Resume & Cover - Letter Guide: Career Development
Resume & Cover - Letter Guide: Career Development
Resume & Cover - Letter Guide: Career Development
embrace your calling
Page 1
Table of Contents
Resume Writing Overview...........................................................pages 2-3
The Parts of a Resume..................................................................pages 4-6
The Online Resume .................................................pages 7-9
Key Words/Action Verbs for Resumes .......................................pages 9-11
Resume Samples...........................................................................pages 12-28 29
Cover 30
Prospecting and Application 31
Quick Scan Combination Cover 32
Follow-up, Acceptance, Withdrawal & Rejection 33
Portfolio/ 34-35
Step 1
Get your resume started
We discourage the use of templates. They are hard to tailor and
your resume will not look unique.
Step 2
Meet with a career counselor to individualize your resume
Schedule an appointment (ext. 6572) so we can help you tailor your resume.
Step 3
Get your resume critiqued by Career Development
Step 4
Post your resume on Genevas website to be considered
for jobs & internships: Geneva Job Link |
Page 2
As you make preparations to begin a job search or pursue an internship while still a student, you will need
to have a well-written, tailored and mistake-free resume. This packet of information is intended to assist
you in preparing your resume. Included are suggested guidelines for different types of resumes, as well
as sample resumes.
Please Note! No two resumes look exactly the same or contain exactly the same information. Once
you have prepared a rough draft of your resume, we encourage you to visit the Career Development
Center, where someone will work with you to tailor the resume to you and the internship or job you are
seeking. Your completed resume should present an excellent picture of YOU!
The Purpose of a Resume
The purpose of a resume is NOT to get a job/internship. Its primary purpose is to get an interview.
Prior to writing a resume, it is important to take time to evaluate your own goals, skills, talents,
competencies, interests and experiences. You can approach a resume by asking yourself, What should I
include in this resume? and What do I want to do with this resume? Your resume is a summary of
who you are, what you are capable of doing, and where you want to go. Your qualifications should
answer the question, Why should I hire you?
The Structure of a Resume
Resumes are typically structured in one of three ways:
A Functional resume describes the value and capability of the applicant in a different way. In a
functional resume, the qualifications, accomplishments, and responsibilities of education and past
experiences are emphasized in areas of skill and competency. Such education and experiences may come
from a variety of situations including volunteer positions, internships, a combination of part time and/or
full time jobs, extracurricular activities, leadership, etc.
A Chronological resume is most useful for individuals who have clearly defined career goals, a specific
job/career objective, and extensive related work experience. The experience section of the resume in
this format is what interests the employers most. It accurately describes qualifications and
accomplishments achieved at each place of employment. Each work experience listed should relate
directly to the objective stated at the top of the resume.
A Combination resume utilizes aspects of both Chronological and Functional. This is a widely used
format for many job applicants.
When you are ready to begin..
You will need to gather and organize the following information in order to get started:
Name, location, and dates of each place you have been employed, your position and a list or
description of your responsibilities.
Names, locations, and dates for all colleges and universities you attended.
Exact titles of the degrees, certificates, and awards you earned. Include your specific major(s),
minor(s), and GPA if it is above a 3.0.
A list of all the extra-curricular activities in which you participated.
Any information about volunteer and/or community work you completed.
Page 3
Descriptions of any paid or unpaid internship you had. Where? When? Include responsibilities,
equipment, or technology you learned, etc. This information shows experience in your field.
Name(s) of any professional organizations or memberships with which you are affiliated,
including student memberships and offices held.
A list of references. See page 29 for detailed information.
Resume information should be listed in chronological order- Most recent or important
information should be listed first!
What NOT to Include in Your Resume
Date you are writing the resume
Religious or political affiliation
Salary requirements or salary history
Any negative information
Reasons for leaving previous positions
Personal data:
Marital status
Height and weight
Date of birth
The Dos and Donts
Do have a clear job target/objective.
Do inventory your most important qualities,
capabilities, strengths, skills and accomplishments.
Do select the resume format that best fits you.
Do stress your value, not just the tasks you
Do eliminate unnecessary fat from your resume.
Do use action verbs.
Do print your resume on high quality, conservative
20-lb. paper stock.
Dont worry about punctuation in your
meaningful phrases.
Dont use negative words.
Dont include a 2
page unless it fills of a page
with relevant information.
Dont be shy! This is an opportunity to market you.
Dont lie on your resume!
Dont worry about complete sentences, use
meaningful phrases.
Dont send your resume without a cover letter.
Do put everything in chronological order,
most recent first.
Common Employer Criticisms of Resumes
Too long, short or condense
Poor layout and physical appearance
Misspellings, bad grammar and wordiness
Poor punctuation
Lengthy phrases, sentences and paragraphs
Too slick, amateurish and gimmicky
Irrelevant information
Poorly typed and reproduced
Critical categories missing
Source: High Impact Resumes and Letters by
Krannish and Bains
Unexplained time gaps
Hard to understand/requires too much
Does not convey accomplishments
Does not support objective
Unclear objective
Lacks credibility
Too much jargon
Page 4
The Parts of a Resume
The heading includes:
Your full name (or the way you formally sign your name)
Current campus and permanent addresses
Phone number(s)
Email address (should sound professional; a free email account that can travel with you is useful)
Website (You may include your URL, but make sure your website contains only professional information
or dont use it!)
Your name should be clearly seen and stand out from the rest of the resume (Use caps and/or bold.)
The following are five samples of heading layouts:
Geneva College Box 9999
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Geneva College Box 9999 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 (724) 847-9999
Current Address: Permanent Address:
3200 College Avenue, Box #9999 8899 S. Haywood Dr.
Beaver Falls, PA 15010 Alexandria, VA 99999
724-847-9999 123-456-7890
3200 College Ave, Box #9999 Beaver Falls, PA 15010
School Address: 3200 College Ave., Box #9999, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 724-847-9999
Permanent Address: 8899 S. Haywood Dr., Alexandria, VA 99999 123-456-7890
The purpose of an objective is to clearly tell employers the type of position you are seeking. The effectiveness of
an objective statement is widely debated. Some experts believe that the objective is too limiting and diminishes
other job opportunities within a company of which the candidate may be unaware. Others believe that it is indeed
beneficial, as it focuses the resume. An objective statement is most useful when a specific job title/position is being
pursued. In addition, an objective statement may bring focus and clarity to the information contained in the rest of
the resume supporting the objective. It is important to remember to get right to the point and not be too wordy or
demanding. Below are some examples:
Objective: To secure a challenging position in retail marketing where I can utilize my innovative consumer
marketing techniques.
Page 5
Objective: A civil engineering position with ACME firm where I can contribute my education, skills and interests
in structural steel design.
Objective: To obtain a position in a social science field that specializes in youth and adolescent development.
Objective: A youth ministries position which will allow me to use my spiritual gifts in leadership, communication
and organization.
This section is optional. It often is used by experienced candidates as a means of introducing the applicant in a
clear and succinct manner. A summary of qualifications highlights the skills, abilities, and accomplishments of an
applicant in paragraph or bulleted format. This section should not exceed six lines. Given the fact that most
employers only take a few moments to scan a resume, a summary of this sort can be the hook that is needed to
encourage the employer to read the resume more carefully. This section should use action verbs. Here is an
Demonstrated strong interpersonal and communication skills in personal and professional counseling
Facilitated/organized professional development seminars
Coordinated new employee training programs
Motivated; an initiator; goal-oriented; project driven
For most graduates and/or current students, it is advisable to put this information immediately following the
objective at the beginning of your resume. Include your current college, as well as any other institutions you have
previously attended, dates of attendance, degree(s), major(s), minor(s), concentrations(s), GPA (if over 3.0). List
your most recent degrees first.
The following are examples:
EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education May 2010
Certifications in Early Childhood, Reading, and Coaching GPA: 3.25/4.0
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
EDUCATION Master of Arts in Counseling May 2010
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
Bachelor of Science in Psychology May 2008
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Major GPA 3.9, Overall GPA 3.5
Under Education, you may also include any relevant upper level courses you have taken or are currently taking.
A possible heading for this might be Relevant Course Work or Related Course Work or Specialized Area(s) of
Study. If these courses teach valuable and related skills necessary to perform or operate in a certain position, it is
advisable to include them.
Projects, papers, research presentations and/or simulations completed in upper level classes can also be
included here.
This is a valuable section to include in any resume. We encourage listing industry specific skills (found on ) as well as relevant transferrable skills such as computer skills which are highly marketable
and will serve as a benefit to most positions. If your computer skills extend to more technical skills and
programming languages, be sure to highlight these skills clearly. See for an extensive list of
industry specific skills within your discipline or field of interest.
Page 6
Other skills may include language (conversing, writing, reading, foreign languages), customer service, and
leadership. Examples:
COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Word/Windows XP, Corel WordPerfect 6.1, Excel, Access, Microsoft
Publisher, PowerPoint, Photo Editor, Auto CAD, C++, Mat-lab
BUSINESS SKILLS Financial Reporting, Account Management, Budget Analysis
This section of the resume may include Work Experience, Internship/Volunteer Experience, Related Experience,
Employment, etc. Depending on your past work history, your resume may include one or all of these different
Experience should be well-organized and clear, informative without being too wordy. Quantify how much you did
and qualify how well you did it. List each place of employment with location (city, state), dates of employment
(month/year), and position(s) held. Bullet or briefly explain responsibilities held, skills demonstrated and
accomplishments achieved for each position. Emphasize the contribution you made as a result of performing those
duties. This description is best written with bullets for easy readability. An example of a single work experience
might look something like this:
College Hill Bank, Beaver Falls, PA May 2008 J anuary 2009
Bank Teller/Intern
Processed bank statements and thousands of dollars of cash daily
Interacted with customers on a daily basis
Evaluated credit reports
This section lends itself to the usage of strong Action Verbs which are found on page 10 &11 of this booklet.
Action verbs emphasize performance and accomplishment.
For example, if written in the PRESENT/ACTIVE tense, a phrase may read like this:
The research and studies resulted in a revision of the student handbook.
If written in PAST/ACTIVE tense using ACTION verbs, the same ideas read like this:
Initiated studies and research that resulted in a revision of the student handbook.
If the work experience you currently have seems completely unrelated to the kind of job you are hoping to find, it is
still important to focus on the skills and personal qualities that those odd jobs demonstrate. A good work history,
whether it is related directly to your current job objective or not, communicates dependability, initiative and
motivation. These qualities are valuable to employers, no matter what your particular field may be.
This also is an excellent section to include, especially for students and recent graduates. This section may be placed
immediately following education or at the end of the resume, depending upon the extent of the content in this area.
Honors and Activities may also appear as separate sections. However, if Deans List is your only honor, you may
want to include Honors with Education and create a larger Activities section. Sample:
HONORS/ACTIVITIES: Deans List 2008-2009
Outstanding Work and Achievement Award Fall 2009
Academic Leadership Award 2008
J unior Class Representative to Student Senate 2008
*(Please note: Activities is one of the most commonly misspelled words on a resume)
Page 7
The Online Resume
How do I submit my resume online?
Submitting your resume online is quick and easy and is done in three different ways depending on the
employer with whom you are submitting.
Those who offer all three ways allow you to submit using their wizard that works you through the task.
Alternatively, you can submit an MS Word DOC file or an Adobe PDF file, or submit into a template by
cutting and pasting.
Each job site or posting provides instructions on how to submit your resume online.
Each individual employer will have their own procedures for submission; this may include e-mail,
company Web site, etc.
Most job boards allow you to paste your ASCII (plain text) resume into an online form. Some
major job boards such as Monster will give you the option of uploading a Microsoft Word
The file format is important since different operating systems (e.g., Windows, Mac OS, UNIX,
etc.) encode and decode attachments differently and sometimes files may not display correctly or
open at all; therefore, when submitting via e-mail, we recommend turning off HTML or Rich
formatting to ensure your ASCII text is not converted as various systems and e-mail clients handle
and display non-ASCII text differently; then paste the ASCII version of your resume in the body of
the e-mail.
Additionally, by attaching the Presentation version (Word document) as well, employers who
receive attachments will have the option to view your resume in a more visually appealing format.
Cover Letters: When submitting your resume via e-mail unless instructed otherwise precede
the text of your ASCII resume with a brief cover letter. When e-mailing a resume, paste the cover
letter in the body of the e-mail message area above the resume text.
Submitting PDF Online Resumes
The .pdf format is the extension used by Adobe Acrobat. This format is very popular as an
alternative format for HTML.
Converting documents from Microsoft Word to PDF format gives you the ability to email resumes
to employers in a change-protected mode.
Also, the benefit of the PDF format is that the document is embedded. Therefore, it is not
browser dependent and will look the same regardless of the employers browser.
It does require that the viewer has the Adobe Acrobat viewer installed on their machine, but this is
becoming more common as new computers generally come with Acrobat Reader pre-loaded and
its almost a necessity for anyone that does any kind of browsing of the Internet.
The exchange of documents in the PDF format is a sign of consideration.
Page 8
Sample on-line resume format (from Geneva Job Link)
Build your resume
Upload your resume
Your Name Here
Page 9
How do I convert my Word document to PDF format?
Using Microsoft Office 2007:
1.) Click Save As
2.) Use the drop-down box labeled Save as Type
3.) Scroll down to PDF and click
4.) Hit Save
Sending my resume
Keep a written record of where you submit your resumes. You don't want to be submitting resumes to the same
place more than once; this will make you look unorganized. By keeping track, you can also go back and modify
your resume or withdraw it if needed.
If possible when you submit your resume always include a cover letter with it, submitting a cover letter will make
you look professional and it should be standard practice. (see pg ) Also follow up any interviews that you have by
writing a thank you note a few days after the interview.(see examples on pg )
1.) Mail:
Use Priority Mail have it tracked!
Dont fold the resume- use a large 8 x 11 envelope
Use resume paper
2.) Email/Fax:
Only email a resume at the request of the employer
Follow up the email/fax with a mailed hard copy of your resume on resume paper
3.) Online:
Most employers will accept resumes through their website
Contact Human Resources to verify that the resume as been received
Resume Key Phrases and Words
amounting to a total savings of
ensure maximum/optimum
on an ongoing/regular basis
Acted as liaison for/between
Acted/functioned as
Adept at
Assigned territory consisting of
Assigned to
Assisted with
Direct/indirect control
Experience involved/included
Experienced in all facets/phases
Expertise and demonstrated skills
Extensive training/involvement
Familiar with
Honored as
In charge of
Page 10
Initially employed
Innovation resulted in
Instrumental in
Interaction with
Knowledge of/experienced as
More than [ ] years experience
Proficient/competent at
Promoted to/from
Proven track record in
Provided technical assistance
Recipient of
Recommendations accepted by
Remained as
Reported directly to
resulted in
Sales quota accountability
Served/operated as
Specialize in
Successful in/at
Temporarily assigned to
Worked closely with
Source: J
| for more industry/job specific terms|
Action Verbs
You should always use a variety of action verbs when writing your resume. A list of action verbs
arranged by broad career fields follows:
Page 11
Set goals
Financial Management
Information Systems
Set up
Social Sciences
Advised Coached Evaluated Presented
Advocated Counseled Expedited Rehabilitated
Assessed Demonstrated Facilitated Referred
Assisted Diagnosed Interpreted Represented
Clarified Educated Motivated Supported
Page 12
Your Name Here
8205 This Road Geneva College
Pittsburgh, PA 55555 3200 College Avenue, Box 5555
Home: (412) 555-5556 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 Mobile: (412) 555-5555
Objective To obtain a professional public accounting position where I can contribute my accounting knowledge
and skills while gaining experience.
Education Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major: Accounting May 2009
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA GPA 3.6/4.0
Deans List
Finance Quantitative Analysis Organizational Behavior
Information Systems Managerial Accounting Auditing
Taxation Strategic Management Business Law
Experience Accounting Internship
Rocco Romano, CPA, Pleasant Hills, PA Summer 2009
Prepared bank reconciliation using Quicken and Excel
Used Quickbooks to pay bills, keep track of account balances and update information
Provided office support with computer programs and organizational aspects
Collected and organized information for a tax return
VISTA Tax Assistance Volunteer
Beaver Falls, PA Spring 2009
Provided free tax assistance to low income and elderly community
Educated local community on tax assistance resources
Business Department Assistant
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA Spring 2009
Led weekly review sessions
Tutored business students
Provided staff support to professors
Sales Associate
American Eagle Outfitters, Monaca, PA September 2007-May 2008
Assisted customers with questions and purchases
Managed cash register, reconciled transactions
Prepared marketing displays and floor sets
Marketing Representative
Marketing Support Network, Bridgeville, PA Summer 2007
Business to Business Marketing
Conducted survey on satisfaction of products
Skills Quicken Interpersonal skills MS Office 2007
QuickBooks Detail oriented Communication skills
Problem Solving skills Spreadsheets
Activities Accounting Club, Vice President 2008-2009
Student Senate, member, Spring 2007
Intercollegiate Baseball
Page 13
Your Name Here
Current Address: Geneva College, Box 0000, 3200 College Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 123.456.7890
Permanent Address: 888 Your Road, Somewhere, OH 12020 123.444.0987
OBJECTIVE To obtain a challenging position in the area of business that would highlight my skills in
decision making, leadership, and organization and allow for professional growth.
EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Business Administration May 2009
Concentration: Marketing and Finance GPA 3.5
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Quantitative Analysis Simulation
Planned, forcasted, and implemented activities of a business to maximize profit
COURSE Business Foundations Macroeconomics Organizational Behavior
HIGHLIGHTS International Business Microeconomics Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing Business Law Quantitative Analysis I, II
Principles of Finance Business Computing Principles of Accounting I, II
RELATED Business Office Assistant J anuary 2009 Present
EXPERIENCE Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Developed spread sheets for Business Operations Director
Maintained filing system
Edited journal entries
Compiled budget analysis portfolios for Chief Financial Officer
Womens Rugby Club Treasurer September 2008 Present
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Budgeted funds for tournaments, games, parties, and other expenses
Maintained records of expenses incurred
Worked closely with Geneva College Business Office & Purchasing Dept.
Implemented new spread sheet system
Gathered required fees and player information
Led and instructed team practices
WORK Customer Service Teller May August 2009
EXPERIENCE First Merit Bank, Akron, OH
Handled personal customer and business transactions
Solved customer inquiries
Balanced cash drawer daily, worked with large amounts of money
Marketed First Merit services and products to match customer needs
Analyzed risk level of specific transactions
Cashier, Sales Associate J une 2008 J une 2009
Old Navy, Canton, OH and Monaca, PA
Operated cash register, handled large sums of money per hour
Provided customer service
Marketed GAP company credit services
COMPUTER Office 2007 Excel Microsoft Photo Editor
SKILLS PowerPoint Word Alltel Computer System
HONORS Geneva Award Academic Scholarship Geneva Womens Soccer Scholarship
VOLUNTEER American Red Cross Blood Drive Spring 2009
Page 14
Your Name Here
OBJECTIVE To acquire a career oriented marketing position utilizing my recruiting skills and
public relations experience.
STRENGTHS Activator Communication Focus Maximizer Relator
EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Business Administration May 2009
Concentration: Marketing GPA 3.4/4.0
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
RELATED Business Foundations Organizational Behavior
COURSES Creative Topics in Visual Communication Principles of Multimedia
Sales and Promotions Decisions Marketing Research
Strategic Marketing Policy
EXPERIENCE Anderson Marketing, Inc., New Brighton, PA Spring 2009
Marketing Intern
Create and implement college recruiting program
Collaborate with partners to develop new advertising plan
Promote firm to potential clients
Attend professional workshops
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA Fall 2009
Public Relations Intern
Assisted with new promotional brochure for the college
Trained new interns each year
Wrote press releases and distributed them to local and regional newspapers
EMPLOYMENT Wal-Mart Super Center, Canton, OH Summers 2006-2008
Cashier/Sales Associate
Operated cash register, handled large sums of money per hour
Provided customer service
HONORS Geneva Award Academic Scholarship
Floor Representative for Hall Council
Intramural program participant
ACTIVITIES Member: American Marketing Association 2007-Present
Ski Club
Habitat for Humanity
PORTFOLIO Available upon request
8765 Union Street Canton, OH 44705 123-456-7890
Page 15
Your Name Here
Current Address: Geneva College, Box 999, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 724-847-9999
Permanent Address: 123 A Street, Anywhere, IL 99999 123-456-7890
Seeking the position of Assistant Camp Director at Ligonier Camp and Conference
Center that would use my skills in organizational leadership, wilderness training, and
ropes course facilitation.
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministries May 2009
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA GPA 3.45/4.0
C.P.R. Certification J anuary 2009
Wilderness First Responder Certificate J une 2008
Ropes Course Facilitator May 2008
Christian Education/Youth Ministry Internship J anuary-May 2009
Pisgah Program, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
+ Assisted program director with daily tasks and ropes course maintenance
+ Facilitated ropes course experiences
+ Lead a Spring Break backpacking trip to the Colorado Rocky Mountains
Camp Counselor/Assistant Recreation Leader Summers 2007, 2008
Camp Manitoqua, Frankfort, IL
+ Planned and lead daily bible studies for cabin
+ Created a variety of weekly recreational programs
+ Interacted with campers and assisted in the coordination of wilderness camp
Resident Assistant August 2007-May 2008
Memorial Hall, Geneva College
+ Organized education, social, and spiritual activities
+ Handled disciplinary situations
+ Built long-term relationships with residents and staff
Academic tutor Christian Education Scholarship
Athletic Scholarship Varsity soccer participant and 3 year letter winner
Academic Scholarship Big Brother/Big Sister Volunteer
Guitar player, soccer player, photographer, backpacking, canoeing, fishing, astronomy
(Color can be used if the industry and/or job are appropriate.)
Page 16
Your Name Here
Geneva College, Box 9999 724-847-9999
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Seeking a Public Relations assistant position in the non-profit sector.
Bachelor of Arts in Communication May 2010
Concentration: Public Relations Major GPA: 3.7/4.0
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA Cumulative: 3.2/4.0
Proficient at public speaking and making presentations
Persistent and dependable
Able to communicate effectively through writing
Excel, Access, PowerPoint and web-creation software
U.S. Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, PA May-Aug. 2009
Public Relations Intern
Wrote and edited news releases
Collaborated with supervisor on future PR events
Served on executive speech writing team
Geneva College Sports Information Office Aug. 2008-May 2009
Student Assistant
Assisted with clerical tasks
Interacted with television, press, and radio professionals
Updated scores on Geneva College web-site
The Chimes Literary Magazine, Geneva College Aug. 2007-May 2008
Staff Member/Assistant Editor
Reviewed all submissions
Edited accepted entries for publication
Outlined magazine layout
K-MART, Beaver Falls, PA May 2007-Aug. 2008
Giant Eagle Food Store, Beaver Falls, PA May 2006-2007
Public Relations Society of America Toastmasters International
Photography, Music, Sports, Multimedia Software
Available upon request
Page 17
Your Name Here
Current Address: Geneva College, 3200 College Avenue, Box #0000, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 (724) 847-0123
Permanent Address: 333 Dry Road, Newport, PA 97979 (555) 555-5555 Cell: (555) 777-7777
To obtain a teaching position in Elementary and/or Special education with the opportunity to assist with school
curricular and extracurricular activities
Bachelor of Science in Education May 2009
Elementary and Special Education Certification GPA: 3.9/4.0
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Teaching Experience
Student Teacher J anuary-May 2009
Highland Middle School, Beaver Falls, PA
Facilitated the designing of picture books
Created unit in poetry
Blackhawk Intermediate School, Beaver Falls, PA
Developed new science curriculum from textbooks
Implemented new learning activities and opportunities in the existing math and science curriculums
Designed and facilitated science-related writing activities
Advanced Field Experience September-December 2008
New Brighton Elementary School, New Brighton, PA
Created and led various language arts learning activities
Administered miscue analyses to determine a students reading and writing levels
Instructed students in several different subjects
Tutored and assisted students with learning disabilities
Early Field Experience J anuary-May 2008
South Beaver Falls Elementary School, Beaver Falls, PA
Guided students with learning disabilities through curriculum activities
Planned several lessons and games to instruct and motivate students
Made bulletin boards to display students work
Related Experience
Assistant Group Supervisor Summers 2006-2008
YMCA Childcare, New Brighton, PA
Provided childcare for children ages three to thirteen
Established and enforced rules to maintain a safe and fun environment
Planned activities for students with Autism
Planned and implemented activities conducive to learning
Communicated with parents addressing important issues concerning academics and behavior
Daycare Worker J une-August 2007
Assembly of God Daycare, My Town, PA
Interacted with and cared for several two- to three-year olds
Sunday School Teacher September 2005-May 2006
Upper Room Fellowship, My Town, PA
Developed and implemented interactive lessons for toddlers (Over)
M. Name, page 2
Page 18
Tutor J anuary-May 2005
Tiger Pause/Dare to Excel, Beaver Falls, PA
Tutored/coached at-risk students in content areas after school hours
Work Experience
Information Desk Worker August 2008- May 2009
Student Center, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Receptionist September - December 2008
Enrollment Services, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Student Admissions Counselor August 2006- May 2007, August 2007 - May 2008
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Advised and counseled students and families on college decisions
Presented information about the college and conducted campus tours
Planned visits for families
Served as a liaison between prospective students and families and the college
Service Activities
Family Fun Day Volunteer J une 2009
Upper Room Fellowship, My Town, PA
Student Cell Group Leader 2008 - 2009
Directed ministry-oriented meetings for junior and senior high school students
Planned activities to promote community and build relationships
Short-term Mission Team Member
Norristown, PA J une 2007 and 2008
Navajo Nation, Window Rock, AZ J une - J uly 2006
Camp Counselor
Summer Camp J une 2007
Facilitated small group activities for junior high students
J unior High Snow Camp J anuary 2006, 2007
Led small group discussions and activities for junior high students
Student Leadership in Church Youth 2005- 2006
Led, presented, created learning and instructional experiences for junior and senior high school
Honors Received
Wilda Mae Roberts Elementary Education Award Commencement May 2009
Member of Alpha Chi Honor Society for the top scholars in several fields Inducted Fall 2008
Listed in Whos Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Fall of 2008
Available upon request from the Geneva College Education Department (724) 847-6535
Page 19
Your Name Here (724)847-9999
Geneva College, Box 9999, Beaver Falls, PA 15010
OBJECTIVE Seeking a mathematics teaching position at the high school level with the
opportunity to coach softball.
EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Mathematics December 2009
Certification in Secondary Education
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
TEACHING Long Term Substitute J anuary 2009-Present
Blackhawk High School, Beaver Falls, PA
Advanced math courses for J uniors and Seniors
RELATED Student Teacher September-December 2008
EXPERIENCE Blackhawk High School, Beaver Falls, PA
Algebra I, II, Calculus, Geometry
Helped advanced students progress to next math level
Math Tutor September 2008-May 2009
Beaver Falls High School & Blackhawk High School, Beaver Falls, PA
Facilitated after school programs for students needing remedial help
Developed learning tools for students
Camp Counselor J une-August 2007-2008
Camp Id-Ra-Ha-J e, Loveland, CO
Responsible for 10-15 campers per week, ranging in age from 7-17
Supervised high ropes course during afternoon sessions
EMPLOYMENT Waiter May-August 2006
Olive Garden, Denver, CO
Provided timely services to guests
Waiter May-August 2005
Casa Bonitas, Denver, CO
Served guests and assisted with diving show
ACTIVITIES/ Pearce Hall Council Academic Scholarship
HONORS Fall Orientation Staff Intern Deans List (7 semesters)
Mission trip to J amaica
CREDENTIALS Available upon request from the Geneva College Education Department
(724) 847-6535
Page 20
Your Name Here
Geneva College, Box 9999 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 (724) 847-9999
Objective To obtain a professional engineering position in electrical/software design
utilizing my engineering and computer science education, experience and skills.
Education Bachelor of Science in Engineering May 2009
Concentration: Electrical Engineering GPA: 3.5
Minors: Computer Science, Mathematics
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Course 4 Digital Systems 4 Electrical Machines
Work 4 Linear Circuit Analysis 4 Microprocessor Systems
4 C++I, II, & III 4 Computer Aided Engineering
4 Software Engineering 4 Digital Signal Processing
4 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 4 Electronic Devices & Circuits
Electrical/ Knowledge of Microsoft Windows 2007/XP, Microsoft Office, Linux
Computer Skilled in schematic capture/simulations, PCB layout with Multi-SIM,
Skill Utli-Board 5.65 by Electronic Work Bench
Trained in Motorola Microprocessor 68HC11
Knowledge of P-spice, Mat-lab, Assembly Language, FORTRAN, and C++
Projects Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Observatory Automation Project Spring 2009
Work within a team environment
Independently responsible to design and implement the Manual Override
System between PC and Telescope
Perform design verification and present project presentation
Analyze and design filter wheel feedback circuits
Design PCB layout for the Manual Override System
Remote Tape Recorder Project Fall 2009
Variable time duration digital circuits design
Compact and self-contend unit
Result: captured bobcat for biology research
Experience Computer Lab Supervisor, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA 2007-2009
Supervise all computer usage and equipment on campus
Library Assistant Trainer, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA 2007-2008
Trained new assistant for binding department
Independently designed periodical labeling procedure
Memberships Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2008-Present
Electrical Engineering Club, Vice-President 2008-2009
Page 21
Your Name Here
Current: 2202 4
Avenue, Apt. 1, Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Permanent: 222 Skyline Drive, Ellensburg, WA 98908 (724) 555-5555
Seeking a co-curricular position at a Christian liberal arts institution that would incorporate my service-
learning research, moti vati onal skills, and student development education.
Cross-cultural awareness through experience in Austria, J amaica, and with international students
Innovative methods for presenting information through teaching and visual presentations
Familiar with all aspects of coordinating and marketing co-curricular programs
Interpersonal skills with an individualized approach in assisting students with their goals, motivations, &
Microsoft Office 2007, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, and digital photography
Geneva College , Beaver Falls, PA, May 2009 Whitworth College, Spokane, WA, May 2007
Master of Arts i n Higher Education Bachelor of Arts in Reli gion, Magna cum Laude
Concentration in College Teaching Minors in Philosophy, Theater, and Certification in Ministry
Graduate Assistant, Geneva College September 2008 May 2009
Initiated unified publications for Graduate and Undergraduate services. Coordinated Notetaking Program
for disabled students. Organized Secondary Education records and procedures. Familiar with requirements
for recruitment and certification in Elementary Education. Tutored at-risk students.
Teaching Assistant, Geneva College September 2007 May 2008
Assisted with teaching and grading two Humanities courses.
Site Director / Youth Leader, YMCA of the Inland Northwest August 2006- June 2007
Organized students in before and after-school activities, including homework, creative activities, and monthly units.
Youth Intern, Timberview Christian Fellowship September 200 5- May 2006
Taught youth group sessions, organized events, improved communication opportunities, developed open
relationships with youth and leadership. (Continued to Volunteer until J une 2009)
Childrens Intern, Westminster Presbyterian Church Summer 2005
Led weekly Kids Church, facilitated weekly programs, developed and implemented large age-specific
events, assisted with Vacation Bible School, and assisted Childrens director in any needed areas.
Dorm President, Whitworth College February - May 2005
Facilitated communication between the students and school government through weekly newsletters and
constituency reports; assisted with service projects, dorm activities, and programs throughout campus.
Elementary Trainee, WestSide Church Summer 2004
Directed Sunday School, helped with VBS, directed musical drama, planned weekly events.
Also attended the J unior and Senior High events to connect with other age groups.
Teacher, Adventure DayCamp Summer 2009
Nursery Teacher, Timberview Christian Fellowship & Colbert Presbyterian September 2008- June 2009
Associated Students of Whitworth College Secretary, Whitworth College October 2006- May 2007
Teacher, Whitworth Presbyterian Church Daycare September 2005- May 2006
Daycare Worker, Whitworth Presbyterian Church February - May 2004 & 2005
Summer Staff, Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp Summers 2004 & 2005
Sunday School Leader, Life Center North February 2008- May 2009
Camp Counselor, Ghormley Meadow Christian Camp Summers 2007 & 2008
Credentials, References, and Additional Employment information upon request
Page 22
Your Name Her e
School Address: 3200 College Ave., Box 9876, Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Permanent Address: 5555 Parker Rd., Akron, OH 55555 (724) 555-5555
To obtain a position working with children, adolescents, families, and individuals with mental retardation in a
therapeutic setting.
Bachelor of Science, Psychology Associate of Science, Criminal Justice Christiansen Academy
Geneva College Community College of Beaver County Rubio
Beaver Falls, PA Monaca, PA Venezuela
May 2009 GPA 3.6/4.0 December 2007 GPA 4.0/4.0
Psi Chi (National Honor Society in Psychology) Phi Theta Kappa (International Honor Society)
Childrens camp volunteer
Abnormal Psychology History & Theory of Psychology Child Abuse
Adolescent Development Human Development Criminology
Biological Bases of Psychology Psychological Statistics Interview & Interrogation
Cognitive Psychology Psychological Testing J uvenile Delinquency
Conditioning & Learning Social Problems Narcotics & Drug Abuse
Contemporary Psychotherapies Social Psychology
Therapeutic Recreation Assistant Intern, Glade Run Lutheran Services, Zelienople, PA Spring 2009
A multi-service agency providing behavioral health, education, spiritual support and social services
Assisted in research for developing a new Animal Assisted Activities/Therapy program
Assisted in ensuring the intentional use of the therapeutic milieu
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention training
Assistant Apartment Manager, Allegheny Valley School, Crafton, PA October 2008-August 2009
A residential facility offering therapeutic support for individuals with mental retardation
Directed daily tasks of 22 residents and 8 staff Wrote quarterly and annual client evaluations
Trained staff for Direct Care Specialist position Assisted in assessing clients needs
Facilitated annual staff evaluations Performed Direct Care Specialist tasks
Direct Care Specialist, Allegheny Valley School, Crafton, PA November 2007-August 2008
Assisted severely to profoundly mentally retarded clients with daily care needs and goal plans
Documented daily progress of goal plans and daily care tasks
Resident Aide, Alterra Assisted Living/Sunrise Assisted Living, Mars, PA April-October 2007
Residential facility for the elderly needing daily care assistance
Assisted residents with daily care needs
Passed and documented medication
Documented daily care needs
Act 33/34 and FBI clearances obtained J anuary 2009 for Pennsylvania and First Aid/CPR obtained February 2009.
Experience and application of course work dealing with mental and physical developmental challenges in
individuals whose physical and mental age levels do not coincide
Cross-cultural communication skills
Page 23
Your Name Here
School Address: 3200 College Avenue, Box 5555, Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Permanent Address: 123 Some Avenue, Home, PA 15425 (724)555-5555
To obtain a position where I can utilize and apply my communication, public relations and business/marketing skills.
August 2006- May 2010 Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Bachelor of Arts in Communications Concentration: Public Relations
Minor: Business Administration
Experience in Excel, Power Point, Word, html, firestarter (flash animation program), and QuarkXPress (Publishing
Software), Publisher, and Gimp Software.
Relative Courses include:
Public Relations I, II Human Resource Management Intercultural Communications
PR Publications Group Dynamics Leadership Communications
Sales and Promotions Foundations of Business Macroeconomics
Principles of Marketing Communication Professional Editing
Business Law Communication Workshop Facilitation Communication Disorders
Accounting Principles of Management TV Production
Organizational Leadership Public Speaking Radio Practicum
Current GPA 3.4; Deans List fall semester 2007-Present
Expected graduation: May 2010
Fall Semester 2009 Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL
Public Relations Intern
Coordinated and managed crisis scenarios
Developed conflict management skills with the guest and co-workers
Maintained and observed strict professionalism associated with the Disney name
Led the team in case study analysis, which developed problem solving and critical thinking skills
Embraced opportunities to demonstrate leadership and teamwork
Learned guest relations according to Walt Disneys view of customer service
September 2008- May 2009 Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Public Relations Intern
Head coordinator for a number of events for Geneva Colleges Institutional Advancement Office; where I planned,
delegated responsibilities, promoted and organized the entire event
Gained community support by visiting local establishments and building a relationship with them through personal visit,
letters, and personal phone calls
Made relationships with the local media (newspapers, radio stations, WORLD magazine), by promoting their products
and finding ways for them to promote our institution
Wrote news releases, PSA, and radio announcements
Organized information into databases and binders for easier access
Worked to promote Genevas concert series (Big name bands) within the community and on campus
Helped put together and reorganize press kits
Brainstormed and created posters, flyers, and advertisements for Geneva events
Your name, page 2
Page 24
September December 2008 Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
Consulted a local business (motor sport complex) that included:
Defining issues that prevented them from reaching their target market
Re-evaluating who their targeted market is and their approach to reach them
Researching the industry as a whole and the business competition
Conducted a SWOT analysis and an environmental scan
Recommending new marketing and promotional approaches to reach their target market
Constructing a marketing plan based on our research
Marketed my own business that included:
Creating and positioning my service (Pittsburgh Sports Clubhouse)
Researching the industry, competition, and resources needed
Creating and administering surveys to target market
Creating a brand, and segmenting my audience
Constructed a marketing plan that included: SWOT analysis, environmental scan, budget, and process of marketing
my service to my target audience through direct sales, public relations, print advertising, etc.
May 2007 - August 2009 Jellystone Campground and Resort, Mill Run, PA
Supervisor (May 2007- Aug 2008); Head Lifeguard (May 2006- Aug 2007)
Designed and implemented a checklist for the daily routine
Supervised a department that consists of waterslides, pool, mini golf and a snack bar
Managed a life guarding crew of 10-15 employees; developing and administering training
Reorganized the daily procedures and held monthly meeting to discuss accomplishments and problems
Met individually with employees to discuss strengths and room for improvement
In charge of making the weekly schedule for all 10-15 employees
May August 2006 Idlewild Amusement Park, Ligonier, PA
Worked well with a team of lifeguards to control critical situations and crisis scenarios
Developed leadership skills through scenarios of leading a team through a crisis situation
Developed quick thinking and critical thinking skills
Learned the importance of teamwork through training, in-services, and everyday routine
Proficient at public speaking
Writing skills
Work well with a team and possess leadership skills
Able to develop and maintain relationships
with people, media, customers, etc.
Creative, motivated, and carries a positive
Volunteer counselor for camps/ retreats
Forensics team
Yearbook and campus newspaper
Hosting talk shows on WGEV radio (Genevas radio station)
Page 25
Your Name Here
College Address Permanent Address
Geneva College, Box 9999 100 ABC Drive
Beaver Falls, PA 15010 City, State, Zip
724-847-9999 123-456-7890
To obtain a mechanical engineering position for a heating and cooling manufacturing
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Expected date of graduation: May 2010
Concentration in Mechanical Engineering GPA: 3.1
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 Major GPA: 3.3
Computer Experience
Familiar with: Auto CAD, EXCEL, ALGOR, and C++
Related Experience
ABC Oil Company, Inc., Woodbury, PA May-August 2009
HVAC Installer
Duties: Installed heating and air-conditioning systems; aided with system assessment and
estimation; became familiar with flow systems, transport processing, and fluid
ACME Steele Company, Inc., Aliquippa, PA J uly 2008-May 2009
Process Control Manager Assistant
Duties: Converted national and international specialty steel orders into manufacturing
process and filed date into EXCEL format.
Engineering Department, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA October 2008-May 2009
Office assistant
Duties: Data entry, office support
Other Experience
Perkins Restaurant, Breezewood, PA Summer 2007
Duties: Waiter, cashier, host
Summer Youth Employment and Training Program, Bedford, PA J une -August 2006
Probation Office
Duties: Provided office support
Professional Associations
Student member of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Honors and Activities
Varsity soccer (athletic scholarship); Varsity baseball (academic scholarship); Northern
Town boys recreation softball assistant coach; AYSO youth soccer coach
Available upon request
Page 26
Your Name Here
127 Some Drive, Any Town, PA 15010 Cell: (622) 987-6543 or (724) 219-8765
Available for full-time employment: May 21, 2010
OBJECTIVE Seeking a position in Civil Engineering, preferably in the area of bridge design,
construction, or inspection.
EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Engineering May 2010
Concentration in Civil Engineering/Minor in Mathematics GPA 3.3/ 4.0
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA Major GPA: 3.7/4.0
Projects:Billboard Construction Plan, AutoCAD Depiction of 3-D Objects
Product Specialist, Circuit City Stores, Inc., Your Town, PA August 2009 Present
Promoted Home Entertainment systems
Provided customer service
Engineering Intern, PA Department of Transportation, Bridgeville, PA Summer 2009
Participated in bridge inspections
Documented photos of bridges during inspections
Wrote final reports on inspections
Created computerized sketches of streams/superstructures/substructures
Sales Associate, Champs Sports, Your Town, PA October 2008 April 2009
Marketed footwear and athletic apparel
Performed general store maintenance
Participated in theft prevention
Assisted Nikewith commercial shoot at store
Grounds Crew, Physical Plant, Geneva College Summer 2008
Completed general ground and maintenance work
Stock / Sales Associate, FootAction U.S.A., Your Town, PA August 2007-April 2008
Coordinated shipping/receiving of merchandise
Organized and operated stockroom
Volunteer, Your Twp. Youth Baseball Association May 2006- September 2007
Assistant youth baseball coach
Maintained athletic fields
HONORS Presidents Award for Education Excellence Your High School
FE EXAM Taking Exam in October 2009
Page 27
Current Address Permanent Address
Geneva College, Box 9999 Street Address
Beaver Falls, PA 15010 City, State, Zip
724-847-9999 (123) 456-7890
OBJECTIVE To obtain a position in social services, which specializes in youth and
adolescent development.
Bachelor of Science in Psychology December 2009
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA GPA 3.8/4.0
Specialized areas of Research:
The effect of death on children, adolescents and adults
The influence of rap and heavy metal musice on adolescents
Abnormal Psychology Motivation
Biological Bases of Behavior Personality
History and Theories Psychological Testing
Human Development Social Psychology
Inner City Youth Intern Summer 2009
Westside Ministries, Buffalo, NY
Helped organize and run the after school program for children
in 1
grade (Homework Club)
Participated in running the Teen/Young Adult program (7
Developed one-on-one relationships with children and families
Examined racial and economic issues as well as urban family
systems at a grass-roots level
Student Intern Fall 2007, 2008
McCartney Library, Geneva College
Managed the Circulation Desk
Assisted Reference Librarian with periodical searches
Buffalo City Hospital, Buffalo, NY Summers 2006, 2007
Performed administrative duties in both the business and
accounting department
Provided assistance to patients and visitors
Psi Chi Honor Society Resident Hall Assistant
Deans List (8 semesters) Resident Hall Council
Summa Cum Laude Students In Service Member
(Only use pictures if it is appropriate to the industry and/or position)
Page 28
Your Name Here
652 This Road (123) 459-2121
Our Town, PA 11223
Objective I strive to discover new artists and creatively promote music.
Experience Offshore Entertainment Group, Marthas Vineyard, MA J anuary May 2008
Artist Management: Advised and directed musical artists in all matters
pertaining to their careers, including:
Selection of musical & artistic material Repertoire development
Negotiation of contractual agreements Studio performance
Image development & consulting Time management
Scheduling and oversight of rehearsal Live performance
Identifying a target market Publicity
Oversight of video & photo shoots & studio session
Marketing: Executed multifaceted marketing strategies, including:
Print & electronic media Radio spots
Web promotion Local airplay
Press releases One-sheets
EPKs Bios
Street teams
Booking: Successfully planned, promoted, and produced multi-artist concerts
in a variety of venues.
Photography/Videography: Served as executive producer of music videos;
shot and directed live and studio photography; directed studio lighting.
450 Records, Marthas Vineyard, MA J anuary May 2008
Director of A&R: Discovered and signed new artists; developed and
Administrated a wide variety of styles.
Hollywood Entertainment Corporation, Uniontown, PA J anuary 2007 May 2008
Guest Service Representative: Designed and executed in-store promotions;
managed and organized inventory while focusing on sales; customer service;
Education Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA May 2009
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music Business GPA 3.4
Contemporary Music Center, Marthas Vineyard, MA J anuary May 2008
Master classes in A&R, marketing, and artist management.
Skills Computers: Mac and PC proficient
Software: Adobe Photoshop, PageMaker, ProTools, MSOffice 2007, Excel, PowerPoint
Photography: Digital, live, and studio photography & studio lighting.
Portfolio available upon request
Page 29
Geneva College Box 9999 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 724-847-9999
C Dr. Carol Luce
Chair, Department of Psychology
Geneva College
3200 College Avenue
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Dr. J ohn J ones
Guidance Counselor
Big Beaver Falls Senior High School
Eighth Avenue
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
J udith Roman
Director, Employment Counseling
Pittsburgh Employment Commission
500 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15555
The purpose of the list of references is to give the employer(s) access to people who will provide more
information and insight into your qualifications. NOTE: Ask permission to list someone as a reference
and give a copy of your resume to your references. Let your references know you have interviewed.
Consider giving each of them a copy of your cover-letter and tailored resume for that position.
Prepare a separate page listing your references and their contact information. The following are the
basics for preparing your Reference Page:
1. Your heading
It should appear the same way it
does on your resume.
2. Title
Title the page REFERENCES
and center it between the left and
right margins.
3. Provide details on your references
When you list references, give the
name of the person, his or her job
title, place of employment,
address and phone number. It is
best to use work rather than home
information unless your reference
specifically gives his/her home
information and email address.
Most employers require 3 references
It is most helpful to ask a variety of
people such as employers, professors,
academic advisor or personal/character
references who will provide different
perspectives. Relatives are usually
NOT accepted as references.
Obtain permission from each person
you wish to use as a reference. Make sure all contact information is current.
Print the Reference Page on the same paper as your resume.
Keep your references informed about your job search. When you have obtained a position, write
notes to your references, thanking them for their assistance.
Page 30
Much like the resume, the cover letter serves a very unique and important purpose. You should send a
cover letter to introduce your resume. In fact, an excellent resume may not get you too far if you do not
produce an excellent cover letter. The purpose of a cover letter is to capture the attention of the
prospective employer to make a positive first impression, which encourages him/her to read you resume.
It is your first introduction as well as an introduction to the information you expand upon in your
resume. There are two types of cover letters: a letter of interest and an application letter. The
letter of interest indicates that you are applying for a particular position. The application letter
indicates that you are searching for a job.
The cover letter should be clear, concise and convincing. It is not to exceed one page, and preferably,
not more than three quarters of the page. The basic structure of a strong cover letter includes the
1. Your address
2. Date
3. Name and address of the person or organization you are contacting.
It is very important to always have a specific name of the person who will be reading your resume.
This information can often be acquired through a phone call to the company, or checking the
companys website. If you cannot find a name, use a job title. Do not use To whom it may
4. Greeting: Get a name and/or position title such as Dear Ms. Smith, Dear Human Resource Director,
Dear Search Committee. Avoid To Whom It May Concern when possible.
5. Paragraph #1
This paragraph briefly explains why you are writing to them and/or how you found out about the
position. If you know of any personal contact(s) within the company who assisted you in finding the
position opening, this would be the paragraph to mention the individual(s) assuming you have
permission to use his/her name. Also, state how you resonate with the company and/or opportunity.
Make a brief statement as to why you are interested and why you are a good candidate.
6. Paragraph #2 & #3
These paragraphs tell how you can benefit the organization with your education, skills and
7. Last Paragraph
This paragraph indicates that you will follow-up.
8. Complimentary closing
Always sign your name, as well as typing it. NEVER send a cover letter that has not been signed.
+Be Sure that you
Type your cover letter on the same kind of paper that you use for your resume.
Type the envelope address on a label, including your return address as it is printed on both your
cover letter and resume.
Do not fold your resume and cover letter! Use a large 8 x 11 envelope.
Page 31
Geneva College Box 9999
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
March 1, 2009
Mr. Eliot Pierce
Director of Human Resources
XYZ Firm
Hanover, MD 00010
Dear Mr. Pierce:
I amsubmitting my resume for your consideration for any opportunities
at XYZ firm. In researching International Staff Accountant positions,
your firms international perspective really appeals to me. As you can
see frommy resume, I have complimented my studies and experience
with international business.
As my resume indicates, I have a degree in Accounting with a
concentration in International Business. My education has equipped me
to critically analyze complex spreadsheets, documents and data.
Furthermore, my experience as an Assistant Bookkeeper and Accounts
Payable Analyst has honed my accounting skills.
I will contact you next week regarding potential opportunities at XYZ
firm. Thank you for your time and consideration.
James T. Jobhunter
J ames T. J obhunter
Geneva College Box 9999
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
March 1, 2009
Mr. Eliot Pierce
Director of Human Resources
XYZ Firm
Hanover, MD 00010
Dear Mr. Pierce:
I amsubmitting my resume for the Staff Accountant position recently
posted on the Geneva College Career Development web site. My
accounting professor, Dr. Lori Galley referred me specifically to this
opportunity. XYZ firms international perspective really appeals to me as
well as the group oriented work environment used to accomplish the
Prior to college, my interests in accounting and finance evolved when
taking business and finance classes in high school and while serving as
treasurer for the senior class. As my resume illustrates, I have completed
my Bachelors degree in Accounting and have complimented the required
accounting curriculumwith upper level international business courses.
My experiences as an Accounts Payable Analyst have equipped me with
solid accounting skills as well as international corporate account
exposure. Additionally, my analyzing skills, spreadsheet experience, and
accounting principles were sharpened while working at ACME as an
Assistant Bookkeeper. My educational and experiential background seem
to be a good fit for the Staff Accountant position at XYZ firm.
Enclosed is my resume for your consideration. I look forward to
connecting with you regarding this opportunity. Thank you for your
time and consideration.
James T. Jobhunter
J ames T. J obhunter
Letter of Interest
(This lets them know you are looking.)
Application Letter
(This should parallel the position description.)
Page 32
Quick scan combination Cover-letter
Your Name Here
14 Church Street Jersey City, NJ 08888 555-555-5555
April 4, 2009
Samantha Smith
HR Director
ABC Company
1530 State Street
Princeton, NJ 08999
Dear Ms. Smith:
Your advertisement for an HR assistant fits my qualifications perfectly, and I am writing to
express my interest in and enthusiasm for the position.
After completing a business degree at Geneva College in May, I enrolled in a human resource
development program to further enhance my credentials in the field. Course highlights
include: Leadership in an Organizational Setting, Performance & Task Analysis in Human
Resource Development, and Technology in HR Settings.
Based on your description of the ideal candidate, I also offer:
A solid educational foundation in organizational development, employee training and
development skills and knowledge of how to use technology to improve
individual/organizational performance.
A proven ability to build rapport with individuals from all cultural and socioeconomic
A track record of excellent performance as a part-time/summer employee concurrent
with full-time college enrollment.
Technical proficiency in database programs (including Oracle) and MS Office Suite.
If you agree that my services would be valuable to ABC Company, I would very much like to
meet in person to learn more about your HR support needs. Please feel free to call me at 555-
555-5555 or email at
Thank you for your time and review of the enclosed resume, and I look forward to speaking
with you.
Sincerely yours,
Your name here
Your name here
Enclosure Source:
Page 33
Geneva College Box 9999
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
March 17, 2009
Mr. Eliot Pierce
Director of Human Resources
XYZ Firm
Hanover, MD 00010
Dear Mr. Pierce:
Thank you for the interview on March 16 at XYZ firm. I enjoyed
learning more about the firmand the position.
The information shared during the interview has confirmed my interest in
the Staff Accountant position at XYZ firm. My specialization in
international business seems like it will benefit the international accounts
you mentioned yesterday.
Again, I appreciate the opportunity to interview and hope that you will
consider me for this position. I look forward to the opportunity to serve
and contribute to XYZ firm.
James T. Jobhunter
J ames T. J obhunter
Geneva College Box 9999
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
March 17, 2009
Mr. Eliot Pierce
Director of Human Resources
XYZ Firm
Hanover, MD 00010
Dear Mr. Pierce:
I amconfirming my acceptance of the Staff Accountant position extended
to me on March 16, 2009 with XYZ firm. This job seems to compliment
my career direction while utilizing my experience, education, and skills.
As discussed, I will meet with Human Resources for orientation on April
1, 2009.
I look forward to contributing to the teamand organization at XYZ firm.
James T. Jobhunter
J ames T. J obhunter
Geneva College Box 9999
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
March 17, 2009
Mr. Eliot Pierce
Director of Human Resources
XYZ Firm
Hanover, MD 00010
Dear Mr. Pierce:
Thank you for the job offer for the Staff Accountant position at XYZ
firm. I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about the firmand the
After much consideration, I would like to decline the offer as Staff
Accountant at this time.
Thank you for extending this wonderful opportunity to me. It was a
pleasure to meet you.
James T. Job hunter
J ames T. J ob hunter
Geneva College Box 9999
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
March 17, 2009
Mr. Eliot Pierce
Director of Human Resources
XYZ Firm
Hanover, MD 00010
Dear Mr. Pierce:
I amwriting to informyou that I amwithdrawing my application for the
Staff Accountant position at XYZ firm. As a result of my job search
process and interviews, I have accepted a job offer with another firm.
Thank you for interviewing me and for the opportunity to investigate
XYZ firm.
James T. Job hunter
J ames T. J ob hunter
Sample Thank You Letter
(This lets them know of your interest after the interview.)
Acceptance Letter
(This lets them know of your interest after the offer.)
Rejection Letter
(This lets them know of your interest after the offer.)
Withdrawal Letter
(This lets them know of your interest during the process.)
Page 34
What is a portfolio/e-portfolio...
A portfolio is a tool used in interviewing and the job process. It is a collection of credentials,
projects, accomplishments, and mastered skills. A portfolio showcases your abilities while
distinguishing you from other candidates! Most importantly, a portfolio demonstrates and supports
what you tell an employer in an interview.
Eportfolios typically are hosted on websites, transmitted electronically or on disc.
Who should use a portfolio?
Artists, models, writers, and teachers have typically used portfolios illustrating and demonstrating
their work. However, as the job market becomes more competitive, portfolios can help further
illuminate and qualify any job candidate. This is your chance to showcase your talent and show that
you are a distinctive candidate!
How to start a portfolio...
1. Decide what you would like to convey in your portfolio. Consider your skills, abilities,
specialties, and achievements.
2. Take an inventory of your basic competencies. These might include: academic competencies,
communication skills, critical thinking skills, leadership skills, organizational skills, research
skills, substantive achievements, knowledge of field, technical skills, etc.
3. Collect, organize, and format items (see list below). Consider your layout, design, materials, and
presentation style before assembling. Many portfolios have subject sheets introducing the
section. E-portfolios can be specifically designed with templates.
What to include in a portfolio...
Resume/ Cover-Letter/References Transcripts Volunteer Activities
Awards/Honors Organizations Memberships
Letters of Appreciation Skills/Training J ob Descriptions
Internships Certifications Research
Writing Sample Letters of Reference Projects
Page 35
How to organize a portfolio...
Much like a resume, consider the sequence, categories, and experiences pertinent to the
position you are applying for. Decide on the categories of your portfolio, label them, and
arrange your materials accordingly. Consider assembling your portfolio in sections encased
in a binder that is appropriate for the position of which you are applying. A business
applicant, for example, may want to consider a professional leather embossed notebook
while a marketing applicant may consider something more creative. For eportfolios,
determine your template and design. A well-organized portfolio benefits you and the
employer and indicates your preparation.
How to use a portfolio...
A portfolio may be requested prior to the interview for preliminary selection. Most often, a portfolio is used in an
interview setting. When interviewing, remember to actually refer to your portfolio to further illustrate your
qualifications. For example, the interviewer may ask about your communication skills. This would be an ideal
time to point out your writing sample. The interviewer might want to know what a previous employer might say
about you, refer to a recommendation from that employer in your portfolio. Portfolios are often not a requirement
and sometimes not desired, follow the interviewers lead when possible. If an interviewer is enthusiastic with your
portfolio, refer to it throughout the interview. If the interviewer seems put off by the portfolio, simply refer to it
conservatively and only as needed.
*Always keep your portfolio current and pertinent to the job you are applying to!
An example of a portfolio...
Portfolio : Eportfolio:
Table of contents and/or tabbed sections Decide on a program (e.g., PowerPoint)
Laser printed designer label sheets to introduce sections Design the template
Non-glare sleeves to insert work Use webspace or disc or electronic file
Specialty papers and labels as desired Upload, scan and PDF your files (print, audio,
Career Development has a scanner, camera, audio and video equipment available for use. We also have sample
templates available for use.
Credentials Education Experience Co-curricular Personal
-Resume -Transcripts -Internships -Organizations -Awards
-References -Courses -Work Experience -Volunteer -Achievements
-Certifications -Achievements -Research/Projects -Evaluations -Interests/Hobbies
Where to get more information on portfolios/eportfolios...
Geneva College Career Development can assist you in developing portfolios/eportfolios as well as help with using
a portfolio/eportfolio in an interview.