Ni 2910
Ni 2910
Ni 2910
07 / 2012
This Standard replaces and cancels its previous revision. The CONTEC - Authoring Subcommittee provides guidance on the interpretation of this Standard when questions arise regarding its contents. The Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard is responsible for adopting and applying the sections, subsections and enumerates thereof.
Comisso de Normalizao Tcnica
Technical Requirement: A provision established as the most adequate and which shall be used strictly in accordance with this Standard. If a decision is taken not to follow the requirement (non-conformity to this Standard) it shall be based on well-founded economic and management reasons, and be approved and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized by imperative nature. Recommended Practice: A provision that may be adopted under the conditions of this Standard, but which admits (and draws attention to) the possibility of there being a more adequate alternative (not written in this Standard) to the particular application. The alternative adopted shall be approved and registered by the Department of PETROBRAS that uses this Standard. It is characterized by verbs of a nonmandatory nature. It is indicated by the expression: [Recommended Practice]. Copies of the registered non-conformities to this Standard that may contribute to the improvement thereof shall be submitted to the CONTEC - Authoring Subcommittee. Proposed revisions to this Standard shall be submitted to the CONTEC Authoring Subcommittee, indicating the alphanumeric identification and revision of the Standard, the section, subsection and enumerate to be revised, the proposed text, and technical/economic justification for revision. The proposals are evaluated during the work for alteration of this Standard. The present Standard is the exclusive property of PETRLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS, for internal use in the Company, and any reproduction for external use or disclosure, without previous and express authorization from the owner, will imply an unlawful act pursuant to the relevant legislation through which the applicable responsibilities shall be imputed. External circulation shall be regulated by a specific clause of Secrecy and Confidentiality pursuant to the terms of intellectual and industrial property law.
SC - 16
Industrial Safety
PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared by Working Groups - WG (consisting specialized of Technical Collaborators from Company and its Subsidiaries), are commented by Company Units and its Subsidiaries, are approved by the Authoring Subcommittees SCs (consisting of technicians from the same specialty, representing the various Company Units and its Subsidiaries), and ratified by the Executive Nucleus (consisting of representatives of the Company Units and its Subsidiaries). A PETROBRAS Technical Standard is subject to revision at any time by its Authoring Subcommittee and shall be reviewed every 5 years to be revalidated, revised or cancelled. PETROBRAS Technical Standards are prepared in accordance with PETROBRAS Technical Standard N-1. For complete information about PETROBRAS Technical Standards see PETROBRAS Technical Standards Catalog. PROPERTY OF PETROBRAS 5 pages, Index of Revisions and WG
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This Standard is the English version (issued in 08/2012) of PETROBRAS N-2910 REV. A 07/2012. In case of doubt, the Portuguese version, which is the valid document for all intents and purposes, shall be used.
1 Scope
1.1 This Standard establishes the minimum safety criteria for work done at a height of two meters or more from the reference ground level. 1.2 This Standard applies to procedures started as of its date of issuance. 1.3 For companies of the PETROBRAS System headquartered outside Brazil, the application of this Standard shall be based on respect for local legislation, as well as for the other applicable requirements. It shall be herein understood that all Brazilian legislations or references contained and highlighted in this Standard may serve as input for its adaptation process. 1.4 This Standard contains only Technical Requirements.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. NR-35 - Trabalho em Altura; ABNT NBR 15475 - Acesso por Corda - Qualificao e Certificao de Pessoas; ABNT NBR 15595 - Acesso por Corda - Procedimento para Aplicao do Mtodo. NOTE For documents referred in this Standard and for which only the Portuguese version is available, the PETROBRAS department that uses this Standard should be consulted for any information required for the specific application.
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3.4 drop zone space between the anchor point and the reference ground level or nearest obstacle
4 General Requirements
4.1 Fall Protection System
4.1.1 All Personal Protection Equipment (EPI, with its abbreviature in Portuguese) and Collective Protection Equipment (EPC, with its abbreviature in Portuguese) shall be used, stored and cleaned according to the manufacturers instructions.
4.1.2 Fall protection equipment and accessories shall be checked with respect to their conditions, suitability, validity and certification. This check shall be recorded and each PETROBRAS unit shall define the best recording method.
4.1.3 Before any work is done, protection equipment and accessories shall be inspected so as to ensure such items are in perfect conditions of use.
4.1.4 Any equipment in which an unexpected occurrence has taken place, which may alter its integrity and operability, shall be immediately replaced and sent to the Health, Safety and Environment (SMS, with its abbreviature in Portuguese) area of the unit for analysis.
4.1.5 Equipment rejected in the analysis made by the SMS department of the unit shall be rendered useless.
4.1.6 An abdominal belt shall not be used as a component of the fall protection system.
4.1.7 The safety strap or retractable fall arrester connected to the safety harness shall be attached to an anchor point, adjusted to restrict the height of fall.
4.1.8 The safety strap with energy absorber shall only be used where there is a possibility of a free fall from six meters or more.
4.1.9 The anchor points and the lifeline shall be technically evaluated with respect to their integrity and resistance to withstand the expected load.
4.1.11 The angulation of the safety strap or flexible line with the vertical shall be limited, in order to reduce the pendulum effect in the case of a fall.
4.1.12 For work carried out with space restrictions, at a fixed position and at elevated/suspended positions (such as facade cleaning, for instance), a complementary fall protection system shall be provided.
4.2 Materials and Tools
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4.2.1 Before performing any work, materials and tools shall be inspected so as to ensure they are in perfect conditions of use.
4.2.2 Every precaution shall be taken to prevent objects, materials and tools from falling.
4.2.3 Every time materials and tools need to be vertically handled, ropes or suitable lifting systems shall be used, and they will not be allowed to be thrown in free fall.
4.3 Rope Access (Industrial Alpinism) To carry out work at height, with rope access technique, the criteria of NR-35 and ABNT NBR 15475 and NBR 15595 shall be met, supplemented by the following requirements: a) to start the execution of a new work with rope access, new ropes and accessories properly identified and inspected by the local SMS shall be used, with gauge suitable to the work to be performed; b) certificates of quality, resistance and compliance of manufacturing of ropes and accessories shall be submitted to the local SMS at the moment of their use; c) the ropes and accessories used in the continuation of work, with rope access, shall be inspected before and after the use, according to the criteria of ABNT NBR 15595; d) any equipment (rope, device or accessory) used in rope access systems shall be mandatorily have minimum breaking load of 22 kN; e) the ropes used for executing the work and the safety rope shall be of different colors; f) the ropes shall be stored in a place with access allowed only to the team executing the work by means of rope access; g) the team of rope access professionals and the rope access systems shall be sized to perform rescue, based on the scenario of implementation of services; h) all professionals of the rope access team shall be trained to perform self-rescue and rescue of team members; i) during the maintenance shutdowns, the rope access systems only can be assembled after the unit is considered released by the area of operation; j) when the rope access works are performed in the unit in operation, on-site inspection shall be performed, identifying possible points of impact (e.g. hot or cold spots, atmospheric vents, safety valves discharge, sampling/drainage points) and the proper control measures shall be applied; k) it is prohibited to accumulate materials of rope access in platforms or levels of structures and, when not in use and in open area, they shall be in appropriate container for transport and packaging; l) in situations where there is possibility of breaking the rope due to abrasion of sharp edges of the structures, protection shall be adopted to avoid direct contact of the rope with that point.
4.4 Planning
4.4.1 The following requirements shall be met in the work planning stage: a) access to work location and for abandonment or rescue in case of an emergency; b) handling of loads, equipment and materials, anchor and support points of the lifting system on the structure, storage conditions at the elevated work location and stability of the support structure; c) hazards associated with: electrical installations, excavations, floor type and resistance, existence of underground lines, presence of gases, simultaneous services, confined spaces, work over the sea, among others; 4
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d) signaling and isolation of the area beneath the work location; e) drop zone; f) minimum environmental conditions for undertaking the operation (visibility, wind speed, rain, ambient temperature, lightning, sea conditions and nighttime work); g) previous inspection of tools and equipment; h) means of communication; i) training required for workers and rescue team.
4.4.2 Work at heights shall not be performed by a single person, and at least one other person shall be present to provide support or assistance in case of an emergency.
4.5 Qualification and Capacity Building All workers carrying out activities at heights shall receive basic instructions regarding the risks and performance control measures to perform the activity.
4.5.1 Rope Access Worker Shall be trained according to ABNT NBR 15475 and ABNT NBR 15595. NOTE In the absence of workers certified in accordance with ABNT NBR 15475, certifications of the following entities may be accepted: IRATA, SAIRAA, FISAT and V, IRAA, ANETVA, SPRAT, SNETAC and SOFT.
4.5.2 Scaffold Erector The worker shall have completed middle school and have at least six months of experience in the activity.
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Affected Parts Section 4 Description of Alteration Inclusion of industrial alpinism item
IR 1/1