Runway Orientation

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Airport Runway Location and Orientation

CEE 4674 Airport Planning and Design

Dr. Antonio A. Trani

Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Virginia Tech

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Runway Location Considerations

The following factors should be considered in locating

and orienting a runway:
• Wind
• Airspace availability
• Environmental factors (noise, air and water quality)
• Obstructions to navigation
• Air traffic control visibility
• Wildlife hazards
Read Chapter 2 of FAA AC/150-5300-13 for more
information about each topic

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Runway Orientation and Wind

• The orientation of the runway is an important consideration

in airport planning and design
• The goal of this exercise is to define the runway orientation
that maximizes the possible use of the runway throughout
the year accounting for a wide variety of wind conditions
• FAA and ICAO regulations establish rules about runway
orientation and their expected coverage
• Ideally, all aircraft operations on a runway should be
conducted against the wind
• Unfortunately, wind conditions vary from hour to hour thus
requiring a careful examination of prevailing wind
conditions at the airport site

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Cross Wind Operations

All aircraft have maximum demonstrated cross wind

components (usually specified in the flight manual)

Wind vector
Crosswind Component

Aircraft Velocity
Wind vector
Resulting Aircraft
Ground Speed

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Demonstrated Wind Conditions

Each aircraft has a uniquely stated maximum crosswind

component (derived from flight test experiments)
• A Boeing 727-200 (approach group C) has a maximum
demonstrated wind component of 35 knots
• A cessna 172 (a single engine aircraft falling in approach
speed group A) has a maximum demonstrated crosswind
component of 17 knots
The challenge for the designer is to accommodate all of
the aircraft using the facility in a reliable and reasonable

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Reporting Wind Conditions

Wind is reported on an azimuthal basis as shown below

w =15 knots North

West East
(270o) (90o)
Wind from 315
at 15 knots

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Sample Crosswind Computation

wc Crosswind
w component

Runway 27 wh
Wind vector
wc = w sin (γ)
wh = w cos (γ) North

NOTE: Winds are always reported with

respect to the magnetic North
(in ATC transmissions)

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Crosswind Calculator (Appendix 1 of FAA
AC 150/5300-13)

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Design Criteria (FAA and ICAO)

Read Chapter 2 of FAA AC 150/5300-13 or Aerodrome

design manual (Volume 1 for ICAO standards)
Employ the most critical aircraft expected to operate in
the airfield (in this context the most critical is the largest
• Provide a runway (or runways) orientation that satisfies 95%
coverage (i.e., crosswinds below a critical value)
considering yearly wind conditions
• If one runway does not meet the 95% criteria design a
second crosswind runway
The argument of using the most critical aircraft might
sound counterintuitive (but it is necessary)

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FAA Crosswind Design Criteria

Recognizing that each aircraft has unique maximum

demonstrated crosswind characteristics the FAA (and
ICAO as well) set a low value for crosswind design

Airport Reference Code Design Crosswind Value (knots)

A-I and B-I 10.5
A-II and B-II 13.0
A-III, B-III and C-I through D-III 16.0
A-IV through D-IV 20.0

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ICAO Crosswind Design Criteria

Similar to the FAA criteria in many ways. However,

ICAO has two aerodrome classifications.

Aerodrome Runway Reference Runway Reference Field Length

Code (m.)
A < 800
B 800 - 1,200
C 1,200 - 1,800
D > 1,800

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ICAO Crosswind Design Criteria

Similar to the FAA criteria in many ways but simpler

(only three design values).

Runway Length (m.) Design Crosswind Value (knots)

< 1,200 10.0
1,200 - 1,500 13.0
> 1,500 20.0

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Data Sources

Collect wind data from a reliable source:

• National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Environmental Data Service (EDS)
• The EDS's National Climatic in Asheville, North Carolina
• The wind data is usually available for hundreds of stations
across the U.S.
• Ironically, Blacksburg has a National Weather Service
station but EDS does not have a record of us!
• Carefully use weather record from two or more nearby
stations if wind data is not readily available at the proposed
airport site (be very careful of local weather effects)

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Data Sources

• For mountainous terrain with data without wind data, the use
of nearby stations is of questionable value
• Take one year of wind data if possible
• Several automated reporting systems exist at airport that can
be used for this purpose (EDS will not have data about
AWOS - Automated Weather Observation System
• The data available from NOAA usually includes 10-15 years
(daily observations)
• Use 5-10 years of data for airport planning purposes (except
when you are collecting the data yourself)

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Sample Wind Data

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Wind Rose Analysis

• A clever way to portray all wind data in agraphical template

and estimate the percent runway coverage
• The wind rose is just a graphical way to add decompose
• The wind rose is populated with percentages derived from
wind observations
• You can build a wind rose with a piece of cardboard and a
transparent template

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Wind Rose Template
Enter percentages Each cell
in each cell a wind direction
and magnitude

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Sample Wind Rose with Data
< 10 knots

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Wind Rose and Template
shown is

2.72% of
exceed 13 knots
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Use of FAA Computer Program (AD42.exe)

The FAA computer program companion to the AC

5300-13 can be used to study runway orientation
It requires a text file in a very specific format that
contains number of wind observations from various
azimuths and winds speeds (similar to the wind rose

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Sample Data for Computer Program
for 2
Wind Speeds
Azimuth (x 10)

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Sample Output of AD42.exe Program
Sample Crosswind
2 runways


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Sample Analysis for One Runway End (5-
knot tailwind component allowed)

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Single Runway End Analysis
Runway End
110o can be
used 80.4% of time
(allows 5-knot tailwind)

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