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CALCULUS Table of Contents Calculus I, First Semester Chapter 1. Rates of Change, Tangent Lines and Dierentiation 1.1.

Newtons Calculus 1.2. Liebniz Calculus of Dierentials 1.3. The Chain Rule 1.4. Trigonometric Functions 1.5. Implicit Dierentiation and Related Rates 1 1 13 14 16 19

Chapter 2. Theoretical Considerations 2.1. Limit Operations 2.2. Limits at Innity 2.3. Some Basic Theorems 2.4. lH opitals Rule Chapter 3. Extrema, Concavity and Graphs 3.1. Monotonicity and the First Derivative 3.2. Optimization 3.3. Concavity and the Second Derivative 3.4. Graphing Functions Rational Functions Other Sketches Chapter 4. Integration: A Dierential Equations Approach 4.1. Antiderivatives 4.2. Area 4.3 Separation of Variables 4.4. The Exponential Function 4.5 The Logarithm 4.6 Growth and Decay Inhibited Growth Chapter 5. Integration: The Accumulation Method 5.1. The Denite Integral he Fundamental Theorem of the Calculus 5.2. Summation and the Denition of Area 5.3. Volume Volumes of Revolution 5.4. Arc Length 5.5. Work 5.6 Mass and Moments Centroids

24 24 29 34 36 40 40 42 45 47 47 51 55 55 59 64 69 75 79 80 86 86 92 95 99 104 109 113 118

Calculus II, Second Semester Chapter 6. Transcendental Functions 6.1. Inverse Functions 6.2. The Inverse Trigonometric Functions 6.3 First Order Dierential Equations Chapter 7. Techniques of Integration 7.1. Substitution 7.2. Integration by Parts 7.3. Partial Fractions 7.4. Trigonometric Methods Chapter 8. Indeterminate Forms and Improper Integrals 8.1. LH opitals Rule 8.2 Other Indeterminate Forms 8.3 Improper Integrals: Innite Intervals 8.4 Improper Integrals: Finite Asymptotes Chapter 9. Sequences and Series 9.1. Sequences 9.2. Series 9.3. Tests for Convergence 9.4. Power Series 9.5. Taylor Series Chapter 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. Chapter 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. 11.5. Chapter 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 10 Numerical Methods Taylor Approximation Newtons Method Numerical Integration 11. Conics and Polar Coordinates Quadratic Relations Eccentricity and Foci String and Optical Properties of the Conics Polar Coordinates Calculus in Polar Corrdinates 12. Second Order Linear Dierential Equations Homogeneous Equations Behavior of the Solutions Applications The Inhomogeneous equation 122 122 127 130 136 136 139 143 149 153 153 156 158 161 164 164 134 175 180 184 191 191 195 198 203 203 210 215 219 225 228 228 233 235 238


Calculus III, Third Semester Chapter 13. Vector Algebra 13.1 Basic Concepts 13. 2. Vectors in the Plane 13.3. Vectors in Space 13.4. Lines and Planes in Space Chapter 14. Particles in Motion; Keplers Laws 14.1 Vector Functions 14.2 Planar Particle Motion 14.3 Particle Motion in Space 14.4 Derivation of Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion from Newtons Laws Chapter 15. Coordinates and Surfaces 15.1 Change of Coordinates in Two Dimensions 15.2 Special Coordinate Systems 15.3 Surfaces; Graphs and Level Curves 15.4 Cylinders and Surfaces of Revolution 15.5. Quadric Surfaces Chapter 16. Dierentiable Functions of Several Variables 16.1 The Dierential and Partial Derivatives 16.2 Gradients and Vector Methods 16. 3 Theoretical Considerations 16.4 Optimization The Method of Lagrange Multipliers Chapter 17. Multiple Integration 17.1 Integration on Planar Regions 17.2. Applications 17.3. Theoretical Considerations 17.4. Integration in Other Coordinates 17.5 Triple Interals Integration in Other Coordinates Chapter 18. Vector Calculus 18.1 Vector Fields 18.2 Line Integrals and Work 18.3 Independence of Path 18.4. Greens Theorem in the Plane 18.5 Stokes and Gauss Theorems in Three Dimensions 241 241 243 253 259 265 265 269 273 276 281 281 287 292 295 296 302 302 309 315 317 320 324 324 331 334 337 347 350 354 354 360 364 367 370


Preface As I neared the end of a second decade of teaching Calculus at the University of Utah, I became aware of a student type that persisted in all my classes, comprising between 10 and 20 percent of the class. These students came to class irregularly, often just to ask a question about one of the more demanding problems. They took all the exams, and, almost uniformly ended up with grades in the top quartile. Looking at their transcripts, and talking with several of them, I discovered that they were among the better prepared of the Calculus students, having taken Calculus in high school, either in an AP class, or from another country. Now, the University of Utah has an AP Calculus course for such students, but as that course emphasizes theory, these students preferred to be in the regular engineering sequence. As these students were well grounded in Algebra, and had already seen some of the basics of Calculus, I concluded that what was appropriate for them was a course in Calculus that emphasized a deep intuitive understanding of Calculus and problems sets that depended on, and extended that understanding. So, with the collusion of my chair, I started an intensive summer calculus course: all three semesters in ten weeks. After all, if this population was ten percent of the total Calculus cohort, and if half of those took the summer course, that would provide a class of about 50 students enough to make the experiment economically feasible. We met in this class for ve hours a day, ve days a week. For about half the time the instructor developed the basic ideas, illustrating them through problems, and for the rest of the time, the students do their homework in the presence of graduate assistants. This worked, and that course continues still with about the same numbers of students. I taught that course for three years, and then turned to developing an online course, based on the same approach. The rst few semesters were dicult: there was not a good t between the text and the online problem sets I had created. I spent many hours responding to email inquiries, started to write and post supplementary notes, and decided that it was a good idea to keep past years problems with solutions posted. As new email inquiries and responses were integrated into the supplementary notes, it occurred to me that I had almost a complete rst draft of a text on Calculus. I spent about a semester organizing the material and completing it to a full text that still exists as a supplementary text for the online course. That is the genesis of this text. As a result, it is thin on drill exercises, informal and intuitive on theoretical issues, approaches the ideas of the subject in the context of the problems they solve, and is rich in examples that illustrate those ideas. As such, it has served well that class of students with sucient technical competence to follow the ideas in an argument. Conceptual Apporach of the Text There is no chapter 0: survey of algebra, trigonometry and pre-calculus. It is assumed that students have sucient grasp of the concept of function to be able to get right into that which the Calculus is about. Ideas and techniques from the pre-calculus are reviewed in context as the need for them arises. The approach in Chapter 1 is intuitive and informal: the fundamental issue is to see how understanding of rules of change leads to qualitative comprehension of processes and predictions of future behavior. The rst two sections start with the Newton and Liebniz approaches to Dierential Calculus. The Newtonian approach is presented as one focusing on rates of change of functions of a given independent variable (usually time), while that of Liebniz deals with variables and how iv

they change with respect to each other. In this way, the two threads of derivatives (Newton) and dierentials (Liebniz) are introduced and used throughout the text to develop the various ways of looking at a particular process. Ive always been of two minds concerning theoretical issues. I feel that they are too deep for the rst calculus course, but nd it dicult to be vague and intuitive about them. So, the approach Ive adopted in this text is that of Newton: position and velocity are measurable attributes of moving bodies, and the limit idea of calculus is the tool for solving problems about movement. Similarly, area is a measurable attribute of planar gures, and the idea of accumulation of the Calculus is the tool for calculating area from the algebraic expressions delimiting the gure. The problems of existence of limits and area are thus avoided. On the other hand, there are real issues in relating velocity with change in position, and in dening area, and I cant allow myself to sneak through the calculus without pointing it out. These discussions are collected in sections entitled something like theoretical considerations. As a result this text has no preliminary section on limits. I feel that this would be misplaced: students get the erroneous impression that a limit is calculated by substitution if the function is given by a formula, and otherwise one should look at the graph. So, at the beginning, the calculus of polynomials is developed, and the calculation of the derivative is done algebraically. Derivation of the trigonometric functions is presented using Pascals idea. Here the issue of existence of limits is joined: we must know that lim sin x/x = 1 as x approaches zero. This is discussed in chapter 2, in which a wide variety of questions of limits is discussed, including lH opitals rule, which is usually postponed to second semester. Similarly, integration is introduced as the problem of nding functions with given derivatives using the idea of dierentials. It is essential that students understand that it is a dierential, not a function, that is integrated. By showing that the dierential of the area underneath a curve y = f (x) is f (x)dx, we see that that area is given by integration. The technigue of integration by substitution is a direct consequence of the chain rule. From there, we move directly into solving separable dierential equations (of the type f (x)dx = g (y )dy ) and from there to the introduction of the exponential function as the solution of dy/y = rdx. Then, in the subsequent chapter the issue of existence of area is taken up; we turn to the integral as a limit of an accumulation process and the Fundamental Theorem of the Calculus is now seen as the binding together of the Newton and Liebniz approaches. New techniques and ideas are introduced (where ever possible) in the context of a problem to be solved. Thus the chapter on sequences and series is viewed as developing a technique for approximating values of transcendental functions. Conics are introduced as a tool for understanding quadratic relations, and this leads directly into the study of second order equations. The Chapter on Vector Calculus is based on intuition provided by uid ows. The motivation is that it is better to emphasize the understanding of the physical content of the fundamental theorems of vector calculus, rather than providing proofs of these theorems. After all, the correcrt proofs of these theorems reduce them to the one-variable fundamental theorem of the calculus by judicious choice of coordinates. The hard part, best deferred to the course in Advanced Calculus, is to show that the statement of the theorems is independent of the coordinates in which they are calculated. v

Outline of the Text First Semester In Chapter 1 the basics of the dierential calculus are introduced, mostly in the context of polynomial functions and relations. In section four the derivatives of the trigonometric functions are found using the dierential triangle of Pascal. Chapter 2 discusses the concept of limit, techniques for calculating limits, including lH opitals rule. We show that the sine function is dierentiable (a fact postponed from chapter 1). Limits at innity and asymptotes are discussed. The point of the last section is the armation that a function with derivative 0 everywhere in an interval is constant. This is always a dicult passage in the rst calculus course, for the students see this as the tautology that a function with no change throughout an interval ends up at the same value with which it started. So, the instructor has to rst convince the student that there is a real issue here. In class, Ill do that by exhibiting the Cantor function, which is almost always constant, but somehow gets from 0 to 1. Then the instructor must confess that the issue will not be joined, and instead this fundamental fact will be shown to follow from statements (intermediate value, existence of maxima for continuous functions) that, for some reason, are more intuitively obvious. I leave the strategy for doing this to the instructor, and instead just lay down the minimal exposition. Chapter 3 covers the geometric signicance of the rst and second derivatives, optimization and graph sketching, Chapter 4 introduces integration as the process reverse to dierentiation, and extends this to separable dierential equations. This leads to the introduction of the exponential function as the solution of dy/y = rdx. I do not feel that it is necessary to discuss the general concept of inverse functions to get from the exponential to the logarithm; the logarithm is simply what we use to nd a if we know ea . Chapter 5 turns to Liebniz concept of integration as a method of accumulation, and shows (through the Fundamental theorem) that the Calculi of Newton and Liebniz are the same subject. This is followed by the application of integration to a variety of accumulation processes. Covering these rst 5 chapters in one semester is a tall order. It may be that the course will end with the fundamental theorem, and that the second semester starts with the applications of integration. Alternatively, some sections of these rst ve chapters may be omitted. Second Semester We are now in a position to abstractly discuss inverse functions and the fact that a function with nonzero derivative in an interval has an inverse, leading to the introduction of many useful transcendental functions. This, together with the solution of general rst order dierential equations, is covered in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 covers the techniques of integration necessary to make use of a table of integrals: substitution, integration by parts and partial fractions. It is the intent of this text that from this point on, students will use a table of integrals. vi

Chapter 8 begins with a brief review of lH opitals rule, as some instructors may prefer to cover this in the second semester. Then Improper Integrals are covered as this material will be necessary for the next chapter. We begin Chapter 9 (Sequences and Series) with a more formal discussion of the Principle of Mathematical Induction (although it has already been used informally in several places in the text), in connection with the denition of sequences by recursion. As the point of this chapter is to develop ways to approximate values of transcendental functions, the focus is to get to Taylor series quickly. It also works to cover section 10.1 (on the Taylor formula with estimate) before Chapter 9, to better motivate the discussion of series. The important thing is to emphasize that a calculation is not an approximation without some estimate of the error. Chapter 10 is a brief introduction to the simplest numerical methods; enough to give an idea of how the basic computer algorithms work. Chapter 11 covers materials on the conics and polar coordinates. Although this material is traditionally pre-calculus, it is necessary to review it before launching into mulit-variate calculus. The string properties of the conics are derived, and their optical properties are derived as dierential versions of the string properties. Chapter 12 covers the usual material on second order dierential equations and basic harmonics. Many students will have already covered this in the physics classes, and in many cases this is done at the beginning of the course on dierential equations. Thus, this chapter may be omitted, particularly if Calculus is three quarters rather than three semesters. Third Semester The introduction to Vector Algebra (chapter 13) is motivated by geometry, the point being to characterize linear subspaces in two and three dimensions in a variety of ways. One of the central themes of this text is the study of particles in motion; we discuss the calculus of vector-valued functions of a single variable (Chapter 14)in this context. Sections 2 and three cover the dierential geometry of curves in two and three dimensions, and section 4 provides a derivation of Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion from Newtons Laws of Motion. Chapter 15 (Coordinates and Surfaces) covers the basic geometric tools of the several variable calculus: change of coordinates in two and three variables, surfaces, and in particular, the normal forms of quadrics. Chapters 16 and 17 cover dierentiation and integration in several variables. The dierential of a function is introduced as the linear function which best ts the given function near a base point. Applications of integrals are discussed in detail in two dimensions. Chapter 18 (Vector Calculus) is motivated as the study of uids in motion, paralleling the theme of particles in motion for the single variable calculus. The basic forms (curl and divergence) are introduced in this context. This leads to an interpretation that makes the fundamental theorems (Green, Stokes, Gauss) plausible. Here the emphasis is on the examples which show how to use and apply these theorems.


CALCULUS I, First Semester I. Rate of Change, Tangent Line and Dierentiation 1.1 Newtons Calculus

Early in his career, Isaac Newton wrote, but did not publish, a paper referred to as the tract of october 1666. This was his sole work purely on mathematics, and contained the fundamental ideas and techniques of the calculus. While writing (1684-87) the Principia Mathematica, the fundamental exposition of his mathematical physics of the system of the world, he reworked and expanded these ideas and included them as part of this treatise. Newtons central conception was that of objects in motion. To Newton motion is described by the position and velocity of the particle relative to a xed coordinate system, as functions of time. These then are the fundamental variables: x, y, z , etc., and their velocities are denoted by x, y, z , etc. Now, velocity is a measure of the rate of change of position (and acceleration, denoted x , etc., is a rate of change of velocity), and what was needed was a means to express this relationship, and a process of deriving relations among the various velocities and accelerations from given relations among the variables. This is the Calculus of Newton. Calculus, as it is presented today starts in the context of two variables, or measurable quantities, x, y , which are related in the sense that values of one of the variables determine values of the other. A function y = f (x) is a rule which species this relation between the input or independent variable x and the output or dependent variable y . This may be given by a formula, a table, or a computer algorithm; in fact, any set of rules which uniquely determine outputs for given inputs. The set of allowable values for the input variable is called the domain of the function, and the set of outputs, the range. In our context both the domain and the range are sets of real numbers. An interval is the set of all real numbers between specied real numbers c and d. This is denoted by (1.1) (c, d) = {x : c < x < d}

if neither endpoint is included, and by (1.2) [c, d] = {x : c x d}

if both are included. We shall say I is an interval about a to mean that a is between the endpoints of the interval I . Now, suppose that y = f (x) is a function dened for all x in an interval I = (c, d). The graph of f is the set of all points (x, y ) in the plane where x is in the interval (c, d) and y = f (x). Calculus studies the behavior of y as a function of x in terms of the way y changes as x changes. For x0 , x1 points in the interval, and y0 = f (x0 ), y1 = f (x1 ), the ratio (1.3) y 1 y0 y = x x1 x0

is called the average rate of change of y with respect to x in the interval between x0 and x1 . This is the ratio of the change in y (denoted y ) with the change in x (denoted x). 1

Linear Functions If the ratio (1.3) is the same for all points (x0 , y0 ), (x1 , y1 ) on the graph, we say that y = f (x) is a linear function of x.This is because that condition is equivalent to saying that the graph of y = f (x) is a straight line (which is easy to see using similar triangles; see gure (1.1)).

Figure 1.1

x3 y3

x1 y1



x2 y2

x0 y0







y1 x1

y0 x0

y3 x3

y2 x2

For y = f (x) a linear function, the ratio (1.3) is called the slope of the line, denoted m. Then another point (x, y ) is on the line if and only if the calculation of (1.3) gives the slope. Thus, the condition for (x, y ) to be on the line is (1.4) y y0 =m x x0 or y y0 = m(x x0 ) .

This is called the point-slope equation of the line. If we wish to nd the equation of the line through two points (x0 , y0 ) and (x1 , y1 ), we use those points to nd the slope and then use the above equation. Thus, the condition for (x, y ) to be on the line through these points is (1.5) y y0 y1 y 0 = . x x0 x1 x0

This is the two-point equation for the line. Example 1.1. Find the equation of the line through the points (2,-1), (3,7). Then nd the line through (6,-1) of the same slope. Using (1.5) with (x0 , y0 ) = (2, 1) and (x1 , y1 ) = (3, 7), we have that (x, y ) is on the line when 7 (1) y (1) = x2 32 or y+1 8 = , x2 1

giving us the equation y = 8x 17. This line has slope m = 8. Thus the line through (6,-1) of the same slope has the equation y (1) = 8 or x6 2 y = 8x 49 .

Example 1.2. Is P (5,12) on the line joining Q(2,7) and R(8,15)? The slope of the line through Q and R is (15 7)/(8 2) = 4/3. The slope of the line through P and Q is (12 7)/(5 2) = 5/3. Since these two lines do not have the same slope, they cannot be the same line. Thus P is not on the line through Q and R. Here are some facts about lines which will be useful when studying more general curves. a. If L is a line of slope m, then (1.6) m = tan

where is the angle that L makes with a horizontal line. If the line is vertical, then L has innite slope. Suppose we are given two lines: L1 of slope m1 , and L2 of slope m2 . Then b. L1 and L2 are parallel if and only if m1 = m2 . c. L1 and L2 are perpendicular if and only if m1 m2 = 1. d. The length of of the line segment between two points P (x1 , y1 ) and Q(x2 , y2 ) (the distance between the two points) is (1.7) |P Q| = (x1 x2 )2 + (y1 y2 )2 .

Example 1.3 Find the equation of the line through (2,3) which is perpendicular to the line L : 2x + 3y = 11. The line L has slope m = 2/3. Thus the line perpendicular to L has slope 1/(2/3) = 3/2. Thus the equation of the line we seek is y3 3 = x2 2 or y = 3 x. 2

Polynomial functions For the general curve given by the equation y = f (x), the ratio (1.3): y/x is the slope of the line joining the two points (x0 , y0 ) and (x1 , y1 ) on the graph of f . But now, if the graph is not a line, this ratio changes as the point (x1 , y1 ) moves. As x1 approaches x0 , this ratio may approach a specic number. If it does, this number is called the derivative of y with respect to x, evaluated at the point x0 . It is the instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x at x0 , and also the slope of the line which best approximates the curve at (x0 , y0 ), called the tangent line to the curve (see Figure 1.2). 3

Figure 1.2

x1 y1

x1 y1

x0 y0

x1 y1

Tangent Line

In this chapter we shall concentrate on nding the derivative of functions given by a formula; this process is called dierentiation. It turns out to be quite simple for polynomial functions. But rst, we make these denitions explicit. Denition 1.1. Let y = f (x) be a function dened for all values of x in an interval about the point a. If the dierence quotient f (x) f (a) xa approaches a specic number L, then we say that f is dierentiable at a, and the number L is called the derivative of f at a, denoted f (a). It is the slope of the tangent line of y = f (x) at a. For now, we will rely on an intuitive understanding of the phrase approaches a specic number L; the meaning will be made clear through the examples. After these examples, we introduce an explicit denition of the idea of limit, and in the next chapter we will discuss this denition in greater depth. Example 1.4. Consider f (x) = x2 , Find the tangent line to this curve at the point (a, f (a)). We take a point (x, f (x)) near (a, f (a)) and calculate the dierence quotient f (x) f (a) x2 a2 (x a)(x + a) = = = x + a .) xa xa xa Clearly, as x approaches a, x + a approaches 2a, so we get f (a) = 2a. Since this is true for any value a, we can conclude that if f (x) = x2 , its derivative is f (x) = 2x. Example 1.5. Find the equation of the line tangent to the curve y = x2 at the point (3,9). For x = 3, the derivative is f (3) = 2(3) = 6. Thus the tangent line has the equation y9 =6 x3 or 4 y = 6x 9 .

The ease with which we calculated the derivative for y = x2 followed from simple algebraic facts. We shall see that this works in general for polynomials; but rst, one more example: Example 1.6. If f (x) = x3 , f (x) = 3x2 . Fix a point (a, a3 ) on the graph, and let (x, x3 ) be a nearby point. We look at the slope of the line joining these points: x3 a3 y = . x xa Since the quotient of x3 a3 by x a is x2 + ax + a2 this can be rewritten as x3 a3 (x a)(x2 + ax + a2 ) = = x2 + ax + a2 , xa xa and evaluating this at a, we get f (a) = 3a2 . Now, for any polynomial y = f (x), this process will work: divide f (x) f (a) by x a, and evaluate the quotient at x = a to calculate the derivative. Lets spell this out, starting with the division theorem of algebra: Theorem 1.2. Let f be a polynomial of degree d. Then, for any number a when we divide f (x) by x a, we get a quotient which is a polynomial of degree d 1 and a remainder of f (a): (1.8) f (a) f (x) = q (x) + . xa xa

Now, to apply this to the calculation of instantaneous rate of change, move the second term on the right to the left: f (x) f (a) = q (x) . xa Aas we let x approach a, the dierence quotient q (x) approaches q (a), so the polynomial is dierentiable at a, and its derivative is q (a). Theorem 1.3. A polynomial y = f (x) is everywhere dierentiable. Its derivative at x = a is q (a), where q is the quotient of f (x) f (a) by x a. Newton realized that using long division would be a tedious way to calculate derivatives, and with them instantaneous rates of change, so he had the genius to take a slightly more abstract approach to lead to an automatic way of calculating derivatives. First, we must make explicit what we mean by the phrase the expression approaches a specic number by introducing the notion of limit. Suppose that y = g (x) denes a function in an interval about x0 . We say that g has the limit L as x approaches x0 if we can make the dierence |g (x) L| as small as we need it to be by taking x as close to x0 as we have to. More precisely, but less intuitively, Denition 1.4. limxx0 g (x) = L if, for any |g (x) L| < . > 0 there is a > 0 such that |x x0 | < implies

We now observe that limits behave well under algebraic operations. 5

Proposition 1.5. Suppose that f and g are functions dened in an interval about x0 and that

lim f (x) = L ,


lim g (x) = M .

Then a)

lim (f (x) + g (x)) = L + M

b) c) If M = 0, then


lim (f (x) g (x)) = L M



f (x) L = . g (x) M

Applying this proposition to the calculation of derivatives, we see how dierentiation behaves under algebraic operations: Proposition 1.6. Suppose that f and g are functions dened and dierentiable in an interval I . Then a) f + g is dierentiable in I , and (f + g ) = f + g . b) f g is dierentiable in I , and (f g ) = f g + f g . We give a brief justication of these rules, which follow from the corresponding rules for limits (proposition 1.5). This is straighforward for part a), but for the product, the argument requires some preliminary algebraic manipulation. Suppose then, that f and g are dierentiable at a, and let h = f g . Then to see that h is dierentiable, we must take the limit, as x approaches a of f (x)g (x) f (a)g (a) h(x) h(a) = .) xa xa The product rule for limits does not apply directly, for this is not a product. However, if we add and multiply f (a)g (x), we get f (x)g (x) f (a)g (a) = [(f (x) f (a))g (x)] + [f (a)(g (x) g (a))] , which leads to a sum of products f (x)g (x) f (a)g (a) f (x) f (a) g (x) g (a) = g (x) + f (a) . xa xa xa Now, we can take the limits using proposition 1.5. We have to note that, since g is dierentiable, we also have limxa g (x) = g (a). This brings us to the rule for dierentiating polynomials.

Proposition 1.7. a) If f is constant, then f = 0. b) If f (x) = axn for some positive integer n, then f (x) = anxn1 . c) A polynomial is dierentiated term by term, using b) for each term. To verify a), we only have to note that a constant function is unchanging; its graph is a horizontal line, so has slope 0. c) follows from the fact that the limit of a sum is the sum of the limits. b) follows by a bootstrap method. We have already seen this for n = 0, 1, 2, 3. To proceed, we use the product rule. For example, take n = 4: (x4 ) = (x3 x) = (x3 ) x + x3 x = (3x2 )x + x3 (1) = 4x3 . If we have the proposition for all integers up to n 1, then we have it for n by the same method: (xn ) = (xn1 x) = ((n 1)xn2 )x + xn1 (1) = nxn1 .

Example 1.7. Let f (x) = 2x2 3x + 3. Find f (x). What is the equation of the line tangent to the curve given by y = f (x), at the point (1,2)? Using proposition 1.7, we have f (x) = 2(2x) 3(1) + 0 = 4x 3 . This gives the slope of the tangent line at (1,2) by evaluating at x = 1 : f (1) = 4(1) 3 = 1. Thus the equation of the tangent line is y2 = 1 or x1 Example 1.8. If f (x) = 2x5 x4 + 8x3 + 2x 5 , then f (x) = 2(5x4 ) 4x3 + 8(3x2 ) + 2x0 0 = 10x4 4x3 + 24x2 + 2 . If a function f is dierentiable at every point of an interval I , then the derivative is dened at every point in the interval I , and thus is a function on I . This function, denoted f , is dened by the rule: for all x in I , (1.9) f (x) = lim f (x + h) f (x) . h0 h y =x+1

In particular, since f is now a function on I , it too may be dierentiable. If so, its derivative is denoted f (x), and is called the second derivative of f with respect to x. Proceeding, we can dene third and fourth derivatives and so forth. 7

So far, we have been interpreting the derivative as the instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x, or the slope of the tangent line. Another fundamental interpretation is in terms of motion. Consider an object moving along a straight line. Let the variable t represent time, and x the displacement of the object from a xed point, 0, on the line. Then the position of the object at time t is given by a function x = x(t). The velocity (denoted at time t as v (t)) of the object is the instantaneous rate of change of x with respect to t. The acceleration of this object (denoted a(t)) is the instantaneous rate of change of v with respect to t. Thus, if v (t) is the velocity of the object at time t, and a(t) its acceleration, we have (1.10) v (t) = x (t) , a(t) = v (t) = x (t) .

Example 1.9 Suppose an object is moving in a straight line so that its displacement at time t is given by x(t) = 4t2 + 12t. Find the formulas for the velocity and acceleration of this object. What are the velocity and acceleration at time t = 5? Dierentiating, we nd that v (t) = x (t) = 8t + 12, a(t) = x (t) = 8. Thus the velocity at time t = 5 is v (5) = 8(5) + 12 = 52, and the acceleration is a(5) = 8. In many dynamical problems, an object is moving at constant acceleration. For example, an object falls near the surface of the earth at an acceleration of 32 ft/sec2 downward (or 9.8 m/sec2 downward, in the metric system). If the acceleration is constant, that tells us that ratio of the change in velocity over the change in time is constant: that is, the velocity is a linear function of time. Similarly, since the velocity is a linear function, the distance travelled must be given by a quadratic function; all we have to do is to use the given data to nd the coecients. We conclude: Proposition 1.8. Suppose an object moves at constant acceleration a. If at time t = 0 the object is at position x0 and has velocity v0 , then at any time we have (1.11) x(t) = a 2 t + v0 t + x0 , 2 v (t) = at + v0 .

It is easy to check that these functions do have the desired properties, that is, that x (t) = v (t) and v (t) = a, and that their values at t = 0 are as given. Furthermore, we can argue intuitively, as we have done above, that these are the precise formulas for distance and velocity. For, since the rate of change of velocity is constant, velocity must be linear, and since the rate of change of distance is linear, it must be quadratic. This was the way Newton argued; but there are loose ends as was pointed out very articulately by Newtons contemporary, George Berkeley. Why indeed, are these the only formulas with the desired properties? How do we know that there does not exist some as yet unknown mysterious functions which have the same values at t = 0, and the given acceleration? The third book of Newtons Principia gives formidable evidence that no such mysteries exist, and that work, together with much subsequent experimental evidence, carried the day. But Berkeleys objections were valid on logical grounds, and the issue was not satisfactorily resolved until the nineteenth century. Example 1.10. An object is projected upward at an initial velocity of 48 ft/sec. How high does it go? We measure distance upward from the starting point, so that x0 = 0 and v0 = 48. The acceleration due to gravity is a = -32 ft/sec, so (by proposition 1.8), the equations of motion (1.11) are x(t) = 16t2 + 48t , 8 v (t) = 32t + 48 .

If we complete the square for x(t), we have x(t) = 16(t 3/2)2 + 36 . Thus the greatest value of x is achieved at t = 3/2, and is x(3/2) = 36 feet. Note that at this highest point, v (3/2) = 0, conrming our intuition that at the moment the object turns around its velocity must be zero. Example 1.11. An automobile is traveling at 60 mph. At what rate must it decelerate so as to stop in 100 yards? Converting everything to feet and seconds, we have an initial velocity of 88 ft/sec, and we can take s(0) = 0. At some future time T , we have s(T ) = 300 feet, v (T ) = 0. Call the rate of deceleration a. The equations of motion (1.11) are a x(t) = t2 + 88t , 2 v (t) = at + 88 .

At time T we have 300 = (a/2)T 2 + 88T, 0 = aT + 88. From the second we get T = 88/a; putting that in the rst we get 300 = so a = 12.91 ft/sec2 . More rules of dierentiation Eventually we will develop a full set of rules for nding the derivative of any function given by a formula. We turn now to the quotient rule to handle quotients of polynomials (called rational functions). Proposition 1.9. Suppose that f and g are dierentiable at a point a, and g (a) = 0. Then 1/g and h = f /g are dierentiable at a, and (1.12) 1 g = g , g2 h = gf f g . g2 88 a 88 2 + 88 2 a a or 300 = 882 ( 1 1 + ) 2a a or 300 = 882 , 2a

To show that 1/g is dierentiable, we must calculate the limit as x a of

1 g (x)

1 g (a)



Once again, a little algebra helps us. Simplifying the compound fraction, we get 1 g (a) g (x) 1 g (x) g (a) = , xa g (x)g (a) g (x)g (a) xa which has as its limit 1 g (a) (a) = . g (g (a))2 9

Now the second equation of (1.38) follows from this and the product rule appied to f /g considered as f (1/g ). f 1 g gf f g 1 1 . =f +f =f +f = 2 g g g g g g2 In particular, we have d 1 1 ( )= 2 . dx x x Proposition 1.10. Let n be any integer, positive, zero, or negative. Then (1.13) for f (x) = xn we have f (x) = nxn1 .

By proposition 1.7b, this is true for n positive or zero. For negative exponents, we apply the quotient rule to f (x) = 1/xn with n positive: f (x) = nxn1 = (n)xn1 , (xn )2

which is just (1.13) for the negative exponent n. Example 1.12. Find the derivative of f (x) = x2 2x + 3 5 . x x2

Rewrite the function in exponential notation: f (x) = x2 2x + 3x1 5x2 . Now use (1.13): f (x) = 2x 2 + 3(x2 ) 5(2x3 ), which can be rewritten as f (x) = 2x 2 3 10 + 3 . 2 x x

Example 1.13. Let f (x) = 30x + 2x1 . For what value of x is f (x) = 0? Dierentiate: f (x) = 30 2x2 . Now solve f (x) = 0: 0 = 30 and the answer is x = 15. As a last observation, we return to the denition of the derivative to dierentiate the square root function: Proposition 1.11. If f (x) = x for x > 0, then f (x) = 1/(2 x). 2 x2 so that x2 = 15

Here we use the fact that x a = ( x a)( x + a). Thus 1 1 x a x a = = xa ( x a)( x + a) x+ a 2 a 10

as x a, for a = 0. Problems 1.1 1. Find the equation of the line which goes through the point (2,-1) and is perpendicular to the line given by the equation 2x y = 1. 2. a) Let f (x) = x2 +3x 1. Find the slope of the secant line joining the points (2, 9) and (x, f (x)). b) Find the slope of the tangent line to the curve y = f (x) at the point (2, 9). c) What is the equation of this tangent line? 3. Let f (x) = 1 . x2

1 1 a) Find the slope of the secant line through the points (x, x 2 ) and (x + h, (x+h)2 ). 1 b) Find the slope of the line tangent to the graph of y = f (x) at the point (3, 9 ).

4. Find the derivatives of the following functions: a) f (x) = x3 x2 + 1


g (x) = x2 +

1 x3


h(x) = (x2 +

1 )(x3 x2 + 1) x3

5. Find the derivatives of the given functions: a) f (x) = 3x1 + x3


f (x) = (x2 +

1 )(x3 x2 + 1) x3

6. Find the derivative of the given functions: a) f (x) = x2 + 1 x+1 1 x3

b) 7. Find the derivative of

f (x) = x2 +

f (x) =

x2 + 1 x+1


8. Dierentiate :

h(t) =

1 t2 1 + t3

10. Sketch the graph of a function with these properties: a) f (0) = 2 and f (1) = 0; b) f (x) < 0 for 0 < x < 2; c) f (x) > 0 for x < 0 or x > 2. 11. Sketch the graph of a function with these properties: a) f (0) = 1 and f (0) = 0; b) f (1) = 0, f (1) = 0, c) f (x) < 0 for 0x < 1 and 0 < x < 1, c) otherwise, f (x) > 0. 12. Find the value of x where the graphs of these two functions have parallel tangent lines: f (x) = x2 3x + 2 , g (x) = 5x2 11x 17 .

13. Find the points on the curve y = 3x2 3x + 1 whose tangent line is perpendicular to the line x + 2y = 7. 14. Let C1 and C2 be curves given by the equations C1 : y = x3 + x2 , C2 : y = x2 + x. For what values of x do these curves have parallel tangent lines?
1 15. Find the derivative of f (x) = (x + 1)( x + 1).

16. Find the slope of the line tangent to the curve y = x2 3x + 1/x at the point (3,1/3). 17. Let y = x3 48x + 1. Find the x coordinate of the points at which the graph has a horizontal tangent line. 18. A man standing at the edge of the roof of a building 120 feet high throws a ball directly upwards at a velocity of 48 ft/sec. a) How high does the ball go? b) Assuming that it proceeds to fall along the side of the building, how long does it take to hit ground level? 19. Another man standing on ground level throws the ball back to his friend on the roof. At what initial velocity must he throw it in order to reach the roof? 20. On the planet Garbanzo in the Weirdoxus solar system, the equation of motion of a falling body is s = s0 + v0 t 10t3 where s0 is the initial height above ground level and v0 is the initial velocity. Distance is measured in garbanzofeet. If a ball is thrown upwards from ground level at an initial velocity of 120 garbanzofeet/second, how high does the ball rise? 12

1.2 Liebniz Calculus of Dierentials Up to this point we have been following the development of the Calculus according to Newton. We have been considering variables y, z, u, v , etc. as functions of a particular variable (called the independent variable) x, and discovering how to nd rates of change of the dependent variables relative to the independent variable. The ideas of Liebniz follow a dierent, but equivalent, set of ideas. Liebniz is concerned with a collection of variables x, y, z, u, v, etc. and their innitesimal increments. This is a hard concept to get a hold on, but we can think of it this way. When we actually make measurements, we always have in mind, even if unspecied, an error bar; that is, a largest allowable error. Thus, our calculators display numbers to 8 decimal points, allowing for a negligible error of at most 108 . A more ecient computer has a smaller error bar, perhaps 1032 , or 2128 . Instruments of measurement, no matter how delicate, have to allow for such an error bar. So, if u is a measurable variable, it comes equipped with an error bar: an allowable increment in a measurement which does not change the accepted value of the measurement. It is this which we should call the inntesimal increment in u, called by Liebniz the dierential of u, denoted du. However, the important feature of this concept is that it is not tied down to the level of accuracy of todays instruments, but it represents the error bar for all time: du stands for the smallest measurable increment for all ways of measuring ever to come. We get a more concrete interpretation of the dierential by relating it to the linear approximation to the variables. More precisely, suppose the variables x, y are related by y = f (x). The tangent line at a point (x0 , y0 ) is the line which best approximates the curve. We have used the symbols x, y to represent changes in the variables x and y along the curve; now we let dx, dy represent changes in the variables along the tangent line. Since the slope of the tangent line at (x0 , y0 ) is f (x0 ), we obtain this important relationship between the dierentials: at the point (x0 , f (x0 )), (1.14) y dy = lim = f (x0 ) , dx x0 x

or, without specifying the particular point, dy = f (x)dx. This we can interpret as the equation of the tangent line by replacing dx and dy by x x0 , y y0 . Example 1.14. Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve y = x3 2x + 5 at the point (2, 9). First we calculate the relation between the dierentials: dy = (3x2 2)dx . At x = 2, this gives dy = 10dx. Now we interpret this as the equation of the tangent line by replacing dy by y 9 and dx by x 2. The equation of the tangent line is thus y 9 = 10(x 2) or y = 10x 11 .

Finally, considering the equation dy = f (x)dx as the linear approximation to the equation y = f (x) (at a particular point), we can make preliminary estimates of the change in y , given a change in x. Example 1.15. The volume of a sphere of radius r is V = (4/3)r3 . Suppose the surface of a sphere of radius 6 feet is covered by a 1 inch coat of paint. About how much paint will be needed? 13

From the dening equation we have dV = 4r2 dr; so letting r = 6 feet and dr = 1/12 feet, we can estimate the change in volume to be dV = 4 (6)2 ( 1 ) = 37.7 12 cu. ft.

Thinking of the derivative as the ratio of two quantities which eventually become zero has its philosophical problems and was also subjected to the scathing criticism of Berkeley. This concept of evanescent quantities (as Berkeley sarcastically identied them) was controversial in the days of Newton and Liebniz and remained so for the following 200 years. Note, by the way, that one can object to Newtons methods on the same ground: when we write f (x) f (a) x2 a2 (x a)(x + a) = = =x+a , xa xa xa by what right are we now able to let x become a? If we did so one step sooner, wed be dividing by zero, which is forbidden. So, in this set of equations x cannot be a. But in the next line we say, let x be a! These philosophical obstacles were eventually overcome; we shall proceed without resolution, as did Newton, Liebniz and their successors to enormous eect. Suce it to say that this can all be put on a logical footing, while at the same time, the concept of dierential as smallest possible increment is a powerful intuitive tool throughout mathematics and its applications. To illustrate, in the next section, we shall give a heuristic derivation of the law of dierentiation for composite functions. Problems 1.2 1. Let y= x2 x . +1

Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph at the point (2,0.4). 2. Find the equation of the tangent line to y = x2 (x3 1) at (2,28). 3. Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve y = x cos x at (/4, 2/8). 4. Find the the equation of the tangent line to the curve y = x x2 at (2,7/4). 5. Let y = x + 25x1 . Find an approximate value of y when x = 3.2. 1.3 The Chain Rule Suppose that y, u and x are variables such that u is a function of x: u = f (x), and y is a function of u: y = g (u). Then y can be viewed as a function of x by writing y = h(x) = f (g (x)). How do we nd the rate of change of y with respect to x? Using dierentials, we have: dy = f (u)du, and du = g (x)dx, so that dy = f (u)g (x)dx, it being understood that in this formula u is to be expressed in terms of x. A shorthand for this is dy du dy = . dx du dx 14

Example 1.16. Let y = (4x + 1)3 . We introduce the intermediate variable u = 4x + 1, so that y = u3 . Then dy = 3u2 du, and du = 4dx, so that dy = 3u2 (4) = 12(4x + 1)2 . dx Example 1.17. If y = xn with n positive , we introduce u = xn , so that y = u1 . Then dy dy du 1 nxn1 d n (x ) = = = 2 nxn1 = n 2 = nxn1 , dx dx du dx u (x ) giving another derivation of proposition 1.11. Example 1.18. Let y = ((2x + 1)3 + 5)2 . Here we need to use the chain rule more than once. We think of y = v 2 , where v = u3 + 5, and u = 2x + 1. Then dy dy dv du = = 2v (3u2 )(2) . dx dv du dx Now replace v and u by their expressions in x: dy == 12((2x + 1)3 + 5)(2x + 1)2 . dx The statement of the chain rule is as follows. Proposition 1.12. Suppose that g is dierentiable at the point a, and f is dierentiable at g (a). Then the composed function h(x) = f (g (x)) is dierentiable at a and (1.15) In particular, Proposition 1.13. If f is dierentiable at a, and n is any positive or negative integer, h(x) = (f (x))n is also dierentiable at a and (1.16) h (x) = n(f (x))n1 f (x) . h (a) = f (g (a))g (a) .

Of course, the Liebniz formulation (1.55) is easier to remember and apply than proposition 1.12. For that reason we shall begin to adopt the Liebniz notation for dierentiation: if y = f (x) is dierentiable in an interval I , we write (1.17) f (x) = dy dx

and use f (x) and dy/dx interchangeably. The notation for higher derivatives is: d2 y , dx2 d3 y , dx3


f (x) =

f (x) = 15


In this notation, Proposition I.13 becomes simply dy d n (y ) = ny n1 . dx dx Problems 1.3 1. Find the derivative of g (x) = (x3 + 1)4 . 2. Find the rst and second derivatives of f (x) = x 1 x2 3. Dierentiate: f (x) = 4. Find f (x) : 2x2 3x + 1. (x + 1)2 (x 1)2

f (x) =

5. Find g (x), g (x) : g (x) = (x3 + 1)4 . 1.4 Trigonometric Functions Consider a particle moving in the counterclockwise direction around the circle of radius 1 with constant angular velocity of 1 radian/second such that at time t = 0 it is at the point (1, 0). Then its position at time t is (cos t, sin t). These functions are dened for all values of t, and are periodic of period 2 since in time 2 the particle will make one full circuit of the circle. There are four other trigonometric functions dened by the equations tan t = sin t , cos t cot t = cos t , sin t sec t = 1 , cos t csc t = 1 . sin t

Assuming that these functions are dierentiable, we can calculate the derivatives by an argument using dierentials due to Blaise Pascal.

Figure 1.3: Pascals derivation.


dt y dx

cos t


t x

sin t

In gure 1.3 we have located the moving point at P = (cos t, sin t) at time t, and its position Q after an innitesimal increment dt. Since we are on the unit circle t also measures arc length 16

along the circle. The triangle with sides dx, dy, dt is called the dierential triangle. It may be of concern that dt represents an arc of the circle, but, remember - at the dierential level an arc and a straight line are indistinguishable. Since the tangent line to the circle is perpendicular to the radius at the point P , the dierential triangle is similar to the triangle (I) . Thus dt dx = , sin t 1 so dx = sin t , dt dy dt = , cos t 1 dy = cos t . dt

Since x = cos t, y = sin t, we obtain the rst part of the following. Proposition 1.14. a) d (sin t) = cos t , dt d (tan t) = sec2 t , dt d (sec t) = sec t tan t , dt d (cos t) = sin t , dt d (cot t) = csc2 t , dt d (csc t) = csc t cot t . dt



b) anc c) follow from the quotient rule. For example, b): d d sin t cos t cos t sin t( sin t) 1 (tan t) = = = = sec2 t . 2 dt dt cos t cos t cos2 t Remember: in the the above discussion we have assumed that the trigonometric functions were dierentiable, and it was that assumption that allowed us to consider an arc of a (dierential) circle as a straight line. These formulae imply the following limit results, just by the denition of the derivative. Proposition 1.15. (1.19) sin x =1, x0 x lim cos x 1 =0. x0 x lim

We remind the reader that we started out assuming that the functions sin x and cos x are dierentiable, so this problem tells us what the derivatives are at x = 0 under those assumptions. In the next chapter we wil prove proposition 1.15 directly by geometric methods, from which we conclude that the sine and cosine functions are indeed dierentiable. Problems 1.4 1. From a point 1000 feet away from the base of a building, the angle of elevation of its roof is 17 degrees. How tall is the building? 17

2. A marker is rotating counterclockwise around a circle of radius 4 centered at the origin at the rate of 7 revolutions per minute. a) What is its position after 2.3 minutes? b) How soon after 2.3 minutes will it cross the x-axis again? 3. If tan = 3, what are the possible values of sin ? 4. Express as a function of 2x: sin x cos x sin x + cos x 5. Find the derivative: f (x) = sin x cos x 6. Find the derivatives of the following functions: a) f (x) = cos2 x sin2 x cos x sin x cos x

b) 7. Find the derivative:

g (x) =

g (x) = 8. Dierentiate: y = (x2 1) sin(x2 + 1). 9. Find the derivative:

h(x) = (cos(2x) + 1) sin(3x) 10. Dierentiate: g (x) = (sin(3x) + 1)3 . 11. A point moves around the unit circle so that the angle it makes with the x-axis at time t is (t) = (t2 + t) . Let (x(t), y (t)) be the cartesian coordinates of the point at time t. What is dy/dt when t = 3? 12. Let f (x) = x sin x. Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph y = f (x) at the points x = (2n + 1/2) for any integer n. 13. Find the derivatives of these functions: (a) b) h(x) = (cos(2x) + 1) sin(3x) g (x) = (tan(3x) 1)2

14. Consider the curves C1 : y = sin x and C2 : y = cos x. a) At which points x between /2 and /2 do the curves have parallel tangent lines? b) At which such points do they have perpendicular tangent lines? 15. Dierentiate: f (x) = 1 + tan x 1 tan x 18

1.5 Implicit Dierentiation and Related Rates Suppose that x and y are variables which are related by a functional equation: F (x, y ) = c, a constant. We say that this relation denes y implicitly as a function of x. For, in principle, given a value of x, say x = a, we can solve the equation F (a, y ) = c for y , giving the rule dening y in terms of x. However, to nd dy/dx we need not solve this equation. When y and x are so related, their dierentials are related as well, and the chain rule can be used to nd that relationship, as a function of both x and y . The idea is to think of z = F (x, y ) as another variable which, because of the relation F (x, y ) = c is constant, so dz = 0. Now, apply the chain rule to the expression for z . Example 1.19. Suppose that the variables x and y satisfy the relation (1.20) x2 xy + 2y 2 = 4 .

Letting z represent this dening relation, we have dz = 0. Now, using (1.15) and the rules for dierentiation, dz = 2xdx (xdy + ydx) + 4ydy = 0 , giving us (1.21) (x + 4y )dy = (2x + y )dx ,

leading to this expression for the derivative: 2x y dy = . dx 4y x Example 1.20. What is the equation of the tangent line to the curve given by (1.68) at the point (2,1)? We nd the slope by substituting the values x = 2, y = 1 in equation (1.21): m= Then the equation of the line is y1= 3 (x 2) 2 or y= 3 x2 . 2 dy 2(2) 1 3 = = . dx 4(1) 2 2

Notice that, if we substitute x = 2, y = 1, dy = y 1, dx = x 2 into equation (1.21) we get the same result. That is because equation (1.21) is the linear approximation to the relation between x and y , which is of course the same as the equation of the tangent line. Example 1.21 . Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve y 3 + 2 cos2 x = 0 at the point (/4, 1). We dierentiate implicitly: 3y 2 dy 2 cos x sin xdx = 0 . Now, at the point (/4, 1), y 2 = 1, cos x = sin x = 2/2, so this becomes 3dy dx = 0. Replacing dx by x /4 and dy by y (1) gives the equation of the tangent line: 3(y + 1) (x )=0, 4 19 or 3y x = 3 . 4

Related Rates Suppose we are in a situation where one or more variables are related, and the variables are functions of time. For example, if a spherical balloon is being inated, then during this process the volume (V ), area (A) and radius (r) are increasing with time. Since these are all related, we are able, by dierentiation to relate the rates of growth. For example, suppose the balloon is being inated by putting gas in at a steady rate of 3 cc/sec. We may ask at what rate is the radius changing? We start with the formula relating volume with radius: V = (4/3)r3 . V and r are functions of time, so, dierentiating with respect to time we obtain 4 dr dr dV = (3r2 ) = 4r2 . dt 3 dt dt Putting in the datum dV /dt = 3 , we nd 3 dr = dt 4r2 so depends upon the radius at the time. Here is a protocol for attacking such problems. Step 1. Draw a picture (if appropriate), and identify the relevant variables: those things which can change. State the problem in terms of the variables. Step 2. Find a relationship among the variables. Step 3. Dierentiate, to obtain a relationship among the variables and their rates of change. Step 4. Put in the values of the variables at the time in question, and solve the resulting equation. Example 1.22. Suppose as above a balloon is being inated with gas at a rate of 3 cc/sec. At what rate is the area increasing when the radius is 14 cm? First, we identify the variables as volume: V , area: A, and radius: r. Now, these are related by the equations 4 V = r3 , A = 4r2 . 3 Now, we dierentiate these equations: dr dV = 4r2 , dt dt dA dr = 8r . dt dt cm/sec ,

Now, at the specic time of interest, r = 14 cm, and dV /dt = 3 cc/sec. Substituting these values, we have: dr dA dr 3 = 4 (14)2 , = 8 (14) . dt dt dt Then dr/dt = 3/[4(14)2 ], so the second equation gives dA 3 3 = 8 (14) = 2 dt 4(14) 7 20 cm2 /sec .

Example 1.23. A ship leaves port at noon heading north at 25 knots (nautical miles per hour), and 2 hours later another ship leaves heading west at 30 knots. Assuming the ships travel in straight lines, at what rate is the distance between the ships increasing after an additional 3 hours? First, the variables are: t, the time elapsed since noon, N , the distance travelled in that time by the ship heading north, W , the distance travelled by the ship heading west, and Z , the distance between them. The relations among these variables are: Z2 = N 2 + W 2 , from the Pythagorean theorem. In t hours after noon, the rst ship has travelled 25t nautical miles: N = 25t, and, since the second ship started two hours later, it has travelled 30(t 2) nautical miles (notice, we are assuming that t 2). Now since we have been given the rates of change of N and W , and want to nd that of Z , we dierentiate the rst equation with respect to t to relate these rates: dN dW dZ = 2N + 2W . 2Z dt dt dt Now, at t = 5, we have N = 125, W = 75, dN/dt = 25, dW/dt = 30, giving Z dZ = 125(25) + 75(30) = 5375 . dt

We nd Z by the rst relation Z 2 = 1252 + 752 = (25)2 (34), so Z = 25 34. Finally, dZ 5375 = = 36.87 dt 25 34 nautical miles/hour .

Example 1.24. Suppose that x and y are functions of t which satisfy the relation x3 y 2 + 2y = 8. Suppose that at the point (1, 2), the velocity of x is 3 in/sec. What is the velocity of y ? Dierentiating the relation implicitly, we get 3x2 dx 2 dy dy y + x3 (2y ) + 2 =0. dt dt dt

Now substituting x = 1, y = 2, dx/dt = 3, in this equation: 3(1)2 (3)(22 ) + (1)3 (2(2) dy dy )+2 =0. dt dt

Solving for dy/dt, we nd 36 + 6dy/dt = 0, or, the velocity of y is -6 in/sec. Denition 1.16. For integers p and q , the function (1.23) y = xp/q

is dened, for all positive x, as the positive solution of the equation y q = xp . So, for example, x can be written as x1/2 , the cube root of x as x1/3 , etc. Using implicit dierentiation we verify: 21

Proposition 1.17. (1.24) d n x = nxn1 dx f or all rational numbers n .

A rational number is a quotient p/q of integers. Dierentiate the equation y q = xp implicitly: qy q1 dy = pxp1 dx Replacing y by xp/q , we get dy p xp1 p p = = xp1p+p/q = x(p/q)1 p p/q dx qx q q which is the desired result, since n = p/q . Problems 1.5 1. A curve is given by the equation x2 xy + y 2 = 7. Find the equation of the line tangent to this curve at the point (2,-1). 2. Find the slope of the curve dened by the relation 4(x2 + xy ) = 2y 3 y 2 at the point (1, 2). 3. Variables x and y are related by the formula x sin y + y sin x = . If dy/dt = 3 when x = 3/2 and y = /2, what is dx/dt? 4. The relation cos y + x = sin y determines a curve in the x-y plane. Find the slope of the line tangent to the curve at the point (1, /2). 5. Consider the curve given by the equation: y 2 + xy + x2 = 1. At what points does this curve have a horizontal tangent line? 6. Consider the curve given by the equation: x2 y y 3 = 1. At what points does this curve have a vertical tangent line? 7. A ship is travelling in a circle of radius 6 nautical miles around an island at a speed of 10 knots (nautical miles per hour). A lighthouse is 10 miles due east of the island. At what rate is the distance between ship and lighthouse increasing when the ship is exactly due north of the island? 8. A new stadium, built like a cylinder capped with a hemispherical dome is proposed to have a diameter of 500 feet. To include another 2000 seats, the diameter must be increased by 10 feet. By approximately how much will the area of the dome be increased? (Note: the area of a sphere of radius r is 4r2 .) 22 or dy p xp1 .) = dx q y q1

9. A cat is walking toward a telelphone pole of height 30 feet. She is walking at a steady rate of 4 ft/sec. A bird is perched on top of the tellephone pole. When the cat is 45 feet from the base of the pole, at what rate is the distance between bird and cat decreasing? 10. Water is owing into a conical tank through an opening at the vertex at the top at the rate of 12 cu. ft./min. The base of the tank is a circle of radius 12 ft. and the height of the cone is 20 ft. At what rate is the water level rising when the water level is 4 ft. from the top? The formula for the volume of a cone of base radius r and height h is V = (1/3)r2 h. 11. Let P be an upward-opening parabola whose axis is the y -axis and whose vertex is the origin. Suppose the line y = C intersects the parabola in two points. Show that the tangent lines at these points intersect on the y -axis of the parabola. 12. Suppose that a point moves along the x-axis according to the formula x(t) = 1/(t2 + 1). Let A(t) be the area of the circle with diameter joining the origin to the point x(t). Find A (t) when t = 3.


II. Theoretical Considerations 2.1 Limit Operations In this section we shall go more deeply into the concept of limits than we did in chapter 1. Suppose that y = f (x) is a function dened in an interval about the point x0 . Each value of x determines a value y using the rule represented by the function f . We say that y approaches a number L as x approaches x0 if we can be sure that y is as close as we please to L just by taking x close enough to x0 . A little more precisely, if we allow an error > 0 in the calculation of L, we can nd an error > 0 for x0 such that if x is within of x0 , then y is within of L. If the limit L is the number y0 calculated from x0 by f , then we say that f is continuous at x0 . That is the content of the following two denitions. Denition 2.1. limxx0 f (x) = L if, for any |f (x) L| < . > 0 there is a > 0 such that |x x0 | < implies

If the limit L is f (x0 ), then we say that f is continuous at x0 : Denition 2.2. A function f , dened in an interval about x0 is continuous at x0 if limxx0 f (x) = f (x0 ). A function is said to be continuous if it is continuous at every point where it is dened. Example 2.1. Let f (x) = x/|x|. Then, f (0) = 0, for x > 0, f (x) = 1, and for x < 0, f (x) = 1. Thus, in any interval about 0, there are values of x for which f (x) = 1 and other values of x for which f (x) = 1. There is thus no number L such that both 1 and -1 are within .5 of L, so there can be no limx0 f (x). Example 2.2. Let f (x) = cos(1/x) for x = 0. There is no value to assign to f (0) to make this function continuous. For if x = (2n)1 , f (x) = 1 for n even, and f (x) = 1 for n odd, so we are in the same situation as that of example 1. However, for the function g (x) = x cos(1/x), we can dene g (0) = 0 to get a continuous function. For |g (x)| |x| for every x, since the cosine is bounded by 1. Thus, for any > 0, if |x| < , we also have |g (x)| < . Now we state the basic facts describing how limits behave under algebraic operations. Proposition 2.1. Suppose that f and g are functions dened in an interval about x0 and that

lim f (x) = L ,


lim g (x) = M .

Then a)

lim (f (x) + g (x)) = L + M

b) c) If M = 0, then


lim (f (x) g (x)) = L M



L f (x) = . g (x) M 24

This proposition then tells us the following about continuous functions: Proposition 2.2 Suppose that f and g are dened in an interval about x0 , and are continuous at x0 . Then the sum f + g and product f g are also continuous at x0 . If g (x0 ) = 0, the quotient f /g is also continuous at x0 . Now it is clear that a constant function is continuous: if f (x) = C for all x, then the dierence |f (x) C | = 0 no matter what x is. Also, the function f (x) = x is continuous everywhere: we can make |f (x) f (x0 )| < just by taking |x x0 | < . Thus, by proposition 2.2, any function formed from constants and tne function f (x) = x by taking products and sums is continuous. But these are the polynomials. Proposition 2.3. All polynomials are continuous everywhere. A rational function (that is, a quotient of polynomials) is continuous everywhere where its denominator is non-zero. Example 2.3. That is not to say that a rational function is not continuous where the denominator is zero; perhaps it can be dened at those points so as to be continuous, For example, consider f (x) = x2 4x 5 . x5

Since we cannot divide by zero, f (x) is not dened for x = 5. But, can we dene f (5) so that the function is continuous? Noting that x2 4x 5 = (x 5)(x + 1), we see that for x = 5, f (x) = x + 1. Thus by dening f (5) = 6, we get a continuous function. Suppose now that g is dened in an interval around x0 and f is a function dened on the range (set of values) of g . Then we can form the composition of the two functions, f g , just by applying the rule dening f to the value of g : f g (x) = f (g (x)). Proposition 2.4. Suppose that g is dened in an interval about the point x0 , g (x0 ) = y0 and f is dened in an interval about y0 . If g is continuous at x0 , and f is continuous at y0 , then h = f g is also continuous at x0 . To show this, we have to show that we can insure that h(x) is within of h(x0 ) by taking x close enough to x0 . By the continuity of f we can be sure that f (y ) is within of f (y0 ) by taking y within some small number, of y0 . But then, by the continuity of g , there is a such that, if x is within of x0 , g (x) is within of g (x0 ) = y0 , and nally, f (g (x)) is within of f (y0 ) = f (g (x0 )). A useful technique is what is called the squeeze theorem. Suppose, in some interval containing the point a, the values of f lie between those of two other functions g and h. Suppose also that g and h have the same limit as x approaches a, then f also has that limit. Proposition 2.5 (Squeeze Theorem). Suppose that f, g, h are dened in a interval containing a and that g (x) f (x) h(x). If

lim g (x) = lim h(x) = L ,


we also have limxa f (x) = L. 25

Suppose an allowable error > 0 is specied. From the hypothesis, we know that there is a 1 > 0 such that if x is within 1 of x0 , then g (x) L , and there is a 2 > 0 such that if x is within 2 of x0 , then h(x) L + . Then, so long as is less than both 1 and 2 , we have L g (x) f (x) h(x) L + which is to say that f (x) is within of L.

Now suppose again that f is dened in a neighborhood of x0 and continuous there. We now turn to the question of the dierentiability of f at x0 . Denition 2.3. Let f be dened in a neighborhood of x0 . If the limit lim f (x) f (x0 ) x x0


exists, it is denoted f (x0 ), and is called the derivative of f at x0 . f is said to be dierentiable at x0 . Proposition 2.1c suggests that the limit does not exist since the denominator approaches 0. But we have to be careful: the numerator is also going to zero (as in example 2.3). In fact, as we saw by the division theorem of chapter 1, If f is a polynomial, then so is this dierence quotient, and the limit is the value of that quotient at x0 . In fact, in general it is a necessary condition for dierentiability that the limit of the numerator is zero - a fact we already used several times in chapter 1. Proposition 2.6. Let f be dened in a neighborhood of x0 . If f is dierentiable at x0 , then it is continuous at x0 . Let L = f (x0 ). The hypothesis tells us that we can be sure the dierence quotient is within of L by taking x close enough to x0 . So, taking, for example, = 1, then if x is close enough to x0 , 1 < from which we conclude that (L 1)(x x0 ) < f (x) f (x0 ) < (L + 1)(x x0 ) . Now, the left and right hand sides tend to 0 as x approaches x0 , so, by the squeeze theorem, lim(f (x) f (x0 )) = 0. But that is the same as lim f (x) = f (x0 ); that is, f is continuous at x0 . Now, in section 1 of chapter 1, no problems arose in calculating limits, since we were there dealing with polynomials (even in calculating derivatives). However, more generally questions about limits can become real issues. For example, when we turned to trigonometric functions and the square root function, we tacitly assumed their continuity. Since the continuity is intuitively clear (if we envision the graph of these functions), this was not an obstacle to nding derivatives. However, in more general contexts, the continuity is not at all clear. As preparation for this, we shall here reconsider the assumptions of continuity made in chapter 1. First, the square root. 26 f (x) f (x0 ) L < +1, x x0

Example 2.4. For a 0,





We have to distinguish the cases a = 0 and a = 0. First, the case a = 0. We start with the identity ( x a)( x + a) = x a , which, for our purposes should be written as xa , x a= x+ a since it is the expression on the left we need to make small. Given / a < . Then if |x a| < , |x a| |x a| < | x a| = < < x+ a a a Since this argument fails if a = 0, we need another idea. Proposition 2.7 (Archimedean principle). For any positive real number M , there is an integer n such that n > M . Now, given > 0, choose the integer n so that n > 1/ 2 . Then n > 1/ , so 1/ n < which is what we need. For x < 1/n, 1 x< < . n Now, in section section 1.4 we derived the formulae for the derivatives of the sine and cosine functions, assuming that they were dierentiable. Here we would like to justify that assumption. The crux of the matter is the following proposition (which we derived in section 1.4 from the formulae for dierentiation). Proposition 2.8.

> 0, choose > 0 so that .


sin x =1, x



cos x 1 =0. x

This is just the assertion that the sine and cosine functions are dierentiable at x = 0. Then, using the addition formulae for these functions, we can prove their dierentiability everywhere. Here is a geometric argument for proposition 2.8.
Figure 2.1

S R sin x



cos x


In gure 2.1, let A be the area of the sector OP R, B the area of triangle OP S , and C the area of sector OQS . Then A B C . Using the formulae for these areas (measuring the angle x in radians), this gives us 1 1 1 x cos2 x cos x sin x x(1)2 . 2 2 2 Dividing by x cos x/2, this gives us cos x 1 sin x . x cos x

But now, since limx0 cos x = 1, as is obvious from the gure, the rst part of proposition I.12 follows from the squeeze theorem. The second now follows from the rst using the equalities: cos x 1 cos x + 1 cos2 1 sin x 1 cos x 1 = = = sin x 0, x x cos x + 1 x(cos x + 1) x 1 + cos x since limx0 sin x = 0, as is clear from the gure. Example 2.5. Find the limit as x 0 of sin(3x)/ sin(4x). lim 3 sin(3x) 4x 3 sin(3x) 4x 3 3 sin(3x) = lim = lim lim = (1)(1) = x 0 3 x 0 4 x 0 sin(4x) 4 3x sin(4x) 4 3x sin(4x) 4 4


Example 2.6. Find the limit as x /2 of cos x/(x /2). Let t = x /2. Then cos x = sin(/2 x) = sin(x /2) = sin t, and t 0 as x /2. Thus lim sin t cos x = lim = 1 . t0 t x /2


Problems 2.1 1. If, in denition 2.1 we just restrict attention to those x > x0 , we call the limit the limit from the right, denoted limxx+ f (x), and if we restrict to those x < x0 we call it the limit from the 0 left, denoted limxx f (x). Suppose that f is dened in an interval about x0 , and both the limit 0 from the left and the limit from the right exist. Show that if they are both equal to L, then

lim f (x) = L .

2. Show that if f and g are functions dened in an interval near x0 and


lim f (x) = L ,


lim g (x) = M ,


lim f (x)g (x) = LM .

Hint: Write f (x) = L + a(x), g (x) = M + b(x), noting that by the hypothesis we can ensure that a(x), b(x) can be made as small as we please by taking x suciently close to x0 . 3. x2 4 = x2 x2 3x + 2 lim 28

Hint: Factor numerator and denominator. 4.



cos x 1 = x sin x

Hint: multiply and divide by cos x + 1. 5. Suppose that f is dened in an interval about 0, and that |f (x)| |x|2 in that interval. Show that f is dierentiable at 0 and f (0) = 0. 6. Show that the function f dened by f (0) = 0 and for x = 0, f (x) = x2 sin(1/x) is dierentiable at 0 and has derivative zero. 7. Show that the function f dened by f (0) = 0 and for x = 0, f (x) = x sin(1/x) is not dierentiable at 0. 2.2 Limits at Innity Suppose that f is dened for all positive numbers. We say that f has the limit L as x + if we can make f as close as we please to L by taking x large enough. For example 1 =0, x+ x lim since we can make 1/x < just by taking x > 1/ .

Denition 2.4. Suppose that f (x) is dened for all x > M0 . We say that

lim f (x) = L

if, for every

> 0, we can nd an M M0 such that if x > M , then |f (x) L| < .

Suppose that f (x) is dened for all x < M0 . We say that


lim f (x) = L

if, for every

> 0, we can nd an M M0 such that if x < M , then |f (x) L| < . x =1. x+ x + 1 lim

Example 2.7.

For, given

> 0, choose M = 1/ . Then, for x > M , we have x x (x + 1) 1 1 1 1 = = < < = x+1 x+1 x+1 x M .

Now, we dene what it means to have as a limit. Denition 2.5. Let f be dened for all x in an interval about a, except perhaps at a. We write

lim f (x) = + 29

if, for any M > 0, there is an Similarly,

> 0 such that for |x a| < , we have f (x) > M .


lim f (x) =

if, for any M > 0, there is an

> 0 such that for |x a| < , we have f (x) < M .

We will also say that limx+ f (x) = + if we can make f (x) as large as we please by taking x suciently large, and similarly, we dene limx+ f (x) = , limx f (x) = +, and so forth. Proposition 2.9. Let p be a polynomial of degree n > 1, with leading coecient 1 . a) If n is even, lim p(x) = + .

b) If n is odd

lim p(x) = + ,

lim p(x) = .

To see this, write p(x) = xn + an1 xn1 + + a1 x + a0 . Then, by factoring out the highest power of x: a1 a0 an1 + + n1 + n . p(x) = xn 1 + x x x The term in parenthesis goes to 1 as |x| becomes innite. Now, since |xn | |x| so long as |x| 1, The term xn approaches + as |x| becomes large, except when n is odd, and x , in which case xn . Now, we can make the same kind of qualitative statements about quotients of polynomials (rational functions). Let f (x) = p(x)/q (x) where p and q are polynomials with no common factors. Then f is dened and continuous at all points except those points a such that q (a) = 0. At such an a, the graph of y = f (x) will go o the graph paper, either upwards or downwards, since the denominator is 0 at a. In this case we say that the graph has a vertical asymptote at x = a. To determine the behavior, we write q (x) = (x a)n q0 (x) for some positive integer n and some polynomial q0 such that q0 (a) = 0. Since p has no factor in common with q , p(a) = 0. Then lim p(x) 1 p(x) = lim . q (x) xa (x a)n q0 (x)


Since the second factor converges to p(a)/q0 (a), the behavior of p/q near a is determined by the behavior of the rst factor. For this, if n is odd, it depends upon whether we approach a from the right or the left, since (x a)n is negative if x < a, and is positive if x > a. We summarize the result as Proposition 2.10. a) If n is even, lim 1 = + . (x a)n 1 = + . (x a)n


b) If n is odd,


1 = , (x a)n 30



Finally, we summarize the limits for rational functions as x . Proposition 2.11. Let f (x) = p(x)/q (x), where p and q are polynomials of degree n and m respectively. a) If n < m,

lim f (x) = 0 . an , bn

b) If n = m,

lim f (x) =

where an , bn are the leading coecients of p and q respectively. c) If n = m + d,


lim |f (x) Q(x)| = 0

where Q is the polynomial of degree d obtained by dividing the polynomial p by the polynomial q . The conclusion of part c) is to be understood this way: the graph of y = f (x) approaches the graph of y = Q(x) as x so that for |x| large enough the curves are indistinguishable. We say that he latter curve is an asymptote for y = f (x). Example 2.8. Let f (x) = (x2 + x)/((x + 2). f is not dened at x = 2. To see how f behaves at -2 and at innity, we do the division: 2 x2 + x =x1+ x+2 x+2 Thus, for x very close to, but to the left of 2, f (x) is negative; but for x very close to, but to the right of 2, f (x) is positive. Thus lim x2 + x = , x+2 lim + x2 + x =. x+2



Finally, y = f (x)has the asymptote y = x 1 as x goes to innity, since the dierence x2 + x 2 (x 1) = x+2 x+2 goes to zero as |x| goes to innity.

Example 2.9. Let

f (x) =

x x1

If we write f (x) = x 31

1 x1

after observing that x is positive near 1, we see from proposition 2.10 that

lim f (x) = ,


lim f (x) = .

Finally, to see what happens as x goes to innity, write f (x) = so that y = 1 is the asymptote. Example 2.10. Let f (x) = x (x 1)2 1 1
1 x

or f (x) = 1 +

1 x1

If we write f (x) = x

1 (x 1)2

after observing that x is positive near 1, we see from proposition 2.10 that limx1 f (x) = from both sides. Since the degree of the denominator is greater than the degree of the numerator, the asymptote is y = 0, with y = f (x) below the x-axis to the left, and above the x-axis to the right. Example 2.11. Let f (x) = x3 + 2x2 . x2 3x + 2

First, we factor numerator and denominator as much as possible: f (x) = x2 (x + 2) . (x 1)(x 2)

From this we see that f is dened except for the points x = 1, 2. We know that at these points f (x) becomes innite; we need only to determine whether the limit is + or . First we look near x = 1. To the left of 1, the negative terms are x 1 and x 2; since all others are positive, f (x) > 0. We conclude

lim f (x) = + .

But to the right of x = 1, the term x 1 changes sign, so now f (x) < 0, and we conclude

lim f (x) = .

As we pass through x = 2, the only change is in from x 2 < 0 to x 2 > 0, so we conclude


lim f (x) = , lim f (x) = + . 32


Finally we look for asymptotes as x . Long division gives 15x 10 x3 + 2x2 = (x + 5) + 2 , 2 x 3x + 2 x 3x + 2 so, as x approaches innity, the graph approaches the asymptote y = x + 5 (see the gure below).

Figure 2.2 100 50 0

0 50

3 y

x3 2x2 x2 3x 2


Problems 2.2 1. Let f (x) = x2 3x + 2 . x2 + 3x 4

Find limx1 f (x), limx f (x). 2. Let f (x) = x2 + x . (x + 2)2

Find limx2 f (x), limx f (x). 3. Let f (x) = x2 + x . x1

Find limx1 f (x), limx f (x). 4. Let f (x) = 3x2 + 6x + 1 . x3

Find limx0 f (x), limx f (x). 5. Suppose that p(x) is a polynomial and that, for some K > 0, M > 0, we have |p(x)| K |x|n for |x| M . Show that the degree of p is at most n. 33

6. Suppose that p(x) is a polynomial and that, for some K > 0, M > 0, we have |p(x)| K |x|2 for |x| M . Show that x2 divides p(x). 2.3 Some Basic Theorems The preceding sections discussed the behavior of functions locally, that is, for x varying in a neighborhood of a particular point a. In this section we summarize more global results; that is the behavior of the function as x varies over an interval [a, b]. Most of these results are intuitively clear, and were taken as such by the founders of the Calculus. Theorem 2.1 (Intermediate Value Theorem). Suppose that f is a continuous function on the interval [a.b]. Then, for every number w between f (a) nd f (b), there is a c between a and b such that f (c) = w. Intuitively, this says that as you draw the graph of the function y = f (x), your pencil point never leaves the paper. Theorem 2.2 (Maxima and Minima). Suppose that f is a continuous function on the interval [a.b]. There are points c, C in [a, b] such that f (c) is the minimum value of f on the interval, and f (C ) is the maximum value of f on the interval. Theorem 2.3 (Rolles theorem). Let f be continuous on [a, b] and dierentiable in (a, b), and suppose that f (a) = f (b). Then there is a point c in (a, b) at which f (c) = 0. We can derive Rolles theorem from theorems 2.1 and 2.2. First of all, if f is constant, then f (c) = 0 for all c. If f is nonconstant, there is a point c in the interval (a, b) at which f has either a maximum or a minimum. Suppose it is a maximum. Then, for all other x in (a, b), f (x) f (c). In particular, for x < c, f (x) f (c) and x c have the same sign, so f (x) f (c) 0. xc Taking the limit as x c, we conclude f (c) 0. But now if x > c, the denominator changes sign, but the numerator doesnt, so, in this case f (x) f (c) 0, xc from which we conclude f (c) 0.Thus f (c) = 0. Notice, that the above argument incidentally shows that at a maximum or minimum point x0 of a dierentiable function, we must have f (x0 ) = 0. In the next chapter we shall see that this provides a method for nding maxima and minima. Theorem 2.4 (The Mean Value Theorem). Let f be continuous on [a, b] and dierentiable in (a, b). There is a c in (a, b) such that (2.1) f (c) = f (b) f (a) . ba 34

To see why this is true , start with gure 2.3.

150 100 50 1

a 50 100

c 1

f x g x

Figure 2.3

Here, y = g (x) is the line joining (a, f (a)) to (b, (f (b)). The slope of this line is the right hand side of (1), which is also g (x) for any x in (a, b). Now the function f (x) g (x) satises the hypotheses of Rolles theorem, so there is a c in (a, b) at which the derivative is zero, that is f (c) = g (c). But this is the same as equation (2.1). The point of this section is to demonstrate that Newtons uniqueness hypothesis (that a function with derivative zero everywhere is constant) follows from basic intuitive facts. Theorem 2.5. Suppose that f is dierentiable in an interval, and has derivative zero everywhere. Then f is constant. Let a, b be dierent points in the interval. By the Mean Value Theorem, there is a point c between a and b such that f (b) f (a) f (c) = . ba But the hypothesis is that f (c) = 0, so we must have f (b) f (a) = 0, or f (a) = f (b). This for any two points a and b, so f is constant. Problems 2.3 1. Suppose that f is a continuous function on the interval [0, 1] and f (0) = 0, f (1) = 0. By Rolles theorem, if there is no point c between 0 and 1 for which f (c) = 0, this must be because there are points in the interval at which f is not dierentiable. Find such a function with just one point of nondierentiability. 2. Suppose that f is a function dierentiable on an interval (a, b) and that f (x) = c, for some constant c. Show that there is a constant d such that f (x) = cx+d. Hint: consider g (x) = f (x)ax. 35

3. Suppose that f is twice dierentiable in an interval containing 0, and that f (0) = 3, f (0) = 4 and f (x) = 2 for all x in the interval. Show that f (x) = x2 + 4x + 3. 4. Show by example that Theorem 2.1 is false for a discontinuous function. 5. Show by example that a function dened on an open interval (a, b) and continuous there need not have a maximum on the interval. 2.4 LH opitals Rule The student may have noticed that in almost all of the examples involving limits, the given expression was a quotient. Indeed, the very denition of the derivative is that of a limit of a quotient: (2.2) f (x) = lim f (x) f (a) . xa xa

In this section we introduce a quick way of calculating the limit of a quotient f (x)/g (x) as x approaches a in the case where both f (a) = 0 and g (a) = 0. This is, of course, the interesting case; otherwise we can obtain the limit by substitution. This technique, called lH opitals rule, will not work if either f (a) = 0 or g (a) = 0 as we shall see. So it is important to verify those conditions. lH opitals rule also should not be confused with the rule for dierentiating a quotient, which is quite a bit more complicated. Proposition 2.12 (lH opitals Rule). If f and g have continuous derivatives at a and f (a) = 0 and g (a) = 0, then f (x) f (x) lim = lim . xa g (x) xa g (x) To see this we use the Mean Value Theorem, theorem 2.4. According to that theorem, we can write f (x) f (a) = f (c)(x a) for some c between x and a, and gx) g (a) = g (d)(x a) for some d between x and a. Since f (a) = 0 and g (a) = 0, we have f (x) f (c)(x a) f (c) = lim = lim . xa g (x) xa g (d)(x a) xa g (d) lim But now, by assumption the derivatives f and g are continuous. So, since c and d lie between x and a, f (c) and g (d) have the same limits as f (x) and g (x) as x a. Example 2.12. sin x = x0 x lim

Here the functions are dierentiable and both zero at x = 0, so lH opitals rule applies: sin x cos x = lim = cos(0) = 1 . x0 x x0 1 lim Of course this example is a fake, since we needed to validate this limit just to show the dierentiability of sin x. Example 2.13. lim sin(3x) = 4x 36


Both numerator and denominator are 0 at x = 0, so we can apply lH (a convenient abbreviation for lH opitals rule): 3 cos(3x) sin(3x) l H 3 lim lim = = . x0 x0 4x 4 4 Example 2.14. x2 4x + 5 = x5 x5 lim

Here both numerator and denominator are zero, so lH applies: 2x 4 x2 4x + 5 l H = =6. lim x5 x5 x5 1 lim Note that we could also have divided the numerator by the denominator, getting x2 4x + 5 =x+1 x5 whose value at x = 5 is 6. Example 2.15.


x+2 = 3x + 1

Since neither the numerator nor denominator is zero at x = 0, we can just substitute 0 for x, obtaining 2 as the limit. Note that if we blindly apply lH opitals rule, we get the wrong answer, 1/3. Example 2.16. x3 3x + 2 = x2 tan(x) lim

After checking that the hypotheses are satised, we get x3 3x + 2 l H 3x2 3 12 3 9 = lim = = . 2 x2 x2 sec (x) tan(x) lim The second limit can be evaluated since both functions are continuous and the denominator nonzero. Example 2.17. sin2 (2x) = x0 cos x 1 lim

Both numerator and denominator are zero at x = 0, so lH opitals rule applies: sin2 (2x) l H 4 sin(2x) cos(2x) = lim . x0 cos x 1 x0 sin x lim Now, numerator and denominator are still zero at x = 0, so we can apply lH opitals rule again: =l H lim 8 cos2 (2x) 8 sin2 (2x) = 8 , x0 cos x

for now we can take the limit by evaluating the functions. 37

lH opitals rule also works when taking the limit as x goes to innity. Proposition 2.13. If f and g are dierentiable functions, and

lim f (x) = 0

lim g (x) = 0 ,



f (x) f (x) = lim . g (x) x g (x)

We see that this is true by the substitution t = 1/x, which leads us back to proposition 8.1: f (x) f (1/t) l H = lim = lim x g (x) t0 g (1/t) t0 lim
1 t2 f 1 t2 g

(1/t) , (1/t)

by lH opitals rule and the chain rule. But the factors introduced cancel, so, changing back to x = 1/t, we get the proposition. Finally, we remark, without verication, that lH opitals rule also works if the limits are innite: Proposition 2.14. If f and g are dierentiable functions, and limxa f (x) = and limxa g (x) = a, then f (x) f (x) lim = lim . x g (x) xa g (x) Here the limit point a may also be innity. Example 2.18. 2x2 x + 3 = x x2 + 5x lim

By proposition 2.14, we can replace the numerator and denominator by their derivatives: 2x2 x + 3) l H 4x 1 l H 4 = lim = lim =2. 2 x x x x + 5x 2x + 5 2 lim Of course, this could also be shown by direct application of proposition 2.11. Problems 2.4 1. Find the limit of example 2.5 using lH opitals rule. 2. Find the limit of example 2.6 using lH opitals rule. 3. x2 4 = x2 x2 3x + 2 lim x2 3x = x3 x2 + 2x 15 lim x1 lim = x1 1 x2 38




x lim = x0 x2



1 + x2 = x



sin2 x = x2 2x + 2 sin2 x = x2 3x + 2 2 sin2 x = (x )2 2 cos x 1 = 3x









III. Extrema, Concavity, and Graphs 3.1 Monotonicity and the First Derivative In this chaqpter we will be studying the behavior of dierentiable functions in terms of their derivatives. Thus, whenever a function f is introduced, it is to be understood that it is dened and has rst and second derivatives on an interval I . Denition 3.1. We say a) f is increasing on the interval I if, for a b, we have f (a) f (b). b) f is strictly increasing on the interval I if, for a < b, we have f (a) < f (b). c) f is decreasing on the interval I if, for a b, we have f (a) f (b). b) f is strictly decreasing on the interval I if, for a < b, we have f (a) > f (b). Proposition 3.1 a) If f is always positive on I , then f is strictly increasing on the interval I . b) If f is always negative on I , then f is strictly decreasing on the interval I . For a < b, we have b a > 0. By the mean value theorem (see theorem 2.4 of chapter 2), there is a c between a and b such that f (b) f (a) = f (c) . ba Now in case the hypothesis of a) holds, this is positive. Since the denominator of the expression on the left is positive, that implies that f (b) f (a) > 0. On the other hand, if b) holds, so f (c) < 0, we conclude that the numerator is negative, so f (b) f (a) < 0. Denition 3.2. a) Let a be a point in I . We say that f has a local maximum at a if, for all x suciently close to a, f (a) f (x). b) We say that f has a local minimum at a if, for all x suciently close to a, f (a) f (x). If we want to graph the function y = f (x), it is important to calculate f , and determine the intervals in which it is positive or negative. Then we know that the graph must go up in an interval where f is positive, and go down where f is negative. Clearly, at points at which the sign of of f changes, there must be either a local maximum or a minimum. For example, if f is negative to the left of a, and positive to the right of a, then f is decreasing to the left of a and increasing to the right of a, so has a local minimum at a. Proposition 3.2 (First Derivative Test). a) If f (x) > 0 for x < a and f (x) < 0 for x > a, then f has a local maximum at a. b) If f (x) < 0 for x < a and f (x) > 0 for x > a, then f has a local minimum at a. If the function has a continuous second derivative, the following test may be computationally easier: Proposition 3.3 (Second Derivative Test). a) If f (a) = 0 and f (a) < 0, then f has a local maximum at a. b) If f (a) = 0 and f (a) > 0, then f has a local minimum at a. Take case (a). We must have f negative in a neighborhood of a, so f is decreasing in that neighborhood. Since f (a) = 0, we must have f positive to the left of a and negative to the right. So, by the rst derivative test, f has a local maximum at a. 40

Example 3.1. Let f (x) = 2x3 15x2 + 24x + 10. Then f (x) = 6x2 30x + 24 = 6(x2 5x + 4) = 6(x 1)(x 4) , f (x) = 12x 30 = 6(2x 5) . We see that f (1) = 0, and f (4) = 0, and f > 0 for x < 1, f < 0 for x between 1 and 4, and f > 0 for x > 4. Thus the graph of y = f (x) is increasing until x = 1, decreases from 1 to 4, increases again for x > 4, and x = 1 is a local maximum, x = 4 is a local minimum. We can conrm this by calculating the second derivative: f (1) = 18 < 0, and f (4) = 18 > 0. To see the graph of this function, go to example 3.8 of section 3. Example 3.2. Find the intervals in which f (x) = x/(x2 + 1) is increasing and decreasing. First, we calculate the derivative: f (x) = 1 x2 x2 + 1 x(2x) = . (x2 + 1)2 (x2 + 1)2

Since the denominator is always positive, the sign is determined by the numerator 1 x2 . This is negative for x < 1 and x > 1 and positive for 1 < x < 1. Thus the function is increasing between -1 and 1 and otherwise decreasing. Noticing that f (x) < 0 for x < 0, f (x) > 0 for x > 0, and that f (x) 0 as |x| , we have enough information to sketch the graph:













Problems 3.1 1. Find all points of local maxima and minima of the function f (x) = x(4 + x2 ). 2. For what number x between 0 and 1 is x1/3 x a maximum? 3. Let f (x) = 2x3 24x2 + 72x + 12. Find the intervals in which f (x) is increasing; in which f (x) is decreasing. 4. Let y= x2 x . 4x + 3

Find the intervals in which y is increasing; in which y is decreasing. 5. Let h(x) = sec x + tan x. Find out where h is increasing or decreasing in the interval (0, 2 ). 41

6. Let y = x4 x3 x + 1. Find the value of x where y has its minimum. 7. Graph a function with these conditions: a) f (0) = 2, b) f (2) = 4, c) f (x) < 0 for x < 0, d) f has a local maximum between x = 0 and x = 2, e) f has a local minimum at some point c with c > 2. 8. Show that the equation 2x12 3x6 + x = 0 has a root strictly between 0 and 1. 3.2 Optimization The knowledge about a function that we obtain from the rst derivative often suces to solve practical optimization problems. Typically, the given situation leads to a function y = f (x) dened on a closed interval a x b, and the problem is to nd the maximum or minimum value of the function on the interval. This can occur only at one of the following points: the endpoints, a, b, any point in the interval at which f does not have a derivative, or any point c on the interval at which f (c) = 0. These are the critical points of the function. Evaluate the function at all of the critical points; the largest of these values is the maximum on the interval, and the smallest, the minimum. Example 3.3. Find the maximum and the minimum of y = x 1 x2 on the interval 1 x 1. 2x 1 2x2 dy = 1 x2 + x = dx (1 x2 )3/2 2 1 x2 This is zero when x = 1/ 2. The critical values are 1, 1/ 2, 1/ 2, 1, and the corresponding values of y are 0, [(1/2) 3/2], [(1/2) 3/2], 0, so the nonzero values are the minimum and maximum repsectively. Example 3.4. Let y = sin2 x + cos x, for x in the interval [, ]. Find the absolute maximum and minimum of y . Dierentiate: y = 2 sin x cos x sin x = sin x(2 cos x 1) . This is zero at x = , 0, and x = /3. The values of y at these points are x y 1 /3
5 4


0 1

5 4

Thus the absolute maximum is 5/4, and the absolute minimum is -1. Note that at x = 0 we have a local minimum. Many problems involve nding the values of certain variables which make a related variable a maximum or a minimum. The method of attack on such probems is as follows: Step 1. Draw a picture (if appropriate), and identify the relevant variables: those things which can change. State the problem in terms of the variables. Here it is important to distinguish the variable to be optimized: call it the objective variable. 42

Step 2. Express the objective variable in terms of the other relevant variables. If there is more than one such variable, look for relations among them: these are called the constraints. Step 3. Use the constraints to express the objective as a function of only one of the other variables. Step 4. Dierentiate and set the derivative equal to zero. Step 5. Calculate the values of the objective variable at each of the points found in step 4 (as well as the endpoints of the range of that variable), and choose the one which is the desired maximum (or minimum). Example 3.5. A triangle in the rst quadrant has vertices at the points (0, 0), (t, 0), (t, 9 t2 ). Find the triangle of of maximum area. Here the variables are area, A, and value t determining the triangle. Area is the objective variable; in terms of t this area is 1 1 A(t) = t(9 t2 ) = (9t t3 ) . 2 2 Since the triangle is in the rst quadrant, we must have t 0 and 9 t2 0, so the interval on which the area is dened is 0 t 3. Now f (t) = 9 3 t2 2

so f (t) = 0 when t = 3. The critical points on the interval in question are 0 , 3, 3. The values of f at these points are 0, 3 3, 0, so the maximum value is 3 3. Example 3.6. A box with a square bottom is to be made so as to contain 150 in3 .The cost of the material to make the sides is $2 per in2 and the material for the top and bottom is $3 per in2 . What are the dimensions of the box of minimal cost? Here the variables are: x, the length of a side of the base of the box, h, the height, the area Ab of the base (which is the same as the area of the top), the area As of a side (of which there are 4), and the cost, C . Since we want to minimize C , this is the objective variable. According to our data, the cost is given by C = 3(2Ab ) + 2(4As ). Now Ab = x2 , and As = xh, so we obtain C = 6x2 + 8xh . Now, we need a relationship between x and h: that is provided by the constraint that the box must contain 150 in3 . Thus x2 h = 150, or h = 150x2 . The objective equation becomes (3.1) C = 6x2 + 8x(150x2 ) = 6x2 + 1200x1 .

In principle, the variable x ranges over all positive numbers, but we note from equation (3.1) that C becomes arbitrarily large as x becomes very large or very small. Thus there is a minimum somewhere between: at a place where C (x) = 0. Dierentiating: C (x) = 12x 1200x2 , 43

so C (x) = 0 when 12x3 = 1200, or x = 4.64 in. Since this is the only point at which C = 0, it is the value of x which minimizes the cost. Using x2 h = 150, we nd h = 6.96 in. Thus the box should be (approximately) 4.5 in square on the base, and of height 7 in. Example 3.7. An automobile maufacturer sells, on average, 8000 cars per month at twenty-ve thousand dollars. The marketing department has determined that for every one thousand dollar reduction in price, the company can sell an additional 500 cars per month. At what price should the car be sold so as to maximize revenue? Let p be the price reduction (in thousands of dollars) at which the automobile is to be sold. With this reduction, the manufacturer sells 8 + p/2 thousand cars, and the price is 25 p thousand. Thus the total revenue is R = (8 + p/2)(25 p). To maximize revenue we dierentiate, and set the derivative equal to zero: 1 R = (25 p) (8 + p/2) = 4.5 p . 2 The desired reduction is p = $4500 and the selling price should be $20,500. Problems 3.2 1. Find the absolute maxima and minima of the function f (w) = w w + 1 on the interval [-1.4]. 2. Find the maximum and the minimum of y = x 1 x2 on the interval 1 x 1. 3. Let y = sin x + cos2 x, for x in the interval [, ]. Find the absolute maximum and minimum of y . 4. Find the dimensions of the right triangle with one vertex at the origin, another on the positive x-axis, and the third on the curve y = 4 + x2 which is of minimum area. 5. We are asked to make an open-topped box out of a rectangular sheet of tin 24 in. wide and 45. in long. This is to be done by cutting congruent squares out of each corner of the sheet and then bending sides upward to from the sides of the box. What are the dimensions of the box of greatest volume? 6. A particle travels at 2 ft/sec in the upper half-plane, and at 3 ft/sec on the x-axis. The object starts at one foot up the y -axis (at (0,1)), and will travel to a point 3 ft down the x axis (at (3,0)) by heading straight for some point (x,0) and then along the x axis. Find the value of x which minimizes the time it takes. 7. A commuter train carries 600 passengers each day from a suburb to a city. It costs $ 1.50 per person to ride the train. It is found that 40 more people will ride the train for each 5 cent decrease in the fare. What fare should be charged to make the largest possible revenue? 8. A rectangular racecourse is to be made so the diagonal measures 5 furlongs, and so we can place 20 spectators per furlong along the horizontal sides, and 30 spectators per furlong along the 44

vertical sides. What should the dimensions of the course be so that number of spectators is the maximum? 9. The heat produced at a point x feet from a heating source is proportional to I/x2 where I is the intensity of the source. Suppose that two heaters, one three times as intense as the other, are place 60 feet apart. At what point between the heaters is the temperature a minimum? 10. Farmer Brown wants to build a right triangular chicken coop containing 100 square feet. The hypotenuse will lie on an existing wall, but the other two sides are to be built. What should the dimensions of these sides be so as to minimize the sum of their lengths? 11. The Jones Jumpersuit Company can sell 400 8p jumpersuits each month at a price of 120 + p dollars. Jones has xed costs of $ 8000 per month, and the cost in labor and material for each suit is $ 25. At what price will Jones maximize prot? 12. Tickets for the Giulia Opera sell at $65 each. However, for groups, this deal is oered: for every 10 tickets over 100 purchased there will be a 2% discount on all tickets. Of course, as we can see there has to be an upper limit: for a group of 600 people, the tickets will be free. Giulia decides to set a limit at that number which maximizes the total revenue. What is that number? 3.3. Concavity and the Second Derivative Denition 3.3. a) If, at every point a in I , the graph of y = f (x) always lies above the tangent line at a, we say that f is concave up. (( somehow the original text has f , not f )) b) If, at every point a in I , the graph of y = f (x) always lies below the tangent line at a, we say that f is concave down. (See gure 3.1).

Figure 3.1

Increasing, f 0 Concave up, f 0

Increasing, f 0 Concave Down, f 0

Decreasing, f 0 Concave Up, f 0

Decreasing, f 0 Concave Down, f 0

Proposition 3.4. a) If f is always positive in the interval I , then f is concave up in that interval. b) If f is always negative in the interval I , then f is concave down in that interval. The reasoning is this: where f > 0 the slope of the tangent line is increasing, so the graph of the function is curving counterclockwise. Another way to put this: under the condition f (a) > 0, 45

near a the graph of y = f (x) lies above the tangent line at the point (a, f (a). The equation of the tangent line is y = g (x) = f (a) + f (a)(x a); we want to show that f (x) > g (x) for x near a, x =. That is, we want to show that the function h(x) = f (x) g (x) has a minimum at x = a. Now, h (x) = f (x) f (a), so h (a) = 0. Furthermore h (a) = f (a) > 0, so, by the second derivative test, h has a minimum at a.

By including this information given by the second derivative, we can accurately sketch the graph of the function y = f (x), by determining the intervals in which f and f have given signs. The four possibilities are illustrated in gure 1. Points where the second derivative changes sign are points at which the concavity changes: these are called points of inection (see gure 3.2). Clearly

Proposition 3.5. If a is a point of inection of f , and f (a) exists, then it is zero.

Figure 3.2

Inection point

Example 3.8. For f (x) = 2x3 15x2 +24x +10, we calculated (in example 3.1) f (x) = 6(2x 5). Thus f is negative for x < 5/2, and positive for x > 5/2, so x = 5/2 is a point of inection. Putting together all the information we have obtained on this function we can draw its graph showing all important features. First we tabulate the data obtained: x x<1 1 1 < x < 2.5 2.5 2.5 < x < 4 4 x>1 Based on these data, we draw the graph: 46 f incr 21 decr 7.5 decr 6 incr f >0 0 <0 13.5 <0 0 >0 f conc dwn 6 conc dwn 0 conc up 18 conc up

Figure 3.3: Plot of 2x3




40 30 20 10 0 0



Problems 3.3
1 (x 1)3 . Find the intervals in which the function is increasing and decreasing, 1. Let y = (x 2)2 + 3 and where it is concave up and concave down. Sketch the graph.

2. Consider the function y = 2x3 + 3x2 12x + 11 . Find the intervals in which the function is concave up, and in which it is concave down. Sketch the graph. 3. For the following function, nd a) all critical values, b) intervals in which the function is increasing and where it is decreasing, c) intervals in which the function is concave up or concave down: g (x) = x4 4x3 + 4x2 + 2 . Sketch the graph. 4. Consider the function y= 4 1 5 2+ 3 , x 2x 3x

dened for x > 0. a) Find the intervals in which the function is increasing, and the intervals in which it is decreasing. b) Find the intervals in which the function is concave up, concave down. Sketch the graph. 5. Consider the function f (x) = sin x + cos2 x as dened on the interval , ] (see problem 3 of section 3.2). Find a) all critical values, b) all points of inection, c) the value at which the function takes its maximum. Sketch the graph. 3.4 Graphing Functions Sketching Graphs of Rational Functions To sketch a graph of a function y = f (x) follow these steps. 1. Determine where the function is not dened. 47

2. Determine the points x where f (x) = 0 and where f (x) = 0. 3. Make a table of the values of f, f , f at the points found in steps 1 and 2. 4. Determine the signs of f and f in the intervals separated by the points found in steps 1 and 2. 5. Determine the vertical asymptotes of the function at the points found in step 1 (see Chapter 2, section 2). 6. Determine the horizontal asymptotes of the function as x (see Chapter 2, section 2). 7. Using all this information and the concavity templates of gure 3.1, sketch the graph. Example 3.9. Let y = x4 18x2 + 2. We shall follow the steps above: 1. The function is dened everywhere. 2. Calculate the rst and second derivatives: f (x) = 4x3 36x2 = 4x(x2 9) , f (x) = 12x2 36 = 12(x2 3) . f (x) = 0 for x = 0, 3 and f (x) = 0 for x = 3. 3. We create the table of relevant values at these points. In making this table, leave spaces for additional values of x which may be relevant. x 3 3 0 3 3 f 79 43 2 43 79 f 0 0 0 0 f 0

4. We still have to determine the signs of f at x = 0, 3, and the signs of f at x = 3, and nally at points before -3 and after 3. When that is done, we shall have completed the table: x < 3 3 3 0 3 3 >3 f + 79 43 2 43 79 + f 0 + 0 0 + f + + 0 0 + +

5 and 6. The asymptotes as x are read o the rst and last lines of the table. 7. To graph, rst locate the points (x, f (x)) for x on the table, then connect these points using the knowledge about f and f , and the templates of gure 3.2. The result is shown in gure 3.4. 48

Figure 3.4: Plot of f x x4

18x2 2

150 100 50 0

0 50

Example 3.10. Graph (3.2) y= x . x1

1. The function is not dened at x = 1. 2. We can rewrite the function (using long division) as f (x) = 1 + (x 1)1 . Then f (x) = (x 1)2 , f (x) = 2(x 1)3 .

Thus there are no points at which these are zero, so the only important data will be the signs of f , f and f in the various intervals. 4. Calculation of f and its derivatives at sample points yields the table x <0 0 0<x<1 1 >1 f + 0 ND + f ND f ND +

5. The vertical assymptotes are at x = 1. Line 3 of the table tells us that as x 1 , f (x) is negative, so f (x) , and line 5 of the table tells us that as x 1+ ,f (x) is positive, so f (x) + 6. The form (3.2) of the function tells us that as x , f (x) 1 and as x +, f (x) 1+ . 7. The graph can now be drawn as in gure 3.5. 49

Figure 3.5 6 4 2 0

0 2

Example 3.11. Graph y= x2

x . 1

1. The function is not dened at the points 1, 1. 2. 2x x2 + 1 , f (x) = 2 . f (x) = 2 2 (x 1) (x 1)3 3. We note that f is never zero; in fact, it is always negative (except where undened), and f is zero just at x = 0. This gives the preliminary table x < 1 1 1 < x < 0 0 0<x<1 1 x>1 f ND 0 ND f ND ND f ND 0 ND

4. A few calculations at intermediate points lls in the table: x < 1 1 1 < x < 0 0 0<x<1 1 x>1 f ND + 0 ND + f ND ND f ND + 0 ND +

5. We determine the nature of the asymptotes on each side of 1 using lines 1 and 3 of the table, and on each side of 1 using lines 5 and 7. 6. Since the degree of the denominator is greater than the degree of the numerator, the line y = 0 is the horizontal asymptote on each side. The approach as x is from below (by line 1), and from above (by line 7) as x +. 50

7. Putting these data together, we obtain the graph in gure 3.6.

Figure 3.6: Plot of 10 8 6 4 2 0

x x2 1


4 6

8 10

Other Sketches To graph more complicated functions, we follow the same steps, but may have to do some additional investigations. Sometimes the asymptotic directions give us sucient information, and it is not really necessary to calculate the rst and second derivative (which for a rational function could be quite tedious). To illustrate this, we return to example 2.11. Example 3.12. Graph f (x) = In section 2.2 we found the factorization f (x) = x2 (x + 2) , (x 1)(x 2) x2 x3 + 2x2 . 3x + 2

and the asymptotic behavior as x = 1, 2. Also, by long division, we saw that the horizontal asymptote is y = x + 5. Noting that the function is zero at the points x = 0, 2, we can tabulate the results just for the values of the function. x f (x) < 2 2 2 < x < 0 0 + 0 0<x<1 1 0 ND 1<x<2 2 ND x>2 +

The simplest graph with these properties and the horizontal asymptote y = x + 5 is shown in gure 3.7. Wed have to calculate the derivatives to be sure that there are no other ripples, but as a rst sketch, this is satisfactory. (In fact, gure 3.7 does accurately show the local maxima and minima and the correct concavity). 51

Figure 3.7: Plot of

x3 2x2 x2 3x 2

and the asymptote y

50 40 30 20 10 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 -10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Example 3.13. Graph y =

x2 1.

1. Unless otherwise specied, the symbol refers to the nonnegative square root. Since we cannot take the square root of a negative number, this function is undened for x between -1 and 1. 2. We calculate: f (x) = x(x2 1)1/2 , f (x) = (x2 1)3/2 .

3 and 4. We obtain the following table of relevant values: x < 1 1 1 < x < 1 1 >1 f + 0 ND 0 + f ND + f ND

Thus the graph is decreasing for x 1 and increasing for x 1 and is everywhere concave down. 5 and 6. There are no vertical asymptotes. To nd the horizontal asymptotes, we rewrite the function as 1 y = |x| 1 2 . x Since the second factor tends to 1 as x we conclude that the graph approaches that of y = |x| asymptotically from below.



Figure 3.8: Plot of y


1 and the asymptote y

x .

3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 -3 -2 -1 0 0 1 2 3

Example 3.14. Graph y = x sin x. The function is dened everywhere. Since sin x oscillates, this function oscillates, but grows in height as |x| grows. In fact the graph will hit the lines y = x at every point where | sin x| = 1; that is, at all points x = n + /2. This is enough information to graph the function, except around zero. But, since f (x) = sin x + x cos x we see that f (0) = 0, and the graph has a horizontal tangent at the origin. The graph now can be drawn as a sine curve damped by the lines y = x (see gure 3.9).

Figure 3.9: Plot of y

x sin x and the asymptote y 15


10 5 0



-5 -5 -10




Problems 3.4 1. Let y= x2

1 . +1

Find the x coordinate of the points of inection of the curve so dened. Sketch the graph. 53

In each of the following, derive enough information about the curve to sketch the graph, showing clearly all asymptotes.

2. Sketch the graph :


x . x2 + 1 x . (x 1)(x 2)

3. Sketch the graph :


4. Sketch the graph :


x2 . (x 1)(x 2)

5. Sketch the graph :


x3 . (x 1)(x 2)

6. Sketch the graph :


x2 3x + 2 . x2 7x + 12

7. Sketch the graph :

y = sec x + tan x 0 x 2 .

To get started, recall problem 5 of section 3.1. 8. Sketch the graph : y= 1 cos x 2 x 2 .


IV. Integration: A Dierential Equations Approach 4.1 Antiderivatives Newtons basic idea of dynamics is this: if we know the state of a system at a particular time, and we know the law of change, then we can predict the state at any future time. The law of change will ordinarily be an equation involving the function, its derivative, and the independent variable: this is called a dierential equation. Newtons rst law of motion expresses this idea: in the absence of external forces, an object in motion will continue its motion in the same direction with the same speed. Put another way, if acceleration is zero, then velocity is constant; and yet another way: if dv/dt = 0, then v (t) = v (0) for all t. We have already seen this in Chapter II (as theorem 2.5): Proposition 4.1. Suppose that f is dierentiable in an interval, and has derivative zero everywhere. Then f is constant. As a consequence, we have Proposition 4.2. If two functions have the same derivative, they dier by a constant. For suppose f and g are the two functions, and f = g . We can apply proposition 4.1 to h = f g : h = f g = 0, so h(x) = C , some constant. Then f (x) = g (x) + C . Denition 4.1. Given a function f , any function F such that F = f is an antiderivative or indenite integral, or just integral of f . Any integral is denoted f (x)dx . We emphasize that any two integrals of a given function dier by a constant. So, for example, we know that if f (x) = x2 , then f (x) = 2x, so x2 is an integral of 2x, and therefore any integral of 2x is of the form x2 + C , for some constant C . We indicate this by writing 2xdx = x2 + C . This process of nding integrals is called integration. Now, the formulas of the dierential calculus lead to the formulas for nding integrals, although not always so easily, as we shall see. For example, since the derivative of a sum is the sum of the derivatives, then the integral of a sum is the sum of the integrals. Since we dierentiate xn by multiplying by the exponent and reducing the exponent by 1, we integrate xn by reversing the process: increase the exponent by 1, and divide by the new exponent. To summarize: Proposition 4.3. a) Let f be a given function, and a a number. Then

af (x)dx = a f (x)dx. f (x)dx + g (x)dx.

b) Let f and g be given functions. Then (f (x) + g (x))dx = c) xn dx =

1 n+1 n+1 x

+ C,

n = 1.

Of course, the exclusion n = 1 is necessary, for in this case the right hand side doesnt make sense. However, as well see in section 4.5, x1 dx does make sense and denes an important function. 55

Example 4.1. Find the integral of f (x) = x4 3x2 + x 1. We integrate term by term, using Proposition 4.3c for each term: f (x)dx = x3 x2 x5 3 + x+C 5 3 2

= Example 4.2.

1 1 5 x x3 + x2 x + C 5 2

(4x3 + x2 )dx = 4(

x2 x3 x3 )+ + C = 2x2 + +C 2 3 3

Example 4.3. A function f (x) has the derivative f (x) = x2 + x2 , and the value at x = 2 is 5. What is the function? First we nd the general function with the given derivative by integrating term by term: f (x) = 1 3 x x1 + C 3

Now we substitute the given values, and solve for C: 5= 1 3 1 2 +C 3 2

giving C = 17/6. Thus the desired function is f (x) = 1 3 17 x x1 + 3 6

Proposition 4.3 shows us how to nd integrals of polynomials. The dierentiation formulas for the trigonometric functions also lead to integration formulas for these functions. Proposition 4.4. a) cos xdx = sin x + C


sin xdx = cos x + C

since the derivative of sin x is cos x, and the derivative of cos x is sin x. So far, we can only integrate functions by, so to speak, reading a table of derivatives in the reverse direction. For example, we also know from these tables that sec2 dx = tan x + C and 56 sec x tan xdx = sec x + C ,

but we dont yet know the integral of sec x, or for that matter, tan x or x1 . Finding integrals in general is a quite complicated process, and as this course proceeds we will study the various techniques of integration. The rst, and most useful of these techniques is that of substitution. This is the integration form of the chain rule. It is most conveniently stated in terms of dierentials. Proposition 4.5. Given variables u and x; suppose we know that u = u(x) is a function of x. Suppose their dierentials are related by (4.1) for some functions f and g . Then f (x)dx = To see this, let G(u) = we have g (u)du + C . f (x)dx = g (u)du

g (u)du. Then, treating G as a function of x by the substitution u = u(x), dG du dG = dx du dx

by the chain rule. But dG/du = g (u), so dG du = g (u) = f (x) dx dx by the relation (4.1). Thus G(u(x)) is an integral of f (x). This explains in part the notation for the integral: we should be thinking that it is the dierential f (x)dx which we are integrating, rather than the function. For when we change variables by substitution, it is the entire dierential which we must consider. Example 4.4. (5x 3)5 dx = ?

Since we would rather not multiply 5x 3 by itself 5 times so we can use Proposition 4.3, we instead introduce the variable u = 5x 3. Then du = 5dx, or dx = (1/5)du, so (5x 3)5 dx = 1 5 u du . 5

We now apply the power rule to the right hand side: 1 5 1 1 u du = u6 + C 5 5 6 and then replace u by its expression 5x 3 as a function of x: (5x 3)5 dx = 1 (5x 3)6 + C . 30


Example 4.5.

x(x2 + 1)3 dx = ?

To integrate by substitution, always let u be what is inside the most complicated part. Here we want to let u = x2 + 1. Then du = 2xdx, so xdx = 1 2 du and we can replace the dierential to be integrated as follows: 1 1 x(x2 + 1)3 dx = (x2 + 1)3 (xdx) = u3 ( du) = u3 du . 2 2 Then x(x2 + 1)3 dx = Example 4.6. 1 2 u3 du = 1 1 4 1 u + C = (x2 + 1)4 + C . 2 4 8

cos2 (2x + 1) sin(2x + 1)dx = ?

Let u = cos(2x + 1). Then du = 2 sin(2x + 1)dx or sin(2x + 1)dx = 1 2 du so that 1 cos2 (2x + 1) sin(2x + 1)dx = u2 du . 2 This substitution is eective: cos2 (2x + 1) sin(2x + 1)dx = 1 2 u2 du = 1 u3 1 + C = cos3 (2x + 1) + C . 2 3 6

Problem 4.1 1. Find the indenite integral of f (x) = (x2 + 1)2 x. 2. Integrate : (x3 + 3x + 5)3 (x2 + 1)dx =

3. Integrate :

h(x) = x(x2 1)3 g (x) = (x2 1)(x3 3x)3

4. Integrate :

5. Integrate :

(sin2 x + 1) cos xdx =

6. Find the indenite integral of f (x) = x2 3x + x2 . 7. Find the indenite integral of g (x) = sin x + 8. Find the indenite integral of h(x) = tan x sec2 x. 9. Find the indenite integral of g (x) = sin3 x. 58 1 . cos2 x

10. Find the indenite integral of f (x) = sin(2x)(cos(2x))2 . 11. Find the indenite integral of a) 12. Find the Indenite Integrals: a) b) 4.2 Area Before the calculus, the idea for the computation of the area of a region was as follows. First of all, the area of a rectangle is the product of the lengths of its sides. Now, ll a region as best as possible with nonoverlapping rectangles, and add up the areas of all the rectangles. This gives an approximate value for the area of the region. If the rectangles are very small, the approximation is good. If we do this cleverly, so that we can distinguish a pattern as we make the rectangles smaller and smaller, perhaps we can go to the limit to nd the actual area of the region. This idea was successfully applied by the Greeks to nd the area of a circle (and thus to get an approximate value for ), and, most eectively, by Archimedes to approximate the area of a section of a parabola, and more complex gures. This is painstaking work - as well see in the next chapter, when we look at 15th and 16th century calculations of this type. Newton had a better idea: change this to a problem of dynamics. Sweep out the region by a vertical line moving from left to right. For any number x, let A(x) be the area accumulated when the moving line intersects the x-axis at the point x. Now nd the rate of change of A(x) with respect to x. To x the ideas, start with the graph of a continuous function y = f (x) which lies above the x axis.Lets nd the area under the curve and above the x-axis between the lines x = a and x = b. Let A(x) be the area accumulated when the line goes through x on the x-axis. So, A(a) = 0, and the answer were looking for is A(b). Fix a point x between a and b, and now move it a small distance x, and approximate the area of the region added (see gure 4.1). (x3 3x2 + x2 )dx xdx (4x2 + 1)2 x(x + 1)dx b) x x + 1dx .

f x


Since the curve is almost a straight line over the interval of base length x, we can approximate that piece of area by the area of the trapezoid: A = 1 (f (x) + f (x + x))x or 2 A 1 = (f (x) + f (x + x)) . x 2

Taking the limit as x 0, we get dA = f (x)dx . so that area under a curve is found by nding the integral f (x)dx that has the value 0 at x = a.

Example 4.7. Find the area under the curve y = 4x between x = 1 and x = 4. This is a trapezoid of side lengths 4,16 and base length 3, so that its area is (1/2)(4 + 16)(3) = 30. But lets use Newtons idea. We rst calculate the integral of the dening function: A(x) = 4xdx = 2x2 + C .

We want the particular function A(x) whose value at x = 1 is zero; use that condition to solve for C: 0 = 2(12 ) + C so that the precise function for area is A(x) = 2x2 2. Finally, the answer is A(4) = 2(42 ) 2 = 30. Clearly our technique is not so simple as the formula from geometry. The powerful point here is that this works for all continuous functions y = f (x). Example 4.8. Find the area under the curve y = 6x2 + 4x between x = 2 and x = 5. First, we calculate the indenite integral: (6x2 + 4x)dx = 2x3 + 2x2 + C . Now we nd the particular integral whose value at x = 2 is zero: 0 = 2(2)3 + 2(2)2 + C , so that C = 24 ,

and the area function is A(x) = 2x3 + 2x2 24. The answer is A(5) = 2(5)3 + 2(5)2 24 = 276 . We now introduce a standard way for codifying these computations, which helps us to make the computations automatic. This starts with the following observation: Proposition 4.6. Given a positive continuous function y = f (x), the area between the curve and the x-axis from x = a to x = b is given by F (b) F (a) where F is any indenite integral of f . To see this, let F be any indenite integral of f . If F (a) = 0, it is the function were looking for. If not, then F (x) F (a) is an indenite integral whose value at a is 0, so is the function were looking for, and the area is its value at b: F (b) F (a). 60

This evaluation of an indenite integral is called the denite integral of the function f from a to b, and is made explicit by indicating those values at the integral sign:


f (x)dx = F (b) F (a) , where F is any antiderivative of f.

It is customary and convenient to use the notation F (x)|b a as an intermediary between setting up the denite integral and its calculation. Example 4.9. The area under the curve y = x2 between x = 1 and x = 3 is

x2 dx =

x3 3

3 1

33 13 26 = 3 3 3

In the rst step we found the indenite integral x3 /3, and in the second, evaluated it at 3 and 1, and took the dierence. Example 4.10. Find the area under the curve y = sin x between x = /6 and x = /3 (see the gure).

sin x


sin xdx = ( cos x)


/3 /6

= cos( ) ( cos( )) = 6 3

31 . 2

Example 4.11. The area under the curve y = xn between x = 0 and x = 1 is 1/(n + 1):

xn dx =

xn+1 n+1

1 0

1 . n+1


Example 4.12. Find the area between the curve y = x x2 + 1 and the x-axis, from x = 0 to x = 3.

Figure 4.6 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 05




3 Here dA = x x2 + 1dx, so the area is 0 x x2 + 1dx. We integrate by using the substitution u = x2 + 1, du = 2xdx. When x = 0, u = 1, and when x = 3, u = 10. The area is

x x2 + 1dx =

1 2


u1/2 du =

1 2 3/2 u 23

10 1

1 (10 10 1) 3

Notice, that when we make a substitution in a denite integral, we also replace the limits of integration by the values of the new variable at the endpoints. In this way the computation is easier than resubstituting back at the end. Now, the denite integral a f (x)dx has been introduced to nd the area under the curve y = f (x) when f is a nonnegative function; however, it can be dened by equation (4.2) for a function f which takes on both positive and negative values. In this case, the denite integral computes the signed area between the curve and the x-axis. This is easily seen by noticing that, in the approximation, A = f (x)x, we get a negative contribution when f (x) < 0 (see the gure below for a justication).

f x


Denition 4.1. Let f be a continuous function dened on the interval [a, b]. The signed area between the curve y = f (x) and the x-axis is the dierence of the areas of the regions below the curve and above the x-axis, where f (x) 0 and the areas of the regions above the curve and below the x-axis, where f (x) 0. The signed area is calculated by the denite integral:


f (x)dx = F (b) F (a) , where F is any antiderivative of f.

Example 4.13. Water is being drawn from a certain reservoir at the rate of 3000 gals/hour. During a certain 4 hour period, water ows into (or leaves) the reservoir at the rate x3 3x2 + 2x thousand gallons per hour, where x is the time past the beginning of this period, measured in hours. At the end of the four hour period, how much water has the reservoir gained (or lost)? Lets measure water in thousands of gallons. Thus the rate of exchange of water at time x is f (x) = x3 3x2 + 2x 3 thousand gallons per hour.

Note that, at least at the beginning, there is more water taken out of the reservoir than is put in. The total change in water over the four hour period is

(x3 3x2 + 2x 3)dx =


x4 x3 + x2 3x 4

4 0

= 64 64 + 16 12 = 4

thousand gallons .

Problem 4.2


(2t + 1)3 dt =


(4x3 2x2 + 1)dx =



sin x dx = cos3 x

4. Integrate :

1 dy y ( y + 1)2


5. Integrate :

cos2 x sin xdx =

6. Find the area of the region in the rst quadrant bounded by the curves y = sin 2 x and y = x. 63

7. Find the area of the region under the curve y = x2 x3 + 1, above the x-axis and bounded by the lines x = 0 and x = 4. 8. Find the area under the curve y = x2 + x2 , above the x-axis and between the lines x = 1 and x = 2. 9. Find the denite Integral:
2 2 (x 1

+ x2 )dx.

10. Find the area of the region above the x-axis and below the curve y = sec2 x lying between the lines x = /4 and x = /4, 11. Find the denite integral:
3 (4x 0

+ 1)2 dx.
4 (x2 4

12. Calculate the denite integrals: 4.3 Separation of Variables

3 + cos x)dx.

A rst order dierential equation is a relation among the variables y, y , x. For example: y = x2 + 1 , (y )2 + sin2 x = 1 , xy = y + 2x3 .

A solution of a dierential equation is a function f (x) such that, if we let y = f (x), y = f (x) in the equation, we get an identity. So, for the above examples, we check that the following are solutions, respectively: f (x) = 1 3 x +x+5 , 3 g (x) = sin x , h(x) = x3 + 2x .

For the rst, we just dierentiate: f (x) = x2 + 1, and for the second we have g (x) = cos x, and of course cos2 x + sin2 x = 1. The third takes a little calculation. First, h (x) = 3x2 + 2, so xh (x) = 3x3 + 2x = x3 + 2x + 2x3 = h(x) + 2x3 , and the identity is veried. In general, it is dicult to nd solutions to dierential equations, but in one special case, thanks to Proposition 4.5, it is not so hard. That proposition says that if we know that the dierentials f (y )dy and g (x)dx are equal, then their integrals dier by constant. In that proposition we assumed the prior knowledge of y as a function of x, but the technique still works without that assumption. In fact, it comes out as a conclusion! So, suppose that, upon replacing y by dy/dx, we can rewrite the dierential equation as an equation of dierentials: f (y )dy = g (x)dx , so that all factors involving y are on one side of the equation, and all those involving x are on the other. In this case we say that the variables can be separated. Then we can solve by integrating both sides. Example 4.14. Solve the dierential equation y = x2 /y . We rewrite this as dy/dx = x2 /y , which can be rewritten in dierential form as ydy = x2 dx. Now, integrate both sides: 1 2 1 y = x3 + C 2 3 64

or y2 =

2 3 x +C 3

(since C represents a generic constant, so does 2C , so we can again call it C ). Thus the solution is y= and this is the general solution. Example 4.15. Find the particular soluton of the dierential equation y = x2 /y such that y = 7 when x = 3. We follow the above argument to the equation y2 = 2 3 x +C 3 2 3 x +C , 3

Now we use the condition y = 7 when x = 3 to identify C : 72 = so that C = 31. Then the solution is y= 2 3 x + 31 . 3 2 3 3 +C 3 or 49 = 18 + C

Example 4.16. An object moves along the x-axis so that its velocity at time t is v (t) = t(t2 1)5 . If the object is at the origin at time t = 0, at what point is it at time t = 1? At time t = 2? Notice that the velocity is negative until t = 1, so the object starts moving to the left, but at t = 1 turns around and moves to the right. No matter; its position at time T , x(T ), is still given by the denite integral:

x(T ) =

vdt =

t(t2 1)5 dt

5 Make the substitution u = t2 1, du = 2dt to obtain the integrand 1 2 u du. When t = 0, u = 1, and when t = 1, u = 0, so

x(1) = For t = 2, we have u = 3, so x(2) = 1 2

1 2

u5 du =

1 6 u 12

0 1

1 . 12

u5 du =

1 6 u 12

3 1

1 6 (3 1) . 12

Example 4.17. Suppose a ball is thrown upward at an initial velocity of 128 ft/sec. How high does it go? 65

Let s, v, a represent position (measured upwards, with the surface of the earth at s = 0), velocity, acceleration. The acceleration due to gravity is dv 2 = a = 32 ft/sec . dt We integrate and conclude that v = 32t + C , for some constant C . Now, since v = 128 at time t = 0, we have (4.4) ds = v = 32t + 128 dt

and integrating again we obtain s = 16t2 + 128t + C . Since s = 0 when t = 0, we must have C = 0, so (4.5) s = 16t2 + 128t

Now, at the maximum height, the velocity is zero. Solving (4.4) for v = 0, we have t = 128/32 = 4 seconds at the high point. Putting this value of t in (4.5), we obtain the answer s = 16 42 + 128(4) = 256 .

Example 4.18. In the above problem, the time it takes to attain maximum height is calculated in order to nd that height, but is otherwise irrelevant. In fact, by eliminating the variable t, we can nd a more direct relation between position and velocity. Once again, we consider the variables s, v, a, t , and relate their dierentials by ds = vdt , dv = adt .

But now, we eliminate dt by multiplying the second equation by v : vdv = avdt = ads from which we conclude, by integrating the dierential equation vdv = ads: (4.6) 1 2 v = 2 ads

which is useful if a is constant, or a function of position alone. In the case of the above problem a is constant, so (4.6) becomes (1/2)v 2 = as + C . Setting s = 0 as the initial position, and v0 the 2 initial velocity, we nd C = (1/2)v0 , giving the relation (4.7) 1 2 1 2 v v0 = as 2 2

Now, in the preceding problem a = 32, v0 = 128 and v = 0 at the maximum height, so we get (1/2)(128)2 = 32s; solving for s gives s = 256. Example 4.19. An automobile travelling at a speed of 60 mph (88 ft/sec) decelerates at a rate of 12 ft/sec2 . How far does it travel before it stops? 66

Here a = 12, v0 = 88 and v = 0 when it stops. Putting these data into (4.7): 1 (88)2 = 12s 2 giving s = 322.67 ft.

Example 4.20. Now, Newtons second law, F = ma, says that the acceleration of a body of mass m in motion is proportional to the force F applied to it. If those forces are spacial; that is, functions of s alone, then, by multiplying equation (4.6) by m we get (4.8) 1 mv 2 = 2 F (s)ds

up to a constant, which is a way of stating the law of conservation of energy: the change in kinetic energy of the moving object (the left hand side) is equal to the work done by the force (the right hand side). Example 4.21. To illustrate this observation, consider a rocket sitting on the surface of a planet of mass M and radius R. With what initial velocity v0 should the rocket be propelled so as to escape the gravitational eld of the planet? According to Newtons law of universal gravitation, the force F of gravity is given by F = G mM s2

where G is a universal constant, m is the mass of the rocket, and s is the distance of the rocket from the center of the planet. In particular, from F = ma, we obtain a = G and equation (4.6) becomes 1 2 v = GM 2 At lifto, s = R and v = v0 , and we nd C= 1 2 v GM R1 , 2 0 s2 ds = GM s1 + C . M , s2

and thus the velocity and distance of the rocket at any future time satisfy the relation v2 = 2GM 2GM 2 + v0 . s R

The rocket will escape the planet if this is never zero. As s increases, the rst term gets smaller and smaller, so the only way we can insure this is to take v0 2GM/R. 67

In particular, if the planet is earth, then GM/R2 = g = 32 ft/sec2 , and R = 3900 miles. First, we convert g to miles per hour per hour: g = 32 mile mi 32(3600)))2 mi ft (3600)2 sec2 = 78545 2 . = 2 2 2 sec 5280 ft 5280 hr hr hr

Then, to escape earths gravitational pull, we must have v0 Problems 4.3 1. Given dy = x2 y, dx 2GM = R 2gR = 24, 751 miles per hour .


when x = 0

nd y as a function of x. 2. Find y as a function of x, given dy sin x = , dx y y = 5 when x = 0 .

3. Find the solution to the dierential equation y = y 2 x2 + y 2 such that y (1) = 2. 4. Find f (x) given that f (2) = 1, f (1) = 1 and f (x) = x x3 . 5. Find the function y = f (x) which satises the dierential equation x2 y + (1 + x2 )y 2 = 0 such that f (1) = 2. 6. Find the function y = f (x) which satises the dierential equation dy 1 = 2 dx yx such that f (1) = 1. 7. Solve the dierential equation: dy = (1 + x)y 2 , dx y (1) = 2.

8. Find the function whose value at 0 is 0 and whose derivative is x . (2x2 + 1)2

9. Find the function whose value at 0 is 0 and whose derivative is sin x/ cos4 x. 68

10. Find y as a function of x, given that y = 4 when x = 0 and dy = x + sin x . dx 11. Find the solution to the dierential equation x dy = 2 dx y such that y (1) = 2. 12. An automobile is travelling down the road a speed of 100 ft/sec. a) At what constant rate must the automobile decelerate in order to stop in 300 ft.? b) How long does that take? 13. A ball is thrown from ground level so as to just reach the top of a building 150 ft. high. At what initial velocity must the ball be thrown? 14. A 10 g object enters a straight track at a velocity of 12 cm/sec. On the track a force of 2s dynes is applied to this object , where s is distance from the start of the track measured in cm. What is the speed of the object when it is 10 cm down the track?How far does it go before it turns around? 4.4 The Exponential Function In many dynamical processes we are interested in studying the development of the quantity of a certain material as time progresses where the laws governing the process depend only on the properties of the material. For example: (1) growth of a bacteria culture, (2) decay of a radioactive material, (3) cooling of a hot metal thrust into water, (4) growth of an interest bearing investment fund, (5) spread of an epidemic. Let x = x(t) be the variable in such a process, where t represents time. In the above examples x would be (1) the mass of the bacteria, (2) the remaining mass of the original material, (3) the dierence between the temperature of the metal and the ambient temperature, (4) the value of the fund, (5) the number of infected people. These are examples of growth (or decay) processes. In studying such processes we consider the per unit rate of growth: (4.9) r= x (t) , x(t)

which can be written as the dierential equation (4.10) dx = rx . dt

In many of these processes, the per unit rate of growth r is constant. For our examples: (1) so long as the source of nourishment is plentiful, we can expect the rate at which the bacteria devleop to remain unchanged, (2) the physical process of ssion depends only on the nature of the atom and is the same throughout the material and remains unchanged over time, (3) the rate at which heat is lost depends only on the temperature dierence at the interface and the thermal properties of the material, (4) the growth of an investment account is the interest rate, set periodically by the bank. As for (5), the rate of spread of an epidemic depends upon the nature of the disease, 69

and may depend on time, mortality rate as well as the rate of interaction between infected and noninfected people. We will return to this case in section 6. In case r is constant, equation (4.10) leads to a separable dierential equation: (4.11) dx = rdt . x

The integral on the right is rt + C , and the integral on the left is given by sweeping out the area under the curve y = x1 . Although we do not know this function in any explicit sense, we can conclude that the dierential equation (4.10) (or (4.11)) has a solution, and we proceed with that knowledge. Denition 4.2. The exponential function, written x(t) = ert , is the solution of the dierential equation dx = rx dt with value x(0) = 1. If r > 0, r is called the growth rate; if r < 0, it is the decay rate. More precisely, the function ert is dened by the conditions (4.12) d rt e = rert , dx er0 = 1 .

The exponential function, like the trigonometric functions, is a transcendental function. These are functions which cannot be expressed as a quotient of polynomials; in this sense they transcend rational functions. In due course, we shall nd ways to calculate approximate values of the transcendental functions; for us now it suces to know that these calculations have been done and are incorporated into our calculators. Proposition 4.7. The solution of the dierential equation x (t) = rx(t), with initial value x(0) = x0 is (4.12) x(t) = x0 ert .

To verify this, we show that the function dened by (4.12) solves this initial value problem. First, x(0) = x0 er0 = x0 . Dierentiating: x (t) = x0 d rt e = x0 rert = rx(t) . dx

Example 4.22. $500 is deposited in an account, continuously compounded at an interest rate of 5% per year. What is the value of the account after 5 years? Let x(t) be the value of the fund at time t. Then x(0) = 500. The phrase continuously compounded tells us that the fund grows continuously at the given rate, so x satises the dierential equation (2) with r = .05. The solution then is x(t) = 500e.05t . At t = 5, we calculate: e.05(5) = e.25 = 1.284, so x(5) = 500(1.284) = 642.01 dollars. 70

Example 4.23. According to the census, the US population in 2000 was 281.4 million. The growth rate over the preceding decade was .1235. Assuming that growth rate continues during the present century, what will be the US population in 2050 ? Let x(t) be the population of the US in millions, where t is the number of decades after 2000. Then x(0) = 281.4, and Proposition 4.6 tells us x(t) = 281.4e(.1235)t At 2050, t = 5, so the answer is x(5) = 281.4e.1235(5) = 521.8 million. Example 4.24. The radioactive isotope 128 I has a decay rate of .0279 per minute. How many grams of an initial 100g suppy of 128 I remain after 20 minutes? Let x(t) be the amount of 128 I present after t minutes. The information we are given is that x(0) = 100 g and x(t) satises the dierential equation dx = .0279x(t) . dt We have the negative sign since the given per unit rate is that of decay. Thus, by Proposition 4.7, x(t) = 100e(.0279)t , and the answer is x(20) = 100e.0279(20) = 57.23 g. We can come upon a way to calculate the exponential function by starting with a comparison of continuously compounded interest with other ways of compounding interest. Suppose I deposit one dollar in a bank account with an interest rate of 10% per year. If the rate is simple, that is, it is paid out once only at the end of the year, then at that time the account will have $1.10. This is considered unfair of the bank, since they have had the use of my dollar throughout the year and have been investing it over and over, but they have transfered my share of the earning only at the end of the year. Suppose instead the bank paid me twice a year, and the amount added to my account after six months were reinvested. Then, after 6 months, I have $1.05. This is reinvested for another half year, so now, at the end of the year I accrue another 1.05(.05) = .0525, so I will have $1.1025. We now build on this model by increasing the frequency of recomputation of interest. So, suppose that the interest rate is r per year, and is paid in n periods per year. Then, in each period I gain r/n of the amount I had at the beginning of the period. Let P (k ) represent the amount I have at the end of k periods. I start with P (0) dollars. The law of change here is P (k ) = P (k 1) + (r/n)P (k 1): my increment in any period is r/n times the amount at the beginning of the period. Thus P (1) = P (0) + P (0)(r/n) = P (0)(1 + and after k periods, (4.13) P (k ) = P (0)(1 + 71 r k ) . n r ), n P (2) = P (1)(1 + r r ) = P (0)(1 + )2 , n n

Now, let t be the time (in years) the fund is allowed to grow at this interest rate. The number of periods is k = nt, so we can rewrite (4.13) as (4.14) P (t) = P (0)(1 + r nt ) . n

As we let the number of periods get larger and larger, this approaches continuous compounding in the limit; that is, formula (4.14) approaches the formula (4.15) We conclude, taking P (0) = 1: Proposition 4.8. ert = lim (1 +

P (t) = P (0)ert .

r nt ) . n

Note that e0 = 1, that is, there is no change in zero time. The number (4.16) e = e1 = lim (1 +

1 n ) , n

denoted by e, and called Eulers number, is approximately 2.71828 . . .. Example 4.25. $500 is invested at 5% per year, compounded quarterly. What is the value of the fund at the end of 5 years? We use formula (4.15) with P (0) = 500, r = .05, n = 4, t = 5: P (5) = 500(1 + .05 20 ) = 641.01 . 4

Notice that this is close to, but less than the answer to example 4.22: 642.01. If the compounding is done only annually, then the answer would be 500(1 + .05)5 = 638.14. Since the result using simple interest is just 625, clearly any kind of compounding is preferable, and quarterly compounding is already very close to continuous compounding. Now, we turn to the study of the properties of the exponential function given by a growth rate of 1 = 100%: Denition 4.3. The exponential function, y = ex , is the solution of the dierential equation dy =y dx with value y (0) = 1. It can be computed by (4.17) ex = lim (1 +

1 nx ) . n

We use exponential notation to denote the exponential function because it obeys the rules of exponents: Propostion 4.9. For any two numbers A and B : a) eA+B = eA eB , b) eAB = (eA )B , c) 72 eA = 1 eA

Lets start with c). Let u = 1/ex . Then, by the chain rule: 1 1 d x du 1 = x 2 e = x 2 ex = x = u . dx (e ) dx (e ) e Since u(0) = 1, u is the function described in Proposition 4.7 with r = 1, so u = ex ; that is, 1/ex = ex . To show a), let B be a number, and consider v = ex+B ex . By the product rule for dierentiation: dv = ex+B (ex ) + ex+B ex = 0 , dx so v is constant. But at x = 0, v = eB , so ex+B ex = eB . Now, replacing x by A, and using c), this says eA+B /eA = eB , which is a). b) is shown similarly: dierentiate the function w = (ex )B : dw = B (ex )B 1 ex = B (ex )B = Bw , dx and w(0) = 1, so w is the solution function of Proposition 4.6 with r = B . Thus (ex )B = eBx , and we get b) by evaluating at x = A. In particular, since ex = (e1 )x , we can think of the exponential function as raising Eulers number e to the xth power. Proposition 4.10. a) The exponential function y = ex is a strictly increasing function. b) limx ex = +; in particular en 2n for all n. c) limx ex = 0. a) follows from the fact that ex > 0 for all x, so the derivative of ex is always positive. To see b), we rst observe, from the binomial expansion, (1 + 1 1 n ) = 1 + n + > 2 , n n

so in the limit e 2. Thus en 2n for all n. Now, for c): lim ex = lim ex = lim

1 =0. ex


60 50 40 30 20 10

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4

y = ex

y = ex

Since the second derivative of y = ex is again ex which is positive, the curve is always concave up. From this information, we can easily sketch the graph of the exponential function (see gure 4.4). To graph the function y = ex , we just reect in the y -axis (see gure 4.5). Since the derivative of ex is itself, so is its indenite integral: Proposition 4.11. Example 4.26. Find

ex dx = ex + C .
3 0

xex dx.

Let u = ex , so that (by the chain rule) du = 2xex dx. When x = 0, u = 1 and when x = 3, u = e9 . Thus 9 3 1 1 e9 1 e x2 du = u 1 = (e9 1) . xe dx = 2 1 2 2 0 Problems 4.4

1. Dierentiate :

g (x) = xex ex + 1 ex x2

2. Dierentiate :

f (x) =

3. Dierentiate :

g (x) = e2x


4. Integrate :

ex (e2x + 1)dx 74

5. Integrate :

etan x sec2 xdx

6. Integrate :

xex dx ex2 + 1

7. I invest $100,000 in a company for ve years, with a guaranteed income of 8% per year, compounded semi-annually. How much will I have at the end of 5 years? If the interest were compounded continuously, how much would I have in 5 years? 8. A certain element decays at a rate of .000163/year. Of a piece of this element of 450 kg, how much will remain in ten years? 4.5 The Logarithm At what rate (compounded continuously) should I invest $500 so as to have $800 in the account at the end of 6 years? If r is the unknown rate, the answer is given by solving the equation: (4.18) 800 = 500e6r .

To answer this, we have to nd the number a such that ea = 800/500. That is, we have to invert the operation of exponentiation. This is done by the logarithm. Denition 4.4. Given a positive number x, the natural logarithm of x, denoted y = ln x is that number y such that ey = x. Any positive number x lies between 0 and , so by the intermediate value theorem appied to the exponential function and Proposition 4.10, there is a number y such that ey = x. Since the exponential function is strictly increasing, there is only one such number. Thus the above denition makes sense. The logarithm is a transcendental function whose values have been calculated and are stored in our calculators. Example 4.27. To conclude the above discussion, we solve (4.18): e6r = 8/5, so 6r = ln(8/5) = .47, so r = .47/6 = .078: the interest rate must be 7.8%. Before continuing with further applications, we look into the properties of the logarithmic function.

Proposition 4.12.

1 d ln x = . dx x

Let y = ln x, so that x = ey . Taking dierentials: dx = ey dy , so dy 1 1 = y = . dx e x The properties (Proposition 4.9) of the exponential function translate into properties of the logarithm: 75

Proposition 4.13. For any two positive numbers A and B : a) ln(AB ) = ln A + ln B , b) ln(AB ) = B (ln A) , c) ln 1 = ln A . A

For c), let a = ln A, so that A = ea . Then, from Proposition 4.9c: ea = 1/ea = 1/A, so ln(1/A) = a = ln A. For a), let b = ln B , so that B = eb . Then, again, from Proposition 4.9: AB = ea eb = ea+b , so a + b = ln(AB ), which is a). b) can be shown in the same way. Proposition 4.14. a) ln x is a strictly increasing function of x for x > 0. b)

lim ln x =



lim ln x =

These follow directly from the corresponding assertions for the exponential (Prop 4.10). This information suces to sketch the graph of y = ln x:

2 1 0



We note that for x < 0, the function y = ln |x| = ln(x) satises the dierential equation dy/dx = 1/x: d 1 1 (ln(x)) = (1) = . dx x x This then tells us what the indenite integral of 1/x is (for x = 0): dx = ln |x| + C x 10)1 dx = ? 76

Proposition 4.15.

for x = 0

over any interval not containing 0 .

Example 4.28.

4 (2x 0

Let u = 2x 10, du = 2dx. At x = 0, u = 10, and at x = 4, u = 2. Thus


(2x + 1)1 dx =

1 2

2 10

du 1 = ln |u| u 2

2 10

1 1 (ln 2 ln 10) = ln . 2 5

Example 4.29.

ex dx = ? ex + 1

Let u = ex , du = ex dx. Then ex dx = ex + 1 du = ln u = ln(ex + 1) + C . u

Example 4.30. Find the solution of the dierential equation dy/dx = xy , y (0) = 1. The equation is separable and becomes: dy/y = xdx. Integrating both sides gives ln y = x2 /2 + C . Substituting x = 1, y = 0 we nd ln 1 = 0 = C , so C = 0. Thus the solution is given by ln y = x2 /2 , or y = ex


General Exponentials and Logarithms We can raise any positive number a to any power p: since a = eln a , ap = (eln a )p = ep(ln a) . This observation allows us to introduce the general exponential and logarithmic functions. Denition 4.5. For a any positive number, we dene the exponential function with base a by ax = e(ln a)x and the logarithmic function with base a as its inverse function: y = loga x if and only if x = ay .

To nd a formula for loga , we note that if if x = ay , then x = e(ln a)y , so ln x = (ln a)y . Replacing y by loga x, we have ln x loga x = . ln a From the chain rule, we obtain the following formulas for the derivatives and integrals of these new functions: Proposition 4.16. d x a = (ln a)ax , dx d 1 loga x = , dx (ln a)x ax . ln a

ax dx =


Problems 4.5 1. Solve for x: 2x = 3(5x ). 2. Solve for x: (ex )5 = ex e3 . 3. Solve for x: 6x = 362x . 4. Solve for x: ln3 x = 5. 5. Solve for x: ln2 (x + 1) ln2 (x 1) = ln2 8. 6. Solve: ln x = ln( x). f (x) = e2 ln x

7. Dierentiate :

8. Dierentiate :

y = ln(ln x) y = log2 (x2 + 1) ex y= x


9. Dierentiate :

10. Dierentiate :

11. Dierentiate :

f (x) = ex ln x x+1 ) x1

12. Dierentiate :

f (x) = ln(

13. Dierentiate :

g (x) = 5x log5 x h(x) = 5log2 (x


14. Dierentiate :


15. Integrate :

(ln x)2 + 1 dx = x

16. Integrate :

esin x cos xdx =

17. Integrate :

xdx = 3x2 + 1 78

18. Integrate :

eln x+1 dx

19. Integrate :

2x xdx

20. Two variables are related by the equation 2 ln x + ln y = x y . What is the equation of the tangent line to the graph of this relation at the point (1,1)? 4.6 Growth and Decay We have already looked at several growth/decay problems in the course of discussing the exponential and logarithmic functions. In this section we look at growth processes in greater depth, and at more general processes. Example 4.31. How long does it take for a quantity of

I to be reduced to half its size?

Referring to example 4.23, if we start with an amount P (0) of 128 I , the amount we have after t minutes is P (t) = P (0)e(.0279)t . To solve our problem we nd t such that 1 P (0) = P (0)e(.0279)t 2 Factor out P (0) and take the logarithm of both sides: ln(1/2) = (.0279)t This time is called the half-life of
128 .

or t =

ln 2 = 24.84 minutes . .0279


The general exponential function allows us to replace the rate of decay of a radioactive element by its half life. For suppose that a certain element has a rate of decay r, and a half-life T . Then 1/2 = erT . Taking logarithms, this gives us ln 2 = rT , giving this relation between the half-life and the growth rate: ln 2 r= . T Now, if an amount A of the element decays for t years, then the amount remaining is (4.19) A(t) = Aert = Ae ln 2(t/T ) = 2t/T A .

Example 4.32. Suppose that the half-life of a certain element is 40 years. How much will remain of a 1 kg sample after 200 years? After 50 years? In 200 years the sample will have halved 5 times, so what will remain is 1/25 of a kilogram, or 31.25 g. After 50 years, we have A(t) = 1000(250/40 ) = 435 grams. Example 4.33. The rate of decay of the radioactive isotope of carbon (14 C) is 1.211 104 per year. In how many years will it take a certain amount of 14 C to be reduced by 10%? 79

Let C (t) represent the amount of 14 C in t years. We can take C (0) = 1, and the question is: for what t is C (t) = .9? Since C (t) satises the dierential equation C (t) = 1.211 104 C (t) . We conclude (using denition 4.2) C (t) = e1.21110 so we must solve .9 = e1.21110 Then t=

.1054 ln(.9) = 104 = 870 years . 4 1.211 10 1.211

Example 4.34. At the time an organic material is buried, its 14 C content ceases to be replenished by cosmic radiation, so is subject only to the radioactive decay, as described in example 8. Suppose the carbon content of a fossil is discovered to contain 84% of the amount of 14 C had it not been buried. How old is it? Let time t = 0 represent the time the fossil was buried, and t the number of years since then. If we take P (0) = 1, then P (t) = .84, so we must solve the equation .84 = e1.21110 or t=

.1744 ln(.84) = 104 = 1440 years . 1.211 104 1.211


Example 4.35. To nd the half-life T of

C, we solve

4 1 = e1.21110 T . 2

The answer is T = ln 2/(1.211 104 ) = 5724 years. Inhibited growth The growth equation dx/dt = rx does not really work for many biological populations, since they do not appear to continue to grow exponentialy without bound. In fact, one should expect that there are factors present which cause the growth rate to decrease as the population increases. One such is the competition over nutrient: the growth rate of a bacterium in an agar dish diminishes as the population increases and nutrient becomes less accessible. A good model for this is to let the growth rate r decrease linearly as a function of x: r = a bx, where a is the genetic growth factor, and b is the inhibiting factor. In this model, the growth equation is replaced by (4.20) dx = (a bx)x . dt 80

Notice that if x = a/b we have dx/dt = 0, so there is no growth. More exactly, the constant function x(t) = a/b is a solution of (4.20). For this reason, a/b is called the stable population. Equation (4.20) (called the logistic equation) is separable and can be rewritten (4.21) To solve this we need a little algebra: 1 1 1 b = + (a bx)x a x a bx so 1 dx = (a bx)x a dx b + x a dx 1 = (ln x ln(a bx)) + C . a bx a dx = dt . (a bx)x

Thus (4.21) becomes t+C = 1 x ln( ) a a bx or at + C = ln( x ). a bx

Exponentiating each side gives us Keat = x/(a bx), where we have written eC as K . If we solve for x in terms of t, we obtain (4.22) x= aK . bK + eat

Since dx/dt = x(a bx), this function is increasing in the interval x < a/b, and is decreasing for x > a/b. Finally, from (4.22), we see that x a/b as t +. In gure 4.7, we have drawn three typical solutions of the logistic dierential equation.

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10

It is useful to rewrite formula (4.22), replacing the unknown constant K with the value x0 of x at time t = 0. To nd that expression, substitute 0 for t and x0 for x, in equation (4.22) and solve for K . After much tedious algebra we arrive at the formula (4.23) x(t) = ax0 . bx0 + (a bx0 )eat 81

Example 4.36. A certain bacterium grows at the growth rate of 80% per hour. In a particular agar dish, the inhibiting factor is .002. What is the stable population? If 100 g of the bacterium is put in the dish, what will be the size of the population after 2 hours? Here a = .8, and b = .002, and the growth equation is x = (.8 .002x)x . The stable populations is .8/.002 = 400 g. To nd the population after 2 hours, we use equation (4.23), with x0 = 100 and t = 2: x(2) = 8 .8(100) = 249.25 = . 8(2) .2 + .6e.16 .002(100) + (.8 .002(100))e

If there were no inhibition to the growth the population woud be 100e1.6 = 495 g. Example 4.37. In Example 4.23, we saw that the growth rate of the US population over the decade 1990-2000 was .1235. However, if we looked at the census over the previous few decades, we would nd that the growth rate was decreasing. If we attribute that to an inhibiting factor, we would be able to estimate that factor to be about .00032. Given these data, what is the stable population of the US, and what will the population be in 2050 according to this model? Let P (t) be the US population (in millions) t decades after 2000. We start with the dierential equation P = (.1235 .00032P )P . The stable population is P = .1235/.00032 = 385.93 million. Now, to estimate the actual population in 2050, lets use equation (4.21) and evaluate the constant K in the general solution .1235K P (t) = . .00032K + e.1235t At t = 0, P = 281.4: this gives K = 8400. Then, the population in 2050 is estimated to be P (5) = .1235(8400) = 321.45 .00032(8400) + e.1235(5)

million; a much more realistic estimate than the 521.8 million estimate of example 4.22. Example 4.38. A certain disease is transmitted by direct contact of an infected person with an infected person. This suggest that the rate of change of the number of infected people is proportional both to the number of infected people and the number of uninfected people. If we let N represent the total population, and P (t) the number of infected people, this assumption can be written as P (t) = kP (t)(N P (t)) where k represents the probability of direct contact of an infected person with one not infected. This is the logistic equation with a = kN and b = k . With these values equation (4.23) becomes (4.24) P (t) = N P0 . P0 + (N P0 )ekN t

Notice that the stable population is a/b = N ; alas, without intervention everyone eventually is infected in this model. 82

Example 4.39. For a certain transmittable disease, it has been determined that the rate of transmission is .1 percent per day, that is k = .001. In a certain community of 500 people it has been found that 5 people have the disease. Assuming that there is no intervention, how many people will have the disease in 4 days? How long before half the population is infected? Here N = 500 and P0 = 5, so N P0 = 2500 and kn = .5 and (4.24) becomes P (t) = To answer the rst question, calculate P (4) = For the second question, solve for t: 1 2500 . (500) = 2 5 + (495)e.5t This gives us 5 + 495e.5t = 10, which results in the value t = 9.19. Example 4.40. In the study of an epidemic of an airborne disease which is reinforced by interaction among those infected, a rst working hypothesis may be that the rate of spread of the disease is proportional to that amount of interaction, which is in turn proportional to the square of the population of infected. If we let P (t) represent the number of people infected at time t, we have P = kP 2 for some constant k . We are interested in knowing how long it will take, unless some action is taken, for the entire population to be infected. To work through an example, lets suppose that k = .001 and that at time t = 0, 100 people are infected. The given law of change is dP = .001P 2 dt We can rewrite this in the form P 2 dP = .001dt Integrating, we nd P 1 = .001t + C . Now when t = 0, P = 100, so C = .01, so we have P 1 = .001t .01 , or P (t) = (.01 .001t)1 . So, for example, after 5 days the infected population is (.01 .005)1 = 200, and after 8 days it is 500. Worst of all, in ten days, P is innite: everyone is infected, no matter how large the original healthy population was. Problems 4.6 1. If I invest $ 8,000 at 12.5 percent per year (compounded continuously) in how many years will my investment be worth $ 30,000 ? 83 2500 = 34 . 5 + (495)e.5(4) 2500 . 5 + (495)e.5t

2. I want to invest $5000 in a growth fund so that in 5 years i will have $8000. What interest rate, compounded continuously will produce that growth? 3. If I invest $4000 in a fund, with an interest rate of 8%, compounded continuously, how long will it take for the fund to be worth $10,000? 4. At what rate (continuously compounded) should I invest $10,000 so as to have $14,000 in ve years? 5. The Zombie National Bank oers accounts which pay 10.5% annually, compounded continuously. How much should I invest today so as to have $12,000 in 6 years? 6. Carbon14 has a half life of 5801 years. How long does it take for a sample to be reduced to 80% its original size? 7. A certain radioactive element decays so that in 100 years it has decreased to 82% its original size. What is its half-life? 8. The half-life of Rossidium312 is 4,801 years. How long will it take for a mass of Rossidium312 to decay to 98 % of its original size? 9. A certain autocatalytic chemical reaction proceeds according to the dierential equation 1 x2 dx = .01 dt x where x(t) is the fraction of the sample which is the resulting compound at time t, in seconds. If we start with x(0) = .2, how long does it take for x to reach .9? 10. According to Newtons Law of Cooling, if a hot object is immersed into a cool environment, the rate of decrease of the temperature of the oject is proportional to the dierence in the temperature of the object and its environment. If, then, h(t) is the temperature of the object at time t, and T0 is the temperature of the environment, Newtons law says (1) dh = k (h(t) T0 ) , dt

where k is the coeecient of cooling. Suppose that a body at 95 Celsius is immersed in a water bath held at 5 Celsius, and the coecient of cooling is k = .08. What will be the temperature of the body in 10 minutes? 11. Suppose that I wish to make iced tea of tea at the boiling point, to be consumed in three minutes. To get the tea as cold as possible, should I put in an ice cube immediately, or just before the three minutes are up? 12. A lake containing 300,000 acre-feet of water has 20% salinity. Clear water ows in from rivers, and out at a dam, both at the rate of 4,000 acre-feet per day. In how may days will the salinity be reduced to 10%? 13. A pond is in the form of a cylinder of radius 100 ft. and depth 8 ft. Water ows into the pond at the rate of 100 cu. ft./hr and seeps into the ground through the porous bottom at a rate proportional to the volume, where the constant of proportionality is .0005. What is the maximum 84

height of water in the pond that can be achieved? If the water level in the pond is 2 feet at time t= 0, what is the height after 1000 days? 14. Water ows into an elastic ball at a rate of 4 cu. in/minute. The ball has a puncture out of which water ows at a rate proportional to the volume of water in the ball, where the constant of proportionality is .02. Assuming the ball is empty at the beginning, how much water is in the ball after 20 minutes?


V. Integration: The Accumulation Method 5.1 The Denite Integral and the Fundamental Theorem of the Calculus In the preceding sections we followed the ideas of Newton on integration: or example we saw how to calculate area of a region by considering the dynamic problem of a line moving across the region, accumulating area behind it. We now turn to Liebniz for his ideas on the subject. In particular, Liebniz took on the problem of dening area for an inrregular region, whereas the issue did not arise in Newtons methods. As we have already observed, before the calculus, there were many area computations: usually by lling up the region with rectangles or other regular shapes in a clever enough way so as to discover a pattern as the dimensions of the shapes get smaller and smaller. We shall illustrate this in the next section. Liebniz, following this approach, considered integration as a method of accumulation; or of approximation and accumulation, to be more precise. To x the ideas, we start with the calculation of area under a curve. Suppose that y = f (x) is a non-negative function dened on the interval [a, b] = {x; a x b}. We want to nd the area of the region enclosed by the curve, the x-axis and the lines x = a, x = b. If we pick some point c between a and b, then we know that the area under the curve y = f (x) and over the interval [a, b] is the sum of the areas over the intervals [a, c] and [c, b]. In fact, if we cut the interval [a, b] into any number of little intervals, the area of the whole is the sum of the areas over all the little intervals. Now, if the little intervals are small enough, and if the function is continuous, then the area over that interval is approximately equal to the area of the column over that interval of height f (c), for some c in the interval. See gure 5.1 for a graphic of this process.

f x

Figure 5.1 Liebniz notation for this approximation is


f (x)x

where x represents the length of the base of a typical column, f (x) its height, and the symbol indicates that we add all these together. Here is where Liebniz takes the great leap: suppose the little intervals are of innitesimal length; that is x is the innitesimal dx. Then this 86

approximation is precise, and we obtain the actual area of the gure, denoted by

f (x)dx .

Now, there are many processes besides that of calculating area (as we shall see later in this chapter) which have this accumulative property: that the whole is the sum of its parts, and we can calculate the value on the whole by adding the values of all of its parts. Thus, Liebniz goes on to discuss this process for any function y = f (x). Denition 5.1. Let y = f (x) be a function dened on the interval [a, b]. The denite integral is dened as follows. A partition of the interval is any increasing sequence {a = x0 < x1 < < xn1 < xn = b} of points in the interval. The corresponding approximating sum is


f (xi )xi

where xi is the length xi xi1 of the ith interval, xi is any point on that interval, and indicates that we add all these products together (see Figure 5.2).

f x

Figure 5.2 If these approximating sums approach a limit as the partition becomes increasingly ne (the lengths of the little intervals go to zero), this limit is the denite integral of f over the interval [a, b], denoted

f (x)dx .

This denition raises a serious question. Consider the calculation of area. Surely, as we have observed, if the interval x is small enough, then the term f (x )x is within a very small error of the actual area over the interval. But now we add together a large number of these approximations, and so the errors add. How do we know that the accumulated error is not too large? This issue 87

also took several centuries to be satisfactorily resolved; for us it is enough to know that it does work: Proposition 5.1. If y = f (x) is a continuous function on the interval [a, b], then the sums (5.1) b do converge as the maximum of the xi goes to zero, and thus the integral a f (x)dx exists. If f is a nonnegative function, this integral is the area under the curve. The following properties of the denite integral follow easily from the denition. Proposition 5.2. Suppose that f and g are continuous functions on the interval [a, b].
b b


Cf (x)dx = C

f (x)dx

for any constant C ,


(f (x) + g (x))dx =

f (x)dx +

g (x)dx .

c. If c is any point in [a, b]:

b c b

f (x)dx =
a a

f (x)dx +

f (x)dx .

d. If f (x) g (x) for all x in [a, b], then

b b

f (x)dx
a a

g (x)dx .

In particular, the denite integral of a positive function is positive. Now the process described in denition 5.1 is almost impossible to carry out in practice. Fortunately, Liebniz and Newtons methods give the same result: Proposition 5.3. (The Fundamental Theorem of the Calculus, I). Suppose that y = f (x) is a continuous function on the interval [a, b]. If F is any indenite integral of f , then


f (x)dx = F (b) F (a) .

We follow Newtons thought: calculate the denite integral by accumulating from left to right. For any x in the interval, let V (x) be the value of the denite integral from a to x. Now, if we go slightly further, say, to x + x, then, by the dening process, f (x)x is an approximation to the increment in V : (5.3) V = V (x + x) V (x) = f (x)x approximately .

Now, moving to a dierential increment, we obtain the equality (5.4) dV = f (x)dx 88

so V is an indenite integral of f . Thus V (x) = F (x) + C , for some constant C . Since V (a) = 0, 0 = F (a) + C , so C = F (a)

so that V (x) = F (x) F (a) for all x. In particular, evaluating at x = b gives us (5.2). In the above argument, we used V (x) to represent a f (t)dt. Putting this in equation (5.4) gives the second version of the fundamental theorem of the Calculus: Proposition 5.4. (The Fundamental Theorem of the Calculus, II). d dx
x x

f (t)dt = f (x) .

From equation (5.2), replacing b by x, we get



f (t)dt = F (x) F (a) ,

where F is an indenite integral of f , so F = f . Dierentiating both sides of (10) gives us d dx

b x

f (t)dt = F (x) = f (x) .


So, to calculate a denite integral a f (x)dx, follow these steps: 1. Find an indenite integral F for f ; 2. Evaluate F (b) F (a). As we have noted in the previous chapter, in actual calculations it is customary and convenient to use the notation F (x)|b a as an intermediary between these two steps.

Example 5.1.

(3 x)dx = 3x

x2 2

6 0

= 3(6)

62 =0. 2

Notice (see gure 5.3) that the contribution to the integral coming from the interval [3.6] is negative, since f (x) 0 for x in that interval. The integral of a negative function is the negative of the area between the curve and the x-axis, and so this integral is zero since the two triangles forming the gure are congruent. Figure 5.3









Example 5.2.

(x2 2x)dx =

x3 x2 3 89

1 1

1 2 1 1 ( 1) = . 3 3 3

In the preceding chapter we discussed area between a the graph of a positive function and the x-axis. For more general regions, follow these guidelines, suggested by the Liebniz denition of the integral. 1. Sketch the region under consideration. 2. Choose a direction in which to accumulate the area. 3. Write down the expression for the dierential increment in area: dA = L(x)dx , where dx is an innitesimal increment in the direction of accumulation, and L(x) is the length of the column over that increment. 4. Integrate. Example 5.3. Find the area of the region bounded by the line x = 0, x = 1 and the curves C1 : y = e2x , C2 : y = ex . Figure 5.4






The sketch of this region is given in gure 5.4. Here we will accumulate area in the direction of the x-axis from x = 0 to x = 1. At a particular value of x, the length of the column is the dierence of the values of y on the two curves. Express this in terms of x: L(x) = e2x ex so that dA = (e2x ex )dx Thus, the area is given by the integral

(e2x ex )dx =

e2x ex 2

1 0

e2 e e (1 1) = (e 2) . 2 2

Example 5.4. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve y 2 = x3 and the line x = 4. In drawing the curve, dont forget that y can be negative - in fact, the region is symmetric in the x-axis. The upper curve is y = x3/2 , and the lower curve is y = x3/2 so that L(x) = 2x3/2 and the area is given by
4 4

Area =

dA =

2x3/2 dx =

4 5/2 x 5

4 0

4 5/2 128 4 = . 5 5

Example 5.5. Find the area of the region bounded by the curves x = y 2 , x = y 2 , y = 2 and y = 2. 90

See gure 5.5 for the sketch. Here we choose to accumulate area in the y direction. The innitesimal increment at a particular value of y is dA = (y 2 (y 2 ))dy = 2y 2 dy . Thus


2y 2 dy =

2 3 y 3

2 2

2 3 2 32 2 ( (2)3 = . 3 3 3

2 x


1 0


0 1 2

Figure 5.5 Example 5.6 . Let f be a function continuous on the interval [a, b]. Suppose that constant for x between a and b. Then f is identically zero.
x x a

f (t)dt is

Since a f (t)dt is constant, its derivative is zero. By the fundamental theorem of the calculus, its derivative is f (x).

Example 5.7. Find

d dx


ln(t)dt .

Let g (u) =

u 1

ln(t)dt, s o that the function to dierentiate is g (2x). By the chain rule dg d g (2x) = (2) . dx du

By the fundamental theorem of the calculus, dg/du = f (u). Thus d dx Problems 5.1 1. Calculate the denite integral:
4 (x2 4 2x

ln(t)dt = 2 ln(2x) .

3 + cos x)dx.

2. Find the area of the region bounded by the line x = 0 and the curves C1 : y = 9 x2 , C2 : y = x(3 x). 3. Find the area between the curves y = x1 and y = x2 between x = 1 and x = 10. 91

4. Find the area of the region in the rst quadrant bounded by the curves y = sin 2 x and y = x. 5. Find the area of the region in the right half plane (x > 0) bounded by the curves y = x x3 and y = x2 x. 6. What is the area of the region bounded by the curves y = x3 3x and y = 3x. 7. The average value of a function y = f (x) dened over an interval [a, b] is dened to be yave = 1 ba

f (x)dx .

Find the average of y = sin x over the interval [0, ]. 8. Let g (x) = x2 + x3 for x in the interval 0 x 10. Find the average, or mean, value of g on the interval. Find the average slope of the graph of y = g (x) on the interval. 9. Let f be a function continuous on the interval [a, b]. Suppose that Show that f is constant. 10. Let f be a function continuous on the interval [a, b]. Suppose that x between a and b. Show that f (x) = 0 for all x in the interval. 11. d dx
2x+1 x a

f (t)dt is a linear function.

b x

x a

f (t)dt =

f (t)dt for all

cos tdt =


d dx d dx


t3 dt =



ln tdt =


d dx

x2 +1

et+1 dt =

5. 2 Summation and the Denite Integral In this section we shall make the denition of the denite integral precise, and shall do some computations directly from the denition. The purpose here is to emphasize that the denite integral represents a process of accumulation, as well as to introduce and work with the notation for summation. Let n be a positive integer, and a(k ) a rule that assigns a number to each integer between 1 and n. For example: a(k ) = 1 f or all k ; or a(k ) = 2k + 3 ; 92 or a(k ) = k 2 ; or a(k ) = 3 , k

for k running from 1 to n = 100. The sum of all these numbers is denoted

a(k ) = a(1) + a(2) + + a(n) .


This sum can sometimes be easily expressed as a formula in n; more often this is dicult, or impossible. For example, the sums in the rst three cases are, respectively n; n(n + 4) ; n(n + 1)(2n + 1) , 6

whereas a formula for the sum in the fourth case is not known. These formulas are not easy to come by, and usually rely on clever tricks. Here are the cases we will need for application to integration. Proposition 5.5.


Z (n) =

1 = 1 + 1 + + 1 = n


U (n) =

k = 1 + 2 + + n =

n(n + 1) 2


S (n) =

k 2 = 12 + 22 + + n2 =

n(n + 1)(2n + 1) 6


K (n) =

k 3 = 13 + 23 + + n3 =

n(n + 1) 2

a) just says that the sum of n ones is n. To show b) we start with the observation that (k + 1)2 = k 2 + 2k + 1 Now add these all together from k = 1 to k = n 1. On the left hand side we get the sum of all the squares from 22 to n2 , or S (n) 12 . The sum of the rst terms on the right hand side is S (n 1), of the second is 2U (n 1) and the last contributes n 1. Thus S (n) 1 = S (n 1) + 2U (n 1) + n 1 or 2U (n 1) = S (n) S (n 1) n .

Now add 2n to both sides, and remember that S (n) S (n 1) = n2 : 2U (n) = n2 + n , which gives b). For c) we use the same idea. Start with (k + 1)3 = k 3 + 3k 2 + 3k + 1 93

Add these all together from k = 1 to k = n 1, and calculate each term as above to get: K (n) 1 = K (n 1) + 3S (n 1) + 3U (n 1) + n 1 . We know U (n 1) from a), and K (n) K (n 1) = n3 , so we get: 3S (n 1) = n3 3 Now add 3n2 to both sides, to get 3 3 3S (n) = n3 n2 + n n + 3n2 2 2 from which c) follows. To derive d) we must employ the fourth powers in the same way. Example 5.6. The sum of the rst n odd integers is n2 . We see this using a). The rst n odd integers are the numbers 1, 3, 5, . . . , 2n 1. The k th odd integer is 2k 1. Thus the sum of the rst n odd integers is
n n n

(n 1)n n 2

(2k 1) = 2(
1 1


1 = (n + 1)n n = n2 .

Sometimes to nd the sum of a collection of numbers it helps to write out the rst few terms. Example 5.9. Find
15 1 3 (k

(k + 1)1 ).

The sum of the rst two terms is (1/3 1/4) (1/4 1/5) = 1/3 1/5 Then the sum of the rst three terms is (1/3 1/5) + (1/5 1/6) = 1/3 1/6. Notice the cancellation. This will happen at each stage, because each time the rst term added is the same as the last subtracted. We conclude

(k 1 (k + 1)1 ) = 1/3 1/16 .


Now let us return to the denition of the denite integral. Let y = f (x) be a continuous function on the interval [a, b]. Select n + 1 points between a and b: a = x0 < x1 < < xn1 < xn = b. This is a partition P of the interval [a, b]. The size of the partition is the maximum dierence between consecutive points, denoted |P |. Form the sum (called the Riemann sum of the function over the partition)

f (x)x =
P 1

f (xk )(xk xk1 )

where xk is any point in the interval between xk1 and xk . Denition 5.2. The function f is integrable over the interval [a, b] if the Riemann sums converge. That is, there is a number L for which the following condition can be veried. Given any > 0, there is a > 0 such that if the partition satises |P | < , then |

f (x)x L| < 94

L is the denite integral, denoted

b a

f (x)dx.

Now, we have already observed that all continuous functions are integrable, and we have discovered that the value of the integral is found by evaluating an indenite integral. However, historically, the above denition (for area) was formulated, in a somewhat vaguer sense, long before the Calculus. And areas were calculated by actually nding this limit. In the sixteenth century Cavalieri succeeded in doing this for the functions y = xp over the interval [0, 1] for all values of p from 1 to 9. This was a huge eort; completely replaced by one-line calculations using the calculus. Here is how Cavalieri proceeded. Take the particular partition P : 0< 2 n1 n 1 < < < < =1. n n n n

Here xk = k/n. Form the Riemann sum with xk taken to be xk :


xp x =
P 1

k (k 1) k )= ( )p ( n n n

1 1 k ( )p ( ) = p+1 n n n


Now, for p = 1, using Propositon 5.5b) we obtain xx =


1 n(n + 1) 1 1 = + 2 n 2 2 2n

which converges to 1/2 as n . Thus the limit exists, and we can conclude that

xdx =

1 . 2

For p = 2 using Propositon 5.5c) we obtain x2 x =


1 n(n + 1)(2n + 1) 2n3 + 3n2 + n = 3 n 6 6n 3

which converges to 1/3. Thus, taking the limit, we have


x2 dx =

1 . 3

Cavalieri calculated (at great pains, in the manner of Proposition 5.5), the sum of the pth powers of the rst n integers, and was able to nd the limt for all p up to 9. Based on this, he daringly conjectured the correct formula for all integer values of p. 5.3 Volume In section 5.1 we saw how to calculate areas of planar regions by integration. The relevant property of area is that it is accumulative: we can calculate the area of a region by dividing it into pieces, 95

the area of each of which can be well approximated, and then adding up the areas of the pieces. To put it another way, we calculate area by adding piece by piece as we move through the region in a particular direction. Once we have obtained a formula for the dierential increment in the area (such as dA = L(x)dx), we nd the area by integration. This process can be used to calculate values of any accumulative concept, such as volume, arc length and work. The rest of this chapter is devoted to these applications. Example 5.10. To begin with, let us calculate the volume of a sphere of radius R. We rst have to decide on a direction of accumulation; and for that we need a particular coordinate representation of the sphere. Start with the region in the plane bounded by the x-axis and the curve C : x2 + y 2 = R2 . If we rotate this region in space about the x-axis, we obtain the sphere of radius R. We accumulate the volume of the sphere by moving along the axis of rotation, (the x-axis), starting at x = R, and ending at x = R. Let V (x) be the volume accumulated when we reach the point x. Then the piece added when we move a distance dx further along the axis is a cylinder of width dx and of radius y , the length of the line from the x-axis to the curve C (see gure 5.6).

Figure 5.1


Figure 5.6 The volume of this piece is


dV = y 2 dx .

Now, along C , y = R2 x2 , from which we obtain dV = (R2 x2 )dx. The volume thus is the integral of this dierential:

V =

dV =

(R2 x2 )dx = R2 x

x3 3


= R2 (R)

(R)3 4 R3 (R2 (R) ) = R3 . 3 3 3 96

We can nd the volume of a spherical segment of depth h the same way (see gure 5.7):

V ==

(R2 x2 )dx =

2 h(R2 h2 ) , 3

after an even longer computation.

Figure 5.2

Figure 5.7 In general, we can calculate the volume of a solid by integration if we can see a way of sweeping out the solid by a family of surfaces, and we can calculate, or already know the area of those surfaces. Then we calculate the volume by integrating the area along the direction of sweep. In the above example we swept out the sphere by moving along the x-axis, and associating to each point x the area of the disc which is the perpendicular cross-section of the sphere at x. To summarize: Volume: General Method. 1. Sketch the region under consideration. 2. Choose a direction in which to accumulate the volume. 3. Write down the expression for the dierential increment in volume: (5.7) dV = A(x)dx ,

where dx is an innitesimal increment in the direction of accumulation, and A(x) is the area of the section of the solid by the plane through point x and perpendicular to the direction of accumulation. 4. Integrate A(x)dx. Of course, if the solid is highly irregular, nding A(x) may still be a problem. In this section we restrict attention to those cases where A(x) is known or is easily found. Example 5.11. Find the volume of a cone of base radius r and height h. 97

Figure 5.3

x h p

Figure 5.8 We sweep out the cone along its axis starting at the vertex (see gure 5.8), so x ranges from 0 to h. The cross-section of the cone at any x is a disc, let be its radius. Then dV = 2 dx. Now, we can nd as a function of x by similar triangles: x = , r h so = rx/h. Then

V olume =

r2 x3 r2 x2 dx = h2 h2 3

h 0

1 2 r h . 3

Example 5.12. Find the volume of a pyramid of height h and square base of side length s.
Figure 5.4

x h

Figure 5.9 Here again, we sweep the pyramid out along its axis, with x representing the distance from the vertex (see gure 5.9). Then x ranges from 0 to h, and at any x, the cross-section is a square of side length . The dierential increment of volume at x is dV = 2 dx. Again by similar triangles = sx/h. Thus

V olume =

s2 2 s2 x3 x dx = h2 h2 3 98

h 0

1 2 s h. 3

Example 5.13. Let R be the region in the plane bounded by the curves y = x2 , y = x2 . Let K be a solid lying over this region whose cross-section is a semicircle of diameter the line segement between the curves (see gure 5.10). Find the volume of the piece of K lying between x = 1 and x = 2.
Figure 5.5 z

y 1 2

Figure 5.10 We sweep out along the x-axis. Then dV = (1/2)r2 dx, where r is the radius of the semicircle. Now r = x2 , so we obtain

V =

1 x5 1 (x2 )2 dx = 2 2 5

2 1

1 (32 1) = 31 . 10

Volumes of Revolution.

A solid of revolution is obtained by revolving a region in the plane around an axis in the plane. There are three ways of calculating the volume of such a solid, depending upon how we sweep it out.

Disc method. Suppose, as in gure 5.11, the region lies between a curve C : y = f (x) and the x-axis, which is the axis of rotation. Then a cross section is a disc of radius y , so dV = y 2 dx = (f (x))2 dx . Washer method. Suppose the region to be rotated lies between two curves C1 : y = f (x) lying above C2 : y = g (x) in the upper half-plane and the axis is the x-axis (see gure 5.12). Then a cross section is a washer: the region between two concentric circles. Its area is the dierence of the areas of these circles. The dierential increment of volume is then dV = (f (x)2 g (x)2 )dx . 99

Figure 5.6

f x

y x


Figure 5.11
Figure 5.7

f x

g x

Figure 5.12

Shell method. This method is used when it is convenient to sweep out the volume along an axis perpendicular to the axis of rotation. To be more specic, suppose the region lies in the right half plane, and we rotate it about the y -axis. Then for each x, the incremental surface at x is the cylinder swept out by rotating the line segment perpendicular to the x-axis lying in the region (see gure 5.13) about the axis of rotation. The area of this surface is 2xL where L is the length of the line segment. Thus

dV = 2xLdx 100

Figure 5.8

f x

. Figure 5.13 Example 5.14. Consider the region R between the lines L1 : y = x, L2 : y = 2x and x = 3.

Figure 5.9 y


Figure 5.14 Suppose we generate a solid by rotating R about the x-axis (see gure 5.14). We sweep out the solid along the x-axis. At any x the cross-section is the washer generated by the line segment between L1 and L2 . This is bounded by the circles of radius 2x, x respectively. Thus dV = ((2x)2 x2 ))dx = (3x2 )dx, and so

V =

(3x2 )dx = x3 101

3 0

= 27 .

Example 5.15. Suppose instead we rotate the same region R about the y -axis. Then (sweeping along the x-axis), the surface generated at any x is the cylinder of radius x and height the distance between the two curves: 2x x. Thus dV = 2x(x)dx, and

V = 2

x2 dx =

2 (33 03 ) = 18 . 3

Figure 5.10

6 x

y 2

3 x

Figure 5.15 Example 5.16. We could also do example 5.15 by accumulating volume along the axis of rotation (the y -axis), but this is more complicated. As we see from gure 5.15, y ranges from 0 to 6, and the curve describing the outer boundary changes at the point y = 3. So we have to split this up into two computations. For the rst, y ranges from 0 to 3, and the region is bounded by the curves x = y/2, x = y , and for the second, y ranges from 3 to 6 and the region is bounded by the curves x = y/2, x = 3. In both cases, a slice at a xed y is a washer, so dV = (R2 r2 )dy , where R is the outer radius, and r is the inner radius. For the rst computation then

V1 =

y (y 2 ( )2 )dy = 2 4

3y 2 dy =

27 . 4
6 3

For the second: y (32 ( )2 )dy = 2 3 The total volume is V1 + V2 = 18 . V2 =



y2 y3 )dy = (9y 4 12

9 = 9 + . 4

Example 5.17 . Let R be the region above the x-axis, below the curve y = x1 and between the lines x = 1 and x = 8. FInd the volume of the solid obtained by rotating R about the x-axis. We accumulate along the x-axis, using the disc method. The radius of the disc at x is x1 , so dV = x2 dx, and the volume is 7 1 = (1 ) = . 8 8 1 Now to nd the volume of the gure obtained by rotating this region about the y -axis, we use the shell method, we have dV = 2xgdx = 2xx1 dx = 2dx, so that the volume is 2 (8 1) = 14 . x2 dx = x1
8 1 8


Figure 5.11

volume in the direction of the axis of rotation, so the v Figure 5.16

Example 5.18. Rotate the triangle bounded by the coordinate axes and the line x + y = 1 about the line x = 3, and nd the volume (see gure 5.16). Well accumulate the volume in the direction of the axis of rotation, so the variable is y , ranging from 0 to 1. For a xed y , the surface generated by the rotation is a washer of outer radius 3, and inner radius 3 x = 3 (1 y ) = 2 + y . Thus dV = (32 (2 + y )2 ) = 5 4y y 2 , and the volume is 1 y3 1 8 (5 4y y 2 )dy = (5y 2y 2 = . 0 3 3 0 Problems 5.3 1. A solid is formed over the region in the rst quadrant bounded by the curve y = 10 x so that the section by any plane perpendicular to the x-axis is a semicircle. What is the volume of this solid? 2. A solid is formed over the region in the rst quadrant bounded by the curve y = 4 x so that the section by any plane perpendicular to the x-axis is a square. What is the volume of this solid? 3. A solid is formed over the region in the rst quadrant bounded by the curve y = 2x x2 so that the section by any plane perpendicular to the x-axis is a semicircle. What is the volume of this solid? 4. The region in the rst quadrant bounded by y = x2 1, y = 0, x = 1, x = 4 is revolved around the x-axis. Find the volume of the resulting solid. 5. Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating about the y -axis the region bounded by y = x2 , x = 2 and the x-axis. 6. The region in the rst quadrant under the curve y 2 = 2x x2 is rotated about the y -axis. Find the volume of the resulting solid. 103

7. The region in the rst quadrant bounded by y = x4 and x = 1 is revolved around the y -axis. Find the volume of the resulting solid. 8. The region in the rst quadrant bounded by y = x x2 and y = x x3 is revolved around the x-axis. Find the volume of the resulting solid. 9. The region bounded by the curves y = ex and y = e2x and the lines x = 0 and x = 1 is rotated around the x-axis for form a solid D. What is the volume of D? 10. The area between the curves y = x, y = x1 and the lines x = 1 and x = 2 is rotated around the x-axis to form a solid D, and around the y -axis to form a solid E . What are the volumes of D and E ? 11. An ellipsoid is formed by rotating the curve 4x2 + y 2 = 1 around the x-axis. What is its volume? What is the volume of the ellipsoid obtained by rotating this curve about the y -axis? 12. A pencil sharpener is made by drilling a cone out of a sphere; the cone has as its axis a diameter of the sphere, and its vertex is on the surface of the sphere. If the ratio of the height to base radius in the cone is 4 to 1, and the sphere has a 1 inch radius, what is the volume of the pencil sharpener? 13. Consider the region in the rst quadrant bounded by y = sin x, x = 0, x = . Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating this region about the x-axis. Hint: If you use the disc method youll need to know: cos(2x) = 1 2 sin2 x. 14. Now use the shell method to solve problem 13. Hint: The derivative of sin x x cos x is x sin x. 15. A solid is formed over the region in the rst quadrant bounded by the curve y = 2x x2 so that the section by any plane perpendicular to the x-axis is a semicircle. What is the volume of this solid? 5.4 Arc Length Parametric Representation of a Curve We have seen that a curve in the plane can be described explicitly as the graph of a function y = f (x) or implicitly, as a relation F (x, y ) = C between the variable x and y . A third way a curve can be described is parametrically in the form (5.8) x = x(t) y = y (t)

as the parameter t ranges over an interval (a, b). For example, a particle may be moving on the plane, and its position at time t is (x(t), y (t)). Example 5.19. The circle of radius R can be described parametrically by taking as the parameter the angle the ray through the point makes with the x-axis, so that (R cos t, R sin t) are the coordinates of the point for a given angle t (see the gure). Since cos2 t + sin2 t = 1, these points all satisfy the implicit relation x2 + y 2 = R2 . 104

Figure 5.12

R cos t R sin t

R t

Figure 5.17 Suppose an object is moving in a plane perpendicular to the earths surface so that the only force acting on it is gravity. Let its position at time t be (x(t), y (t)). Then dx/dt is the horizontal velocity of the object, and dy/dt the vertical velocity, in the sense that these are the rates of change of the motion in those directions. We say that the pair (also called vector) (dx/dt, dy/dt) is the velocity of the object. Similarly, its acceleration is the pair (d2 x/dt2 , d2 y/dt2 ), where d2 x/dt2 is the horizontal acceleration and d2 y/dt2 is the vertical acceleration. In our case, since the only force is vertical, that of gravity, we have d2 x = 0 and dt2 d2 y 2 = 32 ft/sec . dt2

We can integrate these equations to get the equations of motion of the object: (5.9) dx = vx dt dy = 32t + vy dt

where vx is the initial (and constant) horizontal velocity, and vy is the initial vertical velocity. The position is then given by integrating again: (5.10) x(t) = vx t + x(0) , y (t) = 16t2 + vy t + y (0)

where at time t = 0 the particle is at (x(0), y (0)) Example 5.20. A rie is red from a prone position at an angle of 6 degrees from the horizontal. The bullet leaves the muzzle with an initial velocity of 900 ft/sec. Assuming the ground is level, how far does the bullet travel before it hits the ground again? How long does this take? Let (x(t), y (t)) represent the position of the bullet at time t, assuming it starts at the origin, so x(0) = 0 and y (0) = 0. We are told that the tangent to the trajectory of the bullet at t = 0 makes an angle of 6 degrees with the horizontal, and that it starts out in this direction at 900 ft/sec. In an increment of time dt it travels a distance 900dt feet along this line, so the corresponding horizontal and vertical displacements (see gure 5.18) are dx = 900 cos 6dt = 895dt and dy = 900 sin 6dt = 94dt. Thus vx = 895 ft/sec and vy = 94 ft/sec. Thus, according to (10), the position of the bullet at time t is x(t) = 895t y (t) = 16t2 + 94t . 105

Now, the bullet is at ground level when y (t) = 0. Solving that equation, t = 0 or t = 94/16 = 5.88 sec, and x = 895(5.88) = 5262 feet.

Figure 5.13


900 ft/sec


Figure 5.18

Example 5.21. Suppose a ball is hit horizontally at a height of 5 ft. at 120 mph (176 ft/sec). How far from the hitter will it hit the ground? Putting the origin of the coordinates at the batters feet, we have x(0) = 0, y (0) = 5. Since the ball is struck horizontally, we have vx = 176, vy = 0. Thus, from (2), the equations of motion are x(t) = 176t y (t) = 16t2 + 5 .

Ground level is at y (t) = 0, so we can solve the second equation for t : 0 = 16t2 + 5, from which we nd t = 5/16 = .559. Thus the answer is x(.559) = 176(.559) = 98.39 ft. When a curve C is given parametrically as x = x(t), y = y (t), it may not be easy to describe the curve. One way to do that is to try to eliminate the variable t, so as to get a relation between x and y . Example 5.22. Suppose C is given parametrically by x(t) = 15t + 10 y (t) = 16t2 + 32t .

To eliminate t we solve the rst equation for t in terms of x : t = (x 10)/15, and then put that in the equation for y : x 10 x 10 2 ) + 32( ), y = 16( 15 15 from which we see that y is a quadratic function of x along C , so the curve is a parabola. Example 5.23. Sometimes a little algebraic ingenuity is required. Given x(t) = t3 + t + 1, y (t) = t2 , 106

we eliminate t in this way: x = t(t2 + 1) + 1 = y (y + 1) + 1 or (x 1)2 = y (y + 1)2 ,

so the relation between x and y is quadratic in x and cubic in y . Now let us see how to calculate the length of a curve. Suppose that C is a curve in the plane running from point P to Q. First of all, observe that arc length is accumulative: if we break the curve up into many pieces, the length of the curve is the sum of the lengths of the pieces. We thus anticipate that arc length can be found by integration. In order to discover what to integrate, we seek a dierential relationship between arc length and the coordinates. For R any point on the curve, we consider the length of the arc from P to R. It is customary to use the letter s as the function representing arc length along the curve: thus s(R) is the length of the curve from P to R. If we now move along the curve C a small distance ds from R, then the variables are displaced by small amounts dx and dy (see the gure).

Figure 5.14

ds dx


Figure 5.19 Near R the curve is almost its tangent line, so we use the tangent line approximation to the length. By the pythagorean theorem we have (5.11) ds2 = dx2 + dy 2

and thus the length of arc from P to Q is



L(C ) =

ds =

dx2 + dy 2 .

To do this integration, we use the equations describing a curve, explicit or parametric. We warn the reader that usually this computation leads to an expression we do not yet know how to integrate; in this case we shall leave it as a denite integral. Example 5.24. What is the length of the line y = 3x + 2 between the points P (1, 5) and Q(3, 11)? Here we can express the dierential (5.11) in terms of dx. We have dy = 3dx, so ds2 = dx2 + dy 2 = dx2 + 32 dx2 = 10dx2 107

so ds =

10dx. Then
Q 3


ds =

10dx =

10(3 1) = 2 10

which is, of course, the same answer we would have gotten from the distance formula of chapter I. Example 5.25. Find the length of the arc of a circle of radius R subtended by an angle . Here we parametrize the circle as in example 5.18 (see gure 5.18): x = R cos t, y = R sin t. Then dx = R sin tdt, dy = R cos tdt and ds2 = dx2 + dy 2 = (R sin t)2 dt2 + (R cos t)2 dt2 = R2 (sin2 t + cos2 t)dt2 = R2 dt2 . Our length is thus L= another standard formula. Example 5.26. Find the length of the curve x2 = y 3 from (0,0) to (27,9). First we have to nd a suitable parametrization of the curve. Since the variables are positive in this range, we can write y = t2 , and then x2 = y 3 = (t2 )3 = (t3 )2 , so we can take x = t3 , as t ranges from 0 to 3. Now dy = 2tdt and dx = 3t2 dt, so ds2 = dx2 + dy 2 = 9t4 dt2 + 4t2 dt2 = t2 (9t2 + 4)dt2 ; that is, ds = t 9t2 + 4dt. Then the length is

ds =

Rdt = R ,


ds =

9t2 + 4dt ==

1 18


u1/2 du

using the substitution u = 9t2 +4, du = 18tdt. The limits of integration in u are found by evaluating u at t = 0 and t = 3. The length is L= 1 2 3/2 u 18 3
85 4

1 (853/2 8) . 27

Example 5.27. Find the length of the parabolic segment y = 5x x2 from x = 0 to x = 5. We have dy = (5 2x)dx, so ds2 = (1 + (5 2x)2 )dx2 , and the length is


1 + (5 2x)2 dx =

1 2

1 + u2 du ,

making the substitution u = 2x 5, du = 2dx. But that didnt help; we still end up with an integral we have yet to learn how to integrate. 108

Problems 5.4 1. Find the length of the curve y = t3 , x = t2 , 0 t 1. 2. The equations x = eat cos t, y = eat sin t dene the logarithmic spiral. Find the length of this curve for 0 t 2 . 3. Find the integral giving the length of the curve y = 1 + x2 for 0 x 1.

4. Find the area of the surface obtained by rotating the line segment y = 3x 3, 3 x 5 about the x-axis. 5. Find the area of the bowl obtained by rotating the parabola y = x2 , 0 x a about the x-axis. 5.5 Work Work is the product of force and distance. The unit of force in the British system is the foot-pound; in the metric system it is the joule, or newton-meter. For example, to move a box a distance of 12 feet against a force of friction of 40 lbs takes 4012 = 480 foot-pounds. To lift a weight of 25 pounds a distance of 8 feet takes 258 = 200 foot-pounds. Remember that the weight (at the surface of the earth) of an object is a measure of its gravitational force, and is equal to mg , where m is the mass of the object and g is the acceleration of gravity. In the metric system, the gram and the kilogram are measures of mass, so to nd the weight (in joules) we must multiply the mass (in kilograms) by g = 9.8 m/sec2 . Example 5.28. How much work is done in lifting a mass of 1.2 kg a distance of 12 meters? The weight of the mass is (1.2)(9.8) newtons, so the work is (1.2)(9.8)(12) = 141.12 joules. Now, suppose that the force is not constant, but varies over the distance traversed. For example, to put a rocket in orbit, we must calculate the energy (work) required. But the force on the rocket (its eective weight) decreases as it leaves the surface of the earth. So, suppose we have a force acting along a line; denote the value of the force at the point x as F (x). If F (x) is positive, it works in the direction of increasing x, and if negative, it works opposite to that direction. That is, if the force is positive, it does work as we progress, and if negative, it causes work as we progress. The question we ask is this: what work is done by the force through a given distance on the line. Work is accumulative: If we break the interval up into pieces, the total work done is the sum of the work done over each piece. We set up a work calculation by integration, once we know the dierential relation. Let W (x) be the work done to get from a to x. If we move a small distance dx further, we may assume the force to be constant, and equal to F (x) over this interval. Then the increment in work is dW = F (x)dx. We now nd the total work by integrating:

W =

F (x)dx .

In particular, if this is positive, the force is doing work over the interval, and if negative, we must supply the work to overcome it. 109

Denition 5.3. Let F (x) be a force acting along the real axis, such that F (x) > 0 when F is acting in the direction of increasing x. Let a < b. The work done by the force over the interval b [a, b] is W = a F (x)dx. Example 5.29. Let F (x) = x(1 x2 ) be a force acting on the x axis. How much work is done by the force a) between the points 0, 1? b) between the points 0, 2?


W =

(x x3 )dx =

x4 x2 2 4

1 0

= 1/2


W =

(x x3 )dx =

x4 x2 2 4

2 0

= 2

Thus the force does work for us between 0 and 1, but against us between 1 and 2. Springs Consider a spring hanging vertically. If the spring is extended or compressed, a force will be exerted, called the restoring force, directed toward the inital rest position. If a weight is carefully attached to the spring, it will extend to a new rest position, at which the weight exactly balances the restoring force. This is the equilibrium position for that weight. According to Hookes Law, the magnitude of the restoring force and the displacement from rest are proportional. That is, if we let x represent the displacement from the equilibrium position, and F (x) the force in the spring, then we have (5.13) F (x) = kx

for some constant k , called the spring constant. The negative sign indicates that the force acts in the direction opposite to the displacement. Example 5.30. Suppose a 5 lb weight extends a spring by 1.5 inches. a) What is the spring constant? b) How far will a 12 lb. weight extend the spring? The force in the spring at 1.5 inches, or .125 feet is -5 lbs, so by (13), 5 = k (.125), so k = 40 lb/ft, and Hookes law for this spring is F (x) = 40x. When the 12 lb weight is attached, the restoring force is F (x) = 12, so we nd x by solving 12 = 40x, or x = .3 ft or 3.6 inches. Example 5.31. Suppose a 3 pound weight displaces a spring 2 inches. How much work is required to displace the spring two feet? First we use Hookes law with the given information to nd the spring constant. In our situation, when x = 1/6 foot, F = 3 pounds. From Hookes law, 3 = k (1/6), so the spring constant is k = 18, and Hookes law for this spring is F (x) = 18x. Now, for work, we have dW = F (x)dx, so to extend the spring 2 feet, we calculate the work done by the spring over this distance:

W =

18xdx = 9x2 110

2 0

= 36

ft-lbs. Thus the work needed to extend the spring 2 feet must counterbalance this, so is 36 footpounds. Now if a spring with an object at its end is extended a certain distance and then released, it will vibrate. To understand this motion, we recall the discussion of Example 4.18. There we saw that for a body in motion vdv = adx, where x is the displacement, v the velocity and a the acceleration. If we multiply by the mass m and use Newtons law, F = ma, we get (5.14) mvdv = F dx .

The expression on the right is dW , the dierential of work, and the expression on the left is the dierential of (1/2)mv 2 , the kinetic energy: the change in kinetic energy is equal to the work done. This is then the dierential expression of the law of conservation of energy. Now, for a spring, F (x) = kx, so (5.14) becomes mvdv + kxdx = 0 which integrates to (5.15) mv 2 + kx2 = constant

during the motion of a vibrating spring of spring constant k and a mass m at its end. Example 5.32. A spring of spring constant k = 4 ft/lb with an object of weight 3 lbs attached to its end is at rest. The object is extended a distance of 2 feet and then released. At what velocity does the object pass its equilibrium position? The mass of the object is m = w/g = 3/(32) = .0938. Thus, in this situation, (15) tells us that .0938v 2 + 4x2 is constant during the motion. At the moment of release, v = 0 and x = 2, so this constant is .0938(0)2 + 4(2)2 = 16. At the moment the object passes the equilibrium point, x = 0, so we can solve:.0938v 2 = 16, for v = 18.48 ft/sec. Example 5.33. A 1 kg mass extends a spring 8 cm. Suppose that a mass of 3 kg is attached to the spring, then extended 20 cm. beyond equilibrium and released. What will be the velocity of the mass as it passes the 10 cm. point? First we must nd the spring constant. The weight of a 1 kg mass is w = mg = (1)(9.8) = 9.8 newtons. From Hookes law we have 9.8 = k (.08), so k = 9.8/.08 = 122.5 newtons/meter. For our 3 kg mass in motion, equation (7) is 3v 2 + 122.5x2 = constant. At the moment of release, v = 0 and x = .2, so the constant is 122.5(.2)2 = 4.9. At the 10 cm point, we solve 3v 2 + 122.5(.1)2 = 4.9, giving v = 1.107 meters/second. Example 5.34. What is the energy required to lift a payload of 1000 lbs a distance of 250 miles from the surface of the earth? We have to calculate the work required to move the payload 250 miles vertically from the earths surface. Let s represent distance from the center of the earth, and let R be the radius of the earth. According to Newtons law of gravitation, the force of gravity is F (s) = 111 k s2

for some constant k. Now, when s = R, for our payload, F (R) = 103 lbs, so k = 103 R2 , and F (s) = 103 R2 /s2 . Thus the work done by gravity is

W =

1 103 R2 ds = 103 R2 ( ) 2 s s

R+250 R

= 103 R2 (

250 ). R(R + 250)

Taking R = 3900 miles, we see that the energy required to lift this payload to 250 miles is 103 (3900) 250 = 2.34(105 ) 4150 mi lbs = 12.4(109 ) ft lbs

Example 5.35. A cistern is a hole in the ground (usually lined with steel or cement) used to collect water. Suppose that we have a cylindrical cistern of radius 8 feet and of depth 20 feet. If it is full of water, how much work is required to empty the cistern? In this problem, the force is the weight of the water (one cubic foot of water weighs 62.5 lbs), but the distance the water has to be moved depends upon how deep into the cistern we have gotten. So, we again approach the problem dynamically, where the dynamic variable is the distance y between the top of the cistern and the surface of the water. At this depth, the work required to lift the next slab of water (of thickness dy ) is y (weight of that slab). The weight of that slab is 62.5(volume). The slab is a cylinder of radius 8 feet and thickness dx. Thus dW = (62.5) (8)2 ydy . Since the cistern is 20 feet deep, the total work then is the integral

62.5 (8)2 ydy = 4000


y2 2

20 0

= 8 105 ft lbs .

Example 5.36. Suppose instead that the cistern, of the same depth, has a parabolic prole, following the curve y = (5/16)x2 . Now, to lift the slab of thickness dy at a depth y takes the amount of work dW = (62.5)x2 ydy , because the radius at this level is now x. Since x2 = (16/5)y , the total work is given by


16 2 y3 y dy = 200 5 3

20 0

= 5.33 105

Problems 5.5 1. Find the work done in pumping all the oil (whose density is 50 lbs. per cubic foot) over the edge of a cylindrical tank which stands on end. Assume that the radius of the base is 4 feet, the height is 10 feet and the tank is full of oil. 2. John Brown has a parabolic cistern in the ground with a depth of 12 feet and a diameter at the top of 4 feet. This can be viewed as formed by revolving the curve y = 3x2 around the y -axis, where the line y = 12 represents ground level. How much work does it take to pump out the cistern when it is full of water (the density of water is 62.5 lb/ft3 )? 112

3. A cylindrical reservoir of base radius 50 feet and height 15 feet is built 300 feet above the surface level of a lake. How much work is required to ll the reservoir with lake water (assuming the lake is large enough that its surface level does not change during this process)? Recall that the density of water is 62.5 lb/ft3 . 4. A 2 lb. weight will extend a certain spring 5 inches. How much work is done in extending the spring 14 inches? 5. A 10 kg mass extends a spring 45 cm, to a new equilibrium position. The spring is then extended another meter and released. With what velocity does it pass the equilibrium position? 5.6 Mass and Moments Mass is another concept which is accumulative, and so can be calculated by integration. An object is said to be homogeneous if its composition is everywhere the same. In this case, mass is proportional to volume, where the constant of proportionality is denoted , the density. Thus, for example, the density of water is 1 g/cc, or 62.5 lbs/cu.ft. If the object is inhomogeneous, then its density will vary as we move around the object. For x a point on the object, we let (x) be its density at that point - in the sense that dM = (x)dV at the point: the ratio of the mass to volume of small cube centered at x is approximately (x). Example 5.37. A cistern is formed by rotating the curve y = x4 from x = 0 to x = 1 yd. around the y -axis. The cistern is lled with muddy water which has settled, so that the density of the water at a height y from the bottom is (y ) = (1.02 .02y 2 )62.5 lbs/cu.ft (see gure 5.21). What is the total weight of the uid contained in the cistern? We calculate the weight by accumulating uid along the y -axis, from y = 0 to 1. At a height y , the weight of the disc of height dy is dW = (y )dV , and dV = r2 dy , where r is the radius of that disc. Since the prole is the curve x = y 1/4 , we have dW = (y )y 1/2 dy . Finally, since our spatial measurements are given in yards, we convert the density to lbs/yd: (y ) = (1.02 .02y 2 )(62.5)(27) lbs/cu.yd. Thus the weight is
1 1

W =

(62.5)(27) (1.02 .02y 2 )y 1/2 dy = 5301.3


(1.02y 1/2 .02y 5/2 )dy = 3574.6 lbs

2 2 = 5301.3((1.02) y 3/2 (.02) y 7/2 ) 3 7

1 0

Figure 5.15



Figure 5.20 Example 5.38. A baseball bat can be considered as a cone of height 28 in, and of base radius 1.5 in. If the bat is made of hickory, of density .0347 lb/in3 , what is the weight of the bat? We accumulate the weight of the bat from its vertex to its base, At a distance x in from the vertex, a slice of thickness dx has volume dV = r2 dx, where r is the radius at that point. By similar triangles, r/1.5 = x/28, so r = 1.5x/28 = .0535x. Then the weight of the bat is
28 2

W = Moments

dV =

(.0347) (.0535x)2 dx = (3.12 104 )


8x2 dx = 2.283 lbs

Suppose that we have two small objects situated on a plane, and L is a line which runs between the objects (see the gure on the left).

Figure 5.16 d1 m1

Figure 5.17 m2 d2 m1 d1

d1 m1

m2 d2

m3 d3

m4 d4

m3 d3 d2 m2 L m4 d4 d

Figure 5.21 Archimedes observed that the objects are balanced around the line L if the product of the mass and the distance to the line is the same for the two objects. By balance we mean this: if the line L were a rod in space which is free to rotate, and the objects were attached to this rod by arms perpendicular to the rod, then the rod will not rotate if this condition is met. This product we call the moment of the object about the line L : M omL = (mass)(distance). If we take distance to be directed: negative on one side of the line, and positive on the other, Archimedes Law is that a system is in balance about a line L if the sum of the moments about L is zero. Phrased this way, the law applies to a system of many masses; for example the system on the right in gure 5.21 is in balance. Thus, moment is an accumulative concept, and we can discover the moment for any object by integration. We shall consider only planar homogeneous objects of density 1, so that mass and area are the same. The rst method for nding moment about a given line is to sweep out the region in the direction perpendicular to the line; at each stage adding the moment of a dierential rectangle at a xed distance from the line. 114

Suppose, to start with, we wish to nd the moment about the y -axis {x = 0} of a region is bounded by the curves y = f (x), y = g (x), from x = a to x = b (see gure 5.22). We calculate the moment by adding the moments of innitesimal strips, starting at x = a, and going to x = b. At a point x, the next strip has height f (x) g (x) and width dx, so its mass is (f (x) g (x))dx, and the moment about the y -axis is dM omx=0 = distance mass = x(f (x) g (x))dx. The moment of the entire region is the integral of this dierential from a to b:

M om{x=0} =

x(f (x) g (x))dx

for the region of gure 5.22.

Figure 5.18

f x


g x

a x

x 0

Figure 5.22 Example 5.39. Consider the region bounded by the coordinate axes and the line 4x + 3y = 12 (see gure 5.23). Find the moments of this region about the coordinate axes.
Figure 5.19 4




Figure 5.23 To nd M om{x=0} , we sweep out along the x axis from x = 0 to x = 3. The height of the strip at a point x is y = (12 4x)/3, and the distance from the line x = 0 is x. Thus dM omx=0 = (1/3)x(12 4x)dx, and the moment is

M om{x=0} =

1 1 4x3 (12x 4x2 )dx = (6x ) 3 3 3 115

3 0


To nd the moment about the x-axis, we sweep the region out in the vertical direction from y = 0 to y = 4. At a point y , the width of the strip is x = (12 3y )/4, so dM omy=0 = (y/4)(12 3y )dy , so 4 1 (12y 3y 2 )dy = 8 . M om{y=0} = 4 0

Figure 5.20 x2



dx x

swept out along the x-axis from the points where the curve intersects

Figure 5.24 Example 5.40. Find the moment about the y -axis of the region bounded by the x-axis and the curve y = 16 + 10x x2 (see gure 5.24). The region will be swept out along the x-axis from the points where the curve intersects the x-axis. We solve 0 = 16 + 10x x2 = (8 x)(2 x). The region thus lies between the lines x = 2 and x = 8. At an intermediate point x, the dierential strip is at distance x from the y -axis, and the mass is (16 + 10x x2 )dx, so dM om{x=0} = x(16 + 10x x2 )dx and M om{x=0} =
2 8 8

x(16 + 10x x2 )dx =


(16x + 10x2 x3 )dx = 180 .

= (8x2 +

10 3 x x ) 3 4

8 2

Example 5.41. Find the moment about the line x = 4 of the same region. Here we have the same analysis, but now the distance from the strip to the balance axis is x 4, so dM om{x=4} = (x 4)(16 + 10x x2 )dx . Note that if x < 4 this will be negative, and if x > 4 it is positive - this is just what we want because we want the contributions of the pieces on either side of the axis to be opposite. To nd the moment we integrate;
8 8

M om{x=4} =

(x 4)(16 + 10x x2 )dx =


(64 56x + 14x2 x3 )dx = 36 .


Since the answer is positive, this region is overbalanced to the right. Note that the region is symmetric about the line x = 5, so that it is perfectly balanced about the line x = 5. If we calculate M om[{x=5} , well get 0. Example 5.42. Find the moment of a rectangular strip of width w and height h about the line through one end. This is M om{y=0} of the region sketched in the accompanying gure.

Figure 5.21

Figure 5.25 Sweeping out from y = 0 to y = h, we have dM om{y=0} = ywdy , so


M om{y=0} =

ywdy =

1 2 wh . 2

Writing the moment as wh(h/2), we see that this is the moment of a point object of the same mass (wh situated at the midpoint of the strip. This observation leads to an alternative method for calculating the moment about y = 0 without having to change the variable of integration. Consider the region bounded by the curves y = f (x) and y = g (x) and the lines x = a and x = b, as in gure 5.22. We calculate the moment about the x-axis by sweeping out in the x direction. At any point x the dierential piece to be added is a vertical rectangular strip of mass (f (x) g (x))dx. The midpoint of this rectangle is (1/2)(f (x) + g (x)). Thus 1 (f (x) + g (x))(f (x) g (x))dx . 2

dM om{y=0} =

Example 5.43. Find the moment about the x-axis of the region in the rst quadrant bounded by the lines y = 3x, y = 2x, x = 5 (gure 5.26). 117

Figure 5.22 y


5x 2


Figure 5.26 We sweep out from x = 0 to x = 5. The dierential strip at the point x has the masss (3x 2x)dx = xdx, and its midpoint is (1/2)(3x + 2x) = (5/2)x. Thus dM om{y=0} = so M om{y=0} =
0 5

5 2 x dx , 2

625 5 2 x dx = . 2 6

To nd the moment about the y -axis, we have dM om{x=0} = x(3x 2x)dx = x2 dx so M om{x=o} =
5 0

x2 dx = 125/3.

Example 5.44. Find the moment about the x-axis of the region of example 5.33, bounded by the x-axis and the curve y = 16 + 10x x2 . At a point x between 2 and 8, the dierential mass is ydx, and the midpoint of that strip is y/2, so dM om{y=0} = (y 2 /2)dx. Thus M om{y=0} = 1 2

(16 + 10x x2 )2 dx =

648 . 5

Centroids Let R be a region in the plane and L a line in the plane. If R lies to the right of the line, then the moment of R about L, M omL R, is positive, and if R is to the left of L, then M omL R is negative. So, if we look at all lines with a given slope, as we move from one side of R to the other, the moment about that line changes sign. Thus, there is a particular line with a given slope for which the moment of R is zero. The region R is balanced about this line: if R were to walk a tightrope 118

in this direction, it would have the tightrope directly below this line. If we change the slope, we get another line of balance in the new direction. These two lines intersect in a point. It turns out that the line of balance of any slope goes through this point, called the centroid, or center of mass of the region R. Denition 5.4. The centroid of a region R in the plane is that point in the plane such that for any line L through that point, M omL R = 0. To calculuate the centroid, it is enough to look at lines of two dierent slope, in particular, horizontal and vertical lines. Suppose ( x, y ) is the centroid of R, so that the moment about the line x=x is zero. The distance from any point (x, y ) to this line is x x , so we have M om{x= x} (R) = (x x )dA = 0

or xdA = x dA, which says that M om{x=0} (R) = x M ass(R). Similarly, M om{y=0} (R) = y M ass(R). Thus the coordinates for the centroid are x = M om{x=0} (R) , M ass(R) y = M om{y=0} (R) . M ass(R)

Example 5.45. Find the centroid of the triangle in example 5.39. This is a right triangle with sides of length 4, 3, so the mass is (1/2(3)(4) = 6. We found M om{x=0} = 6, M om{y = 0} = 8, so the centroid is at ( x, y ) = (6/6, 8/6) = (1, 1.33) (see gure 5.27).

Figure 5.23




4 3

Figure 5.27 Example 5.46. Find the centroid of the region in the rst quadrant bounded by the lines y = 3x, y = 2x, x = 5 (see gure 5.26). In example 5.43, we found M om{x=0} = 125/3, M om{y=0} = 625/6. The mass is

M ass =

(3x 2x)dx = 119

x2 2

5 0

25 . 2

Thus x = (125/3)/(25/2) = 10/3 and y = (625/6)/(25/2) = 25/3. Example 5.47. Find the centroid of the region bounded by the y axis and the curve y = 16 + 10x x2 (see gure 5.24). First of all, since the region is symmetric about the line x = 5, we have x = 5. In example 5.40, we found M om{y=0} = 648/5. It remains to calculate the mass of the region which is

(16 + 10x x2 )dx = (16x + 5x2 +


x3 ) 3

8 2

= 36 .

Thus y = (648/5)/36 = 3.6. The centroid is at (5, 3.6). As a nal application of moments, we derive Pappus Theorem. Let R be a region in the right half plane, and consider the solid obtained by rotating R about the y -axis. The volume of this solid is the product of the area of R and the distance traveled by the centroid of R. This is easy to see using the shell method for nding the volume. By that method, V olume = 2 xdA xdA =

where the integration is taken in the x direction between the bounding lines. But M om{x=0} and this is x (Area) , where the centroid has coordinates ( x, y ). So V olume = 2 x (Area) ,

which is what is asserted by by Pappus theorem, since, in the rotation, the centroid travels around the circle of radius x . Although at Pappus time the calculus didnt even exist (in fact, neither did algebra), he demonstrated this result in essentially the same way, using Archimedes theory of moments. Example 5.48. Find the volume of the solid ring obtained by rotating the disc (x 5)2 + y 2 = 16 about the y -axis. The region being rotated is the circle centered at (5, 0) and of radius 4. Clearly the centroid of a disc is its center, so x = 5. Thus the volume is 2 (5) (4)2 = 160 2 . Problems 5.6 1. Kansas can be modelled as a rectangle of length 500 miles and of height 300 miles. The population density decreases as one moves west through the state; in fact the density x miles west of the eastern border is about x 2 (x) = 40 35 500 people per square mile. About what is the population of Kansas? Where is the geographical center of Kansas? 120

2. Find the center of mass of the region bounded by the curves y = x x3 and y = x x2 . 3. Find the center of mass of the homogeneous region in the rst quadrant bounded by the curve x4 + y = 1. 4. Find the centroid of the region bounded by the parabola y 2 = 16x and the line x = 9. 5. Let P be the region obtained by rotating the curve y = x3 : 0 x 1 about th y -axis. This bowl is lled with a uid whose density along the disc y = h is 1 h g/cm3 . What is the total mass of this uid? 6. Find the centroid of the region above the x-axis, under the curve y = x2 and between the lines x = 1 and x = 8.


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