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Drishtee Development

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Drishtee is a social enterprise focused exclusively on rural India. But while that puts us in a decidedly exclusive category, it doesnt begin to tell the complete story of who Drishtee is and what makes us special.Thats because Drishtee is as much about character as capabilities. The philosophy that inspired ourcreation and continues to inform our every move is what enables us to develop truly innovative solutions. ike most great ideas, Drishtee was born from the passionate belief in professional solutions. The founders understood all too well the shortcomings of existing solutions to reach the people at the base of the pyramid and the difficulties and frustrations they inspired. !ather than to accept these challenges, they developed a better way to reach the people at the helm of exclusion. "ver the years, Drishtee has facilitated and supported a network of over #$,%%% rural enterprises to cater to the critical needs of base of the pyramid. &urrently, Drishtee has strong presence in ' states of India namely, (ssam, Bihar and )ttar *radesh. Through this low cost, direct delivery rural supply chain network, Drishtee has created significant cost and time savings for villagers, and provided an effective channel for enterprises to sell products and services. This is a fastest growing such network and continuing at this pace, could well become the worlds largest rural distribution network.

Our Approach
Drishtee identifies and creates a number of +milkman routes in a given district. Through each route, it caters to a minimum of ,% - ,. villages. (s a social enterprise, Drishtee works towards creating an impact in villages by creating an eco/system of micro/enterprises run by entrepreneurs with a specific focus on women. 0e identify a number of potential entrepreneurs and train them on the specific skill sets re1uired.In each route, Drishtee provides a sound kiosk/based platform to deliver services such as 2ealth, 3ducation, Banking, 4icro/ finance, and livelihood services such as rural B*"s along with opportunities to provide market

access and linkages for physical products such as eyeglasses, mobile phones and agricultural products. 5or each franchisee and micro/enterprise, Drishtee implements various components for integrating the module in the existing eco/system. These include community sensitisation6 needs assessment6 service customisation6 community mobilisation6promoting and initiating transactions and setting up back end processes and infrastructure. Drishtees implementation strategy rests on the core supply chain model it creates. "nce the route is economically viable, many critical services that have a positive social impact can ride on the same infrastructure.

Awards & Recognitions

2008 7 Invitee &linton 8lobal Initiative 2007 7 +Technology *ioneers - 0orld 3conomic 5orum 7 &itation by Dalberg &onsultants consulting for I5& 0ashington 2006 7 !ed 2erring +#%% (sia (ward 7 9D:et +Technopreneur of the ;ear (ward 7 Deloitte 0inner, +Top .% &ompanies 7 Invitee at +&linton 8lobal Initiative and &itation 2005 7 <chwab 5oundation - +<ocial 3ntrepreneur of the ;ear (ward 2004 7 (shoka - 5ellowship for <ocial 3ntrepreneurship 2003 7 0orld Bank +Development 4arket *lace (ward

2002 7 0inner of Digital *artners +4ost *romising <ocial 3nterprise (ward 2001 7 0inner of 0orld Bank Infodevs +Best I&T <tories 2000 7 8yandoot 0inner of =<tockholm &hallenge (ward>

Board o !irectors
Siddhartha Shankar *resident, <trategy ? Business Development, at Drishtee, <iddhartha has an extensive professional experience of more than ,% years. 2e completed his 4B( and engineering degrees from )niversity of Delhi. 2e was also a &hevening <cholar and attended the eeds )niversity 4anagement <chool, )@. *rior to leading Drishtee, <iddhartha was &hief 3xecutive, Bulk &ement &orp., 2ead of <ales, (&& A(ssociated &ement &orporation td.B, and a consultant at ):ID".



&o/founder of Drishtee Development and &ommunication imited and presently leading the new business team as &hief of :ew Centures, Drishtee. 8raduated from the Delhi )niversity, <hailesh is using his life experience of rural background as well as professional exposure for scouting for new opportunities and challenges. 2is role is to ensure that any new and exciting idea which moves out of drawing board is thoroughly tested on the field before it is implementedDscaled.


Mishra &o/5ounder ? 4anaging Director of Drishtee, <atyan 4ishra, is an (shoka 5ellow who has been the flag/bearer of making pathbreaking changes and decisions within Drishtee. <atyan holds an 4B( in International Business from )niversity of Delhi - Delhi <chool of 3conomics but has developed the concept of Drishtee through his engaging experiences with the rural communities at various levels. 2e has led Drishtee with a visionary approach and inspiring working style. <atyans passion

that reflects in Drishtee, has motivated like/minded people to come together and form an intellectual horsepower driving it forward. The team has shown a great commitment by also taking up limited e1uity in order to facilitate the growth of the organiEation along with few instituional investments. Nitin Gachhayat

&o/founder and <trategic thinker, :itin is the &3" and is leading the Fourney of Drishtee from the front. 2e has been mainly involved with the functional teams responsible for developing new services and models that can help achieve the vision of <ustainable &ommunities. :itin is an 4B( from 5"!3 <chool of 4anagement, Delhi and is richly experienced. 2is leading style is a great force behind the achievements of the team Drishtee, enabling them to meet the challenges.

G Drishtee Development (nd &ommunication td. (ll !ights !eserved

!rishtee "ea#
Siddhartha Shankar *resident, <trategy ? Business Development, at Drishtee, <iddhartha has an extensive professional experience of more than ,% years. 2e completed his 4B( and engineering degrees from )niversity of Delhi. 2e was also a &hevening <cholar and attended the eeds )niversity 4anagement <chool, )@. *rior to leading Drishtee, <iddhartha was &hief 3xecutive, Bulk &ement &orp., 2ead of <ales, (&& A(ssociated &ement &orporation td.B, and a consultant at ):ID".


Gachhayat &o/founder and <trategic thinker, :itin has been mainly involved with the functional teams responsible for developing new services and applications for rural India that can then be sold through Drishtee and other kiosk networks. 2e did his 4asters in Business (dministration from 5"!3 <chool of 4anagement and also has a vast working and learning experience with him. *resently also working in the 3xecutive position in Drishtee as &hief of 5unctions.


Thakur &o/founder of Drishtee Development and &ommunication imited and presently leading the new business team as &hief of :ew Centures, Drishtee. 8raduated from the Delhi )niversity, <hailesh is using his life experience of rural background as well as professional exposure for scouting for new opportunities and challenges. 2is role is to ensure that any new and exciting idea which moves out of drawing board is thoroughly tested on the field before it is implementedDscaled.


Mishra <atyan is the co/founder and 4anaging Director of Drishtee. 2e is passionate about the concept of =creating an ecosystem for the rural and other marginaliEed communities for facilitating organic growth and overall development. <atyan, an (shoka fellow is an 4B( in International Business from Delhi <chool of 3conomics and has #, years of entrepreneurial experience. <atyan comes from a middle class educated family of Bihar and is dedicated to his work and passion. 2e was nominated as the 9D:et (sias Technopreneur of the ;ear later in ,%%H and presently is a 4ember of the International 5orums like &linton 8lobal Initiative and ;oung (sia ,# 5orum of !ockefeller 5oundation. Drishtee in <atyans leadership has won many recognition and awards and the impact is seen in the #,%%% odd entrepreneurs <atyan has helped create and sustain.


Gupta <udhir 8upta is the &hief "perating "fficer of Drishtee. <udhir has extensive professional experience of more than '% years. 2e has completed his 3lectrical 3ngineering degree from 4< )niversity Baroda. *rior to Foining Drishtee, he was Director <oftware Development 3ngineering at &omverse. 3arlier in his career he has been associated with leading organiEations like Bhabha (tomic !esearch &entre, Tata 2oneywell and Bharti (irtel.

Swapna Mishra <wapna 4ishra has worked in various capacities in Drishtee and has her core expertise in managing proFects and assignments related to 4arketing, Training, overall Drishtee model and process implementations. <he has played a key role in defining the women entrepreneurship initiatives within Drishtee with a focus on sustainable rural development. <wapna is operating as the (C*, 4arketing ? &ommunication and is also the &hief 3ditor for the Drishtee 5oundation publication 3k :aya Drishteekon in 2indi and an Internal :ewsletter - Drishtee Times.


Arya (s an (ssistant Cice/*resident, *rocess ? *lanning, Tarun is responsible for designing and planning for a range of systems and processes in place and in development phase in Drishtee. Drishtees 4I< and order management systems are the examples. Tarun, has a 4asters in &omputer (pplication and several years of experience with Drishtee now. 3arlier he has worked with companies like !aymonds.


Singh ( <cience 8raduate from Bhopal @B <ingh is associated with Drishtee since its inception. 2e is working as &ontroller *roducts ? special *roFects and involved in various key activities of team Drishtee. 2e has a special skill for taking challenge of pioneering new initiatives especially at the piloting and initial implementation level. 0ith the Eest of self learning and motivation to contribute, he has always set new benchmarks of operational excellence for the team. <tarting from early I&T kiosk model delivering e/governance services, @B has been a part of the outstanding execution of !ural Distribution system of Drishtee. 2e has also spent some part of his career with another I&T based company, Cidya "nline A <* of n ogue &ommunications, &hennaiB and brought in a positive perspective to the team.


Mukundan Cikas has over #H years of rich experience in business development, business planning, strategy and consulting in different industry verticals such as manufacturing, business consulting. Before Foining Drishtee he worked in the travel and air transportation vertical in the ITD B*" space for over #% years.Though Cikas has been associated with Drishtee for a considerable time, he formally Foined the organiEation in 4arch ,%## to lead Drishtees ambitious new proFect, the 4odel Cillage *roFect, which envisages stimulating rural Indias economy by creating an ecosystem that shall provide sustainability to micro enterprises in villages. Cikas has a 4asters degree in International Business from Delhi <chool of 3conomics, )niversity of Delhi and has varied interests in music, numismatics and traveling.

Paragdhar Konwar

2e holds a B.Tech in (griculture , 3ngineering from :3!I<T and has completed &ertificate course from &"(D; International Institute under <t. 5rancis Iavier )niversity, &anada along with 4D* certificates from I !I, Jamshedpur . 2is main attributes are planning and implementing of Drishtee services. 2is core competent areas are rural marketing, supply chain management , nurturing rural youth entrepreneurs, establishing sustainable service to the rural community, financial service, management, liaison with government and financial institution. 2e offers a uni1ue mix of social spirit combined with commercial focus and has the distinction of the leading the first rural unit to commercially sustainability. ( formerly international Taekwondo player he is a born leader who always emphasiEes on discipline and performance while remaining e1ually sensitive towards the needs of his team members and rural community. *rior to Drishtee he has #Hyrs experience with International Development enterprises AID3B in (ril and Tea sector.


Datta !andhir heads the !esearch, *romotions and *iloting wing of Drishtee 5oundation. 2e is 4.Tech. in Industrial 3ngineering ? 4anagement from I<4, Dhanbad. 2e has over ,K years of rich experience in research, business modeling, proFect implementation and management functions in various capacities in maFor industrial sectors. 2e has headed numerous proFects on social research, market research, evaluation studies, impact studies, 1uality systems, and implementation of development proFects for various organiEations. 2e is also a certified lead auditor for 1uality management systems. 2is capability in research design, 1uantitative and 1ualitative analysis, report writing and deep interest in social sector on development initiatives are the key factors for the success and achievement of any proFect.

G Drishtee Development (nd &ommunication td. (ll !igh

Anantha Nageswaran Dr. C. (nantha/:ageswaran is a 4anaging Director with Bank Julius Baer A<ingaporeB td. and is the head of Investment !esearch for (sia/*acific and 4iddle 3ast. Bank Julius Baer is a <wiss financial institution and manages both institutional money and offers private banking services to high networth individuals globally. "ther than Drishtee, he has been an angel investor for many technologies

in India that have sought to bridge the digital divide on a commercially viable basis such as the <imputer Awww.picopeta.comB, n/ ogue, etc. 2e has been writing regularly for financial newspapers in India since #LLH. <ince 5ebruary ,%%M, he has been writing every week on Tuesdays for 4I:T, a new financial daily published by Indias 2industan Times and 0all <treet Journal. 2e got his *ost/8raduate Diploma in 4anagement from the Indian Institute of 4anagement in (hmedabad in #LK. and his doctoral degree from the )niversity of 4assachusetts in (mherst in #LL$ for his thesis on the empirical behaviour of exchange rates.

Shah Is an accomplished executive with (ccentures &ommunications and 2igh Technology practice holding #$ years of management consulting experience across multiple industries and borders. 2er core skills are in understanding key business challenges and creating and developing new capabilities. &urrently, <hah is the global product marketing lead for the 3mbedded <oftware Initiative within (ccenture, responsible for the launch and expansion of a new business area for (ccenture to offer embedded software services to its client base. T"* Dr! Martin Kasper Dr. Martin Kasperhas more than ,% years of senior management roles in industry as 4anaging Director of 2(@"/0erke and also of inde fork lift trucks, both global leaders in the investment goods industries and also as 4anaging partner of (ccenture for manufacturing industries, a global leader in the service industry. 2e is #L.K born, married with three children and based out of 5rankfurt, 8ermany. 2e has done his studies in 4ainE, @oblenE, @arlsruhe Aall 8ermanyB and in Berkeley, <tanford A)<B. Dr. 4artin comes with a bright academic record of being a 4aster of 3ngineering, 4aster of Business and *h D in Industrial 3ngineering and "perations !esearch. <ince ,%%H Dr. 4artin @asper operates as a social entrepreneur, founder of &hildaid :etwork, a charity that focuses on giving access to education to deprived children and young people around the world and a member of the board of the (ccenture foundation. 2e is now bringing inhis rich professional and personal experience and supporting and guiding Drishtee as an esteemed adviser.



Gupta" #AS $Retd!%" Senior Ad&isor ( former senior Indian civil servant of the #LHH batch, 4r. 2arsh 8upta served as the &hief <ecretary,2imachal *radesh. *rior to that he held several senior positions in the <tate 8overnment as (dditional &hief <ecretary A*ower and IndustriesB, &hairman of the <tate 3lectricity Board A2*<3BB, <ecretary A(griculture,!ural Development and *anchayati !aFB, and 4anaging Director A<tate 5inancial &orporationB. In the 5ederal 8overnment, 4r. 8upta served in the 4inistry of &ommerce as 3xecutive Director, India Trade *romotion "rganisation. *reviously, he also served in the Department of Defence *roduction and 4inistry of <teel and 4ines. T"*



Tiwari 0ith a degree in 3lectrical 3ngineering from IIT @haragpur, he Foined (&& Athen The (ssociated &ement &ompanies td.B as a 8raduate 3ngineer Trainee and rapidly rose to head several large &ement *lants. 2e later became Director "perations. 2owever, he later established himself as a great 2uman !esources *erson and became head of 2! and later 2ead of *rocurement and 2ead of &orporate (ffairs. In a career spanning almost $% years in (&&, he is well regarded in the industry, T: Tiwari shares with the team in Drishtee a passion of !ural Development and uplift of the *oor. 2e has invested his own funds to set up a !ural primary school in *hulpur block of (llahabad district in 3astern )* and now along with his wife spends half his time there and the rest devoted to (&&. T"*




( graduate in 3conomics and a *8DB4 from I !I, Jamshedpur - #LMM batch, <nehanand - also known as !avi by friends and associates, specialised in 4arketing and 2uman !esources during his 4B( program. The first phase of !avis career path lasted over '' years in the corporate world with stints across the functional areas of <ales, 4arketing, 8eneral 4anagement, &orporate (ffairs, and &I" roles in &onsulting across several industry verticals and domains in India and overseas. 2is last assignment was as a Director with 4ercer &onsulting. In the second and current phase of his career, !avi has been associated from early ,%## with academia and social business enterprises in a Cisiting *rofessor D (dvisory roles handing subFects around <ustainability, &<!, and <ocial Business and 3nterprises. 2e is a Cisiting *rofessor at II4s and has recently taken over as the first &hairperson of the &enter for <ocial Innovation at BI4Tech, 8reater :oida.

!avi is associated with Drishtee and (khand Jyoti 3ye 2ospital, Bihar in an (dvisory capacity as well calls himself +a friendof two other high impact social enterprises - Jaipur !ugs, Jaipur ? 8oonF, Delhi. T"* G Drishtee Development (nd &omm

'ontact (s
Drishtee Development ? &ommunication imited @nowledge Boulevard, Tower B, Kth 5loor, *lot :o. (/K (, <ector H,,A:ear <hipra 4allB :oida - ,%#'%#,)ttar *radesh, India "e) * NL#/#,%/$HH#%%% +a, * NL#/#,%/$HH#%%, -#ai) *infoOdrishtee.com Ciew Drishtee "ffice in a larger map

-na.)ing Access
*eople living in rural areas generally have least access to services such as electricity, health care, water and sanitation, communication, education and roads because governments and the private sector concentrate on meeting the needs of the more populous urban areas which promise greater cost efficiencies.Improved infrastructure can have a great impact on rural development - a sealed road can mean faster access to markets6 a power line can mean access to labour/saving technology6 a wireless transmitter can link the most isolated areas with the 0orld 0ide 0eb6 financial services can strengthen investment for income generation and reduce financial risks6 a computer centre with well/trained teachers can improve rural peoples ability to apply new technologies and knowledge6 improved health care can reduce illness and enhance peoples ability to work. ( strong rural economy, accompanied by the right policy settings, will boost national economic growth and reduce rural poverty. :ational economic growth can lead to greater investment in manufacturing and services, resulting in further growth. )nderstanding the potential opportunity to serve M%P of the countrys population and increased countrys economic growth, Drishtee provides access to critical products and services to the rural population. <ome of the products and services include, 3ducation, 2ealth, 5inance, !etail products, (gricultural and non/agricultural products.

-nterprise !eve)op#ent

The 1uantum of social businesses and opportunities for livelihood improvement at the Base of the *yramid ABo*B market is enormous. The practical need for promoting enterprise development is to create appropriate institutional framework to support entrepreneurial development, enable right processes and systems to risk taking and risk sharing. Drishtee believes in innovation and entrepreneurship as the key to sustainable development. Drishtee sees enterprise development as a strategic development intervention that could accelerate the livelihoods of people at Bo*.

<o, Drishtee acts as a network orchestrator, which creates innovative business models to meet rural needs and attracts entrepreneurs at the local level. In this process, it provides hand/holding support and capital support to the entrepreneur. <o far, it has created more than #$,%%% such entrepreneur from the Bo* market in India.

/o#en -#power#ent
!ural women fre1uently have primary responsibility for agricultural production, in addition to domestic responibilities and childcare. These demands place heavy demands on womens time, and micro/enterprise activities. 4oreover, limited access to productive resources, transport constraints, lack of market knowledge, and lack of basic literacy restrict the capacity of women to participate actively in business activities. The number of women living in poverty has increased disproportionately over the past decade compared with the number of men. The feminisation of poverty is a direct conse1uence of womens une1ual access to economic opportunities. <ocial attitudes concerning the value of traditional womens work activities and their potential abilities limit the participation rates and ultimate commercial success of women entrepreneurs. 8iven the importance of women empowerment, Drishtee has been actively promoting the training and capacity building of women enterpreneurs. The health vertical within Drishtee is led by the 0omen 2ealth 3ntrepreneurs. Drishtee could attract more than .%% such entrepreneurs in rural villages.

Reviving Rura) -cono#0

Today, India is one one of the fastest growing economies.It claims to have largest chunk of 3nglish speaking labour that come at good price and average income and 8ross Domestic *roduct is growing. In saying all these, we are forgetting the fact that what we are calling as growth is Fust about our urban population and neglecting the maFority of population living in rural areas. 5or centuries Indias villages have contributed to the growth and sustenance of the economy. (gricultural produce,spices, hand/loom and handicraft constituted the maFortrade items in rural economy. In order to revive rural economy, through its innovative business model, Drishtee aims to create new Base of the *yramid businesses. Drishteehaat, one of Drishtees platform to source handicraft products from rural artisans and market it to the international customers. Drishtee 4oney kiosk is another leading example for reviving the rural economy. Drishtee 4oney provides financial support to individual entrepreneurs to improve their business. These businesses are helping to improve the livelihood and revive rural economy.

Rura) $upp)0 'hain

$upp)0 'hain 1anage#ent 'ha))enge !uralIndialives in villages that are far flung and remote. !eaching these villages is not easy given the poor state of roads, power problems, low per capita disposable incomes that is half the

urban disposable income, seasonal consumption linked to harvests and festivals6 and inaccessibility to conventional advertising media. :o active marketing or distribution exists to service the roughly '.H million rural retail points in these villages because of uneconomical =last mile> logistics. These villages as economic units are too feeble to support the scale of investment re1uired to upgrade last mile connectivity. Intermediaries are present at the district and block level. They make the supply chain inefficient, increase costs and add no value Drishtee faces a challenge to provide products and services in time and cost effectively to kiosks that are geographically scattered and remote. Distribution costs of servicing such dispersed kiosks become prohibitive and the irregular servicing results in kiosk dissatisfaction. Opportunit0 !ural India comprises of H#%,%%% villages that are spread over '., million s1 km. The M%% million Indians living in these villages constitute a large consuming class with $# per cent of Indias middle/class and .K per cent of the total disposable income. These #,K million households provide a huge opportunity for goods and services that today are not available due to absent last mile connectivity. 1ar2et $i3e India has a total of H#% districts. (ssuming ten blocks per district, there are H#%% blocks in the country. Drishtee plans to carve out #, routes in each block covering ,% villages each. This way we can access all H#%,%%% villages. To start with, Drishtee plans to initiate <&4 operations in ten clusters called Territories comprising of ,% blocks each. 3ach territory has ,%%% villages. 4i)ot 0ith its expanding network of franchisee kiosks, in July/(ugust ,%%M Drishtee decided to assess the possibility of increasing the volume of transaction by carrying pre ordered 54&8 and durable products to existing rural retail points A!!*sB on the same route where it already had kiosks. To test the viability of the rural distribution business model a pilot was carried out in 4athura district of western )ttar *radesh in (ugust ,%%M. 5or more focused results, the pilot was limited to the distribution of 54&8 products and alliances were made with local distributors of both national and regional brands. The progress till ,%#, is as follows

Drishtee aims to create a snowballing effect in the rural market by strengthening and expanding the supply chain network that it has built, which has the capacity to service many local entrepreneurs as against owning these retail points directly. By lowering its margin expectation, Drishtees uni1ue supply chain network reduces the need for a higher capital investment, and lowers the overall risk by sharing it with a large base of rural entrepreneurs Avillage based retailers as well as village based micro/enterprisesB. In addition, Drishtees emphasis on establishing a delivery network Anot Fust for urban manufacturers who wish to push into rural areas as well as for village/based micro/enterprisesB strengthens its first mover advantage and creates a significant entry barrier for organiEed retail. <ince, the same network shall procure from village/based micro/enterprises, it shall enhance their sustainability as well as positively impact Drishtees net margins as well as bargaining ability with urban manufacturers of similar product categories. Its model of working with local entrepreneurs Aboth the village/based small retailer as well as village/based micro/enterpriseB is socially and politically sensitive of the rural environment as it distributes wealth across the spectrum rather than concentrating it in the hands of a few companies as in the case of organiEed retail and procurement only from urban producers. This would be Drishtees key differentiator in the space for years to come. Opportunit0

2uge market in rural India - )<Q .' Billion for establishment of last mile distribution networks to create access to goods and services in rural India. Two maFor policy initiatives by the Indian 8overnmentR Increased outlay for rural development6 and the :ational !ural 3mployment 8uarantee <cheme A:!38<B facilitating larger flow of money into ruralIndia. Increasing trend in establishment of village/based micro/enterprises, which will further help crank/up village economy and also help capital formation in village and provide Drishtee with an alternate sourcing avenue as against urban manufactures.

5a)ue 4roposition

5irst mover advantage with expertise in rolling out a uni1ue last mile distribution network, built on both Information and &ommunication Technology AI&TB application and +ground level entrepreneurship Avillage based retailers as well as village based micro/enterprisesB. )ni1ue distribution model that connects to both the urban manufacturer as well as village/based micro/enterprises, which lends itself to Drishtee being in a strong bargaining position with both, also thereby continually pushing both Ato a large extent urban manufacturer and to a lesser extent village/based micro/enterpriseB to improve their service terms to Drishtee as Drishtees operation scales up apart from it being Fust the scaling/up impact. (bility to develop products and services specifically designed to cater to the rural markets. 8enerating employment opportunities for rural entrepreneurs, with e1ual gender focus.

'urrent & +uture 6etwor2

3xisting network of over ',%%% !!*s A!ural !etail *ointsB across ' states in India. (mbitious target of reaching out to #%%,%%% villages in India over the next #% years. "ver a longer period, Drishtee aims to be the largest organiEed rural distribution network across the globe with access to the last mile in maFority of rural clusters.

In ,%%,, the 0orld Bank reported that one episode of hospitalisation accounted for .K percentage of per capita expenditure pushing ,., percentage of the population below the poverty line. 3ven more disconcerting is the fact that $% percentage of those hospitalised had to borrow money or sell off assets. This often leads to families losing their primary earning source - the familys agricultural land. It is not Fust the treatment cost but the added burden of lost wages, travel, and time of family members to care for the sick that take a toll. ( ,%%$ <tate 8overnment report found that health expenditures had been significant in increasing farmer debts, which in turn was a proximate cause of farmer suicides. It is well documented that very few villages in India have easy access to 1ualified or trained health workers or doctors. To address this, Drishtees solution is to identify need and facilitate the identification and training of a women health franchisee at each village cluster - with each

area plotted on pre/defined routes. In addition to orientation on business operations, Drishtee facilitates access to training on basic first aid, and non/invasive diagnostic and pathological tests. This health franchisee is linked at the back end with a 1ualified 4BB< doctor and laboratory technicians who take weekly physical rounds of villages6 for the rest of the week, telephonic consults through the health franchisee. "he wo#an hea)th ranchisee has severa) advantages8 $o#e o the# are*

<he offers incremental but significant value without initially being perceived as a threat. <he is accessible to at least .%P of the population AwomenB who hesitate to go to a male. <he therefore 1uickly assimilates within the local eco/ system <he is generally more trusted by the population and is more responsive and caring particularly for children. <he is also consistently available in the village with little risk of relocation The availability of diagnostics and basic pathology helps optimise the doctor time and costs <he acts as a powerful role model for other women in the community

+inancia) 9nc)usion
Despite the large siEe and depth of Indias financial system, the maFority of the rural poor do not have access to formal financial services. !eaching about . percentage of the population, micro/finance began primarily with non/profit organisations delivering micro/credit and pioneered the use of collateral substitutes and self help groups A<28sB to ensure high repayment. 2aving proven that financial services can be adapted to meet the needs of poor, households can contribute in the fight against poverty. The challenge now is to bring those benefits to more of Indias poor in a financially sustainable way. 0ith the reach of its rural network, Drishtee is in a uni1ue position to extend banking services Ait has a tie up with Indias largest bank - <tate Bank of India as its business correspondentB and micro finance services in rural communities.

These services offer a uni1ue opportunity to address the needs of the marginaliEed community and is in sync with Drishtees mission of +enabling the development of rural economy and society. Drishtee has worked on this model in three states in India for banking services and two states in 4icro/finance and the outcomes have been very encouraging. )nlike the traditional <elf 2elp 8roup approach, Drishtee has leveraged the entrepreneurs knowledge of the village community and aims at achieving the followingR

&reating viable business opportunities for entrepreneurs in villages who provide financial services Aincluding banking, microfinance and insuranceB 2elping to create an ecosystem with relevant micro/enterprises that can be funded

-ducation and :ive)ihood

3very poor farmer seeks a better life for his children and intuitively knows that this is possible only through education. )nfortunately, few Indian villages have access to good education. Drishtees main stay service for long has been computer education which has provided training to over '%,%%% village youth in India6 Drishtee has thus built substantial experience and capacity in this area. Indeed, Drishtees courses have even built a positive brand image for themselves in several villages. !ealising that education is the stepping stone for livelihood creation in villages, Drishtee has been leveraging its courses to provide training and subse1uently employment opportunities through rural outsourcing centers A!ural B*"sB. T"* !rishtee;s o.<ectives or education are*

To substantially expand its basic computer and spoken 3nglish courses. To introduce new courses which enable the students to find employment opportunities within the village. 5or this, Drishtee has introduced vocational courses - particularly those which help in agriculture such as water conservation, organic farming, crop management and rural sales management. To discourage distress migration from villages to urban centers due to lack of educational and employment opportunities in the villages.

To take advantage of the capacity it builds through these courses to create additional micro/enterprises.

Rura) outsourcing center %B4O& (n example of a micro/enterprise that Drishtee has created is the !ural "utsourcing &enter AB*"B which leverages the people Drishtee has trained. Drishtee has conducted a successful pilot in this space and is geared to expand this further. The model follows a hub arrangement responsible for 1uality assurance of the deliverable with a large number of kiosks functioning as spokes. The key customer base includes large private organisations such as banks and libraries, or the government, both of which re1uire digitisation services. The rura l outsourcing centres also target the customer serviceD customer ac1uisition market particularly where the local languageDdialect and knowledge of local communities is important. 4)ease c)ic2 here to 2now #ore a.out our 1athura B4O initiative8 5or more information about 3ducation vertical, please visitR httpRDDwww.ceepindia.com

4roducts !istri.ution
Traditionally, retailing in India can be traced to the emergence of the neighborhood +@irana stores catering to the convenience of the consumers. The later half of the #LL%s saw an organised retailing concept and a fresh wave of entrants in the urban areas. (t the end of ,%%%, the siEe of the Indian organised retail industry is estimated at I:! #',%%% crore. 0hile organised retailed centred around the urban areas, unorganised retail revolves around the local village shop. <hops are usually present in villages with a population of more than .%% people. They stock more product categories than what similar urban shops would, but there is not much variety offered within a category. 4ost of these rural retail points sell goods that are spurious and there is no guarantee of 1uality for many of the goods being sold be it agri/inputs, 54&8, etc. To address this issue, Drishtee has organised these unorganised retail points under the umbrella of Drishtee !ural !etail *oints AD!!*sB. Through this organised platform, Drishtee delivers 1uality products and services at their door/steps. This also saves the opportunity cost involved in the form of wage loss, business hours, time and transportation cost.

The mission behind Drishtee 2aat is to +leverage the skills and cultural trades of rural producers to craft local livelihoods by facilitating the flow of global market information and business opportunities to village economies. Drishtee 2aat acts as an online platform where rural producers can price, upload and sell their own products to consumers from across the globe. It seeks to provide a world outlet for rural producers, while also supplying crucial market and costing information that is necessary to build their capacity and understanding of fair wages and trading activity while remaining competitive in design and pricing in the international arena. Drishtee haat also provides much/needed capacity building and technical support to marginaliEed producers across India in order to enable their participation in the Drishtee haat community as producers of high 1uality products. #%P of all Drishtee haat sales are reserved for the &apacity Building 5und that is circulated back into the producer network for skills upgradation, design intervention and product development assistance. =ou #a0 want to go or on)ine shopping here* httpRDDwww.drishteehaat.com


Jan <uvidha @endra A&itiEen &ivic &enterB of &yber Infodev *vt. td. Awww.cyberinfodev.comB, is a single captive window where all the people from urban as well as rural areas can avail numerous government services under one roof within stipulated time frame. The Jan <uvidha @endra A&itiEen &ivic &enterB are located at the District 2ead Suarter as well as TehsilD BlockD &ircleD <ub Tehsil "ffice and connected through kiosks at village level, from where an applicant can apply and receive all the re1uired 8,& <ervices. :eev has developed various 8,8 software for various government schemes like Indira (was ;oFana, 0atershed 4anagement, <warna 8ranti <waroFgar ;oFana, Below *overty ine, etc. These softwares are successfully running in various districts of different states. 8yandoot, our first e/8overnance proFect won the <tockholm &hallenge (ward, ,%%%. It is based on the 8overnment/to/&itiEen model and &itiEen/to/8overnment model. "ur clientele includes !aFiv 8andhi <hiksha 4ission, 4adhya *radesh <tate !oad Transport &orporation, 4adhya *radesh *olice "rganisation, &entral &ottage Industries &orporation of India and so on. 5or more information, httpRDDwww.cyberinfodev.com please visitR

!rishtee in 6ews

<BI Drishtee Foin hands for rural healthcare

!ural B*" - 3xperiences ? *otential

DrishteeR <upplying the ast 4ile in !ural India

2ow Drishtee is making I&T business profitable for villages

2ow private I&Ts are expanding micro credit ? agri returns

<atyan 4ishra, 5ounder ? 4D, Drishtee at the &onference on I&T for 5inancial Inclusion at &(B in (pril, ,%%K


@oin !rishtee +a#i)0

Drishtee offers an uni1ue business opportunity to those who want to start their own social enterprise. 2ere is a chance to partner with an established, well/known brand and a proven business format. +ranchisee .ene its Drishtee provides extensive training on entrepreneurship, marketing skills, clear and simple service delivery manuals and continuing professional advice to support your business and help you.

<et up the respective franchisee A3ducational, 2ealth, 4icro/finance and !etail *ointsB. 3ffectively aggregate and manage business. &onnect you with the Drishtees Divisional "ffice and ensure continuous service flow. 3fficiently operate your center and manage business. &reate a successful business that you own.

(ll you need is a little investment and a lot of enthusiasm. 'entre or -ducation and -ntrepreneurship 4rogra##e %'--4& +ranchisee

(ge - #K years and above. 3ducational - #%N, or #,th *ass A#%th *ass in exceptional casesB. 8eographical &riteria - There can only be ":3 Drishtee &33* 5ranchisee in ":3 gram panchayat. (lso, no two Drishtee &33* franchisees can be within . kilometers of each other. 5ranchisees should be a resident of the village or 8ram *anchayat. *rior business experience is preferable. 0orking knowledge of basic computer skills. This includes the ability to type on a computer using software like :otepad or 4icrosoft 0ord. The 3ducation 5ranchisee should :"T be

(ffiliated to any 4ulti/ evel/4arketing model. (ffiliated to any Insurance company.

To become a &33* 5ranchisee,click here /o#en 7ea)th +ranchisee

(ge - ,# years and above. 3ducational - #%N, or #,th *ass A#%th *ass in exceptional casesB. 8eographical criteria - There can only be ":3 Drishtee 2ealth 5ranchisee in ":3 gram panchayat. (lso, no two Drishtee 2ealth franchisees can be within . kilometers of each other. 5ranchisees should be a resident of the village or 8ram *anchayat. *rior experience in the field of health is preferable.

To become a 2ealth 5ranchisee, click here !rishtee 1one0 and Business +aci)itator +ranchisee

(ge - ,$ years and above. 3ducational - #%th *ass. 8eographical &riteria - There can only be ":3 Drishtee 5inancial 5ranchisee in ":3 gram panchayat. (lso, no two Drishtee 5inancial franchisees can be within . kilometers of each other. 5ranchisees should be a resident of the village or 8ram *anchayat. *rior business experience in the field of 5inance is preferable. 0orking knowledge of basic computer skills is preferable. 2eDshe should not be any existing Drishtee 5ranchisee.

To become a Drishtee 4oney 5ranchisee, click here !rishtee Rura) Retai) 4oint +ranchisee

(ge - #K years and above. 3ducational - #%th *ass. 8eographical &riteria - :o geographical restriction. 4ore than one !!*s may be present in a village. 5ranchisees should be a resident of the village or 8ram *anchayat. <hould be running the retail business for two years.

To become a !ural !eatil 5ranchisee, click here T"*

B)og A $uccess $tories

Drishtee 3ntrepreneurs @hon A2ash Bangaria Cillage ? *.". - DhekiaFuli, District - <onitpur, <tate - (ssam. D.".B - ,%th :ov #LK, 3ducation - 8raduate in (rts, , years &omputer diploma from :IIT, 3xperienced in IT smart. 4arital <tatus - 4arried 'enter 4ro i)e (kash owns the computer center with . computers well e1uipped with power backup and broadband Internet. (lso, supports the family business of local construction contracts on part/time bases. (vg. monthly earnings of ,%/'%k, and since year ,%%M dedicatedly teaches student in computer courses like Basic computing and (ccounts related courses.

?8 Brishna#oorth0 Cillage - *oyyanandal, *.". - (rapakkam, District - Tiruvannamalai, <tate - Tamil :adu. D.".BR - ,%th 4ay #LK% 3ducation - Diploma in computer technology A';rsB, 5inal year B( 3nglish and &ommunication. 4arital <tatus - 4arried 'enter 4ro i)e @rishnamoorthy owns the computer center with $ computers and Internet connectivity. The centre is catering to the educational service for K%%% village people, and also helps the family with the traditional occupations of farming and (nimal 2usbandry. 0ith more than # year association with Drishtee, he has enrolled the students in courses like Basic computing and software development.

?hu)a# Badruddin <hah 9ubair !oad, *urabsarai, *.". - 4unger, District - 4unger, <tate - Bihar. D.".BR - #.th 5eb #LM% 3ducation - 4asters in (rts 4arital <tatus - 4arried

'enter 4ro i)e 8hulam owns the computer center with $ computers and additionally , laptops. The centre is well e1uipped with power backup and Internet connectivity. 0ith the other faculties support, 8hulam is able to offer variety of courses from Basics of computing to (dvance courses like DIT and D&TT. 2is average monthly earning is #%,%%% - #.,%%%

Drishtee <tudent *rofile 6ipan !e2a is a high school student from a village of :ayakpara in Darang District. Before Foining Drishtees computer courses, he was doing nothing and didnt know anything about information technology. 2e decided to take admission in &33*, he did his D&8* course from one of our Drishtee &33* kiosk run by (nita <harma AI:(<D!8%%,B, District Darrang. (fter completing his course successfully, within a months time he opened his own (irtel service &enter, where in he can comfortably operate the computer and use the IT skills for managing the business. Bu#ari $ush#ita a 8raduate from a small village of 4unger, Bihar was Fobless and had no knowledge of computers. <he registered for the D&8* course at Drishtee &entre run by 8ulam Badruddin AI:B24)8%%,B at 4unger. (fter completing H month course, she could get decent salaried Fob as a computer operater in a private hospital in munger.

Resource 'orner

Our 4artners

(cumen 5und is one of the leading investors in Drishtee. It is a social investment 5und that has also provisioned structured loans to the rural entrepreneurs linked with Drishtee service and product delivery model, through Drishtee 5oundation. 0ith (cumen 5unds

investment, Drishtee has been able to develop its service models for delivery of critical services like 3ducation, 2ealth and 4icro/&redit. (lso the support and guidance from (cumen has helped Drishtee go stronger and more focused for achieving its vision.

Drishtee has made a commitment for ,%#. in the &linton 8 obal Initiative A&8IB for enabling 3ducation and ivelihood for , million rural families6 providing banking and micro/ finance services to #%.. million families6 and facilitating basic healthcare for # million rural families. Drishtees &o/5ounder, <atyan 4ishra, is an invited member of this 8lobal Initiative since ,%%K. International 5inance &orporation, I5&s 8rassroots Business Initiative A8BIB has provided Drishtee with grant funding to reinforce and scale up its network of entrepreneurs. !I&"2, a multinational based in Japan has been supporting the !ural 4icro/enterprise Development initiatives of Drishtee and is a long term partner for impact obFectives of Drishtee.

8ovt. of India has supported and partnered with Drishtee on various fronts for !ural Development programs, research and sustainable community interventions.

Drishtee has signed a #% years partnership agreement with :ational <kill Development &orporation A:<D&B for capacity building and training of %.M. million AM,.K,$K%B rural youth to enable them for sustainable livelihood options. Drishtee has created a separate entity/ Drishtee <kills Development &enter AD<D&B - with most of the stakes held by itself, to carry forward the proFect mission. Top

Drishtee 5oundation has partnered with 4icro<ave to create right systems and processes for its micro/finance vertical. 4icro<ave is a team of experienced professionals that has been operating for ten years and is +the most reliable consulting firm for financial service providers. Top

I54! Trust had partnered with Drishtee 5oundation to pilot a kiosk based individual lending model for financial services delivery through entrepreneur owned kiosks. 4icrosoft has been one of the leading partners of Drishtee. It has partnered with Drishtee on different innovative proFects. <ome of the proFects include, Delivering rural e/ &ommerce and e/2ealth in rual villages using tablet *&, *enetration of I&T in rural India, I&T @iosk pilot in 0est Bengal, etc.

Drishtee has assisted the 4inistry of *anchayati !aF, 8overnment of India for I&T <egmentation of ,$KK 8ram *anchayats in (ssam. Drishtee 5oundation had developed the +I&T <egmentation 4odel for this study. Top

!ecently, Drishtee has entered into a partnership with :estle India to create a rural supply chain network in India. Initially, :estle India is leveraging Drishtees rural retail network to sell its products and understand the rural needs. :ike 5oundation has supported Drishtee to enable women entrepreneurs in rural India. Through this partnership, the percentage of women entrepreneurs has increased from #%P to '%P. :ovartis is an innovative healthcare products company with pharmaceutical treatments for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. !ecently, :ovartis has entered into a partnership with Drishtee to provide 1uality health care services to rural India.

"ikocredit is one of the worlds largest sources of private funding to the micro/finance sector. "ikocredit has supported Drishtee 5oundation with working capital for micro/finance. In turn, Drishtee disburse life/changing loans to the poor and disadvantaged in rural India. Top

Drishtees distribution and entrepreneur network is being enabled through the partnership with Cision <pring for facilitating Basic eye test and availability of 1uality reading glasses at low costs. Cision <pring has been Drishtees associate as <coFo 5oundations initiative of <coFo glasses in the past. The partnership is being re/explored now.

telecentre.org is one of the valued partners of Drishtee. It has supported Drishtee on different innovative proFects. The telecentre.org also supported Drishtee to setup a rural B*" in <aurath village of Bihar. Top

(&& imited is Indias foremost cement manufacturer with a countrywide network of factories and marketing offices. 3stablished in #L'H, (&& has been a pioneer and trend/setter in cement and concrete technology. (mong the first companies in India to include commitment to environment protection as a corporate obFective, (&& has been highly appreciated and won accolades for its environment friendly measures taken at its plants and mines.Drishtee and (&& have Foined hands to train unskilled masons through a =4asonry skills development program>. The trained masons would be certified by (&& and Drishtee as they also handhold them for placements with the local or central level sites or builders. The program is also a part of the Drishtee &ommunity &ollege Aa part of I8:")s &ommunity &ollege *rogramB as a non/credit +*articipatory *rogram. It includes training on various masonry skills as well as personality development.

Drishtee has partnered with the 4inistry of !ural Development A4o!DB, one of the most important and prestigious departments of the 8overnment of India which oversees the development of rural areas in the country. Drishtee has undertaken to train #',%%% rural youth from Below *overty ine AB* B segment, under the program <8<; A<pecial <warnaFayanti 8ram <waroEgar ;oFanaB. The proFect is being implemented in two different states, ).*. and Bihar, being supported by 4inistry of !ural Development, 8overnment of India and Department of !ural Development, 8overnment of Bihar, respectively. The obFective is to move these youth and their families to the (bove *overty ine A(* B segment through skills development and placement D livelihood support.

4artner /ith (s

;our :ame Are1uiredB

;our "rganiEation

;our *hone Are1uiredB

;our 3mail Are1uiredB

(rea of Interest ;our 4essage


Drishtee Development and &ommunication imited is a social enterprise with specific focus on rural India and is represented by over #$,%%% micro/entrepreneurs in remote rural villages. @now more about Drishtee /Download *resentation

5o)unteer 4rogra#
This program seeks to expose people to real issues at the ground level. It enables people from civil society to understand through experience, a world that is not their own but deeply connected to their lives. To make the choice to make a difference. It provides the link between individuals who want to volunteer and our partners and stakeholders. The volunteer team helps match your skills and interests with the needs of our organisation. This exchange is monitored and facilitated from the beginning to the end by the Drishtee team. In the year ,%%L Drishtee increased its partnership with more than five educational institutions and volunteer organiEations . These are )niversity of *ennsylavania, <anta &lara, &hallengers 0orld 0ide, (shoka and )niversity of <ingapore. Internshala is also helping us finding great talent. 0e admire the efforts they are taking for regularly posting our re1uirement for interns and volunteers on their website. "ur outreach program has been tremendously successful and we are continually exploring ways in which we can execute different iterations of this program. 0e hope the following proFect description will give you an idea into the area of work and hope the following comments and feedback from past volunteers will give you an insight on the program. 'urrent Opportunities

5o)unteer +eed.ac2
I am glad to have been associated with Drishtee this summer as a <oftware Intern. The enthusiasm and hard work of all the people tends to bring out something new everytime in the proFects which are highly motivated to serve the rural India. I worked on 4obile/*"< and learnt to deal with upcoming technologies used in the proFect, at the same time having a sense of fulfillment for serving unconditionally. I will strongly recommend Drishtee to all the aspiring interns out there. 8o.. 3xplore the unexplored. / <iddharth 8upta B.Tech &omputer <cience, $th year Bharti Cidyapeeths &ollege of 3ngineering, :ew Delhi

change the / 4s *ennsylvania )niversity

"ne the things that I really enFoyed about my internship at Drishtee was the fact that my opinions were given importance, despite the fact that Im Fust a college student. I was given room to work independently on my proFect, and was given guidance when needed. The work atmosphere is really friendly and easy , and every single one of my colleagues harbored a passion for their work, which I truly admire. It was a refreshing change to be able to work on an extremely interesting, entrepreneurialDbusiness based proFect that could potentially lives of several rural B* women. (nFani Cedula

During the summer of ,%#% I had the opportunity to intern with Drishtee on their Business Development Team. Drishtees uni1ue Internship *rogram pairs each intern with a <enior/ evel mentor who offers a great deal of guidance throughout this great learning experience. Drishtees innovative kiosk based model that operates as a last/mile supply chain for rural Indias marginaliEed communities creates a network of microentrepreneurs, who bring both products and services to their respective local villages. 0hile my internship mainly focused on creating a strategy for !esource 4obiliEation and :etworking, I was able to travel along Drishtees supply chain route and meet many of their +kiosk microentrepreneurs. Thus, my internship experience not only provided me with training in terms of Business Development skills, but it also gave me deep insight into how a social enterprise operates in the Base of the *yramid AB"*B market. The Drishtee Team was incredibly helpful in guiding my internship experience and answering any 1uestions I had. I strongly recommend Drishtees Internship *rogram to anyone interested in learning more about the <ocial 3nterprise <pace, rural, marginaliEed communities, and the Base of the *yramid 4arket. The Internship *rogram offers interns a great deal of autonomy while simultaneously providing a tremendous amount of guidance. I urge anyone interested in Drishtees initiatives to become involved with this program. / Jeremy . Bamberg ## 2obart &ollege ,%H' <candling &enter 8eneva, :; #$$.H

I had the pleasure of interning at Drishtee as an 4B( student from the @ellogg <chool of 4anagement, &hicago, )<(, for three months during the summer of ,%##. (nytime during my internship at Drishtee I had the impression that I was working on topics that really mattered to Drishtee and where I could have a significant impact. 4y supervisor left me considerable freedom in how to approach the topics, while always being available as a resource. 5urthermore, I found Drishtees senior management team always being open to discuss ideas and change suggestions. In total, I felt that my work was meaningful and appreciated. This and the very friendly ? relaxed work atmosphere at Drishtee made this internship an outstanding experience. Thanks Drishtee for these awesome three monthsT / Tobias 2Urlimann 4B( &andidate , &lass of ,%#, , @ellogg <chool of 4anagement , :orthwestern )niversity, )nited <tates I had the great pleasure of interning at D!I<2T33 as 4<0 student from the 4"TI ( :32!) :(TI":( I:<TIT)T3 "5 T3&2:" "8;, ( (2(B(D, for one and half months during the summer of ,%##. During my internship at D!I<2T33 I really got significant knowledge of field work and got great experience, the topics which was given to me that was really valuable for D!I<2T33 and me also. 4y supervisor guide me to doing my Fob perfectly. 4y mentor regularly guide me and always being open to discuss ideas and change suggestions time to time. I felt that my work was meaningful . The proFect of my topics really helped to the people of that area where I worked . The friendly and relaxed environment of D!I<2T33 helped me the Fob perfectly. Thanks to D!I<2T33 for giving me to opportunity and to do wonderful Fob. / Sanjeet Kumar MSW Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology llahabad! "tter #radesh!India Marandi Student

I am student of 4aster of <ocial 0ork A4<0B. <o as a part of our curriculum, I got a lifetime opportunity this summer i.e. 4ay/June ,%## to complete my <ummer Internship in <ultanpur )nit of Drishtee 5oundation. I have been engaged for collection of primary data regarding the willingness of schools as well as the youths in the rural areas for the Cocational Training programs so that Drishtee could introduce such programs at the village level to solve the problem of unemployment and improve the socio/economic status of the rural peoples. I was very glad that I got the opportunity to work with Drishtee team and learn the basics of field work while collection of the data. It strengthened my confidence level and also came to know about the poor standard of living of the village people. If this Cocational Training proFect of Drishtee is introduced effectively, it would serve as a ray of hope for our rural India. / (tul 4aster "f 4otilal :ehru (llahabad,)ttar *radesh <ocial :ational 0ork Institute AIii "f <harma <emesterB Technology

=4y experience at the villages associated with Drishtee was something very different and extremely interesting. (s a photographer one is always on a look out for different ways of how people live and survive in different conditions and places. 4y first village being Thawar, was a wonderful experience starting from meeting people, to living there.. with them.. like them and capturing their day to day lives. In the process one realiEed how simple life can be and how challenging it can be in terms of image making. It truly was an experience of a kind. Its nice to see how Drishtee as a foundation is involved in village activities and more so its wonderful to see how open they are to ideas.. for me i was given a complete creative freedom which made me wander and create as i went along from village to village and areas within. *eople definitely from the office as well as till the village had been very warm and working for Drishtee was truly a great experience. I hope to be associated with more proFects so that i can discover more of the simplicities of life in villages and capture them all in my image making> / Caydehi

'ontact (s
Drishtee Development ? &ommunication imited @nowledge Boulevard, Tower B, Kth 5loor, *lot :o. (/K (, <ector H,,A:ear <hipra 4allB :oida - ,%#'%#,)ttar *radesh, India "e) * NL#/#,%/$HH#%%% +a, * NL#/#,%/$HH#%%, -#ai) *infoOdrishtee.com Ciew Drishtee "ffice in a larger map

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