What Is A Total Lunar Eclipse?: Click Here

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Today there is a total lunar eclipse, which hasn't occured for nearly 2 1/2 years.

The last one was on October 28, 2004. It will take place at 19 degrees 02 minutes Leo, in the nakshatra of purva phalguni. It techically begins at 5:44 p.m. EST and ends at 6:58 pm EST, with the peak being at 6:18 pm EST, when the full Moon is exactly opposite the Sun. However, as early as 3:30 pm EST there will be a hint of a shadow across the Moon, but if you're looking at it you may not realize that anything is happening. By 5:00 pm EST at least half the Moon is in shadow, and by 6:00 pm EST the whole Moon will turn sunset red. To see a cool animation click here. It can be viewed in the eastern part of the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Western Asia, and will be the only total lunar eclipse this year (the next one will be on 21st February 2008). What is a Total Lunar Eclipse? Lunar eclipses occur on the full moon (purnima) and are of three types: total, partial and penumbral. A total lunar eclipse is when the Moon entirely passes through the earth's dark shadow orumbra, which means "shaded area." (Our word "umbrella" comes from the latin root, "umbra"). A partial lunar eclipse is when the Moon partially passes through the umbra. A penumbral lunar eclipse is when the Moon passes outside the umbra in a region called the penumbra, which means "almost shaded area." The penumbra receives some partial rays of the Sun, which makes the penumbral lunar eclipse the weakest of the three types and is very difficult to detect, even with a telescope. About 35% of lunar eclipses are of the penumbral type, while about 30% are partial eclipses which can easily be seen with the naked eye. 35% or so are total eclipses, which are the most dramatic and intense from an astrological point of view.

Why isn't there a lunar eclipse every month on the full Moon? This is because the Moon's orbit around the earth is at a 5 degree tilt relative to the Earth's orbit around the Sun. Only 2-4 times per year is the Moon's orbit within the plane of the Earth's orbit. The points where the Moon's orbit and the Earth's orbit cross one another are the eclipse points known as

Rahu and Ketu, the North and South nodes of the Moon. Because the nodes of the Moon are so mysterious and unusual in nature, their influences cause abnormal functioning to whatever planet they aspect. During the eclipse, the nodes of the Moon are aspecting both of the personal planets, the Sun and Moon and are cutting off their normal functioning. They create an opening in our psyches for subtle energies to enter, which could be either a positive or negative influence. Whatever position in the horoscope that an eclipse takes place represents an area of potential change, and transformation. This is especially true if it's close in degrees to key positions like the ascendant, the natal Sun or Moon, or another planet. Today's eclipse occurs at 19 degrees 02 minutes Leo, so any planets in the natal chart that are within a 510 degree range in either Leo or Aquarius will be strongly effected. It's best to do spiritual practices during eclipses and not anything of significance in the material world like having a surgery, or starting an important project. Eclipses are excellent times for meditation, chanting mantras, or other spiritual practices. It is said that the positive effects of spiritual practices are enhanced many-fold during an eclipse. It's recommended to fast and take advantage of the subtle influences. The solar eclipse takes place in two weeks on March 19th during the new moon (amavasya). These two weeks are within the "eclipse cycle" and is considered an unstable time period for beginning major projects, signing documents etc. To learn about solar eclipses click here.

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