Final 1

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Chapter -01

1.1 Back Ground of the study:
Banks are the key fnanca nsttutons that pay a vta roe n the countrys
economy and deveopment. Gobazaton n the bankng sector has thrown
up opportuntes as we as chaenges. Competton s gettng edge day by
day. It paces wth the contnuous deveopment occurrng n the tremendous
compettve envronment.
Internshp program s the systematc process for gatherng, recordng and
anayzng of data about the sub|ect that a student goes to earn on the
The am of ths Internshp program s to connect practca knowedge wth
theoretca knowedge. Now the word s a compettve word. So everybody
has to be expert n both practca knowedge and theoretca knowedge.
There are numerous reasons for whch I have chosen Genera Bankng
Department for my Internshp. Frst of a Genera Bankng Department s the
most mportant Department of any bank as every cents has to enter nto
bankng servce through the Genera Bankng.
1.2 OBJECTIE! O" T#E !T$%&:
Gather knowedge about the practces foowed by |amuna Bank Ltd. n
deverng servces under Genera Bankng Department. Other Ob|ectve of
the report s to famarze wth the operaton n the Bankng arena ncudng
Management overvew bank and anayss of bankng operaton n dfferent
To anayze Genera Bankng practces at |BL.
To provde an overvew of |BL.
To know about GB (Customer servce, Remttance, Cash & Cearng secton)
practces at |BL.
To fnd out the probems of GB at |BL.
To provde some suggestons sovng the probem.
1., -ET#O%O*OG& O" T#E !T$%&
Ths report has been prepared on the bass of experence ganed durng the
perod of Internshp. Data has been coected from prmary as we as
secondary sources but emphass has been made more on prmary sources.
%ata sources:
The data source used to prepare ths report deneated as foows:
a. +ri/ary sources-
. Persona ntervew
. Depth ntervew
. Observaton n the organzaton.
v. Practca desk task.
v. Ouestonnare

0. !econdary sources-
. Annua report of |BL
. Banks fnanca statement.
. Marketng research book.
v. Perodcas.
v. Buetns.
v. Crcuar.
v. Monthy transacton record of the bank.
The coected data and nformaton have been tabuated, processed, anayzed
and graphcay presented n order to make the study more nformatve,
usefu and purposefu
1.1 !CO+E O" T#E !T$%&
Ths study s based of on theoretca practca & mathematca anayss.
However the scope of the study s confned wthn the regon of Agrabad.
I have examned accounts statement of the bank.
The ma|or source of prmary data n busness crcuar, corporate cents,
ndvdua and other customers.
Dscuss and qures wth the executves & offcers
Gong through prnted matera of the bank.
1.2 *i/itations of the study:
Ob|ectve of the practca orentaton program s to have practca exposure
for the students Internshp Programs tenure was for one month ony, whch
was somehow not suffcent. After workng whoe day n the offce t was very
much dffcut to study agan the theoretca aspects of bankng. Other
mtatons are as foows:
Research wthn a short perod of tme.
The duraton of our Internshp program s ony one month. The aocated
tme s not suffcent for us to gather knowedge and to make the study a
compete and frutfu one.
The study aso suffered from nadequacy of data provded by |AMUNA
Bank Lmted.
Chapter -02
3CO-+'(& +)O"I*E3
2.1 #istory of The Ja/una Bank
|amuna Bank Lmted (|BL) provdes commerca bankng servces n the
Bangadesh. The Bank prmary engages n corporate Bankng, trade fnance,
pro|ect fnance, reta Bankng, sma enterprse fnance, consumer fnance,
and syndcaton. Its range of servce offerngs ncude cash management
servces, payments and cearngs, safe depost ocker servces, empoyee
benefts, coecton servces, treasury servces, asset management, servces
and SWIFT for foregn trade. |amuna Bank has an nvestment of 460 mon
taka n ts busness.
2.2. *ocation:
The Regstered offce & corporate Head Offce at Chn Shpa Bhaban, 3,
Dkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000. Its branches are stuated at a the ma|or ctes of
the country except 09 whch are stuated at rura area. The number of bank
branches stood at 56 on October 2010. The bank has a pan to open more
branches over the next severa years at dfferent mportant commerca
paces of the country
2., Back4round Infor/ation of
Ja/una Bank *i/ited:
|amuna Bank Lmted s one of the eadng prvate commerca banks n
Bangadesh that has acheved tremendous popuarty and credbty among
the peope for ts products & servces. It s a pubc mted company and ts
shares are traded n Dhaka and Chttagong stock exchange. The bank
undertakes a types of bankng transacton to support the deveopment of
trade and commerce n the country. |BLs servce s aso avaabe for the
entrepreneurs to set up new ventures and BMM
of ndustra unts.
To provde centee servces n respect of nternatona trade t has
estabshed wde, corresponded Bankng reatonshp wth oca and foregn
banks coverng ma|or trade and fnanca nterest home and abroad.
The bank gves speca emphass on export, mport, trade fnance SME
fnance Reta credt and fnance to woman Entrepreneurs.
2.1. O5nership structure:
Leadng ndustrasts of the country havng vast experence n the fed of
trade and commerce own 52.84% of the share capta and the rest s hed by
the genera pubc. |BLs board currenty conssts of 13 (thrteen) Drectors.
Authorzed capta s Tk.5600.00 mon and pad up capta s Tk.3000.71
mon as of 31
December 2009.
2.2. -ana4e/ent structure:
-ana4e/ent tea/:
|BL s managed by hghy professona peope. The present Managng Drector
of the bank s a forward-ookng senor banker havng decades of experence
and mut dscpne knowedge to hs credt both at home and abroad. He s
support by an educated and sks professona team wth dversfed
experence n fnance and bankng. |amuna bank mted has aready acheved
tremendous progress wthn a short perod of ts operaton.
The sponsors of |amuna bank mted are hghy successfu eadng
entrepreneurs of our country. They have stakes n dfferent segment of the
natona economy. They are emnent ndustrast and busnessmen havng
wde busness reputaton both at home and abroad.
2.6. Corporate ision and -ission:
ision of JB*:
To become a eadng bankng nsttuton and pay a pvota roe n the
deveopment of the country.
-ission !tate/ent of JB*:
The bank s commtted to satsfyng dverse needs of ts customer through an
array of products at a compettve prce by usng approprate technoogy and
provdng tmey servces, so that a sustanabe growth, reasonabe return
and contrbuton to the deveopment of the country can be ensured wth a
motvated and professona work force.
2.7. Corporate O08ecti9e and
O08ecti9e of JB*:
*To earn and mantan CAMEL ratng Strong.
*To estabsh reatonshp bankng and mprove servce quaty through
deveopment of strateges marketng pans.
*To reman one of the best banks n Bangadesh n terms of proftabty and
assets quaty.
*To ntroduce fuy automated system through ntegraton of nformaton
*To ensure an adequate rate of return on nvestment.
*To keep rsk poston at an acceptabe range (ncudng any of baance sheet
*To mantan adequate qudty to meet maturng obgaton and
*To mantan a heathy growth of busness wth desred mage.
*To mantan adequate contro systems and transparency n procedure.
*To deveop and retan a quaty work force through an effectve Human
Resources Management system.
*To ensure optmum utzaton of a avaabe resources.
*To pursue an effectve system of management by ensurng compance to
norms, transparency and accountabty.
!trate4ies of JB*:
*To dentfy customers credt and other bankng needs and montor ther
percepton towards our performance n meetng those requrements.
*To revew and update poces, procedures and practces to enhance the
abty to extend better servces to customer.
*To strve for customer satsfacton through quaty contro and devery of
tmey servces.
*To tran and deveop a empoyees and provde adequate resources so that
customer needs can be responsby addressed.
*To manage and operate the bank n most effcent manner to enhance
fnanca performance and to contro the cost of fund.
*To promote organzatona effectveness by openy communcatng company
pans, poces, practces and procedures to a empoyees n a tmey fashon.
*To cutvate a workng envronment that fosters postve motvaton for
mproved performance.
*To dversfy portfoo both n the reta and whoesae market.
*To ncrease drect contract wth customers n order to cutvate a coser
reatonshp between the bank and ts customers.
!trate4ic Business +:an:
Though |amuna Bank s engaged n conventona bankng t aso consders the
nherent desre of the regous Musms, and has aunched Isam Bankng
system and estabshed one Isam bankng Branch n the year 2003, the
Isam Bankng Branch s performng ts actvtes under the gudance and
supervson of a body caed "SHARIAH COUNCIL".
The operatons of the |BL are computerzed to ensure prompt and effcent
servces to the customers.
The bank s commtted to contnuous research and deveopment so as to
keep pace wth modern bankng.
The bank has ntroduced camera surveance system (CCTV) to strengthen
the securty servces nsde the bank ste.
The bank has ntroduced customer reaton management system to asses the
needs of varous customers and resoves any probem on the spot.
The bank has aso ntroduced fu onne bankng facty to the cent.
2.;.Corporate !ocia: )esponsi0i:ities
of Ja/una Bank *i/ited:
As a part of the socety a types of organzaton have the responsbty
towards socety. |amuna Bank perceved ts soca corporate responsbty. So
t aways exercses ts responsbty to the socety. In the backdrop of
profound success the board of drectors consdered the formaton of |BL
foundaton through whch some soca wefare actvtes can be rendered to
the socety. Last few years they are consstenty expandng ther soca
wefare actvtes. Durng dfferent caamty or dsaster tme perod they have
dstrbuted reef to the affected peope. They have stated schoarshp
program to the mertorous student who are not fnancay sovent. The
authorty aso contrbutes to the Mukt|oddha |adughar.
2.<. Credit )atin4 )eport =Entity
Year Long Term Short Term
Current Ratng 2010 A- ST-3
Prevous Ratng 2008 BBB+ ST-3
Outook Stabe
Date of Ratng 30 |une, 2010
For free exchange of postve deas wthn the workpace a pocy s adopted
for open, honest and two way communcaton.
For mantanng human resources they reward them wth performance bonus,
overseas trp, promotons and ncrements reasonaby.
Besdes deveopng the human resources professonay wth the vew of
|amuna Bank Lmted has estabshed a brary where a sorts of books
ncudng professona books are avaabe so that the offcers and executves
can sharpen and updated ther knowedge.
2.10. Infor/ation Techno:o4y:
For provdng prompt servce to ts customer nformaton technoogy s
mportant specay n bankng sector. They have a strong convcton of
appyng nformaton technoogy n ther operaton for ensurng prompt but
accurate servce to ts customer.
A of the branches are connected wth onne. They have estabshed 45 ATM
machnes. They have aready ntroduced drect debt card, credt card n
mted range and tee bankng.
2.11. On:ine Bankin4:
|amuna Bank Lmted has ntroduced rea-tme any branch bankng on Apr
05, 2005. Now, customers can wthdraw and depost money from any of ts
59 branches. Vaued customers can aso en|oy 24 hours bankng servce
through ATM card from any of O-cash ATMs ocated at Dhaka, Chttagong,
Khuna, Syhet and Bogra. They aso ssue credt card.
>ey features:
*Centrazed Database
*Patform Independent
*Rea tme any branch bankng
*Internet Bankng Interface
*ATM Interface
*Corporate MIS facty
2.12.+re9ention of -oney
The provson of Money Launderng Preventon Act 2002 and Bangadesh
Bank nstructon and gudance |BL has strengthen Ant Money Launderng
actvtes. Besdes cheatng awareness among the vaued customers, the
bank has organzed a number of tranng programs for ts offcas.
2.1,. Co/petitors:
Other commerca banks are the compettors of |amuna Bank Lmted. It can
be pubc or prvate bank and fnanca nsttuton such as ease companes or
nsurance companes etc. man branch of |BL s stuated n Dkusha
Commerca area whch s the man commerca pace n Bangadesh and
maxmum fnanca nsttuton are stuated n ths area. So the bank has to
face ots of competton n case of operatng busness.
2.11."uture Thrust:
|BL has some pan for ts future years. To acheve ts goa t has some future
thrust. These are gven beow:
*SMS Bankng
*Merchant Bankng
*Fu dupex on-ne Bankng
*Innovaton and ntroducton of new abty and asset products
*Internet Bankng
*Dsaster Recovery Ste (DRS)
*Expanson of busness at home and abroad
*Enhancng n-house tranng factes
*Modernzng the Tranng Insttute
*Openng new branches at new ocaton
2.12. Three the/es for 4ro5th:
*Introducng card network and eectronc bankng.
*Expandng personaze servces
*Budng strong presence n the market wth reputaton
2.16. "orei4n )e/ittance:
Remttance servces are avaabe at a branches and foregn remttances
may be sent to any branch by the remtters favorng ther benefcares.
Remttances are credted to the account of benefcares nstanty through
Eectronc Fund Transfer (EFT) mechansm or wthn shortest possbe tme.
|amuna Bank Ltd. has correspondent bankng reatonshp wth a ma|or
banks ocated n amost a the countres/ctes. Expatrate Bangadeshs may
send ther hard earned foregn currences through those banks or may
contact any renowned banks nearby (where they resde/work) to send ther
money to ther dear ones n Bangadesh.
2.17. Tradin4 of Go9ern/ent
Treasury 0ond ? Other Go9t.
|amuna Bank Lmted has been nomnated as a Prmary Deaer by the
Bangadesh Bank for tradng 5 years & 10 Years Treasury Bonds and other
Government Securtes.
1. E:i4i0i:ity criteria:
Indvduas and nsttutons resdent n Bangadesh, ncudng provdent funds,
penson funds, bank and corporate bodes sha be egbe to purchase the
Indvduas and nsttutons not resdent n Bangadesh sha aso be egbe to
purchase the BGTBs, wth coupon payment and resae/redempton proceeds
transferabe abroad n foregn currency sub|ect to fufment of condtons as
mentoned n the Bangadesh Govt. Treasury Bond Rues-2003.
2. *oan faci:ity:
|BL offers oan up to 95% of the present vaue of the bond/other securtes
aganst en of the above nstrument for ther customers.
2.1; .+)O%$CT '(% !E)ICE
O""E)E% B& J'-$(' B'(> *I-ITE%:
Products of |amuna Bank Ltd. can be dvded nto two parts. They are asset
product and abty product. Generay abty product means deposts of
many knds that are payabe to partes. On the other hand, asset products
are the products whch cents are abe to pay to bank. Dfferent types of
undertakng by the bank to the cents or on behaf of the cents are aso a
type of abty to bank. On the other hand a dfferent type of promses makes
by the cents to bank s consdered as banks asset.
C:assification of Bank +roduts:

The Product
Deposits Fund Oriented International
Consultancy Miscellanies
1 Time &
on Fund
!"C# $oreign
mar cent#
pro'ect #
(el$ Custody#
Credit Cards#
che*ues# (ale
o$ Dra$ts#
!etter o$
+ersona: Bankin4:
Persona Bankng of |amuna Bank offers wde-rangng products
andservces matchng the requrement of every customer. Transactona
accounts, savngs schemes or oan factes from |amuna Bank Ltd. make
avaabe you a unque mxture of easy and consummate servce quaty.
|BL offers the foowng key Persona Bankng Servces:
-Current Depost Account
-Savngs Depost Account
-Short Term Depost Account
-Fxed Depost Account
Current %eposit 'ccount:
CD stands for current depost. It s cost free. No nterest s gven by the bank.
As t has no cost and more over bank charges on dfferent servces, the target
of the bank s to ncrease the number of current account cents. It can be
ony opened by the name of any organzaton and not n any persona name.
Current account many opens by dfferent types of organzaton for operatng
ther busness transacton smoothy. Propretorshp, Partnershp, Lmted
companes and Cub or Socetes can open current account. account then
bank charges TK. 100. Openng baance of current account s mnmum TK.
5000 but f the depostors have any probem then t can be open by TK. 2000.
Requrements for dfferent types of current accounts openng are gven
+roprietorship 'ccount:
-Introducton of account
-Two photographs of the account hoder whch s attested by the ntroducer
-Vad copy of trade cense
-Rubber stamp
-TIN number certfcate (f any)
-Copy of voter ID card or passport or commssoners certfcate
+artnership 'ccount:
-Introducton of account
-Two photographs of the account hoder whch s attested by the ntroducer.
-Partnershp etter duy sgn by a partners (sgn shoud be smar as stated
n the Deed)
-Regstraton (f any)
-Rubber stamp
-Updated trade cense
-Lmted company Account:
-Introducton of account.
-Two photographs of the account hoder whch s attested by the ntroducer.
-Vad copy of Trade cense.
-Board resouton of openng account duy certfed by the charman
Managng Drector.
-Certfcate of Incorporaton.
-Certfed (|ont Stock) true copy of the Memorandum and Artce of
Assocaton of the company. Duy attested by the Charman of Managng
-Lst of drector aong wth desgnaton and specmen sgnature.
-Latest certfed copy of form - X11 (to be certfed by the regstrar of |ont
stock companes) n case of drectorshp change.
-Rubber Stamp
-Certfed copy of certfcate of commencement of Busness.
-Latest audted baance sheet
-Tn certfcate
-Certfcate of Regstraton (n case of nsurance companes)
-Cub/Socetes Account:
-Introducton of the account
-Two photographs of the account hoder whch s attested by the ntroducer.
-Board resouton for openng account (Duy certfed by Presdent/Secretary)
-Lst of exstng Managng Commttee.
-Regstraton (f any)
-Rubber stamp
-Permsson etter from Bureau of N.G.O (n case of N.G.O account)
2.1<. !a9in4s 'ccount:
Bank consders t as Low Cost abty product. Savngs account s many
open by ndvdua person. Generay househoders and other sma scae
savers s the cent of ths account. Openng baance of savngs account s TK.
2000. In case of savngs account bank authorty gves 6% nterest based on
ts depost to ts cents and nterest w be counted on day bass.
Bank charge very mted amount because t s an nterest bearng account.
Bank haf yeary servce charge s TK. 300. If anyone wants to cose ths
account then they have to pay TK. 50. Accordng to Bangadesh Bank
nstructons 90% of SB deposts are treated as tme abty and 10% of t as
demand abty. Generay banks requre a 7-day pror notce f the tota
amount of one or more wthdrawas on any date exceeds 25% of the baance
of the account uness s gven. But n |BL there s no restrcton about drawng
money from savngs account. Any tme hoders may draw money of any
amount wthout pror notce.
2.20. !hort-ter/ %eposit:
Customers depost money for a shorter perod of tme. STD account can be
treated as sem-term depost. STD shoud be kept for at east thrty days to
get nterest. The nterest offered for STD s ess than that of savngs depost.
Bank authorty gves 5.5% to ts cents. Voume of STD A/C s generay hgh.
In MBL, varous bg Companes, Organzatons, Government Departments
keep money n STD accounts. Frequent wthdrawas are dscouraged and
requre pror notce.
Interest rate of Current Depost, Savngs de depost and Short Term Depost
account are gven beow:
(a/e of 'ccount Interest )ate
Current Depost 0%
Short Term Depost 5.5%
Savngs Depost 6%
SB non chequng & No wthdrawa for 6 months 7.5%
SB non chequng & No wthdrawa for 1 year 8%
Tabe 04: Interest rate of SB, CD & SRD A/C
Incdenta charges of dfferent account are gven beow:
S No Category of charges Rate
01 Charges on Savngs depost 300+300=600
02 Charges on current depost 500+500=1000
03 Charges on Short term depost 500+500=1000
Tabe 05: Incdenta charges of |BL
2.21. "i@ed %eposit 'ccount:
In case of fxed depost depostor depost money for a fxed perod of tme ke
1 month, 3 month, 6 month or 1 year. Fxed deposts are repayabe aong
wth proft or after maturaton perod. If the depostor wants then a matured
FDR may be renewed for any of the perods mentoned above. The depost
w be automatcay renewed from the date of expry for a perod of three
months at the rate of proft appcabe on the renewa f the depostor does
not gve any nstructon to the branch wthn on month of the date of maturty
of the FDR. If the depostor encashment the depost before maturty no proft
w be pad to the cent. Recenty Bangadesh bank has decded that the
nterest rate of FDR w e between 9% to 11%. For ths reason the Assets
Labty commttee of the bank has revsed nterest rate of FDR. The new
rates are gven beow:
Interest of "%):
Perod Rate of nterest
1 Month 9%
3 Month 10%
6 Month 9.75% to 10%
1 Year 9.5% to 10%
Tabe 06: Interest of FDR
2.22. !che/es offered 0y JB*:
|BL has ntroduced some scheme for ts customers whch not ony ncrease
the proftabty of the bank but aso ncrease the savng tendency of the
customer. These are gven beow:
-onth:y !a9in4s !che/e =-!!.:
Savngs s the best frend n bad days. Sma savngs can bud up a
prosperous future. Savngs can meet up any emergences. |BL has ntroduced
Monthy Savngs Scheme (MSS) that aows t cents to save on a monthy
bass and get a handsome return upon maturty. The concerned customer
can ava oan facty up to 80% of the deposted amount.
Education !a9in4s !che/e:
Educaton s one of the basc needs of every ctzen. Every parents want
proper educaton to ther chdren. Educaton s the prerequste for the soco-
economc deveopment of a country. Hgher educaton may be hndered due
to the change of economc condton of ther parents. To sove ths probem
|BL has ntroduced "Educaton Savngs Scheme" whch offers ts cents to
bud up chershed fund by monthy depost of sma amount at cent
affordabe capacty. The customer has the opton for wthdrawng tota
accumuated amount ncudng prncpa on maturty date at a tme or takng
monthy beneft durng the next fve years from the date of maturty keepng
the prncpa ntact.
-arria4e %eposit !che/e:
Marrage of chdren especay daughter s a matter of great concern n the
context of our country. It nvoves expense of consderabe amount. Practca
parents make effort for gradua budng of fund as per the capacty to meet
the expenses. Parents get reef and fee secure f they can arrange the
necessary fund for ther chdren marrage, no matter whether they can
survve or not.
By consderng ths factor |BL has ntroduced marrage depost scheme whch
offer ts cents to bud up chershed fund by monthy depost of sma
amount at cent capabty. It grows very fast at hgh rate of nterest yedng
a szeabe amount on maturty.
*akhpati %eposit:
To become "Lakhpat" s smpy a dream for the most of the peope of
Bangadesh especay to the ower and ower mdde ncome group. Keepng
that n mnd |BL has ntroduced "Lakhpat Depost Scheme" whch has
fexbty n report of maturty and monthy nstament as per affordabe
>otipati %eposit !che/e:
Kotpat depost scheme s one of the schemes of |BL. It s reazabe for hgh
ncome group who have strong determnaton and savngs habt. |BL has
ntroduced "Kotpat
Depost Scheme" offerng the savngs pan ft to your ncome and executes
your dream to be a Kotpat by monthy depost at cent affordabe capabty.
Monthy Savngs Scheme, Educaton Savngs Scheme, Marrage Depost
Scheme, Lakhpat and Kotpat Depost Scheme have the foowng factes:
These types of depost account can be opened at any branch of |BL.
They can depost at any branch of |BL and the same through on ne bankng
Monthy nstament can be automatcay coected from cent savngs
account mantaned wth |BL.
Instament amount sha be deposted wthn 20
day of each month. If the
s hoday then customer may aso nstaments on next workng day.
No oan factes w be aowed from any other banks/ fnanca nsttuton
aganst the deposted amount except |BL.
-onth:y Benefit !che/e:
|amuna bank mted has ntroduced Monthy Beneft Scheme for the prudent
person havng ready cash and desrng to have fxed ncome on monthy bass
out of t wthout takng rsk of oss and wthout cashng the prncpa amount.
Ths scheme offers hghest return wth zero rsk.
-Mnmum Depost: Tk. 1 ac.
-Maxmum Depost: Any amount mutpe of Tk. 1 ac.
-After openng the account the proft eement w be deposted n that
-Upon maturty the term may be renewed for the next tenure.
-These scheme were effectve on 18
Apr 2009, due to Bangadesh Bank
decson -|BL have stopped these scheme temporary. Soon they w revsng
the nterest rate of the scheme and contnue the scheme agan.
%ou0:eATrip:e Gro5th %eposit !che/e:
|BL has ntroduced Doube/Trpe Growth depost scheme that offers ts
customer to make doube or trpe money wthn seven years and eeven
years respectvey resutng a hgh rate of nterest.
-Mnmum Depost: Tk. 1 Lac.
-Maxmum Depost: Any amount mutpe of Tk. 1 Lac.
-Overdraft Facty: The concerned customer can ava oan facty up to 80%
of the deposted amount.
-Features of the Scheme:
-oney inc:udin4 interest paya0:e at /aturity
Depost After 5 years 7 months(Doube) After 8 years 5 months(trpe)
100000 200000 300000
200000 400000 600000
500000 1000000 1500000
Interest rate-12.50%
Tabe 07- Feature of the scheme
Ter/s ? Conditions:
If customer fas to depost 3 consecutve nstament then bank reserves the
rght to cose the account.
Customer w not get any proft f the scheme s cosed wthn 6-months. If tt
s cosed after 6-months then cent w get deposted amount aong wth
nterest rate. The rate s norma savngs rate up to the cosure tme.
Lke other scheme customers have to foow the government rues and
reguatons. They aso have to foow the Bangadesh Bank rues.
2.2,. 'sset +roducts:
Funded means those type products n whch bank drecty fund. Ths type of
product s provded aganst mortgage, guarantee prevous performances. For
exampe: Overdraft, Term Loan, Tme Loan, Consumer credt, , Professona
Loan and Sma Busness Loan.
(on "unded:
Non funded means when the bank provdes ths type of servce bank need
not provde mmedate fund. It s a hgh ncome source for the bank. But the
bank has to provde hgh care when provde such type of servces to the
cents. These types of products are LC, Bank Guarantee. Dscusson on LC s
ater on Foregn Exchange part.
-i:estones in the de9e:op/ent of Ja/una Bank *i/ited:
2001 - |amuna Bank Lmted (|BL) s a Bankng Company regstered under the
Companes Act, 1994 wth ts Head Offce at Chn Shpa Bhaban, 3, Dkusha
C/A, Dhaka-1000. The Bank started ts operaton from 3rd |une 2001.
2004 - IPO ssued and traded n both Dhaka & Chttagong Stock Exchange
2005 - |amuna Bank has aunched ts Onne Bankng servces on Apr 05,
2006 - |amuna Bank Lmted has nstaed ts frst O-cash ATM.
2007 - Approved the new attractve saary structure to compete the top
graded banks.
2008 - |amuna Bank ssue VISA card.
2009- |amuna bank deveoped foregn remttance system.
Every Branch of |amuna Bank s dvded nto varous departments namey as
1.Genera Bankng department.
2. Loan and Advances department.Accounts Secton
3.Foregn exchange department
4,Depost Secton
5.Account openng Secton
6.Cash Secton
7.Bs coecton and Cearng Secton
8.Remttance and Pay order Secto.

Bank (er)ices
,eneral Banking Credit"-d)ance Foreign .%change
Di$$erent accounts
Open# issues o$ DD+
TT+ PO# Clearing FD#
di$$erent (cheme etc+
(OD ,eneral
!oan# /ouse &uilding
!oan# !ease $inance#
/ire purchase# CC
hypo# (ta$$ loan etc+
.%port# Import#
C#'+TE)- 0,
3.1. Genera Bankng department of |BL:
Genera bankng s the startng pont and Heart of a knds of bankng
operatons. It provdes day to day servces to ts cents. The core functon of
bank s performng by ths department. In |amuna Bank Lmted Agrabad
Branch depost secton, cash coecton, cearng and accounts secton are
under genera bankng department.
Genera bankng department does the most mportant and basc work of the
banks. A other departments are nked wth ths department. It pays a vta
roe n depost mobzaton of the branch. For proper functonng and
exceent customer servce ths department s dvded nto varous sectons
namey as foows:
,.2.%eposit !ection:
Depost secton s one of the mportant parts of Genera Bankng Secton. It s
fuy computerzed. Depost secton offcer mantans the account number of
a customers of the bank. They used dfferent code number for dfferent
account. Through ths secton depostor can know present poston of hs or
her account. The offcer makes postng three types of transacton such as
cash, cearng and transfer. It performs the foowng tasks:
-Post a knds of transacton
-Provde on demand report
-Cheque mantenance
-Preparaton of day transacton poston
-Preparaton of cosng monthy transacton.
,., %ifferent types of 'ccount
openin4 !ection:
Ths secton many deas wth dfferent types of account openng. It aso
deas wth the ssung of cheque books and dfferent account openers nqury.
A customer can open and cose dfferent types of accounts through ths
Co/p:iance Guide:ines:
In case of account openng offcer have to foow some compance gudenes.
These are gven beow:
As per Secton 19 KA of the Preventon of Money Launderng Act 2002
requres a nsttuton to seek satsfactory evdence of the dentty of those
wth whom they dea and aso as per Bangadesh Bank gudenes. Customer
present address shoud be verfed physcay or ssung a thanks etter
regstered wth the Acknowedge Due then the banks satsfy about the
present address of the cents.
In the decaraton form customer need to menton the monthy and yeary
transfer voume whch w be matched wth the transacton profe.
Transaction +rofi:e:
In the TP fve ma|or portons must have to be mentoned ceary. Reatng
offcer of the bank w verfy and montor the transacton mentoned n the
TP. If any ma|or change n transacton a carfcaton shoud have to be kept n
abnorma transacton fe and exstng TP w have to be change. In order to
be abe to |udge whether a transacton s or not suspcous, nsttutons need
to have a cear understandng of the busness carred on by ther customer
>no5 your custo/er =>&C.:
As per Bangadesh Bank gudenes KYC s one more addtona documents .By
ths document bank w be known customers deta and rsk nvovement of
customer. If a customer has estabshed an account usng a fase dentfy, she
may be dong so to defraud the nsttuton tsef or to ensure that she can not
be traced to the crme the proceeds of whch the nsttuton s beng used to
money aunder.
A fase name, address w usuay mean that enforcement agences can not
trace the customer f he s needed for ntervew of an nvestgaton.
Consideration for account openin4:
The offcer shoud aso consder the foowng factor n case of account
Introducton of an account hoder s must. Because openng of an account
banker must satsfy hmsef about the dentty of the proposed account
opener. Bank has been accustomed to obtanng an ntroducton for each
account from a responsbe exstng account hoder known to hm, whose
account s operatve wth the acceptabe baance n hs account whch
satsfes the banker.
!peci/en si4nature:
One or more specmen sgnatures of the account openers are obtaned n a
prescrbed card for record keepng by the banker. These are the sgnature the
banker recognze the purpose of customers sgnng cheque on account and
ssue other nstructon to the banker.
,.1. Genera: +ractice for ':: type of
+rocedure for issuin4 of a check0ook:
If any one opens a Savngs or Current account wth |BL then he or she need
cheque book for transacton purpose. For ssung a cheque book one need to
go through some procedure. These are gven beow:
For the frst cheque book customer has to appy n a specfed form aong wth
the thanks etter whch he or she has receved after openng the account.
Then for the
New cheque book the cents have to appy through the requston sp
supped wth the prevous check book.
The eaves of the cheque book whch s under ssue sha be counted to
ensure that a the eaves and the bank requston sp are ntact.
The name and account number sha be wrtten on the cover page of the
cheque book. The account number of the cent sha be entered on a the
eaves of the cheque book aong wth ts requston sp.
Next the name and account number of the customer sha n the cheque book
regster aganst the partcuar cheque book seres.
Offcer who s n charge of the depost department sgn the regster book
aong wth the requston sp.
Fnay the cheque book s handed over to the customer after takng
acknowedgement on the requston sp and the regster book.
Offcer has to contanng the requston sp n a cover fe. It sha be
effectvey preserved as vouchers. If the edger keeper found any defect he
w make a remark to that effect on the requston sp and forward t to the
canceaton offcer to decde whether a new cheque book shoud ssued or
+rocedure 5hen check0ook is :ost:
If the cheque book s ost then a guarantee form s taken from the account
hoder, where he dentfes the bank n ths regard. For ssung a new cheque
book a new requston sp s gven to the account hoder. Fresh cheque book
nstead of the ost one shoud be ssued after verfyng the sgnature of the
account hoder from the specmen sgnature card ony pror approva of the
manager or sub manager.
C:osin4 of an 'AC:
Customer may cose out hs A/C at any tme by submttng an appcaton to
the branch. The customer shoud be asked to draw the fna cheque for the
amount standng to the credt of hs or her A/C ess the amount of cosng and
or other ncdenta charges and surrenders unused cheque. The account
shoud be debted for the accountng cosng charges etc. and an authorzed
offcer to the branch shoud destroy unused cheque eaves. The stoppage of
the operaton of the account can be under foowng crcumstances.
Notce gven by the customer hmsef.
Death of Customer.
Customer nsanty and nsovency.
Garnshee order
Transfer of an 'AC:
Account hoder may transfer hs account form one branch to another
branch .For ths he must appy to the manager of the branch where he s
mantanng account. Then manager of oca offce sends a request etter to
the manager of the branch where the account hoder wants to transfer hs
account .Wth hs request he sends orgna copy of account openng
appcaton and specmen sgnature card and
photocopy for appcaton for transfer the account wth the baance remaned
'ccount inBuiry:
Customer can obtan the statement of hs account by the submsson of an
appcaton n prescrbed baance nqury recept. |BL not charges any amount
of ths statement. Bank normay ssues statement twce a year.
'ccount B:ock:
The task of account bock s done as per the order of the cent or order of the
court or order by the centra bank.
Inacti9eC %or/ant:
If there s no transacton happened s account durng past one year then the
account s beng nactve as per the rues of Bangadesh. Ths s caed
dormant account. A report has been sent to the Bangadesh bank reatng ths
matter and after a certan perod the centra bank takes contro over ths
Cash section:
As a fnanca nsttuton banks have to accept surpus money from the peope
as depost and gve them opportunty to wthdrawa the same money by
cheque etc. but among the bankng actvtes cash department pays an
mportant roe. It does the man functon of a commerca bank that s
recevng the depost and payng the cash on demand. As ths department
deas drecty wth the customers the reputaton of the bank much depends
on t.
,.2.Cash %epart/ent:
Cash secton of any bank pays a vta roe n genera bankng procedure,
because t deas wth the most qud assets. There s severa counters work
smutaneousy n cash secton of |amuna Bank, Mot|hee Branch. There are
two eectronc countng machnes by whch a huge amount of cash money
can be counted wthn a few mnutes and t aso ensure the zero percent
countng machne. Ths secton deas wth a types of negotabe nstrument
and ncudes vaut, used as the store of cash, nstrument.
"unction of cash depart/ent:
Cash payment Cash payment s made ony aganst cheque. Ths s
the unque functon of the bankng system whch s
known as "payment on demand". It makes payment
ony aganst ts prnted vad cheque.
Cash Recept It receves deposts from the depostors n form of
cash. So t s the "mobzaton unt" of the bankng
system. It coects money ony ts recept forms.
Tabe 8: Functon of cash department
,.6.Types of 0i:: for co::ection:
In5ard Bi::s for Co::ection =IBC.:
When the banks coect bs as an agent of the coectng branch, the system
s known as IBC. In ths case the bank w work as an agent of the coecton
bank. The branch receves a forwardng etter and the b.
Next steps are gven beow:
Enter the transacton n the IBC regster.
An IBC number s gven on the b.
Endorsement gven "Our branch endorsement confrmed"
The nstrument s sent for cearng.
If dshonored, the nstrument s returned to the coectng branch aong wth a
return memo.
Out5ard Bi::s for Co::ection =OBC.:
If the b s beyond the cearng range then t s coected by OBC mechansm.
Customer depost cheque, drafts etc. for coecton, attachng wth ther
depost sp nstrument wthn the range of cearng are coected through
oca cearng house but the other whch are outsde the cearng range are
coected through ths mechansm. At frst the cearng offcer has to do some
prmary tasks that are very mportant. Those are gven beow:
Name of the payees must be same both at depost sp and on cheque.
Account number s correcty fufed.
Amount wrtten on depost sp and on cheque s same.
Date on depost and cheque.
Then the offcer crosses the cheque and endorses the same. It s a must to
cear the cheque through cearng house. Then the banker gves nput of
cheques detas at software provded by the Bangadesh bank whch s
mandatory. Then bank takes a vadaton hardcopy. Vadaton hardcopy s
stored at bank and a foppy dsk has been send to the prncpa branch.
Suppose customer of |BL Mot|hee branch depostng a cheque of |anata bank
of Chttagong branch. As a coectng bank |BL oca offce w perform the
beow task.
Bank depostng the cheque aong wth depost sp.
Crossng of the cheque are done ndcatng as coectng bank.
Endorsement "payees A/C w be credted on reazaton" s gven.
Entres are gven n the outward cearng regster.
Procedure of coecton process s gven beow:
,.7. C:earin4:
Coectng bank can coect t ether by ts branch or by the drawers bank.
They w forward the b then to that partcuar branch. OBC number w gve
on the forwardng etter. Foowng procedure w take pace n case of the
beow two cases:
Bs coected through Branch or
B coected through another bank of ths are
Accordng to the Artce 37(2) of Bangadesh Bank Order 1972, the banks
whch are a member of the cearng house are caed ad Schedued Banks
.The Schedued Banks cear the cheques drawn upon one another through the
cearng house. Ths s an arrangement by the centra bank where everyday
the representatve of the member banks sts to cear the cheques. For
cearng there s a department n every bank. Ths department receves
cheques, drafts and ke nstruments from ts customer for the purpose of
coecton wth a depost sp over the counter credtng ther accounts
.Cearng of cheque s done through the cearng house n Bangadesh Bank
.Every day the frst hour starts at 10.30am and returns house at 5:00 pm.
"unction in the c:earin4 house:
The cearng house s a egsatve body of the ocay operatng schedued
banks for exchange of cheques, drafts and other demand nstrument drawn
on each other and receved from ther respectve customers for coecton.
The house meets at the apponted hour on a workng days under the
charmanshp of the centra bank. The cearng house sts twce n a workng
The member submts the camabe cheques n the respectve desk of the
banks and vce-versa.
Consequenty, the debt and credt entres are gven.
Fnay, the debt summaton and the credt summaton are cacuated. Then
the banks cear the baances through the cheque of Bangadesh Bank.
%ishonor of CheBue:
|BL sends wth cheque return memo to the customer statng the reason f the
cheque s dshonored. |amuna Bank Lmted charges some money as penaty
f the cheque s dshonored because of nsuffcent of funds.
,.;. )e/ittance and +ay order
If we consder the present stuaton of our country then carryng cash s not
safety and rsky. For safety purpose one can use bankng channe and ensure
the maxmum securty of ther money. Thats why money can be transferred
from one pace to another through bankng channe. Ths s caed remttance.
Remttances of funds are one of the most mportant aspects of the
commerca banks n renderng servces to ts customer.
Sendng money from one pace to another pace for the customer s another
mportant servce of banks and ths servce s an mportant part of countres
payment system. For ths servce peope especay busnessman can transfer
funds one pace to another very qucky.
-oney Gra/ /oney transfer:
|amuna Bank s a deaer of Money Gram Money Transfer. It pays the money
remtted by the nonresdent Bangadeshs to ther reatves. The tasks are
done by the satete nk and pay the benefcary after successfuy
dentfcaton proof.
+ay order:
Pay order s an nstrument that s ssued and pad from the same branch of
the bank to pay a certan sum of money to the person there on or to hs
order. Unke cheque, there s no possbty of dshonorng pay order because
before ssung pay order bank takes out money of the pay order n advance.
Pay order s ssued n the same cty. Ths nstrument s generay used n
tender, bds, earnest money etc. The procedure for seng pay order s as
-Purchaser must be an accounthoder of |BL. But n speca cases |ob seeker
and student can ssue a pay order from ths branch.
-Cent frst depost the money wth P.O appcaton form.
-Next offcer gve necessary entry n the bs payabe regster.
-Then prepare the P.O nstrument carefuy.
-After that t has been sgn and approved by hgher authorty.
-Sgnature of customer s taken n the counter part of the nstrument. Fn ay
t devered to the customer.
-odes of purchasin4 +ay Order:
By cash
By transfer of money.
By account.
Co//ission for +ay Order:
Tota amount of PO Commsson Vat
Up to TK. 10000 15 3
TK. 10,001 - TK.100000 25 4
TK.100,001 - TK. 500,000 40 6
TK. 500,000 to above 50 8
Tabe 9: Commsson for Pay Order
Co::ection of +ay Order:
A customer of Dhaka bank who s the payee a P.O. w depost t for coecton
The nstrument s gven to the cearng that w pace t to the ssung bank n
the cearng house. Before pacement |BL as a coectng bank gves
necessary endorsement.
+ay order issuin4 process:
,.<. %e/and %raft:
The demand draft (DD) s a negotabe nstrument under secton 85(A) of the
negotabe nstrument act -1881. DD s ssued n favor of the customer who
mantans an account wth ths branch. Demand Draft s an order of ssung
bank on another branch of the same bank to pay specfed some of money to
the payee on demand. It s generay ssued when the customer wants to
remt money n any pace, whch s outsde the cearng house area of ssung
+rocedure for issuin4 %e/and %raft:
A DD appcaton form s gven to the customer. Customer fs up the form
whch ncudes the name of the drawer, name of the payee, amount of money
to be sent, name of the drawee branch, sgnature and address of the drawer.
The customer may pay n cash or may transfer the amount from hs/her
account. After the moneys pad and the form s seaed and sgned, t s gven
to the DD ssung desk. DD bock has two parts one for bank and another for
the customer. Banks part contans ssung date wth drawers name and sum
of the money and name of the drawee branch. Customers part contans the
name of the payee, ssung date, sum of the money and drawee branch.
After fng up the DD, form s gven n the DD ssue regster and at the same
tme the bank ssue a DD confrmaton sp addressng the drawee branch
.Ths confrmaton sp s entered nto the DD advce ssue regster and a
number s put on the confrmaton sp from the same resster. Letter on the
bank ma ths sp to the drawee branch. Then the DD from s seaed wth a
protectora machne to protect from matera ateraton. Next the customer
sgns on the back of the DD and takes hm/her part of DD.
+ay/ent of %e/and %raft:
For payment of demand draft payng branch frst has to confrm that the
Demand Draft s not fake one. Frst bank check the "Test Code" mentoned
on the draft. If "Test Code" agrees then beeve the DD s not bogus and
authorty makes payment. For further confrmaton the ssung bank sends an
advce about the DD to the payng branch. Wthout advce the payng branch
does not make payment.
)o:e of a dra5n on Bank:
The I.B.C.A. (Inter Branch Credt Advce) dspatched to drawn on branch.
Issung an I.B.C.A. mpes that the branch s beng credted to whom t s
ssued. I.B.C.A. contan the controng number .Lodgment s gven after
recevng an I.B.C.A. Necessary entry s gven n a regster caed "DD-In-
Issung branch. Controng number of the I.B.C.A. shoud match the sera
number of ths DD n regster.
Cance::ation of a de/and draft:
If the hoder of the nstrument wants to cance t, he shoud submt a request
etter n ths regard. Issung branch then sends I.B.D.A. to the drawn on
branch aganst the I.B.C.A. whch was sent prevousy.
%ifferent 0et5een +ay order ? %e/and %raft:
There are some dfferences between pay order & demand draft, whch are
gven beow:
-In case of Demand Draft both the payer and payee need to mantan
accounts. But there s no certan rue for pay order.
-PO s used n the same cearng area; DD s used for a knds. DD cannot be
done n the same cearng area.
-DD s drawn on a certan bank offce. But there s on certan rues for PO.
'ccounts section:
Ths s a very much cruca department for each branch of a commerca
bank. Records of a the transactons of every department are kept as we
wth other respectve branches Accountng department verfes a fnanca
amounts and contents of transactons. If any dscrepancy arses regardng
any transacton ths depart report to the concerned department.
,.10. Task of 'ccounts depart/ent:
Accounts pay an essenta roe n commerca bankng. In prvate bankng
sector accounts department of |BL perform ts very propery. The actvtes of
accounts department are gven beow:
Budgetng for branch.
Make saary statement and pay saary.
Pay a expendture on behaf of the branch.
Make charges for dfferent types of dutes.
Branch to branch fund remttance and support for accountng treatment.
Prepare statement for reportng purpose.
Record a transacton n the genera and subsdary edger.
Record a transacton n the day cash book.
Prepare day fund functon, weeky poston, perodc statement of affars etc.
Genera: :ed4er =%ai:y tasks.:
Affars prnt out takng and day poston prepare. Offcer w prepare day
genera edger. (As |amuna bank has ts own computerzed network system t
s prepared automatcay).
%ai:y +osition =%ai:y tasks.:
A day poston report s prepared everyday. Informaton s coected from
genera edger. It has to send to head offce or keep n safe for future use. In
a day poston report there are generay deposts, dfferent types of b,
oan and advances, cash n hand, cash n ATM etc.
oucher keepin4 =%ai:y tasks.:
Keepng a vouchers date wse aong wth supportng nstruments. Vouchers
and reevant supportng nstruments are sendng to the account department
from a departments. A the vouchers are keepng n safety pace at east 15
+rofit and :oss Ca:cu:ation =+eriodica: task.:
At the end of each month proft and oss account s prepared and send to the
head offce. At the end of year cumuatve tota oss and proft s prepared.
':: inco/e ? E@penditure /onth:y /onitorin4:
A ncome and expendture are done by the accounts department. They aso
montor the ncome and the expendture.
Branch 0ud4et /onitorin4:
The budget of a branch s prepared by the HEAD Offce. And t s montored
by the account department.
!tate/ents +repared 0y the Branch:
Weeky fund poston.
Monthy Sector Corporaton.
Monthy Schedue Bank Statement-1 (SBS-1)
Ouartery Schedue Bank Statement-2 (SBS-2)
Ouartery statement of exchange of torn/drty notes
Haf-yeary schedue bank statement-3 (SBS-3)
Haf yeary depost nsurance penson scheme
Branch poston day, monthy and yeary.
Prepared a knds of voucher.
'('*&!I! ? "I(%I(G!
1.1. !DOT 'na:ysis of JB*:
SWOT anayss s the compete study of an organzatons exposure and
potenta n perspectve of ts Strength, Weakness, Opportunty and Threat. It
asssts theorga -nzaton to make ther exstng ne of performance and aso
forecast the future to mprove ther performance n comparson to ther
compettors. It aso heps the organzaton to understand the present
stuaton of the busness and aso consdered as an mportant too for makng
changes n the strategc management of the organzaton.

(trength 0eakness Opportunity Threats
!tren4th of JB*:
Experenced top management for operatng the busness smoothy. The
authorty has empoyed some experenced bankers who have great
experenced n ths professon.
To compete wth the compettor the bank has satsfactory capta base for
runnng the busness
Due to ts carefu decson ow nfecton n oan exposure.
Prospectve IT nfrastructure whch hep to mantan the onne bankng
|amuna Bank Lmted s aways engaged n a varety of corporate soca
actvtes n the country.
For ensurng the maxmum eve of customer satsfacton and earnng huge
proft |BL s expandng the number of branches n new ocaton.
|BL has correspondent reatonshp wth eadng nternatona banks n 117
countres to cover a mportant fnanca centers of the gobe.
Deakness of JB*:
Market s saturated because many compettors aready exst n the market so
they have to face ots of competton from the exstng compettor bank.
Aready many bank estabshed ther poston n the market so as a ater
entrant they need tme to estabsh ts poston n the market. As a resut they
have mted market share
For makng proft sometmes they exposure to arge oan whch s reay rsky
for ther busness because ther source of capta s the peope depost.
The authorty has excessve dependency on term depost whch decreases
ther proftabty eve.
Weak fund management
They gve hgh nterest rate for ganng fund as a resut t ncreases the cost
of fund and decrease the proftabty eve.
Isamc Branch funds are not rng fenced.
Opportunities of JB*:
Deveopment of a country depends on both prvate and pubc sector. For ths
reason government gve emphass on the deveopment of prvate sector. As a
resut reguatory envronment favorng prvate sector.
Athough Credt card s not a new concept n out country but there s a huge
potentaty for capturng ths market. So |BL can take ths opportunty.
Sma and medum enterprse s one of the bg opportuntes for |BL, because
day by day the numbers of sma and medum are ncreasng and they are
one of the great sources of proft.
Snce |BL s not an od bank and has mted number of branches a over the
country, so t has the opportunty to ncrease the number of branch a over
the country.
Now a days number of banks engaged n merchant bankng so |BL has the
opportunty to expand ther busness n ths ne.
Threats of JB*:
Due to goba economc crss Bangadesh Bank have decded that a the w
keep ther oan rate wthn 13% as a resut t w ncrease ther proftabe
|BL has to revse ts nterest rate for depost purpose as a resut they have to
face competton n case of coectng depost.
Some other banks offer great beneft for coectng the depost whch s a
great threat for |BL. Lke Day bass nterest on depost offered by HSBC
Bankng s one of the proftabe busnesses as a resut the numbers of banks
are ncreasng graduay. As a resut t ncreased competton n the market
for quaty assets.
Sometmes they face suppy gap of foregn currency.
Overa qudty crss n market
From the anayss we can easy fnd out the strength and weakness of the
bank whch w hep to compete wth others bank. It aso heps to fnd out the
opportunty and threats of the bank whch s a externa factor. Wthout
consderng ths factor bank cant compete n the market.
1.2. "inancia: perfor/ance of JB*:
'uthoriEed capita: and +aid up Capita::
Authorzed capta of the bank remans unchanged at TK. 1600 Mon n the
year 2007and the pad up capta of the Bank s TK. 1, 07, 25000 ordnary
shares of TK. 100 each. Except 2005 the number of ordnary share s same
for both years. Authorzed capta s Tk.5600.00 mon and pad up capta s
Tk.3000.71 mon as of 31
December 2009.
The data ta0:e 5ith 4raph is 4i9en 0e:o5:
)eser9e fund and other reser9e:
The tota reserve was TK. 487.46 mon n the year 2005; n 2006 t was
ncreased on TK. 629.33 mon so the dfference s 141.87 mon. In 2008
t was reached at TK. 703.67 mon. n 2010 t reached to 990 mon.
Here we can say that reserve fund of |BL s ncreasng graduay. Data tabe
aong wth graph are gven beow:
Year Amount(TK In Mon)
2007 629.33
2008 703.67
2010 990.00
Tabe 01: Reserve fund of |BL:
Fgure 01: Reserve fund and other reserve of |BL
%eposit of JB*:
Depost s one of the mportant aspects of bankng sector. It s termed as the
fe bood of a commerca bankng. |BL was abe to coect a tota depost of
TK. 14454.13 mon. It was abe to coect a tota depost of TK. 17284.81
mon n year 2006. Year 2007 t coected tota depost of TK. 17491.34
mon. The performance of depost coecton s mprovng graduay. To
present ths stuaton tabe aong wth graph are gven beow:
Year Amount of Depost (TK. In Mon)
2008 17491.34
2009 18285.81
2010 22122.01
Tabe 02: Depost poston of |BL
Fgure 02: Depost poston of |BL
In9est/ent position of JB*:
The tota amount of nvestment n 2007 s TK. 2037.84 mon. In 2008 the
tota amount of nvestment becomes TK. 2552.67 mon. But n 2009 t
decrease and become 2550.59 mon.But n 2010 t got a boost and reached
to 3667.23 mon. The nvestment portfoo comprsng Government Treasury
bs etc. contrbuted many towards fufments of Statutory Lqudty
Year Amount of Investment (TK. In Mon)
2008 2552.67
2009 2550.59
2010 3667.23
Tabe 03: Investment poston of |BL
Fgure o3: Investment poston of |BL
1., "indin4s of the report:
Durng the nternshp perod as an ntern I have found some pont about ths
bank whch s gven beow:
*The workng condton or the workng facty for the empoyee s qute good.
*Improper aocaton of empoyees and the number of empoyee n the branch
s few.
*Number of ATM booth s very ow. As a resut they have to use other bank
booth and bear the extra charges.
*The branch manager, offcer and executve who have acheved target n a
respect may be rewarded.
*Use of modern technoogy such as computerzaton.
*Potca nterference has to be avoded n seecton of empoyee. Because
customers are very senstve n servce marketng. If they dont get rght
servce at rght tme at rght pace by the rght person they w swtch over n
other bank.
*From the study t has been found that the prcng pocy of |BL s not much
satsfactory. For ths reason they shoud hre marketng specasts who w
hep them to deveop effectve servce strategy
*For a types of work ths branch s depended on head offce, so they cant
gve prompt servces to ts customers.
*Ther on-ne servce s qute satsfactory.
*Ther securty system s qute good.
*Interpersona reatonshp of the empoyees s not satsfactory eve.
*Tota proft and depost amount ncreased of |BL Agrabad Branch than
*Tota advances aso ncreases that mean companys asset aso has been
*Due to absence of ega framework of |BL, the bank s facng probems n ts
transactons to hande ts vaue added customers.
*Poor condtons of Baance of Payments of |BL.
*Empoyee-customer reatonshp s qute good.
*Ony te urgent works are done and a norma works reman unattended
and pendng.
*Lack of promotona and marketng actvtes n order to attract more
*Branch gves emphass on bg cents ke arge amount depostors or
2.1. )eco//endations:
I had the practca experence and exposure n |amuna Bank Lmted for |ust
three months. Bankng sector s very vast and compex so t s not easy for
me to recommend some ssues whch enhance the performance eve of the
Durng my nternshp perod I have found some shortcomngs regardng
operatona and other aspect of bankng. I woud ke to present the foowng
-The Bank shoud mprove the quaty of ts servce and ensure the maxmum
eve of customer satsfacton.
-Tranng the empoyees one or two tmes n a year wth atest bankng
technoogy whch w hep them to ad|ust n a new workng envronment.
-To attract more cents |BL shoud create a new marketng strategy, whch
w ncrease the proftabty of the bank.
-To estabsh a better soca mage the Bank shoud needs to partcpate more
n soca wefare actvtes.
Bank shoud start SMS Bankng because other prvate banks have aready
started -ths facty.
-Number of ATM booth shoud be ncreased and mantan suffcent fund n
ATM booth otherwse customer have to use other bank booth and bear
addtona charges for that.
-Offcer shoud be more effcent for provdng prompt servces to ts cents
and ensure ess tme consumpton regardng Genera Bankng.
-There are huge gap between the customers expectaton and actua servces
provded by the Bank. Bank shoud try to mnmze ths gape for mprovng
the reatonshp between the cents and Banks.
From my persona experence I have seen that many customers wat for
aong tme for any servces as they see that the some concerned offcers are
dong ther best to meet the requrements of the cents. So Management
shoud empoyee at east few more empoyees n Genera Bankng and
Foregn Exchange department of Agrabad Branch.
Bank can ntroduce more advance MIS system to mobze ts day to day
actvtes. It w hep the empoyee to do ther actvtes very qucky and the
same tme mantanng the quaty of the work.
To motvate the empoyees Bank shoud gve good saary and attractve
compensaton packages and aso Bank must adopt strct supervson and
montorng the performance of empoyees.
|BL s very conservatve for post shpment fnance. To foursh the Foregn
exchange department t shoud change ts mentaty and fnance post
shpment busness.
The Bank gve emphass on gve arge amount of oans but f the oan defaut
then the bank w face great oss. So to avod ths Bank shoud aso gve
emphass on SME oan aso.
The Bank shoud offer ntroduce new nnovatve products to attract more new
customers and provde dfferent knd of beneft for ts exstng customers.
Innovatve oan scheme and servce shoud be offered and shoud be more
fexbe n terms of SME oan repayment.
The modern busness word s on the fastest fow of competton whch s
growng wder and wder. To have sustanabty n ths compettve word the
organzaton are formuatng new strateges and busness pan wth maxmum
effcency eves n a sectors. Due to competton t s very dffcut to bud a
strong base for the bank and to uphod the mage of bank. Bankng s
becomng more and more vta for economc deveopment of Bangadesh n
mobzng capta and other resources. |amuna Bank, beng a thrd generaton
bank, s aso extendng such contrbutons as to the advancement of the
socoeconomc condton of the country. |BL has some probems but t s
encouragng that they are tryng to overcome these obstaces. To keep pace
wth current demand |BL shoud be more responsve. It shoud take necessary
steps & spread over ther products a over the country. Wthout a strong
footng of depost t s not possbe to grant huge amount of oans and
advance that s one of the ma|or sources of ncome of a bank and wthout
huge amount t s not possbe to attract the ma|or porton that en|oys credt
factes. It w more |ustfy for |BL to concentrate on corporate bankng than
consumer bankng .e. the ma|or porton of the proft w be generated from
corporate sector not from consumer secton.
As a BBA student I have competed my nternshp from |amuna Bank Lmted
(Agrabad Branch). I have worked wth customer care and account openng
Department. |amuna Bank s amost a new payer n the bankng sector and s
commtted to provde hgh quaty servces to ts stakehoders. It contrbutes
to the GDP of a country through dfferent fnanca product and proftabe
utzaton of fund.
From the fndngs t can be observed that |BL tryng t eve best to
mantanng the sustan growth eve. Athough t coud not reach the hghest
poston but t growth rate s contnuousy ncreasng. Based on the prevous
performance and the proper utzaton of resources, hope that |BL w be
abe to acheve ts goa and woud become a fnest corporate ctzens n the
Bankng ndustry.
2.,. Bi0:io4raphy:
3JB* product 0rochure
3'nnua: )eport of JB*

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