Womankind Annual Report 2013
Womankind Annual Report 2013
Womankind Annual Report 2013
Who we are Why we are needed What we do Ending violence against women Making sure women have an equal say Building support for womens rights Where your money goes
Who we are
Since we were founded 25 years ago Womankind Worldwide has helped more than 12 million women and their families.
Our vision is of a fair world where women and girls have the same choices, opportunities and rights as men and boys. We support women to transform their lives and their communities by working in partnership with womens rights organisations in Africa, Asia and Latin America. We collectively influence international policies and practices on womens rights by sharing our knowledge and experience.
We aim to: 1 End violence against women 2 Make sure women have an equal say 3 Build support for womens rights internationally
These statistics are just the tip of the iceberg. Click here to find out more
What we do
In 201213 we directly supported almost 141,000 women and improved the rights of over 6.5 million women.
We worked in 15 countries Afghanistan, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nepal, Peru, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe in partnership with 38 womens organisations. We drive change by establishing long-term partnerships with local womens rights organisations, providing funding, training, capacity building and tailored support.
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Together we: Delivered practical services for women such as safe houses, counselling and legal advice Provided information for women about their rights and where to get help Changed attitudes and transformed social norms Secured change in laws, policies and practices Trained and supported women leaders, activists and groups Influenced governments, NGOs and donors to support womens rights
Womankind Annual Report 2013 4
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can pay for food and basic supplies for a month for all the women and children staying at the shelter.
Womankind Annual Report 2013 5
women in Zimbabwe were supported to live free from violence through legal aid, counselling and shelter people in Uganda were trained to raise awareness about violence against women and change attitudes in their communities through drama, reaching an estimated 17,000 people women in Sierra Leone received counselling to overcome trauma and rebuild their lives
women in Afghanistan who had experienced violence received legal representation, counselling and healthcare
Partners Humanitarian Association for Women and Children of Afghanistan, Graceland Sierra Leone, Womens Partnership for Justice and Peace, National Association of Womens Organisations in Uganda, Musasa, Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association
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can establish a Dalit womens group in rural Nepal, to provide information and advice on violence and womens rights to 25 members.
1 million 6,000+ 80
women and girls in Zambia were reached with information about their rights through radio, drama and community meetings
girls in Ethiopia were supported to stay in school through payment of school fees, extra tutorial classes and access to health services
radio listening clubs with a membership of more than 1,300 women were established in Malawi, providing support and awareness-raising opportunities
Partners Integrated Community Education and Development Association, Kembatta Mentti Gezzimma-Tope, Zambia National Womens Lobby, Malawi Womens Lobby and Rights Group
In February 2013 Womankind brought together leaders of womens rights organisations from Afghanistan, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal, Zambia, and Zimbabwe for a one week learning exchange on womens leadership.
and four Parliamentary Questions were tabled on the issue, prompting a statement from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Womankind also produced an influential briefing, Leaders for Change: why support womens rights organisations? and submitted evidence to two International Development Committee inquiries.
Partners Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association, Womens Coalition of Zimbabwe, Women in Politics Support Unit
Womankind Annual Report 2013 11
20% 31%
45% 7%
17% 6 % 5 %
Income 201213 Statutory grants including UK aid Institutional grants including Comic Relief Trusts, foundations and major donors Individual giving including gift aid Other including legacies and events 2,103,941 1,163,685 343,360 823,206 278,633
Expenditure 201213 Making sure women have an equal say Ending violence against women Building support for womens rights Costs of generating income Governance costs
Total 4,712,825
Womankind Annual Report 2013 12
Total 4,019,177
is invested in fundraising
is spent on governance
Signed on behalf of the trustees Womankind Annual Report 2013 13
This summary financial information shows the income raised for our activities, the cost of raising the income and the amounts spent on our charitable activities. The information is taken from the full financial statements which were approved by the trustees on 26th September 2013. In order to gain a full understanding of the financial affairs of the charity, the full audited financial statements, trustees annual report and auditors report should be consulted. Copies can be obtained by contacting Womankind Worldwides London office.
Womankind Worldwide Development House 56 64 Leonard Street London EC2A 4LT United Kingdom Phone: 020 7549 0360 Fax: 020 7549 0361 www.womankind.org.uk www.facebook.com/womankind www.twitter.com/woman_kind Company Number: 2404121 Charity Number: 328206