Adapa and Titi
Adapa and Titi
Adapa and Titi
Essay 17
The Story En#i secret!y impre$nated t%o of his Erectus/Nibiran descendants& One of these bore a boy' (dapa) the other' a $ir!**Titi& En#i hid his paternity of (dapa and Titi& Narrative Resumes
(dapa and Titi' En#i+s son and da,$hter' mated& Titi bore t%ins' Ka*in and (bae!, the &irst ADAPite hu'ans, hu'ans (ith &ar 'ore)due to En*i+s ,enetic in&usion--Nibiran ,enes re.ati/e to Erect,s ,enes than their 'others, the ADA0ite ,ir.s En*i i'pre,nated1 En#i raised (dapa) he ed,cated him as the son he (as 2a.beit c.andestine31 En*i tau,ht Adapa to 'ana,e and teach,s to 'ana,e p.antations, herds and estates1 Then En#i bro,$ht more Earth!in$s from (frica to Mesopotamia and had (dapa train them to ser-e the Nibiran co!onists 1 Adapa beca'e 4a bus5bod5, in char,e o& the ser/ices &or (hich the pri'iti/e (or*ers (ere brou,ht o/er to the Edin46 he super/ised the ba*ers, assured (ater supp.ies, o/ersa( the &ishin, &or Erid, [Enkis estate on the Persian Gulf] and tended o&&erin,s4 [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, page 51]. Adapa be,,ed En*i to ,i/e hi' the substances o& Nibiru to a..o( hi', .i*e the Nibirans, to .i/e &or hundreds o& thousands o& 5ears1 En*i used a 'achine [a device similar to the U.S.s !!"# laser $atteries] to ha.t the (ind that b.o(s up the %u.& &ro' the South so Adapa cou.d, on a, /esse., /o5a,e secret.5 do(n the Persian %u.&1 "N NIBIR7, AN7 DENIES ADAPA I00"R!A I!8
Ta!es of (dapa.s bri!!iance had a!ready reached Kin$ (n, on Nibir, 1 9hen Anu heard that En*i 'anipu.ated %u.& (eather to send Adapa on his '5sterious /o5a,e, the Kin, sent his /i:ier I.abrat to Earth to ,et Adapa &ro' En*i and then to &etch Adapa to Nibiru1 En*i 5ie.ded Adapa to I.abrat1 En*i sent his t(o un'arried Earth-born sons, Nin,ish:idda and Du'u:i, (ith Adapa to Nibiru to 'eet their ,rand&ather, Kin, Anu, and perhaps &ind Nibiran brides1 On Nibir,' (n, /,estioned (dapa abo,t the seacraft he+d ,sed and the mission he.d been on %hen En#i ha!ted the ",!f %ind for him bac# on Earth 1 Nin,ish:idda, (ho'd ta*en DNA sa' &ro' Adapa and there&ore *ne( Adapa (as a son o& En*i, s.ipped %rand&ather Anu a sea.ed &ro' En*i1 In the, En*i con&essed &atherin, Adapa and !iti (ith, h5brids descended &ro' Ada'u and !i-A'at1 En*i as*ed Anu to send Adapa bac* to Earth to ,enerate 'ore h5brids, to &ather 'ore Adapites--;i/i.i:ed $u'ans1 En*i's as*ed Anu to den5 Adapa &ood or e.i<ir) the Bread of Life and the 0ater of Life)that (ou.d 'a*e Adapa and his pro,en5 i''orta.1 !he Kin, rea.i:ed that the,s descended &ro' both Ada' and Adapa (ere his descendants as (e..1 $is DNA, donated b5 En*i and !hoth and 'i<ed (ith DNA o& 1omo Erect,s had un.a(&u..5 created a ne( ci/i.i:ed species1 En*i (anted Anu to den5 the ne( species i''orta.it5 so the5'd sta5 .on, =uarantined on Earth1 D707Z7 S!A8S "N NIBIR7 !" EARN $7SBANDR8, NIN%IS$ZIDDA RE!7RNS !" EAR!$ 9I!$ ADAPA > SEEDS Kin, Anu ,a/e Nin,ish:idda ,rain seeds and to.d hi' to ta*e the' and Adapa bac* to Earth1 !he Kin, to.d Nin,ish:idda to tudor Adapa, to (or* (ith En*i &or the,s' (e.&are and de/e.op'ent1 2o, and En#i' Nin$ish3idda' sha!! the teachers of Ci-i!i3ed Man be& !he Kin, ordered Du'u:i to sta5 on Nibiru and .earn ani'a. husbandr5 ti.. Nibiru ne<t approached Earth 2in one shar--?,@00 5ears31 9hen Nibiru neared the Inner S5ste' a,ain, Du'u:i (ou.d return to Earth (ith &e'a.e ,oats and sheep &or his nephe( Abae. to raise1 Du'u:i (ou.d brin, as (e.. a sper' ban* &or ,oats and sheep to Earth1 [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, pages %9 & '5( )**), The Lost Book of Enki 17+ &17%]
#revio,s -e.t/ -i$ir, -earing 0eans 1limate 1risis 2 3ood Shortage on Earth, 0ars$ase 1losing 4a&in 2 !$ael
Re&erencesA Sitchin, Z1, 2002, The Lost Boo# of En#i, BCD@, The 45th P!anet) BCE0, The Stair%ay to 1ea-en6 BCEF, The 0ars of "ods and Men6 BCC0, "enesis 6e-isited) BCC0, The Lost 6ea!ms6 BCC?, 0hen Time Be$an6 BCCF, 7i-ine Enco,nters6 BCCE, The Cosmic Code6 200G, The Earth Chronic!es E peditions6 Hreer, N1,
2000, Brea#in$ the "odspe!!6 !,er, 01 200@, S!a-e Species of $od [sic] 1 En*i/Ea is the Nibiran (ho 2G,000 5ears a,o3 dictated his autobio,raph5 to his scribe, Endubscar o& Endu1 !he Lost Boo# of En#i, Sitchin's trans.ation o& En*i's ta.e 2au,'ented a bit b5 '5 i'a,ination3 is the source)(ith 'an5 o& En*i's s.ants--o& 'ost o& the account in these essa5s1 The Lost Boo# of En#i itse.& is historica. &iction, (herein Sitchin has (o/en in&or'ation 'eticu.ous.5 docu'ented in his Earth Chronic!es1
51lic6 on title to open7
B !he ;e.estia. Batt.eA Nibiru 0eets So.aris and !ia'at 2 Proto Earth3 2 A.a.u Ki..s Nibiru's Kin, ah'a, %i/es Dau,hter to Ea &or Hea.it5 Hro' Anu ? A.a.u, Deposed b5 Anu, Nu*es to Earth, !hreatens Nibiru G Nibiru ;ounci. Sends Ea, Not En.i., to Earth F Ea B.asts to Earth (ith 9ater, $ides A.a.u's Nu*es, Sends An:u > %o.d to Nibiru @ Anu Sends En.i. to Ru.e Earth, #eri&5 %o.d D Anu, En.i. > Ea Dra( ots &or Nibiru, Earth, Seas > 0inin, E Anu De&eats A.a.u, Banishes $i' > An:u to 0ars C Ea !Enki"# En.i. > Nin'ah, !hree Incestuous,s B0 En.i. Banished &or Rape6 Ab,a. Betra5s En*i
BB En*i > Nin'ah 0a*e %ir.s !i.. She ;urses B2 An:u > Astronauts Rebe. B? En*i Insti,ates %o.d'ine 0utin5 BG Nin'ah, En*i and En*i's Son, Nin$i3idda 8Thoth9 ;reate Ada'u and S.a/e Species BF Nibiru Nearin, 0eans ;.i'ate ;risis > Hood Shorta,e on Earth, 0arsbase ;.osin, B@ En*i o/es $5brids Descended &ro' Ada'u > !i-a'at6 $5brids Bare Son Adapa > %ir. !iti BD
Nin,ish:idda !a*es Adapa to Kin, Anu on Nibiru, !e..s Anu !hat En*i's Hathered Adapa, 9ants Adapa Denied I''orta.it5 BE Adapa's Sons, Ka-in > Abae. BC 0ardu* > Astronaut ;orps Sei:e $5brid Brides, > Spaceport, !hreaten En.i.ites 20 Enki Be$ats Noah !%iusu&ra" 2B %a.:u Keeps Nibiran eaders on 0ission Earth 22 Gal'u (el)s Enki Save %iusu&ra * Earthlin$s 2? 0esopota'ia > Ni.e Areas'ed6 Ninurta Hinds Abundant %o.d and +a,in (y-ri& Delu$e Survivors in Peru
2G Nin$ish'i&&a# .emoriali'e& as S)hin/, 0reates Pyrami&s to Lea& Rockets to Sinai S)ace)ort 2F .ar&uk1s Son Satu +ills Brother# 2sar3 2sar1s Son (oron Defeats Satu# 4nites E$y)t 2@ Enlilites Sen& Ninurta to Buil& Secon& S)ace)ort in South 2merica 2D 0ardu* Hoi.s 0arria,e o& En.i..ite Inanna > En*iite Du'u:i 2E Inanna Re/i/ed De&eats En*iites6 Ninurta, Not 0ardu* to Ne<t Ru.e Earth 2C En.i. Deposes 0ardu*, Di/ies Earth, %i/es Nin,ish:idda E,5pt but No Rea.' &or Inanna ?0 Anu 7nco/ers %a.:u's Ruses to Keep the Anunna*i Hosterin,, $5brids ?B En.i., En*i, Inanna ru.e re,ions throu,h *in,s, Ninharsa,, Sinai &or Nibirans > !heir Ha'i.ies "n.5 ?2 Anu !a*es Inanna as o/er6 She Seduces En*i &or Pro,ra's &or 7ru* ?? Anu Pardons 0ardu*, Departs !iahuanacu &or Nibiru ?G Enlilites Bom- .ar&uk1s Ba-ylon S)ace)ort# 0onfoun& Earthlin$ Lan$ua$es ?F 0ardu*/Ra Deposes Nin,:idda/!hoth in E,5pt ?@ 5nanna Rules 5n&us * 4ruk ?D
7tu Re/i/es Banda6 Inanna Beds Banda As Du'u:i Ressurect6 Banda > Ninsun Be,at %i.,a'ish, 9ho See*s I''orta.it5 ?E Inanna > 0ardu* A,ain Hi,ht, !his !i'e, Hor A.. Earth ?C En.i. Sends Abraha'/Ibruu' to Stop 0ardu* G0 Anunna*i Nu*e Sinai Spaceport Be&ore ea/in, Earth to 0ardu*