Hots For Class X SST

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Chapter-1 1. . %. 4. (.. *. +. .. &. 12. 11. 1 . 1%. 14. 1(. The rise of nationalism in Europe

How was French artist Fredrick Sorrieu visualized in his first print of the series of four prints his dream of a world made up of democratic and social republics? Explain. 4 !ith what aim the treat" of #ienna si$ned? 1 !hat was the aim of the secret societies set up in the 1&th centur" Europe? 1 How is the ideal 'ustice represented? 1 How did the French )evolution lead to transfer of soverei$nt" from the monarch" to bod" of French citizens? Explain an" four measures taken b" the revolutionaries. 4 !hat is the statue of libert" si$nif"? 1 !hat was the ma'or defect of the ,apoleonic -ode? 1 How did culture pla" important role to develop the national feelin$s amon$ the people in Europe? % !h" did /etternich remark that 0if France sneezes the rest of Europe catches cold1? Explain. 1 How were the libert" and e3ualit" of women denied in Frankfurt 4arliament Session? Explain. 1 How did the rise of nationalism in 5ritain differ from the rest of Europe? % !ho is a feminist? 1 -om pare and contrast the process of unification of 6tal" and 7erman". 4 !h" did the 5alkan re$ions become a source of nationalist tension in Europe after 1.+1? Explain. !ho were /arianne and 7ermania? !hat was the importance of the wa" in which the" were 4ortra"ed? %


9he ,ationalists /ovement in 6ndo8-hina

1. !h" most of students in the French schools failed to pass school leavin$ examination? 1
2. 4oint out two obstacles which prevented the $rowth of #ietnam in earl" 2th centur"?

3. !hat is the difference between #ietcon$ and #ietminh? 4. !h" did the French introduce development pro'ects in #ietnam?

1 % % %

(. !hat was the nature of -olonial econom" in #ietnam?

6. !h" did writers like 4aul 5ernard believe in developin$ the econom" of the colonies?

+. Explain three steps taken b" the French to solve the problem of pla$ue in #ietnam. %

.. Explain an" four challen$es faced b" the ,ew )epublic of #ietnam after 1&4(. 4
9. Evaluate the role of #ietnamese women durin$ 1&*2:s war period and after the war in

peace time.
10. Examine the events that turned #ietnam into a battle field after 1&(4. Chapter 3- Nationalism in India 1.

4 4

;o "ou think the stru$$le for independence in 6ndia is different from independence movement in other countries? <ustif" "our answer. %

. %. 4. (. * +. .. &.

How did 7andhi'i convert the national movement into a mass movement =7ive reasons. % How did the ,on8cooperation movement differ from civil disobedience movement? How did the ima$e of 5haratmata stren$then the national movement? % 1

!hat did the slo$an of Swara' mean? How was the slo$an of complete independence different from it? !hen and where was the slo$an of complete independence adopted? 4 !hat is the importance of *th <anuar"> 1&%2 in 6ndian histor"? ;iscuss . How was the ?hilafat and ,on8cooperation movement different from one another? ,ame the leaders of these movements. How did the 6ndian Folklore help to develop ideas of nationalism? How did the feelin$ of nationalism arise in people belon$in$ to difference communities> re$ions and lan$ua$es? % % % % 4 1 %

12. 11. 1 . 1%.

!h" wasn:t the civil disobedience movement a limited stru$$le? 7ive reasons. How did the tribal uprisin$ accelerate the national movement in 6ndia? Explain the importance of Socialism in the course of 6ndian ,ational movement. 9he industrial workers did not participate in the civil disobedience movement in lar$e ,umbers except in the ,a$pur re$ion. !h"?

1 1 1

14. 1(.

!hen was the 7andhi86rwin pact si$ned? /ention an" one of its provisions. !h" was the Simon commission set up?

Chapter 4- The Making of the Global world

1. .

/ention an" two modes of exchan$e of ideas and $oods in ancient world. 7ive the reason for the abolition of -orn @aw.

1 1

%. 4. (. *. +. ..

!hat was the si$nificance of the 5retton !oods conference? !hat were the main destinations of the 6ndian indentured mi$rants? !hat was the most powerful weapon of the Spanish con3uerors? How did Silk routes link the world? Explain with three suitable examples. Explain the factors responsible for the 7reat depression in the world in 1& &. Explain the three t"pes of flows with in the international economic exchan$es durin$ 1.1(81&14.

1 1 1 % %


How did the 5ritish manufacturers attempt to take over the 6ndian market with the help of % % 4

Advertisements? 7ive three examples. 12. How did food habits travel from one place to another in the process of cultural exchan$e? 11. How did rinderpest help the European countries to con3uer and subdue Africa? 1 . Explain what is referred to as the 78++ countries. 6n what wa"s 78++ be seen as a reaction to the activities of the 5retton !oods twins? 1%. !hat was the effects of the decision of /,-s to relocate production to Asian countries? 14. Explain the impact of 7reat depression on 6ndia.

4 4 4

Chapter ! The "ge of Industrialisation 1. . % 4. (. !h" did 5ritain impose protective tariff? Explain the reason for the popularit" of B7C EAS9 /C#E/E,9:. How did farmin$ methods chan$e due to 6ndustrialisation? !hat is meant b" 9rade Dnions? !h" did the workers in 5ritain attack the spinnin$ 'enn"? 1 1 1 1 %


!ho were the 'obbers and explain their functions?

How was the 6ndian merchants and bankers involved in the export trade of 6ndia before

.. & 12. 11. How does the industrialization help in raisin$ the level or the standard of livin$? !hat was the result of the import of B/anchester -loth: to 6ndia? !hat was the result of 1st !orld !ar on 6ndian industr"? How did industrial revolution in En$land affect 6ndian econom"?

% % 4

1 . 1%. 14. 1(.

!hat was the aim behind establishin$ -hamber of -ommerce? !h" was the s"stem of advancin$ loans to the weavers adopted b" the En$lish compan"?

!h" did some industrialists in the 1& th centur" Europe prefer hand labour over machines? 4 !h" did industrial production in 6ndia increase durin$ the 1st !orld !ar? 4


$ork% &ife and &eisure 1

1. /ention two steps taken b" the @ondon authorities to discipline its population.

2. 7ive two ma'or reasons for hi$h level population. 3. 6nto which two sections was the 5omba" fort area divided. 4. !hich two historical processes have shaped the development of modern cities?

1 1 1

5. /ention the steps taken to clean up @ondon. 6. How did the development of cities influence ecolo$" and environment in the 1&th

% % %

7. ;escribe the position of women in 5ritain in the 1&th centur" in three points.

8. 0-alcutta had a lon$ histor" of air pollution1. Examine the reasons for air pollution in

9. !hat was the need of under $round railwa"s in @ondon? 10. !hat led to the ma'or expansion of 5omba":s population in the mid 1&th centur"?

4 4 4


(rint )ulture and the Modern $orld 1 1

1. !h" were the earlier printed books profusel" illustrated with pictures? 2. !hat is meant b" 04rint )evolution1? 3. !h" were some people scared about printed books?

4. !h" did publishers brin$ out cheap paperback editions in the 1&%2:s? 5. Explain the factors responsible for the invention new printin$ technolo$".


How did the use of print diversif" in 1+th centur" -hina?

% %

7. /ention the strate$ies adopted b" the printers and publishers to sell their books.

8. Examine the reasons for a virtual readin$ 0/ania1 in Europe in the centur".

9. !hat was the impact of printed books on women in 6ndia in the 1&th centur"?

10. 7ive four instances of print around us ever"where.

C*"(TE+ , - . N/0E&1% 1/CIET2 "N3 *I1T/+2


6n what wa" novels in 6ndia attempted to create a sense of pan = 6ndian belon$in$. 1

6n what wa" the chan$es in technolo$" led to an increase in readers of the novel in -entur" Europe ? 1

/ention the chan$es occurred in 1&th -entur" in 5ritain which 9homas Hard" and -harles ;ickens wrote about? %

4. (. * +. .

9he social chan$es in 5ritain led to an increase in women readers = how? ,ovelists in colonial 6ndia wrote for a political cause = explain. !hat made ma$azines popular? How did serialisation make it more popular? How did the novels of /unshi 4remchand acted as catal"st to reform the societ"? 5efore the advent cinema> novels was the source of entertainment. ;o "ou a$ree =Explain.

% % % %


How did the colonial administration find vernacular novels to be a valuable source of information on nations life and customs? 4 %

12. 11.

European and western novelists presented the new woman =Explain the statement. !hat is the reason behind women and $irls often discoura$ed from readin$ novel in the earl" 1&th centur". ;oes it applicable in the modern times?

1 .

6n one of the books> the author wrote about his da"s as a vendor of his own books. ,ame the author and sa" that made him do so? % %

1%. 14.

;o "ou think modern "oun$ $eneration read more comics than novels =7ive reasons? !h" do "ou think -handu /enon $ave up the idea of translatin$ En$lish novel into /alala"alam?

1 %


5" whom was 4ariksha $uru written? !hat messa$e did he conve" in his novel?

C/TEM(/+"+2 IN3I" II 4GE/G+"(*25 Chapter 1 +esour)es and 3e6elopment 1! . %. 4. (. How can we motivate the "oun$ $eneration for the conservation of resources? !h" is terrace cultivation practised in hill" re$ion? How are abiotic resources different from the biotic resources? !hat is Exclusive Economic Eone? B ,atural resources are free $ift of nature:. ;o "ou a$ree with this statement? 7ive 9hree reasons. *. +. .. &. !hat are the ob'ectives of A$enda 1? !h" is resource plannin$ essential in 6ndia? State the factors that determine the land use pattern in 6ndia. !hat do "ou mean b" net sown area? ;escribe it with reference to 6ndia. % 4 4 % % % 1 1 1 1

12. How can we classif" resources on the basis of ownership? 11. ;o "ou a$ree that technical and economic development have led to more consumption of resources? -omment. 1 . Su$$est four measures to conserve soil. 1%. /ention four characteristics of alluvial soil. 14. !hat is land de$radation? 7ive three reasons.

4 4 4 4

1(. !hat are bad lands and ravines?

Chapter 7 8orest and $ildlife +esour)es

1. . %. 4. (. *.

!h" do we have diverse flora and fauna? 6n what wa" did the colonial rule affect the depletion of forests in 6ndia? 4oint out one of the achievements of the -hipko movement. !hat are the sacred $roves or the vir$in forests? How can we protect the wildlife in 6ndia? Su$$est an" three methods. ,ame the wildlife species which was declared extinct b" the 7overnment of 6ndia in 1&( . Su$$est three reasons for its extinction.

1 1 1 1 %


!h" does the Himala"an Few Ga medicinal plantH vanishin$ fast in Himachal 4radesh and Arunachal 4radesh? 4

.. &.

How far B4ro'ect 9i$er: has succeeded to protect ti$ers in 6ndia? ;istin$uish between )eserved forests and 4rotected forests. 4 4 % % %

12. How does <oint forest /ana$ement help in forest conservation? 11. 1 . 1%. 7ive three reasons for the decline of 6ndia:s biodiversit". Explain how communities have conserved and protected forests and wildlife in 6ndia. 6n what wa"s the destruction of forests affected the cultural diversit"?

Chapter 3 $ater +esour)es

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

/aws"nram is a re$ion of hi$hest rainfall. Fet it face acute shorta$e of water. !h"? 1 !hat is the ob'ective of the ,armada Bbachavo andolan:? 6n which river the lon$est dam is located in 6ndia? 6n what wa" water becomes a renewable resource? State an" three ob'ectives of a multipurpose pro'ect. 1 1 1 %

6. 7. 8. 9.

!hat are the reasons for the scarcit" of water? !h" are the multipurpose pro'ects called the temples of modern 6ndia? B!ater is the basis of life: Explain b" citin$ suitable examples. How has industrialisation affect the 6ndian rivers?

% % % 4

10. How has construction of dam on rivers affected the lives of people livin$ in the catchment area? <ustif" with examples. 11. !hat do "ou mean B4aller pani:? ;escribe with reference to )a'astan and /e$hala"a. 12. Explain the role of water resources in the industrialisation of a countr". 4 4 4

1%. 6n recent "ears multipurpose pro'ects and lar$e dams have come under $reat scrutin" and opposition for a variet" of reasons. 7ive an" four such reasons. 4

Chapter 4 "gri)ulture 1. . %. 4. !h" does ?erala lead in the production of rubber in 6ndia? !hat was the reason for the -hamparan movement? !hich crop is called the B$olden fibre: of 6ndia? ,ame the a$ricultural season other than kharif and rabi. 1 1 1 1 1 %

(. How are pulses beneficial to us? *. !h" is a$riculture called the Bbackbone of our econom":? 7.

Accordin$ to "ou what chan$es should be made in 6ndian a$riculture to provide sufficient food to fast $rowin$ population in 6ndia. % %

.. 9.

!h" does productivit" of wheat hi$her in some states?

6ndian a$riculture has been transformin$ from subsistence to commercial farmin$. Explain. 4

10. How do technical and institutional reforms help to increase a$ricultural production in 6ndia? 4 11. !h" are farmers committin$ suicides in several states of our countr"? Su$$est some measures to check this practice. 12. B9here is ample scope for alternative emplo"ment opportunities in a$ricultural sector: -omment. 4 4

13. ,ame the bevera$e crop other than coffee and specif" the $eo$raphical conditions re3uired for its $rowth. 4


!h" food $rains productions has remained sta$nant or fallen for six consecutive "ears.


Minerals and Energ9 +esour)es

1. .

!hich states of 6ndia have the potential for the development of wind ener$"? !h" is coal often called Bblack $old:?

1 1 1 1 1 % % %

%. !rite two merits of water as a source of ener$". 4. !hat is 5ailadila famous for?

(. !hich part of 6ndia is known as the storehouse of minerals? *. 6n what wa" iron brou$ht a revolutionar" chan$e in human life. 7. 7ive the reasons for the importance of bio$as in rural 6ndia. 8. BSolar ener$" is more developed in !estern 6ndia.:!h"? 9. For what product /umbai Hi$h is famous for? Enumerate the contribution of it in stren$thenin$ the econom" of 6ndia. 12. !hat are the various uses of copper? !here are copper ore found in 6ndia? 11. !hat is $eothermal ener$" ? ,ame an" two pro'ect which have been set up to harness 7eothermal ener$". 12. !h" is it said that minin$ is becomin$ a Bkiller industr":? 13. ;istin$uish between conventional and nonconventional sources of ener$". 14. !h" do we need to conserve mineral resources? 1(. How can we sa" that the future of nuclear ener$" is bri$ht in 6ndia? Chapter # Manufa)turing Industries 4 4 4 4

% %

1. #.2 #.3 #.4

Agriculture and industry move hand in hand . !la"orate. $hat are agro "ased industries% $hat is their signi&icance in 'ndian economy%

3 3

$hy are most o& the ma(or iron and steel industries esta"lished in )u"lic sector% 3 $hat is the role o& in&rastructure in industrial develo)ment% !*)lain. 3

#.5 #.6 #.7 #.8 #.9 #.10

+'n recent years, most o& the sugar mills are "eing esta"lished in the southern and -estern states.. /u))ort the statement -ith suita"le reasons. 3 $hy are the 0ute mills concentrated along the 1ugli river% 2ive reasons. 1o- does the industrial )ollution degrade the environment% !la"orate. !*)lain the &actors -hich are &avoura"le &or 0amshed)ur 'ron and /teel )lant. !*)lain the )ro"lem o& cotton te*tile industries in our country. $hy is iron and steel industry called a "asic industry% 3 3 3 3 1

11. !h" did /ahatma 7andhi la" emphasis on spinnin$ "arn and weavin$ khadi? 7ive one reason. 1 . Explain the contribution of industries in ,ational Econom". 1%. !h" chemical industries are widel" spread over the countr"? 7ive one reason. 14. 69 industries are the ke" to emplo"ment $eneration and forei$n exchan$e earner 6n 6ndia. Explain. 4 1 % 1

1( How has ,94- maintained pro8active approach for preservin$ the natural environment and resources. Explain. 4

1. #.2 #.3 #.4 #.5 #.6

$hat do you understand "y 2olden 3uadrilateral su)er 1igh-ay% $hy is air 4ravel )re&erred in the north eastern states o& 'ndia% 2ive reasons. 'ndia has one o& the largest telecom net-or5 in Asia . 0usti&y the statement. $hat is the signi&icance o& the "order roads%

1 3 1 3

!&&icient means o& trans)ort and communications are )re6re3uisites &or &aster economic develo)ment o& our country . !la"orate . 3 7i)eline trans)ortation is the "est means o& trans)ortation &or trans)orting li3uid and gases materials. $hy% 3 1 3 1

7. $hat are the t-o electronic media o& mass communication% #.8 8oad-ays still have an edge over rail-ays in our country 2ive argument. 9. #.10 #.11 $hat are &irst class mail%

$hat is the reason &or changing nature o& the 'nternational 4rade in the last &i&teen years% 3 $hy is 8ail-ays an im)ortant mode o& trans)ortation &or goods and )assengers in 'ndia% 3

#.12 #.13 #.14

$hy there is a dense net-or5 o& rail-ays in the northern )lains o& 'ndia% 2ive reasons. $hy is it said that -ater-ays are the "est means o& trans)ortation% 9iscuss.

4 4

Advancement o& international trade o& a country is an inde* to its economic )ros)erity . !*)lain. 4 #.16 !*)lain the role o& tourism industry is )romoting national integration and international understanding. 4


1. $hy di&&erent categories o& )ersons do not have same notion o& develo)ment% 1 2. $hat should "e develo)mental goals o& an adivasi &rom a narmada valley% :ention any tosuch goals. 1 3. 2ive t-o e*am)les -here an average is used &or com)aring situations% 1 4. ;ind out )er ca)ita income level o& middle income countries as )er $orld 9evelo)ment 8e)ort 2006. 1 5. $hy may develo)ment &or one may not "e develo)ment &or other% 1 6. $hat is the )osition o& 'ndia in 19' ran5s% <ame t-o countries -hich are "elo- 'ndia% 1 7. 2ive t-o reasons -hy the in&ant mortality rate in =erala is less than >ihar% 1 8 $hat are the other criterions &or develo)ment other than )er ca)ita income% !*)lain -ith e*am)les. 3 9 $hat should 'ndia to do or achieve to "ecome a develo)ed country% 3 10 +4he earth has enough resources to meet the needs o& all ,"ut not enough to satis&y the greed o& even one )erson. (usti&y % 3

11. :oney in your )oc5et can not "uy all the goods and services that you may need to live -ell6 (usti&y% 4 12. $hy do -e use average income &or com)arisons% Are there any limitations% 'llustrate -ith your one e*am)le related to develo)ment% 4

C !"te# ( Se)to#s o* t e In+i!n E)ono',

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

$hat do you mean "y the term sectors% 1 $hich sector includes )roduction "y e*)loiting natural resources% 1 $hich sector has gro-n the most over 30 years% 1 $hy are the -or5ers in agricultural sector are under em)loyed% 1 $hy should -e "e -orried a"out under em)loyment% 1 1o- -ould income and em)loyment increase i& &armers -ere )rovided -ith irrigation and mar5eting &acilities% 1 7. $hy the )rivet sector do not )rovide use&ul things at a reasona"le )rice% 1 8. $ho under ta5es the mammoth tas5 o& measuring 297% 1

1. 7eo)le -or5ing in industrial and service sector need &ood. 'magine -hat -ould ha))en i& there is a stri5e "y trans)orters and lorries re&uce to ta5e vegeta"les, mil5 etc &rom rural areas% 3 2. 1o- do -e count the various goods and services and 5no- the total )roduction in each sector% 3 3. 'n -hat -ays can one increase em)loyment &or )eo)le% 3 4. 8ead the ta"le care&ully and ans-er the &ollo-ing 3uestions?6 4a"le?6 $@8=!8/ '< 9';;!8!<4 /!AB4@8/C'< :'DD'@</E /!B4@8 78':A8H /!B@<9A8H 4!84'A8H 4@4AD 4@4AD '<I @82A<'F!9 2 9 17 28 G<@82A<'F!9 240 54 76 370 4@4AD 242 63 93 398 100I 1 1 1

CaE $hat is the )ercentage o& )eo)le in the organiJed sector in agriculture% C"E 9o you agree that agriculture is an unorganiJed sector% -hy % CcE $hy is the )ercentage o& -or5ers are more in the unorganiJed sectors% 3. 4here are a large num"er o& activities -hich are the )rimary res)onsi"ility o& the government. 2ive t-o e*am)les. 4. /ervice sector in 'ndia em)loy t-o di&&erent 5inds o& )eo)le% $ho are these% 5. $hat do you understand "y disguised unem)loyment% !*)lain -ith an e*am)le 'n the ur"an and rural areas.

4 4 4

C !"te# - Mone, !n+ C#e+it 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. $hat do mean "y dou"le coincidence o& -ants% 1 $hy are demand de)osits considered as money% 1 $hat is the main o"(ective o& /12% 1 $hat does terms o& credit include% 1 >esides "an5s, -hich is the ma(or source o& chea) credit in rural areas% 1 $hy every"ody is "ound to acce)t money against any transaction% 1 2ive any t-o e*am)les o& collateral used &or "orro-ing. 1 $hy the demand de)osits are acce)ted -idely as a means o& )ayment% 3 $hich situation is commonly called de" t K tra)% 2ive e*am)les. 3 $hy the )oor )eo)le are )revented to get easy loans &rom the "an5% 2ive three reasons. 3 1o- do "an5s mediate "et-een those -ho have sur)lus money and those -ho need money% 3 5. $hy do -e need to e*)and &ormal sources o& credit in 'ndia% 3 13. 4he &ollo-ing ta"le sho-s )eo)le in a variety o& occu)ations in ur"an areas. $hat are the )ur)oses o& such loans% /< 1 2 3 4 @BBG7A4'@</ 2raduate student -ho is com)uter literate :igrant la"ourer in 9elhi A -or5er -hose &actory has closed do-n Autori5sha- driver 8!A/@< ;@8 <!!9'<2 A D@A<

14. . 'n situations -ith high ris5s, credit might create &urther )ro"lems &or the "orro-ers. !*)lain. 4 15. 4he modern currency is -ithout any use o& its o-n then -hy is it acce)ted as a medium o& e*change% C !"te# . G&o/!&i0!tion !n+ t e In+i!n E)ono', 1. 2. 3. 4. 1o- -ould &le*i"ility in la"our la-s hel) com)anies% 1 't is a com)any that o-ns or controls )roduction in more than one nation. <ame it. 1 $hat are the investments made "y :<B/ called% 1 't creates an o))ortunity &or the )roducers to reach "eyond the domestic mar5ets. $hat does it re&er to% 1 5. :ention one advantage o& greater &oreign investment and greater &oreign trade% 1 6. $ould you say ;ord :otors is :<B% $hy% 1 7. $hy does government try to attract more &oreign investments% 1 4

8. /hould more 'ndian com)anies emerge as :<Bs% 1o- -ould it "ene&it the )eo)le in the country% 3 9. 1o- is in&ormation technology connected -ith glo"aliJation% $ould glo"aliJation have "een )ossi"le -ithout e*)ansion o& '4% 3 10. 9istinguish "et-een &oreign trade and &oreign investment. 3 11. 1o- -ith im)ort o& steel &rom 'ndia into Bhinese mar5ets lead to integration o& mar5ets &or steel in the t-o countries% !*)lain. 3 12. $hat do you thin5 can "e done so that trade "et-een countries is more &air% 4 13. 8ecent studies )oint out that small )roducers in 'ndia need three things to com)ete "etter in 'n the mar5et ? 4 CaE >etter roads, )o-er, -ater, ra- materials, mar5eting and in&ormation net-or5. C"E 'm)rovements and moderniJation o& technology. CcE 4imely availa"ility o& credit at reasona"le interest rates. CiE Ban you e*)lain ho- these three things could hel) 'ndian )roducers% CiiE 9o you thin5 :<Bs -ill "e interested in investing in these% $hy% CiiiE Ban you thin5 o& any other ste) that the government could ta5e% 14. ;air glo"aliJation -ould create o))ortunities &or all and also ensure that the "ene&its o& glo"aliJation are "etter shared. $hat role government can )lay in ma5ing this )ossi"le% 4

C !"te# 1 Consu'e# Ri2 ts 1. $hat is consumer e*)loitation % 1 2. $hich organiJation sets standards o& )roducts at the 'nternational level% 1 3. Bonsumers have the right to "e )rotected against any danger arising &rom the )roducts. $hich right ensures this% 1 4. 'n s)ite o& so many rules and regulations, -e do &ind "ad 3uality )roducts in the mar5et. $hy% 1 5. $hy is it that rules have "een made so that the manu&acturer dis)lays the in&ormation or details along -ith the )roduct% 1 6. Bonsumer :ovement in 'ndia has led to the &ormation o& various organiJations% $hat are these organiJations 5no-n as% 1 7. $hat is the di&&erence "et-een consumer )rotection council and consumer court% 3 8. ;or the &ollo-ing )roducts L services discuss -hat sa&ety rules should "e o"served "y the )roducers?6 3 a. D72 cylinder ". :edicines c. !di"le oil 9. 4here may "e rules and regulations, "ut they are o&ten not &ollo-ed. 2ive reasons. 3 10. $hat do you thin5 should "e the role o& govt. to )rotect consumers% 3 11. /ometimes traders indulge in un&air trade )ractices e*)loit consumers in mar5et )lace. 2ive &our e*am)les o& such un&air )ractices% 4 12. 't -as )resumed that it -as the res)onsi"ility o& the consumers to "e care&ul -hile "uying a a commodity or service. 1o-% 4 12. $hat necessitated the origin o& consumer movement as a social &orce % 4

DEMOCRATIC POLITICS3II (POLITICAL SCIENCE) C !"te# $ Po4e# S !#in2 1. A -ise Bonstitution gives e3ual im)ortance to all ethnic grou)s . 4he statement signi&ies -hich reason o& )o-er sharing% 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3

2. $hat is a system o& chec5s and "alances % 3. $hy is )o-er sharing desira"le% 4. $hy did the >elgian leaders amend the Bonstitution &our times% 5. $hat is the vertical division o& )o-er% 6. $hy is the ethnic com)osition o& >elgium very com)le*% 7. 1o- do democracies accommodate di&&erent social grou)s% 8. !numerate the "asic )rinci)les o& democracy. 9. $hy did a civil -ar "rea5 out in >russels% Dist out the set"ac5s. 10. $hat -ere the series o& ma(oritarian measures ado)ted in /rilan5a%

C !"te# ( 5e+e#!&is'

1. 'n -hat -ay changes can "e made in the &ederal Bonstitution% 2. $hat are the reasons &or the success o& 'ndian &ederalism% 3. $hich large country has not &ollo-ed &ederalism and -hy%

1 1 1 1 1 3

4. $hat is the "asic idea "ehind decentraliJation o& )o-er% 5. 9o you agree that only "ig countries have a &ederal set u)% 6. 9istinguish "et-een coming together and holding together &ederations.

7. '& agriculture and commerce are state su"(ects, -hy do -e have :inisters o& Agriculture and Bommerce in the Gnion Ba"inet% 3 8. 'nde)endence o& 0udiciary is the 5ey to the success o& &ederation . !*amine the the statement. 3

9. $hen -as the "eginning o& coalition era% $hy% 10. 9escri"e any &our &eatures o& &ederal government% 11. 'ndia is a country o& diverse languages . !*amine the statement under the linguistic diversity o& 'ndia. 12. !*amine the conce)t o& three tier government o& 'ndian &ederation. C !"te# - De'o)#!), !n+ Di%e#sit, 1. $hat is the "asis o& social divisions in 'ndia% 2. 1o- is overla))ing di&&erent &rom cross6cutting% 3. 2ive the di&&erent &orms o& social divisions. 4. 9o only "ig countries have social divisions% 2ive e*am)les. 5. 1o- social di&&erences are "ased on accident o& "irth% 6. !*amine the -ays in -hich social divisions are re&lected in democracy% 7. $hen does a social di&&erence "ecome a social division% 8. 1o- do social divisions a&&ect )olitics% 2ive t-o e*am)les. 9. 9emocracy is the "est -ay to &ight &or recognition and reconciliation o& social diversity. 0usti&y the statement. 10. 9iscuss three &actors that determine the outcome o& )olitics o& social divisions .

3 4

4 4

1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4

4 4

C !"te# .3 Gen+e#6 Re&i2ion !n+ C!ste

1. $hat do you mean "y gender division% 2. $hat led to the &eminist and -omen s movement% 3. $hy did our Bonstitution &ramers chose the model o& secular state% 4. 2ive t-o -ays through -hich e*)loitation among -omen can "e chec5ed. 5. /tate any t-o situations in -hich )ro"lem o& communalism "ecomes acute. 6. $hat is social e3uality% 7. /uggest the ste)s to im)rove the social status o& -omen in 'ndian society.

1 1 1 1 1 3 3

8. $hat are the various &orms o& caste in )olitics%

9. '& you -ere o& voting age -hat consideration -ill "e o)ted "y you &or voting and -hy% 4 10. 7olitics "ased on caste identity is not very healthy in a democracy . 2ive your o)inion. 4

C !"te# 13 Po"u&!# st#u22&es !n+ Mo%e'ents 1. 7o)ular struggle are integral to the -or5ing o& democracy . 7rove this statement. 2. $hat are the indirect -ays o& )rotest in democracy% 3. 2ive one reason &or struggle in >olivia% 4. 9istinguish "et-een interest grou)s and )ressure grou)s. 5. '& electricity is not su))lied )ro)erly in your colony -hat -ill you do% $hat 5ind o& grou)s -ill you &orm% 1o- -ill you "ring your )ro"lems to the notice o& the authorities concerned% 6. 1o- are the dee) dis)utes resolved in the democracy% 7. 1o- do struggles and movements sha)e democracy% 8. !*amine the methods ado)ted "y the interest grou)s in 'ndia to )ut )ressure on the government. 9. 9escri"e the &our main &eatures o& )o)ular mass struggle &or restoring democracy in <e)al. C !"te# 73 Po&iti)!& P!#ties 4 4 3 3 4 1 3 1 1

1. Ban -e have a )arty6less democracy% 2. 9o )olitical )arties educate )eo)le% 3. 1o- do )olitical )arties sha)e )u"lic o)inion% 4. $hat are the advantages o& a multi)arty system% 5. $hat are the -ays in -hich )olitical )arties can "e re&ormed% 6. $hat are the characteristics o& a )olitical )arty% 7. /tate the various &unctions )olitical )arties )er&orm in a democracy.

1 1 1 3 3 4 4

8. /tate the various challenges &aced "y the )olitical )arties. 9. @))osition is im)ortant &or democracy . Bomment. C !"te# 83 Out)o'es o* De'o)#!), 1. $hat should "e the "asic outcome o& democracy% 2. $hy are decisions delayed in democracy% 3. $hat is the essence o& democracy% 4. $hy is democracy )re&erred to other &orms o& government% 5. $hat do you mean "y Bivil li"erties% 6. 1o- can democracy "e measured on the "asis o& its e*)ected outcome% 7. 9iscuss the &actors that denote the success&ul -or5ing o& democracy in 'ndia.

4 4

1 1 1 1 3 3 3

8. 1o- are com)laints treated as testimony to the success o& democracy% !*)lain -ith &our &acts. 9. $hat sustains democracy in 'ndia% 4 4

10. 1o- does democracy )roduce an accounta"le , res)onsive and legitimate government% 4

C !"te# 93 C !&&en2es to +e'o)#!), 1. $hat ty)e o& challenge is &aced "y a non6democratic country &or democratic set u)% 2. $hat is the &irst )riority in a democracy% 3. $hich legal act is the "est to em)o-er )eo)le to carry out democratic re&orms% 4. $hich is the most common &orm o& democracy in today s -orld and -hy% 5. 9iscuss the e*)anded sco)e o& democracy in the modern -orld% 6. 1o- can the )rinci)les o& democracy "e a))lied to all s)heres o& li&e% 7. 7oint out any &our demerits o& democracy. 8. 1o- does communalism ta5e various &orms in )olitics% !*)lain &our )oints. 9. $hat are the main guidelines that can "e 5e)t in mind -hile devising the -ays and means &or )olitical re&orms in 'ndia% 4 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4

Histo#, 3C !"te# $ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. @&&ering homage to the statue o& li"erty . 9istinct nations K )eo)le are grou)ed. Gndoing most o& the changes introduced "y <a)oleon. 4o train revolutionaries A Dady -ith a "alance C aE 7eo)le constitute the nation C" E :easures to create collective identity among the ;rench Cc E A ne;rench &lag, national assem"ly etc ;reedom ,enlightenment M rights o& man 9id not )rovide universal su&&rage Danguage , music , drama , dance &ol5lore etc 8evolution in ;rance s)ar5s u)raising in other !uro)ean countries

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. <o re)resentation o& -omen

11. >ritain K gradual changes

12. @ne -ho is a-are o& -omen s right s and interests 13. Gni&ication o& 2ermany K 7russia K >ismarc5 K 1871 , Gni&ication o& 'taly K /ardinia K Bavour 6 1861
14. >al5an K 'm)erialistic rivalry , -ea5ening o& @ttoman 4ur5s 15. Allegory K ;rance , :arianne 2ermany K 2ermania Bha)ter62 1. 2. 3. 4he <ationalists :ovement in 'ndo6Bhina

9eli"erate )olicy o& ;rench6 not to 3uali&y &or the "etter )aid (o"s. 1igh )o)ulation, lo- agricultural )roductivity, e*tensive inde"tedness. Aietcong6communist army o& the Aietnamese under 1o Bhi :inh. Aietminh6the nationalist army o& league &or the inde)endence o& Aietnam. 4o increase cultivation, to trans)ort goods &or trade, move military garrisons, to e*)and mar5et &or )ro&its.


5. /u))ly o& natural resources and other goods to ;rance on their terms, &orced la"our, 2L3rd o& rice
)roduction to e*)ort, indentured la"our6misera"le li&e. 6. 4o increase the )ro&it o))ortunities, )urchase o& more goods, more "usiness &or ;rench.

7. 8.

1ygienic measures, o)ened hos)itals and dis)ensaries, 5illing o& rats. ;ight -ith the ;rench68 yrs, division o& Aietnam into north and south, civl -ar "et-een north and south620 yrs, G/ entry into the -ar6devastation. $omen (oining the -ar, nursing the -ounded, shooting do-n )lanes, young "rave and dedicated.


10. /etting o& an authoritarian 2overnment, &ormation o& national li"eration &ront, uni&ication o& Aietnam, G/ entry6)rolonged -ar.

Bha)ter 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 'ndia6 2uided "y 2andhian 7rinci)les K Ahimsa <on co o)eration , civil diso"edience movement etc <on co o)eration K aim s-ara( 1920 civil diso"edience6 aim )oorna s-ara( 1930 Gnity , identity o& 'ndia /-ara( K /el& rule K com)lete inde)endence K a"solute &reedom 1929 Dahore session Bele"rated as 'nde)endence 9ay K =hila&at Ali >rothers , reinstating =ali&a <on co o)erative K 4o achieve s-ara( and &irst mass movement ;ol5lore K )romoted sense o& collective "elongingness ;ight against >ritish rule , contri"ution o& national leaders

10. :ass )artici)ation 11. Bontri"ution o& Alluri seetharamara(u, unity among tri"al )eo)le 12. 4rade unions , s)read o& socialistic ideas , &ormation o& communist )arty

13. 4he industrialist came closer to the congress ,-or5ers stayed aloo& .
14. 1931 , releasing the )olitical )risoners 15. 4o loo5 into the -or5ing o& 2ovt o& 'ndia Act o& 1919 Bha)ter 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4ravelers , missionaries , e*)lorers 1igh &ood )riJes K 'ndustrialist )ressuriJed the 2ovt !sta"lishment o& ':; and -orld >an56 to &inance )ost -ar reconstruction Bari""ean islands, ;i(i and :auritius /mall 7o* 2erms !*change 2oods and 'deas

7. 8. 9.

@ver)roduction o& goods. ;lo- o& goods ,ca)ital and la"our. Gse o& 'ndian icons, national heroes.

10. 4hrough traders 11. =illed vast )o)ulation 12. Bontrol over ra- materials, "etter access &or their goods. 13. !m)loyment to the Asians. 14. !*)orts and im)orts &ell, )eo)le su&&ered.

C !"te# 1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

4) )rotect >ritish 'ndustries 'nvestment in the eastern countries :echaniJations in &arming Association o& -or5ers 'nsecurity o& (o"s Agents to recruit ne- -or5ers ;inancing 7roduction , carrying goods, su))lying e*)orters

8. :ore em)loyment , earning &oreign e*change

9. 9ecline o& 'ndian industries

10. 1el)ed to increase )roduction in 'ndia

11. 'ndian economy su&&ers , 'ndian mar5ets -ere &looded -ith >ritish 2oods 12. 4o 7rotect the interest o& 'ndian "usiness class 13. 4o get uninterru)ted su))ly o& goods 14. :aintenance o& machines -ere e*)ensive 15. !uro)e -as "usy in )roducing -ar materials . 'ndian industries got su&&icient orders &rom >ritish


$or5, Di&e and Deisure

1. 'm)osing high )enalties &or crime, -or5 o&&ered6deserving )oor. 2. 1igh )o)ulation, 'ndustrial -astes and smo5e. 3. <ative6'ndians lived, !uro)eanL-hite lived. 4. 'ndustrial ca)italism, colonial rule over large )arts o& the -orld. 5. Attem)ts to decongest localities, more green "elts, reduce )ollution, )lanting more trees. 6. !mission o& harm&ul e&&luents and smo5e &rom &actories, overcro-ding6migration, develo)ment o& slums and health )ro"lems.

7. $omen em)loyed in &actories618th and 19th century, domestic services, other activities6 tailoring, -ashing, ma5ing match "o*es, em)loyment in -ar time industries. 8. 'nhaling o& 2rey smo5e in -inter, generation o& "lac5 smog, huge )o)ulation, industrial )ollutants, and ash in coal. 9. 4o chec5 overcro-ding, to ease congestion, to )rovide trans)ort &acility. 10. Ba)ital city attracted more )eo)le, gro-th o& trade, esta"lishment o& industries, hu" o& 'ndian &ilms.


7rint Bulture and the :odern $orld

1. 4o inculcate the ha"it o& reading and attracted more readers. 2. /hi&t &rom hand )rinting to mechanical )rinting. 3. ;ear o& re"ellious and irreligious thought s)reading, valua"le materials and te*t might "e lost. 4. 4he )u"lishers &ear the "oo5 sales -ould decline6great de)ression. 5. 'ncreasing demand &or "oo5s, co)ying6la"orious e*)ensive and time consuming, manuscri)ts -ere &ragile, need &or 3uic5er and chea)er re)roduction o& te*t. 6. 7rint -as used "y merchants &or trade in&ormation, reading "ecame leisure activity, -omen "egan reading and )u"lishing their -or5s. 7. /erialisation o& )o)ular novels, "rought out shilling series, dust cover "oo5 (ac5et, )a)er"ac5 editions -ere innovations. 8. 8ise o& literacy rate to 60680I, desire to read more "oo5s, s)reading )rogress enlightenment, change the -orld, li"erate society and "ring in reason and intellect.

9. >oo5s on -omen -ritten, -omen readers increased, literal hus"ands and &athers taught daughters at home, -omen education em)hasiJed. 10. >oo5s, ne-s)a)ers, o&&icial circulars, advertisements.

C !"te# 9

1. <ovelist -rote &or a cause K nationalism

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 7rint media hel)ed in o"taining "oo5s 'ndustrialiJation and )overty o& -or5ers and their hardshi)s Diteracy /truggle &or inde)endence 7resentation and serialiJation o& stories 2ave im)ortance to social themes 6 4o 5no- a"out the social custom , traditions etc, easy &or administration

10. $omen -ere allo-ed to s)ea5 -ith authority, -rote a"out &amily and e*)erience, earned )u"lic recognition 11. ;ear o& getting s)oiled 12. Aai5am :ohamed >asheer to earn his livelihood 13. K 14. 9i&&erence in culture "et-een 'ndia and -estern -orld 15. /rinivas 9as Kre&lects the inner and outer -orld o& the ne-ly emerging middle class

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