How PCB Gcode Works
How PCB Gcode Works
How PCB Gcode Works
EAGLE has it's own programming language that is similar to the C programming language. It has several enhancements that make it more suitable to writing EAGLE ULPs, such as better text handling and dialog creation. When a ULP is run from EAGLE using run pcbgcode, the ULP can return something back to EAGLE. It can return a number to let EAGLE know if the command executed okay, or it can return a string of text. If the ULP returns a string, EAGLE will run any commands in that string, just as if they had been typed into the command line in EAGLE. This enables pcbgcode to control EAGLE and to set various settings and create objects needed to make the NC files. pcbgcode also uses this ability to rerun itself after the commands have run. It could be thought of as, Do these things, when you're through, call me back. When you run pcbgcode, the ULP actually runs itself several times. Each of these runs is called a phase, and creates a different part of the NC files. pcbgcode passes a number back and forth13 to keep up with where it is in the process. The phases are as follows: 1. Generate outlines for the top layer. 2. Write the top outline commands to an NC file. 3. Generate the top fill lines. 4. Write the top fill lines to an NC file. 5. Generate outlines for the bottom layer. 6. Write the bottom outline commands to an NC file. 7. Generate the bottom fill lines. 8. Write the bottom fill lines to an NC file. 9. Generate the top drill commands and write to an NC file. 10. Generate the bottom drill commands and write to an NC file. 11. Generate the milling commands and write to an NC file. When the outlines are generated3, EAGLE is told to set the amount of isolation and a few other options, then a rectangular polygon is created on the appropriate layer (top or bottom) using the special signal name _OUTLINES_. When a ratsnest command is executed, EAGLE changes the solid rectangle into a bunch of pieces that fill all the spaces around the tracks15, leaving isolate space between them. You could think of this like coloring in a picture in a coloring book, but leaving a space around each line. Now what we have is a polygon with an outline exactly where we want to move our cutting tool on the board. The next phase finds the signal name _OUTLINES_, and writes each line in the polygon to an NC file4, adding all the tool up, tool down, etc. code. Phases 1, 2 and 3, 4 are repeated5 with an increasing isolate parameter. That is how multiple passes around the tracks are created. The isolate parameter begins at the default isolation6 settings, and increases by the step size7 until it is greater than the maximum isolation setting8. Fill files are created using generate_outlines and write_outlines in the same fashion as the outlines. I don't believe anyone uses the fill files. The NC files for drilling holes are created11 by gathering all the holes from the board, all the vias from the signals, all the pads from the package contacts, and all the holes from the packages into one place12. They are sorted according to the drill size, and the drill files are created9. Milling NC files are created10 by looking at all the wires and arcs on the milling layer on the board, and creating an NC file for them.
Those four tasks, outline, fill, drill, mill generate all the NC files. The NC code is actually created in several other functions. Outline, fill and mill use the device_init, device_draw, and device_end functions to write the spindle commands, movement commands, and end program commands. In turn, device_init, device_draw, device_end and drill all use functions in the pcbfileutils.h file to write the code to the file. The functions in pcbfileutils.h can, in turn, use functions in usergcode.h to generate the user's custom NC code. All the NC command codes are defined in gcodedefaults.h. When you select a profile in the setup14 program, the profile file (such as emc.pp) is copied to gcodedefaults.h. The NC commands for user gcode are defined in usergcode.h. The usergcode.h file is for advanced users who want to insert their own code at particular steps in the NC files. This could be used to orchestrate using a tool changer, loading pcb stock, etc. There is a separate document on setting up usergcode.h. The settings in pcbdefaults.h define the isolation, step, and maximum isolation parameters, as well as which files (outline, drill, etc.) should be created, and a couple of other options pertaining to the board itself. All these settings are set in the Generation Options tab of the setup program. Settings that pertain to an individual machine are defined in pcbmachine.h. This includes Z up position, tool change position, feed rates, etc. All these settings are set in the Machine tab of the setup program. Settings in the pcbgcodeoptions.h file control various comments inserted in the NC files, as well as the default extensions to use for the NC files.
See Also
The Yahoo! pcbgcode group.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Phases 1 and 5, using the generate_outlines function. Phases 2 and 6, using the write_outlines function. Using the next_phase function. In pcbgcodesetup, Generation Options tab, Isolation group, Default. In pcbgcodesetup, Generation Options tab, Isolation group, Step size. In pcbgcodesetup, Generation Options tab, Isolation group, Maximum. The drill function does most of the work, using add_hole and the stack routines from pcbgcodestack.h. In the output_mill_code function. In the drill function. 2
10 11
See Also
12 13 14 15
The place is a stack implemented in pcbgcodestack.h In the variable g_phase. Using run pcbgcode setup from the command line in EAGLE. This is called a pour, it's as if you poured copper onto the board to fill the spaces.