034 Pak Iee 03

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Initial Environmental Examination

September 2012

MFF 0021-PAK: Power Distribution Enhancement Investment Program Proposed Tranche 3

Prepared by the Faisalabad Electric Supply Company for the Asian Development Bank.

Draft Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report

Project Number: F8 {September -2012}

Islamic Republic of Pakistan:

Power Distribution Enhancement Investment Program (Multi-tranche Financing Facility)

Tranche-III: Construction of New 60km Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station

Prepared by: Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO) Government of Pakistan

The Initial Environmental Examination Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADBs Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Overview & Background ................................................................................................. 1 Requirements for Environmental Assessment ............................................................ 2 Scope of the IEE Study and Personnel ......................................................................... 4 Structure of Report .......................................................................................................... 5

2. Policy and Statuary Requirements in Pakistan ..................................... 6

2.1. Statutory Framework ....................................................................................................... 6 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 ..................................................... 6 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of IEE and EIA Regulations, 2000 ..................................................................................................................... 6 National Environmental Quality Standards .......................................................... 7 Other Relevant Laws ........................................................................................... 7

3. Description of the Project ........................................................................ 9

3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. Type of the Project .......................................................................................................... 9 3.1.1. FESCO Existing System ...................................................................................... 9 Categorization of the Project ........................................................................................ 11 Location of Proposed Project ...................................................................................... 11 Need/Objectives of the Project..................................................................................... 11 Project Components ..................................................................................................... 12 3.5.1. 3.6.1. 3.6.2. 3.6.3. 3.6.4. 3.7. 3.8. Energy Loss Reduction Works .......................................................................... 12 No Project Option (NPO) ................................................................................... 12 Siting Alternative ................................................................................................ 13 Technical Alternatives ........................................................................................ 13 Type of Circuit Breaker ...................................................................................... 13 Project Alternatives ....................................................................................................... 12

Decommissioning and Disposal of Materials ............................................................. 14 Proposed Schedule for Implementation ..................................................................... 14

4. Description of Environment ................................................................... 15

4.1. Physical Environment ................................................................................................... 15 4.1.1. 4.1.2. 4.1.3. 4.1.4. 4.1.5. 4.1.6. 4.1.7. 4.2. 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.3. Physiography and Geology................................................................................ 15 Meteorology and Climate ................................................................................... 16 Ambient Air Quality ............................................................................................ 16 Noise .................................................................................................................. 17 Surface Water Resources.................................................................................. 17 Groundwater Resources .................................................................................... 17 Groundwater Quality .......................................................................................... 18 Wildlife, Fisheries & Aquatic Biology ................................................................. 18 Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species ......................................... 18

Ecological Resources ................................................................................................... 18

Economic Development ................................................................................................ 19

Table of Contents


4.3.1. 4.3.2. 4.3.3. 4.4. 4.4.1. 4.4.2. 4.4.3. 4.4.4.

Agriculture .......................................................................................................... 19 Industry .............................................................................................................. 19 Tourism .............................................................................................................. 19 Population Communities and Employment ........................................................ 19 Education and Literacy ...................................................................................... 20 Health Facilities ................................................................................................. 20 Cultural Heritage and Community Structure ...................................................... 20

Social and Cultural Resources ..................................................................................... 19

5. Screening of Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures ................................................................................................ 21

5.1. Project Location............................................................................................................. 21 5.1.1. 5.1.2. 5.1.3. 5.2. 5.2.1. 5.2.2. 5.2.3. 5.2.4. 5.2.5. 5.2.6. 5.2.7. 5.3. 5.3.1. 5.3.2. 5.4. Impact Assessment and Mitigation .................................................................... 21 General Approach to Mitigation ......................................................................... 21 Cultural Heritage, Mosques, Religious Sites, and Social Infrastructure ............ 22 Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration ..................................... 23 Cut and Fill and Waste Disposal ....................................................................... 23 Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas ................................................................. 23 Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion ............................................................ 24 Air Pollution ........................................................................................................ 24 Noise, Vibration and Blasting............................................................................. 25 Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable Diseases ............................. 26 Air pollution and Noise from the Enhanced Operations .................................... 26 Pollution from Oily Run-Off, Fuel Spills and Dangerous Goods ........................ 27

Potential Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures in Construction Stage ... 23

Potential Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures in Operational Stage ..... 26

Enhancement ................................................................................................................. 27

6. Institutional Requirements & Environmental Management Plan ....... 28 7. Public Consultation and Information Disclosure ................................ 47
7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. Approach to Public Consultation ................................................................................. 47 Public Consultation Process ........................................................................................ 47 Results of Public Consultation .................................................................................... 48 Grievance Redress Mechanism ................................................................................... 48 Redress Committee, Focal Points, Complaints Reporting, Recording and Monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 48

8. Conclusions ............................................................................................ 51
8.1. 8.2. Findings and Recommendations ................................................................................. 51 Summary and Conclusions .......................................................................................... 51

9. References and Document Support ...................................................... 52

Table of Contents


Figures and Maps

Figure 1.1: Pakistan EIA Process .............................................................................. 3 Figure 3.1: FESCO Existing System and Proposed Project Location...................... 10 Figure 7.1: Grievance Redress Mechanism ............................................................ 50

List of Tables
Table 3.1: FESCOs Technical Data .......................................................................... 9 Table 3.2: Permissible Conductor Clearances of Transmission Line ....................... 14 Table 4.1: Water Quality Data ................................................................................. 18 Table 4.2: Educational Institutions ........................................................................... 20 Table 5.1: National Environmental Quality Standards for Noise .............................. 25 Table 6.1: Summary of Environmental Management Plan-Matrix .......................... 29 Table 6.2: Monitoring Plan for Performance Indicators ............................................ 41

Annex-I: Annex-II: Annex-III: Screening Checklists Environmental Monitoring Results Summary of Public Consultation

Name Prepared by Muhammad Sharif Malik

Designation Deputy Manager Environment & Safeguard) Additional Chief Engineer / Manager Procurement Chief Engineer Development PMU FESCO Faisalabad



Supervised by

Tariq Mehmood

Authorized by

Tofiq Akbar Azad

Table of Contents


List of Abbreviations
ADB DISCO DGS DSC ECR EPA EPD EIA EMP ESSU FESCO GoP GSO GWh GRM GRC GFPs IA IEE Km KV LAA LARP MFF MVA MW NEQS NGO NOC NIBGE O& M Pak-EPA PCB PC PDEMFF PDE PEPCO PEPA PFRs PPMS POPs REA SPS STG TSG TL Asian Development Bank Distribution Companies Distribution Grid Station Design and Supervision Consultant Environmental Complaints Register Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Department Environment Impact Assessment Environmental Management Plan Environment & Social Safeguard Unit Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Government of Pakistan Grid System Operation Gega Watt Hour Grievance Redress Mechanism Grievance Redress Committee Grievance Focal Points Implementation Agency Initial Environmental Examination Kilometer Kilo Volts Land Acquisition Act (of 1984) Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan Multi Tranche Financing Facility Mega Volt Ampere Mega Watts National Environmental Quality Standards Non-Governmental Organization No Objection Certificate National Institute of Biological & Genetic Engineering Operation & Maintenance Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Poly Chlorinated Biphenyl Planning Commission Power Distribution and Enhancement Multi-tranche Finance Facility Enhancement Power Distribution Pakistan Electric Power Company Private Limited Pakistan Environment Protection Act 1997 (as regulated and amended) Project Financing Requests Project Performance Monitoring System Persistent Organic Pollutants Rapid Environmental Assessment Safeguard Policy Statement Secondary Transmission & Grid Technical Services Group Transmission Line

List of Abbreviations


IEE Report for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line



Overview & Background
This document is the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for the Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station under Power Distribution Enhancement Investment Program, Tranche-III. This subproject is proposed by Faisalabad Electricity Supply Company (FESCO). This IEE was prepared under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Power Distribution and Enhancement Multi-Tranche Finance Facility (PDEMFF). Government of Pakistan (GoP) has requested ADB to provide the PDEMFF to facilitate investments in power distribution and development of electric Infrastructures of eight independent distribution companies (DISCOs) that distribute electric supply (power) to end user consumers. The funding from ADB is expected to be released in stages (tranches). The Power Distribution Enhancement (PDE) Investment Program is part of the GoP long term energy security strategy. The proposed ADB intervention will finance new investments in PDE and assist capacity building of sector related agencies. The investment program will cover necessary PDE development activities in secondary transmission/distribution networks of DISCOs. The PDEMFF activities include construction of new grid stations, extension (additional transformers) and augmentation (replacement of transformers with higher capacity), distribution line extensions, new and replacement distribution lines, additional sub-stations, transformer protection and other non-network activities. To utilize ADB Tranche-III loan, FESCO has prepared subproject including Construction of three (03) number 132Kv Grid Stations, Conversion of four (04) number 66Kv existing Grid Stations into 132Kv Grid Stations and five (05) number 132Kv new Transmission Line of length 143Km. Board of Directors FESCO, after having been scrutinized by its Technical Committee approved the aforementioned sub-projects for submission to ADB for financing under Tranche-III Project. This IEE presents the results and conclusions of environmental assessment for the Construction of new 132Kv Transmission Line (TL) subproject proposed by FESCO. Pakistan Electric Power Company Private Limited (PEPCO) has been nominated by Ministry of Water and Power to act as the Executing Agency with each DISCO (FESCO) being the Implementing Agency (IA) for work in its own area. PEPCOs role in the processing and implementation of the investment program is that of a co-coordinator of such activities as preparation of PC-1s and Project Financing Requests (PFRs), monitoring implementation activities; that includes submission of environmental assessments for all sub-projects in all tranches of the PDEMFF under ADB operating procedures. An IEE has been carried out to fulfill the requirements of ADB Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS), 2009.







IEE Report for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line



Requirements for Environmental Assessment

The environmental assessment requirements of the GoP for grid stations and power distribution subprojects are different to those of ADB. Under GoP regulations, the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) Review of Initial Environmental Examination and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (2000) categorizes development projects into two schedules according to their potential environmental impact. The proponent of project that has reasonably less foreseeable impacts are required to submit an IEE for their respective subprojects (Schedule-I). Projects that have more adverse environmental impacts (Schedule II) are required to submit an environmental impact assessment (EIA) to the concerned provincial Environmental Protection Agencies (EPAs), Figure 1.1 shows the Pakistan EIA approval Process.



IEE Report for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line


Figure 1.1: Pakistan EIA Process



IEE Report for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line



Initial subproject classification of similar sub-project under Tranche-I & Tranche-II (ADB) was carried out in 2009 and comes under Category B. Most of the construction impacts will take place be local one and there are no potential significant environmental impacts associated with the Construction of new 132Kv T/L to be executed under Tranche-III subproject. Currently Initial Environmental Reconnaissance, Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA), Involuntarily Resettlement (IR) & Indigenous People (IP) Screening check list prepared by FESCO. (Refer to the Screening Checklists REA, IR & IP given as Annex-I). According to aforementioned screening documents, environmental impacts associated with the subproject component i.e. Construction of new 132Kv T/L, have limited impacts that are few in number, site specific, largely reversible and readily addressed through mitigation measures. Under the Multi Finance Facility (MFF) loan procedures of ADB, implementation of safeguards is to be achieved under ADB Guidelines. The project that have some adverse environmental impacts but of lesser degree or significance such as Construction of new 132Kv T/L is categorized as Category B project. Pak-EPA emphases that proponent must follow the Section 12 of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (PEPA) 1997 for all subprojects. Pak-EPA has also assumed that all proponents will consult with the relevant provincial EPAs and follow their advice. With 18th Amendment in Constitution, more power regarding environment are delegated to the provinces. Therefore, this IEE finalized will be submitted to provincial Environmental Protection Department (EPD), Punjab for Approval/No Objection Certificate (NOC) for proposed subproject.



Scope of the IEE Study and Personnel

This IEE study has been carried out with field reconnaissance survey by Environment Team, FESCO for Construction of new 132Kv T/L. The Study Area for subproject was the new T/L route and immediate environs. The Study Area included the identification of irrigation facilities, water supply, habitable structures, schools, health facilities, hospitals, religious places and sites of heritage or archaeological importance and critical areas (if any) within immediate surroundings of the proposed subproject route. The works are generally envisaged to involve construction of foundation, erection of 132Kv towers and stringing. Civil Works will be carried out by the contractors and supervised by the Grid System Construction (GSC) Directorate FESCO. The field studies were undertaken by the subproject Environment Team. The Environment Team of FESCO has carried out preliminary scoping and survey assessment activities, Team has also coordinated the field sampling and analysis, and supervise collection of information and co-ordination in various public consultation activities. The team has compiled all the data from primary and secondary sources and produced the IEE report. The environmental team also benefited from technical support and other information regarding impacts of proposed works from FESCO expert dealing with engineering, power distribution, socio-economic, resettlement and institutional aspects.




IEE Report for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line



During scoping, REA was carried out to establish the potential impacts and categorization of subproject activities. The methodology of the IEE study was then elaborated in order to address all interests. Subsequently, secondary baseline environmental data was collected from all possible sources. The significance of impacts of Construction of new 132Kv T/L was then assessed and for those impacts requiring mitigation, measures were proposed to reduce impacts within acceptable limits. Public Consultations were carried out, in line with ADBs in line with ADB guidelines. Under ADB requirements, the environmental assessment process must also include meaningful public consultation during the completion of the draft IEE. In this IEE, the Public Consultation process included verbal disclosure regarding the subproject works as a vehicle for discussion. Consultations were conducted with local families around proposed T/L route and around Grid Station.



Structure of Report
This IEE reviews information on existing environmental attributes of the Study Area. Geological, hydrological and ecological features, land use, transport & traffic, noise/vibration, air quality, water quality, flora & fauna, soils, social and economic aspects and cultural resources are included. The report predicts the probable impacts on the environment due to the proposed subproject enhancement and expansion. This IEE also proposes various environmental management measures. Details of all background environmental quality, environmental impact/pollutant generating activities, pollution sources, predicted environmental quality and related aspects have been provided in this report. References are provided in the end of the IEE report. Following this introduction the report follows ADB guidelines and includes: Description of the Subproject Description of Environmental and Social Conditions Assessment of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures for identified impacts Institutional Requirements & Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Environmental Monitoring Plan Public Consultation Recommendations and Conclusions



IEE Report for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line



Policy and Statuary Requirements in Pakistan

Direct legislation on environmental protection is contained in several statutes, namely the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 the Forest Act, 1927 & the Punjab Wildlife Act, 1974. In addition, the Land Acquisition Act (LAA), 1894 also provides powers in respect of land acquisition for public purposes. There are also several other items of legislation and regulations, which have an indirect bearing on the subproject or general environmental measures.


Statutory Framework
The Constitution of Pakistan distributes legislative powers between the Federal and the provincial governments through two lists attached to the Constitution as Schedules. The Federal List covers the subjects over which the federal government has exclusive legislative power, while the Concurrent List contains subjects regarding which both the federal and provincial governments can enact laws. Environmental Pollution and Ecology is included in the concurrent list, hence both the federal and the provincial governments can enact laws on this subject. However, previously only the federal government has enacted laws on environment, and the provincial environmental institutions derive their power from the federal law. The Punjab Environmental Protection Act, 1996 now is superseded by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997. Presently approval of 18th Constitution Amendment, enactment of environmental laws rest with provincial Environmental Protection Department (EPD) Punjab.

2.1.1. Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 16. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 is the basic legislative tool empowering the government to frame regulations for the protection of the environment. The act is applicable to a wide range of issues and extends to air, water, soil, marine, and noise pollution, as well as to the handling of hazardous wastes. The key features of the law that have a direct bearing on the proposed subproject relate to the requirement for an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for development subprojects. Section 12(1) requires that: No proponent of a subproject shall commence construction or operation unless he has filed with the Federal Agency (Pak-EPA) an initial environmental examination (IEE) or, where the subproject is likely to cause an adverse environmental effect, an environmental impact assessment (EIA) and has obtained Approval/NOC in this respect from the Environmental Agency. Thereof, the Pak-EPA has delegated the power of review and approval of environmental assessments to the provincial environmental protection agencies, in this case the EPD, Punjab. (Refer to the Fig 1.1)

2.1.2. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of IEE and EIA Regulations, 2000 17. The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 provides for two types of environmental assessments: Environment Impact Assessments (EIA) and Initial

Policy and Statuary Requirements in Pakistan


IEE Report for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line


Environmental Examinations (IEE). EIAs are carried out for subprojects that have a potentially significant environmental impact, whereas IEEs are conducted for relatively smaller subprojects with a relatively less significant impact. Under Section 12 (and subsequent amendment) of the PEPA, 1997 a project falling under any category specified in Schedule-II requires the proponent to file an IEE or EIA with the federal agency. These schedules provide guidance for Project screening. Within ten working days of the IEE or EIA having been submitted, the federal agency will confirm that the document submitted is complete for the purpose of review. During this time, should the federal agency requires the proponent to submit any additional information; the IEE or EIA will be returned to the proponent for revision, clearly listing those aspects that need further discussion. Subsequently, the federal agency shall make every effort to complete an IEE review within 45 days and an EIA review within 90 days of filing of the complete information of report. 18. Distribution lines and grid substations of 11Kv and above are included under energy subprojects in Schedule II, under which rules EIA is required by GoP. Initial environment examination (IEE) is required for distribution lines less than 11 kV and large distribution subprojects (Schedule I). A review of the need for EIA/ IEE submission is therefore required by the relevant EPA, in this case the Punjab Environment Protection Agency (PEPA) as the project is located in Punjab. There are no formal provisions for the environmental assessment of expanding existing distribution lines and grid substations. The details of this subproject will be forwarded to the Punjab EPA, in order to commence the local statutory environmental assessment process.


2.1.3. National Environmental Quality Standards 20. The National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) were first promulgated in 1993 and have been amended in 1995 and 2000. The NEQS, 2000 specify the following standards:

Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (32 parameters) in municipal and liquid industrial effluents discharged to inland waters, sewage treatment facilities, and the sea (three separate sets of numbers) Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (16 parameters) in gaseous emissions from industrial sources Maximum allowable concentration of pollutants (two parameters) in gaseous emissions from vehicle exhaust Maximum allowable noise levels from vehicles

2.1.4. Other Relevant Laws 21. There are a number of other federal and provincial laws that are important in the context of environmental management. The main laws potentially affecting subprojects in this MFF, Tranche-III are listed below.

Policy and Statuary Requirements in Pakistan


IEE Report for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line


I. The Punjab Wildlife Protection Ordinance, 1972 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved for the protection of wildlife and control activities within in these areas. It also provides protection to endangered species of wildlife. As no activities are planned in these areas, no provision of this law is applicable to the proposed subproject. II. The Forestry Act, 1927 empowers the government to declare certain areas reserved forest. As no reserved forest exists in the vicinity of the proposed subproject, this law will not affect to the proposed subproject. III. The Antiquities Act of 1975 ensures the protection of Pakistans cultural resources. The Act defines antiquities as ancient products of human activity, historical sites, or sites of anthropological or cultural interest, national monuments, etc. The Act is designed to protect these antiquities from destruction, theft, negligence, unlawful excavation, trade, and export. The law prohibits new construction in the proximity of a protected antiquity and empowers the GoP to prohibit excavation in any area that may contain articles of archaeological significance. Under the Act, the subproject proponents are obligated to ensure that no activity is undertaken in the proximity of a protected antiquity, report to the Department of Archaeology, GoP, any archaeological discovery made during the course of the subproject.

Policy and Statuary Requirements in Pakistan


IEE Report for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line



Description of the Project

Type of the Project
The proposed subproject in this IEE is Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station that has been prioritized by FESCO & decided to be included in the PDEMFF, Tranche-III.

3.1.1. FESCO Existing System 23. FESCO is one of the eight DISCOs, which has been established as a result of WAPDAs restructuring in 1998. The key Technical Data of FESCOs System is provided in the following table:

Table 3.1: FESCOs Technical Data

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Area Jurisdiction 132 KV Grid Station 66 KV Grid Station Private Grid Stations Peak load demand(2009 - 2010 Year) Units Purchased 2009-10 Units Sold 2009-10 Technical & Distribution losses Transmission Lines 132 KV Transmission Lines 66KV HT Line LT Line HT line Feeders Domestic consumption Domestic consumers(30-06-2010) Commercial consumption Commercial consumers Industrial consumption Agricultural consumption Agricultural consumers Items Units Sq. Km No No No MW GWh GWh Percentage Km Km Km Km Nos Million Unit No. Million Unit No. Million Unit Million Unit No. Data 44,247 53 26 13 2,298 9,291 8,317 10.48 1,540.75 1,296 35,543 23,235 758 3,691 2,504,756 472 299,925 2,852 1,041 33,347

Data Source; FESCO Business Plan 2010-2011


The area within the FESCO network comprises, the following districts of the Punjab Province, Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh, Jhang, Chiniot, Sargodha, Mandi Bahaudin,

Description of the Project


IEE Report for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line


Khushab, Mianwali, Bhakkar. Figure 3.1 shows the Distribution Network of the FESCO System.

Figure 3.1: FESCO Existing System and Proposed Route of 132Kv Transmission Line

Description of the Project

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Categorization of the Project

Categorization is based on the most environmentally sensitive component of a subproject. The aspects of the subproject with potential for significant environmental impacts need to be assessed in detail and this environmental assessment has therefore focused on the significant impacts possible from the construction activities of the sub project. The Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station is categorized as Category B sub-project under ADB requirements as the proposed subproject does not have any environmentally sensitive receptor.



Location of Proposed Project

Construction of proposed 60km 132Kv Double Circuit Transmission line will originate from under construction 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh and ends at 132Kv Grid Station Havelli Bahadar Shah Tehsil Shorkot District Jhang. This Transmission Line passes through nine villages of District Toba Tek Singh & District Jhang. Fig 3.1 presents the location of proposed Grid Station.


Need/Objectives of the Project

The conditions of the power distribution system in Pakistan are inadequate to meet rapidly growing demand for the electricity. This situation limits national development and economic growth. To cope with the constraints, the existing power transmission infrastructure has to be improved, expanded and upgraded. The overall contribution of power infrastructure also requires institutional arrangements and capacity that support strategic management of the sector, and planning and management of investments. Overall the proposed PDEMFF facility has been designed to address both investment and institutional aspects in the power sector. The overarching objectives of the Power Distribution Enhancement Investment Program, Tranche-III is to increase the efficiency, reliability and quality of electric supply. The project aims to achieve:


Strengthening of electricity transmission network to reduces bottlenecks and improve system reliability or quality. Strengthening of electricity distribution network to reduce losses and improvement in supply and the same can be achieved by construction of a new T/L in the locality.


Utilization of benefits of other MFFs Sub-project which are scheduled to be completed in June 2013 in the vicinity, by identification of Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station in Tranche-III, having better interlink ages.

Description of the Project

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Project Components
During the entire duration of the loan period, construction of three (03) numbers new Grid Station at the locations of SPS Colony Faisalabad, City Grid Faisalabad City and Shahbaz Khel Mianwali are proposed, Conversion of four (04) numbers 66Kv existing Grid Station into 132Kv and new 132Kv Transmission Line covering 143km are proposed. This IEE pertaining to Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station is being initiated as an independent subproject under Tranche-III. The components of the proposed subproject are mentioned below: Component of Sub-Project
Description/Name of Work 220 KV Grid Station TT Singh to HB Shah Circuit D/C Length (km) 60 Conductor Rail

3.5.1. Energy Loss Reduction Works 32. The power distribution system in the FESCO network is generally heavily loaded resulting in low voltage, high distribution losses and high rate of transformer failure. The quality of the power supply to the consumers particularly, at the tail and of the feeders is poor. The reasons for high distribution transformer failure include over loading due to growth in number of consumers and electricity demand. The lengthy feeders particularly, in the rural areas, are also a reason for high distribution losses and low voltage. In order to solve above problems, equipment for system modernization and rehabilitation is required, which will be procured through ADB loan proceeds.


Project Alternatives

3.6.1. No Project Option (NPO) 33. Electricity demand has been increasing during the past several years, and this trend is expected to continue as a result of the on-going economic uplift in the country. The key factors are increasing population, rapid urbanization, industrialization, improvement in per capita income and village electrification. In order to match the increasing trend in the power demand, regular investments in various segments of the power network generation, transmission, and distribution is vitally important. Otherwise, the gap between the supply and demand will keep on increasing. Power supply source for right side of Chenab River from Kot Shakir to Ahmad Pur Sial being southwestern part of FESCO territory, is from MEPCO through 66Kv Transmission Lines. Over this transmission line, three 66Kv Grid Stations i.e. Ahmad Pur Sial, Garh Maharaja & 18-Hazari are fed. These 66Kv Grid Stations feed 120km x 30Km vide strip on right side of River Chenab D/S of Trimmu, is feed through these Grid Stations. These Grid Stations are overloaded beyond their capacity. As such there is no chance of further development due to


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overloading of Distribution System. Peoples of the area, demonstrated several time against the overloading of Distribution System and requested to provide the independent power supply other than MEPCO because they are prone to forced load shedding. 35. There is no independent source of supply in the area except, a proposed Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Construction (near completion stage) Toba Tek Singh. Under Tranche-III, FESCO has proposed construction of 132Kv Transmission Lines (i) From 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Haveli Bahadar Shah (60Km) (ii) Haveli Bahadar Shah to 66Kv Grid 18-Hazari (being converted to 132 KV under Tranche-III) (iii) 66 KV Grid 18-Hazari to 66 KV Grid Garh Maharaja (proposed to be upgraded into 132Kv Grid under Tranche-III). The transmission line is proposed to pass through rural area, away from settlement, Schools, Hospitals and Mosques. The 132Kv transmission lines segment from Haveli Bahadar Shah to 66Kv Grid 18-Hazari will cross the River Chenab D/S of Trimmu Barrage where flow is less. The proposed project seeks to upgrade the distribution system i.e. secondary transmission and grid network of the FESCO system. Construction of the new Transmission Line and Grid Station along with converting or upgrading the existing grid stations will provide the requisite relief to the over-loaded system, while also accommodating additional load. The proposed works will also reduce the line losses and power breakdowns. In case the proposed subproject Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station is not undertaken, the FESCO system will not be able to cope with the increasing demand, the existing system will remain over-loaded, line losses will also remain high, and the system reliability will progressively decrease, with increasing pressure on the system. The utility will also forego the opportunity of increasing its consumers as well as revenue associated with the system expansion. In view of the above, the No Project Option (NPO) is not a preferred alternative.




3.6.2. Siting Alternative 39. The T/L route will be selected in such a way that minimum disturbance to local, people, property, assets and environment taken place. Transmission Line will be away from settled areas, mosques, schools and hospitals.

3.6.3. Technical Alternatives 3.6.4. Type of Circuit Breaker 40. The proposed T/L will involve erection of towers that will be strung with new rail conductor. However in Tranche-III, cost effective and technically feasible design will be developed by the Consultants in collaboration with DISCOs. Present IEE does not based on T/L Design and will be changed on implementation stage if so

Description of the Project

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warranted by new developments. However present Transmission Line is based on the following parameters:

Table 3.2: Permissible Conductor Clearances of Transmission Line

Sr. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Description Cultivated land traversed by Vehicles Roads/Streets Communication/Power Lines Highways Rail Roads Electrified Rail Road trolley wire Rivers in high flood Places accessible to pedestrian only Building Roofs not accessible to peoples Tops of trees Canals Permissible Clearance (Meters) 6.7 7.9 2.7 7.9 7.9 3.85 9.1 7.9 5.2 5.0 9.1


Decommissioning and Disposal of Materials

Decommissioning and disposal of discarded material from the subproject will be recycled and reused within the PEPCO system. No waste will be generated that can be classified as hazardous and requiring special disposal. In addition, in case any old transformers are to be replaced, they are not going to be disposed off or discarded and would be recycled and reused within the PEPCO system. As a policy, WAPDA has stopped using transformers that contain PCBs since 1969.


Proposed Schedule for Implementation

Designs arrangements, access, review of environmental management and construction processes could take several months. When the detailed designs are completed, tendering and award of contract will take place. Civil works pertaining to control room, foundation, shipment of equipment & its installation will commence before testing of equipment. At present, detailed implementation schedule for Tranche-III cannot be prepared since the project implementation dates have yet to be finalized. However, on approval of subproject, a comprehensive schedule will be prepared and made a part of Initial Environment Examination (IEE) report.

Description of the Project

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IEE Report for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line



Description of Environment
This section describes environmental conditions of the project area before the commencement of the proposed activities. The environmental baseline data addresses the physical and biological aspects of the project area. Since the proposed project components are located in long strip of Transmission Line, a generic overview of the environmental conditions of this entire length is presented. In view of the absence of any major development activities underway at or around the project sites or any other natural/anthropogenic phenomenon, the environmental conditions of the project sites are unlikely to experience any significant change before the project commencement.


Physical Environment

4.1.1. Physiography and Geology 44. On the basis of the physical environment and geology, the project area falls in the Indus Basin (Atlas of Pakistan, 1997), which is briefly described below: The Indus Plain essentially forms the western extension of Indo-Gangetic Plain, and has been made up of the silt brought by the Indus and its numerous tributaries, such as Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej on the east bank, and Kabul, Kurram, Tochi, and others on the west bank. The Indus Plain is known for its agricultural fertility and cultural development throughout history. The left bank tributaries of the Indus River meet at Panjnad and flow as one large stream for about 75km before joining the Indus at Mithankot, and south of it, the Indus flows almost alone up to the Arabian Sea without receiving any noticeable tributary. The average annual discharge of the Indus at Attock Khurd is - 92 million acre feet. There is a great fluctuation in their seasonal discharge, especially in the hot summer and rainy season. Almost all of its tributaries and the Indus itself have their sources in snow and glaciated areas of Himalayan, Karakoram and Hindukush mountain systems. On the basis of hydrology and land form, the Indus Plain can be divided into the upper and lower Indus Plains. The Upper Indus Plain (where the project area is located) differs from the Lower Indus Plain primarily because of the major tributaries (Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej) divide the land surface into several interfluves or 'doabs'. Indus Plain is sub-divided into four interfluves plain and the Sulaiman piedmont. The major interfluves are: the Sindh Sagar Doab or Thal, between Jhelum and Indus rivers the Chaj Doab, between Jhelum and Chenab rivers the Rachna Doab, between Ravi and Chenab rivers the Bari Doab, between Ravi and Sutlej rivers




Project area falls in the Upper Indus Plain, Chaj Doab & the Rachna Doab.

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The prevailing geologic conditions in the region are the results of extensive inundation, depositions, coastal movements, and erosions over a long period of time in the geological ages. The geology of the region is closely related to the formation process of Himalayan ranges resulting in intense deformation with complex folding, high angle strike-slip faults and crust thickening expressed in a series of thrust faults. The important tectonic changes which have had so much influence in the region are feebly visible particularly in the Indus Plain, and it is only by considering the geology on a broader regional scale.

4.1.2. Meteorology and Climate a. 49. Meteorology The climate of most parts of the Project Area is arid to semi-arid characterized by four seasons in a year, that is, winter from Mid-November to February, spring during March and April summer from May to Mid-September and autumn from Mid-September to Mid-November. There exist several meteorological stations in the project area; data recorded at some of these stations is provided in the following sections. Temperature Project area falls in central Punjab. Being flat topography, essential climate features are the same. The maximum temperature in summer reaches 44oC. In winter the minimum is 1oC. The mean maximum and minimum temperatures in summer are 41oC and 27oC; and in winter 19oC and 4oC respectively. The summer season starts from April and continues till October. May, June and July are the hottest months. The winter season on the other hand starts from November and continues till March, December, January and February are the coldest months. Rainfall The rainy season starts in July and ends in September. Annual rainfall is 408mm. More rains occur in July and August than any other months. Most of the winter rains are received in the months of January, February and March. Humidity July, August and September are the most humid months in the area, whereas May and June are the least humid months. Average monthly relative humidity values at various locations in the project area are 55% (EPD, Punjab November 2008).

b. 50.

c. 51.

d. 52.

4.1.3. Ambient Air Quality 53. The primary source of air pollution at the project sites, is the vehicular emissions, and the key pollutants likely to be found at project proposed locations are carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate

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matter (PM). Other source of air pollution is dust arising from construction activities. 54. In order to determine the air quality of the area. The air quality monitoring was carried out by the National Institute of Biological & Genetic Engineering (NIBGE) Faisalabad being EPA approved Lab in the vicinity and has the requisite air sampling device and expertise for collection of samples. FESCO has facilitated NIBGE to collect the ambient air samples from 132Kv Grid Station Havali Bahadar Shah District Jhang included in Tranche-I, which is end point of proposed transmission line. Data of 132Kv Grid Station Havali Bahadar Shah Grid Station can be applicable for whole transmission line for establishment of baseline data. (copies of Environmental Monitoring Results are attached at Annex-II). The subproject location of proposed T/L is in the District Toba Tek Singh and District Jhang. There does not exist any large industry or any other significant pollution source near these sites/routes either. As a result, the ambient air quality of these sites is expected to be well within the acceptable limits, and no major criteria pollutants are likely to be found in excess of the limits prescribed by national and international standards.


4.1.4. Noise 56. As per NEQS, permissible noise level is upto 65dBA when measured with a sound meter at a distance of 7.5m from the source. At proposed T/L route the main source of noise emission are the construction activities. Noise from vehicles and other powered mechanical equipment is intermittent. Use of Power Equipment at proposed subproject site is just once during unloading of material and is being of temporary nature. Maintenance vehicle came only on requirement basis. As such there is no noise threat at the proposed subproject site, where Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station is being proposed. Based on professional experience background day time noise levels are probably well below 55dBA. No blasting is to be encountered during TrancheIII works.

4.1.5. Surface Water Resources 57. There are few surface water sources mainly the Jhelum and Chanab which is used for irrigation purposes for agricultural lands in the area.

4.1.6. Groundwater Resources 58. The major sources of the groundwater in the area are hand pumps, pressure pumps and tube wells. The main source of drinking water in the area is groundwater, which is pumped through hand pumps, pressure pumps and tube wells. The groundwater is also used for irrigation purposes.

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4.1.7. Groundwater Quality 59. For establishment of baseline data and to assess the ground water quality 132Kv Grid Station Havali Bahadar Shah District Jhang included in Tranche-I, which is end point of proposed T/L segment is taken, groundwater samples were collected and got tested from NIBGE Faisalabad, an EPA approved Lab in the city (Refer to Environmental Monitoring Results attached at Annex-II). For baseline establishment, the sample of Ground Water collected from 132Kv Grid Station Havali Bahadar Shah District Jhang has been tested to assess the groundwater quality. However comparison of groundwater sample has been made with WHO drinking water standards. The baseline comparison Data for Havali Bahadar Shah District Jhang is placed at table below:

Table 4.1: Water Quality Data

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Water Quality Parameter pH Conductivity Total Dissolved Salts (TDS) Hardness Alkalinity Chromium Lead Turbidity Total Coliform WHO Standard for Drinking Water 6.5-8.5 NG 1000 (WHO) 500 (WHO) NG 0.05 0.01 NG Nil (WHO) 132Kv Grid Station Havali Bahadar Shah District Jhang (Tranche-I addition SubProject) 7.34 1.565 1001 180 112 <0.01 <0.01 <1FAU 1950


(ms/cm) (mg/l) mg/l (mg/l) mg/l mg/l *FAU 0 cfu/100ml

* FAU: Formazin Attenuation Unit


Ecological Resources

4.2.1. Wildlife, Fisheries & Aquatic Biology 60. There is no wildlife except jackals, dogs and snakes etc. Common species of birds found in the project area are sparrows, crows, pigeon, dove, tiliar (starling), parrot, quail, pintail and humming bird etc,.

4.2.2. Terrestrial Habitats, Forests and Protected Species a. 61. Vegetation cover and trees The district's trees consist of jand (Prosopis spicigera), karir (Capparis aphylla), beri (Zizyphus jujuba), van (Salvadora oleoides), kikar (Acacia nilotica), shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) and aak (Calotropois spp). Various herbs can also be found, including harmal, akrey and bathoo.

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There is wild growth of Mesquite bushes and some Eucalyptus trees in the areas near the works but natural forest cover has been significantly reduced in the past. Some of the older stands of trees specially fruit trees, still survive the onslaught of urbanization on this previously natural and agricultural area. There is probably little natural vegetation in the project area. Protected areas / National sanctuaries In Pakistan there are several areas of land devoted to the preservation of biodiversity through the dedication of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. There are no protected areas near proposed site.

b. 63.


Economic Development

4.3.1. Agriculture 64. District Toba Tek Singh is one of the best producer of orange "locally known as kenno". It contributes towards export standard quality of orange produced in all Pakistan. The majority of people living in this district have profession of agriculture and it produce several kind of agricultural and dairy products like meat, eggs, cotton, maize, several pulses, peach, guava, tomato, melon, water melon, mango, tobacco and onion.

4.3.2. Industry 65. Different industries exist in both the district comprising Sugar Mills, Ice Factories, Ginning Factories, Cold Storages, Oil Expellers, Flour Mills, Poultry Feeds, Cotton Factories etc. The industry is contributing towards the Gross domestic product (GDP) of the country. Tourism Various attractions are present in both the districts. Jhang District is home to the tomb of the heroine of a famous love story, Heer Ranjha. Heer's tomb lies just north of Jhang on the way to Faisalabad. An annual fair is held at her tomb. A forest park with the name of Manzoor Elahi Forest Park has been established by the Government of Punjab for the citizens of Toba Tek Singh. It is located on Jhang Road at a distance of approximately 1km from the old Chungi. The park comprises beautiful plantation, vast play grounds, recreational facilities for children, and tiled pathways. Citizens of Toba Tek Singh find the forest park a rejuvenating reprieve and visit it in large numbers.

4.3.3. 66.


Social and Cultural Resources

4.4.1. Population Communities and Employment 67. The total population of Toba Tek Singh and Jhang District was 905,580 and 2800,000 as enumerated in March, 1998. As emerged from 1998 Census the population of Toba Tek Singh District is predominantly Muslim, i.e. 720,601 and

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184,979 were non-Muslim. Punjabi is the predominant languages being spoken in

the district followed by Urdu, Pushto and Siraiki spoken. 68. The population of the both the districts consist of self-employed (including farming and trade), private employees and government employees. The main occupation of women in rural areas of Toba Tek Singh and Jhang civil division are house-keeping which includes attending to the cattle, extracting butter and ghee from milk, weaving and sewing of family clothes. In addition they generally help their men-folk on farms with the lighter duties like transplanting of seedlings, threshing and winnowing of grains and sometimes they also help in harvesting. In city women are house-wives or work as professionals doctors, nurses, teaching and in offices.


4.4.2. Education and Literacy 70. The literacy ratio of both the Toba Tek Singh and Jhang District is very high and counted amongst top cities of Pakistan. Both the district has number of educational institution, some of the major are shown in the table below:

Table 4.2: Educational Institutions

Toba Tek Singh District
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Sub Campus CCAPS the new COMSAT University Govt Municipal Degree College Toba Tek Singh Govt PST college Kamalia Govt College of commerence in Toba Tek Singh, Gojra, Kamalia Allama Iqbal College Gojra Jinah Public School (JPS)Toba Tek Singh

Jhang District
Faran Model College, Jhang Chenab College, Jhang Lahore College for Women University I-Soft College Of Commerce And Computer Sciences Jhang Faran Model College, Jhang Chenab College, Jhang Lahore College for Women University

4.4.3. Health Facilities 71. Ample medical and health facilities are available in both the districts. District Headquarter Hospital and Tehsil Headquarter Hospital are established at District & Tehsil Headquarters respectively. In rural areas dispensaries & rural health centers are functional.

4.4.4. Cultural Heritage and Community Structure 72. There are no official heritage sites or historic, religious or archeologically important sites located in the subproject works areas. There are no major historic or archaeological feature of note but there a few places of worship i.e. mosques within about 500m of the works.

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Screening of Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

Project Location

5.1.1. Impact Assessment and Mitigation 73. The location and scale of the works are very important in predicting the environmental impacts. This process of impact prediction is the core of the IEE process and it is critical that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to reference with the conditions on the ground in the affected areas in the spirit of the environmental assessments process. In this section the potential environmental impacts are reviewed. Where impacts are significant enough to exceed accepted environmental standards, mitigation is proposed in order to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels and achieve the expected outcomes of the project being implemented. Therefore, it is essential that a proper analysis is carried out during the project planning period. In this regard, the impact prediction plays a vital role as these predictions are used for developing mitigation measures and any alternative options, if appropriate. When the detailed designs are completed the impacts and mitigation measures will need to be further reviewed to take account of how the contracts are set up and in the light of any changes of the subproject proposals. The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been compiled based on the data/information available and shall be reviewed in due course at project inception and through construction in order to feed back any significant unpredicted impacts. It is based on the analysis of impacts, primarily to document key environmental issues likely to arise from subproject implementation, to prescribe mitigation measures to be integrated in the project design, to design monitoring and evaluation schedules to be implemented during subproject project construction and operation, and to estimate costs required for implementing subproject mitigation measures. The EMP, if required may be reviewed/updated in the subproject inception by the project management and approved before any construction activity is initiated, to take account of any subsequent changes and fine tuning of the proposals.


5.1.2. General Approach to Mitigation 75. Based on experience on some projects, contractors have put emphasis on the financial compensation for nuisances. This may be acceptable for some social impacts where evacuation is necessary or where houses have been accidentally damaged, however it is not best international practice to accept payment for environmental impacts. An approach whereby the subproject contractor pays money for nuisances rather than control impacts at source will not be acceptable. This practice should not be allowed and financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance.

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During the preparation for the Subproject, bidders/contractors for future subprojects, must be notified and prepared to co-operate with the executing agency, project management, supervising consultants and local population in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through bidding stages and the contract documentation to implement the EMP in full and be ready to engage trained environmental management staff to audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the project proceeds. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency (FESCO) must be prepared for this. In this regard the FESCO must fulfill the requirements of the law and guidance prepared by Pak-EPA on the environmental aspects of power projects and the recommendations already made for subproject in this IEE and under PEPA, 1997. Work on the proposed Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station could cause some generation of air borne dust, but any nuisance from this is likely to be very localized and temporary. Other project activities, e.g. movement of heavy vehicles on unpaved tracks during the works, could generate considerable dust. Water is available in the study area, although surplus water may not always be available to suppress dust at vulnerable locations in the dry season. Therefore as a general approach it is recommended that where works are within 15m of any residential sensitive receivers, the contractor should install segregation between the works and the edge of the sensitive receivers. Where dust is the major consideration the barrier can take the form of tarpaulins. Noise from the construction activities should not be a major consideration unless very close to schools or hospitals where construction should be avoided at sensitive times. In addition to the physical effect of mitigating dust and noise with barriers installation of such measures should be discussed with the local population and serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage to assist in public relations.



5.1.3. Cultural Heritage, Mosques, Religious Sites, and Social Infrastructure 79. As described in the baseline, there are no mosques or other religious sites close to the sites where proposed Construction of new 132Kv T/L works are to be carried out. The nearest clinic/hospital are more than 500m from the edge of the subproject sites. Apart from these features, there will be sufficient buffer distance between the works and any other sensitive receivers, so that no significant impacts should be expected. Public consultation should be undertaken at the implementation stage to ensure nuisances are not allowed to escalate for the sensitive receivers close to the proposed T/L route.


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Potential Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures in Construction Stage

5.2.1. Encroachment, Landscape and Physical Disfiguration 81. The extent of the proposed subproject is moderate and should not extend beyond the RoW of the T/L. No significant landscape impacts are expected from proposed T/L subproject.

5.2.2. Cut and Fill and Waste Disposal 82. Disposal of surplus materials must also be negotiated through local authority approvals prior to the commencement of construction. The subproject work should not involve any significant cutting and filling but minor excavations may be required to construct the foundations for the towers. If surplus materials arise from the excavation activities, these should be used elsewhere on the subproject before additional soil, rock, gravel or sand is brought in. The use of immediately available material will generally minimize the need for additional rock based materials extraction from outside. The subproject detailed designers have so far estimated that no substantial additional materials will be required subject to confirmation at the detailed design stage. Contractual clauses should be included to require each contractor to produce a materials management plan (one month before construction commences) to identify all sources of cement and aggregates and to balance cut and fill. The plan should clearly state the methods to be employed prior to and during the extraction of materials and all the mitigation measures to be employed to mitigate nuisances to local residents. Financial compensation shall not be allowed as mitigation for environmental impacts or environmental nuisance. Mitigation measures shall seek to control the impacts at source in the first place. The supervising consultant (site engineer) shall be responsible to update the subproject cut and fill estimates and create Materials Master Plan to facilitate materials exchange between the different contract areas of similar nature and to provide an overall balance for materials and minimize impacts on local resources.



5.2.3. Trees, Ecology and Protected Areas 85. There are no Reserved or Protected Forests or trees near the proposed T/l route. If for some unforeseen reason, any trees with religious significance or other trees need to be removed, written permission should be obtained from the forest authority after written justification by FESCO. During construction in any stage, if some trees need to be removed from private land or forest, written approval is required. Trees shall be planted to replace the lost trees with three trees planted to replace every cut tree (3:1) or more as agreed with the authority. While preparation of PC-1 of the project provision of Environmental Mitigation Cost be made in total sum. Cost of plantation (if deemed necessary) will be born from above allocation.

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A requirement shall be inserted in the contracts that no trees are to be cut from proposed works site, without the written permission from the supervising consultant who may permit the removal of trees if unavoidable on safety/technical/engineering grounds after written justification by FESCO and to the satisfaction of the forest authority and the owner.

5.2.4. Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion 87. The drainage streams en-route of the subproject should not be impeded by the works. The scale of the works does not warrant hydrological monitoring.

5.2.5. Air Pollution 88. The material (cement, sand and aggregate) requirement of a typical T/L subproject is not large. Construction materials are stored within the proposed site, which means that at any given point in time the amount of construction material stored is not significant. The quantities of construction material required for a proposed subproject are not so large that they potentially represent a traffic hazard, these requirements are time dispersed. The contractor will be, however, required to provide a traffic management plan before commencement of work at site. Field observations indicate that ambient air quality is generally acceptable and that emissions from traffic and other powered mechanical equipment in the area are rapidly dispersed. There will be a few items of powered mechanical equipment to be used in the construction of the proposed subproject works that may give rise gaseous emissions. However these should be well dissipated. Earthworks will contribute to increasing dust, and the foundation earthworks for the transformers will generate dust and the following mitigation measures are needed:


Dust suppression facilities (water sprayers/hosepipe) shall be available where earth and cement works are required. Areas of construction (especially where the works are within 50m of the sensitive receivers) shall be maintained damp by watering the construction area. Construction materials (sand, gravel, and rocks) and spoil materials will be transported trucks covered with tarpaulins. Stock piles will be at least 30m downwind of the nearest human settlements. All vehicles (e.g., trucks, equipment, and other vehicles that support construction works) shall be well maintained and not emit dark, smoky or other emissions in excess of the limits described in the NEQS. The need for large stockpiles should be minimized by careful planning of the supply of materials from controlled sources. Stockpiles should not be located within 50m of schools, hospitals or other public amenities such as wells and pumps and should be covered with tarpaulins when not in use and at the end of the working day to enclose dust.


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5.2.6. Noise, Vibration and Blasting 91. It is anticipated that powered mechanical equipment and some local labour with hand tool methods will be used to construct the subproject works. No blasting is anticipated. Powered mechanical equipment can generate significant noise and vibration. The cumulative effects from several machines can be significant. To minimize such impacts, the contractor for subproject should be requested by the construction supervision consultants (engineer) to provide evidence and certification that all equipment to be used for construction is fitted with the necessary air pollution and noise dampening devices to meet NEQS requirements.

Table 5.1: National Environmental Quality Standards for Noise

S No. Category of Area/Zone Effective from 1 July, 2010

Effective from 1 July, 2012


Limit in dB(A) Leq* Day time 1. 2. 3. 4. Residential are (A) Commercial area (B) Industrial area (C) Silence zone (D) 65 70 80 55 Night time 50 60 75 45 Day time 55 65 75 50 Night time 45 55 65 45

Note: i. Day time hours: 6 .00 am to 10.00 pm ii. Night Time hours: 10.00 pm to 6.00 am iii. Silence zone: Zones which are declared as such by the competent authority. An area comprising not less than 100 meters around hospitals, educational institutions and courts and courts. iv. Mixed categories of areas may be declared as one of the four above-mentioned categories by the competent authority. v. dB(A) Leq: time weighted average of the level of sound in decibels on scale A which is relatable to human hearing. 92. Noise will be monitored at a distance of 100m from the boundary wall of any residential unit and should follow the NEQS 45db(A)Leq. It is recommended that no construction should be allowed during night time (10PM to 6PM). Any noise equipment should be located within DGS or as far from SRs as possible to prevent nuisance to dwellings and other structures from operation. However, if the noise still exceeds NEQS then noise barriers will be installed around the equipment to reduce the effects of the noise. Vibration from construction of piles to support pads may be required for some tower construction and may be a significant impact but this should be short duration. Where vibration could become a major consideration (within say 100m of schools, religious premises, hospitals or residences) a building condition survey should take place prior to construction. The physical effect of piling should


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be assessed prior to construction and measures should be discussed with the local population as well as timing of the works to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations. At nearby schools, the contractor shall discuss with the school principals the agreed time for operating these machines and completely avoid machine use near schools during examination times, if such a need arises. 5.2.7. Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal, Communicable Diseases 94. The main issues of concern are uncontrolled or unmanaged disposal of solid and liquid wastes into watercourses and natural drains, improper disposal of storm water and wastewater and open defecation by construction workers. In order to maintain proper sanitation around construction sites, provision of temporary toilets should be made. Construction worker camps will not be necessary, based on the scale of the works needed. If for some unforeseen reason a larger workforce is needed any construction camp should not be located in settlement areas or near sensitive water resources and portable lavatories or at least pit latrines should be provided to avoid contamination. Wherever water is allowed to accumulate, in temporary drainage facilities, due to improper storm water management, or improper disposal of wastewater generated from the site, it can offer a breeding site for mosquitoes and other insects which may cause some viral diseases. Vectors such as mosquitoes may be encountered if open water is allowed to accumulate at the locations of subproject site. Temporary and permanent drainage facilities should therefore be designed to facilitate the rapid removal of surface water from all areas and prevent the accumulation of surface water ponds.




Potential Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures in Operational Stage

5.3.1. Air pollution and Noise from the Enhanced Operations 97. The subproject works being construction of new T/L in nature, will not disturb houses, mosques or schools close to the proposed T/L route. However, it is recommended that an acoustical check be made on the detailed design to determine of any noise barriers are required. There should be no source of atmospheric pollution from the subproject. In the operational phase any nearby industrial facilities with fuel powered mechanical equipment will be the main polluters. All such emissions will be very well dissipated in the open terrain and there will be no cumulative effect from the subproject. Noise impacts from the operation of the T/L equipment should be reviewed at the detailed design stage. There are no national noise standards in Pakistan for power distribution. A criterion of 70Db(A) Leq (exterior, boundary of DGS) has been used for assessment in previous IEE studies. It is recommended that a check be made on the likely acoustical performance based on makers specifications of the proposed equipment at the detailed design stage.


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5.3.2. Pollution from Oily Run-Off, Fuel Spills and Dangerous Goods 99. No significant impacts from oily residues such as transformer oil and lubricants are expected to arise in this subproject. However control measures will be needed for oily residues such as maintenance vehicles for the T/L in the case of accidental or unexpected release.


Environmental enhancements are not a major consideration for the proposed T/L route. However it is noted that it is common practice at many such sites to create some local hard and soft landscaping and successful planting of fruit trees and shrubs. This practice should be encouraged as far as practicable. Other opportunities for enhancements can be assessed prior to construction and proposed enhancements should be discussed with the local population to serve as a vehicle for further public consultation at the implementation stage and to assist in public relations. Trees removed for construction purposes should be replaced as compensation in line with best practice at ratio of three replaced for one removed however additional trees should be planted as enhancements where there is space in proposed subproject.

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Institutional Requirements & Environmental Management Plan

In this section, the mitigation measures that are required for Construction of new 132Kv T/L to reduce residual impact to acceptable levels and achieve the expected outcomes of the project, are discussed. The EMP is based on the type, extent and duration of the identified environmental impacts for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station. The EMP has been prepared following best practice and by reference to the ADB Guidelines. It is important that the recommendations and mitigation measures are carried out according to the spirit of the environmental assessment process and in line with the guidelines of funding agencies. The details of the EMP are given in Table 6.1 for Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station. The impact prediction has played a vital role in reconfirming typical mitigation measures and in identifying any different approaches based on the feasibility and detailed design assumptions and any alternatives available at this stage. Prior to implementation and construction of the proposed subproject, EMP shall be amended and reviewed by the FESCO after detailed designs are completed. Such a review shall be based on reconfirmation and additional information, on the assumptions made at this feasibility stage on location, scale and expected operating conditions of the subproject. The IEE and EMP should than be revised. The IEE and EMP must be reviewed by the project management and approved by the PEPA before any construction activity is initiated. ADB Guidelines also requires fine tuning of the sub-project, when conditions are changed. It is recommended that, before pre-qualification of contractors and execution of the works, contract documents be reviewed so that full details of the environmental requirements of the project (IEE/EIA and EMP) are included in the bidding documents. Professional experience indicates that past environmental performance of contractors and their awareness of environmentally responsible procurement should also be used as indicator criteria for the prequalification of contractors. In order to facilitate the implementation of the EMP, during construction phase FESCO must educate the future contractors to cooperate with all stakeholders in the mitigation of impacts. Furthermore the contractor must be primed through the contract documentation and ready to implement all the mitigation measures. FESCO will need to engage at least one trained environmental management specialist who can audit the effectiveness and review mitigation measures as the subproject will be implemented. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the midterm review of loan conditions and the executing agency must prepare for this at the inception stage.





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Table 6.1: Summary of Environmental Management Plan-Matrix

Environmental concern DESIGN STAGE 1. Flora and Fauna Objectives Mitigation Measures recommended Timing to implement MM Before the commencement of construction activities/during design stage Before the commencement of construction activities/during design stage Locations to implement MM Flora and Fauna sensitive locations Responsibility to implement MM ES SMEC Monitoring

To minimize damage to flora and fauna

1. Ensure that minimal flora is damaged. 2. Ensure that fauna especially bird nestings are not damaged.


2. Hydrological Impacts

To minimize hydrological and drainage impacts during constructions.

1. Hydrological flow in areas where it is sensitive, such as water courses or bridges and culverts. 2. Design of adequate major and minor culverts facilities will be completed.

If lines or substation are relocated near water courses, culverts or bridges in the design stage reports Noise sensitive locations identified in the IEE/EIA/EMP or as required / approved by PEPA.

ES FESCO with the ES SMEC (Design Consultant)


3. Noise barriers

Ensure cumulative noise impacts are acceptable in construction and operational phase.

1. Conduct detailed acoustic assessment for all residential, school, (other sensitive structures) within 50m of line. 2. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the construction activities should be mitigated, monitored and controlled. 3. If noise at sensitive receiver exceeds the permissible limit, the design to include acoustic mitigation (noise barrier or relocation of noisy equipment) and monitoring. 1. Create waste management policy and plan to identify sufficient locations for, storage and reuse of transformers and recycling of breaker oils and disposal of transformer oil, residually contaminated soils and scrap metal cradle to grave. 2. Include in contracts for unit rates for re-measurement for disposal. 3. Designate disposal sites in the contract and cost unit disposal rates accordingly. 1. Identify locations where drainage or irrigation crossing RoW may be affected by works. 2. Include protection works in contract as a payment milestone(s).

1. During detailed design stage. No later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations. 2. Include acoustic specification in the contract. 1.Prior to detailed design stage no later than pre-qualification or tender negotiations 2. Include in contract.

ES FESCO with the ES SMEC (Design Consultant)


4. Waste disposal

Ensure adequate disposal options for all waste including transformer oil, residually contaminated soils, scrap metal.

FESCO ESU. Locations approved by EPA and FESCO and local waste disposal authorities.

ES FESCO with the ES SMEC (Design Consultant)


5. Temporary drainage and erosion control

Include mitigation in preliminary designs for erosion control and temporary

During designing stage no later than pre-qualification or

Locations based on drainage or irrigation crossing RoW of



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Environmental concern

Objectives drainage.

Mitigation Measures recommended

Timing to implement MM tender negotiations.

Locations to implement MM T/L. Noise sensitive locations identified in the IEE/EIA/EMP or as required / approved by PEPA.

Responsibility to implement MM


6. Contract clauses

Ensure requirements and recommendations of environmental assessment are included in the contracts.

1. Include EMP Matrix in tender documentation and make contractors responsible to implement mitigation measures by reference to EIA/IEE in contract. 2. Include preparation of EMP review and method statement WM plan, TD and EC Plan in contract as a payment milestone(s). 3. Require environmental accident checklist and a list of controlled chemicals / substances to be included in the contractors work method statement and tender documentation. 1. Consideration of weather conditions when particular construction activities are undertaken. 2. Limitations on excavation depths in use of recharge areas for material exploitation or spoil disposal. 3. Use of landscaping as an integrated component of construction activity as an erosion control measure. 4. Minimizing the removal of vegetative cover as much as possible and providing for it s restoration where construction sites have been cleared of such areas.

During tender preparation. No later than prequalification or tender negotiations In bidding documents as evaluation criteria.



CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1. Hydrology And To ensure the proper Drainage Aspects implementation of any requirements mentioned in EPA conditions of approval letter in relation to Hydrology of the project.

Prepare a thorough drainage management plan to be approved by CSC one month prior to a commencement of construction Proper timetable prepared in consideration with the climatic conditions of the area, the different construction activities mentioned here to be guided.

1. Locations of each construction activity to be listed by the CSC engineer. 2. Special locations are identified on the site by the contractor to minimize disturbances. 3. A list of locations of irrigation channels / drains to be compiled and included in the contract. All staff members in all categories. Monthly induction and six month refresher course as necessary until contractor complies.

ES Contractor


2. Orientation for Contractor, and Workers

To ensure that the CSC contractor and workers understand and have the capacity to ensure the environmental requirements and implementation of

1. FESCO ESU environmental specialist to monitor and progress all environmental statutory and recommended obligations. 2 Conduct special briefing for managers and / or on-site training for the contractors and workers on the environmental requirement of the project. Record attendance and achievement test for contractors site agents. 3. Agreement on critical areas to be considered and

Induction course for all site agents and above including all relevant FESCO staff / new project staff before commencement of work.

FESCO ES, Contractor and ES SMEC

ES FESCO with the ES SMEC .

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Environmental concern

Objectives mitigation measures.

Mitigation Measures recommended necessary mitigation measures, among all parties who are involved in project activities. 4. Continuous progress review and refresher sessions to be followed.

Timing to implement MM At early stages of construction for all construction employees as far as reasonably practicable. 1 month prior to construction.

Locations to implement MM

Responsibility to implement MM


3. Water quality

To prevent adverse water quality impacts due to negligence and ensure unavoidable impacts are managed effectively. Ensure adverse impacts on water quality caused by construction activities are minimized.

Compile temporary drainage management plan one month before commencement of works. 1. Proper installation of temporary drainage and erosion control before works within 50m of water bodies. 2. Proper maintenance and management construction of TD and EC measures, including training of operators and other workers to avoid pollution of water bodies by the considerate operation of construction machinery and equipment. 3. Storage of lubricants, fuels and other hydrocarbons in self-contained dedicated enclosures >50m away from water bodies. 4. Proper disposal of solid waste from construction activities. 5. Cover the construction material and spoil stockpiles with a suitable material to reduce material loss and sedimentation and avoid stockpiling near to water bodies. 6. Topsoil stripped material shall not be stored where natural drainage will be disrupted. 7. Borrow sites (if required) should not be close to sources of drinking water. CONTROL ALL DUSTY MATERIALS AT SOURCE. 1. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations.(Relevant regulations are in the Motor vehicles fitness rules and Road Act). 2. Stockpiled soil and sand shall be slightly wetted before loading, particularly in windy conditions. 3. Fuel-efficient and well-maintained haulage trucks shall be employed to minimize exhaust emissions.

1. 50m from water bodies 2. Relevant locations to be determined in the detailed project design.

1.ES Contractor

2. Contractor has to check water quality and report to FESCO.

ES SMEC and ES FESCO review results

4. Air quality

To minimize dust effectively and avoid complaints due to the airborne particulate matter released to the atmosphere.

During all construction.

1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW

Contractor should maintain acceptable standard.


ES SMEC to supervise

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Environmental concern


Mitigation Measures recommended 4. Vehicles transporting soil, sand and other construction materials shall be covered. Limitations to speeds of such vehicles necessary. Transport through densely populated area should be avoided. 5. To plan to minimize the dust within the vicinity of orchards and fruit farms. 6. Spraying of bare areas with water. 7. Concrete plants. to be controlled in line with statutory requirements should not be close to sensitive receptors. 1. Review requirements for piling and use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Review conditions of buildings and conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works involving piling and schedule works accordingly. 3. Non-percussive piling methods to be used wherever practicable. 4. Percussive piling shall be conducted in daylight hours. 5. Hammer- type percussive pile driving operations shall not be allowed at night time. 1. Review requirements for use of powered mechanical equipment within 100m of SRs. 2. Conduct public consultation with SRs to establish less sensitive time for works and schedule works accordingly. 3. All heavy equipment and machinery shall be fitted in full compliance with the national and local regulations and with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 4. Heavy equipment shall be operated only in daylight hours. 5. Construction equipment, which generates excessive noise, shall be enclosed or fitted with effective silencing apparatus to minimize noise. 7. Well-maintained haulage trucks will be used with speed controls. 8. Contractor shall take adequate measures to minimize noise nuisance in the vicinity of construction sites by way of adopting available acoustic methods.

Timing to implement MM

Locations to implement MM during works.

Responsibility to implement MM activities.


5. Ground Vibration

To minimize ground vibrations during construction.

1 month prior to construction.

1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers. 2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works.

Contractor should maintain the acceptable standards ES SMEC to supervise relevant activities.


6. Noise

To minimize noise increases during construction.

1 month prior to construction.

1.Construction sites within 100m of sensitive receivers.

Contractor should maintain the acceptable standards


2. A list of locations to be included in contract and other sensitive areas identified by the CSC along the ROW during works.

ES SMEC to supervise relevant activities.

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Environmental concern 7. Soil Erosion / Surface Run-off

Objectives Prevent adverse water quality impacts due to negligence and ensure unavoidable impacts are managed effectively.

Mitigation Measures recommended SCHEDULE WORKS IN SENSITIVE AREAS (e.g. NEAR RIVERS) FOR DRY SEASON 1. In the short-term, temporary drainage and erosion control plan to be presented with tender. Temporary drainage and erosion control plan one month before commencement of works to protect all areas susceptible to erosion. (Permanent drainage works shall be in the final design). 2. Installation of TD and EC before works construction within 50m of water bodies. 3. Clearing of green surface cover to be minimized during site preparation. 5. Meaningful water quality monitoring up and downstream at any tower site during construction within a river or stream bed. Rapid reporting and feedback to CSC. 5. Back-fill should be compacted properly in accordance with FESCO design standards and graded to original contours where possible. 6. Cut areas should be treated against flow acceleration while filled areas should be carefully designed to avoid improper drainage. 7. Stockpiles should not be formed within such distances behind excavated or natural slopes that would reduce the stability of the slopes or cause slippage. 8. Measures shall be taken to prevent ponds of surface water and scouring of slopes. Newly eroded channels shall be backfilled and restored to natural contours. 9. Contractor should arrange to monitor and adjust working and adopt suitable measures to minimize soil erosion during the construction period. Contractors TD and EC plan should be endorsed and monitored but CSC after consulting with concerned. authorities. 10. Replanting trees to be done before the site is vacated and handed back to FESCO with appropriate trees (other vegetation cover as appropriate) to ensure interception of rainwater and the deceleration of surface run-off.

Timing to implement MM 1 month prior to construction because the area can be subject to unseasonal heavy rain Plan before and during construction (cut and fill, land reclamation etc.) while considering the climatic conditions.

Locations to implement MM 1. Locations based on history of flooding problems indicated by local authorities.

Responsibility to implement MM ES Contractor and ES SMEC

Monitoring FESCO ES / SMEC ES

To minimize soil erosion due to the construction activities of towers, stringing of conductors and creation of access tracks for project vehicles.

2. A list of sensitive areas during construction to be prepared by the detail design consultant in consideration with the cut and fill, land reclamation, borrow areas etc.

3. Locations of all rivers, streams, culverts, irrigation channels, roads and roads.

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Environmental concern 8. Exploitation, Handling, Transportation and Storage of Construction materials

Objectives To minimize disruption and contamination of the surroundings, minimize and or avoid adverse environmental impacts arising out of construction material exploitation, handling, transportation and storage by using sources that comply with EPA license conditions

Mitigation Measures recommended (consider also for future trances if civil works) 1. Use only EPA licensed sites for raw materials in order to minimize adverse environmental impacts. 2. Measures to be taken in line with any EPA license conditions, recommendations and approval to be applied to the subproject activities using the licensed source including: Conditions that apply for selecting sites for material exploitation. Conditions that apply to timing and use of roads for material transport. Conditions that apply for maintenance of vehicles used in material transport or construction. Conditions that apply for selection of sites for material storage. Conditions that apply for aggregate production. Conditions that apply for handling hazardous or dangerous materials such as oil, lubricants and toxic chemicals. 1. Waste management plan to be submitted to the CSC and approved by FESCO ESU one month prior to starting of works. WMP shall estimate the amounts and types of construction and decommissioning waste to be generated by the project. 2. Investigate ways and means of reusing/recycling decommissioned material from the project within PEPCO without any residual environmental impact. 3 Identifying potential safe disposal sites close to the project, or those designated sites in the contract. 4 Investigating the environmental conditions of the disposal sites and recommendation of most suitable and safest sites. 5. Piling up of loose material should be done in segregated areas to arrest washing out of soil. Debris shall not be left where it may be carried by water to downstream flood plains, dams, lagoons or other water bodies. 6. Used oil and lubricants shall be recovered and

Timing to implement MM month prior to starting of works. Update monthly.

Locations to implement MM 1. List of borrow areas to be prepared with tender stage contractors method statement and updated one month prior to construction. 2.List of routes of transport of construction material is to be prepared for the contract and agreed one month prior to construction. 3. Map of locations of storage is prepared by the contractor.

Responsibility to implement MM ES Contractor and SMEC to agree format of reporting

Monitoring FESCO ES / SMEC ES

9. Decommision and Waste Management

Minimize the impacts from the disposal of construction waste.

One month prior to starting of works. Update monthly

1.Dumping: A list of temporary stockpiling areas and more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement

1.Contractor 2. SMEC ES and FESCO ESU should supervise and take action to ensure that contractors complete relevant activities according to EIA / IEE / EMP requirement & NEQS.


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Mitigation Measures recommended reused or removed from the site in full compliance with the national and local regulations. 7. Oily wastes must not be burned. Disposal location to be agreed with local authorities/EPA. 8. Waste breaker insulating oil to be recycled, reconditioned, or reused at DISCOs facility. 9. Machinery should be properly maintained to minimize oil spill during the construction. 10. Machinery should be maintained in a dedicated area over drip trays to avoid soil contamination from residual oil spill during maintenance. 11 Solid waste should be disposed at an approved solid waste facility and not by open burning which is illegal and contrary to good environmental practice. 1. Identify location of work camps in consultation with local authorities. The location shall be subject to approval by the FESCO. If possible, camps shall not be located near settlements or near drinking water supply intakes. 2. Cutting of trees shall not b permitted and removal of vegetation shall be minimized. 3. Water and sanitary facilities (at least pit latrines) shall be provided for employees. Worker camp and latrine sites to be backfilled and marked upon vacation of the sites. 4. Solid waste and sewage shall be managed according to the national and local regulations. As a rule, solid waste must not be dumped, buried or burned at or near the project site, but shall be disposed of to the nearest sanitary landfill or site having complied with the necessary permits of local authority permission. 5. The Contractor shall organize and maintain a waste separation, collection and transport system. 6. The Contractor shall document that all liquid and solid hazardous and non-hazardous waste are separated, collected and disposed of according to the given requirements and regulations. 7. At the conclusion of the project, all debris and waste shall be removed. All temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed.

Timing to implement MM

Locations to implement MM

Responsibility to implement MM


One month prior to starting of works. Update monthly

A list of temporary stockpiling areas and more permanent dumping areas to be prepared at the contract stage for agreement (in W M Plan)

10. Work Camp Operation and Location (if required)

To ensure that the operation of work camps does not adversely affect the surrounding environment and residents in the area.

UPDATE Once a month

Location Map is prepared by the Contractor.



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Environmental concern


Mitigation Measures recommended 8 Exposed areas shall be planted with suitable vegetation. 9.FESCO and Construction Supervising Consultant shall inspect and report that the camp has been vacated and restored to pre-project conditions. Tree location and condition survey to be completed one month before tender. 1. The route for the distribution line should be selected so as to prevent the loss or damage to any orchard trees or other trees. Use of higher towers to be preferred to avoid trees cutting. 2. Clearing of green surface vegetation cover for construction, borrow of soil for development, cutting trees and other important vegetation during construction should be minimized by careful alignment. Written technical Justification for tree felling included in tree survey. 3. At completion all debris and waste shall be removed and not burned. 4. The contractors staff and labour will be strictly directed not to damage any vegetation such as trees or bushes outside immediate work areas. Trees shall not be cut for fuel or works timber. 5. Land holders will be paid compensation for their standing trees in accordance with prevailing market rates (LARP). The land holders will be allowed to salvage the wood of the affected trees. 6. The contractor will plant three (3) suitable new trees outside the 30 meter corridor of the transmission line in lieu of one (1) tree removed. 7. Landscaping and road verges to be re-installed on completion. 8. Compensatory planting of trees/shrubs/ornamental plants (at a rate of 3:1) in line with best international practice. 9. After work completion all temporary structures, including office buildings, shelters and toilets shall be removed.

Timing to implement MM

Locations to implement MM

Responsibility to implement MM


11. Loss of Trees and Vegetation Cover of the Areas for Towers and Temporary Work-space

To avoid negative impacts due to removing of landmark, sentinel and specimen trees as well as green vegetation and surface cover.

Route design and site identification (1 & 2) during design stage and other matters during construction of relevant activities

Tree survey to be completed one month before tender at relevant Locations with a Map to be compiled prior to tender by the design consultant / FESCO ESU during detailed design and CSC to update as necessary.

SMEC ES and ES Contractor


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Environmental concern 12. Safety Precautions for the Workers

Objectives To ensure safety of workers

Mitigation Measures recommended Providing induction safety training for all staff adequate warning signs in health and safety matters, and require the workers to use the provided safety equipment. Providing workers with skull guard or hard hat and hard toe shoes.

Timing to implement MM Prior to commencement and during construction

Locations to implement MM Location to be identified by the CSC with contractor.

Responsibility to implement MM ES Contractor

Monitoring ES FESCO/ ES SMEC

13. Traffic Condition

Minimize disturbance of vehicular traffic and pedestrians during haulage of construction materials and equipment.

Submit temporary haul and access routes plan one month prior to start of works. Routes in vicinity of schools and hospitals to be avoided.

Prior to and throughout the construction.

The most important locations to be identified and listed. Relevant plans of the Contractor on traffic arrangements to be made available. All subprojects all tranches

ES Contractor


14. Social Impacts

To ensure minimum impacts from construction labour force. on public health.

15. Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building

To ensure that FESCO officials are trained to understand and to appreciate EMP

1. Potential for spread of vector borne and communicable diseases from labour camps shall be avoided (worker awareness orientation and appropriate sanitation should be maintained). 2. Complaints of the people on construction nuisance / damage close to ROW to be considered and responded to promptly. 3. Contractor should make alternative arrangements to avoid local community impacts. Capacity building activities were taken by Environmental Officer in Tranche 1. Environmental Management Unit (EMU) was setup with in FESCO under Director Operations in Tranche 1. Development of strengthening plan for the EMU should be taken up with resources.

Complaints of public to be solved as soon as possible

ES Contractor ES FESCO


Initiate preconstruction and continue beyond project completion.

Awareness training for all management and senior staff in FESCO at senior engineer and above in PMU and related units.



OPERATIONAL STAGE 1. Air Quality Minimize air quality impacts 2. Noise Minimize noise impacts

No significant Impacts Tranche 1.Monitor designs and plans for all future tranches. No significant Impacts Tranche 1. Acoustic designs checking and plan for all future tranches.

Operational phase

all subprojects in future tranches all subprojects in future tranches



Operational phase


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Environmental concern 3. Waste disposal

Objectives Minimize improper waste disposal

Mitigation Measures recommended Continue waste management arrangements in operational phase of all subprojects and FESCO activities. Employ landscaping contractor to monitor, water and feed replacement saplings and replace dead specimens as necessary. No significant Impacts in Tranche 1. Review designs checking and plan for all future tranches.

Timing to implement MM Operational phase

Locations to implement MM all subprojects in future tranches

Responsibility to implement MM ES FESCO

Monitoring FESCO ESU

4. Compensatory tree planting

Maintain survival of trees planted

Operational phase

all subprojects in future tranches



5. Landslides and soil erosion

Avoid landslips and loss of productive land Minimize water quality impacts Monitor impacts from maintaining tree clearance under transmission lines Ensure no encroachments / construction under the transmission line. No violation of clearance spaces.

Operational phase

all subprojects in future tranches



6. Water quality

No significant Impacts in Tranche 1. Review designs checking and plan for all future tranches. Track growth of large trees under the conductors.

Operational phase

all subprojects in future tranches all subprojects in future tranches



7. Crops and vegetation

Operational phase


8. Social safety Impacts

Necessary signboards with limits of height clearances to be placed all along the line. Identify and prevent any illegal encroachments under the DXLs..

Operational phase

all subprojects in future tranches



ADB = Asian Development Bank, AP = affected people, DDS = detailed design stage, EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment, EMP= environmental management action plan, EPA= Environmental Protection Agency, = Environmental and Social Implementation , GSS = Grid Substation, IOL = Inventory of Losses, LAC = Land Acquisition Collector, LARP = land acquisition and resettlement plan, MM = mitigating measure, NGO = nongovernment organization, PCB = Polychlorinated Biphenyls, PEPAct = Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 (as regulated and amended), REA = Rapid Environmental Assessment, ROW = right of way, RRP = Report and Recommendation of the President, SF6 = sulfur hexafluoride, SR = sensitive receiver, TD = temporary drainage, VDC = Voluntary District Committee, WB = World Bank. Notes: Based on EIA/IEE reports to be revised at DDS, RAP, SIA and other engineering considerations may change.

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The impacts have been classified into EMP relevant to the design/preparation stage, construction stage and operation and maintenance stage. The EMP provides details of the mitigation measures recommended for each of the identified impacts, time span of the implementation of mitigation measures and the responsibility of the institution. The institutional responsibility has been specified for the purpose of the implementation and the supervision. Prior to implementation of the subproject, FESCO under the provisions of Pak-EPA (guidelines and regulations 2000), needs to comply with several environmental requirements, such as submitting IEE to EPD-Punjab and obtaining environmental clearance/NOC and any other permissions required from other authorities. FESCO will also need to confirm that contractors and their suppliers have complied with all statutory requirements and have appropriate and valid licenses and permits for all powered mechanical equipment and to operate in line with local authority conditions. The EMP was prepared taking into account the limited capacity of FESCO to conduct environmental assessments of the subprojects. FESCO has established Environment & Social Safeguard Unit (ESSU) by appointing one Deputy Manager in April 2011 and transfer of one Assistant Manager Environment in January 2012, whereas recruitment of Assistant Manager Social and allied staff is in pipe line. However it is also strongly recommended that for subprojects in future Tranches that the FESCO be prepared to engage more support where necessary (e.g. Manager Environmental and Social Safeguard having experience in environmental management, monitoring and performance audit) to guide the subsequent formal assessment and submission process under the PEPA, 1997 and monitor compliance with the EMP. The appointed environmental manager has to have a good level of awareness and will be responsible for addressing environmental concerns for subprojects potentially involving hundreds kilometers of Transmission Lines and Grid Stations. Whereas some of their work may in future be delegated to consultants they will need more training and resources if they are to provide effective quality control and oversight for the EMP implementation. They will require robust support from senior management staff members and the management consultant if they are to address all environmental concerns for the subprojects effectively. Specific areas for immediate attention are in EMP auditing, environmentally responsible procurement, air, water and noise pollution management and ecological impact mitigation. Overall implementation of the EMP will be FESCOs responsibility. FESCO and other parties to be involved in implementing the EMP are as follows:





Contractors are responsible for carrying out the contractual obligations, implementing all EMP measures required to mitigate environmental impacts during construction; The FESCO management will be responsible ensuring that sufficient timely resources are allocated to process the environmental assessments and to monitor implementation of all construction and operational mitigation measures required to mitigate environmental impacts, and Other government agencies such as the concerned provincial EPA and Department of Forests, Department of Wildlife Services, who will be responsible for

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monitoring the implementation of environmental conditions and compliance with statutory requirements in their respective areas and local land use groups at the local levels. 111. Considering that other government agencies that need to be involved in implementing the EMP, training or harmonization workshops should be conducted for all Environment and Social Cells in all DISCOS every six months or twice each year, for the first 2 years (and annually thereafter) to share the monitoring report on the implementation of the EMP in each DISCO and to share lessons learned in the implementation and to achieve a consistent approach decide on remedial actions, if unexpected environmental impacts occur. The monitoring plan (Table 6.2) was designed based on the project cycle. During the preconstruction period, the monitoring activities will focus on (i) checking the contractors bidding documents, particularly to ensure that all necessary environmental requirements have been included; and (ii) checking that the contract documents references to environmental mitigation measures requirements have been incorporated as part of contractors assignment and making sure that any advance works are carried out in good time. Where detailed design is required (e.g. for power distribution lines and avoidance of other resources) the inclusion and checking of designs must be carried out. During the construction period, the monitoring activities will focus on ensuring that environmental mitigation measures are implemented, and some performance indicators will be monitored to record the subprojects environmental performance and to guide any remedial action to address unexpected impacts. At this stage, due to the modest scale of power distribution projects and by generally keeping to non-sensitive and non-critical areas the construction and operational impacts will be manageable. No insurmountable impacts are predicted providing that the EMP is implemented to its full extent and required in the contract documents. However experience suggests that some contractors may not be familiar with this approach or may be reluctant to carry out some measures. In order that the contractors are fully aware of the implications of the EMP and to ensure compliance, it is recommended that environmental measures be coasted separately in the tender documentation and that payment milestones are linked to environmental performance, vis a vis carrying out of the EMP. The effective implementation of the EMP will be audited as part of the loan conditions and the executing agency must be prepared for this. In this regard the FESCO (the Implementing Agencies) must be prepared to guide the design engineers and contractors on the environmental aspects.




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Table 6.2: Monitoring Plan for Performance Indicators

Environmental concern Performance indicator (PI) Frequency to monitor During detailed design (later monthly by Contractor to cover any unidentified impacts) Completed prior to commencement of construction Timing to check PI By completion of detailed design. Locations to implement PI All project alignment Responsible to implement PI Contractor Cost of Implementation Initially DISCOS Cell / later Contractor cost DISCOS Cell staff cost Resp PI supervision DISCOS, ESIC cell / ADB* DISCOS /ADB* Cost of Supervision ESIC cell staff cost

DESIGN and PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1. Review of EMAP Environmental Management Action Plan (EMAP) is reviewed

2. Social Impacts and Resettlement

3. Project disclosure

Inventory of losses, Property acquisition, compensation and resettlement completed to RP requirements. Design changes notified

Before removal of houses and structures.

APs according to RP & LAFC.


ESIC cell staff cost

4. Environmentally Responsible Procurement. (ERP)

5. Waste disposal

Contract follows ADB Guidelines on ERP. Performance bond. Deposited Contractual clauses include implementation of environmental mitigation measures tied to a performance bond. Disposal options for all waste transformer oil, residually contaminated soils, scrap metal agreed with DISCOS and local authority..

During detailed design by Contractor to cover any access roads and alignment changes, additional Villages. Once, before Contract is signed.

Completion of detailed design.

All project alignment.


Contractor cost


ESIC cell staff cost

Before Contract is signed.

Method Statements include resources for mitigation measures.

DISCOS Project Cell.

Contractor cost


DISCOS Cell staff cost

Monthly or as required in waste management plan to identify sufficient locations for, storage and reuse of transformers and recycling of breaker oils and disposal of transformer oil, residually

1.Prior to detailed design stage no later than prequalification or tender negotiations 2. Include in contract.

Locations approved by local waste disposal authorities.

DISCOS cell with the design consultant.

ESIC cell

ESIC cell


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6. Noise and air quality mitigation in design. 7. Hydrological Impacts

Design changes included in EIA (supplementary) & EMAP approved by MOEST. Temporary Drainage Management plan.

contaminated soils and scrap metal cradle to grave. 2. Include in contracts for unit rates for remeasurement for disposal. 3. After agreement with local authority, designate disposal sites in the contract and cost unit disposal rates accordingly. During detailed design by Contractor.

Completion of detailed design.

During detailed design by Contractor and monthly to cover any unidentified impacts During detailed design updated by Contractor monthly to cover any unidentified impacts. During detailed design updated by Contractor monthly to cover any unidentified impacts.

One month before commencement of construction

8. Temporary drainage and erosion control

Erosion Control and Temporary Drainage completed.

One month before construction commences.

9. Planning construction camps

Use of land agreed with surrounding residents & Villages.

One month before construction commences.

10.Traffic Condition

Temporary Pedestrian and Traffic Management Plan agreed.

During detailed design updated by Contractor monthly to cover any unidentified impacts.

One month before construction commences.

As defined in EIA (supplementar y) & EMAP. Considered locations to be as identified in the Detailed Drainage Report. All stream and river crossings and where slopes indicate erosion will be a problem. Locations agreed DISCOS cell in consultation with community and the Contractor. Locations agreed with DISCOS cell in consultation with community and the Contractor.

DISCOS Cell / Contractor

Contractor cost

DISCOS / /ADB* DISCOS / and DISCOS Project Cell. DISCOS / and DISCOS Project Cell. DISCOS / and DISCOS Project Cell.

DISCOS Cell staff cost DISCOS Cell staff cost


Contractor cost


Contractor cost

DISCOS Cell staff cost

Contractor DISCOS Cell facilitates.

Contractor cost

DISCOS Cell staff cost


Contractor cost

DISCOS / and DISCOS Project Cell.

DISCOS Cell staff cost

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11. Institutional strengthening and capacity building

1. Strengthening plan agreed for DISCOS cell. 2. International environment specialist (IES) 3. Increase staffing of DISCOS Cell. 4. Train DISCOS Cell officials. CONSTRUCTION STAGE 1. Orientation for 1. Contractor agreed to Contractor, and provide training to Workers professional staff and workers. 2. Special briefing and training for Contractor completed. 3. Periodic progress review sessions. 2. Plans to control 1. Drainage Management environmental plan impacts 2. Temp. Pedestrian & Traffic Management plan, 3. Erosion Control & Temp. Drainage plan 4. Materials Management plan, 5. Waste Management plan; 6. Noise and Dust Control plan, 7. Safety Plan 8. Agreed schedule of costs for environmental mitigation.{N.B. Forest Clearance and Compensatory Planting plan is prepared by DISCOS cell} 3. Water quality Meaningful water quality monitoring up and downstream during construction within 100m

1. Once, 2. Once 3. Ongoing 4. Ongoing

1. As soon as practicable 2, 3, 4. No later than one month before Contract award.

Throughout the project

DISCOS Project Cell.

DISCOS Cell staff cost

DISCOS / and /ADB*.

/ADB cost of IES & support for 1 month US$25,000

1. Once 2. Ongoing 3. Ongoing

1. Before contract is signed 2. Before construction areas are opened up 3. Every six months

All BOT staff members in all categories. monthly induction and six month refresher course All of DISCOS alignment.

Contractor with IES assistance and record details.

Contractor cost

DISCOS and DISCOS to observe and record success

DISCOS Cell staff cost

Deliverable in final form to DISCOS cell one month before construction commences for any given stretch.

One month before construction commences.


Contractor cost

DISCOS Project Cell.

DISCOS Cell staff cost

Once (line item when opening up construction near water bodies).

During detailed design by Contractor and update to cover

Locations to be provided with the detailed designs

Independent experienced laboratory.

Contractor cost


DISCOS Cell staff cost

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of rivers. Rapid reporting and feedback by DISCOS.

any unidentified impacts.

4. Water Resources

5. Spoil disposal and construction waste disposal

6. Noise

1. Availability of water acceptable to community. No complaints. 2. Guidelines established to minimize the water wastage during construction operations and at worker camps. 1. Use of land agreed with surrounding residents & Villages. 2. Waste Management Plan implemented. 3 No open burning Noise mitigation measures implemented in line with guidelines for noise reduction from ISO/TR11688-1:1995(E) Noise and dust control plan implemented.

1. Monthly 2. Monthly

Prior to submission of progress reports.

including all bridges during construction within 100m of rivers All local water supply resources and rivers.


Contractor cost


DISCOS Cell staff cost

Monthly (line item when opening up construction).

Prior to construction. Update monthly.

All DISCOS alignment.


Contractor cost

DISCOS and DISCOS Cell DISCOS / DISCOS Project Cell will monitor sample activities. DISCOS and DISCOS Cell DISCOS and DISCOS Cell DISCOS and DISCOS Cell DISCOS / (ESIC cell to actively

DISCOS Cell staff cost

Monthly (line item when opening up construction).

Maximum allowable noise levels are 45dB(A)LEQ. at sensitive receptors Prior to construction. Update monthly. Prior to construction. Update monthly. Prior to construction. Update monthly.

All DISCOS alignment.

Contractor should maintain the accepted standards Contractor

Contractor cost

DISCOS Cell staff cost

7. Air quality

Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Monthly (line item when opening up construction). Monthly (line item when opening up construction).

All DISCOS alignment. All DISCOS alignment. All DISCOS alignment.

Contractor cost

DISCOS Cell staff cost DISCOS Cell staff cost DISCOS Cell staff cost

8. Soil Contamination

Contractors workforce to instructed and train handling of chemicals 1. Use of land agreed with surrounding residents & Villages. 2. Waste Management Plan implemented. 3 No open burning Safety Plan submitted


Contractor cost

9. Work Camp Location and Operation


Contractor cost

10. Safety Precautions for Workers

Once (update monthly as necessary)

One month before construction and update quarterly.

All DISCOS alignment.


Contractor cost

DISCOS Cell staff cost

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11. Social Impacts

1. Local labour is used and workforce 2. Local educated people for office work. 3. Complaints on construction nuisance damages close to ROW are responded to promptly by the Contractor. 4. Quarterly meetings with local VILLAGE for liaison purposes to monitor complaints. 12. Enhancements Contractor has included for some enhancements in detailed designs Including planting of trees in addition to bioengineering such as in median OPERATIONAL STAGE 1. Air Quality 1. Roadworthiness of vehicles on DISCOS. 2. Monitor NO2 and PM10 as indicators.

Monthly (line item when opening up construction).

During construction. Update monthly.

All DISCOS alignment.


Contractor cost

supervise and enforce. DISCOS and DISCOS Cell

DISCOS Cell staff cost

Once (update monthly as necessary)

One month before construction and update quarterly.

All DISCOS alignment.


Contractor cost

DISCOS / (DISCOS Cell to actively supervise and enforce. DISCOS / and ESIC Cell

DISCOS Cell staff cost

2. Crops and vegetation

1. Follow up on Tree Clearance and Compensatory Planting Plan. 2. Records on survival of planted trees. 3. The compensatory planting maintained 4. Audited report by ESIC cell for on site and off-site compensatory planting.

1. Roadworthiness of vehicles on DISCOS Daily during operations 2. Yearly intervals for 3 years after opening for reassurance. 1) Quarterly 2) Quarterly 3) Quarterly 4) Quarterly

During operation.

5 locations on DISCOS alignment nearest settlements. All DISCOS alignment.


Contractor cost

DISCOS Cell staff cost

1) Throughout project 2) Each of three years after initial planting. 3) Continuous for three years after project completion 4) For four years after initial clearance of the forest.




MOFSC and DISCOS Cell staff cost.

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Summary of Estimated Costs for EMP of FESCO

Estimated Cost Activities Monitoring activities Mitigation measures Capacity building Program Transportation Contingency Total 1US $ = 95 Pak Rupees Description Pak. Rs. As detailed under EMP As prescribed under EMP and IEE Training for Staff & Management Transportation for field visits contingency 7600000 2375000 1235000 1900000 665000 13,775,000 US $ 80000 25000 13000 20000 7000 1,45,000

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Public Consultation and Information Disclosure

Approach to Public Consultation
The public consultation process with various stakeholders has been approached so as to involve public and other stakeholders from the earliest stages. Public consultation has taken place during the planning and design and viewpoints of the stakeholders have been taken into account and their concerns and suggestions for possible improvements have been included where appropriate. Much of the public consultation process to date has revolved around concerns for the mitigation of construction impacts and the possible side effects from the T/L route. As the proposed works are to be carried out through private area, a separate short Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP) is prepared and submitted . There is requirement for ongoing consultation for updating the LARP.



Public Consultation Process

The public consultation process has commenced in the initial feasibility stages (prior to construction) in order to disclose the project information to the stakeholders and record feedback regarding the proposed subproject and preferences. The stakeholders involved in the process were the interested folks; the local people, village leaders and school teachers. Prior to the implementation of the consultation, feedback has been carried out to support this IEE and recorded. The focus of attention has been the population near the proposed route of the T/L (where Construction of new 132Kv T/L is proposed). The level of engagement varied from the stakeholder to stakeholder with some registering no major comment but it is noted that none registered any outright opposition to subproject. The disclosure of subproject works i.e Construction of new 132Kv T/L, in advance and subsequent consultation with stakeholders has advantages in the environmental assessment and mitigation of impacts. Public consultation can also provide a conduit for the improvement of the project implementation to serve the stakeholders in better way. The environmental assessment process under the PEPA 1997, requires the disclosure to the public after the statutory IEE/EIA has been accepted by the relevant EPA, to be in strict adherence to the rules. In this IEE the consultation process was performed to satisfy the ADB requirements Social Safeguard Policy (SPS), 2009 and PEPA guidelines.




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Results of Public Consultation

The consultations identified some potential environmental and social impacts and perceptions of stakeholders. The public consultation carried out in August 2012 (Summary of the Public Consultation is given in Annex-III). The community generally supports the Construction of new 132Kv T/L. The local poor people predominantly requested for employment of unskilled and semi skilled jobs on priority basis with the contractors during implementation of the project. No private land acquisition and resettlement is involved in this subproject. On the basis of the consultations so far, it appears that the project will have no environmental and social impacts but FESCO will have to make sure that that skilled and unskilled employment should be preferably made from local peoples as far as, it is reasonably practicable.



Grievance Redress Mechanism

In order to receive and facilitate the resolution of affected peoples concerns, complaints, and grievances about the projects environmental performance an Environmental Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) will be established the project. The mechanism will be used for addressing any complaints that arise during the implementation of projects. In addition, the GRM will include a proactive component whereby at the commencement of construction of each project (prior to mobilization) the community will be formally advised of project implementation details by Environment Specialist of DISCO, Environment Specialist of SMEC, the design and supervision consultant (DSC) and Environmental Specialist of the contractor (designs, scheduled activities, access constraints etc) so that all necessary project information is communicated effectively to the community and their immediate concerns can be addressed. This proactive approach with communities will be pursued throughout the implementation of each project. The GRM will address affected people's concerns and complaints proactively and promptly, using an understandable and transparent process that is gender responsive, culturally appropriate, and readily accessible to all segments of the affected people at no costs and without retribution. The mechanism will not impede access to the Countrys judicial or administrative remedies.



Redress Committee, Focal Points, Complaints Reporting, Recording and Monitoring

The Grievance Redress Mechanism, which will be established at each project level is described below: EA will facilitate the establishment of a Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) and Grievance Focal Points (GFPs) at project location prior to the Contractors mobilization to site. The functions of the GRC and GFPs are to address concerns and grievances of the local communities and affected parties as necessary.


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The GRC will comprise representatives from local authorities, affected parties, and other well-reputed persons as mutually agreed with the local authorities and affected persons. It will also comprise the Contractors Environmental Specialist, SMECs Environmental Specialist and PIU Safeguards/Environmental specialist. The role of the GRC is to address the Project related grievances of the affected parties that are unable to be resolved satisfactorily through the initial stages of the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM). EA will assist affected communities/villages identify local representatives to act as Grievance Focal Points (GFP) for each community/village. GFPs are designated personnel from within the community who will be responsible for i) acting as community representatives in formal meetings between the project team (contractor, DSC, PIU) and the local community he/she represents and ii) communicating community members grievances and concerns to the contractor during project implementation. The number of GFPs to be identified for each project will depend on the number and distribution of affected communities. A pre-mobilization public consultation meeting will be convened by the EA Environment Specialist and attended by GFPs, contractor, DSC, PIU representative and other interested parties (eg. District level representatives, NGOs). The objectives of the meeting will be as follows: (i) (ii) Introduction of key personnel of each stakeholder including roles and responsibilities, Presentation of project information of immediate concern to the communities by the contractor (timing and location of specific construction activities, design issues, access constraints etc.) This will include a brief summary of the EMP - its purpose and implementation arrangements; Establishment and clarification of the GRM to be implemented during project implementation including routine (proactive) public relations activities proposed by the project team (contractor, DSC, PIU) to ensure communities are continually advised of project progress and associated constraints throughout project implementation; Identification of members of the Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) Elicit and address the immediate concerns of the community based on information provided above.





(iv) (v)


Following the pre-mobilization public consultation meeting, environmental complaints associated with the construction activity will be routinely handled through the GRM as explained below and shown on Figure 7.1: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Individuals will lodge their environmental complaint/grievance with their respective communitys nominated GFP. The GFP will bring the individuals complaint to the attention of the Contractor. The Contractor will record the complaint in the onsite Environmental Complaints Register (ECR) in the presence of the GFP. The GFP will discuss the complaint with the Contractor and have it resolved;

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If the Contractor does not resolve the complaint within one week, then the GFP will bring the complaint to the attention of the DSCs Environmental Specialist. The DSCs Environment Specialist will then be responsible for coordinating with the Contractor in solving the issue. (vi) If the Complaint is not resolved within 2 weeks the GFP will present the complaint to the Grievance Redress Committee (GRC). (vii) The GRC will have to resolve the complaint within a period of 2 weeks and the resolved complaint will have to be communicated back to the community. The Contractor will then record the complaint as resolved and closed in the Environmental Complaints Register. (viii) Should the complaint not be resolved through the GRC, the issue will be adjudicated through local legal processes. (ix) In parallel to the ECR placed with the Contractor, each GFP will maintain a record of the complaints received and will follow up on their rapid resolution. (x) EA will also keep track of the status of all complaints through the Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report submitted by the Contractor to the DSC and will ensure that they are resolved in a timely manner.

Affected Person through GFP


Contractor Redressed Not Redressed


Resolve with Implementation (DSC) Consultant Not Redressed



Appeal to Grievance Redress Committee


Not Redressed

Resolve through Local Legal Process

Figure7.1: Grievance Redress Mechanism

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Findings and Recommendations
This study was carried out at the planning stage of the project. Secondary data was used to assess the environmental impacts. The potential environmental impacts were assessed in a comprehensive manner. The report has provided a picture of all potential environmental impacts associated with the subproject and recommended suitable mitigation measures. There are some further considerations for the planning stages such as obtaining clearance for the project under the PEPA, 1997 but environmental impacts from the power enhancements will mostly take place during the construction stage. There are also some noise impacts and other operational stage impacts that must be addressed in the detailed design and through environmentally friendly procurement. There are a number of key actions required in the detailed design phase. Prior to construction the FESCO must receive clearance certification from the PEPA and FESCO must complete an EMP that will be accepted by the EPD-Punjab and agreed by the contractor prior to signing of the Contract Agreement for Civil Works. The information provided in this report can form the basis of any further submission to PEPA as required in future.




Summary and Conclusions

Construction of new 132Kv T/L works proposed under Tranche-III is a feasible and sustainable option from the technical, engineering, environmental, and socioeconomic points of view. Implementation of the EMP is required and the environmental impacts associated with the subproject need to be properly mitigated for which existing institutional arrangements are available. Additional human and financial resources will be required by FESCO to complete the designs and incorporate the recommendations effectively and efficiently in the contract documents, linked to payment milestones. The proposed mitigation and management plans are practicable but require additional resources. This IEE, including the EMP, should be used as a basis for an environmental compliance program and be included as an Appendix to the contract. The EMP shall be reviewed at the detailed design stage. In addition, any subsequent conditions issued by PEPA as part of the environmental clearance should also be included in the environmental compliance program. Therefore, continued monitoring of the implementation of mitigation measures, the implementation of the environmental conditions for work and environmental clearance, and monitoring of the environmental impact related to the operation of the subproject should be properly carried out and reported at least twice per year as part of the project performance report.



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References and Document Support

Environmental Assessment Guidelines. Asian Development Bank. Involuntary Resettlement Safeguards:- A planning & Implementation Good Practice Source Book Draft Working Document. Asian Development Bank. March 2011 Guidelines for Public Consultation. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency, Government of Pakistan Guidelines for Sensitive and Critical Areas. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency, Government of Pakistan, October PC1 for 6 Distribution Enhancement Program (Tranche-1) Faisalabad Electric Supply Power Limited (FESCO), Faisalabad, April 2008 Sectoral Guidelines for Environmental Reports:- Environmental Protection Agency, Government of Pakistan, October Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997:- Government of Pakistan, October Policy Guidelines for Preparation and Review of Environmental Reports:Environmental Protection Agency, Government of Pakistan, November Policy and Procedures for filling, review and approval of Environmental Assessment:- Environmental Protection Agency, Government of Pakistan, November District Census Report of Faisalabad & Sargodha Region (1998). Population Census Environmental & social Impact Assessment 6 Secondary Transmission Lines and Grid Stations (STG). Hyderabad Electric Supply Power Limited (HESCO) Initial Environmental Evaluation:- PAK MFF for Power Distribution Enhancement Program (Tranche-2) Choa Saiden Shah NP Sethe 132 KV Transmission Line & Up-gradation of NP Sethe 66 KV Grid Station to 132 KV . June 2009 Initial Environmental Evaluation:- PAK MFF for Power Distribution Enhancement Program (Tranche-2) Jubliee Town 132 KV Grid Station & Associated Double Circuit Line. April 2009 Environmental & social Impact Assessment 6 Secondary Transmission Lines and Grid Stations (STG). Multan Electric Supply Power Limited (MEPCO) Land Acquisition & Resettlement Framework (LAARF):- National Trade Corridor Highway Investment Program. National Highway Authority. July 2007

ADB 2003. ADB 2011.

EPA, 1997: EPA, 1997: FESCO 2008. GoP, 1997: GoP, 1997: GoP, 1997: GoP, 1997:

GoP 1999. HESCO-2007




NHA -2007

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Initial Environmental Evaluation:- PAK MFF for Power Distribution Enhancement Program (Tranche-2) D. i. Khan (Gomal University ) 132 KV Industrial DGS & TXL . July 2009

Survey of Pakistan, 1997. Atlas of Pakistan. Director Map Publication, Survey of Pakistan, Rawalpindi.

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Annex I: Screening Checklists

Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist

Instructions: i. The project team completes this checklist to support the environmental classification of a project. It is to be attached to the environmental categorization form and submitted to Environment and Safeguards Division (RSES) for endorsement by Director, RSES and for approval by the Chief Compliance Officer. ii. This checklist focuses on environmental issues and concerns. To ensure that social dimensions are adequately considered, refer also to ADB's (a) checklists on involuntary resettlement and Indigenous Peoples; (b) poverty reduction handbook; (c) staff guide to consultation and participation; and (d) gender checklists.

iii. Answer the questions assuming the without mitigation case. The purpose is to identify

potential impacts. Use the remarks section to discuss any anticipated mitigation measures

Country/Project Title Sector Division

MFF-0021-PAK:- Tranche-III FESCO:- Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station

Screening Questions A. Project Siting Is the Project area adjacent to or within any of the following environmentally sensitive areas? Cultural heritage site Protected Area Wetland Mangrove Estuarine Buffer zone of protected area Special area for protecting biodiversity B. Potential Environmental Impacts Will the Project cause encroachment on historical/cultural areas, disfiguration of landscape and increased waste generation? encroachment on precious ecosystem (e.g.




No No No No No No

No cultural heritage site exist in the proximity of sub-project No protected area exists in the vicinity No wetland is nearby


No encroachment or disfiguration will be there on historical/cultural areas due to sub-project


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Screening Questions sensitive or protected areas)? alteration of surface water hydrology of waterways crossed by roads and resulting in increased sediment in streams affected by increased soil erosion at the construction site? damage to sensitive coastal/marine habitats by construction of submarine cables? deterioration of surface water quality due to silt runoff, sanitary wastes fromworker-based camps and chemicals used in construction? increased local air pollution due to rock crushing, cutting and filling? risks and vulnerabilities related to occupational health and safety due to physical, chemical, biological, and radiological hazards during project construction and operation? chemical pollution resulting from chemical clearing of vegetation for construction site? noise and vibration due to blasting and other civil works? dislocation or involuntary resettlement of people? disproportionate impacts on the poor, women and children, Indigenous Peoples or other vulnerable groups? social conflicts relating to inconveniences in living conditions where construction interferes with preexisting roads? hazardous driving conditions where construction interferes with pre-existing roads? creation of temporary breeding habitats for vectors of disease such as mosquitoes and rodents? dislocation and compulsory resettlement of people living in right-of-way of the power transmission lines?





No No

No No

No No No No

No chemical cleaning of vegetation is involved in the sub-project No Blasting is involved No private land acquisition and resettlement is involved No dislocation of Indigenous peoples is involved. No adverse impact on poor, women and children No social conflict over pre-existing roads No hazardous driving condition would prevail due to execution of sub- project Proper waste disposal and sanitary facilities will be ensured. No dislocation and compulsory resettlement would involve due to transmission line which will temporarily effect the crops or trees for which separate LARP is being prepared. Only trimming of tree would involve.


No No


environmental disturbances associated with the maintenance of lines (e.g. routine control of vegetative height under the lines)? facilitation of access to protected areas in case



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Screening Questions corridors traverse protected areas? disturbances (e.g. noise and chemical pollutants) if herbicides are used to control vegetative height? large population influx during project construction and operation that cause increased burden on social infrastructure and services (such as water supply and sanitation systems)? social conflicts if workers from other regions or countries are hired? poor sanitation and solid waste disposal in construction camps and work sites, and possible transmission of communicable diseases from workers to local populations? risks to community safety associated with maintenance of lines and related facilities? community health hazards due to electromagnetic fields, land subsidence, lowered groundwater table, and salinization?





No herbicides would be used to control vegetation height. Due to construction of project, there will be no social burden over existing infrastructure and services. Through EMP & Contract clauses, contractor would be bound to hire local labour. Scope of Civil work is limited, small camp would suffix the requirement which will not contribute toward possible transmission of communicable diseases. No risk to community is associated with maintenance of power facilities. Transmission line will not pass through urban area at a sufficient height. No Land subsidence, lowering of groundwater table and Stalinization would occur due to this sub-project. In execution of subproject, disposal of explosive material is involved. No risk to community health and safety is involved due to transport, storage and disposal of material. In the design of sub-project, effect of natural hazardous i.e. rain, wind and earth quake are taken care. In case of rare occurrence , FESCO Safety Cell will respond with the help of District Management & 1122




No No

risks to community health and safety due to the transport, storage, and use and/or disposal of materials such as explosives, fuel and other chemicals during construction and operation? community safety risks due to both accidental and natural hazards, especially where the structural elements or components of the project (e.g., high voltage wires, and transmission towers and lines ) are accessible to members of the affected community or where their failure could result in injury to the community throughout project construction, operation and decommissioning?



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Climate Change and Disaster Risk Questions The following questions are not for environmental categorization. They are included in this checklist to help identify potential climate and disaster risks. Is the Project area subject to hazards such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, tropical cyclone winds, storm surges, tsunami or volcanic eruptions and climate changes (see Appendix I)? Could changes in precipitation, temperature, salinity, or extreme events over the Project lifespan affect its sustainability or cost? Are there any demographic or socio-economic aspects of the Project area that are already vulnerable (e.g. high incidence of marginalized populations, rural-urban migrants, illegal settlements, ethnic minorities, women or children)? Could the Project potentially increase the climate or disaster vulnerability of the surrounding area (e.g., increasing traffic or housing in areas that will be more prone to flooding, by encouraging settlement in earthquake zones)?





Sub project is not located in earthquake zone, flood plain & volcano eruption sites. Due to sub-project , there will be no change in precipitation pattern, temperature, salinity. No vulnerable socio-economic aspect exists in the area.




Execution of subproject will not potentially increase the climate disaster to surrounding area.

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Power Distribution Enhancement Investment Program


FESCO Region


Power Distribution Enhancement Investment Project Subproject Construction of New 60km Long Double Circuit 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station Toba Tek Singh to Havelli Bahadar Shah Grid Station, Tranche-III


Faisalabad, Jhang, Toba Tek Singh, Bhakkar, Mianwali, Sargodha, Khushab, Mandi Bahauddin & Chinio

Level of Project Feasibility Stage Design:

Potential for Involuntary Resettlement Effects Will the project include any new physical construction work? Does the project include upgrading or rehabilitation of existing physical facilities? Are any environmental effects likely which may lead to loss of housing, other assets, resource use or incomes? Is land acquisition likely to be necessary?

Not Known



If yes, consider potential scope of Scale resettlement effects Only small Civil Work including foundation of towers would be there. Construction of new Transmission Line to connect existing /new Grid Stations Only small scale houses would be involved and would be confirmed after re-routing of Transmission Lines Only crops/trees would be involved for which separate LARP is to be prepared for each Transmission Line No Land Acquisition is involved Ownership status & its current usage is yet not known Design Layout would be prepared by taking into easement considerations. After scrutiny of Revenue record and site possession status

Is the site for land acquisition known? Is the ownership status and current usage of the land known? Will easements be utilized within an existing site or Right of Way? Are non-titled people present on the site/ within the Right of Way?

Will there be loss of housing?

Propose T/Line is passing through rural areas However after detailed layout plan , housing loss can be confirmed and compensation would be through LARP.

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Will there be loss of crops, trees, and other fixed assets through land use related changes?

Will there be loss of incomes and livelihoods? Will people lose access to facilities, services, or natural resources through land use-related changes? Will any social or economic activities be affected by land use-related changes? Affected Persons and Severity of Impacts

Only few trees & crops would be temporarily damaged and their compensation be made through LARP . In lieu of damaged trees, new trees will be planted with ratio of 4:1

Any estimate of the likely number of those affected by the project? If yes, approximately how many? Any estimate of the severity of impact at the household level? If yes, what? Any of those people poor, indigenous, or vulnerable to poverty risks? If yes, how?

No ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Yes ( ) None to negligible No ( ) Yes ( )

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Initial Screening for Impact on Indigenous Peoples at Project Concept Paper Stage
Country: Pakistan Department / Division: Lending Mondality: Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO) Loan Multi-Tranche Financing Facility

Project Title:

Power Distribution Enhancement Investment Program-Tranche-III

Screening questions Aside from the mainstream population, are there population groups who have been living in the project location before modern states or territories were created and before modern borders were defined? Are there population groups who maintain cultural and social identities separate from mainstream or dominant societies and cultures? Are there population of tribal groups or cultural minorities who have migrated into the project areas to which they are not indigenous, but have established a presence and separate social cultural identity? Are there population groups that self-identify themselves, or are identified by others and the mainstream population or by the Law, as being part of a distinct indigenous cultural group or ethnic minority? Are there population groups with a linguistic identity different from that of the mainstream society? Are there population groups with social, cultural, economic and political traditions and institutions distinct from the mainstream culture? Are there population groups with economic systems oriented more toward traditional systems of production than the mainstream systems? Are there population groups who maintain attachments to traditional habitats and ancestral territories and the natural resources in these habitats and territories? Comments by RSES staff

Not Yes known


Any other comments

Not known whether indigenous peoples will be affected and, therefore, the project team should gather additional information during PPTA Fact Finding Yes, indigenous peoples will be affected and, therefore, a social development specialist should be involved in the PPTA Fact Finding Mission

No, indigenous peoples will not be affected and, therefore, no need to involve a social development specialist during PPTA Fact Finding

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DECISION ON CATEGORIZATION 200 or more people will be severely affected (displaced from housing or losing 10% or more of their productive/income-generating assets. A full resettlement action plan is required.

Less than 200 people will be affected or less than 10% or more of their productive / incomegenerating assets will be lost. Requires a short resettlement action plan. No person is affected. Resettlement action plan is not required.

Screening Checklist Prepared By: Name: Mr. Yasir Iftikhar


Assistant Manager (Environment)


27 July, 2012

Screening Reviewed By: Name: Mr. Muhammad Sharif Malik


Deputy Manager (E&SS)

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Annex-II: Environmental Monitoring Results

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Annex III: Summary of Public Consultation

Sr. No 1 Participant Name Participant Profession Address Issues Raised/Concerns expressed/ Suggestions & Requests On right Side river there is no other source than Kot Adu. Power surplus from MEPCO comes to 18-Hazari. There additional Source of Supply from FESCO side. Moreover Existing System of 66 KV 18-Hazari is overloaded. Existing 18-Hazari Grid Station need up gradation. With this upgradation, Ali Textile Mill will restart. 2000 more jobs for local peoples will be there. Due to Overloading of Existing 66Kv Grid Station, production of Rice Mill has hampered. Proposed Measure Construction of New Transmission Line from 220Kv Toba Tek Singh to HB Shah & to 18Hazari be constructed. 18-Hazari Grid be upgraded to 132Kv. Action Taken / Proposed Construction of new 132Kv Transmission Line from 220Kv Grid Station TT Singh to HB Shah and HB Shah to 18-Hazari is included in Tranche-III. Further conversion of 18-Hazari Grid into 132Kv is included in proposed Tranche-III subprojects.

Mr. Saif-Ur-Rehman S/o Proprietor Saif- Permanent:Allah Dad Khan ur-Rehman Dalawala More 18(NIC # 61101-226914-3) Cotton/Rice Mill Hazari Dalawala More 18- Hazari

Mr. Muhammad Ali S/o Rice Selector of Muhammad Nawaz Umar Abbas (NIC # 33202-6938897-5) Rice Mill Wasu Wastana

Though there are Load Shedding crises in the country, but due to overloading of system , power Supply is limited. All Six outgoing Feeders cannot operate due overloading. Mr. Nasrullah Khan S/o Accountant Permanent:Margin of profit reduced within 3 years Power Fluctuation and Qatub Din Umar Abbas Zakar Abad Tehsil & (during the period when system overloading can be (NIC # 38201-8654996-7) Rice Mill Wasu District Khushab became overloaded) minimized through Wastana conversion of existing grid station and supply through independent source be arranged. Mr.Muhammad Proprietor of Ice Permanent:Ice business has been flopped due to Double circuit source Abdullah S/O Factory located Peeru Ana P/O forced load shedding in the area from FESCO side be Muhammad Ismail near 18-Hazari Rasheed Pur Tehsil & because Grid Station is feeded from constructed and 18(NIC #00000-0000000-0) Chowk District Jhang surplus power from MEPCO. Hazari Grid Station be upgraded to take sanctioned load.

Permanent:Mehdi Abad Wasuastana Tehsil 18-Hazari District Jhang

Up gradation of 66Kv Grid Station & Construction of independent power supply source from Toba to 18-Hazari via HB Shah is proposed in Tranche-III.

FESCO has planned to installed high capacity power transformers and construct 132Kv transmission line to feed 18Hazari Grid.

FESCO should timely complete the construction of double circuit transmission line to have additional/reliable source of power supply and upgrade (convert) the 18-Hazari Grid Station.

Annex III: Summary of Public Consultation

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