Control Engineering

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EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems



A control system is meant by which any quantity of interest either in machine, mechanism or other equipment is maintained or altered in accordance with a desired manner. Consider, for example, the driving system of an automobile. Speed of the automobile is a function of the position of its accelerator. The desired speed can be maintained by controlling pressure on the accelerator pedal. This automobile driving system: accelerator, carburetor and engine, constitutes a control system. Figure 1.1 shows the general schematic representation of a typical control system. For the automobile driving system the input signal is the force on the accelerator pedal which through linkages causes the carburetor valve to open/close so as to increase/decrease fuel flow to the engine bringing the vehicle speed to the desired value. Input (force)
Accelerator pedal, linkages and carburretor

rate of fuel flow


output (speed)

FIGURE 1.1 The basic control system The schematic representation of Figure 1.1 is known as block diagram representation wherein each block represents an element, a plant, mechanism, devise etc., whose inner details are not shown. Each block has an input and output signal which are linked by a relationship characterizing the block. It may be noted that the signal flow through the block is unidirectional. Let us reconsider the automobile driving system. The route, speed and acceleration of the automobile are determined and controlled by the driver by observing traffic and road conditions and by properly manipulating the accelerator, clutch, gear lever, brake and steering wheel ect. Suppose the driver wants to maintain 50 km/hr (desired output). He then accelerates the automobile to this speed with the help of accelerator and then maintains it by holding the accelerator steady. No error in the speed of the automobile occurs as long as there are no other disturbances along the road. The actual speed of the automobile is measured by the speedometer and indicated on its dial. The driver reads the speed dial visually and compared the actual speed with the desired one mentally. If there is a deviation of speed from the desired one, accordingly he/she takes the decision to increase or decrease the automobile speed by changing in pressure of his/her foot through muscular power on the accelerator

EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

pedal. These processes can be represented in a schematic form as shown in Figure 1.2. In contrast to the sequence of events in Figure 1.1, the events in the control sequence of Figure 1.2 follow a closed loop i.e. the information about the instantaneous state of the output is feedback to the input and is used to modify it in such a manner as to achieve the desired output. It is on account of this basic difference that the system of Figure 1.1 is called as openloop control system, while the system of Figure 1.2 is called as closed-loop control system. Desired Speed
Drivers eyes and brain Leg muscles


Accelerat or pedal, linkages and carburret

rate of fuel flow


output speed


FIGURE 1.2 Closed-loop feedback control system Let us investigate another control aspect of an automobile say its steering mechanism. A simple block diagram of an automobile steering control system is shown in Fig. 1.3(a). The driver senses the error between the actual and desired direction of the automobile as shown in Fig 1.3(b) by the means of visual and tactile (body movement). Additional information is available to the driver from the feel of the steering wheel by the hand(s), these informations constitute the feedback signals which are interpreted by drivers brain, who then signals his hand to adjust the steering wheel accordingly. This again is an example of a closed-loop system where human visual and tactile measurements constitute the feedback loop. A typical direction-of-travel response is shown in Fig. 1.3(c). In fact unless human beings are not left out of a control system, practically all control systems are a sort of closed-loop system. Systems of the type represented in Figs. 1.2 and 1.3 involve continuous manual control by a human operator. These are classified as manually controlled systems. Fig 1.4 shows another example of manually controlled closed-loop system for regulating the level of fluid in a tank. The input is a reference level of fluid that the operator is instructed to maintain (This reference is memorized by the operator). The power amplifier is the operator, and the sensor is visual. The operator compares the actual level with the desired level and opens or closes the valve (actuator), adjusting the fluid flow out, to maintain the desired level. In many complex and fast-acting systems, the presence of the human element in the control loop is undesirable because the system response may be too rapid for an operator to follow. Furthermore, some of the systems e.g. missiles, are self-destructive and in such systems human element must be excluded. Even in situations where manual control could be possible, an economic case can often be made out for reduction of human supervision. Thus the use of some equipment which performs the same intended function as a continuously employed human operator is needed. A system incorporating such an equipment is known as automatic control system. In fact in most situations an automatic control system could be made to perform intended functions better than a human operator, and could further be made to perform such functions as would be impossible for a human operator. The general block diagram of an automatic control system is shown in Fig 1.5. An error detector/comparator compares a signal obtained through feedback elements with the reference input. Any difference between these two signals constitutes an error, which is then adjusted

EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

by the control device (such as an amplifier). The output of the control device causes the actuator to modulate the process in order to reduce the error.

FIGURE 1.3 An automobile steering control system. (b) The driver uses the difference
between the actual and the desired direction of travel to generate a controlled adjustment of the steering wheel. (c) Typical direction of - travel response.

FIGURE 1.4 A manual control system for regulating the level of fluid in a tank


EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

FIGURE 1.5 General block diagram of an automatic control system The control device is often called a controller. In order to gain better understanding of the interactions of the constituents of an automatic control system, let us discuss a simple tank level control system shown in Fig 1.6. This control system can maintain the liquid level h (actual output) of the tank within accurate tolerance of the desired liquid level even though the output flow rate through the valve V1 is varied. The liquid level is sensed by a float (feedback path element), which position the slider arm B on a potentiometer. The slider arm A of another potentiometer is positioned corresponding to the desired liquid level H (desired input). When the liquid level rises or falls, the potentiometers (comparator) give an error voltage (error) proportional to the change in liquid level. The error voltage actuates the motor through a power amplifier (control device) which in turn conditions the water level in the tank (plant/process) by decreasing or increasing the opening of the valve V2 in order to restore the desired liquid level. By opening the feedback loop i.e. disconnecting the potentiometer B , the reader can easily verify that any operator acting as part of feedback loop will find it very difficult to adjust h to a desired value and to be able to maintain it. This further demonstrates the power of an automatic control system.

Figure 1.6 Automatic tank-level control system


EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

As a recap, any physical system which does not automatically correct for variation in its output, is called an open-loop system. Such a system may be represented by the block diagram of Fig 1.7. In these systems the output remains constant for a constant input signal provided the external conditions remain unaltered. But variations in external conditions or internal parameters of the system may cause the output to vary from the desired value in an uncontrolled fashion. The open-loop control is, therefore, satisfactory only if such fluctuations can be tolerated or system components are designed and constructed so as to limit parameter variations and environmental conditions are well-controlled. Input
Controller Plant


Figure 1.7 General block diagram of open-loop system It is important to note that the fundamental difference between an open and closed-loop control system is that of feedback action. Consider, for example, a traffic control system for regulating the flow of traffic at the crossing of two roads. The system will be termed openloop if red and green lights are put on by a timer mechanism set for predetermined fixed interval of time. It is obvious that such an arrangement takes no account of varying rates of traffic flowing to the road crossing from the two directions. If on the other hand a scheme is introduced in which the rates of traffic flow along both directions are measured (some distance ahead of the crossing) and are compared and the difference is used to control the timing of red and green lights, a closed-loop system results. A common example of an open-loop control system is an electric toaster in a kitchen. An example of a closed-loop control system is an air conditioner in a living room. An electric toaster is open-loop system because it is controlled by a timer. Although the timer dial of the toaster is calibrated the manufacturer, the amount of heat produced by the heating element may vary over a wide range. In addition, the efficiency of the heating element normally deteriorates with age. Hence the amount of time required for a good toast must be estimated by the user, and this setting must be periodically readjusted. Whereas, a thermostatically controlled air conditioner automatically regulating the temperature of a room or enclosure is a closed-loop control system. The input to this system is a reference temperature, usually specified by appropriately setting a thermostat. The output is the actual temperature in the room or enclosure. When the thermostat detects the output is higher than the input, the compressor of the air conditioner is turned on and it provides cooling air to the room or enclosure until the temperature of the enclosure becomes equal or below to the reference input. Then the compressor is automatically turned off.


The first automatic control system, the fly-ball governor, to control the speed of steam engines, was invented by James Watt in 1770. This device was usually prone to hunting (undesirable system oscillations). It was about hundred years later that Maxwell analyzed the dynamics of the fly-ball governor. The schematic diagram of a speed control system using a fly-ball governor is shown in Fig 1.8. The change in desired engine speed can be achieved by adjusting the setting of throttle level. For a high speed setting, the throttle level is moved up which in turn causes x to move downward resulting in wider opening of the fuel control valve with consequent increase of speed. The lower speed setting is achieved by reverse action.

EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

Figure 1.8 Speed control system The importance of positioning heavy masses like ships and guns quickly and precisely was realized during the World War I (1914-1918). In early 1920, Minorsky performed the classic work on automatic steering of ships and positioning of guns on the shipboards. A date of significance in automatic control systems is that of Hazens work in 1934. His work may possibly be considered as a first struggling attempt to develop some general theory for servomechanism (feedback control mechanism). Prior to 1940, automatic control theory was not much developed and for most cases the design of control systems was indeed an art. During the decade of 1940s, mathematical and analytical methods were developed and practiced and control engineering was established as an engineering discipline in its own rights. During the World War II (1939-1945), it became necessary to design and construct automatic airplane pilots, guns positioning systems, radar tracking systems and other military equipments based on feedback control principle. This gives a great impetus to the automatic control theory. The missile launching and guidance system of Fig 1.9 is a sophisticated example of military applications of feedback control. The target plane is sited by a rotating surface radar antenna which then tracks the target and also transmits a guidance beam that adjusts its angle as the target moves across the sky. Depending upon the position and velocity of the plane as given by the radar output data, the launch computer calculates the firing angle in terms of a launch command signal, which when amplified through a power amplifier drives the launcher (drive motor). The launcher angular position is feedback to the launch computer and missile is triggered as soon as the error between the launch command signal and the missile firing angle becomes zero. After being fired, the missile enters the radar guidance beam and uses it for direction. Scanning systems onboard the missile detected the presence of the beam and determine how close the missile is to the edge of it. This information is used to send


EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

command signals to control surfaces (Canards, wings and fins) of the missile to keep the missile within the beam. In this way, the missile rides the external radar beam to the target.



(c) Fig 1.9 (a) Missile lauching and guidance system. (b) Beam rider guidance. (c) Missile control surfaces


EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

The industrial use of automatic control has tremendously increased since the World War II. Modern manufacturing processes such as manufacture and treatment of chemicals and metals are now automatically controlled. An example of controlled industrial processes is a batch chemical reactor shown in Fig 1.10. The reactants are initially charged into the reaction vessel of the batch reactor and are then agitated for a certain period of time to allow the reaction to take place. Upon completion of the reaction, the products are discharged. For a specific reaction, there is an optimum temperature of the reactor mass should be varied to obtain best results. Automatic temperature control is achieved by providing both steam and cooling jackets for heating or cooling the reactor mass. During heating phase, the controller closes the water inlet and outlet valves, and opens and controls the steam inlet valve while the condensate valve is kept open. Reverse action takes place during the cooling phase.

Fig. 1.10 A batch chemical process

1.3 Digital computer control

In the example of missile launching and guidance system, it is seen that such control systems need a digital computer as a control element to digitally process a number of input signals to generate a number of control signals so as to manipulate several plant variables. In this control system signals in certain parts of the plants are in analog form i.e. continuous functions of time variable, while the control computer handles data only in digital (or discrete) form. This requires signal discretization and analog-to-digital interfacing in form of A/D and D/A converters. To begin with we will consider a simple form the digital control system. The block diagram of such a system with single feedback loop is illustrated in Fig 1.11 wherein the sampler samples

EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

the error signal e(t ) every T seconds. The sampler is an electronic switch whose output is the discretized version of the analog signal and is a train pulses of the sampling frequency with the strength of each pulse being that the error signal at the beginning of the sampling period. The sampled signal is passed through a data hold is then filtered by a digital filter in accordance with the control algorithm. The smoothed out control signal u (t ) is then used to manipulate the plant.

Fig 1.11 block diagram of a sampled-data control system A three-axis control system for inspecting individual semiconductor wafers is shown in Fig. 1.12.This system uses a specific motor to drive each axis to the desired position in the x-y-zaxis, respectively. The goal is to achieve smooth, accurate movement in each axis. This control system is an important one for the semiconductor manufacturing industry.

FIGURE 1.12 A three-axis control system for inspecting individual semiconductor wafers with a highly sensitive camera. Where a few variables are to be controlled with a limited number of commands and the plant process to be controlled is at a given physical location, a general purpose computer chip, the microprocessor, P , is commonly employed. Such systems are known as microprocessorbased control systems. Of course at the input/output interfacing A/D and D/A converter chips would be needed.

EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

For large systems a center computer is employed for simultaneous control of several subsystems. We shall advance two examples of central computer control. Automatic aircraft landing system The automatic aircraft landing system in a simplified form is depicted in Fig 1.13. The system consists of three basic parts: the aircraft, the radar unit and the controlling unit. The radar unit measures the approximate vertical and lateral positions of the aircraft, which are then transmitted to the controlling unit. From these measurements, the controlling unit calculates appropriate pitch and bank commands. These commands are then transmitted to the aircraft autopilots which in turn cause the aircraft to response. Assuming that the lateral control system and the vertical control system are independent, we shall only consider the lateral control system. The aircraft lateral position y (t ) is the lateral distance of the aircraft from the centerline of the runway. The control system attempts to force y (t ) to zero. The radar unit measures y ( kT ) which is the sampled value of y (t ) where T is the sampling period and k = 0,1, 2,3,.... . The digital controller processes these sampled values and generates the discrete bank command at each sampled period and send it to the aircraft. The aircraft responds to the bank command and change its lateral position y (t ) by changing the angle of ailerons as well as the angle of rudder (Fig 1.14). Two unwanted inputs called disturbances appear into the system. These are (i) wind gust affecting the position of the aircraft and (ii) radar noise present in measurement of aircraft positions. These are labeled as disturbance input. The system has to be designed to mitigate the effects of disturbances input so that the aircraft lands within acceptable limits of lateral accurancy.

Fig 1.13 Automatic aircraft landing system


EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

Fig 1.14 Lateral and longitudinal control of an aircraft Coordinated boiler-generator control Coordinated control system for a boiler-generator unit by a central computer is illustrated by simplified schematic block diagram of Fig 1.15. Various signal inputs to the control computer are (i) watts, vars, line voltage (ii) temperature and pressure of steam inlet to turbine (iii) oxygen content in furnace air. These inputs are processed by the control computer to produce control signals (i) signals to adjust throttle valve. This control the rate of steam input to turbine and so controls the generator output. (ii) signals to adjust fuel, feed water and air in accordance with the throttle valve opening. (iii) signals which adjust generator excitation so as to control var output.

Fig 1.15 coordinated control for a boiler-generator



EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

1.4 Applications of control theory in non-engineering fields

Although control theory is originally evolved as an engineering discipline, due to universality of the principles involved it is no longer restricted to engineering. The theory has been applied to such areas as economics, sociology, biology etc. Consider an economic inflation problem which is evidenced by continually rising prices. A model of the vicious price-wage inflationary cycle, assuming simple relationship between wages, product costs and cost of living is shown in Fig 1.16. the economic system depicted in the figure is found to be a positive feedback system. Initial wages
+ +

present wages


production cost


cost of living

wage increment Fig 1.16 economic inflation dynamics

Dissatisfaction factor d

In medical field, control theory has wide applications, such as temperature regulation, neurological, respiratory and cardiovascular controls. A simple example is the automatic anaesthetic control. The degree of anaesthesia of patient undergoing operation can be measured from encephalograms. Using control principles anaesthetic control can be made completely automatic. Thereby, freeing the anaesthetist from observing constantly the general condition of the patient and making manual adjustment.

1.5 Classification of automatic control system

Besides as classified a control systems according to equipment used to regulate a plant in the system, we also can classify a control system as given as the following: Linear versus Nonlinear Control Systems: Strictly speaking, linear systems don't exist in practice, since all physical systems are nonlinear to some extent. However, if the range of variations of the system is not large, then the system may be linearized within the small range of variation of the system. For linear system, the principle of superposition applied. Those systems for which this principle does not apply are nonlinear system. It is noted that, in some cases, nonlinear element is introduced in a control system to optimize the performance of the system. For example to optimize the performance of a missile or spacecraft a nonlinear on-off control is introduced into the system. Time-Invariant versus Time-Varying Systems: When the parameters of a control system are stationary with respect to time during the operation of the system, the system is called a Time-Invariant system. In practice, most physical systems contain elements that drift or vary with time. For example, the winding resistance of an electric motor will vary with temperature (with time), the mass of the missile decreases as the fuel on board is being consumed (with time) during flight. Continuous-time versus discrete-time control systems: A continuous system is one in which the signals at various parts of the system are all functions of the continuous time variable t. Differ from the continuous-data systems in that the signals at one or more points of the system are in form of either a pulse train.



EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

Single-input and single-output versus multiple-input and multiple-output control systems: A system may have one input and one output. An example is a position control system, where there is one command input (desired position) and one controlled output (output position). Such a system is called a single-input, single-output control system. Some systems may have multiple inputs and multiple outputs. An example is a process control system that has two inputs (pressure and temperature input) and two outputs (pressure and temperature output). Lumped-parameter versus distributed-parameter control system: Control systems that can described by ordinary differential equations are lumped-parameter control system, whereas distributed-parameter control systems are those that can be described by partial differential equations. Deterministic versus stochastic system: A control system is deterministic if the response to input is predictable and repeatable. If not, the control system is a stochastic control system. Control systems classified according to the main purpose of the systems: The examples are position-control system and velocity-control system which are used to control the position and velocity of the systems.

1.6 Summary
In the above account the field of control systems has been survey with a wide variety of examples including those of nonphysical science. The basic block diagram of a feedback control system is given in Fig 1.17.
Disturbance input

Desired Input r (t )
+ --

error e(t )


u (t )

plant (process)

output y (t )

Feedback elements (sensors)


Fig1.17 The basic feedback control loop The figure also indicates the presence of the disturbance input in the plant and the noise input in feedback element i.e. noise enters in the measurement process. This basic control loop with negative feedback is used to reduce the error between the desired input and the controlled output. Besides that negative feedback has a few additional benefits like reduction in effects of disturbance input, plant nonlinearity and changes in plant parameters. Generally, a controller (or a filter) is required to process the error signal such that the overall system satisfies certain critical specifications such as (i) reduction in effect of disturbance signal, (ii) reduction of steady-state error, (iii) transient response and frequency response performance, (iv) sensitivity of parameter changes. Feedback controller design usually involved with the following steps:

EME3206: Control Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Control Systems

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Choice of feedback sensor(s) to get a measurement of the controlled output. Choice of actuator to drive the plant like opening or closing a valve, adjusting the excitation or armature voltage of a motor. Developing mathematical models of plant, sensor and actuator. Controller design based on models developed in step 3and the specified criteria. Simulating system performance and fine tuning Iterate the above steps if necessary. Building the system or its prototype and testing.



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