Mass Balancing Examples 1
Mass Balancing Examples 1
Mass Balancing Examples 1
Pertti Lamberg October 15, 2009
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MASS BALANCING AND DATA RECONCILIATION EXAMPLES .................................................... 1 MASS BALANCING AND DATA RECONCILIATION ....................................................................................... 1 EXAMPLE 1 - 1D COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................. 2 EXAMPLE 2 1D CHEMICAL COMPONENTS ............................................................................................. 20 EXAMPLE 3 1D MINERALS .................................................................................................................... 24 EXAMPLE 4 1.5D MASS BALANCING .................................................................................................... 36 EXAMPLE 5 2D CHEMICAL COMPONENTS ............................................................................................. 41 EXAMPLE 6 MULTIPLE DATA SETS ....................................................................................................... 46
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Table 1. Mass balance cases that can be solved with HSC Sim. The red X indicates that data is necessary and defines the case. In order to solve the 3D-mass balance, the particle tracking module of HSC is required. This is currently available only for AMIRA P9O Sponsors.
Assayed or | Case estimated values | Total stream flowrates Total solid flowrates Liquid flowrates Component flowrates Component distributions %Solids Bulk chemical compositions Minerals and their chemical composition Particle size distribution Chemical composition of size fractions Particles (MLA data)
1D Components 1D Assays 1D Minerals 1.5D 2D Assays 2D Minerals 3D
X (X)
X (X)
X (X)
(X) X
(X) X X
(X) X
(X) X X
(X) X X X X X
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Turn the HSC mode to Experimental (Figure 2) Draw first the units; the example has five units named as U1, U2, U3, U4 and U5 (Figure 3) Draw the streams; the example has eleven streams called as letters form A to J. Be sure that the Source and Destinations are correct (Figure 3) Finally check the stream connections using the Overlay and Route Check button as shown below. The input streams are shown blue, the output streams red and the intermediate streams black . Save the drawing.
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Figure 6. Copying data into clipboard. The first cell on left top corner has to be the Stream cell.
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5. 6.
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Figure 15. Step 5. Nodes, node 4 is visualized: blue streams are the feed streams of the node, red ones are the output streams. Narrow black streams are not included in the node 4. Number oif errors is zero.
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Once you press the press or button HSC Sim solves the mass balance problem. Balanced (Bal) columns become visible, i.e. now you have visible measured values (white background) and balanced values (grey background). To see more columns check the ones you want to see in the report options / column selector (Figure 22). To visualize the balance in the flowsheet click the column in the data sheet (Figure 23) and see the flowsheet (Figure 24). Use copy/paste to report out for example in MS Word. Now HSC Sim has adjusted all arsenic tonnages, but we would like to see the feed tonnages, 100 tph, remain unchanged. There are two options for that: 1) set the standard deviation for the stream A / As tph very small, say 0.01 (Figure 25); 2) set the minimum and maximum values to 100 and 100 and select the solution method to CLS (Constrained Least Squares) (Figure 26). To report result as Stream Tables, Select from the menu Flowsheet Create Stream Tables (Figure 27), select the components (Figure 28) and items (Figure 29). In the next window answer Yes to remove the tables with no values (Figure 30). Oranize the tables in the flowsheet in a way that all tables and streams can be seen (Figure 31). Use copy/paste to report out. Click Report and in the StreamSummary sheet select reported items and press Copy to get the data into the clipboard (Figure 32). Paste into for example MS Excel.
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To save the full result select File Save and give a name for the file (Figure 33).
Figure 23. Clicking As tph to visualize in the flowsheet (see next figure).
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Figure 25. As tph for the stream A set to 0.001. Now balanced As tph is practically equal to the measured one.
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Figure 26. Setting min and max values for As to 100 and 100 and pressing Balance will solve the As flowrate using constraints. Remember to change the solution method to CLS (Constrained Least Squares).
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Figure 31. Balance result reported as Stream Tables which are placed on Balance Layer.
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Figure 35. Press Skip Wizard, the default values will be used.
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Figure 36. Negative results and %Solids Balanced values are zeros.
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Figure 38. Total Solids flowrate, balanced. Mill Water has 0.65 t/h solids which is not right.
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The remaining, quartz, is calculated from 100-others, use right mouse button for selecting that option (Figure 48). Press Run to calculate the modal composition (Figure 49). In two samples the mineral sum is higher than 100% (Figure 50). This is due to uncertainties in S and Fe assays which means that our estimate on pyrite is too high. To fix that we use Normalize button (Figure 51) define that pyrite is adjusted by selecting Py, Total sum is and 100 and press Calculate (Figure 52). Now the modal calculation is ready. Select from the menu Edit Copy the Whole Sheet (With Headers) (Figure 53). Now move back to HSC Sim, activate the Experimental Data and select Edit Paste Special Assays (Figure 54). Mineral analyses are now pasted to HSC Sim (Figure 55). To have the possibility for calculating back to elements go once again back to HscGeo and select Edit Copy Mineral Matrix (Figure 56), move back to HSC Sim and select Tools Paste Mineral Matrix (Figure 57). HSC Sim crates a sheet named MinrealMatrix and brings the chemical composition of minerals on that sheet (Figure 58). Now get back to the sheet 5 1D with ERROR and press
-button. In the first Balance Wizard step select Total Solids Flowrate, %Solids, Water, Ccp, Py, and Qtz (Figure 59). You can skip the other steps (press Skip Wizard). In the Data Balancing and Reconciliation window set the method to CLS, check the Component Sum=100, Solve Water Independently, set the min and max values for water streams to zero and for ROM to 112. Press solve; the result is shown in Figure 61. For graphical presentation select Graphics Assays Stacked Bar (Figure 62, Figure 63). To calculate back to elements result has to be moved back to Experimental Data; use File Save Result into Experimental Sheet (Analyses.xls) (Figure 64). Give name for the balance sheet (Figure 65) and complete the balance by selecting Tools Calculate Minerals To Elements (Figure 66). Now the balance is ready. In the final mineral and elemental balance minerals sum up to 100% and elemental balance is fully compatible mineral balance and the Mineral Matrix (Figure 67).
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Figure 46. Chalcopyrite Cu selected for the first round, pressing UP-button to move to the second round.
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Figure 48. Quartz is calculated on third round using Is Total-100. Use right mouse to select the option.
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Figure 52. select Py and Total sum is, 100 and press Calculate.
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Figure 55. Mineral analyses are brought to HSC Sim (use Format Auto to set autoformat and Window Freeze Panes to fix the top row and left column).
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Figure 57. Paste Mineral Matrix to HSC Sim; select Tools Paste Mineral Matrix.
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Figure 62. For bar chart select Graphics Assays Stacked Bar.
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Figure 63. In the Graph window you can see the balanced modal composition.
Figure 64. Save balanced result back into Experimental Data by selecting File Save Result into Experimental Sheet (Analyses.xls).
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Figure 66. Complete the balance by selecting Tools Calculate Minerals To Elements.
Figure 67. Final mineral and elemental balance; minerals sum up to 100% and elemental balance is fully compatible mineral balance and the Mineral Matrix.
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second step select only streams: ROM, Mill Water, Mill Sump Water, SAG Discharge, Cyclone UF and Cyclone OF (Figure 70). In the following windows you can Skip or just accept by pressing Next. In the Data Balancing and Reconciliation window select the data dimension to 1.5D (Figure 71). Running the mass balance with default options will give negative solid flowrates for the Mill Sump Water (Figure 70). Again, we need to use CLS method. Set min and max values for the Mill Water (0 and 0), Mill Sump Water (0 and 0). Figure 73 gives the result of the mass balancing. To draw cumulative passing graphs select Graphics Cumulative Passing (Figure 74 and Figure 75).
Figure 68. 1.5D example: 3 Grinding Survey of the Copper Circuit . Vertical (on the bottom of the window) indicates that data is vertical, i.e. each sample is a column.
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Figure 70. Selections for the streams to be included in the mass balancing.
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Figure 73. 1.5D Balance result with constraints (min & max).
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balance is solved using 1D balance as constraints (Figure 80). Check the difference between balanced and measured with the partity chart (Figure 81, Figure 82). Finally save the results into Experimental Data (Figure 83, Figure 84)
Figure 77. Uncheck Mill Water and Mill Sump Water in the mass balancing.
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