank has cover from the Flakwagen due to one of the walls being more than 3 from the Flakwagen. The Flakwagen may fire at the Green Star infantry squad without any cover penalties to its attack rolls.
3) The player owning the unit being fired upon must make armor or structure saves equal to the number of hits scored. This is passed on any roll of 4 or higher for infantry, 3 or higher on vehicles, and 2 or higher on buildings. There are some weapons that will increase the number needed to be rolled to successfully pass a save. These weapon types and their effects are described in the armory section of the rule book. 4) If a model or formation has twice as many damage tokens as its health (HP) value, then it counts as critical damage and the model is removed from play immediately (note that this is only of any benefit to the active player in a round as it prevents that enemy figure from firing). Remove any heavy weapons from the model and place them in the space formerly occupied by that model. Most infantry only have one health, so for every 2 damage markers applied to a squad, the owning player must choose an infantry figure in that squad to be removed from play immediately.
Infantry Infantry utilize the March and Double-Time movement templates. To use a movement template, place it in front of the figure and move the figure anywhere up to the front of the template (you do not have to use the full distance). it may not move in the movement phase of that round. If it fired any ranged weapons other than pistols then it must use the March template (the shorter one). If it only fired pistols or did not fire at all, then it may choose to use the Double-Time template *the longer one). If an infantry formation moves within 1 of a dropped weapon, you may elect to have a figure in the formation equip the weapon in place of its own.
Fig 1. When moving, move to the front of the template, not past it.
Melee Most basic infantry must start the game in a When an infantry figure or formation comes squad. The minimum and maximum number into adjacency (1 or less) of an enemy of infantry allowed in a squad differs from infantry or formation, then it is considered one faction to another. This information can in melee range. On subsequent turns, either be found in each factions troops page. Some formation may choose to leave melee, but it figures (such as vehicle pilots, drivers and will give an Attack of Opportunity to the specialist infantry characters) may ignore or other squad. Infantry figures making modify squadron size rules. To be in a attacks of opportunity can use either their squad, each infantry figure must be within melee or ranged weapons, but will only hit 3 of another infantry figure in the squad. on a 5 or higher. Infantry units are never considered in melee with vehicle units and Note: Casualties from shooting may cause an may not attack them with melee weapons. infantry formation to be more than 3 apart. If this is the case, the squad must attempt to Moving around Terrain regroup on the next movement turn. In some instances, you will find yourself in a tight spot where it is beneficial to place the If an infantry or infantry formation fired template on its side (the skinny part) and a heavy weapon in the shooting phase, then wrap it around an obstacle to get the most distance out of your units movement. This is allowed for both infantry and ground vehicles. Vehicles Vehicles use templates to move just as infantry, but the distance traveled is greater. Each vehicle will have a speed listed on its profile in its factions motor pool as either a fast or a slow vehicle, denoting which of the two tracked movement templates to use. Vehicles may rotate on their center both before and after moving.
Aircraft Movement Vehicles that are designated as aircraft will always move at fast vehicle speed and must move the entire distance unless they have specific rules that state otherwise (such as the Hammercopter). Unlike infantry and ground vehicles, you may not warp the template around obstacles. Aircraft may ignore any type of terrain or figures (friendly or enemy) for movement purposes provided they do not end the movement phase with their base overlapping another unit or a raised terrain feature. Attacking An Aircraft When a ground unit (infantry or vehicle) attacks a vehicle with the aircraft rule, its AC statistic will be treated as being 2 higher than normal (maximum of 6) due to air cover. This is to account for the difficulty involved in hitting a fast flying target at it
zips and barrel rolls through the sky. Units with the Anti-Aircraft special rule ignore this cover modifier. Unlike other vehicles, you do not draw line of fire to the pilots head. Instead, you must be able to draw a line of fire to a corner of its flight stand. When an aircraft attacks another aircraft, the line of fire is measured from head to head as normal and no air cover modifiers are taken into effect. Artillery units may never target aircraft. Attacking From An Aircraft When attacking from an aircraft, you draw line of fire starting from any corner of the flight stand to the head of the target. Cover modifiers granted by terrain are ignored with the exception of infantry occupying a building.
Anti-aircraft fire from Night Owl Microtanks destroys a Black X Luftpanzer.
Saboteurs Saboteurs are single infantry figures that operate independently of squads. Saboteurs start the game off the battlefield. There are two types of saboteurs, depending on how they enter the game. -Master of Disguise: This saboteur will replace a single enemy infantry without a heavy weapon. All ranged and melee weapons used by the replaced figure are then equipped to the saboteur. This is done on any movement phase. Saboteurs may not replace figures while in a transport. -Master of Stealth: This type of saboteur uses suspicion tokens to move around the battlefield and confuse the enemy. At the beginning of the game, place four suspicion tokens face down anywhere in your deployment zone. Three of these tokens have a smoke cloud printed underneath, while the fourth token will have a ! on the reverse. Take note of which token is real, and which tokens are decoys. While unrevealed, suspicion tokens are treated as normal infantry for movement purposes. Figures wishing to attack a suspicion token must be within 3 of it. Any hits scored on a token cause it to be revealed (flipped over). If a revealed token is a smoke cloud, then it is considered to have just been some occurance that startled the nearby troops. If the suspicion token revealed is the ! symbol, then they have found the saboteur. Immediately remove all other suspicion tokens and place the figure for the saboteur in place of the revealed token, then resolve the hits as normal. A saboteur using the master of stealth rule may choose to reveal itself at any time during the game, after which, it will operate as normal.
All too late, a Black X soldier discovers that his squad mate is actually an enemy saboteur.
Mortar Teams Mortar teams are small two-man squads that operate an artillery emplacement. They do not use squadron rules and may not be a part of an infantry squad. Each infantry in an artillery team will be armed with the starting equipment for its faction in addition to the mortar weapon. Due to having two figures on the base, a mortar team has 2 health. The mortar team may still fire if it has taken a damage, but once it has suffered 2 damage, the mortar is destroyed (it is not left behind like most heavy weapons). Mortar teams are allowed to move at double-time speed once before the start of the first turn. After this, they are immobile. When firing, mortar teams do not have to be able to draw line of fire to vehicles. If firing at infantry, they must still draw a line of fire as normal.
The Armoury
Weapon Types -Anti-Infantry Any hits from these weapons scored on infantry will only be saved on a 5 or higher instead of the normal 4. Anti-infantry weapons have no effect on the armor saves of vehicles or buildings. -Anti-Vehicle Any hits from anti-vehicle weapons scored on infantry will only be saved on a 6. Any hits from an anti-vehicle weapon scored on other vehicles will only be saved on a 4 or higher. Any hits on a building will only be saved on a 3 or higher. -Wrecker Class Weapons Hits from Wrecker weapons allow no armor saves from infantry. Vehicles will only pass armor saves on a 5 or higher. Hits scored on buildings will only be saved on a 4 or higher. Heavy Infantry Weapons Infantry firing heavy weapons may not move after firing. Heavy weapons may not be fired by passengers in a transport. Combat Knife 3FP melee weapon Points included in profile. Cavalry Saber 4FP melee weapon Points included in profile. Grenade -5 points one per squad D6 hits 6 range Single use. Replaces melee weapon. Demolition Charge 4FP wrecker 3 range Points included in profile. Single use. Rifle 2FP 12 range Shotgun 3FP anti-infantry 8 range Free upgrade from rifle. One per squad. Can be used as melee. Light Machine Gun -5 points 4FP anti-infantry 8 range One per squad (unless listed as otherwise) 2 handed (replaces both rifle & combat knife) 2 handed (replaces both rifle & combat knife) Sniper Rifle -10 points 1FP -ignores infantry armor saves. Attacking player chooses which infantry in the squad takes a damage token caused by a sniper rifle. 1 per 150 points in army. Flamethrower -10 points 5fp anti-infantry 8 range Ignores cover. 1 per 150 points in army. Rocket Launcher -14 points 3FP anti-infantry at 20 range 4FP anti-vehicle at 15 range 1 per 150 points in army.
Pistol 1FP 8 range Points included in profile. Units firing pistols may still use the double-time template for movement.
Green Stars
When a Green Star infantry is eliminated, another infantry in its squad may immediately make an attack at minus 1 FP
Colonel Havok leading a tank platoon over the icy hills of Jurop, his trusty pistols ever ready in case of an ambush.
Extra Ammo: Green star basic infantry may take a additional machine gun or shotgun in a squad. The second shotgun cost 5 points. Minimum Squad Size=3 Maximum Squad Size=5
(Available using Bomar)
Infiltration: Alpha Force Commandos do not start the game on the table. Instead, at the start of the second turn, they may be placed adjacent to any terrain feature. While infiltrating, they do not have to maintain formation. Improvise: If an Alpha Force unit kills an infantry unit in melee, you may have the Alpha Force member immediately equip the weapon dropped by the enemy unit.
20 Points HP=1 AC=3 Includes pistol, combat knife & demolition charge
Advance & Deploy: See mortar team entry on page 12 Range to vehicles: 30 (clear line of fire not required) Range to infantry: 15
Motor Pool
50 Points (includes driver)
Speed = Slow Vehicle Range = 20 Firepower = 5FP Health = 3 Accuracy = 4
10 Points (driver separate) Speed = Fast Vehicle Health = 1
-Bikes count as infantry transports that must be taken for the whole squad.
Col. George S. Havok
Ebony & Ivory: Havok wields dual pistols with RANGE= 8 2FP (each). They may be fired together or used on seperate targets. I read your rulebook!: One opposing army may not use it's faction power. COMMAND ABILITIES - You may spend one command token to make all units in one infantry formation attack twice in one turn. Place the command token on the formation given this command. While the squad has the command token on it, it may not move. At the end of the next movement phase, remove the token from the game. - You may spend one command token to make an infantry formation move twice In one turn. Place the command token on the squad given this command. While the squad has the command token on it, it may not fire. At the end of the next firing phase, remove the token from the game.
Explosive Arrows: RANGE=10 2FP Any attack roll of 5 or higher will cause 2 hits. Survival knife: Melee, 4FP Alpha Leader: An army using Bomar may use Alpha Force commandos. Bomar has all the abilities of an Alpha Force commando. First Blood: Once per game, when Bomar makes an attack that scores at least one hit, lower the armor rating of the targeted unit by 1 for the duration of the turn. Born to Kill: For every infantry unit Bomar kills in melee, remove one damage counter from his character card. COMMAND ABILITIES - Once per game, you may spend one command token to add 4 FP to any one unit's attack. This must be announced before the attack is made. - Once per game, you may spend your command token to reflip all coins from any one unit's attack (this may be from either a friendly or enemy unit).
Black X
Impenetrable Armor:
Once per game, you may ignore the first failed armor save on a vehicle
Captain Erwin Muttonschnitzel looks out from the turret of his Uberpanzer. He is feared by his enemies for his ruthless mechanized assaults and by his own troops for his harsh disciplinary actions for anyone who he deems isnt doing their very best.
Stick Grenades: Black X basic infantry may take up to 3 grenades in a squad instead of 1
(Available using Donnerfaust)
Slow & Heavy: Panzermnner may not use the double time movement template or be passengers in vehicles. Relentless Assault: Panzermnner may
move after firing heavy weapons. Heavily Armed: You may upgrade a Panzermnners machine gun to either a flamethrower or rocket launcher for an additional 5 points. Heavily Armored: Panzermnner pass unmodified armor saves on a 3 or higher
20 Points HP=1 AC=3 Includes pistol, combat knife & demolition charge
Advance & Deploy: See mortar team entry on page 12 Range to vehicles: 30 (clear line of fire not required) Range to infantry: 15
Motor Pool
65 Points (includes driver)
Speed = Slow Vehicle Range = 20 Firepower = 5FP anti-tank Health = 4 Accuracy = 3
10 Points (driver separate) Speed = Fast Vehicle Health = 1
-Bikes count as infantry transports that must be taken for the whole squad.
Capt. Erwin Muttonschnitzel
Machine Gun: RANGE=8 4FP Muttonschnitzel may fire BOTH his machine gun and the tanks cannon in the same turn. Explosive shells: When Muttonschnitzel is used, all Uberpanzers have 6FP. Tank Jockey: Muttonschnitzel may pilot an Uberpanzer for an additional 50 points. COMMAND ABILITIES -you may spend one command token to have a tank move twice in one turn. Place the command token on the tank. This tank cannot fire on the next turn. Remove the token from the game after the next firing phase. -You may spend one command token to have an engineer's repair attempt to automatically be a success (you must use this before the attempt is made). -You may spend one command token at the beginning of the game to have all ground vehicles in your army move before the start of the first turn. Custom Rifle: Gewehr has a custom sniper rifle that does not count towards the special weapons limit. Range=20" 1FP Best Shot There Is: Once per turn, Gewehr may reroll a missed attack made with his sniper rifle. Strike from the Shadows: Gewehr may either start the game occupying a building on your half of the table, or he can use suspicion tokens in the same manner as a saboteur. COMMAND ABILITIES -you may spend one command token to increast the range of any unit's weapon by 5" for one turn. -You may spend one command token to increase all attacks targeting an enemy hero by 1FP for the duration of your firing phase. Devil's Claw: Melee 6FP. Donnerfaust may not use any other weapons while this is equipped. If Donnerfaust picks up another weapon, remove the Devil's Claw from the game. Armored Corps: An army using Donnerfaust may use Panzermnner commandos. Iron Grip: Donnerfaust may choose one adjacent enemy unit. The target may be either a vehicle (but not an aircraft) or an infantry. This unit cannot move until Donnerfaust chooses a new target, moves away, or is removed from the board. COMMAND ABILITIES -you may spend one command token to prevent all hits on Donnerfaust or any other infantry in his formation for 1 turn. Place this command token on that formation. They may not attack on the next firing phase. Remove the token from the game after the firing phase is over. -You may spend one command token to add 1 hit to all attacks made from an infantry formation for 1 turn. This must be done before any attacks are made during the attack phase it is used. Place this command token on that formation. They may not move on the next firing phase. Remove the token from the game after the firing phase is over.
Hanz Gewehr
Gunter Donnerfaust
Red Hammers
Lynch Mob:
When a Red Hammer infantry squad comes into melee range of an enemy vehicle or formation, it makes an immediate attack on the enemy unit using the number of infantry in the squad at the FP of the attack. This is not a standard melee attack. If this targets an enemy infantry or infantry squad, melee attacks may still be made in the shooting phase. This ability can only be used once per turn on the movement phase. Numbers: Red Hammer basic infantry cost 15 points for 2 soldiers. Poorly Equipped: Red Hammer basic infantry may not use grenades or upgrade their rifles to heavy weapons. Minimum Squad Size=4 Maximum Squad Size=10
Colonel Krynski and his team lack the youth of their peers, but make up for it in cunning and well practiced teamwork.
(Available using Krynski)
Decorated Heroes: Each Putsnaz starts the game with a medal. Too Old For This #&@!: Putsnaz cannot use the double time movement template. Old Soldiers, New Toys: You can equip a shotgun or machine gun for free. You may upgrade to any other weapon for an additional 5 points.
15 Points HP=1 AC=3 Includes pistol, combat knife & demolition charge
Advance & Deploy: See mortar team entry on page 12 Range to vehicles: 30 (clear line of fire not required) Range to infantry: 15
Motor Pool
50 Points (includes driver)
Speed = Slow Vehicle Range = 15 Firepower = 4FP Health = 4 ACCURACY = 4
10 Points (driver separate) Speed = Fast Vehicle Health = 1
-Bikes count as infantry transports that must be taken for the whole squad.
Nicholai Rasputin
Holy Machine gun: RANGE= 10" 3FP anti-infantry Divine retribution: If a unit deals damage to Rasputin, he may immediately make an attack at the start of the resolution phase targeting the unit that caused the damage. This attack has unlimited range and a firepower of 1. Shield of Faith: Once per game, the first damage scored on Rasputin is ignored. COMMAND ABILITIES - You may spend one of your command tokens to add 4 FP to any one unit's attack. This must be announced before the attack is made. - You may spend one your command tokens to reflip all coins from any one unit's attack (this may be from either a friendly or enemy unit). -Rasputin may spend one of his command tokens and remove one basic infantry figure in his army from the game to prevent a damage token from failing an armor save.
Ivan Khargovrume
Large Caliber Pistol: While Khargovrume uses his pistol, it has RANGE=10 2FP Molotov: Once per game, Khargovrume may make an attack at RANGE=6 2FP that ignores all armor. This attack may target infantry and transports only. Crazed Wheelman: Khargovrume may replace the driver in either a transport or missile truck. In addition, if he ends the movement turn with his truck adjacent to a single enemy unit, he may ram it. This is a 3FP attack. If the target is a vehicle, it makes a 2FP attack back (at Ac4). and both attacks have the wrecker effect. Insane Driving: The truck Khargovrume is driving may move at fast vehicle speed. If it does, flip a coin. On a heads, the truck must make an armor save or suffer a damage.
COMMAND ABILITIES - You may spend one command token on the movement turn to make a vehicle move twice in one turn. Place this token on the vehicle. While the token is on a vehicle, it cannot move. At the end of the next movement turn, remove the token from the game.
Blue Falcons
Blue Falcon aircraft get +1 FP when attacking enemy aircraft.
Paratroopers do not start the game on the battlefield. Instead, they may enter the battlefield by air drop. The controlling player places an airdrop target marker on the battlefield. This marker may not be within double time speed of an objective. On the movement phase of the second turn, you may choose to place one or more of the formations within march template distance of one of the target markers. Once a target marker is used, remove it from the table. If you choose to withhold placement of any of the airdropping squads, they may be placed on any subsequent turn using the same method.
Minimum Squad Size=2 Maximum Squad Size=4
20 Points HP=1 AC=3 Includes stun pistol, combat knife & demolition charge
(Available using Cargoe)
20 POINTS HP=1 Includes Heat Ray, Stun Batton & Jump Pack (or Teleporter)
Jump Packs: If they are using jump packs, a Scince Team squad may move at double time speed even if they have fired. In addition they may ignore terrain and other units while they are moving. Teleporters: If using teleporters in the movement phase, roll a die. On a 3 or higher you may move the squad anywhere on the board. On a 1 or 2, your opponent places them anywhere on the board and the teleporter ability cannot be used for the remainder of the game. Stun Batton: Melee 3FP may target infantry only. This attack ignores armor. Instead of placing damage markers on a target, this weapon uses stun tokens. A unit must forgo
rolled seperately. If any doubles are rolled, the weapon explodes. The weapon and the infantry using it are immediately removed from the game.
Motor Pool
45 Points (includes driver)
Speed = Fast Vehicle Health =3 Firepower = 4FP Range = 20 ACCURACY = 4
Air Marshall Roce Bleauciel
Common Pistol: RANGE= 8" 1FP Air Strike: Once per turn, you may make a friendly aircraft attack with it's cannons, even if it has already attacked. Bleaciel may not make an attack this turn if this is used. Tactical Genius: Bleaciel may use one of his command tokens to cancel an enemy command ability. COMMAND ABILITIES -You may spend one command token to reflip an attack made by an aircraft (friendly or enemy) -You may spend one command token to move an airdrop target token anywhere on the battlefield. This must be done during the resolution phase. -You may spend one command token to activate any enemy command ability as if it were your own.
Acel Desparrow
Lightning Ray: RANGE=8 3FP If there are more than 3 figures in an infantry squad targeted with the lighting ray, you may increase the FP to equal the number if infantry. Jetpack: DeSparrow uses the fast vehicle movement template and is treated as an aircraft in terms of both movement and air cover. He may enter buildings as a normal infantry, but may not occupy a transport. Protector: If an infantry within 6" of DeSparrow is attacked, you may move him in front of the figure and have the attack target him instead. COMMAND ABILITIES -You may spend one command token to have all infantry score at least 1 hit on their attacks for 1 turn. (if an attack has at least 1 hit, this does nothing, if an attack completely misses then treat the result as 1 hit) -You may spend one command token to reduce the number of hits on an infantry or infantry formation by 2. Stun Blaster: RANGE=10 2FP Place a stun marker on the target for every hit scored. Units with stun markers may not move or shoot. A unit must forgo either a movement or shooting turn to remove each stun token. Fist of Science: 3FP melee wrecker attack. For Science!: An army using Cargoe may use Science! Team commandos. Arachni-pack: Cargoe uses the Slow Vehicle movement template. While he moves, he ignores all other units and terrain features. Ignore this ablility while he is in a squad. COMMAND ABILITIES -you may spend one command token (before teleporting with the science team) to guarantee a success on a teleport flip. -you may spend one command token before shooting to ignore all self-inflicted damage by the science Team (including blowing themselves up with heat rays) for one turn. -you may spend one command token before the start of the first turn to equip any infantry figures in your army with a stun blaster (5 points) or heat ray (10 points).
Serge Cargoe
Superheavy Vehicles
Superheavy vehicles are massive machines
of war brought out by a faction only in the direst of battles. Each one is a testament to its nations technological and military prowess. Stats for each superheavy vehicle may be found on the last page of the template they are built from along with a damage chart. Not all games of Flipit are large enough to warrant a nation bringing out one of its most prized weapons. Superheavy vehicles may only be used if the following condidtions are met: -The game is at least 350 points or larger -Your opponent is notified of the intent to use a superheavy and agrees to it. -The mission type is either a base defense, convoy, custom mission or a campaign mission that specifically allows the use of a superheavy vehicle. The Damage Track Since they can soak up far more damage than traditional vehicles, most of the superheavy vehicles rely on a damage chart to keep track of how many damage tokens they have received and what effect it has on the vehicles performance. When placing damage tokens on the track, you will start on the first position and place any consecutive tokens in the appropriate space. If a damage marker is placed on a space with an effect, that effect is applied immediately. Superheavy vehicles may not be repaired by combat mechanics or hero abilities.
Green Star Orca Hovercraft The Orca is a transport with a primary use as a landing craft. Being a hovercraft, it can traverse a wide variety of flat terrain in addition to its maritime role. Possessing a large transport hold, it can either be a troop transport or a vehicle transport. Its armament consists of two rocket pods and two heavy machine gun turrets. Black X LandKreuzer The Landkreuzer is a tank, troop transport and mobile headquarters all in one. Being the largest tank ever designed by Echsvarian engineers, it is a monument to the notion of bigger is better. Its armaments include two sponson mounted heavy machine guns and a turret with two massive blitzkannons. Red Hammer War Walker Though not initially designed by the Hammermen, the War Walker that has come to be known as The Peoples Hammer has become a symbol of the Hammerlands might. Its origin lay in the labs of Blue Falcon Scientists, specifically from the Falconian Air Corps Science Team. Red Hammer spies managed to extract the location of the testing facility from a member of Cargoes team and Krynski himself led the raid that captured the nearly completed prototype. Wielding an enormous hammer and an equally impressive chaingun, The Peoples Hammer is truly a fearsome sight to behold on the battlefield. Blue Falcon Heavy Bomber The Aigle II is the most renown aircraft in the Blue Falcon Air Corps. Having completed more missions than any other two Falconian bombers combined, it has a reputation for always hitting its mark and returning home safely. Blue Falcon bombers carry a staggering array of gun turrets that can be used in a ground support role as a gunship as well as protecting themselves against enemy fighter craft. Their real power, however, comes from the many wrecker bombs they carry that can reduce any target to smoking craters.
Campaign Missions
Sometimes a quick battle just isnt enough. In this case, you may choose to use rules for campaigns. Campaigns are made up of a series of missions. Every mission in a campaign will have a lasting effect on the following missions. Campaign missions will use a 400 - 500 point army build, though not all of it will be used for each mission. After each mission, take note of which side won and which units were destroyed, consulting the chart below to see what effect it will have on the campaign. After each mission, the winner will receive victory tokens determined by the mission chart. At the end of mission 5, the player with the most victory tokens is the winner of the campaign. Mass Retaliation -If a players entire army is eliminated from a mission, on the next mission, they may use an additional 50 points. Our Hero Has Fallen -If a hero figure is eliminated in a mission, that figure may not be used in any other missions in the campaign until the final mission. Makeshift Repairs -Every time a non-tranport vehicle is eliminated in a mission, it will come back in later missions in the campaign as starting with 1 additional damage (to a maximum of 1 under its health). If you have multiple copies of that vehicle in your campaign force, you may exchange them instead of using the damaged vehicle. Over Exerted -If one army is able to win 2 missions in a row in a campaign, on the next mission after, they must use 50 points less. This will even apply to the final mission, which would otherwise allow you to use every unit in the army. Mechanize -If all infantry in an army were eliminated in a preceding mission, they must all begin the game in transports (with the exception of mortar teams). Blue Falcon paratroopers ignore this. This rule has no effect in the last mission. Campaign chart Missions in a campaign will follow the order of the chart to the right. Mission 1: Border incursion 200 points This mission is worth 1 victory token Place a building in the center of the battlefield. After 8 turns, the player with the most points in infantry (not including weapon upgrades) in adjacency to (or inside) the building is declared the winner. Mission 2: Intelligence Gathering 200 points This mission is worth 2 victory tokens This is a standard Capture Enemy Intel mission. Mission 3: Kidnap the Scientist 200 points This mission is worth 1 victory token The player who lost the last game must protect a V.I.P. model and attempt to escort it from their deployment zone to the opposite side of the battlefield and off the table. The winner of the last mission will set up in the same manner as a convoy mission. Their goal is to intercept the V.I.P. (done similar to acquiring an intel briefcase) and escort it off their starting table edge in the custody of their army. Mission 4: Superweapon 300 points This mission is worth 2 victory tokens The winner of the last mission must designate a vehicle in his army as a super-weapon. It has an additional health and +2FP and costs an additional 25 points in addition to its normal rules. The player who lost the last mission is tasked with destroying this vehicle by turn 10. If the superweapon is not destroyed by then, then the player using it has won. (if both players agree, instead of using a superweapon, you may instead choose to pay the points for and use your factions superheavy vehicle.) Mission 5: Assault the Enemy Base 400+ points per player This mission is worth 3 victory tokens. Mission 5 follows all the rules of a standard base defense game. If the superweapon was not destroyed in the last mission, the player using it may pay the additional points to use it again. Players must use every unit in their campaign army for this mission. (a player benefitting from mass retaliation may instead ignore the Makeshift Repairs rule on their vehicles).
Welcome to Flipit: Paper Combat, a fast paced tabletop miniatures game set in a papercraft world of battle. Print and build your followers
Flipit: Paper Combat, characters and models and all associated logos are all copyright 2012 by James Bowen