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Medieval Jewish History: 632-1492

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Ronnie Perelis Yeshiva College, JHI 1300 Spring 2012 Belfer Hall 1120 perelis@yu e!

Medieval Jewish History: 632-1492

Course Description: "his #ourse e$plores %he vi&ran% #ul%ural, so#io'e#ono(i# an! religious life of %he Je)s in %he (e!ieval perio!, fro( %he *eoni( %ill %he e$pulsion fro( Spain +e )ill follo) %he (a,or in%elle#%ual, so#io'e#ono(i# an! religious %ren!s, fro( %he pla#e of philosophy, poe%ry, "al(u!i# s#holarship an! -a&allah in Je)ish religious life, %o %he in%erplay &e%)een poli%i#al, so#ial an! e#ono(i# reali%ies in %he shif%ing san!s of (e!ieval poli%i#s By engaging pri(ary an! se#on!ary sour#es %he s%u!en%s )ill &e e(po)ere! %o %hin. #ri%i#ally an! analy%i#ally a&ou% %his vi&ran% perio! of Je)ish his%ory

oals o! the course:

/In%ro!u#e %he s%u!en% %o %he (a,or %ren!s shaping Je)ish so#ie%y an! #ul%ure in %he 0i!!le 1ges /2evelop %e$%ual an! analy%i#al s.ills %hrough #areful engage(en% )i%h pri(ary sour#es /3$a(ine %he #o(ple$i%ies an! a(&igui%ies of #ul%ure, so#ie%y an! i!en%i%y /4se )ri%ing as a (eans of sharpening %he s%u!en%5s %hin.ing an! personal engage(en% )i%h %he (a%erial


Suppor%ing (a%erial 6pri(ary %e$%s, i(ages, ,ournal ar%i#les, fil(s e%# 7 )ill &e foun! on 1ngel, 3'Res or in %he re8uire! &oo.9
Heritage, Civilization and the Jews, e! +illia( Hallo, e% al 6Prager, 1:;<7 Please no%e9 $ll pri%ary readin&s %ust 'e 'rou&ht to class on the appropriate day this can either 'e in an easily accessi'le di&ital !or%at or in a hard copy o! the di&ital !iles( )rin& the Heritage *eader to class unless instructed otherwise(

"hese %e$%s are in prin%, an! #an &e (os% effi#ien%ly an! e#ono(i#ally foun! %hrough online &oo.'sellers su#h as 1(a=on #o( +,"-: +ot havin& this %aterial is +," an accepta'le e#cuse !or 'ein& unprepared !or class( Be#ause )e )ill (a.e a(ple referen#e %o &o%h %he pri(ary an! se#on!ary (a%erials in #lass i% is i%perative %ha% you &ring %he %e$%s %o #lass .lease +ote: If you are a student with a documented disability and wish to have a reasonable accommodation made for you in this class, please see me immediately( /tructure o! the Course and radin& .olicies Par%i#ipa%ion 20> 3ssays 1?> 1nno%a%e! Bi&liography 20> @ui==es 10> 0i!%er( 20> Ainal 3$a( 1?> "he #lass )ill (ee% %)o %i(es a )ee. an! #onsis% of in%era#%ive le#%ures, s%u!en% presen%a%ions an! group !is#ussions of %he %e$%s an! his%ori#al issues un!er #onsi!era%ion Perfor(an#e )ill &e ,u!ge! on %he &asis of par%i#ipa%ion in #lass !is#ussions, rea#%ion papers, oral presen%a%ions, perio!i# 8ui==es, a (i!'%er( an! final e$a( an! %he final resear#h pro,e#% .articipation 02123: 1%%en!an#e, .no)le!ge of assigne! rea!ings an! a#%ive par%i#ipa%ion in #lass !is#ussions 6You are e$pe#%e! %o &ring %he relevan% rea!ings %o #lass 7 "he #lass is !esigne! %o allo) for a plurali%y of voi#es You )ill &e e$pe#%e! %o share your insigh%s an! 8ues%ions )i%h %he #lass on a regular &asis I% is your responsi&ili%y %o #o(e %o #lass )i%h goo! 8ues%ions an! #on#erns a&ou% %he rea!ingsB you are no% e$pe#%e! %o have !efini%ive ans)ers %o %hese 8ues%ions In a!!i%ion you are re8uire! %o su&(i% a 8ues%ion or &rief #o((en% regar!ing %he rea!ings %o %he professor &y 1 p% o! the day o! class via %he 4reaction 'lo&5 on 1ngel
$ttendance: Ceaving #lass in %he (i!!le or sho)ing up la%e )ill &e (ar.e! as an a&sen#e You are per(i%%e! only %)o a&sen#es )i%h no penal%y 6%hree a&sen#es )oul! #ons%i%u%e 20 per#en% of our #lass %i(e7 I s%rongly sugges% you save %hese e$#use! a&sen#es in #ase of fa(ily e(ergen#y, illness, or o%her une$pe#%e! #onfli#%s 1&sen#es &eyon!

%)o )ill #oun% agains% your gra!eB %here are no e$#ep%ions %o %his rule "he %)o e$#use! a&sen#es are si(ply your firs% %)o a&sen#es "he !e!u#%ion fro( your par%i#ipa%ion gra!e )ill &e 3 poin%s per a&sen#e

+hen you (us% (iss #lass, i% is your responsi&ili%y %o fin! ou% )ha% you (isse! as )ell as %he assign(en% for %he ne$% (ee%ing Please #onsul% a fello) s%u!en% in %he #lass for %his infor(a%ion If you )oul! li.e #larifi#a%ion on any poin%, ho)ever, I )ill &e availa&le &y e(ail
6t is your responsi'ility to 'e aware o! when assi&n%ents are due( 6 will not accept the e#cuse o! i&norance o! the due date as &rounds !or acceptin& or not penali7in& late wor8( Presen%a%ions9 You )ill presen% one of %he pri(ary %e$%s or his%ori#al essays %o %he #lass, in%ro!u#ing %he essen%ial fea%ures of %he %e$% an! ho) i% rela%es %o %he &roa!er his%ori#al %he(es "his #an &e !one in pairs 6ntellectual honesty: I% is (y poli#y an! %he poli#y of Yeshiva 4niversi%y %o %a.e issues of in%elle#%ual hones%y D #hea%ing an! plagiaris( D very seriously 1ny in#i!en#e of #hea%ing or plagiaris( )ill resul% in an A for %his #lass an! au%o(a%i# referral %o %he 2ean5s offi#e, )i%hou% nego%ia%ion or e$#ep%ion Aor your sa.e an! %he sa.e of your #lass(a%es an! #olleagues, please !o no% #hea%

.articipation 02123 -ssays 01923: %)o for(al essays9 one analy=ing a pri(ary %e$% an! %he o%her a se#on!ary %e$% :ui77es 01123: @ui==es )ill give you %he oppor%uni%y %o syn%hesi=e %he (a%erial in s(aller s%eps, preparing you for %he larger s#ope of %he (i!%er( an! final e$a( 6I )ill !rop %he lo)es% 8ui= gra!e7 Midter% -#a% 02123: "he (i!%er( e$a( )ill have a 8uan%i%a%ive se#%ion #o(prise! of his%ori#al i!en%ifi#a%ion 8ues%ions an! an analy%i#al se#%ion (a!e up of an essay 8ues%ion ;inal -#a% 01923: 1 re%rospe#%ive in8uiry in%o %he (a,or %he(es of %he se(es%er $nnotated )i'lio&raphy 021239 3a#h s%u!en% )ill #ura%e a sele#%ion of pri(ary an! se#on!ary sour#es )hi#h )ill help ans)er a #en%ral 8ues%ion in 0e!ieval Je)ish His%ory *eadin&s9 You )ill &e responsi&le for %he pri(ary %e$%s an! se#on!ary rea!ings assigne! for ea#h )ee. "he rea!ing )ill ena&le you %o par%i#ipa%e in %he !is#ussions of &o%h %he li%erary %e$%s an! %he larger his%ori#al issues #overe! ea#h )ee. You are e$pe#%e! %o &ring %he a#%ual %e$%s %o #lass %o ena&le our !is#ussion Course ,utline 1(24 /ession 1: 6ntroduction: Jewish History and the Middle $&es Ju!ais(, Chris%iani%y an! Isla(9 e$#lusive %ru%h an! si&ling rivalries 1(26 /ession 2: Jews and 6sla% Rea!ings9 Eor(an S%ill(an, The Jews of Arab Lands, 3'3: 61ngel7 Re#o((en!e!9 Bernar! Ce)is, The Jews of Islam, 3'FF 63'Boo. via Ci&rary7 Pri(ary Sour#es9 Heri%age, ;<';G 1(31 /ession 3: "he <orld o! the eoni% Rea!ings9 Ro&er% Bro!y, The Geonim of Babylonia and the ha!ing of "edieval C#lt#re, 1:'<3, FG';3 6Reserve, no% 3'Res7

Pri(ary Sour#es9 Heri%age ;G';: 2(2 /ession 4: /aadia aon: Judais% en&a&es .hilosophy Rea!ings9 Three Jewish $hiloso!hers, e! 1 1l%(ann an! I Heine(ann, :'1F Heri%age, :0':1 6Saa!ia7 /ession 9: /aadia and "he >araites Ro&er% Bro!y, The Geonim of Babylonia and the ha!ing of "edieval C#lt#re , ;3':: 6Reserve, no% 3'Res7 Pri(ary Sour#es9 Heri%age, :1':3 Presen%e! &y9 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Re#o((en!e!9 Ceon Ee(oy, %araite Anthology: &'(er!ts from the &arly Literat#re 0--*es3 2(9 /ession 6: "he /hi!tin& Center: $l-$ndalus?/e!arad and the Jewish <orld Rea!ings9 Eor(an S%ill(an, The Jews of Arab Lands, <0'F< 63'Res7 Pri(ary Sour#es9 Heri%age, :F'112 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1&raha( i&n 2au!, I"ale of %he Aour Cap%ivesJ 61E*3C7 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 2(14 /ession =: 6n the Caliph@s Court /Pe%er Cole, The )ream of the $oem: Hebrew $oetry from "#slim and Christian !ain *+,- ./*0 6Prin#e%on 200G7 In%ro!u#%ion availa&le a% h%%p9KKpress prin#e%on e!uK%i%lesK;3<: h%(l .ri%ary /ources on $n&el: "hree vie)s of Sh(uel HaEagui! Sele#% Poe(s of Sh(uel HaEagui! 2(16 2(21 Aisit to Metropolitan Museu%: +ew 6sla%ic alleries 2(=

/ession B: Cehuda ha-Devi: .hilosophyE ;aith and Dialo&ue Three Jewish $hiloso!hers, e! 1 1l%(ann an! I Heine(ann 1F'2F Heri%age, 112'11< 6Halevi7 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

2(23 /ession 9: ;a%ily /tructure and Daily Di!e in the Cairo eni7a Rea!ings9 /S 2 *oi%ein, A "editerranean o(iety, Lol III9 1F0'1;< 63'Res7 // 0arina Rus%o), IRa&&ani%e'@arai%e 0arriagesJ, Hereti(s and the $oliti(s of Comm#nity pp23:' 2F? 61E*3C7

2(2B and 3(1 /essions 11 and 11: Mai%onides: DawE leadership and the .hilosophical :uest Rea!ings9 Isa!ore ")ers.y, IIn%ro!u#%ion,J A "aimonides 1eader, e! Isa!ore ")ers.y, 6Behr(an, 1:G2,7 1'2: 63'Res7 Pri(ary Sour#es9 Heri%age, 11G'122 60ai(oni!es7 an! Ipara&le of ligh%eningJ 61ngel7 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 3(6 M6D"-*M G!ollows "hursday /chedule- class 'e&ins at 3:49H

3(B .uri%- +o Class 3(13 /ession 12: Jews in Medieval Christian -urope Rea!ings9 I1sh.ena=, &n(y(lo!edia J#dai(a http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?&id=GALE %7CCX2587501462&v=2.1&u=nysl_me_yeshival&it=r&p=GVRL&sw=w Recommended: Ivan * 0ar#us I1 Je)ish Chris%ian Sy(&iosis9 "he Cul%ure of 3arly 1sh.ena=J In C#lt#res of the Jews 1s an 3'&rary &oo. or in har! #opy a% %he li&rary h%%p9KKsi%e e&rary #o(Kli&KyeshivaK!o#2e%ail a#%ionM!o#I2N1011?F01Op00N#ul%ures >20>20>20,e)s Pri(ary Sour#es9 Heri%age, G?';2, :3' :<, 122'< O Responsa fro( The Jewish $oliti(al Tradition 61E*3C7 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 3(19 /ession 13: Jews in Medieval Christian -urope- Historio&raphical 6ssues Rose(ary Ra!for! Reu%her, I1n%i'Se(i%is( an! Chris%ian "heology,J in A#s(hwitz: Beginning of a 2ew &ra3 1n! response &y Yosef Hayyi( Yerushal(i, G:'10G 63'Res7 2avi! Berger, I1 *enera%ion of S#holarship on Je)ish'Chris%ian In%era#%ion in %he 0e!ieval +orl!,J Tradition 45, 0 6200<79 <'1<

3(21 /ession 14: -arly Medieval Jewish Co%%unities in $sh8ena7 Rea!ings9 1vraha( *ross(an, I"he his%ori#al &a#.groun! %o %he or!inan#es on fa(ily affairs a%%ri&u%e! %o Ra&&enu *ersho( 0ePor ha'*olah 6Q"he Cigh% of %he 3$ileQ7,J Jewish History6 &ssays in Hono#r of Chimen Abrams7y, e! 1!a Rapopor%'1l&er% an! S%even J Rippers%ein, 6Con!on, 1:;;,7 3'23 63'Res7 3lisheva Bau(gar%en, "others and Children, 6In%ro!u#%ion an! Con#lusion7 Prin#e%on 200< 61E*3C7 Re#o((en!e!9 Ju!i%h Bas.in, I0o&ili%y an! (arriage in %)o (e!ieval Je)ish so#ie%iesJ, Je)ish His%ory 6200;7 229 3(22 /ession 19: "he Crusades and the Jewish Martyrolo&ical *esponse

Ro&er% Cha=an, &#ro!ean Jewry and the 8irst Cr#sade, ?0';< 63'Res7 Pri(ary Sour#es9 3$#erp%s Crusa!e Chroni#les, Ro&er% Cha=an, &#ro!ean Jewry and the 8irst Cr#sade, 1ppen!i$ 63'Res7 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Herita&e: 124- 136 3(2= /ession 16: CrusadesE continued Hay( Solovei%#hi., IHala.hah, her(eneu%i#s, an! (ar%yr!o( in (e!ieval 1sh.ena=,J Jewish 9#arterly 1eview */,. 6200<7 GG'10;B 29 2G;'2:: 3(29 /ession 1=: *ashi and the "osa!ists Rea!ings9 -enne%h S%o), I3$)g)sisJ, Alienated "inority, 13?'1?F Hay( Solovei%#hi., ICa%as%rophe an! hala.hi# Crea%ivi%y9 1sh.ena= D 10:F, 12<2, 130F an! 12:;,J Jewish History .0, . 61::;79 G1';? 63'Res7 Pri(ary Sour#es9 3$#erp%s fro( Rashi, Rash&a(, an! #on%e(porary Chris%ian &i&li#al e$ege%es 6han!ou%s7 4(3 /ession 1B: Contours o! Jewish Di!e in Medieval -urope Ja#o& -a%=, I0en of 3nligh%en(en%J 6p!f foun! on 3'Res7 Pri(ary Sour#es9 Heritage 1<2' 1<? .esach )rea8 4(4- 19 4(1= /ession 19: ;ro% Crescent to Cross: Jewish li!e in Christian /pain Reconquista: Christian ascendancy and its i%pact on 6'erian Jewish li!e Jane er'erE 4"he *econIuista5E The Jews of Spain Recommended: David Nirenberg, Conversion, Sex, and Segregation: Jews and Christians in Medieval Spain The American Historical Review Vol. 107, No. 4 (October 2002) (pp. 1065-1093) 4(19 /ession 21: /pea8 her +a%e: >a'allah and the wellsprin&s o! Jewish reli&ious ener&y in 13th century /pain Daniel MattE 46ntroduction5E ohar: the !oo" of #nlightenmentE .aulist .ress 19B3 4(24 /ession 21 1391:AiolenceE Mass Conversions and the trans!or%ation o! /ephardic Jewry )enJa%in a%pelE 4$ Detter to a wayward "eacher5 http:??site(e'rary(co%?li'?yeshiva?docDetail(actionK doc6DL11119611Mpp&L119Mp11Lcultures221221221Jews .ri%ary /ources:

NHeritage pp 146- 193 4(26 Co% Ha@$t7%aut +, CD$//

9(1 /ession 22: Dar8enin& Clouds N-#pulsion !ro% <estern -urope Rea!ings9 -enne%h S%o), Alienated "inority, 230'30; Pri(ary Sour#es9 Bla#. 2ea%h, e$pulsions 61E*3C7 Re#o((en!e!9 *avin Cang(uir, Towards A )efinition of Antisemitism NNCan these stones spea8: Jewish /acred /pace in its %edieval conte#t 06n class visual presentation3 9(3 /ession 23: *upture: erush /e!arad 1492 Rea!ings9 3lea=ar *u%)ir%h, I"o)ar!s 3$pulsion9 13:1'1<:2,J !ain and the Jews: The e!hardi &'!erien(e ./*0 and After, e! 3lie -e!ourie, ?1'G3 Pri(ary Sour#es9 Heri%age, 1?3'1?< FFFFFFFFFFFFFF 9(B /ession 24 *etrospective

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