"War Made Easy"-: Because People Matter
"War Made Easy"-: Because People Matter
"War Made Easy"-: Because People Matter
acramento for Democracy, a chapter of Progres-
sive Democrats of America, hosted the local
movie premiere of “War Made Easy: How Presi-
dents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death,” in July
at the Crest Theatre in Sacramento with a large and
enthusiastic crowd.
Author Norman Solomon, on whose book the
film is based, was joined by Assemblyman Mark
Leno and Assemblywoman Loni Hancock, sponsor
of Assembly Joint Resolution 36, the bill to bring the
California National Guard home from Iraq, for a live-
ly panel discussion after the movie. Christine Craft,
Sacramento’s own progressive radio talk show host of
“Talk City,” on 1240 AM moderated the discussion.
The documentary exposes how corporate media
and US presidents over the past 50 years have been
partners in disinformation campaigns to promote a
series of bloody, costly and unnecessary wars, includ-
ing interventions in Vietnam, Central America, Yugo-
slavia, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Adapted from Solomon’s 2005 book, by Loretta
Alper and Jeremy Earp of the Media Education Foun-
dation, the film chronicles how presidents managed
to sell war using the same Orwellian arguments with
the help of a compliant media. Narrated by actor
and activist Sean Penn, the film exhumes remarkable
archival footage of official distortion and exaggeration Q & A discussion with author Norman Solomon after
from Lyndon Johnson to George W. Bush, revealing screening of “War Made Easy,” a film based on his
US corporate state’s drive for war. tion of country infrastructures.
“We still seek no wider war,” President Lyndon n mid-July, a media advisory from “The NewsHour
“America does not seek conflict,” argued George
Johnson said as he escalated a war in Vietnam that with Jim Lehrer” announced a new series of inter-
H.W. Bush, the architect of Operation Desert Storm views on the PBS show that will address “what Iraq
resulted in the deaths of 3 million Vietnamese and and the invasion of Panama. Yet another mass mur-
more than 50,000 US soldiers. might look like when the US military leaves.”
derer supported by the corporate media. A few days later, Time magazine published a cover
“The United States does not start fights,” said President Bill Clinton repeatedly bombed Yugo- story titled “Iraq: What will happen when we leave.”
President Ronald Reagan, who engineered a war of slavia and Iraq, killing thousands of Iraqis, mostly But it turns out, what will happen when we leave is
genocide against the Mayan population of Guatemala children, through his campaign of economic sanc- that we won’t leave.
wiping out 636 Mayan villages, along with military tions against Iraq, and claimed, “I don’t like to use Urging a course of action that’s now supported by
military force.” “the best strategic minds in both parties,” the Time story
George W. Bush, who advanced a “preventa- calls for “an orderly withdrawal of about half the 160,000
tive war” by illegally invading Afghanistan and troops currently in Iraq by the middle of 2008. … A
Iraq, told the world, “Our nation enters this conflict force of 50,000 to 100,000 troops would dig in for a lon-
ger stay to protect America’s most vital interests….”
Inside this issue: reluctantly.”
By demonstrating how mainstream news has On Iraq policy, in Washington, the differences
promoted endless war, the film dispels the notion of between Republicans and Democrats—and between the
Editorial.............................................. 2 media’s war boosters and opponents—are often signifi-
a liberal media propagated by right wing pundits.
Healthcare for All................................ 2 cant. Yet they’re apt to mask the emergence of a general
Solomon said when the news media finally starts
Impeachment—Not on the news......... 3 entertaining the view that the war was based on lies, it
formula that could gain wide support from the political
and media establishment.
Media reform: a priority..................... 4 is too late for the millions wounded and killed by the The formula’s details and timelines are up for grabs.
9/11 investigation needed................... 5 US military. “News media, down the road, will point But there’s not a single “major” candidate for president
Talk City Radio................................... 6 out that there were lies about the Gulf of Tonkin or willing to call for withdrawal of all US forces—not just
Democracy Now!................................ 6 about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq,” said See Solomon, page 11
Solomon in the film. “But that doesn’t bring back any
Mainstream media: too little, too late 7 of the people who have died. When it comes to life
Making a Movie.................................. 8 and death, the truth comes out too late.”
TV stations get report card................. 9 Reaction to the movie was favorable by the audi- A community paper needs
Films: “A Place Called Sacramento” 9 ence and panel members. “This film should be shown
community support!
Journalism Ethics................................ 9 in every high school in America,” Craft said. Hancock
West Coast Diversity Summit.......... 10 also commented, “The propaganda techniques to Subscribe today!
wage war have been the same throughout our history.
Free Internet for Sacramento............ 10 The question is how we inoculate our children against
Fill out and return the form
Sacramento Area Peace Action......... 12 the propaganda.” Solomon encouraged screenings on page 2.
Big Media and the War..................... 13 of the film throughout the country to revive and
Israel/Palestine reporting.................. 13 strengthen the anti-war movement.
Book Review: Assault on Reason... 14 For more information: Already a subscriber? Why
Calendar............................................ 15 not buy a subscription for a
Progressive Media............................. 16 Dan Bacher is an outdoor writer, alternative friend or family member?
journalist and satirical songwriter in Sacramento.
Because People Matter September / October 2007 www.bpmnews.org
People Matter Editorial
Volume 16, Number 5
Published Bi-Monthly by the
JoAnn Fuller and Charlene Jones,
Coordinating Editors for This Issue
Sacramento Community for
Peace & Justice
P.O. Box 162998, Sacramento,
CA 95816
(Use addresses below for
correspondence) s is characteristic of BPM, this issue constructing their own media channels while on local television? Check out the efforts of the
Editorial Group: JoAnn brings you news and opinion not covered mainstream broadcasters carry the party trustee Sacramento Media Group and others. Like to
Fuller, Charlene Jones, Jeanie by corporate media. We focus particu- line. Because People Matter is part of those proud read about success stories? We have those, too.
larly on media activities by community members independent efforts. And there are stories reporting on efforts to bring
Coordinating Editors for
this Issue: JoAnn Fuller and doing what they must to find expression or con- If you like what we’re doing, please subscribe health care for all, the costs of war, getting to
Charlene Jones. tend with the misdirection of Big Media shaping to BPM. For $20, the paper will be delivered to the bottom of Sept. 11, impeachment and more.
Design and Layout: public discourse. Do you feel the media isn’t tell- your door and you can be assured BPM will cover We introduce writers new to BPM this issue and
Ellen Schwartz
ing the story, supplying diversity in art and analy- with a local slant what may interest you. deliver some of our seasoned regulars. Take a
Calendar Editor:
Chris Bond sis or covering important local issues? You aren’t Ever wanted to make a movie? We take you look for yourself and don’t forget; the calendar
Advertising and Business alone. There is a vibrant media reform movement behind the scenes with local folks doing just that. page lists upcoming events you won’t want to
Manager: Edwina White in our country that is making demands and Interested in broadening the issues presented miss.
Distribution Manager:
Paulette Cuilla
Subscription Manager:
Kate Kennedy
C submitted on Youtube
indy Sheehan, founder of Gold Star California Democratic Party Impeachment
Families for Peace and Camp Casey, led Resolution, Adopted April 2007
marchers in July from Arlington National for the July presidential
Cemetery to the office of Congressman John
Conyers, chair of the House Judiciary Commit-
candidates’ debate dealt CALLING FOR FULL
tee, to ask him to begin impeachment proceed- with impeachment, POWER BY PRESIDENT GEORGE W.
ings against Vice President Dick Cheney and
President George W. Bush. Sheehan’s contingent, according to the Los BUSH AND RICHARD B. CHENEY
while filled with names familiar to readers, is Angeles National
but one of a mounting number of less familiar WHEREAS, George W. Bush and Richard B.
actions and organizations across the country Impeachment Center, and Cheney have acted in a manner contrary to
committed to addressing Constitutional griev-
ances against the White House. Nonetheless,
CNN chose to skip it. their trust as President and Vice President,
subversive of the Constitution, to the great
corporate media continue to dismiss, as did Rep. prejudice of the cause of law and justice, and
Conyers, the upsurge in American insistence on has grown to 15. At least 77 cities and towns and to the manifest injury of the people of Cali-
accountability by the Bush administration. a growing list of labor unions and other organiza- fornia and the United States of America, by
Numerous city, county and state measures tions have also passed such declarations. Accord- intentionally disseminating and propagating
have been disregarded, according to Project ing to “Democracy Now!,” the cosponsor list for knowingly false and fabricated “evidence”
Censored, a media analysis center at Sonoma H.R. 333, Dennis Kucinich’s articles of impeach- regarding the threat from Iraq in order to wage
State University, along with hundreds of letters ment against Cheney, is now up to 15. While not a tragic, bloody war with the loss of thousands
to editors of major newspapers, opinion writers a member of Congress who may join the list, of brave American troops and Iraqi civilians,
across the country and cover articles by national Bruce Fein also called for proceedings to begin. and
publications like The Nation and Harper’s Maga- Fein was deputy attorney general under
zine. Sheehan also presented Rep. Conyers with President Ronald Reagan and columnist for the WHEREAS, it is clear that since September
a petition containing more than a million sig- conservative Washington News. For an hour dur- 11, 2001, President George W. Bush and Vice
natures, according to a July broadcast of public ing a July PBS broadcast of “Bill Moyers Journal” President Dick Cheney have abused their
news program “Democracy Now,” with little he laid out reasoning for all good women and powers of office by: 1) using information they
mention in mainstream news. In addition, one of men to demand inquiry into possible crimes by knew to be false as justification for the US
the most popular questions submitted on “You- Bush and Cheney against the American people. invasion of Iraq; 2) condoning and authorizing
tube” for the July presidential candidates’ debate Fein praised “the great genius of the found- the torture of prisoners of war; 3) authorizing
dealt with impeachment, according to the Los ing fathers, their revolutionary ideas, with the wiretaps on US citizens without obtaining a
Angeles National Impeachment Center (LANIC), chief mission of the state to make you and them warrant; 4) disclosing the name of an under-
and CNN chose to skip it. free to pursue their ambitions and faculties. Not cover CIA operative contrary to law in order to
After Vice President Al Gore called “a to build empires, not to aggrandize government. harm her for her husband’s opposition to the
president who breaks the law a threat to the very That’s the mission for the state, to make them Iraq War; 5) having suspended and denied the
structure of our government,” PBS television’s free, to think, to chart their own destiny. And historic Writ of Habeas Corpus by ordering the
McLaughlin Group spent a few minutes early the burden is on our government to give really indefinite detention of so-called enemy com-
this year on the “I” word but dismissed impeach- good explanations as to why they’re taking these batants without charge and without access to
ment mentions as “a growing movement on the extraordinary measures. And on that score, Bush legal counsel; and 6) overstepping Presidential
left trying to get some attention.” On a June air- has flunked on every single occasion. And we authority by signing statements used to ignore
ing of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Tom Foreman need to get the American people to think. Every or circumvent portions of over 750 Congres-
commented on Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s (D-OH) time that there’s an incursion on freedom, they sional statutes he brought into law; and
efforts to forward articles of impeachment have to demand why.”
against Cheney. “It’s hardly a mass movement, Advocating for formal hearings on the THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the
said Forman, “but the congressman from Cleve- impeachment, Fein said, “Because there are California Democratic Party supports vigorous
land is picking up a few new pals.” How about political crimes that have been perpetrated in investigation of these charges by the Congress
those pals? combination. It hasn’t been one, the other being of the United States, including the full use of
Nearly two years after Zogby International in isolation. And the hearings have to be not into Congressional subpoena power authority to
and Ipsos polls in 2005 reported more Americans this Republican or Democrat. This is something completely disclose the actions of the Admin-
wanted Congress to consider impeaching Presi- that needs to set a precedent, whoever occupies istration to the American people and to take
dent Bush if he lied about the war in Iraq, than the White House in 2009. You do not want to necessary action to call the Administration to
those who did not, the American Research Group have that occupant, whether it’s John McCain account with appropriate remedies and pun-
surveyed the impeachment question again. More or Hillary Clinton or Rudy Giuliani or John ishment, including impeachment.
than four in 10 Americans favored impeach- Edwards, to have this authority to go outside the
ment hearings for President Bush and 54 percent law and say, ‘I am the law. I do what I want. No
favored impeachment of Vice President Cheney. one else’s view matters.’” Impeachment? Though
As of June, 11 state legislatures had con- you’d never know, the prospect is more popular
sidered impeachment resolutions, according to every day. It seems more than a few new pals are
LANIC, with Vermont succeeding in passage and lining up.
Maine and Wisconsin still pending. The list of
state Democratic parties that have passed resolu- Charlene Jones is an editor with Because
tions urging impeachment of Bush and Cheney People Matter.
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Because People Matter September / October 2007 www.bpmnews.org
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www.bpmnews.org September / October 2007 BECAUSE PEOPLE MATTER
jetfighters are three to four times faster than a photographs, videotaped evidence and video-
ccording to a May 2006 Zogby poll, 42 jetliner’s 600mph. Andrews Air Force Base is
percent of the public believe the US only ten miles from the Pentagon and Langley
government and Air Force Base, 130 miles
its 9/11 Commission
covered-up, concealed
Because justice has away. Where was the North
American Aerospace
or refused to investigate never been served, Defense Command? Why
critical evidence from the were routine interception
tragic events of Sept.11.
a dark cloud hangs procedures for all four
Laying aside the mystique over our nation, and airplanes not followed on
surrounding Sept.11, it Sept. 11?
was nothing more than will until there is an 2) Firefighters in New
a crime—the worst mass
murder in American his-
actual investigation York City are professionals,
trained to fight all types
tory—but just a crime. into this crime. of fires in skyscrapers. On
Nevertheless, the Bush Sept.11, they knew a mere taped eyewitness statements.
regime and controlled jet fuel fire could not bring 4) A third skyscraper, WTC Building 7, a
media called it an “act of war.” down steel and concrete structures, since such steel-framed 47 story concrete structure as big as
No detectives of the New York City Police fires cannot approach the temperatures needed a city block, 300 feet from the closest Tower, was
Department taped off this crime scene, took to weaken or melt steel. Consequently, they went not hit by an airplane or significant debris, and
photographs or samples of chemical residues for into the World Trade Center Towers to rescue only a few small fires of unknown origin could be
analysis. No investigators gathered evidence and people and knock down the fires. New York seen in its hundreds and hundreds of windows.
followed that evidence wherever trails led to find Fire Department Battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer At 5:20 pm on Sept.11, Building 7 suddenly
possible perpetrators. reached the impact zone of the South Tower on imploded into its own footprint. It cascaded to
Bill Manning, editor of the 78th floor at 9:48 am earth in less than seven seconds in the manner of
Fire Engineering Magazine, and, according to a record- a controlled demolition. The implosion of WTC
called the three-day, visual ing of his radio transmis- Building 7 was not even mentioned in the 9/11
walk-through of evidence sion, reported, “Battalion Commission Report.
sites a “half-baked farce” 7, Ladder 15, we’ve got two Why should the mass murder known as
in the January 2002 issue. isolated pockets of fire. We “9/11” be treated as an exception for which the
Crime scene evidence was should be able to knock rule of law does not apply? Congress has never
destroyed as rapidly as pos- it down with two lines.” addressed its many anomalies. The American to the Movies
sible, and the steel shipped El even minutes later, public wants and deserves an unbiased, indepen- Almost Every
away. the South Tower began to dent investigation with the power to subpoena Month
Immediately follow- explode. witnesses. This is not an unreasonable request. The Central America
ing this horrendous crime, 3) About an hour to Moreover, the real perpetrators may still run Action Committee
while the nation was an hour and a half after free. Because justice has never been served, a shows interesting
and informative
traumatized, Bush admin- the airplanes hit, each dark cloud hangs over our nation, and will until videos on social
istration officials and their Twin Tower inexplicably there is an actual investigation into this crime. justice, labor
media spokespersons told exploded. Starting at the top Contact your congressional representatives to struggles, and so
the public it was Muslims and continuing downward let them know you expect to have this grievance much more! Call to
with box-cutters who were for all 110 floors, each redressed. Demand an investigation and work for see what’s playing
responsible. No proof of Tower was pulverized at a an independent 9/11 truth commission. this month…
this story’s veracity was ever rate of almost 10 floors per
given. Well over a year later, second, killing everyone in www.911truth.org CAN CHECK OUT.
the 9/11 Commission was reluctantly formed, each building. In about 13 seconds 90,000 tons of www.patriotsquestion911.com 1640 9th Ave (east
and its report, under Bush crony Philip Zelikow, solid concrete in each Tower was turned to a fine www.tvnewslies.org/html/9_11_facts.html off Land Park Dr)
simply substantiated the story it began with, and dust in mid-air. There were no concrete boulders INFO: 446-3304
ignored vast amounts of evidence that did not fit in the rubble. This dust spread out from the scene See calendar page 15 for meetings of Sacra-
its conclusions. of destruction in a pyroclastic flow, like that fol- mento 9/11 Truth.
According to research and sources available lowing a volcanic eruption, and covered Manhat-
on the websites listed below, some of the most tan. Huge pieces of steel were hurled laterally for David R. Kimball is active in the 9/11 truth
compelling questions and facts include: hundreds of feet in all directions. Molten metal movement. Stop at his information table at the
1) It is Standard Operating Procedure to could be seen streaming from the side of the Sunday Farmers Market at W and 8th Streets.
scramble jetfighters whenever a jetliner goes South Tower as it exploded, and the pile of rubble The posters shown with this article are available
off course or radio contact is lost. Between itself contained molten steel for weeks afterward. on www.911truth.org.
Beyond Limbaugh
Talk City widens the dialogue
By Jeanie Keltner for years had KVMR,
KDVS and Access
ince we all know that what passes for left in Sacramento’s “The
corporate media is anything not extreme Voice” as independent
right, and because media helps create real- resources. And hap-
ity, it’s heartening to know these days radio dis- pily, on AM our area
cussion has widened beyond Limbaugh lines. still has Sacramento’s first progressive station, the events, open to on-air discussion with visiting
Progressive talk radio is up against formi- increasingly lively “Talk City,” KSAC 1240AM. speakers, and ready to courageously stand up for
dable opposition. Its ratings are great for the I am farther left than many KSAC hosts, but people and causes, however popular they may or
stage of growth it’s in; it has still I enjoy their commentary may not be.
an audience. Although listen- Talk radio is like and the useful info they put On Saturdays, I try to catch upbeat Peter
ers may support progressive out. Talk radio is like the Brixie’s “Ask-a-Lawyer” (9–11 am), a brilliant
talk, advertisers are a different the letters to the letters to the editor section idea Brixie started on Access Sacramento. In
story. A leaked 2006 ABC
radio network memo named
editor section of of the paper. Even when I
feel least congruent with the
these days of the $500/hour lawyer, his program
helpfully navigates the important terrain where
90 companies asking to be the paper.” host, say Ed Schultz (9–12 law affects ordinary individuals—landlord-ten-
excluded from advertising am), I enjoy hearing what ant disputes, malpractice, custody—performing
on Air America, including callers have to say. It’s always a true social service to us all. I also love hear-
Walmart, General Electric, ExxonMobil, Bank interesting and most often affirming to hear the ing Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Mike Papantonio
of America, VISA, Allstate and McDonalds, voices of the “people”—all of us who capture the aggressively take on corporate crooks, polluters,
according to Extra!, January/February 2007, the microphone only rarely, but who have informed hypocritical preachers and ugly politicians (Sat.
magazine of Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting. opinions and many good ideas. noon–3 pm, Sun. 5–7 pm). There’s also travel
Hardly surprising since the progressive critique Though she’s obstreperous and sometimes and gardening, religion from a progressive point
most often comes back to the negative practices rude, I love Brooklyn-tough Randi Rhodes of view, Sam Seder and Arianna Huffington, the
of corporations and global capitalism. (noon–3 pm). She’s so well informed, so passion- Young Turks, Steve Earle, Chuck D and “Radio
For a brief time, our area had two AM ate, and so aware of the comic paradoxes of our Parallax.” Thank you for being there, TALK
stations competing for our lefty ears. The Air tragic political situation that I tune in for a while CITY!
America station ended when the parent organiza- almost every day. And dynamic Christine Craft
tion underwent financial crisis and, though Air (3–6 pm) has been an immeasurable practical For a complete schedule: www.1240talkcity.
America was reconstituted, our local Air America asset to progressive activism in our area, always com and www.fair.org for documentation of
station was not resurrected. The FM dial has willing to discuss and announce upcoming corporate media’s right-wing bias.
Democracy Now!
Saving our democracy one show at a time
By W. Randy Haynes
ournalist Bill Moyers, in his 2007 speech at been muffled and/or censored from the demo-
the National Conference for Media Reform, cratic dialogue. By putting progressive shows on
called on people to “organize a campaign to cable public access stations, the sub-stations of
persuade your local public television station to satellite TV and late night time slots, liberal per-
start airing ‘Democracy Now.’ ” Well, that was spectives are seen unfairly, and as “alternative,”
after he stopped gushing over Amy Goodman, meaning that most of America automatically
award-winning journalist and host of the news tunes out. As a consequence, America and its
program. democracy are poorer in numerous ways.
Heeding Moyers’ call to action, Sacramento Information is the bedrock of any democ-
Progressive Alliance, the local affiliate of United racy. A full spectrum of thought is required for
for Peace & Justice, voted to actively encourage it to function properly, but that isn’t what most In this 2005 photo, Amy Goodman and
Sacramento’s PBS television station, KVIE, to add Americans get. Twenty percent of all Americans Ron Cooper, Executive Director of Access
Sacramento, remind us that Access
“Democracy Now! The War & Peace Report” to identify as liberal, according to the New York
Sacramento airs “Democracy Now!” every
its broadcast schedule. Powerless at times when Times (6-26-07). When it comes to most issues, a weekday at 5am, 6pm and midnight.
facing the world’s problems, this effort can fur- large plurality agrees with progressive solutions. Photo: William Bronston
ther progressive change in Sacramento by work- Yet, when one watches mainstream news, only
ing together to give “Democracy Now!” a wider centrist and conservative viewpoints are given,
audience. with very few exceptions. Liberals are cut out
Goodman speaks for a large segment of the of the mainstream national debate. From war, Email KVIE: member@kvie.org
population who believes progressive views have health care and civil liberties, to election fraud Contact Sacramento Friends of Amy:
and eroding democracy, it’s easy to see how the calyboys-dn@yahoo.com or 956-0680.
nation has been damaged by this omission in the
public discourse. W. Randy Haynes is a member of the Uni-
Because People’s Healthcare Matters Viewers must be thankful to the dedicated
people on public access stations, LINK TV, and
tarian Universalist Society of Sacramento and
Veterans for Peace, and a Board Member of Sac-
We do what we do... FSTV; in no way does this local effort to bring ramento Progressive Alliance. He is the author of
“Democracy Now!” to KVIE intend to diminish Cajun Snuff, the first book of the Adam Stephen
Primary Care by providers who look at the whole their vital work. Information and news program- mystery series. Murder by the Sacred Tree, his
person ming like Goodman’s would never have been second novel, takes place in Sacramento and will
Non-drug treatment for ADD and ADHD heard without them. But they aren’t enough. The soon be released.
MDs and FNP, trained and experienced left can no longer accept marginalization. Full
Natural options (homeopathy, herbs, vitamins) in inclusion at the table of ideas is not something
treating acute and chronic illness that will be offered; it will have to be demanded.
Iscador (Mistletoe) for Cancer It’s impossible to imagine conservatives allowing
Therapies: spirit and art for healing their views to be shunted to inferior venues and
Ron Cooper, executive director of Access
Sacramento, used the phrase, “friends of Amy,” BPM won’t survive
Raphael House
when speaking about the Moyers’ request and without you!
there is not a more fitting icon for progressive
Multidisciplinary Complementary Medicine America than Goodman. Contact KVIE and let Subscribe!
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pose of reflecting “the community back to itself ” Keep us alive!
when it comes to news. Goodman’s “Democracy
(916) 967 8250 raphaelassociation@earthlink.net Now!” is too vital to Sacramento’s progressive Subscribe! Subscribe!
community be marginalized.
www.bpmnews.org September / October 2007 BECAUSE PEOPLE MATTER
Mainstream Media
Too little, too late
By William A. Dorman
ne thing that often confuses ordinary about fellatio harms the interests of the nation William A. Dorman recently retired from a 40-year career at CSUS
Americans about mainstream journal- more than one might casually assume. More teaching government and media studies. He has published and lectured
ism is that they do, in fact, know about likely it’s the case that the press has no problem widely in this country and abroad, and is co-author with Mansour Farhang
so many foreign policy misadventures of their taking after a politico’s sex life. Questioning a of US Press and Iran: Foreign Policy and the Journalism of Deference
government. Knowing about the Administration’s president’s claims on WMDs is a different matter (U.C. Press, 1987).
use of phony intelligence before the Iraq war entirely.
or its outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame, they After the fact press coverage that refuses to
believe we have a “free” press. However, we learn label disastrous policymaking clearly for
of bad behavior only as history, long after the what it is affects popular opinion, which
moment for political outrage and possible action then, importantly, affects members of
has passed. Congress. Given the lack of political
Whether it’s learning about the CIA’s respon- courage in Congress to challenge the use
sibility for overthrowing popular governments in of military force, the performance of the
Iran and Guatemala, or Chile, when it comes to mainstream press takes on huge impor-
foreign affairs, citizens who depend, say, on CBS tance. Had the press done a better job in
or The New York Times have to make do with a the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq,
Democrats might have thought more
Good journalism has to than twice about voting for the October
2002 Joint Resolution authorizing use of
be timely. It has to make force, particularly given that the public
connections, point out at the time widely favored diplomacy
over force. Once that particular train left
patterns, provide context the station, it was virtually impossible to
block Bush’s invasion.
and, beyond anything Why the press behaves as it does in
else, identify and clearly the foreign policy arena is not a simple
matter, but the crux of the problem lies
label villainy—and call not in a vast right wing conspiracy, but
for accountability. in the mix of nationalism, militarism
and corporate capitalism. When it comes
to foreign policy, the defining dimension
in popular opinion (and therefore Con-
repeatedly delayed learning curve. The war with gressional action) is nationalism. If an
Iraq has been no exception. By the time the press administration can convince people and
informed us we’d been lied to about the reasons elected elites that a policy is consistent
for invading Iraq, we were already focused on a with the national mythology, the corpo-
new phase, occupation, which led to its own rev- rate news and entertainment media is
elations that in turn came to be overshadowed by not going to risk the ire of its custom-
a ferocious civil war. ers, witness ABC dropping Bill Maher’s
To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan, we’re “Politically Incorrect” for his controver-
always looking at present and future American sial comment after 9/11.
foreign policy behavior through the media’s If the base audience favors a
rear view mirror. And even then, objects in the militaristic “my country right or wrong”
journalistic mirror aren’t presented nearly clearly mythology, mainstream journalism isn’t
enough to spark challenges to entrenched power. going to get in the way of the parade.
Yes, more than a year after the invasion, The Put another way, journalism simply
New York Times (5- 26-04) came to apologize for is no match for mindless nationalism,
its deferential reporting leading up to the 2003 journalistic careerism, and bottom-line
Iraq war, and, yes, The Times, some four years corporatism.
after the invasion (7-8-07), finally called for an A friend of long experience as for-
orderly withdrawal of the US from Iraq, and, yes, eign editor at major news organizations Feb. 15 2003: “Elected Presidents’ Day” demonstration in San Francisco. Real
The Washington Post recently (7-14-07) reported has said, “The average editor in the aver- journalists also criticize bad government!
Photo: www.thomasalbert.com
in irrefutable detail how Cheney has used and age newsroom, worried about appearing
abused power in unprecedented ways, breathtak- political, bends not toward the right, but
ing in their wrong-headedness. But look at how away from the left, overcompensating
long these positions and revelations were in com- for their natural proclivities [to speak
ing, and consider how short they still stop of say- the uncomfortable truth about government lies].
ing what needs to be said. Good journalism has It’s a false system, as if they feel always under
to be timely. It has to make connections, point attack by the same claptrap voices that charge fair Place an ad for your business
out patterns, provide context and, beyond any- judges with being “activist” judges.” He goes on to
thing else, identify and clearly label villainy—and say, “They have abrogated power to the O’Reilly’s
or nonprofit group: Business
call for accountability. of the world, which may be the reason that Jon card size ads only $40 (or
It’s hardly reassuring to reflect that here we Stewart and Steven Colbert speak to power so
are some thirty months into Bush’s second term, effectively. They fill the obvious void.” $30 if run in multiple issues).
long after the extent of the Iraq disaster has
become apparent, not to mention warrantless
Some observers would have us believe that
the Iraq disaster has been so obviously a policy
Call 446-2844 for more info.
wiretapping, firing US attorneys and muzzling wreck of historic dimension that mainstream
the Surgeon General, and not one major news- journalism has finally learned lessons about offi-
paper has called for his resignation or impeach- cial duplicity and imperial policymaking that it
ment. By comparison, 17 months into Clinton’s should have mastered much earlier. Given recent
second term, 25 US newspapers including the Bush Administration declarations about the US
Wall Street Journal, had called for his impeach- reserving the right to strike within Pakistan and
ment/resignation, and by the following October, Iran, we may get to test the proposition sooner
it was more than 115. It would appear that lying rather than later.
w w w . a c c e s s s a c r a me n t o . OR G
“Real Representative Radio”
Alexander Vasquez
Independent Producer
Because People Matter September / October 2007 www.bpmnews.org
Making a Movie
By Travis Silcox
oesn’t everyone secretly, or not so secretly, wantwinners of this year’s contest will show
to make a movie? I’m just like the rest of the their work on Oct. 7 at the Crest Theatre.
world, except as a teacher of film studies at Sac- My desire is to make films that
ramento City College, I work with students every year to speak to our social condition and give
analyze films and learn about the movie-making process. people a glimpse of how our world could
Wasn’t it about time to try my hand at it? be more just, thoughtful and fulfilling.
Access Sacramento, the local community media I sure don’t want to make Hollywood
station, gave me my opportunity to write and produce films for a target audience of 11 to 17-
a ten-minute film by means of its annual screenwriting year-old boys and give them the same
contest, “A Place Called Sacramento.” In its eighth year, old recycled crap—violence, homopho-
all the short films feature Sacramento in some way and bia, racism, misogyny and the status
I finished Producer Travis Silcox prepares actors Joe Concannon and David Philipp as
principal pho- crew member Ellen Dillinger readies the clapper.
Photo: Dick Wood
tography on
my little film,
“Entering the Booth,” and the I had to come up with a “story” that would incorporate
whole process was empower- these oral histories.
ing, challenging and fun! But, The result was “Entering the Booth,” a trip into a
to quote George Bush, and you fictional radio program that highlights people’s personal
need to read this with his fake stories. Listeners to National Public Radio may find a
Texas whine, “It’s hard work.” resemblance to a radio program they hear broadcast.
My screenplay was based Think of “Antiques Roadshow” coming to Sacramento,
on oral histories I conducted but instead of featuring antiques we have real people
with 35 people living in mid- recounting their real lives for a national audience.
town Sacramento. I chose three The backbone of my crew was a group of former City
couples I thought would be College students who told me, if I wrote a screenplay and
most compelling to audiences was chosen, they would help me film it. Our cinematog-
who are unfamiliar with our rapher and director was Rachel Bryant, currently study-
wonderful midtown vibe, peo- ing film at the University of California, Davis. Other
ple who could communicate former students worked as assistant producer, make-up
Another take with Lyvonne and Robert Sewell (seated on the right). Director the essence of our diverse, pro- artist, still photographer and production assistant. The
Rachel Bryant (with camera) is assisted by Angela Ortner
Photo: Dick Wood gressive neighborhood. Next, rest of the crew was experienced but developing skills
by working on projects such as this one, and they were
Some things I learned to do that I’d never done
before included: obtain a film
permit from the Sacramento Film
Commission, secure a liability bond
to shoot on location, conduct audi-
tions with experienced local actors,
get extra gigabytes of RAM for my
computer—and figure out what
the heck that means—teach myself
an editing program, plus cajole
friends, students and family to give
up weekends and evenings to work
on, what must have looked like, a
harebrained project.
When everyone showed up
on time, technology worked with
you, not against you, and the cast
David Philipp and Joe Conannon relax before filming as “Entering the Booth” Rachel Bryant, film director, readies her shot. See Movie Magic, page 9
director, producer and crew set up. Photo: Dick Wood
Photo: Dick Wood
Sacramento Area crime, thought a thing of the past in the gay community.
Coffee Works
Sacramento, shocked this capital city How do good
Crest Theater
Dimple Records, of California on July 1, 2007. Satender people respond to
Arden Wy Singh was assaulted in a hate motivated crime hatred? That was
Dose Coffee Shop while picnicking with friends at Lake Natoma. the question posed
Flowers Restaurant It was reported the attackers spoke Russian and at the First West
Galleria (29th & K) English and shouted “sodomite” and other anti- Coast Diversity
Grinders gay invectives prior to killing Singh. They spewed Summit in late
Hart Senior Center
racist threats at Satender’s Fijian and East Indian July at midtown
Lido Cafe
Light Rail: friends, while calling themselves God’s people. Sacramento’s
65/Folsom But it was the man they observed to be gay whom Trinity Cathedral. The
2nd Ave/Freeport they targeted for violence. event, planned to address rising homophobia,
Los Jarritos originated with gay activist Nate Feldman, who
Luna’s Cafe & Juice Bar
Mercy Hospital, 40th/J On the day that would has documented the rise of anti-gay protests with
his video camera and a “YouTube” account. Cer-
Pancake Circus, 21st/
have been Singh’s 26th tain Feldman was an alarmist and protests would came together to speak of peaceful co-existence
Planned Parenthood:
Franklin Blvd, Watt
birthday, the summit whither under the heat of recent gay rights victo-
ries, few had listened. On the day that would have
in, what Time magazine called, the nation’s most
diverse city.
Ave., 29th St. faced hatred turned been Singh’s 26th birthday, the summit faced As Sacramento goes, summit participants
Queen of Tarts hatred turned deadly. People were listening. were aware, so goes the nation. With this death
Quick Market deadly. Now people were Attendance at the meeting was a picture of and the consequential summit, Sacramento
Sacramento Bagel,
47th/H listening. diversity with the Druid who gave the open- became ground zero. Singh was the canary in
Sacramento Natural ing address to the translated speech by a Slavic the mine, the Druid summarized. Our model of
Foods Coop Christian pastor doing his best to edge out of a response must be the natural forest where diver-
Sacramento Public Sacramento community leaders decried the homophobic paradigm. Representatives from the sity is the very foundation of health and growth,
Library (Main & many death as a consequence of escalating anti-gay gay-supportive Asian Pacific League, Slavic Com- and homogeneity means death.
branches) hatred by militant members of Slavic Christian munity Services, La Raza, NAACP, Sacramento For more information: www.satendar.com
Sargent Coffee House
Churches in the area, encouraged by American Grove of the Oak, Spiritual Life Center, Pagans,
(Alhambra & M)
Starbucks (B'wy & 35th) fundamentalists who sponsor many Slavic immi- Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, atheists, politicians, Michael Gorman is a Sacramento poet and
The Beat grants to the country and are on hand to blame street activists and others of all backgrounds writer.
Time Tested Books
Tower Theater (inside)
Tupelo (Elvas & 57th)
Underground Books
(35th St. near B'way)
Weatherstone Coffee
Success! Free Internet for Sacramentans!
Chico Area By JoAnn Fuller
Davis Thanks to a group of dedicated citizens, Sac-
Within two years,
Bogey’s Books
Espresso Cafe Roma
ramento will soon be able to log on to free Inter- people should be
net service, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at
Davis Natural Food
a speed fast enough to be useful. The Sacramento able to use the
Newsbeat City Council negotiated a contract with a WiFi Internet wherever
University Mall Internet Service Provider providing just that.
Within two years, people should be able to use they are within the
Greenhaven area
Buckthorn’s Coffee,
the Internet wherever they are within the city
limits. Those using computers inside a building
city limits.
7465 Rush River Dr
may need a special device to boost the signal, but
Nevada City those are inexpensive and easily installed. their child’s homework, researchers can travel explains it simply as bad policy. The US is falling
US Post Office This means individuals who couldn’t access the world for the latest information, and small behind because other countries used judicious
the general information, employment opportuni- businesses can expand their customer base with regulation to promote competition. At the most,
ties or cheaper shopping offered online because virtually no expense. customers in the US have a choice between a
Where would you like to of service costs, now will be able to log on free How did all this happen? The Sacramento cable monopoly and phone monopoly for Inter-
see BPM?
of charge. Families with children can ask about Media Group, along net service. The price is high, the service is poor,
Let Paulette Cuilla know,
422-1787. with Ruth Blank of the but there’s nowhere else to go.
Sacramento Commu- If you are interested in community media
nity Regional Founda- issues and media reform, contact Sacramento
tion, Ron Cooper of Media Group: jfuller@commoncause.org or
Access Sacramento, 443-1792 ex. 11; www.freepress.net>
Ann Lucas of the Non-
profit Resource Center JoAnn Fuller is Associate Director of Califor-
and we at California nia Common Cause and an editor with Because
Common Cause, People Matter.
spearheaded a coali-
tion of 60 nonprofits
to lobby the City
Council to help bridge
the digital divide that
prevents some community members and families
from accessing Internet services. Plans are also
going forward to obtain refurbished computers
and other equipment, and training to those who
need them.
This success in Sacramento comes as Free
Press, a media reform advocacy group, issued a
report titled “Shooting the Messenger,” that docu-
ments how the US has fallen behind in Internet
use. Once in the lead, the country is now ranked
15th in deployment and adoption of affordable
#" %-&*'"%+()$%)(
in front of the public. bill states an important prin-
But realities on the ground—and in the ciple opposing the ‘establish-
air—are quite different. A recent news dispatch ment’ of new bases in Iraq and
from an air base in Iraq, by Charles J. Hanley ‘not to exercise United States
of the Associated Press, provided a rare look at control of the oil resources of
the high-tech escalation underway. “Away from Iraq.’ But it is limited in several
the headlines and debate over the ‘surge’ in US ways. It prohibits only those
ground troops,” AP reported on July 14, “the Air bases which are acknowledged
Force has quietly built up its hardware inside to be for the purpose of per-
Iraq, sharply stepped up bombing and laid a manently stationing US troops
foundation for a sustained air campaign in sup- in Iraq; therefore any base
port of American and Iraqi forces. constructed for temporarily
In contrast to the spun speculation so stationing troops, or rotating
popular with US media outlets like Time and troops, or anything less than
the PBS “NewsHour,” the AP article cited key an officially permanent deploy-
information: “Squadrons of attack planes have
been added to the in-country fleet. The air recon-
ment, would still be accepted.
Further, the bill says nothing
naissance arm has almost doubled since last year. about the need to decommis-
The powerful B1-B bomber has been recalled to sion the existing US bases
action over Iraq.” already built in Iraq; it only
This kind of development fits a historic pat- prohibits ‘establishing’ military
tern—one that had horrific consequences during installations, implying only
the war in Vietnam and, unless stopped, will new ones would be prohibited.”
persist for many years to come in Iraq. Despite all the talk about
Assessing the distant mirror of the Vietnam how members of Congress
War, the narration of the new documentary have been turning against the
“War Made Easy” (based on my book of the war, few are clearly advocating
same name) spells out a classic White House a genuine end to US military
maneuver: “Even when calls for withdrawal have intervention in Iraq. Media
eventually become too loud to ignore, officials outlets will keep telling us that
have put forward strategies for ending war that the US government is develop-
have had the effect of prolonging it—in some ing serious plans to “leave”
cases, as with the Nixon administration’s strategy Iraq. But we would be foolish
of Vietnamization, actually escalating war in the to believe those tall tales. The
12 Because People Matter September / October 2007 www.bpmnews.org
The GI Rights Hotline Send your check to: Sacramento Area Peace Action (SAPA) 909 12th Street, #118, Sacramento,
www.girights.org CA 95814. Or call us! 448-7157, e-mail: sypeaceact@jps.net, web: www.sacpeace.org
www.bpmnews.org September / October 2007 BECAUSE PEOPLE MATTER 13
By Brigitte Jaensch together of Arab and Muslim bashing, distorted telling us all to fuck off Cafe nearby for coffee
as the war slides deadly after the vigil.
Why don’t US media report Israel/Palestine history, plus fear and hate mongering. The sta-
news candidly? Is it too much hassle from entities tion assembled a group to preview the program, through the middle of my town.
INFO: 447-7754
that want to dictate what is reported? whose unanimous recommendation was, don’t I roll a cigarette
For 25 years the notoriously hardball Com- show it. Then a small local contingent applied of pure vegetables
mittee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting pressure. It enlisted The Sacramento Bee, which for the bum: what does he know
in America (CAMERA) has been nitpicking fueled the controversy with the headline, “Local that I don’t? That those who stand for war
content, even word-choice, in reports about the Muslim opposed broadcast.” The Bee’s article will always make war
region. For example, in March the New York didn’t mention others had opposed broadcast, and bring civilization
Review of Books published an article about the such as KVIE directors and management, a rabbi to the whore-house
Israeli occupation’s destruction of the Palestinian and college professor. The result, Channel 6 aired thinking to fuck is to love and to kill
healthcare system. Although written by a US phy- the program three times during prime time. is to institute democratic principles
sician who had worked in the occupied Palestin- Years after he had sold CNN, Ted Turner while I blow up
ian territories, CAMERA reportedly got an Israeli called former Israeli prime minister Ariel and I kill
official to write a letter to the paper challenging Sharon’s military acts “terrorism.” According to and I die
the American’s firsthand knowledge. British newspaper The Guardian (6-18-02), the a little differently
Talking heads appear on news programs to Israeli government ordered CNN to leave their today, but keep dying
give their interpretation of what’s happening. country. Instead, CNN brass scurried to Israel to when I see the news:
Often from neo-con think tanks like the Ameri- apologize. It complied with all Israeli demands today a boy and a girl from
can Enterprise Institute, the Washington Institute including that CNN fire its Palestinian reporters. down the road a piece
for Near East Policy and the Saban Center, when Cheryl Feldman Halpern, pro-Israel activist were shredded by a roadside bomb
and no-one understands
the Middle East is the topic, neo-con means and a hefty Republican donor, according to the
pro-Israel. Washington Post (7-15-05), was appointed by how the whole thing
The day after the San Francisco Chronicle the Bush Administration to the Corporation for got to be so fucked up
published an article marking Israel’s 40th year as Public Broadcasting, the oversight board for the
occupier, two Bay Area Jewish community rela- Public Broadcasting Service. WGBH, KVIE and while the killer wears a silk shirt,
tions councils sent out an action alert requesting other stations certainly hear her now. eats filet
recipients “condemn, reproach and denounce” Although usually not reported, whenever in a fine oak room
and issues orders
the article. Their e-mailed alert listed points to US media do cover Israeli military aggression on
make and language to use in letters or e-mails to Palestinian civilians in the occupied Palestinian giving a speech in which he says
the paper and noted that 120 such councils moni- territories, it is termed “retaliation.” Dishonest? fuck off
tor local media nationwide. Absolutely. But there is less hassle that way. to the mother of the boy killed
Public Broadcasting in Boston was a fairly by the roadside bomb
reliable source for news about the region until it For more information: and to you and I
got hit with phone calls, letters, pickets, threats “Those aren’t Stones, they’re Rocks” by Seth -- the rotten bastard.
to cancel pledges and more, calling the station’s Ackerman, posted by Fairness and Accuracy in
I roll a sacred smoke
reporting anti-Israel. Now WGBH’s reporting Reporting www.fair.org/index.php?page=1060. from leaves of wisdom
is noticeably pro-Israel, receiving CAMERA’s Israel-Palestine On Record: How The New and puff on it
commendation on Nov. 26, 2002 about reporter York Times Misreports Conflict in the Middle in order to die
Aaron Schachter’s reporting on Israel. If CAM- East, by Howard Friel and Richard Falk. This is with something
ERA finds something to commend, it cannot be a a sequel to their 2004 book about The New York resembling grace.
fair report. Times, titled The Record of the Paper.
The local public television station Channel 6 Brigitte Jaensch is a civil and human rights By Crawdad Nelson, Sacramento poet and
had misgivings about a program, a slick cobbling advocate. writer
14 Because People Matter September / October 2007 www.bpmnews.org
Book Review
Why We’re Facing an “Assault on Reason”
The Assault on Reason, by Al Gore. Hardcover: 308 pages, Penguin Press HC (2007)
By Sharon Frederick
In one of his first major speeches, the 28-year original republican
old lawyer Abraham Lincoln warned his fellow democracy was born
citizens that their government could be broken in a world dominated
and destroyed if it became so disconnected and by print media.
unresponsive that it lost “the attachment of the The print revolu-
people.” tion led to an explo-
sion of knowledge
throughout the world
“When the people and, ultimately, to
are not informed, the so-called Age of
Reason. If individuals
they cannot hold were well informed
and could participate
government in free and open dis-
accountable when cussion, then perhaps
ordinary citizens had
it is incompetent, the power to govern
corrupt or both.” themselves using
reason—rather than
being governed by
Today we might call it alienation, as Al the few who were Al Gore
Gore does in his new book, “The Assault on wealthy and privi-
Reason.” He steps back from the present to gain leged. “To an extent
the perspective of history and analyze the causes seldom appreciated,”
of today’s alienation: the fact that “reason, logic concludes Gore,
and truth seem to play a sharply diminished America’s representative democracy depends “on
role in the way America now makes important the particular characteristics of the marketplace informed, they cannot hold government account-
decisions.” He begins by reminding us that our of ideas as it operated during the age of print.” able when it is incompetent, corrupt or both.”
Today’s crisis in democracy, argues Gore, Instead, the modern science of mass per-
stems from problems based in the “dramatic and suasion takes over to sell us breakfast cereals,
fundamental change in the way we communicate automobiles and political ideas simultaneously.
among ourselves,” particularly since the early In Gore’s words, “Reason was displaced not only
The Marxist School of Sacramento 1960s when television became the dominant by the substitution of broadcast for print, but also
P.O.Box 160564 Sacramento, CA 95816
September / October 2007 Activities source of information. TV did not simply substi- by the science of PR as the principal language
tute one medium for a comparable one because by which communication occurs in the public
information media are so very different from forum—for both commercial and political pur-
Point of View Speaker Series each other. poses.” How else to explain that almost half of the
Lectures are held in Sierra 2 Ctr, Garden Room, 2791 24th St., 7–9pm In fact, recent research shows television is a American people still think Saddam Hussein was
Thursday, September 20: Historian and novelist Alexander Saxton medium that can tap into primitive areas of the connected to the Sept. 11 attacks on the US?
discussing his book Religion and the Human Prospect -- and the current brain that control basic emotions, most notably Gore examines how the public sphere, dur-
debate about religion in the high science hierarchy. fear, sometimes overwhelming the reasoning ing the Bush-Cheney years, has deteriorated into
Thursday, October 18: Kevin Wehr. “Bicycle Messengers and Fast parts of our brain. Gore contends, “The simula- the politics of wealth and fear, distortion of truth,
Capitalism – why old technologies persist within advanced IT-based tion of reality accomplished in the television diminished rights of individuals, and consolida-
economies.” See http://www.fastcapitalism.com/ issue 2.1. medium is so astonishingly vivid and compelling tion of power in the name of national security.
compared with the representations of real- He outlines a few immediate steps that could
Discussions/Classes ity conveyed by printed words that it signifies be taken to shore up “this period of vulnerability
Discussions are held in Sierra 2 Ctr, Rm. 11, 2791 24th St., 7–9pm. much more than an incremental change in the for American democracy.” However, Gore ulti-
way people consume information...[it] has the mately pins his hopes on the power of the Inter-
Tuesday, Sept. 11: Book discussion, The Communist Manifesto, by
Karl Marx. Discussion led by Ellen Schwartz. See www.marxists.org/ capacity to trigger instinctual responses similar net, which he calls “the most interactive medium
archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/index.htm. to those triggered by reality itself, and without of history and the one with the greatest potential
being modulated by logic, reason, and reflective for connecting individuals to one another and
Tuesday, Sept. 25: Book discussion: A Peoples’ History of the United thought.” Television allows no interactivity, no to a universe of knowledge.” He urges efforts to
States, by Howard Zinn. Chapter 1. Discussion led by Roy Dahlberg.
opinion page or other public forum. Instead of make certain the Internet stays open and acces-
Ask at Time Tested Books (447-5696) for a copy (any edition).
the marketplace of ideas, we sit passively and sible to all citizens by fighting any proposal
Tuesday, Oct. 9: Book discussion: A Peoples’ History …, by Howard listen to a one-way conversation. to introduce a “tiered Internet” advocated by
Zinn. Chapter 2. Discussion led by Roy Dahlberg. Add to that the high capital investment corporate operators such as AT&T and Verizon,
Tuesday, Oct. 23: Book discussion: A Peoples’ History …, by Howard required to operate television, and the number of who want to impose new fees on companies and
Zinn. Chapter 3. Discussion led by Seth Sandronsky. individuals who own stations and develop pro- content providers. Such a step would seriously
gramming is severely limited. Fewer companies, limit the potential of the Internet by giving the
Capital Reading Group thanks to the Reagan era and its abandonment “big guys” a dominant role in yet another medi-
Extended discussion of Vol. 1 of Capital, by Karl Marx. will resume Sept. of media regulation, own more and more TV um. If we can keep the Internet free and open,
5, starting with Chapter 10, “The Working Day.” We meet 7-9pm, 1st stations. As corporate owners demand news divi- concludes Gore, the Web has the capacity to be
and 3rd Wednesday of each month, at SMUD Customer Service Center,
6301 “S” St. Check with the Security Guard for meeting location (they sions become profit centers, whose purpose is to “the greatest source of hope for reestablishing an
have it under “Marxist School”). Preferred edition is the translation by get high ratings and sell advertising, the distinc- open communications environment in which the
Ben Fowkes, Vintage Books, Aug. 1977. We will read together and dis- tion between news and entertainment disappears. conversation of democracy can flourish.”
cuss at each class.
“The subjugation of news by entertainment
INFO: www.marxistschool.org; info@marxistschool.org; 799-1354. All seriously harms our democracy,” warns Gore. Sharon Frederick is a member of Sacramento
activities are free and open to the public. “It leads to dysfunctional journalism that fails to Media Group and a freelance writer.
inform the people. And when the people are not
working for
and a proud sponsor of is now buying
“Because People Matter” Your subscription Political posters, handbills & pamphlets
keeps us going! Books on history, labor, & politcs
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www.bpmnews.org September / October 2007 BECAUSE PEOPLE MATTER 15
September / October Calendar Send calendar items for the November / December
2007 issue to bpmnews@nicetechnology.com by
October 10, with “calendar item” in the subject line.
Make it short, and in this order, please: Day, Date.
Name of event. Description (1-2 lines). Time. Location.
Price. INFO: phone#; e-mail.
ONGOING EVENTS COMMUNITY CALENDAR For online calendars of progressive events, go to www.
sacleft.org and www.sacpeace.org.
MONDAYS: Sacramento Poetry Center hosts
poetry readings. 7:30pm. 1719 25th Street. www. Thursday, September 6 Thursday, October 4
sacramentopoetrycenter.org “Climate Change, Despair, and Empowerment First Sacramento Progressive Forum, dialogue on Saturday, October 27
Roadshow” with Kelly Tudhope, from Australia. current issues facing progressive movements and Poetry event. “The Show” poetry series, last
1st MONDAYS: Organic Sacramento: Counter Multimedia presentations to help understand our their allies in our region. The Progressive Forum Saturday of every month. International Slam
ongoing threats to our food. 6:30pm. INFO: role in a climate changed world. 7 pm. Trinity seeks to bring together scholars, students, social Champion Talaam Acey comes to town from Bal-
www.organicsacramento.org Cathedral, Great Hall, 2620 Capitol Ave. Sac. justice and union activists, and policy makers. We timore. (www.talaamacey.com). 7–9 p.m. Wo’se
$5 donation. Drinks/snacks. INFO: Therapists for seek to move beyond fragmented movements Community Center, 2863 35th St. $5. INFO:
1st. MondayS: Sacramento Media Group. Social Responsibility 916-447-5706. each competing with each other to find ways Info: Terry Moore at 208-POET, fromtheheart1@
6–8pm. Coloma Community Center, 4623 T Street. to cooperate and support each other’s work. hotmail.com
INFO: 443-1792, smg@commoncause.org. Friday, September 7 9am–4pm. CSUS University Union. Free. INFO:
The People’s Rally to End the War. 3–6pm. West Campd227@pacbell.net; 916-361-9072.
3rd MONDAYS: Capitol Outreach for a Moratorium Steps, State Capitol, Capitol & 10th St, Sacra-
on the Death Penalty. 12 noon–1pm, 11th & L mento. See ad this page. Thursday, October 4 Art Exhibit
Street. INFO: 455-1796. Richard Becker with the ANSWER Coalition, re- New Works by Janice Nakashima at
Saturday, September 8 cently returned from the major anti-war efforts Axis Gallery, 1517 - 19th St., September
3rd MONDAYS: SAPA Peace and Sustainability Art Book Fair. Publishers from around the country in Wash. D.C. during September, will address the 1–30. Gallery open Saturday and Sunday,
Committee. 6–8pm. INFO: Peace Action, 448- will bring in their newest art books, plus classics next steps to ending U.S. war policy. 7–9pm. 909 Noon –5pm.
7157. on art. Children’s readings, lectures for the whole 12th St, Sacramento, 916-448-7157
family. 10:30am–4pm. Crocker Art Museum, 216
3rd MONDAYS: Sacto 9/11 Truth:Questioning the O Street. Free. INFO: 916-264-5423 Saturday, Oct 6
“War on Terror.” 6–8pm. Denny’s 3rd & J St. Info: Women Take Back the Night: Yesterday, Today,
sac911truth@gmail.com 372-8433. & Tomorrow. Capitol west steps. Info: 916-448- Beyond the Proscenium Productions
2321 x520. (BPP) presents Hecuba & Dido: Love
Third MONDAYS: Lesbian Cancer Support Group. Gone Wrong by Ann Tracy, a mash-up
Sunday, October 7
6:30 Bring partners or support people with you. of both modern and ancient history and
Sacramento’s Sixth Annual Freethought Day
Open discussions with everyone. INFO: Roxanne popular culture exploring the devasta-
Gala. A celebration of reason, freethought and
Hardenberg; ROXANNE1040@aol.com.
church-state separation, featuring speakers, tion of war, sex, class, and gender.
TUESDAYS: Call for Peace Vigil. 4–6pm. 16th and entertainment, education expo, and children’s This world premiere plays Thursdays,
J St. INFO 448-7157. activities. Sponsored by Sacramento’s Atheists Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm from
and Other Freethinkers and the Humanist As- October 27 to November 24, at the
2nd TUESDAYS: Gray Panthers. 1–3pm. Hart sociation of the Greater Sacramento Area, the Space, 2509 R St, Sacramento. There
Senior Ctr., 27th & J St. INFO: Joan, 332-5980. Saturday, September 8 event is free and open to the public. 12–5 pm,
will be one Sunday matinee at 2 pm
San Francisco Mime Troupe. Music starts at Waterfront Park, Front & L Streets, Old Sacra-
mento. INFO: www.freethoughtday.org, chair@ on November 25th. Tickets are $15
2nd TUESDAYS: Peace Network (speakers and 3:30pm, show 4pm. Southside Park, 6th &T
general and $12 for seniors, students
discussion), 6:30pm. Luna’s Cafe, 1414 16th Street. Streets Bandshell. freethoughtday.org, 916-446-3589.
and SARTA members. To reserve tickets
INFO: Sac Area Peace Action 448-7157. Wednesday, October 10
Saturday, September 8 please call 916-456-1600 or email
Lecture. “9/11: Who Did It, Why, and How We Can Film. “9/11 Dust and Deceit at the World Trade beyondpro@sbcglobal.net. More infor-
4th TUESDAYS: Peace and Justice Films. 7pm. Center”. This is the disturbing story of the envi-
Peace Action, 909 12th Street. INFO:448-7157. Prevent the Next Such Mass Murder,” by Don Paul, mation can be found at the BPP website:
author of several 9/11 related books. 7pm. 909 ronmental disaster of September 11, 2001. The
12th St., Conf. Room. $3 to $10 sliding scale, no effects of the cover up as told through the voices
4th TUESDAYS: (Odd numbered months) Amnesty of victims, experts and officials. 7pm. Yolo County
Int’l. 7pm. Sacramento Friends Meeting House, one turned away. INFO: Dave 372-8433.
Library’s Blanchard Room, 315 E. 14th St, Davis.
890-57th St. INFO: 489-2419.
Tuesday, September 11 Free. INFO: 530-757-1633.
Protest the so-called “War on Terror,” remem- Elk Grove Peace & Justice Forum
1st WEDNESDAYS: Peace & Freedom Party. 7pm. Thursday, October 11 Presents:
brance of 9/11 victims (including emergency
INFO: 456-4595. Sacramento 9/11 Truth Demonstration. Call or Veterans for Peace, on “Questions
workers who were told that the air at “ground
zero” was “safe”) and call for a real investigation check web for exact time. 11th and L Streets, not often asked about the Iraq War”
3rd WEDNESDAYS: CAAC Goes to the Movies. facing State Capitol North entrance. INFO: www. Monday, Sept. 10, 2007; 7:00pm
that follows the evidence. 4–6pm. 16th & J, Sac
7:15pm. INFO: 446-3304. truthaction.org, 916-372-8433. Elk Grove United Methodist Church
INFO: 916-448-7157 or 916-372-8433, www.
truthaction.org or www.sacpeace.org. 8986 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove.
THURSDAYS: Daddy’s Here (Father Enhancement
Program). Men’s support group; info on custody, Thursday, September 13 Sunday October 14 And before the forum:
divorce, raising children. 7–8:30pm. Free! Ctr for Film. “9/11 Ripple Effect”. Backed by expert GLOBAL WARMING: Messages from the Ice Just before the forum starts, from 5–6pm on
Families, 2251 Florin Rd, Ste 102. INFO: terry @ examination of video evidence, combined with Speaker: Author, teacher Robert Christopherson Sept. 10, join us at a vigil with signs about
fathersandfamilies.com. 568-3237x 205. eyewitness accounts. 7pm. Yolo County Library’s 1pm. Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacra- the war, on the Elk Grove Blvd. side of the
Blanchard Room, 315 E. 14th St, Davis. Free. mento, 2425 Sierra Boulevard, Sacramento. Free Church. Signs will relate to ending the war
1st FRIDAYS: Community Contra Dance. 8–11pm; INFO: 530-757-1633. INFO: C. Bailey, BeckerBailey@aol.com. 916- and stopping the funding.
7:30pm beginners lessons. Clunie Auditorium, 635-8194.
McKinley Pk, Alhambra & F. INFO: 530-274- Saturday September 15th When the war in Iraq is discussed there are
9551 End It in September! Wednesday, October 17
often questions which are not asked or the
Rally in Rancho Cordova. Join the 300 residents Film. “Ghosts of Abu Ghraib”. An inside look at
answers given by official spokespersons are
2nd FRIDAYS: Dances of Universal Peace. who signed the end the war petition and call for Abu Ghraib includes interviews with some of the
often not complete or may be unsatisfactory.
7:30–9:30pm. Sacramento Friends Meeting House Rep. Lungren to end his support for the Iraq War! American soldiers charged with committing the
Some of these questions are:
890 57th St. $5–$10 donation requested. INFO: Noon–1pm, Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 notorious abuses which sparked the insurgency
1. What are problems of returning vets
Joyce, www.sacramentodancesofuniversalpeace. Prospect Dr., Rancho Cordova. INFO: 916-452 in Fallujah. 7pm. Yolo County Library’s Blanchard
including healthcare and mental health
org, 916-832-4630. 4801, www.peaceintheprecincts.blogspot.com. Room, 315 E. 14th St, Davis. Free. INFO: 530-
Sponsored by Peace in the Precincts, Grand- 757-1633.
2. What are problems of interaction between
4th FRIDAYS: Dances at Christ Unity Church, mothers for Peace, Sacramento Progressive Iraqi civilians and U. S. Forces?
9249 Folsom Blvd. All Welcome $5–$10 dona- Wednesday, October 17
Alliance. 3. What are problems with coalition mer-
tion requested. INFO: Christine 457-5855, www. Book Talk. “Dissent: Voices of Conscience.”
Colonel Ann Wright resigned from the U.S. cenaries in Iraq and Afghanistan?
sacramentodancesofuniversalpeace.org Monday, September 17
4. What are problems being encountered
Sacramento 911 Truth: Questioning the War on Foreign Service in March 2003 over several
disagreements with the Bush Admin. 7–9pm. with recruiting?
1st SATURDAYS: Health Care for All. 10am. Hart Terror, monthly meeting. 6–8pm. Denny’s meet-
Senior Ctr, 27th & J. For universal access to health ing room, 3rd/J Sts, INFO: sac911truth@gmail. Time Tested Books, 1114 21st St, Sacramento.
916-448-7157; sypeaceact@jps.net Bring your own questions! INFO: 916-689-
care. INFO: 424-5316. com; 916-372-8433
6943 or 916-685-3612.
1st SATURDAYS: Sacramento Area Peace Action Thursday, September 20
Vigil. 11:30am–1:30pm. Arden and Heritage Film. “War Made Easy, How Presidents and Pun-
(entrance to Arden Mall). INFO: 448-7157 dits Keep Spinning Us to Death”. An insightful
Progressive Media
Places to watch Sacramento Soap- New Participatory Project:
Access Sacramento TV, Cable Chan- Help Sen. Durbin Write a New Internet Bill
nels 17 and 18 Mon 8pm, Tues noon, US Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) has opened up the legislative process to
Wed 4am. citizen participation for a new “national broadband strategy” bill that would cover
In Davis: Channel 15, Tues 7pm.
network neutrality policy, broadband Internet availability and spectrum policy.
Places to watch or hear Democracy He has been blogging and asking for suggestions at the new www.OpenLeft.com
Now! website and his office has encouraged the Center for Media Democracy to set up a
Access Sacramento TV, Cable Channels parallel project on Congresspedia where CMD is collecting all the arguments, data
17 and 18, Weekdays 6pm, 12mid- and research needed to draft and evaluate the legislation when Sen. Durbin posts
night, 5am. it online.
Dish Network Satellite TV, Channel
9415, Free Speech TV, M-F: 9am, You don’t need to be an expert to join this effort—simply go to the project
4pm, 9pm, 5am, Pacific time. homepage and check it out. If you’d like to pitch in, leave a note on the project’s
Link TV, Channel 9410, Monday–Friday, discussion page or email the Congresspedia managing editor at Ckenny@Con-
8am, 3pm. gresspedia.org.
KVMR 89.5 FM Mon-Thu 7pm See also www.prwatch.org and www.prwatch.org/node/6309.
KDVS 90.3 FM Mon-Fri noon
KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley, M-F 9am