1 Structid: GP 900 Head Loek Gyro

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GP 900 Head Loek Gyro M . E .

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s e n s o r

s Thank you for purchasing he GP900 Gyro! P"ease read he #anua" carefu""y $efore ins a""ing and $e sure o re ain he #anua" for fu ure reference!


LI G %

3DGYRO GP900 is se o 1&'0 f!"S and under DS digital ser(o #ode a the fac ory! P"ease #ake sure your ser(o ype $efore ins a"" he GP900 o a(oid any da#age due o i#proper se ing! P"ease read he se ing ins ruc ions for he se in #odifica ion! The )eaning *f Sy#$o"s ""+,-R%I%G 11 )ishand"ing due o fai"ure o fo""o, hese ins ruc ions #ay resu" in da#age or in.ury!



)ishand"ing due o

fai"ure o fo""o, hese ins ruc ions #ay resu" in danger! ePiease s op using ,hen any hing unusua" happens and consu" o your se""er or e/perienced pi"o !

ese sure no o s ore he gyro near any source of hea !

ePiease keep he gyro a,ay fro# #ois ure or e/posure o ,a er! echeck he gyro e(ery i#e af er uses o ensure here is no hing da#aged! e"f he gyro dropped or ge hi 0 p"ease do no use he gyro and consu" o your se""er or e/perienced pi"o ! 1ea ures 2)e)s3 U i"i4es )5)S gyro sensors0 ,hich fea ure s#a"" foo prin 0 high re"ia$i"i y0 and e/ce""en s a$i"i y! 21'$i 3 Sensor ,i h 12 $i u" ra high

(....q_.-) Suppor s Spek ru# and 6R sa e""i e

reso"u ion0 resu" ing in high"y precise con ro"s!

2s!aus3 Suppor s 1u a$a S!7us archi ec ure!

( <:. ) Sof ,are upgrada$"e

adap er!

hrough PC in erface

$886 High"y sensi i(e gyroscopic sensors co#$ined ,i h ad(anced con ro" de ec ion rou ine pro(iding higher ho(ering and aero$a ic s a$i"i y!

2Go(3 7ui"
3 4

in speed go(ernor func ion!

( .

v) Capa$"e o opera e $e ,een 9!&: o ;!<:0 co#pa i$"e ,i h high (o" age


(,a,) S#a"" foo prin 0 "igh

re"ia$"e design!

,eigh 0 #ini#a"is s and

2RoHs3 RoHS cer ified!

Se ing ype 1&'0=>?0 /1 S

CST-T USCgre en CST-T USCre d

He"icop D5L-@ -n iA orBue DS=-S er #ode 1 %*R 1 R5: co#pensa ion R n e Ds andard ( 1&'0,u s Ser(o e !+!Dig r s i a" ser(o !+!%o e r#a" ro a ion r o %arro, $and >?0 ,u s Ser(o a -na"og Ser(o i o


Lef 2Righ 3 Tra(e" "i#i Righ 2Lef 3 Tra(e" "i#i

)ediu#="arge he"i SI e up #oun #g8 19 a$"e sui for TAR5EF&00=

"ns a""ed ,i h GP900 "a$e" ?00=>00 facing up ) 1 1

! . ) !

! $" ps1 e o,n #oun #g8 1# 1cro e 10 su1 a e "ns a""ed ,i h "a$e" forGP900 TAR5E'&0=<&0
facin do,n See no! > in se i ng ins r uc io ns

See no!1 in se ing See no! ' in se ing See no! < in se ing See no! & in se ing See no! ? in Se ing ins ruc ion ins ruc ions ins ruc ions se ing ins ruc ions ins ruc ions ins ruc ions

S a us L5D Go(ernor "ndica or rAAAAA 8 G(DLu!!0 "ndica or

)5)S T5CH%*L*G@ 5"H!5 PIT RUD Go(ernor sensor 5SC

"op ion eBuip#en "

)5)S T5CH%*L*G@

9G ransfer ca$"e I*p ion eBuip#en "

Se e""i e 1AAAAF
*C 9!&A;!<:

Go(ernor sensor
degrees=sec *pera ing Te#pera ure *pera ing Hu#id

Se e""i e '

IS*#- J<!;: 11g


eRoHS co#p"ian a,ay fro# ion sources! 1!Consu" he(i$ra fo""o,ing diagra# for GP900 ins a""a ion direc ion! GP900 needs o $e #oun ed f"a on gyro #oun ing p"CL CFFCFrf FM
'!T,o pieces of foa# #oun ing ape can $e used if he"icop er e/periences (i$ra ion induced f"igh ins a$i"i y!Ho,e(er0 if his s i"" doesnF cure he pro$"e#0 p"ease check he he"icop er #echanics and #ini#i4e #echanica" (i$ra ions0 or reduce he headspeed! 9!Piease secure ,i h genuine fac ory issued dou$"e sided an iA(i$ra ion #oun ing ape!

Cre(erseC 2ST-TUS L5* urns red3 ed2diagra# o a(oid he effec of he perfor#ance of gyro "ock!co#pensa 2Piease refer Page <3and se i as N"f GP900 ,as o $e #oun ed in(er 730 p"ease en er connec an iArorBue ionosec ion

+ C-UTI*% 11

8 5SC

)e hod 18S andard recei(er connec i(i"y #e hod 1!Connec a"" ,ires as sho,n in diagra#! Recei(er and GP900 ,ires are co"or coded o dis inguish he differen connec ion channe"s!Care shou"d $e aken o ensure proper ,ire co"or o channe" connec ion! '!Ohi"e using he speed con ro""er ha no inc"uding 75C0 you need o connec he 75C po,er ,i h GP900 C7-TTC por !

9!Recei(er po,er is achie(ed $y connec ing he GP900 CS!7US=7I%*C por rAAA! o he channe"> or 7-TT por on recei(er using supp"ied signa" ,ire!
<!GP900 has $ui" in speed go(ernor func ion ,hich can $e u i"i4ed $y purchasing he op iona" speed sensor! Go(ernor se ing is done hrough channe"> on he recei(er! )e hod '81u a$a S!7US Connec i(i y #e hod 1!1or 1u a$a S!7US recei(ers0 connec ,ires as sho,n in diagra#! '!Ohi"e using he speed con ro""er ha no inc"uding 75C0 you need o connec he 75C po,er ,i h GP900 C7-TTF por ! 9!Recei(er po,er is supp"ied hrough S!7US signa" ,ire connec ed o GP900Fs CS!7US=7I%*C por !

<!The defau" channe"=func ion #apping ,hen using S!7US are8 213-IL 2<3RU * 2'35L5 2&3G-I % 293THR 2?3PIT




rans#i er0 such as ;1G01'P01<)P0 and e c p"ease reprogra# he rans#i er o u i"i4e channe" 9 as THR and channe" ? as PIT!

"f channe" 9 is se as PIT and channe" ? se as THR on

7-TT*UT 2

)!e hod 98 6R"SP5QTRU) Se e""i e cennec i(i y rne hod '!Ohi"e using he speed con ro""er ha no inc"uding 75C0 you need o connec he 75C po,er ,i h GP900 C7-TrF por ! 9!GP900 has $ui" in speed go(ernor func ion ,hich can $e u i"i4ed $y purchasing he op iona" speed sensor! Go(ernor se ing is done hrough channe"> on he recei(er! Channei&=G5-R con ro"s RP) of speed go(ernor0 channei>=-UE' con ro"s rudder gyro gain! 1or radios ,i h "ess han ? channe"s0 p"ease use he s andard recei(er connec i(i y #e hod! <!1or safe y concern0 ,o sa e""i e recei(es shou"d $e used0 ,i h each an enna perpendicu"ar 290 degrees3 fro# each o her! - sa e""i e recei(er shou"d $e ins a""ed on each side of he ra#e0 separa e $y #ini#u# dis ance of &c#! &!Shou"d $o h sa e""i e recei(ers "oose connec i(i y during f"igh 0 L501 AL5*S ,i"" f"ash con inuous"y as ,arning! sing"e po,er cyc"e of he sys e# ,i"" no c"ear his error! The sys e# need o $e po,er cyc"ed he second i#e o rese ! ?!defau" channe"=func ion #apping ,hen using sa e""i e recei(er are8

1!1or 6R or Spek ru# sa e""i e recei(ers0 connec ,ires as sho,n in diagra#!





2935L5 2<3RU*




11 11 1!0o no #i/ sa e""i e recei(ers of differen #akes! '!5(en under

correc s ar up seBuence0 if rans#i er is po,ered offfirs 0 L501AL50& ,i" a"so f"ash! Thus he recei(er shou"d a",ays $e po,ered off $efore he rans#i er! 9!9 G E s u p p o r s s a e " " i e r e c e i ( e r # o d e " s c u r r e n " y a ( a i " a $ " e o n h e # a r k e ! S h o u " d n e , r e c e i ( e r ( e r s i o n c o # e

s ou ,i h co#pa i$i"i y issues0 fir#,are ,i"" $e upda ed o reso"(e any inco#pa i$i"i y ha #ay arise!

1ai"safe ingRLas Posi ion his Ho"d3 Ohen he"icop erSe "os connec i(i y ,i h your radio under se ing0 a"" channe"s ,i"" ho"d a

he "as

co##and posi ion0 e/cep hro "e channe" ,hich goes o a prese posi ion! 1!Push hro "e s ick o he desired fai" safe posi ion!
'!Piug he $inding p"ug in o GP900Fs 7I%* por 0 and perfor# radio $inding s eps! 9!-f er successfu" $inding0 do no po,er off he GP9000 unp"ug he $inding p"ug and a""o, GP900 o en er ini ia"i4ing process! The "as posi ion ho"d func ion ,i"" $e ac i(e af er he GP900 ini ia"i4es! <! Tes )e hod8 Po,er off rans#i er! The hro "e channe" shou"d #o(e o prese posi ion0 ,hi"e a"" o her channe"s shou"d ho"d in heir "as posi ion!

1ai"safe Se ing RPreAse Posi ion Ho"d3 Ohen he"icop er "os connec i(i y ,i h your radio under his se ing0 a"" channe"s ,i"" #o(e
posi ion! 1!Piug he $inding p"ug in o
L5*s0 pu"" he $inding p"ug off!

o he preAse

GP900Fs 7I%* por 0 and po,er up he GP900! -f er he rapid f"ash of sa e""i eFs

'!Po,er up radio rans#i er0 and perfor# radio $inding s eps! -f er radio is $ound0 L5* on he sa e""i e an ennas ,i"" end he rapid f"ash0 fo""o,ing $y s"o,er f"ash! 9!)o(e he rans#i er s icks o he desired fai"safe posi ion ,hi"e he L5* is f"ashing in s"o,er #ode! <!Sa e""i e an ennaFs L5* ,i"""i up af er & seconds0 and 9GE goes hrough ini ia"i4ing process! The fai"safe posi ion ,i"" $e se af er he GP900 ini ia"i4es! &! Tes )e hod8 Po,er off rans#i er0 and a"" channe"s shou"d #o(e o he preAse fai"safe posi ion!

Push and ho"d he S5T $u on for ' seconds o en er he rudder gyro se up "f your rans#i er has he fo""o,ing se ings0 p"ease disa$"e i or se he #ode! (a"ue o 4ero! 11 !i "iCAUTION ser(o! 11 -TS e #i/ing e #i/ing Pi"o #i/ing "e o rudder e Thro ch o rudder e Pi Rudder o gyro e Re(o"u ion #i/ing GP900 rudder gyro has he fac ory se ing of 1&'0 f1 s and *S he gyro se ing as needed oser(ospec a(oid da#ages o he . and change digi a" ser(o! *ou$"e check your

au hori y #i/ing

1!1&'0 s 2s andard3 or >?0 s2narro, $and3 ser(o ra#e ra e se up! GP900 is co#pa i$"e ,i h $o h he >?0 f1 s narro, ra#e ra e ser(os 2such as 1u a$a S9'&?0 S9'&10 7LS'&130 as ,e"" as he s andard 1&'0 f1 s ra#e ra e ser(os 2#os o hers3! Proper ra#e ra e #us $e se"ec ed $ased on your ser(oFs specifica ions! To en er he se up #ode 8 Press and ho"d he S5T $u on for ' seconds un i" ST-TUS L5* f"ashes! The 1&'0=>?0 L5* ,i"""igh up indica ing ser(o ra#e ra e se up #ode! Push he rans#i er rudder s ick "ef or righ o se"ec he ra#e ra e! 1or e/a#p"e0 if rudder is pushed o he "ef 2or righ 3 and ST-TUS L5* urns green0 he ra#e ra e is se o 1&'0 f1 s! To se i o >?0 f1 s0 he rudder s ick need o $e pushed fro# he cen er o he opposing end 9 i#es for he ST-TUS L5* o urn red0 indic a ing ra#e ra e se o >?0 f1 s! GP900 pane" 8 5ach se ing (a"ue is "a$e"ed on he 9G f"y$ar"ess con ro" uni ,i h ei her green or red "e ering0 ,hich corresponds o he ST-TUS L5* co"or! Su$seBuen se up #ode is en ered $y a sing"e press of he S5T $u on! Se up #ode ,i"" e/i if no ac i(i y is de ec ed in 10 seconds! '!DS Rdigi a"3 1 -S Rana"og3 ser(o se"ec ion There is a direc corre"a ion $e ,een ser(osF speed o gyroFs perfor#ance! 1as er ser(os are a$"e o e/ecu e co##ands fro# he gyro a fas er and higher precision! *ue o he high perfor#ance gyro sensors used in he GP9000 pre#iu# high speed digi a" rudder ser(os are #anda ory for op i#a" ai" perfor#ance! Sorne of he reco##ended rudder ser(os inc"ude -"ign *S?&00 *S?'00 *S&'00 *S<'00 1u a$a S9'&>0 S9'&?0 S9'&<0 S9'&90 or o her ser(os ,i h si#i"ar specifica ions! Se up #e hod 8 Press and ho"d he S5T $u on for ' seconds o en er he se up #ode0 hen press he S5T $u on o se"ec *S=-S se up #ode0 as indica ed $y he "igh ing of *S=-S L5*! Using he rans#i erFs rudder s ick0 se"ec ei her digi a" ser(o *S #ode 2ST-TUS L5* is green30or ana"og ser(o -S #ode 2ST-TUS L5* is red3! 3

9!Rudder ser(o direc ion check and "ink ad.us #en )o(e he rans#i er rudder s ick "ef =righ 0 and check for he correc direc ion of he rudder ser(o! "f needed0 ser(o re(erse is done fro# he rans#i erFs R5: 2re(erse3 func ion! 1or ai" pi ch ad.us #en 0 cen er he rudder ser(o $y ei her se ing he GP900 o nor#a" ra e #ode 2nonAheading "ock30or press and ho"d he S5T $u on for ' seconds! Oi h he rudder ser(o cen ered and ser(o horn a 90 degrees0 ad.us he "inkage "eng h un i" ai" pi ch s"ider is cen ered on he ai" ou pu shaf as sho,n in diagra#! )idd"e ai" pi ch asse#$" Tai" case se E -L7

( Y)

Rudder ser(o ar#

<!Gyro %*R=R5: se ing8Lif up he he"icop er $y hand0 and urn i se he %*RIR5: se ing as fo""o,! t

o he "ef 2ya,3! Check if he rudder ser(o is app"ying correc co#pensa ion o he righ ! "f re(ersed0

Se up #e hod 8 Press and ho"d he S5T $u on for ' seconds o en er he se up #ode0 hen press he S5T $u on o se"ec %*RIR5: se up #ode0 as indica ed $y he "igh ing of %*RIR5: L5*! Using he rans#i erFs rudder s ick0 se"ec ei her %*R 2ST-TUS L5* is green30or R5: 2ST-TUS L5* is red3! A!NIN" 11 1"ying :8Fi h re(ersed gyo ,i"" cause he he"i o spin ou of con ro"! P"ease dou$"e check he direc ion $efore !"$
1 1


e G#!

p #g o f"y he he""!

S!LI)IT rudder ser(o endpoin se ing8Press and ho"d he S5T $u on for ' seconds o en er he se up #ode0 hen press he S5T $u on repea ed"y o se"ec LI)IT se up #ode0 as indica ed $y he "igh ing of LI)IT L5*! Push he rans#i er rudder s ick "ef un i" ai" pi ch s"ider reaches he end0 hen cen er he rudder s ick and ,ai ' seconds for he ST-TUS L5* o f"ash red! Then push he rudder s ick righ un i" ai" pi ch s"ider reaches he end0 hen cen er he rudder s ick and ,ai ' seconds for he ST-TUS L5* o f"ash red! This co#p"e es he "ef and righ endpoin "i#i ad.us #en of ser(o ra(e"! "nsufficien ser(o ra(e" ,i"" degrade he"icop er perfor#ance0 ,hi"e e/cessi(e ra(e" ,i"" cause $inding and da#age ru dder ser(o!

! ! :1.# i""CAU TI ON 11 no $e se o $e"o, &0K! To a(oid degraded gyro perfor#ance as resu" $.


of insufficien ra(e" range0 rudder ra(e""i#i se ing shou"d

?!He"icop er si4e and D5L-@ se ings This se ing inc"udes ,o func ions 8 213 1or s#a"" he"icop ers such as TARe/ '&0=<&00 se his se ing o s#a"" he"icop er 2ST-TUS L5* red3! 1or "arger he"icop ers such as TARe/ &00=&&0=?00=>00 se his se ing o "arge he"icop er 2ST-TUS L5* green3! 2'3 The *5L-@ func ion is u i"i4ed ,hen s"o,er rudder ser(o causes ai" hun ing 2,agging3! This can $e o$ser(ed af er a ho(ering piroue e co#es oa s op! "f ai" hun ing occurs0 gradua""y increase *5L-@ (a"ue o e"i#ina e i ! 1or $es perfor#ance0 *5L-@ (a"ue shou"d $e kep as "o, as possi$"e ,i hou ai" hun ing! Se up #e hod 8 Press and ho"d he S5T $u on for ' seconds o en er he se up #ode0 hen press he S5T $u on o se"ec *5L-@ se up #ode0 as indica ed $y he "igh ing of *5L-@ L5*! The choice of s#a"" or "arge he"icop er is done $y #o(ing he rans#i er rudder s ick "ef or righ ,hi"e o$ser(ing he co"or of he ST-TUS L5*! 1or s#a"" he"icop ers ST-TUS L5* ,i"" $e red0 and "arge he"icop er ,i"" $e green! The a#oun of ser(o de"ay is se $y ho, far you push he rudder s ick0 fo""o,ed $y pushing he S5T $u on! >!-n i TorBue Co#pensa ion direc ion se ing To achie(e consis en gyro gain on "ef and righ 0GP900 has $ui" in an iA orBue co#pensa ion func ion! User need o confir# if GP900 is #oun ed righ side up or upside do,n! Righ side up8"ns a""ed ,i h GP900 "a$e"facing up0 an iA orBue co#pensa ion se o posi i(e 2green ST-TUS L5*3! Upside do,n8"ns a""ed ,i h GP900 "a$e"facing do,n0 an iA orBue co#pensa ion se o nega i(e2red ST-TUS L5*3! Se up #e hod8 Press and ho"d he S5T $u on for ' seconds o en er se up #ode0 se"ec un i" an iA orBue co#pensa ion sec ion0 as indica ed $y "igh ing of a"" & se up #ode L5*s! Using he rudder s ick o se"ec ei her posi i(e an iA orBue co#pensa ion 2green ST-TUS L5*3 for righ side up #oun ing0 or nega i(e an iA orBue co#pensa ion 2red ST-TUS L5*3for upside do,n ins a""a ion! ;!Sensi i(i y -d.us #en 81or radio ,i h $ui" in gyro gain se ings0 gain can $e ad.us ed direc "y! 1or e/a#p"e0 &0KA100K se ing on he radio rans"a es o 0K A100K gain in he heading "ock #odeS&0KA0K se ing on he radio rans"a es o 0KA100K gain in he nor#a"2nonAheading3 "ock #ode! -c ua" gain (a"ue differs a#ongs ser(os and he"icop ers! The goa" is o find he #a/i#u# gain ,i hou ai" hun ing! This can on"y $e done hrough ac ua"f"igh es s!

The shou"d reco##ended sac ar ing poin for $y rans#i erFs gain se ing shou"d :a"ue $e uned under ua"f"igh condi ions increasing o hegyro #a/i#u# gain ,i hou ai" hun ing!$e
1.$1 &''CAUTION

>0A;0K for ho(ering0 ?0A>0K for id"eAup!

11 1or radios 2"5 1u a$a3 using 0A100K as heading "ock gain sca"es0 he reco##ended gain se ing is 90K o 9&K! ,,,!a"ign!co#! , G'09?>

.. 1or

radio ha uses he &0A100K sca"e2such as 6R and Hi ec30 he reco##ended gain se ing is >0K o >&K!

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