Jazz History Research: Written Oral Audiovisual/Multimedia
Jazz History Research: Written Oral Audiovisual/Multimedia
Jazz History Research: Written Oral Audiovisual/Multimedia
Audio isual!"ultimedia
mo/e an a"*ien!e to !hange *ebate an iss"e *efen* a position 1"stify a *e!ision Role or Point of (ie)
Wor'ing Arrangements
% aluation
Tip: To stay organized, use a research folder to store your assignment, notes, printouts etc.
-opic Selection
*ist of Resources
Research .otes
/irst #raft
/inal Product
6 am resear!hing 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 be!a"se 6 &ant to fin* o"t 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 in or*er to help my a"*ien!e "n*erstan* 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777( %0A"P*%1 6 am resear!hing7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 what they are, what causes them, and why they exist be!a"se 6 &ant to fin* o"t77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
black holes
why their existence is necessary in the universe. in or*er to 3help my a"*ien!e5 "n*erstan*77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
TIP: Spend time up front developing questions to direct and shape the rest of your research. Dont rush from getting your topic to creating a data dump with all kinds of irrelevant information.
AMH201, AMH3/4M1
Stage 2 Accessing 3nformation 8oo* resear!h 9 "sing a /ariety of so"r!es 2he most !ommon site "se* by st"*ents is :i'ipe*ia( This should not e your only source.
Online Database Resources 3"se the s!hool library &eb site to a!!ess5
8ro/e M"si! ;nline < see yo"r agen*a, for "ser name an* pass&or* A high le/el reso"r!e, &ritten by s"b1e!t e)perts &hi!h often in!l"*es e)!erpts from m"si! s!ores ( Sear!h by person, style of m"si!, prefer res"lts from 8ro/e M"si! ;nline(
Web Sites
6nt"te 0 Arts = H"manities E)tensi/e annotate* list of 1a%% &eb sites, sear!hable, &ith information on 1a%% history an* in*i/i*"als http>//&&&(int"te(a!("'/artsan*h"manities/ ?a%%(!om( En!y!lope*ia of ?a%% M"si!ians( 4rief biographies of an e)tensi/e list of 1a%% m"si!ians, *ea* an* li/ing http>//&&&(1a%%(!om/en!y!lope*ia/in*e)/2 @, 3@ational ,"bli! a*io5 A?a%% = 4l"esB( @, :ebsite(
Ereate* to tie in &ith the ten0part ,4S series, ?a%% in 2ime Fpla!es 1a%% against the ba!'*rop of Ameri!an history(F 6n!l"*e* are a"*io !lips of many 1a%% performers 3 eal,layer5, an* e)tensi/e biographies(
http>//&&&(pbs(org/1a%%/in*e)(htm ?a%% ,rofiles 0 @ational ,"bli! a*io http>//&&&(npr(org/templates/story/story(phpCstory6*91020GGH1=ps9sa 6nt"te 0 Arts = H"manities 3sele!tion of &eb sites re!ommen*e* by UD "ni/ersities5 E)tensi/e annotate* list of 1a%% &eb sites, sear!hable, &ith information on 1a%% history an* in*i/i*"als http>//&&&(int"te(a!("'/artsan*h"manities/ Uni/ersity of "tgers( 6nstit"te of ?a%% St"*ies -igital e)hibits, in!l"*ing a"*io !lips of a sele!t gro"p of 1a%% greats http>//ne&ar'&&&(r"tgers(e*"/6?S/in*e)1(html Uni/ersity of "tgers( A?a%%(B S"b1e!t esear!h 8"i*es( List of lin's to sites for m"si!ians, ban*s, or!hestras an* *igital e)hibits/ar!hi/es( http>//&&&(libraries(r"tgers(e*"/r"l/rr7gate&ay/resear!h7g"i*es/1a%%/1a%%(shtml Uni/ersity of 2e)as Libraries( ?a%% esear!h ,ortal(
4riefly annotate* !olle!tion of lin's to 1a%% sites, history, artists, online 1o"rnals, an* a!a*emi! programs an* ar!hi/es( +rom the Uni/ersity of @orth 2e)as M"si! Libraries(
Stage 4 5 6 Recording 3nformation7 /inding "usic 5 8reating the /inal Product Helpful information from the li$rary on line( Ehe!' the library han*o"ts se!tion of the Earl Haig &ebsite http>//&&&(earlhaig(!a/library> 2o !reate a )or's cited list 3bibliography5 loo' at the han*o"ts in the So"r!es < MLA format fol*er in the A esear!h 2ool'itB se!tion( A goo* oral presentation re."ires !aref"l planning( Loo' at the ,resentation fol*er in the A esear!h 2ool'itB for a storyboar* planner, sample ,o&er,oint presentation o"tline &ith s!ript an* a sample presentation r"bri!( *oo'ing for music in 8# format < !he!' the EHSS Library !atalog"e at s!hool or the 2oronto ,"bli! Library !atalog"e online( $o" !an borro& m"si! from any of the 100 bran!hes of the p"bli! library &ith a free !ar* an* ha/e it shippe* to a bran!h !lose to yo" at no !harge(