DFSV - Manging Farm FS Risks (OUT) Web
DFSV - Manging Farm FS Risks (OUT) Web
DFSV - Manging Farm FS Risks (OUT) Web
Residue management
All chemicals on farm must be managed through practices that ensure production of safe milk on dairy farms. Agricultural and veterinary chemicals All agricultural and veterinary chemicals used on dairy farms must be used in accordance with the manufacturers or a veterinarians written instructions and be labelled and stored in a secure manner. Complete and permanent records of the use of all agricultural and veterinary chemicals must be made, and identify: the date of use who applied/administered the chemical/drug used the rate of application what was treated (e.g. cow ID, paddock number, silo etc) the withholding period/clearance date. Stockfeed All stockfeed brought on to the farm or produced on the farm must not pose a risk of contamination to the milk. Stockfeed containing any material derived from animals (with the exception of tallow, gelatine and dairy products) must not be fed to ruminants. All stockfeed brought on to the farm must be accompanied by a stockfeed declaration.
Milk cooling
Milk must be chilled to 5C or less within 3.5 hours from the start of milking and kept at or below this temperature until collected. Records must be kept to demonstrate conformance to the cooling requirement and storage of chilled milk as specified in the food safety program. If milk is collected above 5C (for example, if the tanker arrives before chilling is complete) it is the dairy manufacturers responsibility to ensure that temperature control procedures are validated and demonstrate equivalent control of food safety risks.
Animal health
The health status of milking animals must be managed in a manner that prevents the introduction of hazards to the milk. Animals that show evidence of infectious diseases transferable to humans through milk must be segregated to ensure that their milk is not used for human consumption. It may be advisable to consult a veterinarian if animals are displaying unusual symptoms. Milk from animals treated with veterinary drugs must be withheld from supply until the stated withhold period has passed.
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All food safety programs on Victorian dairy farms must be approved by DFSV. Implementation of a food safety program is verified at audit as a condition of the dairy farmer licence. To ensure food safety is not jeopardised, people involved in activities such as milking, applying agricultural chemicals or administering veterinary treatments on dairy farms must understand how their actions may impact on food safety.
Further information
DFSV farm licensing information www.dairysafe.vic.gov.au/industry/dairy-farms Guidelines for food safety Dairy farms www.dairysafe.vic.gov.au/industry/dairy-farms/licensing/ licensing-requirements Guides to Standard 4.2.4 Primary Production and Processing Standard for Dairy Products www.foodstandards.gov.au/foodstandards/userguides/ aguidetostandard424p4568.cfm DPI Victoria website www.dpi.vic.gov.au/agriculture/dairy EPA Dairy farms and water www.epa.vic.gov.au/business-and-industry/guidelines/ water-guidance/dairy-farms-and-water Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority www.apvma.gov.au/ Dairy Australia www.dairyaustralia.com.au/ Further food safety technical information is available at www.dairysafe.vic.gov.au Or contact Dairy Food Safety Victoria on (03) 9810 5900 or info@dairysafe.vic.gov.au
Dairy Food Safety Victoria 2013
Water used on dairy farms must not put food safety at risk. Water for cleaning udder and teat surfaces must not contaminate milk. Stock must not consume or have access to contaminated water that is likely to cause disease or contaminate the milk with residues.
To ensure accountability for food safety, the person/s responsible for implementation of the food safety program must be specified in the food safety program and have the appropriate authority and control to deliver the required outcomes. To ensure food safety is not jeopardised, people involved in activities such as milking, applying agricultural chemicals or administering veterinary treatments on dairy farms must understand how their actions may impact on food safety.
This document is intended to be used as a general guide only and is not a comprehensive statement of all the relevant considerations with respect to the food safety topic or your particular circumstances, nor does it comprise, or substitute for, legal or professional advice. DFSV does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of the information. Links to other websites are provided as a service to users and do not constitute endorsement, nor are we able to give assurances of the accuracy of their content. DFSV accepts no legal liability arising from, or connected to, any reliance on this document.