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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that intersubjectivity refers to shared understanding between individuals, it has different dimensions like trans-subjective, traumatic, interpersonal and intrapsychic intersubjectivity, and emerging technologies can foster intersubjectivity through features like interface design, instructor interventions and asynchronous/synchronous tools.

The document discusses four main dimensions of intersubjectivity - trans-subjective intersubjectivity, traumatic intersubjectivity, interpersonal intersubjectivity, and intrapsychic intersubjectivity.

The document mentions that emerging technologies can foster intersubjectivity within graduate level courses by allowing for multileveled communication, varied learning outcomes, a mix of facilitation styles, and helping to depict the critical nature of interface design, instructor interventions and tool selection/use in developing community and shared knowledge online.


Sociologyindex, Sociology Books 2009 Intersubjectivity is shared understanding that helps us relate one situation to another. Sociologists who reject the assumption of the objective nature of social reality and focus on the subjective experience of actors have to avoid the fallacy of reducing the world only to personal experience. The concept of intersubjectivity achieves this: ordinary people as well as sociologists assume that if another stood in their shoes they would see the same things. We all constantly make our subjective experience available and understandable by others as well. Inters !"ecti#ity$ %&cilit&ting 'no(ledge Constr ction in )nline En#iron*ents ober !. ".# $ennen %.&. Source: 'ducational !edia International( %olume )*( +umber ,( - $ecember .//-( pp. .,-0.1/2-/3 4bstract: Intersubjectivity is( at its simplest( shared understanding that helps us relate one situation to another. Instructionally( it implies that students and instructors each have attendant responsibilities# students are tasked with discovering how to build knowledge and manage their learning( and instructors with guiding students in these processes. This article( then( focuses on the ways that emerging technologies foster intersubjectivity within graduate level courses and programmes( whether blended or wholly delivered online( by allowing for multileveled communication attentive to students5 diverse needs and styles as well as a range of instructional settings( varied learning outcomes and a mix of facilitation styles 2and levels of commitment6involvement3. Student data 2gleaned from surveys( informal interviews and analyses of chat6discussion board transcripts3 are interspersed to help depict the critical nature 2in terms of intersubjectivity3 of interface design( instructor interventions and tool selection and use 2both asynchronous and synchronous3 in developing community and shared knowledge within the online learning environment. +&tterns o, Inters !"ecti#ity in t-e Constit tion o, S !"ecti#ity$ .i*ensions o, )t-erness +elson 'rnesto 7oelho( "r.( 8niversity of S9o &aulo( ra:il( patnelco; <u=s 7laudio >igueiredo( 8niversity of S9o &aulo( ra:il( lclaudio; 7ulture ? &sychology( %ol. @( +o. )( -@)0./* 2.//)3 $AI: -/.--BB6-)1,/CBD/)//@)//. E .//) S4F' &ublications This article presents a new characteri:ation of the concept and experience of intersubjectivity based on four matrices that we see as organi:ing and elucidating different dimensions of otherness. The four matrices are described through key references to their proponents in the fields of philosophy( psychology and psychoanalysis: 2-3 trans0subjective intersubjectivity 2Scheler( Geidegger( !erleau0 &onty3# 2.3 traumatic intersubjectivity 2<evinas3# 2)3 interpersonal intersubjectivity 2!ead3# and 2,3 intrapsychic intersubjectivity 2>reud( Hlein( >airbairn( Winnicott3.

These intersubjective dimensions are understood as indicating dimensions of otherness that never occupy the field of human experience in a pure( exclusive form. +syc-o&n&lysis, E/iste*ology &nd Inters !"ecti#ity Theories of Wilfred ion "ohn I. !a:e( 8niversity of Sydney Iachael !. Genry( 8niversity of Wollongong Theory ? &sychology( %ol. C( +o. )( ,/-0,.- 2-@@C3 $AI: -/.--BB6/@1@)1,)@C/C)//, E -@@C S4F' &ublications The inference to other minds by analogy with one5s own is unconvincing( yet all our social interactions assume we can identify others5 beliefs and intentions. The problem is acute for psychoanalysis as it is especially concerned with unconscious mental processes. W.I. ion offered recommendations for true psychoanalytic knowledge( and concepts such as /ro"ecti#e identi,ic&tion and counter0transference are related. ion5s special study was of psychotic thought. Gis explanation of its underlying mechanism was in terms of a breakdown in cogniti#e processing at the transition from sensory impressions to conceptual thought( an epistemology familiar in academic processing theories. 7onceptual difficulties in such theories are discussed. +ro"ecti#e Identi,ic&tion &nd Inters !"ecti#ity !ichael 4. >orrester( 8niversity of Hent Theory ? &sychology( %ol. -C( +o. C( B*)0*/. 2.//C3 $AI: -/.--BB6/@1@)1,)/C/B/1)/ E .//C S4F' &ublications The issue of what might constitute intersubjective relations during infancy and early childhood remains something of a pu::le within and beyond psychology. This paper considers whether the psychoanalytic concept of /ro"ecti#e identi,ic&tion might supplement or enrich theoretical efforts in this domain. >ollowing introductory comments on distinctive characteristics of !erleau0&ontyJs commentary on intersubjectivity( attention turns to psychoanalytic assumptions and presuppositions underpinning /ro"ecti#e identi,ic&tion. 7omplementary and contrastive themes are drawn out( specifically those which highlight alternative metaphysical positions taken up within these approaches. $iscussion touches on the processes involved in the emergence of /ro"ecti#e identi,ic&tion and what implications the concept may have for contemporary theories of intersubjectivity in developmental psychology. Constit tion o, t-e Sel,$ Inters !"ecti#ity &nd .i&logic&lity Ivana !arkovK( 8niversity of Stirling( Scotland( 8H( ivana.markova; 7ulture ? &sychology( %ol. @( +o. )( .,@0.1@ 2.//)3 $AI: -/.--BB6-)1,/CBD/)//@)//C E .//) S4F' &ublications The polysemic nature of intersubjectivity stems not only from diverse pursuits and goals but also from different ontologies of intersubjectivity. !ore specifically( the four matrices described by 7oelho and >igueiredo 2.//)3 imply two ontologies: LI0 Ather2s35 and LI5 versus LAther2s35. These ontologies lead to different concepts of communication. In the former case( communication is based on the idea of attunement and fusion of the minds. In the latter case( communication seems to be either determined a priori as a moral principle or managed monologically. $espite essential differences between the two ontologies( they both aim at the reduction of diverse positions of the self and other2s3. It is argued that intersubjectivity that aims at fusion with the other is too narrow to account for the constitution of subjectivity. Instead( dialogicality( that is( the capacity of the human mind to conceive( create and

communicate about social realities in terms of the L4lterL( must complement intersubjectivity in conceptuali:ations of subjectivity. <iving in the world of others presupposes that co0authors not only attempt to reduce their differences in communication but also that they acknowledge one another as co0authors of their ideas# they dispute and fight about ideas# and they also confirm their participation in social realities. Inters !"ecti#ity &nd Te*/or&l Re,erence in Tele#ision Co**ent&ry Ste/-&nie 0&rriott Time ? Society( %ol. ,( +o. )( ),10)C, 2-@@13 $AI: -/.--BB6/@C-,C)D@1//,//)//1 E -@@1 S4F' &ublications In this article it is argued that television commentary gives rise to an electronically mediated intersubjectivity at the level of the speaker and hearer5s spatio0temporal perspectives on the world. The linguistic structures which occur as a result of this mutual cogniti#e environment are discussed( with particular reference to the ostensive use of demonstrative expressions to indicate intersubjectively established elements. T-e 1c-ie#e*ent o, Inters !"ecti#ity t-ro g- E*!odied Co*/letions$ 1 St dy o, Inter&ctions Bet(een %irst &nd Second 2&ng &ge S/e&kers "unko !ori( 8niversity of Wisconsin0!adison !akoto Gayashi( 8niversity of Illinois at 8rbana07hampaign 4pplied <inguistics .//C .B2.3:-@10.-@# doi:-/.-/@)6applin6aml/-, E Axford 8niversity &ress .//C This study examines casual interactions between first language 2<-3 and second language 2<.3 speakers of "apanese( paying special attention to the coordination of vocal and non0vocal resources that are brought to bear on the achievement of intersubjectivity. !ore specifically( this study investigates a practice of Membodied completionJ 2Alsher .//,3( namely the practice of deploying a partial turn of talk that offers a projectable trajectory of ongoing action and completing that action with a gesture or other embodied display. The participantsJ conduct that precedes this embodied completion reveals the local processes used to evaluate( discover( and establish shared linguistic and non0linguistic resources in pursuing intersubjectivity. >urther( the seNuence of actions that follows the embodied completion provides an incidental( interactionally motivated opportunity for the <- speaker to reformulate what the <. speaker has said with a more sophisticated linguistic expression. Inters !"ecti#ity 3 inter&ctionist or disc rsi#e4 Re,lections on 5&!er*&s6 criti7 e o, Br&ndo* &iet Strydom( $epartment of Sociology( 8niversity 7ollege 7ork( 7ork( Ireland &hilosophy ? Social 7riticism( %ol. ).( +o. .( -110-B. 2.//C3 $AI: -/.--BB6/-@-,1)B/C/C-/@/ E .//C S4F' &ublications This article argues that there is a marked ambivalence in GabermasJ concept of intersubjectivity in that he wavers between an interactionist and a discursive understanding. This ambivalence is demonstrated with reference to his recent critiNue of Iobert random5s normative pragmatic theory of discursive practice. 4lthough Gabermas is a leading theorist of discourse as an epistemically steered process( he allows his interpretation of random5s theory as suffering from objective idealism to compel him to recoil from discourse and to defend a purely interactionist or dialogical position. It is argued that the ambivalence in Nuestion is related to GabermasJ incomplete theori:ation of communication as a process of structure formation that

unfolds seNuentially through time on different levels. Gis architectonic of communicative intersubjectivity is marred by a missing concept. Reconciling co** nic&ti#e &ction (it- recognition t-ickening t-e 8inter6 o, inters !"ecti#ity 'va 'rman( $epartment of &olitical Science( Stockholm 8niversity( Stockholm( Sweden &hilosophy ? Social 7riticism( %ol. ).( +o. )( )BB0,// 2.//C3 $AI: -/.--BB6/-@-,1)B/C/C).-, E .//C S4F' &ublications There is an underlying idea of symmetry involved in most notions of rationality. >rom a dialogical philosophical standpoint( however( the symmetry implied by social contract theories and so0called Folden Iule thinking is anchored to a 7artesian subjectOobject world and is therefore not eNuipped to address recognition O at least not if recognition is to be understood as something happening between subjects. >or this purpose( the dialogical symmetry implied by Gabermas5 communicative action does a much better job. Still( it is insufficient to embrace those kinds of recognition that are dependent on asymmetry and concrete difference. This article explores how communicative action could meet the demand of recognition by investigating a complementary source of validity in communicative rationality( apart from Gabermas5 validity claims( in which MinterJ is better characteri:ed as mutuality than as symmetry. %eeling 9ender S/e&k : Inters !"ecti#ity &nd %ield(ork +r&ctice (it- ;o*en ;-o +rostit te in 2i*&, +er <orraine +encel( $e %rije 8niversiteit( <S.+encel; 'uropean "ournal of Women5s Studies( %ol. -.( +o. )( ),10)C- 2.//13 $AI: -/.--BB6-)1/1/C*/1/1,.B, E .//1 S4F' &ublications This article discusses a dimension of fieldwork methodology often overlooked. It concerns the act of feeling 2inferences3 and how this subjective ability contributes to understanding cultural meanings( which are unspoken or encoded in dialogue( but remain unarticulated. The discovery of this dimension in fieldwork eventually brought several epistemological principles into Nuestion pertaining to power and intersubjectivity subscribed to in a feminist or critical anthropology. Simultaneously( the use of this dimension in fieldwork gave insight into the relational construction of gender identity 0 the authorJs own( that of the women and a male assistant. T-e ontologic&l co:e*ergence o, <sel, &nd ot-er< in J&/&nese /-iloso/-y Poko 4risaka( &hilosophy $epartment( 8niversity of San >rancisco( .-)/ >ulton St.( San >rancisco( 74 @,--B( 8S4 "ournal of 7onsciousness Studies( *( +o. 10B( .//-( pp. -@B0./* 4bstracts: The coupling of 5self and other5 as well as the issues regarding intersubjectivity have been central topics in modern "apanese philosophy. The dominant views are critical of the 7artesian formulation 2pure( disembodied subjectivity3( but the "apanese philosophers drew their conclusions also based on their own insights into "apanese culture and language. In this paper I would like to explore this theme in two of the leading modern "apanese philosophers 0 Hitaro +ishida 2-*B/0-@,13 and Tetsuro Watsuji 2-**@0-@C/3. I do not make a causal claim that "apanese culture or language was responsible for these thinkers5 philosophy( although without a doubt they were strong influences. The point rather is to show an interesting convergence of concerns regarding the fundamental nature of the relation between the

self and others across different cultures and intellectual traditions( and to clarify further the ontological structure of the self0other relation. 4fter the examination( the thesis I would like to defend here is the following: Intersubjectivity is indeed a condition( rather than an accident( of the structure of lived experiences as such 2not 5consciousness53 but this relation also reNuires at the same time the recognition that the Ather must remain a true negation0in0relation to the self. <et me first turn to Watsuji( although chronologically he was ./ years junior and was a student of +ishida( since Watsuji5s phenomenology deals more directly with the topic of intersubjectivity. I will then turn to +ishida5s broader ontological considerations. T-e 5 sserli&n t-eory o, inters !"ecti#ity &s &lterology= e*ergent t-eories &nd (isdo* tr&ditions in t-e lig-t o, genetic /-eno*enology +atalie $epra:( 7ollege International de &hilosophie( 8niversity of Sorbonne( &aris( >rance "ournal of 7onsciousness Studies( *( +o. 10B( .//-( pp. -C@0B* 4bstracts: In this paper( I have a twofold aim: >irst I wish to show to what extent the Gusserlian Theory of Intersubjectivity can be relevant for contemporary empirical research and for ancestral wisdom traditions( both in their experiences and in their conceptual tools# and secondly I intend to rely on some empirical results and experiential mystical6practical reports in order to bring about some more refined phenomenological descriptions first provided by Gusserl. The first aim will be the main concern here( while the second will only be broached by way of initial steps towards further development. I will proceed in two stages: in the first place I will give some evidence for Gusserl5s relevance by giving an account of his original conceptions of 2a3 egoic subjectivity( 2b3 genetic phenomenology( and 2c3 lived empathy. In the second place( my purpose is to indicate how much Gusserl5s view on infants6children( animals6 beasts( mad people6the insane and aliens6foreigners6strangers may be of some interest for scientific empirical conceptions and for practical paths of spiritual self0development. In so doing( I hope to be able 2-3 to confirm the accuracy of Gusserl5s own intuitions and analysis( and 2.3 to suggest some refinements in the way Gusserl described such experiences. Throughout this paper I will focus on two main Gusserlian discoveries: 2-3 subjectivity is from the very start intersubjectivity# 2.3 infants( animals( the insane and aliens are subjects in a full sense( precisely because they are from the very beginning always already intersubjective subjects# besides( they are limit0subjectivities( who compel me in a kind of feedback to enlarge and to deepen my own subjectivity. T-e /r&ctice o, *ind= t-eory, si* l&tion or /ri*&ry inter&ction4 Shaun Fallagher( $epartment of &hilosophy( 7anisius 7ollege( uffalo( +P -,./*( 8S4 "ournal of 7onsciousness Studies( *( +o. 10B( .//-( pp. *)0-/* 4bstracts: Theory of mind explanations of how we know other minds are limited in several ways. >irst( they construe intersubjective relations too narrowly in terms of the speciali:ed cogniti#e abilities of explaining and predicting another person5s mental states and behaviours. Second( they sometimes draw conclusions about second0person interaction from experiments designed to test third0person observation of another5s behaviour. 4s a result( the larger claims that are sometimes made for theory of mind( namely that theory of mind is our primary and pervasive means for understanding other persons( go beyond both the phenomenological and the scientific evidence. I

argue that the interpretation of 5primary intersubjectivity5 as merely precursory to theory of mind is inadeNuate. Iather( primary intersubjectivity( understood as a set of embodied practices and capabilities( is not only primary in a developmental sense( but is the primary way we continue to understand others in second0person interactions. B rno t &nd inters !"ecti#ity$ 1 /syc-o&n&lytic&l st dy ,ro* & 2&c&ni&n /ers/ecti#e Stijn %anheule( Fhent 8niversity( elgium 4n <ievrouw( Fhent 8niversity( elgium &aul %erhaeghe( Fhent 8niversity( elgium Guman Ielations( %ol. 1C( +o. )( ).-0))* 2.//)3 $AI: -/.--BB6//-*B.CB/)/1C//)C-, E .//) The Tavistock Institute This article examines the intersubjective process connected with burnout. An the basis of Nualitative research data we investigate to what extent <acan5s model of intersubjectivity enables us to understand the burnout process and to differentiate between people who suffer from burnout and those who do not. We first outline <acan5s theory of intersubjectivity through a discussion of the dialectical master6slave relationship and the difference between imaginary and symbolic interactions. This model is then tested against the interview material of )/ special educators drawn from the results of a wider random sample survey of BC1 respondents in response to a burnout Nuestionnaire. T-e <s-&red *&ni,old< -y/ot-esis= %ro* *irror ne rons to e*/&t-y %ittorio Fallese( Istituto di >isiologia 8mana( 8niversita di &arma( %ia %olturno )@( I0,)-// &arma( Italy "ournal of 7onsciousness Studies( *( +o. 10B( .//-( pp. ))01/ 4bstracts: !y initial scope will be limited: starting from a neurobiological standpoint( I will analyse how actions are possibly represented and understood. The main aim of my arguments will be to show that( far from being exclusively dependent upon mentalistic6linguistic abilities( the capacity for understanding others as intentional agents is deeply grounded in the relational nature of action. 4ction is relational( and the relation holds both between the agent and the object target of the action 2see Fallese( .///b3( as between the agent of the action and his6her observer 2see below3. 4gency constitutes a key issue for the understanding of intersubjectivity and for explaining how individuals can interpret their social world. This account of intersubjectivity( founded on the empirical findings of neuroscientific investigation( will be discussed and put in relation with a classical tenet of phenomenology: empathy. I will provide an 5enlarged5 account of empathy that will be defined by means of a new conceptual tool: the shared manifold of intersubjectivity. Underst&nding t-e re/resent&tion&l *ind= 1 /rere7 isite ,or inters !"ecti#ity /ro/er Iso Hern( Institute of &hilosophy( 8niversity of ern( <aenggasstra. ,@4( 7G0)/// ern @( Swit:erland 'duard !arbach( Institute of &hilosophy( 8niversity of ern( <aenggasstra. ,@4( 7G0 )/// ern @( Swit:erland "ournal of 7onsciousness Studies( *( +o. 10B( .//-( pp. C@0*. 4bstracts: This paper argues that( from the perspective of phenomenological philosophy( the study of intersubjectivity is closely tied to Nuestions of the representational mind. It focuses on developmental studies of children5s understanding

of the human mind( setting out some of the main findings and theoretical explanations. It then takes up Gusserl5s idea of looking at persons in the 5personal attitude5. 8nderstanding motivational connections among a person5s subjective experiences is an essential feature of this attitude. 1 +-iloso/-er 0&n7 >4 Si*one de Be& #oir, 0or&l V&l e &nd <T-e Useless 0o t-s< 'li:abeth Stanley( 8niversity of !anchester( 8H 'uropean "ournal of Women5s Studies( %ol. *( +o. .( ./-0../ 2.//-3 E .//- S4F' &ublications In discussing Simone de eauvoir5s ontological ethics in an earlier article in this journal( the author suggested in passing that she could be seen as a 5philosopher manNuQ5( a 5lost5 or 5missed5 philosopher( a woman who gave up or rejected philosophy to pursue ideas by better means for her purposes. Gere the author explores the idea of de eauvoir as a philosopher manNuQ in relation to her play <es ouches inutiles( using a translation0in0progress into 'nglish( The 8seless !ouths( to examine ideas about morality( ethics and intersubjectivity expressed within it. $e eauvoir constructs characters around different philosophical positions( which are evaluated by reference to the play5s unfolding action. Sc&nd&lo s et-ics= In,inite /resence (it- s ,,ering 4nnabella &itkin( arnard 7ollege( 7olumbia 8niversity( )//@ roadway( +ew Pork( +P -//.B( 8S4 "ournal of 7onsciousness Studies( *( +o. 10B( .//-( pp. .)-0,C 4bstracts: I want to argue here that certain uddhist and "ewish thinkers say scandalous things on purpose. !ore scandalously still( I suggest that these statements are infused with deeply transformative ethical power( intended specifically as a way of relating to the dreadful fact of suffering. 4s scandals( these special responses to suffering intentionally rupture normal semantic patterns and seNuences of thought( often through statements or actions which appear paradoxical. These scandalous statements are( in fact( always communicative in function( structure( and intent( but they are designed to create a kind of 5cogniti#e disson&nce5. The thinkers I consider here say scandalous things in order to cause a breaking0open in the consciousness of the hearer and practitioner( which produces compassion( transformation( and liberation. 7ounter0intuitively( this rupture highlights intersubjectivity and language. 0&trix &nd Inters !"ecti#ity$ +-eno*enologic&l 1s/ects o, 9ro / 1n&lysis Gans W. 7ohn( School of &sychotherapy and 7ounselling( Iegent5s 7ollege( <ondon Froup 4nalysis( %ol. .C( +o. ,( ,*-0,*C 2-@@)3 $AI: -/.--BB6/1)))-C,@).C,//* E -@@) The Froup04nalytic Society In the course of this century there has been a shit from a view of man as a self0 contained structured entity( open to outside influences but clearly set off against the rest of the world( to a perspective from which man is seen as being0in0the0world0with0 others( a world to which man is inseparably linked. This change of perspective shows itself in philosophy in a move from an extreme subjectivism 2which in -@,) still pervaded "ean0&aul Sartre5s eing and +othingness3 to a complete dismissal of the subject 2as proposed( for instance( by !ichel >oucault3. Similarly in psychotherapy( the move has been from the self0centred individualistic approaches of various forms of psychoanalysis to certain types of family therapy where the subject seems completely absorbed by the Lsystem5. In this development( !aurice !erleau0&onty

and S.G. >oulkes hold a half0way position. They do not abandon the notion of a subject but open it up and decentre it. L!eaning and significance5( to use >oulkes5s words( rest o longer within the subject but between subjects. !atrix and intersubjectivity are the relevant fields of experience. Enco nters (it- &ni*&l *inds arbara Smuts( $epartment of &sychology( 8niversity of !ichigan( 1.1 'ast 8niversity( 4nn 4rbor( !I ,*-/@0--/@( 8S4 "ournal of 7onsciousness Studies( *( +o. 10B( .//-( pp. .@)0)/@ 4bstracts: In this article I draw on personal experience to explore the kinds of relationships that can develop between human and nonhuman animals. The first part of the article describes my encounters with wild baboons( whom I studied in 'ast 4frica over the course of many years. The baboons treated me as a social being( and to gain their trust I had to learn the troop5s social conventions and behave in accordance with them. This process gave me a feeling for what it means to be a baboon. Aver time( I developed a sense of belonging to their community( and my subjective identity seemed to merge with theirs. This experience expanded my sense of the possible in interspecies relations. The second part of the article describes a mutual exploration of such possibilities in my relationship with my dog( Safi. I describe how Safi and I co0create systems of communication and emotional expression that permit deep 5intersubjectivity5( despite our very different biological natures. In my relationships with baboons( dogs( and other animals( I have encountered the presence in another of something resembling a human 5self5. I emphasi:e the importance of recogni:ing and honoring this presence in other animals as well as in humans. E*/&t-y &nd conscio sness 'van Thompson( $epartment of &hilosophy( Pork 8niversity( ,B// Heele Street( +orth Pork( Antario !)" -&)( 7anada "ournal of 7onsciousness Studies( *( +o. 10B( .//-( pp. -0). 4bstracts: This article makes five main points. 2-3 Individual human consciousness is formed in the dynamic interrelation of self and other( and therefore is inherently intersubjective. 2.3 The concrete encounter of self and other fundamentally involves empathy( understood as a uniNue and irreducible kind of intentionality. 2)3 'mpathy is the precondition 2the condition of possibility3 of the science of consciousness. 2,3 Guman empathy is inherently developmental: open to it are pathways to non0 egocentric or self0transcendent modes of intersubjectivity. 213 Ieal progress in the understanding of intersubjectivity reNuires integrating the methods and findings of cogniti#e science( phenomenology( and contemplative and meditative psychologies of human transformation. 5olding in 0ind$ Inters !"ecti#ity, S !"ect Rel&tions &nd t-e 9ro / &hil Schulte( +GS psychotherapy service in exley( Hent Froup 4nalysis( %ol. ))( +o. ,( 1)-01,, 2.///3 $AI: -/.--BB6/1)))-C//../BB,), E ./// The Froup04nalytic Society Intersubjectivity( the intersection of two 2or more3 subjectivities( is emerging as a key concept in psychoanalysis. The intersubjective perspective stands in contrast to classical psychoanalytic theori:ing and implies that much current thinking about subjectivity and objectivity needs revisiting. %iews on subjectivity within philosophy( developmental psychology and psychoanalysis have much to offer group analysis

2and( one suspects( vice versa3. The everyday assumption that our subjectivity is essentially private is challenged. Inters !"ecti#ity in Indo:Ti!et&n B dd-is* . 4lan Wallace( $epartment of Ieligious Studies( 8niversity of 7alifornia( Santa arbara( 74 @)-/C0)-)/( 8S4 "ournal of 7onsciousness Studies( *( +o. 10B( .//-( pp. ./@0)/ 4bstracts: This essay focuses on the theme of intersubjectivity( which is central to the entire Indo0Tibetan uddhist tradition. It addresses the following five themes pertaining to uddhist concepts of intersubjectivity: 2-3 the uddhist practice of the cultivation of meditative Nuiescence challenges the hypothesis that individual human consciousness emerges solely from the dynamic interrelation of self and other# 2.3 the central uddhist insight practice of the four applications of mindfulness is a means for gaining insight into the nature of oneself( others and the relation between oneself and the rest of the world( which provides a basis for cultivating a deep sense of empathy# 2)3 the uddhist cultivation of the four immeasurables is expressly designed to arouse a rich sense of empathy with others# 2,3 the meditative practice of dream yoga( which illuminates the dream0like nature of waking reality is shown to have deep implications regarding the nature of intersubjectivity# 213 the theory and practice of $:ogchen( the 5great perfection5 system of meditation( challenges the assertion of the existence of an inherently real( locali:ed( ego0centred mind( as well as the dichotomy of objective space as opposed to perceptual space. T-e +olitics o, +ro!le*s$ Inters !"ecti#ity in .e,ining +o(er, l )t-ers S e Jones, Uni#ersity o, B&tGuman Ielations( %ol. )B( +o. --( **-0*@, 2-@*,3 $AI: -/.--BB6//-*B.CB*,/)B/--/- E -@*, The Tavistock Institute This paper is concerned with how persons in organi:ations( tackling what they define as complex problems( define others as significant in terms of their perceived power. 8sing a particular case as an illustration( the author argues for attending to the complex intersubjectivity of definitions of# powerful others( involving not only patterns and consensualities but also significant diversity in the theories and values different individuals bring to understanding and predicting their political environments and the key actors within them. Beyond e*/&t-y= +-eno*enologic&l &//ro&c-es to inters !"ecti#ity $an Rahavi( $anish Institute for 4dvanced Studies in Gumanities( %immelskaftet ,-4( .( $H0--C- 7openhagen H( $enmark "ournal of 7onsciousness Studies( *( +o. 10B( .//-( pp. -1-0CB 4bstracts: $rawing on the work of Scheler( Geidegger( !erleau0&onty( Gusserl and Sartre( this article presents an overview of some of the diverse approaches to intersubjectivity that can be found in the phenomenological tradition. Starting with a brief description of Scheler5s criticism of the argument from analogy( the article continues by showing that the phenomenological analyses of intersubjectivity involve much more than a 5solution5 to the 5traditional5 problem of other minds. Intersubjectivity doesn5t merely concern concrete face0to0face encounters between individuals. It is also something that is at play in simple perception( in tool0use( in emotions( drives and different types of self0awareness. 8ltimately( the phenomenologists would argue that a treatment of intersubjectivity reNuires a simultaneous analysis of the relationship between subjectivity and world. It is not

possible simply to insert intersubjectivity somewhere within an already established ontology# rather( the three regions 5self5( 5others5( and 5world5 belong together# they reciprocally illuminate one another( and can only be understood in their interconnection. %ro* inters !"ecti#ity to intercor/ore&lity$ contri! tions o, & /-eno*enologic&l /-iloso/-y to t-e /syc-ologic&l st dy o, &lterity= &sicol. 8S&( .//)( vol.-,( no.-( p.-*10./@. ISS+ /-/)0C1C,. 7A'<GA "8+IAI( +elson 'rnesto. 4bstract: This paper presents the philosophical Nuestioning of intersubjectivity in the phenomenological theories of Gusserl( Scheler and !erleau0&onty( considering their contribution to the constitution of psychological studies of alterity. It presents forms in which the other appears before me( its possible presence as a constitutive element of the world in which I take part( and above all( as a constitutive element of myself. In order to recogni:e the other in its radical alterity I cannot institute it by comparison with myself( by analogy or introjection and not even by processes of affective fusion. These forms exclude the possibility of recogni:ing the other in its difference. It is suggested that we have to start with a sensible6perceptive experience in the proper sphere of a lived body( so as to make it possible to recogni:e the other as difference in its expressive forms. 4s a conclusion( a favorable substitution of the notion of intersubjectivity by the one of intercorporeality is proposed. 0 scielo.br6 +&t-s o, inters !"ecti#ity$ %erenc?i, Bion, 0&tte:Bl&nco= &sicol. 8S&( -@@@( vol.-/( no.-( p.-,-0-11. ISS+ /-/)0C1C,. F'I 'I( IgnKcio 4bstract: Intersubjectivity is pertinent to the freudian concept of &sychoanalysis. Pet( it was >erenc:i( his closest disciple( and the pioneer in the investigations of emotions( which come upon the analyst in the presence of the patient. Se7 enti&lity &s & /ro!le* &nd reso rce ,or inters !"ecti#ity in &/-&sic con#ers&tion$ &n&lysis &nd i*/lic&tions ,or t-er&/y Wilkinson I. Source: 4phasiology( %olume -)( +umbers ,01( - 4pril -@@@( pp. ).B0),)2-B3 4bstract: Investigations of non0aphasic conversation have displayed the importance of seNuentiality in the meaning and understanding of utterances in conversation. SeNuentiality refers to the way in which an utterance is constructed so as to display its relation to the immediately preceding utterances and to make expectable a certain type of utterance in the following turn. 4s such( it has been shown to be a central resource for participants in achieving intersubjectivity( or a state of mutual understanding( in conversation. In this paper( seNuentiality in aphasic conversation is investigated. It is found that aphasia can disrupt the speaker s ability to display the seNuential properties of utterances in conversation and can( therefore( be an important reason why certain aphasic turns can be difficult for hearers to understand. Gowever( aphasic speakers are also shown to be able to use the seNuential context of earlier turns as a resource to aid communication by referring deictically to prior utterances. T-e Inters !"ecti#ity o, Inter&ction "ohn W. $u ois( 8niversity of 7alifornia( Santa arbara >or some time now( students of language have been deeply aware that it is not enough to approach language simply as an objective means of referring to and predicating

about states of affairs in the world. To rectify the prior preoccupation( we have lately been witnessing the rise of a new orientation to the subjectivity of language. The pursuit of a subjective component in language is now proceeding in earnest( with more and more of language undergoing reexamination in the new light. Still( there is reason to be concerned that the theoretical reevaluation so far conducted has not been as thorough as may yet be reNuired. What is missing from the current revision( perhaps( is a full appreciation of the third element in the Hantian triad: that of intersubjectivity( whose role in language( in comparison to its objective and subjective dimensions( remains mysterious to many. 4s a first approximation( intersubjectivity can be glossed as: I define my subjectivity in relation to your subjectivity. 4s it turns out( the most compelling reason to take up the challenge of intersubjectivity comes( not from some urge to Hantian completeness( but from the evidence of interaction itself. In particular( stancetaking in conversation presents a number of patterns which seem to reNuire an orientation to intersubjectivity( not only on the part of the analyst but also on the part of the participants. The present paper seeks to explore the role of intersubjectivity in stancetaking( focusing specifically on how participants orient to( as well as construct( a set of relations between the objective( the subjective( and the intersubjective. In coming to terms with this triadic relationship I seek to theoretically ground a phenomenal structure which is foundational to the organi:ation of interaction( cognition( discourse( language( and culture. I undertake to demonstrate that intersubjectivity( far from being a mere philosopherJs preoccupation( is a direct( pervasive( tangible( and compelling concern for all participants in dialogic interaction. Why is it necessary to integrate intersubjectivity into any understanding of language and social lifeS 4 purely objective perspective on the world and our place in it notoriously underestimates the variability between subjects in their perceiving( interpreting( and speaking about the world. 4 purely subjective perspective suffers detachment from reality. The pursuit of an intersubjective perspective( in contrast( seeks to escape this dilemma by reNuiring speakers of a common language to submit their subjective interpretations of the world to a process of comparison and calibration with the subjective interpretations of others who participate in the same world( the same speech community( the same discourse. Intersubjectivity builds a sociocognitive framework for approaching agreement that strives to transcend the limits of the individual subject( thereby evading the twin pitfalls of isolated subjectivity and inert objectivity. Gow does intersubjectivity relate to stanceS I argue that stance should be analy:ed as a triplex act( in which the stancetaker simultaneously evaluates an object( positions a subject 2the self3( and aligns with other subjects. >reNuently( participants construct their stance in relation to a stance just voiced by another participant. In other words( participants construct stances out of what is already on the conversational table. This process of stance inflection turns out to be a pervasive and more or less continuously calibrated process by which conversational participants collaborate to arrive at a new( emergent stance. The newly inflected stance may either converge to( or diverge from( the prior stance. The dialogic structure of the whole process invites comparison between the two stances( leading participants to calculate the stance differential: the difference between your stance and my stance. 4 continual orientation to this gap( whether large or small( blatant or finely nuanced( is fundamental to participantsJ experience of their intersubjective relation to their dialogic co0participants. An the theoretical level( I present a dialogic model of stance and intersubjectivity( positing a triangular structure for the stance act in order to account for recurrent

patterns in the organi:ation of stancetaking( and for the pervasive orientation to objective( subjective( and intersubjective dimensions of stance. 'xamples are drawn from conversations in the Santa arbara 7orpus of Spoken 4merican 'nglish. 0 ruf.rice.edu6Treng6rls-/abstracts6dubois.html 2&!o r &nd Inters !"ecti#ity$ Notes on t-e N&t r&l 2&( o, Co/yrig-t 4 I4G4! $I4SSI+AW'I( 8niversity of Toronto 0 >aculty of <aw Stanford6Pale "r. >aculty >orum &aper +o. /-0/C and 8 of Toronto( &ublic <aw Iesearch &aper +o. /-0/C 4bstract: The paper develops a theoretical approach to copyright law centred on authorial right( yet capable of accounting for the public interest in access to and dissemination of intellectual creations. The paper Nuestions the deployment of <ocke5s labour theory of property in the formulation of a rights0based view of copyright( and offers a rights0based interpretation of the idea6expression dichotomy inspired by Hant5s theory of property. Whereas <ocke understood the property right in terms of the category of labour( Hant posited that( as a relation between persons( the property right cannot be derived from a unilateral act 0 such as labour 0 of a person on a thing. $eploying the interpersonal dimension of the property right( the paper demonstrates that the idea6expression dichotomy normatively structures the relation between the parties to a copyright action in terms of their eNual rights to authorship. To the extent that the defendant has not copied the plaintiff5s expression but has instead expressed an idea anew( the defendant has exercised her own authorship. The limits of the plaintiff5s right 2i.e. the law5s refusal to copyright ideas3 are thus the contours of a public domain that( as a matter of eNuality( the plaintiff himself must be held to recogni:e. 0 papers.ssrn.com6sol)6papers.cfmSabstractUidV.B1,B/ 9ro nding Signs o, C lt re$ +ri*&ry Inters !"ecti#ity in Soci&l Se*iosis Stephen ". 7owley( Social Sciences and Gumanities( 8niversity of radford( 8H( 8niversity of HwaRulu0+atal( $urban( South 4frica Sheshni !oodley( Social Sciences and Gumanities( 8niversity of radford( 8H( 8niversity of HwaRulu0+atal( $urban( South 4frica 4gnese >iori07owley( Social Sciences and Gumanities( 8niversity of radford( 8H( 8niversity of HwaRulu0+atal( $urban( South 4frica !ind( 7ulture( and 4ctivity .//,( %ol. --( +o. .( &ages -/@0-). 2doi:-/.-./B6s-1).B**,mca--/.U)3 4bstract: The article examines how infants are first permeated by culture. uilding on Thibault 2.///3( semiogenesis is traced to the joint activity of primary intersubjectivity. 8sing an 4frican example( analysis shows how00at -, weeks00an infant already uses culturally specific indicators of Wwhat a caregiver wants.W Guman predispositions and the mother5s enactment of cultural processes enable the child to give joint activity a specific Wsense.W $evelopmentally( the child prods the caregiver to shaping his or her actions around social norms that transform the infant5s world. This nascent lopsided relation is probably necessary for learning to talk. 4cting with its mother( the baby5s full0bodied activity uses adult WunderstandingW in ways that are cultural( contingent( and indexical. Infant activity is already semiotic. 0 1N E@10IN1TI)N )% T5E RE21TI)NS5I+ BET;EEN T5E C)NCE+TS )% +R)JECTIVE I.ENTI%IC1TI)N 1N. INTERSUBJECTIVITY 7arol Weaver( 74IA< W'4%'I was awarded an !4 in &sychotherapy and 7ounselling by 7ity 8niversity in -@@*( having studied at Iegent5s 7ollege( <ondon.

She is now 8H7& registered. She is a counsellor and psychotherapist for South <incolnshire Gealthcare( and an honorary therapist at the 'dith 7avell Gospital in &eterborough.-74IA< W'4%'I was awarded an !4 in &sychotherapy and 7ounselling by 7ity 8niversity in -@@*( having studied at Iegent5s 7ollege( <ondon. She is now 8H7& registered. She is a counsellor and psychotherapist for South <incolnshire Gealthcare( and an honorary therapist at the 'dith 7avell Gospital in &eterborough. 4ddress for correspondence: -/ >otheringhay( &eterborough &'* 1GR. Xe mail: 7arolWeaver;compuserve.comY 4 STI47T: +ro"ecti#e identi,ic&tion has been described as5the most fruitful psychoanalytic concept since the discovery of the unconscious5 2Poung -@@,( p. -./3. !any psychoanalysts( including Agden( have also begun exploring the philosophical concept of intersubjectivity and how it may augment psychoanalytic understanding and practice. 'xistential psychotherapists include those who believe that intersubjectivity is the basic way in which humans relate. $iamond writes that5Without a notion of intersubjectivity( psychoanalysis is in difficulty( for it is impossible to envisage how feelings belonging to one individual pass into another5 2$iamond -@@*( p. ./.3. 4fter exploring the concept of /ro"ecti#e identi,ic&tion and the claims from various contemporary psychoanalysts that this mechanism is interpersonal rather than purely intrapsychic( the paper explores the philosophical concept of intersubjectivity. The communication of emotion and the implications for therapy are then discussed( before conclusions are drawn about the relationship between the two concepts under examination. 0 Considering t-e n&t re o, inters !"ecti#ity (it-in /ro,ession&l n rsing Wanda &ierson I+ !S+ !42'd3-$octoral Student( Simon >raser 8niversity and +ursing >aculty( <angara 7ollege( %ancouver( 7anada 7orrespondence to: &ierson <angara 7ollege( -// West ,@th 4venue( %ancouver( ritish 7olumbia( 7anada %1P .RC. '0mail: wpierson; 4bstract: The notion of intersubjectivity raises fundamental epistemological and ontological Nuestions concerning how individuals come to know one another and how that knowing affects action. Within the sphere of professional nursing( relationship( as an intersubjective process between individuals( constitutes an integral element of professional nursing practice. 8nderstanding the notion of relationship in terms of an intersubjective process is freNuently laden with difficulty due to the polari:ation of intersubjectivity within either a traditional scientific position or a human science perspective. Ieconciliation of both ways of knowing( however( may allow nurses to bring forward a broader base and scope of information to appreciate the experience of others. This article examines some of the notions of intersubjectivity and proposes an alternative understanding. 0 Co** nic&tion 0edi& &nd Inters !"ecti#ity in S*&ll 9ro /s Shaila !iranda8niversity of Aklahomashailamiranda; Iobert &. ostrom8niversity of Feorgiabostrom; <eslie "ordan 4lbert8niversity of Aklahomalesliealbert; 4 STI47T: &rior research suggests that computer0mediated communication 27!73 may impede groupsJ intersubjective social construction of meaning. Gowever( little is yet known about the intermediary processes that promote such intersubjectivity. ased on sociological and organi:ational theories of meaning and communication( we

propose three such processes: signification( comprehension( and emotional contagion. In a laboratory experiment( findings provide preliminary support for the proposed salience of the three intermediary processes to intersubjectivity. The direct effect of 7!7 on intersubjectivity was initially negative. >ollowing the addition of the three mediational processes( this effect was positive( though insignificant. Thus( the three intermediary processes collectively account for the negative effect of 7!7 on intersubjectivity. Specifically( results indicate that the effects of 7!7 on all three processes were negative and that signification and comprehension had positive effects on the intersubjective social construction of meaning. Implications of these findings for ongoing research on meaning in electronically0mediated communication are considered. 0 students.ou.edu646<eslie.".4lbert0-6 IntersubjectivityUabs.doc Bet(een S !"ects$ S-&red 0e&nings o, Inters !"ecti#ity= 4uthors: <eadbeater( onnie ". 4bstract: While the term WintersubjectivityW has become widely used to mean something like Wshared experience(W it is( paradoxically( poorly understood. This review of the theoretical foundations of intersubjectivity argues that the problem lies in the developmental starting points of the theories. 'ither subjective experiences are seen to develop before communal ones( as in Schut: 2-@CB3( or vice versa( as in !ead 2-@),3. It is asserted that the polarity of these positions works against the understanding of the processes of intersubjectivity. 'vidence from research on infants is used to suggest a new starting point that acknowledges both shared and private experience. 0 5olding in 0ind$ Inters !"ecti#ity, S !"ect Rel&tions &nd t-e 9ro / &hil Schulte( +GS psychotherapy service in exley( Hent Froup 4nalysis( %ol. ))( +o. ,( 1)-01,, 2.///3 $AI: -/.--BB6/1)))-C//../BB,), E ./// The Froup04nalytic Society Intersubjectivity( the intersection of two 2or more3 subjectivities( is emerging as a key concept in psychoanalysis. The intersubjective perspective stands in contrast to classical psychoanalytic theori:ing and implies that much current thinking about subjectivity and objectivity needs revisiting. %iews on subjectivity within philosophy( developmental psychology and psychoanalysis have much to offer group analysis 2and( one suspects( vice versa3. The everyday assumption that our subjectivity is essentially private is challenged. The article takes a fresh look at the notion of countertransference and emphasi:es the group conductor5s subjectivity as crucially constitutive of the group process. 0 intl0 gaN.sagepub.com6cgi6content6abstract6))6,61)+er#erse Et-ics : T-e Body, 9ender &nd Inters !"ecti#ity <ara !erlin( Iutgers 8niversity( lmerlin; >eminist Theory( %ol. ,( +o. .( -C10-B* 2.//)3 $AI: -/.--BB6-,C,B//-/)//,.//1 E .//) S4F' &ublications This article explores the possibility of an ethical intersubjective relationship through the reconfiguration of the body. The violence of Western culture derives from a particular gendered fantasy of bodily organi:ation. The Western body is constituted through a fear of lack and of loss( or( in psychoanalytic terms( of castration. The subject defined by castration attempts to defend itself against these dual threats by folding in upon itself( thereby precluding any relation with an other. The belief in lack and its partner( scarcity( informs the socio0political structures that mark the current

era. Gowever( there are other ways of imagining the body. y re0imagining the body( it becomes possible( not to avoid loss( but rather to alter its meaning. This act allows for a nonappropriative intersubjective relation to come into being. 0 intl0 fty.sagepub.com6cgi6content6abstract6,6.6-C1 Criti7 e o, Inters !"ecti#ity 4bstract: The article investigates the philosophical6psychological notion of intersubjectivity and argues that our subjective involvement in each other( especially the psychoanalytic relation between analyst and analysand( ought to be regarded as an involvement on the unconscious level. The different notions of a joint conscious creation( or joint narrative( also implying a relative merger of our conscious personalities( could be harmful and are not likely to evoke a wholesome form of subjective engagement.0 home.swipnet.se6Tw0B)B*,6intersubj.htm B&yesi&n Inters !"ecti#ity &nd A &nt * T-eory &Qre:0SuKre:( !arcos# Santos( $avid ". 4bstract: Two of the major approaches to probability( namely( freNuentism and 2subjectivistic3 ayesian theory( are discussed( together with the replacement of freNuentist objectivity for ayesian intersubjectivity. This discussion is then expanded to Zuantum Theory( as Nuantum states and operations can be seen as structural elements of a subjective nature. 0 adsabs.harvard.edu6abs6.//14I&7..B1/..)/B& Intersubjectivity within graduate level courses and programmes.

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