Credit Risk Management-City Bank
Credit Risk Management-City Bank
Credit Risk Management-City Bank
Submitted to:
Mr. Suntu Kumar Ghosh
Senior Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University
Submitted by:
Asif Ul Haque
ID: 06304037 BRAC Business School
10th May 2010 To Sunto Kumar Ghosh (Supervisor) Senior Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University Subject: Submission of Internship Report
Dear Sir, This is my great pleasure to submit the Internship report of my 2 months long Internship program in the City Bank Limited in the Credit Risk Management (CRM). The title of the report is Credit Risk Analysis. This report has been prepared to fulfill the requirement of my internship program at my assigned organization in the City Bank Limited. I have put my best effort to make this report a successful one. It has been joyful & enlightening experience for me to work in the organization & prepare this report. However this has been obviously a great source of learning for me to conduct similar types of studies in the future. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your kind guidance & suggestions in preparing the report. It would my immense pleasure if you find this report useful & informative to have an apparent perspective on the issue. I shall be happy to provide any further explanation regarding this report if required & please do not hesitate to call me if you have any query on this report or any other relevant matters. Sincerely Yours,
To prepare this internship report considerable thinking & information input from various sources were involved. But at the beginning I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to the almighty Allah for giving me the strength & the ability to finish the task within the planned time. Then I like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed towards preparing & making this study successfully. Major contribution was received from the officers of the City Bank limited as from the Credit Risk Management (CRM). First of all I would like to express my Sincere & immense gratitude to my internship supervisor Mr. Sunto Kumer Ghosh, Senior Lecturer of BRAC Business School, BRAC University. I am deeply indebted to his whole hearted supervision to me during the Internship Period. His valuable suggestion & guideline helped me a lot to prepare the report in a well organized manner. I would like to give specially thanks to Ehsan Khasru, Deputy Managing Director & Chief Risk Officer (CRO) of the City bank Limited, Head Office & also my supervisor, Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan, Risk Manager & the Senior Executive Officer of the City Bank Limited, Head Office for their close supervision. I would also like to thank the authority of The City bank Limited for giving me the opportunity to do my internship in their well renowned bank. The experience & knowledge gained in The City Bank Limited helped me to understand different elements related to my study. I am also grateful to the other officials & my friends who helped me while preparing the study by giving their suggestions, assistance & supply of information, which were valuable to me. Their helping hand supported me to complete my report successfully. Finally, I want to keep my thanks to my parent who gave special attention to me from the very beginning and during the preparation of report & the internship program.
Table of Contents
Chapter 01 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Objective of the report 1.3 Methodology 1.3.1 Primary Data Collection: 1.3.2 Secondary Data Collection: 1.4 Limitation of the Study 1.5 Scope of the Study
Page No
01 02 03-04
05 06
Chapter 02 2.0 Company Profile 2.1 History of the City Bank Limited 2.2 Companys information at a glance 2.3 Vision, Mission & Objective 2.4 Organogram/Organization Structure 2.5 Employment Structure 2.6 SWOT Analysis 2.7. Types of credit facilities 07 07-09 10 11-12 12-17 18 19-21 22-28
Chapter 03 3.0 Overview of the Topic: Credit Risk Management 3.1 Credit Risk Management in the Organization 3.2 Procedure and Execution 3.2.1 Business Plan/Budget by Corporate, SME, Consumer business units 3.2.2 Credit Process Standards 3.2.3 Credit Instruction Manual (CIM) 3.3 Credit Philosophy 3.4 Credit Values 3.5 Credit Approval 3.6 Security/Collateral 3.7 Credit Risk Grading (CRG) % Functions 3.8 Credit Records & Documentation 3.9 Documentation Retention Period Chapter 04 35 35-37 38-39 39-41 42-43 43-44 44 29 30-31 32-34
4.0 Comparative Analysis 4.1 Credit Assessment 4.2 Credit Risk Management 4.3 Borrower Verification 4.4 Approval Authority
45 45-46
46-47 48 48-49
4.5 Delegation 4.6 CIB Report 4.7 Physical Visit of the Project 4.8 Collateral Security 4.9 City Credit Risk Grading 4.10 Analyzing Financial Spread Sheet
49 49 50 50 51-52 52-54
Executive Summary
Credit risk is an essential factor that needs to be managed. Credit Risk Management needs to be a robust process that enables banks to proactively manage credit portfolios in order to minimize losses and earn an acceptable level of return for shareholders. Credit Risk Management has become an important topic in banking and financial sectors. Risk is inherent in all aspects of a commercial operation; however, for Banks and financial institutions, credit risk is an essential factor that needs to be properly managed.
In formulating a credit judgment and making quality Credit Decisions, the lending officer must be equipped with all information needed to evaluate a borrowers character, management competence, capacity, ability to provide collaterals and external conditions which may affect his ability in meeting financial obligations.
In this report I tried to review the existing credit risk management systems, credit risk grading and assessment methods etc. for the banks. Researcher has also made an effort to identify the problems and limitations of credit risk management systems as well as find out the causes of loan defalcation tendency of Bangladesh. Eventually, researcher chalks out a sort of findings and recommendation for improvement of credit risk management systems so that banks may attain common standards for credit risk management thats why loan defalcation in banking sector may diminish.
1.1 Introduction
Banking is known as the backbone of the national economy. Banks play an important role in the business sector & promoting industrialization & economic development of the country. Banks provide necessary funds for the executing various program underway in the process of economic development. All sorts of economy & financial activities revolve around the bank. As the industry produces goods & commodities, bank creates & controls money market & promotes formation of capital.
Bank is a powerful medium to bring socio-economic changes in a developing country like Bangladesh. The three important sectors in Bangladesh like Agriculture, Commerce & Industry provide the bulk of the countrys wealth. So the nourishment of these sectors is only possible through satisfactory banking facility. Development of banking system can provide the necessary boost for the rapid economy growth of a country.
Basically, Bank collects deposit from the customers at a lower rate of interest & lends it to the borrowers at a higher rate of interest considering the cost of fund. The difference amount indicates the operating profit for a bank.
Banks provide different services, credits to the customers. The customer comes from all walks of life, from a small business to a multi-national corporation having its business activities all around the worlds. The bank has to satisfy the requirements of different customers belonging to various social groups. The banking business has therefore become complex & requires specialized skills. It functions as an agent for bringing about economic, industrial growth, & prosperity of the country. As a result different types of bank with various services have come in to existence to suit specific requirements.
1|P a g e
The objective of this internship report means the purpose of the internship program & the learning & finding through the period. This report has put emphasized to identify the existing and probable risks on Credit Risk Management Systems of the City Bank Limited. Meanwhile, evaluating the risk on lending and making the risks at a tolerable extent is very important. The prime objectives behind this report are pointed bellow: