So Called Laws David Lang
So Called Laws David Lang
So Called Laws David Lang
G. Schirmer Rental and Performance Library 445 Bellvale Road PO Box 572 Chester, NY 10918 USA
Print-on-demand titles are sold as-is. No returns or refunds. The titles available are pre-publication or out-of-print editions. They are not available from music dealers. Before ordering, check the works specific web page on Only works with Availability: Sale from Rental Library indicated on their web pages are sold as Print-on-Demand by the G. Schirmer Rental and Performance Library. These titles may be computer-engraved or they may be written by hand. They may not represent a composers final intentions before publication. Works for more than six players are rented, not sold as print-on-demand. Electronics (e.g. synthesizer patches, CD sound samples) are rental only. Use the REQUEST FOR RENTAL MATERIALS form to place a rental order. Only complete sets are for sale, not individual scores or parts.
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