Ascension Reiki Manual
Ascension Reiki Manual
Ascension Reiki Manual
The teacher should spend some time in prayer and meditation ahead of time to become a better channel of the Attunement Energy. How you do this is up to you. If you are not sure of what to do you can simply get calm for a comfortable length of time and Ask: Masters of the Elohim, Ascended Masters and ur ne !reator we ask to be a channel of "our #resence, "our $uidance, "our %lessing, "our Anointing and "our &o'e during this Healing and Attunement #rocess. (e thank you for "our Healing, "our #eace, "our Abundance, "our )oy, "our &o'e and "our Happiness now and continuously and especially during this Attunement for *+tudents ,ame-. "ou can breathe the %reath of the Elohim etc. to .ust get centered in your purpose during the Attunement.
2. %reathe the breath of the Elohim *or if you don3t know it, .ust a deep e'en breath-.
4. 5isuali6e the (hite &ight coming down into the !rown7 %reathe the %reath of the Elohim.
8. As you open your arms up to shoulder length7 'isuali6e the rainbow forming between your hands. %reathe Here. #alms face up.
9. #alms face down7 to ground the rainbow into the earth. %reathe again.
:. %rings hands back to ,amaste and bow to that light that dwells within us all.
(e Thank "ou for "our #resence, "our $uidance, "our %lessing, "our Anointing and "our &o'e during this Healing and Attunement process.
If you are doing a 1st- 4th Degree ultilevel aster !ttune"ent# use !ffir"ations of the 1st# $nd# %rd and 4th degrees to open the healing and attune"ent energy. If you are doing the &th- 'th ultilevel aster !ttune"ent use the !ffir"ations of the &th# (th and 'th Degrees to open the healing and attune"ent energy. If you are doing an )th-*th Degree ultilevel aster !ttune"ent use the !ffir"ations of the )th and *th Degrees to open the healing and attune"ent energy.
The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Degree Multi-Le el Master Attunement
+he !scension ,eiki !ffir"ation# +he -ealing !ffir"ation# +he Prayer of the .lohi" and +he !ffir"ation of the -eart are all used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for this /irst ulti-level aster !ttune"ent. ! 1. The Ascension Reiki Affirmation is used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for the first degree attunement.
Ascension Reiki
0I ! 0 Life
1eparation is gone# I a" re"e"bering to be happy.
0I ! 0 Love
/ear is gone# I a" re"e"bering to be kind to "y neighbor and all living things.
0I ! 0 2oy
1orro3 is gone# I a" re"e"bering to re4oice and give thanks for "y "any blessings.
0I ! 0 !bundance
1carcity is gone# I a" re"e"bering to 3ork honestly and be generous.
0I ! 0 Peace
!nger is gone# I a" re"e"bering to laugh.
0I ! 0 -ealing
Worry is gone# I a" re"e"bering to s"ile. 2. The Healing Affirmation is used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for the second degree attunement. " am here only to #e truly hel$!ul% " am here to re$resent The &ne 'ho sent me% " do not ha e to 'orry a#out 'hat to say or 'hat to do, #ecause The &ne 'ho sent me 'ill direct me% " am content to #e 'here er (ou 'ish, kno'ing (ou go there 'ith me% " 'ill #e healed as " let (ou teach me to heal% 3. The Prayer of the Elohim is used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for the third degree attunement.
-ealing !ffir"ation
aster !ttune"ent
The Affirmation of the Mind, The Affirmation of the +oul and The Affirmation of the +pirit are all used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy of this +econd Multi7le'el Master Attunement. 5. The Affirmation of the Mind is used to open the Reiki energy for the fifth degree attunement.
6our :lessing 6our !nointing and 6our Love in this healing and attune"ent process# +hank 6ou !"en.
7. The Affirmation of the Spirit is used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy of the seventh degree attunement.
aster !ttune"ent
The Affirmation of the (ill and The Affirmation of the Higher +elf are both used to open the Healing and Attunement Energy for this Third Multi7le'el Master Attunement. 8. The affirmation of the ill is used to open the Reiki energy of the 8th degree attunement.
The +ymbols
+he 1tudent sits 3ith hands together at the heart. +he +eacher stands behind the student and opens the ,ainbo3 :ridge <1st- %rd degree= and the appropriate chakra above the head <4th- *th degree= 3ith either a hand "otion using both hands or 4ust 3ith intent. +hen the +eacher dra3s the appropriate sy"bol or sy"bols 3ith the open hand or inde> finger techni?ues. :e sure to dra3 the left hand sy"bols 3ith the left hand and the right hand sy"bols 3ith the right hand. !s you dra3 each sy"bol send it into the ,ainbo3 :ridge or the appropriate chakra above the head. +his allo3s the sy"bols to travel do3n through the seven lo3er chakras and up through the higher chakras. +he sy"bols are directed by the Creator and auto"atically go 3here they need to go and do 3hat they need to do to attune and ad4ust a persons energy.
8. 1or all Multi7le'el Master Attunements use all three breaths after drawing each symbol through out the whole attunement process. <raw the appreciate symbol and then breathe one %reath of the Elohim, one "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and one %reath of ;ma and %rahman. This brings the healing and attunement energies into and through the three bodies, The Acting %ody *#hysical-, The Thinking %ody *Auras and #ranas- and The 1eeling %ody *!hakras-.
aster !ttune"ent
(ith the intent of ;nconditional &o'e the Teacher says The Ascension /eiki Affirmation. =. The Teacher opens up the >/ainbow %ridge> with a hand gesture or .ust with intent and says: (e ask that *+tudents ,ame- be attuned in the 1irst <egree of Ascension /eiki. The Teacher draws The +ymbol of >The /ainbow Man>, sends it into the /ainbow %ridge and breathes the %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and the %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each. 2. (ith the intent of ;nconditional &o'e the Teacher says The Healing Affirmation. The Teacher then says: (e ask that *+tudents ,ame- be attuned in the +econd <egree of Ascension /eiki. The Teacher draws The +ymbol of >The Eye of Horus> sends it into the already open /ainbow %ridge and breathes the %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and the %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each. 4. (ith the intent of ;nconditional &o'e the Teacher says The #rayer of the Elohim. The Teacher then says: (e ask that *+tudents ,ame- be attuned in the Third <egree of Ascension /eiki. The Teacher draws The +ymbol of >The ?abbalah>, sends it into the already open /ainbow %ridge and breathes the %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and the %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each. 8. (ith the intent of ;nconditional &o'e the Teacher says The Affirmation of the Heart. The Teacher opens up the >1irst !hakra> abo'e the head with a hand gesture or .ust with intent and says: (e ask that *+tudents ,ame- be attuned in the 1ourth <egree of Ascension /eiki. The Teacher draws The >#yramid +ymbol> of Mother Mary and )esus, and sends it into the 1irst !hakra abo'e the head and breathes the %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and the %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each.
+he 1y"bol of 0+he ,ainbo3 an0 represents all the energies in the !cting :ody 3hen it is Placed in the ,ainbo3 :ridge. Dra3 and send this sy"bol into the ,ainbo3 :ridge for the first degree attune"ent. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he 1y"bol of of -orus0 represents all the energies in the +hinking :ody 3hen placed in the ,ainbo3 :ridge. Dra3 and send this sy"bol into the ,ainbo3 :ridge for the second degree attune"ent. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he 1y"bol of 08abbalah0 represents all the energies in the /eeling :ody 3hen it is Placed in the ,ainbo3 :ridge. Dra3 and send this sy"bol into the ,ainbo3 :ridge for the third degree attune"ent. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he 0Pyra"id 1y"bol0 of other ary and 2esus represents the !stral :ody and its connection to the !cting :ody or Physical :ody. Dra3 and send this sy"bol into the first chakra above the head for the fourth degree attune"ent. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
aster !ttune"ent
=. (ith the intent of ;nconditional &o'e the Teacher says The Affirmation of the Mind. The Teacher opens up the +econd !hakra abo'e the head *about two hands length abo'e the head- with a hand gesture or .ust with intent and says: (e ask that *+tudents ,ame- be attuned in the 1ifth <egree of Ascension /eiki. The Teacher then draws The ><ouble #yramid +ymbol> of "asodhara and %uddha, sends it into the +econd !hakra abo'e the head and breathes The %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and The %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each. 2. (ith the intent of ;nconditional &o'e the Teacher says The Affirmation of the +oul.
The Teacher opens up the Third !hakra abo'e the head *about three hands length abo'e the head- with a hand gesture or .ust with intent and says: (e ask that *+tudents ,ame- be attuned in the +i0th <egree of Ascension /eiki. The Teacher then draws The ><ouble #yramid with the Inner !ircle> of ;ma and %rahman, sends it into the Third !hakra abo'e the head and breathes The %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and The %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each. 4. (ith the intent of ;nconditional &o'e the Teacher says The Affirmation of the +pirit. The Teacher opens up the 1ourth !hakra abo'e the head *about four hands length abo'e the head- with a hand gesture or .ust with intent and says: (e ask that *+tudents ,ame- be attuned in the +e'enth <egree of Ascension /eiki. The Teacher then draws The +ymbol of the ><ouble #yramid with the Inner and uter !ircles> of /adharani and ?rishna, sends it into the 1ourth !hakra abo'e the head and breathes The %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and The %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each.
+he 0Double Pyra"id 1y"bol0 of 6asodhara and :uddha represents the ind and its connection the +hinking :ody. Dra3 and send this sy"bol into the second chakra above the head for the fifth degree attune"ent. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he 0Double Pyra"id 3ith the Inner Circle0 sy"bol ;"a and :rah"an represents the 1oul and its connection to the feeling body. Dra3 and send this sy"bol into the third chakra above the head for the si>th degree attune"ent. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he 1y"bol of the 0Double Pyra"id 3ith the Inner and 5uter Circles0 of ,adharani and 8rishna represents the 1pirit. +his is the 1piritual 1y"bol of ,adharani and 8rishna. Dra3 and send this sy"bol into the 4th chakra above the head for the 'th degree attune"ent. Dra3 the sy"bol the sa"e as the other pyra"id sy"bols and 4ust add the outer circle. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
aster !ttune"ent
=. (ith the intent of ;nconditional &o'e the Teacher says The Affirmation of the (ill. The Teacher opens up the 1ifth !hakra abo'e the head *about fi'e hands length abo'e the head- with a hand gesture or .ust with intent and says: (e ask that * +tudents ,ame- be attuned in the Eighth <egree of Ascension /eiki. The Teacher then draws The +ymbol of >!ircle> of The I AM #resence, sends it into the 1ifth !hakra abo'e the head and breathes The %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and The %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each. 2. (ith the intent of ;nconditional &o'e the Teacher says The Affirmation of the Higher +elf. The Teacher opens up the +i0th !hakra abo'e the head *about si0 hands length abo'e the head- with a hand gesture or .ust with intent and asks: (e ask that * +tudents ,ame- be attuned in the ,inth <egree of Ascension /eiki. The Teacher then draws The > M +ymbol> of the ;nmanifested ,E, sends it into the +i0th !hakra abo'e the head and breathes The %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and The %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each.
+he 1y"bol of 0Circle0 of +he I ! Presence is the sy"bol for the Will and used for the eighth degree attune"ent. +he Circle is the sy"bol of the I ! Presence or I ! +-!+ I ! . Dra3 and send this sy"bol into the &th chakra above the head for the )th degree attune"ent. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he 05 1y"bol0 of the ;n"anifested 57. is the sy"bol used for the 7inth Degree attune"ent. Dra3 and send this sy"bol into the (th chakra above the head for the *th degree attune"ent. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
1or all Multi7le'el Master Attunements breathe the %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and The %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each after drawing each symbol. Also note: that before drawing each symbol you ask for the person to recei'e the +pirit of that symbol. In the case where both left hand and right hand 'ersions are drawn you need to only ask once before you draw both symbols. ,ote: The teacher uses the term >+tudent of &o'e> when referring to the student, but we are all students of &o'e so we also refer to oursel'es and e'eryone on earth in the process. The Teacher says: +tudents of &o'e, /ecei'e the +pirit of the Elohim then draws both symbols
1tand on the left side of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the left hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he .lohi"0 fro" the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
1tand on the right side of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the right hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he .lohi"0 fro" the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &o'e, /ecei'e the +pirit of the !ho7?u7/ei then draws both symbols
1tand on the left side of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the left hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he Logos of the Circle 1even0 fro" the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the left side of the body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. 1tand on the right side of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the right hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he Logos of the Circle 1even0 fro" the top of the head to the base of the spine and then send it into the right side of the body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &o'e, /ecei'e the +pirit of the (ellspring of ,ir'ana then draws both symbols
1tand on the left side of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the left hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he Wellspring of 7irvana0 starting at the third chakra and dra3ing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. +hen send it into the left side of the body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. 1tand on the right side of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the right hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he Wellspring of 7irvana0 starting at the third chakra and dra3ing the spiral until you finish at the top of the head. +hen send it into the right side of the body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &o'e, /ecei'e the +pirit of the !aducceus then draws both symbols
1tand in front of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the left hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he :reath of the .ternal.0 1tarting at 4ust belo3 the nose and follo3 the path of breath do3n3ard to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. ,e"e"ber to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. :oth finish at the top of the head. +hen send it into the front side of the students body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. 1tand behind the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the right hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he :reath of the .ternal0 starting at 4ust belo3 the nose and follo3 the path of breath do3n3ard to the base of the spine and then up the spine to the top of the head. ,e"e"ber to trace the left hand path and the right hand path. :oth finish at the top of the head. +hen send it into the back side of the student@s body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &o'e, /ecei'e the +pirit of the 1ountain of "outh then draws both symbols
1tand on the left side of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the left hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he /ountain of 6outh0 fro" the base of the spine to the top of the head. :e sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Bessel <front= and the 9overning Bessel <back= fro" the base of the spine to the top of the head. +hen send it into the left side of the body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. 1tand on the right side of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the right hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he /ountain of 6outh0 fro" the base of the spine to the top of the head. :e sure to trace both the path of the Conceptual Bessel <front= and the 9overning Bessel <back= fro" the base of the spine to the top of the head. +hen send it into the right side of the body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &o'e, /ecei'e the +pirit of the +hining (ay then draws both symbols
1tand on the left side of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the left hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he 1hining Way0 above the head# fro" up high do3n to the top of the head. 6ou should dra3 it at least five hand lengths high <about t3o and one half feet tall=. 7otice that this sy"bol has only five circles in it. +hey represent the first five chakras above the head. +his is 3hy this sy"bol should be dra3n above the head. +hen send it into the left side of the ain Chord <8undalini 7erve= above the head and body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. 1tand on the right side of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the right hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he 1hining Way0 above the head# fro" up high do3n to the top of the head. 6ou should dra3 it at least five hand lengths high <about t3o and one half feet tall=. 7otice that this sy"bol has only five circles in it. +hey represent the first five chakras above the head. +his is 3hy this sy"bol should be dra3n above the head. +hen send it into the left side of the ain Chord <8undalini 7erve= above the head and body. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &o'e, /ecei'e the +pirit of the T3ai7chi T3u> then draws both symbols
1tand in front of the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the left hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he +@aichi +@u0. 1tarting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Dra3 the sy"bol full siCe all the 3ay do3n to belo3 the feet. +his sy"bol is the sy"bol of the -igher 1elf and enco"passes every part of a persons being. ,e"e"ber to dra3 the black and 3hite spots 3ithin the yin and yang side of this sy"bol. +hen send it into the front side of the student@s being. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. 1tand behind the student 3ho is sitting in the chair. With the right hand dra3 the 1y"bol of 0+he +@aichi +@u0. 1tarting at a point as high as you can reach above your head. Dra3 the sy"bol full siCe all the
3ay do3n to belo3 the feet. +his sy"bol is the sy"bol of the -igher 1elf and enco"passes every part of a persons being. ,e"e"ber to dra3 the black and 3hite spots 3ithin the yin and yang side of this sy"bol. +hen send it into the back side of the student@s being. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he +eacher saysA 1tudents of Love# ,eceive the !ttune"ent of the Circle of Light through the Indalo. Dra3 and send this sy"bol above the head. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he +eacher saysA 1tudents of Love# ,eceive the !ttune"ent of the etaphysical 1enses through the .ye of -orus. Dra3 and send this sy"bol above the head. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he +eacher saysA 1tudents of Love# ,eceive the !ttune"ent of ystical 8no3ledge through the 8abbalah. Dra3 and send this sy"bol above the head. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
,ote: These +ymbols drawn abo'e the head flow up through the chakras abo'e the head.
These symbols also drop down through the !rown and !onnect The Attunement Energy with the 1i'e !hakras on the !onceptual 5essel.
+eachers saysA 1tudents of Love# ,eceive the 1pirits of ary and 2esus# Dra3s the pyra"id sy"bol and sends it in. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. +eachers saysA 1tudents of Love# ,eceive the 1pirits of 6asodhara and :uddha# Dra3s the double pyra"id sy"bol and sends it in. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. +eachers saysA 1tudents of Love# ,eceive the 1pirits of ;"a and :rah"an# Dra3s the double pyra"id sy"bol 3ith the circle in it and sends it in. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. +eachers saysA 1tudents of Love# ,eceive the 1pirits of ,adharani and 8rishna# Dra3s the double pyra"id sy"bol 3ith the circle inside and out and sends it in. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. +eachers saysA 1tudents of Love# ,eceive the 1pirit of +he I ! Presence# Dra3s the Circle sy"bol and sends it in. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+eachers saysA 1tudents of Love# ,eceive the 1pirit of +he ;n"anifested 5ne# Dra3s the Double 5 sy"bol and sends it in. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. The teacher then asks the student to place their hands together abo'e their head. )ust resting the hands on the !rown with the fingers pointing up. The teacher then breathes all three of the Attunement breaths and on the E0hale of The %reath of ;ma and %rahman the teacher blows the breath from the si0th chakra abo'e the head all the way down the spine and all the way to the feet and ground.
The teacher then tells the student to place their hands palms up on their legs. comfortable. The teacher then walks around front and <raws all the symbols in each hand.
,ote: <raw each symbol and then tap the palm three times to send in the symbol. As you send it in breathe the %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and The %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each. Also note: that before drawing each symbol you ask for the person to recei'e the +pirit of that symbol. In the case where both left hand and right hand 'ersions are drawn you need to only ask once before you draw both symbols.
,ote: The teacher uses the term >+tudent of &ight> when referring to the student, but we are all students of &ight so we also refer to oursel'es and e'eryone on earth in the process. The Teacher says: +tudents of &ight, /ecei'e the +pirit of Hope then draws both symbols
Dra3 the sy"bol in the left hand +ap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
Dra3 the sy"bol in the right hand# tap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &ight, /ecei'e the +pirit of 1aith then draws both symbols
Dra3 the sy"bol in the left hand +ap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
Dra3 the sy"bol in the right hand# tap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &ight, /ecei'e the +pirit of the &o'e then draws both symbols
Dra3 the sy"bol in the left hand +ap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
Dra3 the sy"bol in the right hand# tap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &ight, /ecei'e the +pirit of the both symbols
M then draws
Dra3 the sy"bol in the left hand +ap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
Dra3 the sy"bol in the right hand# tap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &ight, /ecei'e the +pirit of !hrist, then draws both symbols
Dra3 the sy"bol in the left hand +ap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
Dra3 the sy"bol in the right hand# tap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &ight, /ecei'e the +pirit of the Holy +pirit then draws both symbols
Dra3 the sy"bol in the left hand +ap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
Dra3 the sy"bol in the right hand# tap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher says: +tudents of &ight, /ecei'e the +pirit of $od then draws both symbols
Dra3 the sy"bol in the left hand +ap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. Dra3 the sy"bol in the right hand# tap three ti"es. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he +eacher saysA 1tudents of Light# ,eceive the 1pirit of 1ervice through the ,ainbo3 an. Dra3 the sy"bol in both hands. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he +eacher saysA 1tudents of Light# ,eceive the 1pirit of the Intuitive 1enses through the .ye of -orus. Dra3 the sy"bol in both hands. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+he +eacher saysA 1tudents of Light# ,eceive the 1pirit of ystical Wisdo" through the 8abbalah. Dra3 the sy"bol in both hands. !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
+eachers saysA 1tudents of Light# ,eceive the 1pirit of ary and 2esus# Dra3s the sy"bol in both hands# taps three ti"es# sends it in# !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each. Teachers says: +tudents of &ight, /ecei'e the +pirit of "asodhara and %uddha, <raws the symbol in both hands, taps three times, sends it in, As you send it in breathe the %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and The %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each. Teachers says: +tudents of &ight, /ecei'e the +pirit of ;ma and %rahman, <raws the symbol in both hands, taps three times, sends it in, As you send it in breathe the %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and The %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each. Teachers says: +tudents of &ight, /ecei'e the +pirit of /adharani and ?rishna, <raws the symbol, taps three times, sends it in, As you send it in breathe the %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and The %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each. Teachers says: +tudents of &ight, /ecei'e the +pirit of The I AM #resence, <raws the symbol taps three times, sends it in, As you send it in breathe the %reath of the Elohim, "asodhara and %uddha3s %reath and The %reath of ;ma and %rahman one time each.
+eachers saysA 1tudents of Light# ,eceive the 1pirit of 5ur 5ne Creator# Dra3s half of the double 5 in each hand# taps three ti"es# sends it in# !s you send it in breathe the :reath of the .lohi"# 6asodhara and :uddha@s :reath and +he :reath of ;"a and :rah"an one ti"e each.
The Teacher then places the students hands palms together in prayer position in front of the heart. The Teacher holds the students hands between theirs and breathes all three Attunement %reaths. n the E0hale of the %reath of ;ma and %rahman the teacher blows the breath from the *ground- feet up the front of the student and all the way up to the si0th chakra abo'e the head and beyond. The teacher then goes around back of the student a places their hands abo'e the students head about : inches apart, palms facing each other. The teacher then breathes All three Attunement %reaths as long as they are led to do so. "ou may #ray in the +pirit at this time. The teacher then goes around to the front of the student and in'ites the student into the !ircle of &ight on the Eight fold #ath. +ee below.
If you 3ish to go deeper 3ith the Closing Procedure you can add the "ove"ents belo3 to the procedure above 3hen doing the Circle of =. +peak the ,ame of the +tep of the Eightfold #ath. %egin Light. +hese "ove"ents help to %reathing the %reath of the Elohim. further clear and ground the aura# chakras and energy fields in and around the student as you end your part in the students attune"ent.
2. ?eep the hands together and raise them straight up o'er the head.
8. %ow down like you are doing a swan di'e bring your hands back together and touch the ground.
9. !ome straight up back into ,amaste #osition. Take a side step or two until you are at the ne0t position of the circle and repeat the mo'ements after saying the name of the ne0t step on the Eightfold #ath.
(hen you ha'e finished the eight steps then return to position = and +ay >(e welcome you into the !ircle of &ight and &o'e of ur ne !reator as you are seated in ,ir'ana>. Then the teacher bows and says: Masters of the Elohim we thank you for this healing and attunement process. The Teacher bows again and says: Ascended Masters we thank you for this healing and attunement process. The Teacher bows again and says: ur ne !reator we thank you for this healing and attunement process. ,amaste.