WHMCS Bahasa Indonesia Update 19-11-2013

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The document content appears to be language strings for a modified version of WHMCS, a client management and billing software. The strings are in Indonesian and discuss features like affiliates, cart configuration, two-factor authentication, and more.

The document content contains language strings to modify the user interface text of WHMCS, a client management and billing software, to Indonesian. This will localize the WHMCS installation for Indonesian users.

The document content uses PHP and contains language strings defined using the $_LANG array. This indicates the languages used are PHP and Indonesian.


Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

# Modification Language By http://www.dunianetwork.com. And the Indonesian Special WHMCS version 5.2.xx <?php if (!defined("WHMCS")) die("This file cannot be accessed directly"); $_LANG['isocode'] = 'id'; $_LANG['accountinfo'] = "Informasi Account"; $_LANG['accountstats'] = "Statistik Account"; $_LANG['addfunds'] = "Tambah Dana"; $_LANG['addfundsamount'] = "Jumlah untuk menambahkan"; $_LANG['addfundsmaximum'] = "Maksimal Deposit"; $_LANG['addfundsmaximumbalance'] = "Maksimal Saldo"; $_LANG['addfundsmaximumbalanceerror'] = "Jumlah Maksimal Saldo adalah"; $_LANG['addfundsmaximumerror'] = "jumlah Maksimal Deposit adalah"; $_LANG['addfundsminimum'] = "Minimum Deposit"; $_LANG['addfundsminimumerror'] = "Jumlah Minimum Deposit adalah"; $_LANG['addmore'] = "Tambah Lagi"; $_LANG['addtocart'] = "Tambahkan ke Keranjang"; $_LANG['affiliatesactivate'] = "Aktifkan Akun Afiliasi"; $_LANG['affiliatesamount'] = "Amount"; $_LANG['affiliatesbalance'] = "Current Balance"; $_LANG['affiliatesbullet1'] = "Receive an initial bonus deposit in your affiliate account of"; $_LANG['affiliatesbullet2'] = "of every payment each customer you refer to us makes for the entire duration of their hosting account"; $_LANG['affiliatescommission'] = "Commission"; $_LANG['affiliatesdescription'] = "Join our affiliate program or view earnings"; $_LANG['affiliatesdisabled'] = "We do not currently offer an affiliate system to our clients."; $_LANG['affiliatesearn'] = "Earn"; $_LANG['affiliatesearningstodate'] = "Total Earnings to Date"; $_LANG['affiliatesfootertext'] = "When you refer someone to our website with your unique referral ID, a cookie is placed on their computer containing this ID so if they bookmark the site and come back later you will still receive the commission."; $_LANG['affiliateshostingpackage'] = "Hosting Package"; $_LANG['affiliatesintrotext'] = "Activate your affiliate account today to:"; $_LANG['affiliateslinktous'] = "Link to Us"; $_LANG['affiliatesnosignups'] = "You have currently not received any signups"; $_LANG['affiliatesrealtime'] = "These statistics are in real time and update instantly"; $_LANG['affiliatesreferallink'] = "Your Unique Referral Link"; $_LANG['affiliatesreferals'] = "Your referrals"; $_LANG['affiliatesregdate'] = "Registration Date"; $_LANG['affiliatesrequestwithdrawal'] = "Request Withdrawal"; $_LANG['affiliatessignupdate'] = "Signup Date"; $_LANG['affiliatesstatus'] = "Status"; $_LANG['affiliatestitle'] = "Affiliates"; $_LANG['affiliatesvisitorsreferred'] = "Number of Visitors Referred"; $_LANG['affiliateswithdrawalrequestsuccessful'] = "Your request for a withdrawal has been submitted. You will be contacted shortly."; $_LANG['affiliateswithdrawn'] = "Total Amount Withdrawn"; $_LANG['all'] = "All";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['alreadyregistered'] = "Sudah Terdaftar?"; $_LANG['announcementsdescription'] = "Lihat berita & pengumuman terbaru kami"; $_LANG['announcementsnone'] = "Tidak ada pengumuman untuk tampilan"; $_LANG['announcementsrss'] = "Lihat RSS Feed"; $_LANG['announcementstitle'] = "Announcements"; $_LANG['bannedbanexpires'] = "Ban Expires"; $_LANG['bannedbanreason'] = "Ban Reason"; $_LANG['bannedhasbeenbanned'] = "has been banned"; $_LANG['bannedtitle'] = "IP Banned"; $_LANG['bannedyourip'] = "Your IP"; $_LANG['cartaddons'] = "Addons"; $_LANG['cartbrowse'] = "Browse Products &amp; Services"; $_LANG['cartconfigdomainextras'] = "Configure Domain Extras"; $_LANG['cartconfigoptionsdesc'] = "This product/service has some options which you can choose from below to customise your order."; $_LANG['cartconfigserver'] = "Configure Server"; $_LANG['cartcustomfieldsdesc'] = "This product/service requires some additional information from you to allow us to process your order."; $_LANG['cartdomainsconfig'] = "Konfigirasi Domain"; $_LANG['cartdomainsconfigdesc'] = "Below you can configure the domain names in your shopping cart selecting the addon services you would like, providing required information for them and defining the nameservers that they will use."; $_LANG['cartdomainshashosting'] = "Has Hosting"; $_LANG['cartdomainsnohosting'] = "No Hosting! Click to Add"; $_LANG['carteditproductconfig'] = "Edit Configuration"; $_LANG['cartempty'] = "Your Shopping Cart is Empty"; $_LANG['cartemptyconfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to empty your shopping cart?"; $_LANG['cartexistingclientlogin'] = "Existing Client Login"; $_LANG['cartexistingclientlogindesc'] = "To add this order to your existing account, you will need to login below."; $_LANG['cartnameserversdesc'] = "If you want to use custom nameservers then enter them below. By default, new domains will use our nameservers for hosting on our network."; $_LANG['cartproductaddons'] = "Product Addons"; $_LANG['cartproductaddonschoosepackage'] = "Choose Package"; $_LANG['cartproductaddonsnone'] = "No Addons Available for your Products &amp; Services"; $_LANG['cartproductconfig'] = "Product Configuration"; $_LANG['cartproductdesc'] = "The product/service you have chosen has the following configuration options for you to choose from."; $_LANG['cartproductdomain'] = "Domains"; $_LANG['cartproductdomainchoose'] = "Pilih Domain"; $_LANG['cartproductdomaindesc'] = "Produk / Layanan yang anda pilih membutuhkan nama domain, silahkan masukkan nama domain pilihan anda di bawah."; $_LANG['cartproductdomainuseincart'] = "Gunakan domain yang sudah ada di keranjang belanja saya"; $_LANG['cartremove'] = "Hapus"; $_LANG['cartremoveitemconfirm'] = "Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus item ini dari keranjang belanja anda?"; $_LANG['carttaxupdateselections'] = "Pajak dapat dikenakan tergantung pada pilihan negara bagian dan negara yang anda buat. Klik untuk menghitung ulang setelah membuat pilihan anda."; $_LANG['carttaxupdateselectionsupdate'] = "Update"; $_LANG['carttitle'] = "Shopping Cart"; $_LANG['changessavedsuccessfully'] = "Perubahan Berhasil Disimpan!"; $_LANG['checkavailability'] = "Cek Ketersediaan Domain"; $_LANG['checkout'] = "Selesaikan Belanja"; $_LANG['choosecurrency'] = "Pilih Mata Uang"; $_LANG['choosedomains'] = "Pilih Domain"; $_LANG['clickheretologin'] = "Klik disini untuk login"; $_LANG['clientareaaccountaddons'] = "Account Addons"; $_LANG['clientareaactive'] = "Active"; $_LANG['clientareaaddfundsdisabled'] = "Kami tidak mengizinkan menyetorkan dana terlebih dahulu kepada kami pada saat ini."; $_LANG['clientareaaddfundsnotallowed'] = "Anda harus memiliki setidaknya satu urutan aktif sebelum anda dapat


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

menambahkan dana sehingga anda tidak dapat melanjutkan pada waktu saat ini!"; $_LANG['clientareaaddon'] = "Addon"; $_LANG['clientareaaddonorderconfirmation'] = "Terima kasih. Pesanan anda untuk Add-on yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini telah ditempatkan. Silahkan Pilih metode pembayaran anda dari bawah ini."; $_LANG['clientareaaddonpricing'] = "Harga"; $_LANG['clientareaaddonsfor'] = "Addons for"; $_LANG['clientareaaddress1'] = "Address 1"; $_LANG['clientareaaddress2'] = "Address 2"; $_LANG['clientareabwlimit'] = "Bandwidth Limit"; $_LANG['clientareabwusage'] = "Bandwidth usage"; $_LANG['clientareacancel'] = "Batal Perubahan"; $_LANG['clientareacancelconfirmation'] = "Terima kasih. Permintaan pembatalan anda telah disampaikan. Jika anda melakukan ini dalam kesalahan, buka tiket support untuk segera memberitahu kami atau akun anda dapat diakhiri."; $_LANG['clientareacancelinvalid'] = "Permintaan pembatalan akun telah disampaikan sehingga anda tidak dapat mengirimkan lagi."; $_LANG['clientareacancellationendofbillingperiod'] = "Akhir Periode Penagihan"; $_LANG['clientareacancellationimmediate'] = "Segera"; $_LANG['clientareacancellationtype'] = "Jenis pembatalan"; $_LANG['clientareacancelled'] = "Pembatalan"; $_LANG['clientareacancelproduct'] = "Meminta Pembatalan untuk"; $_LANG['clientareacancelreason'] = "Secara singkat Jelaskan alasan anda untuk pembatalan"; $_LANG['clientareacancelrequest'] = "Permintaan pembatalan account"; $_LANG['clientareacancelrequestbutton'] = "Permintaan Pembatalan"; $_LANG['clientareachangepassword'] = "Ubah Password Anda"; $_LANG['clientareachangesuccessful'] = "Rincian anda berhasil diubah"; $_LANG['clientareachoosecontact'] = "Pilih kontak"; $_LANG['clientareacity'] = "Kota"; $_LANG['clientareacompanyname'] = "Nama perusahaan"; $_LANG['clientareaconfirmpassword'] = "Konfirmasi Password"; $_LANG['clientareacontactsemails'] = "Preferensi Email"; $_LANG['clientareacontactsemailsdomain'] = "Domain Emails - Renewal Notices, Registration Confirmations, etc..."; $_LANG['clientareacontactsemailsgeneral'] = "General Emails - General Announcements &amp; Password Reminders"; $_LANG['clientareacontactsemailsinvoice'] = "Invoice Emails - Invoices &amp; Billing Reminders"; $_LANG['clientareacontactsemailsproduct'] = "Product Emails - Order Details, Welcome Emails, etc..."; $_LANG['clientareacontactsemailssupport'] = "Support Emails - Allow this user to open tickets in your account"; $_LANG['clientareacountry'] = "Negara"; $_LANG['clientareacurrentsecurityanswer'] = "Masukkan jawaban anda saat ini"; $_LANG['clientareacurrentsecurityquestion'] = "Silakan pilih pertanyaan keamanan anda saat ini"; $_LANG['clientareadeletecontact'] = "Hapus Kontak"; $_LANG['clientareadeletecontactareyousure'] = "Apakah Anda yakin anda ingin menghapus kontak ini?"; $_LANG['clientareadescription'] = "Lihat & memperbarui rincian akun Anda"; $_LANG['clientareadisklimit'] = "Disk Space Limit"; $_LANG['clientareadiskusage'] = "Disk Space Usage"; $_LANG['clientareadomainexpirydate'] = "Tanggal Berakhir"; $_LANG['clientareadomainnone'] = "Tidak ada domain yang terdaftar pada kami"; $_LANG['clientareaemail'] = "Email Address"; $_LANG['clientareaemails'] = "My Emails"; $_LANG['clientareaemailsdate'] = "Date Sent"; $_LANG['clientareaemailsintrotext'] = "Di bawah ini adalah sejarah semua pesan kami telah dikirimkan kepada anda. Hal ini memungkinkan anda untuk dengan mudah membaca korespondensi yang berkaitan dengan akun anda jika anda kehilangan salah satu email."; $_LANG['clientareaemailssubject'] = "Message Subject"; $_LANG['clientareaerroraddress1'] = "You did not enter your address (line 1)"; $_LANG['clientareaerroraddress12'] = "Your address can only contain letters, numbers and spaces"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorbannedemail'] = "We don't allow users with the email address provider you entered. Please try another email address."; $_LANG['clientareaerrorcity'] = "You did not enter your city"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorcity2'] = "Your city can only contain letters and spaces";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['clientareaerrorcountry'] = "Please choose your country from the drop down box"; $_LANG['clientareaerroremail'] = "You did not enter your email address"; $_LANG['clientareaerroremailinvalid'] = "The email address you entered was not valid"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorfirstname'] = "You did not enter your first name"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorfirstname2'] = "Your first name can only contain letters"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorisrequired'] = "is required"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorlastname'] = "You did not enter your last name"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorlastname2'] = "Your last name can only contain letters"; $_LANG['clientareaerroroccured'] = "An error occurred, please try again later."; $_LANG['clientareaerrorpasswordconfirm'] = "You did not confirm your password"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorpasswordnotmatch'] = "The passwords you entered did not match"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorphonenumber'] = "You did not enter your phone number"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorphonenumber2'] = "Your phone number is not valid"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorpostcode'] = "You did not enter your postcode"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorpostcode2'] = "Your postcode can only contain letters, numbers and spaces"; $_LANG['clientareaerrors'] = "The following errors occurred:"; $_LANG['clientareaerrorstate'] = "You did not enter your state"; $_LANG['clientareaexpired'] = "Expired"; $_LANG['clientareafirstname'] = "First Name"; $_LANG['clientareafraud'] = "Fraud"; $_LANG['clientareafullname'] = "Client Name"; $_LANG['clientareaheader'] = "Welcome to our client area where you can manage your account with us. This page provides a brief overview of your account including any open support requests and unpaid invoices. Please ensure you keep your contact details up to date."; $_LANG['clientareahostingaddons'] = "Addons"; $_LANG['clientareahostingaddonsintro'] = "You have the following addons for this product."; $_LANG['clientareahostingaddonsview'] = "View"; $_LANG['clientareahostingamount'] = "Amount"; $_LANG['clientareahostingdomain'] = "Domain"; $_LANG['clientareahostingnextduedate'] = "Next Due Date"; $_LANG['clientareahostingpackage'] = "Package"; $_LANG['clientareahostingregdate'] = "Registration Date"; $_LANG['clientarealastname'] = "Last Name"; $_LANG['clientarealastupdated'] = "Last Updated"; $_LANG['clientarealeaveblank'] = "Leave blank unless you want to change your password."; $_LANG['clientareamodifydomaincontactinfo'] = "Modify Domain Contact Information"; $_LANG['clientareamodifynameservers'] = "Modify Nameservers"; $_LANG['clientareamodifywhoisinfo'] = "Modify WHOIS Contact Information"; $_LANG['clientareanameserver'] = "Nameserver"; $_LANG['clientareanavaddcontact'] = "Tambahkan kontak baru"; $_LANG['clientareanavchangecc'] = "Change Credit Card Details"; $_LANG['clientareanavchangepw'] = "Change Password"; $_LANG['clientareanavdetails'] = "My Details"; $_LANG['clientareanavdomains'] = "Domain saya"; $_LANG['clientareanavhome'] = "Home"; $_LANG['clientareanavlogout'] = "Logout"; $_LANG['clientareanavorder'] = "Order Additional Items"; $_LANG['clientareanavsecurityquestions'] = "Change Security Question"; $_LANG['clientareanavservices'] = "Layanan Saya"; $_LANG['clientareanavsupporttickets'] = "Tiket Dukungan Saya"; $_LANG['clientareanocontacts'] = "No Contacts Found"; $_LANG['clientareapassword'] = "Password"; $_LANG['clientareapending'] = "Pending"; $_LANG['clientareapendingtransfer'] = "Pending Transfer"; $_LANG['clientareaphonenumber'] = "Phone Number"; $_LANG['clientareapostcode'] = "Zip Code"; $_LANG['clientareaproductdetails'] = "Product Details"; $_LANG['clientareaproducts'] = "My Products &amp; Services";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['clientareaproductsnone'] = "No Products/Services Ordered"; $_LANG['clientarearegistrationperiod'] = "Registration Period"; $_LANG['clientareasavechanges'] = "Save Changes"; $_LANG['clientareasecurityanswer'] = "Please enter an answer"; $_LANG['clientareasecurityconfanswer'] = "Please confirm your answer"; $_LANG['clientareasecurityquestion'] = "Please choose a security question"; $_LANG['clientareaselectcountry'] = "Select Country"; $_LANG['clientareasetlocking'] = "Set Locking"; $_LANG['clientareastate'] = "State/Region"; $_LANG['clientareastatus'] = "Status"; $_LANG['clientareasuspended'] = "Suspended"; $_LANG['clientareaterminated'] = "Terminated"; $_LANG['clientareaticktoenable'] = "Tick to enable"; $_LANG['clientareatitle'] = "Client Area"; $_LANG['clientareaunlimited'] = "Unlimited"; $_LANG['clientareaupdatebutton'] = "Update"; $_LANG['clientareaupdateyourdetails'] = "Perbarui Data Anda"; $_LANG['clientareaused'] = "Used"; $_LANG['clientareaviewaddons'] = "Lihat Addons Tersedia"; $_LANG['clientareaviewdetails'] = "View Details"; $_LANG['clientlogin'] = "Client Login"; $_LANG['clientregisterheadertext'] = "Silakan isi bidang berikut untuk mendaftar akun baru."; $_LANG['clientregistertitle'] = "Registrasi"; $_LANG['clientregisterverify'] = "Verifikasi Pendaftaran"; $_LANG['clientregisterverifydescription'] = "Masukkan teks yang anda lihat pada gambar di bawah ini ke kotak teks yang disediakan. Hal ini diperlukan untuk mencegah pendaftaran otomatis."; $_LANG['clientregisterverifyinvalid'] = "Salah Memasukan Kode Verifikasi Gambar"; $_LANG['closewindow'] = "Tutup Jendela"; $_LANG['completeorder'] = "Menyelesaikan Pesanan"; $_LANG['confirmnewpassword'] = "Konfirmasi Password Baru"; $_LANG['contactemail'] = "Email"; $_LANG['contacterrormessage'] = "Anda tidak memasukkan pesan"; $_LANG['contacterrorname'] = "Anda tidak memasukkan nama anda"; $_LANG['contacterrorsubject'] = "Anda tidak memasukkan subjek"; $_LANG['contactheader'] = "Jika anda memiliki pertanyaan pra-penjualan atau ingin menghubungi kami, silahkan isi formulir di bawah."; $_LANG['contactmessage'] = "Pesan"; $_LANG['contactname'] = "Nama"; $_LANG['contactsend'] = "Kirim Pesan"; $_LANG['contactsent'] = "Pesan Anda Telah Terkirim"; $_LANG['contactsubject'] = "Subject"; $_LANG['contacttitle'] = "Hubungi Pra-penjualan Kami"; $_LANG['continueshopping'] = "Lanjutkan Belanja"; $_LANG['creditcard'] = "Pay by Credit Card"; $_LANG['creditcard3dsecure'] = "As part of our fraud prevention measures, you will now be asked to perform the Verified by Visa or Mastercard SecureCode verification to complete your payment.<br /><br />Do not click the refresh or back button or this transaction may be interrupted or cancelled."; $_LANG['creditcardcardexpires'] = "Expiry Date"; $_LANG['creditcardcardissuenum'] = "Issue Number"; $_LANG['creditcardcardnumber'] = "Card Number"; $_LANG['creditcardcardstart'] = "Start Date"; $_LANG['creditcardcardtype'] = "Card Type"; $_LANG['creditcardccvinvalid'] = "The cards CVV number is required"; $_LANG['creditcardconfirmation'] = "Thank You! Your new card details have been accepted and the first payment for your account has been taken. You have been sent a confirmation email about this."; $_LANG['creditcardcvvnumber'] = "CVV/CVC2 Number"; $_LANG['creditcardcvvwhere'] = "Where do I find this?"; $_LANG['creditcarddeclined'] = "The credit card details you entered were declined. Please try a different card or contact


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

support."; $_LANG['creditcarddetails'] = "Credit Card Details"; $_LANG['creditcardenterexpirydate'] = "You did not enter the card expiry date"; $_LANG['creditcardenternewcard'] = "Enter New Card Information Below"; $_LANG['creditcardenternumber'] = "You did not enter your card number"; $_LANG['creditcardinvalid'] = "The credit card details you entered were invalid. Please try a different card or contact support."; $_LANG['creditcardnumberinvalid'] = "The credit card number you entered is invalid"; $_LANG['creditcardsecuritynotice'] = "Any data you enter here is submitted securely and is encrypted to reduce the risk of fraud"; $_LANG['creditcarduseexisting'] = "Use Existing Card"; $_LANG['customfieldvalidationerror'] = "value is not valid"; $_LANG['days'] = "Days"; $_LANG['defaultbillingcontact'] = "Default Billing Contact"; $_LANG['domainalternatives'] = "Try these alternatives:"; $_LANG['domainavailable'] = "Tersedia! Pesan Sekarang"; $_LANG['domainavailable1'] = "Selamat!"; $_LANG['domainavailable2'] = "Tersedia!"; $_LANG['domainavailableexplanation'] = "Untuk mendaftarkan domain ini klik pada link di bawah"; $_LANG['domainbulksearch'] = "Cari Domain Massal"; $_LANG['domainbulksearchintro'] = "Sebagian real-time pencarian nama domain memungkinkan Anda untuk mencari hingga 20 domain sekaligus. Masukkan domain dalam bidang di bawah ini, satu per baris - tidak menyertakan www. atau http:// di depan."; $_LANG['domainbulktransferdescription'] = "Anda dapat mentransfer domain yang ada kepada kita hari ini. Untuk memulai, cukup masukkan domain di bawah ini, satu per baris - tidak menyertakan www. atau http://"; $_LANG['domainbulktransfersearch'] = "Transfer Domain Massal"; $_LANG['domaincheckerdescription'] = "Periksa ketersediaan domain"; $_LANG['domaincontactinfo'] = "Informasi Kontak"; $_LANG['domaincurrentrenewaldate'] = "Current Renewal Date"; $_LANG['domaindnsaddress'] = "Address"; $_LANG['domaindnshostname'] = "Host Name"; $_LANG['domaindnsmanagement'] = "DNS Management"; $_LANG['domaindnsmanagementdesc'] = "Arahkan domain Anda ke situs web dengan menunjuk ke IP Address, atau maju ke situs lain, atau tempat ke halaman sementara (dikenal sebagai parkir), dan banyak lagi. Catatan ini juga dikenal sebagai subdomain."; $_LANG['domaindnsrecordtype'] = "Record Type"; $_LANG['domainemailforwarding'] = "Email Forwarding"; $_LANG['domainemailforwardingdesc'] = "If the Email Forwarding Server determines the Forward To address is invalid, we will disable the forwarding record automatically. Please check the Forward To address before you enable it again. The changes on any existing forwarding record may not take effect for up to 1 hour."; $_LANG['domainemailforwardingforwardto'] = "Forward To"; $_LANG['domainemailforwardingprefix'] = "Prefix"; $_LANG['domaineppcode'] = "Kode EPP"; $_LANG['domaineppcodedesc'] = "Hal ini perlu diperoleh dari registrar saat ini untuk otorisasi"; $_LANG['domaineppcoderequired'] = "Anda harus memasukkan kode EPP untuk"; $_LANG['domainerror'] = "Ada masalah saat menyambung ke registry domain. Silakan coba lagi nanti."; $_LANG['domainerrornodomain'] = "Masukkan Nama Domain Valid"; $_LANG['domainerrortoolong'] = "Domain yang anda masukkan terlalu panjang. Domain hanya bisa sampai 67 karakter."; $_LANG['domaingeteppcode'] = "Get EPP Code"; $_LANG['domaingeteppcodeemailconfirmation'] = "Permintaan kode EPP berhasil! Itu telah dikirim ke alamat email pendaftar domain."; $_LANG['domaingeteppcodeexplanation'] = "Kode EPP pada dasarnya adalah password untuk nama domain. Ini adalah ukuran keamanan, memastikan bahwa hanya pemilik nama domain dapat mentransfer nama domain. Anda akan memerlukannya jika Anda ingin transfer domain ke registrar lain."; $_LANG['domaingeteppcodefailure'] = "Ada kesalahan dalam meminta kode EPP:"; $_LANG['domaingeteppcodeis'] = "EPP kode untuk domain anda adalah:"; $_LANG['domainidprotection'] = "ID Protection"; $_LANG['domainintrotext'] = "Masukkan domain dan tld Anda ingin menggunakan dalam kotak di bawah ini dan klik Lookup untuk melihat apakah domain tersedia untuk pembelian.";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['domainlookupbutton'] = "Lookup"; $_LANG['domainmanagementtools'] = "Management Tools"; $_LANG['domainminyears'] = "Min. Years"; $_LANG['domainmoreinfo'] = "More Info"; $_LANG['domainname'] = "Domain Name"; $_LANG['domainnameserver1'] = "Nameserver 1"; $_LANG['domainnameserver2'] = "Nameserver 2"; $_LANG['domainnameserver3'] = "Nameserver 3"; $_LANG['domainnameserver4'] = "Nameserver 4"; $_LANG['domainnameserver5'] = "Nameserver 5"; $_LANG['domainnameservers'] = "Nameservers"; $_LANG['domainordernow'] = "Pesan sekarang!"; $_LANG['domainorderrenew'] = "Order Renewal"; $_LANG['domainprice'] = "Harga"; $_LANG['domainregisterns'] = "Registrasi Nameservers"; $_LANG['domainregisternscurrentip'] = "Alamat IP Saat Ini"; $_LANG['domainregisternsdel'] = "Hapus NameServer"; $_LANG['domainregisternsdelsuccess'] = "NameServer berhasil di hapus"; $_LANG['domainregisternsexplanation'] = "Dari sini anda dapat membuat dan mengelola nameserver default untuk domain anda (eg. NS1.yourdomain.com, NS2.yourdomain.com...)."; $_LANG['domainregisternsip'] = "Alamat IP"; $_LANG['domainregisternsmod'] = "Memodifikasi IP NameServer"; $_LANG['domainregisternsmodsuccess'] = "NameServer berhasil diubah"; $_LANG['domainregisternsnewip'] = "Alamat IP baru"; $_LANG['domainregisternsns'] = "Nameserver"; $_LANG['domainregisternsreg'] = "Registrasi NameServer"; $_LANG['domainregisternsregsuccess'] = "Nameserver berhasil terdaftar"; $_LANG['domainregistrantchoose'] = "Pilih kontak yang akan digunakan di sini"; $_LANG['domainregistrantinfo'] = "Informasi Pendaftaran Domain"; $_LANG['domainregistrarlock'] = "Registrar Lock"; $_LANG['domainregistrarlockdesc'] = "Enable registrar lock (Recommended). Unauthorized transfer will be prevented if lock is set."; $_LANG['domainregistration'] = "Registrsi Domain"; $_LANG['domainregistryinfo'] = "Informasi Registrsi Domain"; $_LANG['domainregnotavailable'] = "N/A"; $_LANG['domainrenew'] = "Renew Domain"; $_LANG['domainrenewal'] = "Domain Renewal"; $_LANG['domainrenewalprice'] = "Renewal"; $_LANG['domainrenewdesc'] = "Secure your domain(s) by adding more years to them. Choose how many years you want to renew for and then submit to continue."; $_LANG['domainsautorenew'] = "Auto Renew"; $_LANG['domainsautorenewdisable'] = "Disable Auto Renew"; $_LANG['domainsautorenewdisabled'] = "Disabled"; $_LANG['domainsautorenewdisabledwarning'] = "WARNING! This domain has auto renewal disabled.<br />It will therefore expire and become inactive at the end of the current term unless manually renewed."; $_LANG['domainsautorenewenable'] = "Enable Auto Renew"; $_LANG['domainsautorenewenabled'] = "Enabled"; $_LANG['domainsautorenewstatus'] = "Current Status"; $_LANG['domainsimplesearch'] = "Cari Domain Sederhana"; $_LANG['domainspricing'] = "Harga Domain"; $_LANG['domainsregister'] = "Register"; $_LANG['domainsrenew'] = "Renew"; $_LANG['domainsrenewnow'] = "Renew Now"; $_LANG['domainstatus'] = "Status"; $_LANG['domainstransfer'] = "Transfer Domain"; $_LANG['domaintitle'] = "Periksa Domain"; $_LANG['domaintld'] = "TLD"; $_LANG['domaintransfer'] = "Transfer Domain";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['domainunavailable'] = "Tidak Tersedia"; $_LANG['domainunavailable1'] = "Maaf!"; $_LANG['domainunavailable2'] = "sudah diambil!"; $_LANG['domainviewwhois'] = "view whois report"; $_LANG['downloaddescription'] = "Description"; $_LANG['downloadloginrequired'] = "Akses ditolak - Anda harus login untuk download file ini"; $_LANG['downloadname'] = "Download"; $_LANG['downloadpurchaserequired'] = "Akses ditolak - Anda harus membeli produk terkait sebelum Anda dapat mendownload ini"; $_LANG['downloadscategories'] = "Kategori"; $_LANG['downloadsdescription'] = "Lihat perpustakaan download kami"; $_LANG['downloadsfiles'] = "Files"; $_LANG['downloadsfilesize'] = "Filesize"; $_LANG['downloadsintrotext'] = "Perpustakaan download memiliki semua program dan file lain yang Anda mungkin perlu supaya website anda dapat berjalan dengan baik."; $_LANG['downloadspopular'] = "File Download Terpopuler"; $_LANG['downloadsnone'] = "Tidak Ada Download Yang Tampilan"; $_LANG['downloadstitle'] = "Downloads"; $_LANG['email'] = "Email"; $_LANG['emptycart'] = "Kosongkan Pesanan"; $_LANG['existingpassword'] = "Existing Password"; $_LANG['existingpasswordincorrect'] = "Your existing password was not correct"; $_LANG['firstpaymentamount'] = "First Payment Amount"; $_LANG['flashtutorials'] = "Flash Tutorials"; $_LANG['flashtutorialsdescription'] = "Click here to view tutorials showing you how to use your hosting control panel"; $_LANG['flashtutorialsheadertext'] = "Our Flash Tutorials are here to help you fully utilise your web hosting control panel. Choose a task from below to see a step by step tutorial on how to complete it."; $_LANG['forwardingtogateway'] = "Please wait while you are redirected to the gateway you chose to make payment..."; $_LANG['globalsystemname'] = "Member & Billing Area"; $_LANG['globalyouarehere'] = "You are here"; $_LANG['go'] = "Go"; $_LANG['headertext'] = "Welcome to our Support Portal."; $_LANG['hometitle'] = "Home"; $_LANG['imagecheck'] = "Please enter the security code shown in the image - this is required to prevent automated submissions"; $_LANG['invoiceaddcreditamount'] = "Enter the amount to apply"; $_LANG['invoiceaddcreditapply'] = "Apply Credit"; $_LANG['invoiceaddcreditdesc1'] = "Your credit balance is"; $_LANG['invoiceaddcreditdesc2'] = "This can be applied to the invoice using the form below."; $_LANG['invoiceaddcreditoverbalance'] = "You cannot apply more credit than the balance due"; $_LANG['invoiceaddcreditovercredit'] = "You cannot apply more credit than you have in your account"; $_LANG['invoicenumber'] = "Invoice #"; $_LANG['invoiceofflinepaid'] = "Offline Credit Card Payments are processed manually.<br />You will receive confirmation by email once your payment has been processed."; $_LANG['invoicerefnum'] = "Reference Number"; $_LANG['invoices'] = "Tagihan Saya"; $_LANG['invoicesamount'] = "Amount"; $_LANG['invoicesattn'] = "ATTN"; $_LANG['invoicesbacktoclientarea'] = "&laquo; Back to Client Area"; $_LANG['invoicesbalance'] = "Balance"; $_LANG['invoicesbefore'] = "before"; $_LANG['invoicescancelled'] = "Cancelled"; $_LANG['invoicescollections'] = "Collections"; $_LANG['invoicescredit'] = "Credit"; $_LANG['invoicesdatecreated'] = "Invoice Date"; $_LANG['invoicesdatedue'] = "Due Date"; $_LANG['invoicesdescription'] = "Description"; $_LANG['invoicesdownload'] = "Download";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['invoicesdue'] = "Due Invoices"; $_LANG['invoiceserror'] = "An Error Occurred. Please Try Again."; $_LANG['invoicesinvoicedto'] = "Invoiced To"; $_LANG['invoicesinvoicenotes'] = "Invoice Notes"; $_LANG['invoicesnoinvoices'] = "No Invoices"; $_LANG['invoicesnotes'] = "Notes"; $_LANG['invoicesoutstandinginvoices'] = "Outstanding Invoices"; $_LANG['invoicespaid'] = "Paid"; $_LANG['invoicespaynow'] = "Pay Now"; $_LANG['invoicespayto'] = "Pay To"; $_LANG['invoicesrefunded'] = "Refunded"; $_LANG['invoicesstatus'] = "Status"; $_LANG['invoicessubtotal'] = "Sub Total"; $_LANG['invoicestax'] = "Tax Due"; $_LANG['invoicestaxindicator'] = "Indicates a taxed item."; $_LANG['invoicestitle'] = "Invoice #"; $_LANG['invoicestotal'] = "Total"; $_LANG['invoicestransactions'] = "Transactions"; $_LANG['invoicestransamount'] = "Amount"; $_LANG['invoicestransdate'] = "Transaction Date"; $_LANG['invoicestransgateway'] = "Gateway"; $_LANG['invoicestransid'] = "Transaction ID"; $_LANG['invoicestransnonefound'] = "No Related Transactions Found"; $_LANG['invoicesunpaid'] = "Unpaid"; $_LANG['invoicesview'] = "View Invoice"; $_LANG['jobtitle'] = "Job Title"; $_LANG['kbsuggestions'] = "Knowledgebase Suggestions"; $_LANG['kbsuggestionsexplanation'] = "Artikel yang dapat menjawab pertanyaan anda ada di knowledgebase. Harap Tinjau saran sebelum penyerahan."; $_LANG['knowledgebasearticles'] = "Artikel"; $_LANG['knowledgebasecategories'] = "Kategosri"; $_LANG['knowledgebasedescription'] = "Telusuri KB kami untuk memperoleh jawaban atas FAQ"; $_LANG['knowledgebasefavorites'] = "Tambah ke Favorit"; $_LANG['knowledgebasehelpful'] = "Apakah jawaban ini bermanfaat?"; $_LANG['knowledgebaseintrotext'] = "Knowledgebase ini disusun dalam berbagai kategori. Entah memilih kategori di bawah atau gunakan Pencari untuk mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan anda."; $_LANG['knowledgebasemore'] = "More"; $_LANG['knowledgebaseno'] = "No"; $_LANG['knowledgebasenoarticles'] = "Tidak ada artikel yang ditemukan"; $_LANG['knowledgebasenorelated'] = "Tidak ada Artikel Terkait"; $_LANG['knowledgebasepopular'] = "Artikel Paling Populer"; $_LANG['knowledgebaseprint'] = "Cetak Artikel ini"; $_LANG['knowledgebaserating'] = "Rating:"; $_LANG['knowledgebaseratingtext'] = "Pengguna yang menemukan ini berguna"; $_LANG['knowledgebaserelated'] = "Artikel Terkait"; $_LANG['knowledgebasesearch'] = "Cari"; $_LANG['knowledgebasetitle'] = "Knowledgebase"; $_LANG['knowledgebaseviews'] = "Lihat"; $_LANG['knowledgebasevote'] = "Vote"; $_LANG['knowledgebasevotes'] = "Votes"; $_LANG['knowledgebaseyes'] = "Yes"; $_LANG['language'] = "Language"; $_LANG['latefee'] = "Late Fee"; $_LANG['latefeeadded'] = "Added"; $_LANG['latestannouncements'] = "Latest Announcements"; $_LANG['loginbutton'] = "Login"; $_LANG['loginemail'] = "Email Address"; $_LANG['loginforgotten'] = "Forgotten Your Password?";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['loginforgotteninstructions'] = "Request a Password Reset"; $_LANG['loginincorrect'] = "Login Details Incorrect. Please try again."; $_LANG['loginintrotext'] = "You must login to access this page. These login details differ from your websites control panel username and password."; $_LANG['loginpassword'] = "Password"; $_LANG['loginrememberme'] = "Remember Me"; $_LANG['logoutcontinuetext'] = "Click here to continue..."; $_LANG['logoutsuccessful'] = "You have been successfully logged out."; $_LANG['logouttitle'] = "Logout"; $_LANG['maxmind_anonproxy'] = "We do not allow orders to be placed using an Anonymous Proxy"; $_LANG['maxmind_callingnow'] = "We are placing an automated call to your phone number now. This is part of our fraud checking measures. You will be given a 4 digit security code which you need to enter below to complete your order."; $_LANG['maxmind_countrymismatch'] = "The country of your IP address did not match the billing address country you entered so we cannot accept your order"; $_LANG['maxmind_error'] = "Error"; $_LANG['maxmind_faileddescription'] = "The code you entered was incorrect. If you feel this to be an error, please contact our support department as soon as possible."; $_LANG['maxmind_highfraudriskscore'] = 'MaxMind has deemed your order to be potentially high risk and therefore it has been held for manual review.<br /><br />If you feel you have received this message in error, then please accept our apologies and <a href="submitticket.php">submit a support ticket</a> to our Customer Service Team. Thank you.'; $_LANG['maxmind_highriskcountry'] = "Unfortunately, we are unable to accept your order as there has been a lot of fraudulent activity from your country. If you want to arrange an alternative means of payment, please contact us."; $_LANG['maxmind_incorrectcode'] = "Incorrect Code"; $_LANG['maxmind_pincode'] = "Pin Code"; $_LANG['maxmind_rejectemail'] = "We do not permit orders using a free email address, please try again using a different email address"; $_LANG['maxmind_title'] = "MaxMind"; $_LANG['more'] = "More"; $_LANG['morechoices'] = "More Choices"; $_LANG['networkissuesaffecting'] = "Affecting"; $_LANG['networkissuesaffectingyourservers'] = "Harap dicatat: Isu-isu yang mempengaruhi server anda, memiliki account akan disorot dengan latar belakang emas"; $_LANG['networkissuesdate'] = "Date"; $_LANG['networkissuesdescription'] = "Read about current and scheduled network outages"; $_LANG['networkissueslastupdated'] = "Last Updated"; $_LANG['networkissuesnonefound'] = "No network issues found"; $_LANG['networkissuespriority'] = "Priority"; $_LANG['networkissuesprioritycritical'] = "Critical"; $_LANG['networkissuespriorityhigh'] = "High"; $_LANG['networkissuesprioritylow'] = "Low"; $_LANG['networkissuesprioritymedium'] = "Medium"; $_LANG['networkissuesstatusinprogress'] = "In Progress"; $_LANG['networkissuesstatusinvestigating'] = "Investigating"; $_LANG['networkissuesstatusopen'] = "Open"; $_LANG['networkissuesstatusoutage'] = "Outage"; $_LANG['networkissuesstatusreported'] = "Reported"; $_LANG['networkissuesstatusresolved'] = "Resolved"; $_LANG['networkissuesstatusscheduled'] = "Scheduled"; $_LANG['networkissuestitle'] = "Network Issues"; $_LANG['networkissuestypeother'] = "Other"; $_LANG['networkissuestypeserver'] = "Server"; $_LANG['networkissuestypesystem'] = "System"; $_LANG['newpassword'] = "New Password"; $_LANG['nextpage'] = "Next Page"; $_LANG['no'] = "No"; $_LANG['nocarddetails'] = "No existing card details on record"; $_LANG['none'] = "None"; $_LANG['norecordsfound'] = "No Records Found";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['or'] = "or"; $_LANG['orderadditionalrequiredinfo'] = "Tambahan Informasi Yang Diperlukan"; $_LANG['orderaddon'] = "Addon"; $_LANG['orderaddondescription'] = "Berikut addons yang tersedia untuk produk ini. Pilih addons dibawah jika anda ingin memesan."; $_LANG['orderavailable'] = "Tersedia"; $_LANG['orderavailableaddons'] = "Klik untuk melihat addons yang tersedia"; $_LANG['orderbillingcycle'] = "Siklus penagihan"; $_LANG['ordercategories'] = "Kategori"; $_LANG['orderchangeaddons'] = "Ubah Addons"; $_LANG['orderchangeconfig'] = "Ubah Pilihan Konfigurasi"; $_LANG['orderchangedomain'] = "Ubah Domain"; $_LANG['orderchangenameservers'] = "Ubah nameserver saja"; $_LANG['orderchangeproduct'] = "Ubah Produkt"; $_LANG['ordercheckout'] = "Selesaikan Belanja"; $_LANG['orderchooseaddons'] = "Memilih Produk Addons"; $_LANG['orderchooseapackage'] = "Choose a Package"; $_LANG['ordercodenotfound'] = "Kode promosi yang dimasukkan tidak ada"; $_LANG['ordercompletebutnotpaid'] = "Perhatian! Pesanan Anda telah selesai tetapi Anda belum membayar sehingga belum dapat diaktifkan.<br />Klik pada link di bawah untuk pergi ke invoice Anda untuk melakukan pembayaran."; $_LANG['orderconfigpackage'] = "Pilihan Konfigurasi"; $_LANG['orderconfigure'] = "Konfigurasi Pesanan"; $_LANG['orderconfirmation'] = "Konfirmasi Pesanan"; $_LANG['orderconfirmorder'] = "Konfirmasi Pesanan"; $_LANG['ordercontinuebutton'] = "Klik Untuk Melanjutkan >>"; $_LANG['orderdesc'] = "Deskripsi"; $_LANG['orderdescription'] = "Place a new order with us"; $_LANG['orderdiscount'] = "Discount"; $_LANG['orderdomain'] = "Domain"; $_LANG['orderdomainoption1part1'] = "Saya ingin"; $_LANG['orderdomainoption1part2'] = "untuk mendaftarkan domain baru untuk saya."; $_LANG['orderdomainoption2'] = "Saya ingin update nameserver saja karena saya sudah punya domain."; $_LANG['orderdomainoption3'] = "Saya ingin mentransfer domain saya ke"; $_LANG['orderdomainoption4'] = "Saya ingin menggunakan subdomain gratis."; $_LANG['orderdomainoptions'] = "Pilihan Domain"; $_LANG['orderdomainregistration'] = "Registrasi Domain"; $_LANG['orderdomainregonly'] = "Registrasi Domain"; $_LANG['orderdomaintransfer'] = "Transfer Domain"; $_LANG['orderdontusepromo'] = "Jangan gunakan kode promosi"; $_LANG['ordererroraccepttos'] = "Anda harus menerima Persyaratan Layanan"; $_LANG['ordererrordomainalreadyexists'] = "Domain yang Anda masukkan sudah terdaftar pada sistem kami - Anda akan perlu untuk membatalkan sebelum menempatkan pesanan baru"; $_LANG['ordererrordomaininvalid'] = "Domain yang anda masukkan tidak valid"; $_LANG['ordererrordomainnotld'] = "Anda harus memasukkan domain TLD"; $_LANG['ordererrordomainnotregistered'] = "Anda tidak dapat mentransfer domain yang tidak terdaftar"; $_LANG['ordererrordomainregistered'] = "Domain yang anda masukkan sudah terdaftar"; $_LANG['ordererrornameserver1'] = "Anda harus memasukkan nameserver 1"; $_LANG['ordererrornameserver2'] = "Anda harus memasukkan nameserver 2"; $_LANG['ordererrornodomain'] = "Anda tidak memasukkan nama domain"; $_LANG['ordererrorpassword'] = "Anda tidak memasukkan password"; $_LANG['ordererrorserverhostnameinuse'] = "Hostname yang anda masukkan sudah digunakan. Silakan pilih yang lain."; $_LANG['ordererrorservernohostname'] = "Anda harus memasukkan hostname untuk server Anda"; $_LANG['ordererrorservernonameservers'] = "Anda harus memasukkan awalan untuk kedua nameserver"; $_LANG['ordererrorservernorootpw'] = "Anda harus memasukkan password root yang anda inginkan"; $_LANG['ordererrorsubdomaintaken'] = "Subdomain yang anda masukkan sudah diambil - silakan coba lagi"; $_LANG['ordererrortransfersecret'] = "Anda harus memasukkan rahasia mentransfer"; $_LANG['ordererroruserexists'] = "Pengguna lain sudah menggunakan alamat email ini"; $_LANG['orderexistinguser'] = "Saya seorang pelanggan yang sudah ada dan ingin menambah pesanan ini ke akun saya";


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Bing Translator

CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['orderfailed'] = "Pesanan Gagal"; $_LANG['orderfinalinstructions'] = "Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang pesanan Anda, silahkan membuka tiket dukungan dari wilayah klien Anda dan memasukkan nomor pesanan Anda."; $_LANG['orderfree'] = "GRATIS!"; $_LANG['orderfreedomainappliesto'] = "berlaku untuk ekstensi berikut hanya"; $_LANG['orderfreedomaindescription'] = "pada syarat-syarat pembayaran yang dipilih"; $_LANG['orderfreedomainonly'] = "Domain Gratis"; $_LANG['orderfreedomainregistration'] = "Pendaftaran Domain Gratis"; $_LANG['ordergotoclientarea'] = "Klik di sini untuk pergi ke Client Area"; $_LANG['orderinvalidcodeforbillingcycle'] = "Kode ini tidak berlaku untuk siklus penagihan yang dipilih"; $_LANG['orderlogininfo'] = "Informasi Login"; $_LANG['orderlogininfopart1'] = "Masukkan password yang ingin anda gunakan untuk login"; $_LANG['orderlogininfopart2'] = "Client Area. Ini akan berbeda dari control panel website anda username &amp; password."; $_LANG['ordernewuser'] = "Saya pelanggan baru dan ingin membuat account"; $_LANG['ordernoproducts'] = "Produk tidak ditemukan"; $_LANG['ordernotes'] = "Catatan / Informasi Tambahan"; $_LANG['ordernotesdescription'] = "Anda dapat memasukkan catatan tambahan atau informasi yang ingin anda sertakan dengan pesanan anda di sini ..."; $_LANG['ordernowbutton'] = "Pesan Sekarang"; $_LANG['ordernumberis'] = "Nomor Pesanan Anda adalah:"; $_LANG['orderpaymentmethod'] = "Metode Pembayaran"; $_LANG['orderpaymentterm12month'] = "12 Month Price"; $_LANG['orderpaymentterm1month'] = "1 Month Price"; $_LANG['orderpaymentterm24month'] = "24 Month Price"; $_LANG['orderpaymentterm3month'] = "3 Month Price"; $_LANG['orderpaymentterm6month'] = "6 Month Price"; $_LANG['orderpaymenttermannually'] = "Annually"; $_LANG['orderpaymenttermbiennially'] = "Biennially"; $_LANG['orderpaymenttermfreeaccount'] = "Free Account"; $_LANG['orderpaymenttermmonthly'] = "Monthly"; $_LANG['orderpaymenttermonetime'] = "One Time"; $_LANG['orderpaymenttermquarterly'] = "Quarterly"; $_LANG['orderpaymenttermsemiannually'] = "Semi-Annually"; $_LANG['orderprice'] = "Harga"; $_LANG['orderproduct'] = "Produk/Layanan"; $_LANG['orderprogress'] = "Progress"; $_LANG['orderpromoexpired'] = "Kode promosi yang dimasukkan telah berakhir"; $_LANG['orderpromoinvalid'] = "Kode promosi yang dimasukkan tidak berlaku untuk item dalam pesanan anda"; $_LANG['orderpromomaxusesreached'] = "Kode promosi yang dimasukkan telah digunakan"; $_LANG['orderpromotioncode'] = "Kode Promosi"; $_LANG['orderpromovalidatebutton'] = "Validasi Kode >>"; $_LANG['orderprorata'] = "Pro Rata"; $_LANG['orderreceived'] = "Terima kasih atas pesanan anda. Anda akan menerima email konfirmasi segera."; $_LANG['orderregisterdomain'] = "Register a New Domain"; $_LANG['orderregperiod'] = "Registration Period"; $_LANG['ordersecure'] = "Order form ini disediakan dalam lingkungan yang aman dan untuk membantu melindungi terhadap pemalsuan alamat IP Anda saat ini"; $_LANG['ordersecure2'] = "sedang login."; $_LANG['orderserverhostname'] = "Server Hostname"; $_LANG['orderservernameservers'] = "Nameservers"; $_LANG['orderservernameserversdescription'] = "The prefixes you enter here will determine the default nameservers for the server eg. ns1.yourdomain.com and ns2.yourdomain.com"; $_LANG['orderservernameserversprefix1'] = "Prefix 1"; $_LANG['orderservernameserversprefix2'] = "Prefix 2"; $_LANG['orderserverrootpassword'] = "Root Password"; $_LANG['ordersetupfee'] = "Setup Fee"; $_LANG['orderstartover'] = "Start Over"; $_LANG['ordersubdomaininuse'] = "The subdomain you entered is already in use";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['ordersubtotal'] = "Subtotal"; $_LANG['ordersummary'] = "Rincian Pesanan"; $_LANG['ordertaxcalculations'] = "Tax Calculations"; $_LANG['ordertaxstaterequired'] = "You must enter your state for tax calculations to take place"; $_LANG['ordertitle'] = "Pesan"; $_LANG['ordertos'] = "Syarat & Ketentuan Layanan"; $_LANG['ordertosagreement'] = "Saya telah membaca dan setuju dengan"; $_LANG['ordertotalduetoday'] = "Total Due Today"; $_LANG['ordertotalrecurring'] = "Total Recurring"; $_LANG['ordertransferdomain'] = "Transfer an Existing Domain Name"; $_LANG['ordertransfersecret'] = "Transfer Secret"; $_LANG['ordertransfersecretexplanation'] = "Please enter the Domain Transfer Secret which can be obtained from the current Registrar of the Domain Name. "; $_LANG['orderusesubdomain'] = "Use Subdomain"; $_LANG['orderyears'] = "Year/s"; $_LANG['orderyourinformation'] = "Your Information"; $_LANG['orderyourorder'] = "Your Order"; $_LANG['organizationname'] = "Organization Name"; $_LANG['outofstock'] = "Out of Stock"; $_LANG['outofstockdescription'] = "We are currently out of stock on this item so orders for it have been suspended until more stock is available. For further information, please contact us."; $_LANG['page'] = "Page"; $_LANG['pageof'] = "of"; $_LANG['please'] = "Please"; $_LANG['pleasewait'] = "Harap Tunggu..."; $_LANG['presalescontactdescription'] = "Place any pre-sales enquiries here"; $_LANG['previouspage'] = "Prev Page"; $_LANG['proformainvoicenumber'] = "Proforma Invoice #"; $_LANG['promoexistingclient'] = "You must have an active product/service to use this code"; $_LANG['promoonceperclient'] = "This code can only be used once per client"; $_LANG['pwstrengthfail'] = "The password you entered is not strong enough - please enter a more complex password"; $_LANG['quicknav'] = "Quick Navigation"; $_LANG['recordsfound'] = "Records Found"; $_LANG['recurring'] = "Recurring"; $_LANG['recurringamount'] = "Recurring Amount"; $_LANG['every'] = "Every"; $_LANG['registerdomain'] = "Registrasi Domain"; $_LANG['registerdomaindesc'] = "Ketik domain yang ingin anda daftarkan di bawah ini, untuk memeriksa ketersediaan."; $_LANG['registerdomainname'] = "Register a Domain Name"; $_LANG['relatedservice'] = "Related Service"; $_LANG['rssfeed'] = "Feed"; $_LANG['securityanswerrequired'] = "You are required to enter a security answer"; $_LANG['securitybothnotmatch'] = "Your answer and confirm answer do not match"; $_LANG['securitycurrentincorrect'] = "Your current question and answer is incorrect"; $_LANG['serverchangepassword'] = "Change Password"; $_LANG['serverchangepasswordintro'] = "From here you can change the password of the product/service (note: this does not affect your password for our client area)"; $_LANG['serverchangepasswordconfirm'] = "Confirm Password"; $_LANG['serverchangepasswordenter'] = "Enter New Password"; $_LANG['serverchangepasswordfailed'] = "Password Change Failed!"; $_LANG['serverchangepasswordsuccessful'] = "Password Changed Successfully!"; $_LANG['serverchangepasswordupdate'] = "Update"; $_LANG['serverhostname'] = "Hostname"; $_LANG['serverlogindetails'] = "Login Details"; $_LANG['servername'] = "Server"; $_LANG['serverns1prefix'] = "NS1 Prefix"; $_LANG['serverns2prefix'] = "NS2 Prefix"; $_LANG['serverpassword'] = "Password";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['serverrootpw'] = "Root Password"; $_LANG['serverstatusdescription'] = "View live status info for our servers"; $_LANG['serverstatusnoservers'] = "No Servers are currently being monitored"; $_LANG['serverstatusnotavailable'] = "Not Available"; $_LANG['serverstatusoffline'] = "Offline"; $_LANG['serverstatusonline'] = "Online"; $_LANG['serverstatusphpinfo'] = "PHP Info"; $_LANG['serverstatusserverload'] = "Server Load"; $_LANG['serverstatustitle'] = "Server Status"; $_LANG['serverstatusuptime'] = "Uptime"; $_LANG['serverusername'] = "Username"; $_LANG['show'] = "Show"; $_LANG['ssladmininfo'] = "Administrative Contact Information"; $_LANG['ssladmininfodetails'] = "The contact information below will not be displayed on the Certificate - it is used only for contacting you regarding this order. The SSL Certificate and future renewal reminders will be sent to the email address specified below."; $_LANG['sslcertapproveremail'] = "Certificate Approver Email"; $_LANG['sslcertapproveremaildetails'] = "You must now choose from the options below where you would like the approval email request for this certificate to be sent."; $_LANG['sslcertinfo'] = "SSL Certificate Information"; $_LANG['pleasechooseone'] = "Please choose one..."; $_LANG['sslcerttype'] = "Certificate Type"; $_LANG['sslconfigcomplete'] = "Configuration Complete"; $_LANG['sslconfigcompletedetails'] = "Your SSL certificate configuration has now been completed and sent to the Certificate Authority for validation. You should receive an email from them shortly to approve it."; $_LANG['sslconfsslcertificate'] = "Configure SSL Certificate"; $_LANG['sslcsr'] = "CSR"; $_LANG['sslerrorapproveremail'] = "You must choose an approver email address"; $_LANG['sslerrorentercsr'] = "You must enter your certificate signing request (CSR)"; $_LANG['sslerrorselectserver'] = "You must select your server type"; $_LANG['sslinvalidlink'] = "Invalid Link Followed. Please go back and try again."; $_LANG['sslorderdate'] = "Order Date"; $_LANG['sslserverinfo'] = "Server Information"; $_LANG['sslserverinfodetails'] = "You must have a valid \"CSR\" (Certificate Signing Request) to configure your SSL Certificate. The CSR is an encrypted piece of text that is generated by the web server where the SSL Certificate will be installed. If you do not already have a CSR, you must generate one or ask your web hosting provider to generate one for you. Also please ensure you enter the correct information as it cannot be changed after the SSL Certificate has been issued."; $_LANG['sslservertype'] = "Web Server Type"; $_LANG['sslstatus'] = "Configuration Status"; $_LANG['statscreditbalance'] = "Account Credit Balance"; $_LANG['statsdueinvoicesbalance'] = "Due Invoices Balance"; $_LANG['statsnumdomains'] = "Number of Domains"; $_LANG['statsnumproducts'] = "Number of Products/Services"; $_LANG['statsnumreferredsignups'] = "Number of Referred Signups"; $_LANG['statsnumtickets'] = "Number of Support Tickets"; $_LANG['submitticketdescription'] = "Submit a trouble ticket"; $_LANG['supportclickheretocontact'] = "click here to contact us"; $_LANG['supportpresalesquestions'] = "If you have pre-sales questions"; $_LANG['supportticketinvalid'] = "An error occurred. The requested ticket could not be found."; $_LANG['supportticketsallowedextensions'] = "Allowed File Extensions"; $_LANG['supportticketschoosedepartment'] = "Choose Department"; $_LANG['supportticketsclient'] = "Client"; $_LANG['supportticketsclientemail'] = "Email Address"; $_LANG['supportticketsclientname'] = "Name"; $_LANG['supportticketsdate'] = "Date"; $_LANG['supportticketsdepartment'] = "Department"; $_LANG['supportticketsdescription'] = "View and respond to existing tickets"; $_LANG['supportticketserror'] = "Error";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['supportticketserrornoemail'] = "You did not enter your email address"; $_LANG['supportticketserrornomessage'] = "You did not enter a message"; $_LANG['supportticketserrornoname'] = "You did not enter your name"; $_LANG['supportticketserrornosubject'] = "You did not enter a subject"; $_LANG['supportticketsfilenotallowed'] = "The file you tried to upload is not allowed."; $_LANG['supportticketsheader'] = "Jika anda tidak dapat menemukan solusi untuk masalah anda di knowledgebase kami, anda bisa mengirimkan tiket dengan memilih departemen yang sesuai di bawah ini."; $_LANG['supportticketsnotfound'] = "Ticket Not Found"; $_LANG['supportticketsopentickets'] = "Open Support Tickets"; $_LANG['supportticketspagetitle'] = "Support Tickets"; $_LANG['supportticketsposted'] = "Posted"; $_LANG['supportticketsreply'] = "Reply"; $_LANG['supportticketsstaff'] = "Staff"; $_LANG['supportticketsstatus'] = "Status"; $_LANG['supportticketsstatusanswered'] = "Answered"; $_LANG['supportticketsstatusclosed'] = "Closed"; $_LANG['supportticketsstatuscloseticket'] = "If resolved, click here to close the ticket"; $_LANG['supportticketsstatuscustomerreply'] = "Customer-Reply"; $_LANG['supportticketsstatusinprogress'] = "In Progress"; $_LANG['supportticketsstatusonhold'] = "On Hold"; $_LANG['supportticketsstatusopen'] = "Open"; $_LANG['supportticketssubject'] = "Subject"; $_LANG['supportticketssubmitticket'] = "Submit Ticket"; $_LANG['supportticketssystemdescription'] = "The support ticket system allows us to respond to your problems and enquiries as quickly as possible. When we make a response to your support ticket, you will be notified via email."; $_LANG['supportticketsticketattachments'] = "Attachments"; $_LANG['supportticketsticketcreated'] = "Ticket Created"; $_LANG['supportticketsticketcreateddesc'] = "Your ticket has been successfully created. An email has been sent to your address with the ticket information. If you would like to view this ticket now you can do so."; $_LANG['supportticketsticketid'] = "Ticket ID"; $_LANG['supportticketsticketsubject'] = "Subject"; $_LANG['supportticketsticketsubmit'] = "Submit"; $_LANG['supportticketsticketurgency'] = "Urgency"; $_LANG['supportticketsticketurgencyhigh'] = "High"; $_LANG['supportticketsticketurgencylow'] = "Low"; $_LANG['supportticketsticketurgencymedium'] = "Medium"; $_LANG['supportticketsuploadfailed'] = "Could not upload attachment file"; $_LANG['supportticketsviewticket'] = "View Ticket"; $_LANG['telesignincorrectpin'] = "Incorrect Pin!"; $_LANG['telesigninitiatephone'] = "We can't initiate phone verification for your number. Please contact us."; $_LANG['telesigninvalidnumber'] = "Invalid phone number"; $_LANG['telesigninvalidpin'] = "The PIN you entered was invalid!"; $_LANG['telesigninvalidpin2'] = "The pin you entered was not valid."; $_LANG['telesigninvalidpinmessage'] = "Pin Code Verification Failed"; $_LANG['telesignmessage'] = "Phone verification initiated for number %s . Please wait..."; $_LANG['telesignphonecall'] = "Phone call"; $_LANG['telesignpin'] = "Enter your PIN: "; $_LANG['telesignsms'] = "Sms"; $_LANG['telesignsmstextmessage'] = "Thank you for using our SMS verification system. Your code is: %s Please enter this code on your computer now.!"; $_LANG['telesigntitle'] = "TeleSign phone verification."; $_LANG['telesigntype'] = "Choose verification type for number %s:"; $_LANG['telesignverificationcanceled'] = "There is a temporary problem with the phone verification service and phone verification has been canceled."; $_LANG['telesignverificationproblem'] = "There was a problem with the phone verification service and your order could not be validated. Please try again later."; $_LANG['telesignverify'] = "Your phone number %s needs to be verified to complete the order."; $_LANG['ticketratingexcellent'] = "Excellent";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['ticketratingpoor'] = "Poor"; $_LANG['ticketratingquestion'] = "How would you rate this reply?"; $_LANG['ticketreatinggiven'] = "You rated this response"; $_LANG['transferdomain'] = "Transfer Domain"; $_LANG['transferdomaindesc'] = "Ingin pindah domain anda kepada kami? Jika demikian, masukkan domain anda di bawah ini untuk memulai."; $_LANG['transferdomainname'] = "Transfer a Domain Name"; $_LANG['updatecart'] = "Update Cart"; $_LANG['upgradechooseconfigoptions'] = "Upgrade/Downgrade the configurable options on this product."; $_LANG['upgradechoosepackage'] = "Choose the package you want to upgrade/downgrade your current package to from the options below."; $_LANG['upgradecurrentconfig'] = "Current Configuration"; $_LANG['upgradedowngradeconfigoptions'] = "Upgrade/Downgrade Options"; $_LANG['upgradenewconfig'] = "New Configuration"; $_LANG['upgradenochange'] = "No Change"; $_LANG['upgradeproductlogic'] = "Upgrade price is calculated from a credit of the unused portion of the current plan and billing of the new plan for the same period"; $_LANG['upgradesummary'] = "Below is a summary of your upgrade order."; $_LANG['usedefaultcontact'] = "Menggunakan kontak Default (rincian di atas)"; $_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_callnow'] = "Call Now!"; $_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_description'] = "As part of our fraud prevention measures, we will now call the phone number registered for your account and ask you to enter the above pin code. Please make a note of the pin code and when you are ready for us to place the phone call, please click on the button below."; $_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_error'] = "An error occurred and we could not call your phone number to verify your order. Please contact our support department as soon as possible to complete your order."; $_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_fail'] = "The call to verify your order failed. This could be because your phone number was incorrectly entered or is blacklisted on our system. Please contact our support department as soon as possible to complete your order."; $_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_failed'] = "Failed"; $_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_pincode'] = "Pin Code"; $_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_title'] = "VariLogix FraudCall"; $_LANG['viewcart'] = "View Cart"; $_LANG['welcomeback'] = "Welcome Back"; $_LANG['whoisresults'] = "WHOIS Results for"; $_LANG['yes'] = "Yes"; $_LANG['yourdetails'] = "Rincian Anda"; # Version 4.1 $_LANG['clientareafiles'] = "Attached Files"; $_LANG['clientareafilesdate'] = "Date Added"; $_LANG['clientareafilesfilename'] = "Filename"; $_LANG['pwreset'] = "Lost Password Reset"; $_LANG['pwresetdesc'] = "If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it here. When you fill in your registered email address (and answer your account security question if set), you will be sent instructions on how to reset your password."; $_LANG['pwresetemailrequired'] = "Please enter your email address"; $_LANG['pwresetemailnotfound'] = "No client account was found with the email address you entered"; $_LANG['pwresetsecurityquestionrequired'] = "As you have a security question setup on your account, you must enter the answer to this question below."; $_LANG['pwresetsecurityquestionincorrect'] = "The security question answer you entered does not match the answer set in your account"; $_LANG['pwresetsubmit'] = "Submit"; $_LANG['pwresetvalidationsent'] = "Validation Email Sent"; $_LANG['pwresetvalidationcheckemail'] = "The password reset process has now been started. Please check your email for instructions on what to do next."; $_LANG['pwresetkeyinvalid'] = "The reset link you have followed is invalid. Please try again.";


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Bing Translator

CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['pwresetkeyexpired'] = "The reset link you have followed has expired. Please try again."; $_LANG['pwresetvalidationsuccess'] = "Password Reset Successful"; $_LANG['overagescharges'] = "Overage Charge"; $_LANG['overagestotaldiskusage'] = "Total Disk Usage"; $_LANG['overagestotalbwusage'] = "Total Bandwidth Usage"; $_LANG['affiliatescommissionspending'] = "Commissions Pending Maturation"; $_LANG['affiliatescommissionsavailable'] = "Available Commissions Balance"; $_LANG['affiliatessignups'] = "Number of Signups"; $_LANG['affiliatesconversionrate'] = "Conversion Rate"; $_LANG['configoptionqtyminmax'] = "%s has a minimum requirement of %s and maximum of %s"; $_LANG['creditcardnostore'] = "Tick this box if you do NOT want us to store your credit card details for recurring billing"; $_LANG['creditcarddelete'] = "Delete Saved Card Details"; $_LANG['creditcarddeleteconfirmation'] = "The stored credit card details have now been removed from your account"; $_LANG['creditcardupdatenotpossible'] = "Credit Card Details cannot be updated at the current time. Please try again later."; $_LANG['invoicepaymentsuccessconfirmation'] = "Thank You! Your payment was successful."; $_LANG['invoicepaymentfailedconfirmation'] = "Unfortunately your payment attempt was not successful.<br />Please try again or contact support."; # Version 4.2 $_LANG['promoappliedbutnodiscount'] = "The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet - please check the promotion terms"; $_LANG['upgradeerroroverdueinvoice'] = "You cannot currently upgrade or downgrade this product because an invoice has already been generated for the next renewal.<br /><br />To proceed, please first pay the outstanding invoice and then you will be able to upgrade or downgrade immediately following that and be charged the difference or credited as appropriate."; $_LANG['subaccountactivate'] = "Activate Sub-Account"; $_LANG['subaccountactivatedesc'] = "Tick to configure as a sub-account with client area access"; $_LANG['subaccountpermissions'] = "Sub-Account Permissions"; $_LANG['subaccountpermsprofile'] = "Modify Master Account Profile"; $_LANG['subaccountpermscontacts'] = "View & Manage Contacts"; $_LANG['subaccountpermsproducts'] = "View Products & Services"; $_LANG['subaccountpermsmanageproducts'] = "View & Modify Product Passwords"; $_LANG['subaccountpermsdomains'] = "View Domains"; $_LANG['subaccountpermsmanagedomains'] = "Manage Domain Settings"; $_LANG['subaccountpermsinvoices'] = "View & Pay Invoices"; $_LANG['subaccountpermstickets'] = "View & Open Support Tickets"; $_LANG['subaccountpermsaffiliates'] = "View & Manage Affiliate Account"; $_LANG['subaccountpermsemails'] = "View Emails"; $_LANG['subaccountpermsorders'] = "Place New Orders/Upgrades/Cancellations"; $_LANG['subaccountpermissiondenied'] = "You do not have the required permissions to access this page"; $_LANG['subaccountallowedperms'] = "Your allowed permissions are:"; $_LANG['subaccountcontactmaster'] = "Contact the master account owner if you feel this to be an error."; $_LANG['knowledgebasealsoread'] = "Also Read"; $_LANG['orderpaymenttermtriennially'] = "Triennially"; $_LANG['orderpaymentterm36month'] = "36 Month Price"; $_LANG['domainrenewals'] = "Domain Renewals"; $_LANG['domaindaysuntilexpiry'] = "Days Until Expiry"; $_LANG['domainrenewalsnoneavailable'] = "There are no domains elligible for renewal in your account";


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Bing Translator

CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['domainrenewalspastgraceperiod'] = "Past Renewable Period"; $_LANG['domainrenewalsingraceperiod'] = "Last Chance to Renew!"; $_LANG['domainrenewalsdays'] = "Days"; $_LANG['domainrenewalsdaysago'] = "Days Ago"; $_LANG['invoicespartialpayments'] = "Partial Payments"; $_LANG['invoicestotaldue'] = "Total Due"; $_LANG['masspaytitle'] = "Pembayaran Massa"; $_LANG['masspaydescription'] = "Di bawah ini adalah ringkasan dari faktur yang dipilih dan total karena untuk membayar mereka semua. Untuk mengirimkan pembayaran silahkan saja memilih metode pembayaran yang Anda inginkan di bawah ini dan kemudian menyerahkan."; $_LANG['masspayselected'] = "Pay Selected"; $_LANG['masspayall'] = "Pay All"; $_LANG['masspaymakepayment'] = "Make Payment"; # Version 4.3 $_LANG['searchenterdomain'] = "Enter Domain to Find"; $_LANG['searchfilter'] = "Filter"; $_LANG['suspendreason'] = "Suspension Reason"; $_LANG['suspendreasonoverdue'] = "Overdue on Payment"; $_LANG['vpsnetmanagement'] = "VPS Management"; $_LANG['vpsnetpowermanagement'] = "Power Management"; $_LANG['poweron'] = "Power On"; $_LANG['poweroffforced'] = "Power Off (Forced)"; $_LANG['powerreboot'] = "Reboot"; $_LANG['powershutdown'] = "Shutdown"; $_LANG['vpsnetcpugraphs'] = "CPU Graphs"; $_LANG['vpsnetnetworkgraphs'] = "Network Graphs"; $_LANG['vpsnethourly'] = "Hourly"; $_LANG['vpsnetdaily'] = "Daily"; $_LANG['vpsnetweekly'] = "Weekly"; $_LANG['vpsnetmonthly'] = "Monthly"; $_LANG['view'] = "View"; $_LANG['vpsnetbackups'] = "Backup Options"; $_LANG['vpsnetgenbackup'] = "Generate Backup"; $_LANG['vpsnetrestorebackup'] = "Restore Backup"; $_LANG['vpsnetrestorebackupwarning'] = "Restoring the backup will over write your VPS server"; $_LANG['vpsnetnobackups'] = "There are no backups"; $_LANG['vpsnetrunning'] = "Running"; $_LANG['vpsnetnotrunning'] = "Not Running"; $_LANG['vpsnetpowercycling'] = "Power is cycling"; $_LANG['vpsnetcloud'] = "Cloud"; $_LANG['vpsnettemplate'] = "Template"; $_LANG['vpsnetstatus'] = "System Status"; $_LANG['vpsnetbwusage'] = "Bandwidth Usage"; $_LANG['twitterlatesttweets'] = "Our Latest Tweets"; $_LANG['twitterfollow'] = "Follow Us on Twitter"; $_LANG['twitterfollowus'] = "Follow us"; $_LANG['twitterfollowuswhy'] = "to stay up to date with our latest news &amp; offers"; $_LANG['chatlivehelp'] = "Live Help"; $_LANG['domainrelease'] = "Release Domain";


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Bing Translator

CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['domainreleasedescription'] = "Enter a new TAG here to move your domain name to another registrar"; $_LANG['domainreleasetag'] = "New Registrar Tag"; # Ajax Order Form $_LANG['orderformtitle'] = "Order Form"; $_LANG['signup'] = "Signup"; $_LANG['loading'] = "Loading..."; $_LANG['ordersummarybegin'] = "Please choose a product to begin"; $_LANG['cartchooseproduct'] = "Pilih Product"; $_LANG['cartconfigurationoptions'] = "Configuration Options"; $_LANG['ordererrorsoccurred'] = "The following errors occurred and must be corrected before checkout:"; $_LANG['ordererrortermsofservice'] = "The Terms of Service must be agreed to"; $_LANG['ordertostickconfirm'] = "Please tick to confirm you agree to the"; $_LANG['cartnewcustomer'] = "I'm a New Customer"; $_LANG['cartexistingcustomer'] = "I'm an Existing Customer"; $_LANG['cartpromo'] = "Promotion"; $_LANG['cartenterpromo'] = "Enter Promotion Code"; $_LANG['cartremovepromo'] = "Remove Promo"; $_LANG['cartrecurringcharges'] = "Recurring Charges"; $_LANG['cartenterdomain'] = "Please enter the domain you would like to use below."; $_LANG['cartdomainavailableoptions'] = "Congratulations, this domain is available!"; $_LANG['cartdomainavailableregister'] = "Please register this domain for"; $_LANG['cartdomainavailablemanual'] = "I will register it myself seperately"; $_LANG['cartdomainunavailableoptions'] = "Sorry, this domain is already taken. If you are the owner, please choose an option below..."; $_LANG['cartdomainunavailabletransfer'] = "Please transfer my domain for"; $_LANG['cartdomainunavailablemanual'] = "I already own this domain and will update the nameservers"; $_LANG['cartdomaininvalid'] = "The domain you entered is not valid. Enter only the part after the www. and include the TLD"; # Version 4.4 $_LANG['dlinvalidlink'] = "Invalid Link Followed. Please Contact Support"; $_LANG['domaindnsmanagementlaunch'] = "Launch DNS Manager"; $_LANG['domainemailforwardinglaunch'] = "Launch Mail Forwarding Manager"; # Version 4.5 $_LANG['domaindnspriority'] = "Priority"; $_LANG['domaindnsmxonly'] = "Priority Record for MX Only"; $_LANG['orderpromoprestart'] = "This promotion has not yet started. Please try again later."; $_LANG['ticketmerge'] = "MERGED"; $_LANG['quote'] = "Quote";


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Bing Translator

CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['quotestitle'] = "Kutipan saya"; $_LANG['quoteview'] = "View"; $_LANG['quotedownload'] = "Download"; $_LANG['quoteacceptbtn'] = "Accept Quote"; $_LANG['quotedlpdfbtn'] = "Download PDF"; $_LANG['quotediscountheading'] = "Discount (%)"; $_LANG['noquotes'] = "There are currently no quotes saved under your account.<br />To request a quote, please open a ticket."; $_LANG['quotenumber'] = "Quote #"; $_LANG['quotesubject'] = "Subject"; $_LANG['quotedatecreated'] = "Date Created"; $_LANG['quotevaliduntil'] = "Valid Until"; $_LANG['quotestage'] = "Stage"; $_LANG['quoterecipient'] = "Recipient"; $_LANG['quoteqty'] = "Qty"; $_LANG['quotedesc'] = "Description"; $_LANG['quoteunitprice'] = "Unit Price"; $_LANG['quotediscount'] = "Discount %"; $_LANG['quotelinetotal'] = "Total"; $_LANG['quotestagedraft'] = "Draft"; $_LANG['quotestagedelivered'] = "Delivered"; $_LANG['quotestageonhold'] = "On Hold"; $_LANG['quotestageaccepted'] = "Accepted"; $_LANG['quotestagelost'] = "Expired"; $_LANG['quotestagedead'] = "Expired"; $_LANG['quoteref'] = "Re Quote #"; $_LANG['quotedeposit'] = "Deposit"; $_LANG['quotefinalpayment'] = "Balance from Deposit"; $_LANG['invoiceoneoffpayment'] = "Make One Off Payment"; $_LANG['invoicesubscriptionpayment'] = "Create Automated Recurring Subscription"; $_LANG['invoicepaymentpendingreview'] = "Thank You! Your payment was successful and will be applied to your invoice as soon as 2CheckOut's Review Process has completed.<br /><br />This can take up to a few hours so your patience is appreciated."; $_LANG['step'] = "Step %s"; $_LANG['cartdomainexists'] = "Domain ini sudah ada dalam database kami sehingga tidak dapat memesan lagi"; $_LANG['cartcongratsdomainavailable'] = "Selamat, %s Tersedia!"; $_LANG['cartregisterhowlong'] = "Berapa lama anda ingin mendaftar untuk?"; $_LANG['cartdomaintaken'] = "Maaf, %s sudah diambil"; $_LANG['carttransfernotregistered'] = "%s tampaknya tidak ada yang mendaftarkan sebelumnya"; $_LANG['carttransferpossible'] = "Selamat, anda dapat mentransfer %s kepada kami hanya %s"; $_LANG['cartotherdomainsuggestions'] = "Domain lainnya anda mungkin tertarik .."; $_LANG['cartdomainsconfiginfo'] = "Pilihan dan pengaturan berikut ini tersedia untuk domain yang telah anda pilih. Bidang yang harus diisi ditandai dengan *."; $_LANG['cartnameserverchoice'] = "Nameserver Choice"; $_LANG['cartnameserverchoicedefault'] = "Gunakan default nameserver untuk hosting kami"; $_LANG['cartnameserverchoicecustom'] = "Gunakan nameserver default"; $_LANG['cartfollowingaddonsavailable'] = "Berikut addons yang tersedia untuk produk & jasa aktif anda."; $_LANG['cartregisterdomainchoice'] = "Saya ingin mendaftarkan domain baru"; $_LANG['carttransferdomainchoice'] = "Saya ingin mentransfer domain dari registrar lain ke sini"; $_LANG['cartexistingdomainchoice'] = "Saya akan update Name Server saja karena saya sudah punya domain."; $_LANG['cartsubdomainchoice'] = "Gunakan subdomain dari %s"; $_LANG['carterrordomainconfigskipped'] = "Anda harus kembali dan Lengkapi bidang konfigurasi domain yang dibutuhkan di atas"; $_LANG['cartproductchooseoptions'] = "Konfigurasi Pesanan"; $_LANG['cartproductselection'] = "Pilihan Produk";


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Bing Translator

CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['cartreviewcheckout'] = "Tinjauan & Selesaikan Pesanan"; $_LANG['cartchoosecycle'] = "Choose Billing Cycle"; $_LANG['cartavailableaddons'] = "Addons Tersedia"; $_LANG['cartsetupfees'] = "Setup Fees"; $_LANG['cartchooseanotherproduct'] = "Memilih Produk Lain"; $_LANG['cartaddandcheckout'] = "Tambah Ke Keranjang Belanja & Selesaikan Pesanan"; $_LANG['cartchooseanothercategory'] = "Pilih Kategori Produk & Layanan Lain"; $_LANG['carttryanotherdomain'] = "Try another domain"; $_LANG['cartmakedomainselection'] = "Harap menyediakan kami dengan domain yang ingin Anda gunakan dengan layanan hosting Anda dengan memilih opsi dari pilihan di bawah ini."; $_LANG['cartfraudcheck'] = "Fraud Check"; $_LANG['newcustomer'] = "Pelanggan Baru"; $_LANG['existingcustomer'] = "Pelanggan Lama"; $_LANG['newcustomersignup'] = "<strong>Belum mendaftar?</strong> %sKlik di sini untuk mendaftar ...%s"; $_LANG['upgradeonselectedoptions'] = "(Pada Pilihan Terpilih)"; $_LANG['recurringpromodesc'] = "ode promosi ini juga mencakup %s Recurring Diskon<br />(diskon ini akan berlaku untuk perpanjangan masa total harga produk)"; # Version 4.5.2 $_LANG['ajaxcartcheckout'] = "Klik Untuk melanjutkan &raquo;"; $_LANG['ordersummarybegin'] = "Shopping Cart is Empty<br/>Please choose a product to begin..."; $_LANG['ajaxcartconfigreqnotice'] = "Anda sedang berada di biling area kami, tetapi anda harus memilih domain sebelum anda dapat menambahkan dipilih produk ke keranjang..."; # Version 5.0.0 $_LANG['cancelrequestdomain'] = "Cancel Domain Renewal?"; $_LANG['cancelrequestdomaindesc'] = "You also have an active domain registration for the domain associated with this product<br />This domain is due to renew on %s at a cost of %s for %s Year/s<br /><br />If you would like to cancel the domain as well, and let it expire at the end of the current registration, then simply tick the box below."; $_LANG['cancelrequestdomainconfirm'] = "I confirm I do not want to renew this domain again"; $_LANG['startingfrom'] = "Starting from"; $_LANG['orderpromopriceoverride'] = "Price Override"; $_LANG['orderpromofreesetup'] = "Free Setup"; $_LANG['thereisaproblem'] = "Oops, there's a problem..."; $_LANG['problemgoback'] = "Go back & try again"; $_LANG['quantity'] = "Quantity"; $_LANG['cartqtyenterquantity'] = "Want more than 1 of this item? Enter Quantity Here:"; $_LANG['cartqtyupdate'] = "Update"; $_LANG['invoiceqtyeach'] = "/each"; $_LANG['nschoicedefault'] = "Use default nameservers"; $_LANG['nschoicecustom'] = "Use custom nameservers (enter below)"; $_LANG['jumpto'] = "Jump to"; $_LANG['top'] = "Top"; $_LANG['domaincontactusexisting'] = "Use existing account contact"; $_LANG['domaincontactusecustom'] = "Specify custom information below"; $_LANG['domaincontactchoose'] = "Choose Contact"; $_LANG['domaincontactprimary'] = "Primary Profile Data";


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Bing Translator

CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['invoicepdfgenerated'] = "PDF Generated on"; $_LANG['domainrenewalsbeforerenewlimit'] = "Minimum Advance Renewal is %s Days"; $_LANG['promonewsignupsonly'] = "This promotion code is only valid for new customers"; # Bulk Domain Management $_LANG['domainbulkmanagement'] = "Bulk Management Actions"; $_LANG['domainbulkmanagementchangesaffect'] = "The changes made below will affect the following domains:"; $_LANG['domainbulkmanagementchangeaffect'] = "This change will apply to the following domains:"; $_LANG['domaincannotbemanaged'] = "cannot be managed automatically - please contact support regarding any changes you want to make"; $_LANG['domainbulkmanagementnotpossible'] = "Unfortunately these settings cannot be edited from our client area at the current time. Please contact support regarding any changes you wanted to make."; $_LANG['domainmanagens'] = "Manage Nameservers"; $_LANG['domainautorenewstatus'] = "Auto Renewal Status"; $_LANG['domainautorenewinfo'] = "Auto renew helps protect your domain. When enabled, we will automatically send you a renewal invoice a few weeks before your domain expires, and renew the domain should payment be successful."; $_LANG['domainautorenewrecommend'] = "We recommend keeping auto renew enabled to avoid losing your domain."; $_LANG['domainreglockstatus'] = "Registrar Lock Status"; $_LANG['domainreglockinfo'] = "Registrar Lock (also known as Theft Protection) secures your Domain from unauthorized transfers."; $_LANG['domainreglockrecommend'] = "We recommend that you keep this enabled, except when transferring your Domain Name away."; $_LANG['domainreglockenable'] = "Enable Registrar Lock"; $_LANG['domainreglockdisable'] = "Disable Registrar Lock"; $_LANG['domaincontactinfoedit'] = "Edit Contact Information"; $_LANG['domainmassrenew'] = "Renew Domains"; # reCAPTCHA $_LANG['captchatitle'] = "Spam Bot Verification"; $_LANG['captchaverify'] = "Masukkan karakter yang anda lihat pada gambar di bawah ini ke kotak teks yang disediakan. Hal ini diperlukan untuk mencegah pengiriman otomatis."; $_LANG['captchaverifyincorrect'] = "Karakter yang dimasukkan tidak sesuai dengan gambar yang ditampilkan. Silakan coba lagi."; $_LANG['recaptcha-invalid-site-private-key'] = "Kesalahan terjadi, hubungi dukungan (error code: cap1)"; $_LANG['recaptcha-invalid-request-cookie'] = "Kesalahan terjadi, silakan coba lagi (error code: cap2)"; $_LANG['recaptcha-incorrect-captcha-sol'] = "Karakter yang anda masukkan tidak sesuai verifikasi kata. Silakan coba lagi."; # Product Bundles $_LANG['bundledeal'] = "Bundle Deal!"; $_LANG['bundlevaliddateserror'] = "Bundle Unavailable"; $_LANG['bundlevaliddateserrordesc'] = "This bundle is either not yet active or has expired. If you feel this message to be an error, please contact support."; $_LANG['bundlemaxusesreached'] = "Bundle Unavailable"; $_LANG['bundlemaxusesreacheddesc'] = "This bundle offer has reached the maximum number of uses allowed and so unfortunately is no longer available. Please contact us if you you're interested in our services to discuss."; $_LANG['bundlereqsnotmet'] = "Bundle Requirements Not Met"; $_LANG['bundlewarningpromo'] = "The selected bundle cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or offers";


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Bing Translator

CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['bundlewarningproductcycle'] = "The selected bundle requires you choose the billing cycle '%s' for product %s to qualify"; $_LANG['bundlewarningproductconfopreq'] = "The selected bundle requires you select '%s' for '%s' in order to qualify"; $_LANG['bundlewarningproductconfopyesnoenable'] = "The selected bundle requires you enable the option '%s' in order to qualify"; $_LANG['bundlewarningproductconfopyesnodisable'] = "The selected bundle requires you deselect the option '%s' in order to qualify"; $_LANG['bundlewarningproductconfopqtyreq'] = "The selected bundle requires you choose a quantity of '%s' for '%s' in order to qualify"; $_LANG['bundlewarningproductaddonreq'] = "The selected bundle requires you select the addon '%s' for product %s to qualify"; $_LANG['bundlewarningdomainreq'] = "The selected bundle requires you register or transfer a domain with the product %s to qualify"; $_LANG['bundlewarningdomaintld'] = "The selected bundle requires you choose a domain with the extension(s) '%s' for domain %s to qualify"; $_LANG['bundlewarningdomainregperiod'] = "The selected bundle requires you select the registration period '%s' for domain %s to qualify"; $_LANG['bundlewarningdomainaddon'] = "The selected bundle requires you select the addon '%s' for domain %s to qualify"; # New Client Area Template Lines $_LANG['navservices'] = "Services"; $_LANG['navservicesorder'] = "Memesan Layanan Baru"; $_LANG['navdomains'] = "Domains"; $_LANG['navrenewdomains'] = "Perpanjang Domain"; $_LANG['navregisterdomain'] = "Daftarkan Domain Baru"; $_LANG['navtransferdomain'] = "Transfer Domain"; $_LANG['navwhoislookup'] = "Whois Lookup"; $_LANG['navbilling'] = "Billing"; $_LANG['navsupport'] = "Support"; $_LANG['navtickets'] = "Tickets"; $_LANG['navopenticket'] = "Open Ticket"; $_LANG['navmanagecc'] = "Manage Credit Card"; $_LANG['navemailssent'] = "Email History"; $_LANG['hello'] = "Hello"; $_LANG['account'] = "Account"; $_LANG['login'] = "Login"; $_LANG['register'] = "Register"; $_LANG['forgotpw'] = "Forgot Password?"; $_LANG['editaccountdetails'] = "Edit Rincian Account"; $_LANG['clientareanavccdetails'] = "Rincian Kartu kredit"; $_LANG['clientareanavcontacts'] = "Contacts/Sub-Accounts"; $_LANG['manageyouraccount'] = "Kelola Akun Anda"; $_LANG['accountoverview'] = "Tinjauan Account"; $_LANG['paymentmethod'] = "Payment Method"; $_LANG['paymentmethoddefault'] = "Use Default (Set Per Order)"; $_LANG['productmanagementactions'] = "Management Actions"; $_LANG['clientareanoaddons'] = "No Addons Purchased Yet"; $_LANG['downloadssearch'] = "Cari Downloads"; $_LANG['emailviewmessage'] = "View Message"; $_LANG['resultsperpage'] = "Results Per Page"; $_LANG['accessdenied'] = "Access Denied"; $_LANG['search'] = "Search"; $_LANG['cancel'] = "Cancel"; $_LANG['clientareabacklink'] = "&laquo; Back";


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Bing Translator

CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['backtoserviceslist'] = "&laquo; Back to Services List"; $_LANG['backtodomainslist'] = "&laquo; Back to Domains List"; $_LANG['clientareahomeorder'] = "Kunjungi Pusat Pemesanan untuk menelusuri Produk & Layanan yang kami tawarkan. Mitra terdaftar juga dapat membeli tambahan opsional di sini."; $_LANG['clientareahomelogin'] = "Sudah terdaftar dengan kami? Jika sudah, klik tombol di bawah ini untuk masuk ke dalam area mitra kami dimana anda dapat mengelola akun anda."; $_LANG['clientareahomeorderbtn'] = "Munuju Form Pemesanan"; $_LANG['clientareahomeloginbtn'] = "Login Member Area"; $_LANG['clientareaproductsintro'] = "These are all the services you have registered in this account."; $_LANG['clientareaproductdetailsintro'] = "Here is an overview of your product/service with us."; $_LANG['clientareadomainsintro'] = "View &amp; manage all the domains you have registered with us from here..."; $_LANG['invoicesintro'] = "Di bawah ini Anda dapat meninjau seluruh riwayat invoice pada kami."; $_LANG['quotesintro'] = "Here are all the quotes we've generated for you."; $_LANG['emailstagline'] = "Here's a copy of the recent emails we've sent you..."; $_LANG['supportticketsintro'] = "Kirim dan melacak setiap pertanyaan kami di sini..."; $_LANG['addfundsintro'] = "Deposit money in advance"; $_LANG['registerintro'] = "Buat account anda di sini. . ."; $_LANG['masspayintro'] = "Pay all the invoices listed below in a single easy transaction by choosing a payment method"; $_LANG['domaincheckerintro'] = "Mulai web hosting anda cari di sini dengann periksa ketersediaan domain anda..."; $_LANG['networkstatusintro'] = "Layanan informasi Status dan Pengumuman jaringan"; $_LANG['creditcardyourinfo'] = "Billing Information"; $_LANG['ourlatestnews'] = "Our Latest News"; $_LANG['ccexpiringsoon'] = "Credit Card Expiring Soon"; $_LANG['ccexpiringsoondesc'] = "Your credit card is expiring soon so please ensure you %supdate your card details%s with us when you can"; $_LANG['availcreditbal'] = "Available Credit Balance"; $_LANG['availcreditbaldesc'] = "You have a credit balance of %s and this will be automatically applied to any new invoices"; $_LANG['youhaveoverdueinvoices'] = "You have %s Overdue Invoice(s)"; $_LANG['overdueinvoicesdesc'] = "To avoid service interruption, please pay your outstanding invoices as soon as possible. %sPay Now &raquo;%s"; $_LANG['supportticketsnoneopen'] = "There are currently no open support tickets"; $_LANG['invoicesnoneunpaid'] = "There are currently no unpaid invoices"; $_LANG['registerdisablednotice'] = "Untuk mendaftar silahkan letakkan sebuah <strong><a href=\"cart.php\">pesanan</a></strong>"; $_LANG['pwstrength'] = "Kekuatan Password"; $_LANG['pwstrengthenter'] = "Masukkan Password"; $_LANG['pwstrengthweak'] = "Lemah"; $_LANG['pwstrengthmoderate'] = "Menengah"; $_LANG['pwstrengthstrong'] = "Kuat"; $_LANG['managing'] = "Managing"; $_LANG['information'] = "Information"; $_LANG['withselected'] = "With Selected"; $_LANG['managedomain'] = "Manage Domain"; $_LANG['changenameservers'] = "Change Nameservers"; $_LANG['clientareadomainmanagedns'] = "Manage DNS"; $_LANG['clientareadomainmanageemailfwds'] = "Manage Email Forwards"; $_LANG['moduleactionsuccess'] = "Action Completed Successfully!"; $_LANG['moduleactionfailed'] = "Action Failed"; $_LANG['domaininfoexp'] = "To the right you can find the details of your domain. You can manage your domain using the tabs above."; $_LANG['domainrenewexp'] = "Enable auto renew to have us automatically send you a renewal invoice before your domain


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

expires."; $_LANG['domainnsexp'] = "You can change where your domain points to here. Please be aware changes can take up to 24 hours to propogate."; $_LANG['domainlockingexp'] = "Lock your domain to prevent it from being transferred away without your authorization."; $_LANG['domaincurrentlyunlocked'] = "Domain Currently Unlocked!"; $_LANG['domaincurrentlyunlockedexp'] = "You should enable the registrar lock unless you are transferring the domain."; $_LANG['searchmultipletlds'] = "Search Multiple TLDs"; $_LANG['networkstatustitle'] = "Network Status"; $_LANG['networkstatusnone'] = "There are no %s Network Issues Currently"; $_LANG['serverstatusheadingtext'] = "Below is a real-time overview of our servers where you can check if there's any known issues."; $_LANG['clientareacancelreasonrequired'] = "You must enter a cancellation reason"; $_LANG['addfundsdescription'] = "Add funds to your account with us to avoid lots of small transactions and to automatically take care of any new invoices to generate."; $_LANG['addfundsnonrefundable'] = "* All deposits are non-refundable."; $_LANG['creditcardexpirydateinvalid'] = "Tanggal kadaluwarsa harus dimasukkan dalam format MM/YY dan tidak berlaku untuk pesanan berikut"; $_LANG['domaincheckerchoosedomain'] = "Dapatkan Domain Kesayangan Anda..."; $_LANG['domaincheckerchecknewdomain'] = "Periksa Ketersediaan Domain Baru"; $_LANG['domaincheckerdomainexample'] = " contoh. domainkamu.com"; $_LANG['domaincheckerinvalidtld'] = "bukan TLD valid. Silakan coba lagi."; $_LANG['domaincheckerhostingonly'] = "Pesan Hosting Saja (Sudah Punya Domain)"; $_LANG['domaincheckeravailtransfer'] = "Tersedia untuk transfer"; $_LANG['domaincheckerenterdomain'] = "Mulai pengalaman web hosting anda bersama kami dengan memasukkan nama domain yang ingin anda daftarkan, transfer atau hanya membeli hosting saja dibawah ini ..."; $_LANG['domaincheckerbulkinvaliddomain'] = "Satu atau lebih dari domain yang Anda masukkan di atas tidak valid dan telah sangat ommitted dari hasil"; $_LANG['kbquestionsearchere'] = "Punya pertanyaan? Mulai pencarian anda di sini."; $_LANG['contactus'] = "Contact Us"; $_LANG['opennewticket'] = "Open New Ticket"; $_LANG['searchtickets'] = "Enter Ticket # or Subject"; $_LANG['supportticketspriority'] = "Priority"; $_LANG['supportticketsubmitted'] = "Submitted"; $_LANG['supportticketscontact'] = "Contact"; $_LANG['supportticketsticketlastupdated'] = "Last Updated"; $_LANG['upgradedowngradepackage'] = "Upgrade/Downgrade"; $_LANG['upgradedowngradechooseproduct'] = "Pilih Produk"; $_LANG['jobtitlereqforcompany'] = "(Diperlukan jika Nama Organisasi diatur)"; $_LANG['downloadproductrequired'] = "Mengunduh item ini mengharuskan Anda untuk memiliki sebuah instance aktif dari produk / layanan sebagai berikut:"; $_LANG['affiliatesignuptitle'] = "Dibayar jika merujuk pelanggan kepada kami"; $_LANG['affiliatesignupintro'] = "Aktifkan akun afiliasi anda dan mulai mendapatkan uang hari ini ..."; $_LANG['affiliatesignupinfo1'] = "Kami membayar komisi untuk setiap pendaftaran yang datang melalui link pendaftaran kustom anda."; $_LANG['affiliatesignupinfo2'] = "Kami melacak pengunjung anda merujuk kepada kami menggunakan cookie, sehingga pengguna yang anda lihat tidak perlu membeli langsung buat anda untuk menerima komisi anda. Kue terakhir untuk hingga 90 hari setelah kunjungan awal.";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['affiliatesignupinfo3'] = "Jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi kami."; # Version 5.1 $_LANG['copyright'] = "Copyright"; $_LANG['allrightsreserved'] = "All Rights Reserved"; $_LANG['supportticketsclose'] = "Close Ticket"; $_LANG['affiliatesinitialthen'] = "Initially then"; $_LANG['invoicesoutstandingbalance'] = "Outstanding Balance"; $_LANG['cpanellogin'] = "Login to cPanel"; $_LANG['cpanelwhmlogin'] = "Login to WHM"; $_LANG['cpanelwebmaillogin'] = "Login to Webmail"; $_LANG['enkompasslogin'] = "Login to Enkompass"; $_LANG['plesklogin'] = "Login to Plesk Control Panel"; $_LANG['helmlogin'] = "Login to Helm Control Panel"; $_LANG['hypervmrestart'] = "Restart VPS Server"; $_LANG['siteworxlogin'] = "Login to SiteWorx Control Panel"; $_LANG['nodeworxlogin'] = "Login to NodeWorx Control Panel"; $_LANG['veportallogin'] = "Login to vePortal"; $_LANG['virtualminlogin'] = "Login to Control Panel"; $_LANG['websitepanellogin'] = "Login to Control Panel"; $_LANG['whmsoniclogin'] = "Login to Control Panel"; $_LANG['xpanelmaillogin'] = "Login to Webmail"; $_LANG['xpanellogin'] = "Login to XPanel"; $_LANG['heartinternetlogin'] = "Login to Control Panel"; $_LANG['gamecplogin'] = "Login to GameCP"; $_LANG['fluidvmrestart'] = "Restart VPS Server"; $_LANG['enomtrustedesc'] = "The TRUSTe Control Panel contains the set up wizard to get your Privacy Policy up and running."; $_LANG['enomtrustelogin'] = "Login to TrustE Control Panel"; $_LANG['directadminlogin'] = "Login to DirectAdmin"; $_LANG['centovacastlogin'] = "Login to Centova Cast"; $_LANG['castcontrollogin'] = "Login to Control Panel"; $_LANG['sslconfigurenow'] = "Configure Now"; $_LANG['sslprovisioningdate'] = "SSL Provisioning Date"; $_LANG['globalsignvoucherscode'] = "Your OneClickSSL Voucher Code"; $_LANG['globalsignvouchersnotissued'] = "Not Yet Issued"; $_LANG['domaintrffailreasonunavailable'] = "Failure Reason Unavailable"; $_LANG['clientareaprojects'] = "My Projects"; $_LANG['clientgroupdiscount'] = "Client Discount"; $_LANG['billableitemshours'] = "Hours"; $_LANG['billableitemshour'] = "Hour"; $_LANG['invoicefilename'] = "Invoice-"; $_LANG['quotefilename'] = "Quote-"; # Licensing Addon $_LANG['licensingkey'] = "License Key"; $_LANG['licensingvaliddomains'] = "Valid Domains"; $_LANG['licensingvalidips'] = "Valid IPs"; $_LANG['licensingvaliddirectory'] = "Valid Directory"; $_LANG['licensingstatus'] = "License Status"; $_LANG['licensingreissue'] = "Reissue License";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['licensingreissued'] = "The Valid Domain, IP and Directory will be detected & saved the next time the license is used."; # Domain Addons $_LANG['domainaddons'] = "Addons"; $_LANG['domainaddonsinfo'] = "The following addons are available for your domain(s)..."; $_LANG['domainaddonsdnsmanagement'] = "DNS Host Record Management"; $_LANG['domainaddonsidprotectioninfo'] = "Protect your personal information and reduce the amount of spam to your inbox by enabling ID Protection."; $_LANG['domainaddonsdnsmanagementinfo'] = "External DNS Hosting can help speed up your website and improve availability with reduced redundancy."; $_LANG['domainaddonsemailforwardinginfo'] = "Get emails forwarded to alternate email addresses of your choice so that you can monitor all from a single account."; $_LANG['domainaddonsbuynow'] = "Buy Now for"; $_LANG['domainaddonsperyear'] = "/Year"; $_LANG['domainaddonscancelareyousure'] = "Are you sure you want to disable & cancel this domain addon?"; $_LANG['domainaddonsconfirm'] = "Confirm Cancellation"; $_LANG['domainaddonscancelsuccess'] = "Addon Deactivated Successfully!"; $_LANG['domainaddonscancelfailed'] = "Failed to deactivate addon. Please contact support."; # Version 5.2 $_LANG['yourclientareahostingaddons'] = "You have the following addons for this product."; $_LANG['loginrequired'] = "Login Required"; $_LANG['unsubscribe'] = "Unsubscribe"; $_LANG['emailoptout'] = "Newsletter Opt-out"; $_LANG['newsletterunsubscribe'] = "Newsletter Unsubscribe"; $_LANG['emailoptoutdesc'] = "Tick to unsubscribe from our newsletters"; $_LANG['alreadyunsubscribed'] = "You have already unsubscribed from our newsletter."; $_LANG['newsletterresubscribe'] = "If you wish to re-subscribe you can do so from the %sMy Details%s section of our client area at any time."; $_LANG['unsubscribehashinvalid'] = "Unsubscribe failed, please contact support."; $_LANG['unsubscribesuccess'] = "Unsubscribe Successful"; $_LANG['newsletterremoved'] = "Thank you, Your email has now been removed from our mailing list."; $_LANG['erroroccured'] = "An Error Occurred"; $_LANG['pwresetsuccessdesc'] = "Your password has now been reset. %sClick here%s to continue to the client area..."; $_LANG['pwresetenternewpw'] = "Please enter your desired new password below."; $_LANG['ordererrorsbudomainbanned'] = "The subdomain prefix you entered is not allowed - please try another"; $_LANG['ticketfeedbacktitle'] = "Feedback Request for Ticket"; $_LANG['nosupportdepartments'] = "No support departments found. Please try again later."; $_LANG['feedbackclosed'] = "Feedback cannot be provided until the ticket is closed"; $_LANG['feedbackprovided'] = "You have already provided feedback for this ticket"; $_LANG['feedbackthankyou'] = "We thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback."; $_LANG['feedbackreceived'] = "Submission Received"; $_LANG['feedbackdesc'] = "Please can we ask you to take a moment of your time to fill out the below form about the quality of your experience with our support team."; $_LANG['feedbackclickreview'] = "Click here to Review The Ticket"; $_LANG['feedbackopenedat'] = "Opened At"; $_LANG['feedbacklastreplied'] = "Last Replied To"; $_LANG['feedbackstaffinvolved'] = "Staff Involved"; $_LANG['feedbacktotalduration'] = "Total Duration"; $_LANG['feedbackpleaserate1'] = "Please rate (on a scale of 1 to 10) how well"; $_LANG['feedbackpleasecomment1'] = "Please comment on how well"; $_LANG['feedbackhandled'] = "handled this support request"; $_LANG['feedbackworst'] = "Worst";


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CV. Dunia Network,corp


CEO: Yubli Warokka

$_LANG['feedbackbest'] = "Best"; $_LANG['feedbackimprove'] = "How may we make your experience better in the future?"; $_LANG['pleaserate2'] = "handled this support request"; $_LANG['returnclient'] = "Return to Client Area"; $_LANG['clientareanavsecurity'] = "Security Settings"; $_LANG['twofactorauth'] = "Two-Factor Authentication"; $_LANG['twofaenable'] = "Enable ".$_LANG['twofactorauth']; $_LANG['twofadisable'] = "Disable ".$_LANG['twofactorauth']; $_LANG['twofaenableclickhere'] = "Click here to Enable"; $_LANG['twofadisableclickhere'] = "Click here to Disable"; $_LANG['twofaenforced'] = "For your security, we require that you must enable ".$_LANG['twofactorauth']." before you can continue. This page will guide you through the process of setting it up."; $_LANG['twofasetup'] = "Two-Factor Authentication Setup Process"; $_LANG['twofasetupgetstarted'] = "Get Started"; $_LANG['twofaactivationintro'] = $_LANG['twofactorauth']." adds an extra layer of protection to logins. Once enabled &amp; configured, each time you sign in you will be asked to enter both your username & password as well as a second factor such as a security code."; $_LANG['twofaactivationmultichoice'] = "To continue, please choose your desired ".$_LANG['twofactorauth']." method from below."; $_LANG['twofadisableintro'] = "To disable ".$_LANG['twofactorauth']." please confirm your password in the field below."; $_LANG['twofaactivationerror'] = "An error occurred while attempting to activate ".$_LANG['twofactorauth']." for your account. Please try again."; $_LANG['twofamoduleerror'] = "An error occurred loading the module. Please try again."; $_LANG['twofaactivationcomplete'] = $_LANG['twofactorauth']." Setup is Complete!"; $_LANG['twofadisableconfirmation'] = $_LANG['twofactorauth']." has now been disabled for your account."; $_LANG['twofabackupcodeis'] = "Your Backup Code is"; $_LANG['twofanewbackupcodeis'] = "Your New Backup Code is"; $_LANG['twofabackupcodelogin'] = "Enter Your Backup Code Above to Login"; $_LANG['twofabackupcodeexpl'] = "Write this down on paper and keep it safe.<br />It will be needed if you ever lose your 2nd factor device or it is unavailable to you."; $_LANG['twofaconfirmpw'] = "Enter Your Password"; $_LANG['twofa2ndfactorreq'] = "Your second factor is required to complete login."; $_LANG['twofa2ndfactorincorrect'] = "The second factor you supplied was incorrect. Please try again."; $_LANG['twofabackupcodereset'] = "Login via Backup Code Successful<br />Backup Codes are valid once only. It will now be reset."; $_LANG['twofacantaccess2ndfactor'] = "Can't Access Your 2nd Factor Device?"; $_LANG['twofaloginusingbackupcode'] = "Login using Backup Code"; $_LANG['twofageneralerror'] = "An error occurred loading the module. Please try again."; $_LANG['continue'] = "Continue"; $_LANG['disable'] = "Disable"; $_LANG['manage'] = "Manage";


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