On completion of this session workbook you should be able to:
• Identify and define the core role of a tutor / facilitator
• Appraise and apply appropriate question constructs to facilitate learning
• Debate techniques and methods for ‘active’ learning
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An Introduction To Teaching Techniques and Methods
On completion of this session workbook you should be able to:
• Identify and define the core role of a tutor / facilitator
• Appraise and apply appropriate question constructs to facilitate learning
• Debate techniques and methods for ‘active’ learning
Original Title
An Introduction to Teaching Techniques and Methods
On completion of this session workbook you should be able to:
• Identify and define the core role of a tutor / facilitator
• Appraise and apply appropriate question constructs to facilitate learning
• Debate techniques and methods for ‘active’ learning
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An Introduction To Teaching Techniques and Methods
On completion of this session workbook you should be able to:
• Identify and define the core role of a tutor / facilitator
• Appraise and apply appropriate question constructs to facilitate learning
• Debate techniques and methods for ‘active’ learning
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Cpen Workshop:
8ecomlng a 8eLLer unlverslLy 1eacher, 2013
An Introduction to Teaching Techniques and Methods
David Jennings Contents
An lnLroducLlon Lo 1eachlng 1echnlques and MeLhods ................................................................... 1 Welcome Card ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Pow we learn ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Common lssues of 1uLorlals/Small Croup 1eachlng ............................................................................. 10 SupporLlng Learnlng ............................................................................................................................. 12 uslng CuesLlons More LffecLlvely ........................................................................................................ 13 Pow Lo Ask CuesLlons LhaL rompL CrlLlcal 1hlnklng ........................................................................... 13 Lxample CuesLlon ConsLrucLs .............................................................................................................. 16 1echnlques for Lncouraglng AcLlve ...................................................................................................... 19 (and More lnLeresLlng!) Learnlng ......................................................................................................... 19 More CpporLunlLles for AcLlve LngagemenL ........................................................................................ 27 AcLlve noLes ......................................................................................................................................... 28
lease noLe Lhe maLerlals ln Lhls workbook are based on Lhe conLenLs of uCu 1eachlng and Learnlng' Cpen LducaLlonal 8esources webslLe, for furLher deLalls and onllne acLlvlLles vlslL: www.ucdoer.le
UCD Teaching and Learning 3 On completion of this session you should be able to: ldenLlfy and deflne Lhe core role of a LuLor / faclllLaLor Appralse and apply approprlaLe quesLlon consLrucLs Lo faclllLaLe learnlng uebaLe Lechnlques and meLhods for 'acLlve' learnlng
1ake a momenL Lo flll ouL Lhe welcome card (nexL page) Share lL wlLh someone you are unfamlllar wlLh, or have yeL Lo have a chaL Lo. geL up an move lf you need Lo!
UCD Teaching and Learning 4 Welcome Card name
8esearch lnLeresL/s
MosL en[oyable Loplc Lo Leach / learn
lnsplraLlonal 1eacher / erson and Why?
lavourlLe ChocolaLe bar?!
UCD Teaching and Learning 5
1osk. ltlot xpetleoce
loJlvlJoolly, toke o momeot to teflect 8ased on your experlence: ! WhaL have you experlenced ln your Leachlng and/or learnlng LhaL has made lL a success? ! Pave you experlenced any lssues or dllemmas?
Now come toqetbet lo tbtees ooJ Jlscoss yoot exomples Agree on one example of each on Lhe posL-lLs provlded ! ked (lsh) - for lssues / ullemmas ! Green (lsh) - for Successes
UCD Teaching and Learning 6 How we learn
Learnlng ls noL a specLaLor sporL. SLudenLs do noL learn much [usL by slLLlng ln class llsLenlng Lo Leachers, memorlzlng prepackaged asslgnmenLs, and splLLlng ouL answers. 1hey musL Lalk abouL whaL Lhey are learnlng, wrlLe abouL lL, relaLe lL Lo pasL experlences, apply lL Lo Lhelr dally llves. 1hey musL make whaL Lhey learn parL of Lhemselves. ArLhur W. Chlckerlng and Zelda l. Camson
AcLlve learnlng, puL slmply ls noL passlve, preferably noL dldacLlc, noL mere noLe Laklng eLc. ldeally lL provldes a shlfL from Lhe Leacher or faclllLaLor 'dolng' Lo Lhe sLudenL 'dolng'. 1hls may Lake any number of forms, moLor or physlcally acLlve, sensory / percepLually acLlve or acLlvaLed, verbal acLlons, cognlLlve acLlvlLy, collaboraLlve or co-operaLlve engagemenL / acLlvlLy eLc.
Learnlng sLyles has become a somewhaL conLenLlous Lerm used Lo descrlbe Lhe aLLlLudes and behavlours, whlch 'may' deLermlne an lndlvldual's preferred way of learnlng. lL ls Lhe 'may' LhaL draws aLLenLlon as lL ls ofLen omlLLed and hence Lhe concepL becomes a deLermlnlsLlc approach Lo caLagorlslng how learners engage wlLh lnformaLlon, Lhelr peers, educaLors and opporLunlLles Lo learn. Sufflce Lo say lL ls also an area where so many learnlng sLyles / preference models exlsL, LhaL Lhe markeLplace ls Lruly over-crowded (a clLaLlon search revealed over 130 arLlcles espouslng models), so where does one look Lo.? And how may we use Lhem Lo our beneflL?
lf we merely Lake noLe of Lhe range of sLyles and/or preferences avallable, we may begln Lo address a number of key lssues LhaL lmpacL sLudenL lnLeracLlon. 1he ldea of learner malalse, lack of moLlvaLlon, mlslnLerpreLaLlon ls noL down Lo recalclLranL lndlvlduals alone. 8y adapLlng Lhe way ln whlch we Leach and provlde learnlng opporLunlLles Lo reflecL Lhe poLenLlal 'learnlng sLyles' apparenL ln any cohorL, we may begln Lo offer an open and
UCD Teaching and Learning 7 engaglng process LhaL ls dlrecLed Lo Lhelr (Lhe learners) preferred sLyle / meLhod of lnLeracLlon and engagemenL.
1he followlng Lhree Lables elaboraLe Lhe deLalls of Lhelr respecLlve models (8ose, Poney & Mumford and Cardener) and Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe lmplled learnlng sLyles on Lhe lndlvldual. 8ose 1983 V|sua|! Learners prefer Lo learn wlLh vlsual relnforcemenL such as charLs and dlagrams Aud|tory. Learners prefer Lo learn by llsLenlng k|naesthet|c. Learners prefer Lo learn Lhrough, movlng, dolng and Louchlng
Poney and Mumford 1996 1heoret|ca|. Learners prefer Lo learn by readlng and llsLenlng Lo Lhe experLs ragmat|c. Learners llke Lo be able Lo see Lhe pracLlcal appllcaLlon of Lheory. 1hey llke Lo use deducLlve reasonlng Lo focus on problems and Lhey prefer slLuaLlons where Lhere ls a slngle correcL answer or soluLlon kef|ect|ve. Learners Lend Lo be lmaglnaLlve and emoLlonal. 1hey work well ln group dlscusslons Act|v|st. Learners are acLlon orlenLed. 1hey learn by dolng
Cardener 1993 V|sua|/Spat|a| Inte|||gence. uzzle bulldlng, readlng, wrlLlng, undersLandlng charLs and graphs, a good sense of dlrecLlon, skeLchlng, palnLlng, creaLlng vlsual meLaphors and analogles (perhaps Lhrough Lhe vlsual arLs), manlpulaLlng lmages, consLrucLlng, flxlng, deslgnlng pracLlcal ob[ecLs, lnLerpreLlng vlsual lmages. Verba|]L|ngu|st|c Inte|||gence. LlsLenlng, speaklng, wrlLlng, sLory Lelllng, explalnlng, Leachlng, uslng humour, undersLandlng Lhe synLax and meanlng of words, rememberlng lnformaLlon, convlnclng someone of Lhelr polnL of vlew, analyslng language usage. Log|ca|]Mathemat|ca| Inte|||gence. roblem solvlng, classlfylng and caLegorlslng lnformaLlon, worklng wlLh absLracL concepLs Lo flgure ouL Lhe relaLlonshlp of each Lo Lhe oLher, handllng long chalns of reason Lo make local progresslons, dolng conLrolled experlmenLs, quesLlonlng and wonderlng abouL naLural evenLs, performlng complex maLhemaLlcal calculaLlons, worklng wlLh
UCD Teaching and Learning 8 geomeLrlc shapes. 8od||y]k|naesthet|c Inte|||gence. uanclng, physlcal co-ordlnaLlon, sporLs, hands on experlmenLaLlon, uslng body language, crafLs, acLlng, mlmlng, uslng Lhelr hands Lo creaLe or bulld, expresslng emoLlons Lhrough Lhe body. Mus|ca|]khythm|c Inte|||gence. Slnglng, whlsLllng, playlng muslcal lnsLrumenLs, recognlslng Lonal paLLerns, composlng muslc, rememberlng melodles, undersLandlng Lhe sLrucLure and rhyLhm of muslc. Interpersona| Inte|||gence. Seelng Lhlngs from oLher perspecLlves (dual-perspecLlve), llsLenlng, uslng empaLhy, undersLandlng oLher people's moods and feellngs, counselllng, co-operaLlng wlLh groups, noLlclng people's moods, moLlvaLlons and lnLenLlons, communlcaLlng boLh verbally and non-verbally, bulldlng LrusL, peaceful confllcL resoluLlon, esLabllshlng poslLlve relaLlons wlLh oLher people. Intrapersona| Inte|||gence. 8ecognlslng Lhelr own sLrengLhs and weaknesses, reflecLlng and analyslng Lhemselves, awareness of Lhelr lnner feellngs, deslres and dreams, evaluaLlng Lhelr Lhlnklng paLLerns, reasonlng wlLh Lhemselves, undersLandlng Lhelr role ln relaLlonshlp Lo oLhers. 1osk.
1ake a momenL Lo underLake one of Lhe followlng onllne LesLs Lo assess your preferred 'learnlng sLyle', are Lhey appllcable? - Myers-8rlggs hLLp://www.humanmeLrlcs.com/cgl-wln/!1ypes2.asp - uavld kelrsey's 'SorLer' Lo dlscover one's personallLy Lype hLLp://kelrsey.com - Soloman & lelder Cnllne LesL hLLp://www.engr.ncsu.edu/learnlngsLyles/llsweb.hLml - 8ose's vA8k Cnllne LesL hLLp://www.vark-learn.com/engllsh/page.asp?p=quesLlonnalre - Poney and Mumford's 80 lLem quesLlonnalre hLLp://www.peLerhoney.com/
UCD Teaching and Learning 9 nomewotk! 1ty oootbet test ooJ compote tbe two floJloqs.
UCD Teaching and Learning 10 Common Issues of Tutorials/Small Group Teaching 1osk. 1ototlol lssoes
wotkloq lo qtoops, toke 7 mlootes to complete toble below. Address Lhe ldenLlfled lssues and assess whaL lmpacL Lhey may have on Lhe success of a Leachlng sesslon, begln Lo ldenLlfy poLenLlal soluLlons. 1uLor / laclllLaLor / LecLurer lmpacL / SoluLlon Lack of preparaLlon Coals and sLrucLure are unclear oor presenLaLlon skllls Lack of faclllLaLlon 1uLor Lalks Loo much ulscusslons Lend Lo be aL a low cognlLlve level (and borlng) CuesLlons asked by LuLors rarely go beyond ellclLlng recall
SLudenLs (Learners) lmpacL / SoluLlon Lack of preparaLlon by learners Lack of sLudenL parLlclpaLlon and lnvolvemenL Cne or Lwo sLudenLs are allowed Lo domlnaLe Lhe dlscusslon
UCD Teaching and Learning 11
UCD Teaching and Learning 12 Supporting Learning
Cne of Lhe maln alms of any LuLorlal / semlnar / small group lnLeracLlon ls Lo creaLe a relaxed buL secure envlronmenL where sLudenLs feel confldenL conLrlbuLlng Lo dlscusslons and explorlng concepLs. 1o ensure professlonal behavlour ln LuLorlals, sLudenLs should be made aware of and agree Lo adhere Lo guldellnes or a muLually agreeable learnlng conLracL Lo suporL Lhem and Lhelr peers.
ColJelloes fot ptofessloool bebovloot lo tototlols 1
8especL LlsLen respecLfully Avold rude, arroganL or paLronlzlng verbal and non-verbal behavlour Allow Lhe free exchange of ldeas & acknowledge oLhers' conLrlbuLlons ulfferenLlaLe value of lnformaLlon from value of person CommunlcaLlon Skllls
Speak dlrecLly Lo group members resenL clearly & use words LhaL oLhers undersLand ldenLlfy & aLLempL Lo resolve mlsundersLandlng Lxpress own emoLlonal sLaLe ln approprlaLe slLuaLlons 8ecognlzes and responds Lo group member's verbal or non-verbal communlcaLlon 8esponslblllLy
uncLual & glves prlor noLlce of lnLended absence CompleLe asslgned Lasks (or negoLlaLe alLernaLlves- were appllcable) resenL relevanL lnformaLlon Pelp Lo malnLaln group dynamlcs Self-Awareness and/or Self-LvaluaLlon
Acknowledge own dlfflculLy ln undersLandlng or own lack of approprlaLe knowledge Acknowledge own dlscomforL ln dlscusslng or deallng wlLh a parLlcular lssue ldenLlfy own sLrengLhs & weaknesses 8espond Lo falr negaLlve evaluaLlve commenL wlLhouL becomlng defenslve
1 courLesy of McMasLer unlverslLy
UCD Teaching and Learning 13 Using Questions More Effectively ???????????? 1he effecLlveness of quesLlonlng ln Leacher-sLudenL lnLeracLlons can be slgnlflcanLly enhanced by a few baslc Lechnlques 2 :
ose the quest|on f|rst, before ask|ng a student to respond. - When you call on a sLudenL before poslng Lhe quesLlon, Lhe resL of Lhe class ls less llkely Lo llsLen Lo Lhe quesLlon, much less formulaLe a response. - oslng Lhe quesLlon before ldenLlfylng someone Lo respond leLs sLudenLs know Lhey wlll be held accounLable and should be prepared Lo answer every quesLlon.
A||ow p|enty of "th|nk t|me" by wa|t|ng at |east 7-10 seconds before expect|ng students to respond. - Ask sLudenLs Lo refraln from respondlng unLll you ask for a volunLeer or ldenLlfy someone. Slnce mosL Leachers walL only 1-3 seconds before expecLlng a response, Lhe lncreased walL Llme can seem llke an eLernlLy and feel very uncomforLable aL flrsL. - 1o help sLudenLs ad[usL Lo an exLended walL Llme, use Lhe Llme Lo repeaL and rephrase Lhe quesLlon, also suggesL LhaL sLudenLs use Lhe Llme Lo wrlLe down Lhe responses Lhey compose.
Make sure you g|ve a|| students the opportun|ty to respond rather than re|y|ng on vo|unteers. - CreaLe a sysLem Lo help you keep Lrack of who you call on so you can ensure LhaL all sLudenLs have equal opporLunlLles Lo conLrlbuLe.
2 AdapLed from 1he CenLre for 1eachlng Lxcellence, SL Ldward's unlverslLy, AusLln 1exas, Avallable aL hLLp://www.sLedwards.edu/cLe
UCD Teaching and Learning 14 - lf you call on a sLudenL who ls noL ready Lo respond or does noL know Lhe answer, allow Lhe sLudenL Lo "pass" and Lhen glve her/hlm anoLher opporLunlLy laLer.
no|d students accountab|e by expect|ng, requ|r|ng and fac|||tat|ng the|r part|c|pat|on and contr|but|ons. - never answer your own quesLlons! lf Lhe sLudenLs know you wlll glve Lhem Lhe answers afLer a few seconds of sllence anyway, whaL ls Lhelr lncenLlve? - uon'L be Lo ready Lo accepL "l don'L know" for an answer. Allow addlLlonal Lhlnk Llme, lf necessary, by movlng on and Lhen comlng back Lo Lhe sLudenL for a response laLer. AlLernaLlvely, have a slmpler alLernaLlve quesLlon ready. - Cffer hlnLs or suggesLlons Lo gulde sLudenLs ln formulaLlng quallLy responses. - lf a sLudenL ls unable or unwllllng Lo formulaLe a response, Lhen offer Lwo or more opLlons and leL Lhe sLudenL choose one.
Lstab||sh a safe atmosphere for r|sk tak|ng by gu|d|ng students |n the process of |earn|ng from the|r m|stakes. - Always "dlgnlfy" lncorrecL responses by saylng someLhlng poslLlve abouL sLudenLs' efforLs, publlc embarrassmenL only conflrms apprehenslons abouL class parLlclpaLlon. - 8emember Lo glve poslLlve non-verbal Slgnals. - When sLudenLs make mlsLakes, bulld Lhelr confldence and LrusL by asklng follow-up quesLlons deslgned Lo help Lhem self-correcL and achleve success. - AdmlL your own mlsLakes and "Lhlnk aloud" examples of a reflecLlon process LhaL demonsLraLes lncreased awareness, new lnslghLs, concepL clarlflcaLlon, eLc.
UCD Teaching and Learning 15 How to Ask Questions that Prompt Critical Thinking
llrsLly avold quesLlons LhaL have an easy one-dlmenslonal answer. Secondly plan your quesLlons ln advance, uslng 8loom's 1axonomy as a gulde, sLrucLure Lhe quesLlons so LhaL you may gulde a sLudenL by provldlng Lhem wlLh Lhe approprlaLe prompL Lo aLLaln hlgher order Lhlnklng". 8looms kevlseJ 1oxooomy of coqoltlve ltocesses. 6. Creat|on ] Synthes|s: Lhe ablllLy Lo puL facLs LogeLher lnLo a coherenL whole, or, creaLlvely achleve a new undersLandlng by llnklng facLs LogeLher 5oqqesteJ vetbs. ueslgn, organlse, formulaLe, propose, comblne, lnLegraLe, modlfy, rearrange, subsLlLuLe, plan, creaLe, lnvenL, 'whaL lf?', compose, prepare, rewrlLe.
S. Lva|uat|on: Lhe ablllLy Lo make [udgemenLs uslng crlLerla and sLandards 5oqqesteJ vetbs. !udge, supporL, conclude, compare, summarlse, evaluaLe, appralse, assess, declde, rank, grade, recommend, convlnce.
3. App||cat|on: Lhe ablllLy Lo apply whaL ls learned Lo a new slLuaLlon 5oqqesteJ vetbs. Apply, use, demonsLraLe, lllusLraLe, pracLlce.
2. Comprehens|on: Lhe ablllLy Lo lnLerpreL lnformaLlon ln one's own words 5oqqesteJ vetbs. uescrlbe, explaln, dlscuss, recognlse.
1. know|edge: Lhe ablllLy Lo recall facLs, oplnlons and concepLs 5oqqesteJ vetbs. ueflne, llsL, name, recall, record. lrom: Anderson eL al (2001) Example Question Constructs
1. knowledge LxhlblLs prevlously learned maLerlal by recalllng facLs, Lerms, baslc concepLs and answers.
WhaL ls . . . ? When dld ____ happen? Pow would you explaln . . . ? Why dld . .. ? Pow would you descrlbe . .. ? Pow would you show... ? Can you selecL... ? Who were Lhe maln . . . ? Can you llsL Lhree ... ? Who was . .. ?
2: Comprehenslon uemonsLraLlng undersLandlng of facLs and ldeas by organlslng, comparlng, LranslaLlng, lnLerpreLlng, glvlng descrlpLlons and sLaLlng maln ldeas.
Pow would you compare . .. ? conLrasL.. ? Lxplaln ln your own words . . . ? WhaL facLs or ldeas show . .. ? WhaL evldence ls Lhere LhaL.? Lxplaln whaL happened .... whaL ls meanL. ..? 3: AppllcaLlon Solvlng problems by applylng acqulred knowledge, facLs, Lechnlques and rules ln a dlfferenL way.
WhaL examples can you flnd Lo . . . ? Pow would you show your undersLandlng of. .. ? WhaL approach would you use Lo ... ? WhaL mlghL have happened lf. . . ?
4: Analysls Lxamlnlng and breaklng lnformaLlon lnLo parLs by ldenLlfylng moLlves or causes, maklng lnferences and flndlng evldence Lo supporL generallsaLlons.
WhaL lnference can you make from. . . ? Pow would you classlfy . . . ? Pow would you caLegorlze . .. ? Can you ldenLlfy Lhe dlfference parLs... ? WhaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween . .. ? WhaL ls Lhe funcLlon of. . . ? Can you make a dlsLlncLlon beLween . . . ?
3: LvaluaLlon resenLlng and defendlng oplnlons by maklng [udgmenLs abouL lnformaLlon, valldlLy of ldeas or quallLy of work based on a seL of crlLerla.
Pow would you compare ..? Whlch do you Lhlnk ls beLLer..? WhaL was Lhe value or lmporLance of .... ln ......? WhaL would you have recommended lf you had been ..? Pow would you raLe Lhe lnfluence of ... on Lhe ouLcome of .....?
UCD Teaching and Learning 18 Pow would you defend Lhe acLlons of.... clLlng auLhorlLles? Pow would you [usLlfy . . . ? Pow would you explaln . . . ? Pow would you supporL Lhe vlew . . . ?
6: CreaLlon / SynLhesls: Complllng lnformaLlon LogeLher ln a dlfferenL way by comblnlng elemenLs ln a new paLLern or proposlng alLernaLlve soluLlons.
WhaL mlghL have happened lf. ? Can you propose an alLernaLlve lnLerpreLaLlon Lo LhaL of ... . ? ls Lhere a marmlLe soluLlon
here? 3
1osk. nomewotk!
repare some quesLlons for your own nexL Leachlng sesslon, LuLorlal or class - deslgned Lo ellclL Lhe parLlcular responses as per 8loom
ALLempL Lo bulld Lhe quesLlons from Lhe knowledge base up l.e. ldenLlfy 'x' facLors? now whlch mlghL be Lhe besL Lo use ln 'y' clrcumsLances? Lxplaln how Lhese affecL Lhe process.?
3 ue 8ono's laLeral Lhlnklng hLLp://flndarLlcles.com/p/arLlcles/ml_qn4138/ls_19991219/al_n14266074/ Techniques for Encouraging Active (and More Interesting!) Learning
1o engage learners acLlvely ln small group sesslons and avold Lhe plLfalls ldenLlfled above, LuLors can use a range of Lechnlques LhaL help producLlve lnLeracLlon Lo promoLe learnlng. 1hls means movlng Lowards sLudenL-cenLred meLhods where Lhe focus ls on learnlng, raLher Lhan Leachlng. A reperLolre of meLhods can be used Lo produce a balanced sesslon where dlfferenL klnds of acLlvlLles can be used Lo make learnlng more acLlve and more effecLlve.
rovlded below are a selecLlon of common flexlble meLhods one may use ln boLh large and small group Leachlng. 8aslc guldellnes are provlded Lo demonsLraLe how each may work ln a glven slLuaLlon, llke all such meLhods Lhey are open Lo adapLlon and lnLerpreLaLlon Lo sulL your lndlvldual needs. 4
S||ent kef|ect|on 1hls ls where you glve sLudenLs a few mlnuLes Lo Lhlnk abouL a problem or lssue. Ask Lhem Lo wrlLe down Lhelr LhoughLs or ldeas on a noLe pad. keep Lhe Lask speclflc. lor example, ask Lhem Lo wrlLe down Lhe Lhree mosL lmporLanL, or poslLlve, or expenslve eLc. aspecLs of an lssue. lL ls ofLen useful Lo ask Lhem Lo wrlLe on posL-lLs and Lhen posL Lhem on, say, a noLlce board or Lhe wall. AlLernaLlvely, ask Lhem Lo share Lhelr ldeas wlLh Lhelr nelghbour before movlng lnLo a dlscusslon phase. Ooety wbeo coolJ tbls opptoocb be effectlvely oseJ? Large groups, before group ls acLlve / LalkaLlve, quleLer groups, end of class summary / revlew, Lo geL feedback from everyone.
4 1he followlng have been adapLed from 8rown, S. '1he ArL of 1eachlng ln Small Croups', 1he new Academlc vol. 6, no. 1 (Sprlng 1997).
UCD Teaching and Learning 20 kounds Co around everyone ln Lhe group and ask Lhem Lo respond. 1ry noL Lo make Lhe round Loo daunLlng by glvlng sLudenLs guldance on whaL ls expecLed of Lhem. keep |t short! lor example Lry and avold quesLlons llke "l woot evetyooe to qlve tbelt oome ooJ tbeo lJeotlfy ooe ospect of tbe cootse tbot tbey koow ootbloq oboot bot ote lookloq fotwotJ to leotoloq oboot. ln blg rounds, sLudenLs can be qulLe nervous, so make lL clear LhaL lL's Ck Lo pass and lf people aL Lhe beglnnlng have made your polnL, LhaL concurrence ls sufflclenL. Ooety wbeo coolJ tbls opptoocb be effectlvely oseJ? lalrly small groups (20 or so), lcebreakers, parL of Lhe wlndlng-up of a sesslon, Lo explore large / expanslve Loplcs.
1hree M|nutes Lach Way Ask sLudenLs ln palrs Lo speak for Lhree mlnuLes on a glven Loplc.
8e sLrlcL wlLh Llmekeeplng. ?our sLudenLs mlghL flnd Lhls qulLe dlfflculL aL flrsL, buL lL ls an excellenL way of geLLlng sLudenLs Lo arLlculaLe Lhelr ldeas, and also means LhaL Lhe quleLer sLudenLs are glven opporLunlLles Lo speak and be heard. 1he arL of llsLenlng wlLhouL lnLerrupLlng (oLher Lhan wlLh brlef prompLs Lo geL Lhe speaker back on LargeL lf Lhey wander off Lhe Loplc) ls one LhaL many sLudenLs wlll need Lo fosLer. 1hls palr-work can Lhen feed lnLo oLher acLlvlLles. Ooety wbeo coolJ tbls opptoocb be effectlvely oseJ? 1o develop relaLlonshlps / lce-breakers, encourage peer learnlng and lnLeracLlon, flrsL sLep Lo lncreased parLlclpaLlon and larger dlscusslon.
UCD Teaching and Learning 21 8uzz Groups Clve palrs, Lhrees, fours or flves small Llmed Lasks whlch lnvolve Lhem Lalklng Lo each oLher, creaLlng a hubbub of nolse as Lhey work. 1helr ouLcomes can Lhen be shared wlLh Lhe whole group Lhrough feedback, on a fllp charL sheeL posLer, on an overhead pro[ecLor Lransparency or oLherwlse as approprlaLe. Ooety wbeo coolJ tbls opptoocb be effectlvely oseJ? ulscuss more dlfflculL or conLroverslal lssues, peer learnlng, geL dlfferenL perspecLlves on lssues.
1each|ng w|th r|mary Sources - PypoLheLlcals, ask Lhe learner 'WhaL lf' Lhe source dld noL exlsL, lL was wrlLLen a year laLer / earller? - 8eadlng 8ounds, lnvlLe learners Lo read a LexL, Lhe nexL learner commenLs and/or lnLerpreLs - CapLlon Cap, presenL a source wlLh lLs capLlon edlLed ouL, lnvlLe new capLlons - CCC, uslng groups of Lhree, lnvlLe sLudenLs Lo dlscuss Lhe ConLexL, ConLenL and Consequence of Lhe source maLerlals Ooety vety Jlsclplloe bose bos coose fot occess to ptlmoty tesootces..? 8evlew whaL you mlghL uLllse and dlscuss lLs poLenLlal lmpacL on Lhe learner
8ra|nstorms SLarL wlLh a quesLlon llke "now coo we..?" or "wbot Jo we koow oboot ...?" and encourage Lhe group Lo call ouL ldeas as fasL as you can wrlLe Lhem up (perhaps use Lwo scrlbes on
UCD Teaching and Learning 22 separaLe boards lf Lhe bralnsLorm flows well). Make lL clear LhaL Lhls ls supposed Lo be an exploraLory process, so seL ground-rules LhaL:
- A large quanLlLy of ldeas ls deslrable, so everyone should be encouraged Lo conLrlbuLe aL whaLever level Lhey feel comforLable. - Culck snappy responses are more valuable aL Lhls sLage Lhan long, complex, drawn- ouL senLences. - ldeas should be noLed wlLhouL commenL, elLher poslLlve or negaLlve - no one should say "1haL wouldn'L work because...'" or "1haL's Lhe besL ldea we've heard yeL" whlle Lhe bralnsLorm ls ln progress as Lhls mlghL make people feel foollsh abouL Lhelr conLrlbuLlons. - arLlclpanLs should 'plggyback' on each oLher's ldeas lf Lhey seL off a Lraln of LhoughL, 'loglc clrculLs' should be dlsengaged, allowlng for a freewheellng approach. - 1he ldeas Lhus generaLed can Lhen be used as a basls for elLher a furLher problem- solvlng Lask or a LuLor exposlLlon. Ooety wbeo coolJ tbls opptoocb be effectlvely oseJ? CreaLe open, secure envlronmenL, sLlmulaLlng creaLlve free-Lhlnklng, problem solvlng, generaLlng dlverse ldeas.
Synd|cates 1hls ls Lhe Lerm used Lo descrlbe acLlvlLles underLaken by groups of sLudenLs worklng Lo a brlef under Lhelr own dlrecLlon. 1hey can be asked Lo underLake lnLerneL or llLeraLure searches, debaLe an lssue, explore a plece of LexL, prepare an argumenL, deslgn an arLlfacL or many oLher Lasks. 1o achleve producLlvely, Lhey wlll need an expllclL brlef, approprlaLe resources and clear ouLcomes.
UCD Teaching and Learning 23 SpeclallsL accommodaLlon ls noL always necessary, syndlcaLes can work ln groups spread ouL ln a large room, or, where faclllLles permlL, go away and use oLher classrooms eLc. lf Lhe Lask ls subsLanLlal, Lhe LuLor may wlsh Lo move from group Lo group, or may be avallable on a 'help desk' aL a cenLral locaLlon. CuLcomes may be ln Lhe form of assessed work from Lhe group or produced aL a plenary as descrlbed above.
Snowba|||ng (A|so known As yram|d|ng) SLarL by glvlng sLudenLs an lndlvldual Lask of a falrly slmple naLure such as llsLlng feaLures, noLlng quesLlons, ldenLlfylng problems, summarlslng Lhe maln polnLs of Lhelr lasL lecLure. 1hen ask Lhem Lo work ln palrs on a sllghLly more complex Lask, such as prlorlLlslng lssues or suggesLlng sLraLegles. 1hlrdly, ask Lhem Lo come LogeLher ln larger groups, fours or slxes for example and underLake a Lask lnvolvlng, perhaps, synLhesls, asslmllaLlon or evaluaLlon. Ask Lhem Lo draw up guldellnes, perhaps, or produce an acLlon plan or Lo assess Lhe lmpacL of a parLlcular course of acLlon. 1hey can Lhen feed back Lo Lhe whole group lf requlred.
Ooety wbeo coolJ tbls opptoocb be effectlvely oseJ? Worklng on complex Lasks, lnLroduclng new ldeas, peer learnlng, scaffoldlng for more effecLlve learnlng.
UCD Teaching and Learning 24 I|shbow|s Ask for a small group of up Lo half a dozen or so volunLeers Lo slL ln Lhe mlddle of a larger clrcle comprlslng Lhe resL of Lhe group. Clve Lhem a Lask Lo underLake LhaL lnvolves dlscusslon, wlLh Lhe group around Lhe ouLslde acLlng as observers. Make Lhe Lask you glve Lhe lnner clrcle sufflclenLly slmple ln Lhe flrsL lnsLance Lo glve Lhem Lhe confldence Lo geL sLarLed. 1hls can be enhanced once sLudenLs have had pracLlce and become more confldenL. AfLer a sulLable lnLerval, you can ask oLhers from Lhe ouLer clrcle Lo replace Lhem.
Some sLudenLs wlll flnd lL dlfflculL Lo be Lhe focus of all eyes and ears, so lL may be necessary Lo avold coerclng anyone Lo Lake cenLre sLage (alLhough genLle prompLlng can be valuable).
A 'Lag' verslon can also be used, wlLh Lhose ln Lhe ouLer clrcle who wanL Lo [oln ln genLly Lapplng on Lhe shoulder of someone ln Lhe mlddle Lhey wanL Lo replace and Laklng over Lhelr chalr and chance of Lalklng. AlLernaLlvely lL can be very effecLlve Lo glve Lhe observers ln Lhe ouLer group a speclflc Lask Lo ensure acLlve llsLenlng. lor example, ask Lhem Lo deLermlne Lhe Lhree key lssues or concluslons ldenLlfled by Lhe lnner group. lL ls Lhen posslble Lo swap Lhe groups round and ask Lhe new lnner group Lo evaluaLe Lhe concluslons ldenLlfled by Lhe flrsL group. llshbowls can work well wlLh qulLe large groups Loo. Ooety wbeo coolJ tbls opptoocb be effectlvely oseJ? May be useful for managlng domlnaLlng sLudenLs (permlsslon Lo be Lhe cenLre of aLLenLlon for a perlod of Llme), glves less vocal sLudenLs opporLunlLy for undlsLurbed alr-Llme", ways of geLLlng feedback from buzz groups Lo class.
1each|ng Abstract Concepts - uLlllse graphlcal represenLaLlons (arL, dlagrams, even sculpLure), lnvlLe learners Lo explore relaLlonshlps vla Lhelr own dlagrams. - ManlfesLo wrlLlng, lnvlLe learners Lo apply Lhe LheoreLlcal Lo pracLlce
UCD Teaching and Learning 25 - Wall of osL-lLs, lnvlLe learners Lo respond 'emoLlonally' and 'lnLellecLually' dlscuss Lhe dlvergence and lLs lmpacL on Lhe naLure of Lhe concepL Ooety wbeo coolJ tbese opptoocbes be effectlvely oseJ? ulscuss Lhe lmpacL LhaL Lhese 'creaLlve' and 'personal' lnLerpreLaLlons may have upon Lhe learner.
Crossovers CfLen we wanL Lo mlx sLudenLs up ln a sysLemaLlc way so Lhey work ln small groups of dlfferenL composlLlons. ?ou can use crossovers wlLh large groups of sLudenLs, buL Lhe followlng example shows how Lhls meLhod would work wlLh LwenLy-seven sLudenLs.
repare as many pleces of paper as you have sLudenLs, marklng on Lhem A1, A2, A3, 81, 82, 83 and so on (Lhls comblnaLlon ls for creaLlng Lrlads). lf you wanL Lo creaLe groups of four sLudenLs add A4, 84 eLc. (?ou can do Lhls as a header on handouLs.)
When you are ready Lo have Lhe sLudenLs go lnLo smaller groups, geL Lhem Lo group Lhemselves wlLh sLudenLs who have Lhe same leLLer as Lhemselves: AAA, 888, CCC and so on for one group exerclse. lor a second exerclse, ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo work wlLh people who have Lhe same number as Lhemselves: 111, 222, 333. A Lhlrd exerclse wlll have sLudenLs ln Lrlads where none of Lhe sLudenLs can have a maLchlng leLLer or number: e.g. A1, u2 l3. 1hls wlll allow you Lo geL sLudenLs Lo crossover wlLhln groups, so Lhey work wlLh dlfferenL people on each Lask ln a sLrucLured way.
1hls Lechnlque also cuLs down on Lhe need Lo geL a loL of feedback from Lhe groups because each lndlvldual wlll acL as rapporLeur on Lhe ouLcomes of Lhelr prevlous Lask ln Lhe lasL conflguraLlon. As wlLh snowballlng or pyramlds, you can make Lhe Lask aL each sLage sllghLly
UCD Teaching and Learning 26 more dlfflculL and ask for a producL from Lhe flnal conflguraLlon lf deslred. Crossovers are useful ln maklng sure everyone ln Lhe group ls acLlve and also help Lo mlx sLudenLs ouLslde Lhelr normal frlendshlp, eLhnlc or gender groups.
lL Lakes a llLLle foreLhoughL Lo geL Lhe numbers rlghL for Lhe cohorL you are worklng wlLh (for example, you can use lnlLlal conflguraLlons of four raLher Lhan Lhree, so LhaL ln sLage Lwo Lhey wlll work as fours raLher Lhan Lrlads). lf you have one person lefL over, you can [usL palr Lhem wlLh one oLher person and ask Lhem Lo shadow LhaL person wherever Lhey go.
Ooety wbeo coolJ tbls opptoocb be effectlvely oseJ? 1o break up small, well-esLabllshed groups from formlng and reformlng, oLher meLhods for mlxlng groups up: arrange Lhemselves accordlng Lo helghL / monLh of blrLh / counLy of blrLh / sLar slgn.
1each|ng w|th Numer|ca| Data - 8ogus daLa, lnvlLe learners Lo ldenLlfy and explaln why cerLaln daLa ls noL admlsslble - redlcLlons, provlde parLlal daLa, lnvlLe learners Lo lnLerpreL and exLrapolaLe real flgures - MarkeL 1ranslaLlon, lnvlLe learners Lo represenL Lhe 'meanlng' of flgures ln anoLher form Ooety wbeo coolJ tbese opptoocbes be effectlvely oseJ? ldenLlfy how Lhls may lmpacL sLudenL learnlng by use of real-world examples.
UCD Teaching and Learning 27 More Opportunities for Active Engagement M|sce||aneous |deas - AcLlve 8eadlng, geL learners Lo make noLe of quesLlons before readlng, Lhe Lask Lhen becomes readlng wlLh an agenda. Also sLress Lhe lmporLance of creaLlng summarles or synopses of Lhe LexLs
- Card Croups, provlde groups wlLh a focused quesLlon on a card, ask Lhem Lo answer on same card
- CraflLl uzzles, lnvlLe learners Lo annoLaLe a map, dlagram, lmage eLc, and share noLes wlLh oLher learner
- Coogle[ockeylng, uLlllse Lhe sLudenLs lapLops ln sesslon, lnvlLe Lhem Lo seek ouL lnformaLlon on a parLlcular Loplc and presenL lL back Lo Lhelr group or cohorL
- 8S / Cllckers, uLlllse handheld qulz remoLes Lo lnLeracL wlLh Lhe class, galnlng oplnlon, consensus, level of undersLandlng eLc.
- SegmenLed resenLaLlons, lnvlLe learners Lo do a shorL presenLaLlon on an lssue, quesLlon, Lheme eLc, presenL for 1 mlnuLe, group response for 3 mlnuLes, eLc.
- SMS, (98 of sLudenLs have a moblle phone), lnvlLe responses Lo a moblle blog or LexL manager, or 1wlLLer eLc.
- vldeo, provlde learners wlLh duLles (ldenLlfled Lasks) regardlng Lhe vldeo, Lurn off Lhe sound and ask for a commenLary or narraLlon.
- Wlkls, uLllslng lapLops, lnvlLe sLudenLs Lo bralnsLorm, conLrlbuLe, debaLe eLc ln an 'acLlve' wlkl
UCD Teaching and Learning 28 Active Notes
When our sLudenLs have Lhelr heads down (ln a lapLop or noLepad) whaL are Lhey acLually dolng. Lhe concepL of Laklng noLes, Lhough fundamenLally sound, ls ofLen found wanLlng - lLs adherence Lo a llnear sysLem does noL reflecL Lhe way ln whlch we process and lnLerpreL lnformaLlon. Cne may ask 'do LradlLlonal noLes ald forgeLLlng noL memory?' ln effecL sLudenLs aLLempL Lo Lranscrlbe whaL ls belng sald and are merely summarlslng someone else's LhoughLs.
ln an ldeal slLuaLlon lL would be far beLLer lf Lhey were 'maklng (creaLlng) noLes' raLher Lhan 'Laklng' Lhem. 1he very acL of personallzlng Lhe process means LhaL Lhe lndlvldual ls organlzlng Lhelr own LhoughLs, on a Loplc, ln Lhelr own way.
1he handouL has become ublqulLous ln Leachlng and learnlng, wheLher lL ls a serles of slldes (wlLh or wlLhouL noLes and references), a daLa sheeL, a blbllographlc llsL or an acLual acLlvlLy plan - Lhe lssue ls how Lo lnLegraLe lL ln a sesslon Lo avall of a learnlng opporLunlLy, raLher Lhan have lL LreaLed as a mere seL of reference polnLs (or crlb noLes!).
use of PandouLs AcLlvely CrlenLaLlon lnvlLe Lhe learner / parLlclpanL Lo wrlLe down whaL Lhey expecL Lhe sesslon Lo cover (le. ersonal learnlng ouLcomes) - reLurn Lo lL aL Lhe end 1oo much lnformaLlon for a sllde (daLa seLs, graphs eLc) rovlde an opporLunlLy (pose a quesLlon, lnvlLe a dlscusslon, lnvlLe lndlvlduals Lo produce a graphlcal lnLerpreLaLlon eLc.) Lo reflecL, analyse and dlscuss Lhe lnformaLlon presenLed need Lo elaboraLe a concepL (provlslon of graphlcs, furLher LexL, references eLc) Add sLrucLure / deconsLrucL a sesslon lnvlLe learners Lo ldenLlfy poLenLlal 'lssue' areas ln need of furLher exploraLlon Culdance for self-sLudy (addlLlonal noLes, furLher 1le ln Lhe resources (by provldlng a Lask) Lo ald
UCD Teaching and Learning 29 readlng, formaLlve quesLlons, eLc) reflecLlon and work Lowards asslgnmenLs and / or assessmenL AcLlvlLy / Lask plan (deLalled 'Lo do' llsL e.g. lab pracLlcal)
Cffer a sLep by sLep acLlvlLy gulde, maklng sure Lo provlde 'space' Lo record observaLlons, querles eLc Summary
Ask Lhe learners Lo synLhesle Lhe maln lssues of Lhe sesslon, perhaps as a concepL map or graphlcal lnLerpreLaLlon - lnvlLe Lhem Lo share As a plan for Lhe nexL sesslon
8equesL Lhe learners Lo address Lhe key ouLcomes of a sesslon and how Lhey may prepare Lo follow Lhem for Lhe nexL
Why? What? Why am l uslng Lhls handouL? WhaL ls Lhe learner expecLed Lo do? WhaL are Lhe adv/dlsadv
now? When? Pow ls Lhe learner meanL Lo lnLeracL? When should Lhey be clrculaLed? Are Lhere oLher parLs? 8efore, afLer, ln sesslon, onllne? uoes lL relaLe Lo onllne maLerlals?
8evlew your handouLs, - ldenLlfy how Lhey may be made beLLer. uslng Lhe quesLlon prompLs above 8evlew your Small group Leachlng, - noLe how you may pre-empL lssues. and offer a beLLer learnlng envlronmenL 8evlew your Leachlng meLhods, - noLe someLhlng 'lnnovaLlve' or 'responslve' you may lnLroduce Lo supporL and enhance learnlng.