FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

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0 Distribution Notes

Reference FIPA-OS V2.2.0

Open Source Copyright Notice and License: FIPA -OS 1. The programs and other works made available to you in these files ("the Programs") are Copyright (c) 1999 - 2000 Nortel Networks Corporation, 8200 Dixie Road, Suite 100, Brampton, Ontario, Canada L6R 5P6. All rights reserved. Your rights to copy, distribute and modify the Programs are as set out in the Nortel Networks FIPA-OS Public License, a copy of which can be found in file "Nortel_FIPA_OS_Public_Licence.txt" and the latest version can also be found at By downloading the files containing the Programs you accept the terms and conditions of the Public License. You do not have to accept these terms and conditions, but unless you do so you have no rights to use the Programs.


The Original Code is Nortel Networks' FIPA-OS (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents - Open Source). The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Nortel Networks Corporation. Portions created by Nortel Networks Corporation or its subsidiaries are Copyright (c) 1999 - 2000 Nortel Networks Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): emorphia agree to provide Modifications to Nortel Networks' FIPA -OS Covered Code under Nortel Networks' FIPAOS Public License. All emorphia's Modifications remain Copyright (c) 2002 emorphia Limited. All Rights Reserved.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Publication History
31 August 1999 First release. Forms part of the FIPA -OS v1.00 distribution. 13 September 1999 Second release. Forms part of the FIPA -OS v1.01 distribution which includes a complete set of the distribution notes. 24 September 1999 Minor updates to reflect the correct documentation. Forms part of the FIPA -OS v1.01a distribution which includes a complete set of the distribution notes. 29 October 1999 Updated to reflect bugs found in v1.01a and the new features and bug fixes included in v1.02. 19 January 2000 Updated to reflect bugs found in v1.02 and the new features and bug fixes included in v1.03. 20 March 2000 Updated to reflect bugs found in v1.03 and the new features and bug fixes included in v1.1.0. This release also includes guidelines on the version numbers for releases which is reflected for the first time in this release. 15 June 2000 Updated to reflect bugs found in v1.1.0 and the new features and bug fixes included in v1.2.0. Details of the package changes made in this release are also given. 18 August 2000 Updated to reflect bugs found in v1.2.0 and the new features and bug fixes included in v1.3.0. Many changes and fixes have been made. Most notably is FIPA-OS support of FIPA Experimental specifications approved in the Baltimore FIPA meeting. 6 September 2000 Updated to reflect new installation process and bug fixes to FIPA-OS v1.3.1 21 September 2000 Updated to reflect bug fixes to FIPA-OS v1.3.2 4 September 2000 Clarified some of the configuration details with regards to the Configurator. Removed details of how to manually configure profiles. 6 November 2000 Prepared for FIPA-OS v1.3.3 release 29 January 2001 Updated for FIPA-OS v1.4.0 release updated file names etc 16 March 2001 Updated for FIPA-OS v2.0.0 release 2 July 2001 Deprecated use of Configurator in preference to the Wizard 4 April 2002 Updated for FIPA-OS v 2.2.0 release

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Table of Contents
About this document.................................................................................................... v Pre -installation............................................................................................................. 1
Requirements............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Hardware Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Software Requirements....................................................................................................................................... 1

Installation.................................................................................................................... 3
Unpacking the FIPA-OS Installation ..................................................................................................................... 3 Self-extracting JAR.............................................................................................................................................. 3 ZIP/GZ Archive.................................................................................................................................................... 4 FIPA-OS Directory Structure ................................................................................................................................. 5 Configuration of FIPA-OS using the Wizard....................................................................................................... 7 Default Agent Profile Setup .................................................................................................................................. 11 Agent Loader Configuration................................................................................................................................. 12 Editing the FIPA-OS Properties ........................................................................................................................... 14 Aggressive Garbage collection ............................................................................................................................. 15 Configuration of Other FIPA-OS Components ................................................................................................. 16 Naming Service Batch/Script Files................................................................................................................. 16

Using the FIPA-OS Agent Platform.........................................................................19

Starting the Platform Agents (AMS, DF)........................................................................................................... 19 FIPA Reference Model...................................................................................................................................... 19 Starting the Agent Platform using the Agent Loader................................................................................... 20 Starting the ACC..................................................................................................................................................... 20 Testing the Platform Agents (AMS, DF)............................................................................................................ 21 Testing the AMS................................................................................................................................................ 21 Testing the DF .................................................................................................................................................... 21 DF Cross Registration GUI................................................................................................................................... 22 Swing DF GUI Interface Agent ............................................................................................................................ 22 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 22 Using the Swing DFGUI................................................................................................................................... 22 User Constructed Agents ....................................................................................................................................... 24 Agent Shell .......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Using JESS Agent .............................................................................................................................................. 24 Agent Development Tutorials ............................................................................................................................... 25

Updating FIPA-OS.....................................................................................................26
Sharing Updates with FIPA -OS Users ................................................................................................................ 26 FIPA-OS Packages ................................................................................................................................................. 26 How do I know which package to use?.......................................................................................................... 27 FIPA-OS Release Types ........................................................................................................................................ 27 FIPA-OS Version Numbers .................................................................................................................................. 28 Compiling FIPA-OS Source Code....................................................................................................................... 28 Obtaining the Latest FIPA-OS Source Code ..................................................................................................... 28 Obtaining the Latest/Interim Build of FIPA -O S............................................................................................... 29

Junit Tests...................................................................................................................30 Current Issues and Future Plans ..............................................................................31

Current Issues.......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Future Plans ............................................................................................................................................................. 31 FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

iv FIPA2000 ............................................................................................................................................................ 31 Profiles ................................................................................................................................................................. 31 Agent Naming convention................................................................................................................................ 31 MTS...................................................................................................................................................................... 31 AgentLoader........................................................................................................................................................ 32 ACC...................................................................................................................................................................... 32 DFGUI................................................................................................................................................................. 32 FAQ...................................................................................................................................................................... 32


FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

About this document

What is this document?
This document provides a brief explanation of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The files included in the FIPA-OS download. How the files should be installed. How to start the FIPA-OS Agent Platform. Testing for successful installation using a Test Agent. How the platform can be built to incorporate changes to the code. How to write further agents and how these agents can be executed on the platform.

Intended Audience
Developers installing, using and extending the FIPA-OS distribution.

Reading Guide
It is strongly recommended that the reader should look at the FIPA -OS web site at to understand the rationale behind this platform and for information on future updates. The installation, configuration, start-up and test instructions are written assuming that the developer will be using a Windows95/NT or Unix based system to run FIPA -OS. Developers using FIPA -OS are encouraged to provide extensions, bug fixes and feedback to help improve the planned future releases. All such input should be contributed to the Open Source project via the SourceForge site at You are required to register as a developer to access some of the services at the SourceForge site. General issues and thoughts can be discussed via the FIPA-OS mailing list on although you must register at on this list before you can send and receive messages. An archive of the messages sent to this list can also be viewed from Should you experience difficulties using this list, then please contact the FIPA -OS co-ordinators at Please consult the FIPA_OS_Public_Licence.txt file for further details on the requirements for using, extending and evolving FIPA -OS. See the Change Log available from the FIPA -OS project web site at for details of the technical changes made in this and past releases of FIPA-OS. Details of the current issues can be found in Bug Tracker, which as also available at the project web site at

Conventions used
Within the text filenames appear in italics. In examples where users should enter data, the suggested data appears in bold. For examples of entering data at the command prompt, variables are encapsulated in < and > and optional data is encapsulated in [ and ], e.g. [<comms-transport>] is an optional parameter which can be specified at the command prompt.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


AID ACC ACL AMS AP DF DFGUI FIPA GUI HAP HTTP IDL IIOP IP IOR IPMT JESS JRE JVM MTS MTP NS ORB Profile RDF RMI URL VM XML Agent Identifier [2] Agent Communication Channel [1] Agent Communication Language Agent Management System [2] Agent Platform [2] Directory Facilitator [2] DF Graphical User Interface Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents Graphical User Interface Home Agent Platform [2] Hypertext Transmission Protocol Interface Definition Language Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Internet Protocol Interoperable Object Reference Internal Platform Message Transport Java Expert System Shell Java Runtime Environment Java Virtual Machine Message Transport Service [1] Message Transport Protocol [1] Naming Service Object Request Broker Configuration details for the platform and agents Resource Description Framework Remote Method Invocation Universal Resource Locator Virtual Machine Extended Mark-up Language

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

Chapter 1 Pre-installation Requirements

Hardware Requirements
The distribution has been tested primarily in Windows 95 and NT environments, although FIPA -OS has also been used successfully in Linux and Solaris environments. The recommended minimum hardware specificat ion for PC's is: Pentium 166Mhz processor 64 MB Memory 4 MB disk space

Software Requirements
All of the 3rd-party software used by FIPA -OS is available for free download. Instructions for installing each of the 3rd party products are included in each of the specific downloads. Some thirdparty products may have to be licensed for commercial applications. Please ensure that any 3rd party license is suitable for your purpose and select alternative 3rd party products if the license does not suit. NOTE: The Java 1 and Java 2 implementations of FIPA -OS (provided as of FIPA -OS v1.3.3) have differing requirements, and are separate downloads.

Java 2 Runtime Environment (Mandatory)1

This FIPA -OS build has been created using Java 1.3.0. The installation instructions assume that a JRE is installed on your computer, and your PATH environment variable is set-up to include the JRE bin directory.

JDK 1.1 Compatible Runtime Environment (Mandatory) 2

Along side the standard FIPA-OS build is the JDK 1.1 FIPA-OS implementation, which requires the use of a JDK1.1 compatible JVM .

SiRPAC & SAX 1.0 XML Parser (Mandatory - included within FIPA-OS distribution)
The content language and agent profile parsers currently support XML \RDF encoding. In the current build of FIPA -OS the RDF parser (SiRPAC 1.14 from W3C at and the XML parser (Xerces from Apache at are included in the distribution and will be installed automatically with FIPAOS.

Enhydra XML Databinding Sub-system (Mandatory included within FIPA-OS distribution)

This is a sub-set of the Enhydra project codebase, which provides XML-specific databinding. Data binding is the process of converting back and forth between a runtime object and a representation of that object that can be stored persistently or sent as part of a message. It is not tied to any programming language or to any constraint and instance document formats. See or for more details.

1 2

For Java 2 FIPA -OS implementation only For JDK 1.1 FIPA -OS implement ation only FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

JDOM Parser (Mandatory included within FIPA-OS distribution)

JDOM is a simplified XML API used by the Enhydra databinding code. For more information, visit

JDK 1.1 Collection Classes (Mandatory) 2

In order to enable the same functionality across both Java 2 and JDK1.1 versions of FIPA -OS, the JDK1.1 Collection classes are required. These are available from the JavaSoft InfoBus web-page @

JDK 1.1 Swing Classes (Mandatory) 2

In order to enable the same functionality across both Java 2 and JDK1.1 versions of FIPA -OS, the Swing 1.1.x classes are required. These are available from the JavaSoft Java Foundation Classes webpage @

JESS (Optional)
JessAgent is a special Agent Shell that incorporates the reasoning abilities provided by JESS (Java Expert System Shell). To utilise this agent you must first download and install JESS from The required distribution file (version 5.0) can be found by selecting the "downloads" option. Installation instructions can be found in Chapter 2 of these notes, as it is not mandatory to install this software before installing and using FIPA -OS.

Java Secure Sockets Extension (Optional) 1

This is an extension to the core Java API which adds SSL support to any Java 2 platform. It can be located at

Junit (Optional)
There is a suit of tests in FIPAOS in package fipaos.test as wall as associated batch files for running the tests in <installdir>/tools the tests require the installation of the junit.jar available from

Legal Notices
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation ( This product includes software developed by the JDOM Project ( ). This product includes software developed by the Enhydra Project (

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

Chapter 2 Installation
FIPA-OS distributions starting with version 1.3.0 uses an improved installation system. The installation is divided into 2 stages: Unpacking the FIPA -OS installation into a user-selected directory . Using the FIPA-OS Configuration Wizard to customise the installation for the local environment.

Unpacking the FIPA-OS Installation

There are two types of download available from the FIPA-OS website: Self-extracting JAR file containing of FIPA-OS ZIP or TAR/GZ archive of FIPA -OS

It is recommended that the self-extracting JAR file be used if you are unfamiliar with WinZIP, tar, or FIPA-OS.

Self-extracting JAR
The self-extracting JAR file contains Java classes that take care of the process of installing FIPA-OS on your system, and starting the FIPA-OS Wizard. (NOTE: This option is currently only available for the Java 2 FIPA-OS implementation distribution). There are two mechanisms for starting the installation process: Double-click the JAR file (Windows only) this will only work if the default file-type created by the JRE installer is unchanged Type java jar FIPA_OSv2_2_0_Installer.jar at a command prompt (All operating systems)

After a short while you will be presented with a license agreem ent screen. You must agree with the license agreement to continue:

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

The installer will then prompt you for an installation location:

You may either select an existing directory, or create a new directory. In the later case, you should click the Create New Folder button and then rename the new folder as you wish. In order to select a directory it must be highlighted within the dialog box when you click Open. If the selected directory already existed, you will be prompted if you wish to backup its contents, and whether you want to delete its contents (this is recommended, since installing new versions of FIPA OS over an older version may result in unpredictable behaviour). If you select Yes, the contents of the directory will be placed into a JAR file in its parent directory. If there are any problems removing the directory or files it contains, the install process will abort. In this case simply remove the directory manually, and restart the installer. Once FIPA-OS has completed installation, the Wizard will be automatically started. In the event that it fails to start after successful installation, please follow the instructions in the ZIP/GZ Archive section of this chapter for starting the Wizard. On Unix/Linux systems, the following step may need to be carried out in order to ensure that the SH scripts provide are executable. The permissions of the files in the bat directory should be set so they are treated as executable files. This can be achieved by typing chmod -R 755 bat/* at a command prompt in the FIPA -OS installation directory.

ZIP/GZ Archive
It is recommended that FIPA-OS is NOT installed on top of an older version, since this may lead to unforeseen compatibility issues between the two versions (applies only to the ZIP/GZ archive versions of FIPA-OS only)
These archives should simply be extracted into the desired installation directory. The Wizard should then be used to correctly configure FIPA -OS. The following are step -by-step guides for various operating systems:

Windows (e.g NT and 2000)

1. 2. Download the FIPA -OS distribution ( OS/ After downloading, the distribution file (, it should be extracted using an archive tool such as WinZip into the desired installation directory.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

5 3. Once the contents of the distribution file has been extracted invoke the StartWizard.bat file which is located in the 'bat' sub-folder of the installation directory to start the Wizard. Alternatively start the StartConfig.bat file and follow the instructions in the section.

UNIX (e.g. Linux, Solaris, etc.) Instructions:

1. Download the FIPA -OS distribution ( OS/FIPA_OSv2_2_0.tar.gz ). You will need to right-click this link and select "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As...", depending on your browser, and then select a destination in which to save the file. Open a shell and 'cd' to the directory where you downloaded the distribution file. To extract the contents of the FIPA-OS distribution file type tar -xvz -fFIPA_OSv2_2_0.tar.gz. NOTE: the contents of the distribution file will be expanded in your current directory. The permissions of the files in the bat directory should be set so they are treated as executable files. This can be achieved by typing: chmod R 755 bat/* at a command prompt in the FIPA-OS installation directory. The Java 1.2 runtime must be in your path in order to complete the installation. You can add this information to your system PATH variable (if it is not already present) using the 'export' command. For example, if the JDK was installed in '/opt/software/jdk1.3.0' then typing the following command at the prompt will add this information to your PATH: export PATH=/opt/software/jdk1.2.2/bin:$PATH At the prompt, navigate to the 'bat' sub-folder of the installation directory and type: sh ./StartWizard to start the Configuration Wizard.





FIPA-OS Directory Structure

Path and filename
index.html bat\

HTML index of the distribution documentation. Start here. Directory containing distribution batch\script files (for launching Agents and configuration) Batch/script file to start FIPA-OS Security certificate key-stores for FIPA -OS agents are located here. Currently these are only used by the RMI over SSL implementation Compiled FIPA -OS core without diagnostic support. Compiled FIPA -OS core with diagnostic support. This is the default location where persistent databases will be stored by Agents Directory containing the third-party components SiRPAC and Xerces. All JAR or ZIP files in this directory are added to the classpath by SetupFIPAOS simply add third party libraries to this directory to make use of them. Directory containing all source code for the FIPA -OS Platform. Directory containing the JavaDocs describing the FIPA -OS classes Directory containing documents including tool instructions and this document. FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

bat\StartFIPAOS certificates

classes\FIPA_OSv2_2_0.jar classes\FIPA_OSv2_2_0_debug.jar databases


src\ javadocs\ docs\

Path and filename


Contains licenses referenced by the FIPA-OS code-base and associated documentation Directory containing associated tools. Directory containing Agent profiles for each of the Agents included in this distribution. Example ACL messages for various situations. Copyright Notice. Public Licence. Text file used by the installation procedure denotes build number of FIPA -OS. Do NOT delete this file.

tools \ profiles\

examples\ FIPA_OS_Copyright.txt FIPA_OS_Public_License.txt FIPA_OS_Installation_Marker.txt

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

7 The installation procedure using the installer will run the FIPAOSWizard after the install is complete.

Configuration of FIPA-OS using the Wizard

The FIPA -OS Wizard will start after installation is complete, it can also be started independently of the installation process and can be used to reconfigure the platform at any time prior to running the platform. The script/batch file (StartWizard.bat/sh) to be used to start the wizard is located in the bat directory of the installation. The Wizard in FIPA-OS has been updated and improved in v2.2.0. Functionality that was present in the Configurator has now been moved into the Wizard. There are two paths within the Wizard that can be followed, one is used for the setup of the platform . The other path will also set up the platform but also allows for the additional setup options of : Default Agent Profile (please refer to Default Agent Section for explanation of terms below) database type and location threadpool management protocol mappings Agent Loader Edit the list of agents that are available to be started by the agent loader Edit the properties of the agents available (class whether started at boot of the platform) Installation Properties Installation Location Version Whether Agent Loader is started with a GUI Debug/none debug version Screen and file debug levels Aggressive Garbage Collection Memory size which needs to be exceeded before aggressive garbage collection starts The priority of the thread that the garbage collector runs in (this should be maximum i.e. 10 but is configurable for experimentation) Free memory limit if the amount of free memory that is available ( in proportion to the total memory available in the VM ) before garbage collection is forced. The amount that the delay ( between garbage collection cycles ) is reduced by when the amount of free memory falls below 10% of the total memory. The delay between garbage collection cycles. The minimum delay between garbage collection cycles

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

8 The FIPA -OS Wizard is started using the StartWizard.bat/sh script.

Standard platform configuration can be accessed by checking the Standard Setup button. In addition advanced configuration can be accessed by checking the Custo m Setup button.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

Platform Configuration
Decide first whether the platform that is to be run will be stand alone on a single machine, distributed over more than one machine and/or to interoperate with other platforms.

Selecting the stand alone platform is the easiest way to configure a platform and clicking the next button will complete the configuration process. Configuration as part of a distributed platform and/or to interoperate with other platforms is a little more involved. The FIPA -OS platform requires a RMI naming service to be running on a machine accessible to all agents to be running as part of the platform selecting the Start platform NamingService checkbox will start the RMI naming service on the host running the wizard. The AMS and DF can be on the local machine or distributed on other machines, selecting the Start platform agents (AMS & DF) here will configure the platform agents to start within the AgentLoader automatically. The ACC is the gateway to remote platforms and can be located locally or on a remote machine. Selectingthe Start platform ACC here will start the ACC on the local machine (the ACC is only required if the platform is required to interact with other Agent Platforms. After clicking the next button you will be shown the window for configuration of the of the platform name. The name selected should be globally unique FIPA recommends the use of a fully-qualified host name (e.g.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Next you will have to give the name of the host where the platform naming service will be running. The name should be resolvable to an IP address. A name service is where agents (at the transport level ) locate other agents on the same platform. As the platform can be distributed over a number of machines a common naming service for the platform is required. This is where to specify where the name service is located and will be running. Clicking the Advanced button will show the transport configuration window

The only transport s currently supported internally by the agents (Used by Agents column) are fipaosssl-rmi and fipa-os-rmi.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

11 The transports used by the ACC for external communication to other platforms can also be configured here. T he fipaos-rmi transports can only be used by homogenous FIPAOS platforms. For communication with other vendor Agent Platforms the corbaname or http transport protocol will have to be used. NOTE: When using RMI between external FIPAOS platforms problems have been encountered between platforms running on different versions of JDK. This manifests itself as problems with serialization between the platforms. Ensure that you are using the same version of the JDK or use a different external transport protocol (http or corbaname).

Default Agent Profile Setup

This screen allows for setup of: database type and location threadpool management protocol mappings

Agent Databases
There are three options for database type NoDatabase, Memory ( no persistent storage only what is in memory care should be taken here as problems can occur when a platform is configured with memory database as all conversations current or otherwise will be stored in memory, this can be large and can cause failure due to lack of memory within a system ) and Serializable( persistent storage on hard drive all finished conversations are archived to disc as well as any agent specific databases such as the DF and AMS agent registration databases ). The location of the persistent database can also be specified.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Thread pool management

It is possible to specify whether the agents started by the agent loader share a global threadpool for Task Management or whether each agents Task manager has its own thread pool and the number of threads that can be allocated for the local Task Manager thread pool.

Protocol Mappings
It is possible here to specify the mapping between message protocols and the concrete implementations of protocols that the platform should use.

Agent Loader Configuration

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


This screen enables the editing of the list of agents that will be available in the Agent Loader, the agent name the class which will be instantiated and whether is started automatically when the platform is booted.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Editing the FIPA-OS Properties

This screen enables the configuration of the file. The locations of the installation and profiles, the version ( maps to the jar which will be used ) whether the Agent Loader is started with a GUI, whether debug is required and the levels of debug sent to file and stored in memory ( for display to the screen ).

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Aggressive Garbage collection

Aggressive garbage collection is experimental and can be enabled/ disabled. This screen allows the setting of: The memory size which needs to be exceeded before aggressive garbage collection starts. The priority of the thread that the garbage collector runs in (this should be maximum i.e. 10 but is configurable for experimentation). Free memory limit if the amount of free memory that is available ( in proportion to the total memory available in the VM ) before garbage collection is forced. The amount that the delay ( between garbage collection cycles ) is reduced by when the amount of free memory falls below 10% of the total memory. The delay between garbage collection cycles. The minimum delay between garbage collection cycles , this will stop the reduction of the time delay to below a level so that it allows the running of lower priority threads.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Configuration of Other FIPA-OS Components

Naming Service Batch/Script Files
It may be necessary to modify the StartSUNCORBANamingService and StartRMINamingService or StartFIPAOS script or batch files to start the NSs on the correct ports if your are not using the Wizard to configure your FIPA-OS installation. On the hosts which will run the NSs, open these batch/script files, and modify the port number used by the NSs. For the StartRMINamingService bat/script, change: java -jar FIPAOSClassLoader.jar fipaos.mts.rmi.internal.ns.RMIAgentNamingServiceImpl 3000 so that the value given (in this case 3000) matches the port to be used by the. For the StartSUNCORBANamingService bat/script change: tnameserv -ORBInitialPort 4000 so that the value given (in this case 4000) matches the port to be used by the NS. The Configuration Wizard will automatically configure StartFIPAOS based upon your selections in this event you dont need to modify these files . See [4] for more details.

Set-up of RMI over SSL

The RMI over SSL transport of FIPA-OS utilizes the Java Secure Sockets Extension and Suns reference implementation of SSL. Quick Start FIPA-OS comes pre-configured to use SSL all that you have to do is: Select the fipaos-ssl-rmi protocol for use by your Agents Install the JARs provided as part of JSSE into the FIPA -OS imports directory they will then be automatically added to the classpath.

FIPA-OS will take care of the rest. NOTE: In this scenario, youll be using the certificates that ship as part of FIPA -OS to authenticate SSL connections. Since this certificate is available publicly and the private key is easily accessible, you should use these keys for testing purposes only. How the keystores are used by FIPA-OS Keystores used by FIPA-OS include: certificates/agent_keys Certificates used by an Agent to authenticate itself when sending/receiving a message should be added to this keystore. certificates/trusted_keys Certificates that are used by trusted agents should be placed here. An SSL exception is generated if an SSL connection is made to an Agent that doesnt have any trusted certificates (defined in their agent_keys file).

By default, the password for these keystores is set to changeme it is recommended that these are changed if the keystores are on a non-secure medium. If the passwords are changed from the default value, the new passwords should be passed into VMs using the RMI over SSL using the following Java properties: fipaos.agent_keys.pass

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

17 Password for the agent_keys keystore fipaos.trusted_keys.pass Password for the trusted_keys keystore

E.g. if the password for the agent_keys file were changed to newpass, Dfipaos.agent_keys,pass=newpass should be added as an option to the Java command Advanced Configuration In order to improve the security of the system, you should add your own certificate to the agent_keys keystore, and delete the existing key. You should also add your certificate to the trusted_keys keystore and delete the existing key. The keystores are in standard Java KeyStore format, and can be manipulated using the keytool program that comes with the JDK/JRE. To delete the default certificates from the keystore: C:\FIPAOSv200\certificates> keytool -delete -alias fipaos-agent -keystore agent_keys Enter keystore password: changeme C:\FIPAOSv200\certificates> keytool -delete -alias fipaos-agent -keystore trusted_keys Enter keystore password: changeme Then generate your own certificate, type the following and response appropriately : C:\FIPAOSv200\certificates> keytool -genkey -alias fipaos-agent -keystore agent_keys Enter keystore password: changeme What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: FIPA -OS Agent Key What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]: Software Development What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: BigOrg What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: Harlow What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: Essex What is the two-letter country code for this unit? [Unknown]: UK Is <CN=FIPA-OS Agent Key, OU=Software Development, O=BigOrg, L=Harlow, ST=Essex, C=UK> correct? [no]: yes Enter key password for <fipaos-agent> (RETURN if same as keystore password): The next step self-certifies your certificate, although you may wish to be certified by a certification authority such as VeriSign please see the Java KeyTool documentation for more information: C:\FIPAOSv200\certificates> keytool -selfcert -alias fipaos-agent -keystore agent_keys Enter keystore password: changeme The newly created certificate needs to be added to the trusted_keys keystore it must be exported from agent_keys , and imported into trusted_keys : C:\FIPAOSv200\certificates> keytool -export -alias fipaos-agent -keystore agent_keys -file key FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

18 Enter keystore password: changeme Certificate stored in file <key> C:\FIPAOSv200\certificates> keytool -import -alias fipaos-agent -keystore trusted_keys file key Enter keystore password: changeme Owner: CN=FIPA-OS Agent Key, OU=Software Development, O=BigOrg, L=Harlow, ST=Essex, C=UK Issuer: CN=FIPA-OS Agent Key, OU=Software Development, O=BigOrg, L=Harlow, ST=Essex, C=UK Serial number: 3aa50a0f Valid from: Tue Mar 06 16:02:23 GMT 2001 until: Mon Jun 04 16:02:23 GMT 2001 Certificate fingerprints: MD5: 5C:15:B8:2C:D4:0E:CA:76:D5:A5:4E:54:D2:34:CF:72 SHA1: C3:AE:58:D4:92:E8:B7:60:00:EE:EB:F2:78:9E:35:EF:3D:2A:0A:4E Trust this certificate? [no]: yes Certificate was added to keystore Your new certificate has now been added, and can be used by the JSSE SSL API to authenticate connections.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Chapter 3 Using the FIPA-OS Agent Platform

To start the FIPA Agent Platform, FIPA-OS must first be installed and configured as described in Chapter 1. In addition to the platform configuration it is suggested that the autoexec.bat (or equivalent Unix script such as .cshrc) path environment variable is set to include the path of the \FIPA-OS\Bat\ directory.

Starting the Platform Agents (AMS, DF)

An Agent Loader is included in the distribution, which allows for arbitrary agents to be loaded into the same VM. One VM is used by each instance of the Agent Loader. The Agent Loader enables the Platform Agents to be started and any other arbitrary agent as required. The Agent Loader supports additional functionality, which enables agents to be shut down via a GUI. Agents requiring Agent Loader start-up support have to be written using a constructor with three parameters, e.g:
public MyAgent(String platform_profile_location, String name, String owner)

FIPA Reference Model

The FIPA reference model shown below illustrates the core components of the FIPA-OS distribution. The agent reference model provides the normative framework within which FIPA Agents exist and operate. Combined with the Agent Life cycle, it establishes the logical and temporal contexts for the creation, operation and retirement of Agents.
FIPA-OS Agent Framework



MTS Internal MTP's ACC External MTP's

The Directory Facilitator (DF) and Agent Management System (AMS) are specific types of agents, which support agent management, and the Agent Communication Channel (ACC) is a lower-level entity that is part of the MTS (Message Transport Service). The DF provides "yellow pages" services to other agents. The AMS provides platform management functionality, such as monitoring Agent lifecycles and ensuring correct behaviour of entities within, and upon, the platform. The ACC supports interoperability both within and across different platforms; therefore, it is viewed as a component of the M T S. The MTS provides a message routing service for agents on a particular platform . Such Agents must be reliable, orderly and adhere to the requirements specified in the FIPA MTS Specification [1]. The AMS, MTS and DF form what will be termed the Agent Platform (AP). These are mandatory, normative components of the model. For further information on the FIPA Agent Platform see the FIPA Agent Management Specification [2]. FIPA-OS handles the initial bootstrapping required to enable agents on multiple, potentially heterogeneous, FIPA Agent Platforms to interoperate via the use of a web server. The ACC included in FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

20 the current FIPA -OS distribution uses the web servers that it knows about (as configured in its agent profile) to obtain the required M T P (Message Transport Protocol) addresses for the initial platforms with which it requires interoperability. The interaction with the web servers is performed at start-up only and not when each message is routed to a remote Agent Platform. In the situation where the ACC has to be restarted it uses an inform message to notify all known ACCs of its new MTP addresses . Likewise, the ACC assumes that remote ACCs will notify it of their new MTP addresses should they be changed due to them being re-initialised. See [4] for more detail/examples.

Starting the Agent Platform using the Agent Loader

It is recommended that the Agent Loader be used to start all agents. T his enables agents to be managed by a human user as required. Use of the Agent Loader is consistent with starting agents using the batch files or Unix scripts, but has the added advantage of a visual tool to control the lifecycle of the agents at run-time. To start the Agent Loader (plus naming services and ACC, dependant upon your configuration) use: C:\ >StartFIPAOS This will result in the Agents that have been specified in the loader.profile (see profile section) being started and a loader GUI being displayed. This will show the Agents that are running as a list on the left-hand side of the window, and a list of ready-to-start Agents on the right:

To start an Agent (or multiple Agents), select the Agent(s) from the list on the right, and press the Start button. To shutdown an agent (or multiple Agents), select the Agent(s) from the list on the left and click the shutdown button. To start a previously undefined Agent, select Start other, a dialog window will be displayed:

Enter or select the name of the Agent to start and the class to use for the Agent. Then select Start Agent to attempt to start the Agent.

Starting the ACC

If youve used the Wizard to configure FIPA-OS, the ACC will automatically start when you execute StartFIPAOS.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

21 In the event that your are not using the Wizard or StartFIPAOS script, you should use either the StartACC.bat batch file (for Windows installations) or StartACC shell script (for UNIX installations) in order to run the ACC for the platform. The ACC requires the naming services for the MTPs it is using to be started (where appropriate) before it starts. The ACC is only required when interoperating with other FIPA compliant Agent platforms.

Testing the Platform Agents (AMS, DF)

The FIPA -OS build includes an IOTestAgent, which enables ACL messages to be manually composed and sent, such that the functionality of the FIPA Platform Agents (described in the FIPA Reference Model) can be demonstrated. These tests are intended to illustrate the correct functionality of the FIPA Platform Agents, but assume that the user has a working knowledge of how the Platform Agents should be used and the associated FIPA communication protocols.

Testing the AMS

To test the functionality of the AMS, the AMS must first be configured and initiated as per the instructions in chapters 1 and 2. The IOTestAgent can be launched from the AgentLoader, and the default loader.profile file provided is configured to enable this. When the IOTestAgent starts up a GUI will be created. Choose File\Load from the IOTestAgent GUI to load one of the selection of example ACL test scripts, which have been included in this distribution. The table below lists the scripts, which can be used by the IOTestAgent for communication with the AMS.

File Name
amsregister.txt amsmodify.txt amsderegister.txt

Use of messages between IOTestAgent and AMS

Register the IOTestAgent with the AMS Modify the state of the IOTestAgent from active to suspended Deregister the IOTestAgent

Once a script has been loaded into the GUI, the Agent IDs should be modified to reflect the actual names of the agents for the specific configuration of the Agent Platform being used. Alternatively, the scripts can be edited using a text editor. The test scripts in this FIPA-OS distribution contain agent IDs with names of the form 'iotestagent@ localhst . To send a test message to the AMS, the send on the IOTestAgent GUI should be selected. Upon receipt of the test message the AMS will act upon it and respond to the IOTestAgent, which will display the message received in the IOTestAgent GUI. Correct operation will result in a message of the form inform(done) being received by the IOTestAgent from the AMS. For a further explanation of the operation of the AMS see [2].

Testing the DF
To test the functionality of the DF, the DF must first be configured and initiated as per the instructions in chapters 1 and 2. The IOTestAgent must be configured and used as described in the Testing the AMS section. The table below lists the scripts, which can be used by the IOTestAgent for communication with the DF.

File Name
dfregister.txt dfmodify.txt dfsearch.txt dfderegister.txt

Use of messages between IOTestAgent and DF

Register the IOTestAgent with the default DF Modify state of the IOTestAgent with the default DF Search the default DF for the IOTestAgent De-register the IOTestAgent from the default DF

Once a script has been loaded into the G UI, the Agent IDs should be modified to reflect the actual names of the agents for the specific configuration of the Agent Platform being used. Alternatively, the scripts can be edited using a text editor. To send a test message to the DF, the send on the

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

22 IOTestAgent GUI should be selected. Upon receipt of the test message the DF will act upon it and respond to the IOTestAgent, which will display the message received in the IOTestAgent GUI.

DF Cross Registration GUI

When the DF starts, it creates a GUI to enable registration of the DF with other DFs and vice-versa. This enables federated searches to be propagated by and to the DF. The GUI is only accessible by activating the DF (this is achieved by double-clicking on the name of a DF agent in the Started Agents list of the AgentLoader).

Simply enter the name (NOT the entire AID) of the remote DF into the text -field and either: Click Register this DF with Remote DF to send a DF registration to the DF specified containing details of the DF the GUI is attached to (see GUI title-bar). If this is successful, the name of the remote DF will appear in the list area above the text -field. Click Add Remote DF to directory to add an appropriate DF description for the specified DF to the directory maintained by the DF the GUI is attached to (see GUI title-bar). This step is immediate the result will be shown in the status area only (bottom of the window)

It is envisaged that the DF GUI will eventually acquire this functionality, however some trust-model needs to be developed so that not just any arbitrary Agent can request that the DF registers with another DF (given the constraint that only the DF has the ability to register itself with another DF).

Swing DF GUI Interface Agent

Swing DF GUI interface agent 3 is an agent that will give a user a way to interact with DFs. Currently, Swing DF GUI supports following: Subscribing to a homeplatform FIPA -OS DFs, so that the GUI will always show all the agents registered on those DFs. Querying remote FIPA-OS DFs the information will be updated when Refresh is invoked. Viewing agents DF agent descriptions.

Using the Swing DFGUI

Swing DF GUI can be started from the agent loader, and will start by subscribing to the platforms default DF, all other DFs in the platform will have to be subscribed to manually. Figure 1 shows the GUI that has subscribed to platforms default DF that has two agents registered with it.

Interface agent in this case means that despite agent properties like ACL communication, the agent doesnt offer services to any agents only the user. FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Figure 1: Swing DF GUI When monitoring only home platform (the platform the GUI has been started from), there is no need to refresh the GUI, the subscribed DFs will send updates when agents register and deregister. To add other DFs to the list (its possible to monitor remote platform DFs as well), select FIPA-OS from the list and either use context sensitive popup menu or menu File -> Add DF. Figure 2 shows the dialog where the user can specify the DF to be added, either by typing the Agent ID or load it from a file. Usually its enough to specify just the name for the DF, but if dealing with inter-platform communication refer to the Inter-platform Communication Guide [4] it may be necessary to specify a transport address to reach the DF.

Figure 2: Adding a new DF Its also possible to view agents DF agent description, by selecting an agent from the list and then either using context sensitive popup menu or menu DF Functionality -> View. Figure 3 shows the dialog. FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Figure 3: View DF agent description

User Constructed Agents

In addition to the mandatory components of the FIPA Reference Model, the FIPA -OS distribution includes an Agent Shell. This is an empty template for an agent. Multiple agents can be implemented, using the Agent Shell as a template; these agents can then communicate with each other using the FIPA-OS support facilities.

Agent Shell
All agents in the FIPA-OS distribution extend the FIPAOSAgent class (part of the fipaos.agent package). For an example of an agent, see, which is a very basic agent that can send and receive ACL messages. The internal structure of an agent is not specified and is left to the individual agent designer. For further examples of how the agent shell, FIPAOSAgent can be extended to build agent s the following object model is included to illustrate how the platform agents (AMS and DF) have been constructed by inheriting and extending the agent shell, FIPAOSAgent . For more information about the Agent Shell please see the Chapter 2, Agent Shell (FIPAOSAgent) section in the FIPA-OS developers guide available from: .

Using JESS Agent

JessAgent is a special Agent Shell that incorporates the reasoning abilities provided by JESS (Java Expert System Shell). To utilise this agent you must first download and install JESS from The required distribution file (version 5.0) can be found by selecting the "downloads" option.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

25 The best way to use the FIPA -OS JessAgent is to compile the JESS distribution and create a jar file as described here: 1. Download and extract JESS, then cd into the JESS root directory and at a command prompt type: C:\ > javac -d <yourdirectory> jess/*.java jess/awt/*.java jess/factory/*.java jess/examples/*/*.java Here yourdirectory is the directory into which you want to compile. 2. Then cd into the yourdirectory and type: C:\ > jar cvf jess.jar *.class

This should give you a jar file of all the classes. 3. Copy this jar file into the imports directory of FIPA -OS. Also, copy the file scriptlib.clp from the JESS distribution into your /imports/kb directory. This is important because this file is a JESS knowledge base that the jess.jar will use when your instantiate the engine using the jar.

Once these steps have been completed it is possible to use the JessAgent within FIPA -OS. For information writing an agent with JESS capabilities, look at FIPA-OS Tutorial step five JESS Agent (available separately ). The JESS Agent needs to be extended and this tutorial shows you how.

Agent Development Tutorials

A growing number of tutorials to aid developers in constructing custom agents using the FIPA -OS toolkit can be found in a separate download, available via the FIPA -OS website ( Documentation describing these tutorials can be found within the docs directory of the tutorial archive.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Chapter 4 Updating FIPA-OS Sharing Updates with FIPA-OS Users

Developers using FIPA -OS are encouraged to provide extensions, bug fixes and feedback to help improve the planned future releases. All such input should be contributed to the Open Source project via the SourceForge site at You are required to register as a developer to access some of the services at the SourceForge site. General issues and thoughts can be discussed via the FIPA-OS mailing list on although you must register at before you can send and receive messages. There are also mailing lists for contributions (submit any contributions via this list) and cvs updates (mails are sent to this list whenever the cvs repository is updated), subscription is via a web interface accessible from You are advised to read about the contribution process before starting on any work to be contributed. Documentation for the contribution process is available online accessible from An archive of the messages sent to these list can be viewed from the FIPA-OS site. Should you experience difficulties using this list, then please contact the FIPA -OS co-ordinators at Please consult the FIPA_OS_Public_Licence.txt file for further details on the requirements for using, extending and evolving FIPA -OS.

FIPA-OS Packages
FIPA-OS has been packaged to ensure that the structure is understandable, logical, and effective. Each package has a specific purpose. Correct use of the packages will result in more understandable code, and a more logical distribution of classes and source code. The intended use of each package is as follows: fipaos.agent The agent package is used exclusively for any mandatory components of an agent. For example, the Conversation Factory, Task Manager etc. Classes that form a large component should be grouped into a sub-package as seems most logical and appropriate (e.g. The Task Manager is placed in fipaos.agent.task). Classes in this package are required to run the platform. fipaos.mts This package is for the communications and transport classes of the platform. Classes exclusively of this type should be put into this package as appropriate (see existing package structure for guidance). Developers not working on the MTS/MTP classes should not need to use this package. Classes in this package are required to run the platform. fipaos.ont The ont package is for ontology specific classes. If a class belongs to an ontology component then it should be placed in a sub-package named after the ontology that it applies to. For example, the fipaagent-management ontology classes are in fipaos.ont.fipaman. Classes in these sub-packages are required to run any components of the platform that use the specific ontology in the sub-package. Classes in the ont package (but not in a sub-package) and the ont.fipaman package are required to run the platform.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

27 fipaos.ont.fipa This package is for FIPA specific classes. Any classes that define or handle FIPA specific data or objects should be placed in this package. Classes in this package are required to run the platform. fipaos.parser The parser package is for classes that form language specific parsers. Parser components should be in sub-packages named by the language that they apply to. Classes in this package are required to run the platform. fipaos.platform The platform package is for platform specific classes that are not agent components. This includes platform agent classes. Classes in this package are required to run the platform. fipaos.skill The skill package is used for optional agent components that can be plugged-in to the agent to provide it with a specific skill. For example, database access is a sub-package of the skill package. Classes in this package are not required to run the platform in general, although any platform agents that use specific skills will introduce a requirement for those specific skill classes. fipaos.tool The tools package is for platform and agent level tools that are not required for the use of the platform. This includes such tools as testing harnesses, information tools etc. fipaos.util The util package is used for agent classes that are not mandatory for use in an agent, but are provided as helper classes that are not application specific, and are not part of a skill component. Classes in the util package are required for correct operation of the platform. Examples of util classes are UTC time handlers and diagnostics output handlers.

How do I know which package to use?

If you have a class that does not appear to belong to any of these packages then follow this checklist: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Is the class specific to one of the package types (e.g. is it a mandatory agent component etc)? If yes, then package the class in the appropriate specific package. Is the class related to any existing classes? If yes, then package it with those classes. Is the class a non-mandatory helper class that does not form part of a larger package? If yes, then package it in fipaos.util. Is the class part of a new optional component? If yes, then package it with the other classes that make up the new component in fipaos.skill. component-name. Is the class really necessary? If yes, then make a judgement as to its best package location.

FIPA-OS Release Types

FIPA-OS version numbers are intended to reflect development of the platform. There are four types o f release that can occur with FIPA-OS based on development. These are: Bug-fix release New features release Major release

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

28 The bug fix release is a properly built and packaged public release that only includes fixes and workarounds for known bugs. This will use the installer. The new features release is a properly built and packaged public release that includes new features that have previously not been included in an external release of the platform. This type of release may or may not include bug fixes. This will use the installer. The major release is a properly built and package public release that API in a way that affects external agent developers. This may be a bug fixes, but these in themselves are not sufficient to warrant major releases would be a change in the core agent development API that agent code, or a complete redesign of the whole platform. requires changes to the FIPA -OS combination of new features and release status. Examples of major requires large changes to existing

FIPA-OS Version Numbers

FIPA-OS has four components to its version number. These are: Major version (integer) Minor version (integer) Bug-fix version (integer)

These are represented in the following format: major.minor.bug-fix For example, 1.0.3 denoted version 1 of the platform with no minor functionality updates and three bug fix releases. Along with the version number of the platform, every release or build also has a build number. This denotes which physical build of the platform is being used. This number is updated every time the build process is run, even if that build is never used. The build number is only reset to zero when the major version number of the platform changes. This build number is not used as part of the FIPA-OS version number, but it should be included in the platform documentation. This build number can then be used to easily distinguish different versions of the platform in use by third parties.

Compiling FIPA-OS Source Code

We generally recommend compiling FIPA-OS code and Agents within an IDE , which will recompile parts of FIPA -OS when modified automatically. However, an ANT script [5] is included ( build.xml ) which will attempt to compile all of the FIPA-OS source code using the JARs/ZIPs in the imports directory into the classes directory. Configuring ANT to enable this is beyond the scope of this document.

Obtaining the Latest FIPA-OS Source Code

The FIPA -OS source code is stored using a publicly visible CVS server located at the SourceForge site (as of January 2001), enabling FIPA-OS developers to monitor and obtain the latest updates to FIPAOS as soon as they have been made. Details of how to access our CVS repository can be found at Due to the nature of the code checked into the repository, there is absolutely no guarantee that any particular source file will work as expected, or even compile (work-in-progress code will most likely be checked into CVS as well as fully-tested code), or that the most up to date versions of any two source files will work together as expected. However, using the tagging capability of CVS, particular builds of FIPA-OS can be checked out that match the content of a particular distribution (see for details of the tags used), or particular groups of updated files that work together and form a patch for a particular build will be available (as announced on the FIPA -OS mailing list). FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Obtaining the Latest/Interim Build of FIPA-OS

The latest tagged version of FIPA -OS is automatically built every 24 hrs. This version is available to download from The latest build is generally work in progress and therefore may not be fully tested. Please report any bugs and problems on the fipaos developers mailing list It is also possible to build the source on your local machine. You will need to checkout the build directory from the FIPA -OS sourceforge cvs repository. There is a readme file within the directory with some brief instructions on how to go about building the distribution.

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


Chapter 5 Junit Tests

There is a suit of tests in FIPA -OS in package fipaos.test as well as associated batch files for running the tests in <installdir>/tools the tests require the installation of the junit.jar available from

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

31 Chapter 6

Current Issues and Future Plans

This section describes the current issues and bugs associated with the build of FIPA -OS. Further, the section includes plans for addressing these known issues and plans for additional features expected to be included in future releases. All issues are numbered uniquely relating the issue to a build version. Each number relates to the Bug ID that was allocated to it on the sourceforge site

Current Issues
Below is a list of known issues with FIPA-OS. The most up to date version of the list can be found at A brief description is provided, for more details follow the link provided above. Bug ID 2 07167 ACL Messages received out of order / protocol exception 212099 The ACC does not authenticate the sending agent 213224 Modify profiles to reference FIPA-NET at IC 214587 Agents don't get garbage collected 230060 DFAgentDescription inconsistancies 230141 ConversationManager and performative not set 230480 CM doesn't deal with "reply -to" field at all! 230584 CM expects a single performative as start of Conversation 2 33572 RMI NS failure after prolonged usage 413410 TaskGenerator enters license incorrectly 413413 TaskGenerator help information missing 420491 Non -debug JAR's cause Agents to fail 430260 StartFIPAOS fails on Win9x 438261 FIPAAuctionEnglish and TaskGenerator 454508 Vague error messages in Wizard 454511 Remote test platform unavailable 491554 env variables not set

Future Plans
The following improvements and bug fixes are planned for the future.

Improve the API provided to access profile information and allow Agents to re-write their profiles.

Agent Naming convention

The ACL parser will be updated to allow agent names containing the underscore character to pass through the ACL parsing process.

The parser factory will be updated so that alternative ACL encoding means will be supported, such as XML. FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

32 Provide an optional MTP utilising the Java Messaging Service.

Future versions of FIPA-OS will hope to include an improved AgentLoader GUI, which is more user friendly and provide control over more than just the Agents in one JVM. The FIPAOSAgent constructor will be standardised so that the Agent Loader can be used to start all agents consistently. Add support to enable the list of agents loaded using the GUI to be reflected in the Agent Loader profile.

The ACC will be modified so that it authenticates the sending agent with the AMS of its home platform before forwarding a message.

Update the DFGUI & DF to enable modification of the contents of the DF Allow the DFGUI to instruct the DF of a remote DF to register with

Improved Agent Management GUI.

Data Binding
Generalise XML data-binding implementation

Knowledge Base
Abstract knowledge base interface integrated at agent level with factory implementations to allow integration of different technologies for building and accessing knowledge bases

Task Manager
Decoupling of TaskManager and ConversationManager to enable more generic reuse of Task based development system

It is intended that an FAQ will be made available from the FIPA-OS SourceForge covering installation/runtime problems associated with FIPA -OS in the near future

FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes


[1] FIPA Agent Message Transport Service Specification (XC00067C). August 2000 FIPA Agent Management Specification (XC00023F). July 2000 S.Willmott. B. Faltings, M.Calisti, S. Macho-Gonzalez, O. Belakhdar and M. Torrens Constraint Choice Language (CCL), Language Specification v2.01. FIPA-OS Inter-platform Communication Configuration Guide October 2000 ANT Website





FIPA-OS V2.2.0 Distribution Notes

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