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CAAYE Annual Report 2013

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Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center



The Young Entrepreneur Association of Brunei


Confederation of Indian Industry's Young Indians


Junior Chamber International Petaling Jaya Persatuan Usachawan Graduan Malaysia (Malaysia Graduate Entrepreneur Association)


Junior Chamber International- Maldives


Young Entrepreneurs Forum, Islamabad Chamber commerce


Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry Young Entrepreneurs Network

Sri Lanka

Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry Sri Lanka


Nepal Young Entrepreneurs Forum (Invitee member)


Message from the

Founder President - CAAYE

CAAYE began with a dream of building an inclusive network of young in business across the Asian region two years ago. In these 24 months, CAAYE has created a network of networks of 10 member organisations across 9 countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Maldives and Nepal with access to over 25,000 young entrepreneurs. Our unique Alliances member organisations have executed action projects in their respective countries to support youth entrepreneurship, conducted bilateral missions to engage with networks across borders and also been a strong advocate for policy change. CAAYE has been recognized as a Best Practice for the Economic empowerment of young people at the Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting and our success as the voice of Asian young entrepreneurs was evident when the Ministerial communiqu formally endorsed CAAYEs policy recommendations for action by member governments. Our recommendations were aimed at creating a youth entrepreneurship support system by breaking down trade barriers, committing to engage in sustained, constructive dialogues across borders for education and training, availability of seed capital & fair nancial access, infrastructure, regulation and taxation. With the constant support from the Commonwealth Secretariat, CAAYE was invited to address policy makers and stakeholders at The Child & Youth Finance International Summit in Istanbul, the Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting in Papua New Guinea, the ASEAN Young Leaders Forum in Brunei, the Commonwealth High Commissioners Banquet in London, the House of Lords on Commonwealth Day and the Commonwealth Business Forum in Colombo. CAAYE also received an audience with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh at Marlborough House and Buckingham Palace twice during 2013 to present our Alliances activities. 2013 also saw CAAYE conduct very successful bilaterals on Innovation and Next Practices in Brunei and an India-Pakistan business-to-business and peace mission in Pakistan. CAAYEs country representatives also participated in the SAARC Young Entrepreneur Summit in Kathmandu, met Ministers and Heads of Government for briengs on the CAAYE communiqu in each of the member countries and made recommendations to Central Bankers at the Asia conference on nancial inclusion and nancial literacy in Colombo. We also had interactions with the United Nations Special Envoy for Youth, Members of Parliament, Ministers of Youth, government officials and other stakeholders. CAAYEs Leadership Assembly met in London and again for a mid-year review in Singapore. FCCISL Sri Lanka is also the proud host the agship CAAYE Young Entrepreneur Summit where 200 of Asias best and brightest young entrepreneurs will meet in Colombo, leading up to the 2013 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. We believe that CAAYEs presence at these various forums ensured that a consistent, unied and focussed message reached policy makers at appropriate platforms with specic suggestions to improve the ecosystem for youth entrepreneurship across Asia. The Commonwealth is now keen to replicate CAAYEs model in other regions of the Commonwealth to create similar networks in the Pacic, Africa and the Caribbean. CAAYE will mentor these new alliances in the formative stages. As I proudly pass on the CAAYE Presidency to Malaysia, I am sure that CAAYEs rst two years have opened dialogues across co-ordinated networks of young entrepreneurs in Asia. By working together and having a collective voice, we stand empowered and united to ensure that trade within our region thrives and lost opportunities of the past decades due to restrictions and communication barriers are captured. CAAYE also believes that responsible business by young entrepreneurs can serve as a catalyst to address our Regions development challenges while simultaneously creating sustainable, protable and world class organisations. Our Alliances growth and global recognition has been made possible by the Commonwealth Secretariats Youth Affairs Division, the Commonwealth Secretariats Asia Centre and CAAYEs country representatives. The Alliances leadership Assembly has emerged into a strong band of untiring volunteers united with a common purpose. I sincerely thank each of you who have become members of an extended family that trusts and believes in each other with total faith in a singular goal of working together to support youth-led enterprise. I am sure that in the years ahead, CAAYE will continue to champion youth enterprise in the true spirit of partnership and Regional cooperation. Dr Rahul Mirchandani Founder President Commonwealth-Asia Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs 2

Message from the

Commonwealth Secretariats Director - Youth Affairs Division

Entrepreneurs are a very special kind of business person with an admirable capacity to innovate, take risks, and persevere towards a vision. Entrepreneurs are the ones who develop new products and create new business models to address social and economic needs, and in doing so, change our world. Most businesses have a modest beginning in someones kitchen or backyard, but many go on to become signicant organisations driving employment, economic growth, and social development through giving back to communities. In the words of the UN Secretary General An estimated 425 million young women and men will join the labour force between 2016 and 2030. That means the world will need about half a billion jobs by then. To help meet this challenge, we should encourage, educate and empower young entrepreneurs. We need to make a shift from talking about creating jobs for youth, to talking about inventing jobs by youth. Entrepreneurship can be a part of the solution by transforming unemployed young people into major employers. The Commonwealth Asia Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (CAAYE) is playing an important part in driving that shift. The advocacy and tangible action by the CAAYE member organisations, representing young entrepreneurs from eight Commonwealth Asia countries, is exciting and laudable. It is creating strong awareness with governments, nancial institutions and the business sector, of the importance of a strong ecosystem for youth enterprise. The Commonwealth Youth Programme has been proud to see this edgling organisation move to ight so quickly and effectively. The Commonwealth also commends the 2013 CAAYE Summits theme of Prot with Purpose aiming to encourage young entrepreneurs to consider their values and purpose at the same time as ensuring commercial viability. Such businesses, striving to achieve positive social and environmental impact, are the way to a sustainable and prosperous future for all. Youth entrepreneurship and youth enterprise should be a key component of the currently evolving post-2015 development framework, which will have a clear focus on job creation and equitable growth, social inclusion and equality, and quality education for young people. The Commonwealths work aligns directly with this future framework, with technical assistance to member governments on systems and mechanisms for youth enterprise / entrepreneurship programmes, and establishment of youth enterprise funds. Effective youth entrepreneurship policies should sit within the wider context of national employment policies and programmes, and a multi-sector integrated approach. They should target the specic challenges that young people face with regards to (i) an entrepreneurial culture (ii) entrepreneurship education (iii) improvement in the legal and regulatory environment (iv) access to affordable nance. The young people of the Asia region are extremely well positioned to advocate for such policies, and be drivers of economic and social change. The Commonwealth is proud to support CAAYEs efforts to promote trade, peace and growth in this most buoyant region of the sub-continent. The Commonwealth hopes to see the committed, passionate and truly powerful collective that is CAAYE sustain and grow for many years to come, and expand into other regions of the Commonwealth, making a vital contribution to economic growth, job creation, innovation and social development. Katherine Ellis Director Youth Affairs Commonwealth Secretariat

CAAYE recognized by the Head of the Commonwealth, HRH Queen Elizabeth

The Commonwealth-Asia Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (CAAYE), (Yi) was invited to London for a Reception on the occasion of Commonwealth Day at the Commonwealth Secretariat HQ at Marlborough House, London on 11 March 2013. CAAYE was represented by Dr Rahul Mirchandani, Founder President, CAAYE & Past National Chairman-Yi, Dr Navita Mahajan, Moderator of the CAAYE Leadership Assembly & Founding member of CAAYE, Ms Nurul-Huda Afandi, CAAYE Representative from Malaysia and Incoming President (2014), CAAYE, Mr Ejaj Ahmed, CAAYE Representative from Bangladesh, Mr Shaban Khalid, CAAYE Representative from Pakistan and Ms Fatin Arin, CAAYE representative from Brunei. We were invited for the following interactions Dr Rahul Mirchandani was the Keynote Speaker at the High Commissioners Banquet hosted by the Royal Commonwealth Society on 10 March 2013. 40 High Commissioners from the Commonwealth countries attended the Banquet and Dr Rahul spoke on the Annual theme Opportunity through Enterprise as well as CAAYE and the ongoing activities of the Alliance and its member organisations in Asia to promote youth entrepreneurship. Dr Rahul Mirchandani presented Indian case examples and success stories at a panel discussion at The House of Lords in the UK Houses of Parliament (Palace of Westminster) on Education and training for entrepreneurship development (11 March 2013). He also highlighted efforts taken by all CAAYE member organisations in their respective countries. All CAAYE representatives attended the historic signing of the Commonwealth Charter by HRH Queen Elizabeth II on 11 March 2013 and we had the privilege of personally brieng the Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh on the mission and objectives of CAAYE, the Alliances membership base and the Alliance communiqu. Her Majesty interacted twice with CAAYE, accompanied by the Commonwealth Secretary General, Mr Kamalesh Sharma, during the reception and appreciated our efforts in Asia. The CAAYE communiqu was also presented and discussed with the Commonwealth Secretary-General, Mr Kamalesh Sharma, in a separate meeting on 12 March 2013. CAAYE Reps were accompanied by Ms Katherine Ellis, Director, Youth Affairs-Commonwealth Secretariat and Mr Rajkumar Bidla, Programme Manager, CYP London. Mr Sharma and Ms Ellis expressed great interest in replicating CAAYE in the other Regions of the Commonwealth, namely The Caribbean, Africa and the Pacic Regions, with our Asian Alliance playing a mentorship role.

Queens reception - Commonwealth day

House of lords - Commonwealth day

Commonwealth High Commissioners Banquet

Dr Rahul Mirchandani, CAAYE Founder President and Ms Fatin Arifin, CAAYEs country representative for Brunei were invited to the Queens Reception at Buckingham Palace on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Commonwealth Youth Programme

CAAYE at Global forums

CAAYE Communiqu endorsed by Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting in Port Moresby - 17 to 19 April 2013 The CAAYE communiqu that captured the voices of young entrepreneurs from Asia nalised at the CAAYE Summit in Mumbai was presented at the 8th Commonwealth Youth Ministers (8CYMM) meeting (Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea) and was formally ENDORSED by the Ministers present and 3 specic clauses on CAAYE now form part of the Official Ministerial communiqu. Ministers from Samoa, Zambia and Namibia proposed and supported the resolution which was passed by consensus vote. Dr Rahul Mirchandani, Founder President-CAAYE, had the privilege of representing CAAYE at the 8CYMM and had the pleasure of joining the Indian Ministerial delegation, headed by Ms Nita Chaudhury, Secretary-Ministry of Youth, Government of India. The Indian delegation made a splendid call to urgent action on Skills, Entrepreneurship and Employability. He was also given the opportunity to deliver a keynote address on Young people driving sustainable economic development at the Opening plenary session. Dr Mirchandani was joined by Mr Ahmed Alhendawi, The United Nations Secretary-Generals special envoy on Youth. 5

CAAYE was also presented by the Commonwealth Youth Programme as a best practice to the Ministers and Leaders caucus meeting. This is also documented in the Ministerial communiqu. The Ministers also believed that a CAAYElike alliance must be set up in the other Regions of the Commonwealth Africa, Asia and the Pacic.

In addition, Dr Mirchandani also participated in discussions with the Indian delegation to the CYFI Summit, led by Dr. Deepali Pant Joshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India and also met key officials from the Ministries of Finance of the CAAYE member countries on nancial inclusion of young entrepreneurs and discussed policy recommendations contained in the CAAYE communiqu to make nance more available to young in business.

CAAYE President at the CYFI Summit Panel Discussion Young Entrepreneurs Pathway to Success: A Comprehensive Approach to Supporting Youth and their Enterprises

CAAYE communique being presented to the Deputy Secretary General, Commonwealth Secretariat and the UN SGs Envoy on Youth at the 8CYMM after the Ministers endorsed it.

CAAYE at the Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI) Summit, Istanbul - 7 to 9 May 2013
CAAYE was invited by CYFI to participate in their agship Summit in Istanbul and lead a discussion on Young Entrepreneurs Pathway to Success: A Comprehensive Approach to Supporting Youth and their Enterprises. The session provided an overview of multiple programs and models which bridge nancial and non-nancial support to young entrepreneurs. Dr Rahul Mirchandani, Founder President CAAYE represented the Alliance and presented several best practices from Asia and some ongoing projects and activities of CAAYE member organisations during the deliberations. The session facilitated a dialogue among participants around the two lenses of support, building capacity of implementing organizations, and discussing the collaborative roles of public and private stakeholders. Other panel members were Ms. Nyika Brain, Manager, Global Community Investment - Brand and Citizenship, Barclays, Ms. Payal Pathak, Program Manager, Asia, International Youth Foundation USA and Mr. Jacob Risner, Program Manager, International Youth Foundation USA. 6

CAAYE President interacting with Dr. Deepali Pant Joshi, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India, Mr. Mukhmeet Singh Bhatia, Officer on Special Duty, Ministry of Finance of India, Mr. JaeHoon Yoo, Commissioner, Financial Services Commission, South Korea, Dr. Saeed Ahmed, Head of Agricultural Credit & Microfinance Department, State Bank of Pakistan, Mr. Rolan E. Samosir, Assistant Director, Bank Indonesia, Indonesia, Mr. Kejin Wang, Deputy Director-General of the Rules & Regulation Department, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China and faculty from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

ASEAN China Young Leaders Forum

CAAYE was invited to speak at the 5th ASEAN-China Young Entrepreneurs Forum 2013 hosted by the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Brunei (YEAB). The Forum brought together 200 young entrepreneurs from across ASEAN and China in support of ASEANs visions for economic integration through people to people exchange and investment. The summit with a theme Renewing Prospects for Growth provided entrepreneurs with the opportunity to reect on ASEANs economic progress and prospects for strengthening business to business linkages between ASEAN members and China. Economic Ministers for ASEAN Member States and China took part along with senior government and business representatives from across the ASEAN region. Dr Rahul Mirchandani, Founder President- CAAYE, presented the Alliances perspectives on the Forum Plenary on Leading

in the Asian Century. He gave perspectives on the kind of leadership required to ensure that young entrepreneurs can shape the Asian Century. Other panellists included Diane Wang, Founder and CEO of DHgate.com, China, Damien Chua, Chief Executive Officer of JD Resources Ltd, Malaysia and President of the Young entrepreneurs Association of Indonesia.

CAAYE Bilaterals
CAAYE India-Pakistan Bilateral Mission
Hosted by Young Entrepreneurs Forum of the Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry & Confederation of Indian Industrys Young Indians in association with Aman Ki Asha. The Young Entrepreneurs Forum (YEF) of the Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted a delegation of 22 young entrepreneurs from India on a bilateral mission from 27 31 October 2013 at Lahore and Islamabad. This mission got the youth of both nations to come together and share common values and look at ways and means to strengthen personal and business ties to realize the immense potential of India and Pakistan working together. The bilateral broke down the barriers between the youth, changed perceptions, increased people to people interaction and highlightedopportunities to increase the ow of trade and business. The Mission began with the Indian delegation crossing over to Pakistan via the Wagah Border by foot, dressed all in white with saffron stoles and dupattas symbolizing peace and purity of purpose. Key highlights of the bilateral mission included 1. Welcome Receptions at the Governors Mansion by the Governor of Punjab Province in Lahore, Pakistan & by the Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan in Islamabad. Interaction with faculty and students at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) on the role of academia in promoting youth entrepreneurship and discussing the entrepreneurship ecosystems in Pakistan & India. Visit to the Arfa Karim Software Technology Park to view and understand Pakistani innovations at work in the areas of healthcare, e-governance, mass urban transportation and start-up incubation. Visit to the Pakistan Fashion Design Council. A day-long Indo-Pak Young Entrepreneurs Summit, with sessions on Building Bridges and Changing Perceptions, Role of Youth and IT in Track II Diplomacy and Women Entrepreneurship and its emerging role in the Subcontinent. The Summit also had Ministerial addresses from India and Pakistan. Over 300 delegates attended this Summit at the Jinnah Convention Centre, Islamabad. Superb visit to the ROOTS School agship campus in Islamabad with students re-creating states and cultures of India and Pakistan. The students created an amazing carnival-like atmosphere in their school campus draped with the colours of the Indian tricolour and the Pakistani ag in combination with food, dances, costumes and tableaux from both countries. A visit and drive-through the new planned township of Bahria Town and appreciating its world class infrastructure and meeting the Chief executives.



4. 5.

Asia Conference on Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy, Colombo


Asia conference on financial inclusion and financial literacy Dr Nandlal Weerasinghe, Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Sri lanka, Ms.Cheryl Bruce, Economic Advisor, Commonwealth Secretariat, Mr.Aminul Islam Khan, Acting RD- CYP Regional Centre, CAAYE President and others at the valedictory session



Interaction with students and faculty of the National University of Science & Technology (NUST) Institute of Peace and Conict Studies. Gala Farewell dinner with a cultural showcase of the latest fashion trends of Pakistan


10. Signing of a Joint Declaration committing to build bridges of friendship, encourage business and create a regional economic powerhouse with India and Pakistan working together. Young entrepreneurs of both countries committed to an action plan that included sustained, open people-to-people dialogue and communication, create enabling environments built on mutual trust and policy transparency and advocate policies to promote trade and commerce through tariff rationalisation, cross border investments, technology trading, better banking and communication, convenient currency exchange and state of the art trade posts and port facilities. We are sure that this Bilateral mission contributed to the process of developing sustainable peace and was a step forward in building a future based on trust, mutual respect and coexistence.

India-Pakistan Peace wall by students of the ROOTS school Islamabad

India-Pakistan Bilateral Summit

YEF @ Islamabad Chamber and CIIs Young Indians successfully conduct the historic CAAYE-YEF-Yi IndiaPakistan Bilateral Mission : 27 to 31 October 2013

Pakistan mission - signing of India- Pakistan joint declaration

Logo of CAAYE India-Pakistan Bilateral logo Pakistan mission: Wagah border crossing

Children of India and Pakistan signing the historic Joint Childrens Peace Declaration at ROOTS School Islamabad

CAAYE India-Pakistan Bilateral Mission - Lahore University of management panel discussion on Role of academia in entrepreneurship development

CAAYE bilateral - BLUE OCEAN DIALOGUES on Innovation and next Practices in Brunei

CAAYE Leadership Assembly Singapore, June 2013

CAAYEs Leadership Assembly recently met in Singapore for the Interim meetings of the Alliance on June 29 & 30, 2013. The meetings were hosted by our Alliance members in Singapore, The Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, coordinated by CIIs Singapore office. The meetings were attended by CAAYEs country representatives from India, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Maldives and Sri Lanka. We also interacted with Honble MP Mr Vikram Nair of the Singapore Parliament, JCI Singapores Senate leadership. The Commonwealth Secretariat was represented by Mr Aminul Islam Khan (CYP-Asia Centre) and Mr Rajkumar Bidla (CYP London). The rst edition of CAAYEs e-newsletter was released by the Honble MP. The meeting reviewed CAAYEs progress and work in promoting entrepreneurship over the rst six months of 2013 and also discussed the Alliances presence at various multilateral forums, including the Commonwealth Day Celebrations, meetings with HRH The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting in Papua New Guinea, Child & Youth Finance International Summit in Istanbul, The Royal Commonwealth Banquet of High Commissioners, Regional Consultations on Financial Inclusion in Colombo, among others. A detailed presentation on CAAYE : Vision to Reality was presented by the CAAYE President. In addition, the Alliance resolved to move forward on forging several partnership opportunities with Child & Youth Finance International, The Princes Trust, Youth Business International, International Youth Foundation USA and the International Labour Organisation, all of which will directly benet the members of the Alliance and that Yi members can participate in. Invitations were also extended for member country delegations to visit the ASEAN-China leadership forum in Brunei, the India-Pakistan bilateral summit in Islamabad in the coming months. CAAYE also launched a YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR CHALLENGE on the theme Prot with Purpose. The meetings also presented a curtain raiser for the agship CAAYE Young Entrepreneur Summit in Colombo (November 9 12, 2013), being conducted parallel to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), the Commonwealth Business Forum and the Commonwealth Youth Forum.

Students of the Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) participate in the Innovation and Next Practices Ideas workshop conducted by Dr Rahul Mirchandani on behalf of CIIs Young Indians

CAAYE Leadership Assembly

CAAYE Leadership Assembly London, March 2013

CAAYEs leadership assembly meets in London and completes the succession planning process that selects Ms Nurul Huda Afandi, CAAYEs country representative for JCI-PJ Malaysia as CAAYEs President for 2014

CAAYE country representatives interact with Singapore MP Mr Vikram Nair over lunch on the sidelines of the Leadership Assembly

CAAYE Leadership Assembly meetings at Singapore, hosted by SICCI June 29-30, 2013

BYLC Youth Leadership Bootcamp BYLC Youth Leadership Bootcamp was a three-day residential educational program in Chittagong which educated, inspired and empowered university students from diverse backgrounds. 1,155 students from 188 different institutions of Bangladesh applied to this program. Only 100 participants were selected through a rigorous screening process which assessed an applicants intelligence, ethical ber, career aspirations and vision for Bangladesh.

CAAYE at the Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI) Summit, Istanbul- 7 to 9 May 2013

CAAYE Members promoting entrepreneurship

About BYLC Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center (BYLC), a registered nonprot leadership institute, works to bridge gaps in society by uniting youth from diverse backgrounds, equipping them with leadership, problem solving and teambuilding skills, and engaging them in community service and active citizenship. Conceptualized at Harvard University in 2008, BYLC has brought the best of global leadership education to Bangladesh and made it available to youth who would otherwise not have had the opportunity to receive such world-class leadership education. Drawing on concepts of organizing, communication and leadership taught at Harvard and MIT, BYLC has designed its leadership programs that reach out to diverse segments of youth in different age groups. The signature program of BYLC is the four-month long leadership course, Building Bridges through Leadership Training (BBLT). This program, designed for students aged between 17 and 22, is offered in Chittagong and Dhaka. Besides the BBLT program, BYLC also conducts monthlong leadership programs for secondary school students, Building Bridges through Leadership Training Junior (BBLT-J), and three-day long workshops on leadership for university students. Over the past four and half years, BYLCs innovative approach to leadership development has been recognized by, among others, the U.S. State Department, the World Bank Group, the British High Commission in Dhaka, the Canadian High Commission in Dhaka, BRAC, the private sector in Bangladesh, the Asia Society, the Washington Post, and the International Youth Foundation. 10

The bootcamp was designed around three central attributes of leadership: exploration, experience and expression and their application in personal and professional lives. The program consisted of discussions on the practice of leadership, negotiation exercises, team-building games, peer learning activities, visits to leading public, private and nonprot organizations, and networking opportunities with likeminded peers and professionals from diverse elds. At the end of the program, participants came out with tangible skills to make them more competitive in their careers.

The Art and Practice of Leadership (APL) BYLC trained 130 participants, all third or fourth year university students, through three national workshops on the Art and Practice of Leadership (APL) in 2012-13. APL focused on developing leadership capacity of the participants and equipping them with analytical skills needed in the job market or in entrepreneurship. In a session on career development, successful entrepreneurs motivated participants with their leadership journey and shared some practical tips on starting a new business. A networking event was organized on the last day of the program where the participants got an opportunity to network and share ideas with some of the leading professionals from the private, public and non-prot sectors.

Building Bridges through Leadership Training Junior (BBLT-J) BYLC organized two BBLT-J programs which educated 68 secondary school students in Dhaka and Chittagong. The programs focused on sensitizing young adults on values of leadership, teamwork, community service and active citizenship. After three weeks of interactive classroom training, they went through a week of exposure visits and problem diagnostics in underprivileged communities. Workshop on Technology-based Entrepreneurship BYLC organized two workshops at BYLC Headquarters with 50 participants to encourage and support technology and science entrepreneurs. The rst workshop focused on introduction to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial risks and challenges, executive summary writing and video pitching. The second workshop started with a session on Investors Perspective and concluded with a review of executive summaries prepared by the participants. Shammi Shawkat Quddus, Head of Business Development at A K Khan WaterHealth Bangladesh, and Arsalan Alfred M. Ni, Regional SME Ventures Program Coordinator in IFC South Asia, were the corresponding speakers at the workshops.

ASEAN and Chinese entrepreneurs can exchange information on cooperation benecial to the development of trade and economic relations between ASEAN Member States and China. Over 200 young entrepreneurs from all over ASEAN and China attended the forum in Brunei. The forum aimed at providing young entrepreneurs with the opportunity to reect on ASEANs economic progress and prospects for strengthening business to business linkages between ASEAN member states and China.

YEAB president with speakers from indonesia, china and vietnam

CAAYE members from India and Malaysia speaking at ACYEF joined by speakers from Indonesia, China and Brunei

Asession with speakers from thailand, china and brunei

Malaysia Brunei
YEAB Report The YEAB hosted the 5th ASEAN China Young Entrepreneurs Forum in Brunei Darussalam from 19th the 21st August 2013 themed Renewing Prospects for Growth. In 2007 His Majesty, The Sultan & Yang Di Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam at the National Youth Day celebration stated that youth are the most important component of national development: and that they needed to acknowledge their role as dynamic stakeholders for the nations survival. Following this, YEAB together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) convened the 1st ASEAN-China Young Entrepreneurs Workshop and ASEAN-China Young Entrepreneurs Forum in Brunei Darussalam in 2008. ACYEF was quickly convened in Nanning, China in the following months resulting in the launch of the ASEAN-China Young Entrepreneurs Association. The Association (ACYEA) is a non-prot, independent ASEAN-China young entrepreneurs association that functions as a regional platform where JCI Petaling Jaya BJCI Petaling Jaya completed 64 projects in year 2013, in the JCI four (4) area of opportunities (Business, Community, Individual, International). About 12 projects completed were in line with CAAYE focus. Building Enterprise Culture Entrepreneurship Spirit / Promoting

We continue to recognize creative entrepreneurs in Malaysia through organising the annual JCI Creative Young Entrepreneur Award (JCI CYEA) on behalf of JCI Malaysia. In addition, we built new partnerships with UNICEF and Malaysia Innovation Foundation (YIM). A new award was introduced for the JCI CEA nalists to vie for: JCI PJ YIM Most Innovative Presenter. UNICEF was invited as panel judge for JCI CYEA and sharing on UNMDG, UN Global Compact and sustainable CSR practices for SMEs. 11

French n oz interns

JCI Creative Young Entrepreneur Award 2013 This project takes 1 year to complete starting with formation of committee in Oct 2012. 9 press conferences were held nationwide from January to June to promote and encourage nominations. Nominations are submitted online at www.jciycea.com.my from 1 Feb 31 May each year. Judges were appointed on voluntary basis, coming from government, United Nations, professional rms and seasoned entrepreneurs. The Top 10 Finalists Revealing Press Conference was held on 3 Aug 2013. The Finalists were then put through an interview and presentation session, before the winner is conrmed. On 7 Sep, the JCI CYEA Grand Award Ceremony was conducted at the Banquet Hall of KL Convention Center, to announce the top 3 winners of 2013 JCI CYEA. JCIPJ- France Internship Program, 6 May 28 June 2013 5 students from France from various colleges came to do their partial internship at JCIPJ for 8 weeks on their own cost. They learnt about the working culture in Malaysia; worked together with the team in database development, online promotions of events and helped in JCI PJ projects such as JCI CYEA, International Cultural Festival, etc. This experiencewill enrich their resume and improve their employability. JCIPJ-Australia Internship Program, 24 June 4 July 2013 4 students from Deakin University, Australia came to work in JCIPJ for 2 weeks on their own cost. In the 2-weeks engagement, they worked on developing JCIPJ Policy Manual, Members Benet Flyer, JCIPJ Procedures Manual and Process Flow Charts. They also participated in the Nets Challenge against French Interns and raised 83 nets. Study Tour to MBG Fruits, 24 June 2013 Members and interns from Australia and France joined this study tour to MBG Fruits owned by Adnan Lee winner of JCI CYEA 2013, to learn how they communicate their company policies and values to the staff, how they manage and track their staff performance, and built the core values of its staff. Corporate visitation to BanLeeHin Engineering & Construction SB on 12 July 2013 and 19 Sep 2013. Visit to Ban Lee Hin Engineering and Construction head office and factory. Good sharing by Founder & Group CEO, Dato Dr. Tony Looi (JCI CYEA winner 2011) on how to operate the business towards better corporate governance. Internet Marketing for Projects Workshop on 24 March 2013 A hands-on 3-hour introductory workshop for members to learn how to use free internet tools to promote events, so that they can use it for future events promo and their own business promo. Trained by Nurul-Huda, Founder CEO of Thrift Solutions. Creative Selling Skills Workshop on 18 May 2013. Participants learnt good values to implement in the company, as well as street sales tactics. Trainer was Adnan Lee, Managing Director of MBG Fruits. He transformed his family 12

JCIPJ YIM Most Innovative Presenter Award A new partnership formed with Malaysia Innovation Foundation (YIM) led to the creation of JCI PJ YIM Most Innovative Presenter - an award given to the the most innovative presenter during the JCI CYEA Finalists Interview Session. The winner was announced on 7 Sept. YIM is a government agency under Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. JCI CYEA Entrepreneur Sharing Session, 7 Sep Held at the prestigious KL Convention Center Plenary Hall, the top 10 Finalists and Past Winner shared their entrepreneurial journey stories in front of 1,000 audience comprising of students, JCI members, public.

business from selling fruits at market to having 20 retail chains in Malaysian shopping malls. Charity Property Seminar (in aid of JCI Nothing But Nets) on 3 Aug 2013. Participants learnt about property investment tactics, hot spot locations to invest, impact of economy on property market, etc. 3 well known speakers were invited - Dr. Daniele Gambero, Mr. Milan Doshi & Mr. Ho Chin Soon. This project also raised 50 insecticide-treated nets for malaria infected countries. Each net cost USD10 each and will help save lives of families in Africa. Renewing Prospects for Growth The forum provide entrepreneurs with the opportunity to reect on ASEANs economic progress and prospects for strengthening business to business linkages between ASEAN members and China.

Bilateral project with other CAAYE countries

CAAYE Young Entrepreneur Challenge JCI PJ assisted in the initial development of the CAAYE Challenge yer design, and continue assisting for the promotion of the CAAYE Challenge to local entrepreneurs. Through our email promotions to members and network of other associations, we are indeed proud that the winner of the rst CAAYE Challenge is from the referral of JCI PJ. JCI PJ will be providing the winner mentorship on policy and procedures development for his business.

Business matching meeting between PUGM & China young entrepreneur association

Persatuan Usahawan Graduan Malaysia (Malaysia Graduates Entrepreneur Association)

PUGM is honour to be selected as Malaysia representative and become one of the members of Asean China Young Entrepreneur Association (ACYEA). ACYEA ia a non-prot, independent association that functions as a regional platform where Asean and Chinese entrepreneurs can exchange information on cooperation benecial to the development of trade and economic relations between ASEAN Member States and China. The Asean-China Young Entrepreneur Association aims to foster and increased interaction of their entrepreneurs chamber and association between its 11 member . The 5th Asean - China Young Entrepreneurs Forum was held in Brunei from 19th to 22nd August 2013. Inconjuction with the forum, PUGM had sign an MOU with Young Entrepreneurs Association Brunei (YEAB).T he MOU is to promote entrepreneurial activity, facilitate business exchange and promote startups and join-venture among the entrepreneurs of these two countries. PUGM with 11 delegates participate and support this event.
Signing of MOU between PUGM and YEAB by Mr. Muzamir Mustafa (President of PUGM) and Ms Hami Abdul Haadii (President of Young Entrepreneur Association Brunei)


The Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SICCI) will mark its 89th anniversary this year. From humble beginnings in 1924, SICCI is one of Singapores most respected and active commercial organisations today, with more than 850 members. The SICCI Young Entrepreneurs Network (YEN@SICCI) was formed in June 2010 to promote Entrepreneurship amongst the Indian youth in Singapore. There are many students and young professionals who have immense talents but are unsure of taking the Entrepreneurial road. This committee strives to highlight to this group both the risks and opportunities for those who wish to take the plunge in creating their own businesses and being their own boss. In October 2013, YEN@SICCI restructured itself so that it could draw in more young entrepreneurs to contribute and participate in its various activities. More members were added to the committee. Over the years YEN@ SICCI have carried out a variety of activities to promote entrepreneurship amongst youth. Notable amongst them is the SICCI Youth Enterprise Awards (SYEA), an award awards to young emerging enterprising businesses. On 1 December 2012, YEN@SICCI organized a CASH Flow Workshop, based on the world famous board game. 30 participants took part in the workshop. In 2014, SICCI will be embarking on an initiative called Study Singapore, where selected nal year MBA students from India and the region will be invited to take part in a week long programme. The programme will touch on culture, business practices and entrepreneurship in Singapore.

Sri Lanka
Vocational training for unemployed youths Areas identied in Vavuniya district where the Human Resource supply is in demand / shortage. Identied areas were: - Excavation technicians, Operators for Combined Harvesters. As the agenda of the GOSL towards development is on infrastructure, there was a gap in supply of excavation technicians in the region and it was in great demand. Moving from traditional harvest methods to machinery harvesting, machines have come into the phase but the operators have to be trained so selected and trained youths from Agro Development Co-operative Societies focused areas were selected so as to maintain the network of trained / qualied youths.

Selected unemployed youths from the farming community were given training in their home lands. 1st batch of ten (10) passed out from Samanthurai Vocational training centre and 2nd batch of thirty (30) passed out from the field training in Nedunkeany in Vavuniya.


Bacco Excavation technicians ..

Agriculture Short Course Realizing the present status of 1 : 3000 (ratio of Agri Instructors with farmers) in the district and to overcome the gaps to ll the resources for a agriculture based livelihood district was the certicate course co-ordinated. Thirty youths were selected from rural sites and trained at District Agriculture Resource Centre (DATC) at Muruganoor, Vavuniya. These youths act as a liaison between the village level farmers and the Department of Agriculture (Ext. range). This effort to satisfy both the farmers by creating an in house resource and for the dept. as a focal point for village level farmer interaction for delivering the services.

District Enterprise Forum in 5 districts of Sri Lanka, Ampara, Batticaloa, Trincomale, Vavuniya and Mannar District Enterprise Forums were conducted once in two months at District Secretariats of Ampara, Batticaloa, Trincomalee, Vavuniya and Mannar with the Chairmanship of respective Government Agent. Its a public-Private dialogue platform to resolve the policy issues faced by the private sector, Small and medium level entrepreneurs including young entrepreneurs, youth employment issues etc. Respective district chamber of Commerce, Industries represent the private sector. Few burning issues were taken up per session related to the enterprise development and with the guidance of GA, relevant departs were instructed to take action to resolve the issues with the immediate effect. Pending issues were forwarded for the next meeting. Representatives from National Enterprise Development Authority (NEDA) also presented for the meeting. Its a good public-private dialog forum to resolve the district enterprise development issues. As an output of this meeting, Financial Inclusiveness forum was formed for regular monitoring of the development loan disbursements for enterprise development and cultivations.

The training course was inaugurated by Ms. Sakila Banu, Deputy Director of Agriculture- Vavuniya District. Course conducted as a residential program at District Agriculture Training Centre, Muruganoor Farm, Vavuniya.

Certication ceremony was graced by Hon. Rishad Bathurdeen, Minister of Trade & Commerce of GOSL. Certicated was issued to the students who passed the training course on Agriculture short course, Excavation technicians and Operation of Combined Harvester.

Financial literacy and programmes for youth



Mr. Nalin Attygalle, General Secretary of FCCISL, and Hon. Minister Rishaad Bathurdeen, address the gathering on the Certification ceremony. ..

Conducted in collaboration with Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) for Vavuniya District. Unemployed youths. As capital is important for any agricultural or business initiations, this capital is not in the reaching hands for the youth. So it was the nancial literacy program with Credit facilitation which played the way for educating the youth to become bankable person. Mr. Sri Padmanathan, Team leader of Poverty Alleviation Micro Finance Project II (PAMP II ) program of CBSL was 15

the resource for the program which was conducted in three sessions reaching all the divisions in Vavuniya district, from unemployed youths to university nalists to the grass root farmer groups.

Another meeting took place with GA, Trincomalee. CEO of Chamber of Commerce & Industries Trincomalee District and some senior staff met the GA where GA agreed to do the road construction of the sub road leads to Chayaa blu hotel and many other hotels, He also agreed to allocate fund from District secretariat to train and produce skill staff through a Government Training Institution. Follow-up meeting with Agriculture Minister held where Nuwara Eliya District Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture proposed to buy fruits and vegetables produced in rural and sell at a affordable price through AGCO Corporative Society in collaboration with the Bank of Ceylon and or National Development Bank. The Minister agreed to support and provides the government endorsement. The set objectives of the KPF are (1) Educate, create awareness and build condence among the business leaders, entrepreneurs and general public on the necessity, importance and possibility of business sector participation and providing leadership in the business world, (2) Provide a platform for the business community to interact and engage in and dialogue, consulting and exchange views and ideas on issues pertaining to current issues with eminent persons in responsible positions with expiries knowledge, (3) Create awareness and build up public opinions on issues connected to development of economy of Sri Lanka, (4) Boost competiveness of micro and small enterprises in different sector in business, (5) Facilitate public- private partnership.

Key Persons Forums held in Regions brings Results

The regional Key Persons Forums held in year 2012 and January 2013 draws positive results. The Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL) in collaboration with the Asia Foundation organized four sessions of Key Persons Forum in year 2012 in Trincomalee, Jaffna, Galle, Badulla and one session in Kandy in the month of January 2013. The regional KPFs were held with the participation of Hon. Mahida Yapa Abeywardena, Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka, Hon. Lakshman Yapa Abeywardana, Hon. Minister Dr. Sarath Amunugama and Hon. Rishad Bathiudeen. A follow up Session held on January with CEB officials in Jaffna. At the meeting with Mr. S Prabaharan, Area Engineer CEB Northern Province, it was observed that Grid Substations in Vavuniya , Kilinochchi are available and Chunnakam is planned to complete by 2013 and Mannar by 2016. It also stated the entire Peninsula will be connected to the National Grid by end of this year. Even though 17 MW is contributred from Hydro, CEB can not cater the loads. This is planned to be sorted out, when the CEBs 24MW project is commissioned in February 2013. The interruptions are forced to impose to the system because of the road widening works. He stated now road widening works are almost nished but may take some time to sort out . With severe voltage drop in Mannar occurred presently, a Voltage Regulator is needed to be installed nearby Murungan. Highest number of Tripping is observed in Mannar but compared to the past, tripping is declining at the moment. He has stated that after commissioning the GSS in 2016 , entire problems are expected to be solved. 16

Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year Awards National Awards

Nalin Attyagalle (CEO) FCCISL, Kumar Mallimaratchi (President )-FCCISL, Lal Keerthi Gunawardena (Platinum Winner 2011) Managing Director Lucky Lanka(Pvt) Ltd, Nayana Dehigama (Platinum Winner 2012) Managing Director Epic Lanka (Pvt)Ltd, Hon.Shashindra Rajapaksha (Chief Minister)-Uva Province, Ajith Wattuhewa (Senior Vice President)FCCISL, W.K.H.Wegapitiya (Vice President )FCCISL

Mr. Nayana Dehigama, Managing Director of Epic Lanka (Pvt) Ltd who the Platinum winner of the Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2012, is celebrating his victory. Nayana Dehigama is the Chairman/ Managing Director of EPIC Lanka Group, the renowned ICT solutions provider in Sri Lanka. EPIC Lanka is a technology leader in providing e-security and e-payment solutions to corporate organizations in Sri Lanka and the region. Mr. Sujeewa Palliyaguruge, Chairman, Senani Holdings secured the National Gold award. The accolade was presented at magnanimous awards ceremony at Waters Edge, Battaramulla on 11th December. The awards ceremony, which was attended by more than

600 people, was organized by the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL). The ceremony was graced by Hon. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena, MP, Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Shashindra Rajapaksa, Chief Minister of Uva Province, Mr. Tissa Attanayake, Member of Parliament and General Secretary of UNP, Mr. Anura Siriwardene, Secretary, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Mr. Janaka Ratnayake, Chairman & Chief Executive, Export Development Board, Mr. N. M. Shahied, Chairman, National Enterprise Development Authority. Among the BODs and officials participated from FCCISL are Mr. Kumar Mallimaratchi, President, Mr.Ajith Wattuhewa, Senior. Vice President, Mr. W.K.H Wegapitiya, Vice President, Mr.Nalin Attygalle, CEO/NPD, Mr.Patrick Amarasinghe, Past President and Founder of the Program. The ceremony took part by a distinguished gathering of Diplomatic Missions, Member Chambers of FCCISL, leading business organizations and senior Officials from Government Institutions. A dance, music and drum performances added glamour to the event and concluded with a fellowship and a lavish dinner. Over the past sixteen years, the Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka, is adhering to its vision of recognizing and rewarding of business excellence in Sri Lanka has created the ideal platform to reward Sri Lankas entrepreneurs nationwide. The Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year Awards is the ultimate accolade one can achieve as a Sri Lankan entrepreneur. The event is organized in association with FCCISL 57 member chambers and associations. This year awards caps a momentous year for the competition, as it records the highest numbers of awards bestowed at the regional and national levels. It is for the 17th year, the award is taken place and the number of the applicants, eligible entries, number of awards given and the competition have sphere up. The event amalgamates two new award categories in 2012, Emerging Women Entrepreneur in North and East and Differently Abled Entrepreneur of the Year. The Emerging Women Entrepreneur in North and East recognizes small women entrepreneurs who create a successful movement of womens entrepreneurship and makes people aware of the incredible contributions made by women for the development in economy of the North and East. The Differently Abaled Entrepreneur recognizes highly motivated entrepreneurs who achieve their set goals by working beyond physical and emotional barriers. It is noted that a comprehensive evaluation process applied to assess the different aspects of the entrepreneurship qualities. The expertly structured evaluation process which explicit competitive edge of each candidate was to be the underpinning factor for marginalising any disparities and allowing the deserving candidate to win.The unique facet of the Entrepreneur Award is that it allows entrepreneurs from different sectors, geographic locations, magnitudes, sizes, legitimacy to compete with each other on a level playing eld. Candidates from diverse nature of businesses from the high level exporters, importers who are engaged in delivering value addition products and services, service providers, industrialists to differently-abled entrepreneurs where most of them are living and running their business in the hinterlands, to emerging women entrepreneurs in North and East.

The sponsors of the event are, Dialog Axiata PLC, the Platinum Sponsor, Janashakthi Insurance, the Gold Sponsor, Bank of Ceylon, the Silver Sponsor, the International PartnerPeople Like Us Organization, European Union and Oxfam GB. Mr. Jeremy Huxtable, Chief Officer, Dialog Enterprise, Dialog Axiata PLC, Mr. Prakash Schaffter, MD, Janashakthi Insurance PLC, Ms.Shehara De Silva, GM Marketing and Sales, Mr. D. M Gunesekara, DGM Retail Banking, Bank of Ceylon, Mr. Davis Lamberti, Country Desk Peoples Like Us, Mr Paul Joicey, Country Director, Oxfam GB, Ms. Roxanne Abdulali EU Programme Manager graced the ceremony. The generous support of these organizations immensely beneted to conduct this type of a magnitude awards ceremony. Also to name the partners, Wijeya Newspapers, Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, Thinakkural, V FM, Randesa Magazine, 5th Elephant, AV Production and Elephant House . The Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2012 set an ideal ground for the best of the best to compete in and emerge as the lifeblood of Sri Lankan economy.

Build Enterprise Culture

Yi Interactive Session with Entrepreneurs from USA

Yi interactive session with Entrepreneurs from USA 12 January 2013: Indore Yi (Indore Chapter) had organized an interactive session with two entrepreneurs from USA, during their visit to Indore. The two business leaders - Mr. Glenn Reph and Mr. John Geiger - have had immensely successful careers, from being an employee with a multinational corporation to starting an innovative venture & selling it. Spanning three decades, Glenns passion for innovation has taken him from creating a multi-million dollar enterprise by the age of 32 to raising funds for one of the largest non-prot organizations (World Vision), established to serve the poorest of communities. He combines creative business acumen with deep humanitarian compassion to improve the lives of the people with whom he works. For almost four decades, John has embraced a career of assisting pharmaceutical companies in bringing new and innovative medicines into the international marketplace.


They now devote a substantial time to the iSOEL- the International School of Entrepreneurial Leadership, which is a non-prot organization dedicated to the education & training of socially responsible entrepreneurial business leaders. They expressed that India had the best chance to improve and enhance the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the country and make that a signicant aspect of Indias growth story. They also said that Yi should play an important role in putting entrepreneurship on top of their agenda.

the goals and aspirations of future leaders of both nations. By facilitating discussions about economic, political, cultural, social and environmental issues facing both Australia and India, AIYD aims to empower young leaders in both countries to collaborate with each other, share ideas and innovations with a view to building sustainable long-term relationships with each other The AIYD comprises of the Steering Committee, and the Board of Advisors. The Steering committee comprises of Ms Monika Barthwal-Dutta, Lecturer, International Security, University of New South Wales; Mr Ruchir Punjabi, Chair, Founder & MD, Langoor; Mr Vidyananda Vijaya Sagaram, Director-Strategic Projects, Victorian Government Business Office, India; Ms Sanushka Seomangal, Senior Associate, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers; Mr Shaun Star, foreign legal consultant; Mr Rishi Suri, International Journalist & Senior Editor, Milap (Indias oldest & largest circulated Urdu daily), and Mr. Rommel Varghese, Intern, Federal Parliament & freelance journalist. The AIYD Board of Advisors consists of a network of esteemed leaders and professionals such as Mr Biren Nanda, Indian High Commissioner to Australia; Mr Geoffrey Conaghan, Commissioner to India, Victoria State, Australia; Mr John Fisher, Director, AustraliaIndia Council; Mr Shankar Vanavarayar, Immediate Past National Chairman, Yi & Joint Correspondent, Kumaraguru College of Technology and Mr Vinod Mirchandani, Associate Director, Australian India Institute. The 3-day conference programme held between 30-Jan and 1-Feb 2013 at Melbourne and Sydney witnessed a packed audience as they got the opportunity to hear from eminent speakers and best minds of both the countries. Some of the important participants in the programme included His Excellency the Honourable Alex Chernov AC QC, Governor of the State of Victoria; Senator Lisa Singh, Australian Labor Party, Senator for Tasmania; The Hon Chris Bowen, MP, Federal Minister for Immigration and Citizenship; Prof Jane den Hollander, Vice Chancellor and President of Deakin University; Mr Srijan Pal Singh, Officer on Special Duty at Office of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam & Co-author of Target 3 Billion, amongst others.

Industrial visit to Quantum Clothing India (P) Ltd and Hirawats Fashion (P) Ltd

Industrial visit to Quantum Clothing India (P) Ltd and Hirawats Fashion (P) Ltd 19 January 2013: Vizag Yi (Vizag Chapter) had organized an industrial visit to Quantum Clothing India (P) Ltd and Hirawats Fashion (P) Ltd, on 19 January 2013. The objective of this visit was to provide a learning platform to the members and the students and help them to understand the best practices of the organizations. The rst stop was Quantum Clothing India (P) Ltd. The members and students were taken for a guided tour of the production area. Mr Syed Khasim, Factory Manager and Ms Deepthi M, Manager HR & Admin, welcomed the members & students and gave a detailed presentation about the organization and its best practices. Mr Anik Hirawat, Managing Partner, Hirawat Fashion (P) Ltd spoke about his organization and took the members to the production oor where they got to know the best practices being adopted. They had an opportunity to study about the manufacturing system, resource procurement, supply chain system, production scheduling and quality practices. A group of 40 students from GVP College for Degree & PG Courses, MVGR College of Engineering, Thandra Paparaya Institute of Science & Technology and Swamy Vivekananda Engineering College and Yi Members participated in the visit. Australia India Youth Dialogue 30 January - 01 February 2013: Australia Australia India Youth Dialogue (AIYD) provides a sustainable platform for the youth of Australia and India to come together and foster an enduring partnership between the two great countries. AIYD explores new opportunities in the AustraliaIndia relationship by bringing together the expertise and knowledge of both countries coupled with 18

Australia India Youth Dialogue 2013: Yi Delegates at Government House Reception, Melbourne

Mr Shankar Vanavarayar was the Chair of the Board of Advisors. Mr Kumara Guru, National Vice Chairman (Designate), Yi & Director External Relations, Indian School of Business, Ms Bhairavi Jani, Past National Chairman, Yi & Director, SCAGroup of Companies and Mr George Muthoot Alexander, Co-Chair (Learning), Yi (Kochi Chapter) & Vice President, The Muthoot Group were the Yi members who represented India at the 2013 edition of AIYD.

Mr. M Maheshwar Rao IAS, Commissioner for Industrial Development and Director of Industries & Commerce, Government of Karnataka spoke about the various services and schemes offered by the State Government for starting startups/new ventures. Mr Bharathram Lokkur, Chair, Young Indians (Bangalore Chapter) and Senior Manager, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, and Mr Siddarth Krishna Kumar, Co-Chair, Young Indians (Bangalore Chapter) spoke about facets of entrepreneurship ranging from conceiving an idea to setting up a business, in the present changed economic order. The sessions on Business Idea to Execution and Finance and Scheme focused on Business Plan Templates & Monetizing Business Models, Role of Venture Capitalists and Financial Institutions as well as the Legal Aspects involved in starting a business. During the panel discussion, entrepreneurs from different elds shared their experiences and the challenges they faced while setting up their ventures.

Mr Subroto Bagchi, Co-Founder & Chairman, Mindtree Ltd addressing members during Entrepreneurship Summit Starting Young

The summit offered a unique platform for those who were keen on spreading the spirit of entrepreneurship and make a difference, and was attended by over 300 participants.

Yi Entrepreneurship Summit Starting Young 16 February 2013: Bangalore Yi (Bangalore Chapter) along with Department of Industries and Commerce, Government of Karnataka had organized its rst Entrepreneurship Summit with the theme, Starting Young on 16 February 2013 at Bangalore. The objective of the summit was to equip people, who are in the early stages of their business / career, senior students of Management and Engineering colleges and to an extent on mid-career individuals having entrepreneurial aspirations, to become successful entrepreneurs. It focused on all aspects of entrepreneurship ranging from conceiving an idea to setting up a business by bringing together budding entrepreneurs, start-ups, venture capitalists, nancial institutions, policy makers and other stakeholders involved with nurturing and promoting entrepreneurship. The summit and also focused on sectors where ample opportunities exist. In his keynote address, Mr Subroto Bagchi, Co-Founder & Chairman, Mindtree Ltd started off by saying that the choice people made with respect to their ventures is what would eventually determine their success. He stressed upon the fact that domain knowledge was the key differentiator and that ideas generated should be easy to relate to people. Mr. Bagchi emphasized that each organization must have its own methodology as over a period of time this becomes the unique factor that helps and contributes in staying ahead of the competition. He concluded by focusing on the branding aspect and its increased importance in creating a successful entrepreneurs.

Session on Youth and Corporate Formulating State Youth Policy 2013

Session on Youth and Corporate Formulating State Youth Policy 2013 22 February 2013: Bhubaneswar Yi (Bhubaneswar Chapter) in association with the Department of Sports and Youth Services (DSYS), Government of Odisha and UNFPA had organized a seminar on Youth and Corporate on 22 February 2013 at Bhubaneswar. DSYS is in the process of formulating the State Youth Policy 2013. For this purpose, the department plans to take a strategic approach to ensure an all-inclusive process with active engagement of youth from diverse backgrounds for the formulation of the policy. They plan to undertake various thematic consultations at the State and District level which will serve as the platform for generating opinions and suggestions for incorporating into the youth policy. In this connection, CII-Yi supported DSYS to organize this workshop with active involvement of Yi and CII members. The speakers for the session included Mr M K Gupta, Vice


Chairman, CII Odisha State Council; Mr Omkar Nath Mohanty, Convenor, CII Training and Education Panel and Director-Technology & Academic Initiative, RSB Metaltech (P) Ltd; Mr Hemant Dwivedi, Head, UNFPA-Odisha, and Mr Rahul Mirchandani, Past National Chairman, Yi & Executive Director, Aries Agro Ltd. The session was attended by around 50 delegates who assisted DSYS by suggesting various important points to frame the youth policy for the State.

move that changed their life and the course of the company. They talked about as to how continuous failure was treated as an opportunity to learn, how technology could be used to bring about a change to traditional businesses, to how millions of opportunities were available to graduates in the creative sector. The session proved to be quite interesting with a slew of questions being put forth to the speakers. Overall, the delegates had an entertaining, motivating and educative experience. About 300 delegates participated in the event.

Learning session on Dare, Grow, Achieve, Lead

Mr Rahul Mirchandhani,Past National Chairman-Yi addressing members during Young Entrepreneurs Meet

Learning session on Dare, Grow, Achieve, Lead 09 March 2013: Coimbatore Yi (Coimbatore Chapter) had organized its Signature Learning event - Dare.. Grow.. Achieve.. Lead.. It IS a BIG Deal ! on 9 March 2013 at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. The theme of the event was Achievement and Leadership and had a very interesting lineup of speakers from different sectors. The event had people who dared to take the rst step, who achieved big, who had successfully led an entire organization and one who had executed the unimaginable. By quoting real life experiences from achievers and leaders of our country, the aim of the signature event was to provide inspiration and motivation. It provided an opportunity for members and students to converge on a common platform and to discuss and debate on issues of importance leading to the development of the country. There were a total of 9 speakers who addressed the standalone session, and included Mr. Mahendar U S, Managing Partner, HattiKaapi; Mr. Karthikeyan Ranganathan, Partner, Baring Private Equity Partners India Ltd; Mr Mithun Sacheti, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Carat Lane Trading P Ltd; Mr. C K Venkataraman, Chief Executive Officer Jewellery, Titan Industries; Mr Nikhil Chaturvedi, Managing Director, Provogue I Ltd & Prozone CSC; Mr Ramesh Praba, Managing Director, Galaxy Communication Service P Ltd; Mr Senthil Kumar, Co-Founder & Board Member, Real Image Media Technologies P Ltd; Mr K V Sai Chandrasekhar, Head of Operations, Agastya International Foundation; and Mr. A Muruganantham, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Jayaashree Industries. The speakers shed their inhibitions and shared their stories on how they made a difference by taking a bold yet calculated 20

Yi Young Entrepreneurs Meet 08 January 2013: Ahmedabad The Vibrant Gujarat 2013 Summit is an example of a visionary approach of the Government of Gujarat towards inclusive and sustainable development. The sixth edition of the summit provided enormous prospects to the State to display its strengths, progressive stand, initiatives taken to improve governance, investor friendly climate and the art and culture of Gujarat. CII is the National Partner for the summit for the past many years and is proud to be associated with the Government of Gujarat for this initiative. A total of 2,100 delegates from 121 countries in attendance and 127 seminars on different topics as also forging 2,670 strategic partnership intentions have been the highlights of the summit. With the Vibrant Gujarat 2013 Summit, Brand Gujarat has established bonding with people from around the globe. Like in the previous editions, Yi was requested to partner with Vibrant Gujarat to organize a Young Entrepreneurs Meet on the theme Igniting Young Minds in Making Difference for Entrepreneurial Success.

Mr Narendra Modi, Chief Minister, Gujarat, speaking at the inaugural function mentioned that Gujarat was becoming the Global Gateway to India, and he welcomed everyone to the summit which itself has grown far beyond the boundaries of Gujarat. Mr Modi said that this summit would send a positive message for the global economy. Finishing School The objective of Yi Finishing Schools is to enhance the employability of ITI graduates through life skill inputs from Industry and thereby make the ITI graduate Industry Ready. Total 1265 students trained during the workshop.

CAAYE welcomes Nepal as an Invitee

CAAYE welcomes Nepal Young Entrepreneurs Forum (NYEF) as an Invitee member to the Alliance

The Flagship CAAYE Young Entrepreneur Summit

Federation of Chambers of Commerce (FCCISL) to Host Commonwealth Asia Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (CAAYE) Summit in mid November 2013. Sri Lankas exposure in the eyes of Asian region will be strengthen to greater heights with the CAAYE summit which is scheduled to have just before the CHOGM and Commonwealth Business Forum in Colombo. Official communiqu of the Common-Wealth Asian Alliance for Young Entrepreneurs (CAAYE) was handed over to the Hon. Minister Dullas Alahapperuma Minister of Youth Affairs and Skill Development at the ministry office by Dr.Rahul Mirchandani, Founder President, CAAYE in the presence of Ministry officials and Mr. Nalin Attygalle, Secretary General/CEO, Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL).

Students@BusYiness Yi Students Fair

CatalYist - Entrepreneurship Development Workshops. Designed with the aim of sowing the seeds of entrepreneurship in young minds of the student net members, this workshop exposes students to the concept of entrepreneurship and instill in them the condence to take up entrepreneurship as a career option.

Career Counseling Workshop

Career Counseling Initiative is a program that allow children to think in a structured manner about their dreams and aspirations. It gives exposure to the students regarding the sea of opportunity that exists beyond just being doctors or engineers. It is a tool that empowers studentsto self-determine their career path with support from teachers and family.

Handing over of Official flag of CAAYE to FCCISL Left to right Mr.K.A.Thilakaratne Secretary, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skill Development, Ms. N.D. Sugathadasa, Additional Secretary (Youth Dev.)- Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skill Development, Mr. Nalin Attygalle Secretary General-FCCISL, Hon. Min Dullas Alahapperuma Minister, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skill Development, Dr.Rahul Mirchandani Founder President, CAAYE, Mr. R.P.S.U. Jayaratne Director Small Enterprises, K.Vinopavan Focal Point for CAAYE - FCCISL


Along with the communiqu, official ag of CAAYE was handed over to FCCISL, who will be next host of CAAYE summit 2013 in Colombo during the month of November 2013. CAAYE is the network of network alliance of young entrepreneurs, having a written charter and proudly supported by the Common-wealth secretariat, London. CAAYE was formed by the 8 member countries in Asia, which are Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Brunei, Singapore and Malasiya. CAAYE is represented by FCCISl in Sri Lanka and FCCISL will be hosting the summit with the young entrepreneurs from all our member countries. We are expecting minimum 150 to 200 young foreign entrepreneurs to mingle with our own counter parts to share their experiences and success stories said by Nalin Attygalle. Arrangements will be made, all foreign delegates to have exposure visits to showcase Sri Lanka and make them understands the quality standards, value additions and innovativeness in the specic areas such as TEA, SPICES, RUBBER PRODUTS, CERAMIC and IT Developments. Not only medium and large scale entities, we will take them to few micro enterprises as well while showcasing one of the beautiful cities in the world-COLOMBO. Stated by Mr. Attygalle, Secretary General/CEO of FCCISL .

The businesses were evaluated across 15 different criteria including their impact on development, innovation and value generation. The entries were also judged on how their businesses support one of the eight Millennium Development Goals. A total of 17 entries were received from across industries including ICT, health care, green technology, waste management and hospitality.

Thinking Green Sdn Bhd - Malaysia A wholly-owned Malaysian start-up company, Thinking Green specializes in integrating aesthetic, modern design with green technology, creating new green products in the eld of micro-architecture, also known as street furniture. Its main innovation, the GreeNomad Solar-Powered Kiosk is a usable piece of street furniture that merges cuttingedge green technologies such as solar power and green materials with modern urban concepts, creating a selfsufficient, environmentally-friendly public amenity that provides a solution to illegal outdoor retail spaces and a reduction in carbon footprint generation. Thinking Green aims to collaborate closely with local/municipal authorities, both locally in Malaysia, regionally in South-East Asia, and internationally to deploy the GreeNomad Solar-Powered Kiosks.

Runner Up:
Think Green (Pvt) Ltd - Sri Lanka Think Green is a Sri Lankan company that provides solutions to disposing electronic waste called E-cycling box. Electronic waste is a growing problem in Sri Lanka accounting to over 5 tons every single day. Think Green has revolutionized the way in which e-waste must be managed Sri Lanka and has been at the forefront of inculcating green habits in Sri Lanka. The E-cycling box has beneted companies and helped many blue chip companies to be compliant with ISO 14001 Waste Management.Think Green has also created employment opportunities to the nation and has contributed to preserving 1.5 Million Lbs of Carbon Emissions which is equivalent to Saving over 150,00 Trees in 2012 alone.

Left to right Dr. Rahul Mirchandani Founder President, CAAYE, Mr.Nalin Attygalle Secretary General/CEO-FCCISL, Ms. N.D. Sugathadasa, Additional Secretary (Youth Dev.)- Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skill Development, K.Vinopavan Focal Point for CAAYE - FCCISL

CAAYE Young Entrepreneur Challenge 2013 The rst Commonwealth Asia Young Entrepreneurs Challenge was launched in July 2013. Themed Prot with Purpose: Entrepreneurs who build a better world, the challenge organized by the Commonwealth-Asia Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs was opened to to entrepreneurs between 20 to 35 years old from Bangladesh, Brunei, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Pakistan, Singapore and Sri Lanka with existing businesses. Recognizing that youth form a vital part of the global entrepreneurship equation, the challenge was aimed at providing a platform for young entrepreneurs in the region to showcase impactful business enterprises that address societal challenge. The challenge winner is invited to participate in the 2nd CAAYE Summit in Colombo and the Commonwealth Business Forum. On top of that, the winner will receive a whole range of mentorship support from the individual CAAYE member organisations. 22

Second Runner Up:

Kins Advanced Diabetes Care Clinic - India Kins Advanced Diabetes care clinic is a constituent of Kins Care & Research Foundation, an institution providing comprehensive diabetes management in West Bengal, India. India is the diabetic capital of the world and owing to the change in lifestyle, improper diet control and poor level of preventive care, the number of people being affected is increasing at an alarming rate. Launched in March 2011, Kins clinics objective is to provide total diabetes care under a single roof with special emphasis on empowerment of the diabetics. The clinic being the only such clinic in whole region has registered over 2500 patients till July13 with excellent results. It boasts to be the only healthcare institute to offer dedicated diabetic foot care facilities to protect amputation and continues to ght to make the region diabetes aware and free. The CAAYE Young Entrepreneur Challenge is supported by the Commonwealth Secretariat.

CAAYE Country Representatives

Ejaj Ahmad
Founder President Bangladesh Youth Leadership Centre (BYLC)

Fatin Arin
Country Representative - CAAYE

Rahul Mirchandani
Founder President CAAYE

Nurul Huda-Afandi
CAAYE Country Representative Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Aminath Shifaza
CAAYE Country Representative Maldives

Muzamir Mustafa
Chief Executive Officer PUGM Holdings - Malaysia

Shaban Khalid
Chairman Young Entrepreneur Forum

Devaki Ramachandran
CAAYE Country Representative Singapore

Sri Lanka
CAAYE Country Representative Sri Lanka

Aminul Islam Khan

Regional Director CYP Asia Centre

Navita Maharajan
National Chair Yi Leadership Academy

Katherine Ellis
Director Youth Affairs Commonwealth Secretariat


Co-founder and Director Young Brits

Alex Mitchell

Founder/CEO AGXINTL (AG International)

Anton Godfrey

Aminul Islam Khan

Regional Director CYP Asia Centre

C. J. P. Siriwardana
Assistant Governor Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Ajith Nivard Cabraal

Governor Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Founder President Bangladesh Youth Leadership Centre (BYLC)

Ejaj Ahmad

Country Representative CAAYE

Fatin Arin

Founder & CEO SocialBuzz Advertising

Hiro Tien

Australian President G20 Young Entrepreneurs Alliance

Jeremy Liddle

Group Director Programme Quality World Vision International

Jonathan Johnson

Kumar Mallimaratchi
Former Chairman Ceylon Hotels Corporation

Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba
DSG Commonwealth Secretariat, London

Analyst Capital Market Development Authority

Nabeeh Ibrahim

Secretary General/CEO FCCISL

Nalin Attygalle

Navita Maharajan
National Chair Yi Leadership Academy

Senior Deputy Director Department of the BOI

Priyanka Samaraweera

Rahul Mirchandani
Founder President CAAYE

Ramya Weerakoon
Chairman / MD Ramya Holdings Pvt Ltd.

Chief Executive Helios Eco Vidyut Pvt. Ltd.

Ravi Theja Muthu

Rokiah Binti Hassan

CEO Heritage Biotech

Chairman Syakar Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd

Saurabh Jyoti

Administrator Delhi Public School

Shazia Bakshi

Shiraz Gidwani
Chief Executive Iktara World

Sivahar Muthuramalingam

Founder Think Green (Pvt) Limited

Country Manager Dell Bangladesh

Sonia Kabir

Thirukumar Nadarasa
CEO - Hutchison Telecommunications Lanka (PVT) Ltd.

CAAYE Country Representative Sri Lanka


Nurul Huda-Afandi
CAAYE Country Representative Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

S Suryanarayanan
National Chairman CIIs Young Indians

Chairman Young Entrepreneur Forum

Shaban Khalid

Aminath Shifaza
CAAYE Country Representative Maldives

Devaki Ramachandran Darin C. Gunesekera

CAAYE Country Representative Singapore First ordinary Ashoka Fellow

Managing Director MBG Fruits

Adnan Lee

Chief Executive Officer PUGM Holdings - Malaysia

Muzamir Mustafa



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