SLK SVK StyleGuide PDF
SLK SVK StyleGuide PDF
SLK SVK StyleGuide PDF
What's New? .................................................................................................................................... 4 New Topics ................................................................................................................................... 4 Updated Topics ............................................................................................................................ 4 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5 About This Style Guide ................................................................................................................ 5 Scope of This Document .............................................................................................................. 5 Style Guide Conventions .............................................................................................................. 5 Sample Text ................................................................................................................................. 6 Recommended Reference Material ............................................................................................. 7 Normative references ............................................................................................................... 7 Informative References ............................................................................................................. 7 Language Specific Conventions ...................................................................................................... 8 Country/Region Standards ........................................................................................................... 8 Characters ................................................................................................................................ 8 Date ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Time ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Numbers ................................................................................................................................. 15 Sorting ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Geopolitical Concerns ................................................................................................................ 23 Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions ......................................................................... 24 Adjectives ................................................................................................................................ 24 Articles .................................................................................................................................... 24 Capitalization .......................................................................................................................... 25 Compounds............................................................................................................................. 26 Gender .................................................................................................................................... 26 Genitive ................................................................................................................................... 26 Modifiers ................................................................................................................................. 26 Nouns ...................................................................................................................................... 27 Prepositions ............................................................................................................................ 27 Pronouns ................................................................................................................................. 28 Punctuation ............................................................................................................................. 28 Singular & Plural ..................................................................................................................... 31 Split Infinitive ........................................................................................................................... 31 Subjunctive ............................................................................................................................. 32 Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces........................................................................................... 32 Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 32 Verbs ....................................................................................................................................... 33 Passive and gerund ................................................................................................................ 34 Word Order ............................................................................................................................. 35 Style and Tone Considerations .................................................................................................. 36
Audience ................................................................................................................................. 36 Style ........................................................................................................................................ 36 Tone ........................................................................................................................................ 36 Voice ....................................................................................................................................... 36 Localization Guidelines .................................................................................................................. 37 General Considerations ............................................................................................................. 37 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... 37 Accessibility ............................................................................................................................ 38 Acronyms ................................................................................................................................ 38 Applications, Products, and Features ..................................................................................... 38 Frequent Errors ....................................................................................................................... 39 Glossaries ............................................................................................................................... 53 Fictitious Information ............................................................................................................... 53 Recurring Patterns .................................................................................................................. 53 Standardized Translations ...................................................................................................... 54 Unlocalized Items.................................................................................................................... 54 Localized Items ....................................................................................................................... 55 Borrowed terms....................................................................................................................... 55 Using the Word Microsoft ....................................................................................................... 55 Software Considerations ............................................................................................................ 57 User Interface ......................................................................................................................... 57 Messages ................................................................................................................................ 68 Keys ........................................................................................................................................ 72 Document Translation Considerations ....................................................................................... 76 Titles ....................................................................................................................................... 77 Copyright ................................................................................................................................. 77
What's New?
Last Updated: February 2011
New Topics
No new topics were added.
Updated Topics
The overall Style Guide content was fully updated in February 2011 as part of a major Style Guide update project performed for all languages.
This Style Guide went through major revision in February 2011 in order to remove outdated and unnecessary content.
Sample Text
Navigcia na Islande je zl. Mapy stoja vea peaz a boli vyroben niekedy v tridsiatych rokoch (zrejme Britmi). Odvtedy Islanania trochu opravili nzvoslovie na mapch. Mapy nie s rozdelen poda logickch oblast, ale mapa celho ostrova je rozstrihan na 9 kusov. Take, ak nhodou chcete dobr mapu Odadahraunu, tak si muste kpi zo tri kusy. Star. Nielen preto, e Island mapovali dvno. Islandsk krajina sa toti men. Rieky mizn, ich koryt sa presvaj. Cesty a stopy ciest sa strcaj, vznikaj a presvaj sa. Obas sa niekde objav smradav diera v zemi, v ktorej kvka sra. Ak chcete, mete si mapu kpi naprklad v predajni: Jozef Kovik Savsk 14 854 23 Bratislava Tel. 02/987 654 23 Take zostva orientcia poda kompasu. Island je vemi blzko polrneho kruhu a rozdiel medzi magnetickm plom (kam ukazuje strelka kompasu) a zemepisnm plom (kam ukazuje mapa) je tu od 17 po 23 stupov. To vak nie je vetko. Island je pln magnetickej lvy, ktor psob na strelku kompasu veselo: ke mte kompas na lve a vo vke 1 meter, tak rozdiel me by a niekoko desiatok stupov. Ke je pekn poasie, tak sa mete orientova poda vznanch bodov. Pozor vak, na Islande je vborn viditenos, take bene vidte kopce vysok 1000 metrov, ktor s vzdialen aj 100 kilometrov. Ke je vak poasie pod psa, tak ostva asi len pomoc dobrch elfov. Alebo GPS (General Position System), o je elektronick katuka, ktor stle ukazuje presn pozciu na zemi. Informcie dostva priamo z druice. Poznmka: Vetky tieto poznatky sme si overili poas nho tdovho prechodu Odadahraunom. Mali sme astie, lebo viditenos bola skvel. Mali sme sce mapu, buzoly a vedeli sme presne devian odchlku. Zabudli sme vak na magnetick lvu. Pri orientcii v lvovom poli sme sa vak rchlo sp amtali. A orientovali sme sa poda kolkov. Polohu sme urovali len poda mapy a vznanch bodov ternu. S odchlkami 5 a 10 km. Take dos chabo. Pouvali sme pritom nae chodeck paliky zapichnut do lvovho piesku a spomnali sme si na nae vedomosti z geometrie. Od tchto geometrickch dumiek sme sa rchlo dostali k fyziklnym vahm, a sme zaali rta, ak tlak psob na nae chodidl. Kee sme si nevedeli spomen, o je pascal, tak sme to rtali v stpcoch vody. Tum sme v naich hlavch zrtali niekoko desiatok metrov vysok stpec s prierezom 1 x 1 cm. Odporame! V takchto podmienkach s nroky hlavne psychick. Fyzicky to nie je problm zvldnu. V Nitre, 18. aprla 2004 Source:; Vytvoren da 24. februra 2011
Normative references
Krtky slovnk slovenskho jazyka , 4., doplnen a upraven vydanie. (Short Dictionary of the Slovak th Language, 4 supplemented and revised edition. Editiors: J. Kaala M. Pisrikov M. Povaaj. Bratislava: Veda 2003 Pravidl slovenskho pravopisu, 3., upraven a doplnen vydanie. (Rules of Slovak Orthography, 3 supplemented and revised edition.) Editor: M. Povaaj. Bratislava: Veda 2000
Informative References
A suitable English-Slovak electronic dictionary . tr Institute of Linguistics at the Slovak Academy of Sciences: Electronic lexicon of the Slovak language:
Country/Region Standards
Country/region Lower-case characters Slovakia a, , , b, c, , d, , e, , f, g, h, i, , j, k, l, , , m, n, , o, , , p, q, r, , s, , t, , u, , v, w, x, y, , z, A, , , B, C, , D, , E, , F, G, H, I, , J, K, L, , , M, N, , O, , , P, Q, R, , S, , T, , U, , V, W, X, Y, , Z, n/a , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Alphabetical order is not necessarily indicative of sorting order. 86 a A Unicode codes b B c C d U+0061 U+0041 U+00E1 U+00C1 U+00E4 U+00C4 U+0062 U+0042 U+0063 U+0043 U+010D U+010C U+0064 8
Upper-case characters Characters in caseless scripts Extended Latin characters Note on alphabetical order Total number of characters
Slovakia D e E f F g G h H i I j J k K l L m U+0044 U+010F U+010E U+0065 U+0045 U+00E9 U+00C9 U+0066 U+0046 U+0067 U+0047 U+0068 U+048 U+0069 U+0049 U+00ED U+00CD U+006A U+004A U+006B U+004B U+006C U+004C U+013A U+0139 U+013E U+013D U+006D 9
Slovakia M n N o O U+004D U+006E U+004E U+0148 U+0147 U+006F U+004F U+00F3 U+00D3 U+00F4 U+00D4 p P q Q r R s S t T u U+0070 U+0050 U+0071 U+0051 U+0072 U+0052 U+0155 U+0154 U+0073 U+0053 U+0161 U+0160 U+0074 U+0054 U+0165 U+0164 U+0075 10
Slovakia U v V w W x X y Y z Z U+0055 U+00FA U+00DA U+0076 U+0056 U+0077 U+0057 U+008 U+0058 U+0079 U+0059 U+00FD U+00DD U+007A U+005A U+017E U+017D
Country/region Calendar/Era First Day of the Week Slovakia Gregorian Monday Week 01 of a year is per definition the first week that has the Thursday in this year, which is equivalent to the week that contains the fourth day of January. In other words, the first week of a new year is the week that has the majority of its days in the new year. Week 01 might also contain days from the previous year and the week before week 01 of a year is the last week (52 or 53) of the previous year even if it contains days from the new year. 11
Default Long Date Format d. MMMM yyyy Example Additional Short Date Format 1 Example Additional Short Date Format 2 Example Additional Long Date Format 1 Example Additional Long Date Format 2 Example Leading Zero in Day Field for Short Date Format Leading Zero in Month Field for Short Date Format No. of digits for century for Short Day Format Leading Zero in Day Field for Long Date Format Leading Zero in Month Field for Long Date Format Number of digits for century for Long Day 17. marca 2011 dd. MM. yy 17. 03. 11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a yes
d. MMMM yyyy 17. marca 2011 There has been change in date format, leading zero in short form has been introduced (Pravidl pravy psomnost, STN 01 6910, 06. 08. 2010) d is for day, number of d's indicates the format (d = digits without leading zero, dd = digits with leading zero, ddd = the abbreviated day name, dddd = full day name)
M is for month, number of M's gives number of digits. (M = digits without leading zero, MM = digits with leading zero, MMM = the abbreviated month name, MMMM = full month name) y is for year, number of y's gives number of digits (yy = two digits, yyyy = four digits)
Country/region 24 hour format Standard time format Standard time format example Time separator Time separator examples Hours leading zero Hours leading zero example String for AM designator String for PM designator Notes Slovak Yes hh:mm:ss 23:43:12 colon ( : ) 3:24:20 No 8:04:05 n/a n/a n/a
Country/region: Slovakia
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday First Day of Week: Monday Is first letter capitalized?: No Notes: n/a
Abbreviation Po Ut St t Pi So Ne
Country/region: Slovakia Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Full Form janur februr marec aprl mj jn jl august september oktber november december Abbreviated Form I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Long Date Form janura februra marca aprla mja jna jla augusta septembra oktbra novembra decembra
Notes: In long date format the genitive cases of the names are used, as shown above, for example: 22. marca 2000 No month abbreviations. Roman numerals used instead.
Arabic numerals are used with a comma ( , ) as a decimal separator. Thousands can be separated by a nonbreaking space, e.g.: 123 456,789.
Phone Numbers
Country/ region International Dialing Code Area Codes Used? Number of Digits Area Codes 1; 2 Separator Number of Digits Domestic 10 Digit Groupings Domestic
Country/ region
Notes: n/a
Country/region: Slovakia Disclaimer: Please note that the information in this entry should under no circumstances be used in examples as fictitious information. Address Format: 1. [CompanyName] 2. [Title/Honorific] [FirstName] [LastName] 3. Address1 4. [Address2] 5. PostalCode City [CityDistrict] 6. [Country] if applicable
Example Address: SKALKA, spol. s r. o. Ing. Jn Kov kulttyho 1 831 03 Bratislava 3 Local Postal Code Format: xxx xx Notes: In business letters, the first and second lines - CompanyName line and Title etc. line - can also appear in reverse order, i.e. Title etc. on first line and Company name on second; it indicates that the letter is to be treated as personal Address2 line is used very rarely The postal code must not be underlined Two spaces between PostalCode and City State/province do not exists as such and are not used in addresses
Country/region Currency Name Currency Symbol Currency Symbol Position Positive Currency Format Slovakia Euro EUR Numeral followed by a space and 123,45 EUR For negative values, the ordinary hyphen accessible on the keyboard (NOT the en-dash ) is placed before the value (no spaces) as a minus sign. -123,45 EUR , (comma) 2 Space 3 123 456 789,00 EUR -123 456 789,00 EUR
Negative Currency Format Decimal Symbol Number of Digits after Decimal Digit Grouping Symbol Number of Digits in Digit Grouping Positive Currency Example Negative Currency Example
ISO Currency Code Currency Subunit Name Currency Subunit Symbol Currency Subunit Example
EUR cent c 50 c
Digit Groups
Country/region: Slovak Decimal Separator: , Decimal Separator Description: comma Decimal Separator Example: 123,45 Thousand Separator: space Thousand Separator Description: non-breaking space Thousand Separator Example: 8 912 000,45 Notes: Do not use separator for a year number, e.g. 1996.
Measurement Units
Metric System Commonly Used?: Yes Temperature: Celsius Category Linear Measure English Kilometer Meter Decimeter Centimeter Millimeter Capacity Hectoliter Liter Deciliter Centiliter Milliliter Mass Ton Translation kilometer meter decimeter centimeter milimeter hektoliter liter deciliter centiliter mililiter tona Abbreviation km m dm cm mm hl l dcl cl ml t 17
Translation kilogram libra gram decigram centigram miligram palec stopa ma galn
Notes: If the unit of measure is preceded by a number, there should be a non-breaking space between the number and the unit of measure: 35 mm, 8 MB, 5000 kB
The percent sign (%) should be separated from the numeral by a non-breaking space, e.g. 50 %.
1. Capital letters and lowercase letters are equal. No distinction is made between them. 2. The extended characters , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , are treated as separate letters. Sorting rules 3. The letters dz, Dz, d, D, ch, Ch are treated as separate letters as well. 4. Other accented characters are equal with non-accented characters; so and e are equal. 5. Non-alphabetical characters (i.e. symbols like @ ! #) sort before the letters of the alphabet. 6. Digits sort after the non-alphabetical characters and before the letters of the alphabet. a Character sorting order A U+0061 U+0041 U+00E1 U+00C1
b B c C d D dz Dz d D e E f F g G h H ch Ch i
U+00E4 U+00C4 U+0062 U+0042 U+0063 U+0043 U+010D U+010C U+0064 U+0044 U+010F U+010E
U+0065 U+0045 U+00E9 U+00C9 U+0066 U+0046 U+0067 U+0047 U+0068 U+0048
U+0069 19
I j J k K l L m M n N o O p P q Q
U+0049 U+00ED U+00CD U+006A U+004A U+006B U+004B U+006C U+004C U+013A U+0139 U+013E U+013D U+006D U+004D U+006E U+004E U+0148 U+0147 U+006F U+004F U+00F3 U+00D3 U+00F4 U+00D4 U+0070 U+0050 U+0071 U+0051 20
r R s S t T u U v V w W x X y Y z Z
U+0072 U+0052 U+0155 U+0154 U+0073 U+0053 U+0161 U+0160 U+0074 U+0054 U+0165 U+0164 U+0075 U+0055 U+00FA U+00DA U+0076 U+0056 U+0077 U+0057 U+0078 U+0058 U+0079 U+0059 U+00FD U+00DD U+007A U+005A U+017E 21
1 @ Aaron andere ndere cote cot cte ct Czech ut hia chaque chemin irdisch lvi Examples of sorted words lie lire llama lug Lwen lza Lbeck luck lu lye mta Mnner mr mchten myndig pia pint pylon
savoir smtlich Sietla lub subtle symbol ran erbra vga verkehrt vox waffle wood yen yuan yucca zoo Zrich Zviedrija zysk zzlj zzlz zznj zznz al ena enva
Geopolitical Concerns
Part of the cultural adaptation of the US-product to a specific market is the resolving of geopolitical issues. While the US-product should have been designed and developed with neutrality and a global audience in mind, the localized product should respond to the particular situation that applies within the target country/region. Sensitive issues or issues that might potentially be offensive to the users in the target country/region may occur in any of the following:
Maps Flags Country/region, city and language names Art and graphics Cultural content, such as encyclopedia content and other text where historical or political references may occur
Some of these issues are relatively easy to verify and resolve: the objective should be for the localizer to always have the most current information available. Maps and other graphic representations of countries/regions and regions should be checked for accuracy and existing political restrictions. Country/region, city and language names change on a regular basis and need to be checked, even if previously approved. A thorough understanding of the culture of the target market is required for checking the appropriateness of cultural content, clip art and other visual representations of religious symbols, body and hand gestures.
In Slovak, adjectives should be handled in the following manner: In English, postpositive adjectives are common in some syntactic combinations. Be careful in translating to Slovak, where such position of adjectives is rather uncommon.
Possessive adjectives
See: Pronouns
General considerations This section does not apply to Slovak. Unlocalized Feature Names This section does not apply to Slovak.
Localized Feature Names This section does not apply to Slovak. Articles for English Borrowed Terms This section does not apply to Slovak.
In Slovak, capitalization rules are extremely different from the English ones. In English, many words are spelt with a capital letter despite the fact that they are neither titles nor proper names. Translators should take care whether or not certain parts of expressions form a part of the title. Source text Click Update Now to update Microsoft ActiveMovie Control Incorrect translation (-) Ak chcete aktualizova Ovldac prvok ActiveMovie od spolonosti Microsoft, kliknite na tlaidlo Aktualizova. Correct translation (+) Ak chcete aktualizova ovldac prvok ActiveMovie od spolonosti Microsoft, kliknite na tlaidlo Aktualizova.
The following are always spelt with a capital letter in Slovak: Help Clipboard Briefcase License Agreement Recycle Bin Pomocnk Schrnka Aktovka Licenn zmluva K Poznmka: Jedin vnimky s povolen pri preklade vrazov typu Przdny k, Pln k
Humanlike names such as Pomocnk and Sprievodca are inflected as the names of persons, i.e. njdete v Pomocnkovi, otvorte Sprievodcu. Moreover, the word Internet is not capitalized in Slovak, which is a fairly frequent error in translations.
Generally, compounds should be understandable and clear to the user. Overly long or complex compounds should be avoided. Keep in mind that unintuitive compounds are ultimately an intelligibility and usability issue. Compounds are translated by means of genitive attributes in the Slovak language.
Unlike in English, the names of things in Slovak, such as software, application, device, component, do have gender, i.e. they are classified as masculine, feminine or neuter. The gender depends on the headword, since it is the only inflectible element. Example: Example operan systm Windows aplikcia Microsoft Office prostredie Java Gender masculine feminine neuter
Masculine nouns capable of two forms of inflection in singular of the genitive case should end with -a.
See: Adjectives, Verbs
General considerations A noun tells us what someone or something is called. Nouns are the names we give to people, things, places, etc. in order to identify them. Inflection Nouns are inflectible in Slovak. The Slovak language has the following cases: Nominative case kto? o? Chlap, eny Genitive case koho? oho? Chlapa, ien Dative case komu? omu? Chlapovi, enm Accusative case koho? o? Chlapa, eny Locative case (o) kom?, (o) om? O chlapovi, o ench Instrumental case (s) km?, (s) m? Chlapom, enami Plural Formation Humanlike names such as Pomocnk and Sprievodca should be inflected as names of persons, meaning that the first person plural of the adjective shall end with . Example: Source text Connected clients Translation (+) Pripojen klienti
In English, prepositions and conjunctions cannot be translated literally. Their misuse may impair the intelligibility of the text or even affect a shift in meaning. Source text Press Ok to continue Incorrect translation (-) Pre pokraovanie kliknite na tlaidlo OK. Correct translation (+) Pokraujte kliknutm na tlaidlo OK. (+) Vber a intalcia faxmodemu na odosielanie faxov.
Select and setup the fax modem you (-) Vber a intalcia faxmodemu use to send faxes. pre odosielanie faxov.
In English, possessive pronouns (such as your data, your table, etc.) occur more frequently due to the addressing of the user. In the Slovak target text, we deem the respective pronouns redundant. Where they cannot be omitted, their correct form is to be used (svoj, svoja, svoje): Source text Please insert the CD into your CDROM drive. Please type your full name to the below field. It is recommended that you save all your changed data as soon as possible. Tell Us About Yourself: Incorrect translation (-) Vlote prosm disk do vaej mechaniky CD-ROM. (-) Do poa napte vae cel meno. (-) Odporame vm rchlo uloi vetky vami zmenen daje. (-) Povedzte nm nieo o sebe: Correct translation (+) Vlote disk CD do mechaniky CD-ROM. (+) Do poa napte svoje cel meno. (+) Odpora sa rchlo uloi vetky zmenen daje.
Translating personal pronouns and the possessive pronoun my, the neutral expression of the first person singular is to be used: Source text Automatically add SpeedDials for people I call and people who call me Incorrect translation (-) Automatick pridvanie telefnnych pamt ud, ktorm volm a ud, ktor volaj mne (-) Zmeni moje informcie... (-) Na tomto potai u mm naintalovan internetov pripojenie. Correct translation (+) Automatick pridvanie telefnnych pamt volanch a volajcich pouvateov (+) Zmeni osobn daje... (+) Na tomto potai u je naintalovan internetov pripojenie.
Note: Where translating the software product, the personal or possessive pronouns vy or v (and their inflected forms) are to be used; they are always spelt with the lower case.
Slovak uses the following punctuation: period (.), exclamation mark (!), question mark (?), comma (,), semicolon (;), colon (:), suspension points (), quotation marks (), parenthesis (), en dash (-), hyphen (-), slash (/), apostrophe ('). Some punctuation marks are also used to express arithmetic formulas (. = multiplication, : = division, - = subtraction, decimal comma, etc.). At present, punctuation is often misused as a result of the influence of different graphic systems, e.g. English.
Comma Misplacing a comma may have an adverse effect on the meaning of a sentence. In the Slovak language, commas have the following functions: separating sentence elements (e.g. nouns, modifiers, or phrases), separating subordinate clauses, offsetting appositive, etc. In these cases, the comma is followed by a space. Moreover, in Slovak, commas separate decimal values, in which case they are not followed by a space. Colon Colons introduce sentences/clauses or their parts, which develop previous text (e.g. examples, enumerations). They often introduce direct speech and are followed by a space character. Example: Vykonajte nasledujce kroky: 1. ... 2. ...
Dashes and Hyphens In Slovak, only two different dash characters are used, while there are three in English: Hyphen Spojovnk The hyphen is used to divide words between syllables, to link parts of a compound word, and to connect the parts of an inverted or imperative verb form. It is not separated by spaces from words or their parts. It is used for nonsyntactical reasons: while dashes relate to sentences, hyphens relate to words. Note, that while in English certain prefixes are separated with a hyphen from their base, in Slovak the prefix and the base are used together: Example: English: non-stop Slovak: (+) nonstop Note: The word e-mail is also always spelt with a hyphen in Slovak (email without a hyphen is a painting color). En Dash Pomlka An en dash separates elements of text more expressively than a comma and marks a longer pause. In typography, hyphens and dashes are often not distinguished. An en dash is not a hyphen separated by a space from both sides, but it bears the following symbol: . It is longer than a hyphen and is separated by spaces from the text. En dashes are also used in enumerations, when the list items are in separate lines ending in a comma or semicolon, while the last item ends in a period, and in ranges, e.g. 2005 2011, 1. 3. marca 2011, strana 5 12 (note the space before and after the en dash). 29
Em Dash Dlh pomlka The em dash should only be used to emphasize an isolated element or introduce an element that is not essential to the meaning conveyed by the sentence. Em dashes are not used in Slovak.
Ellipses (Suspension Points) Three periods have to be used, any other number is defective. If a sentence ends in an ellipsis, theres no fourth period. Theres no space between the preceding word and the ellipsis , yet if an ellipsis marks the omission of a part of a sentence, the ellipsis is separated by a space on both sides. Example: Incorrect: (-) o doda.... / o doda.. / o doda . . . Correct: (+) o doda / o doda...
In English, suspension points can also be used in enumerations. In Slovak, however, colon should be used instead: Source text With Microsoft Word, you can... Translation (+) V programe Microsoft Word mete:
Period In Slovak, a period is usually followed by a space. Space is not used in time data, when the period character separates hours and minutes (e.g. 14.15). Note that a period is used in commands as well, when the command is in the function of a recommendation (for example in manuals). A period is used after abbreviations, e.g. ., napr., as well as after ordinal numbers using numerals e.g. v 3. odseku. Periods are not used in acronyms, e.g. USB, SE.
Quotation Marks In Slovak, the following characters are used for quotation marks: () (ALT+0132) at the beginning and () (ALT+0147) at the end. Exceptionally (due to formatting problems for instance), it is necessary to use the English characters for quotation marks () both at the beginning and the end o f the quoted text. Names of controls used within sentences should be spelt without quotation marks.
Source text The name "Selection" is reserved. You have chosen to import your address book. Click 'Finish' to perform the import.
Incorrect translation (-) Nzov "Selection" je vyhraden. (-) Rozhodli ste sa importova adresr. Kliknutm na tlaidlo Dokoni spustte import.
Correct translation (+) Nzov Selection je vyhraden. (+) Rozhodli ste sa importova adresr. Import spustte kliknutm na tlaidlo Dokoni.
Parentheses In Slovak, there is no space between the parentheses and the text inside them. Example: Install Microsoft Communicator 2010 (Beta Refresh) Naintalova program Microsoft Communicator 2010 (Beta Refresh) Slashes and/or should be translated as either alebo or a. alebo as such does not have eliminative function in Slovak. The use of slash in this context is incorrect.
Incorrect translation (-) Retartuje systm Windows a/alebo znovu naintalujte ovlda. Retartuje systm Windows a (alebo) znovu naintalujte ovlda.
Correct translation (+) Retartuje systm Windows alebo znovu naintalujte ovlda.
Split Infinitive
The flexibility of the Slovak syntax allows split infinitives to be translated in the same manner as clauses with postpositioned adverbial phrases. 31
The subjunctive is used in subordinate clauses to express a wish, emotion, possibility, judgment, opinion, necessity, or action that has not yet occurred. The function of English subjunctive mood is held up by conditional mood in Slovak. Source text Unless it is necessary that you run a particular service, you should disable it. Correct translation (+) Pokia nie je potrebn, aby sa spala konkrtna sluba, mali by ste ju zakza.
Where the English sentence is comprised of several clauses and provides multiple pieces of information, it should be split into two sentences in the target text or an appropriate conjunction used.
Source text You can change the name for this configuration now or click Finish to use the existing name.
Incorrect translation (-) Mete zmeni nzov konfigurcie alebo kliknutm na tlaidlo Dokoni poui existujci
Correct translation (+) Mete zmeni nzov konfigurcie. Ak chcete poui sasn nzov, kliknite na tlaidlo 32
Source text
Correct translation Dokoni. (+) Dulny radi je podporovan iba v reime 256 farieb, a preto muste zmeni nastavenie pracovnej plochy na 256 farieb.
Dual controller can be supported only in 256 color mode, you need to change the desktop to 256 color.
(-) Dulny radi je podporovan iba v reime 256 farieb, muste zmeni nastavenie pracovnej plochy na 256 farieb.
(-) Kliknite na prepojenie, aby ste sa dostali na webov lokalitu spolonosti Microsoft. (-) Kliknite na prepojenie, aby sa naintalovala najnovia verzia programu Microsoft Internet Explorer. (-) Muste nastavi svoj pota, aby sa mohol pripoji na Internet, aby sa mohol pripoji na web.
Click the link below to install the most recent version of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
You must setup your computer to connect to the Internet to connect to the World Wide Web.
In English, sentences are often shortened by means of non-finite verb forms (participle, gerund, infinitive) which impair the intelligibility of the Slovak text if translated literally by means of participle. In Slovak, such constructions may be substituted with a subordinate clause: Incorrect translation Dopa voliten funkcie viazan k vybratmu typu poa ovplyvujce vsledky. Correct translations (+) Dopa voliten funkcie viazan k vybratmu typu poa, ktor ovplyvuj vsledky. 33
Incorrect translation
Correct translations Dopa voliten funkcie, ktor s viazan k vybratmu typu poa a ovplyvuj vsledky. kritri.
Note: In contrast to the common language, an excessive use of subordinate clauses is not typical for technical texts. The following (as ordered) are to be avoided: Incorporation of subordinate clauses; Use of several subordinate clauses within a single sentence (not only subordinate clauses introduced by an identical conjunction); and Incorporation of a subordinate clause into the middle of the main clause.
Incorrect translation (-) Nenali sa sprvy, ktor spaj kritri, ak ste zadali. Sprvy spajce kritri, ktor ste zadali, sa nenali.
Correct translation (+) Nenali sa sprvy spajce kritri, ktor ste zadali. Nenali sa sprvy, ktor spaj zadan kritri. Nenali sa sprvy spajce zadan kritri.
In cases where the other rules apply, however, the passive form is to be preserved or another method is to be applied: Source text Data you entered are invalid. Incorrect translation (-) daje, ktor ste zadali, s neplatn. Correct translation (+) Zadan daje s neplatn.
Statements of progressive actions expressed in the English source text by means of a gerund are to be translated into Slovak by means of reflexive verbs: Source text Installing components... Printing... Incorrect translation (-) Prebieha intalcia sast... (-) Tlaenie... Correct translation (+) Intaluj sa sasti... (+) Tla sa...
Word Order
A more liberal word order of the Slovak sentence enables the placement of the major part of information (very often the object) at the end of the sentence: Source text The following scanners or cameras are installed: Invalid TrueType Font Detected. Incorrect translation (-) Nasledujce skenery alebo kamery s naintalovan: (-) Neplatn psmo typu True Type sa zistilo. Correct translation (+) Naintalovan s tieto skenery a kamery: (+) Zistilo sa neplatn psmo typu True Type.
(-) Naprklad, formulr, ktor (+) V programe Word mete obsahuje rozbaovac zoznam, me vytvori naprklad elektronick by vytvoren v programe Word. formulr s rozbaovacm zoznamom.
Nevertheless, the liberal rules of word order of the Slovak sentence are not to be misapplied in technical translation. A too free word order may impair the intelligibility of the text: Source text And now you can enter your name. Incorrect translation (-) A vae meno teraz mete zada. Correct translation (+) A teraz mete zada svoje meno.
Where the translation cannot avoid the use of the gender of the verb, or where the use of the second person plural would impair the intelligibility of the text, we prefer the formal address using the masculine gender.
Slovak technical texts are distinct from the English ones in terms of the personal and non-personal style. In the majority of the cases (particularly when informing the user of the status and further actions of the system), it is not to be reminded of the presence of the user unless unavoidable: Incorrect translation Aktvny formulr mte zobrazen v zobrazen formulra. Nemte otvoren nijak formulr. Kliknutm na pku sa posuniete na aliu strnku. Correct translation (+) Aktvny formulr je zobrazen vo formulrovom zobrazen. (+) Nie je otvoren iadny formulr. (+) Kliknutm na pku zobrazte aliu strnku.
In technical translations, the tone should be formal, any forms of informal, substandard, or colloquial speech should be avoided (e. g. slang, jargon (unless coined as a technical term)). Some exceptions from this rule may occur when translating more liberal texts, e.g. descriptions of games, etc.
See: Audience 36
Localization Guidelines
This section contains guidelines for localization into Slovak.
General Considerations
Due to the unique nature of strings appearing in computer programs, the translator should be aware of specific rules applying to localization. These texts are characterized not only by their style, but the traditional highest principles of translation, that of comprehensibility and linguistic suitability, are complemented by terminological consistency and technical congruity.
Common Abbreviations You might need to abbreviate some words in the UI (mainly buttons or options names) due to lack of space. This can be done in the following ways: Abbreviations in Slovak usually end in a consonant followed by a period. Overuse of abbreviations may confuse or even mislead the reader, so they should be used with care. List of common abbreviations: a pod. (a podobne) . (slo) elektr. (elektrick) graf. (grafick) napr. (naprklad) resp. (respektve) t. j. (to jest) etc. Expression Continue Next Previous Acceptable Abbreviation Pokr., pokra. al. Predch.
Localizers should be foremost careful when choosing short-cut keys. See: Access Keys/Hot keys. Moreover, they should try to keep the translations simple, with respect to the visually impaired.
Acronyms are words made up of the initial letters of major parts of a compound term. Some well-known examples are WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), or RAM (Random Access Memory).
Localized Acronyms English expressions containing initial abbreviations are to be translated according to the following rules: 1. Do not use the English abbreviation if the English expression has an approved Slovak translation which does not use an abbreviation (i.e. COA is to be translated as Certifikt pravosti). Non-technical expressions (such as legal expressions) and English idiomatic abbreviations which have a translation in Slovak which does not use an abbreviation (such as cc being translated as Kpia) are translated this way in particular. 2. If an approved Slovak translation contains a abbreviation (such as protokol HTTP), the expressions full English wording must only be specified in parentheses if it is a definition or the first appearance of the expression in a specialized text in the Help or in the documentation. The Slovak translation of the full wording is not specified, i.e. sie BISDN (Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network) . Technical abbreviations, names of protocols, technology, etc. are primarily translated this way.
Unlocalized Acronyms 3. If there is no approved Slovak translation of an expression in which an abbreviation as well as the full English wording is used and a Slovak translation must be provided, then the expression should be translated according to the following template: <superordinate word> <ABBREVIATION> (<English wording> <Slovak translation>) Less frequent expressions which do not have an approved Slovak translation are translated this way, such as names of institutions in particular.
See also the product-specific sections at the end of this document for information on the localization of specific product names. See also: Unlocalized Items, Localized Items
Frequent Errors
English wording
Incorrect translation Zo sprievodcu mete skoi aj do Pomocnka. Kliknite na tlaidlo Vyhada, ktor sa nachdza na vrchole okna. V priamom formulri mete poui makro na presn kontrolu ak, kam a i ktor informcia vstupuje. Dostate sa na Internet. Jednotky bud ma viac vonho miesta Dajte lohe nzov a zadajte, ako asto ju chcete vykonva. Zmeny bud zrkadlen vo vaom dokumente. Ak chcete kalibrova zariadenie, chote na kartu Nastavenie. Pretajte si dokumentciu k hardvru alebo kontaktujte vho dodvatea. Mnoho rozlinch druhov programov prichdza so systmom Windows. Pokraujte s intalciou. Pokraova s aktulnym ovldaom. Zadajte in nzov alebo stlaenm tlaidla Zrui zrute.* Correct translation (+) Zo sprievodcu mete otvori Pomocnka. (+) Kliknite na tlaidlo Vyhada, ktor sa nachdza v hornej asti okna. (+) V priamom formulri mete poui makro na presn kontrolu pouitia informci. (+) Pripojte sa na Internet. (+) Na jednotkch bude viac vonho miesta. (+) Zadajte nzov lohy a vyberte, ako asto sa m vykonva. (+) Vykonan zmeny sa prejavia v dokumente. (+) Ak chcete kalibrova zariadenie, prejdite na kartu Nastavenie. (+) Pretajte si dokumentciu k hardvru alebo sa obrte na dodvatea. (+) Systm Windows ponka mnoho rozlinch typov programov. (+) Pokraujte v intalcii. (+) Pouva aj naalej aktulny ovlda. (+) Zadajte in nzov alebo operciu zrute stlaenm tlaidla Zrui.
Internet The noun Internet is translated as internet and is written with a lowercase letter at the beginning; it is also inflected. The adjective Internet is translated as internetov.
Correct translation (+) Chcem nastavi pripojenie na internet manulne. (+) Program Internet Explorer sa poksi pripoji na internet. (+) Sasti, ktor sa daj prevzia z internetu (+) Internet Explorer a internetov nstroje pridanie sast
Internet Explorer will attempt to connect to the Internet. Components downloadable from Internet Internet Explorer and Internet Tools Add Components
The following table contains examples of Anglicisms which are used improperly as well as the correct translations of the corresponding strings: Source text Author(s) Page(s) Incorrect translation (-) Autor (ri) (-) Strana (y) Correct translation (+) Autori (+) Strany (+) Tabultory umouj jednoduchm spsobom doplni text vodorovnou iarou.
Tabs provide easy way to (-) Tabultory poskytuj ahk cestu supplement the text with a horizontal na doplnenie textu vodorovnou line. iarou.
A All The correct translation of expressions of the Yes to All variety is no pre vetky. Expressions ending with the word All shall be translated as specified in the following examples, depending on whether they refer to countable, selected items (Add All), or to a whole of some sort, such as a graphic ( Clear All). Source text Yes to All Add All (items in the list) Clear All (picture) Incorrect translation (-) no vetkm Correct translation (+) no pre vetky (+) Prida vetky (+) Vymaza vetko
Note. If the word all is used as an adjective and is not standing by itself, it shall be translated based on the noun which follows it, of course, such as Zobrazi vetky zariadenia.
Antivirus In the context of computer viruses, the adjectives antivirus and virus shall be translated as antivrusov and antivrov, not as antivrov or vrov. The word virus is inflected without omitting the suffix -us. Source text anti-virus programs Incorrect translation (-) antivrov programy, protivrov programy (-) Niektor sbory mu obsahova vry. Correct translation (+) antivrusov programy (+) Niektor sbory mu obsahova vrusy.
Are you sure A uniform style is used to translate the phrases Are you sure and Do you really want to: Source text Incorrect translation Correct translation (+) Naozaj chcete vymaza cel histriu aktulneho okna? (+) Naozaj chcete odstrni tento sbor?
Do you really want to clear all history (-) Skutone chcete vymaza cel of current window? histriu aktulneho okna? Are you sure you want to remove this file? (-) Ste si ist, e chcete odstrni tento sbor?
Authorization The terms authorization, permission and right (in the sense of prvo) shall be translated based on the following table:
Note. Other translations may also be used in some cases (if a misleading translation was entered, or it would cause visible inconsistencies).
Auto... The correct translation for terms beginning with the expression Auto ( AutoFormat, AutoCorrect, Autodialing, Auto Search) is a double word with the adjective automatick: Automatick formt, Automatick opravy, Automatick vytanie, Automatick vyhadvanie. An abbreviation may be used in exceptional cases (due to a lack of space), such as automat. (i.e. Automat. vyhadvanie). Source text AutoFormat Incorrect translation (-) Autoformt Correct translation (+) Automatick formt
Available The preferred translation of the word available is k dispozcii. If the use of this expression impairs the comprehensibility of the Slovak text, the translation dostupn may also be used. The expression make available is correctly translated as sprstupni. Source text There is no viewer available for the type of object you are trying to open. Setup is determining the available sites from which you can install the update to Windows. Correct translation (+) Nie je k dispozcii zobrazova pre typ objekt u, ktor sa pokate otvori. (+) Intaltor zisuje dostupn lokality, z ktorch je mon naintalova aktualizciu systmu Windows. (+) Sprstupni v reime offline
B Back The expressions back, forward, next and previous are to be translated based on the context in which they appear in the window. The context can usually be guessed based on the reciprocal combination of adverbs. The correct translations are specified in the table.
Correct translation (+) Dozadu (+) Nasp (+) Predchdzajci (+) Dopredu (+) alej (+) Nasledujci
C Choose The expressions Select and Choose are translated as vybra (usually in the form Vyberte). They may also be translated as zvoli in exceptional cases if style requires (due to repetitions of the same word, for instance). The reflexive pronoun si is superfluous in both cases. If, however, the word select or choose refers to an element of a graphic user interface which must be clicked on (a command or button), it shall be translated as kliknite na. Source text Select the type of server to configure. Choose Audio Tuning Wizard from the Tools menu. Incorrect translation (-) Vyberte si typ servera, ktor chcete konfigurova. (-) Vyberte prkaz Sprievodca ladenm zvuku v ponuke Nstroje . Correct translation (+) Vyberte typ servera, ktor chcete konfigurova. (+) Kliknite na prkaz Sprievodca ladenm zvuku v ponuke Nstroje .
Complete The verb complete is translated as dokoni. But watch out, because dokoni is only an activity , and not an object, such as a program or guide. For that reason, expressions of the type you have completed the wizard are to be translated as sprievodca dokonil prcu. Source text You have successfully completed the Accessibility wizard. Incorrect translation Correct translation
(-) spene ste dokonili Sprievodcu (+) Sprievodca zjednoduenm zjednoduenm ovldania. ovldania spene dokonil prcu.
Connect The correct translation of the phrase connect computer to server is pripoji pota na server. Source text Internet Connection wizard Incorrect translation Correct translation
D Data The correct translation of the term data is daje. The adjective dajov is used in standard combinations such as dajov body, dajov rady, etc. Source text Data Source Logon Use this option into reset one of the data series. Incorrect translation (-) Prihlsenie dtovho zdroja (-) Tto monos mete poui na vynulovanie jednho z dtovch radov. Correct translation (+) Prihlsenie zdroja dajov (+) Tto monos mete poui na vynulovanie jednho z dajovch radov.
Define In most cases, the correct translation of the verb define is uri or vytvori. The translation definova is only suitable in cases involving the definition of the content of a term or object. Source text Change to user-defined template Incorrect translation (-) Zmeni na ablnu definovan pouvateom Correct translation (+) Zmeni na ablnu vytvoren pouvateom
Disable The verbs enable and disable are correctly translated as povoli and zakza if they refer to long-term settings. If they refer to immediate actions (such as the names of buttons), however, the correct translations are zapn and vypn. Source text Enable page transitions Disable pivoting of this field (recommended) Incorrect translation (-) Zapn prechod strnok (-) Vypn presun tohto poa (odporan) Correct translation (+) Povoli presun strnok (+) Zakza presun tohto poa (odporan)
Down The translations doava, doprava, nahor and nadol are correct in connection with verbs expressing motion (such as shift or move).
Incorrect translation Correct translation (-) Posun hore (-) Posun vavo (+) Posun nahor (+) Premiestni doava
Legend: The buttons Move Up and Move Down are translated as Posun nahor and Posun nadol in indexes, or simply as Nahor and Nadol.
E E-mail The noun e-mail is translated as "e-mail, a masculine noun of the inflection model dub. The adjective is translated as e-mailov. The verb to e-mail is translated as odosla e-mail. Note: With innovations of older products, it is necessary to preserve the requisite consistency with older rules. Consult the Microsoft terminology expert in case of doubt.
F For example It is not correct to place translation of expressions of the type for example or however at the beginning of a sentence as in English. Instead, they should be placed at the appropriate place in the sentence which they refer to. Source text However, this may cause some of your hardware to stop working. For example, if you install a Plug and Play compatible device later, Windows may not be able to set it up because these settings are unavailable. Incorrect translation (-) Avak, to me spsobi, e niektor hardvr prestane pracova. (-) Naprklad, ak neskr budete intalova zariadenie typu PnP, systm Windows ho nemus by schopn naintalova, pretoe tieto nastavenia nebud k dispozcii. Correct translation (+) To vak me spsobi, e niektor hardvr prestane pracova. (+) Ak naprklad budete intalova zariadenie typu PnP neskr, systm Windows ho nemus by schopn naintalova, pretoe toto nastavenie nebude k dispozcii.
H Hours In expressions with the following variable units of time (hours, minutes, seconds) the units of time are to be translated using the following abbreviations: hod., min., s.. Source text %s minute(s) Wait %s seconds, please. Incorrect translation (-) %s mint Correct translation (+) %s min. (+) Pokajte %s s.
Hyperlink The correct translation of the expression link is prepojenie. Similarly, the correct translation of the expression hyperlink is hypertextov prepojenie, or prepojenie for short (if the context is clear). Source text Insert hyperlink... Incorrect translation (-) Vloi hypertextov odkaz... Correct translation (+) Vloi hypertextov prepojenie...; Vloi prepojenie...
I ID The correct translation of the noun ID is identification. The adjective ID (such as in expressions of the type ID number) is translated as identifikan.
Information The correct translation of this word is always in plural form: Source text Shows cell information window. Incorrect translation (-) Zobraz okno s informciou o bunke. Correct translation (+) Zobraz okno s informciami o bunke.
The expression more information shall be translated as alie informcie, not as viac informci. Source text For more information see... Incorrect translation (-) Viac informci njdete v... Correct translation (+) alie informcie njdete v...
Internet Podstatn meno Internet sa preklad ako internet pe sa s malm zaiatonm psmenom a sklouje sa. Prdavn meno Internet sa preklad ako internetov.
Correct translation (+) Chcem nastavi pripojenie na internet manulne. (+) Program Internet Explorer sa poksi pripoji na internet. (+) Sasti, ktor sa daj prevzia z internetu (+) Internet Explorer a internetov nstroje pridanie sast
Internet Explorer will attempt to connect to the Internet. Components downloadable from Internet Internet Explorer and Internet Tools Add Components
The terms Internet Service Provider or ISP are translated as poskytovate internetovch sluieb.
M Microsoft In cases in which the word Microsoft is part of a translated name of a component, it should be translated according to the following template: Source text Microsoft Magnifier Incorrect translation (-) Zvovacie sklo spolonosti Microsoft Correct translation (+) Zvovacie sklo od spolonosti Microsoft
N Name The translation meno is only correct in connection with an animate noun, such as in the term meno pouvatea (user name). The correct translation is nzov in connection with inanimate nouns, such as in the expressions nzov servera, nzov prieinka, nzov potaa (server name, folder name, computer name). Source text Folder name Incorrect translation (-) Meno prieinka Correct translation (+) Nzov prieinka
O Occurred The correct translation of the expression has occurred is vyskytol sa. This expression frequently appears in error messages. Source text An error has occurred Incorrect translation (-) Nastala chyba. (-) Dolo k chybe. (-) Nala sa chyba. Correct translation (+) Vyskytla sa chyba.
Off-line The expressions off-line and on-line are translated as online and offline. When translating these expressions, use the superordinate word reim positioned before the words online and offline. The superordinate word is omitted in standard combinations. Source text Microsoft Internet Explorer Online Setup Online registration Incorrect translation (-) On-line intalcia programu Microsoft Internet Explorer (-) Online registrcia Correct translation (+) Intalcia online programu Microsoft Internet Explorer (+) Registrcia online
One or more The phrase one or more is translated according to the following examples: 48
Incorrect translation
Correct translation
(-) Chystte sa odstrni jeden alebo (+) Chystte sa odstrni zznamy. viac zznamov. (+) Niektor sbory poadovan na nvrat potaa do predchdzajceho stavu sa nedaj njs.
One or more of the files required to (-) Jeden alebo viacero sborov restore your computer to its previous poadovanch na nvrat potaa state could not be found. do predchdzajceho stavu sa ned njs.
Open With The correct translation of the expression Open With is Otvori v programe.
Please In most cases, the word prosm (please) is omitted in Slovak. It is only used in translations of phrases of the type Please wait, which stands by itself most of the time. Source text Please wait... Incorrect translation (-) akajte prosm... Correct translation (+) Pokajte, prosm...
If the word please appears in the middle of the text in the original, the correct thing to do is not translate it into Slovak. Source text Please insert the CD into your CDROM drive Incorrect translation (-) Vlote prosm disk do vaej CDROM mechaniky. Correct translation (+) Vlote disk CD do mechaniky CD-ROM.
R Region In the terms Country/Region the word region is to be translated as regin. This word denotes geographic divisions which do not have the international status of a country. 49
See: Down
See: Authorisation
Run The correct way to translate the verb run is as pracova or spusti. Source text Internet Explorer is already running. Incorrect translation (-) Program Internet Explorer 4.0 momentlne be. (-) Tento program nemus bea na systme Windows 98 sprvne. Correct translation (+) Program Internet Explorer 4.0 je u spusten. (+) Tento program mono nebude sprvne pracova v systme Windows 98.
Set As Default The phrase Set As Default and similar expressions with equivalent meaning are to be translated as Predvoli. Source text Set As Default Set Default Incorrect translation (-) Nastavi ako predvolen (-) Nastavi predvolen Correct translation (+) Predvoli (+) Predvoli
Settings The word settings is correctly translated as nastavenie in the singular form. 50
Note: The translation nastavenia may also be used in exceptional cases in which the word settings explicitly refers to a group of settings and the translation nastavenie would be misleading.
U Up See: Down
V Version The correct translation of the phrase <program name> Version X is program <program name>, verzia X. The string verzia X appears as an affix if it is inflected in conjunction with the string program <program name>. Source text Microsoft Message Queue Setup, Version 1.0 Internet Explorer Version 5.0 or greater is required. Incorrect translation (-) Microsoft Message Queue verzia 1.0 - intalcia (-) Potrebujete program Internet Explorer, verziu 5.0 alebo viu. Correct translation (+) Microsoft Message Queue, verzia 1.0 - intalcia (+) Potrebujete program Internet Explorer, verziu 5.0 alebo noviu.
Note. An English reference to a newer version of a product ( newer, greater, higher version) is to be translated as novia verzia.
W Web The correct translation of the noun Web (in the context of World Wide Web) is web (beginning with a lowercase letter), inflected according to inflection model dub. The correct translation of the adjective is webov, such as webov lokalita, or webov strnka. Source text Browse Web... Incorrect translation (-) Prehadva sie WWW... Correct translation (+) Prehadva web...
Welcome to ... The correct translation of the phrase Welcome to is Vta vs. Source text Welcome to Microsoft Chat. Incorrect translation (-) Vitajte v programe Microsoft Chat. Correct translation (+) Vta vs program Microsoft Chat.
What would you like to... It is not advisable to use the conditional when translating this phrase into Slovak. Use the 2 instead. Source text Which settings would you like to apply? What would you like to do? Incorrect translation (-) Ak nastavenie by ste chceli poui? (-) o by ste chceli urobi?
person plural
Wizard Write the word Sprievodca (guide) with a capital letter if the context refers to the concrete name sprievodca. Source text You have successfully set options with the Accessibility Wizard. Correct translation (+) Pomocou Sprievodcu zjednoduenm ovldania ste spene nastavili monosti.
Write the word sprievodca with a lowercase letter if the word is used in the general sense. Source text To run this wizard again, choose Audio Tuning Wizard from the Tools menu. Correct translation (+) Ak chcete spusti tohto sprievodcu znovu, vyberte prkaz Sprievodca ladenm zvuku v ponuke Nstroje .
Consistent use of Microsoft approved terminology in all localized products is one of the major factors in achieving the required quality of the localized product. Slovak dictionaries:
Fictitious Information
Fictitious content is legally sensitive material and as such cannot be handled as a pure terminology or localization issue. Below is some basic information and contact points when dealing with fictitious content: Vendors and Localizers are not allowed to create their own fictitious names. You must either use the source names or use the list of legally approved names provided. Please contact your product team representative for further information on how to deal with fictitious companies, names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. in your product. For technical products, you may also check with the product team representative whether localized fictitious content is required or not (e.g. Visual Studio). The division Microsoft Language Excellence provides only the following information regarding fictitious names and addresses: Fictitious e-mail address The following fictitious e-mail address is used for Slovak: If you would like to create a different fictitious e-mail address, you must contact the applicable contact person at Microsoft whom you are working with on the given project, and he or she will provide you with the relevant information and a list of approved addresses. Fictitious URL addresses The sample website address, which is used in documentation and in guides, should not be translated. If you would like to create a different fictitious URL address, you must contact the applicable contact person at Microsoft whom you are working with on the given project, and he or she will provide you with the relevant information and a list of approved addresses.
Recurring Patterns
Use the world chcete...? (formal form of do you want/would you like) for questions for users.
Standardized Translations
There are a number of standardized translations mentioned in all sections of this Style Guide. In order to find them more easily, the most relevant topics and sections are compiled here for you reference. Troublesome or conflictive words The importance of standardization Standard Phrases in Error Messages Titles
Unlocalized Items
Trademarked names and the name Microsoft Corporation shouldnt be localized. A list of Microsoft trademarks is available for your reference at the following location: Insert the so-called superordinate word which generally describes the given term, abbreviation or name in front of undeclinable words and abbreviations left in English (i.e. in front of specialized terms which have the character of proper nouns, names of programs, tools, companies, in front of abbreviations, etc.). Decline the superordinate word in the translation and leave the English part of the name in the nominative. Note: Always insert the superordinate word in front of the expression, never after it!
Source text in Windows 98 Please insert the CD into your CDROM drive Open with Word Click OK
Incorrect translation (-) vo Windows 98 (-) Vlote CD disk do CD-ROM mechaniky. (-) Otvori vo Word-e (-) Kliknite na OK.
Correct translation (+) v systme Windows 98 (+) Vlote disk CD do mechaniky CD-ROM. (+) Otvori v programe Word (+) Kliknite na tlaidlo OK.
Localized Items
Do not insert superordinate words in front of the names of products, components and functions translated into Slovak, and decline the translated names. Note: If a superordinate word is used in the English original, it should also be used in the Slovak translation.
Source text Displays Help for the current task or command. You can use Notepad to remove the keyword. Displays Task Scheduler's version number. Ensure that the Task Scheduler service is running.
Correct translation (+) Zobraz Pomocnka pre tto lohu alebo prkaz. (+) Kov slovo mete odstrni pomocou Poznmkovho bloku. (+) Zobraz slo verzie Plnovaa loh. (+) Skontrolujte, i je spusten sluba Plnova loh.
Borrowed terms
When using loan words, consider the following options: Motivation: Does the loan word have any formally motivated features that would allow a straightforward integration into the noun class system of Slovak language? Loan words in Slovak language are distinguished according to the degree of adoption. They can be: 1. fully adopted words, Slovak grammar applies, e.g. protokol 2. partially adopted words, Slovak grammar applies, but maintain original spelling, e.g. syntax 3. not adopted words, maintain their original form and spelling, typically no declensions Analogy: Is there an equivalent Slovak term which could be used? Frequency: Is the term used in other technical documentation? The internet may be a helpful reference here.
Software Considerations
This section refers to all menus, menu items, commands, buttons, check boxes, etc., which should be consistently translated in the localized product. Refer to for a detailed explanation of the Windows user interface guidelines (English).
User Interface
Menu, Submenu, Menu Commands
Names of menus and commands begin with a capital letter on all levels. If the name of a menu or command constitutes a noun, always put it in the nominative case. The basic verb form is the infinitive. Other forms (verbal nouns, participles, etc.) are only permissible in cases in which an infinitive cannot be formed.
The name of a command also begins with a capital letter in secondary menus. Commands in main and secondary menus do not have to form a sentence.
Names of menus and commands do not end in any punctuation mark (period, exclamation mark, dash, question mark, semicolon, colon, quotation marks, apostrophe, hyphen, brackets). The only exception is commands in the menu which end with elliptical marks (...) in the English original these commands should also end in elliptical marks in Slovak. Replace back slashes with the conjunction and or the conjunction or in accordance with the rules for translating phrases with back slashes:
The perfective form of the verb (Zobrazi, Vloi etc.) should be given preference when translating the names of commands, since it is usually shorter. If the perfective aspect is only expressed by a prefix, the imperfective form of the verb should generally be given preference (i.e. Koprova instead of Skoprova). Translation of references to an element References to the use of this element in an interface (such as in Help or in documentation) should be translated according to the following template:
Source text On Insert menu, point to AutoText, and then click AutoText. Click Save on the File menu.
Correct translation (+) V ponuke Vloi ukte na poloku Automatick text a kliknite na poloku Automatick text. (+) Kliknite na prkaz Uloi v ponuke Sbor.
If the name of a dialog window contains a subtitle, separate the subtitle with an apostrophe and the text after the apostrophe should begin with a lowercase letter. This mainly applies to the following subtitles: Information More Info Mode Dialog* Advanced, Advanced Settings About Install, Setup Uninstall Options Settings Properties - informcie - alie informcie - reim - rozren nastavenie - informcie - intalcia - odintalovanie - monosti - nastavenie - vlastnosti
Incorrect translation (-) Podrobnosti o sieti (-) Vlastnosti siete (-) Monosti siete
Correct translation (+) Sie podrobnosti (+) Sie vlastnosti (+) Sie monosti
The superordinate word is not used in the name of dialog windows in cases of product names in the first person singular. Source text Internet Explorer Setup Incorrect translation (-) Program Internet Explorer Intalcia Correct translation (+) Internet Explorer - intalcia
Group Box
The name of a part of a window should start with a capital letter, as with names of other dialog window elements. It should not end with any punctuation mark. The name of a part of a window is usually translated as a noun:
If the name of a widow part constitutes part of a sentence which continues on (i.e. with checkbox text), the translation should have the form of the sentence in infinitive form:
A description of the control elements or applications is sometimes displayed in part of the window. In such case, the same translation style rules apply as with the status line the sentence should end with a period. Translation of references to an element References to the use of this element in an interface (such as in Help or in documentation) should be translated according to the following template: Source text Under Select document type, click Letters. Correct translation (+) V asti Vber typu dokumentu kliknite na poloku Listy.
Command Button
The name of a command button should start with a capital letter. If the name of the button constitutes a noun or adjective, it should always be in the nominative case. The basic verbal form is the infinitive. Other forms (verbal nouns, participles, etc.) are only permissible in cases in which an infinitive cannot be formed. Names of buttons should not end with any kind of punctuation mark. An exception is buttons with names which end with elliptical marks (...) in the original. These buttons should also end in elliptical marks in Slovak. 60
In some cases, the buttons description is specified next to the button. In such case, the same translation style rules apply as with the status line the sentence should end with a period. The names of switches on tables, which have a similar function as buttons and are part of the software, should be translated the same way.
Translation of references to an element References to the use of this element in an interface (such as in Help or in documentation) should be translated according to the following template:
Source text In the Update Table of Contents dialog box, select the option that you want and click OK. Click Next: Starting document.
Correct translation (+) V dialgovom okne Aktualizcia obsahu vyberte poadovan monos a kliknite na tlaidlo OK.* (+) Kliknite na poloku alej: Poiaton dokument.**
* In the case of command buttons, the translation type ...stlate tlaidlo OK is not correct, even if the English original reads OK. ** Switch to work table
The description of an element (usually buttons) should begin with a capital letter and should not end with any punctuation mark. Since buttons on panels with tools usually represent the corresponding menu commands, it is recommended for the description of the button to be the same as the name of the given command.
If a button description must be created which is not identical to the name of the menu command, the basic verb form is the third person singular: Ulo vytvoren sbor (saves the file created). It is necessary to take the use of the perfective and imperfective aspect into consideration according to the function of the element in question. Other forms (verbal noun, participle) are only permissible in cases in which the third person singular cannot be formed. If the name of the button constitutes a noun or adjective, it should always be in the nominative case.
Text Box
The name of a text field should start with a capital letter and end with a colon. Text fields which are located in the middle of a string constitute an exception. In such case, the name of a text field should start with a capital letter and end with a colon before the text field itself. Text continuing after the text box should begin with a lowercase letter and is usually not ended with any punctuation mark. It may be ended with a period in relevant cases Translation of references to an element References to the use of this element in an interface (such as in Help or in documentation) should be translated according to the following template:
Source text In the Find what box, enter the text you want to find.
Correct translation (+) V poli Hada zadajte text, ktor chcete njs.
List Box
Individual options (items which the user can select) are displayed in the list. If all of the items cannot be displayed at the same time, a slider will be displayed. The name of a list usually starts with a capital letter and ends with a colon. If this is not possible for reasons specified in the following section, then the items in a list should start with a lowercase letter. 62
Items in a list should start with capital letters in the following cases: If it is probable that the list will contain old items from previous versions which start with a capital letter. If other rules which require the use of capital letters apply to the items in question.
Translation of references to an element References to the use of this element in an interface (such as in Help or in documentation) should be translated according to the following template: Source text In the Add caption list, select the items for which you want Word to insert captions. In the Field box, click the field you want. Correct translation (+) V zozname Prida popis vyberte poloky, ku ktorm m program Word vloi popisy. (+) V zozname Polia kliknite na poadovan pole.
The name of a dropdown list should start with a capital letter and end with a colon.
If the name of a dropdown list is simultaneously the name of a window part, the rules of translating the names of window parts shall apply to it.
The same rules as those for items on a list apply to items on a dropdown list. Combo Box A combo box is similar to a dropdown list. However, a combo box enables users to enter further items, in addition to providing the option of selecting a particular item from a list.
The same rules as those for items on a list apply to items on a combo box. Translation of references to an element References to the use of this element in an interface (such as in Help or in documentation) should be translated according to the following template:
Source text In the Dictionary language box, click the language whose dictionary you want to use.
Correct translation (+) V poli Jazyk slovnka kliknite na jazyk, ktorho slovnk chcete poui.
Check Box
The text of a check box starts with a capital letter and has an indefinite form. If the text does not form a sentence, it should not end with any punctuation mark (period, colon, etc).
The imperfective aspect should be given preference in translations of texts with check boxes. Cases in which the check box causes a one-time action to be carried out constitute an exception. Source text Create Crash Dump File Enable Color Management Correct translation (+) Vytvra sbor so stavom systmu pri zlyhan (+) Zapn sprvu farieb
Note: The correct name for this control element is zaiarkavacie polko; the expressions zaiarkovacie polko and zaiarkvacie polko are incorrect! Translation of references to an element References to the use of this element in an interface (such as in Help or in documentation) should be translated according to the following template: Source text Select the checkbox to... Incorrect translation (-) Zakrtnite polko (-) Vyistite zaiarkovacie polko, zrute zaiarkavacie polko, at. Correct translation (+) Zaiarknite polko, zaiarknutm polka... (+) Zrute zaiarknutie polka
Text describing an entire switch should be translated according to the context and should end in a semicolon. If the name of a text describing a switch is simultaneously the name of a window part, the rules of translating the names of window parts shall apply to it. Translation of references to an element References to the use of this element in an interface (such as in Help or in documentation) should be translated according to the following template: Source text Click New worksheet, and then click OK. Incorrect translation (-) Kliknite na prepna Nov pracovn hrok a potom na tlaidlo OK.* Correct translation (+) Kliknite na polko Nov pracovn hrok a potom na tlaidlo OK.
* Switch is the name of the entire control element offering the user a selection of one of several options. The expression polko or prepnacie polko refers to the individual options.
If the spin box is located in the middle of a string, the first string shall begin with a capital letter and will either end or not end with a semicolon, depending on context (it usually does not end with any punctuation mark). A string after the numerical data usually continues with a lowercase letter and generally does not end with any punctuation mark. If the text after the spin box continues with the name of the objects, the number of which is entered by the spin box, it will be necessary to modify the text before the object according to the following template and omit the text after the spin box.
This procedure need not be used in cases in which the correct translation of the text after the spin box does not depend on the number selected, such as in the following example:
The values on a slider are written using lowercase initial letters.
Translation of references to an element References to the use of this element in an interface (such as in Help or in documentation) should be translated according to the following template: Source text The Device volume slider on the Volume tab is linked to the volume slider in the Volume Control dialog box. Correct translation (+) Jazdec Hlasitos zariadenia na karte Hlasitos je prepojen s jazdcom hlasitosti v dialgovom okne Ovldanie hlasitosti.
Messages in English tend to use indefinite clauses, while in Slovak definite structures must be used. Source text Page not found. Correct translation (+) Strnka sa nenala.
When the message has the form of a noun phrase, for example: Print error, to save space or to convey concise information, a noun phrase can be used in Slovak as well ( Chyba pri tlai).
Status Messages
What is a Status Bar Message? A status bar message is an informational message about the active document or a selected command as well as about any active or selected interface item. Messages are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window when the user has chosen a menu, a command or any other item, or has started a function. The status bar messages refer to actions being performed or already complete (for example in Outlook below).
Slovak Style in Status bar Messages In English, the status bar messages have different forms dependent on the information they must convey. In Slovak, menu and commands status bar messages should follow the format below. English Status Bar message Contains editing commands Copies the selected items to a new location Creates a new document Make object visible? Slovak Status Bar message Obsahuje prkazy na vykonvanie prav Skopruje vybrat poloky do inho umiestnenia. Vytvor nov dokument Chcete objekt zviditeni? 68
menu command
Slovak Name
English Status Bar message Word is converting the document. Press Esc to stop. Datasheet View Done
Slovak Status Bar message Aplikcia Word konvertuje dokument. Tto operciu zastavte stlaenm klvesu Esc. dajov zobrazenie Hotovo
Messages in the status line describe the designated command in a menu or, as the case may be, another element of the user interface. The status line is located in the lower part of the window. Messages and instructions in the status line should be concise, clear and comprehensible. The user should be able to take in the most important part of the information with a quick glance at the status line. When translating status line texts, it is recommended to formulate communicative sentences in the present tense. The verb is in the rd 3 person singular form. The subject is usually not expressed in this type of sentence (subjects which are not expressed include the name of the command, button, etc.). The sentence ends in a period.
The importance of standardization In the US product you can often find messages that are phrased differently even though they have the same meaning. Try to avoid this in the localized Slovak version. Use one standard translation as in the examples below: English term Press F1 to get Help If you want Help press F1 To get Help press F1 69 Correct Slovak translation Pomoc zskate stlaenm klvesu F1.
Not enough memory Insufficient memory There is not enough memory Save changes to %1? Do you want to save changes to %1?
Nedostatok pamte
Error Messages
What Is An Error Message? Here is an example:
Error messages are messages sent by the system or a program, informing the user that there is an error that must be corrected in order for the program to keep running. For example, the messages can prompt the user to take an action or inform the user of an error that requires rebooting the computer. Slovak Style in Error Messages It is important to use consistent terminology and language style in the localized error messages, and not just translate as they appear in the US product. Error messages in English are often space-savvy and use indefinite clauses, for example only the past participle of a verb instead of the full form, or the construction Error + present participle, e. g. Error creating. When translating, we should adhere to the Slovak syntax, thus using definite clauses. Standard Phrases in Error Messages When translating standard phrases, standardize. Note that sometimes the US uses different forms to express the same thing. English Cannot Could not Translation Ned sa/Nepodarilo sa Example (+) Nepodarilo sa otvori strnku. 70 Comment
English Failed to Failure of Cannot find Could not find Unable to find Unable to locate Not enough memory Insufficient memory There is not enough memory There is not enough memory available ... is not available ... is unavailable
Translation ...zlyhalo
Example (+) Komunikcia s tlaiarou zlyhala. (+) Nepodarilo sa njs kninicu COMMDLG32.DLL.
Nepodarilo sa njs...
Nedostatok pamte
(+) Na spracovanie tejto poiadavky nie je k dispozcii dostatok pamte. (+) Obrzok nie je k dispozcii
ne je k dispozcii/ nedostupn
see: Available
Error Messages Containing Placeholders When localizing error messages containing placeholders, try to find out what will replace the placeholder. This is necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct when the placeholder is replaced with a word or phrase. Note that the letters used in placeholders convey a specific meaning, see examples below: %d, %ld, %u, and %lu means <number> %c means <letter> %s means <string> Examples of error messages containing placeholders: "Checking Web %1!d! of %2!d!" means "Checking Web <number> of <number>". "INI file "%1!-.200s!" section" means "INI file "<string>" section". If multiple representative symbols designated by a % sign and a letter appear in an error or system message, it will be necessary to preserve the order of those symbols in the string. Failure to comply with this rule may cause severe and hard-to-detect localization errors, which is why compliance with it takes precedence over other style rules specified in this material.
The keyboard is the primary input device used for text input in Microsoft Windows. For accessibility and efficiency, most actions can be performed using the keyboard as well. While working with Microsoft software, you use keys, key combinations and key sequences. In English, References to key names, like arrow keys, function keys and numeric keys, appear in normal text (not in small caps).
Sometimes, there are underlined or highlighted letters in menu options, commands or dialog boxes. These letters refer to access keys (also known as hot keys) that allow you to run commands, perform tasks, etc. more quickly. Hot Key Special Options "Slim characters", such as I, l, t, r, f can be used as hot key Characters with downstrokes, such as g, j, y, p and q can be used as hotkeys Extended characters can be used as hotkeys An additional letter, appearing between brackets after item name, can be used as hotkeys Usage: Is It Allowed? Yes Notes Only when no other characters are available. Only when no other characters are available.
Hot Key Special Options A number, appearing between brackets after item name, can be used as hotkey A punctuation sign, appearing between brackets after item name, can be used as hotkey Duplicate hotkeys are allowed when no other character is available
Usage: Is It Allowed? No
No hotkey is assigned when no more No characters are available (minor options only) Additional notes: n/a
Arrow Keys
The arrow keys move input focus among the controls within a group. Pressing the right arrow key moves input focus to the next control in tab order, whereas pressing the left arrow moves input focus to the previous control. Home, End, Up, and Down also have their expected behavior within a group. Users can't navigate out of a control group using arrow keys.
Numeric Keypad
It is recommended that you avoid distinguishing numeric keypad keys from the other keys, unless it is required by a given application. In case which keys to be pressed is not obvious, provide necessary explanations.
Shortcut Keys
Shortcut keys are keystrokes or combinations of keystrokes used to perform defined functions in a software application. Shortcut keys replace menu commands and they are sometimes given next to the command they represent. In opposition to the access keys, which can be used only when available on the screen, shortcut keys can be used even when they are not accessible on the screen.
Standard Shortcut Keys US Command US English Shortcut Key Slovak Command General Windows Shortcut keys Help window Context-sensitive Help F1 Shift+F1 Okno Pomocnk Kontextov pomoc/kontextov Pomocnk Zobrazi kontextov ponuku Zrui Aktivova alebo deaktivova reim panela s ponukami Prejs na aliu primrnu aplikciu Zobrazi alie okno Zobrazi kontextov ponuku pre okno Zobrazi kontextov ponuku pre aktvne podriaden okno Zobrazi hrok vlastnost aktulneho vberu Zavrie okno aktvnej aplikcie Prejs na alie okno v (bezreimovej) aplikcii Zaznamena obrzok aktvneho okna do schrnky Zaznamena obrzok pracovnej plochy do schrnky Prstup k tlaidlu tart v paneli loh Zobrazi alie podriaden okno F1 Shift+F1 Slovak Shortcut key
Display pop-up menu Cancel Activate\Deactivate menu bar mode Switch to the next primary application Display next window Display pop-up menu for the window Display pop-up menu for the active child window Display property sheet for current selection Close active application window Switch to next window within (modelesscompliant) application Capture active window image to the Clipboard Capture desktop image to the Clipboard Access Start button in taskbar Display next child
Alt+Esc Alt+Spacebar
Alt+Esc Alt+Spacebar
Alt+Prnt Scrn
Alt+Prnt Scrn
Prnt Scrn
Prnt Scrn
US Command window Display next tabbed pane Launch Task Manager and system initialization
Slovak Command
File Menu File New File Open File Close File Save File Save as File Print Preview File Print File Exit Ctrl+N Ctrl+O Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+S F12 Ctrl+F2 Ctrl+P Alt+F4 Sbor Nov Sbor Otvori Sbor Zavrie Sbor Uloi Sbor Ako Sbor Ukka pred tlaou Sbor Tlai Sbor Skoni Edit Menu Edit Undo Edit Repeat Edit Cut Edit Copy Edit Paste Edit Delete Edit Select All Edit Find Edit Replace Edit Go To Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Y Ctrl+X Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Ctrl+Backspace Ctrl+A Ctrl+F Ctrl+H Ctrl+B pravy Sp pravy Opakova pravy Vystrihn pravy Koprova pravy Prilepi pravy Odstrni pravy Vybra vetko pravy Hada pravy Nahradi pravy Prejs na Help Menu Help F1 Pomocnk F1 Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Y Ctrl+X Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Ctrl+Backspace Ctrl+A Ctrl+F Ctrl+H Ctrl+B Ctrl+N Ctrl+O Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+S F12 Ctrl+F2 Ctrl+P Alt+F4
US Command
Kurzva Tun psmo Podiarknut alebo podiarkovanie slov Vek kapitlky Mal kapitlky Paragraph Format
Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+K
Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+K
V riadku vzorcov sa objav adresa bunky (B4) a jej obsah (Oblas). Posvanie v hrku 1. Premiestnite ukazovate na doln pku zvislho posvaa na pravom kraji okna a kliknite na pku. Hrok sa posunie o jeden riadok nadol. 2. Kliknite na oblas pod jazdcom posvaa. Hrok sa posunie snadol o jednu obrazovku. 3. Premiestnite ukazovate na jazdca, podrte stlaen tlaidlo myi, posute ukazovate na horn koniec zvislho posvaa a uvonite tlaidlo. Tejto akcii hovorme ahanie. 4. Hrok sa posunie nahor na prv riadok.
In English the titles for chapters usually begin with "How to " or with phrases such as "Working with " or "Using ". Whenever possible, use the noun form of Slovak titles. Do NOT use Ako as a translation of How to titles: Source text How to install and use Correct translation (+) Intalcia a pouvanie programu
Exceptions from the Noun form rule: Source text What's New in <productname> Getting Started with <productname> Correct translation (+) o je nov v programe (balku, ...) < productname> (+) Zaname s programom (balkom, ...) <productname>
Copyright protection is granted to any original work of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression from which it can be perceived, reproduced, or communicated. Once the localized copyrights are handed off to the relevant Application Team, the localization companies (or internal units) are not allowed to change them. It is very important that notices are left the way they are for legal reasons among others.