World Jones Made, The v1.3
World Jones Made, The v1.3
World Jones Made, The v1.3
ACE BOOKS, INC. 1120 Avenue of the Americas New Yor , N.Y. 100!"
02E 0E<1E9A0@9E of the 9efu$e varie& from 55 &e$rees .ahrenheit to 101 &e$rees .ahrenheit. Steam %a# 'erennia%%# in the air, &riftin$ an& (i%%owin$ s%u$$ish%#. Ae#sers of hot water s'urte&, an& the 8$roun&; was a shiftin$ surface of warm s%ime, com'oun&e& from water, &isso%ve& minera%s, an& fun$oi& 'u%'. 0he remains of %ichens an& 'roto7oa co%ore& an& thic ene& the scum of moisture that &ri''e& ever#where, over the wet roc s an& s'on$e)%i e shru((er#, the various uti%itarian insta%%ations. A carefu% (ac &ro' ha& (een 'ainte&, a %on$ '%ateau risin$ from a heav# ocean. Be#on& &ou(t, the 9efu$e was mo&e%e& after the wom(. 0he sem(%ance cou%&n+t (e &enie& B an& no(o&# had &enie& it. Ben&in$ &own, 3ouis moo&i%# 'ic e& u' a 'a%e $reen fun$us $rowin$ near his feet an& (ro e it a'art. @n&er its moist or$anic s in was a mesh of man)ma&e '%asticC the fun$us was artificia%. 8?e cou%& (e worse off,; .ran sai&, watchin$ him hur% the fun$us awa#. 8?e mi$ht have to 'a# for a%% this. It must have cost .e&$ov (i%%ions of &o%%ars to set u' this '%ace.; 8Sta$e scener#,; 3ouis sai& (itter%#. 8?hat forD ?h# were we (orn this wa#D; Arinnin$, .ran sai&E 8?e+re su'erior mutants, remem(erD Isn+t that what we &eci&e& #ears a$oD; 2e 'ointe& at the wor%& visi(%e (e#on& the wa%% of the 9efu$e. 8?e+re too 'ure for that.; Outsi&e %a# San .rancisco, the nocturna% cit# ha%f)as%ee' in its (%an et of chi%% fo$. Occasiona% cars cre't here an& thereC 'oc ets of commuters emer$e& %i e com'%icate& se$mente& worms from un&er$roun& monorai% termina%s. InfreFuent office %i$hts $%owe& s'arse%#G 3ouis turne& his (ac on the si$ht. It hurt too much to see it, to now that he was in here, tra''e&, cau$ht within the c%ose& circ%e of the $rou'. 0o rea%i7e that nothin$ e/iste& for them (ut the sittin$ an& starin$, the em't# #ears of the 9efu$e. 80here must (e a 'ur'ose,; he sai&. 8A reason for us.; .ran shru$$e& fata%istica%%#. 8?ar)time s'orts, $enerate& (# ra&iation 'oo%s. 4ama$e to the $enes. An acci&entG %i e *ones.; 8But the#+re ee'in$ us a%ive,; Irma sai&, from (ehin& them. 8A%% these #ears, maintainin$ us, carin$ for us. 0he# must $et somethin$ out of it. 0he# must have somethin$ in min&.; 84estin#D; .ran as e& moc in$%#. 8Our cosmic $oa%D; 0he 9efu$e was a mur #, steam# (ow% that im'risone& the seven of them. Its atmos'here was a mi/ture of ammonia, o/#$en, freon, an& traces of methane, heavi%# %a&en with water va'or, %ac in$ car(on &io/i&e. 0he 9efu$e ha& (een constructe& twent#) five #ears a$o, in 15HH, an& the o%&er mem(ers of the $rou' ha& memories of a 'rior %ife in se'arate mechanica% incu(ators. 0he ori$ina% wor manshi' ha& (een su'erior, an& from time to time im'rovements were ma&e. Norma% human wor men, 'rotecte& (# sea%e& suits, 'erio&ica%%# entere& the 9efu$e, &ra$$in$ their maintenance eFui'ment after them. @sua%%# it was the mo(i%e fauna that went out of or&er an& nee&e& re'airs. 8If the# ha& a 'ur'ose for us,; .ran sai&, 8the#+& te%% us.; 2e, 'ersona%%#, truste& the .e&$ov authorities who o'erate& the 9efu$e. 84octor 9affert# wou%& te%% usC #ou now that.; 8I+m not so sure,; Irma sai&.
8<# Ao&,; .ran sai& an$ri%#, 8the#+re not our enemies. If the# wante& to, the# cou%& wi'e us out in a secon& B an& the# haven+t, have the#D 0he# cou%& %et the Youth 3ea$ue in here at us.; 80he# have no ri$ht to ee' us in here,; 3ouis 'roteste&. .ran si$he&. 8If we went out there,; he sai& carefu%%#, as if he were s'ea in$ to chi%&ren, 8we+& &ie.; At the u''er rim of the trans'arent wa%% was a 'ressure vent, a series of safet# va%ves. A &u%% miasma of acri& $asses tric %e& in, mi/in$ with the fami%iar &am'ness of their own air. 8Sme%% thatD; .ran &eman&e&. 80hat+s what it+s %i e outsi&e. 2arsh an& free7in$ an& %etha%.; 84i& it ever occur to #ou,+ 3ouis as e&, 8that ma#(e that stuff %ea in$ in is a &e%i(erate fa eD; 8It occurs to a%% of us,; .ran sai&. 8Ever# cou'%e of #ears. ?e $et in our 'aranoia sta$e an& we start '%annin$ to (rea out. On%# we &on+t have to (rea outC a%% we have to &o is wa% out. No(o&# ever sto''e& us. ?e+re free to %eave this steame&)u' (ow%, e/ce't for one factE we #an$t survive out there% We$re &ust not strong enough%; B# the trans'arent wa%%, a hun&re& feet awa#, stoo& the remainin$ four mem(ers of the $rou'. .ran +s voice carrie& to them, a ho%%ow an& &istorte& soun&. Aarr#, the #oun$est of the $rou', $%ance& u'. 2e %istene& for a moment, (ut no further wor&s were au&i(%e. 8O a#,; :ivian sai& im'atient%#. 83et+s $o.; Aarr# no&&e&. 8Aoo&(#e wom(,; he muttere&. 9eachin$ u', he 'resse& the re& (utton that wou%& (rin$ 4octor 9affert#. 4octor 9affert# sai&E 8Our sma%% frien&s $et somewhat e/cite&, once in awhi%e. 0he#+ve &eci&e& the# can %ic an# man in the house.; 2e %e& Cussic to the u'ram'. 80his wi%% (e interestin$G #our first time. 4on+t (e sur'rise&C it ma# (e a shoc . 0he#+re Fuite &ifferent from us, 'h#sio%o$ica%%# s'ea in$.; At the e%eventh f%oor the first e%ements of the 9efu$e were visi(%e, the e%a(orate 'um's that maintaine& its tem'erature an& atmos'here. 4octors instea& of 'o%ice were visi(%e, white uniforms instea& of (rown. On the fourteenth f%oor 9affert# ste''e& from the risin$ ram', an& Cussic fo%%owe&. 80he#+re rin$in$ for #ou,; a &octor sai& to 9affert#. 80he#+re hi$h%# &istur(e&, these &a#s.; 80han s.; 0o Cussic , 9affert# sai&E 8You can watch on that screen. I &on+t want them to see #ou. 0he# shou%&n+t (e aware of the 'o%ice $uar&.; A section of wa%% retire&. Be#on& it was the swir%in$ (%ue)$reen %an&sca'e of the 9efu$e. Cussic watche& as 4octor 9affert# stro&e throu$h the %oc an& into the artificia% wor%& (e#on&. Imme&iate%# the ta%% fi$ure was surroun&e& (# seven curious 'aro&ies, $nomish miniatures (oth ma%e an& fema%e. 0he seven of them were a$itate&, an& their frai%, (ir&)ca$e chests rose an& fe%% with emotion. Cr#in$ shri%%#, e/cite&%#, the# (e$an to e/'%ain an& $esture. 8?hat is itD; 9affert# interru'te&. In the swe%terin$ steam of the 9efu$e he was $as'in$ for (reathC 'ers'iration &ri''e& from his re&&enin$ face. 8?e want to %eave here,; a fema%e 'i'e&. 8An& we+re wa% in$,; another announce&, a ma%e. 8?e+ve &eci&e& B #ou can+t ee' us shut u' in here. ?e have ri$hts.; .or an interva% 9affert# &iscusse& the situation with themC then, a(ru't%#, he turne& an& ma&e his wa# (ac throu$h the %oc . 80hat+s m# %imit,; he murmure& to Cussic ,
mo''in$ his forehea&. 8I can to%erate three minutes in there, an& then the ammonia $oes to wor .; 8You+re $oin$ to %et them tr# itD; Cussic as e&. 8Activate the :an,; 9affert# sai& to his technicians. 82ave it rea&# to 'ic them u' as the# &ro'.; 0o Cussic he e/'%aine&E 80he :an is an iron %un$ for them. 0here won+t (e too much ris C the#+re fra$i%e, (ut we+%% (e rea&# to $ather them u' (efore &ama$e is &one.; Not a%% the mutants were %eavin$ the 9efu$e. .our hesitant fi$ures were 'ic in$ their wa# a%on$ the 'assa$e that %e& to the e%evator. Behin& them, their three com'anions remaine& in the safet# of the entrance, hu&&%e& to$ether in a $rou'. 80hose three are more rea%istic,; 4octor 9affert# sai&. 8An& o%&er. 0he s%i$ht%# heavier one, the &ar )haire& one who %oo s the most human, is .ran . It+s the #oun$er ones who $ive us the trou(%e. I+%% 'ut them throu$h a $ra&ationa% series of sta$es to acc%imati7e their over%#)vu%nera(%e s#stems B so the# won+t suffocate or &ie of heart sto''a$e.; ?orrie&%#, he went onE 8?hat I want #ou to &o is c%ear the streets. I &on+t want an#(o&# to see themC it+s %ate an& there won+t (e man# 'eo'%e out, (ut =ust in caseG; 8I+%% 'hone Sec'o%,; Cussic a$ree&. 82ow soon can it (e &oneD; 8A few minutes. 0he wea'ons)'o%ice are a%rea&# mo(i%e, (ecause of *ones an& the mo(s.; 9e%ieve&, 9affert# hurrie& off, an& Cussic (e$an searchin$ for a Securit# 'o%ice 'hone. 2e foun& it, $ot in touch with the San .rancisco office, an& $ave his instructions. ?hi%e he e't the 'hone circuit o'en, the air(orne 'o%ice teams (e$an co%%ectin$ aroun& the 9efu$e (ui%&in$. 2e sta#e& in &irect touch unti% the street)(%oc s ha& (een erecte&, an& then he %eft the 'hone to %oo for 9affert#. B# e%evator the four mutants ha& &escen&e& to the street %eve%. Sta$$erin$, $ro'in$ num(%#, the# fo%%owe& 4octor 9affert# across the %o((#, towar& the wi&e &oors that %e& to the street. No 'e&estrians or cars were in si$ht, Cussic o(serve&C the 'o%ice ha& successfu%%# c%eare& ever#(o&# awa#. At the corner one $%oom# sha'e (ro e the e/'anse of $ra#C the :an was 'ar e&, its motor runnin$, rea&# to fo%%ow. 80here the# $o,; a &octor sai&, stan&in$ (esi&e Cussic . 8I ho'e 9affert# nows what he+s &oin$.; 2e 'ointe&. 80he a%most)'rett# one is :ivian. She+s the #oun$est fema%e. 0he (o# is Aarr# B ver# (ri$ht, ver# unsta(%e. 0hat is 4ieter, an& his com'anion is 3ouis. 0here+s an ei$hth, a (a(#, sti%% in the incu(ator. 0he# haven+t as #et (een to%&.; 0he four &iminutive fi$ures were visi(%# sufferin$. 2a%f)conscious, two of them in convu%sions, the# cre't wretche&%# &own the ste's, tr#in$ to sta# on their feet. 0he# &i& not $et far. Aarr# was the first to $o &ownC he tottere& for a moment on the %ast ste' an& then 'itche& face)forwar& onto the cement. 2is sma%% (o&# Fuiverin$, he trie& to craw% forwar&C si$ht%ess%#, the others stum(%e& a%on$ the si&ewa% , unaware of the 'rone sha'e amon$ them, too far $one themse%ves even to re$ister its e/istence. 8?e%%,; 4ieter $as'e&, 8we+re outsi&e.; 8?e B ma&e it,; :ivian a$ree&. Sin in$ weari%# &own she reste& a$ainst the si&e of the (ui%&in$. A moment %ater 4ieter %a# s'raw%e& (esi&e her, e#es shut, mouth s%ac , stru$$%in$ wea %# to $et to his feet. An& 'resent%# 3ouis s%i& &own (esi&e them.
Cha$rine&, &a7e& (# the su&&enness of their co%%a'se, the four of them %a# hu&&%e& fee(%# a$ainst the $ra# 'avement, tr#in$ to (reathe, tr#in$ to sta# a%ive. None of them ma&e an# attem't to moveC the 'ur'ose of their or&ea% was for$otten. 1antin$, stru$$%in$ to ho%& onto consciousness, the# $a7e& si$ht%ess%# at the u'ri$ht fi$ure of 4octor 9affert#. 9affert# ha& ha%te&, han&s in his overcoat 'oc ets. 8It+s u' to #ou,; he sai& stoni%#. 8You want to $o onD; None of them answere&C none of them even hear& him. 8Your s#stems won+t ta e the natura% air,; 9affert# continue&. 8Or the tem'erature. Or the foo&. Or an#thin$.; 2e $%ance& at Cussic , an e/'ression of 'ain on his face, an acute ref%ection of sufferin$ that start%e& the Securit# officia%. 8So %et+s $ive u',; he sai& harsh%#. 83et+s ca%% the :an an& $o (ac .; :ivian no&&e& faint%#C her %i's move&, (ut there was no soun&. 0urnin$, 9affert# curt%# si$na%e&. 0he :an ro%%e& instant%# u'C ro(ot eFui'ment &ro''e& to the 'avement an& scutt%e& u' to the four co%%a'se& fi$ures. In a moment the# were (ein$ %ifte& into the :an+s %oc s. 0he e/'e&ition ha& fai%e&C it was over. Cussic ha& ha& his view of them. 2e ha& seen their stru$$%e an& their &efeat. .or a time he an& 4octor 9affert# stoo& on the co%& ni$ht si&ewa% without s'ea in$, each invo%ve& in his own thou$hts. .ina%%# 9affert# stirre&. 80han s for c%earin$ the streets,; he murmure&. 8I+m $%a& I ha& time,; Cussic answere&. 8It mi$ht have (een (a&G some of *ones+ Youth 3ea$ue 1atro%s are roamin$ aroun&.; 80he eterna% *ones. ?e rea%%# &on+t have a chance.; 83et+s (e %i e these four we =ust sawC %et+s ee' tr#in$.; 8But it+s true.; 8It+s true,; Cussic a$ree&. 8*ust as it+s true #our mutants can+t (reathe out here. But we set u' roa&)(%oc s an#howC we c%eare& the streets an& ho'e& to he%% we 'ushe& them (ac this one time.; 82ave #ou ever seen *onesD; 8Severa% times,; Cussic sai&. 8I met him face to face, (ac in the &a#s (efore he ha& an or$ani7ation, (efore an#(o&# ha& hear& of him.; 8?hen he was a minister,; 9affert# ref%ecte&. 8?ith a church.; 8Before that,; Cussic sai&, thin in$ (ac . It seeme& im'ossi(%e that there ha& (een a time (efore *ones, a time when there ha& (een no nee& of c%earin$ the streets. ?hen there ha& (een no $ra#)uniforme& sha'es roamin$ the streets, co%%ectin$ in mo(s. 0he crash of (rea in$ $%ass, the furious crac %in$ of fireG 8?hat was he &oin$ thenD; 9affert# as e&. 82e was in a carniva%,; Cussic sai&.
2E ?AS twent#)si/ #ears o%& when he first met *ones. It was A'ri% I, 1556. 2e a%wa#s remem(ere& that &a#C the s'rin$ air was coo% an& fu%% of the sme%% of new $rowth. 0he war ha& en&e& the #ear (efore. Ahea& of him s'rea& out a %on$ &escen&in$ s%o'e. 2ouses were 'erche& here an& there, most%# 'rivate%#)constructe& she%ters, tem'orar# an& f%ims#. Cru&e streets, wor in$)c%ass 'eo'%e wan&erin$G a t#'ica% rura% re$ion that ha& survive&, remote from in&ustria% centers. Norma%%# there wou%& (e the hum of activit#E '%ows an& for$es an& cru&e manufacturin$ 'rocesses. But to&a# a Fuiet hun$ over the communit#. <ost a(%e) (o&ie& a&u%ts, an& a%% of the chi%&ren, ha& tru&$e& off to the carniva%. 0he $roun& was soft an& moist un&er his shoes. Cussic stro&e ea$er%# a%on$, (ecause he, too, was $oin$ to the carniva%. 2e ha& a =o(. *o(s were scarceC he was $%a& to $et it. 3i e other #oun$ men inte%%ectua%%# s#m'athetic to 2off+s 9e%ativism, he ha& a''%ie& for the $overnment service. .e&$ov+s a''aratus offere& a chance to (ecome invo%ve& in the tas of 9econstructionC as he was earnin$ a sa%ar#B!aid in stable silverBhe was he%'in$ man in&. In those &a#s he ha& (een i&ea%istic. S'ecifica%%#, he ha& (een assi$ne& to the Interior 4e'artment. At the Ba%timore Anti'o% center he ha& ta en 'o%itica% trainin$ an& then a''roache& Sec'o%E the Securit# arm. But the tas of su''ressin$ e/tremist 'o%itica% an& re%i$ious sentiment ha&, in 1556, seeme& mere%# (ureaucratic. No(o&# too it serious%#C with wor%&)wi&e foo& rationin$, the 'anic was over. Ever#(o&# cou%& (e sure of (asic su(sistence. ?ar)time fanaticism ha& &win&%e& out of e/istence as rationa% contro% re$aine& its 're)inf%ation 'osition. Before him, s'rea& out %i e a sheet of tin, the carniva% sat assem(%e&. 0en meta% (ui%&in$s, &is'%a#in$ (ri$ht neon si$ns, were the main structures. A centra% %ane %e& to the hu(E a cone within which seats ha& (een erecte&. 0here, the (asic acts wou%& ta e '%ace. A%rea&#, he cou%& see the first fami%iar s'ectac%e. 1ushin$ ahea&, Cussic ma&e his wa# amon$ the &ense%#)'ac e& mass of 'eo'%e. 0he o&or of sweat an& to(acco rose aroun& him, an e/citin$ sme%%. S%i&in$ 'ast a fami%# of $rim# fie%& %a(orers, he reache& the rai%in$ of the first frea e/hi(it, an& $a7e& u'. 0he war, with its har& ra&iation an& e%a(orate &iseases, ha& 'ro&uce& count%ess s'orts, o&&ities, frea s. 2ere, in this one minor carniva%, a vast variet# ha& (een co%%ecte&. 4irect%# a(ove him sat a mu%ti)man, a tan$%e& mass of f%esh an& or$ans. 2ea&s, arms, %e$s, wo((%e& &u%%#C the creature was fee(%e)min&e& an& he%'%ess. .ortunate%#, his offs'rin$ wou%& (e norma%C the mu%ti)or$anisms were not true mutants. 8Ao%%#,; a 'ort%#, cur%#)hea&e& citi7en (ehin& him sai&, horrifie&. 8Isn+t that awfu%D; Another man, %ean an& ta%%, casua%%# remar e&E 8Saw a %ot of them in the war. ?e (urne& a (arnfu% of them, a sort of co%on#.; 0he 'ort%# man (%in e&, (it &ee' into his can&ie& a''%e, an& move& awa# from the war veteran. 3ea&in$ his wife an& three chi%&ren, he mean&ere& u' (esi&e Cussic . 82orri(%e, isn+t itD; he muttere&. 8A%% these monsters.; 8Sort of,; Cussic a&mitte&. 8I &on+t now wh# I come to these thin$s.; 0he 'ort%# man in&icate& his wife an& chi%&ren, a%% of them stoni%# $o((%in$ u' their 'o'corn an& s'un)su$ar can&#. 80he# %i e to come. ?omen an& i&s $o in for this stuff.;
Cussic sai&E 8@n&er 9e%ativism we have to %et them %ive.; 8Sure,; the 'ort%# man a$ree&, em'hatica%%# no&&in$. A (it of can&ie& a''%e c%un$ to his u''er %i'C he wi'e& it awa# with a frec %e& 'aw. 80he# $ot their ri$hts, =ust %i e ever#(o&# e%se. 3i e #ou an& me, misterG the# $ot their %ives, too.; Stan&in$ (# the rai%in$ of the e/hi(it, the %ean war veteran s'o e u'. 80hat &on+t a''%# to frea s. 0hat+s =ust 'eo'%e.; 0he 'ort%# men f%ushe&. ?avin$ his can&ie& a''%e earnest%#, he answere&E 8<ister, ma#(e the# thin we+re frea s. ?ho sa#s who+s a frea D; 4is$uste&, the veteran sai&E 8I can te%% a frea .; 2e e#e& Cussic an& the 'ort%# man with &istaste. 8?hat are #ou,; he &eman&e&, 8a frea )%overD; 0he 'ort%# man s'uttere& an& starte& overC (ut his wife sei7e& his arm an& &ra$$e& him awa#, into the crow&, to the ne/t e/hi(its. Sti%% 'rotestin$, he &isa''eare& from si$ht. Cussic was %eft facin$ the war veteran. 84amn foo%,; the veteran sai&. 8It+s contrar# to common sense. You can see the#+re frea s. <# Ao&, that+s wh# the#+re here-; 82e+s ri$ht, thou$h,; Cussic 'ointe& out. 80he %aw $ives an#(o&# the ri$ht to %ive as he '%eases. 9e%ativism sa#sB; 80hen the he%% with 9e%ativism. 4i& we fi$ht a war, &i& we (eat those *ews an& atheists an& 9e&s, so 'eo'%e cou%& (e an# &amn in& of frea the# wantD Be%ieve an# in& of e$$hea& trashD; 8No(o&# (eat an#(o&#,; Cussic answere&. 8No(o&# won the war.; A sma%% not of 'eo'%e ha& sto''e& to %isten. 0he veteran notice& themC a%% at once his co%& e#es fa&e& an& $%a7e& over. 2e $runte&, shot a %ast hosti%e %oo at Cussic , an& me%te& off into the $rou'. 4isa''ointe&, the 'eo'%e move& on. 0he ne/t frea was 'art human, 'art anima%. Somewhere a%on$ the %ine, inter)s'ecies matin$ ha& occurre&C the event was certain%# %ost in the ni$htmarish sha&ows of the war. As he $a7e& u', Cussic trie& to &etermine what the ori$ina% 'ro$enitors ha& (eenC one, certain%#, ha& (een a horse. 0his frea , in a%% 'ro(a(i%it#, was a fa e, artificia%%# $rafte&C (ut it was visua%%# convincin$. .rom the war ha& come intricate %e$en&s of man)anima% 'ro$en#, e/a$$erate& accounts of 'ure human stoc that ha& &e$enerate&, erotic ta%es of co'u%ation (etween women an& (easts. 0here were man#)hea&e& (a(ies, a common s'ort. 2e 'asse& (# the usua% &is'%a# of 'arasites %ivin$ on si(%in$ hosts. .eathere&, sca%e&, tai%e&, win$e& humanoi& frea s sFuea e& an& f%uttere& on a%% si&esE infinite o&&ities from rava$e& $enes. 1eo'%e with interna% or$ans situate& outsi&e the &erma% wa%%C e#e)%ess, face)%ess, even hea&)%ess frea sC frea s with en%ar$e& an& e%on$ate& an& mu%ti)=ointe& %im(sC sa&)%oo in$ creatures 'ee'in$ out from within other creatures. A $rotesFue 'anorama of ma%forme& or$anismsE &ea&)en&s that wou%& %eave no s'awn, monsters survivin$ (# e/hi(itin$ their monstrous Fua%ities. In the main area, the entertainers were (e$innin$ their acts. Not mere frea s, (ut %e$itimate 'erformers with s i%%s an& ta%ents. E/hi(itin$ not themse%ves, (ut rather their unusua% a(i%ities. 4ancers, acro(ats, =u$$%ers, fire)eaters, wrest%ers, fi$hters, anima%) tamers, c%owns, ri&ers, &ivers, stron$ men, ma$icians, fortune)te%%ers, 'rett# $ir%sG acts that ha& come &own throu$h thousan&s of #ears. Nothin$ newE on%# the frea s were new. 0he war (rou$ht new monsters, (ut not new a(i%ities.
Or so he thou$ht. But he ha&n+t seen *ones, #et. No(o&# ha&C it was too ear%#. 0he wor%& went on re(ui%&in$, re)constructionin$E its time ha&n+t come. 0o his %eft $%are& an& win e& the furious &is'%a# of a $ir% e/hi(it. ?ith some s'ontaneous interest, Cussic a%%owe& himse%f to &rift with the crow&. .our $ir%s %oun$e& on the '%atform, (o&ies s%ac with ennui. One was c%i''in$ her nai%s with a 'air of scissorsC the others $a7e& vacant%# at the crow& of men (e%ow. 0he four were na e&, of course. In the wea sun%i$ht their f%esh $%owe& faint%# %uminous, oi%#, 'a%e)'in , &own#. 0he 'itchman (a((%e& meta%%ica%%# into his hornC his am'%ifie& voice thun&ere& out in a $ar(%e of confuse& noise. No(o&# 'ai& an# attention to the &inC those who were intereste& stoo& 'eerin$ u' at the $ir%s. Behin& the $ir%s was a c%ose& sheet)tin (ui%&in$ in which the show itse%f too '%ace. 82e#,; one of the $ir%s sai&. Start%e&, Cussic rea%i7e& she was s'ea in$ to him. 8?hatD; he answere& nervous%#. 8?hat time is itD; the $ir% as e&. 2urrie&%#, Cussic e/amine& his wrist watch. 8E%even)thirt#.; 0he $ir% wan&ere& out of %ine, over to the e&$e of the '%atform. 8Aot a ci$aretteD; she as e&. .um(%in$ in his 'oc et, Cussic he%& u' his 'ac . 80han s.; Breasts (o((in$, the $ir% crouche& &own an& acce'te& a ci$arette. After an uncertain 'ause, Cussic reache& u' his %i$hter an& %it it for her. She smi%e& &own at him, a sma%% an& ver# #oun$ woman, with (rown hair an& e#es, s%im %e$s 'a%e an& s%i$ht%# moist with 'ers'iration. 8You comin$ in to see the showD; she inFuire&. 2e ha&n+t inten&e& to. 8No,; he to%& her. 0he $ir%+s %i's 'u%%e& to$ether in a moc in$ 'out. 8NoD ?h# notD; Near(# 'eo'%e watche& with amusement. 8Aren+t #ou intereste&D Are #ou one of thoseD; 1eo'%e aroun& Cussic tittere& an& $rinne&. 2e (e$an to fee% em(arrassment. 8You+re cute,; the $ir% sai& %a7i%#. She sett%e& &own on her haunches, ci$arette (etween her re& %i's, arms restin$ on her (are, out)=uttin$ nees. 84on+t #ou have fift# &o%%arsD Can+t #ou affor& itD; 8No,; Cussic answere&, nett%e&. 8Can+t affor& it.; 8Aw.; 0easin$, 'reten&in$ &isa''ointment, the $ir% reache& out her han& an& rum'%e& his carefu%%#)com(e& hair. 80hat+s too (a&. <a#(e I+%% ta e #ou on free. ?ou%& #ou %i e thatD ?ant to (e with me for nothin$D; ?in in$, she stuc out the ti' of a 'in ton$ue at him. 8I can show #ou a %ot. You+& (e sur'rise&, the techniFues I now.; 81ass the hat,; a 'ers'irin$ (a%&)hea&e& man on Cussic +s ri$ht chuc %e&. 82e#, %et+s $et u' a co%%ection for this #oun$ fe%%ow.; A $enera% stir of %au$hter &rifte& aroun&, an& a few five)&o%%ar 'ieces were tosse& forwar&. 84on+t #ou %i e meD; the $ir% was as in$ him, (en&in$ &own an& towar& him, one han& restin$ on his nec . 84on+t #ou thin #ou cou%&D; 0auntin$, coa/in$, her voice murmure& onE 8I+%% (et #ou cou%&. An& a%% these 'eo'%e thin #ou cou%&, too. 0he#+re $oin$ to watch. 4on+t #ou worr# B I+%% show #ou how.; Su&&en%# she $ra((e& ti$ht ho%& of his ear. 8You =ust come on u' hereC mama+%% show a%% of #ou 'eo'%e what she can &o.; A roar of $%ee (urst from the crow&, an& Cussic was 'ushe& forwar& an& (ooste& u'. 0he $ir% %et $o of his ear an& reache& with (oth han&s to ta e ho%& of himC in that moment he twiste& his wa# %oose an& &ro''e& (ac &own in the mass of 'eo'%e. After a short
interva% of shovin$ an& runnin$, he was stan&in$ (e#on& the crow&, 'antin$ for (reath, tr#in$ to rearran$e his coatG an& his savior faire. No(o&# was 'a#in$ attention to him, so he (e$an wa% in$ aim%ess%# a%on$, han&s in his 'oc ets, as noncha%ant as 'ossi(%e. 1eo'%e mi%%e& on a%% si&es, most of them hea&in$ towar& the main e/hi(its an& the centra% area. Carefu%%#, he eva&e& the movin$ f%owC his (est (et was the 'eri'hera% e/hi(its, o'en '%aces where %iterature cou%& (e &istri(ute& an& s'eeches ma&e, tin# $atherin$s aroun& a sin$%e orator. 2e won&ere& if the %ean war veteran ha& (een a fanaticC ma#(e he ha& i&entifie& Cussic as a co'. 0he $ir% e/hi(it ha& (een a sort of a%%)man+s %an& (etween frea an& ta%ent. Be#on& the sta$e of $ir%s stoo& the (ooth of the first fortunete%%er, one of severa%. 80he#+re char%atans,; the 'ort%# cur%#)haire& man revea%e& to himC he was stan&in$ with his fami%# (# a &art)throwin$ (ooth, a han&fu% of &arts c%utche&, tr#in$ to win a twent#)'oun& 4utch ham. 8No(o&# can rea& the futureC that+s for suc ers.; Cussic $rinne&. 8So+s a twent#)'oun& 4utch ham. It+s 'ro(a(%# ma&e of wa/.; 8I+m $oin$ to win this ham,; the man asserte& $oo&)nature&%#. 2is wife sai& nothin$, (ut his chi%&ren &is'%a#e& overt confi&ence in their father. 8I+m $oin$ to ta e it home with me, toni$ht.; 8<a#(e I+%% $et m# fortune to%&,; Cussic sai&. 8Aoo& %uc , mister,; the cur%#)hea&e& man sai& charita(%#. 2e turne& (ac to the &art tar$etE a $reat ero&e& (ac &ro' of the nine '%anets, 'itte& with en&%ess near)misses. Its vir$in center, an incre&i(%# minute Earth, was untouche&. 0he 'ort%#, cur%#)hea&e& man &rew (ac his arm an& %et f%#C the &art, attracte& (# a &ef%ectin$ concea%e& ma$net, misse& Earth an& (urie& its stee% ti' in em't# s'ace a %itt%e 'ast Aan#me&e. At the first fortunete%%in$ (ooth an o%& woman, &ar )haire& an& fat, sat hunche& over a sFuat ta(%e on which was arran$e& time%ess a''aratusE a trans%ucent $%o(e. A few 'eo'%e were %ine& u' on the sta$e, crow&e& in amon$ the taw&r# han$in$s waitin$ to 'a# their twent# &o%%ars. A $%arin$ neon si$n announce&E YO@9 .O90@NE 9EA4 <A4A<E 3@3@ CA9I<A)JE34A KNO? 02E .@0@9E BE 19E1A9E4 .O9 A33 E:EN0@A3I0IES 0here was nothin$ here. 0he o%& woman mum(%e& throu$h the tra&itiona% routine, satisf#in$ the mi&&%e)a$e& women waitin$ in %ine. But ne/t to <a&ame 3u%u Carima) Je%&a+s (ooth was a secon& (ooth, sha((# an& i$nore&. A secon& fortunete%%er, of sorts, sat here. But the (ri$ht $%arin$ chea'ness of <a&ame Carima)Je%&a+s (ooth ha& fa&e&C the $%itterin$ nim(us &ie& into $%oom# &ar ness. Cussic was no %on$er wa% in$ throu$h the shiftin$ artificia% f%uorescent %i$htsC he was stan&in$ in a $ra# twi%i$ht 7one, (etween $au&# wor%&s. On the (arren '%atform sat a #oun$ man, not much o%&er than himse%f, 'erha's a %itt%e #oun$er. 2is si$n intri$ue& Cussic . 02E .@0@9E O. <ANKIN4 KNO 1E9SONA3 .O90@NESL
.or an interva% Cussic stoo& stu&#in$ the #oun$ man. 2e was s%ouche& in a su%%en hea', smo in$ an$ri%# an& starin$ off into s'ace. No(o&# waite& in %ineE the e/hi(it was i$nore&. 2is face was frin$e& with a stu((%e& (ear&C a stran$e face, swo%%en &ee' re&, with (u%$in$ forehea&, stee%)rimme& $%asses, 'uff# %i's %i e a chi%&+s. 9a'i&%#, he (%in e&, 'uffe& on his ci$arette, =er i%# smoothe& (ac his s%eeves. 2is (are arms were 'a%e an& thin. 2e was an intent, su%%en fi$ure, seate& a%one on an em't# e/'anse of '%atform. No !ersonal fortunes% An o&& come)on for an e/hi(itC no(o&# was intereste& in a(stract fortunes, $rou' fortunes. It soun&e& as if the te%%er wasn+t much $oo&C the si$n im'%ie& va$ue $enera%ities. But Cussic was intereste&. 0he man was %ic e& (efore he starte&C an& sti%% he sat there. After a%%, fortunete%%in$ was ninet#)nine 'ercent showmanshi' an& the rest shrew& $uesswor . In a carn# he cou%& %earn the tra&itiona% ro'esC wh# &i& he choose this off(eat a''roachD It was &e%i(erate, o(vious%#. Ever# %ine of the hunche&, u$%# (o&# showe& that the man inten&e& to stic it out B had stuc it out, for Ao& new how %on$. 0he si$n was sha((# an& 'ee%in$C ma#(e it ha& (een #ears. 0his was *ones. But at the time, of course, Cussic &i&n+t now it. 3eanin$ towar& the '%atform, Cussic cu''e& his han&s an& #e%%e&E 82e#.; After a moment the #outh+s hea& turne&. 2is e#es met Cussic +s. Ara# e#es, sma%% an& co%& (ehin& his thic $%asses. 2e (%in e& an& $%are& (ac , without s'ea in$, without movin$. On the ta(%e his fin$ers &rumme& re%ent%ess%#. 8?h#D; Cussic &eman&e&. 8?h# no 'ersona% fortunesD; 0he #outh &i&n+t answer. Ara&ua%%# his $a7e fa&e&C he turne& his hea& an& a$ain $%are& &own si$ht%ess%# at the ta(%e. 0here was no &ou(t a(out itE this (o# ha& no 'itch, no %ine. Somethin$ was wron$C he was off) e#. 0he other entertainers were haw in$, #e%%in$, turnin$ themse%ves insi&e out Koften %itera%%#L to attract attention, (ut this (o# sim'%# sat an& $%are&. 2e ma&e no move to $et (usinessC an& he $ot none. ?h#, then, was he thereD Cussic hesitate&. It &i&n+t %oo %i e much of a '%ace to snoo'C actua%%#, he was wastin$ the $overnment+s time. But his interest ha& (een arouse&. 2e sense& a m#ster#, an& he &i&n+t %i e m#steries. O'timistica%%#, he (e%ieve& thin$s shou%& (e so%ve&C he %i e& the universe to ma e sense. An& this (%atant%# f%aunte& sense. C%im(in$ the ste's, Cussic a''roache& the #outh. 8A%% ri$ht,; he sai&. 8I+%% (ite.; 0he ste's sa$$e& un&er his feetC a ric et# '%atform, unsta(%e an& unsafe. As he seate& himse%f across from the #outh, the chair $roane& un&er him. Now that he was c%oser he cou%& see that the #outh+s s in was mott%e& with &ee' s'%otches of co%or that mi$ht have (een s in $rafts. 2a& he (een in=ure& in the warD A faint o&or of me&icine hun$ a(out him, su$$estin$ care of his frai% (o&#. A(ove the &ome of his forehea& his hair was tan$%e&C his c%othes c%un$ in fo%&s a$ainst his no((# frame. Now, he was 'eerin$ u' at Cussic , a''raisin$ him, wari%# stu&#in$ him. But not fearfu%%#. 0here was an aw war& cru&eness a(out him, an uncertain twitch of his $aunt (o&#. But his e#es were harsh an& un#ie%&in$. 2e was $auche, (ut not afrai&. It was no wea 'ersona%it# that face& Cussic C it was a (%unt, &etermine& #oun$ man. Cussic +s own cheer# (%uster fa&e&C he fe%t su&&en%# a''rehensive. 2e ha& %ost the initiative. 80went# &o%%ars,; *ones sai&.
C%umsi%#, Cussic fum(%e& in his 'oc et. 8.or whatD ?hat am I $ettin$D; After a moment *ones e/'%aine&. 8See thatD; 2e in&icate& a whee% on the ta(%e. 1u%%in$ (ac a %ever he re%ease& itC the han& on the whee% s%ow%# turne&, accom'anie& (# a %a(orious meta%%ic c%ic in$. 0he face of the whee% was &ivi&e& into four Fuarters. 8You have one hun&re& an& twent# secon&s. An#thin$ #ou want to as . 0hen #our time is u'.; 2e too the chan$e an& &ro''e& it in his coat 'oc et. 8As D; Cussic sai& hus i%#. 8A(out whatD; 80he future.; 0here was contem't in the #outh+s voice, un&is$uise&, unconcea%e&. It was o(viousC of course, the future. ?hat e%seD Irrita(%#, his thin, har& fin$ers &rumme&. An& the whee% tic e&. 8But not 'ersona%D; Cussic 'ursue&. 8Not a(out m#se%fD; 3i's twitchin$ s'asmo&ica%%#, *ones shot (ac E 8Of course not. You+re a nonentit#. You &on+t fi$ure.; Cussic (%in e&. Em(arrasse&, fee%in$ his ears (e$in to (urn, he answere& as even%# as 'ossi(%eE 8<a#(e #ou+re wron$. <a#(e I+m some(o&#.; 2ot%#, he was thin in$ of his 'ositionC what wou%& this rustic 'un sa# if he new he was facin$ a .e&$ov secret) service manD It was on the ti' of his ton$ue an$ri%# to (%urt it out, to $ive his ro%e awa# in se%f)&efense. 0hat, of course, wou%& finish him off with Securit#. But he was harrie&, an& uncertain. 8You+re &own to ninet# secon&s,; *ones notifie& him &is'assionate%#. 0hen his $aunt, ston# voice too on fee%in$. 8.or Ao&+s sa e, ask somethin$- 4on+t #ou want to now an#thin$D Aren+t #ou curiousD; 3ic in$ his %i's, Cussic sai&E 8?e%%, what+s the future ho%&D ?hat+s $oin$ to ha''enD; 4is$uste&, *ones shoo his hea&. 2e si$he& an& stu((e& out his ci$arette. .or a moment it seeme& as if he wasn+t $oin$ to answerC he concentrate& on the smashe& ci$arette (utt un&er the so%e of his shoe. 0hen he &ra$$e& himse%f u'ri$ht an& carefu%%# sai&E 8S'ecific Fuestions. 4o #ou want me to thin u' one for #ouD A%% ri$ht, I wi%%. Muestion. ?ho+%% (e the ne/t Counci% chairmanD Answer. 0he Nationa%ist can&i&ate, a trivia% in&ivi&ua% name& Ernest 0. Saun&ers.; 8But the Nationa%ists aren+t a 'art#- 0he#+re a cu%tist s'%inter)$rou'-; I$norin$ him, *ones went onE 8Muestion. ?hat are the &riftersD Answer. Bein$s from (e#on& the so%ar s#stem, ori$in un nown, nature un nown.; 1u77%e&, Cussic hesitate&. 8@n nown u' to what &ateD; he venture&. 1%uc in$ u' his coura$e, he &eman&e&E 82ow far can #ou seeD; ?ithout 'articu%ar inf%ection, *ones sai&E 8I can see without error over a s'an of a #ear. After that, it fa&es. I can see ma=or events, (ut s'ecific &etai%s &im an& I $et nothin$ at a%%. As far as I can see ahea&, the ori$in of the &rifters is un nown.; A%ancin$ at Cussic , he a&&e&, 8I mention them (ecause the#+re $oin$ to (e the (i$ issue from now on.; 80he# a%rea&# are,; Cussic sai&, reca%%in$ the 'resent sensationa% hea&%ines in the chea' 'ressE 'N"N(WN )LI*HTS () SHI+S , T -T , .Y ('T-+L/N T +/T0(LS. 8You sa# the#+re (ein$sD Not shi'sD I &on+t $et it B #ou mean what we+ve si$hte& are the actua% %ivin$ creatures, not their artificia%%# constructe& B; 8A%ive, #es,; *ones interru'te& im'atient%#, a%most feverish%#. 8But .e&$ov nows it a%rea&#. 9i$ht now, at hi$h %eve%, the# have &etai%e& re'orts. 0he re'orts wi%% (e out in a few wee sC the (astar&s are withho%&in$ them from the 'u(%ic. A &ea& &rifter was hau%e&
in (# a scout comin$ (ac from @ranus.; Su&&en%# the whee% cease& s%ic in$, an& *ones &ro''e& (ac in his chair, his f%ow of a$itate& wor&s ceasin$. 8Your time is u',; he announce&. 8If #ou want to now an#thin$ more, it+%% (e another twent# &o%%ars.; 4a7e&, Cussic retreate& awa# from him, &own the ste's an& off the '%atform. 8No than s,; he murmure&. 80hat+s '%ent#.;
A0 .O@9 O+C3OCK the 'o%ice car 'ic e& him u' an& carrie& him (ac to Ba%timore. Cussic was seethin$. E/cite&%#, he %it a ci$arette, stu((e& it out, an& %it another. <a#(e he ha& somethin$C ma#(e not. 0he Ba%timore secret)service (ui%&in$s stoo& %i e a vast cu(e of concrete on the surface of the earth, a mi%e outsi&e the cit#. Aroun& the cu(e =utte& meta%%ic &otsE coor&inate (%oc houses that were the mouths of e%a(orate su(surface tunne%s. In the (%ue s'rin$ s # %a7i%# f%itte& a few ro(ot interce'tion aeria% mines. 0he 'o%ice car s%owe& at the first chec )stationC $uar&s carr#in$ machine $uns, with $rena&es (o((in$ at their (e%ts, stee% he%mets $%intin$ in the sun, stro%%e& %eisure%# over. An or&inar# ins'ection. 0he car was 'asse&C it ma&e its wa# a%on$ a ram' an& into the receivin$ area. At that 'oint Cussic was &ro''e& offC the car ro%%e& into the $ara$e, an& he foun& himse%f stan&in$ a%one (efore the ascent ram', his min& sti%% in turmoi%. 2ow was he su''ose& to eva%uate what he ha& foun&D Before he ma&e his re'ort to Securit# 4irector 1earson, he %et himse%f off at one of the 'e&a$o$ic %eve%s. A moment %ater he was stan&in$ in the wor )%ittere& office of his Senior 1o%itica% Instructor. <a/ Kamins i was %a(orious%# e/aminin$ 'a'ers hea'e& over his &es . It was awhi%e (efore he notice& Cussic . 82ome is the sai%or,; he remar e&, continuin$ his wor . 82ome from the sea. An& the hunter, too, for that matter. ?hat &i& #ou (a$ out in the hi%%s, this fine A'ri% afternoonD; 8I wante& to as #ou somethin$,; Cussic sai& aw war&%#. 8Before I ma e m# re'ort.; 0he tu((#, roun&)face& man with his thic mustache an& wrin %e& (row ha& traine& himC technica%%#, Cussic was no %on$er un&er Kamins i+s =uris&iction, (ut he sti%% came for a&vice. 8I now the %awG (ut a %ot &e'en&s on 'ersona% eva%uation. 0here seems to (e a statute vio%ation, (ut I+m not certain which.; 8?e%%,; Kamins i sai&, 'uttin$ &own his fountain 'en, removin$ his $%asses, an& fo%&in$ his meat# han&s, 8as #ou now, vio%ations fa%% into three main c%assifications. It+s a%% (ase& on 2off+s +ri1er of 0elativis1C I &on+t have to te%% #ou that.; 2e ta''e& the fami%iar (%ue)(oun& (oo at the e&$e of his &es . 8Ao rea& #our co'# a$ain.; 8I now it (# heart,; Cussic sai& im'atient%#, 8(ut I+m sti%% confuse&. 0he in&ivi&ua% in Fuestion isn+t assertin$ 'ersona% taste for statements of fact B he+s ma in$ a statement a(out thin$s un nowa(%e.; 8In 'articu%arD; 8A(out the future. 2e c%aims to now what+s $oin$ to ha''en in the ne/t #ear.; 81re&ictionD; 81ro'hec#,; Cussic correcte&. 8If I un&erstan& the &istinction. An& I c%aim 'ro'hec# is se%f)contra&ictor#. No(o&# can have a(so%ute now%e&$e a(out the future. B# &efinition, the future hasn+t ha''ene&. An& if now%e&$e e/iste&, it wou%& chan$e the futureBwhich wou%& ma e the now%e&$e inva%i&.; 8?hat was this, a fortunete%%er at some carniva%D; Cussic co%ore&. 8Yes.; 0he o%&er man+s mustache Fuivere& an$ri%#. 8An& #ou+re $oin$ to re'ort itD You+re $oin$ to recommen& action a$ainst some entertainer tr#in$ to ma e a few &o%%ars rea&in$ 'a%ms in a trave%in$ circusD Over)7ea%ous i&s %i e #ouG don$t you understand how serious this is2 4on+t #ou now what a conviction meansD 3oss of civi% ri$hts,
confinement in a force& %a(or cam' B; 2e shoo his hea&. 8So #ou can ma e a $oo& im'ression on #our su'eriors, some harm%ess fortunete%%er is $oin$ to $et the a/.; ?ith contro%%e& &i$nit#, Cussic sai&E 8But I thin it+s a vio%ation of the %aw.; 8 verybody vio%ates the %aw. ?hen I te%% #ou o%ives taste terri(%e, I+m technica%%# vio%atin$ the %aw. ?hen some(o&# sa#s that &o$s are man+s (est frien&, it+s i%%e$a%. It $oes on a%% the time B we+re not intereste& in that-; 1earson ha& come into the office. 8?hat+s $oin$ onD; he &eman&e& irrita(%#, ta%% an& stern in his (rown 'o%ice uniform. 8Our #oun$ frien& here has (rou$ht (ac the Fuarr#,; Kamins i sai& sour%#. 8At this carniva% he covere&G he unearthe& a fortunete%%er.; 0urnin$ to 1earson, Cussic trie& to e/'%ain. 8Not a re$u%ar fortunete%%erC there was one of those, too.; 2earin$ his voice mutter out hus i%#, aw war&%#, he rushe& onE 8I thin this man+s a mutant, a 'reco$ of some %an&. 2e c%aims to now future histor#C he to%& me that some(o&# name& Saun&ers is $oin$ to (e the ne/t Counci% chairman.; 8Never hear& of him,; 1earson sai&, unim'resse&. 80his man to%& me,; Cussic went on, 8that the &rifters are $oin$ to turn out to (e actua% %ivin$ creatures, not shi's. An& that it+s nown, now, at hi$h %eve%s.; A stran$e e/'ression crosse& 1earson+s uncom'romisin$ features. At his &es , Kamins i a(ru't%# sto''e& writin$. 8OhD; 1earson sai& faint%#. 82e to%& me,; Cussic continue&, 8that the &rifters are $oin$ to (e the (i$$est issue in the ne/t #ear. 0he most im'ortant thin$ tan$%e& with.; Neither 1earson nor Kamins i sai& an#thin$. 0he# &i&n+t have toC Cussic cou%& see it on their faces. 2e ha& ma&e his 'oint. 2e ha& covere& a%% that was necessar#. *ones was a(out to (ecome nown.
AS AN imme&iate measure, .%o#& *ones was ta en into survei%%ance. 0hat interim s#stem continue& for a 'erio& of seven months. In Novem(er of 1556, the (%an&, uncom'%icate& can&i&ate of the e/tremist Nationa%ist 1art# came throu$h an& won the $enera% Counci% e%ection. ?ithin twent#)four hours of the time Ernest 0. Saun&ers was sworn into office, *ones ha& (een Fuiet%# arreste&. In the ha%f #ear, Cussic ha& %ost most of his #outhfu% '%um'ness. 2is face was firmer an& o%&er. 2e thou$ht more, now, an& ta% e& %ess. An& he ha& $aine& e/'erience as a secret)service man. In *une of 1556, Cussic ha& (een transferre& to the 4anish re$ion. 0here he ha& met a 'rett#, (u/om, an& ver# in&e'en&ent 4anish $ir% who wor e& in the art &e'artment of a .e&$ov information center. Nina 3on$stren was the &au$hter of an inf%uentia% architectC her 'eo'%e were wea%th#, ta%ente&, an& socia%%# 'rominent. Even after the# were officia%%# marrie&, Cussic sti%% stoo& in awe of her. 2is or&ers from 'o%ice offices in Ba%timore came whi%e he an& Nina were re&oin$ their a'artment. It too him a %itt%e whi%e to fin& a wa# to (rin$ the matter u'C the# were ri$ht in the mi&&%e of 'aintin$. 84ar%in$,; he to%& her fina%%#, 8we+re $oin$ to have to $et the he%% out of here.; .or a moment Nina &i&n+t answer. She was intent%# stu&#in$ co%or charts, her e%(ows restin$ on the %ivin$ room ta(%e, han&s c%as'e& un&er her chin. 8?hatD; she murmure& va$ue%#. 0he %ivin$ room was a sham(%es of creativit#C (uc ets of 'aint, ro%%ers, s'ra#ers %a# ever#where. 0he furniture was covere& with 'aint)s'%attere& '%astic sheetin$. In the itchen an& (e&rooms stoo& hea's of sti%%)crate& a''%iances, c%othin$, furniture, wra''e& we&&in$ 'resents. 8I+m sorr#G I wasn+t %istenin$.; Cussic wa% e& over (esi&e her an& $ent%# s%i& the co%or car&s from un&er her e%(ows. 8Or&ers from the (i$ whee%. I have to f%# (ac to Ba%timoreG the#+re assem(%in$ a case a$ainst this fe%%ow *ones. I+m su''ose& to a''ear.; 8Oh,; Nina sai& faint%#. 8I see.; 8It shou%&n+t ta e more than a cou'%e of &a#s. You can sta# here, if #ou want.; 2e &i&n+t 'articu%ar%# want her to sta# (ehin&C the# ha& on%# (een marrie& a wee E technica%%#, he was on his hone#moon. 80he#+%% 'a# trave% e/'enses for (oth of us B 1earson mentions it.; 8?e rea%%# &on+t have much choice, &o weD; Nina sai& for%orn%#. She $ot u' from the ta(%e an& (e$an $atherin$ to$ether the various co%or car&s. 8I $uess we shou%& cover a%% the cans of 'aint.; ?oe(e$one, she (e$an 'ourin$ tur'entine over a tin can of 'aint (rushes. A smu&$e of sea)foam $reen was &a((e& across her %eft chee , 'ro(a(%# as of when she ha& reache& to 'ush (ac her %on$ (%on&e hair. Cussic too a ra$, moistene& it in the tur'entine, an& scru'u%ous%# remove& the smu&$e. 80han #ou,; Nina sai& sa&%#, when he ha& finishe&. 8?hen &o we have to %eaveD 9i$ht nowD; 2e e/amine& his watch. 8?e (etter $et into Ba%timore (# evenin$C the#+re ho%&in$ him now. 0hat means we ou$ht to $et the ei$ht)thirt# shi' out of Co'enha$en.; 8I+%% $o (athe,; Nina sai& o(e&ient%#. 8An& chan$e. You shou%&, too.; Critica%%#, she ru((e& his chin. 8An& shave.;
2e a$ree&. 8An#thin$ #ou want.; 8?i%% #ou wear #our %i$ht $ra# suitD+ 8I have to wear (rown. 9emem(er, this is (usiness. .or the ne/t twe%ve hours I+m (ac on the =o(.; 84oes that mean we have to (e so%emn an& seriousD; 2e %au$he&. 8No, of course not. But this thin$ worries me.; Nina wrin %e& her nose at him. 8?orr#, then. But &on+t e/'ect me to. I+ve $ot other thin$s to thin a(outG #ou rea%i7e we won+t $et this '%ace finishe& unti% ne/t wee D; 8?e cou%& $et a cou'%e of wor men in here to com'%ete thin$s.; 8Oh, no,; Nina sai& em'hatica%%#. She &isa''eare& into the (athroom, turne& on the hot water in the tu(, an& returne&. Kic in$ off her shoes, she (e$an un&ressin$. 8?e+re &oin$ this ourse%ves. No (ro en)&own tram's are $ettin$ in this a'artment B this isn+t a =o(C this is B; She searche& for the wor&s as she tu$$e& her sweater u' over her hea&. 80his is our %ife to$ether.; 8?e%%,; Cussic sai& &r#%#, 8I was one of those (ro en)&own tram's unti% I =oine& Securit#. But it+s u' to #ou. I en=o# 'aintin$C I &on+t care either wa#.; 8You shou%& care,; Nina sai& critica%%#. 84arn it, I+m $oin$ to s'ar some sort of artistic sensitivit# in #our (our$eois sou%.; 84on+t sa# I shou%& care. 0hat+s a crime a$ainst 9e%ativism. You can care a%% #ou want, (ut &on+t te%% me I have to care, too.; 3au$hin$, Nina s i''e& over an& hu$$e& him. 8You $reat 'om'ous thin$. 0a in$ it a%% so serious%# B what a1 I $oin$ to &o with #ouD; 8I &on+t now,; Cussic a&mitte&, frownin$. 8?hat are we $oin$ to &o with a%% of usD; 80his thin$ rea%%# (others #ou,; Nine o(serve&, $a7in$ u' into his face, her own (%ue e#es trou(%e& an& serious. Cussic move& awa# from her an& (e$an assem(%in$ the hea's of news'a'ers scattere& aroun& the a'artment. Nina watche&, su(&ue& an& chastene&, in her 'aint) strea e& s%ac s an& new n#%on (ra, feet (are, (%on&e hair tum(%e& %oose%# aroun& her smooth shou%&ers. 8Can #ou te%% me an#thin$ a(out itD; she as e& 'resent%#. 8Sure,; Cussic sai&. 9iff%in$ the news'a'ers, he 'u%%e& one out, fo%&e& it, an& han&e& it to her. 8You can rea& a(out it whi%e #ou+re (athin$.; 0he artic%e was %on$ an& 'rominent. <INIS0E9 49A?S C9O?4S .@902E9 19OO. O. ?O934)?I4E 9E3IAIO@S 9E:I:A3 -iti3ens flo#k to hear 1inister tell of #ala1ities to #o1e% Infiltration by alien lifefor1s !redi#ted in detail% Be%ow that was a 'icture of *ones, (ut no %on$er sittin$ in a '%atform in a si&e show. An or&aine& minister, now, wearin$ a sha((# (%ac froc coat, (%ac shoes, more or %ess shave&, a 1eri'atetic 'reacher roamin$ a(out the countr#si&e haran$uin$ crow&s of rustics. Nina $%ance& (rief%# at it, rea& a few wor&s, $%ance& a$ain at the 'icture, an& then, without a wor&, turne& an& race& into the (athroom to shut off the water. She &i&n+t return the news'a'erC when ne/t she a''eare&, ten minutes %ater, the news'a'er ha& vanishe&.
8?hat+& #ou &o with it,; Cussic as e& curious%#. 2e ha& fair%# we%% strai$htene& u' the room an& (e$an 'ac in$ his suitcase. 80he news'a'erD; 3uminous an& steamin$ from her (ath, Nina (e$an searchin$ in the &resser for a fresh s%i'. 8You &on+t rea%%# $ive a &amn,; Cussic sai&, with irritation. 8?hat a(outD; 80he wor I+m &oin$. 0his who%e s#stem.; 84ar%in$, it+s none of m# (usiness.; 0art%#, she o(serve&E 8After a%%, it+s su''ose& to (e secretG I &on+t want to 'r#.; 8Now %isten,; he sai& Fuiet%#. Aoin$ over to her he u'ti%te& her chin unti% she ha& to face him. 8Sweetheart,; he to%& her, 8#ou new what I was &oin$ (efore #ou marrie& me. 0his is no time to &isa''rove.; .or a moment the# face& each other &efiant%#. 0hen, with a swift &art of her han&, Nina swe't u' a 'erfume atomi7er from the &resser an& sFuirte& him in the face. 8Ao shave an& wash,; she or&ere& him. 8An& for heaven+s sa e, 'ut on a c%ean shirt , there+s a who%e &rawer fu%% of them. I &on+t want to (e ashame& of #ou.; Be%ow the shi' the (%ue, insi'i& e/'anse of the At%antic %a# s'rea& out. Cussic rest%ess%# scow%e& &own at it, an& then trie& to interest himse%f in the 0: screen $%owin$ from the (ac of the seat (efore him. 0o his ri$ht, on the win&ow si&e of him, &resse& in an e/'ensive han&)tai%ore& worste& suit, Nina sat rea&in$ a co'# of the London Ti1es an& &ainti%# ni((%in$ on a wafer)thin Swiss mint. <oo&i%# $ettin$ out his or&ers, Cussic (e$an restu&#in$ the enc%ose& materia%. *ones ha& (een arreste& at four)thirt# a.m. in the &ownstate section of I%%inois, near a town ca%%e& 1inc ne#vi%%e. 2e ha& 'ut u' no resistance, as the 'o%ice &ra$$e& him out of his woo&en shac , &escri(e&, technica%%#, as his 8church.; Now he was (ein$ he%& in the main 'rocessin$ center at Ba%timore. 1resuma(%#, a (rief ha& a%rea&# (een &rawn u' (# the .e&$ov Attorne# Aenera%+s officeC conviction was a matter of routine. 0here was the necessit# of an a''earance at the 1u(%ic Court, an& the actua% sentencin$G 8I won&er if he+%% remem(er me,; Cussic sai& a%ou&. Nina %owere& her Ti1es. 8?hatD I+m sorr#, &ar%in$. I was rea&in$ the re'ort of the scout shi' that was $roun&e& on Ne'tune for a month an& three &a#s. 3or&, it must (e awfu% out there. 0hose ice)co%& '%anets, no air an& no %i$ht, =ust &ea& roc .; 80he#+re a%% use%ess,; Cussic a$ree& testi%#. 8It+s a waste of the ta/'a#ers+ mone# to e/'%ore them.; 2e fo%&e& u' his or&ers an& stuffe& them awa# in his coat 'oc et. 8?hat+s he %i eD; Nina as e&. 8Is he the one #ou to%& me a(out, the one who use& to (e a fortunete%%erD; 80hat+s him.; 8An& the# fina%%# $ot aroun& to arrestin$ himD; 8It+s not an eas# thin$.; 8I thou$ht it was a%% ri$$e&C I thou$ht #ou cou%& $et an#(o&#.; 8?e can B (ut we &on+t want to. ?e on%# want 'eo'%e who seem to (e &an$erous. You thin I+& arrest #our (rother+s cousin (ecause she $oes aroun& sa#in$ Beethoven Fuartets are the on%# music worth %istenin$ toD; 8You now,; Nina sai& i&%#, 8I &on+t remem(er a sin$%e thin$ I rea& in 2off+s (oo . ?e ha& it in schoo%, of course. 9eFuire& te/t in socio%o$#.; B%ithe%#, she finishe&E 8I =ust
can+t seem to $et intereste& in 9e%ativismG an& now here I am marrie& to a B; She $%ance& aroun&. 8I $uess I shou%&n+t sa#. I sti%% can+t $et use& to this c%an&estine snea in$ aroun&.; 8It+s in a $oo& cause,; Cussic sai&. Nina si$he&. 8I =ust wish #ou were in somethin$ e%se. In the shoe%ace (usiness. Or even &irt# 'ostcar&s. An#thin$ #ou cou%& (e 'rou& of.; 8I+m 'rou& of this.; 8OhD Are #ou rea%%#D; 8I+m the town &o$ catcher,; Cussic sai& so(er%#. 8No(o&# %i es the &o$ catcher. 3itt%e i&s 'ra# a thun&er(o%t wi%% stri e the &o$ catcher. I+m the &entist. I+m the ta/ co%%ector. I+m a%% the stern men who show u' with fo%&ers of white 'a'er, summonin$ 'eo'%e to face =u&$ment. I &i&n+t now that, seven months a$o. I now it now.; 8But #ou+re sti%% in the secret)service.; 8Yes,; Cussic sai&. 8I sti%% am. An& I 'ro(a(%# wi%% (e the rest of m# %ife.; Nina hesitate&. 8?h#D; 8Because Securit# is the %esser of two evi%s. I sa# evi%s. Of course, #ou an& I now) there+s no such thin$ as evi%. A $%ass of (eer is evi% at si/ in the mornin$. A &ish of mush %oo s %i e he%% aroun& ei$ht o+c%oc at ni$ht. 0o me, the s'ectac%e of &ema$o$ues sen&in$ mi%%ions of 'eo'%e to their &eaths, wrec in$ the wor%& with ho%# wars an& (%oo&she&, tearin$ &own who%e nations to 'ut over some re%i$ious or 'o%itica% Ntruth+ is B; 2e shru$$e&. 8O(scene. .i%th#. Communism, .ascism, Jionism B the#+re the o'inions of a(so%utist in&ivi&ua%s force& on who%e continents. An& it has nothin$ to &o with the sincerit# of the %ea&er. Or the fo%%owers. 0he fact that the# (e%ieve it ma es it even more o(scene. 0he fact that the# cou%& i%% each other an& &ie vo%untari%# over meanin$%ess ver(a%ismsG; 2e (ro e off. 8You see the reconstruction crewsC #ou now we+%% (e %uc # if we ever re(ui%&.; 8But secret 'o%iceG it seems so sort of ruth%ess an& B we%%, an& #yni#al.; 2e no&&e&. 8I su''ose 9e%ativism is c#nica%. It sure%# isn+t i&ea%istic. It+s the resu%t of (ein$ i%%e& an& in=ure& an& ma&e 'oor an& wor in$ har& for em't# wor&s. It+s the out$rowth of $enerations of shoutin$ s%o$ans, marchin$ with s'a&es an& $uns, sin$in$ 'atriotic h#mns, chantin$, an& sa%utin$ f%a$s.; 8But #ou 'ut them into 'rison. 0hese 'eo'%e who &on+t a$ree with #ou B #ou won+t let them &isa$ree with #ou , . . %i e this <inister *ones.; 8*ones can &isa$ree with us. *ones can (e%ieve an#thin$ he wantsC he can (e%ieve the Earth is f%at, that Ao& is an onion, that (a(ies are (orn in ce%%o'hane (a$s. 2e can have an# o'inion he wantsC (ut once he starts 'e&&%in$ it as A(so%ute 0ruth ); 80hen #ou 'ut him in 'rison,; Nina sai& ti$ht%#. 8No,; Cussic correcte&. 80hen we 'ut out our han&C we sa# sim'%#E 1ut u' or shut u'. 1rove what #ou+re sa#in$. If #ou want to sa# the *ews are the root of a%% evi% B !rove it. You can sa# it B if #ou can (ac it u'. Otherwise, into the wor cam'.; 8It+s B; She smi%e& a %itt%e. 8It+s a tou$h (usiness.; 8You (et it is.; 8If #ou see me si''in$ c#ani&e throu$h a straw,; Nina sai&, 8#ou can+t te%% me not to. I+m free to 'oison m#se%f.; 8I can te%% #ou it+s c#ani&e in the (ott%e, not oran$e =uice.; 8But if I nowD;
8Aoo& Ao&,; Cussic sai&, 8then it+s #our (usiness. You can (athe in itC #ou can free7e it an& wear it. You+re an a&u%t.; 8You B; 2er %i's Fuivere&. 8You &on+t care what ha''ens to me. You &on+t care if I ta e 'oison, or an#thin$.; Cussic $%ance& at his wrist watchC the trans'ort was a%rea&# over the North American %an& mass. 0he tri' was virtua%%# over. 8I care. 0hat+s wh# I+m invo%ve& in thisC I care a(out #ou an& the rest of sufferin$ humanit#.; Broo&in$%#, he a&&e&E 8Not that it matters. ?e f%u((e& *ones. 0his ma# (e the one time our (%uff $ets ca%%e&.; 8?h#D; 89i$ht now we+re sa#in$ to *onesE 1ut u', %et+s see the 'roof. An& I+m afrai& the (astar&+s $ivin$ it to us.; In man# wa#s *ones ha& chan$e&. Stan&in$ si%ent%# in the &oorwa#, Cussic i$nore& the $rou' of uniforme& 'o%ice an& stu&ie& the man sittin$ in the chair in the center of the room. Outsi&e the (ui%&in$ a unit of 'o%ice tan s rum(%e& a%on$, fo%%owe& (# a re$iment of wea'ons)troo's. It was as if the 'resence of *ones ha& set off an uneas# chain of musc%e) f%e/in$s. But the man himse%f 'ai& no attentionC he sat smo in$, $%arin$ &own, his (o&# taut. 2e sat ver# much as Cussic ha& seen him on the '%atform. But he was o%&er. 0he seven months ha& chan$e& him, too. 0he ra$$e& frin$e of (ear& ha& $rownC the man+s face was ominous with coarse (%ac hair, $ivin$ him an ascetic, a%most s'iritua% Fua%it#. 2is e#es shone feverish%#. A$ain an& a$ain he c%as'e& his han&s to$ether, %ic e& his &r# %i's, &arte& nervous, war# $%ances aroun& the room. It occurre& to Cussic that if he were rea%%# a 'reco$, if he cou%& rea%%# see a #ear ahea&, he ha& antici'ate& this at the time Cussic ha& ta% e& to him. A(ru't%# *ones notice& him an& $%ance& u'. 0heir e#es met. Cussic (e$an to 'ers'ireC he rea%i7e&, chi%%in$%#, that as *ones ha& ta% e& to him that &a#, as he ha& acce'te& his twent# &o%%ars, he ha& seen this. Known that Cussic wou%& turn in a re'ort on him. 0hat meant, o(vious%#, that *ones was here vo%untari%#. .rom a si&e &oor 4irector 1earson a''eare&, a sheaf of 'a'ers c%utche& in his han&. 2e sta% e& over to Cussic , (oots an& he%met shinin$, im'ressive in his fu%% uniform. 8?e+re a%% (o((%e& u',; he sai&, without 'ream(%e. 8?e sat on our (ehin&s waitin$ to fin& out if the rest of his $a((%e wor e& out. It &i&. It &i&. So now we+re stuc .; 8I cou%& have to%& #ou that.; Cussic ref%ecte&. 8In seven months of survei%%ance, &i&n+t #ou $et a who%e (oatfu% of 'ro'heciesD; 8?e &i&. But the (rief was &rawn u' on thisC the Saun&ers one is the (asis of our case. You hear& the officia% re%ease of &ata on the &rifters, of course.; 8It fi%tere& in whi%e I was on m# hone#moon. I &i&n+t 'articu%ar%# care, not at the time.; 3i$htin$ his 'i'e, 1earson sai&E 8?e ou$ht to (u# u' this fe%%ow. But he sa#s he+s not for sa%e.; 80his rea%%# is it, isn+t itD 2e+s not a fa e.; 8No, he+s not a fa e. An& the who%e &amn s#stem is (ase& on the theor# that he has to (e a fa e. 2off never too this into accountC this s'e%%(in&er is te%%in$ the truth.; 0a in$
ho%& of Cussic +s arm he %e& him throu$h the circ%e of 'o%ice. 8Come on over an& sa# he%%o. <a#(e he+%% remem(er #ou.; *ones watche& ri$i&%#, as the two men ma&e their wa# towar& him. 2e reco$ni7e& Cussic C there was no am(i$uit# in his e/'ression. 82e%%o,; Cussic sai&. *ones $ot s%ow%# to his feet an& the# face& each other. 1resent%# *ones 'ut out his han&, an& the# shoo . 82ow have #ou (eenD; 8.ine,; *ones re'%ie& noncommitta%%#. 8You new a(out me, that &a#. You new I was in Sec'o%.; 8No,; *ones &isa$ree&. 8As a matter of fact I &i&n+t.; 8But #ou new #ou+& (e here,; Cussic sai&, sur'rise&. 8You must have seen this room, this meetin$.; 8I &i&n+t reco$ni7e #ou. You %oo e& &ifferent, then. You &on+t rea%i7e how much #ou+ve chan$e& in the %ast seven months. A%% I new was that somewhere a%on$ the %ine a contact was ma&e with me.; 2e s'o e &is'assionate%#, (ut tense%#. A musc%e in his chee twitche&. 8You+ve %ost wei$htG (ut sittin$ aroun& (ehin& a &es hasn+t im'rove& #our 'osture.; 8?hat are #ou &oin$ these &a#sD; Cussic as e&. 8You+re not with the carniva%D; 8I+m a minister of the 2onora(%e Church of Ao&,; *ones sai&, with a wr# s'asm. 8You %oo 'rett# see&# for a minister.; *ones shru$$e&. 8It &oesn+t 'a# ver# we%%. 9i$ht now, not too man# 'eo'%e are intereste&.; 2e a&&e&, 8But the# wi%% (e.; 8You now, of course,; 1earson (ro e in, 8that this who%e interview is (ein$ ta'e&. Ever#thin$ #ou sa# is $oin$ to (e '%a#e& (ac at the tria%.; 8?hat tria%D; *ones commente& (ruta%%#. 80hree &a#s from now #ou+re $oin$ to re%ease me.; 0hin face twitchin$, his voice co%& an& (%ea , he continue& thou$htfu%%#, 8.rom now on #ou+re $oin$ to (e te%%in$ a certain 'ara(%e. I+%% te%% it, nowC 'a# attention. An Irishman hears that the (an s are fai%in$. 2e runs into the (an where he ee's his mone# an& &eman&s ever# cent of it. NYes sir,+ the te%%er sa#s 'o%ite%#. N4o #ou want it in cash or in the form of a chec D; 0he Irishman re'%iesE 8?e%%, if #ou have it, I &on+t want it. But if #ou haven+t $ot it, I must have it imme&iate%#.+8 0here was an uncomforta(%e si%ence. 1earson %oo e& 'u77%e&C he $%ance& at Cussic . 8Am I $oin$ to te%% thatD; he as e& &ou(tfu%%#. 8?hat+s it meanD; 8It means,; Cussic sai&, 8that no(o&#+s foo%in$ an#(o&#.; *ones smi%e& in a''reciation. 8Am I to infer,; 1earson sai&, his face turnin$ &ar an& u$%#, 8that #ou thin we can+t &o an#thin$ to #ouD; 8I &on+t think,; *ones answere& smu$%#. 8I &on+t have to. 0hat+s the 'oint. 4o #ou want m# 'ro'hecies in cash or in the form of a chec D 0a e #our choice.; 0horou$h%# (ewi%&ere&, 1earson move& awa#. 8I can+t un&erstan& him,; he muttere&. 82e+s a crac 'otC he+s out of his min&.; 8No,; Senior 1o%itica% Instructor Kamins i sai&. 2e ha& (een stan&in$ near(#, intent%# %istenin$. 8You+re an o&& 'erson, *ones,; he sai& to the (on#)shan e& man stan&in$ nervous%# (# the chair. 8?hat I can+t un&erstan& is this. ?ith #our a(i%it#, wh# were #ou foo%in$ aroun& in that carniva%D ?h# were #ou wastin$ #our timeD;
*ones+ answer sur'rise& them a%%. Its can&or, its na e& honest#, was a shoc . 8Because I+m scare&,; he sai&. 8I &on+t now what to &o. An& the awfu% 'art is B; 2e swa%%owe& noisi%#. 8I &on+t have an# choice.;
IN KA<INSKI+S office the four of them sat aroun& the &es , smo in$, an& &u%%# hearin$ the &istant mutter of 'o%ice $uns on their wa# to the sta$in$ area. 80o me,; *ones sai& hoarse%#, 8this is the !ast% 9i$ht now, with #ou three, here in this (ui%&in$, this is a #ear a$o. It+s not so much %i e I can see the futureC it+s more that I+ve $ot one foot stuc in the 'ast. I can+t sha e it %oose. I+m retar&e&C I+m re%ivin$ one #ear of m# %ife forever.; 2e shu&&ere&. 8Over an& over a$ain. Ever#thin$ I &o, ever#thin$ I sa#, hear, e/'erience, I have to $rin& over twice.; 2e raise& his voice, shar' an& an$uishe&, without ho'e. 8I+m %ivin$ the same %ife two times-; 8In other wor&s,; Cussic sai& s%ow%#, 8for #ou, the future is static. Knowin$ a(out it &oesn+t ma e it 'ossi(%e for #ou to chan$e it.; *ones %au$he& ici%#. 8Chan$e itD It+s tota%%# fi/e&. It+s more fi/e&, more 'ermanent, than this wa%%.; .urious%#, he s%amme& his o'en 'a%m a$ainst the wa%% (ehin& him. 8You thin I+ve some in& of emanci'ation. 4on+t i& #ourse%fG the %ess #ou now a(out the future the (etter off #ou are. You+ve $ot a nice i%%usionC #ou thin #ou have free wi%%.; 8But not #ou.; 8No,; *ones a$ree& (itter%#. 8I+m tru&$in$ a%on$ the ste's I tru&$e& a #ear a$o. I can+t a%ter a sin$%e one of them. 0his conversation B I now it (# heart. Nothin$ new can come into itC nothin$ can (e %eft out.; After a moment 1earson s'o e u'. 8?hen I was a i&,; he ref%ecte&, 8I use& to $o to movies twice. 0he secon& time, it $ave me an a&vanta$e over the rest of the au&ienceG I %i e& it. I cou%& ho%%er out the &ia%o$ue a s'%it secon& (efore the actors. It $ave me a sense of 'ower.; 8Sure,; *ones a$ree&. 8?hen I was a i& I %i e& it, too. But I+m not a i& an# more. I want to %ive %i e ever#(o&# e%se B an or&inar# %ife. I &i&n+t as for thisC it wasn+t m# i&ea.; 8It+s a va%ua(%e ta%ent,; Kamins i sai& shrew&%#. 8As 1earson sa#s, a man who can shout out the &ia%o$ue a s'%it secon& ahea& of time has rea% 'ower. 2e+s a who%e notch a(ove the rest of the crow&.; 80he thin$ I remem(er,; 1earson sai&, 8is the contem't I fe%t for a%% the ra't faces. 0he foo%s B starin$, sim'erin$, $i$$%in$, (ein$ afrai&, (e%ievin$ in it, won&erin$ how it wou%& come out. An& I new. It ma&e me &is$uste&. 0hat+s 'art%# wh# I shoute& it out.; *ones &i&n+t comment. Broo&in$, he sat hunche& over in his chair, e#es fi/e& on the f%oor. 82ow wou%& #ou %i e a =o(D; Kamins i inFuire& &r#%#. 8Senior 1o%itica% Instructor to the Senior 1o%itica% Instructor.; 8No than s.; 8You cou%& (e a %ot of he%',; 1earson 'ointe& out. 8You cou%& ai& reconstruction. You cou%& he%' us unif# ourse%ves an& our resources. You cou%& ma e an im'ortant &ifference.; *ones shot him an e/as'erate& $%are. 80here+s on%# one issue of im'ortance. 0his reconstruction B; 2e wave& his thin, (on# han& im'atient%#. 8You+re wastin$ #our timeG it+s the &rifters that matter.; 8?h#D; Cussic &eman&e&.
8Because there+s a who%e universe- You s'en& #our time re(ui%&in$ this '%anet B m# Ao&, we cou%& have a mi%%ion '%anets. New '%anets, untouche& '%anets. S#stems of them. En&%ess resourcesG an& #ou sit aroun& tr#in$ to re)me%t o%& scra'. 1ac rats, misers, hoar&in$ an& fin$erin$ #our misera(%e 'i%e.; 4is$uste&, he turne& awa#. 8?e+re over) 'o'u%ate&. ?e+re un&er)nourishe&. One more ha(ita(%e wor%& wou%& so%ve a%% that.; 83i e <arsD; Cussic inFuire& soft%#. 83i e :enusD 4ea&, em't#, hosti%e wor%&s.; 8I &on+t mean those.; 8?hat &o #ou mean, thenD ?e+ve $ot scouts craw%in$ a%% aroun& the s#stem. Show us one '%ace we can %ive.; 8Not here.; An$ri%#, *ones &ismisse& the so%ar s#stem. 8I mean out there. Centaurus. Or Sirius. An# of them.; 8Are the# necessari%# an# (etterD; 8Inters#stem co%oni7ation is 'ossi(%e,; *ones answere&, 8?h# &o #ou thin the &rifters are hereD It+s o(vious B the#+re sett%in$. 0he#+re &oin$ what we shou%& (e &oin$E the#+re out searchin$ for ha(ita(%e '%anets. 0he# ma# have come mi%%ions of %i$ht #ears.; 8Your answer isn+t $oo& enou$h,; Kamins i 'ronounce&. 8It+s $oo& enou$h for me,; *ones sai&. 8I now.; Kamins i no&&e&, trou(%e&. 80hat+s what worries me.; Curious%#, 1earson as e&E 84o #ou now an#thin$ more a(out the &riftersD ?ho shows u' in the ne/t #earD; Across *ones+ face sett%e& a star , im'assione& $%a7e. 80hat+s wh# I+m a minister,; he sai& harsh%#. 0he three secret)servicemen waite&, (ut there was nothin$ more. ,rifters was a e# wor& with *onesC visi(%#, the wor& tri$$ere& off somethin$ &ee' an& (asic insi&e him. Somethin$ that ma&e his $aunt face writhe. A core of (%a7in$ fervor ha& f%oate& to the surface. 8You &on+t 'articu%ar%# %i e them,; Cussic o(serve&. 83i e themD; *ones %oo e& rea&# to e/'%o&e. 84riftersD A%ien %ife)forms comin$ here, sett%in$ on our '%anetsD; 2is voice rose to a shri%%, h#sterica% screech. 8Can+t #ou see what+s ha''enin$D 2ow %on$ &o #ou thin the#+%% %eave us a%oneD Ei$ht &ea& wor%&s B nothin$ (ut roc . An& EarthE the only useful one% 4on+t #ou seeD 0he#+re 're'arin$ to attac usC the#+re usin$ <ars an& :enus as (ases. It+s Earth the#+re afterC who+& want those em't# wastesD; 8<a#(e the# &o,; 1earson su$$este& uneasi%#. 8As #ou sai&, the#+re a%ien %ife forms. <a#(e to them Earth is nothin$. <a#(e the# nee& tota%%# &ifferent %ivin$)con&itions.; E#in$ *ones intent%#, Kamins i sai&E 8Ever# %ife form has its own t#'ica% nee&sG what+s a ruine& waste to us is a ferti%e va%%e# to somethin$ e%se. Isn+t that soD; 8Earth is the on%# ferti%e '%anet,; *ones re'eate&, with a(so%ute conviction. 80he# want Earth. 0hat+s what the#+re here for.; Si%ence. So that was it. 0here it stoo&, the terrif#in$ s'ecter the# a%% &rea&e&. 0his was what the# e/iste& to &estro#C this was what the# ha& (een set u' to catchB(efore it was too (i$ to catch. It stoo& (efore themC sat, rather. *ones ha& a$ain seate& himse%fC now he sat smo in$ =er i%#, thin face &istorte&, a &ar vein in his forehea& 'u%sin$. Behin& his $%asses his furious%#)(ri$ht e#es ha& fi%me& over, c%ou&# with 'assion. 0an$%e& hair,
ra$$e& (%ac (ear&, a rum'%e& man with e%on$ate& arms, s inn# %e$sG a man with infinite 'ower. A man with infinite hatre&. 8You rea%%# hate them,; Cussic sai& won&erin$%#. <ute%#, *ones no&&e&. 8But #ou &on+t now an#thin$ a(out them, &o #ouD; 80he#+re there,; *ones sai& (ritt%e%#. 80he#+re a%% aroun& us. Encirc%in$ us. C%osin$ in. Can+t #ou see their '%ansD Comin$ across s'ace, centur# after centur#G wor in$ out their schemes, %an&in$ first on 1%uto, on <ercur#, comin$ c%oser a%% the time. Nearer to the 'ri7eE settin$ u' (ases for attac .; 8Attac ,; Kamins i re'eate& soft%#, cunnin$%#. 8You now thisD You have 'roofD Or is this =ust a wi%& i&eaD; 8Si/ months from this &ate,; *ones state&, his voice 'inche& an& meta%%ic, 8the first &rifter wi%% %an& on Earth.; 8Our scouts have %an&e& on a%% the '%anets,; Kamins i 'ointe& out, (ut his si% # assurance was $one. 84oes that mean we+re inva&in$ themD; 8?e+re there,; *ones sai&, 8(ecause those '%anets are ours. ?e+re %oo in$ them over.; 9aisin$ his e#es, he finishe&E 8An& that+s what the &rifters are &oin$. 0he#+re %oo in$ over Earth. 9i$ht now, the#+re %oo in$ us over. Can+t #ou fee% their e#es on usD .i%th#, %oathsome, a%ien, insect e#esG; 2orrifie&, Cussic sai&E 82e+s 'atho%o$ica%.; 8Can #ou see thisD; Kamins i 'ursue&. 8I now it.; 8But #ou see itD You see an invasionD 4estructionD 4rifters ta in$ over EarthD; 8?ithin a #ear,; *ones state&, 8there+%% (e &rifters %an&in$ ever#where. Ever# &a# of the wee . 0en here, twent# there. 2or&es of them. A%% identi#al. <in&%ess hor&es of fi%th# a%ien (ein$s.; ?ith an effort, 1earson sai&E 8Sittin$ ne/t to us in (usses, I ta e it. ?antin$ to marr# our &au$hters B ri$htD; *ones must have antici'ate& the remar C a secon& (efore 1earson s'o e, the man+s face went cha% )white, an& he $ri''e& convu%sive%# at the arms of his chair. .i$htin$ with himse%f, stru$$%in$ to ee' contro%, he answere& (etween his teethE 81eo'%e aren+t $oin$ to stan& for it, frien&. I can see that. 0here+s $oin$ to (e (urnin$s. 0hose &rifters are &r#, frien&. 0he# (urn we%%. 0here+s $oin$ to (e %ots of c%eanin$ u' to &o.; Kamins i swore soft%#, furious%#. 83et me out of here,; he (e$an sa#in$, to no(o&# in 'articu%ar. 8I can+t stan& it.; 80a e it eas#,; 1earson sai& shar'%#. 8No, I can+t stand it.; .uti%e%#, Kamins i 'ace& aroun& in a circ%e. 80here+s nothin$ we can &o- ?e can+t touch himBhe rea%%# sees these thin$s. 2e+s safe from us B and he knows it%; It was ear%# ni$ht. Cussic an& 1earson stoo& to$ether in the &ar corri&or of the to' f%oor of the 'o%ice offices. A few 'aces awa# a &is'atch carrier waite&, his face (%an& (eneath his stee% he%met. 8?e%%,; 1earson (e$an. 2e shivere&. 80his ha%% is co%&. ?h# &on+t #ou an& #our wife come over to m# '%ace for &innerD ?e can ta% , sit aroun&, &iscuss thin$s.; Cussic sai&E 80han s, I+& %i e to. You haven+t met Nina.;
8I un&erstan& #ou were on %eave. 2one#moonD; 8Sort of. ?e+ve $ot a nice %itt%e '%ace in Co'enha$enG we ha& starte& 'aintin$ it.; 82ow+& #ou fin& a '%aceD; 8Nina+s fami%# 'ut their shou%&er to the whee%.; 8Your wife+s not in Securit#, is sheD; 8No. Art an& i&ea%ism.; 8?hat+s she thin a(out #ou (ein$ a co'D; 8She &oesn+t %i e it. She won&ers if it+s necessar#. 0he new t#rann#.; Ironica%%#, Cussic a&&e&E 8After a%%, a(so%utists are &#in$ out. In a few more #ears B; 84o #ou thin 2it%er was a 'reco$D; 1earson as e& su&&en%#. 8Yes, I &o. Not as &eve%o'e& as *ones, of course. ,rea1s4 hun#hes4 intuitions. 0he future was fi/e& for him, too. An& he too %on$ chances. I thin *ones wi%% (e$in ta in$ %on$ chances, too. Now that he+s (e$innin$ to un&erstan& what he+s here on Earth for.; In 1earson+s han& was a f%at &ocument. I&%#, he ta''e& it a$ainst his fin$ers. 8You now what cra7# notion entere& m# min&D I was $oin$ &own there where the#+re ho%&in$ him, &own in that room. I was $oin$ to 'r# o'en his =aws an& &ro' an A)'e%%et &own his throat. B%ow his carcass to fra$ments. But then I $ot to thin in$.; 82e can+t (e i%%e&,; Cussic sai&. 82e #an (e i%%e&. But he can+t (e ta en (# sur'rise. 0o i%% *ones wou%& mean (ott%in$ him u' from a%% si&es. 2e+s $ot a one)#ear =um' on us. 2e+%% &ieC he+s morta%. 2it%er &ie&, fina%%#. But 2it%er s%ithere& awa# from a %ot of (u%%ets an& 'oisons an& (om(s in his time. It+%% ta e a c%osin$ rin$ to &o itG a room with no &oors. An& #ou can te%% (# the %oo on his face that there+s sti%% a &oor.; 2e ca%%e& the &is'atch carrier over. 84e%iver this 'ersona%%#. You now where B &ownram' at I6A. ?here the#+ve $ot that s inn# &rie&)u' hic .; 0he carrier sa%ute&, acce'te& the &ocument, an& trotte& (ris %# off. 8You thin he (e%ieves a%% thatD; 1earson won&ere&. 8A(out the &riftersD; 8?e%% never now. 2e+s $ot somethin$ (i$, there. Natura%%#, the#+re $oin$ to %an&C the# 'ro'e% themse%ves ran&om%#, &on+t the#D; 8As a matter of fact,; 1earson sai&, 8one has %an&e& a%rea&#.; 8A%iveD; 84ea&. 9esearch is wor in$ on it. A''arent%# the secret wi%% sta# e't B unti% the ne/t one.; 8Can the# te%% an#thin$ a(out itD; 8Muite a (it. It+s a $i$antic, sin$%e)ce%%e& or$anism usin$ em't# s'ace as a cu%ture me&ium. It &rifts, usin$ some %an& of va$ue 'ro'u%sion mechanism. It+s a(so%ute%# harm%ess. It+s an amoe(a. It+s twent# feet wi&e. It+s $ot some in& of tou$h rin& to ee' out the co%&. 0his is no sinister invasionC these 'oor $o& &amn thin$s =ust wan&er min&%ess%# aroun&.; 8?hat &o the# eatD; 80he# &on+t. 0he# =ust $o on unti% the# &ie. 0here+s no fee&in$ mechanism, no &i$estive 'rocess, no e/cretion, no re'ro&uctive a''aratus. 0he#+re incom'%ete.; 8O&&.; 8A''arent%#, we+ve run into a swarm of them. Sure, the#+ve starte& fa%%in$. 0he#+%% hit here an& there, (urst a'art, smac into cars, f%atten themse%ves out in fie%&s. .ou% u' %a es
an& streams. 0he#+%% (e a 'est. 0he#+%% stin an& f%o'. <ore %i e%#, =ust %ie Fuiet%# &#in$. Ba in$ awa# in the sunG heat i%%e& this oneE (a e& it to a cris'. An& meanwhi%e, 'eo'%e wi%% have somethin$ to thin a(out.; 8Es'ecia%%# when *ones $ets starte&.; 8If it wasn+t *ones, it+& (e some(o&# e%se. But *ones has that ta%ent, that a&vanta$e. 2e can ca%% the shots.; 80hat &ocument was his re%ease 'a'ers, wasn+t itD; 80hat+s ri$ht,; 1earson sai&. 82e+s free. @nti% we can thin u' a new %aw, he+s a free man. 0o &o as he '%eases.;
IN 02E 0INY, white)$%eamin$, ascetic 'o%ice ce%%, *ones stoo& swa((in$ the insi&e of his mouth with 4r. Sherrif+s S'ecia% 0hroat 0onic. 0he tonic was (itter an& un'%easant. 2e ro%%e& it from chee to chee , he%& it in the u''er 'ortion of his trachea for a moment, an& then s'at it into the 'orce%ain wash(ow%. ?ithout comment, the two uniforme& 'o%icemen, one at each en& of the cham(er, watche&. *ones 'ai& no attention to themC 'eerin$ into the mirror over the (ow%, he scru'u%ous%# com(e& his hair. 0hen he ru((e& the si&e of his thum( over his teeth. 2e wante& to (e in sha'eC in an hour he was $oin$ to (e invo%ve& in im'ortant matters. .or a moment he trie& to remem(er what came imme&iate%# ahea&. 0he re%ease notice was &ue, or so he thou$ht. It was so %on$ a$oC one who%e #ear ha& 'asse& an& &etai%s ha& (%urre&. :a$ue%#, he ha& memor# of a co' enterin$ with somethin$, a 'a'er of some in&. 0hat was itE that was the re%ease. An& after that came a s'eech. 0he s'eech was sti%% c%ear in his min&C he ha&n+t for$otten it. Anno#ance came, as he thou$ht a(out it. Aivin$ the same wor&s a$ain, re'eatin$ the same $estures. 0he o%& mechanica% actionsG sta%e events, &r# an& &ust#, sa$$in$ un&er the smotherin$ (%an et of &u%% a$e. An& meanwhi%e, the %ivin$ wave f%ashe& on. 2e was a man with his e#es in the 'resent an& his (o&# in the 'ast. Even now, as he stoo& e/aminin$ his $ru((# c%othes, smoothin$ his hair, ru((in$ his $ums, even as he stoo& here in the antise'tic 'o%ice ce%%, his senses were $%ue& ti$ht on another scene, a wor%& that sti%% &ance& with vita%it#, a wor%& that ha&n+t (ecome sta%e. <uch ha& ha''ene& in the ne/t #ear. An& as he scra'e& 'eevish%# at his (ear&e& chin, '%uc in$ at an o%& rash, the wave uncovere& new moments, new e/citements an& events. 0he wave of the future was washin$ u' incre&i(%e she%%s for him to e/amine. Im'atient%#, he stro&e to the &oor of the cham(er an& 'eere& out. 0hat was what he hate&C that was the %oathsome thin$. 0he mo%asses of timeE it cou%&n+t (e hurrie&. On it &ra$$e&, with wear#, e%e'hantine ste's. Nothin$ cou%& ur$e it fasterE it was monstrous an& &eaf. A%rea&#, he ha& e/hauste& the ne/t #earC he was tota%%# tire& of it. But it was $oin$ to ta e '%ace an#how. ?hether he %i e& it or not B an& he &i&n+t B he was $oin$ to have to re%ive each inch of it, re)e/'erience in (o&# what he ha& %on$ a$o nown in min&. Such ha& (een ha''enin$ a%% his %ife. 0he mis'hasin$ ha& a%wa#s e/iste&. @nti% he was nine #ears o%&, he ha& ima$ine& that ever# human (ein$ en&ure& &u'%ication of a%% wa in$ instants. At nine, he ha& %ive& out ei$hteen #ears. 2e was e/hauste&, &is$uste&, an& fata%istic. At nine an& a ha%f #ears, he &iscovere& that he was the on%# in&ivi&ua% so (ur&ene&. .rom then on, his resi$nation ra'i&%# (ecame ra$in$ im'atience. 2e was (orn in Co%ora&o, Au$ust 11, 15HH. 0he war was sti%% in 'ro$ress, (ut it ha& (#'asse& the American <i&&%e ?est. 0he war ha& not (#'asse& Aree%e#, Co%ora&oC it ha& never come there. No war cou%& reach into ever# town, to ever# %ivin$ human (ein$. 0he farm which his fami%# maintaine& continue& a%most as usua%C a se%f)sufficient economic unit, it carrie& on with its sta$nant routine, i$norant of an& in&ifferent to the crisis of man in&. .irst memories were (i7arre. 3ater, he ha& attem'te& to untan$%e them. 0he %an$ui& foetus ha& entertaine& im'ressions of a notyet wor%&C as he crouche& cur%e& u' in his
mother+s (%oate& wom(, a 'hantasma$oria, incom'rehensi(%e an& vivi&, ha& swir%e& aroun& him. Simu%taneous%#, he ha& %ain in the (ri$ht sunshine of a Co%ora&o autumn an& &reame& Fuiet%# in the (%ac moist sac , the &ri''in$ a%%)'rovi&er. 2e ha& nown (irth terror (efore he was conceive&C (# the time the em(r#o was a month o%&, the trauma was %on$ in the 'ast. 0he actua% event of (irth was of no si$nificance to himC as he was swun$ sus'en&e& from the &octor+s fist, he ha& a%rea&# (een in the wor%& one fu%% #ear. 0he# won&ere& wh# the new (a(# fai%e& to cr#. An& wh# his %earnin$ 'rocess was so ra'i&. Once, he ha& con=ecture& this wa#E what was the rea% moment of his ori$inD At what 'oint in time ha& he rea%%# come into (ein$D .%oatin$ in the wom(, he ha& c%ear%# (een a%ive, sentient. 0o what ha& the first memories comeD One #ear (efore (irth, he ha& not (een a unit, not even a 7#$oteC the e%ements that com'rise& him ha& not come to$ether. An& (# the time the ferti%i7e& e$$ ha& (e$un to &ivi&e, the wa%% ha& carrie& we%% (e#on& the moment of (irthE three months into the hot, &ust#, (ri$ht Co%ora&o fa%%. It was a m#ster#. 2e fina%%# sto''e& thin in$ a(out it. In his ear%# #ears of chi%&hoo& he ha& acce'te& his &ua% e/istence, %earne& to inte$rate the two continua. 0he 'rocess ha& not (een eas#. .or months he ha& %a(orious%# cre't hea&)on into &oors, furniture, wa%%s. 2e ha& reache& for a s'oon of 1a(%um one #ear henceC he ha& fretfu%%# &ec%ine& a ni''%e %on$ a$o for$otten. Confusion ha& virtua%%# starve& him to &eathC he ha& (een force)fe&, an& forci(%# 'revente& from wan&erin$ out of e/istence. Natura%%#, it was assume& that he was fee(%e)min&e&. A (a(# that $ro'e& for invisi(%e o(=ects, that trie& to 'ut its han&s throu$h the si&e of its cri(G But at four months he was sa#in$ com'%ete wor&s. Scenes from his chi%&hoo&, reinforce& (# &ou(%e occurrence, ha& never %eft his min&. One of them %ea'e& u' now, as he stoo& in the white, sanitar# 'o%ice ce%%, im'atient%# waitin$ for his re%ease 'a'ers. ?hen he was nine an& a ha%f, the first h#&ro$en (om( ha& arrive&. Not the first h#&ro$en (om( &ro''e& in the warC &o7ens ha& fa%%en throu$hout the wor%&. 0his was the first to 'enetrate the intricate screens $uar&in$ the heart%an& of America, the re$ion from the 9oc # <ountains to the <ississi''i. 0he (om( ha& &etonate& a hun&re& mi%es from Aree%e#. 9a&ioactive ash an& 'artic%es ha& &rifte& merci%ess%# across the countr#si&e for wee s after, sic enin$ the catt%e an& witherin$ the cro's. .rom the &eath 7one, truc s an& cars %a(orious%# carte& off the sic an& muti%ate&. 9e'air crews ma&e their wa# forwar& to ins'ect the vast &ama$e. 0o sea% off the titanic sore unti% it ha& $iven u' its %oa& of to/insG A%on$ the narrow &irt roa& 'ast the *ones+ farm 'asse& a seemin$%# en&%ess convo# of emer$enc# vehic%es, on their wa# to hos'ita%s an& war&s erecte& outsi&e of 4enver. Aoin$ the other wa# move& a f%ow of su''%ies for the survivors remainin$ in the (%i$hte& area. A%% this, he ha& watche& with fascination. .rom mornin$ to ni$ht there was no %et)u' in the streams of cars, truc s, am(u%ances, 'eo'%e on foot, 'eo'%e on (ic#c%es, &o$s, catt%e, shee', chic ens, a mot%e# 'ac of sha'es an& co%ors an& soun&sC &istant $roans that reache& the (o#+s ear an& sent him e/cite&%# rushin$ into the house. 8?hat is itD; he screame&, &ancin$ wi%&%# aroun& his mother.
2is mother, <rs. E&na *ones, 'ause& (# the %aun&r# tu(s, her $ra# face wrin %e& with fati$ue an& anno#ance. She tosse& (ac her $rime)soa e& hair an& turne& cross%# to the (o#. 8?hat are #ou (a((%in$ a(outD; she &eman&e&. 80he cars-; he shoute&, &atin$ to the win&ow an& 'ointin$ out. 8See themD ?ho are the#D ?hat is itD; Outsi&e the win&ow there was nothin$. Nothin$ for her, at %eastC she cou%&n+t see what the (o# saw. Scam'erin$ outsi&e, he stoo& $a7in$ at the %ine movin$ a%on$ the hori7on, out%ine& (# the settin$ sun. On an& on the# move&G where were they going2 ?hat ha& ha''ene& to themD 2e ran to the e&$e of the farm, as far as it was 'ermitte&. ?ire (arre& his wa#, a tan$%e of rust# (ar(s. A%most, he cou%& ma e out in&ivi&ua% facesC a%most, he cou%& 'enetrate the si$ht of in&ivi&ua% 'ain. If on%# he cou%& $et c%oserG 0his was the moment of his awa enin$. Because he a%one saw the 'rocession of &oom. 0o a%% others, even to the &oome& themse%ves, it was not there. 2e reco$ni7e& a faceE o%& <rs. 3i77ner, from 4enver. She was there. .aces he new, 'eo'%e he ha& seen in church. 0he# were not stran$ersC the# were nei$h(ors, %oca% 'eo'%e. 0he# were the wor%&, his wor%&, the shrun en, &rie&)u' <i&&%e ?estern wor%&. 0he ne/t &a# <rs. 3i77ner &rove u' to the farm in her &ust# O%&smo(i%e, to s'en& an afternoon with his mother. 84i& #ou seeD; he shoute& at her. 84i& #ou see itD; She ha&n+t seen it. An& she ha& (een a 'art of it. So there was no &ou(tC there was no 'oint in 'ursuin$ the issue further. 9ea% un&erstan&in$ came in his tenth #ear. Now the (om( ha& comeC <rs. 3i77ner was &ea&, an& the area ha& in rea%it# (een %ai& waste. Such a uniFue catac%#sm, never re'eate&, never seen (efore or since, was unmista a(%e. ?hat he a%one ha& seen ha& now swa%%owe& u' ever#one. 0he re%ationshi' of the wave to what his fe%%ow humans e/'erience& was o(vious. Of course, he to%& no one. As com'rehension came, his attem'ts to communicate cease&. 2e cou%& not $o (ac . Knowin$ that he was &ifferent, he cou%& not return to the aim%ess activit# of the farm. 0he monoton# of farm chores was &ou(%e& for himC it was too much of a (ur&en. At fifteen, $aunt an& (on# an& (roo&in$, he ha& co%%ecte& his fun&s K'erha's two hun&re& &o%%ars, a%% ?est(%oc inf%ation currenc#L an& &e'arte&. 2e foun& the 4enver area 'ainfu%%# recoverin$ from the (%ast. 0hat was e/'ecte&, as was ever#thin$ e%se. One #ear (efore, at fourteen, he ha& 'reviewe& his =ourne#. Once a$ain, (ut this time at first han&, he e/amine& the $a'in$ crater the (om( ha& %eft, con=ecture& on the thousan&s of 'eo'%e who ha& (een turne& to ash in the win of an e#e. 2e (oar&e& a (us an& %eft Co%ora&o. 0hree &a#s %ater he was in the ruins of 1itts(ur$. 2ere, (asic in&ustria% activities continue&. @n&er$roun&, the for$es sti%% (e%%owe&. But *ones wasn+t intereste&C on foot he continue& his =ourne#, 'ast the smo%&erin$ mi%es of meta% that ha& once (een the $reatest concentrate of factories in the universe. <i%itar# %aw 'revai%e&C as he ha& 'reviewe&, 'atro%s encountere& him an& swe't him u' in the $enera% net. At the a$e of fifteen #ears an& three months he was e/amine& (# com'etent authorities, Fuestione&, fin$er'rinte&, an& &is'ose& of. 0he %a(or (atta%ion he =oine& cause& him no sur'riseC (ut the an$uish remaine&. Arim%#, wrathfu%%#, he carrie& han&fu%s of roc for months on en&, tr#in$, with a com'an# of others, to c%ear the ruins (# the
most 'rimitive of means. B# the en& of the #ear, machiner# ha& (een (rou$ht in, an& the han&)wor &is(an&e&. 2e was o%&er, stron$er, an& consi&era(%# wiser. *ust a(out the time he was $iven a $un an& move& towar& the crum(%in$ %ines, the war en&e&. 2e ha& foreseen that. S%i''in$ awa# from his unit, he tra&e& in his rif%e for a $oo& mea% an& &estro#e& his mi%itar# uniform. A &a# %ater he was tram'in$ the hi$hwa# as he ha& (e$unE on foot, in =eans an& tattere& sweatshirt, a 'ac on his (ac , wan&erin$ throu$h the rum(%e of &e(ris that ha& survive& the war, the chaotic &eso%ation that was the new wor%&. .or a%most seventeen #ears his &ua% e/istence ha& (een 'ur'ose%ess. It ha& (een a (ur&en, a $reat &ea& wei$ht. Even the i&ea of uti%i7in$ it was %ac in$. 2e saw it as a cross, nothin$ more. 3ife was 'ainfu%C his was twice 'ainfu%. ?hat $oo& was it to now that the miser# of the ne/t #ear was unavoi&a(%eD If <rs. 3i77ner ha& seen her &#in$ remains carte& a%on$ the roa&, wou%& she have (een (etter offD Some(o&# ha& to teach him to use his ta%entC some(o&# ha& to show him how to e/'%oit it. 0hat 'erson was a fat, 'ers'irin$ sa%esman in a 'in )stri'e shirt an& %emon)#e%%ow &acron trousers, &rivin$ a (attere& Buic . 0he (ac seat of the car was crow&e& with s%en&er (rown (o/es, $reat 'i%es an& hea's of them. *ones, hunche& with fati$ue, was cree'in$ a%on$ the &ust# shou%&er of the roa&, when the Buic snar%e& to a steamin$ ha%t. 2avin$ (oar&e& the car a #ear a$o, he scarce%# %oo e& u'. Yan in$ his 'ac aroun&, he turne& an& sto%i&%# c%im(e& in (esi&e the &river. 8You &on+t seem ver# $ratefu%,; 2#n&shaw muttere& resentfu%%#, as he starte& u' the car. 8You want to $et (ac out, sonn#D; *ones %a# (ac a$ainst the tattere& u'ho%ster# an& reste&. .or him, the seFuence ahea& was visi(%eC 2#n&shaw was not $oin$ to throw him out. 2#n&shaw was $oin$ to ta% C he %i e& to ta% . An& in that ta% , somethin$ of $reat va%ue was comin$ for the (o#. 8?here #ou $oin$D; 2#n&shaw &eman&e& curious%#. Between his %i's =utte& the wet stum' of a ci$ar. 2is fin$ers &ainti%# '%uc e& at the 'ower)&riven whee%. 2is e#es, &ee') set in fat, were wise with cunnin$ of the wor%&. Beer stains &isco%ore& the (i( of his shirt. 2e was a s%o''#, eas#)$oin$, vice)saturate& creature, sme%%in$ of sweat an& #ears of wan&erin$ trave%. An& he was a $reat, &reamin$ swin&%er. 8Nowhere,; *ones sai&, answerin$ his Fuestion with his usua% su%%en in&ifference. 2e ha& (een tire& of the Fuestion for twe%ve months. 8Sure, #ou+re $oin$ somewhere,; 2#n&shaw o'ine&. An& then the event ha''ene&. ?or&s, actions, ta in$ '%ace at the 'erimeter of the movin$ wave, ha& (ecome eterna%%# fi/e&. One #ear a$o, the e/hauste& (o# ha& uttere& a (rusFue, thou$ht%ess remar . 2e ha& ha& the interva% to rea' the 'rovocative harvest from that remar . 84on+t te%% me where I+m $oin$,; he shot (ac . 8I can seeC I can see where #ou+re $oin$, too.; 8?here+m I $oin$D; 2#n&shaw retorte& testi%#C he was on his wa# to a near(# house of i%% re'ute, an& the area was sti%% un&er mi%itar# =uris&iction. *ones to%& him. 82ow &o #ou nowD; 2#n&shaw &eman&e& hoarse%#, (rea in$ into *ones+ &etai%e& account of the man+s forthcomin$ activit# 8You $o&&amn fou%)mouthe& i& B; ?hite an& fri$htene&, he shoute&E 8?hat are #ou, a $o&&amn min& rea&erD;
8No,; *ones answere& 8But I+m $oin$ a%on$. I+%% (e with #ou.; 0hat so(ere& 2#n&shaw even more. .or a time he &i&n+t ta% C unnerve&, he c%enche& the whee% an& $%are& ahea& at the 'itte&, &i%a'i&ate& roa&. 2ere an& there, on each si&e, were the a(an&one& she%%s of houses. 0his re$ion, aroun& St. 3ouis, ha& (een forci(%# evacuate& after a successfu% shower of Soviet (acteria% 'e%%ets. 0he inha(itants were sti%% in force& %a(or cam's, re(ui%&in$ more vita%%# nee&e& areasC in&ustria% an& a$ricu%tura% 'ro&uction came first. 2#n&shaw was fri$htene&, (ut at the same time his natura% $ree& an& interest $rew. 2e was a (orn o''ortunist. Ao& new what he ha& stum(%e& on. 2e &eci&e& to 'rocee& cautious%#. 8You now what I+ve $ot (ac thereD; he sai&, in&icatin$ the 'i%es of s%en&er cartons. 8Aive #ou three $uesses.; 0he conce't guess was a%ien to *ones. 8<a$netic (e%ts,; he answere&. 8.ift# &o%%ars retai%, fort# &o%%ars in %ots of ten or more. Auarantee& to war& off to/ic ra&ioactivit# an& (acteria% 'oisons or #our mone# (ac .; 3ic in$ his %i's nervous%#, 2#n&shaw as e&E 84i& I a%rea&# ta% to #ouD <a#(e u' aroun& the Chica$o areaD; 8You+re $oin$ to tr# to se%% me one. ?hen we sto' for water.; 2#n&shaw ha&n+t inten&e& to sto' for waterC he was %ate as it was. 8?aterD; he muttere&. 8?h# waterD ?ho+s thirst#D; 80he ra&iator+s %ea in$.; 82ow &o #ou nowD; 8In fifteen minutes B; *ones ref%ecte&C he ha& for$otten the e/act interva%. 8In aroun& ha%f an hour #our tem'erature $au$e is $oin$ to f%ash, an& #ou+re $oin$ to have to sto'. You+%% fin& water at an a(an&one& we%%.; 8You now a%% thatD; 8Of course I now a%% that.; Irrita(%#, *ones tore a %oose stri' of c%oth from the u'ho%ster#. 8?ou%& I (e sa#in$ it if I &i&n+tD; 2#n&shaw sai& nothin$. 2e sat &rivin$ si%ent%# unti%, after twent# or so minutes, the tem'erature $au$e f%ashe&, an& he (rou$ht the Buic Fuic %# to the si&e of the roa&. 0he on%# soun& was the unha''# whee7in$ of the em't# ra&iator. A few wis's of oi% smo e cur%e& u'war& from the vents of the hoo&. 8?e%%,; 2#n&shaw muttere& sha i%#, fum(%in$ for the &oor han&%e. 8I $uess we (etter start %oo in$. ?hich wa# #ou sa# that we%% isD; Because he &i&n+t have to $uess, *ones foun& the we%% instant%#. It was ha%f)(urie& un&er a hea' of stone, (ric , an& s%ats that ha& (een a (arn. 0o$ether, the two of them %owere& a rust# (uc et. 0en minutes %ater 2#n&shaw was o'enin$ (ott%es of warm (eer an& showin$ off one of his ma$netic (e%ts. As he (a((%e& his 'itch, his min& race& furious%#. 2ere was somethin$. 2e ha& hear& of mutants, even seen them. 2i&eous frea s, most of themC &eforme& monstrosities s#stematica%%# &estro#e& (# the authorities. But this was somethin$ e%seC this was no o&&it#. An#(o&# who cou%& e%iminate sur'rises, who cou%& cut throu$h $uesswor G 0hat was wh# 2#n&shaw ma&e a $oo& sa%esman. 2e was a $oo& $uesser. But he cou%& $uess wron$C he cou%& miseva%uate a situation. Not so with the #outh (esi&e him. 0he# (oth new it. 2#n&shaw was fascinate& an& im'resse&. *ones was contem'tuous.
82ow much mone# have #ou $otD; 2#n&shaw &eman&e& su&&en%#, interru'tin$ his own 'itch. Cunnin$%#, he con=ecture&E 8You haven+t $ot fift# (uc s to #our name. You cou%&n+t affor& one of these (e%ts.; 8I+ve $ot fift# (uc s,; *ones sai&, 8(ut not for a chea' 'iece of fa er#.; 2#n&shaw s'%uttere&C in #ears of 're#in$ on i$norant rura% 'o'u%ations, ma&e even more fearfu% an& su'erstitious (# the war, he ha& come to (e%ieve his own %ies. 8?hat &o #ou meanD; he (e$an, an& then shut u', as *ones to%& him. 8I see,; 2#n&shaw sai&, when the short, (itter tira&e was &one. 8You+re Fuite a i&G #ou+re not afrai& to sa# what #ou thin .; 8?h# shou%& I (eD; 0i$ht%#, 2#n&shaw sai&E 8<a#(e some(o&# mi$ht ic #our smart teeth &own #our throat, one of these &a#s. Your wise)$u# ta% mi$ht not sit ri$ht with some(o&#G the# mi$ht resent a 'un i&.; 8Not #ou,; *ones to%& 2im. 8You+re not $oin$ to %a# a han& on me.; 8?hat, thenD; 8You+re $oin$ to 'ro'ose we $o into (usiness to$ether. Your stoc of (e%ts an& e/'erience B m# a(i%it#. .ift#)fift#.; 8Be%tsD You+re comin$ in with me on the (e%t (usinessD; 8No,; *ones answere&. 80hat+s #our i&ea. I+m not intereste& in (e%ts. ?e+re $oin$ into (one)throwin$.; 2#n&shaw was (aff%e&. 8?hat+s thatD; 8Aam(%in$. 4ice. Cra's.; 8I &on+t now an#thin$ a(out $am(%in$.; 2#n&shaw was &ee'%# sus'icious. 8You+re sure this is on the %eve%D You+re sure this isn+t a $o&&amn come)onD; *ones &i&n+t (other to answerC he continue& what he ha& (een sa#in$. 8?e+%% o'erate a concession at this cat house for ma#(e a month or so. You+%% $et most of the ta eC I+m not intereste&. 0hen we+%% s'%it u'. You+%% tr# to sto' me an& I+%% turn the who%e '%ace in to the mi%itar# 'o%ice. 0he $ir%s wi%% (e sent to %a(or cam's, #ou+%% $o to 'rison.; 2orrifie&, 2#n&shaw $as'e&E 8Ao&, I &on+t want an#thin$ to &o with #ou.; 2e $ra((e& u' a (eer (ott%e an& smashe& it a$ainst a near(# roc C the =a((e& teeth of $%ass oo7e& &am' foam as he c%utche& the wea'on convu%sive%#. 9e'e%%e& (# the (o#, he was nearin$ a 'oint of h#steria. 8You+re cra7#-; he shoute&, ha%f)%iftin$ the (ott%e in an innate $esture of &efense. 8Cra7#D; *ones was 'u77%e&. 8?h#D; *er i%#, 2#n&shaw $esture&. Co%& sweat %ea e& off his face, into his o'en co%%ar 8You+re te%%in$ me thisD You sit there te%%in$ me what #ou+re $oin$ to &o to meD; 8It+s the truth.; 0ossin$ the (ott%e awa#, 2#n&shaw sava$e%# #an e& the (o# to his feet. 84on+t #ou now an#thin$ (ut the truthD; he snar%e&, in &es'air. No, he &i&n+t. 2ow cou%& heD .or *ones there was no $uessin$, no error, an& no fa%se now%e&$e. 2e newC he ha& a(so%ute certaint#. 80a e it or %eave it,; he sai&, shru$$in$ in&ifferent%#. 2e ha& a%rea&# %ost interest in the fat sa%esman+s fateC after a%%, it ha& ha''ene& a %on$ time a$o. 84o whatever #ou want.; Ari''in$ the (o# futi%e%#, 2#n&shaw (e%%owe&E 8You now I+m stuc . You now I &on+t have a choice. You can see it-;
8No(o&# has a choice,; *ones sai&, su&&en%# stern an& thou$htfu%. 8Not me or #ou B no(o&#. ?e+re a%% chaine& u' %i e catt%e. 3i e s%aves.; S%ow%#, wretche&%#, 2#n&shaw %et $o of him. 8?h#D; he 'roteste&, raisin$ his fat, em't# han&s. 8I &on+t now. 0hat+s somethin$ I can+t te%% #ou B #et.; *ones ca%m%# finishe& his (eer an& then tosse& the (ott%e into the &r# wee&s at the e&$e of the roa&. In the %ast #ear the wee&s ha& $rown si/ feet hi$h. 83et+s $o B I+m intereste& in $ettin$ into this cat house. It+%% (e the first time for me.; Into the h#$enic 'o%ice ce%% ste''e& the &is'atch carrier. 2e sa%ute& the $uar&s an& han&e& over his 'a'ers. 8A%% ri$ht,; one of the $uar&s sai&, no&&in$ to *ones. 8Come a%on$.; 0he wait was overC he was on his wa#. E/u%tant, *ones fo%%owe& after the c%an in$, uniforme& fi$ure. 0he $uar& %e& him &own a %on$ #e%%ow)%it corri&or, to a series of ma$netica%%#)sea%e& %oc s. 0he %oc s ro%%e& (ac , an& (e#on& %a# an ascen&in$ ram' %ost in co%& ni$ht sha&ow. A &ar win& whi''e& a%on$ the ram', '%uc in$ at *ones+ s%eeves. Overhea& chi%% stars shone here an& there, set in a tota%%# o'aFue s #. 2e was outsi&e the 'o%ice (ui%&in$. At the terminus of the ram' stretche& a concrete &rivewa#E A few #ar&s off to one si&e a heav# car stoo& $%eamin$, moist an& meta%%ic. 0he $uar& %e& him to it, he%& the &oor o'en, an& then s%i& in (esi&e him. 0he &river sna''e& on the hea&%i$hts an& the car move& onto the roa&. 0he ri&e too ha%f an hour. ?hen the %i$hts of a sma%% town $%owe& wea %# ahea&, the massive car 'u%%e& from the rutte&, uneven roa&, onto the shou%&er. Amon$ the wee&s an& &e(ris the &oor was o'ene&, an& *ones was motione& out. 0he $uar& c%im(e& (ac in wor&%ess%#, s%amme& the &oor, an& off roare& the car, %eavin$ *ones stan&in$ a%one. 2e (e$an wa% in$ towar& the %i$hts of the town. 1resent%# a 'art%#)&emo%ishe& $as station rose into view. Ne/t came a roa&si&e tavern, a (ar, a c%ose&)&own $rocer# store an& a &ru$store. An&, fina%%#, a $i$antic, crum(%in$ hote%. In the %o((# of the hote% %oun$e& a few men, most of them o%&, e#es vacant, without ho'e, smo in$ an& waitin$ %ist%ess%#. *ones stro&e amon$ them to the te%e'hone (ooth (esi&e the &es . .ishin$ a two)&o%%ar 'iece from his 'oc et he ra'i&%# &ia%e&. 8I+m at a town ca%%e& 3aure% 2ei$hts,; he to%& the in&ivi&ua% who answere&. 8Come an& 'ic me u'.; After that he stro%%e& rest%ess%# aroun& the %o((#, $a7in$ throu$h the f%#)s'ec e& win&ow at the &ar roa& (e#on&. 0he# wou%& a%% (e waitin$, an& he was im'atient to (e$in. .irst came his s'eech an& then the Fuestions, (ut to him it was a forma%it#C he ha& 'reviewe& %on$ a$o the $ru&$in$, re%uctant acce'tance of his con&itions. 0he# wou%& 'rotest (ut in the en& the# wou%& $ive inC the 'u(%isher, first, an& then Aenera% 1at7ech, an& then <rs. ?inestoc whose <ontana estate 'rovi&e& the meetin$ '%ace an& whose mone# was to finance the Or$ani7ation. 0he name '%ease& him. 0he# wou%& ca%% themse%ves 1atriots @nite&. 0i%%man, the in&ustria%ist, wou%& su$$est it, the %e$a% arran$ements ha& a%rea&# (een 'ut throu$h (# 4avi& Su%%ivan, the counci%man from New Yor . It ha& a%% (een arran$e&, an& it was $oin$ to wor out as '%anne&.
In front of the hote% a''eare& a s%im nee&%e)nose& 'ro=ecti%e. Cautious%#, the 'ro=ecti%e came to rest a$ainst the cur(C its %oc fastene&, an& the hu%% s%i& (ac . *ones hurrie& from the %o((# out into the ni$ht co%&. <a in$ his wa# to the 'ro=ecti%e, he fe%t in the &ar ness for the o'enin$. 8It+s a(out time,; he to%& the sha'es ha%f)visi(%e in the $%oom. 8Are the# a%% thereD; 8Ever# one of them,; the answer came. 8A%% assem(%e& an& rea&# to %isten. Aot #our seat)stra's fastene&D; 2e ha&. 0he hu%% s%i& shut, sna''e& into '%ace, an& the %oc re%ease&. An instant %ater the nee&%e)nose race& forwar& into the s #. It hea&e& west towar& <ontana an& the Bitterroot <ountainsC *ones was on his wa#.
ON 02E (u%%etin (oar& of the 'ost office, amon$ the esca'e&)counterfeiter notices an& information on roc et mai%, hun$ a %ar$e white sFuare, firm%# ta'e& in '%ace (ehin& 'rotective $%assE
WARNING TO THE PUBLIC! MIGRATING PROTOZOA NOT TO BE HARMED 0he 'u(%ic is here(# a&vise& that certain inter'%anetar# mi$rator# 'roto7oa referre& to as drifters have, (# s'ecia% act of the Su'reme Counci% of the .e&era% ?or%& Aovernment, (een '%ace& in the cate$or# of ?ar&s of the State, an& are not to the &ama$e&, harme&, muti%ate&, &estro#e&, a(use&, torture&, or in an# wa# su(=ecte& to crue% or unusua% treatment with intent to in=ure or i%%. .urther, it is a&vise& that 1u(%ic 3aw !0&56IA reFuires that an# 'erson or 'ersons foun& so a(usin$ mem(ers of the c%ass of inter'%anetar# mi$rator# 'roto7oa referre& to as drifters wi%% (e 'unishe& (# fine of not more than one hun&re& an& ninet# thousan& ?est(%oc &o%%ars an&Oor confinement to a force& %a(or cam' for a 'erio& not to e/cee& twent# #ears. It is here(# state& (# the 4e'artment of 1u(%ic 2ea%th of the .e&era% ?or%& Aovernment that the mi$rator# 'roto7oa referre& to as drifters are (eni$n, incom'%ete sin$%e)ce%%e& or$anisms inca'a(%e of affectin$ human safet# or 'ro'ert#, an& if %eft a%one wi%% succum( to the natura% tem'erature of the Earth+s surface. It is further a&vise& that an# 'erson witnessin$ the afore&escri(e& mistreatment of mi$rator# 'roto7oa referre& to as drifters wi%% (e rewar&e& with the cash sum of ten thousan& ?est(%oc &o%%ars. Oct. H 2002
<ost of the esca'e&)counterfeiter notices an& information on roc et mai% were #e%%owe&, &o$)eare&, f%#)s'ec e& with a$e. 0his notice remaine& (ri$ht an& c%ean throu$hout its %ifeE after it ha& hun$ for 'erha's three hours, the 'rotective $%ass was carefu%%# s%i& asi&e, an& the notice remove&. 0he notice was torn u' an& thrown awa#. An& the $%ass re)c%ose&. 0he man who %e& this 'articu%ar mo( ha& re& hair an& was (%in& in one e#e. Otherwise he %oo e& %i e an# other wi&e)shou%&ere& %a(orer stri&in$ a%on$ at the hea& of a mo(G E/ce't that when he emer$e& (rief%# in the moon%i$ht, an arm(an& was momentari%# visi(%e, an& in his ri$ht han& was $ri''e& a 'orta(%e wire%ess fie%& te%e'hone. 0he mo( wasn+t a mo(, either. It was a ti$ht%#)or$ani7e& %ine of &e&icate& men. Behin& those men came a stra$$%in$, un&isci'%ine& crow& com'ose& of hi$h schoo% (o#s, $ir%s in white shorts, chi%&ren whee%in$ (i es, mi&&%e)a$e& wor men, shar')face& housewives, &o$s, an& a few o%& 'eo'%e with their arms fo%&e& a$ainst the co%&. .or the most 'art the crow& sta#e& (ehin& an& min&e& their own (usinessC it was the %ine of &e&icate& men res'on&in$ to the re&hea&e& %ea&er who &i& the actua% wor . An& the re&hea&e& %ea&er was carr#in$ out instructions re%a#e& over the fie%& te%e'hone.
80he ne/t house,; the fie%& te%e'hone was sa#in$, in its o&& %itt%e whis'er, com'oun&e& of ni$ht an& meta%%ic co(we(s. 8I can see it 'rett# we%%. ?atch #our ste'C some(o&#+s comin$ to meet #ou.; Overhea&, the scout '%ane rotate& its =ets an& secure& itse%f &irect%# a(ove the Fuarr#. 0he Fuarr# ha& come to rest on the roof of a %on$)a(an&one& warehouse. It was virtua%%# invisi(%eC no(o&# new how %on$ it ha& %ain there, &r#in$ an& crac in$ in the hot sun%i$ht, sweatin$ co%& &ro's of mist &urin$ the %on$ ni$hts. It ha& =ust now (een &etecte& (# one of the 'erio&ic aeria% f%i$hts over the town. It was a (i$ one. 8Ao&,; the fie%& te%e'hone $as'e&, as the scout '%ane $in$er%# %owere& itse%f. 8It+s a $ran&&a&&#. It+s (i$ as a (arn. <ust (e o%& as he%%.; 0he re&)hea&e& %ea&er &i&n+t answerC he was cautious%# scannin$ the si&e of the warehouse, %oo in$ for a %a&&er to the roof. .ina%%# he ma&e it outE a fire)esca'e %a&&er that en&e& ten feet from the 'avement. 8Aet those (o/es,; he or&ere& one of his men. 80hose trash (o/es over in that a%%e#.; 0wo men (ro e awa# from the %ineC han&in$ their f%ash%i$hts to others (ehin& them, the# trotte& across the si%ent street. It was %ate, we%% 'ast mi&ni$ht. 0he factor# &istrict of Omaha .a%%s was for(i&&in$ an& &eserte&. .ar off, a car motor soun&e&. Now an& then some(o&# in the taut%#)watchin$ crow& cou$he& or snee7e& or murmure&. None of them s'o e out %ou&C ra't, fascinate&, with an a%most re%i$ious awe, the# watche& the men &ra$ the trash (o/es over an& stac them un&er the %a&&er. A moment %ater the re&)hea&e& man %ea'e& u', cau$ht the %ast run$, an& &ra$$e& the %a&&er &own. 80here #ou $o,; the fie%& te%e'hone sai&, in the han&s of one of his men. 8Be carefu% when #ou $et u' on the roofG it+s ri$ht at the e&$e.; 8Is it a%iveD; the re&)hea&e& man &eman&e&, momentari%# ta in$ (ac the fie%& te%e'hone. 80hin so. It stirre& a %itt%e, (ut it+s wea .; Satisfie&, the re&)hea&e& man snatche& u' the ten)$a%%on &rum of $aso%ine an& c%im(e& the %a&&er. @n&er his stron$ fin$ers the meta% was sweat#. Aruntin$, he continue& on, 'ast the secon& f%oor of the warehouse, 'ast the $a'in$, (ro en ho%es that ha& (een win&ows. A few in&istinct sha'es fi%%e& the (ui%&in$C o(so%ete war machiner# rustin$ an& &iscar&e&. Now he was a%most at the roof. 2a%tin$, he he%& on for a moment, $ettin$ his win& an& e/aminin$ the situation. 0he %i' of the roof was visi(%e. 0o his nostri%s came the faint 'un$ent scent of the &rifterC the o&or of &r#in$ f%esh that he ha& come to now so we%%. 2e cou%& a%most see it. ?ith $reat caution he c%im(e& one more run$C now it was c%ear%# visi(%e. 0he &rifter was the %ar$est he ha& seen. It %a# across the roof of the warehouse, fo%&e& an& wa&&e& in thic %a#ers. One e&$e &ri''e& %oose%# over the si&eC if he wishe&, he cou%& reach out his han& an& touch it. But he &i&n+t wish. .ri$htene&, he invo%untari%# 'u%%e& (ac . 2e hate& even to %oo at them, (ut he ha& to. Sometimes, he ha& to touch themC an& once, one &rea&fu% time, he ha& s%i''e& an& fa%%en into one, foun& himse%f ha%f) (urie& in the Fuiverin$ mass of 'roto'%asm. 82ow+s it %oo D; a man (e%ow shoute& u'. 8.ine.; 8Is it (i$D;
8:er#.; 0he re&)hea&e& man 'oise& himse%f e/'ert%# an& crane& his nec . 0he &rifter %oo e& o%& an& noticea(%# #e%%owE its f%ui& ha& turne& an a$e& o'aFue, &isco%orin$ the as'ha%t roof (eneath. It was Fuite thin, of courseC each %a#er was on%# a fraction of an inch thic . An& it was a%ien. A forei$n, unfami%iar %ife form, &ro''e& from the s # onto the roof of this warehouse. 2is $or$e rose u' in his throat an& a%most cho e& him. 0urnin$ awa#, he (ent &own an& fum(%e& with the %i& of the $aso%ine &rum. 0he $aso%ine ha& (een strewn over the roof an& the match a''%ie&, when the first 'o%ice shi' came screamin$ &own, 'ast the s%ow scout '%ane, &irect%# at the roof. 0he crow& scattere&C the scout '%ane scutt%e& off. Stan&in$ in the safet# of the sha&ows, the re&)hea&e& man 'erceive& that the fire cou%& not (e 'ut out. A 'o%ice fire) shi' sFuirte& futi%e foam for awhi%e an& then retire&. 0he fire)shi' hesitate&, then &ro''e& (e%ow roof)%eve%, to ha%t the (%a7e from s'rea&in$ &ownwar&. 0he &rifter itse%f ha& a%rea&# 'erishe&. Once, the &r#in$ ca&aver shivere& an& sent f%amin$ (its of itse%f showerin$ &own on the 'avement. 9a'i&%#, it cur%e&, shrive%e&, oo7e& out its %ife)f%ui&s, an& &e$enerate&. A shri%% hi$h)'itche& sFuea% echoe& u' an& &own the streetC its %ivin$ sa' was 'rotestin$ min&%ess%# a$ainst the fire. 0hen the remainin$ tissue charre& an& &isinte$rate& into smo in$ fra$ments. 0he fire)shi' hoiste& itse%f, sFuirte& a few 'erfunctor# times, an& then retreate&. 80hat+s it,; the re&)hea&e& man sai& into his fie%& te%e'hone. 2e fe%t an& &ee' an& %astin$ satisfaction, nowin$ that he 'ersona%%# ha& i%%e& the a%ien %ife form. 8Now we can $et $oin$.;
ON 02E (ri$ht%#)%it sta$e co%orfu% sha'es &ance& an& $esture&. 0he costume& fi$ures san$ %usti%#, (usti%#C scener# $%immere& with a hi$h s'ar %eE a sma%% sFuare of (ri%%iance cut in the far en& of the ha%%. 0he thir& act was comin$ to an en&. A%% the characters were on sta$eC with infinite 'recision the# $ave forth their me%o&ic %ines. In the 'it, the orchestra B c%assica% an& e/act B %a(ore& furious%#. 4ominatin$ the o'era %oome& the a$e&, wa%%owin$ fi$ure of Aaetano 0a(e%%i, %on$ 'ast his 'rime (ut sti%% a s'%en&i& sin$er an& actor. 1ur'%e)face&, near)si$hte&, the fa(u%ous 0a(e%%i wa&&%e& a(out the sta$e, an e/'ression of &um(foun&e& (ewi%&erment on his hu$e wrin %e& features, stru$$%in$ $rotesFue%# to fin& his wa# throu$h the ma7e of sha&ows that ma&e u' the wor%& of Beaumarchais. 1eerin$ throu$h his e#e)$%ass, 0a(e%%i $ross%# scrutini7e& his fe%%ows, (e%%owin$ a%% the whi%e in his vast, fami%iar, (oomin$ (ass)(aritone. A $reater 4on Barto%o there never was. An& never wou%& (e. 0his 'erformance, this 7enith of consummate o'eratic sta$in$, &ramatic force, an& 'erfecte& voca% artistr#, ha& (een fro7en for ai% time. 0a(e%%i was &ea&, now, ten #ears. 0he (ri$ht fi$ures on the sta$e were scru'u%ous ro(ot imitations. But even so, the 'erformance was who%%# convincin$. 9e%a/e& an& comforta(%e in his &ee' chair, Cussic watche& with 'assive a''reciation. 2e en=o#e& Le No33e ,i )igaro. 2e ha& seen 0a(e%%i man# timesC he ha& never (ecome tire& of the $reat 'erformer+s finest ro%e. An& he en=o#e& the $a# costumes, the uninterru'te& f%ow of %#rica% me%o&#, the 'in )chee e& chorus sin$in$ 'easant inter%u&es for a%% the# were worth. 0he music an& 'hantasma$oria of co%ors ha& $ra&ua%%# 'ut him in a so'orific state. 4reamin$, ha%f) as%ee', he %eane& (ac in his seat an& ha''i%# a(sor(e& it a%%. But somethin$ was wron$. Awa ene&, he 'u%%e& himse%f u'ri$ht. Besi&e him, Nina sat s%um'e& in ra't satisfactionC her moo& was un(ro en. Before he rea%i7e& what he was &oin$, he ha& s%i& to his feet. B%in in$, Nina (ro e out of her trance. 8?hatD; she whis'ere&, astonishe&. 2e ma&e a si%encin$ motion an& 'ushe& his wa# &own the row to the ais%e. A moment %ater he was '%o&&in$ stoni%# 'ast rows of attentive faces to the car'ete& ste's in the rear, an& the 'ac e& stan&in$ room. 0here he 'ause& to ta e one fina% %oo at the sta$e. 0he fee%in$ remaine&, even at this &istance. 2e ste''e& 'ast the ca%cifie& ushers an& reache& the %o((#. 0here, in the now em't#, car'ete& vau%t that sti%% sme%%e& of ci$ar smo e an& women+s 'erfume, he ha%te& an& %it a fresh ci$arette. 2e was the on%# 'erson in the who%e &eserte& %o((#. Behin& him, throu$h the ha%f) o'en &oors, ran$ the soun&s an& voices an& the sweet f%utterin$ whirr of a :iennese s#m'hon# orchestra. :a$ue%# irritate&, he 'row%e& aroun&. 2is rest%essness remaine&C an& it ha&n+t (een he%'e& (# the Fuic $%are of &isa''rova% that ha& har&ene& on Nina+s face. 2e ha& seen it (eforeC he new what it meant. E/'%anations were $oin$ to (e nee&e&. 2e wince& at the thou$ht. 2ow cou%& he e/'%ainD Be#on& the %o((# of the o'era house stretche& the ni$ht street, sun in &eso%ate sti%%ness. On the far si&e were &eserte& office (ui%&in$s, (%ac an& em't#, %oc e& u' for the wee )en&. 0he entrance of one $%owe&C a ni$ht)%i$ht f%ic ere& &u%%#. In the concrete we%% %a# hea's of ru((ish (%own there (# the ni$ht win&. 1osters, scra's of 'a'er, ur(an
trash of various %an&s. Even from where he stoo&, insu%ate& (# thic '%ate $%ass &oors, (# the &escen&in$ f%i$ht of concrete ste's, (# the wi&e si&ewa% an& street itse%f, Cussic cou%& ma e out the %etters on a crum'%e& 'oster. 1A09IO ra%%# a of the ma *ONES ?I33 'u(%ic invi 0orn across the mi&&%e, the 'oster %a# si$ht%ess%# s'raw%e&. But for ever# one that ha& (een ri''e& &own (# the 'o%ice, a thousan& sti%% '%astere& wa%%s, &oorwa#sC hun$ in restaurants, store win&ows, (ars, %avatories, $as stations, schoo%s, offices, 'rivate houses. 0he 1ie& 1i'er an& his f%oc G the ree of (urnin$ $aso%ine. ?hen the fina% thun&erous roar of a''%ause (urst out, Cussic tense& himse%f. A%rea&#, a few ea$er 'eo'%e scurrie& from the o'en &oorwa#sC ushers a''eare& an& ra'i&%# fi/e& the &oors asi&e. Now the first 'ha%an/ of the thron$ (urst forthC %au$hin$ an& conversin$, 'u%%in$ their wra's aroun& them, the we%%)&resse& citi7ens of the main f%oor 'oure& into the %o((#, %i e a =ar of e/'ensive costume =ewe%r# a(ru't%# overturne&. 4own the wi&e stairs, %ess e%a(orate%# &resse& 'atrons &escen&e&. In a moment, Cussic was surroun&e& (# a so%i& 'ac of ta% in$, murmurin$, noisi%# $esturin$ 'eo'%e. 1resent%# Nina fou$ht her wa# over to him. 82e%%o,; he sai& uncomforta(%#. 8?hat ha''ene&D; Nina inFuire&, ha%f)an/ious%#, ha%f in e/as'eration. 84i& #ou have some sort of fitD; 8Sorr#.; It was a &ifficu%t thin$ to e/'%ain to her. 80hat %ast act scener# remin&e& me of somethin$. 4isma%, %i e that. 1eo'%e cree'in$ aroun& in the &ar ness.; 3i$ht%#, Nina sai&E 89emin&e& #ou of (usinessD 1o%ice 'risons, ma#(eD; 2er voice was tense, shar'ene& with momentar# accusation. 8Aui%t# conscienceD+ 2e fe%t his face f%ushin$. 8No, that isn+t it.; A''arent%# he answere& too %ou&%#C some of the near(# 'eo'%e $%ance& curious%# aroun&. Cussic sna''e& his =aws an$ri%# to$ether an& shove& his han&s &ee' in his 'oc ets. 83et+s ta% a(out it some other time.; 8A%% ri$ht,; Nina sai& (ri$ht%#, smi%in$ her fami%iar f%ash of white teeth. 8No scenes B not toni$ht.; A$i%e%#, she s'un on her hee%, ta in$ in the si$ht of the surroun&in$ c%usters of 'eo'%e. 0he ti$ht %ine of her forehea& showe& she was sti%% u'setC he ha& no &ou(ts a(out that. But the c%ash was $oin$ to (e 'ost'one&. 8I+m sorr#,; Cussic re'eate& aw war&%#. 8It+s this &amn stuff $oin$ on. 0he &ar sta$e remin&e& me of it. I a%wa#s for$et that who%e scene is set as ni$ht.; 84on+t worr# a(out it,; Nina answere& insistent%#, wantin$ to &ro' the su(=ect. 2er shar' nai%s &u$ Fuic %# into his arm. 8?hat time is itD Is it mi&ni$htD; 2e e/amine& his wrist watch. 8Somewhat after.; .rownin$, Nina 'eere& ur$ent%# towar& the si&ewa% outsi&e. 0a/is were s%i&in$ into the %oa&in$ 7one, 'ic in$ u' 'assen$ers an& startin$ imme&iate%# off. 84o #ou thin we misse& himD 2e+& wait, wou%&n+t heD I thou$ht I saw him, a secon& a$o, as I was comin$ out.;
8Isn+t he meetin$ us at the a'artmentD; Somehow, he cou%&n+t ima$ine Kamins i at a <o7art o'eraC the roun&)face& worrie& man with his thic mustache was from a &ifferent centur# entire%#. 8No, &ear,; Nina sai& 'atient%#. 82e+s meetin$ us here B remem(erD You were thin in$ a(out somethin$ e%se, as usua%. ?e+re su''ose& to wait for himC he &oesn+t now where we %ive.; 0he crow& was (e$innin$ to f%ow from the %o((# outsi&e onto the street. Austs of fri$i& ni$ht air (i%%owe& inC coats were 'ut on, furs s%i''e& in '%ace. 0he intimate& o&or of 'erfume an& ci$ar smo e ver# soon &win&%e& as the remote, hosti%e vacuum of the outsi&e wor%& ma&e its wa# in. 8Our %itt%e cosmos is (rea in$ u',; Cussic o(serve& mor(i&%#. 80he rea% wor%& is on its wa#.; 8?hat+s thatD; Nina as e& vacant%#, sti%% critica%%# stu&#in$ the women aroun& them. 83oo what that $ir% is wearin$. Over there, the one in (%ue.; ?hi%e Cussic was $oin$ throu$h the motions of %oo in$, a fami%iar fi$ure came threa&in$ its wa# towar& them. 82i,; Kamins i sai&, as he reache& them. 8Sorr# I+m %ate. I for$ot a%% a(out it.; 0he si$ht of <a/ Kamins i was a shoc . 2e ha&n+t seen his one)time 1o%itica% Instructor in months. Kamins i was ha$$ar& an& hunche& overC his e#es were (%oo&shot, un&erscore& with 'uff# (%ac circ%es. 2is fin$ers trem(%e& as he reache& out to sha e han&s. @n&er one arm he c%utche& a (u% # (rown)wra''e& 'ac a$e. No&&in$ s%i$ht%# to Nina, aware of her for the first time, he murmure& 8Evenin$, Nina. Aoo& to see #ou a$ain.; 8You weren+t at the o'era,; Nina o(serve&, with a &istastefu% $%ance at the man+s rum'%e& (usiness suit an& the mess# 'ac a$e. 8No, I misse& it.; Kamins i+s han& was wet an& c%amm#C he &rew it (ac an& stoo& c%umsi%#, focusin$ with an effort. 8I can+t sit throu$h %on$ thin$s. ?e%%, are we rea&# to $oD; 8Certain%#,; Nina sai&, in an ic# voice, her &isma# was fast turnin$ to outri$ht aversion. Kamins i ha& evi&ent%# (een wor in$ throu$h a fifteen)hour &ou(%e shift, fati$ue an& nervous e/haustion were written in ever# 'ore of his stoo'e& (o&#. 8?hat+s that #ou haveD; she as e&, in&icatin$ the 'ac a$e. 8I+%% show #ou %ater,; Kamins i assure& her noncommitta%%#, ti$htenin$ his $ri'. 83et+s $o, then,; Nina sai& (ris %#, ta in$ her hus(an&+s arm. 8?here toD; 80his $ir%,; Kamins i muttere&, sham(%in$ a%on$ after them. 8?e have to 'ic her u'. You &on+t now her. I for$ot to te%% #ou a(out her. :er# nice i&. It+%% ma e us an even four)sFuare.; 2e trie& to %au$h, (ut what came out soun&e& more %i e a &eath)ratt%e. 84on+t as me to intro&uce her B I &on+t now her %ast name. I sort of 'ic e& her u' in one of the outer offices.; 1resent%# Nina sai&E 8I+& %i e to $o to the a'artment, first. I want to see how *ac ie is,; 8*ac ieD; 1u77%e&, Kamins i hurrie& &own the concrete ste's (ehin& them. 8?ho+s thatD; 8Our son,; Nina sai& &istant%#. 80hat+s ri$ht,; Kamins i a&mitte&. 8You have a chi%&. I+ve never seen him.; 2is voice trai%e& offG 8?ith a%% this wor , I &on+t now if I+m comin$ or $oin$.;
89i$ht now #ou+re $oin$,; Nina sai&, stan&in$ on the cur(, her (o&# strai$ht an& &isa''rovin$, arms fo%&e&, waitin$ ri$i&%# for a ta/i. 8Are #ou sure #ou fee% u' to thisD It %oo s as if #ou+ve a%rea&# ha& #our share of ce%e(ratin$.; Cussic sai& shar'%#E 8Cut it.; 0he ta/i came an& Nina s%i''e& $in$er%# insi&e. 0he two men fo%%owe&, an& the ta/i shot off into the s #. Be%ow them, the %i$hts of 4etroit s'ar %e& an& win e&, even%#) s'ace& stars in a man)ma&e firmament. .resh ni$ht air swir%e& into the ca(in of the ta/i, a harsh (ut revivin$ win& that he%'e& c%ear Cussic +s hea&. 1resent%# Kamins i seeme& to recover a trif%e. 8Your hus(an& an& I haven+t (een &oin$ so we%%, %ate%#,; he to%& NinaE a (e%ate& a'o%o$#. 8You+ve 'ro(a(%# notice&.; Nina no&&e&. 8?e+re fa%%in$ a'art. 0he strainG; 2e $rimace&. 8It isn+t eas# to watch ever#thin$ #ou stan& for fa%%in$ a'art 'iece (# 'iece. One (ric after another.; 80he $ra'hs sti%% $oin$ u'D; Cussic as e&. 8Strai$ht u'. Ever# re$ion, ever# stratum. 2e+s $ettin$ throu$h to ever#(o&#G a cross)section. 2ow the he%% can we iso%ate a thin$ %i e thatD 0here+s $aso%ine fr#in$ on ever# street corner in the wor%&.; Nina sai& thou$htfu%%#E 84oes that sur'rise #ouD; 8It+s i%%e$a%,; Kamins i retorte&, with chi%&ish venom. 80he# have no ri$ht to i%% those thin$s.; 0he woman+s thin, 'enci%%e& e#e(rows went u'. 84o #ou rea%%# care a(out those B %um'sD; 8No,; Kamins i a&mitte&. 8Of course not. I wish the#+& a%% si77%e into the sun. An& neither &oes heC no(o&# cares a(out the &rifters one wa# or another.; 82ow stran$e,; Nina sai&, in a carefu%%# mo&u%ate& voice. 8<i%%ions of 'eo'%e are resentfu%, wi%%in$ to (rea the %aw to show their resentment, an& #ou sa# no(o&# cares.; 8No(o&# that counts,; Kamins i sai&, %osin$ a%% sense of what he was sa#in$E 8*ust the &u'es care, the i&iots *ones nows an& we now B the &rifters are a means, not an en&. 0he#+re a ra%%#in$ 'oint, a 'rete/t. ?e+re '%a#in$ a $ame, a (i$ e%a(orate $ame.; ?eari%#, he muttere&E 8Ao&, I hate it.; 80hen,; Nina sai& 'ractica%%#, 8sto' '%a#in$ it.; Kamins i (roo&e&. 8<a#(e #ou+re ri$ht. Sometimes I thin thatC times when I+m wor in$ awa#, (urie& in $ra'hs an& re'orts. It+s an i&ea.; 83et them (urn the &rifters,; Cussic sai&, 8an& then whatD Is that the en& of itD; 8No.; Kamins i no&&e& re%uctant%#, 8Of course not. 0hen the rea% (usiness (e$ins. Because the &rifters aren+t hereC on%# a few of them are in our s#stem. 0he# come from somewhereC the# have a 'oint of ori$in.; 8Be#on& the &ea& ei$ht,; Nina sai& eni$matica%%#. Arouse& from his %ethar$#, Kamins i 'u%%e& himse%f aroun& to 'eer at the woman. Shrew&, wrin %e& face &ar with sus'icion, he was sti%% stu&#in$ her when the ta/i (e$an to %ower. Nina o'ene& her 'urse an& foun& a fift#)&o%%ar (i%%. 82ere we are,; she sai& short%#. 8You can come insi&e if #ou want. Or #ou can wait here B it+%% on%# ta e a secon&.;
8I+%% come insi&e,; Kamins i sai&, visi(%# not wantin$ to (e %eft a%one. 8I+& %i e to see #our chi%&G I+ve never seen him.; As he fum(%e& for the &oor he muttere& uncertain%#E 82ave ID; 8No,; Cussic answere&, &ee'%# struc (# his a$in$ instructor+s &eterioration. Carefu%%#, he reache& 'ast Kamins i an& o'ene& the ta/i &oor. 8Come on insi&e an& $et warm.; 0he %ivin$ room of the a'artment %it u' in antici'ation as Nina 'ushe& o'en the front &oor. .rom the (e&room came a (u((%in$, a$$ravate& wai%C *ac ie was awa e an& cross. 8Is he a%% ri$htD; Cussic as e& an/ious%#. 8Isn+t that thin$ wor in$D; 82e+s 'ro(a(%# hun$r#,; Nina answere&, ta in$ off her coat an& tossin$ it over a chair. 8I+%% $o heat u' his (ott%e.; S irt swir%in$ aroun& her an %es, she &isa''eare& &own the ha%% into the itchen. 8Sit &own,; Cussic sai&. Kamins i seate& himse%f $ratefu%%#. 2e %ai& his 'ac a$e &own (esi&e him on the couch. 8Nice %itt%e '%ace #ou have here. C%ean, fresh, ever#thin$ new.; 8?e re&ecorate& it when we move& in.; Kamins i %oo e& aroun& uneasi%#. 8Is there an#thin$ I can &o to he%'D; 82e%'D; Cussic %au$he&. 8No, un%ess #ou+re an e/'ert in (a(#)fee&in$.; 8I+m not.; @nha''i%#, Kamins i 'ic e& at the s%eeve of his coat. 8Never ha& an#thin$ to &o with that.; 2e $%ance& aroun& at the %ivin$ room, a wan hun$er risin$ to his face. 8You now, I sure as he%% env# #ou.; 80hisD; 0he %ivin$ room was we%%)furnishe& an& ti&#. A sma%%, ri$orous%#)maintaine& a'artment, showin$ a woman+s taste in furnishin$s an& &ecoration. 8I su''ose so,; Cussic a&mitte&. 8Nina ee's it nice. But it+s on%# four rooms.; 2e a&&e& &r#%#E 8As Nina occasiona%%# remin&s me.; .retfu%%#, Kamins i sai&E 8Your wife fee%s a %ot of hosti%it# towar& me. I+m sorr# B it (others me. ?h# &oes she fee% that wa#D; 81o%ice.; 8She resents the serviceD; Kamins i no&&e&. 8I thou$ht that was it. It+s not 'o'u%ar, now. An& it+s $ettin$ %ess 'o'u%ar. As *ones $oes u', we $o &own.; 8She never &i& %i e it,; Cussic sai&, his voice softC he cou%& hear the &istant soun&s of Nina stirrin$ aroun& in the itchen, warmin$ the (a(#+s formu%a, her hee%s c%ic in$ as she hurrie& into the (e&room, faint murmurs as she ta% e& to the (a(#. 8She came from an information a$enc#. 9e%ativism never san ver# &ee'%# into the communication me&iaC the#+re sti%% tie& u' with the o%& s%o$ans of Aoo&ness, 0ruth, an& Beaut#. 0he 'o%ice aren+t (eautifu%, certain%#G an& she won&ers if the#+re $oo&.; Sar&onica%%#, he went onE 8After a%%, to a&mit the necessit# of the secret 'o%ice wou%& (e to a&mit the e/istence of fanatica% a(so%utist cu%ts.; 8But she+s hear& a(out *ones.; 8Sometimes I thin women are tota%%# 'assive rece'tors, %i e 'ieces of %itmus 'a'er.; 8Some women.; Kamins i shoo his hea&. 8Not a%%.; 8?hat the 'u(%ic thin s of *ones she thin s. I can te%% what the# (e%ieve (# ta% in$ to her. She seems to $et it intuitive%#, (# some sort of 's#chic osmosis.; 1resent%# he a&&e&E 8One &a# she sto%e some %itt%e $%asses from a store. I cou%&n+t fi$ure it out at the time. 3ater I un&erstoo& itG (ut it too two more times to ma e it c%ear.;
8Oh,; Kamins i sai&. 8Yes, of course. You+re a co'. She resents #ou. So she (rea s the %awG she asserts herse%f a$ainst co's.; 2e $%ance& u'. 84oes she un&erstan& itD; 8Not e/act%#. She nows she fee%s mora% in&i$nation at me. I %i e to thin it+s nothin$ (ut outworn s%o$an)i&ea%ism. But ma#(e it+s more. Nina+s am(itiousC she came from a $oo& fami%#. Socia%%#, she+& %i e to (e sittin$ u' in the (o/es, not &own on the main f%oor. Bein$ marrie& to a co' has never (een socia%%# usefu%. 0here+s a sti$ma. She can+t $et over that.; Kamins i sai& thou$htfu%%#E 8You sa# that. But I now #ou+re com'%ete%# in %ove with her.; 8?e%%, I ho'e I can ee' her.; 8?ou%& #ou %eave Securit# to ee' herD If it was a choiceD; 8I can+t sa#. I ho'e I never have to ma e the choice. 1ro(a(%# it &e'en&s on where this *ones thin$ $oes. An& no(o&# can see that B e/ce't *ones.; Nina a''eare& in the &oorwa#. 82e+s fine, now. ?e can $o.; 9isin$ to his feet, Cussic as e&E 8You fee% %i e $oin$ outD; 8I certain%# &o,; Nina sai& em'hatica%%#. 8I+m not $oin$ to sit aroun& hereC I can te%% #ou that much.; As the woman co%%ecte& her thin$s, Kamins i as e& hesitant%#, 8Nina, cou%& I see *ac (efore we %eaveD; Nina smi%e&C her face softene&. 8Sure, <a/. Come on in the (e&room.; She 'ut &own her thin$s. 8On%# &on+t ma e too much noise.; Kamins i $athere& u' his 'ac a$e an& the two men o(e&ient%# fo%%owe& her. 0he (e&room was &ar an& warm. In his (assinet the (a(# %a# soun&%# s%ee'in$, one han& raise& to his mouth, nees &rawn u'. Kamins i stoo& for a time, han&s on the rai%in$ of the (assinet. 0he on%# soun& was the (a(#+s mute& ras' an& the continua% c%ic of the ro(ot watcher. 82e wasn+t rea%%# hun$r#,; Nina sai&. 8It ha& fe& him.; She in&icate& the watcher. 82e =ust misse& me.; Kamins i starte& to reach &awn towar& the (a(#, then chan$e& his min&. 82e+s hea%th#)%oo in$,; he sai& aw war&%#. 83oo s a %ot %i e #ou, 4ou$. 2e has #our forehea&. But he+s $ot Nina+s hair.; 8Yes,; Cussic a$ree&. 82e+s $oin$ to have nice hair.; 8?hat co%or e#esD; 8B%ue. 3i e Nina. 0he 'erfect human (ein$E m# 'owerfu% inte%%ect an& her (eaut#.; 2e 'ut his arm aroun& his wife an& he%& her ti$ht. Chewin$ his %i', Kamins i sai& ha%f a%ou&E 8I won&er what the wor%&+s $oin$ to (e %i e, when he $rows u'. I won&er if he+%% (e runnin$ throu$h ruins with a $un an& an arm(an&G chantin$ a s%o$an.; A(ru't%#, Nina turne& an& %eft the (e&room. ?hen the# fo%%owe& the# foun& her stan&in$ at the %ivin$ room &oor, her coat on, 'urse un&er her arm, 'u%%in$ on her $%oves with ra'i&, =er # motions. 89ea&#D; she &eman&e&, in a c%i''e& voice. ?ith her shar' toe she ic e& o'en the ha%% &oor. 80hen %et+s $o. ?e%% 'ic u' this girl of <a/+s, an& $et un&er wa#.;
02E AI93 was waitin$ &emure%# at the Securit# anne/. Kamins i or&ere& the ta/i to 'u%% u' at the &ar ene& runwa#C he %ea'e& out an& stro&e u' the $%oom# wa% , towar& the %on$ concrete (ui%&in$. After a short interva% he returne& with a sma%%, so%emn fi$ure. B# now he ha& mana$e& to $et her name. 80#%er,; he muttere&, he%'in$ her into the ta/i, 8this is 4ou$ an& Nina Cussic .; In&icatin$ the $ir%, he finishe&C 80#%er .%emin$.; 82e%%o,; 0#%er sai& hus i%#, tossin$ her hea& (ac an& smi%in$ sh#%# aroun& at them. She ha& %ar$e &ar e#es an& short)cro''e& =et)(%ac hair. 2er s in was smooth an& faint%# tanne&. She was s%en&er, a%most thin, (o&# ver# #oun$ an& unforme& un&er her sim'%e evenin$ &ress. Nina e/amine& her critica%%# an& sai&E 8I+ve seen #ou aroun&. Aren+t #ou a Securit# em'%o#eeD; 8I+m in research,; 0#%er answere&, in an a%most inau&i(%e whis'er. 8I+ve on%# (een with Securit# a few months.; 8You+%% $et a%on$,; Nina o(serve&, si$na%in$ the ta/i to rise. In a moment the# were on their wa# u'. Irrita(%#, Nina sta((e& &own on the hi$h)ve%ocit# stu& mounte& (# her armrest. 8Its a%most one o+c%oc ,; she e/'%aine&. 8If we &on+t hurr#, we won+t see an#thin$.; 8SeeD; Cussic echoe& a''rehensive%#. At Nina+s &irection, the ta/i %et them off in the North)(each section of San .rancisco. Cussic satisfie& the ro(ot meter with ninet# &o%%ars in chan$e, an& the ta/i shot off. 0o their ri$ht was Co%um(us Avenue an& its notorious rows of (ars an& &ives an& Ca(arets an& (%ac )mar et restaurants. 1eo'%e were out roamin$ the streets in $reat num(ersC the s # overhea& was cho e& with inter)cit# ta/is settin$ &own an& ta in$ off. <u%tico%ore& si$ns win e&C on ever# si&e $%are& chatterin$, f%ic erin$ &is'%a#s. Seein$ where Nina ha& (rou$ht them, Cussic fe%t a 'an$ of &isma#. 2e new she ha& (een $oin$ to San .ranciscoC 'o%ice re'orts ha& mentione& her 'resence in the North Beach survei%%ance area. But he ha& assume& it was c%an&estine, a covert 'rotestC he ha&n+t e/'ecte& her to (rin$ him a%on$. Nina was a%rea&# hea&in$ 'ur'osefu%%# towar& the &escen&in$ stairs of a su(surface (arC she seeme& to now e/act%# where she was $oin$. Catchin$ u' with her, he &eman&e&E 8You sure #ou want to &o thisD; Nina ha%te&. 84o whatD; 80his is one area I wish the# ha& &emo%ishe&. 0oo (a& the (om(s &i&n+t finish it once an& for a%%.; 8?e+%% (e a%% ri$ht,; she assure& him 'rim%#. 8I now 'eo'%e here.; 8<# Ao&,; Kamins i e/c%aime&, seein$ for the first time where the# were. 8?e+re c%ose to the15; 80o whomD; Cussic as e&, 'u77%e&. Kamins i+s sa$$in$ face sna''e& o(%iFue. 2e sai& nothin$ moreC '%acin$ his han& on 0#%er+s shou%&er, he $ui&e& her towar& the stairs. Nina ha& a%rea&# starte& &ownC re%uctant%#, Cussic fo%%owe& after her. Kamins i came %ast, in a &ar wor%& of his own, thin in$ an& mutterin$ a(out esoteric matters nown on%# in the $nawin$ &ou(t of his own consciousness. 0#%er, serious an& se&ate, &escen&e& wi%%in$%#, without resistance.
Youn$ as she was, she seeme& tota%%# se%f 'ossesse&, there was no si$n of won&er on her face. 0he un&er$roun& %eve% was =amme& with 'eo'%e, a &ense%#)'ac e& mass that stirre& an& un&u%ate& %i e a sin$%e or$anism. A constant (%are of tinn# noise roare& u' &eafenin$%#C the air was trans%ucent with a shimmer of smo e, 'ers'iration, an& the stea&# shoutin$ of human (ein$s. 9o(ot servants, sus'en&e& from the cei%in$, whee%e& here an& there, servin$ &rin s an& co%%ectin$ $%asses. 8Over here,; Nina ca%%e&, %ea&in$ the wa#. Cussic an& Kamins i e/chan$e& $%ances, these '%aces were not strict%# i%%e$a%, of course, (ut Securit# wou%& have 'referre& to c%ose them. 0he San .rancisco North Beach re$ion was the bete noire of the vice sFua&s, a %ast remnant of the 're)war re&)%i$ht stratum. Nina seate& herse%f at a tin# woo&en ta(%e cramme& a$ainst the wa%%. Overhea&, an imitation can&%e f%ic ere& fitfu%%#. Cussic 'u%%e& u' a 'ac in$ crate an& sett%e& himse%f uncomforta(%#C Kamins i went throu$h the mechanica% ritua% of fin&in$ 0#%er a chair, an& then one for himse%f. Ben&in$ over, he %ai& his 'ac a$e on the f%oor, 'ro''e& a$ainst a ta(%e %e$. 0he four 'eo'%e sat 'resse& ti$ht%# to$ether, e%(ows an& feet touchin$, facin$ one another across the sFuare water)%o$$e& surface of the ta(%e. 8?e%%,; Nina sai& $ai%#, 8here we are.; 2er voice was (are%# au&i(%e a(ove the &in. Cussic hunche& over an& trie& to shut out the constant c%amor. 0he c%ose air, the frenetic motion of 'eo'%e, ma&e him va$ue%# i%%. Nina+s $oo& time ha& a $rim, &e%i(erate Fua%it# a(out itC he won&ere& what 0#%er thou$ht. She &i&n+t seem to thin an#thin$C 'rett#, com'etent, she sat unfastenin$ her coat, an a$reea(%e e/'ression on her face. 80his is the 'rice we 'a#,; Kamins i+s voice came in Cussic +s ear. 8?e have 9e%ativismC ever#(o&# to his own tastes.; Some of his wor&s reache& Nina. 8Oh #es,; she a$ree&, with a ti$ht smi%e. 8You have to %et 'eo'%e &o as the# want.; 0he ro(ot waiter &ro''e& %i e a meta% s'i&er from the cei%in$, an& Nina turne& her attention to or&erin$. .rom the (i%%)of)fare she se%ecte& an ora% 're'aration of heroin, then 'asse& the 'unch sheet to her hus(an&. 1etrifie&, Cussic watche& the ro(ot (rin$ forth a ce%%o'hane 'ac et of white ca'su%es. 8You+re ta in$ thoseD; he &eman&e&. 8Now an& then,; Nina answere& noncommitta%%#, tearin$ o'en the 'ac et with her shar' nai%s. Num(%#, Cussic or&ere& mari=uana for himse%fC Kamins i &i& the same. 0#%er e/amine& the (i%%)of)fare with interest, an& fina%%# chose a %iFueur (ui%t aroun& the &ru$ arte1isia. Cussic 'ai& the (i%%, an& the waiter, after &e%iverin$ the or&ers, acce'te& the mone# an& sai%e& off. 2is wife, a%rea&# un&er the inf%uence of the heroin, sat $%ass#)e#e&, (reathin$ sha%%ow%#, han&s c%enche& to$ether. A faint sheen of 'ers'iration ha& risen to her throatC &ro' (# &ro' it tric %e& &own to her co%%ar(one an& eva'orate& in the warmth of the room. 0he &ru$, he new, ha& (een severe%# cut (# 'o%ice or&erC (ut it was sti%% a 'owerfu% narcotic. 2e cou%& sense an a%most invisi(%e rh#thmic motion to her (o&#C she was swa#in$ (ac an& forth to some au&itor# &istur(ance unhear& (# others. 9eachin$ out, he touche& her han&. 2er f%esh was co%&, har&, as 'a%e as stone. 84ar%in$,; he sai& $ent%#.
?ith an effort, she was a(%e to focus on him. 82i,; she sai&, a %itt%e sa&%#. 82ow are #ouD; 84o #ou rea%%# hate us this muchD; She smi%e&. 8Not #ou, us. A%% of us.; 8?h#D; 8?e%%,; Nina sai&, in a remote, &etache& voice, (rou$ht &own to rea%it# (# fantastic concentration of wi%%, 8it =ust seems so $o&&amn ho'e%ess. Ever#thin$G %i e <a/ sa#s. 0here+s nothin$. ?e+re %ivin$ in &ea&ness.; Kamins i, 'reten&in$ not to hear, 'reten&in$ not to %isten, sat fro7en, ta in$ in ever# wor&, res'on&in$ with intense 'ain. 8I mean,; Nina sai&, 8there was the war, an& now here we are. An& *ac ie, too. .or whatD ?here can we $oD ?hat can we %oo forD ?e+re not even a%%owe& to have romantic i%%usions, an# more. ?e can+t even te%% ourse%ves %ies. If we &o B; she smi%e&, without rancor. 80hen the# ta e us to the force& %a(or cam's.; It was Kamins i who answere&. 8?e have *onesG 0he ?hir%win&, swee'in$ us awa#. 0hat+s the worst thin$ a(out our wor%&G it+s 'ermitte& the (east to come.; 0#%er si''e& her coc tai% an& sai& nothin$. 8?hat nowD; Nina as e&. 8You can+t ee' #our wor%& $oin$G #ou rea%i7e it+s finishe&. *ones has come. You have to reco$ni7e him. 2e+s the futureC it+s a%% interwoven, tie&)u', mi/e&. You can+t have one without the otherG #our wor%& has no future of its own.; 8*ones wi%% i%% us a%%,; Kamins i sai&. 8But at %east it+%% have meanin$. ?e+%% (e &oin$ somethin$.; Nina+s voice trai%e& off, movin$ farther awa# from them. 8It+%% (e for somethin$. ?e+%% (e reachin$ out, %i e we use& to.; 8Em't# i&ea%ism,; Cussic sai& unha''i%#. Nina &i&n+t answer. She ha& &isa''eare& into an inner wor%&C her face was (%an , &evoi& of 'ersona%it#. On the raise& '%atform at the rear of the room a commotion ha& (e$un swin$in$ into %ife. 0he f%oor show of the '%aceC the ni$ht%# s'ectac%e. 1atrons turne& their attention to itC the c%o$ of 'eo'%e at the foot of the stairs crane& their nec s ea$er%#. 3ist%ess%#, Cussic watche&, in&ifferent to what was ha''enin$, his han& sti%% restin$ on his wife+s. 0he f%oor show invo%ve& two fi$ures, a man an& a woman. 0he# smi%e& at the au&ience, an& then remove& their c%othin$. Cussic was remin&e& of the first &a# he ha& seen *ones, that &a# in ear%# s'rin$, when he ha& tram'e& across the s%ush# (%ac $roun& to visit the carniva%. 0he (ri$ht A'ri% &a# he ha& witnesse& the assorte& s'orts an& frea s an& mutants co%%ecte& from the war. 9eco%%ection we%%e& u' insi&e him, a mi/e& nosta%$ia for his own ho'efu% #outh, his va$ue am(itions an& i&ea%ism. 0he two fi$ures on the sta$e, 'rofessiona%%# a$i%e an& su''%e)(o&ie&, ha& (e$un ma in$ %ove. 0he action was carrie& out as a ritua%E it ha& (een &one so man# times that it was a series of &ance)motions, without 'assion or intensit#. 1resent%#, as a in& of mountin$ tem'o, the se/ of the man (e$an to chan$e. After a time it was the rh#thmic motions of two women. 0hen, towar& the conc%usion, the fi$ure that ha& ori$ina%%# 'resente& itse%f as a woman transforme& itse%f to a man. An& the &ance en&e& as it ha& (e$unE with a man an& a woman Fuiet%# ma in$ %ove.
8Muite a feat,; Kamins i a&mitte&, as the man an& woman 'ut on their c%othin$, (owe&, an& %eft the sta$e. 0he# ha& e/chan$e& c%othesE the fina% effect was overwhe%min$. A roun& of sincere a''%ause ri''%e& throu$h the roomE the cou'%e were artists. 8I remem(er when I first saw herma'hro&ite mutants in action. Now it seems =ust one more; B Kamins i searche& ironica%%# B 8one more e/am'%e of 9e%ativism in action.; .or a whi%e none of the four 'eo'%e s'o e. .ina%%# 0#%er sai&E 8I won&er how far we can $o.; 8I thin we+ve $one as far as we can,; Cussic answere&. 8A%% we can ho'e for now is to han$ on.; 84i& we $o too farD; Kamins i as e&, a''ea%in$%#. 8No,; Cussic sai& f%at%#. 8?e were ri$ht. ?e+re ri$ht now. It+s a 'ara&o/, a contra&iction, a crimina% offense to sa# it. .ut we$re right% Secret%#, covert%#, we+ve $ot to (e%ieve it.; 2is fin$ers c%utche& convu%sive%# aroun& his wife+s co%& han&. 8?e+ve $ot to tr# to ee' our wor%& from fa%%in$ com'%ete%# a'art.; 8<a#(e it+s too %ate,; Kamins i sai&. 8Yes,; Nina a$ree& su&&en%#. 8It+s too %ate.; 2er fin$ers =er e& awa# from Cussic +s. *aw wor in$ s'asmo&ica%%#, she hunche& forwar&, teeth chatterin$, 'u'i%s &i%ate&. 81%ease, &ar%in$ B; Cussic rose, an& 0#%er (esi&e him. 8I+%% ta e care of her,; 0#%er sai&, movin$ aroun& the ta(%e to Nina. 8?here+s the women+s roomD; 80han s,; Kamins i sai&, acce'tin$ a ci$arette from Cussic . 0he women ha& not returne&. As he %it u', Kamins i remar e&E 8I su''ose #ou now *ones has written a (oo .; 84ifferent from the 1atriots @nite& 'u(%icationsD; .rom the f%oor (# the ta(%e Kamins i %ifte& u' his (rown)wra''e& 'ac a$eC he untie& it carefu%%#. 80his is a summar#. The Moral Struggle it+s ca%%e&. It out%ines his who%e 'ro$ramE what he rea%%# wants, what he rea%%# stan&s for. 0he m#thos of the movement.; 2e set the (u% # vo%ume &own in the center of the ta(%e an& riff%e& the 'a$es. 82ave #ou rea& thisD; Cussic as e&, e/aminin$ it. 8Not the who%e thin$. It isn+t com'%eteC *ones is 'ontificatin$ it ora%%#. 0he (oo is transcri(e& from his haran$uesG it+s $rowin$ (# %ea's an& (oun&s.; 8?hat &i& #ou mean,; Cussic as e&, 8when #ou sai& we were near the12 ?ho were #ou ta% in$ a(outD; A stran$e, o(%iFue, with&rawn %oo a''eare& on the o%&er man+s face. Aatherin$ u' his (oo , he (e$an to rewra' it. 8I &on+t remem(er sa#in$ that.; 8As we were comin$ in.; Kamins i foo%e& with his 'ac a$eC he %ai& it (ac on the f%oor, a$ainst the ta(%e)%e$. 8One of these &a#s #ou ma# (e (rou$ht into it. But not #et.; 8Can #ou $ive me an# informationD; 8No, not rea%%#. It+s (een $oin$ on awhi%eC it+s im'ortant. O(vious%#, it+s here in this area. O(vious%#, it invo%ves a num(er of in&ivi&ua%s.; 84oes *ones nowD; Kamins i shu&&ere&. 8Ao& for(i&. Sure, ma#(e. 4oesn+t he now ever#thin$D An#how, he can+t &o an#thin$ a(out itG he has no %e$a% 'ower.;
80hen this is un&er .e&$ov.; 8Oh, #es,; Kamins i a$ree& (%ea %#. 8.e&$ov is sti%% in (usiness. 0r#in$ out a few %ast tric s (efore it $oes &own to ruin.; 8You &on+t soun& %i e #ou thin we can (eat this thin$.; 84o I soun& %i e thatD A%% we+re u' a$ainst is a 'ro'hetG we ou$ht to (e a(%e to han&%e that. 0here+ve (een 'ro'hets (eforeC the New 0estament is fu%% of them.; 8?hat &o #ou mean (# thatD 0here+s *ohn the Ba'tistC #ou mean himD; 8I mean 2im ?ho *ohn foreto%&.; 8You+re ravin$.; 8No, I+m re'eatin$. I hear that in& of stuff. 0he Secon& Comin$G after a%%, 2e was su''ose& to show u' a$ain, sometime. An& the wor%& certain%# nee&s him, now.; 8But that 'uts the &rifters in the 'osition of B; Cussic $rimace&. 8?hat+s the termD; 82or&es from 2e%%.; B%owin$ c%ou&s of $ra# ci$arette smo e, Kamins i continue&E 8Satan+s 3e$ions. 0he Evi% Ones.; 80hen we haven+t $one (ac a hun&re& #ears. ?e+ve $one (ac a thousan&.; 8<a#(e this won+t (e so (a&. 0he &rifters aren+t 'eo'%eC the#+re min&%ess (%o(s. 3et+s assume the worstE %et+s assume *ones $ets a war whi''e& u'. ?e finish the &rifters here, an& then c%ean the '%anets one (# one. After that B; Kamins i $esture&. 80o the stars. ?ith (u%$in$ (att%eshi's. 2untin$ &own the (astar&s, e/terminatin$ the race. ?e%%D ?hat thenD 0he enem#+s $oneC a race of $i$antic amoe(ae has 'erishe&. Is that so bad2 I+m on%# tr#in$ to see the 'ossi(i%ities in this. ?e+%% (e out (e#on& the s#stem. An& ri$ht now, without the s'ur, the hatre&, the sense of fi$htin$ an enem#, we =ust sit aroun&.; 8You+re sa#in$ what *ones sa#s,; Cussic ref%ecte&. 8You (et I am.; 8?ant me to show #ou #our errorD 0he &an$er isn+t in the warC it+s in the attitu&e that ma es the war 'ossi(%e. 0o fi$ht, we have to (e%ieve we+re 0ight an& the#+re Wrong. ?hite versus (%ac B$oo& versus evi%. 0he &rifters have nothin$ to &o with itC the#+re on%# a means.; 8I+& &isa$ree with #ou on one 'oint,; Kamins i sai& intent%#. 8You+re convince&, are #ou, that in the war itse%f there+s no &an$erD; 8Sure,; Cussic sai&. But he was su&&en%# uncertain. 8?hat can 'rimitive, one)ce%%e& 'roto'%asm &o to usD; 8I &on+t now. But we+ve never fou$ht a war with non)terrestria%s. I wou%&n+t want to ta e the chance. 9emem(er, we sti%% &on+t now what the# are. ?e ma# (e sur'rise& one of these &a#s. Sur'rise& or even worse. ?e ma# fin& out.; 0hrea&in$ their wa# amon$ the ti$ht%#)'ac e& ta(%es, 0#%er an& Nina returne& to their seats. 1a%e an& sha en, (ut fu%%# in comman& of herse%f, Nina sat c%as'in$ her han&s to$ether, her attention on the raise& '%atform. 8Are the# $oneD; she as e& faint%#. 8?e were won&erin$,; 0#%er sai&, 8how those herma'hro&ites &eci&e. 0hat is, whi%e Nina an& I were in there, one of them mi$ht come in, too, an& we wou%&n+t now whether to resent it.; 4ainti%#, she si''e& at her &rin . 8A %ot of unusua%)%oo in$ women came an& went, (ut neither one of the herma'hro&ites. 80here+s one of them over there,; Nina sai& sha i%#. 8Over (# the tune)ma er.; 3eanin$ a$ainst the sFuare meta% machine stoo& one of the &ancers, the one that ha& ori$inate& as a #oun$ man. It was sti%% a woman, as it ha& en&e& its act. S%en&er, with
c%ose)cut san&# hair, wearin$ a s irt an& (%ouse an& san&a%s, it was a 'erfect an&ro$#ne. Its smooth, neutra% face was em't# of e/'ressionC it %oo e& a trif%e tire&, nothin$ more. 8As her to come over,; Nina sai&, touchin$ her hus(an&+s arm. 80here+s no room,; Cussic sai& f%at%#C he &i&n+t want to have an#thin$ to &o with it. 8An& &on+t #ou $o over.; 2e saw her sin (ac . 8You sta# here.; Nina f%ashe& him a swift, anima%)%i e $%ance an& then su(si&e&. 8You+re sti%% fee%in$ that wa#, are #ouD; 8?hat wa#D; 83et it $o.; Nina+s han&s move& rest%ess%# on the surface of the ta(%e. 8Cou%& we have somethin$ to &rin D I+& %i e co$nac.; ?hen their fresh &rin s arrive&, Nina %ifte& her $%ass in a toast. 82ere+s to,; she announce&. 0he other $%asses came u'C there was a faint c%in as the# touche&. 80o a (etter wor%&.; 8Ao&,; Kamins i sai& weari%#, 8I hate ta% %i e that.; .aint%# amuse&, Nina as e&E 8?h#D; 8Because it &oesn+t mean an#thin$.; S%um'e& over, Kamins i stru$$%e& with his whis e# sour. 8?ho isn+t for a (etter wor%&D; 8Is it true,; 0#%er sai&, after a time, 8that the#+ve sent out scouts to 1ro/ima CentaurusD; Kamins i no&&e&. 80he# have.; 8An# %uc D; 80he &ata hasn+t (een sifte&.; 8In other wor&s,; 0#%er sai&, 8nothin$ of va%ue.; Kamins i shru$$e&. 8?ho nowsD; 8*ones,; Nina murmure&. 80hen as him. Or wait for the officia% re%ease. 4on+t (other me a(out it.; 8?hat+s this (usiness with 1earsonD; Cussic as e&, to chan$e the su(=ect. 8I+ve hear& rumors that he+s wor in$ ni$ht an& &a#, %inin$ u' men, or$ani7in$ 'ro=ects.; 81earson is &etermine& to sto' *ones,; Kamins i answere& remote%#. 82e+s sure it can (e &one.; 8But if we $et as fanatic as the# are B; 81earson is worse. 2e eats, s%ee's, thin s, %ives *ones. 2e can+t rest. Ever# time I $o into his win$ there+s a (atta%ion of wea'ons)co's han$in$ aroun&E $uns an& tan s an& 'ro=ecti%es.; 8You thin it+%% &o an# $oo&D; 84ar%in$,; Nina sai&, measurin$ her wor&s, 8&on+t #ou see an#thin$ 'ositive in itD; 83i e whatD; 8I mean, here we have a man with this won&erfu% ta%entG he can &o somethin$ we+ve never &one. ?e &on+t have to $uess an# more. ?e now. ?e can (e sure where we+re $oin$.; 8I %i e to $uess,; Cussic sai& f%at%#. 84o #ouD <a#(e that+s where the fau%t %iesG ma#(e #ou &on+t rea%i7e that most 'eo'%e want certaint#. You+ve re=ecte& *ones. ?h#D Because #our s#stem, #our $overnment, is (ui%t aroun& not) nowin$, aroun& $uesswor . It assumes no(o&# can now.; She raise& her co%& (%ue e#es. 8But now we #an now. So in a wa#, #ou+re outmo&e&.;
8?e%%,; 0#%er sai&, amuse&, 8then I+m out of a =o(.; 8?hat &i& #ou &o (efore #ou came to Securit#D; Cussic as e& her. 8I &i&n+t &o an#thin$E this is m# first =o(. I+m on%# seventeen. I fee% a %itt%e out of '%ace with #ou 'eo'%eG I rea%%# &on+t have an# e/'erience.; In&icatin$ the $ir%+s $%ass, Kamins i sai&E 8I can te%% #ou one thin$E that wormwoo&+%% rot #our nervous s#stem awa#. It attac s the u''er s'ina% $an$%ia.; 8Oh, no,; 0#%er sai& Fuic %#. 8I+m &o'e& a$ainst it.; She touche& her 'urse. 8.or this, I have to &e'en& on a s#nthetic neutra%i7er. Or I wou%&n+t want to ta e it.; Cussic +s res'ect for her rose another notch. 8?hat 'art of the wor%& &o #ou come fromD; he as e& curious%#. 8I was (orn in China. <# father was a 'o%ic#)%eve% officia% in the Kwei'in$ secretariat of the Chinese 1eo'%e+s Communist 1art#.; 80hen #ou were (orn on that si&e of the war,; Cussic sai&, ama7e&. 8You $rew u' on; B he $rimace& B 8what 'eo'%e use& to ca%% the *ewish)atheist)Communist si&e.; 8<# father was a &evout 1art#)wor er. 2e fou$ht with a%% his sou% an& heart a$ainst the <ohamme&ans an& the Christian fanatics. 2e (rou$ht me u'C m# mother was i%%e& (# (acteria% to/ins. Since she wasn+t an officia%, she wasn+t entit%e& to she%ter. I %ive& with m# father in the 1art# offices, a mi%e or so un&er$roun&. ?e were there unti% the war en&e&.; She correcte& herse%fE 80hat is, I was there. <# father was shot (# the 1art# near the en& of the war.; 8Shot for whatD; 84eviationism. 0he 2off (oo was (ein$ circu%ate& in our area, too. <# father an& I set u' 'ortions (# han&G we circu%ate& them amon$ 1art# wor ers. It was Fuite revo%utionar#C man# of us ha& never hear& of the mu%ti'%e)va%ue s#stem. 0he i&ea that ever#(o&# mi$ht (e ri$ht, that ever#(o&# was entit%e& to his own wa# of %ife, ha& a start%in$ effect on us. 0he 2off conce't of 'ersona% st#%e of %ivin$G it was e/citin$. Neither re%i$ious &o$ma nor anti)re%i$ious &o$maC no more wran$%in$ over which inter'retation of the sacre& te/ts was correct. No more sects, s'%inter $rou's, factionsC no more heretics to shoot an& (urn an& %oc u'.; 8You+re not Chinese,; Nina sai&. 8No, I+m En$%ish. <# fami%# were An$%ican missionaries (efore the# (ecame Communists. 0here was a communit# of En$%ish Communists %ivin$ in China.; 84o #ou remem(er much a(out the warD; Kamins i as e& her. 8Not much. 0he Christian rai&in$ 'arties from .ormosaG most%# =ust the 'rintin$ at ni$ht. 0he secret &istri(ution.; 82ow &i& #ou $et offD; Cussic as e&. 8?h# &i&n+t the# shoot #ou, tooD; 8I was ei$ht #ears o%& B too #oun$ to shoot. One of the 1art# chiefs a&o'te& me, a ver# in& o%& Chinese $ent%eman who sti%% rea& 3aot7e an& ha& $o%& carvin$s cut into his teeth. I was a war& of the C1 when the war en&e& an& the 1art# a''aratus &isinte$rate&.; She shoo her hea&. 8It was a%% such a terri(%e wasteG the war cou%& so easi%# have (een avoi&e&. If 'eo'%e ha& on%# (een =ust a %itt%e %ess fanatic.; Nina ha& $otten to her feet. 84ar%in$,; she sai& to her hus(an&, 8'%ease, cou%& #ou &o me a favorD I+& %i e to &ance.; One section of the crow&e& f%oor ha& (een c%eare& for &ancin$C a few cou'%es 'ushe& mechanica%%# (ac an& forth. 8You rea%%# fee% %i e itD; Cussic as e& wari%#, as he $ot to his feet. 8<a#(e for a minute.;
8She+s a %ove%# $ir%,; Nina sai& &istant%#, as the two of them foun& their wa# out onto the 'ac e& f%oor. 8It+s interestin$, her circu%atin$ 2off+s materia% amon$ 1art# officia%s.; Su&&en%# Nina c%utche& her hus(an& ti$ht. 8I wish B; 2er voice (ro e achin$%#. 8Isn+t there some wa# we can $o (ac D; 8Bac D; 2e was 'er'%e/e&. 8Bac whereD; 80he wa# we were. Not Fuarre%in$, a%% the time. ?e seem to (e so far a'art. ?e &on+t un&erstan& each other an# more.; 2e he%& his wife c%ose to himC un&er his han&s her (o&# was sur'risin$%# fra$i%e. 8It+s this &amn thin$G some&a# it+%% (e over, an& we+%% (e to$ether %i e we use& to.; Stric en, Nina $a7e& u' im'%orin$%#. 84oes it have to (e overD 4oes it have to (e $otten ri& ofD Can+t we acce't itD; 8No,; Cussic sai&. 8I+%% never acce't it.; 0he woman+s shar' nai%s &u$ futi%e%# into his (ac . .or an interva% she reste& her hea& a$ainst his shou%&er, tum(%e of (%on&e hair (i%%owin$ into his face. 0he fami%iar scent of her tic %e& his noseE the sweet 'erfume of her (o&#, the warmth of her hair. A%% this, the smoothness of her (are shou%&ers, the si% # te/ture of her &ress, the faint sheen of 'ers'iration $%owin$ on her u''er %i'. 2arsh%#, he he%& her a$ainst him, sFuee7in$ her si%ent%#, #earnin$%#. 1resent%# she u'ti%te& her chin, smi%e& waverin$%#, an& isse& him on the mouth. 8?e+%% tr#,; she sai& soft%#. 8?e+%% &o our (est. 9i$htD; 8Sure,; he answere&, meanin$ it with a%% his heart. 8It+s too im'ortant B we can+t %et our %ives s%i' awa# %i e this. An& now that we have *ac B; 9ou$h%#, his fin$ers crum'%e& into the (ase of her nec , %iftin$ her torrent of thic hair. 8?e &on+t want to %eave him for the vu%tures.;
A.0E9 02E &ance he %e& her (ac to the ta(%e, $ri''in$ her sma%% fin$ers ti$ht%# unti% (oth of them ha& ta en their seats. Kamins i sat s%um'e& over, ha%f)as%ee', mutterin$ va$ue hoarse soun&s. 0#%er sat trim%# u'ri$htC she ha& finishe& her &rin an& or&ere& another. 8Another roun&D; Nina as e&, with wan cheerfu%ness. She $ot ho%& of the waiter an& reor&ere&. 8<a/, #ou %oo %i e #ou+re $oin$ to &ie on us.; ?ith an effort, Kamins i raise& his sha$$# hea&. 8<a&ame,; he answere&, 8%eave a man somethin$.; 0he evenin$ was comin$ to a c%oseC 'eo'%e were (e$innin$ to fi%ter out of the (ar, (ac u' the stairs to the street %eve%. On the raise& '%atform the man an& woman ha& rea''eare&, remove& their c%othin$, an& once more were $oin$ throu$h their &ance. Cussic scarce%# notice& themC sin in$ into $%oom# contem'%ation, he sat &u%%# si''in$ his &rin , &istant%# aware of the murmur of voices, the thic o'aFueness of the air. ?hen the f%oor show en&e&, the ma=or (u% of the au&ience $ot u' an& (e$an 'ushin$ towar& the e/it. A%rea&#, the room was ha%f)em't#. .rom the street stairs a (%ast of fri$i& ear%#) mornin$ air swir%e& &own, chi%%in$ the 'eo'%e sti%% sittin$ at their ta(%es. 8It+s %ate,; Cussic sai&. Across from him, Nina+s face f%itte& with 'anic. 80he#+re not c%osin$ for a %on$ time,; she 'roteste& 'athetica%%#. 8An& in the (ac the# &on+t c%ose at a%%. 4ance with me a$ain, (efore we $o.; Cussic shoo his hea&. 8Sorr#, hone#. I+& fa%% over.; Nina was on her feet. 8<a/, wi%% #ou &ance with meD; 8Sure,; Kamins i sai&. 8I+%% &o an#thin$. En=o# ourse%ves in the time %eft.; 2o%&in$ her c%umsi%# (# the arm, he ha%f)%e&, ha%f)&ra$$e& her throu$h the &e'artin$ 'eo'%e, to the front of the room. 0here, a few so&&en cou'%es swa#e& (ac an& forth. 0he two herma'hro&ites, now (oth women, were &ancin$ ca%m%# with ma%e 'atrons. 1resent%#, tire& of that, the# switche& se/es, (ecame men, an& wan&ere& amon$ the ta(%es %oo in$ for fema%e 'artners. Sittin$ at his ta(%e, Cussic sai&E 8Can the# contro% itD; 0#%er si''e& her &rin . 81ro(a(%#. It+s Fuite an art.; 8It+s &e'rave&.; One (# one the %i$hts &imme& out. ?hen ne/t Cussic %oo e& he saw Kamins i s%um'e& over at a ta(%e, no %on$er &ancin$. ?here, then, was NinaD .or a time he cou%&n+t %ocate herC then he i&entifie& her fami%iar (%on&e hair. She was &ancin$ with one of the herma'hro&ites, face $%a7e& with &es'erate e/citement. Arm aroun& her, the s%en&er #oun$ man &ance& &is'assionate%#, e/'ert%#. Before Cussic now it, he was on his feet. 8?ait here,; he to%& 0#%er. Aatherin$ u' her 'urse an& coat, 0#%er starte& after him. 8?e (etter not $et se'arate&.; But Cussic cou%& thin on%# of Nina. 2is wife an& the herma'hro&ite were wa% in$ han&)in)han& throu$h what instinct to%& him was the entrance to the sti%%)functionin$ (ac rooms. 1ushin$ a $rou' of %oiterin$ cou'%es asi&e, he fo%%owe&. .or an instant he wa&e& throu$h a &ense &ar ness an& then he was stan&in$ in a &eserte& corri&or. 2ea& &own, he ran (%in&%# forwar&. Aroun& a turn, he sto''e& short.
Nina, %eanin$ a$ainst the wa%%, a $%ass in her han&, was ta% in$ intent%# to the herma'hro&ite. 2er (%on&e hair was a &isarran$e& casca&e. 2er (o&# s%um'e& with fati$ue, (ut her e#es sti%% f%ashe&, (ri$ht an& feverish. Stri&in$ u' to her, Cussic sai&E 8Come on, hone#. ?e have to $o.; 2e was &im%# aware that 0#%er an& Kamins i ha& fo%%owe& him. 8You $o ahea&,; Nina sai&, in a straine&, meta%%ic voice. 8Ao on. 0a e off.; 8?hat a(out #ouD; he &eman&e&, shoc e&. 8?hat a(out *ac D; 80he he%% with *ac ,; she sai&, in su&&en a$on#. 80he he%% with ever#thin$ B with #our who%e wor%&. I+m not $oin$ (ac B I+m sta#in$ here. If #ou want me, for Ao&+s sa e stay with 1e%; 0he herma'hro&ite turne& s%i$ht%# an& sai& to Cussic . 8<in& #our own (usiness, chum. In this wor%&, ever#(o&# &oes what he wants.; Cussic reache& out, $ra((e& ho%& of the creature+s shirt, an& %ifte& him from his feet. 0he herma'hro&ite was ama7in$%# %i$htC he stru$$%e& an& twiste&, an& in an instant ha& s%i& out of Cussic +s han&s. Ste''in$ (ac , the herma'hro&ite f%owe& into a fema%e. 2er e#es moc in$, she &ance& %ithe%# awa# from him. 8Ao ahea&,; she $as'e&. 82it me.; Nina ha& turne& an& starte& off &own the corri&or. 0he herma'hro&ite, noticin$, Fuic %# hurrie& after her, an ea$er e/'ression on her face. As the creature fo%%owe& Nina &own the ha%% to a si&e &oor, 0#%er s%i''e& u' c%ose an& cau$ht ho%& of her. ?ith an e/'ert motion, 0#%er twiste& the creature aroun& an& #an e& her arm (ac in a 'ara%#7in$ %oc . 0he herma'hro&ite instant%# f%owe& into the fi$ure of a man. Cussic ste''e& forwar& an& soc e& him on the =aw. ?ithout a soun&, the herma'hro&ite san &own, tota%%# unconscious, an& 0#%er re%ease& him. 8She+s $one,; Kamins i sai&, (a%ancin$ himse%f with an effort. Other 'eo'%e were hurr#in$ u'C the herma'hro&ite+s 'artner a''eare&, c%a''e& his han&s in horror, an& &ro''e& &own fearfu%%# to 'aw at his inert com'anion. A%ancin$ aroun&, 0#%er sai& ra'i&%# to Cussic . 8She+s fami%iar with this '%ace. If #ou e/'ect her to %eave with #ou, #ou+%% have to talk her into it.; @r$ent%#, she $ave him a shove. 8Aet $oin$.; 2e foun& her a%most at once. She ha& cre't from the corri&or into a si&e room, a (%in& a%%e# with on%# one entrance. 0here, he cornere& her, s%amme& the &oor an& %oc e& it after him. Nina crouche& in the corner, frai% an& 'itifu%, e#es (ri$ht with fear, trem(%in$ an& $a7in$ mute%# u' at him. 0he room was sim'%e, h#$ienica%%# c%ean in its ascetic 'urit#. 0he curtains, the 'osition of the furniture, to%& him the un(eara(%e truthC on%# Nina cou%& have arran$e& this room. 0his was her room. 2er im'rint, her ima$e, was stam'e& on ever# inch of it. 0here were noises outsi&e. Kamins i+s hoarse $row% swe%%e& u'E 84ou$, #ou in thereD; 2e ste''e& outsi&e into the ha%% an& confronte& Kamins i an& 0#%er. 8I foun& her. She+s a%% ri$ht.; 8?hat are #ou $oin$ to &oD; 0#%er as e&. 8Sta# here. You two (etter $o. Can #ou fin& #our wa# outD; 8Certain%#,; 0#%er sai&, un&erstan&in$. 0a in$ ho%& of Kamins i she %e& him (ac a ste'. 8Aoo& %uc . Come on, <a/. 0here+s nothin$ we can &o here.;
80han s,; Cussic sai&, stan&in$ firm%#)'%ante& in front of the &oor. 8I+%% see #ou %ater, (oth of #ou.; Kamins i, 'rotestin$ an& (ewi%&ere&, retreate& at the insistence of the s%im $ir% ho%&in$ ti$ht%# to his arm. 8Aive me a ca%%,; he mum(%e&. 8?hen #ou $et (ac C when #ou+re out of here. So I+%% now #ou+re o a#.; 8I+%% &o that,; Cussic sai&. 84on+t for$et #our 'ac a$e.; 2e stoo& a moment, unti% the two of them ha& &isa''eare& a%on$ the ha%%. 0hen he turne& an& re)entere& the room. On the (e&, Nina was sittin$ u' s%i$ht%#, her hea& a$ainst the wa%%, %e$s &rawn u', feet tuc e& un&er her. She smi%e& u' wea %# at him. 82e%%o,; she sai&. (etterD; 2e %oc e& the &oor an& came towar& her. 80he# %eftC I sent them off.; Sittin$ &own on the e&$e of the (e& he as e&. 80his is #our room, isn+t itD; 8Yes.; She &i&n+t %oo &irect%# at him. 82ow %on$D; 8Oh, not %on$. A wee , ma#(e. 0en &a#s.; 8I &on+t rea%%# un&erstan&. You want to (e here with these 'eo'%eD; 8I wante& to $et awa#. I cou%&n+t stan& that &amn %itt%e a'artmentG I wante& to (e on m# own, &o somethin$. It+s so har& to e/'%ainC some of it I &on+t un&erstan&, m#se%f. It+s %i e the stea%in$ B I =ust fe%t I ha& to stan& u'.; 80hat+s wh# #ou (rou$ht us a%% here, then. It meant nothin$ unti% #ou cou%& show it to us.; 8I su''ose so. Yes, I $uess #ou+re ri$ht. I wante& #ou to see it, so #ou+& now. So #ou+& see I ha& somewhere to $oG not &e'en&ent on #ou. Not he%'%ess, tie& to #our wor%&. Outsi&e in the main (ar I $ot scare&G I too the heroin to $et m# nerve.; She smi%e& a %itt%e. 8It+s such a mess.; 2e (ent over her, ho%&in$ onto her han&s. 2er s in was co%& an& faint%# moist. 8You+re not scare& now, are #ouD; 8No,; she mana$e&. 8Not with #ou here.; 8?e+%% sta# here toni$ht,; he to%& her. 80hat+s what #ou wantD; She no&&e& for%orn%#. 80hen tomorrow mornin$ we+%% $o (ac D; 0wistin$, she answere& 'ainfu%%#E 84on+t as me. 4on+t ma e me sa#. I+m afrai& to sa#, now.; 8A%% ri$ht.; It hurt, (ut he &i&n+t 'ress for an answer. 8?e can &eci&e tomorrow, after we have a $oo& s%ee' an& (rea fast. After we $et a%% this stuff out of our s#stems. 0his 'oison B this rot.; 0here was no answer. Nina ha& fa%%en into a 'artia% &o7eC e#es shut, she %a# restin$ a$ainst the wa%%, chin &own, (o&# re%a/e&. .or a %on$ time Cussic sat immo(i%e. 0he room $rew co%&. Outsi&e, in the ha%%, there was on%# si%ence. 2is watch to%& him it was four)thirt#. 1resent%# he (ent &own an& s%i& off Nina+s shoes. 2e '%ace& them on the f%oor (# the (e&, hesitate&, an& then unfastene& the sna's of her &ress. 0he &ress was intricate%# he%& to$etherC it too him some time. 0wice, she wo e s%i$ht%#, stirre&, an& san (ac into s%ee'. At %ast the &ress came a'artC he maneuvere& one section over her hea&, %ai& it over the (ac of a chair, %ifte& her hi's, an& stru$$%e& the remainin$ 'art awa# from her. It was sur'risin$ how rea%%# sma%% she was. ?ithout the ornate, e/'ensive &ress, she seeme& unusua%%# (are, &efense%ess, o'en to in=ur#. It was im'ossi(%e to fee% rancor
towar& her. 2e 'u%%e& u' the (%an ets aroun& her shou%&ers an& tuc e& them un&er her chin. 2er heav# (%on&e hair s'i%%e& out over the woo% fa(ric, thic hone# strea s a$ainst the chec ere& 'attern of re& an& (%ac . Smoothin$ her hair (ac from her e#es, he seate& himse%f (esi&e her on the (e&. .or an en&%ess time he sat, his min& (%an , $a7in$ into the sha&ows of the room. Nina s%e't fitfu%%#C now an& then she turne&, twiste&, ma&e faint unha''# soun&s. Stru$$%in$ in an invisi(%e &ar ness, she fou$ht %one%# (att%es, without him, without an#(o&#. In the fina% ana%#sis, each of them was cut off from the other. Each of them suffere& a%one. 0owar&s mornin$, he (ecame aware of a &istant, muff%e& soun&E a noise comin$ from a %on$ wa# off. .or a time he 'ai& no attentionC the noise (eat use%ess%# a$ainst his &u%%e& consciousness. An& then, fina%%#, he i&entifie& it. A human voice, harsh an& %ou&, a voice he reco$ni7e&. Stiff%#, sha in$ with co%&, he $ot from the (e& an& ma&e his wa# to the &oor. ?ith infinite care he un%oc e& it an& ste''e& out into the chi%%, &eserte& corri&or. 0he voice was the voice of *ones. Cussic wa% e& s%ow%# &own the corri&or. 2e 'asse& c%ose& &oors an& si&e 'assa$es, (ut saw no(o&#. It was five)fort# a.m.C the sun was (e$innin$ to show. 0hrou$h an o'en win&ow at the en& of the ha%% he cau$ht a $%im'se of (%ea , $ra# s #, as remote an& hosti%e as $un)meta%. As he wa% e&, the voice $rew %ou&er. A%% at once he turne& a corner an& foun& himse%f facin$ a $reat storeroom. It wasn+t *ones, not rea%%#. It was a ta'e recor&in$. But the 'resence, the vita%, crue% s'irit, was there. In rows of chairs, men an& women sat intent%# %istenin$. 0he storeroom was fi%%e& with (a%es, (o/es, hu$e 'ac a$es hea'e& ever#where. 0he corri&or ha& carrie& him to a tota%%# &ifferent (ui%&in$C it %in e& various esta(%ishments, a variet# of (usinesses. 0his was the %oa&in$ sta$e of a commercia% house. On the wa%% were '%astere& 'osters. As he stoo& in the &oorwa# %istenin$ to the furious, im'assione& voice, he rea%i7e& that this was an officia% meetin$ ha%%. 0his was a (efore) &awn $atherin$C these were wor in$ 'eo'%e, comin$ to$ether (efore their wor )&a# (e$an. At the far en&, where the s'ea ers (%are&, hun$ *ones+ em(%em, the crosse& f%as s of 2ermes. Scattere& throu$h the $rou's were various uniforms of the 1atriots @nite& or$ani7ationsE (oth the women+s an& #outh $rou's, arm(an&s, (a&$es an& insi$nia. In a comer %oun$e& two he%mete& Securit# 'o%iceE the meetin$ was no secret. 0he meetin$s were never secretE there was no necessit#. No(o&# interfere& with Cussic as he ma&e his wa# (ac u' the corri&or. Now the (ui%&in$ was (e$innin$ to stirC outsi&e, rum(%in$ commercia% truc s were (e$innin$ to %oa& an& un%oa&. 2e foun& Nina+s room an& entere&. She was awa e. As he turne& from the &oor she sat u', e#es wi&e. 8?here &i& #ou $oD I thou$ht B; 8I+m (ac . I hear& soun&s.; 0he &istant snar% of *ones+ voice was sti%% au&i(%e. 80hat.; 8Oh.; She no&&e&. 8Yes, the#+re meetin$. 0hat+s 'art of this. <# room.; 8You+ve (een wor in$ for them, haven+t #ouD; 8Nothin$ im'ortant. *ust fo%&in$ 'a'ers an& writin$ a&&resses. 0he sort of thin$ I use& to &o. Aivin$ out information. 1u(%icit#, I $uess #ou+& ca%% it.; Sittin$ &own on the e&$e of the (e&, Cussic 'ic e& u' his wife+s 'urse an& o'ene& it. 1a'ers, car&s, %i'stic , a mirror, e#s, mone#, a han& erchiefG he 'oure& ever#thin$ out onto the (e&. Nina watche& Fuiet%#C she ha& 'u%%e& herse%f u' to sit %eanin$ on one (are
e%(ow. Cussic 'awe& throu$h the contents of the 'urse unti% he came to what he wante&. 8I was curious,; he sai&. 80he s'ecific $ra&e an& &ate.; 2er mem(ershi' car& in 1atriots @nite& was &ate& .e(ruar# 1H, 2002. She ha& (een a mem(er for ei$ht months, since (efore *ac was (orn. Co&e s#m(o%s with which he was fami%iar i&entifie& her as a fu%%)time wor er, at a fair%# res'onsi(%e %eve%. 8You+re rea%%# invo%ve& in this,; he commente&, shove%in$ the contents (ac into the 'urse. 8?hi%e I+ve (een (us#, #ou+ve (een (us#, too.; 80here+s a %ot of wor ,; she a$ree& faint%#. 8An& the# nee& mone#. I+ve (een a(%e to he%' there, too. ?hat time is itD It+s a(out si/, isn+t itD; 8Not Fuite.; 2e %it a ci$arette an& sat smo in$. Ama7in$%#, he was co%%ecte& an& rationa%. 2e was conscious of no emotion. <a#(e it wou%& come %ater. <a#(e not. 8?e%%D; he sai&. 8I su''ose it+s too ear%# to %eave here.; 8I+& %i e to s%ee' some more.; 2er e#e%i&s &roo'e&C she #awne&, stretche&, smi%e& at him ho'efu%%#. 8Cou%& weD; 8Sure.; 2e stu((e& out his ci$arette an& (e$an un%acin$ his shoes. 8It+s sort of e/citin$,; Nina sai& wistfu%%#. 83i e an a&venture B the two of us here, the %oc e& &oor, the secrec#. 4on+t #ou a$reeD I mean, it+s notBsta%e. 9outine.; As he stoo& (# the (e& un(uttonin$ his shirt, she went onE 8I $et so (ore&, so &arn tire& of the same thin$, &a# after &a#. 0he &ra( or&inar# %ifeC a marrie& woman with a (a(#, a frows# housewife. It+s not worth %ivin$G &on+t #ou fee% thatD 4on+t #ou want to &o somethin$D; 8I have m# wor .; Sa&&ene&, she answere&E 8I now.; 2e c%ic e& off the %i$ht an& a''roache& her. ?hite, co%& sun%i$ht fi%tere& into the &ar ene& room, 'ast the e&$es of the win&ow sha&e. In the star %uminosit#, his wife+s (o&# was c%ear%#)etche&. She 'ushe& the covers asi&e for himC at sometime or other she ha& ta en off the rest of her c%othes, $ot out of (e& an& neat%# hun$ her &ress u' in the c%oset. 2er shoes, her stoc in$s, her un&erc%othes were $one, 'ro(a(%# into &resser &rawers. <ovin$ asi&e for him, Nina reache& out hun$ri%#, arms avi&, &eman&in$. 84o #ou thin ,; she sai& tense%#, 8this wi%% (e the %ast timeD; 8I &on+t now.; 2e was conscious on%# of fati$ueC $ratefu%%#, he ease& himse%f &own onto the (e&, har& an& narrow as it was. Nina covere& him over, smoothe& the woo% (%an ets ten&er%# &own aroun& him. 80his is #our %itt%e 'rivate (e&D; he as e&, with a trace of iron#. 8It+s sort of B %i e in the <i&&%e A$es,; she answere&. 8*ust this %itt%e room, =ust the sin$%e (e& B %i e a cot. 0he &resser an& wash stan&. Chastit#, 'overt#, o(e&ienceG a sort of s'iritua% c%eansin$, for me. .or a%% of us.; Cussic &i&n+t tr# to thin a(out it. 0he sensua%, or$iastic vice of the ear%ier evenin$, the &ru$s an& %iFuor an& f%oor show, the &e$enerate s'ectac%e B an& now this. It ma&e no sense. But there was a 'attern, a meanin$ (e#on& %o$ic. It fitte&. 1a%e shou%&ers, (are an& %ove%#, 'resse& ti$ht a$ainst his. 2er %i's 'arte&, e#es %ar$e, Nina $a7e& u' at him, suffuse& with the me%tin$ c%oseness of %ove. 8Yes,; she whis'ere&, searchin$ his face, tr#in$ to see into him, see in$ to un&erstan& what he thou$ht an& fe%t. 8I %ove #ou so &amn much.; 2e sai& nothin$. 2e touche& his %i's to the (urnin$ torrent of hone#)f%amin$ hair that s'i%%e& out onto the 'i%%ow an& (%an ets. A$ain an& a$ain she c%utche& at him, c%un$
mute%# to him, trie& to ho%& onto him. But he was a%rea&# s%i''in$ awa#. 2e turne& on his si&e, remaine& for a time, his han& on her throat, (# her ear, fin$ers touchin$ her. 81%ease,; Nina whis'ere& fierce%#. 81%ease &on+t %eave me.; But there was nothin$ he cou%& &o. 2e was s%i''in$ further an& further awa# from herG an& she was %eavin$ him, too. 3oc e& in each other+s arms, (are (o&ies 'resse& to$ether, the# were a%rea&# a universe a'art. Se'arate& (# the cease%ess muff%e& meta%%ic &rummin$ of the man+s voice that (eat a$ainst the wa%%s from a %on$ wa# off, the never) en&in$ harsh mutter of wor&s, $estures, s'eeches. 0he untirin$ &in of an im'assione& man.
02E NE?S went the roun&s. Cussic &i&n+t have to te%% an#(o&#C the# a%% new. It was on%# a month %ater, in the mi&&%e of Novem(er, when 0#%er ca%%e& him B une/'ecte&%#, without a&vance& warnin$. 2e was at his &es , surroun&e& (# re'orts an& incomin$ &ata. 0he ca%% came (# routine interoffice vi&'hone, so he wasn+t 're'are& for it. 8Sorr# to (other #ou,; 0#%er+s animate& ima$e sai&, without 'ream(%e. She was at her &es , tooC 'ast her sma%%, uniforme& fi$ure reste& an e%ectric t#'ewriter an& a neat%#) or$ani7e& office. 4ar e#es %ar$e an& serious, she he%& u' a &ata ta'e that ha& (een 'rocesse& to her. 8I see that #our wife is (ein$ rec%assifie& un&er her mai&en name. ?e+re su''ose& to i&entif# her as Nina 3on$stren.; 80hat+s ri$ht,; Cussic a$ree&. 84o #ou want to te%% me what ha''ene&D I haven+t seen #ou since that ni$ht.; 8I+%% meet #ou somewhere after wor ,; he to%& her. 8?herever #ou want. But I can+t ta% now.; 2e 'ointe& to the mountain of wor hea'e& on his &es . 8I now I &on+t have to e/'%ain.; 2e met her on the wi&e front ste's of the main Securit# (ui%&in$. It was seven o+c%oc in the evenin$C the chi%% winter s # was 'itch)(%ac . In a heav# fur)%ine& coat, 0#%er stoo& waitin$ for him, han&s &ee' in her 'oc ets, a woo% erchief tie& aroun& her short (%ac hair. As he came &own the concrete ste's towar& her, she emer$e& from the sha&ows, a c%ou& of moist (reath hoverin$ %i e a ha%o aroun& her, ic# 'artic%es $%itterin$ on the fur co%%ar of her coat. 8You can te%% me as %itt%e or as much as #ou want,; she sai&. 8I &on+t want #ou to thin I+m 'r#in$.; 0here wasn+t much to te%%. At e%even the ne/t mornin$ he ha& ta en Nina home to the a'artment. Neither of them sai& more than a few wor&s. It wasn+t unti% he ha& %e& her into the fami%iar %ivin$ room that (oth of them rea%i7e& how tota%%# futi%e it was. 0hree &a#s %ater he receive& the 're%iminar# notification from the marria$e (ureauE Nina ha& insti$ate& the 'rocess of &isso%ution. 2e saw her (rief%#, now an& then, as she co%%ecte& her 'ossessions an& c%eare& out of the a'artment. B# the time the fina% 'a'ers ha& (een serve&, she ha& a%rea&# set u' se'arate %ivin$ Fuarters. 8?hat was #our re%ationshi'D; 0#%er as e&. 8You were sti%% frien&%#, weren+t #ouD; 0hat ha& (een the misera(%e 'art. 8Yes,; he sai& ti$ht%#. 8?e were sti%% frien&%#.; 2e ha& ta en Nina out to &inner on the %ast %e$a% ni$ht of their marria$e. 0he unsi$ne& fina% 'a'er ha& (een fo%&e& u' in his 'oc et. After %ist%ess%# sittin$ for an hour in the ha%f) &eserte& restaurant, the# ha& fina%%# 'ushe& the si%verware asi&e an& si$ne& the 'a'ers. 0hat was itE the marria$e was over. 2e ha& ta en her to a hote%, $ot her imme&iate %u$$a$e from the a'artment, an& %eft her there. 0he hote% i&ea was an e%a(orate chara&eE (oth of them a$ree& it wou%& (e (etter if he &i&n+t a''roach her new %ivin$ Fuarters. 8?hat a(out *ac D; 0#%er as e&. She shivere& an& (%ew c%ou&# (reath towar& him. 8?hat (ecomes of himD; 8*ac has (een entere& in a .e&$ov nurser#. 3e$a%%#, he remains our son, (ut for a%% 'ractica% 'ur'oses we have no c%aim over him. ?e can see him when we want. But he+s not res'onsi(%e to us.; 8Can #ou ever $et him outD I &on+t now the %aw on those thin$s.;
8?e can $et him out on%# (# =oint 'etition.; 2e a&&e&E 8In other wor&s, (# remarr#in$.; 8So now #ou+re a%one,; 0#%er sai&. 80hat+s ri$ht. Now I+m a%one.; After he %eft 0#%er, he $ot his car from the 'o%ice %ot an& &rove across town to the a'artment. 2e 'asse& seemin$%# en&%ess mo(s of *ones su''orters B *ones Bo#s, as the# ha& come to (e ca%%e&. At ever# o''ortunit#, the or$ani7ation turne& out to &emonstrate its $rowin$ stren$th. <archers, a%% $ri''in$ si$ns, hurrie& throu$h the twi%i$htC hor&es of i&entica%%#)c%a& fi$ures, faces ra't an& &evout.
0he i%%uminate& (anners f%ashe& ever#whereC he cou%&n+t he%' (ein$ thri%%e&. 0here was a wi%& e/citement a(out it, a furious festive sense of meanin$ in the i&ea of (rea in$ out of the s#stem, reachin$ the stars, the other s#stems, the en&%ess other suns. 2e wasn+t e/em'tC he wante& it, too. @to'ia. 0he Ao%&en A$e. 0he# ha& not foun& it on EarthC the %ast war ha& ma&e them see it was never comin$. .rom Earth the# ha& turne& to the other '%anetsC the# ha& (ui%t u' romantic fiction, to%& themse%ves '%easant %ies. 0he other '%anets, the# sai&, were $reen, ferti%e wor%&s, water)s'ar %in$ va%%e#s, thic )woo&e& hi%%s, 1ara&iseE the ancient, eterna% ho'e. But the other '%anets were ni$htmares of fro7en methane $as, mi%es of star roc . ?ithout %ife or soun&, on%# the (%owin$ &eath of roc s an& $as an& em't# &ar ness. But the fo%%owers of *ones ha& not $iven u'C the# ha& a &ream, a vision. 0he# were sure the Secon& Earth e/iste&. Somehow, some(o&# ha& contrive& to ee' it from themE there was a cons'irac# $oin$ on. It was .e&$ov on EarthC 9e%ativism was stif%in$ them. Be#on& Earth, it was the &rifters. Once .e&$ov was $one, once the &rifters ha& (een &estro#e&G the o%& stor#. Areen 'astures, (e#on& the ver# ne/t hi%%. Yet, it was not &is$ust that Cussic fe%t for the &reamin$, racin$ fi$ures. It was a&miration. 0he# were i&ea%ists. 2e, on the other han&, was on%# a rea%ist. An& he was ashame&.
On ever# street corner %oome& a (ri$ht%#)%it ta(%e with 'ro=ectin$ si$n. At each ta(%e an or$ani7ation wor er sat with a 'etition, co%%ectin$ names from the %ines of waitin$ 'eo'%e.
@NI:E9SA3 9E.E9EN4@<, 4E<AN4 .E4AO: S0E1 ASI4E AN4 A11OIN0 *ONES S@19E<E CO<<AN4E9 0O 4EA3 ?I02 02E 19ESEN0 C9ISIS
0hat was the chi%%in$ si$htE the %ines of tire& 'eo'%e, worn out from a %on$ har& &a# of wor , wi%%in$ to stan& 'atient%# in %ine. Not the enthusiastic faces of the &e&icate& fo%%owers, (ut these &ra(, or&inar# citi7ens &esirin$ to a(o%ish their %e$a% $overnment, wishin$ to en& a $overnment of %aw an& to create in its '%ace an authorit# of a(so%ute wi%%E the unFua%ifie& whim of an in&ivi&ua% 'erson. As he c%im(e& the ste's to his a'artment, Cussic ma&e out a faint hi$h)'itche& sFuea%. 2is min&, %ea&en an& sun in &es'on&enc#, fai%e& to reactC it wasn+t unti% he ha& the front &oor un%oc e& an& was turnin$ on the %i$ht that he i&entifie& the a%arm si$na% of the vi&'hone. ?hen he sna''e& the set on, a visua% ta'e)ima$e a''eare& with a (rief recor&e& messa$e. 4irector 1earson+s face, stern an& harsh, rose u' an& confronte& him 8I want #ou (ac at the office,; 1earson state&. 8Aet over here imme&iate%#C this cance%s ever#thin$ e%se.; 0he ima$e c%ic e&, then resume&. Once more 1earson+s withere& mouth o'ene& an& wor&s came out. 8I want #ou (ac at the office. Aet over here imme&iate%#C this cance%s ever#thin$ e%se.; It was (e$innin$ a thir& time when Cussic cut it sava$e%# off an& a%%owe& the set to &ie. At first he was (%in&%# anno#e&. 2e was tire&C he wante& to eat &inner an& $o to (e&. An& there was the 'ossi(i%it#, &iscusse& in $enera%, a(stract terms, of ta in$ 0#%er out to a show. .or an instant he consi&ere& i$norin$ the messa$eC 1earson ha& no wa# to chec u' B he mi$ht not $et home for hours. 0hin in$ a(out it, Cussic ste''e& into the em't#, &eserte& itchen an& (e$an fi/in$ himse%f a san&wich. B# the time he ha& finishe& he ha& ma&e u' his min&. 2urr#in$ (ac out of the a'artment, he stro&e &own the stairs to the $ara$e an& ra'i&%# (ac out his car. Eatin$ his san&wich on the wa#, he &rove at hi$h s'ee& (ac to the 'o%ice (ui%&in$s. Somethin$ 0#%er ha& sai&, somethin$ that seeme& unim'ortant at the time, a%% at once ma&e terrif#in$ sense. 1earson a&mitte& him imme&iate%#. 82ere+s the situation,; he e/'%aine&. 8Your 'a% Kamins i, at three)thirt# this afternoon, 'ac e& u' his re'orts, stuffe& as much c%assifie& materia% into his (riefcase as he cou%&, an& s i''e&.; 1ara%#7e&, Cussic cou%& sa# nothin$. .oo%ish%#, he stoo& wi'in$ san&wich crum(s from his mouth. 8?e weren+t sur'rise&,; 1earson continue&, rea&in$ from a memo, stan&in$ with his feet a'art (ehin& his &es , a $rim, u'ri$ht fi$ure of a man. 8?e cau$ht him a hun&re& mi%es u' an& force& his shi' &own.; 8?here was he $oin$D; Cussic mana$e&. But he a%rea&# new. 82e ha& a %itt%e &ea% coo e& u' with the *ones 'eo'%e. Somethin$ he+s (een frettin$ a(out for months. In return for his &ata the# were $oin$ to 'rovi&e him with sanctuar#.
0he# ha& some sort of retreat fi/e& u'C Kamins i was $oin$ to hi&e awa# an& sit out the war or whatever+s comin$. 2e washe& his han&s of itC he was throu$h. An&, of course, he cou%&n+t resi$n. No(o&# resi$ns from the 'o%ice, these &a#s. Not in this emer$enc#.; 8?hat &i& #ou &o with himD ?here is heD; 82e+s in the Sas atchewan %a(or cam'. .or the rest of his %ife. 2e+s a%rea&# (een ta en thereC I ha& them ta e him ri$ht off. I+m ma in$ this 'u(%icC I want this to (e an e/am'%e.; 8But,; Cussic sai& hoarse%#, 8he+s sic . 2e+s o%& an& i%%. 2e &oesn+t now what he+s &oin$. 2e+s $one a%% to 'ieces B he ou$ht to (e in a hos'ita%, not a force& %a(or cam'-; 82e ou$ht to (e shot. On%# we &on+t shoot 'eo'%e an# more. A%% we can &o is 'ut them to wor for the rest of their %ives. Your o%& instructor wi%% (e sortin$ (o%ts unti% he+s &ea&.; 1earson came out from (ehin& his &es . 8I+m te%%in$ #ou this (ecause #ou+re 'art%# res'onsi(%e. ?e+ve (een ee'in$ an e#e on a%% of #ouC Kamins i an& that e/)Communist $ir%, 0#%er .%emin$, an& #our wife. ?e now #our wife is a *ones a$entC we now she+s (een wor in$ with them, %ivin$ at one of their meetin$ units, $ettin$ in&octrination B $ivin$ them mone#.; .o%&in$ u' his memo, he a&&e&, 8Kamins i new a(out it. 2e he%& u' the information B trie& to su''ress it.; 82e &i&n+t want me to now,; Cussic sai&. 82e &i&n+t want us to now, #ou mean. ?e rea%i7e& the chances were hi$h that he+& ta e off, after #our wife %eft #ou an& crosse& over com'%ete%#. ?e e/'ecte& him to fo%%ow, sooner or %ater. As far as #ou+re concerne& B; 1earson shru$$e&. 8I &on+t thin there+s a chance in the wor%& #ou+& &o what he+& &one. 0hat $ir%, tooC she+s sti%% with us. But it+s a nast# (usiness.; Su&&en%# the harshness %eft his voice. 8It+s a terri(%e thin$G that won&erfu% o%& man. I thou$ht #ou ou$ht to now.; 80han s,; Cussic sai& num(%#. 81ro(a(%# #ou+re ri$ht. Certain%# he ou$ht to (e in a hos'ita%. But we can+t &o thatC we+re fi$htin$ for our %ives. A %ot of us want to $et outG ma#(e a%% of us.; 8<a#(e so,; Cussic a$ree&, (are%# hearin$ him. 80he *ones 'eo'%e are $ettin$ in ever#where. 0he who%e structure is crum(%in$C ever# c%ass, ever# $rou'. 2ere in Securit#, men are s%i''in$ off, vanishin$G %i e Kamins i. I ha& to 'ut him in a wor cam'. If I cou%&, I+& i%% him in co%& (%oo&.; 8But #ou wou%&n+t want to.; 8No,; 1earson a$ree&. 8I wou%&n+t want to. But I+& &o it.; .or a moment he was si%ent. 0hen he went onE 8Kamins i was han&%in$ the securit# 'ro$ram for a to')secret .e&$ov 'ro=ect. Somethin$ un&er the 4e'artment of 2ea%thG I &on+t now what it isC no(o&# &oes, here. 0he Counci% nows, of course. It+s the wor of a (iochemist name& 9affert#. You+ve 'ro(a(%# hear& of himC he &isa''eare& a(out thirt# #ears a$o.; 8I remem(er,; Cussic sai& va$ue%#C he cou%&n+t (rin$ his min& into focus. 8Is <a/ a%% ri$htD 2e+s not in=ure&, is heD; 82e+s a%% ri$ht.; Im'atient%#, 1earson went onE 8You+%% have to ta e over the securit# as'ect of this 'ro=ect. I su''ose that son of a (itch *ones nows a%% a(out itC we sto''e& Kamins i from ta in$ his 'a'ers, (ut *ones ma# have $ot an ora% re'ort.; .urious%#, he sna''e&E 8An#how, *ones can+t &o an#thin$. 2e+s not in 'ower B #et. An& unti% he is, we+re 'rotectin$ this 'ro=ect.; Stu'i&%#, Cussic as e&E 8?hat &o #ou want me to &oD;
8O(vious%#, I+m sen&in$ #ou over to 9affert# so #ou can fin& out what it+s a%% a(out.; .rom his &es 1earson snatche& a 'ac et of i&entification 'a'ers an& he%& them out. 89affert# ha& a%rea&# (een notifie& a(out Kamins i. 2e+s e/'ectin$ #ouC ever#thin$ has (een set u'. Aet ri$ht over there an& re'ort to me as soon as #ou thin #ou+ve $ot it untan$%e&. Not the 'ro=ect B I &on+t want to hear a(out that. A%% I+m intereste& in is the securit# en&. @n&erstan&D; In a &a7e, Cussic ma&e his wa# out of the office. A hi$h)ve%ocit# 'o%ice cruiser was i&%in$ at the cur(C three wea'ons)co's stoo& aroun& in their shin# he%mets, $ri''in$ re$u%ation machine $uns. 0he# came instant%# to attention as he stum(%e& u' to them, shoc e& an& confuse&, har&%# a(%e to $ras' what was ha''enin$. 8I &on+t now an#thin$ a(out this,; he informe& them. 8I &on+t now where we+re $oin$.; 8?e a%rea&# have out or&ers, sir,; one of the wea'ons)co's to%& him. 8?e+ve $ot the route '%otte&.; A moment %ater he was risin$ u' a(ove the &ar cit#, with no i&ea of his &estination. 0o his ri$ht, one of the co's ha& fa%%en into a contente& ha%f)s%ee', his $un restin$ in his %a'. 0he shi' was on ro(ot 'i%otC the other two co's were (e$innin$ to '%a# car&s. Cussic sett%e& (ac an& 're'are& for a %on$ tri'. 0he tri', however, en&e& a(ru't%#. A%% at once the shi' nose& &ownC one of the co's %ai& asi&e his han& of car&s an& resume& manua% contro%. Be%ow, in the &ar ness, stretche& the win in$ %i$hts of a $reat cit#. It wasn+t unti% the shi' ha& actua%%# come to rest on a roof)to' fie%& that Cussic reco$ni7e& it, San .rancisco. 0hen this was what Kamins i ha& meant, that ni$ht. Near themG the 'ro=ect he ha& mum(%e& a(out, (roo&e& over, (ut not &iscusse&. Now he wou%& %earn what it was a%% a(out B (ut he wasn+t thin in$ a(out the .e&$ov 'ro=ect. 2e was thin in$ a(out Kamins i in the force& %a(or cam'. ?ith a c%ic the hu%% s%i& asi&e an& the three co's fi%e& out. Cautious%#, Cussic ma&e his wa# &own. Incre&i(%# chi%% win& whi''e& aroun& himC shiverin$, he 'eere& to see where he was. In the &owntown (usiness section, a''arent%#. 0he $ran& o'aFue sha'es of office (ui%&in$s %oome& u' in the fri$i& $%oom. 8?hat nowD; he inFuire& irrita(%#. 2e was %e& a%on$ a ram', throu$h an intricate mu%ti)sea% %oc an& &own a f%i$ht of meta% ste's. A moment %ater he was facin$ a sma%%, rather mo&est)a''earin$ e%&er%# man in a white me&ica% uniform. 0he $ent%eman remove& his $%asses, (%in e&, an& he%& out his han&. 9affert# was unassumin$, with a worrie&, 'reoccu'ie& twitch to his &r# features. A(ove his %i's was the faint wis' of a unsuccessfu% mustache. 8Yes,; he ac now%e&$e&, as the# shoo han&s, 8I+m 9affert#. But the#+re not here, now. You+%% have to wait.; Cussic sai&E 84octor, I &on+t now an#thin$ a(out this.; 2e $ot out the 'a'ers 1earson ha& $iven him an& han&e& them over. 8I was ca%%e& into this without warnin$. You $ot wor& a(out Kamins iD; 9affert# $%ance& sus'icious%# aroun&, then turne& an& starte& off &own the corri&or. As Cussic wa% e& (esi&e him, the (iochemist e/'%aine&E 8I sent them off when 1earson notifie& me that Kamins i ha& crosse& over. It was m# i&eaC I wante& them out of here, in case Kamins i ha& carrie& information to the *ones 'eo'%e. Sort of a si%%# $estureC if
*ones nows now, he new one #ear a$o. But I thou$ht there mi$ht (e an attac G I+ve watche& those mo(s c%im( u' on (ui%&in$s after those 'roto'%asmic affairs. I thou$ht the# mi$ht come here B usin$ that as a 'rete/t.; 8?here are #ou ta in$ meD; Cussic as e&. 8I+m $oin$ to show #ou the 'ro=ect. I have to, if #ou+re han&%in$ securit#. <# Ao&, #ou can+t ta e care of them if #ou &on+t un&erstan& what the# are.; Cussic foun& himse%f in an e%a(orate ma7e of white)$%istenin$, h#$ienic 'assa$es. 4octors wan&ere& here an& there, invo%ve& in me&ica% wor (e#on& his com'rehension. None of them 'ai& an# attention to him. 80his is their 9efu$e,; 9affert# e/'%aine&, as he sto''e& (efore an e%on$ate& trans'arent wa%%. 8I+m havin$ the who%e she%% c%eane& an& service& whi%e the#+re out of it. Ki%%in$ two (ir&s with one stone.; 2e e/amine& a series of wa%%)$au$es. 8?e+%% (e a(%e to $o insi&e, in a few minutes.; Cussic was %oo in$ into an enormous steam# tan . C%ou&s of &ense moisture (i%%owe&, o(scurin$ the maca(re %an&sca'e. <achiner# was at wor , %um(erin$ throu$h the humi& atmos'here, s'ra#in$ from thin no77%es. 0he $roun& was s'on$# in a''earance. Occasiona% thic shru(s ha& s'route&C %um's of ve$eta(%e matter com'%ete%# a%ien to him. 1oo%s of humi& water oo7e& over the $roun&. On%# $reens an& (%ues were visi(%eC the who%e tan resem(%e& a marine wor%&, rather than a %an& wor%&. 80he atmos'here,; 9affert# e/'%aine&, 8is a com'oun& of ammonia, o/#$en, freon, an& traces of methane. You can see how wet it is. 0he tem'erature is hi$h, for us B usua%%# aroun& a hun&re& &e$rees .ahrenheit.; Cussic cou%& ma e out the si$ht of (ui%&in$s ha%f)%ost in the &ense c%ou&s of water va'or. Sma%% structures, their si&es $%istenin$, &ri''in$ fat &ro's of moisture. A &am' wor%&, hot, steam#, com'act. An& utter%# unfami%iar. 80he# %ive in thereD; he as e& s%ow%#. 80he 9efu$e is their me&ium. It was constructe& to meet their nee&s, a c%ose& enc%ave &esi$ne& to ee' them a%ive. 0he# ca%% it their wom(C actua%%#, it+s more an incu(atorE a transitionar# mem(rane (etween the wom( an& the wor%&. But the#+re never comin$ out to this wor%&.; A technician a''roache&C he an& 9affert# conferre&. 8A%% ri$ht,; 9affert# sai&. 8?e can $o insi&e, now.; A series of wa%% %oc s s%i& asi&e, an& the two men entere& the 9efu$e. Cussic cho e&, as (urnin$ swir%s of $as (%ew u' aroun& him. 2e ha%te&, stum(%e&, $ot out his han& erchief an& c%a''e& it over his nose. 8You+%% $et use& to it,; 9affert# sai& wr#%#. 8It+s %i e $oin$ into a steam (ath. ?orse.; Cussic was vio%ent%# 'ers'irin$C he cou%&n+t (reathe an& he cou%&n+t see. As the# wa% e& a%on$, 9affert# ca%m%# e/'%aine& the situation. 80he# can+t %ive outsi&e of this, an& we can+t %ive in here. So this 9efu$e has to (e carefu%%# maintaine&. It+s 'ossi(%e to &estro# them sim'%# (# o'enin$ a few va%ves, (# %ettin$ out their air an& %ettin$ ours in. Or (# smashin$ the wa%%. Or (# a%%owin$ it to coo% off. Or (# cuttin$ their foo& su''%#C o(vious%#, their s#stems reFuire a tota%%# &ifferent &iet from our own. Kamins i a%wa#s &i& an e/ce%%ent =o( of 'rotectin$ the 9efu$eC he+s ha& secret)service men scattere& aroun& ever#where. No(o&#, not even I, can $et into this (ui%&in$ without (ein$ chec e& (# one of #our men.;
As the %um(erin$ machines wor e&, the air $ra&ua%%# c%eare&. Now Cussic cou%& see a trif%e. An& the thic wa& of $as =amme& into his %un$s was (e$innin$ to &isso%ve. 8?here &i& #ou sen& themD; 80here+s a ver# sma%% a%ternate area. So we can $et in here 'erio&ica%%# an& $o over it in &etai%.; 9affert# in&icate& the wor )teams ma in$ their wa# into the 9efu$eC the who%e u''er surface ha& (een remove& to ma e wa# for ma=or eFui'ment. 8Not a &u'%icate of thisE on%# a 'orta(%e van. An& it $ives them a sense of $ettin$ out. ?e+%% 'ic them u' aroun& two o+c%oc C the# %i e to sta# as %on$ as 'ossi(%e. I+%% ta e #ou insi&e their %ivin$ Fuarters.; Cussic ha& to stoo' over to $et throu$h the &oor. 80he# must (e short,; he commente&. 8:er# short, ver# sma%%. 3uis, the heaviest, wei$hs %ess than a hun&re& 'oun&s.; 9affert# ha%te&. 80his is their itchen. Chairs, ta(%e. 4ishes.; Ever#thin$ was in miniature. A &o%%+s houseE tin# furniture, tin# si%verware, a re'%ica of an# itchen (ut on a re&uce& sca%e. .rom the ta(%e, Cussic 'ic e& u' a wa/) im're$nate& co'# of the Wall Street Journal. 80he# rea& thisD; he &eman&e&, incre&u%ous. 8Certain%#.; 9affert# too him &own a tin# corri&or an& into a si&e room. 80his is the Fuarters of one of them B .ran , his name is. 3oo aroun&. You+%% see (oo s, recor&in$ ta'es, c%othin$ %i e our own. 0hese are 'eo'%e- 2uman (ein$s, in the cu%tura%, s'iritua%, mora%, an& 's#cho%o$ica% sense. Inte%%ectua%%#, the#+re as c%ose to us as B; 2e $esture&. 8C%oser to us than some of those how%in$ maniacs out there, with their si$ns an& s%o$ans.; 8<# Ao&,; Cussic sai&, %ocatin$ a chess set, an e%ectric ra7or, a 'air of sus'en&ers an&, tac e& u' on the wa%%, a $ir%ie ca%en&ar. On the &resser was a (oo e&ition of *ames *o#ce+s 'lysses. 80he#+re mutants, aren+t the#D ?artime &eviantsD; 8No,; 9affert# answere&, 8the#+re m# chi%&ren.; 8.i$urative%#, #ou mean.; 8No, I mean %itera%%#. I+m their father. 0heir em(r#os were remove& from m# wife+s wom( an& '%ace& in an artificia% mem(rane. I sire& each one of themC m# wife an& I are the 'arents of the who%e $rou'.; 8But,; Cussic sai& s%ow%#, 8then the#+re &e%i(erate mutants.; 8Certain%#. .or over thirt# #ears I+ve wor e& with them, &eve%o'in$ them accor&in$ to our 'ro$ram. Each one is a %itt%e more 'erfecte&. ?e+ve %earne& a %otG most of the first ones &ie&.; 82ow man# are thereD; 80here have (een fort#, in a%%. But on%# ei$ht are a%iveE seven in the 9efu$e an& one infant sti%% in a se'arate incu(ator. It+s &e%icate wor , an& we have no (o&# of now%e&$e to &raw from.; 0he &ra( %itt%e &octor s'o e ca%m%#C he was mere%# statin$ facts. 2is in& of 'ri&e went (e#on& an# (oastin$. 8Artificia%%#)(re& mutants,; Cussic sai&, 'row%in$ aroun& the cram'e& room. 80hat+s wh# the# have a common environment.; 8You+ve seen some of the war)time s'ortsD; 8Muite a few.; 80hen #ou won+t (e shoc e&. It+s a %itt%e &ifficu%t to ta e, at first. An& in a wa#, I su''ose, it+s a%most funn#. I+ve seen &octors %au$h out %ou&. 0he#+re sma%%C the#+re frai%C
the# have a in& of worrie& frown. 3i e me. 0he# toi% aroun& the 9efu$eC the# ar$ue an& &iscourse an& fi$ht an& fret an& ma e %ove. 0he# have a com'%ete communit#. 0he 9efu$e is their wor%& an& in it the# form a tota% or$anic societ#.; 8?hat+s their 'ur'oseD; Cussic &eman&e&. 4im%#, he was a%rea&# (e$innin$ to $ras' the 'oint of the 'ro=ect. 8If the# can+t %ive outsi&e, on Earth B; 80hat+s it,; 9affert# sai&, matter)of)fact%#. 80he#+re not su''ose& to %ive on Earth. 0he#+re inten&e& to %ive on :enus. ?e trie& to &eve%o' a $rou' for surviva% on <ars, (ut nothin$ came of it. <ars an& Earth are too &ifferent B (ut :enus is a %itt%e more %i e%#. 0his 9efu$e, this miniature wor%&, is an e/act re'%ica of the con&itions our scout shi's foun& on :enus.;
O@0SI4E 02E miniature com'oun& (ui%&in$, 4octor 9affert# (ent &own an& showe& Cussic one of the s'on$es in&i$enous to the 9efu$e. 80his is artificia%. But there are %e$itimate s'on$es %i e this on :enusC the# were (rou$ht here an& our teams ma&e mo&e%s.; 8?h# not sim'%# trans'%ant themD ?on+t the rea% thin$ $row in hereD; 8I+%% e/'%ain wh#, a %itt%e %ater.; Aettin$ to his feet he %e& Cussic to the e&$e of a sma%% %a''in$ %a e. 8An& these are fa es, too.; .rom the water 9affert# $ra((e& a wri$$%in$ sna e)%i e creature, with short, stu((# %e$s that thrashe& furious%#. Swift%#, 9affert# twiste& the hea&C the hea& came off an& the creature sto''e& movin$. 8A mechanica% contra'tion B #ou can see the wirin$. But a$ain, an e/act mo&e% of $enuine :enusian fauna.; 2e restore& the hea&C once more the creature (e$an f%o''in$. 9affert# tosse& it (ac in the water an& it swam ha''i%# off. 80hose mountains,; Cussic sai&, 'ointin$ u'. 80hat+s a (ac &ro' (ase& on the :enusian sceneD; 89i$ht.; 9affert# starte& (ris %# off. 8?e can $o u' there, if #ou want. 0he# ste' aroun& their mountains a%% the time.; As the two men stro&e from roc to roc , 9affert# went on with his e/'%anation. 80his 9efu$e is a schoo%, as we%% as an environment. It+s &esi$ne& to sha'e them, to eFuate them to a non)terrestria% mi%ieu. ?hen the# $o to :enus, the#+%% (e 're'are& B at %east, as we%% as we can arran$e. 1ro(a(%# some of them wi%% &ieC the# ma# ver# we%% (e &ama$e& (# the chan$e. After a%%, we can+t (e infa%%i(%eC we+ve &one the (est we can to imitate con&itions there, (ut it+s not %etter)'erfect.; 8?ait,; Cussic interru'te&. 80he# themse%ves B the#+re not mo&e%e& after :enusian humanoi& %ife)formsD; 8No,; 9affert# a$ree&. 80he#+re new creations, not imitations. 0he ori$ina% human em(r#os were a%tere& on the 'henot#'e 'rinci'%eE we su(=ecte& them to non)terrestria% con&itions B s'ecifica%%#, to a sca%e of stresses simi%ar to those o'eratin$ on :enus. 0he stresses were intricateC we ha& '%ent# of fai%ures. As soon as the a%tere& (a(ies were (orn the# were 'o''e& into :)t#'e incu(atorsE me&ia a$ain re'ro&ucin$ the :enusian 'attern. In other wor&s, we war'e& each em(r#o, an& we continue& to a''%# the stresses after the (a(ies were (orn. As #ou rea%i7e, if human co%onists %an& on :enus the# won+t survive. .e&$ov has trie& thatC it+s a matter of recor&. But if there were a few s'ecific 'h#sica% chan$es, it mi$ht (e 'ossi(%e to ee' a co%on# a%ive. If we cou%& arran$e $ra&e& ste's, in) (etween sta$es, %oc s throu$h which the# cou%& 'assG a##li1ati3ation is what we wante&. A&a'tation, actua%%#. In time, we new, the 'ro$en# wou%& mutate in res'onse to e/terna% 'ressures. Ara&ua%%#, su(seFuent $enerations wou%& (e remo%&e& a%on$ surviva% %ines. <an# wou%& &ie (ut some wou%& stru$$%e a%on$. Eventua%%# we+& have a Fuasi) human s'ecies, not 'h#sica%%# %i e ourse%ves, (ut, nonethe%ess, human (ein$s. A%tere& men, fit to %ive on :enus.; 8I see,; Cussic sai&. 80his is .e&$ov+s so%ution.; 8A(so%ute%#. ?e+%% never fin& the e/act con&itions we have here on Earth B no two '%anets are i&entica%. Aoo& Ao&, we+re %uc # to fin& :enus, a '%anet with our &ensit#, with $ravit#, moisture, warmth. Natura%%#, it+s a %itera% he%% for #ou an& me. But it &oesn+t ta e much to turn heaven into he%% B a rise in tem'erature of ten &e$rees, an increase of
one 'ercent humi&it#.; Kic in$ at a (%ue)(%ac %ichen cree'in$ u' the si&e of a f%at roc , 9affert# continue&E 8?e cou%& have waite& a thousan& #ears, &one it the %on$ wa#. .e& human sett%ers in, one %oa& after another, sent off count%ess shi's, starte& a co%on#. 1eo'%e wou%& have &ie& %i e f%ies. 0he# wou%& have (een misera(%e. Nature can affor& it, (ut we can+t. Our 'eo'%e wou%& have %oathe& it.; 8Yes,; Cussic a$ree&, 8that+s a%rea&# (een shown.; 8Eventua%%#, the resu%ts wou%& have (een the same. But wou%& we have (een wi%%in$ to ta e the %ossesD I thin we wou%& have (ac e& &own. ?e &on+t have thousan&s of #ears an& mi%%ions of %ives to $iveC we wou%& have $iven u', 'u%%e& our co%onies home. Because, in the fina% ana%#sis, we &on+t want to a&a't to other '%anetsE we want them to conform to us. Even if we foun& one secon& Earth it wou%&n+t (e enou$h. 2ere, in this 'ro=ect, we have the see& of a much $reater future. If this wor s, if the :enus mutants survive, we can $o on an& 'erfect our techniFues. 4eve%o' mutant co%onies for various other '%anets, for more ra&ica% environments. Eventua%%#, we can 'o'u%ate the universe B survive an#where. If we succee&, we+%% have conFuere& tota%%#. 0he human s'ecies wi%% (e in&estructi(%e. 0his 9efu$e, this c%ose& enc%ave, an& m# wor B a%% this %oo s artificia%. But what I+ve &one is tr# to s'ee& u' natura% evo%ution. I+ve trie& to s#stemi7e it, cut out the ran&omness, the waste, the aim%essness of it. Instea& of sen&in$ Earthmen to :enus we+re $oin$ to sen& 6enusians. ?hen the# $et there, the# won+t fin& an a%ien, hosti%e wor%&C the#+%% fin& their real wor%&, the $enuine wor%& the#+ve a%rea&# nown B as a mo&e%. 0he#+%% fin& the u%timate rea%i7ation of this cram'e& re'%ica.; 84o the# now thisD; 8No.; 8?h# notD; 8Because,; 9affert# sai&, 8it was essentia% the# thin no(o&# was res'onsi(%e for their situation. If the# ha& nown we &e%i(erate%# a%tere& them, ma&e them unfit to %ive on Earth, the# wou%& never have for$iven us. Over two &eca&es in this 9efu$e B victims of a scientific e/'eriment. 0he#+ve a%wa#s (een to%& the#+re natura% mutants, war)time mutants, %i e the others. 0he# were 'ic e& without their 'ermission. 0he# were invo%untar# su(=ects, an& man# of them &ie&. You thin the# wou%& ever have for$iven us, nowin$ we ha& &one this to themD; 8But the#+%% fin& out eventua%%#.; 80he#+%% fin& out when the# reach :enus. 0hen, for a%% 'ractica% 'ur'oses, it &oesn+t matter. Because we won+t (e thereC the#+%% (e on their own. 9esentment wi%% (e a(sur& at that 'oint. 0he#+%% (e $%a& of their a%teration B $oo& Ao&, it+%% mean surviva%- On :enus #ou an& I wou%& (e the frea s, inca'a(%e of surviva%. On :enus we wou%& nee& 9efu$es.; After a thou$htfu% moment, Cussic as e& 8?hen can I see these :enusiansD; 8I+%% arran$e it. ?ithin a few &a#s, certain%#. A%% this turmoi% has u'set our routine, an& the# fee% it, too. 0he#+re as tense as we are.; 0went#)four hours %ater, whi%e he was invo%ve& in transferrin$ his 'a'ers to San .rancisco, Cussic saw the :enusian mutants for the first time. At the (ottom f%oor of the (ui%&in$ 4octor 9affert# met him. It was two o+c%oc in the mornin$ an& the street was co%& an& fo$$#. 8I ca%%e& #ou (ecause this is an e/ce%%ent o''ortunit#,; 9affert# sai&, $ui&in$ him towar& the ascent ram'. 8Our sma%% frien&s $et somewhat e/cite&, once in awhi%e. 0he#+ve &eci&e& the# can %ic an# man in the house.;
After the :an ha& returne& the ha%f)conscious mutants to their 9efu$e, Cussic an& 9affert# stoo& to$ether on the fo$)&renche& si&ewa% . 0he futi%it# of the mutants+ stru$$%e hun$ in the &ar nessC (oth men fe%t the o''ressive nearness of &efeat. 8<a#(e #ou+re ri$ht a(out *ones,; 9affert# sai& fina%%#. 8<a#(e he+s on%# human.; 2e $ot out his car e#s an& starte& towar& his 'ar e& car. 8But it+s %i e fi$htin$ the ocean. ?e+re $oin$ un&er, sin in$ ever# &a#. A civi%i7ation &rownin$ in the &e%u$e. 0he new f%oo&.; 80he &ivine force,; Cussic sai& ironica%%#. 8?e can+t &estro# *ones. ?e can on%# ho'e there+s somethin$ (e#on& him, somethin$ on the other si&e.; 9affert# o'ene& his car &oor an& $ot in. 8You can &ismant%e the street) (%oc s if #ou want. But ee' them han&#.; 8I wi%%,; Cussic sai&. 8Aoo& ni$ht.; 8Aoo& ni$ht,; 9affert# sai&. 0he motor starte&, an& the car &rove off. Cussic was %eft a%one. Chi%% ten&ri%s of fo$ (i%%owe& aroun& himE he shivere&, rea%i7in$ how it must have seeme& to the four mutants. .rai% %itt%e creatures with their ho'es, their confuse& &reams, not nowin$ who or what the# wereG an& outsi&e their $%ass wom(, waitin$ for them, the ni$ht an& the $ra# marchin$ sha'esE the *ones Or$ani7ation. Cussic wa% e& s%ow%# a%on$ the &ar si&ewa% unti% he came to the first 'o%ice (arrica&e. 8O a#,; he to%& the he%mete& ser$eant. 8You can unscram(%e it now.; 0he ser$eant 'ai& no attention to himC the sFua& of 'o%ice were stan&in$ aroun& their re%a# 'hones, %istenin$ fi/e&%# to a c%ose&)circuit au&iocast. Irrita(%#, Cussic starte& to $ra( the officer (# the shou%&er. A(out that time he com'rehen&e& what he was hearin$C he for$ot the ser$eant, 9affert#, the (arrica&es, the :enusian mutants. Crouchin$ &own, he force& his wa# c%ose to the s'ea erC ri$i&%#, he %istene&. 8G the first sta$es of the attac (rou$ht into Securit# han&s at %east fift# 'ercent of the crimina% rin$%ea&ers. 0hrou$hout ma=or metro'o%itan areas, wea'ons)teams are roun&in$ u' remainin$ 'o%ic#)%eve% 'ersonne%. 0he action is 'rocee&in$ in or&er%# fashionG there is ver# %itt%e overt resistance. 9everen& .%o#& *ones himse%f has (een re'orte& woun&e& in a s irmish (etween his su''orters an& 'o%ice units. A re'ort from New Yor &escri(es ma=or street fi$htin$ (etween fanatica% mo(s an& 'o%ice tan s. A%% wea'ons)'o%ice in that area are or&ere& to re'ort to their &is'atch 'ointsC 'revious instructions are automatica%%# cance%%e&. 0o re'eat the ori$ina% notificationE the Su'reme Counci% of the .e&era% ?or%& Aovernment has &ec%are& the or$ani7ation &esi$nate& as 1atriots @nite& to (e i%%e$a%, an& a%% mem(ers of sai& or$ani7ation are here(# c%asse& as crimina% e%ements. 0he ena(%in$ %e$is%ation instructs secret)service 'o%ice to arrest on si$ht an& turn over to 1u(%ic Courts a%% mem(ers of the or$ani7ation 1atriots @nite&, an& a%% 'ersons affi%iate& with su($rou's such as the Youth 3o#a%t# 3ea$ue, the ?omen+sG; Cussic turne& awa#, his (o&# ha%f)fro7en with the ni$ht co%&. 2e stam'e& his feet, (%ew on his han&s, f%a''e& his arms aroun& him. So 1earson ha& $one into action. 0he Counci% ha& ratifie& his 'ro$ramE *ones an& his or$ani7ation were (ein$ roun&e& u', sentence&, an& &is'erse& to various %a(or cam's. @n&er C%ause 0wo, 'ro(a(%#, the statute $ivin$ Securit# the authorit# to arrest mem(ers of charismatic cu%ts that threatene& the free &issemination of the 'rinci'%es of 9e%ativism. A &e%i(erate%# va$ue c%ause, 'ut on the (oo s as catch)a%% %e$is%ationE to cover an# an& a%% situations not otherwise contro%%e&.
But *ones must have nown. 0he or$ani7ation must have e/'ecte& the attac . One #ear a$o, *ones must have antici'ate& that in his stern outra$e, 1earson wou%& $o ahea&, wou%& ma e one $reat fina% effort to smash the (ur$eonin$ movement. Kamins i+s (etra#a% ha& $oa&e& 1earson onC he wante& to move, &o somethin$, ma e some %ast attem't to save .e&$ov, (efore the who%e thin$ was &eci&e&. But in *ones+ min& it ha& a%rea&# (een &eci&e&. As he stoo& %istenin$ to the 'o%ice au&iocast, Cussic won&ere& how *ones cou%& 'ossi(%# (e cau$ht off $uar&. Arreste& an& woun&e&. @n%ess, of course, he wante& to (e arreste&. @n%ess it was his '%an to (e shot. In that case, 1earson ha& 'ro(a(%# sea%e& the fina% &is'osition of .e&$ov. 1ossi(%#, even 'ro(a(%#, 1earson, in his furious &esire to act, ha& ma&e *ones+ victor# an a(so%ute certaint#.
02E C9O?4 roare&. In the afternoon of that historic &a# the crow& (%urre& in the heat of the sun, an& its com(ine& voices thun&ere& a''rova% of the sma%% man stan&in$ on the '%atform, the tin# fi$ure that $esture& an& s'o e an& wave& its arms. 3ou&s'ea ers carrie& the s'eech, am'%ifie& the ori$ina% voice unti% it (e%%owe& over the sur$e of crow&) noise. Be#on& the mass of 'eo'%e were the ruins that ha& (een .ran furt, Aerman#. 8<# frien&s,; *ones shoute&, 8the entrenche& '%utocrac# has trie& to si%ence me. But the# have $rown softC %i e $reat 'arasites the# sit (ehin& their &es s runnin$ the wor%&. 0he# have $rown fat on usC the# have feaste& we%%. But it is $oin$ to en&. I can see it.; Shoute& a''rova%. 8?e must stri e out-; *ones rave& on. 8Be#on& the wor%&, (e#on& the &ea& s#stems. It is our &estin#. 0he race cannot (e &enie& its future. Nothin$ wi%% sto' us. ?e cannot (e &efeate&.; On an& on he went. An& somewhere, stan&in$ si%ent%# amon$ the s'ectators, untouche& (# the feverish haran$ue, waite& the 'o%ice assassin. 2e ha& (een a so%&ier in the war. 2e was a crac shot, with a suitcase fu%% of me&a%s. In the %ast sta$es of the war he (ecame a 'rofessiona% assassin. 0he chance of his shot missin$ the tar$et was one in a mi%%ion. On the &a# of the s'eech, 1ratt was &riven from the %a(or cam' at <anresa, S'ain, to the outs irts of .ran furt. As the %on$, %ow)s%un$ car 'urre& over the twistin$ roa&s, he went over in his min& the wa# he was $oin$ to &o it. 0here wasn+t much to thin a(outC his who%e (o&# was $eare& to the =o( ahea&. After awhi%e he 'ut his hea& (ac a$ainst the %u/urious seat an& en=o#e& the 'u%% of the 'owerfu% tur(ine. 0he car %et him off in a &eserte& area, a 'atch of ruin an& $a'in$ (om( craters that ha&n+t (een reconstructe&. 1ratt sat &own amon$ the ruins, $ot out his %unch, an& ate. 0hen he wi'e& his mouth, 'ic e& u' his rif%e, an& tru&$e& towar& town. It was one)thirt#C he ha& '%ent# of time. A%on$ the roa& move& 'eo'%e an& vehic%es, a constant swe%% of in&ivi&ua%s movin$ in to hear *ones. 1ratt =oine& themC he was one of man#. As he wa% e&, he carrie& his rif%e o'en%#. It was a war)rif%e, the one he ha& use& in the fina% confuse& &a#s. 2is &ecorations 'ermitte& him to carr# itC the rif%e was a (a&$e of honor. 0he s'eech &i& not interest him. 2e was too 'ractica% a man to (e move& (# the e/cite& tumu%t of wor&s. As *ones shoute& an& $esture&, the %ean)=awe& so%&ier 'row%e& aroun&, %oo in$ for the 'oint at which the march wou%& ori$inate, the s'ot where *ones wou%& ta e comman& of his $ra# troo'ers. 0his 'art of .ran furt sti%% %a# in ru((%e. A resi&entia% section, it was the %ast to (e re'aire&. 0he inha(itants were %ivin$ in tem'orar# (arrac s erecte& (# the Aovernment. As *ones+ s'eech came to an en&, $rou's of or$ani7ation wor ers co%%ecte& here an& there, o(vious%# in 're)arran$e& 'atterns. 1ratt, stan&in$ with his rif%e, watche& with interest. Before him %a# what %oo e& %i e a cement whee%. 0he whee% was a so%i& mass of fo%%owers, assem(%e& to$ether in a sin$%e $rim hea'. 0he crosse&)retort f%a$ f%uttere& on a%% si&es. Ever#(o&# ha& arm(an&s or uniforms. Ahea& of the whee% of $ra# %a# an o'en stretch of 3an&strasse, the sti%% un&ama$e& hi$hwa# %ea&in$ into the town. 0he hi$hwa# ha& e/iste& from the time of the 0hir& 9eichC it ha& (een constructe& (# the Na7i
en$ineerin$ $enius, 4o tor 0o&t, an& his O. 0. Aru''e. It was an e/ce%%ent hi$hwa#. In a %itt%e whi%e, the $ra# whee% wou%& unwin& an& march &own it, towar& the town. 0he 'o%ice ha& carefu%%# c%eare& a%% traffic from the hi$hwa#. 1o%ice 'atro%s wa% e& u' an& &own the &eserte& stri', wavin$ 'eo'%e an$ri%# (ac . A few chi%&ren an& a stra# &o$ scam'ere& e/cite&%# ahea& of them. 0he noise was a%rea&# &eafenin$. <i%%in$ %um's of s'ectators were (rea in$ awa# from the near(# fie%&, ma in$ towar& the assem(%# 'oint. 1ratt wince& as $rou's sur$e& a$ainst him, their e#es $%ass#, mouths o'en an& ha%f)c%o$$e& with sta%e cheers. 3iftin$ his rif%e he c%im(e& u' on a hea' of ru((%e, out of the wa#. A cor's of news'a'er re'orters with f%ash cameras were ta in$ 'ictures of the crow& an& the $ra# mass of or$ani7ation a$ents that forme& the first ran s. 2e%mete& 'o%ice were ever#where, in 'airs an& threes. 0he# a%% carrie& wea'onsC the# %oo e& crue% an& uneas# in their (rown uniforms. ?here the stretch of hi$hwa# (e$an, four am(u%ances ha& (een 'ar e&, two on each si&e. E%a(orate 0: eFui'ment ha& (een set u' near(#C the technicians an& me&ica% teams stoo& =o in$ an& %oun$in$. 0he re'orters too 'ictures of them, too. 0he# were ta in$ 'ictures of ever#thin$. 1ratt ma&e his wa# with caution. 2e mana$e& to s%i&e throu$h the fina% frin$es of the crow& an& out into the o'en. A moment %ater he was stan&in$ at the main 'o%ice (arrica&e, erecte& at the e&$e of the hi$hwa#. 0he uniforme& co's $a7e& at him (%an %#C he wasn+t nown to them. One of them, a $iant with a vast moon)%i e face, &etache& himse%f an& came stri&in$ ominous%# over, his machine $un raise&. 8Aet over to the other si&e-; he #e%%e& at 1ratt. 8Aet off the hi$hwa#-; 0he 'o%ice were stretchin$ heav# white ro'e on (oth si&es of the 'avement, to ee' the march confine&. 0he# wante& to (e sure it went in the ri$ht &irectionC it was su''ose& to $o where the wea'ons units waite&. 8Ao& &amn #ou-; the (i$ co' #e%%e&. 8I to%& #ou to $et out of here- You want to $et i%%e&D; 8?here+s <c2affieD; 1ratt sai&. 8?ho are #ouD; 1ratt %ocate& 1o%ice <a=or <c2affie, the officer in char$e of the &etai%. A''roachin$ him, he showe& his i&entification. 8A%% ri$ht,; <c2affie muttere&, 'reoccu'ie&. 2e &i&n+t now what 1ratt+s mission was, on%# that he was on a Securit# =o(. 8Aet u' there on one of the truc sC that+s where #ou+%% $et the (est view. 0he stu'i& (astar&s are startin$ an# minute.; <c2affie ha& 'ic e& a $oo& '%ace for the (arrica&e. Once the marchers ha& $one 'ast it towar& the cit#, the truc s wou%& cut throu$h the ro'e an& swin$ aroun&, (%oc in$ the hi$hwa#. 0hen, as the crow& streame& (ac , the 'o%ice teams wou%& sort throu$h them. Cau$ht (etween two 'o%ice wa%%s, *ones an& his fo%%owers wou%& (e tra''e& %i e catt%e. <ore truc s were waitin$E to ta e the fo%%owers off to force& %a(or cam's. 0he (arrica&e itse%f was formi&a(%e. 2e &ou(te& if the mo( B an& it wou%& (e a mo( (# that time B cou%& (rea it. 0ruc s, '%us heav# $uns, an& ma#(e a %ine of tan s. 2e wasn+t too fami%iar with that 'art. 0his wou%& (e the initia% 'o%ice attac E *ones &ea&, the 'o%ic#)%eve% fo%%owers roun&e& u'. An& then, a%% over the wor%&, cit# (# cit#, the rest wou%& (e nette&. Over a 'erio& of &a#s, 'erha's wee s, the roun&u' wou%& continue. S%ow%#, efficient%#.
9eachin$ u' to the truc , 1ratt (e$an to c%im(. Si/ or seven han&s reache& to he%' himC he s'raw%e& aw war&%#, c%utchin$ his rif%e an& stru$$%in$, unti% some(o&# he%'e& him to his feet. 2e (rushe& himse%f off an& foun& a '%ace near the front. 2e wasn+t the on%# one with a war)rif%eC severa% f%ashe& in the afternoon sun%i$ht. As he stoo& his $un u'ri$ht, no(o&# 'ai& attention. 0he# were a%% watchin$ the marchers. 80his is a $oo& %ocation,; he sai& to <c2affie, as the 'o%ice ma=or fo%%owe& after him. <c2affie e#e& the rif%e. 8?hat+s that #ou have thereD An o%& A)6D I wish #ou $u#s ha& thrown them awa#.; O(vious%#, he thou$ht 1ratt was a (e%%icose war veteran, nothin$ more. 8?e ou$ht to have #an e& the firin$ 'ins out.; 80here+re a %ot of 'eo'%e &own there,; a ser$eant o(serve& uneasi%#. 8You thin the#+%% $et (# usD; another as e& nervous%#, a #oun$ i&. 80he#+re cra7# B the# mi$ht &o an#thin$.; 8I &on+t thin so,; <c2affie sai& va$ue%#, 'eerin$ at the mo( throu$h his (inocu%ars. 80he# want to $et i%%e&,; the ser$eant sai&. 80hat+s what the#+re out there for. 0he# can see us B *ones must now we+re $oin$ to c%ose in on them. Can+t he see the futureD Isn+t that his %ineD; ?arm win& smac e& at them from the ruins an& ha%f)fi%%e& craters. In the &istance, across the ha7# s #, a row of trans'orts move& s%ow%#, ine/ora(%#. 0he men in the truc s were rest%ess an& irrita(%eC the# whac e& their $uns a$ainst the meta% hu%% aroun& them, s'at over the e&$e, sha&e& their e#es a$ainst the (ri$ht sun an& 'eere& an$ri%# at the $ra# whee% of marchers. 8It won+t (e %on$,; <c2affie commente&. 0he crow& was o(e&ient%# formin$ (ehin& the $ra# 'ha%an/. 82ow man# &o #ou fi$ure are thereD; 1ratt as e&. 80housan&s. <i%%ions. I $uess the (i$ cheese is $oin$ to ri&e in his car whi%e the others wa% .; <c2affie in&icate& a 'ar e& %imousine. 8One of his rich (ac ers $ave that to him.; 82e+s su''ose& to (e out front,; a re'orter sai&, overhearin$ <c2affie. 8Accor&in$ to the cra' the# 'ut out, he+%% (e ri$ht u' there marchin$ at the hea&.; 8I thin he wi%%,; 1ratt sai&. 8You now an#thin$ a(out himD; the re'orter &eman&e&, his 'uff# face s%ac an& avi& at once. 2e was a t#'ica% Ber%in news'a'er man, in (a$$# twee&s, a 'i'e in his mouth, c#nica% an& a%oof. 8No,; 1ratt sai&. 8Is it true *ones is an esca'e& con from the Bo%ivian force& %a(or cam'sD; 8I hear& he use& to (e with a frea show,; the ser$eant sai&. 82e+s a mutant, one of those war)time s'orts.; 1ratt sai& nothin$. 2is hea& ache& from the $%are an& the &ust (%own (# the &r# win&. 2e wishe& thin$s wou%& hurr#. 83oo ,; the re'orter sai& to <c2affie. 83et me as #ou somethin$. 0hose $u#s there. ?hat is it, some sort of rac etD ?hat+s the stor# on this thin$D; 8Aet $oin$,; <c2affie muttere&. 8Isn+t it a rac etD ?hat+s *ones in it forD 2e+s $ot a %ot of rich (ac ers B ri$htD 2e+s a minister or somethin$. 0his is a cu%t B ri$htD 9ich 'eo'%e ic in mone# an& a %ot of swan c%othes an& cars an& =ewe%r#, he has a%% the (a(es he wants B ri$htD; No(o&# answere&.
1resent%# the re'orter a&&resse& himse%f to a ta%% thin co', who stoo& 'resse& a$ainst the rai%in$, his arms fu%% of roc et)firin$ eFui'ment. 82e#,; the re'orter sai& soft%#. 8Is this rea%%# a .e&$ov stuntD 0o whi' u' interest in co%oni7ationD 0he# $oin$ to s'rin$ a (i$ immi$ration &ea%D 3et me in on it.; 8Christ,; the re'orter muttere& '%aintive%#, 8I+m =ust tr#in$ to un&erstan& this thin$. 0here must (e an an$%eG I+m tr#in$ to fi$ure out what he+s in it for.; A short, re&)face& co' swarme& u' onto the truc , carr#in$ te%e'hone %ines. 8I+m $%a& I+m u' here,; he 'ante& to <c2affie. 80hat+s $oin$ to (e a mess when the# hit the (%oc s in town.; 0he re'orter 'ut his han& on the man+s shou%&er. 82e#, frien&,; he sai&, 8what the he%% is a%% thisD ?hat are those %oons in this forD; Catchin$ his (reath, the re&)face& co' 'ause&, 8It+s not a rac et.; 80hen what are the# afterD Aive me the wor&.; 8If it was a rac et we wou%&n+t have an# trou(%e. ?e cou%& (u# them off.; 80hat+s interestin$.; 0he re'orter e#e& him %an$ui&%#. 8You ever met this *onesD; 8No,; the re&)face& co' a&mitte&. 8But m# wife shoo han&s with him, once.; 2e a&&e&E 8She+s a mem(er.; 0he re'orter was incre&u%ous. 8No i&&in$D; 8She+s 'ro(a(%# &own there marchin$,; 80a e off,; <c2affie sna''e& at the re&)face& 'o%iceman. 89e'ort (ac to #our unit.; 0he co' o(e&ient%# 'ushe& to the (ac of the truc an& %ea'e& &own onto the hi$hwa#. 0he re'orter scratche& a few notes on a 'a& of 'a'er an& then 'ut it awa#. 2e e#e& 1ratt+s rif%e curious%#. 8?hat+s that #ou $ot there, 4a&D; he as e&. 1ratt sai& nothin$. 2e was fee%in$ worse each minute, as the sun $%are& a(ove them. 2is mouth was &r# an& aci&. 0he touch of an ancient ma%aria shivere& throu$h him, (rin$in$ its wea ness an& chi%%s. It was a%wa#s this wa#, (efore a i%%. 80hat+s a wic e&)%oo in$ hun of meta%,; the re'orter o(serve&. 8You $oin$ to (%ow some $u#+s hea& off with thatD; 8Aet out of here, #ou (i$)mouth (astar&,; the thin co' $rate&, 8(efore he (%ows #our ass off with it.; 8*esus,; the re'orter sai&, 8You $u#s are sure touch#.; 2e e&$e& towar& the far si&e of the truc . 8You+re as (a& as those %oons &own there.; 1ratt wi'e& sweat from his u''er %i' an& stea&ie& the rif%e a$ainst the si&e of the truc . 0he meta% shone (ri$ht an& hot in the furious heat. 2is e#es (urne&, an& his %e$s were (e$innin$ to wo((%e. 2e won&ere& how %on$ it wou%& (e (efore the $ra# starte& unwin&in$ an& f%owin$ forwar&. Not %on$, 'ro(a(%#. 83et me use #our $%asses,; he sai& to <c2affie. 84on+t &ro' them.; <c2affie 'asse& the (inocu%ars overC his han&s were sha in$. 8Christ, this thin$ is $ettin$ me. If an#thin$ $oes wron$, I+%% (e in a %a(or cam' a%on$ with them.; 1ratt $a7e& throu$h the (inocu%ars at the whee% of $ra#, with its &ense an& o(e&ient mo( 'ac e& in (ehin& it. *ones ha& arrive&. 2e was stan&in$ in front, conversin$ with the or$ani7ation wor ers. Now the marchers were (ein$ forme& in co%umns of tenC a %on$ sna e with its $ra# hea& on the e&$e of the hi$hwa# an& its (o&# out amon$ the ruins. 0he waitin$ marchers mi%%e& an& 'ushe&. 1ratt cou%& hear them, a thin constant &in. 0he# were shoutin$ an& #e%%in$ as %ou& as the# cou%&.
82ear themD; he sai& to <c2affie. 8Aive me (ac m# $%assesC I thin the#+re startin$.; 80he#+re not startin$.; 1ratt a&=uste& the focus)screw. 0here was his 're#E the sma%%, $aunt, fami%iar man, with his stee%)rimme& $%asses, unim'ressive, unim'ortant)%oo in$. 0hat was *ones. 8Come on-; <c2affie shrie e&. 83et+s have them-; 1ratt returne& the (inocu%ars. <c2affie Fuic %# swe't them u' an& refocusse& them. 8B# Ao&,; he whis'ere&, 8here the# come. 0he#+ve starte&.; 0he co%umns of $ra# ha& move& onto the hi$hwa#. 0he #e%%in$, shoutin$ crow& was cree'in$ a%on$ (ehin& them. 4o$s (ar e& furious%#. Chi%&ren ran (ac an& forth in fren7ie& e/citement. On the truc s, the wea'ons)'o%ice shuff%e& uneasi%# an& raise& their $uns. *ones, at the hea& of the co%umns, marche& with =er #, uneven stri&es, &irect%# &own the center of the hi$hwa#. A Fuic , mechanica% 'ace, %i e a woun&)u' &o%%. ?ithout the (inocu%ars, 1ratt cou%& not ma e out his faceC *ones was sti%% a %on$ wa# off. 2e $ra((e& u' his rif%e an& threw off the safet# catch. 9aisin$ it, he stoo& tense an& e/'ectant. Aroun& him, those with $uns were &oin$ the same. 89emem(er,; <c2affie muttere&, 8&on+t fire. 3et them 'astC %et them (e#on& the (arrica&e. 0hen $et rea&# to c%ose in.; On one of the truc s a 'o%iceman teetere&, then fe%% s'raw%in$ onto the hi$hwa#. 2e ro%%e&, Fuic %# 'ic e& himse%f u', an& scam'ere& in 'anic for safet# (e#on& the white ro'e. 8Brin$ u' the first truc s,; <c2affie or&ere& into his 'hone. 0he co%umns of marchers were movin$ 'ast the (arrica&e. Some of them $%ance& fearfu%%# at the 'ar e& truc s, the crouchin$ 'o%ice. 8Aet them u'C; <c2affie screame&. 8Start the motors, #ou =ac asses-; 0he first of the marchers ha& 'asse& the (arrica&e. Comin$ from .ran furt was the first %ine of 'o%ice tan sC the other =aw of the tra' was c%osin$. 0he marchers wou%& never reach town. ?ith shrie in$ roars, truc motors came to %ife. 4rivin$ aroun& (ehin& the marchers, the truc s f%owe& out onto the hi$hwa#, cuttin$ them off. A(ru't%#, the marchers ha%te&. 9oars of &isma# rose a(ove the thun&er of motors. 0he co%umns (ro e an& wavere&C the %on$ $ra# sna e su&&en%# &issecte& itse%f. 0hose (ehin& hesitate&. 0hose ahea& (e$an to mi%% in confusion. 80he#+re in,; <c2affie was tone%ess%# sa#in$. 80he#+re (etween.; 0he marchers were not movin$ forwar&. *ones ha& ha%te&C he stoo& 'eerin$ wari%# aroun&. 3i e a %itt%e rat, 1ratt thou$ht. A &irt# %itt%e #e%%ow)toothe& rat. 2e raise& his rif%e an& aime&. Now the who%e crow& was in motion. 0he mass that ha& (een hea&in$ u' the hi$hwa# s'%it into aim%ess 'ieces, 'eo'%e hurr#in$ in various &irections, off the hi$hwa#, throu$h the ro'eC it ma&e no &ifference. .ast)movin$ 'o%ice cars were racin$ a%on$ the rim of the ruins, her&in$ them (ac . It was chaos. 1ratt 'ai& no attentionC he saw on%# the sma%%, thin fi$ure of *ones. 8You+re un&er arrest-; %ou&s'ea ers (oome&. 8Sto' movin$ an& stan& sti%%. You+re un&er Securit# arrest-; Some of the 'eo'%e ha%te&. Stric en faces turne& u'war&C air)(orne 'o%ice units were %an&in$. A $rou' of or$ani7ation tou$hs (ro e into %ife an& race& towar& a 'o%ice team.
C%u(s swin$in$, the tou$hs crashe& hea&)on into the waitin$ unitC a tan$%e& mass of $ra# an& (rown stru$$%e& on the 'avement. <ore marchers f%e& from the hi$hwa# towar& the ruins (e#on&. On foot, runnin$ 'o%ice (atte& them &ownC c%ou&s of thic &ust rose, o(scurin$ the scene. 0he air was fi%%e& with screams an& crashin$ roars. A truc $roane&, then s%i& $ra&ua%%# on its si&e. A wa%% of cra7e& fanatics ha& 'ushe& it over. Aimin$ carefu%%#, 1ratt fire&. 2is (u%%et misse& *ones entire%#. Stunne&, he threw the (o%t an& a$ain raise& the rif%e. As he ha& fire&, *ones miracu%ous%#, ine/'%ica(%#, ha& ste''e& asi&e. A s'%it secon& B it was incre&i(%e. O(vious%#, *ones ha& e/'ecte& it. Scram(%in$ from his truc onto the ne/t, 1ratt ma&e his wa# aroun& the e&$e of the crow&. 2e %ea'e& &own onto a mass of ruinsC $ras'in$ his rif%e, he $aine& a 'recarious footin$ an& %o'e& ra'i&%# forwar&. 0his time he wou%& fire from a few feet awa#C this time he wou%& (e &irect%# in front of *ones. 4ro''in$ to the hi$hwa#, 1ratt force& his wa# into the crow&. @sin$ the (utt of his rif%e as a c%u(, he (eat his wa# amon$ them. A (ott%e (urst over his hea&C for an interva% &ar ness swir%e&, an& he f%oun&ere& a$ainst a mass of wi%&%# stru$$%in$ human (o&ies. 0hen he &ra$$e& himse%f u' an& cre't on. A%% at once, he was s'raw%in$. C%utchin$, the rif%e, he ro%%e& to his feet an& mana$e& to $et to his nees (efore a $ra#)c%a& sha'e smashe& him with a %en$th of 'i'e. 0his time he %ost teethC warm (%oo& $ushe& &own his throat, cho in$ him. B%in&e&, he %a# $as'in$. 2u$e, crushin$ (oots stam'e& on his ri(sC he shrie e&, $ro'e& u'war&, cau$ht ho%& of a trouser %e$, an& tu$$e&. 0he fi$ure stum(%e& an& fe%%. 1ratt ro%%e& on him, his han&s aroun& a section of (ro en (ott%e. ?ith a swift stro e he cut the man+s throat, 'ushe& the (o&# awa#, an& c%im(e& u'. Ahea& of him was a c%eare& s'ot, a &ea& center in the mae%strom of fren7ie& sha'es. *ones stoo& inertC (ehin& his $%asses, his e#es &arte& frantica%%#. Aroun& him ha& $rou'e& a not of or$ani7ation fi$hters, a %ast)&itch &efense. Knee%in$, 1ratt mana$e& to $et his rif%e u'. .%ic erin$ mists &ance& in front of himC he was sus'en&e& in a si%ent, unmovin$ interva%. Automatica%%#, his fin$ers sFuee7e& the tri$$erC there was no noise, on%# a faint shu&&er of the $un stoc . 2e saw *ones stum(%e, c%utch at his (e%%#, an& then 'itch over on his (ac . 2e ha& on%# woun&e& him B $ot him in the $ut, not the hea&. Cursin$, wee'in$, 1ratt fum(%e& with the (o%t. 2e ha& fai%e&C he ha& not i%%e& him. ?hi%e he was tr#in$ to fire a$ain, a vast $ra# sha'e %oome& u', &rew (ac its foot, an& ic e& the $un from his han&s. 0wo more sha'es a''eare&C he e/'erience& a (%ossomin$ secon& of a$on#, an& then it was over. 2is %ast instant of %ife ha& 'asse&. Between the three of them, the $ra# tou$hs ha& &eca'itate& him. Sittin$ on the 'avement, s'ittin$ (%oo&, *ones sat waitin$ for the 'o%ice me&ica% teams to reach him. .rom where he sFuatte&, he cou%& see the remains of the assassin. 4im%#, throu$h a ha7e, he watche& the infuriate& $ra# fi$ures &estro# what was %eft. It was over. Between his c%enche& fin$ers, the %ivin$ warmth of his (%oo& oo7e&. 2e ha& (een woun&e&C (ut he was sti%% a%ive. In his a$on# there was a%rea&# the roarin$ =o# of victor#.
1EA9SON ?AS sittin$ at his &es when the first re'orts came in. 2e %istene& i&%#C the# seeme& to come from a %on$ wa# off, remote an& theoretica%, without imme&iate im'ortance. 2e $ave his ac now%e&$ment an& turne& awa# from the re%a#. After awhi%e it occurre& to him that he ha& fai%e&. 1ratt was &ea&, an& *ones %a# $roanin$ in a 'o%ice hos'ita%. *ones was sti%% a%ive. ?e%%, that was it. Aettin$ to his feet, he wa% e& over to the win&ow. 2an&s in his 'oc ets, he stoo& $a7in$ out at the &ar , nocturna% cit#. :er# %itt%e stirre&. In the ne/t &a# or so, 'o%ice units wou%& roun& u' *ones+ fo%%owers in this area. 0here was no hurr#C it cou%& wait. In fact, it cou%& wait forever. But he ha& to $o throu$h with it. A%% the wa# to the (itter en&, 2e ha& starte& itC he ha& to finish it. 2e &i& not inten& to (ac out now, sim'%# (ecause there was no ho'e. 2e thou$ht (rief%# of tr#in$ to mur&er *ones in the hos'ita%, as he %a# he%'%ess. No, he ha& a%rea&# ma&e his Fui/otic $esture. 2e ha& a%rea&# 'roven what he set out to 'rove, what he ha& to now. *ones cou%& not (e i%%e&. It was futi%e. .e&$ov was throu$hC he mi$ht as we%% throw in the s'on$e. As a matter of fact, he waite& two wee s. 2e waite& unti% the actua% fi$ures on the '%e(iscite (e$an to tric %e in. 2e even 'rocrastinate& unti% the (ui%&in$ ree e& with the acri& fumes of (urnin$ 'a'erE the officia% &ocuments of Securit# $oin$ u' in smo e. ?hen the Su'reme Counci% resi$ne&, 1earson was sti%% stan&in$ mute%# in his 4etroit office, hea& sun &own on his chest, han&s in his 'oc ets. A few hours (efore the 'a%e, wea fi$ure of *ones rose from the hos'ita% (e&, entere& an officia% car an& hea&e& towar& 4etroit, 1earson 'ut in a ca%% to Cussic . 8I+%% come over there,; 1earson to%& him. 8I+%% ta% to #ou at #our a'artmentC we+re (%owin$ u' this (ui%&in$. ?e &on+t want to %eave an#thin$.; 0he first thin$ he notice& as he entere& Cussic +s a'artment was the $enera% unti&iness. 2e &i&n+t remem(er it that wa#. .or a moment he stoo& in the &oorwa#, (aff%e& an& &istur(e&. 80hat+s ri$ht,; he sai& fina%%#. 8Your wife+s $one. You+re here a%% a%one.; Cussic c%ose& the ha%% &oor. 8Can I 'our #ou a &rin D; 8You (et #our %ife,; 1earson sai& $ratefu%%#. 8A water hi$h.; 8I+ve $ot a fifth of $oo& Scotch,; Cussic sai&. 2e fi/e& the &rin s, an& the two of them sat &own. 8?e+re throu$h,; 1earson sai&. 8I now.; 8It was a mista e. Of course he cou%&n+t (e i%%e&. But I ha& to tr#. You now, the son of a (itch mi$ht have (een (%uffin$. It was an outsi&e chanceC I wante& to test him. 1ra$matic, #ou now.; 8?hat comes ne/tD; Cussic as e&. 8Is there an#thin$ we haven+t &oneD; 1earson+s har&, re%ent%ess face twiste&. 8As a matter of fact.; he sai& s%ow%#, 8we have B technica%%# B two more hours of authorit#. It+%% ta e that %on$ to ma e *ones the %e$a% $overnment. As of ri$ht now, I sti%% have char$e of 9affert#+s 'ro=ect.; 84o #ou now what the 'ro=ect isD I thou$ht #ou &i&n+t now.;
A%arin$ u' at the cei%in$, 1earson sai&E 80here are two shi's rea&#. I mean rea% shi's, shi's ca'a(%e of s'ace trave%. You now what I mean. Inter'%an, the# ca%% them. Store& &own in Or&inance somewhere, rea&# to $o. 0he#+re e't on twent#)four hour a%ert. A%wa#s rea&#. A%wa#s service& an& fue%e&.; 2e a&&e&E 80he#+re su''ose& to (e the (est. It+s m# un&erstan&in$ that the# wor (# automatic (eam. Some(o&#, I for$et who, to%& me once that a 'i%ot station on :enus contro%s them as soon as the# %eave Earth. <a#(e it isn+t :enus. <a#(e it+s <ars.; 8:enus,; Cussic affirme&. 1earson no&&e& as he si''e& his &rin . 8You rea%i7e, of course, that this is an e%a(orate %itt%e $ame. Natura%%#, I now what this 'ro=ect isC I foun& out the first &a#. But for the recor&, I+m ta% in$ on%# a(out the two shi's. 0he# B #ou un&erstan& who I mean B wi%% (e &ivi&e& into two $rou's, four in one, four in the other. So if one shi' fai%s to arrive, there+%% (e the other.; 8On :enus,; Cussic as e&, 8are there su''%iesD Some in& of insta%%ationsD; 8<ountains of su''%ies. <i%es of insta%%ations. A%% we have to &o is $et the ei$ht of them there.; Cussic $ot to his feet. 8I+%% notif# 9affert#.; 1earson a%so rose. 8<# car+s outsi&eC I+%% &rive #ou to the fie%&. Better #et, I+%% come a%on$.; ?ithin ha%f an hour the# were settin$ &own in San .rancisco. 9affert# was as%ee'C Cussic rouse& him an& &e%ivere& the messa$e. Or&inance was notifie&. 0he trans'ort :an was activate& an& the ei$ht :enusians co%%ecte& into itE seven a&u%ts an& one (a(# sti%% in its incu(ator. .ri$htene&, (ewi%&ere&, the mutants sat hu&&%e& to$etherC timi& 'ersons, 'eerin$ u', (%in in$ ra'i&%#, conversin$ in %ow, uncertain whis'ers. 8Aoo& %uc ,; 9affert# to%& them. 1earson an& Cussic ro&e a%on$ with the :an to Or&inance. 0he# su'ervise& the %oa&in$ of the shi's, four mutants in each. 0he com'%e/ safet# sea%s were me%te& in '%ace an& the shi's u'ri$hte&. As Cussic an& 1earson an& 9affert# watche& from the sha&ows at the e&$e of the fie%&, the shi's were simu%taneous%# %aunche&. In a%%, the who%e thin$ too an hour an& a ha%fE *ones sti%% ha& thirt# minutes to wait. %i e a &rin D; Cussic as e& 1earson an& 9affert#. 0he three of them $ot thorou$h%# &run . In their $rim stu'or, time an& s'ace cease& to have meanin$. 0he wor%& (%urre& in a chaotic swir% of &riftin$ 'hantoms, in&istinct soun&s, shiftin$ co%ors an& shafts of %i$ht. Sometime &urin$ the 'rocess, an event momentari%# cau$ht Cussic +s attention. .our $ra#)uniforme& men stoo& aroun& them, e/aminin$ their i&entification 'a'ers with (ris efficienc#. <u&&%e&, with a vio%ent effort of wi%%, he focuse& on them. 8?hat &o #ou wantD; he &eman&e&. But the# weren+t intereste& in himC it was 1earson the# were $ra((in$ ho%& of an& cartin$ off. Su&&en%# horrifie&, Cussic stru$$%e& furious%#C in a fren7# he wa&e& in an& fou$ht to save 1earson. One of the $ra#)uniforme& fi$ures shove& him &own, an& another ste''e& on his face. 0hen the# were $one. Cussic %a# on the f%oor (esi&e the inert sha'e of 9affert#, amon$ overturne& stoo%s an& (ro en $%ass. Ara&ua%%#, re%uctant%#, the fri$i& $ra# of sanit# cre't (ac into his min&. 1earson ha& (een arreste&. Outsi&e the (ar (oome& a $rowin$ caco'hon# of soun&sE the roar of motors, shrie s, shouts, marchin$ feet, e/'%o&in$ she%%s.
0he remainin$ ha%f hour ha& 'asse&. *ones was in office. 0he &a# of the Crisis Aovernment, the new wor%& or&er, ha& (e$un.
IN 02E cram'e&, %ow)cei%in$e& sho' ca(in, a sma%% fi$ure sat hunche& over a wor (enchC so%&erin$ $un $ri''e& in (oth han&s, he moo&i%# 'on&ere& a tan$%e& mass of e%ectronic 'arts an& wirin$. E/ce't for the hum of the $un+s coi%+s the ca(in was si%ent. Nothin$ stirre&. 0he meta% wa%%s of the ca(in were co%&, smooth, im'ersona%. Stora$e com'artments, stenci%e& with co&e num(ers, covere& ever# f%at surface. No s'ace ha& (een waste&C the ca(in was a sFuare (%oc of efficienc#. 0he transistors, re%a#s, an& hea's of wirin$ s'rea& out on the (ench forme& the steerin$ mechanism of a si$na% roc et. 0he si$na% roc et itse%f, si/ feet %on$ an& four inches in &iameter, stoo& 'ro''e& u' in the corner, a thin meta% s in minus its insi&es. 1aste& on the wa%% (ehin& the (ench &an$%e& $reas#, crum'%e& schematics. B%ue)white %i$ht f%oo&e& &own from a f%e/i(%e sna e)%am'. 9e'air too%s of ever# in& s'ar %e& meta%%ica%%#. 8I can+t &o it,; 3ouis sai& a%ou&, for his own (enefit. Su&&en%# he (e$an feverish%# tearin$ wires %oose an& reso%&erin$ them in a%ternate com(inations. .or ten minutes, so%&er steame& an& si77%e& an& activate& the mechanism of the roc et. 0u(es %it u'C e%ectricit# move& throu$h the circuit. Nothin$ ha''ene&. In a f%urr# of activit#, he a$ain =er e& %ea&s %oose, switche& them at ran&om, an& reso%&ere& them. B%owin$ an& s'ittin$ on the coo%in$ meta%, 'o in$ at the smo in$ termina%s, he watche& an/ious%# as tie circuit carrie& 'ower one fina% time. Sti%% nothin$. 2e set the time switch for ninet# secon&s, the interva% 4ieter ha& com'ute&. 0i )to went the mechanism. 0i )to , ti )to , ti )to , ti )to unti% he cou%&n+t stan& itC cuttin$ &own the interva% to five secon&s he waite& in a contro%%e& h#steria unti% the re%a#s sna''e& shut, an& the c%ic in$ cease&. 2is wristwatch to%& him it was sti%% a secon& off. In ninet# secon&s it wou%& (e ei$hteen secon&s off. Or worseC ma#(e it wou%& never tri'. <a#(e the si$na% roc et wou%& shoot 'ast the other shi', out into the &ar ness, without ever re%easin$ its ma$netic 'ic )u' $ra''%e. 0he he%% with it. 2e &i&n+t now enou$h a(out e%ectronics. 8I+m no $oo&,; he sai&, s'ea in$ in $enera%, meanin$ himse%f an& not mere%# what he ha& &one. <eanin$ himse%f an& his who%e %ife. In the sma%% sho' ca(in his voice sFuea e& (ac at him, a thin an& (ritt%e soun&G (ut a soun&, neverthe%ess. An# soun& was we%come. 8You B,; he sai& to the tan$%e& remains on the (ench, e/'ressin$ himse%f from the (ottom of his sou%. 0here was no(o&# aroun& to hear, so he thou$ht of a few more terms an& uttere& them a%ou&. It soun&e& o&& to hear his %itt%e voice (%eatin$ out o(scenities. 2e was sur'rise&, a%most shoc e&. 9a$e vanishe&, an& shame too its '%ace. 8Irma cou%& fi/ it,; he sai& unha''i%#. An& then he was overcome with fri$ht. 1ure, sheer, fri$ht. :er# Fuiet%# he c%ose& his e#es an& screame&. 3i e a man with somethin$ terri(%e cau$ht in his throat, he sat stiff%# at the wor (ench, fin$ers cur%e& %i e ta%ons, s in co%& an& c%amm#, ton$ue e/ten&e&, shou%&ers hunche&, mouth %oc e& o'en, shrie in$ out the fear insi&e him. An& it wou%&n+t he%', (ecause the# wou%&n+t hear him (ac on Earth an#how. I$1 out here, he was #e%%in$. I+m tri%%ions of mi%es out here, a%one. 0here+s nothin$ aroun& meC
I+m fa%%in$ (# m#se%f, an& no(o&# nows or $ives a &amn. 2e%' me- 0a e me (ac - I want to $o homeAn& a%% the time he rea%i7e& it was infanti%e stu'i&it#, (ecause, in fact, he was not a%oneE 4ieter an& :ivian an& the (a(#, 3aura, were a%on$ with him, '%us a titanic meta% shi' as %on$ as four cit# (%oc s, wei$hin$ thousan&s of tons, cramme& with a (i%%ion &o%%ars worth of tur(ines, safet# &evices, su''%ies. So it was a%% nonsense. 0rem(%in$, he reache& out an& touche& the wa%%. B# Ao&, it seeme& rea% enou$h. ?hat more cou%& he as D Cou%& it $et an# more rea%D ?hat wou%& it %oo %i e if it were more rea%D 2is thou$hts went aroun& an& aroun&, without a f%#whee%, s'innin$ cra7i%#, faster an& faster. 2e crosse& to the &oor, #an e& it a(so%ute%# shut, (o%te& it, 'eere& throu$h the crac , an& was satisfie&. 2e was %oc e& inC even if he went com'%ete%# (erser , it wou%& (e a%% ri$htE no(o&# wou%& see him, no(o&# wou%& now, there was no harm he cou%& &o. 2e cou%& wrec the who%e sho' ca(in, an& it wou%&n+t ma e an# &ifference. Not %i e runnin$ amuc outsi&e, where he cou%& $et at the &e%icate automatic 'i%ot. 0he meta% wa%%s of the sho' ca(in ha& a (ri$ht, meta%%ic Fua%it#. 0he# %oo e& %i e meta% foi%, thin as 'a'er, even thinner. A fra$i%e meta% hi&e (etween him an& the em'tiness. 2e cou%& fee% it out thereC 'uttin$ his han& a$ainst the wa%%, sufferin$ incre&i(%# (ut forcin$ himse%f, he stoo& actua%%# tou#hing the outsi&e em'tiness. 2e cou%& hear it. 2e cou%& sense it, 'ractica%%# sme%% it. A co%& must# sme%%, %i e mo%&# 'a'er. A &eserte& trash hea' (%owin$ aroun& at ni$htC win& so faint that it was invisi(%e, stirrin$ so s%i$ht%# that no motion was fe%t, on%# the sense of 'resence. It was a%wa#s there, outsi&e the shi'. It never cease&. 9esentment too the '%ace of fear. ?h# ha&n+t the# fi/e& u' communication (etween the two shi'sD An& wh# ha&n+t the# fi/e& u' some sort of soun&D 0here was no soun&C the tur(ines were off B e/ce't for occasiona% shatterin$ s'%it secon&s when si&e =ets came on momentari%# to correct the course. 2ow &i& he now the shi' was movin$D 2e %istene&, (ut he hear& nothin$C he sniffe&, he 'eere&, he reache& out his han&, (ut there wasn+t an#thin$ there. On%# the meta% foi% wa%%, seemin$%# thinner than 'a'er, so fra$i%e that he cou%& tear it to shre&s. On an& on he 'on&ere&. Aroun& an& aroun&. An& a%% the time the shi' an& its invisi(%e com'anion were $ettin$ nearer to :enus. In the other shi', .ran was in the communications room, (ent over the receiver. 8In the first sevent#)two hours of the Crisis Aovernment,; the faint, static)%a&en voice of the Earth announcer state&, 8there has a%rea&# (een a mar e& chan$e in the 'eo'%e+s mora%e.; Irma an& .ran $%ance& at each other c#nica%%#. 80he 'revious a'ath# an& futi%it# that characteri7e& %ife un&er the .e&$ov s#stem has vanishe&C the man in the street has a new 7est, a new 'ur'ose in %ife. 2e now has confi&ence in his %ea&ersC he nows that his %ea&ers wi%% actC he nows his %ea&ers are not corru'te& (# inte%%ectua% 'ara%#sis.; 8?hat+s that meanD; S#& as e& &r#%#. 8It means the# act first an& thin secon&,; Irma sai&. 0he voice rave& on. In the corner, the ta'e recor&er was ta in$ it a%% &own. 0he four 'eo'%e %istene& avi&%#, not wantin$ to miss a wor&, %oathin$ ever#thin$ the voice sai&.
8It+s so B si%%#,; Irma sai&. 8So sort of stu'i& an& trash#, %i e (a& a&vertisin$. But the# (e%ieve itC the# ta e it serious%#.; 80he whee%s are ro%%in$,; Aarr# stuttere&. 8Arin&in$ it out. Swor&s shar'ene& chea' B he#, a new (usiness. If we ever $et (ac to Earth. Swor&s shar'ene&, armor 'o%ishe&, horses sho&. Our s%o$an isE Ever#thin$ in <e&ieva% EFui'ment. If it+s me&ieva%, we have it.; No(o&# was %istenin$ to himC the announcer ha& finishe& an& the three a&u%ts were now sun in $%oom# thou$ht. 8?e+re %uc #,; .ran sai&, after awhi%e. 8If we were (ac there the 1eo'%e+s Crusa&e A$ainst the Inva&in$ 2or&e wou%& (e after us. ?e+re not a hor&e, an& we+re not inva&in$, (ut otherwise we fit 'rett# we%%.; 8It+s a $oo& thin$ some(o&# thou$ht to sen& us awa#,; S#& o(serve&. 8?as it 9affert#+s i&eaD 0hat who%e (usiness at the en& was so confuse&G I+m sti%% not sure what ha''ene&.; 89affert# was out there,; Aarr# asserte&. 8I saw him hurr#in$ aroun&. 2e #e%%e& somethin$ in at us, (ut I cou%&n+t hear him.; 8O(vious%#,; .ran sai&, 8the# ha& a%% this set u'C the# &i&n+t (ui%& these shi's that mornin$. Some(o&# B 'ro(a(%# 9affert# B '%anne& to $et us off Earth. 0hat much we can assume. 0he rea% 'ro(%em isE what the he%% %ies at the other en&D; 8<a#(e the# =ust wante& to $et ri& of us,; Irma sai& uneasi%#. 8Sort of &um' us out into s'ace. A one)wa# tri'.; 8But,; S#& 'ointe& out, 8if the# =ust wante& to $et ri& of us, the# cou%& have &one it #ears a$o. 4one it chea'%# an& easi%#, without $oin$ to a%% the trou(%e of (ui%&in$ the 9efu$e, an& these shi's, a%% the eFui'ment $eare& to our nee&s. It &oesn+t ma e sense.; 8?hat+s :enus %i eD; Irma as e& Aarr#. 8You rea& (oo s B #ou now ever#thin$.; 0he (o# f%ushe&. 8A (arren waste. No air, no %ife.; 8Are #ou sureD; .ran &eman&e&, unconvince&. 8Ari& wastes. No water. 4r# &ust (%owin$ aroun&. 4eserts.; 8You &on e#,; .ran sai&, &is$uste&. 80hat+s <ars.; 8?hat+s the &ifferenceD <ars, *u'iter, :enus, 1%utoG the#+re a%% the same.; 8Are we $oin$ to %ive in a &ome with the scout teamsD; S#& won&ere&. 8?e can+tC we+%% have to have our own &ome. A 9efu$e insi&e a 9efu$e.; 80he# shou%& have to%& us.; Aarr# com'%aine&. 80here wasn+t time,; S#& com'%aine&. 80ime, he%%,; .ran retorte&. 80he#+ve ha& thirt# #ears to te%% us. A%% m# %ife, #ear after #ear, an& not one wor&.; 8I+m sorr#,; Irma sai&, 8(ut I can+t see that it ma es an# &ifference. ?hat+s there to te%%D ?e now where we+re $oin$. 0here+s nothin$ we can &o a(out itC we can+t a%ter the course of the shi's.; 80he trou(%e with us,; S#& sai& thou$htfu%%#, 8is that we+re use& to havin$ thin$s &eci&e& for us. ?e+ve never rea%%# &one an#thin$ on our own. ?e+re %i e chi%&renC we+ve never $rown u'.; 8Our wom(,; .ran a$ree&. 2e in&icate& the shi'. 8An& it+s sti%% aroun& us.; 8?e %et them thin for us, ma e our '%ans. ?e =ust &rift a%on$, %i e now. ?e have no conce'tion of res'onsi(i%it#.; 8?hat e%se can we &oD; Aarr# &eman&e&.
8Nothin$.; S#& consi&ere&. 8I won&er if it+%% ever en&. I won&er if a time wi%% come when we+re on our own, ma in$ our own '%ans,; No(o&# sai& an#thin$C no(o&# cou%& ima$ine what it wou%& (e %i e. 0he 'assa$e (etween Earth an& :enus too two hun&re& ei$ht# hours an& fort#)five minutes. 0owar& the %ast sta$es, when the mist# $reenish or( ha& risen an& fi%%e& u' the s #, .ran sat a%one in the communications room, han&s c%enche& to$ether, waitin$. 0he shi' was no %on$er si%ent. A%% aroun& him the f%oor an& wa%%s (oome& with the &in of (ra in$ =ets. Automatic re%a#s were res'on&in$ to the '%anetC a s'ira%in$ course was (ein$ set that $ra&ua%%# %owere& the shi' towar& the surface. In front of .ran , rows of %i$hts %it u' in shiftin$ 'atternsE ro(ot eFui'ment was en$a$in$ itse%f in answer to the situation. 0he au&s'ea er c%ic e&, si77%e& with static, an& then s'o e. 80his is the service &ome on :enus.; A human voice, %ou& an& ver# c%ose, not more than a few thousan& mi%es awa#. 8?ho are #ouD ?h# are #ou %an&in$D ?e &on+t have an# re'orts.; 0he voice soun&e& ho'efu%, (ut s e'tica%. 81%ease &escri(e #ourse%ves. Su''%# shi'D 9e'%acementsD 0roo' of &ancersD; Another voice as e&E 8You (rin$in$ us more eFui'mentD ?e+re short as he%% on foo&) 'rocessin$ machiner#.; 8Boo s,; the first man sai& em'hatica%%#. 8Christ, we+re &#in$. ?hat+s a%% this stuff a(out *onesD ?ho the he%% is *onesD Is a%% this on the %eve%D; 8You have newsD; the other man &eman&e& ea$er%#. 8Is it true the#+re sen&in$ shi's out 'ast SiriusD ?ho%e f%oc s of themD; .ran sat he%'%essC there was nothin$ he cou%& &o to answer. 0he transmitter, %i e ever#thin$ e%se, was ro(ot)contro%%e&. It was terri(%e to hear the '%ea&in$ voices, ver# c%ose (#, an& not (e a(%e to res'on&. An& then the res'onse came. At first he cou%&n+t ima$ine where it ori$inate&. It (oome& out &eafenin$%#C the soun& washe& over his ears in shatterin$ waves. 80his shi',; the voice thun&ere&, 8is ro(ot)&irecte&. Its 'assen$ers have no contro% over it. 0he shi' an& its com'anion are un&er the 'rotection of .e&$ov.; It was 4octor 9affert#+s voice. 0he voice, ta'e& an& incor'orate& into the automatic eFui'ment of the shi', was issuin$ from the (an of %i$hts &irect%# a(ove his hea&. An o%& ta'e, 're'are& when there was sti%% a .e&$ov, when the term sti%% meant somethin$. 80his shi',; 9affert# e/'%aine&, 8wi%% $ui&e itse%f to the restricte& insta%%ations in the N)area of the '%anet. 0he com'anion shi', a%so ro(ot)contro%%e&, wi%% fo%%ow after an interva% of one hour. It is reFueste& that #ou $ive the 'assen$ers as much coo'eration as 'ossi(%e, es'ecia%%# in the event that unforeseen &ifficu%ties occur.; 2e a&&e&E 80his is a ta'e& e/'%anation (# a %e$a% re'resentative of .e&$ov. It wi%% (e re'eate& unti% the %an&in$ ta es '%ace.; 0he wea er voices returne&, fu%% of astonishment. 8It+s them-; one ho%%ere& thin%#. 8Aet the am(u%ances over to N- 0he#+re comin$ &own on automatic-; Scram(%in$ soun&s, an& the :enus transmitter c%ic e& off. Now there was on%# static unti%, five minutes %ater, 9affert#+s statement thun&erous%# re'eate& itse%f. It continue&, s'ace& (# five)minute (rea s, unti% the emer$enc# =ets screame& it asi&e, an& the shi' '%un$e& into the thic %ower (an&s of atmos'here that enc%ose& the '%anet.
Stum(%in$ in his haste, .ran ma&e his wa# out of the communications room, &own the corri&or to the %oun$e. 0he %oun$e was em't#C the others ha& %eft it. 0errifie&, he race& aroun& in a ha%f)circ%e, #e%%in$ into the u'roar. 0he shi' was animate with soun&, a screechin$ or$anic rac et, as if ever# mo%ecu%e ha& $rown a mouth an& was shrie in$ out its 'ain. Aarr# a''eare& an& $ra((e& ho%& of his armC he was shoutin$, (ut nothin$ came outE on%# $estures an& mouth)motions. .ran fo%%owe& a%on$C Aarr# %e& him to an interior cham(er, a reinforce& ce%% at the heart of the shi'. Irma an& S#& stoo& mute%# to$ether, e#es wi&e, s ins 'a%e with shoc . 0he cham(er was the miniature me&ica% war& of the shi'. 0he# ha& retreate& here instinctive%#, 'u%%in$ as far into safet# as 'ossi(%e. Now the (ra e =ets ha& cut off. Either the shi' was out of fue%, or it was &e%i(erate%# coastin$. .ran won&ere& a(out the other shi'C he thou$ht a(out 3ouis an& :ivian an& 4ieter an& the (a(#. 2e wishe& the# cou%& (e to$ether, a%% ei$ht of them. 2e wishe& B 0he im'act wi'e& out his thou$hts. An& for a %on$ time, how %on$ he never new, there was sim'%e nothin$nessC no wor%& an& no se%f, on%# em't# none/istence. Not even the awareness of 'ain. 0he first sensation that returne& was that of wei$ht. 2e was %#in$ in the corner, an& his hea& was rin$in$. C%an$in$ %i e a $reat church (e%%, an& s%ow%# whee%in$ aroun&, his hea& &rifte& sic enin$%#. 0he cham(er was a sham(%es, crum'%e& in as if some Behemoth ha& tro& on it. At one 'oint, the cei%in$ an& the f%oor met. 1oo%s of %iFui&, 'ro(a(%# insu%atin$ f%ui&, 'oure& from (ro en wa%%)'i'es. Somewhere in the ha%f)&ar ness a mechanica% re'air car was %u&icrous%# fussin$ with a rent in the hu%% as %ar$e as a two) stor# house. ?e%%, that was it. 0he shi' ha& (een ri''e& o'en %i e an over)inf%ate& (%a&&er. A &ense, fra$rant, steamin$ fo$ was a%rea&# (i%%owin$ in from outsi&e. 0he am(u%ances wou%& arrive to fin& them &ea&. 8.ran ,; Aarr# whis'ere&. .ran stru$$%e& u'. S#& %a# crum'%e&C 'ro(a(%# she was &ea&. 2e fe%t her 'u%se. No, she was a%ive. 2e an& Aarr# stum(%e& throu$h the ruins of the cham(er, towar& what ha& (een the 'assa$e. 0he 'assa$e was sea%e& off (# a co%%a'se& wa%%C the on%# e/it was the ri' in the hu%%. 0he# cou%& $o on%# one wa#E out. Aroun& them, the shi' was f%attene& =un . 8?here+s IrmaD; .ran &eman&e& hoarse%#. Aarr# was shovin$ throu$h hea's of &e(ris, towar& the ri'. 8Out. She craw%e& out.; Aruntin$, stru$$%in$, he &isa''eare& into the swir%s of moist fo$, an& &ro''e& throu$h the ri'. .ran fo%%owe&. 0he scene was un(e%ieva(%e. .or a time neither of them cou%& $ras' it. 8?e+re (ac home,; the (o# murmure&, &a7e& an& confuse&. 8Somethin$ went wron$. ?e went aroun& in a circ%e.; But it wasn+t the 9efu$e. An& #et it was. .ami%iar ha7# hi%%s s'rea& out, %ost in (i%%owin$ moisture. Areen %ichens $rew ever#whereC the soi% was a tan$%e& f%oor of %ush $rowin$ '%ants. 0he air sme%%e& of intricate or$anic %ife, a rich, com'%e/ o&or, simi%ar to the o&or the# remem(ere& (ut, at the same time, far more a%ive. 0he# $a'e& foo%ish%#E there was no &e%ineatin$ wa%%. 0here was no finite hu%% confinin$ it. 0he wor%& %a# stretche& out as far as the e#e cou%& see. An& a(ove. 0he wor%& was ever#where.
8<# Ao&,; .ran sai&. 8It+s not a fa e.; Ben&in$ &own, he snatche& u' a craw%in$ snai%)%i e insect. 8Not a ro(ot B this is a%ive. It+s $enuine-; .rom the mist, Irma a''eare&. B%oo& oo7e& over one e#eC her hair was matte& an& tan$%e&, her c%othin$ was torn. 8?e+re home,; she $as'e&, $ri''in$ a (u%$in$ arm%oa& of '%ant %ife she ha& $athere&. 83oo at it B remem(er itD An& we can breathe. ?e can %ive.; Off in the &istance, $reat co%umns of steam rose u', $e#sers of (oi%in$ water force& throu$h the roc s to the surface. An immense ocean 'oun&e& somewhere, invisi(%e in the &riftin$ curtain of moisture. 83isten,; .ran sai&. 8You hear thatD You hear the waterD; 0he# %istene&. 0he# hear&. 0he# reache& &own an& fe%tC the# threw themse%ves on the $roun&, c%utchin$ frantica%%#, faces 'resse& to the &am', warm soi%. 8?e+re home,; Irma we't. A%% of them were cr#in$ an& moanin$, wai%in$ in (ewi%&ere& =o#. An& a(ove them, the other shi' was a%rea&# thun&erin$ &own.
@N4E9 I0S c%ou& %a#er the surface tem'erature of :enus varie& from 55 &e$rees .ahrenheit to 101 &e$rees .ahrenheit. 0he %ower atmos'here was a mi/ture of ammonia an& o/#$en, heavi%# %a&en with water va'or. Amon$ the oceans an& ro%%in$ hi%%s toi%e& a variet# of %ife forms, (ui%&in$ an& evo%vin$, '%annin$ an& creatin$. 3ouis an& Irma were re'airin$ a tur(ine)&riven tractor, when 4ieter e/cite&%# 'ut in his a''earance. 8It+s rea&#-; he shoute&, stan&in$ in the entrance of the she&. 8?e+re $oin$ to start-; .rom un&er the tractor, 3ouis stuc out his hea&. 8?hat+s rea&#D; he &eman&e& sour%#. 80he corn. ?e+re $oin$ to harvest it. ?e+ve $ot a%% the eFui'ment &own thereC :ivian+s hoo in$ it u'.; 4ieter &ance& u' an& &own with fren7#. 8You a%% have to 'itch in B this stuff can wait. I roun&e& u' .ran an& S#&C the#+re on their wa#. 0he#+%% meet us a%on$ the route. An& Aarr#+s ta$$in$ a%on$.; Arum(%in$, 3ouis &ra$$e& himse%f out from un&er the tractor. 8It isn+t corn. Sto' ca%%in$ it corn.; 8It+s corn in the s'iritua% sense. It+s the essence of corn.; 8Even if it+s &ar $reenD; Irma as e&, amuse&. 8Even if it+s 'ur'%e)stri'e& an& si%ver 'o% a)&otte&. Even if it stan&s ninet# feet hi$h an& has %ace)em(roi&ere& 'o&s. Even if it s'urts am(rosia an& coffee)$roun&s. It+s sti%% corn.; 3ouis stoo& wi'in$ his forehea&. 8?e can+t come unti% the tractor+s wor in$.; It was fift# mi%es to 4ieter+s '%ace, across ro%%in$ countr#. 8I thin we nee& a new i$nition coi%C that means (ac to the shi'.; 80he hec with it,; 4ieter sai& im'atient%#, 8I+ve $ot m# &o((in cart B we can a%% fit in that.; 0he &o((in cart an& the &o((in itse%f waite& Fuiet%#. 3ouis a''roache& cautious%#, his e#es narrow with sus'icion. 8?hat &o #ou ca%% itD; 2e ha& seen the anima%s a %on$ wa# off, (ut never this c%ose. 0he &o((in was most%# %e$s, with immense f%at feet %i e %eather suction cu's. A matte& 'e%t, ra$$e& an& uneven, hun$ over it. 0he &o((in+s hea& was tin#C its e#es were ha%f)shut an& in&o%ent. 82ow+& #ou tra' itD; he as e&. 80he#+re tame enou$h, if #ou have the 'atience.; 4ieter c%im(e& u' into the cart an& $ra((e& ho%& of the reins. 8I+ve tau$ht the he%% out of this thin$. 0he#+re sort of Fuasi) te%e'athicC a%% I have to &o is thin what I want, an& off it $oes.; 2e wrin %e& his nose contem'tuous%#. 8.or$et that tractorC #ou can+t ee' it runnin$ an#how. 0his is the vehic%e of the future B the &o((in cart is the comin$ thin$.; Irma $ot $in$er%# into the cart (esi&e 4ieter, an& after a moment 3ouis fo%%owe&. 0he cart was cru&e (ut so%i&C 4ieter ha& %a(orious%# constructe& it &urin$ the %ast four months. 0he materia% was a now)fami%iar, heav# (rea&)%i e '%ant fi(er that ra'i&%# har&ene& on e/'osure. After it ha& (een a$e& an& &rie&, it cou%& (e cut, sawe&, 'o%ishe&, an& staine&. Occasiona%%#, mi$rator# anima%s $nawe& the materia% awa#, (ut that was the on%# nown ha7ar&. 0he &o((in+s vast f%at feet (e$an rh#thmica%%# to 'oun&C the cart move& forwar&. Behin& them, 3ouis+ ca(in &win&%e&. 2e an& Irma ha& sin$%e)han&e&%# (ui%t itC a #ear ha&
'asse& in which much ha& (een accom'%ishe&. 0he ca(in, ma&e of the same (rea&)%i e su(stance, was surroun&e& (# acres of cu%tivate& %an&. 0he so)ca%%e& #orn $rew in &ense c%um'sC it wasn+t rea%%# corn, (ut it functione& as corn. Bu%$in$ 'o&s ri'ene& in the moist atmos'here. Aroun& the (ase of the cro', insects cre'tC 're&ators &evourin$ '%ant)'ests. 0he fie%&s were irri$ate& (# sha%%ow trenches (rin$in$ water out of an un&er$roun& s'rin$ that s'i%%e& u' to the surface in a hot, (u((%in$ torrent. In the warm, humi& atmos'here, a%most unchan$in$, virtua%%# hothouse in its sta(i%it#, four cro's a #ear were 'ossi(%e. 1ar e& in front of the ca(in were ha%f)assem(%e& machines carte& from the wrec a$e of the shi's. Ara&ua%%#, Irma was reconstructin$ new im'%ements from the remains of the o%&. 0he fue% 'i'es of the shi's were now sewa$e &rains. 0he contro% (oar& wirin$ carrie& e%ectricit# from the water)&riven $enerator to the ca(in. Stan&in$ $%um%# in the she& (e#on& the ca(in were a variet# of in&i$enous her(ivores, &rowsi%# munchin$ moist ha#. A num(er of s'ecies ha& (een co%%ecte&C it wasn+t #et esta(%ishe& what each was $oo& for. A%rea&#, ten t#'es with e&i(%e f%esh ha& (een cata%o$ue&, '%us two t#'es secretin$ &rin a(%e f%ui&s. A $ar$antuan (east covere& with thic hair serve& as a source of musc%e)'ower. An& now the (i$)foote& &o((in that 4ieter use& to 'u%% his cart. 0he &o((in race& &etermine&%# &own the roa&C in a matter of secon&s it ha& hit fu%% ve%ocit#. .eet f%#in$, it s'e& %i e a furr# ostrich, tin# hea& erect, %e$s a (%ur of motion. .lo!-blo! was the noise a runnin$ &o((in ma&e. 0he cart (ounce& wi%&%#C 3ouis an& Irma he%& on for their %ives. 4e%irious with =o#, 4ieter c%utche& the reins an& ur$e& the thin$ faster. 80his is fast enou$h,; Irma mana$e&, $rittin$ her teeth. 8You haven+t seen an#thin$,; 4ieter #e%%e&. 80his thin$ rea%%# %oves to run.; A wi&e &itch %a# ahea&, a tum(%e of roc s an& shru(s. 3ouis c%ose& his e#esC the cart was a%rea&# on the ver$e of (urstin$ a'art. 8?e won+t ma e it,; he $runte&. 8?e+%% never $et across.; As it reache& the &itch, the &o((in unfo%&e& two stu((#, ratt#)hi&e& win$s an& f%a''e& them ener$etica%%#. 0he &o((in an& the cart rose s%i$ht%# in the air, hun$ over the &itch, an& then (um'i%# %owere& on the far si&e. 8It+s a (ir&,; Irma $as'e&. 8Yes-; 4ieter shoute&. 8It can $o an#where. 0hat+s m# $oo& &o((in.; 2e %eane& 'recarious%# forwar& an& whac e& the thin$ on its sha$$# rum'. 8No(%e &o((in- <a=estic (ir&-; 0he %an&sca'e shot 'ast. 0o the far ri$ht rose a ha7# ran$e of mountains, most%# %ost in the &riftin$ swir%s of fo$ that e't the surface of the '%anet a%wa#s &am'. A so%i& s in of $rowin$ ve$etation an& cree'in$ insectsG ever#where 3ouis %oo e& there was %ife. E/ce't at one charre& s'ot at the (ase of the mountains, a (%ac sore a%rea&# (e$innin$ to turn $reen as '%ant)%ife Fuiet%# covere& it. 0he scout &omes ha& (een there. 0he non):enusians who ha& 'rece&e& them, coo'e& u' in their 8refu$es,; their airti$ht stations. Now the# were &ea&C on%# the ei$ht :enusians remaine&. ?hen the secon& shi' ha& %an&e&, the am(u%ances were a%rea&# on the wa#. 0he secon& %an&in$ was more successfu%C no(o&# ha& (een hurt, an& the shi' was virtua%%# un&ama$e&. 0he am(u%ances ha& co%%ecte& the in=ure& an& ta en them to the insta%%ations
set u' in antici'ation of their arriva%. 4urin$ the first month, the non):enusians ha& coo'erate& fu%%# B in s'ite of or&ers from the Crisis Aovernment. 0hen, towar& <arch, the Crisis Aovernment ha& sto''e& transmittin$. A wee %ater a heav#)&ut# 'ro=ecti%e ha& come (urstin$ &own on the non):enusian &omesC within a &a# on%# the ei$ht :enusians were e/tant. 0he &eath of the non):enusians was a shoc , (ut a shoc the# cou%& recover from. 0he 'ro(%em of their own e/istence was sim'%ifie&C now the# were tota%%# on their own, without communication of an# sort with non):enusians. Between the ruine& &omes an& their own shi's an& insta%%ations there was am'%e intact eFui'ment at their &is'osa%. 1rom't%#, the# ha& (e$un cartin$ it off an& 'uttin$ it into o'eration. But a %ethar$# cre't over them. .ina%%# the# ha& cease& the re$u%ar 'i%$rima$esC the# sto''e& co%%ectin$ the Earth)manufacture& materia%s, the e%a(orate machiner# an& in&ustria% 'ro&ucts. None of them rea%%# wante& to $o on from the 'oint at which the# ha& %eft off. In actua%it# the# wante& to start from the (ottom u'. It was not a re'%ica of Earth)civi%i7ation that the# wante& to createC it was their own t#'ica% communit#, $eare& to their own uniFue nee&s, $eare& to the :enusian con&itions, that the# wante&. It ha& to (e a$rarian. 0he# a%rea&# ha& cro's an& sim'%e ca(ins, irri$ation &itches, c%othin$ woven from '%ant fi(re, e%ectricit#, a 'air of &o((in)&rawn carts, sanitation an& we%%s. 0he# ha& &omesticate& native anima%sC the# ha& %ocate& natura% (ui%&in$ materia%s. 0he# were sha'in$ (asic too%s an& functiona% artifacts. In their first #ear, thousan&s of #ears of cu%tura% evo%ution ha& (een achieve&. 1erha's, in a &eca&e B Off (e#on& the mea&ow was a %on$ $u%%#. Occasiona% &rifters %a# here an& there amon$ the shru((er#C a c%ou& ha& come sett%in$ &own, the wee (efore. An& (e#on& the $u%%#, in the sha&ows of a wi&e ri&$e, reste& an immense wa& of white materia%. 8?hat+s thatD; 4ieter inFuire&, interru'tin$ 3ouis+ thou$hts. 8I+ve never seen that %ife form.; In the secon& &o((in cart, .ran an& S#& a''roache&. 0he :enusians $athere& si%ent%#, uneas# in the 'resence of the ominous moun& of white. In S#&+s arms the (a(# stirre& fitfu%%#. 8It &oesn+t (e%on$ here,; .ran sai& fina%%#. 8?h# &o #ou sa# thatD; 4ieter as e&. 8?ho are #ou to 'ass =u&$ementD; 8I mean,; .ran e/'%aine&, 8it+s not :enusian. It came &own a &a# or so after the &rifters.; 8Came &own-; 4ieter was 'er'%e/e&. 8?hat &o #ou meanD; .ran shru$$e&. 83i e the &rifters. It &escen&e&.; 8I saw another one,; Irma vo%unteere&. 8A''arent%# it+s a secon& interste%%ar %ife form.; A(ru't%#, 3ouis+ han& c%ose& aroun& 4ieter+s shou%&er. 80a e the cart over to it. I want to e/amine it.; 4ieter+s face sa$$e& resentfu%%#. 8?h#D I want to show #ou m# corn.; 80he he%% with #our corn,; 3ouis sai& shar'%#. 8?e (etter ta e a %oo at that thin$.; 8I %oo e& at the other one,; .ran sai&. 8It seeme& harm%ess. I cou%&n+t see an# s'ecia% characteristicsG it+s a sin$%e ce%%, %i e the &rifters.; 2e hesitate&. 8I (ro e it o'en. It+s $ot
a. nuc%eus, ce%%)wa%%, $ranu%es within the c#to'%ast. 0he usua% stuffC it+s &efinite%# a 'roto7oon.; 4ieter hea&e& the &o((in cart towar& the wa& of white. In a moment the# ha& &rawn u' (esi&e it an& ha%te&. 0he other cart fo%%owe&. One of the &o((ins sniffe& at the white wa&C without comment he (e$an to ni((%e. 83eave that a%one,; 4ieter or&ere& nervous%#. 8<a#(e it+%% 'oison #ou.; 3ouis %ea'e& &own an& stro&e over. 0he wa& was faint%# moist. It was a%ive, a%% ri$ht. 3ouis $ot a stic an& (e$an 'ro&&in$ it e/'erimenta%%#. 2ere was a secon& %ife)form out of s'ace, a rarer form, not as common as the sma%%er &rifters. 8*ust twoD; he as e&. 8No(o&#+s seen an# moreD; 80here+s one over there,; Irma sai&, 'ointin$. A Fuarter of a mi%e awa# a thir& wa& ha& recent%# %an&e&. .rom where the# stoo& the# cou%& see it s%u$$ish%# stirrin$G the wa& was ma in$ its wa# s%ow%# over the $roun&. Its movement s%owe&. 1resent%# it came to rest. 8It+s &ea&,; 4ieter commente& in&ifferent%#. 3ouis wa% e& over towar& it, across the s'on$# $reen surface of '%ant %ife. 0in# anima%s scutt%e& un&erfoot, har&)she%%e& crustaceans. 2e i$nore& them an& e't his e#es on the %oomin$ wa& of white. ?hen he reache& it, he &iscovere& that it wasn+t &ea&C it ha& foun& a ho%%ow &e'ression an& was %a(orious%# anchorin$ itse%f. .ascinate&, he watche& it e/u&e a s%im# cement. 0he cement har&ene&, an& the wa& was ti$ht%# fi/e& to the $roun&. 0here it reste&, o(vious%# waitin$. ?aitin$ for whatD Curious, he wa% e& a%% aroun& it. 0he surface was uniform. It certain%# %oo e& %i e a ce%%, a%% ri$htE a $iant sin$%e ce%%. 2e 'ic e& u' a roc an& tosse& itC the roc em(e&&e& itse%f in the white su(stance an& stuc there. No &ou(t it was re%ate& to the &rifters. 0wo sta$es, 'erha'sC that was the 'ro(a(%e e/'%anation. 0he &rifters, he new, were incom'%eteC the# %ac e& the a(i%it# to in$est foo&, to re'ro&uce, even to sta# a%ive. But this thin$ was c%ear%# sta#in$ a%iveE it was $ettin$ itse%f set u'. A s#m(iotic re%ationshi', 'erha'sD ?hi%e he was stu&#in$ it, he notice& the &rifter. 0he &rifter was comin$ &own. 2e ha& seen it ha''en (efore, (ut it a%wa#s fascinate& him. 0he &rifter was usin$ the air as a me&iumE carefu%%# it maneuvere& itse%f %i e a wee&)s'ore, first f%oatin$ in one &irection, then in another, ee'in$ itse%f a%oft as %on$ as 'ossi(%e. 0he &rifters &i&n+t %i e to %an&C it meant an en& to mo(i%it#. 0here it came, &riftin$ &own to its &eath, to e/'ire fruit%ess%#. 0he sense%ess m#ster# of the interste%%ar creatureE wan&erin$ mi%%ions, (i%%ions of mi%es, over centuries B for whatD 0o win& u' here, to 'erish without 'ur'oseD 0he fami%iar cosmic meanin$%essness. 3ife without $oa%. In the %ast two #ears (i%%ions of &rifters ha& (een e/terminate&. It was tra$ic, stu'i&. 0his one, hoverin$ momentari%#, was tr#in$ to ee' itse%f a%ive one %ast secon&, (efore it fe%% to its 'oint%ess &eath. A ho'e%ess stru$$%eC %i e a%% of its race, it was &oome&. Su&&en%# the &rifter fo%&e& into itse%f. Its thin, e/ten&e& (o&# sna''e& to$ether %i e a ru((er (an&C one secon& it was s'rea& out, catchin$ air currents B the ne/t secon& it was a thin e%on$ate& 'enci%. It ha& %itera%%# ro%%e& itse%f u' in a tu(e. An& now, thin an& tu(e) %i e, it &ro''e& strai$ht &own.
0he tu(e)%i e 'ro=ecti%e fe%% e/'ert%#, 'ur'osefu%%#, &irect%# into the wa& of white &ou$h. It neat%# 'enetrate& the white wa&. 0he surface c%ose& after it, an& no si$n of it remaine&. 8It+s a house,; 4ieter sai& uncertain%#. 80hat+s a &we%%in$, an& the &rifter %ives in it.; 0he white mass ha& (e$un to chan$e. Incre&u%ous, 3ouis saw it swe%% unti% it was a%most &ou(%e its ori$ina% si7e. It cou%&n+t (eC it was im'ossi(%e. But even as he stoo& there, the wa& &ivi&e& into two hemis'heres, =oine&, (ut c%ear%# &istinct. 9a'i&%#, the white mass $rew an& forme& four connectin$ units. Now $rowth was franticC the thin$ (u((%e& an& swe%%e& %i e #east. 0wo, four, ei$ht, si/teenG $eometric 'ro$ression. A chi%%, ominous win& e&&ie& aroun& him. 0he un&u%atin$ sha'e seeme& to cut off the sun%i$htC a%% at once he was stan&in$ in a &ar enin$ sha&ow. In 'anic, 3ouis retreate&. 2is terror s'rea& to the two &o((insC as he reache& out to ta e ho%& of 4ieter+s cart the (ir&s su&&en%# unfo%&e& their win$s an& (o%te&. 4ra$$in$ the carts after them, the# f%oun&ere& awa# from the swe%%in$ white sha'e. 2e was %eft stan&in$ a%one, im'otent an& stunne&. 8?hat is itD; .ran was shoutin$. 2#steria rose u' into his voiceC now the# were a%% #e%%in$. 8?hat is itD ?hat+s ha''enin$D; 4ieter %ea'e& to the $roun& an& stoo& with his feet (race& a'art, the reins $ri''e&. 8Come on,; he shoute& to 3ouis. 8Aet in-; ?ith a snar% of aversion, the &o((in shu&&ere& awa# from 3ouis. I$norin$ it, he c%am(ere& into the cart an& sat hunche& over, %i's movin$, face white. 4ieter %ea'e& (ac in, an& the cart (e$an to move awa#. 8It+s an e$$,; S#& sai& faint%#. 8?as,; 3ouis correcte&. 8Not now. Now it+s a 7#$ote.; 0he cosmic e$$ ha& (een ferti%i7e& (# the micro)$ameto'h#te. An& 3ouis, watchin$, new what the &rifters were. 81o%%en,; he whis'ere&, stric en. 80hat+s what the#+ve (een a%% the time. An& we never $uesse&.; 0he &rifters were 'o%%en, ra&iatin$ in c%ou&s across s'ace (etween star s#stems, in search of their me$a$ameto'h#tes. Neither the# nor the white wa& was the fina% or$anismC (oth were e%ements of the now visi(%# $rowin$ em(r#o. An& he rea%i7e& somethin$ e%se. No(o&# ha& $uesse&, (ut *ones must have nown this B an& for some time. 0he team of (io%o$ists s'rea& out their re'orts. *ones (are%# $%ance& at the co%%ection of 'a'ersC he no&&e& an& move& awa#, &ee' in (roo&in$ thou$ht. 8?e were afrai& that mi$ht (e it,; 0ri%%(#, the hea& of the team, sai&. 80hat e/'%ains their incom'%etenessC that+s wh# the# &on+t have &i$estive or re'ro&uctive s#stems.; 2e a&&e&, 80he# are a re'ro&uctive s#stem. 2a%f of it, at %east.; 8?hat+s the wor&D; *ones as e& su&&en%#. 8I for$et.; 8<eta7oon. <u%ti)ce%%e&. 4ifferentiate& into various or$ans an& s'ecia% tissues.; 8An& we haven+t seen the fina% sta$esD; 8Ao& no,; 0ri%%(# sai& em'hatica%%#. 8Nothin$ %i e it. 0he or$anism uses the '%anet as a wom(C the most we+ve o(serve& is the em(r#o an& what mi$ht corres'on& to the feta% sta$e. At that 'oint, it (ursts off the '%anet. 0he atmos'here, the $ravitationa% fie%&, are a
me&ium for ear%# &eve%o'mentC after that it+s throu$h with us. I su''ose the fina% or$anism is non)'%anetar#.; 8It %ives (etween s#stemsD; *ones inFuire&, frownin$. 2is face was wrin %e& an& 'reoccu'ie&C he on%# ha%f)hear& the man. 8It (ree&s on '%anetsG she%tere& '%aces.; 0ri%%(# sai&E 8?e have reason to (e%ieve that a%% the so)ca%%e& &rifters are 'o%%en $rains from a sin$%e a&u%t '%ant B if those terms have an# meanin$. <a#(e it+s neither '%ant nor anima%. A com(ination of (othG a '%ant+s immo(i%it# an& usin$ a '%ant+s metho& of 'o%%ination.; 81%ants,; *ones sai&. 80he# &on+t fi$ht. 0he#+re he%'%ess.; 8Aenera%%# s'ea in$. But we shou%&n+t assume that these B; *ones no&&e& a(sent%#. 8Of courseG it+s a(sur&. ?e can+t rea%%# now an#thin$ a(out them.; ?eari%#, he ru((e& his forehea&. 8I+%% ee' #our re'ort here. 0han s.; 2e %eft them stan&in$ there, surroun&in$ their re'ort %i e a c%uster of an/ious hens. Offices &ance& 'ast him, an& then he was out in the (arren, &raft# corri&or that connecte& the a&ministrative win$ with the 'o%ice win$. A%ancin$ at his 'oc et watch he saw that it was a%most time. Ti1e% Infuriate&, he stuffe& the watch awa#, hatin$ to see its '%aci&, contem'tuous face. .or one #ear, he ha& mu%%e& the re'ort over in his min&. 2e ha& memori7e& it wor& for wor& B an& then sent out the team to co%%ect it. 0he# ha& &one a $oo& =o(E it was an e/haustive stu&#. .rom outsi&e the (ui%&in$ came soun&s. Shu&&erin$, *ones ha%te&, aware of them in a va$ue wa#, conscious that the unen&in$ murmur was sti%% there. Sha i%#, he ran his fin$ers throu$h his hair, smoothin$ it (ac as (est he cou%&. 1uttin$ himse%f in some sem(%ance of or&er. 2e was a '%ain %itt%e man with stee%)rimme& $%asses an& thinnin$ hair. 2e wore a sim'%e $ra# uniform, with a sin$%e me&a% on his sun en chest, '%us the re$u%ation crosse&)f%as s arm(an&. 2is %ife was an en&%ess 'rocession of wor . 2e ha& a &uo&ena% u%cer from tension an& worr#. 2e was conscientious. 2e was %ic e&. But the crow& outsi&e &i&n+t now that. Outsi&e the (ui%&in$, it ha& $rown to monumenta% si7e. 0housan&s of 'eo'%e, co%%ecte& to$ether in an e/cite& c%ot, #e%%in$ an& wavin$ their arms, cheerin$, ho%&in$ u' (anners an& si$ns. 0he noise &rifte& an& e&&ie&, a &istant (oomin$ that ha& (een $oin$ on B with few res'ites B for over a #ear. 0here was a%wa#s some(o&# outsi&e the (ui%&in$, screechin$ his hea& off. I&%#, *ones consi&ere& the various s%o$ansC in an automatic, a%most (ureaucratic wa#, he chec e& them a$ainst the 'ro$ram he ha& %ai& out.
*ones new, a%% ri$ht. Arim%#, he 'ace& aroun& in a circ%e, arms fo%&e&, im'atient an& rest%ess. Eventua%%#, after tram'in$ &own the he&$es aroun& the 'o%ice (ui%&in$, the crow& wou%& &is'erse. Sti%% cheerin$, sti%% shoutin$ s%o$ans at one another, the# wou%& &rift off. 0he or$ani7ation &ie)har&s wou%& $o ta e ice)co%& showers, wou%& return to
their various 'osts to '%ot the ne/t sta$e of the $ran& strate$#. None of them rea%i7e& it #etE the Crusa&e was over. In a few &a#s the shi's wou%& (e comin$ (ac . At the far en& of the corri&or a &oor was 'ushe& asi&eC two men a''eare&, 1earson an& an arme&, $ra#)uniforme& $uar&. 1earson came towar& him, a ta%%, thin, man, 'a%e, with ti$ht)set %i's. 2e showe& no sur'rise at the si$ht of *onesC comin$ a%most u' to him, he ha%te&, scrutini7e& the sma%%er man, $%ance& aroun& at the arme& $uar& (ehin& him, an& shru$$e&. 8It+s (een a %on$ time,; 1earson sai&. 2e moistene& his %i's. 8I haven+t seen #ou since that &a# we first 'ic e& #ou u'.; 8A %ot has chan$e&,; *ones sai&. 82ave #ou (een we%%)treate&D; 8I+ve (een in a ce%% for =ust a(out a #ear,; 1earson answere& mi%&%#, without rancor, 8if #ou ca%% that (ein$ we%%)treate&.; 8Brin$ in two chairs,; *ones or&ere& the $uar&. 8So we can sit &own.; ?hen the $uar& hesitate&, *ones f%ushe& an& shoute&E 84o as I sa# B ever#thin$+s un&er contro%.; 0he chairs were %u$$e& (ac C without 'ream(%e, *ones seate& himse%f. 1earson &i& the same. 8?hat &o #ou wantD; 1earson &eman&e& (%unt%#. 8You+ve hear& a(out the Crusa&eD; 1earson no&&e&. 8I+ve hear&.; 8?hat are #our fee%in$sD; 8I thin it+s a waste of time.; *ones consi&ere&. 8Yes,; he a$ree&. 8It is a waste of time.; Astonishe&, 1earson starte& to s'ea , then chan$e& his min&. 80he Crusa&e is over,; *ones state&. 8It fai%e&. I+m informe& that what we ca%% drifters are the 'o%%en of immense%# com'%icate& '%ant)%i e (ein$s, so remote an& a&vance& that we+%% never have an#thin$ more than a &im 'icture of them.; 1earson sat starin$ at him. 8You mean thatD; 8I certain%# &o.; 80hen we+re a B; 2e $esture&. 8?hat are weD Nothin$-; 80hat+s a $oo& wa# of 'uttin$ it.; 8<a#(e the# thin we+re a chemica%.; 8Or a virus. Somethin$ on that or&er. On that sca%e.; 8But B; 2a%tin$%#, 1earson &eman&e&E 8?hat are the# $oin$ to &oD If we+ve (een attac in$ their 'o%%en, &estro#in$ their s'ores B; 80he fina% a&u%t forms have a &irect, rationa% so%ution. :er# short%# the#+%% move to 'rotect themse%ves. I can+t (%ame them.; 80he#+re $oin$ to B e%iminate usD; 8No, the#+re $oin$ to sea% us off. A rin$ wi%% 'resent%# (e set u' aroun& us. ?e+%% have Earth, the So% S#stem, the stars we+ve a%rea&# reache&. An& that+s a%%. Be#on& that B; *ones sna''e& his fin$ers. 80he warshi's wi%% sim'%# &isa''ear. 0he (%i$ht or virus or chemica% is containe&. Bott%e& u' insi&e a sanitar# (arrier. An effective so%utionE no waste& motions. A c%ean, strai$ht)to)the)'oint answer. Characteristic of their '%ant)%i e form.; 1earson 'u%%e& himse%f u'ri$ht. 82ow %on$ have #ou nown thisD; 8Not %on$ enou$h. 0he war ha& a%rea&# (e$un. If there ha& (een s'ectacu%ar interste%%ar (att%es; B *ones+ voice &ie& to a (aff%e&, a%most inau&i(%e whis'er B 81eo'%e
mi$ht have (een satisfie&. ven if we had lost4 at %east there wou%& (e $%or#, stru$$%e, an a&versar# to hate. But there+s nothin$. In a few &a#s the rin$ wi%% (e insta%%e& an& the shi's wi%% have to turn (ac . Not even &efeat. *ust em'tiness.; 8?hat a(out themD; 1earson 'ointe& towar& the win&ow, (e#on& which the nois# crow& cheere& on. 8Can the# stan& hearin$ itD; 8I &i& m# (est,; *ones sai& %eve%%#. 8I (%uffe& an& I %ost. I ha& no i&ea what we were attac in$. I was in the &ar .; 8?e shou%& have (een a(%e to $uess,; 1earson sai&. 8I &on+t see wh#. You fin& it eas# to ima$ineD; 8No,; 1earson a&mitte&. 8No, it+s &ifficu%t.; 8You use& to (e 4irector of the Sec'o%,; *ones sai&. 8?hen I came into 'ower I ha& the Securit# setu' &is(an&e& an& atomi7e&. 0he structure is $one B the cam's are c%ose&. Enthusiasm has e't us unifie&. But there won+t (e an# more enthusiasm.; Sic fear sett%e& over 1earson. 8?hat the he%% is thisD; 8I+m offerin$ #ou #our =o( (ac . You can have #our (a&$e an& &es a$ain. An& #our tit%eE Securit# 4irector. Your secret 'o%ice, #our wea'ons)'o%ice. Ever#thin$ the wa# #ou ha& itG with on%# one chan$e. 0he .e&$ov Su'reme Counci% wi%% sta# &isso%ve&.; 8An& #ou+%% have u%timate authorit#D; 8Natura%%#.; 8Ao =um' in the cree .; *ones si$na%%e& the $uar&. 8Sen& in 4octor <anion.; 4octor <anion was a (a%&, heav#)set in&ivi&ua% in a s'an in$ white uniform, nai%s manicure&, hair faint%# 'erfume&, %i's thic an& moist. 2e c%utche& a heav# meta% (o/, which he %ai& $in$er%# on the ta(%e. 84octor <anion,; *ones sai&, 8this is <r. 1earson.; 9ef%e/ive%#, the two men shoo han&sC 1earson stoo& ri$i& as <anion ro%%e& u' his s%eeves, $%ance& at *ones, an& then (e$an o'enin$ the stee% (o/. 8I have it here,; he confi&e&. 8It+s in 'erfect sha'eC survive& the tri' (eautifu%%#.; ?ith 'ri&e, he a&&e&E 8It+s the finest s'ecimen o(taine&, so far.; 84octor <anion,; *ones sai&, 8is a research 'arasito%o$ist.; 8Yes,; <anion Fuic %# a$ree&, moon)%i e face f%ushe& with 'rofessiona% ea$erness. 8You see, <r. , 1earsonD Yes, #ou see, 1earson, as #ou 'ro(a(%# rea%i7e, one of our (i$ 'ro(%ems was screenin$ returnin$ shi's to ma e sure the# &i&n+t 'ic u' 'arasitic or$anisms of a non)terran nature. ?e &i&n+t want to a&mit new forms of 'atho$enic; B he sna''e& o'en the (o/ B 8Or$anisms.; In the (o/ %a# a cur%e&)u' intestine of s'on$# $ra# or$anic materia%. 0he coi% of %ivin$ tissue was surroun&e& (# a trans'arent ca'su%e of $e%atine. :er# s%i$ht%#, the creature stirre&C its (%in&, e#e)%ess ti' move&, fe%t a(out, 'resse& itse%f to the surface with a &am' suc er. It mi$ht have (een a wormC its se$mente& sections un&u%ate& in a wave of s%u$$ish activit#. 8It+s hun$r#,; <anion e/'%aine&. 8Now, this isn+t a &irect 'arasiteC it won+t &estro# its host. 0here+%% (e a s#m(iotic re%ationshi' unti% it+s %ai& its e$$s. 0hen the %arvae wi%% use the host as a source of nourishment.; A%most fon&%#, he continue&E 8It resem(%es some of our own was's. 0he fu%% course of $rowth an& e$$)%a#in$ ta es a(out four months. Now, our 'ro(%em is thisE we now how it %ives on its own wor%& B it+s a native of the fifth A%'han '%anet, (# the wa#. ?e+ve seen it o'erate within its customar# host. An& we+ve
(een a(%e to intro&uce it into %ar$e)(o&ie& 0erran mamma%s, such as the cow, the horse, with var#in$ resu%ts.; 8?hat <anion wants to fin& out,; *ones sai&, 8is whether this 'arasite wi%% sta# a%ive in a human (o&#.; 8Arowth is s%ow,; <anion (u((%e& e/cite&%#. 8?e on%# have to o(serve it once a wee . B# the time the e$$s are %ai&, we+%% now if it can a&a't itse%f to a human. But as #et, we haven+t (een a(%e to o(tain a vo%unteer.; 0here was si%ence. 84o #ou fee% %i e vo%unteerin$D; *ones as e& 1earson. 8You have #our choiceC ta e one =o( or the other. If I were #ou, I+& 'refer the one I was use& to. You were an e/ce%%ent co'.; 82ow can #ou &o thisD; 1earson sai& wea %#. 8I have to,; *ones answere&. 8I+ve $ot to have the 'o%ice (ac . 0he secret)service has to (e re)create&, (# 'eo'%e who are e/'erts.; 8No,; 1earson sai& hoarse%#. 8I+m not intereste&. I won+t have an#thin$ to &o with it.; 4octor <anion was &e%i$hte&. 0r#in$ to contain himse%f, he (e$an fussin$ with the $e%atine ca'su%e. 80hen we can $o ahea&D; 0o 1earson he revea%e&E 8?e can use the sur$ica% %a(s here in this (ui%&in$. I+ve ha& o''ortunit# to ins'ect them, an& the#+re su'er(. I+m an/ious to intro&uce this or$anism (efore the 'oor thin$ starves.; 80hat wou%& (e a shame,; *ones ac now%e&$e&. 8A%% the wa# from A%'ha for nothin$.; 2e stoo& to#in$ with the s%eeve of his coat, whi%e he 'on&ere&. Both 1earson an& <anion watche& him fi/e&%#. Su&&en%# *ones sai& to the &octorE 8You have a ci$arette %i$hterD; <#stifie&, <anion &u$ out a heav# $o%& %i$hter an& 'asse& it to him. *ones remove& the '%u$ an& &ri77%e& f%ui& onto the $e%atine ca'su%e. At that, <anion+s face %ost its smu$ o'timism. 8Aoo& Ao& B; he (e$an, a$itate&. 8?hat the he%% ); *ones i$nite& the f%ui&. Stunne&, he%'%ess, <anion ha& to stan& there as the f%ui&, the ca'su%e, an& the or$anism within, (%a7e& u' in an acri& f%ic er of oran$e fire. Ara&ua%%# the contents coo%e& to a (%ac , (u((%in$ s%ime. 8?h#D; <anion 'roteste& wea %#, not com'rehen&in$. 8I+m a 'rovincia%,; *ones e/'%aine& (rief%#. 8Stran$e thin$s, forei$n thin$s, ma e me sic .; 8But ); 2e han&e& <anion (ac his %i$hter. 8You ma e me sic er. 0a e #our (o/ an& $et out of here.; 4a7e&, overwhe%me& (# the catastro'he, <anion $athere& u' the coo%in$ meta% (o/ an& stum(%e& off. 0he $uar& ste''e& asi&e, an& he vanishe& throu$h the &oor. Breathin$ more easi%#, 1earson sai&E 8You wou%&n+t coo'erate with us. Kamins i wante& #ou to he%' 9econstruction.; 8A%% ri$ht.; *ones no&&e& curt%# to the $uar&. 80a e this man (ac to his ce%%. Kee' him there.; 82ow %on$D; the $uar& inFuire&. 8As %on$ as #ou can,; *ones answere&, with (itterness. On the tri' (ac to or$ani7ationa% hea&Fuarters, *ones sat (%ea %# me&itatin$.
?e%%, he ha& e/'ecte& to fai%, ha&n+t heD 2a&n+t he nown that 1earson wou%& refuseD 2a&n+t he 'reviewe& that who%e misera(%e e'iso&e, nown he cou%&n+t $o throu$h with the tortureD 2e cou%& , an& wou%& , sa# he ha& &one it, (ut that &i&n+t chan$e the facts. 2e was on his wa# out. 0here was a terri(%e, (ruta% time %eft for him, an& nothin$ more. ?hat he &i& now was &es'erateC it was ruth%ess an& it was fina%. It was somethin$ 'eo'%e were $oin$ to &iscuss for centuries to come. But, frantic as it was, it was sti%% (asica%%# an& un&enia(%# his &eath. 2e ha& no certain now%e&$e of what was to (ecome of societ# (ecause he wou%& not (e aroun& to see it. :er# short%# he wou%& &ie. 2e ha& (een contem'%atin$ it for a%most a #earC it cou%& (e i$nore& tem'orari%#, (ut a%wa#s it returne&, each time more terri(%e an& imminent. After &eath, his (o&# an& (rain wou%& ero&e. An& that was the hi&eous 'artC not the su&&en instant of torment that wou%& come in the moment of e/ecution. 0hat, he cou%& (ear. But not the s%ow, $ra&ua%, &isinte$ration. A s'ar of i&entit# wou%& %in$er in the (rain for months. A &im f%ic er of consciousness wou%& 'ersistE that was his future memor#C that was what the wave showe& him. 4ar ness, the em'tiness of &eath. An&, han$in$ in the voi&, the sti%%)%ivin$ 'ersona%it#. 4eterioration wou%& (e$in at the u''ermost %eve%s. .irst, the hi$hest facu%ties, the most co$ni7ant, the most a%ert 'rocesses, wou%& fa&e. An hour after &eath, the 'ersona%it# wou%& (e anima%. A wee , after, it wou%& (e stri''e& to a ve$eta(%e %a#er. 0he 'ersona%it# wou%& &evo%ve (ac the wa# it ha& comeC as it ha& stru$$%e& u' throu$h the (i%%ions of #ears, so it wou%& $o (ac , ste' (# ste', from man to a'e to ear%# 1rimate to %i7ar& to fish to crustacean to tri%o(ite to 'roto7oon. An& after thatE to minera% e/tinction. .ina% mercifu% en&. But it wou%& ta e time. Norma%%#, the &evo%vin$ 'ersona%it# wou%& not (e aware, wou%& not (e conscious of the 'rocess. But *ones was uniFue. Now, at this moment, with his fu%% facu%ties intact, he was e/'eriencin$ it. Simu%taneous%#, he was fu%%# conscious, tota%%# in 'ossession of his senses , an& at the same time un&er$oin$ u%timate 's#chic &e$eneration. It was (earin$. But he ha& to (ear it. An& ever# &a#, ever# wee , it $rew worse , unti% fina%%# he wou%& in actua%it# &ie. An& then, than Ao&, the or&ea% wou%& en&. 0he sufferin$ he ha& cause& others &i& not com'are with that which he ha& to un&er$o. But it was ri$htC he &eserve& it. 0his was his 'unishment. 2e ha& sinne&, an& retri(ution ha& come. 0he fina%, som(er 'hase of *ones+ e/istence ha& (e$un.
C@SSICK ?AS &ee' in conversation with two mem(ers of the 'o%ice resistance when the %on$ (%ac or$ani7ation car 'u%%e& to a sto' in front of the a'artment (ui%&in$. 82o%# cow,; one of the co's sai& soft%#, as he $ro'e& insi&e his coat. 8?hat are the# &oin$ hereD; Cussic c%ic e& of the %i$htsC the %ivin$ room &ro''e& into instant &ar ness. 0here were two fi$ures insi&e the or$ani7ation car. It was an officia% carC the crosse&)f%as s em(%em was neat%# stenci%e& on the &oors an& hoo&. .or a moment the fi$ures sat, not movin$, not stirrin$. 0he# were o(vious%# ta% in$. 8?e can han&%e them,; one of the co's sai& nervous%#, from (ehin& Cussic . 80here+re three of us.; 4is$uste&, his com'anion sai&E 80his is on%# their front (%oc . 0he#+re 'ro(a(%# on the roof an& u' the stairs.; 9i$i& an& a''rehensive, Cussic continue& to watch. In the faint %i$ht of the mi&ni$ht street, one of the two seate& fi$ures %oo e& fami%iar. A car s'un 'ast, an&, momentari%#, the fi$ures were out%ine&. An achin$ tautness cre't throu$h his heartE he was ri$ht. .or what seeme& %i e hours the two fi$ures remaine& in the car. 0hen the &oor s%i& o'en. 0he fami%iar fi$ure ste''e& to the si&ewa% . 8A woman,; one of the co's sai& won&erin$%#. 0he fi$ure s%amme& the car &oor, turne& on her hee%, an& starte& at a (ris trot towar& the entrance of the a'artment house. In a hoarse, unstea&# voice, Cussic sai&E 8You two c%ear out. I+%% ta e care of this a%one.; 0he# $a'e& at him foo%ish%#. 0hen the si$ht of their sur'rise& faces was cut offE Cussic ha& 'u%%e& o'en the ha%% &oor an& was racin$ &own the thic )car'ete& corri&or to meet her. She was on the stairs when she saw him comin$. 0here she ha%te&, $a7in$ u', (reathin$ ra'i&%#, ho%&in$ onto the (anister. She wore the severe $ra# suit of the or$ani7ation, the %itt%e ca' on her heav# (%on&e hair. But it was sheC it was Nina. .or an interva% the two of them stoo&, Cussic at the to' of the stairs, Nina (e%ow him, e#es (ri$ht, %i's a'art, nostri%s &i%ate&. 0hen she %et $o of the (anister an& scam'ere& u' the rest of the wa#. A (rief instant as her arms reache& u' for him hun$ri%#, an& then he ha& &escen&e& his own two ste's to meet her. After that an in&efinite time of ho%&in$ her ti$ht, fee%in$ her a$ainst him, sme%%in$ the warm scent of her hairC ta in$ in, after so man# months, the smooth 'ressure of her (o&#, the #earnin$, fervent nee& of her. 8(of,; she $as'e& fina%%#. 8You+re $oin$ to (rea me.; 2e %e& her u'stairs, sti%% ho%&in$ ti$ht%# onto her, not %ettin$ her $o unti% the# were insi&e the &eserte& a'artment an& the &oor ha& (een %oc e& (ehin& them. A%ancin$ (reath%ess%# aroun&, Nina stoo& stri''in$ off her $%oves. 2e cou%& see how nervous she wasC her han&s shoo as she mechanica%%# 'ushe& the $%oves into her 'urse, 8?e%%D; she as e& hus i%#, 8how+ve #ou (eenD; 8.ine.; 2e wa% e& a %itt%e wa# off to have a $oo& view of her. @n&er his $a7e she fa%tere& visi(%#C she shran (ac a$ainst the wa%%, ha%f)%ifte& her fin$ers to her throat, smi%e&, $a7e& a''ea%in$%# u' at him %i e an anima% that ha& fai%e& to show u' for its &inner.
8Can I come (ac D; she as e&, in a whis'er. 8Bac D; 2e was afrai& to ima$ine what she meant. 0ears fi%%e& her e#es. 8Auess not.; 8Of course #ou can come (ac .; 2e move& u' an& too ho%& of her. 8You now #ou can come (ac . An# time. An# time #ou want.; 8You (etter %et $o of me,; she whis'ere&. 8I+m $oin$ to start wee'in$. 3et me $et out m# han& erchief.; 2e %et $o re%uctant%#C with aw war& fin$ers she $ot out her (it of han& erchief an& (%ew her nose. .or a moment she stoo& &a((in$ at her e#es, re& %i's twitchin$, not s'ea in$ or %oo in$ at him, =ust stan&in$ there in her $ra# or$ani7ation uniform, tr#in$ not to cr#. 80he son of a (itch,; she sai& fina%%#, in a thin, wea voice. 8*onesD; 8I+%% te%% #ouG when I can.; Ba%%in$ her han& erchief u', she (e$an stri&in$ aroun& the room, arms fo%&e&, chin u', face Fuiverin$. 8?e%%, it+s a %on$ an& not ver# '%easant stor#. I+ve (een with the or$ani7ation B I $uess over two #ears, now.; 80went#)ei$ht months,; he informe& her. 80hat soun&s ri$ht.; She turne& su&&en%# to him, 8It+s over. I+m throu$h.; 8?hat ha''ene&D; Nina fe%t in her 'oc ets. 8Ci$aretteD; 2e $ot out his 'ac , %it a ci$arette for her, an& 'ut it (etween her trem(%in$ %i's. 80han s,; she sai&, (reathin$ swift =ets of $ra#)(%ue smo e out into the room. 8.irst, I thin we (etter $et out of here. 2e ma# 'ic #ou u' B he+s 'ic in$ ever#(o&# u'.; 8But I+ve (een c%eare&,; Cussic 'roteste&. 84ar%in$, that ma es no &amn &ifference. You+ve hear& what he &i& to 1earsonD No, I su''ose not.; Bris %# ta in$ ho%& of his arm she 'ro'e%%e& him towar& the &oor. 8?e+& (e a %ot safer out of hereC ta e me somewhere, an#where.; Shiverin$, she stoo& u' on her toes to iss him (rief%#. 8Somethin$ has ha''ene&. ?e B the or$ani7ation B now it, nowC *ones to%& us. 0omorrow mornin$ the 'u(%ic wi%% now.; 8?hat is itD; 80he $reat Crusa&e is over. 0he shi's are comin$ (ac . It+s the en& of *ones, the en& of the or$ani7ation. Move1ent, I mean. Now that we+re in, we+re su''ose& to ca%% B; Cussic foun& the &oor no(. 80hat+s won&erfu%,; he mana$e&. 8?on&erfu%D; She %au$he& (ritt%e%#. 8It+s terri(%e, &ar%in$. As soon as we+re out of here, I+%% te%% #ou wh#.; 2e foun& an a%%)ni$ht (eaner# on a si&e street, two mi%es from his a'artment. At the counter, a 'air of &rows# 'atrons sat s%um'e& over their coffee, %ist%ess%# rea&in$ news'a'ers. 0he waitress was 'erche& in the (ac (# the coo in$ contro%s, starin$ out at the ni$ht. In the corner a tune)ma er $roun& out ca&ences to itse%f. 8.ine,; Nina sai&, s%i&in$ into a (ooth at the rear of the cafe. 80here+s a (ac &oor, isn+t thereD; Cussic %ocate& a (ac &oor (ehin& the coo in$ eFui'mentE the service an& maintenance entrance. 8?hat &o #ou want to chew onD; 8*ust coffee.;
2e $ot the two coffees, an& for a time the# sat stirrin$ an& me&itatin$, $%ancin$ furtive%# at each other. 8You+re %oo in$ 'rett# nice,; he to%& her ha%tin$%#. 80han #ou. I sort of ho'e& I+& %ost a 'oun& or two.; 84o #ou mean thisD You+re $oin$ to sta#D; 2e ha& to (e sure. 8You+re not $oin$ off a$ainD; 8I mean it,; she answere& sim'%#, her e#es (%ue an& &irect. 80omorrow mornin$ I want to $o an& $et *ac ie.; She a&&e&E 8I+ve (een seein$ him ever# once in a whi%e. I+ve e't sort of contro% over him.; 8<e, too,; Cussic sai&. As she si''e& her coffee, Nina e/'%aine& to him what ha& ha''ene&. In short, terse wor&s she out%ine& the (ac $roun& on the &rifters, an& the situation with the mo(i%e war units. 80he rin$ is u', now,; she to%& him. 80he shi's are turnin$ (ac , returnin$ to Earth. ?h# notD 0here+s nothin$ e%se the# can &o. Comman&er Ascott+s f%a$shi', that $reat (i$ thin$, wi%% (e the first one to %an&. 9i$ht now the#+re c%earin$ the New Yor fie%&.; 81o%%en,; Cussic sai&, stric en. 80hat e/'%ains their incom'%eteness. 2e ha& (e$un to sweat co%&, a''rehensive &ro's. 8?e rea%%# are tan$%e& u' with somethin$, then.; 84on+t start ima$inin$ a%% that o%& scare stuff,; Nina sai& shar'%#. 8Invasion of Earth B (ein$s from outer s'ace. 0he#+re =ust not that wa#. 0he#+re '%antsC a%% the# care a(out is 'rotectin$ themse%ves. A%% the# want to &o is neutra%i7e us B an& that+s what the#+ve &one.; 2e%'%ess%#, she s'rea& her han&s. 8It+s a%rea&# ha''ene&- It+s over- ?e have our %itt%e area to o'erate in, a(out si/ star s#stems. An& then B; She smi%e& fri$i&%#. 8Be#on& that, the rin$.; 8An& *ones &i&n+t nowD; 8?hen he starte&, no. 2e+s nown for a #ear, (ut what cou%& he &oD 0he war ha& (e$unG (# the time he foun& out it was too %ate. 2e $am(%e& an& %ost.; 8But he &i&n+t a&mit he was $am(%in$. 2e sai& he knew%; 80hat+s ri$htE he %ie&. 2e cou%& see a %ot of thin$s, (ut he cou%&n+t see ever#thin$. So now he+s 'a#in$ for itG he+s %ettin$ the f%eet come (ac . 2e %e& us B he %e& the 'eo'%e B into a tra'. 2e %et us &ownC (etra#e& us.; 8?hat ne/tD; 8Ne/t,; Nina sai&, 'a%e an& su(&ue&, 8he 'uts u' his rea% fi$ht. 0his afternoon he ca%%e& a%% of us to$ether, a%% the officia%s of the or$ani7ation.; She un(uttone& her $ra# coat an& showe& him the insi&e %a'e%. An e%a(orate em(%em)(a&$e was stitche& into the fa(ric, a series of %etters an& num(ers (eneath a st#%i7e& ornament. 8I+m a (i$ shot, &ar%in$. I+m vice commissioner of the ?omen+s 4efense 3ea$ueG 'art of the new interna% securit# s#stem. So I was her&e& in with the other ver#)im'ortant)'eo'%e, stoo& u' in a %on$ row, an& fe& the rea% stor#, our first 'review of what+s comin$.; 82ow+s he ta in$ itD; 82e+s a%most out of his min&.; 8?h#D; 8Because,; Nina answere&, si''in$ her coffee, 8even with his 'ower, he$s still lost% 2e can see &efeat an& &eathG he can see his awfu%, fina% stru$$%e to ee' a%ive B an& he can see it fai%in$. 0here it was, on his face. 0hat terri(%e ca&averous %oo , %i e a &ea& thin$. .ish e#es. No %ife, no %uster. 2e stoo& there sha in$ a%% overC he cou%& scarce%# stan& u'.
2e twitche&, he stammere&G it was heart(rea in$. An& he to%& us the Crusa&e ha& fai%e&, was comin$ (ac , that in a short whi%e we cou%& e/'ect the riots to (rea out.; Cussic 'on&ere&. 80he riots. 0he (etra#e& fo%%owers.; 8Ever#(o&#. E/ce't the s e%eton of the or$ani7ation, the rea% fanatics. 0he#+%% fi$ht %i e he%% for him.; 8Are there man# of themD; 8No, not man#. I&ea%ists, the ener$etic #outh. After a%%, *ones &i& %et us &own B it+s a fact, he nows it, we now it, 'rett# soon ever#(o&# wi%% now it. But there are those who wi%% stic with him an#how.; ?ithout emotion she a&&e&, 8Not me.; 8?h# notD; 8Because,; she sai&, s%ow%#, soft%#, 8he to%& us what he+s $oin$ to &o to ee' 'ower. 2e+s $oin$ to use the f%eet as a wea'on a$ainst the mo(s. 2e+s $oin$ to $ive the f%eet its (att%e. An& that means B; 2er voice fa%tere&, (ro e, then resume&. 8?e%%, that means civi% war. *ust (ecause he %ie& to us an& (etra#e& us an& %e& us into ruin we+%% never $et out of, &oesn+t mean he+s $oin$ to ste' &ownC as a matter of fact he+s =ust $ettin$ starte&. If an#(o&# thin s B; Cussic reache& out an& cau$ht ho%& of her arm. 80a e it eas#,; he to%& her firm%#. 83ower #our voice.; 80han s.; She no&&e& ti$ht%#. 8It+s so &amn awfu%. 2e nows he can+t &o it B he nows the#+%% $et to him, eventua%%#. Si/ monthsC that+s how much time he has. But he+s $oin$ to han$ on. 2e+s $oin$ to 'u%% the who%e wor%& &own aroun& his earsG if he+s &ea& he wants ever#(o&# e%se &ea&, too.; Si%ence. 8An&,; Nina finishe& wan%#, 8there+s nothin$ we can &o. 9emem(er the assassinD 9emem(er 1earson+s attem'tD It s%i''e& ri$ht into *ones+ han&sG it $ot him into 'ower.; 8?hat ha''ene& to 1earsonD; 81earson is &#in$. :er# s%ow%# an& carefu%%#. Not %on$ a$o *ones intro&uce& some in& of 'arasite into him. It+s fee&in$ on himC eventua%%# it+%% %a# its e$$s in him. *ones is so 'rou& of itC he never $ets tire& te%%in$ us a(out it.; 3ic in$ his &r# %i's, Cussic sai& hoarse%#E 80hat+s the in& of man #ou+ve (een fo%%owin$D; 8?e ha& a &ream,; Nina sai& sim'%#. 8An& he ha& a &ream. It went sour, it went a%% to 'iecesG (ut he =ust won+t %et $o. 2e won+t sto'. An& there+s nothin$ that can ma e him sto'C a%% we can &o is sit (ac an& watch whi%e he $oes to wor . 0he roun&)u's are (e$innin$. Ever#(o&# connecte& with .e&$ov wi%% (e &estro#e&. 0hen B ver# rationa%%# an& s#stematica%%# B ever# $rou' even remote%# ca'a(%e of o''osition wi%% (e smashe&.; Cussic +s fin$ers tore u' his 'a'er na' in an& shre&&e& the (its onto the f%oor. 84oes *ones now #ou+ve crosse& (ac D; 8I &on+t thin so. Not #et.; 8I thou$ht he new ever#thin$.; 82e nows on%# what he+s going to now. 2e ma# never fin& outC after a%%, I+m on%# one of man#E he+s $ot mi%%ions of 'eo'%e to ee' ta(s on. A %ot of us snea e& offC the man who &rove me was m# (oss, m# su'erior. 2e was %eavin$, too, with his wife an& fami%#. 0he#+re 'u%%in$ out in &roves, tr#in$ to fin& '%aces to hi&e. Settin$ u' retreats, ho'in$ to %ast it out.; 8I want #ou to $o (ac ,; Cussic sai&.
Nina $ave a %itt%e soun&%ess (%eat. 7.a#k28 Muaverin$, she as e&E 8You+re $oin$ to tr# to ta% to himD 9eason with himD; 8No,; Cussic answere&. 8Not e/act%#.; 8Oh.; Nina no&&e&, un&erstan&in$. 8I see.; 81ro(a(%# I+m &oin$ what 1earson &i&C the Fui/otic $esture has a%rea&# (een ma&e once. But I can+t sit here.; 2e %eane& towar& her. 8Can you2 Can #ou sit here si''in$ #our coffee whi%e he $ets this thin$ $oin$D; Nina cou%&n+t meet his $a7e. 8A%% I want to &o is $et out of it. I want to (e (ac with #ou.; 2er e#es on her coffee cu', fin$ers c%utchin$ convu%sive%#, she hurrie& onE 8I have a '%ace. It+s in ?est Africa, where there+s sti%% a %ot of unc%aime& %an&. I fi/e& it u' months a$oC ever#thin$+s arran$e&. 0he '%ace was (ui%t (# or$ani7ation %a(or $an$sC it+s a%% finishe&. I have *ac ie &own there now.; 80hat+s not %e$a%. It ta es (oth of us.; 80here+s no such thin$ as not %e$a%, an# more. 4on+t #ou now thatD It+s what we want B it+s what the or$ani7ation or&ers. I+ve $ot it arran$e&C we can $et &own there (# tomorrow mornin$ if we %eave now. An or$ani7ation intercon shi' wi%% f%# us to 3eo'o%&vi%%e. .rom there we+%% $o (# surface car, u' into the mountains.; 8Soun&s fine,; Cussic commente&. 8Soun&s %i e we cou%& $et (#. ?e mi$ht even (e a%ive, si/ months from now.; 8I+m sure of it,; Nina sai& em'hatica%%#. 83oo at those :enusians B he &oesn+t care a(out them. A %ot of 'eo'%e are $oin$ to surviveC he+%% have his han&s fu%% co'in$ with the (i$)cit# riots.; Cussic e/amine& his wristwatch. 8I want #ou to $o (ac to #our or$ani7ation an& I want #ou to ta e me a%on$. Can #ou $et me throu$h the chec s#stemD; 8If we $o (ac ,; Nina sai& even%#, her voice %ow an& stea&#, 8we+%% never $et out. I now it B I can fee% it. ?e won+t $et awa#.; After a moment Cussic sai&E 8One of the thin$s *ones tau$ht us is the im'ortance of action. I thin the time for action has come. <a#(e I shou%& have (een a *ones su''orter. 0his is the time for me to show u' an& vo%unteer as one on the *ones Bo#s.; Nina+s trem(%in$ fin$ers s%i''e& from her cu'C the cu' turne& on its si&e an& oo7e& %u ewarm coffee across the ta(%e in an u$%# (rown fi%m. Neither of them move&, neither of them notice&. 8?e%%D; Cussic inFuire&. 8I $uess,; Nina sai& faint%#, 8#ou &on+t rea%%# care a(out me after a%%. You &on+t rea%%# want me (ac .; Cussic &i&n+t answer. 2e sat waitin$ for her to a$ree, to (e$in 'uttin$ the whee%s into motion that wou%& carr# him insi&e the *ones or$ani7ation an& to *ones himse%f. An& he was won&erin$, i&%# at first an& then with $rowin$ ho'e%essness, how he cou%& 'ossi(%# i%% a man who new the to'o$ra'h# of the future. A man who cou%& not (e ta en unawaresE a man for whom sur'rise was im'ossi(%e. 8A%% ri$ht,; Nina sai&, in an a%most inau&i(%e voice. 8Can #ou $et an or$ani7ation carD; 8Sure.; 3ist%ess%#, she rose to her feet. 8I+%% $o 'hone. 2e can 'ic us u' here.; 8.ine,; Cussic sai&, with satisfaction. 8?e+%% wait.;
4A9K 9AIN swishe& &own on the car as the $ra#)uniforme& or$ani7ation &river $ui&e& it conscientious%# a%on$ throu$h the heav#, s%ow)movin$ traffic. In the (ac , Nina an& Cussic sat si%ent%# to$ether, neither of them s'ea in$. Outsi&e the car, (%in&in$ hea&%i$hts %oome& u', ref%ecte&, from a (i%%ion rain&ro's strea in$ the '%astic win&ows. Si$na% %i$hts (%in e& on an& offC within the &ash(oar&, answerin$ re%a#s c%ose& in res'onse. 0he &river ha& %itt%e to &o (e#on& steerin$C most of the contro%s were automatic circuits. 2e was #oun$ an& (%on&, a humor%ess functionar#, 'erformin$ his =o( s i%%fu%%#, &is'assionate%#. 82ear the rain,; Nina murmure&. 0he car ha%te& for a series of reroutin$ %i$hts. Cussic (e$an shiftin$ rest%ess%#. 2e %it a ci$arette, stu((e& it out, then =er i%# %it another. 1resent%# Nina reache& out an& too ho%& of his han&. 84ar%in$,; she sai& wretche&%#. 8I wish B what the he%% can I &oD I wish I cou%& &o somethin$.; 8*ust $et me in.; 8But how are #ou $oin$ to &o itD It isn+t 'ossi(%e.; ?arnin$%#, Cussic in&icate& the &river. 83et+s not ta% a(out it.; 82e+s a%% ri$ht,; Nina sai&. 82e+s 'art of m# staff.; 0he car starte& u', an& in a moment the# were on the (roa& freewa# that %e& &irect%# to the .e&$ov (ui%&in$s, where *ones ha& entrenche& himse%f. It wou%&n+t (e %on$, Cussic rea%i7e&. 1ro(a(%# another ha%f hour. A%um%#, he $a7e& out at the %ines of s'ee&in$ cars. 0here was a %ot of traffic. A%on$ the 'e&estrian ram's shuff%e& hunche&)over citi7ens, commuters who ha& (een &e'osite& (# the ur(an e/'resses, &um'e& off to shift for themse%ves in the 'ourin$ rain. .rom his 'oc et, he $ot out a sma%% $%itterin$ (au(%e, carefu%%# wra''e& in trans%ucent (rown fi(er. 2e sat with his nees a'art, ho%&in$ the (au(%e cu''e& in his han&s. 8?hat is itD; Nina as e&. 1athetica%%#, she reache& out to touch it. 8A 'resent for meD; 8?e use& these a%% the time,; Cussic sai&, (%oc in$ her fin$ers. 8@nti% 1earson ru%e& a$ainst them. You+ve 'ro(a(%# hear& a(out themG the Communists &eve%o'e& them &urin$ the war as instruments for conversion. ?e 'ic e& the i&ea u', too. 0his is ca%%e& a %ethe)mirror.; 8Oh,; Nina sai&. 8Yes.; She no&&e&. 8I+ve hear& of them. But I &i&n+t thin there were an# %eft.; 8Ever#(o&# e't one or two.; In Cussic +s han&s the (au(%e shimmere& menacin$%#. A%% he ha& to &o was remove the (rown)fi(er coverin$C it was as sim'%e as that. 0he mirror was a focus that cau$ht an& tra''e& the attention of the hi$her (rain centers. 0he car s%owe& a trif%e. 8Are we thereD; Cussic &eman&e& instant%#. 8No sir,; the #oun$ &river answere&. 80here+s some i&s tr#in$ to hitch a ri&e. ?ant me to 'ic them u'D; 2e a&&e&, 8It+s rainin$ 'rett# har&.; 8Sure,; Cussic sai&. 81ic them u'.; 0he four i&s who tum(%e& $ratefu%%# into the car were %oa&e& &own with &renche& wic er (as ets an& the so&&en remains of 'ennants. 80han s,; the %ea&er $as'e&, a $ir% in her mi&&%e teens. 8You save& our %ives.;
8?e were out se%%in$ Crusa&e (uttons,; another $ir% e/'%aine&, mo''in$ rain water from her face. ?et (rown hair '%astere& over her ears, she hurrie& on =o#fu%%#E 8An& we ha& so%& a%most a%% of them, too, (efore the rain starte&.; 0he thir& teen)a$er, a '%um' re&)face& (o#, $a7e& in awe at Nina an& sFuea e&E 8Are #ou in the or$ani7ationD; 80hat+s ri$ht,; Nina sai& thin%#. 0he $ir%s mo''e& at their &renche& c%othes, stru$$%e& to &r# their hair, e/u&e& the sme%% of wet fa(ric an& e/citement. 8Sa#,; one of them notice&, 8this is an officia% car.; 0he first $ir%, sma%% an& shar')face&, with %ar$e intereste& e#es, sai& sh#%# to Cussic E 84o #ou have a Crusa&e (uttonD; 8No,; Cussic answere& short%#. 0he iron# of it hit homeE this was a t#'ica% $rou' of #oun$ fanatics, 'e&&%in$ (uttons to raise Crusa&e fun&s. Stan&in$ on street comers, sto''in$ cars an& 'e&estrians, sho''ers an& commuters, faces f%ushe& an& a%ive with the fervor of their cause. In the four #oun$ faces he saw nothin$ (ut innocent e/citementC for them, the Crusa&e was a $reat an& no(%e thin$C a s'iritua% sa%vation. 8?ou%& #ou B; the %itt%e shar')face& $ir% (e$an, $%ancin$ u' at him timi&%#, 8wou%& #ou %i e to (u# a Crusa&e (uttonD; 8Sure,; Cussic sai&. 8?h# notD; 2e &u$ into his 'oc et. 82ow muchD; Nina ma&e a stran$%e& soun& an& &uc e& her hea&C he i$nore& her as he fishe& out a few crum'%e& (i%%s. 80en &o%%ars is the usua%,; the $ir% sai&, reachin$ Fuic %# into her wic er (as et for a (utton. 8An#thin$ #ou wantG it+s for a $oo& cause.; 2e $ave her the mone#C $rave%#, hesitant%#, she 'inne& the (utton on his coat. 0here it hun$, a sma%% shie%& of (ri$ht '%astic, with the raise& swor& of the Crusa&e su'erim'ose& on the fami%iar crosse&)f%as s. It $ave him an unha''# an& intricate fee%in$ to sense it there. Su&&en%# he reache& forwar& an& %ifte& a secon& (utton from the wic er (as et. 82ere,; he sai& $ent%# to NinaE 8.or #ou.; So%emn%#, he 'inne& it on her coat. Nina smi%e& faint%# an& reache& out to touch his han&. 8Now we a%% have one,; the shar')face& $ir% sai& sh#%#. Cussic 'ai& her for the secon& (utton, an& she scru'u%ous%# 'ut the mone# with the other contri(utions. 0he si/ 'eo'%e in the (ac seat ro&e on throu$h the rain, si%ent an& su(&ue&, each &ee' in his own thou$hts. Cussic won&ere& what the four i&s wou%& (e &oin$ an& thin in$ in a few more &a#s. Ao& newG Ao& an& *ones, the two of them new. 2e certain%# &i&n+t. 0he &river %et off the i&s at a centra% intersectionC the &oors s%amme& after them, the# wave& than fu%%#, an& a$ain the car 'ic e& u' s'ee&. Ahea& %a# the ominous $ra# sFuare that was the reinforce&, (om()'roof .e&$ov (ui%&in$s. 0he# were a%most there. 80hose i&s,; Nina sai& sa&%#. 80hat+s the wa# I fe%t, not so %on$ a$o.; 8I now,; Cussic answere&. 80he# &on+t mean an# harm. 0he# =ust &on+t un&erstan&.; 2e %eane& &own an& isse& herC her moist, warm %i's c%un$ futi%e%# to his own unti%, re$retfu%%#, he 'u%%e& awa#. 8?ish me %uc ,; he to%& her short%#. 8I &o.; She c%utche& fervent%# at him. 81%ease tr# not to %et an#thin$ ha''en to #ou.;
Cussic touche& his coat. Insi&e, in a&&ition to the mirror, was a stan&ar& 'o%ice 'isto%. 0he mirror was for *onesC the 'isto% was to $et himse%f (ac out a$ain, 'ast the $uar&s. 82ow far insi&e can #ou $et meD; he as e& her. 82ow hi$h &oes #our authorit# $oD; 8A%% the wa#,; she answere&, face star )white, (reath comin$ in ra'i& $as's. 8It won+t (e har&G the# a%% now me.; 82ere we are, sir,; the &river sai&. 0he car ha& %eft the freewa#C now it was &escen&in$ a %on$ ram' towar& the $ara$es of the (ui%&in$. An echoin$ rum(%e rose aroun& themC the whee%s of the car were $%i&in$ over stee% runners. In the $%oom, %i$hts f%ashe& on an& offC the car res'on&e& instant%#. It s%owe& a%most to a ha%t as the &river turne& it over to the $ara$e contro%. <ovin$ at a snai%+s 'ace, it $ra&ua%%# came to a ha%t. 0he motor c%ic e& off, an& the (ra e s'ira%e& itse%f into %oc )'osition. 0he# ha& arrive&. ?ari%#, Cussic o'ene& the &oor an& ste''e& out. 2e reco$ni7e& this cham(erC the vast concrete cave, in the o%& &a#s, ha& house& his car. A $ra#)uniforme& atten&ant was wa% in$ overE that was the on%# &ifference. 0he man wore an or$ani7ation uniform, instea& of the 'o%ice (rown. 2e touche& his ca' res'ectfu%%#. 8Evenin$,; he murmure&. 8Can I have #our 'ermitD; 8I+%% ta% to him,; Nina sai&, s%i''in$ Fuic %# from the car an& hurr#in$ over (esi&e Cussic . She fum(%e& in her 'urse an& $ot out the meta% '%ate. 82ere it isC the car+s mine.; 8?hen &i& #ou want to 'ic it u'D; the atten&ant as e&, e/aminin$ the '%ate an& then returnin$ it to Nina. 0he first hur&%e, at %east, was over. 8You want it store& overni$htD; 8Kee' it u' on the $roun& %eve%,; Nina instructe&, with a Fuestionin$ $%ance at Cussic . 8?e ma# nee& it an# time.; 8Yes ma+am,; the atten&ant a$ree&, a$ain touchin$ his ca'. 8It+%% (e waitin$ for #ou.; As the# entere& the e%evator, Cussic +s %e$s were wea . Nina was terri(%# 'a%eC he too ho%& of her an& &u$ his fin$ers into her arm unti% she wince&. 8I+m a%% ri$ht,; she sai& (ri$ht%#. 8Is it a%wa#s this (us#D; 0he# were crushe& in with a ti$ht%#)'ac e& $rou' of earnest) face& officia%s. 8Not a%wa#s. 0here+s (een so much, %ate%#G; 2er voice trai%e& off va$ue%#. 8A %ot of activit#.; 0he e%evator c%ose& at that momentE the# sto''e& ta% in$, $rit their teeth an& hun$ on to consciousness. Officia%s were mutterin$ out f%oor num(ersC Nina 'u%%e& herse%f to$ether an& sai&E 8Seventeen, '%ease.; 0he# emer$e& with a not of fast)movin$ &i$nitaries who hurrie& off in various &irections. Ahea& %oome& the rece'tion %oun$e an& the (roa& information &es . Nina a&vance& towar& the &es , her hee%s c%ic in$ on the har&, 'o%ishe& f%oor. 8I+& %i e an a''ointment with <r. *ones,; she sai& hus i%# to the uniforme& officia%s (ehin& the &es . .rom her 'urse she $ot out a%% her i&entification 'a'ers an& %ai& them on the surface of the &es . 8It+s for this man.; 3eisure%#, the officia% 'ic e& u' her 'a'ers an& stu&ie& them. 2e was mi&&%e)a$e&, with a (u%$in$ nec that hun$ in watt%es over his ti$ht co%%ar. 2is fin$ers were '%um', white, efficient. ?ith 'etu%ant, (ureaucratic interest, he e/amine& each 'a'er (efore he s'o e. 8?hat+s the reason for #our reFuestD You+%% have to $o throu$h the re$u%ar channe%s, <iss 3on$stren. ?e have a''ointments (oo e& u' for the ne/t twe%ve hours.;
9e%uctant%#, he $ot out his (oo an& ran a fin$er &own the co%umn. 8It mi$ht not (e unti% tomorrow mornin$.; Nina shot a mute, a$oni7e& %oo at Cussic . 80his is an emer$enc#,; she fa%tere&. 8It shou%& (e 'ut ri$ht throu$h.; 8?e%%, then,; the officia% sai&, without 'articu%ar interest, 8#ou+%% have to fi%% out a s'ecia% &ec%aration.; .rom a &rawer he too a form)'a& an& turne& it towar& her. 8In&icate the 'articu%ars in section five an& a$ain in section ei$ht. <a e certain the car(ons are in 'ro'er%#.; 2e 'ointe& to a sma%% ta(%e in the corner of the %oun$e. 8You can fi%% it out over there.; Num(%#, Nina an& Cussic carrie& the 'a& to the ta(%e an& seate& themse%ves. 8?e%%D; Nina &eman&e&, in a stric en voice. 8?hat+%% I sa#D; 8Sa# #ou+re with some(o&# from the astronomica% research %a(s. Sa# there+ve (een some c%ues on the nature of the rin$ aroun& us.; 4utifu%%#, Nina fi%%e& out the form. 8See those men waitin$ over thereD 0he#+re waitin$ to see himG an& the#+re a%% (i$ shots. 2e+s (een in conference for a wee strai$ht.; She si$ne& the form, an& the two of them wa% e& s%ow%# (ac to the &es . A %ine ha& forme&C when their turn fina%%# came, the officia% (rusFue%# acce'te& the form, scanne& it, tore it from the 'a&, an& &ro''e& it into the recor&in$ s%ot. 81%ease (e seate&,; he to%& them fussi%#. 8It+%% (e a ha%f)hour at the ver# %east (efore <r. *ones has time to e/amine #our reFuest.; 2e a&&e&E 82e%' #ourse%ves to ma$a7ines.; 0he# foun& seats. Bo%t u'ri$ht, the two of them waite&, ma$a7ines c%utche& %ist%ess%#. Officia%s move& (ac an& forth ever#whereC from the si&e corri&ors came the soun& of voices, the mute& c%an of eFui'ment. 0he (ui%&in$ humme& with rest%ess activit#. 80he#+re (us#,; Cussic commente&. 2e thum(e& throu$h a co'# of the Saturday vening +ost, an& then restore& it to the rac . Nina no&&e&, too fri$htene& to s'ea . E#es fi/e& on the f%oor, she sat ri$i&%# c%utchin$ her 'urse an& ma$a7ine, %i's a thin (%oo&%ess %ine. Cussic reache& into his 'oc et unti% his fin$ers touche& the %ethe)mirror. Stea%thi%#, he unwra''e& it. Now it was o'erativeG a%% he ha& to &o was &raw it out. But he &i&n+t rea%%# (e%ieve he ha& a chance. 8Are #ou sorr#D; Nina as e& faint%#. 8?ish #ou ha&n+t comeD; 8No,; he answere&. 8I+m not sorr#.; 8It isn+t too %ateG we cou%& =ust $et u' an& %eave.; 2e &i&n+t answer. 2e was afrai& toC it wou%&n+t ta e much more on%# the merest 'ressure, to %ift him to his feet an& carr# him out of the (ui%&in$. A house with Nina an& *ac ie. 0he three of them to$ether a$ain, as the# ha& (eenG he turne& his min& from the thou$ht an& contem'%ate& the &our information c%er , 'rocessin$ forms. 0he c%er no&&e& to him. Stiff%#, un(e%ievin$%#, Cussic $ot u' an& wa% e& over. 8@sD; he inFuire& hoarse%#. 8You can $o on in.; Cussic (%in e&. 8You mean it+s c%eare&D; 8<r. *ones acce'te& it imme&iate%#.; ?ithout %oo in$ u' from his wor , the c%er no&&e& towar& a si&e &oor. 8In there, an& '%ease com'%ete #our (usiness as Fuic %# as 'ossi(%e. Others are waitin$.;
Cussic wa% e& (ac to NinaC she watche& him, wi&e)e#e&, a%% the wa# across the %oun$e. 8I+m $oin$ in,; he to%& her (rief%#. 8It mi$ht (e (etter if #ou %eft. As %on$ as I+ve $otten throu$h, there+s no nee& of #our sta#in$ here.; Muiet%#, she $ot to her feet. 8?here shou%& I $oD; 8Bac to the a'artment. ?ait for me there.; 8A%% ri$ht,; she a$ree&. She &i&n+t sa# an#thin$ moreC without a wor&, she turne& an& wa% e& Fuic %# from the %oun$e, (ac the wa# the# ha& come, to the e%evator. As Cussic a''roache& the inner office, he won&ere& $rim%# wh# the a''%ication ha& so rea&i%# (een acce'te&. 2e was sti%% mu%%in$ it over when four $ra#)uniforme& wor ers rose u' an& confronte& him. 81a'ers,; one of them sai&, han& out. 8Your 'a'ers, mister.; Cussic 'asse& over the materia% the information c%er ha& returne& to himC the wor ers e/amine& it, e/amine& him, an& were satisfie&. 8Aoo& enou$h,; one sai&. 8Ao ahea&.; A tri'%e, inter%oc e& section ro%%e& noisi%# (ac , an& Cussic foun& himse%f facin$ more offices an& corri&ors. 0here were fewer 'eo'%e, hereC his footste's echoe& in the &isma% si%ence. .or a time he wa% e& a%on$ a wi&e car'ete& ha%%wa#C no(o&# was in si$htC no(o&# met him. An a%most re%i$ious Fuiet hun$ over the corri&orG there were no ornaments, no 'ictures or statues or (ric)a)(rac, on%# the car'et, the sheer wa%%s, the cei%in$. At the far en& of the ha%% was a ha%f)c%ose& &oor. 2e reache& it an& ha%te& uncertain%#. 8?ho+s out thereD; a voice &eman&e&, a thin, meta%%ic voice, heav# with fati$ue, a$$ravate& an& Fueru%ous. .or a moment he &i&n+t reco$ni7e itC then i&entification came. 8Come in,; the voice or&ere& irrita(%#. 84on+t stan& out there in the ha%%.; 2e entere&, his han& aroun& the %ethe)mirror. Behin& a vast %ittere& &es sat *ones, his face wrin %e& with weariness an& &es'air. 0he 'i%e&)u' wor virtua%%# hi& him from si$htC a tire&, &efeate& 'u''et stru$$%in$ with a mountain far too %ar$e to (e %ifte&. 82e%%o, Cussic ,; *ones muttere&, $%ancin$ u' (rief%#. 2e reache& out his c%aw)%i e han&s an& shove& asi&e some of the hea's of ta'es an& 'a'ers that covere& his &es . SFuintin$ nearsi$hte&%#, he wave& at a chair. 8Sit &own.; Stunne&, Cussic a&vance& towar& the &es . *ones ha& e/'ecte& him. Of courseG he ha& hi&&en the o(vious from himse%f. 3on$ (efore he ha& seen the a''%ication B %on$ (efore Cussic ha& &ictate& it B *ones ha& nown who the 8e/'ert from astronomica% research; was. Behin& *ones stoo& two $iant, &u%%)face&, uniforme& tou$hs, $ri''in$ machine $uns, e#es (%an an& im'assive B as si%ent an& unmovin$ as statues. Cussic hesitate&, fin$ere& the %ethe)mirror, starte& to ho%& it out. 8Come on,; *ones sna''e& testi%#, e/ten&in$ his han&. In a sin$%e secon& he ha& sei7e& the %ethe)mirrorC without even $%ancin$ at it he &ro''e& it to the car'et an& $roun& it to s'%inters un&er his hee%. .o%&in$ his han&s to$ether in the center of the &es , he 'eere& u' at Cussic . 8?i%% #ou sit &ownD; he $rate&. 8I hate to %oo u'. Sit &own so we can ta% .; 2e $ro'e& aroun& amon$ the %itter on his &es . 8You smo e, &on+t #ouD I &on+t have an# ci$arettes hereC I $ave u' smo in$. It+s unhea%th#.; 8I have m# own,; Cussic sai&, reachin$ unstea&i%# into his coat. .in$ers &rummin$ rest%ess%# on the &es , *ones sai&E 8I haven+t seen #ou in #ears, not since that &a# in the 'o%ice offices. ?or , &ecrees an& whatnot a%% the time. It+s a (i$ =o(, this t#'e of wor . A %ot of res'onsi(i%it#.;
8Yes,; Cussic a$ree& thic %#. 81earson is &ea&, #ou now. 4ie& this mornin$.; A $rotesFue %eer touche& the withere& face. 8I e't him a%ive for awhi%e. 2e '%anne& m# mur&er, (ut I was waitin$ B a who%e #ear ahea& of time. ?aitin$ for that assassin to show u'. You 'ic e& a $oo& time to comeC I was =ust a(out to sen& for #ou. Not =ust #ou, of courseC ever#(o&# in #our c%ass, the who%e %ot of #ou. An& that stu'i& (%on&e who use& to (e #our wifeC #ou new she =oine& us, &i&n+t #ouD Of course #ou newG she fi%%e& out this a''%ication. I reco$ni7e her chic en)trac s.; 8Yes,; Cussic re'eate&. 8A %ot of se/)starve& societ# fema%es have come to us,; *ones ram(%e& on, face twitchin$, thin (o&# Fuiverin$ with nervous s'asms. 2is voice was monotonousC the wor&s ran to$ether in a mum(%e& (%ur of fati$ue. 8A sort of su(stitute for a&eFuate co'u%ation, I su''oseG this is a %ife%on$ or$asm for them. Sometimes with tric s %i e #our wife aroun&, I $et the fee%in$ I+m runnin$ a cat house instea& of a B; .rom his coat, Cussic +s han& (rou$ht out the $un. 2e was conscious of no &ecisionC his han& move& on its own vo%ition. In an instinctive, ref%e/ive (%ur, he aime& an& fire&. It was at the %ar$er of the two (o&#$uar&s that he ha& aime&C in some &im wa# he ha& the i&ea that it was necessar# to i%% them first. But *ones, seein$ the $%int of meta%, ha& su&&en%# =um'e& to his feet. 3i e a s inn#, animate& &o%%, he (ounce& (etween Cussic an& the two $uar&sC the e/'%osive she%% cau$ht him &irect%# a(ove the ri$ht e#e. 0he two $uar&s, 'ara%#7e& with &is(e%ief, stoo& roote& to the s'ot, without even %iftin$ their $uns. Cussic , too, was una(%e to stir. 2e stoo& ho%&in$ the 'isto%, not firin$ at the $uar&s, not (ein$ fire& as in return. 0he (o&# of *ones %a# strewn across the %ittere& &es . *ones was &ea&. 2e ha& i%%e& himC it was over. It was im'ossi(%e.
?2EN 2E 'ushe& o'en the a'artment &oor, Nina $ave a shrie an& ran so((in$ to him Cussic cau$ht ho%& of her an& he%& her ti$ht, his min& sti%% swir%in$ aim%ess%#. 8I+m o a#,; he muttere&. 82e+s &ea&. It+s over.; She (ac e& awa#, face strea e& with tears, e#es re& an& swimmin$. 8You i%%e& himD; 0here was on%# &is(e%ief there, without com'rehension. 2e fe%t the same wa#C her e/'ression mirrore& his own. 8But howD; 8I shot him.; 2e was sti%% ho%&in$ the 'isto%. 0he# ha& %et him wa% out of the (ui%&in$C no(o&# ha& trie& to sto' him. No(o&# com'rehen&e& what ha& ha''ene&G he ha& met on%# &a7e& shoc , comatose fi$ures, stric en an& %ife%ess. 8But #ou cou%&n+t have i%%e& him,; Nina re'eate&. 84i&n+t he e/'ect itD; 8I wasn+t shootin$ at him. 2e was sittin$ &own B I shot at one of the $uar&s.; Cussic ru((e& his forehea& uncertain%#. 8It was instinctive. 2e was ta% in$ a(out #ouG I #an e& out the $un an& fire&. <a#(e that was itC I &i&n+t '%an to. <a#(e I chan$e& time. <a#(e I somehow a%tere& the future (# actin$ ref%e/ive%#. <a#(e su(rationa% res'onses can+t (e 're&icte&.; C%utchin$ at straws, he a%most (e%ieve& it. A%most, he ha& constructe& a convincin$ rationa%i7ation. A%most, he was 're'are& to acce't it B unti% he saw the sma%% (rown 'ac a$e on the arm of the couch. 8?hat+s thatD; he &eman&e&. 80hisD; Nina 'ic e& it u'. 8I haven+t an# i&ea B it came (efore I $ot here. .rom the or$ani7ation.; She he%& it out. 8It+s a&&resse& to #ou. It was %#in$ in the ha%%, 'ro''e& a$ainst the &oor.; Cussic too it. 0he sha'e of the (o/ was fami%iarE it was a ree% of au&ta'e. ?ith num( fin$ers he tore off the 'a'er an& carrie& the ta'e to the '%a#(ac eFui'ment mounte& in the wa%% a(ove the coffee ta(%e. 0he voice &i&n+t sur'rise him. B# now the 'ieces were fa%%in$ to$ether. 8Cussic ,; the thin, harrie& snar% (e$an, 8#ou ha& (etter %a# %ow for awhi%e. 0here+%% 'ro(a(%# (e a %ot of commotion. I &on+t nowC I+m =ust $uessin$. You un&erstan&D I$1 &ust guessing% As far as #ou+re concerne&, I+ve %ost m# a(i%it#. An& #ou rea%i7e wh#.; Yes, he rea%i7e& wh#. *ones ha& seen ever#thin$ u' unti% the moment of his &eath. But that was a%%E nothin$ (e#on& that. 8You &i& a $oo& c%ean =o(,; *ones+ voice continue&, the harsh, meta%%ic mutter that he ha& hear& not ha%f an hour a$o. 8Of course, #ou shou%&n+t $et the cre&it. A%% #ou &i& was shoot off that $unC it was u' to me to $et in its wa#. But #ou &i& what #ou ha& to &o. 0hat was $oo&C I new #ou wou%&. You &i&n+t chic en out.; Cussic ha%te& the ta'e. 8.o/# &rie&)u' %itt%e coot,; he sai& sava$e%#. 84on+t sto' it-; Nina Fuavere&C snatchin$ his han& awa#, she c%ic e& the ta'e) trans'ort mechanism (ac into motion. 8So now,; *ones state&, 8I+m &ea&. I can+t te%% e/act%# when this wi%% reach #ou, (ut I su''ose it wi%%. ?hat I &o now is thisE if and when you hear this4 I$ll be dead4 be#ause I$ve seen that 1u#h ha!!en% An& (# now #ou+ve seen it ha''en, too. 4o #ou $ras' how I fee%D .or one #ear I+ve sat facin$ that moment, nowin$ it was comin$. Knowin$ it cou%&n+t (e avoi&e&. Sufferin$ throu$h that B an& throu$h what comes afterwar&. Now it+s over. Now I can rest. You rea%i7e, of
course, that what #ou &i& was what I wante& #ou to &o. But 'ro(a(%# #ou &on+t un&erstan& wh#. 8I ma&e a mista e. I $am(%e&, I too a chance, an& I %ost. I was wron$G (ut not in the wa# #ou thin . I was more wron$ than #ou thin .; 8No,; Cussic sai&, (aff%e& fur# cho in$ u' insi&e him. 8In the ne/t &a# or so,; *ones continue&, 8the warshi's wi%% (e (ac home. 1eo'%e wou%& see I ma&e a mista e B the#+& rea%i7e that I was fa%%i(%e %i e ever#(o&# e%se. They would know I didn$t have absolute knowledge%; An amuse& mutter of trium'h (urst throu$h the wor&s, interru'tin$ the monotonous f%ow. 81rett# soon the wor& wou%& have starte& $ettin$ aroun&E *ones was a frau&. *ones &i&n+t have an# ta%ent. *ones '%a#e& us for a suc erC he &i&n+t have an# more i&ea of the future than we &i&. But now the# won+t thin that. 0he#+%% have this factE to&a#, *ones was mur&ere&. An& tomorrow, the shi's start %ea in$ (ac in. *ones &ie& (efore &efeat (e$an B an& cause a%wa#s comes first.; .uti%e%#, Cussic s%amme& off the f%ow of wor&s. 8Christ,; he sai& (itter%#. 8I &on+t $et it,; Nina whis'ere&, stric en. 8?hat+s he meanD; 9e%uctant%#, Cussic a$ain starte& u' the ta'e. 80he#+%% sa# I was vicious%# i%%e&,; *ones o(serve& $%eefu%%#. 80he#+%% sa# #ou sto%e victor# awa# from them when #ou mur&ere& me. 0he %e$en& wi%% $row u'E if *ones ha& %ive&, we wou%& have won. It was #ou, the o%& s#stem, .e&$ov, 9e%ativism, that ro((e& us. Jones didn$t fail% 8<# a'o%o$ies to #our wife. I ha& to sa# thatC I ha& to $oa& #ou. 1earson, of course, is a%ive. You+%% fin& him in one of the o%& 'o%ice 'risonsC that is, if #ou+re sti%% B; 8You can turn it off,; Nina sai&. 8I &on+t have to hear an# more.; 2e &i& so, instant%#. 8I he%'e& him $et what he wante&. 2e use& me the wa# he use& 1earsonG we were e%ements of his '%an.; .or a time neither of them s'o e. 8?e%%,; Nina sai& (rave%#, 8we &on+t have the civi% war, now.; 8No,; Cussic a$ree&. 80hat was a%% a fa e, a '%antC a%% that stuff he to%& #ou a(out a %ast &itch stan& a$ainst the mo(s B that was for m# (enefit.; 82e was Fuite a 's#cho%o$ist.; 82e was ever#thin$. 2e un&erstoo& histor#Bhe new when to $et off the sta$eG an& how. 2e new when to ma e his entrance an& his e/it. ?e thou$ht we were $oin$ to (e stuc with *ones for another si/ monthsG instea&, we+re stuc with *ones, the %e$en& of *ones, forever.; 2e &i&n+t nee& *ones+ ta%ent to see it. 0he new re%i$ion. 0he crucifie& $o&, s%ain for the $%or# of man. Certain to rea''ear, some&a#C a &eath not in vain. 0em'%es, m#ths, sacre& te/ts. 9e%ativism wasn+t comin$ (ac in, not in this wor%&. Not after this. 82e rea%%# has us,; Cussic a&mitte&, furious, (aff%e&, (ut force& to a&mire the cunnin$ of the man. 82e outsmarte& us, a%% the wa# a%on$ the %ine. 0here+%% (e icons of *ones si/t# feet hi$h. 2e+%% $row ta%%er ever# #ear B in a centur# he+%% (e a cou'%e of mi%es hi$h.; 2e %au$he& harsh%#. 8Shrines. 2o%# ima$es.; Nina (e$an rewin&in$ the ta'e. 8<a#(e we can use this as evi&ence.; 82e%%,; Cussic to%& her, 8we+ve $ot '%ent# of evi&ence. ?e can !rove *ones was wron$ B 'rove it a mi%%ion &ifferent wa#s. 2e mis=u&$e& the &rifters B that+s a fact. 0he rin$ was u' (efore *ones &ie&C the shi's ha& a%rea&# starte& (ac . An& he+s &ea& B rationa%%#, that ou$ht to cinch it. But it won+t. 2e+s ri$htC he+s a shrew& =u&$e of us. Cause
'rece&es effect. *ones &ie& on <on&a#, the war was %ost on 0ues&a#. Even I, stan&in$ here in this room, can+t he%' (ein$ =ust a %itt%e convince&.; 8<e, too,; Nina a$ree& in a wretche&, tin# voice. 8It =ust sort of B feels ri$ht.; Cussic wan&ere& over to the win&ow, 'ushe& asi&e the &ra'es, an& $a7e& out he%'%ess%# at the &ar sheets of rain &rummin$ on the 'avement (e%ow. 8?hat a(out #ou an& meD; Nina as e& timi&%#. 8I $uess #ou &on+t want to $o to ?est Africa.; 8You thin ?est Africa wi%% (e far enou$h awa#D .or 1e2 I+m the man who mur&ere& *ones B remem(erD A %ot of 'eo'%e are $oin$ to (e out %oo in$ for me.; 8But where can we $oD; Nina as e&. 8Off Earth,; Cussic sai&, (roo&in$. 80here+s nowhere here for us. It+%% ta e a &a# or so for them to start movin$G that+%% (are%# $ive us time to $et *ac ie an& the rest of what we nee&. *un B tons of it. An& a $oo& shi', one that+s (een recent%# service&. You sti%% have enou$h mone# an& 'u%% for such thin$sD; She no&&e& s%ow%#. 8Yes, I su''ose. You soun& %i e #ou+ve ma&e u' #our min&. You+ve &eci&e& where we+re $oin$.; 8?here we+re $oin$ an& what we+re $oin$ to &o. It isn+t '%easant, (ut ma#(e it wou%& (e 'ermanent. 0hat+s one conso%ationG this stuff ma# &ie &own some&a#, an& we can come (ac .; 8I &ou(t it,; Nina sai&. 8I &ou(t it, too. But we%% nee& somethin$ to ee' us $oin$. ?e+re $oin$ to have a few rou$h times ahea&.; 2e turne& awa# from the win&ow. 8You can sta# here, #ou rea%i7e. You+re %e$a%%# not m# wifeC the# won+t necessari%# connect the two of us. A %itt%e fast ta% in$ here an& there, an& #ou+re a %o#a% or$ani7ation wor er a$ain.; 8I+%% come a%on$,; Nina sai&. 8You+re sureD After a%%, #ou+re in on the $roun& f%oorG #ou can (e a saint in the new church.; She smi%e& u' sa&%#. 8You now I want to come a%on$. So %et+s sto' sta%%in$ aroun&.; 8Aoo&,; Cussic a$ree&, a %itt%e ha''ier. In fact, a %ot ha''ier. Ben&in$, he isse& her on the nose. 8You+re ri$ht B %et+s $et starte&. 0he sooner we $et out of here, the (etter.;
02E IN0E9IO9 of the ca(in was coo% an& &ar . 0he air, moist with the swir%in$ mist from outsi&e, &rifte& u' in 3ouis+ face an& momentari%# cut off his view. 2e (%in e&, sFuinte&, sett%e& &own on his haunches, an& %eane& c%oser to see. 8Be carefu%,; 4ieter warne& him ominous%#. In the sha&ows %a# :ivian, covere& to her chin (# a (%an et. She $a7e& u' wea %# at 3ouis, her e#es &ar an& immense. It $ave him a stran$e fee%in$C his heart turne& over, an& he ha& trou(%e $ettin$ his (reath. 8<a#(e I (etter %oo %ater,; he muttere&. 8I &on+t &rive #ou fift# mi%es for nothin$,; 4ieter answere& ur$ent%#. 8?hat+s the matterD Afrai&D; 8Yes,; 3ouis a&mitte&. 84o I have to %oo D; .ear too over, an& he (ac e& hurrie&%# awa# from the (e&. ?hat if it wasn+t ri$htD 0here was a%wa#s the chance, a hi$h chance, a (etter than even chance. 0he 'ro(%em ha& never (een so%ve&C ma#(e the $enes were invio%ate, as <en&e% ha& sai&. But how, then, ha& evo%ution occurre&D A vast torrent of a(stract theor# swe't throu$h his (rain. 8No,; he sai& em'hatica%%#, 8I can+t %oo .; 4ieter stro&e over (esi&e his wife. 8You+%% (e ne/t,; he sai& to 3ouis. 8You an& Irma. An& then .ran an& S#&. So look%; 2e %oo e&. An& it was a%% ri$ht. 0rem(%in$, he (ent &own. 0he (a(# was soun& as%ee', a re&&ish, hea%th# face, e#es shut ti$ht, mouth s%ac , forehea& 'u%%e& into a ru((er# scow%. 0in# arms stuc u', en&in$ in (ent fin$ers. In man# wa#s, it %oo e& %i e an Earth (a(# , . . (ut it wasn+t. 2e cou%& see that a%rea&#. 0he nostri%s were a%tere&C he notice& that first of a%%. A s'on$# e%ement c%ose& each oneE fi%ter)mem(rane to screen out the thic water va'or. An& the han&s. 9eachin$ cautious%# &own, he too ho%& of the (a(#+s tin# ri$ht han& an& e/amine& it. 0he fin$ers were we((e&. No toes at a%%. An& the chest was immenseE hu$e %un$s, to $ather in enou$h of the air to ee' the fra$i%e or$anism a%ive. An& that was the 'roof. 0hat was the im'ortant thin$, the rea% thin$. The baby was alive% Breathin$ the :enusian air, withstan&in$ the tem'erature, the humi&it#G a%% that remaine& was the 'ro(%em of nutrition. .on&%#, :ivian &rew the (a(# a$ainst her (o&#. 0he (a(# stirre&, stru$$%e& fitfu%%#, o'ene& its e#es. 8?hat &o #ou thin of himD; :ivian as e&. 82e+s fine,; 3ouis sai&. 8?hat+s his nameD; 8*imm#.; :ivian smi%e& u' (%issfu%%#. 1resent%# she %ifte& the stru$$%in$ (a(# u' a$ainst her en%ar$e& (reastsC after a short whi%e the stru$$%es cease&, an& the frantic motion &ie& into a $ree&# ha%f)&o7e. 3ouis watche& for a moment, an& then he ti'toe& off, to where 4ieter stoo& 'rou&%# waitin$. 8?e%%D; 4ieter &eman&e& (e%%i$erent%#. 3ouis shru$$e&. 8It+s a (a(#. It ic s.; 0he #outh+s face f%ushe& scar%et. 84on+t #ou un&erstan&D It+s a%tere& , it+s a&a'te&. It+%% %ive.; 8Sure,; 3ouis a$ree&. 0hen he $rinne& an& s%a''e& the (o# on the (ac . 8You+re a father, #ou sFuirt. 2ow the he%% o%& are #ouD; 8Ei$hteen.;
82ow o%& is :ivD; 8Seventeen.; 8You o%& 'atriarch. B# the time #ou+re m# a$e, #ou+%% have $ran&chi%&ren. :iri%it#, th# name is #outh.; .ran an& S#& came ra'i&%# into the ca(in, fo%%owe& (# 3auraE now three #ears o%& an& s i''in$ a(out a(%#. Irma a''eare& (ehin& them, face an/ious. 8Is it B; she (e$an, an& then (ecame Fuiet an& su(&ue& as she ma&e out the two fi$ures in the (e&. 8Aosh,; .ran sai&, awe&. 8It+s rea%.; 8Of course it+s rea%-; 4ieter shoute&. Aarr# a''eare& in the &oorwa#. 8Can I come inD; 8Come on in,; 3ouis sai&. 8?e+re $oin$ to have a 'art#.; 2e %e& 3aura over to the (e&. 8You, too. Ever#(o&# can %oo .; Ben&in$ over the woman an& her (a(#, S#& sai& thou$htfu%%#E 80he nutrition 'ro(%em is so%ve& ri$ht now. But what a(out %aterD; 84on+t worr# a(out it,; 4ieter sai& hau$hti%#. ?ith a %itt%e em(arrassment he e/'%aine&E 89affert# &i&n+t over%oo an#thin$. :iv+s $%an&sG that isG the mammar# secretions aren+t the same. 3ouis an& I ma&e tests. It+s mi% , (ut it+s not re$u%ar mi% .; 80han Ao&,; S#& sai&, re%ieve&. 8I wou%&n+t want to have to ee' him a%ive for the rest of his %ife,; :ivian sai& soft%#. 8I &on+t thin I cou%&.; .ran an& 3ouis wa% e& off to confer in 'rivate. 80his is the (est thin$ that+s ha''ene&,; .ran sai&. 82ave #ou consi&ere& the a%ternativeD Su''ose the (a(# ha& (een norma% B an Earth (a(#, $eare& to an Earth environment. Su''ose a%% our 'ro$en# reverte&. Yes, that+s the term. 9eversion. Su''ose we ha&n+t (een a(%e to 'ass this onD Su''ose we were s'orts, not true mutantsD; 8?e%%, we+re not.; 80han Ao& for that. 0he ei$ht of us wou%& have %ive& out our %itt%e %ife s'ans an& then &ie&. 0hat wou%& have (een the en& of the race. Some race.; 0he# ste''e& out of the coo% &ar ness, &own the three ste's, onto the wa% that 4ieter ha& %a(orious%# erecte& to the main roa&. In the %ast #ear the co%on# ha& e/'an&e& $eometrica%%#. Smooth)surface& roa&s %in e& each of the in&ivi&ua% sett%ements with the others. In front of 4ieter+s ca(in stoo& a cru&e meta% vehic%e he an& Aarr# ha& (ui%tE meta% hammere& from sheets ro%%e& in their own furnace. It was a $rotesFue)%oo in$ o(=ect, (ut it serve& its 'ur'ose. 0he vehic%e was 'owere& (# a stora$e (atter#. Its tires were amateurish%# mo%&e&, not 'recise%# roun&, (ut servicea(%e. 0he materia% was a 'oure& '%astic, a sa' &erive& from a fern)%i e tree. 0he vehic%e, on %eve% $roun&, &i& ten mi%es an hour. 84on+t %oo at it too har&,; 3ouis commente&. 8It+%% co%%a'se.; An& that wasn+t a%%. 0he (u((%in$ fonts of hot water that s'i%%e& to the surface were natura% sources of e%ectric 'ower. .our $eneratin$ '%ants ha& a%rea&# (een assem(%e&C the new :enusian societ# ha& a constant source of heat, %i$ht, an& $enera% 'ower. <ost of the eFui'ment ha& (een remove& from the ruine& shi's an& scout &omesC (ut $ra&ua%%#, (it (# (it, han&)ma&e e%ements were (ein$ su(stitute&. 83oo s $oo&,; 3ouis a&mitte&. 8It &oes,; .ran a$ree&. 82e+s &one a %ot here. But a%% those si%%#)%oo in$ anima%s he+s $ot tie& u'G what the he%% are the# forD;
8Ao& nows,; 3ouis sai&. 2e %eane& into the ca(in an& sai& to 4ieterE 8?hat are those thin$s stan&in$ aroun& out hereD; 3ofti%#, 4ieter answere&E 80hat+s m# her& of wu77%es.; 8?hat are the# forD You $oin$ to eat themD; ?ith &i$nit#, 4ieter e/'%aine&E 80he wu77%e was the &ominant s'ecies. Inte%%ectua%%#, it+s the most a&vance& in&i$enous %ife form. 0ests I+ve con&ucte& show the wu77%e is more inte%%i$ent than the 0erran horse, 'i$, &o$, cat, an& crow 'ut to$ether.; 82eavens,; Irma murmure&. 80he#+re $oin$ to (e our he%'ers,; 4ieter revea%e& s%ee %#. I+m teachin$ that 'articu%ar her& to 'erform routine chores. So our min&s wi%% (e free for constructive '%annin$.; Sha in$ his hea&, 3ouis (ac e& out of the ca(in. But it was a $oo& si$ht. A%% of itE the fie%&s, the anima% she&s, the smo e)house, the si%o, the main ca(in, now a &ou(%e)wa%%e& (ui%&in$ with two (e&rooms, a %ivin$ room, itchen, an& in&oor (athroom. An& a%rea&#, Aarr# ha& %ocate& a su(stitute for woo&)'u%'C an a(ortive 'a'er ha& (een turne& out, fo%%owe& (# 'rimitive t#'e. It was on%# a Fuestion of time (efore their societ# (ecame a civi%i7ationE a civi%i7ation, now, of nine in&ivi&ua%s. An hour %ater, .ran an& S#& were ri&in$ s%ow%# (ac to their own sett%ement, in their e%ectric)&riven wa$on. 8It+s $oo& news,; .ran reiterate&, as the countr#si&e cre't 'ast on each si&e of them. 8You sai& that five times a%rea&#,; S#& 'ointe& out $ent%#. 8It+s true, thou$h.; .ran me&itate&, a worrie& frown on his face. 8<a#(e we shou%& sto' (# one of the shi's.; 8?h#D; 8?e ou$ht to (ui%& an incu(ator. Su''ose the (a(# ha& al1ost a&a'te&, (ut not FuiteD It mi$ht have &ie&G (ut in an incu(ator, we cou%& ee' it a%ive unti% it $ot stron$er. A&=ust con&itions unti% it cou%& to%erate this environment. *ust to (e on the safe si&e.; 2e a&&e& '%aintive%#, 8I &on+t want an#thin$ to ha''en to ours.; 8?e shou%& &ro' (# the &omes, at %east,; S#& sai&. 80he#+& %i e to hear.; .ran turne& the wa$on from the roa&C in a moment it was (um'in$ over the no((# $reenish s%ush that ma&e u' the :enusian countr#si&e. Ahea& of them %a# a %on$ %ine of ha7# mountains. At the (ase was the strewn &e(ris that ha& once (een the 0erran 'rotective &omes. 0he war)'ro=ecti%es ha& (urst them, of course, (ut out of the remnants a sin$%e structure ha& (een assem(%e&. It was a Fuasi)&ome, a ho%%ow ha%f)s'here anchore& at the (ase of the hi%%s. 8It+s weir&,; .ran commente&, 8seein$ that, there. 3i e (ein$ outsi&e #our s in.; 8Outsi&e #our o%& s in,; S#& correcte&. 0he 9efu$e wasn+t as %ar$e as theirs ha& (eenC it was on%# a cit# (%oc %on$ an& a few hun&re& feet wi&e. It ha& (een constructe& to ee' a%ive three in&ivi&ua%s, not ei$ht. But the 'rinci'%e was the sameE insi&e the trans'arent (u((%e %a# a &ifferent wor%&, with &ifferent tem'erature, atmos'here, humi&it#, an& %ife forms. 0he three inha(itants ha& &one a $oo& =o( of fi/in$ u' their 9efu$e. It was %i e a sma%% section of Earth severe& from the ori$ina%. Even the co%ors were e/actC .ran ha& to a&mire their han&iwor , their s i%% in creatin$ this authentic re'%ica. But, then, this was a%% the# ha& (een &oin$ the %ast #ear. 0his was a%% there was for them to &o. 0he# ha& scru'u%ous%# &eve%o'e& an artificia% (%ue s #, an a%most convincin$ imitation of Earth+s (%ue (ow%. 2ere was a c%ou&. 0here was a f%oc of mi$rator# &uc s,
'ermanent%# $%ue& to the insi&e of the '%astic (u((%e. 0he man, Cussic , ha& (rou$ht $rass see& with himC the (ottom surface was a so%i& e/'anse of &ar %ush $reen, simi%ar to the outsi&e :enusian f%ora, (ut not the same. No, not the same at a%%. A su(t%e co%or &ifference, an& a $reat &ifference in te/ture. It was a &ifferent wor%& trans'%ante& here, in miniature. A fra$ment. A museum)'iece that $ave .ran an o&& nosta%$ic fee%in$ as the wa$on neare& it. 0he Earth fami%# ha& $rown themse%ves shru(s an& trees. A ma'%e an& a 'o'%ar tree wave& (rave%# insi&e the 9efu$e. 0he# ha&, from the materia%s avai%a(%e, constructe& a mo&e% of a 0erran house, a sma%% two)(e&room resi&ence. ?hite stucco wa%%s. A re&)ti%e roof. ?in&ows, with curtains (ehin& them. A $rave% 'ath. A $ara$e Kwith nothin$ insi&e it (ut an e%a(orate wor (enchL. 9oses, 'etunias, an& a few fuschias. 0he cuttin$s an& see&s ha& a%% (een (rou$ht on the ori$ina% B an& on%# B tri' from EarthE Cussic ha& antici'ate& what %a# ahea&. In the (ac was a thrivin$ ve$eta(%e $ar&en. An& the man ha& even thou$ht to (rin$ four chic ens, a cow an& a (u%%, three 'i$s, a 'air of &o$s, a 'air of &omestic cats, an& a f%oc of assorte& (ir&s. 0he 9efu$e was %itera%%# =amme& with 0erran f%ora an& fauna. 0he woman, Nina, ha& 'ainte& an artificia% (ac &ro' that was start%in$%# convincin$. 9o%%in$ (rownish hi%%s, with a &istant (%ue ocean. 0he woman was Fuite ta%ente& a%on$ artistic %inesC she ha& su'ervise& the &eve%o'ment of the creation with a traine& an& critica% e#e. 1%a#in$ at the e&$e of the 9efu$e, where the (ac &ro' (e$an, was their four)#ear)o%& son *ac . 2e was (usi%# assem(%in$ a san& cast%e at the e&$e or a sma%% s#nthetic %a e in which %a''e& 'ainsta in$%# &isti%%e& water. 8I fee% sorr# for them,; S#& sai& a(ru't%#. 8You &oD ?h#D; 8Because it+s awfu%. You remem(erG 3ivin$ %i e that, shut u' in a %itt%e $%ass (o/.; 8Some&a# the#+%% (e a(%e to $o (ac ,; .ran remin&e& her. 8One of these &a#s the Societ# of the 1rince of <an , or whatever the new ha$iocrac# is ca%%e& B wi%% coo% off an& %et him return.; 8If he hasn+t &ie& of o%& a$e.; 80he#+re coo%in$C it won+t (e %on$. An& remem(erE he knows why he$s here% 2e &eci&e&C it was vo%untar#. An& it has a 'ur'ose.; .ran turne& off the motor of the wa$on an& (rou$ht it to a ha%t. 2e an& S#& ste''e& $in$er%# &own an& wa% e& towar& the 9efu$e. Insi&e, (e#on& the trans'arent wa%%, Cussic ha& seen them. 2e wa% e& towar& them, wavin$. Cu''in$ his han&s to his mouth, .ran shoute&E 8It+s a (o#. It+s a&a'te& B ever#thin$+s fine.; 82e can+t hear #ou,; S#& remin&e& him $ent%#. 0o$ether, the# entere& the interme&iar# %oc . 0here, seate& on stoo%s, the# c%ic e& on the micro'hone an& warme& u' the communication s#stem that %in e& them to the interior of the 9efu$e, the finite cosmos (e#on&. Aroun& them, 'i'es an& circuits whee7e&C this was the intricate 'um'in$ eFui'ment that e't the atmos'here of the 9efu$e constant. Be#on& that were the thermostatic e%ements, ri''e& from the three &ama$e& shi's. An& (e#on& that, the most im'ortant eFui'ment of a%%E the manufacturin$ units that 'rocesse& the Earth'eo'%e+s foo&.
82i,; Cussic sai&, stan&in$ (e#on& the viewin$ wa%%, han&s in his 'oc ets, a ci$arette (etween his %i's. 2is s%eeves were ro%%e& u'C he ha& (een wor in$ in his $ar&en. 82ow+& it come outD; 82e came out fine,; S#& sai&. 8A&a'te&D; 80ota%%#. A re$u%ar monster.; 8.ine,; Cussic sai&, no&&in$. 8?e+%% s'%it a (eer on it.; 2is wife a''eare&, a '%um', 'rett# fi$ure in (%ue s%ac s an& ha%ter, a strea of oran$e 'aint across her (are stomach, face $%istenin$ with 'ers'iration. In one han& she carrie& a (%oc of san&'a'er an& a 'aint scra'er. She %oo e& we%%)fe& an& contentC Fuite ha''#, in fact. 8Aive her our con$ratu%ations,; Nina+s voice came. 8It+s a (o#D; 8A(so%ute%#,; .ran sai&. 8It+s hea%th#D; 82ea%th# as a wu77%e,; .ran sai&. 8In fact, it+s the new wu77%e. 0he re'%acement wu77%e, a (etter wu77%e to ta e the '%ace of the o%&.; 1u77%e&, Nina shoo her hea&. 8You+re not comin$ throu$h. Your wor&s are a%% $ar(%e&.; 84on+t worr# a(out it,; her hus(an& to%& her, 'uttin$ his arm aroun& her waist an& 'u%%in$ her to him. 8?orr# a(out the mice in the 'antr#.; 8<ice-; S#& e/c%aime&. 8You (rou$ht mice a%on$D; 8I wante& thin$s to (e natura%,; Cussic e/'%aine&, $rinnin$. 8I even (o/e& u' some $rassho''ers an& f%ies. I want m# wor%& to (e com'%ete. As %on$ as we have to sta# here B; Over (# the s#nthetic %a e, *ac ie '%a#e& ha''i%# with his san& cast%e. 8I want him to now what he+s $oin$ to (e u' a$ainst,; Cussic e/'%aine&. 8So he+%% (e 're'are&, when the three of us $o (ac .;