Abandoning Salat

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The Ruling on the One Who Abandons The Prayer

The ruling on the one who abandons the prayer

[Based on Hukm Taarik As-Salaah by Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, with additions]

According to the majority opinion, whoever leaves off a single (obligatory)
prayer then he does not become a kaafir unless he abandoned it completely
[Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen Fatawaa Manaar al-Islam - Volume 1, Page 131,
Question No.99]

Shaykh Uthaymeen says that a person who abandons Salaah altogether is a
kaafir, and not one who prays a couple of prayers a day, because the Prophet
said, Between a person and al-kufr and shirk is his leaving the Salaah and
not leaving a Salaah. (Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen Ash-Sharh al-Mumti p. 26)

Anyone who examines the texts of the Quran and Sunnah will see that they
indicate that the one who neglects the prayer is guilty of Kufr Akbar (major
kufr) which puts him beyond the pale of Islam.

Among the evidence to be found in the Quran is: The ayah (interpretation of
the meaning): But if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and
accept Islamic Monotheism], perform As-Salaat and give Zakaat, then
they are your brethren in religion.[9:11]

The evidence derived from this ayah is that Allah defined three things that
the polytheists have to do in order to eliminate the differences between them
us: they should repent from shirk, they should perform prayer, and they
should pay Zakah If they repent from shirk but they do not perform the
prayer or pay Zakah, then they are not our brethren in faith; if they perform
the prayer but do not pay Zakah, then they are not our brethren in faith.
Brotherhood in religion cannot be effaced except when a person goes out of
the religion completely; it cannot be effaced by fisq (immoral conduct) or
lesser types of kufr.

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The Ruling on the One Who Abandons The Prayer
So if someone then says: Do you hold that one who does not pay Zakah is a
kaafir, as is implied by this same verse?

Shaykh Uthaymeens reply to this: The correct opinion with us is that he
does not become a kaafir, but he will be punished with a great punishment
mentioned in Allahs Book and the Prophets Sunnah. And from these
evidences is the hadeeth narrated by Aboo Hurayrah, in which the Prophet
mentioned the punishment of the one who withholds the Zakah, and then he
said at the end of it, Then he will see his way either to Jannah or to the
Hellfire. [Muslim, vol. 2, p. 470, no. 2161]

And this is clear evidence that he does not become kaafir, for if he were,
then he would have any way to paradise. So the explicitness of this hadeeth
takes precedence over the implied meaning of the verse in Soorat at-Tawbah
(above), because explicit statements are given precedence over implied
meanings, as is well-known in Usool al-Fiqh.

Allah also says (interpretation of the meaning): Then, there has succeeded
them a posterity who have given up As-Salaat (the prayers) [i.e. made their
Salaat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering
them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times]and have
followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell. Except those who repent and
believe (in the Oneness of Allah and His Messenger Muhammad), and
work righteousness. Such will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged
in aught. [19:59-60]

The evidence derived from this ayah is that Allah referred to those who
neglect the prayer and follow their desires, except those who repent and
believe, which indicates that at the time when they are neglecting their
prayers and following their desires, they are not believers.

[Ibn al-Qayyim said: And Allah also states that he has assigned Ghayy (a
low level) in Hell for the one who leaves Salaah and follows his desires.
And if such people were from the disobedient Muslims, they would be from
the upper levels of Hell, and not in this level, which is the lowest, for this
(lowest level) is not from the places assigned to the People of Islam, but is
from the places assigned the disbelievers. (As-Salaah wa Hukm
Taarikuhaa, p. 41)]

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The Ruling on the One Who Abandons The Prayer
The evidence of the Sunnah that proves that the one who neglects the prayer
is a kaafir includes the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him): Between a man and shirk and kufr there stands his
neglect of the prayer. (Narrated by Muslim in Kitaab al-Eemaan from
J abir ibn Abd-Allaah from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him)

It was narrated that Buraidah ibn al-Husayb (may Allah be pleased with
him) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) say: The covenant that distinguishes between us and them is
the prayer and whoever neglects it has disbelieved (It was narrated by
Ahmad, Abu Dawood, al-Tirmidhee, al-Nasaaee and Ibn Maajah).

What is meant here by kufr or disbelief is the kind of kufr which puts a
person beyond the pale of Islam, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) made prayer the dividing line between the believers and
the disbelievers. It is known that the community of kufr is not the same as
the community of Islam, so whoever does not fulfil this covenant must be
one of the disbelievers.

There is also the hadeeth of Awf ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with
him), according to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) said: The best of your leaders are those whom you love and who
love you, who pray for you and you pray for them. The worst of your
leaders are those whom you hate and who hate you, and you send curses
on them and they send curses on you. He was asked, O Messenger of
Allah, should we not fight them by the sword? He said, Not as long
as they are establishing prayer amongst you. This hadeeth indicates that
those in authority should be opposed and fought if they do not establish
prayer, but it is not permissible to oppose and fight them unless they make a
blatant show of kufr and we have evidence from Allah that what they are
doing is indeed kufr.

Ubadah ibn al-Saamit said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) called us and we gave bayah (oath of
allegiance) to him. Among the things that we pledged to do was to listen
and obey him both when we felt enthusiastic and when we were
disinclined to act, both at times of difficulty and times of ease, and at
times when others were given preference over us, and that we would not
oppose those in authority. He said: unless they made a blatant show of
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The Ruling on the One Who Abandons The Prayer
kufr and you have evidence from Allah that what they are doing is
indeed kufr. (Agreed upon)

On this basis, their neglecting the prayer, for which the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said we should oppose them and fight them
by the sword, constitutes an act of blatant kufr for which we have evidence
from Allah that it is indeed kufr.
If someone were to say: is it not permissible to interpret the texts about a
person who neglects prayer being a kaafir as referring to the one who
neglects the prayer because he does not think it is obligatory?

We would say: it is not permissible to interpret the texts in this way because
there are two reservations about this interpretation:

1. It involves ignoring the general description that the Lawgiver took into
consideration and to which the ruling was connected. The ruling that the
person who neglects prayer is a kaafir is connected to the action of
neglecting prayer, not to his denial of it being obligatory. Brotherhood in
religion is based on performing the prayer, not on whether a person declares
it to be obligatory. Allah did not say, If they repent and state that the prayer
is obligatory, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
did not say Between a man and shirk and kufr there stands his denial that
the prayer is obligatory or The covenant that distinguishes between us and
them is our statement that the prayer is obligatory, so whoever denies that it
is obligatory has disbelieved. If this is what Allah and His Messenger had
meant, then not stating it clearly would have contradicted what is said in
the Quran. For Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

And we have sent down to you the Book (the Quran) as an exposition of
everything [16:89]

And we have also sent down unto you (O Muhammad) the Dhikr
[reminder and the advice (i.e. the Quran)], that you may explain clearly to
men what is sent down to them [16:44]

2. It is not correct to refer to a reason which the Lawgiver did not make a
factor in ruling a person to be a kaafir, because if a person who does not
have the excuse of ignorance denies that the five daily prayers are obligatory
then he is deemed to be a kaafir, whether he prays or not. If a person
performs the five daily prayers, fulfilling all the conditions of prayer and
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The Ruling on the One Who Abandons The Prayer
doing all the actions that are obligatory or recommended, but he denies that
the prayers are obligatory with no valid reason for doing so, then he is a
disbeliever, even though he is not neglecting the prayers. From this it is clear
that it is not correct to interpret the texts about neglecting the prayers as
referring to denying that they are obligatory. The correct view is that the
person who neglects the prayer is a kaafir who is beyond the pale of Islam,
as is clearly stated in the report narrated by Ibn Abi Haatim in his Sunan
from Ubadah ibn al-Saamit (may Allah be pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
exhorted us: Do not associate anything in worship with Allah, and do
not neglect the prayer deliberately, for whoever neglects the prayer
deliberately puts himself beyond the pale of Islam.

Moreover, if we interpret the ahadeeth about neglecting the prayer as
referring to a denial that it is obligatory, there would be no point in the
reports referring specifically to the prayer, because this ruling applies
equally to Zakah, fasting and Hajj whoever neglects any of these, denying
that it is obligatory, is a kaafir, if he does not have the excuse of ignorance.

J ust as the one who neglects the prayer is deemed to be a kaafir on the basis
of the evidence of the texts and reports, so he may also be deemed to be a
kaafir on the basis of rational analysis. How can a person be a believer if he
neglects the prayer which is the pillar of religion, and when there are verses
and narrations urging us to perform prayer which make the wise believer
rush to do the prayer, and when there are verses and narrations warning
against neglecting it, which make the wise believer scared to ignore the
prayer? Once we have understood this, a person cannot be a believer if he
neglects the prayer.

If a person were to say: can we not interpret kufr in the case of one who
neglects the prayer as meaning a lesser form of kufr (kufr al-namah) rather
than the kind of kufr which puts a person beyond the pale of Islam (kufr al-
millah)? Or can we not interpret it as being less than Kufr Akbar (major
kufr) and more like the kufr referred to in the ahadeeth, There are two
qualities that exist among people which are qualities of kufr: slandering
peoples lineage and wailing over the dead and Trading insults with a
Muslim is fisq (immoral conduct) and exchanging blows with him is kufr,
etc.? We would say that this interpretation is not correct for a number of

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The Ruling on the One Who Abandons The Prayer
1. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made prayer
the dividing line between kufr and faith, between the believer and the
disbeliever. This is where he drew the line, and the two things are
quite distinct and do not overlap. Prayer is one of the pillars of Islam,
so when the person who neglects it is described as a kaafir, this
implies the kind of kufr that puts a person beyond the pale of Islam,
because he has destroyed one of the pillars of Islam. This is a different
matter from attributing kufr to a person who does one of the actions of
2. There are other texts which indicate that the kufr of the one who
neglects the prayer is the kind of kufr which puts a person beyond the
pale of Islam, so what is meant here by kufr should be interpreted
according to the apparent meaning, so as avoid contradictions between
the texts. The description of kufr in those ahadeeth is different.
Concerning neglecting the prayer, the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) said: Between a man and shirk and kufr.
Here the word kufr is preceded in the original Arabic by the definite
article al, which indicates that what is referred to here is the reality
of kufr.

This is in contrast to the other ahadeeth where kufr is referred to without the
definite article, or in a verbal form, which indicates that this is a part of kufr
or that the person has disbelieved by doing this action, but it is not the
absolute kufr which places a person beyond the pale of Islam.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymeeyah said in his book Iqtidaa al-Siraat al-
Mustaqeem (p. 70, Al-Sunnah Al-Muhammadiyyah edn.), concerning the
hadeeth of the Messenger peace and blessings of Allah upon him) There
are two qualities that exist among people which are qualities of kufr:

The phrase which are qualities of kufr means that these two qualities
which exist among people are qualities of kufr because they are among the
deeds of kufr and they exist among people. But not everyone who has a part
of kufr becomes a kaafir because of it, unless there exists in his heart the
reality of kufr. Similarly, not everyone who has a part of faith becomes a
believer because of it, unless there exists in his heart the essential reality of
faith. So there is a distinction between kufr that is preceded [in the original
Arabic] by the definite article al, as in the hadeeth; between a man and
shirk and kufr there stands nothing but his neglecting the prayer, and kufr
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The Ruling on the One Who Abandons The Prayer
that is not preceded by the definite article but is used in an affirmative

So it is clear that the person who neglects the prayer with no excuse is a
kaafir who is beyond the pale of Islam, on the basis of this evidence. This is
the correct view according to Imam Ahmad, and it is one of the two opinions
narrated from al-Shaafai, as was mentioned by Ibn Katheer in his tafseer of
the ayah (interpretation of the meaning): Then, there has succeeded them
a posterity who have given up As-Salaat (the prayers) [i.e. made their
Salaat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering
them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times] and
have followed lusts [19:59]

Ibn al-Qayyim mentioned in his book Al-Salaah that it was one of the two
views narrated from al-Shaafai, and that al-Tahaawi narrated it from al-
Shaafai himself. This was also the view of the majority of the Sahabah,
indeed many narrated that there was consensus among the Sahabah on this
point. Abdullah ibn Shaqeeq said: the companions of the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not think that neglecting any deed
made a person a kaafir, apart from neglecting the prayer. This was reported
by al-Tirmidhee and al-Haakim, who classed it as Saheeh according to the
conditions of (Bukhari and Muslim). Ishaaq ibn Raahawayh, the well known
imam, said, It was reported with a Saheeh chain of narration from the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that the one who
neglects the prayer is a kaafir. And Allah knows best. [Risaalah fi Hukm
Taarik al-Salaah by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen]

Shaykh Uthaymeen says that this opinion has been narrated by many
Companions, including Umar ibn al-Khattab. (Majmaa az-Zawaaid,
(1/295) Al-Haythamee said: At-Tabaranee collected it in al-Awsat, and the
men of its chain are from Saheeh al-Bukhari)

Imam Ahmad sets the condition that people of authority should call such a
person to make Salaah, to ascertain whether he left it out of laziness or
heedlessness, or whether he is excused by the Shareeah [by ignorance, or
any other legitimate excuse]. (Shaykh Ibn Al-Uthaymeens ash-Sharh al-
Mumti p. 24-5)

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The Ruling on the One Who Abandons The Prayer
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymeeyah said: In the case of one who believes that
prayer is obligatory yet still persists in not praying, the fuqaha who have
studied the matter in detail mentioned a number of points:

The first of them is this point, which was stated by the majority of them,
Malik, Al-Shaafai and Ahmad: if a person persists until he is killed, is he
killed as a kaafir and an apostate, or as a sinful Muslim like other sinful
Muslims, as stated in the two well-known views reported from Ahmad?
Such detailed discussion was not reported from the Sahabah, and is
excessive and futile.

If the person believes in his heart that prayer is obligatory, this will not allow
him to persist in not doing it until he is executed. Such a thing is not known
among the sons of Adam, and has never happened in Islam.

It is unheard of for a person to believe that it is obligatory and to be told, If
you do not pray we will execute you and then to persist in not doing it even
though he believes it is obligatory. This has never happened in Islam. When
a person refrains from praying until he is executed, he does not really
believe in his heart that it is obligatory and was not doing it, so he is a kaafir,
according to the consensus of the Muslims, as it was stated in many reports
that the Sahabah would consider such a person to be a kaafir. This is also
indicated by the Saheeh texts, such as the ahadeeth of the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him): Nothing stands between a person and
Kufr except his giving up prayer The covenant that separates us from
them is prayer, and whoever gives up prayer has become a kaafir.

Abdullah ibn Shaqeeq said: The companions of Muhammad did not think
that giving up any deed would make a person a kaafir apart from giving up

Whoever persists in not praying and never prostrated to Allah at all until he
dies, can never be a Muslim who believes that prayer is obligatory.
Believing that it is obligatory and that the person who does not do it
deserves to be executed is sufficient motive to make a person do it, for if a
person has the motive and ability to do something, it should be done. If he is
able to do it but he never does it, this indicates that the motive is not present
in his case. (Majmoo al-Fatawaa 22/47-49)

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The Ruling on the One Who Abandons The Prayer
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If we say that
ignorance is an excuse, we are not referring to ignorance of the
consequences of this haram action, rather we are referring to ignorance of
the ruling on this action and whether it is haram or not. Hence if a person
commits zina and is ignorant of the fact that it is haram, and he does not live
in a Muslim country, or he is new in Islam, or he lives in a remote area and
does not know that zina is haram, then no hadd punishment is to be carried
out on him.

But if he knows that zina is haram, but he does not know that the hadd
punishment for it is stoning, or lashing and banishm ent, then the hadd
punishment should still be carried out on him, because he has transgressed a
sacred limit. Ignorance of the consequences of a haram action is no excuse.
Ignorance of whether an action is haram or not is an excuse [Al-Sharh al-
Mumti, 6/417]

Ibn ul Qayyim says, And that which the Muslims do not differ in is the fact
that abandonment of the obligatory prayers intentionally is from the greatest
of sins and the most severe of the major sins and that it is a sin more severe
than killing a soul or taking the wealth (of others) and greater than adultery,
theft and drinking intoxicants. And that this action is subject to the
punishment and anger of Allah and humiliation in this world and the
hereafter [From as-Salaah wa Hukm Taarikuhaa (p.17) of Ibn ul Qayyim]

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