09 - Nicholls - Fenlands

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The Fens- approximately 1 million acres (1,300 sq miles) of black
fertile soil stretching from King's Lynn to Cambridge to
Peterborough to Lincoln (see map 1)
The Fens were covered with forests after the Ice Age, as ice melted
it flooded the low lying land killing all the vegetation.
Land lower than sea level. Over 200 miles of rivers in Fenland
Rivers flowing from Pennine Hills to east. One eighth of all
England's surface water drain into the sea through Fenland.
Romans first started to drain land near Cambridge in 43AD.
Provided rich agricultural land (black peat), peat for burning and
Returned tothe sea/swamps for 500 years. Small islands above sea
level provided safe havens and settlements were established.
The largest island was called the Isle of Eels now Ely. One of
England's largest Cathedrals was founded in xxx by Queen
1630 (Queen Elizabeth I reign)- Consortium of Lords headed by
appointed a Dutchman, Cornellius Vermuyden to
mastermind a scheme.(Land ownership, land speculation,
land management) - -
Creation of the drains. - large 21 mile drain Earith to Denver
(known as Old Bedford) and Hundred Footer draining water from
the river Ouse to the sea at King's Lynn
The draining worked until the land shrank (peat dried out and
also blew away in the strong easterly winds)
Windmills and later in 18th Century steam engines drove the
pumps to scoop water to higher drains.
Fenland today is kept dry by numerous draining boards in the
North, south and middle level. Some ofthe-piimpingstations, now
run by electricity can shift 200 tons of water per minute. Is often
lifted 27 feet up hill.
Since the Fens were drained in 17th Century the peat areas have
shrunk and is approximately 20feet lower than in Elizabethan days
Sandringham Estates
1760 Charles Spencer Cowper purchased 2000 acres for 2,000
1862 Queen Victoria bought the then 7000 acre estate for 220,000 for
her eldest son Prince Edward and his wife Princess Alexander. 60,000
spent on immediate improvements.
Over the 50 years the estate grew to over 20,000 acres, houses and
outbuilding were increased. Farm management intensified and
woodlands planted.
1891 Sandringham House fire burnt- new front and wings added with
new roof line.
2002 -Just over 20,000 acres
5 Villages (all building owned in 4 ofthe 5 villages)
Country Park and visitors centre
Private Parkland- 200 acres
Farmland- 16,000 acres (Two thirds tenant farmers)
Forests/woodland- 2000 acres (includes Sawmill)
2 Royal studs
Fruit Farm (apples and soft fruit) 200 acres
Mixture of land type and land usage.
Fertile farmland -chalk, lime and peat
Heath & set aside
Wetland- marshes (some reclaimed land from sea)
Managed country parkland
Homesteads - some rented at going rate, some free to Estate workers,
some pepercom rent
New Use of buildings- eg Park House, Cheshire Home for the
Thetford Forest, East Anglia
1. Thetford Forest covers some 80 square miles of former heathland, on the borders
of Norfolk and Suffolk. The forest is owned and managed by the Forestry Commission
subsidiary called Forest Enterprise. It is the largest block of forest in England.
2. The forest was mostly planted within a few years in the late 1920s and early
1930s. The area was previously of little agricultural value, being a light sandy soil in an
area of relatively low rainfall (about 22" per year). The main 'crop' used to be wild
rabbits - caught and sold for meat and furs. The establishment of the forest was
compressed into a short period to maximise the benefits for the local economy in a period
of economic depression.
3. The main species planted was the native conifer tree, the Scots Pine. This tree
was known to perform reasonably well on acid sandy soils and in low rainfall areas. Later
it was realised that the Thetford soil is sand over chalk, thus .an alkaline soil, not an acid
one. The Scots Pine trees were not growing as quickly as hoped and, by the 1950s it was
decided to switch to Corsican Pine as quickly as would be reasonable, through premature
harvesting of much of the Scots Pine. Whereas the Scots Pine had been grown on a 60-
70 year rotation, Corsican Pine performs well enough to be managed on a 45 year
4. Timber sales from the forest generate an annual income of 3-4 million. One of
the outlets for produce from the forest is wood chips for electricity generation. There is a
timber depot at the heart of the forest in the town of Bran don.
5. The forest is extensively used for recreation, including some intensive
commercial facilities, and for educational purposes. It is estimated that some 2 million
people visit the forest each year, including some 10,000 primary school children.
6. The forest contains 13 different Sites of Special Scientific Interest, numerous
archaeological sites and is an internationally important protection area for two rare birds
- the nightjar and the woodlark.

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