Elevator System Using Microcontroller

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CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 2 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Scenario................................................................................................................................... 2 Background and history of elevator ........................................................................................ 3 Aims ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 4 Concept ................................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Pre-lab ............................................................................................................................................. 6 2.1. Hardware design ..................................................................................................................... 6 AT89C52......................................................................................................................... 6 Crystal oscillator ............................................................................................................. 8 Voltage regulator............................................................................................................. 8 Capacitor ......................................................................................................................... 8 LED ................................................................................................................................. 8

2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. 2.1.5. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5.

Floors and Delays ................................................................................................................... 9 Flowchart/algorithm/state transition diagram ....................................................................... 10 Embedded C Coding ............................................................................................................. 12 Simulation ............................................................................................................................. 13

CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 17 3. Lab works...................................................................................................................................... 17 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. Results ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Results evaluation ................................................................................................................. 20 Post lab .................................................................................................................................. 21

CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 23 4. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 23

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 24 APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................................... 25

EE 2003 Lab 1 (Elevator System)


1. Introduction

1.1. Scenario The elevator is a very common system that can be seen in multi-storeys buildings. The design of such a system is aimed at reducing the effort in climbing up and down the building. But there are certain buildings which demand utmost security and indications when there are intruders. As part of the security, it is proposed to implement a security system to the elevator of the building. But there are certain buildings which demand utmost security. Here, the students are expected to design an elevator system with security settings so as to alert the security when there are intruders. Assuming that the building is UL1 storied, there are push switches to trigger the respective operations. Assume that there are three switches, A, B, C for start, move up and down the elevator and UL1 number of switched inside the elevator. Triggering of switch A would turn on the system. This system can be operated only by the authorized person, hence it should be password protected. Thus when the person triggers the switch A, it should demand for the password. Wrongly entered password would trigger an alarm, so the security officer would be alerted. After the person has entered the correct password the system activates the switches A and B. Pressing of either of the switches would open the door of the lift. Once the person has entered, the door closes and now the display would show the floor number he is currently in. There are UL1 switches inside triggering of any of these switches would indicate the destination of the passenger. This would turn on the motor so that the elevator would move upwards or downwards as instructed. Assume that it takes UL2 seconds to move to the subsequent floor. If any other person who is on a different floor wants to use the elevator to go upwards or downwards the elevator should stop at the floor he is currently on and open the door, provided he has entered the correct password. If the person has triggered the switch C
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when the elevator is going upwards then it will not stop at that floor, provided some other person on the same floor has not triggered B and vice versa. Once the other person has entered he has to use the switches inside the elevator to select his destination. Every person who has to use the elevator has to enter the password. This is ensured by checking the number of times the password is entered and detecting the number of persons entering. This may be done with the help of sensors. Here another challenge is to identify the person who has not entered the password and a sound alarm when he tries to enter the elevator.

1.2. Background and history of elevator The electric motor was introduced in elevator construction in 1880 by the German inventor Werner von Siemens. His car, carrying the motor below, climbed its shaft by means of revolving pinion gears that engaged racks at the sides of the shaft. An electric elevator was constructed in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1887, operated by an electric motor turning a revolving drum on which the hoisting rope was wound (National Elevator Manufacturing Industry Inc.). Within the next 12 years, electric elevators with worm gearing connecting the motor and drum came into general use except in tall buildings. In the drum elevator the length of the hoisting rope, and therefore the height to which the car can rise, are limited by the size of the drum. The space limitations and manufacturing difficulties prevented the use of the drum mechanism in skyscrapers. The advantages of the electric elevator, however, including efficiency, relatively low installation costs, and virtually constant speed regardless of the load, spurred inventors to search for a way of using electric motive power in skyscrapers. Counterweights creating traction on electrically driven sheaves solved the problem. Since the introduction of electric motive power for elevators, various improvements have been made in motors and methods of control. Originally the motor switch and the brakes were operated mechanically from the car by means of hand ropes. Soon electromagnets, controlled by operating switches in the car, were introduced to throw the motor switch and to release a spring brake. Push-button control was an early development, later supplemented by elaborate signal systems. Safety devices have been highly developed. In 1878 Charles Otis, a son of the inventor of the original car safety,

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introduced a similar mechanism connected to a speed governor that applied the safety if the car was traveling at a dangerous speed, whether or not the rope broke. In later car safeties, clamps were used to grip the guide rails so as to bring the car to a stop gradually. Today so-called governors control a series of devices to slow down the car if it is speeding only slightly, to shut off the motor and apply an electromagnetic brake if the car continues to accelerate, and then to apply the mechanical safety if the speed becomes dangerous. The use of automatic programming equipment eventually eliminated the need for starters at the ground level of large commercial buildings, and thus the operation of elevators became completely automatic. Automatic elevators are now generally employed in all types of buildings. The World Trade Center in New York City, with its two 110 story towers, had 244 elevators with carrying capacities of up to 4536 kg and speeds of up to 488 m per min The 110-story Sears-Roebuck Building in Chicago has 109 elevators with speeds of up to 549 m per min (Funk and Wagnalls Corporation).

1.3. Aims This lab is carried out with the aim of designing and implementing an elevator system which will fulfil the criteria given. This elevator system can be referred to existing systems nowadays.

1.4. Objectives The objectives of this lab are: To interpret the software modelling diagrams To develop codes, debug, and simulate the codes using software To understand interfacing concepts To verify the required results on display To implement software Keil uVision4 and Proteus in designing the traffic light system

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EE 2003 Lab 1 (Elevator System)


1.5. Concept For this particular elevator system, a 3 storey elevator was designed. It consists of ground floor, first floor, and second floor. The elevator is protected with a security system that will ask the user to enter a password in order to going up.

Figure 1

As can be seen in Figure 1 above, the ground floor of the elevator system is protected with a password. So, the user will have to enter a password in order to going up either to first or second floor. User in first floor can choose to go up to second floor up go down to ground floor while user in second floor can go down only.

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2. Pre-lab

2.1. Hardware design First of all, the apparatus to conduct this lab were prepared. They are listed below. 2.1.1. AT89C52 After considering the size of the code and the internal architecture requirements, an AT89C52 microcontroller has been chosen. AT89C52 is an 8-bit microcontroller and belongs to Atmel's 8052 family. It can be erased and program to a maximum of 1000 times. In 40 pin AT89C52, there are four ports designated as P1, P2, P3 and P0. All these ports are 8-bit bi-directional ports which mean that they can be used as both input and output ports. Except P0 which needs external pull-ups, rest of the ports have internal pullups. When 1s are written to these port pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. These ports are also bit addressable and so their bits can also be accessed individually. Port P0 and P2 are also used to provide low byte and high byte addresses, respectively, when connected to an external memory. Port 3 has multiplexed pins for special functions like serial communication, hardware interrupts, timer inputs and read/write operation from external memory. AT89C52 has an inbuilt UART for serial communication. It can be programmed to operate at different baud rates. Including two timers &

hardware interrupts, it has a total of six interrupts.

Some of the features that have made the AT89C52 popular are: 8KB on chip program memory 128 bytes on chip data memory (RAM) 4 register banks 128 user defined software flags 16 bit timers (usually 2, but may have more, or less) Bit as well as byte addressable RAM area of 16 bytes 16-bit program counter and data pointer 6 UEL Semester 3/2012

EE 2003 Lab 1 (Elevator System) The assigned function for each pin of the microcontroller is as below
Table 1: Pin Description


Pins Used 1 (T2) 2 (T2 EX) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (RST) 10 (RXD) 11 (TXD) 12 (INT 0) 13 (INT 1) 14 (T0) 15 (T1) 16 (WR) 17 (RD) 18 (XTAL1) 19 (XTAL2) 20 (GND) 21 (A8) 22 (A9) 23 (A10) 24 (A11) 25 (A12) 26 (A13) 27 (A14) 28 (A15) 29 (PSEN) 30 (ALE/PROG) 31 (EA/VPP) 32 (AD7) 33 (AD6) 34 (AD5) 35 (AD4) 36 (AD3) 37 (AD2) 38 (AD1) 39 (AD0) 40

Description P1.0 connected to D0 of LCD P1.1 connected to D1 of LCD P1.2 connected to D2 of LCD P1.3 connected to D3 of LCD P1.4 connected to D4 of LCD P1.4 connected to D5 of LCD P1.6 connected to D6 of LCD P1.7 connected to D7 of LCD Connected to reset button with VCC P3.0 connected to LED of Elevator Door P3.1 connected to LED of Ground Floor P3.2 connected to LED of First Floor P3.3 connected to LED of Second Floor P3.4 connected to LED of Motor Going Up P3.5 connected to LED of Motor Going Down P3.6 connected to RW of LCD P3.7 connected to RS of LCD Connected to crystal oscillator Connected to crystal oscillator Connected to ground P2.0 connected to Column 1 of Keypad P2.1 connected to Column 2 of Keypad P2.2 connected to Column 3 of Keypad P2.3 connected to Row 1 of Keypad P2.4 connected to Row 2 of Keypad P2.5 connected to Row 3 of Keypad P2.6 connected to Row 4 of Keypad P2.7 connected to E of LCD

Enable pin connected to VCC P0.6 connected to GO DOWN from second floor P0.5 connected to GO DOWN from second floor P0.4 connected to GO UP from first floor P0.3 connected to GO UP from ground floor P0.2 connected to SECOND FLOOR button P0.1 connected to FIRST FLOOR button P0.0 connected to GROUND FLOOR button Connected to VCC

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2.1.2. Crystal oscillator Most of the IC and microcontroller will need a crystal oscillator to make them run perfectly. Basically, crystal oscillator is an electronic component that uses resonance of vibrating crystal to create a very precise frequency electrical signal and usually used to count duration of timer. The crystal oscillator will provide stable clock signal for IC. The type of crystal oscillator used in this task is quartz crystal. Each instruction cycle of crystal used in this project takes 1us to operate. In this lab, a 12 MHz quartz crystal is used for the AT89C52 microcontroller. 2.1.3. Voltage regulator The voltage regulator used in this project is LM7805CT.Tthe input leg of the voltage regulator will be connected to the 12 V DC line and the middle leg will be connected to ground. As the result from leg output, a stable 5V DC voltage will be produced. 2.1.4. Capacitor In this lab, a 33 pF capacitor is used. This capacitor will be connected in series with the crystal oscillator. This capacitor is used to stabilise the frequency of the oscillator. 2.1.5. LED Light Emitting Diode (LED) is used in this lab as well to display the output from each pin of the microcontroller. Three different colour of LED is used which are red, yellow, and green.

Figure 2: From left: AT89C51 microcontroller, 12 MHz crystal oscillator, LM7805 voltage regulator, LED, 33 pF capacitor

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2.2. Floors and Delays The number of floors was achieved by using the UEL1 (last digit of UEL ID). In this case, UEL ID is U1060761, so last digit is 1. Since 1 floor of elevator is impossible, last digit of IC number was used. IC number is 860601-23-6677, so last digit which is 7 will be the number of floors. Unfortunately, AT89C52 microcontroller only has 40 pins and the components has filled up most of the ports, so only 3 floors are available for designing the elevator using this microcontroller. The delay for the system was achieved by using 0.5 of UEL2 (2nd last digit of UEL ID). In this case, UEL ID is U1060761, so the 2nd last digit is 6. Then 0.5 of 6 is 3. This means that the floor changing delay will be 3 seconds. AT89C51 is a 16 bit microcontroller, 2^16=65,536 KB / second. The 2nd last digit is multiplied with the frequency of the microcontroller which is 1 MHz and then divided by the internal cycle is which is 10,000. The value is then subtracted from 65,536. This value is in decimal, so it needs to be converted to hexadecimal.

3 x 1,000,000 3,000,000 / 10,000 65,536 300 Converting

= 3,000,000 = 300 = 65,236 (in decimal) = FED4 (in hexadecimal)

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2.3. Flowchart/algorithm/state transition diagram

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Figure 3: Flowchart

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2.4.Embedded C Coding

Figure 4: Declarement of Bits

Figure above shows the pins declaration. As can be seen, all four ports were used as the outputs which are Port0, Port1, Port2, and Port3. While figure below shows the timer of the system. As calculated above, the delay for 3 seconds in hexadecimal is FED4. This value was inserted into TH0 and TL0.

Figure 5: Timer Delay Function

As for the main body function of the code, while loop, case statement, for loop, and if else loop are used to execute the coding. The full coding is as per attached at Appendix section later. 12 UEL Semester 3/2012

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2.5. Simulation The simulation for this system has been done using Keil uVision4 and Proteus software. The coding was written and debugged using Keil uVision4 while the simulation was done using Proteus.

Figure 6: Ports and Timer Peripherals

Figure 7: HEX File process

Using the Keil uVision4 software, the coding was converted to .hex file after debugged. This .hex file was then used for the microcontroller simulation in Proteus.
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Figure 8: Circuit Diagram of Elevator System

Figure above shows the initial condition of the elevator system. As the go up button from the ground floor is pressed, the user will be asked to enter the password set by the administrator. Figure below shows the password being keyed in to the system.

Figure 9: Password Authentication

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Figure 10: Password Accepted

Figure above shows that the correct password has been entered and the user is now able to choose to go up to any floor desired. Figures below show the process of the elevator going up and down.

Figure 11(a): Motor Going Up

Figure 11(b): Door Opens at First Floor

Figure 12(a): Door Opens at Second Floor

Figure 12(b): Motor Going Down

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Figure 13: Wrong Password Demonstration

Figure above shows the wrong password has been keyed in. the LCD will display a warning and user will be asked to enter the password again. If three consecutive wrong passwords entered, the system will not allow any more trial and the security officer will come and restart the whole system.

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3. Lab works The physical implementation of this lab was done by firstly connecting the circuit of the system on the breadboard. The connection is as shown in methodology part above. Then, 5 V DC power supply was given to the circuit. The complete connection of the elevator system on the breadboard is as shown below.
Door OPEN Ground Floor First Floor Going UP Button Second Floor Motor UP Motor DOWN

Figure 14

Figure above shows the complete connection of the elevator system on breadboard. As can be seen by the arrow, the yellow LED represents Door Open, green LED represents the floors, and the red LED represents the motor which is going up and down. The going up button which will initiate the system is also implemented as shown above. Spaces for other buttons are provided at pin 33 39.

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Figure 15

After 5 V DC power supply was provided to the circuit, the LCD and all the LEDs will light on. This indicates that the circuit connection is correct and the microcontroller is functioning perfectly. This is shown in figure above.

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Figure 16

As the reset button which is at pin 9 is pressed, the system will start. As can be seen in figure above, the LED that indicates the ground floor is the only one turning on now. At this particular time, the LCD should display message then the user will be required to enter password to proceed, but due to some technical problem, the wording on the LCD is not showing up. After consulting with the lecturer, it is safe to say that there is something wrong with the resistance in the LCD which caused this problem. But the rest of the physical implementation was a success and the logics run perfectly.

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3.1. Results evaluation After the two stages of testing the elevator system which are simulation and implementation of hardware, it is satisfied to say that the results are at its expected because they are consistent with each other. The delay on simulation and real time experiment is exactly 3 seconds and the logic is working perfectly. This shows that all procedures are followed correctly during the conduction of this lab. However, some error occurs during the burning process of the coding into the microcontroller. This is causing the hardware to fail to work. But thanks to the lecturer that gave support and knowledge to the student, this problem has been identified and repaired. The connection on the breadboard is also an important thing to highlight. It is a must to double check the connection before supplying a power supply. This is because some connection might become loose or in touch with each other.

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3.2. Post lab As stated in the post lab task, a system that will detect a user who has not entered the password can be designed to improve the system. This is because not all user of the elevator will have the password to the system i.e. guests from outside the building. To implement this improvement, a system that can detect an access card can be considered. Guests will be provided with an access card upon registration in order for them to be able to use the elevator. Smart cards have been advertised as suitable for personal identification tasks, because they are engineered to be tamper resistant. The chip usually implements some cryptographic algorithm. Differential power analysis involves measuring the precise time and electrical current required for certain encryption or decryption operations. This can deduce the onchip private key used by public key algorithms such as RSA. Some implementations of symmetric ciphers can be vulnerable to timing or power attacks as well. Smart cards can be physically disassembled by using acid, abrasives, or some other technique to obtain unrestricted access to the on-board microprocessor. Although such techniques obviously involve a fairly high risk of permanent damage to the chip, they permit much more detailed information (e.g. photomicrographs of encryption hardware) to be extracted. In order to implement this, the one and only extra pin of the AT89C52 microcontroller can be used to attach this magnetic receiver. To make an easy understanding, this whole smart access card system is replaced with an LED. If the receiver detects the magnetic chip on the smart card, the LED will turn ON and the system will be bypassed so that password is no longer needed to activate the elevator. The coding for bypassing this password system by providing the smart access card is shown in the Appendix section below.

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Figure 17: Circuit Diagram With LED as Smart Access Card System

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4. Conclusion

As for the conclusion, it can be concluded that several tasks and steps with a very strict rules has been carried out to find a result of a working model that simulated and tested succesfully, although alot of challenges were encountered and developed with the developing of each level of the model, and with fighting all this challenges the aim of the project was achieved. Finally it can be seen on how much this project was more than penefectial to the student, moreover we could understand that time is not an easy thing to be decleared and followed and we got the difficulty of producing one elevator system. Nonetheless, the objectives and aims of this lab were successfully achieved.

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Pressman, R.S. (2000) Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 5th Ed, McGraw-Hill Wilmshurt, T. (2001) The Design of Small Scale Embedded Systems, Palgrave Cooling, J.E. (2003) Software Engineering for Real Time Systems, Addison Theagarajan, R. (2004) Microprocessor and Its Application. New Age International. Theodore F. Bogart, Jr. (2004) Electronic Devices and Circuit. 6th Ed. Thomas L. Floyd (1992) Electronic Devices. 4th Ed. Yuzuru, T. (2003) Meme Media and Meme Market Architectures. Wiley IEEE. Deakin. A. (2009) Origin of





http://www.articlealley.com. (Accessed: 2 January 2012) John Hewes (2010). Available at: http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/bread.htm. (Accessed: 5th January 2012)

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Coding for the traffic light systems:

#include <reg51.h> sbit Floor_G=P0^0; sbit Floor_1=P0^1; sbit Floor_2=P0^2; sbit GoUp_G=P0^3; sbit GoUp_1=P0^4; sbit GoDown_1=P0^5; sbit GoDown_2=P0^6; sbit Door=P3^0; sbit Led_G=P3^1; sbit Led_1=P3^2; sbit Led_2=P3^3; sbit Elevator_up=P3^4; sbit Elevator_down=P3^5; int level; #define dataport P1 #define key P2 sbit rs = P3^7; sbit rw = P3^6; sbit en = P2^7; sbit Column1=key^0; sbit Column2=key^1; sbit Column3=key^2; sbit Row1=key^3; sbit Row2=key^4; sbit Row3=key^5; sbit Row4=key^6; int check=0; int digit[4]={0,0,0,0}; int dig_one=0; int dig_two=7; int dig_three=6; int dig_four=1; int i,count=0; int lock_output; void delay(unsigned int item) { unsigned int i, j; for(i=0;i<item;i++) for(j=0;j<1275;j++); } void lcd_cmd(unsigned char item) dataport = item; rs= 0; rw=0; en=1; {

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delay(1); en=0; return; } {


void lcd_data(unsigned char item) dataport = item; rs= 1; rw=0; en=1; delay(1); en=0; return; }

void lcd_data_string(unsigned char *str) int i=0; while(str[i]!='\0') lcd_data(str[i]); i++; return; } } { {

void lcd(unsigned char str[10]) lcd_cmd(0x38); lcd_cmd(0x0e); lcd_data_string(str); }

void ans() { if(check>3) lcd_cmd(0x01); lcd_cmd(0x82); lcd_data_string(" ACCEPTED! "); lock_output=1; delay(200); lcd_cmd(0x01); lcd_cmd(0x82); lcd_data_string(" WELCOME! "); lock_output=1; delay(500); else { } {

lcd_cmd(0x01); lcd_cmd(0x82); lcd_data_string(" DENIED! "); lock_output=0; delay(200); lcd_cmd(0x01); lcd_cmd(0x82); lcd_data_string("PLEASE RESTART! "); lock_output=0; count++; delay(500); void code_check() if(i<=3 ) { { }} {

switch((i+1)) case 1: {

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if(dig_one==digit[0]) check=check+1; break; case 2: { if(dig_two==digit[1]) check=check+1; break; case 3: { if(dig_three==digit[2]) check=check+1; break; case 4: { if(dig_four==digit[3]) check=check+1; break; if(i==3){ ans();}} void display(int a){ switch(a){ case 1:{ lcd_data('1'); delay(30); digit[i]=1; code_check(); break; case 2:{ lcd_data('2'); delay(30); digit[i]=2; code_check(); break; case 3:{ lcd_data('3'); delay(30); digit[i]=3; code_check(); break; case 4:{ lcd_data('4'); delay(30); digit[i]=4; code_check(); break; case 5:{ lcd_data('5'); delay(30); digit[i]=5; code_check(); break; case 6:{ } } } } } } }} } { } } { } } { } } {


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lcd_data('6'); delay(30); digit[i]=6; code_check(); break; case 7:{ lcd_data('7'); delay(30); digit[i]=7; code_check(); break; case 8:{ lcd_data('8'); delay(30); digit[i]=8; code_check(); break; case 9:{ lcd_data('9'); delay(30); digit[i]=9; code_check(); break; case 0:{ lcd_data('0'); delay(30); digit[i]=0; code_check(); break; }}} } } } }


void check_Column1(){ Row1=Row2=Row3=Row4=1; Row1=0; if(Column1==0) display(1); Row1=1; Row2=0; if(Column1==0) display(4); Row2=1; Row3=0; if(Column1==0) display(7); Row3=1; Row4=0; if(Column1==0) Row4=1; } void check_Column2() { } {

Row1=Row2=Row3=Row4=1; Row1=0;

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if(Column2==0) display(2); Row1=1; Row2=0; if(Column2==0) display(5); Row2=1; Row3=0; if(Column2==0) display(8); Row3=1; Row4=0; if(Column2==0) display(0); Row4=1; } void check_Column3() {


Row1=Row2=Row3=Row4=1; Row1=0; if(Column3==0) display(3); Row1=1; Row2=0; if(Column3==0) display(6); Row2=1; Row3=0; if(Column3==0) display(9); Row3=1; Row4=0; if(Column3==0) Row4=1; } void pass_ver() { { }

Column1=Column2=Column3=1; lcd_cmd(0x01); lcd_cmd(0x82); lcd_data_string(" WELCOME! "); lock_output=0; delay(200); lcd_cmd(0x01); lock_output=0; lcd_cmd(0x82); lcd("WELCOME! check=0; Row1=Row2=Row3=Row4=0; while(Column1==1 && Column2==1 && Column3==1); for(i=0;i<4;i++) delay(100); lcd_cmd(0xc4+i); Row1=Row2=Row3=Row4=0; { ENTER PASSWORD");

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while(Column1==1 && Column2==1 && Column3==1); Row1=Row2=Row3=Row4=0; if(Column1==0) check_Column1(); else if(Column2==0) check_Column2(); else if(Column3==0) check_Column3(); if(count==4) { lcd_cmd(0x01); lcd_cmd(0x86); lcd("SORRY"); lcd_cmd(0xc1); lcd("NO MORE TRIALS"); }} // subrotuin for ground floor // void ground(){ unsigned int x, y; for(x=0;x<1000;x++) for(y=0;y<1275;y++) { if (Floor_1==1) { Led_G=1; Elevator_up=0; delay(500); Elevator_up=1; level=1; Led_1=0; Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; break; } if(Floor_2==1) Led_G=1; Elevator_up=0; delay(500); Led_1=0; if(GoUp_1==1) Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; delay(400); Led_1=1; delay(500); Elevator_up=1; Led_2=0; level=2; Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; } { { }


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break; // subrotuin for fist up&down// void first_up(){ unsigned int x, y; for(x=0;x<1000;x++) for(y=0;y<1275;y++) { if (Floor_G==1) Led_1=1; Elevator_down=0; delay(500); Elevator_down=1; level=0; Led_G=0; Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; break;} if(Floor_1==1) { Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; break; if (Floor_2==1) { Led_1=1; Elevator_up=0; delay(500); Elevator_up=1; level=2; Led_2=0; Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; break;;}}} //subrotuin for secounds // void second(){ unsigned int x, y; for(x=0;x<1000;x++) for(y=0;y<1275;y++) { if(Floor_G==1) Led_2=1; Elevator_down=0; delay(500); Led_1=0; if(GoDown_1==1) Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; delay(400); Led_1=1; delay(500); } { { } { } }}


31 UEL Semester 3/2012

EE 2003 Lab 1 (Elevator System)

Elevator_down=1; Led_G=0; delay(500); Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; level=0; break; if(Floor_1==1) Led_2=1; Elevator_down=0; delay(500); Elevator_down=1; Led_1=0; delay(500); Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; level=1; break; if(Floor_2==1) Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; level=2; break; } }} { } { }


// MAIN PROGRAM // void main(){ Elevator_down=1; Elevator_up=1; level=0; P0=0x00; Led_G=0; Led_1=1; Led_2=1; while(1) { if(GoUp_G==1) pass_ver(); if (lock_output==1) if(level==0) { { {

Led_G=0; Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; level=0; ground(); }

32 UEL Semester 3/2012

EE 2003 Lab 1 (Elevator System)

if(level==1) Elevator_down=0; delay(500); Elevator_down=1; Led_G=0; level=0; Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; ground(); if(level==2) Led_2=1; Elevator_down=0; delay(500); Led_1=0; delay(500); Led_1=1; delay(500); Elevator_down=1; Led_G=0; level=0; Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; ground(); if(GoUp_1==1) if(level==0) Led_G=1; Elevator_up=0; delay(500); Elevator_up=1; Led_1=0; Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; level=1; first_up(); if(level==1) Door=0; Led_1=0; delay(400); Door=1; first_up(); if (level==2) { Led_2=1; Elevator_down=0; delay(500); Elevator_down=1; Led_1=0; Door=0; } { } { { }}} } { {


33 UEL Semester 3/2012

EE 2003 Lab 1 (Elevator System)

delay(400); Door=1; first_up(); } if(GoDown_1==1) { if(level==0) Led_G=1; Elevator_up=0; delay(500); Elevator_up=1; Led_1=0; Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; level=1; first_up(); } if (level==2) { Led_2=1; Elevator_down=0; delay(500); Elevator_down=1; Led_1=0; Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; first_up(); if(GoDown_2==1) if(level==0) Led_G=1; Elevator_up=0; delay(500); Led_1=0; delay(500); Led_1=1; delay(500); Elevator_up=1; Led_2=0; delay(500); Door=0; delay(400); Door=1; level=2; second(); if (level==1) { Led_1=1; Elevator_up=0; delay(400); Elevator_up=1; Led_2=0; delay(500); Door=0; } } { { } { }


34 UEL Semester 3/2012

EE 2003 Lab 1 (Elevator System)

delay(400); Door=1; level=2; second(); } if(level==2) Door=0; Led_2=0; delay(400); Door=1; level=2; second(); } } } } {


35 UEL Semester 3/2012

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