Long-Term Finance Policy Is Depending On Few Factors That Are Describe Below

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Long-Term finance policy is depending on few factors that are describe belowIntroduction:

Housing not only provides physical shelter but also has significant impact on the lives of the dwellers in terms of skills enhancement, income generation, increased security, health, selfconfidence and human dignity. Housing finance development, therefore, plays a role in boosting equitable economic growth and reducing poverty through helping households build assets, improving living conditions, empowering the middle- and lower-income population, and strengthening communities. Despite its considerable economic and social potential, Housing finance remains underdeveloped in Bangladesh. The House Building Finance Corporation (HBFC), which has traditionally dominated the housing finance sector, is now a Declining player, in part because of decreasing government support, and in part because of its history of operational ineffectiveness. In its place, domestic and international commercial banks and a few new specialized institutions have entered the market, and have a significant potential for growth. It is desirable to promote growth in home financing to a wider population group at lower cost. The government of Bangladesh recognises the importance of the housing sector and its potential to contribute to long-term economic development. Accordingly, it has taken steps to address present weaknesses and encourage the development of a more stable and vibrant housing sector. The present study builds on these efforts and attempts to formulate recommendations for improving access to housing credit for various groups of presently underserved urban and rural households.

2. The economic context of Bangladesh

Bangladesh faces continuous challenges in maintaining economic stability, improving public sector efficiency and inducing economic growth sufficient to alleviate the desperate poverty of a large segment of the population. This section briefly reviews current trends in the economic and financial environment with particular reference to the housing sector. Since the 1980s, Bangladesh has moved towards establishing a liberal market-based and private sector driven economy. Prudent macro-economic and fiscal policies have resulted in

the highest foreign reserve in decades, increased GDP and a boost to the value of the taka compared to other currencies in the region. It appears that the economic turmoil in East Asia has had only a small impact on Bangladesh. The economy has been diversifying. The agricultural sector, which provided 62% of GDP in 1975, presently accounts for roughly 30% of GDP. The services sector is the largest and fastest growing, contributing 50% of GDP and growing at a rate of 6.5% during 1996. Housing services have remained at 7% of GDP in constant prices. By far the largest export 1 General Manager, Foreign Exchange Policy Department, Bangladesh Bank. 98 IFC Bulletin No 31 product is garments. The garment industry has seen an unprecedented increase during the last decade, employing an increasing proportion of the labour force, of which female workers are the majority. Inflation has increased in recent years, but remained modest. However, in February 2008, the year-on-year rate was 8.1%, while in previous years it had declined steadily to below 5%. Housing costs have risen faster than the overall CPI. The Government of Bangladesh has contained spending by downwards adjustment of its Annual Development Programme (ADP). Unfortunately, the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of programming and implementing the ADP is considered inadequate across sectors, including the housing sector. Allocation to the housing sector is approximately 5 to 6% of the ADP. Access to housing finance is a critical bottleneck for the majority of the population in developing countries. The lack of available and accessible housing finance has been identified by the Government of Bangladesh as one of the important hurdles in improving housing conditions for middle- and lower-income households. Although several potential sources of housing finance for mid- and high-income consumers exist, most of the low-income families needs are still unmet. Different tiers of the housing market: The residential housing sector of Bangladesh is characterised by a three-tier market. First are those households with the highest disposable income (less than 3% of the housing market), who are able to afford high-quality housing in fully serviced neighbourhoods, and able to utilize bank financing or specialized housing finance institutions. The second tier is the relatively narrow stratum of middle-income households (representing 12 to 15 % of the

housing market), who are the main users of specialised housing financial institutions such as Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation (BHBFC). This group is the major beneficiary of available public subsidies and is composed predominantly of public servants and wage/salary earners of large private companies and public sector corporations. The third and largest of the tiers is low-income households, for which housing is provided largely by the private sector, often under illegal and unsatisfactory site conditions.

3. Housing conditions in Bangladesh

The poor economic situation and income inequality in the country is reflected in the quality of the housing stock. It was estimated that close to half of all housing units in the country were Made of temporary materials and needed replacement within a one- to five-year period. Approximately one third of all houses in urban areas were constructed outside of the formal regulatory system, mostly on land to which the homeowner does not have a formal title. Table I shows some characteristics of the housing sector compiled from different studies conducted by the Centre for Urban Studies. Tragically, the recent floods have destroyed more than 900,000 houses, mostly in rural areas, and another 1.3 million houses were seriously damaged. Of course, most of the houses affected were in the low-income category. The only detailed figures on the type of housing in urban areas are available for Dhaka. Although the data are old, the situation has not changed much for the better and it is, therefore, still relevant to provide a broad picture of the urban housing conditions. The higher and middle-income groups are housed in either low-rise single-family houses, or, increasingly, in multifamily apartment buildings. The lower-income households, approximately 70% of the urban households, are housed in a variety of house types that can be described as follows: IFC Bulletin No 31 99 Approximately half of the low-income housing units are in bustees, informal settlements areas that include both private rental and private ownership housing, built on either privately owned land or illegally occupied public land. Conventional tenement slums (rental and owner occupied) take up another quarter of the low-income sector. Overcrowding in these buildings has increased over the last years due to an influx of rural migrants to work in the expanding garment

industry. Other categories of low-income housing include: government-provided squatter resettlement camps, plots of land with basic services that are provided on a leasehold basis; employee housing consisting mostly of small apartments in high-rise complexes provided by the government; squatters who have built makeshift houses on illegally occupied public or private land; and pavement dwellers. Table 1 Housing sector characteristics of Bangladesh 2006 Total number of dwelling units: Bangladesh 25,020,489 Rural 18,474,566 Urban 6,545,923 Per capita floor space: Bangladesh 54.9 square feet Rural 53.5 square feet Urban 62.3 square feet Occupancy level in 2006: 5.48 people/dwelling unit Access to clean water: Rural 78% Urban 42% Source: Centre for Urban Studies. Housing production Suppliers of housing are the public sector, and the formal and informal private sector, including owner-households and NGOs. Rural housing Housing in the rural areas is mostly produced incrementally by owner households. While most owners build on their own or rented land, informal occupation and squatting are increasing in rural areas. The Grameen Bank pioneered a housing loan programme that provided basic building materials for a simple new house for which repayment could take place over a 15-year period. Other NGOs have followed this example, with shorter payment

periods and a total of approximately 700,000 housing units have been constructed using microfinance facilities from the time these programmes were put in place in the 1970s. 100 IFC Bulletin No 31 After the Liberation, the then government inaugurated a programme to rehabilitate the poor and the homeless in a number of Guscho Gram (cluster villages). Later, various governments developed different programmes to support the rural landless and homeless people. Sheikh Hasinas government initiated programmes like Asrayon (shelter), Gharey Phera (return home) and Ekti Bari Ekti Khamar (one homestead, one farm). Grihayan Tahbil (housing fund), administered by the Prime Ministers Office, provides low-cost funds to NGOs and private sector developers for the construction of houses for low- to moderate-income group people. Urban housing Because of the scarcity and high cost of buildable land in the large urban areas, most new formal sector residential construction in Dhaka and some other large urban areas has, over the last few decades, been in the form of multifamily units. In small towns single-family units prevail. The public sector. Several public agencies are, or have been involved in the financing and development of housing and residential infrastructure projects: the Housing and Settlement Directorate (HSD) and Public Works Department of the Ministry of Housing and Public Works; the Local Government Engineering Department of the MLGRDC; and the City Corporations of the four larger cities. Their funds come mostly from foreign aid and to a lesser extent from national revenues. Both City Corporations and the central government are developing residential subdivisions for lease to upper- and upper-middle income households, and resettlement programmes and site-and-services schemes for lower- to middle-income groups. The tenant purchase and sales projects require large down payments (25 to 30%) and a small number of annual payments. Arrears are a major problem with all government projects. In addition, it has always been difficult to reach lower-income households with the site-and-services projects and the size of the combined public housing programmes has remained extremely small in relation to housing requirements and new construction. Altogether the public sector has only produced approximately 12% of total urban residential land and housing requirements (not more than 6,000 units per annum) over the past few

years. Non-governmental sector. The NGO sector has only been marginally involved in urban housing. The discrepancy between urban land and house prices, and incomes of the belowmedian income groups has made sustainable housing solutions difficult to conceive for this income group. Recently, the larger microfinance institutions have shown an interest in entering the multifamily residential market for moderate and lower-income households. Proshika and BRAC have plans to invest in large-scale low-and moderate-income housing developments 30 to 40 km outside Dhaka. Some projects will receive free government land. The plan is to develop hostel-type rental housing for urban workers and small low-cost family apartments for tenant-purchase. The NGOs have access to international funds, which they complement by borrowing and other income sources. Their cheap sources of funds make it possible for them to make long-term investments in social housing. None of these plans, however, has been implemented as yet. The formal private and cooperative development sector. Private developers are increasingly important players in the urban land and housing markets, particularly in the market for apartment buildings. They operate as individuals or as businesses under the Companies Act, or form a housing cooperative and jointly develop a housing project partly for owner-occupation and partly for rental or sale. Interestingly, private developers feel that the higher-income apartment market is becoming saturated and they attempt to move downmarket. The most serious constraint in doing so is the lack of mortgage financing. Finding accessible and affordable land for middle-income housing construction is another challenge, particularly in Dhaka. One of the largest developers in Dhaka felt, however, that there was sufficient land available for the foreseeable future, but the lack of long-term finance for IFC Bulletin No 31 101 middle-income households would prevent them from expanding a middle-income line of housing production. Infrastructure provision is the third main concern hindering private sector production of middle-income houses. Services and infrastructure are the responsibility of the City Corporations and priority is given to their own land developments. It can take a long time for road networks and other services to be installed in new developments. The formal or semi-formal individual homeowner construction sector. This is by far the largest housing supply system in all but the main metropolitan areas. Households acquire

land, mostly on a freehold basis, and gradually construct their house with or without official approval of plans. Only a small proportion of households access housing finance. Informal private rental housing sector. Landowners in urban areas construct high-density, low-rise housing units for rental, without adequate services, either for individual households or for group living (mess housing). Squatting. People building makeshift houses on public or private land or squat in buildings. Sources of housing financing in Bangladesh Besides the state-owned BHBFC, other sources of housing finance currently available in Bangladesh are commercial banks, employee loans, life insurance policies, and informal means. In the rural sector, the housing cooperatives are the major providers of housing finance. Recent survey of homeowners of newly constructed houses showed that the most important source of housing finance was household savings (more than one third). Loans from relatives and friends were the second most common form of finance, followed by the sale of other parcels of land. Besides government efforts, a large number of NGOs are providing microcredits to the poor. The enactment of the Financial Institutions Act 1993 opened the door for private housing finance companies. There are now 23 private companies that extend housing finance in Bangladesh. Prominent among them are the Delta-BRAC Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. and the National Housing Finance and Investment Ltd. These companies make loans for the construction of houses, acquisition of flats and houses, extension and improvement of existing housing, and the purchase of housing plots. Most of the private sector players, though relatively new, have nonperforming loans (NPLs) of below 1%. But their interest rates are very high compared with the nationally owned BHBFC. For example, Delta-BRAC Housing charges interest rates as high as 16%, which is higher than that of BHBFC by 1%. The contribution of microcredit lenders (such as Grameen Bank, BRAC, ASA and Proshika) in this sector is very insignificant. In the next section, we will briefly describe public, private and private-NGO collaborated financial institutions that are engaged in real estate financing in Bangladesh. Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation (BHBFC) BHBFC provides credit facilities for construction, repair and remodelling of dwelling houses and apartments in cities, towns and other urban areas. In general, priority is given to civil

servants, and within that group to those with the most years of service. BHBFC offers 1520 year mortgages to individual households at commercial interest rates that increase as the loan amount increases. BHBFC was funded by the Bangladesh Treasury, with a cost of 5% per year, an amount well below the market rate of interest. Moreover, the corporation enjoys a number of advantages it is exempt from tax, has much laxer capital requirements than other financial institutions in Bangladesh, and its bonds are guaranteed by the national government. But since losing its direct government funding, its volume has stagnated, and its market share of mortgage debt outstanding has dropped in recent years. 102 IFC Bulletin No 31 A study group in 2007 identified some inefficiency in the operation of the state-owned BHBFC. First, BHBFC approval times were exceptionally long sometimes as much as a year from application to approval. Second, because mortgages were issued at below market rates of interest, and were essentially granted by the government, they were allocated via rationing, rather than underwriting. The allocation process was political, rather than financial. Third, because BHBFC was for many years not held to performance standards, the agency had little incentive to service loans, and so loan performance was poor. Typically, 20% of loans would be in arrears. When BHBFC did foreclose, it would typically collect less than 50% of the outstanding loan balance. In recent years, two private housing finance companies have been registered as public limited companies. We discuss these along with some other private housing finance companies and their contributions in this sector in the next section. Delta-BRAC Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. (DBH) DBH is the pioneer, the largest and the specialist housing finance institution in the private sector in Bangladesh. After commencing operation in the early 1997, the company registered commendable growth in creating home ownership among more than 7,500 families in Dhaka and other major cities of the country. At the same time, the company played an active role in promoting the real estate sector to broad cross sections of prospective clients who had an unfulfilled dream of owning a good home. Mortgage loans have a maximum term of 15 years and are discretionary adjustable-rate mortgages. The present rate is 16.5%. For owneroccupied properties, monthly payments cannot exceed 30% of household income and in

higher risk cases, third-party guarantees are required. National Housing Finance and Investment Ltd. (NHFIL) NHFIL, a private sector housing finance company, provides loans for construction of houses, purchase of flats or houses, extension and improvement of existing houses or flats, and purchase of housing plots. Up to 30 June 2008, the NHFIL provided a total amount of term loans of BDT 5545 million. The banking sector Until recently, mortgage lending was never considered quite profitable for commercial banks, so that they imposed serious kinds of restrictions upon their mortgage business, in terms of both individual mortgages and size of mortgage portfolio. Only recently, some commercial banks, both public and private, specialised banks along with other financial institutions, invested a considerable proportion of their combined assets in housing. The total housing related advances of the countrys banking sector in 2007 was approximately BDT 24 billion, about two thirds of which was made up by the NCBs. The housing loans by the banking sector amounted to only 4% of their assets. The private banks have the largest proportion of housing-related assets (9%), and foreign banks have the least involvement in the sector (2%). IFC Bulletin No 31 103 Table 2 Percentage of outstanding housing sector advances of different types of banks 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 NCBs 41.17 45.35 50.26 53.97 62.75 59.56 62.87 SBs 3.01 2.98 2.57 0.87 2.21 3.27 2.87 FCBs 0.98 0.69 0.56 0.60 0.44 1.23 3.61 PCBs 54.84 50.98 46.61 44.56 34.6 35.94 30.65 Over the years, major problems in loan recovery began to plague the housing portfolios and the banks gradually decreased the proportion of advances for housing. The recovery rate of housing sector loans in the banking sector averages approximately 70%. The poor recovery rate is due mostly to older loans; recovery exceeds 80% on loans disbursed after 1990. Even the rural house lending programme sponsored by the government, through a 3% refinancing

window at the Bangladesh Bank, was stopped because of alleged poor recovery rates. Table 3 Outstanding housing sector advances with interest in billion taka all banks1 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Housing societies 14.52 13.00 10.64 11.83 8.98 3.26 2.19 Urban housing 43.47 40.19 36.33 29.94 30.18 22.91 22.37 Rural housing 1.66 1.08 1.14 1.47 1.79 1.66 1.63 Apartment housing renovation 2.26 1 All banks include nationalised commercial banks (NCBs), foreign commercial banks (FCBs), specialised banks (SBs), and private commercial banks (PCBs) in Bangladesh. Source: Scheduled Banks Statistics, Bangladesh Bank From the above data, it is clear that NCBs were reluctant to extend lending to the housing sector. A number of NCBs only consider housing loans for clients that have other businesses with them and have the income and assets to support these loans. There is not much competition in the housing lending market and most banks offer the same terms for the different client options. All loans are for new house construction only, and banks only lend for urban housing in secure submarkets, which can easily be understood from the table above. Clearly there is an upward trend of contribution in housing societies and urban housing. The contribution towards rural housing is only boosted when the government takes initiatives like Grihayan Tahbil (housing fund) or extends credit to the commercial banks at lower interest rate. Only recently have commercial banks started extending credits for apartment renovation. 104 IFC Bulletin No 31 Housing cooperatives and credit unions Although the cooperative movement is widespread in Bangladesh, particularly in the agricultural sector, it has not played a significant role in housing financing. Of the 145,000 cooperative societies in Bangladesh, only 144 are housing cooperatives.


4. Main challenges in expanding the formal housing finance system

There are several constraints that hamper the expansion of formal housing finance system in Bangladesh. They are: Distortions in the savings rates and resource mobilisation High interest rates offered by various government savings plans compared to that of private deposit taking institutions distort the financial system, which makes it difficult for private sector institutions to raise household funds. Interest rate subsidies Interest rate subsidies have some drawbacks apart from suppressing private mortgage market development, such as (1) a below-market interest subsidy encourages people to borrow as much as possible and repay their loans as slowly as possible; (2) the subsidies increase with inflation when interest rates go up, a poor link for subsidisation; and (3) the subsidies are not transparent. Subsidy targeting The government subsidises housing for middle- and upper-income households and a scattering of low-income households through BHBFC. The targeting of the existing interest rate subsidy system is inefficient. Subsidised loans are presently provided to those who could participate in the private market without assistance. BHBFCs sole objective is to provide credit facilities for construction, repair and remodelling of dwelling houses and apartments in cities, towns and other urban areas. So if any subsidy programmes are devised, only the city dwellers or government officials benefit. Risks, affordability and mortgage instruments There are only a few different mortgage instruments such as fixed rate mortgage (FRM), graduated payment mortgage (GPM) to address the perceived risks in mortgage lending or to make mortgage finance more affordable to middle-income households.

5. Alternative housing finance system

In recent years, as an alternative to the existing formal financing system, housing microfinance system has evolved. In addition to Grameen Bank, several other microfinance institutions (MFIs), such as Proshika, BRAC, and ASA now provide long- and short-term credit for housing in Bangladesh. Loans are made on the basis of established membership in lending programmes instead of collateral and a sound track record of repayments on

previous loans. Group pressure and mutual support are used as guarantees for loan repayment. There is no recourse by the financial institution in the case of non-payment other IFC Bulletin No 31 105 than the persuasive and legal ways to recover the loan and future exclusion of the borrower from the credit programme. In the next section, we discuss the contribution of the largest MFIs in housing loan programmes.

6. Policy challenges
The Housing Finance Group of the IFC has identified numerous challenges that must be overcome if the housing finance sector is to fulfil its objective of increasing the availability and affordability of residential housing in developing countries. In the following section, we address the above issues one by one in more detail. 1. If the housing problems are to be addressed more effectively, housing policies, and especially financing issues, must be taken into consideration. Stronger, more effective enabling strategies must be developed by the public sector to allow housing markets for the various tiers to leverage the activities of the private sector. 2. The objectives of the subsidy scheme should be to assist those who do not qualify for a formal sector mortgage loan, thereby increasing the number of middle-income households that can avail themselves of housing finance. However, we need to keep in mind that subsidised funding for state-owned housing finance entities creates distortions in the market and it should be stopped. Fortunately, for the last few years, BHBFC could not avail itself of any subsidised funding through the government or government guaranteed debt. 3. Real estate loan recovery rate in the public sector is very low and well below that of the commercial banks. In the past a rural house lending programme, sponsored by the government through a 3% refinancing window at the Bangladesh Bank, was stopped because of alleged poor recovery rates. Over the years, major problems in loan recovery began to plague the housing portfolios and the banks gradually decreased the proportion of advances for housing. 4. In order to develop a primary mortgage market, financial assistance to different market players (eg banks extending housing loans, specialised housing finance

originators) through equity participation, loans, credit lines and warehouse lines is needed. 5. National housing finance systems have failed to prove themselves competitive in mobilising and allocating capital efficiently. BHBFC has made only very limited progress in becoming self-sustained or in reaching lower-income households. 6. Age-old Insurance and Trust Acts are not facilitating lending by long-term investors in the housing sector. Sometimes developers are accused of not properly following the procedures for borrowing money from financial organisations. The involvement of all three parties (the developer, the landowner from whom the land was leased, and the apartment buyer) in the process makes the borrowing cumbersome. 7. However, it is evident that, over the last two government periods, most of the government-built houses were for the upper-grade government employees and political leaders, rather than lower-income government employees or poor people in general. 8. There are no incentives to promote the primary mortgage market and to establish a secondary mortgage market to provide alternative funding mechanisms to the primary lenders.

8. Conclusion
In conclusion it can be said that the formal mortgage market can expand its lending operations to middle-income households by improving efficiency, mobilising additional resources for housing lending from long-term investors, and redirecting present mortgage subsidies tied to government programmes and institutions towards demand-oriented programmes that can be implemented through the public and private mortgage lending sector. At the same time, non-collateralised housing credit can be expanded by the professional MFIs through increasing access to funds earmarked for housing, reducing the need to provide internal cross-subsidies for housing loans, broadening the target population to rural entrepreneurs and urban lower-income households in specific geographic locations, and developing more varied and professional housing finance products. The combination of these two approaches has the potential to increase access to housing credit and finance for low and moderate-income households dramatically, with related improvements in the quality of housing in Bangladesh.

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