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The gods permit me to tread my own path. Who are you to question them?


Forsaken must be Chaos Space Marines. Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Survival, Commerce or Security, Common Lore (any one) or Survival +10 Starting Talents: Hatred (Pick One), Jaded, Light Sleeper or Blind Fighting, Cold Hearted or Sound Constitution Starting Gear: Legion Chainsword, Four Legion Frag Grenades, Legion Shotgun with 2 clips. Wounds: 15+1d5

Malich, founder and sole member of the Burning Eye Legion

II: Character Creation

fter the Horus Heresy, as the leaderless armies of the now-dead Horus retreated from the Imperium into the Eye of Terror and the far corners of the galaxy, the nine Traitor Legions who sided with the Warmaster eventually and inevitably fractured and split. The once-cohesive Legions disintegrated into a myriad of warbands, pirate crews, and armies led by a host of charismatic leaders and champions of Chaos. Though some of the former Legions would periodically re-unite under the banner of a particularly powerful champion of the Dark Gods, such as Abaddon the Despoiler, the days of them ghting as a unied whole were gone. Though many Chaos Space Marines tend to remain with warbands or hosts of their fellows, there are some who break with the remnants of the Legions entirely, forging their own way independently of their erstwhile comrades. Whether they deliberately forsake their former loyalties, be expelled by their fellows for some transgression, or have some secret reason for their exile depends on the individual in question. However, whatever the reason, these Chaos Space Marines now walk alone in the midst of a hostile universe, relying on their own cunning, resourcefulness, and skill at arms to survive. Occasionally, one of these forsaken Traitor Legionnaires breaks his solitary existence and joins a warband for a time. Often, he has his own, personal reasons for doing so, and his joining may be temporary. Likewise, his new comrades may distrust an individual whose true loyalties are unknown or non-existent. However, few can deny the benets of having such a resourceful warrior at their side.


Forsaken are well acquainted with the challenges of operating alone, chief among them the need for supplies. The Forsaken gains a +10 to his Infamy Test when obtaining an item or items with an Availability of Rare or lower. warbands and organisations. Their independent attitudes often make them more willing to admit that there are certain tasks human Heretics can accomplish that the Forsaken cannot. Though he is always mindful of his own goals and continuously works towards them, these attitudes may make him more likely to be a part of human warbands. Forsaken are sometimes drawn to a particular facet of Chaos and driven to spread its inuence. While this might be


The following are some of the ways a player can play and portray a Forsaken in BLACK CRUSADE. Of course, these should be considered guidelines and suggestions, not directives nor canon. If a player comes up with their own backstory and character personalities, they should feel free to explore them. The Forsaken has parted ways with other Chaos Space Marines and seeks to complete his own goals. Generally, these Heretics are loners, distrustful of others, and reliant only on themselves. They never lack the condence necessary to complete a task, even if they lack the manpower. To compensate, a Forsaken must be clever and resourceful, able to thoroughly research a target and ensure his precise actions succeed. This isnt to say Forsaken refuse to join with other groupsin fact, they are often working in warbands of Heretics, and are among the Chaos Space Marines most likely to be found working within non-Chaos Space Marine


one of the Chaos gods, it could also be a rogue daemon or even a conceptual issue. While they are certainly capable of unleashing their martial abilities, these abilities may well be matched by a surprising knowledge, be it philosophical, political, ancient, heretical, or even sorcerous. A Forsaken might be as concerned with the message that a battle carries to those who hear of it as he is with his success on the battleeld. This thirst for knowledge may even be connected to why the Forsaken has parted ways with other Chaos Space Marines. Alternatively a Forsakens goals may be utterly self-centred. He may desire to become a powerful warlord, or simply delight in expanding his reputation as a lone and incredibly deadly warrior. He may even simply seek the thrill of new challenges and new locales to explore and pillage, or even just wish to pillage and loot his way into wealth. Forsaken are often found within the Imperium, working to crumble the rotting edice from within. They may inspire cults, foment unrest, or carry out acts of sabotage and destruction. Yet, though they may form cults or subversive organisations, these characters are most often too individualistic to become capable leaders and are happy to let others rise to direct the cults theyve formed. Just as they continuously rebel against authority, they are often incapable of respecting those who obey it. The Forsaken often have no desire to rule or lead, they leave that to their Legionnaire brethren. However, they often have a desire to destroy, to unmake, or to gain revenge. A Forsaken may have chosen to separate from his brethren, or it might be due to outside inuence. In some instances, his brothers in arms may have betrayed him, or they may have been slaughtered. He might even have been a loyalist Space Marine, who turned to the ways of Chaos and ed his chapter. Now, he operates alone or with a carefully selected cadre of like-minded individuals. These others might be humans who share similar beliefs and are willing to discuss them in such a way that the Forsaken is capable of viewing them as near peers. If the Forsaken was betrayed or a sole survivor of a warband, then he is likely to be engaged in a quest for vengeance. The target of his fury could be an Imperial organisation, but it might also be a xenos or even another Chaos-aligned warband, and his vengeance may involve their crippling, humiliation, or utter destruction. Forsaken holding this outlook rarely plan for an existence after the success of their mission. Most readily accept their impending martyrdom as an acceptable price to pay for their revenge. At the same time, they go to great lengths to see that they live long enough to accomplish their goals. This is especially true for those instances where the Forsakens comrades in arms were slain. If he still holds a loyalty to his deceased brethren, the notion that he is acting in their name may be a tremendous motivation. Forsaken are seldom preoccupied with the notion of becoming a daemon prince. Though not against the idea of Apotheosis, their goals are more focused upon their beliefs and their hungers. Conversely, they fear the doom of spawndom beyond all else, particularly if their transformation were to happen prior to completing the tasks to which they have devoted their lives. The very notion of submitting to anothers will, no matter the power behind that will, is almost always anathema to the Forsaken.

Forsaken, more than any other Chaos Space Marine Archetype in BLACK CRUSADE, are individualists and loners. Consequentially, it may matter little what their origins are, as they are now consumed with their own goals and desires. However, it is also possible that a Forsaken is still dened by his former allegiance, even if he has renounced his prior ties long ago. The following are some examples of Chaos Space Marine Forsaken found within the Screaming Vortex. Chaos Bikers of the Outer Wastes: The freedom and mobility of a Legion war bike, with its powerful engines and impressive operating range, has an appeal to many Forsaken. Many of the worlds in the Screaming Vortex see lone Chaos Space Marine bikers roaming their most desolate wastelands. These solitary warriors roam these wastes exploring, raiding for supplies, and searching for new foes to challenge their skills. Eventually, they might join a warband in order to travel to a new world with new vistas and fresh foes to vanquish. In turn, many powerful warband leaders seek out these bikers. The ability to range far ahead of the main force on their war bikes, combined with their ingrained independence, makes them invaluable scouts and raiders. Raptors of the Ragged Helix: Raptor is a name given to Chaos Space Marine assault troops, vicious hunters who can strike anywhere, falling on their foes like a shrieking gale via their powerful back-mounted jump packs. Such individuals often modify their armour to give themselves a more terrifying appearance, such as the stylised appearance of a bird of prey, and often add ampliers and voxcasters to emit piercing wails and screams. Raptors see themselves as elite troops, while other Chaos Space Marines often view them as self-indulgent egotists. Neither is entirely wrong, and it is not unlikely for one self-indulgent egotists pride to result in him becoming an outcast. Amongst the Screaming Vortex, the Raptors who haunt the asteroid belts of the Ragged Helix are legend. Here are countless miniature worlds reachable with a single thrust from a jump pack. The Raptors range from world to world, striking anywhere they desire within the Helix. Legion Exile: Many forsaken Chaos Space Marines have left their fellows because they ran afoul of their fellows or superiors in some way and found themselves forced to ee the warband or army for some haven. The Screaming Vortex is such a place, as it offers a haven away from the remnants of the Traitor Legions that is nonetheless situated at the intersection of several vital regions of space. Here they are able to pursue their plans and launch their raids, while still having a place to fall back and regroup.



II: Character Creation

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