Cd4e Automatic Transmission

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General Overview
Classifying The CD4E is a four speed, electronically controlled transaxle. The CD denotes the CD4E was designed for use in the CD class vehicle, i.e. CD is between a D class (Taurus) and a C class (Escort) vehicle. The 4E stands for 4 speed, electronically controlled. History The CD4E was first released for the !""4 #odel $ear European #ondeo. This was followed by release in the !""4 #odel $ear %robe, #a&da '(' and #a&da #) ', (.*+ applications. !"", #odel $ear releases included introducing the (.*+ and (.,+ -ord Contour, #ercury #ysti.ue, and (.,+ #ondeo applications. Operation This is an electronically controlled, fully auto/atic 4 speed overdrive transaxle with input through a three ele/ent tor.ue converter. The tor.ue converter also incorporates an internal friction clutch which trans/its engine tor.ue /echanically when applied. The shift points and converter clutch application are a function of throttle position and vehicle speed. Each powertrain calibration contains the individual shift point strategy for its corresponding transaxle application. Electronic control of tor.ue converter slip speed during shifts is acco/plished by the %C# strategy which is contained within the powertrain calibration. Thus, CD4E0Tor.ue Converter Engineering1s released calibration deter/ines this feature1s operation. The shifter selector lever /ounted transaxle control switch (TC2) allows the operator to disable and re enable 4th gear operation. Disabling 4th gear operation illu/inates the Transaxle Control 3ndicator +ight (TC3+) on the instru/ent panel. The switch and control logic are designed so that the vehicle always powers up with 4th gear enabled. The TC3+ is also used when a transaxle /alfunction is detected. 3n this situation, the %owertrain Control #odule flashes the TC3+. This feature, introduced in #$ !""', continues for !""". CD4E GEAR RATIOS Gear !st (nd 6rd 4th 7ev Ratio (.4" !.,5 !.** *.5* (.6!

CD4E Late May 1998 - Quicker Ser ice !i"

8arsh shift 6 ( shift co/plaints fro/ custo/ers in #exico, were addressed by a running change hardware and calibration revision, late in the !""4 /odel year for all CD4E applications. The trans/ission change carried over into the !""" #odel $ear, and represented the re introduction of the CD4E 2ervo Cushion 2pring. The change was also released for past /odel !""50!""4 CD4E applications with the re.uire/ent of 9re flashing9 the %C#, per T2: "4 !6 !!.

CD4E Dece#$er 1998 %& Mo'el (unning C)ange

%roduct Engineering test evaluations successfully de/onstrated that the *.5,9 wide chain used in our #a&da units could also be used in the ;' /odel application. 3n

Dece/ber !""4, :atavia ;' /odels (/odel code %T< =) replaced the !1 wide chain with the *.5,9 wide chain and sproc>ets.

CD4E *+++ Mo'el ,ear

May 1999 !"a#a$%a &'%(d da#)* < new #ain Control and 2olenoid :ody <sse/bly are introduced and are a coordinated change with a new %C#. These co/ponent changes will affect all CD4E /odels except the #a&da unit, which delays their introduction until <ugust !""" (their #odel $ear (*** =ob?!). The 2olenoid :ody change is a cost saving opportunity only, re.uiring a s/all change in the calibrator1s transfer function. The #ain Control changes include eli/inating the (04 accu/ulator plug spring (which was introduced when the 2ervo Cushion 2pring was deleted), and reducing the separator plate 9E9 orifice for a slight ( 6 :ac>out 2hift feel i/prove/ent. Coincident, but independent of these changes, is the introduction of @22 (@utput 2peed 2ensor) for A<<@, and all CD4E -ord products. The 34 #ondeo CD4E vehicles incorporated @22 around =une !""4, and #a&da is choosing not to incorporate this change. The @22 is located on the left hand side (trans. pu/p side) of the trans/ission asse/bly, adBacent to and rearward of the left hand half shaft asse/bly. 3t arrives at :C<, installed on the CD4E, and replaces the :C< installed ;22 (;ehicle 2peed 2ensor), located on the rearward side of the trans/ission converter housing. During the DC<% ! %% builds, wiring harness connections were so/eti/es /is connected between the T22 (Turbine 2peed 2ensor) located on the trans/ission pu/p and the @22. The wiring harness T22 connector is /olded 9white9, and the @22 connector is /olded 9blac>.9 The CD4E @22 and T22 were both /olded in 9blac>9 plastic. < 9white9 /olded plastic T22 is being developed to alleviate the /is asse/bly ris>, but /ay not /a>e =ob?! ti/ing. The =ob?! T22 /ay be 9blac>9 /olded plastic with 9white9 paint daub, to prevent the /ix up. The @22 bore will be /achined for all CD4E cases. <s #a&da is not incorporating the @22 feature, and we strive to /ini/i&e co/plexity, #a&da cases and past /odel service cases will be fitted with a pressed in cup plug by :atavia.

-uisance .sse#$ly /lant /rocessing Concern

< vent fitting and hose replaced the 9Biggle9 cap vent asse/bly during !""5 #odel $ear. 3t continues for (*** production and has eli/inated 9vent oil /isting9 co/plaints. 2ervice vent >its are available for past /odel applications. 8owever, i/proper hose routing or hose 9>in>ing9 can cause filler tube lea>age proble/s.

Ao changes to the Cooling System or Shifter are scheduled. The Contour0#ysti.ue and A<<@ Cougar Cooling 2yste/ contains a 5 plate in tan> cooler, fitted into the radiator. The (.*+ 34 #ondeo has two (() in tan> coolersE whereas, the (.,+ ;' #ondeo and Europe Cougar have one (!) in tan> and an additional air cooler.

CD4E Complexity
The CD4E is /atched to several different engines ranging fro/ the (.,+ Duratec ;' to a !.4+ Fetec (for Taiwan). The /ain differences between the (.,+ ;' /odel and 34 /odels, are briefly su//ari&ed below.


2 !" #$ %o&el

4 Cylin&er %o&els
'(TA)"+ (TA),+ (TA) %*
".(,9 -67% +< -57% << (%T< + C #) -47% G< (%T< D)

Tor.ue Converter Tor.ue Converter <ssy. 5"*( Tor.ue Converter 8ousing 5"5, Drive Chain Hidth ? of Direct Clutch %lates Hidth of :and !""4 !""" #ain Control !""".5, #ain Control

!*.(,9 -47% D< -67% =<

.5,9 4 ,( // -47% 5<!** << )25% 5<!** <<

.5,9 6 4( // -47% 5<!** << )25% 5<!** <<

The transaxle /odels are identifiable by the /odel nu/ber listed on the 3D tag. The 3D tag can be found on the rear of the transaxle case as well as the botto/ of the /ain control cover. A(("ICATIO. 34 Contour0#ysti.ue0#ondeo 6."(I! ;' Contour0#ysti.ue0Cougar0#ondeo 6.55I! 34 #a&da 4.(6I! (;22)

CD4E TRA.S %ODE" %T< +J %T< TJ %T< DJ %T< #J

#ondeo 4.(6I! (Taiwan) C Contour (#exico) The 5*** asse/bly nu/bers /ay vary as product releases face staggered incorporation.


%<7D 7E;E72E AEKT7<+ @D D D D D @D @-D D D ( (JJJ ! !JJJ !JJJ ! ( 6 ( 6JJJ ! ( 6 @A @-@-@-@-@A @-@-@A @A @-@A @-@A @A @-@A @-@-@-@-@-@-@-J JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ ! ( 6 4 @A @-@-@A @A @A @-@-@A J JJ JJ JJ



@A @A @A

1)2 T2CCS

@-J @--

J Aot allowed by hydraulics. JJ %owertrain Control #odule (%C#) co//anded. JJJ Hhen a /anual pull in occurs above a calibrated speed the transaxle will not downshift fro/ the higher gear until the vehicle speed drops below this calibrated speed.

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