Edinburgh: Museums, Libraries and Galleries
Edinburgh: Museums, Libraries and Galleries
Edinburgh: Museums, Libraries and Galleries
Edinburgh is the capital and second most populous city in Scotland, it is situated on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth in the Lothian region, the city dates back to earlier than the 7th century. The population was 482,640 as of 20 2, with an esti!ated urban population of 8 7,800, !aking it ho!e to around ".4# of $cotland%s population. The University of Edinburghis one of four uni&ersities located in Edinburgh, it is ranked a!ong the world%s top 20 uni&ersities, !aking the city a $cottish acade!ic hub.
The city hosts the annual Edinburgh &nternational Festival, which is one of !any e&ents running fro! the end of 9uly until early $epte!ber each year. The best3known of these e&ents are the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Edinburgh &nternational Festival, Edinburgh Military )attoo and the Edinburgh &nternational *oo% Festival.+,-./ The longest established of these festi&als is the Edinburgh :nternational 6esti&al, which was first held in ;47+,-0/ and centres on a progra!!e of high3profile theatre productions and classical !usic perfor!ances, featuring international directors, conductors, theatre co!panies and orchestras.+,-1/ This has since been o&ertaken both in si<e and popularity by the Edinburgh 6ringe which began as a progra!!e of !arginal acts alongside the =official= 6esti&al to beco!e the largest perfor!ing arts festi&al in the world. :n 2006, 867 different shows were staged in 26 &enues throughout the city.+,-2/*o!edy has beco!e one of the !ainstays of the 6ringe, with nu!erous notable co!edians getting their first %break% here, often by recei&ing theEdinburgh Comedy "'ard.+,-3/ :n 2008 the largest co!edy &enues =on the 6ringe= launched the Edinburgh Comedy Festival as a festi&al within a festi&al. 4longside these !a1or festi&als, there is also the Edinburgh 4rt 6esti&al, Edinburgh &nternational Film Festival '!o&ed to 9une as of 2008), the Edinburgh 9a<< and 5lues 6esti&al, and the Edinburgh :nternational 5ook 6esti&al. )he Edge Festival 'for!erly known as T on the 6ringe), a popular !usic offshoot of the 6ringe, began in 2000, replacing the s!aller 6lu2 and .lanet .op series of shows.+,-4/ The Edinburgh Military )attoo, one of the centrepieces of the =official= 6esti&al, occupies the *astle Esplanade e&ery night, with !assed pipers and !ilitary bands drawn fro! around the world. .erfor!ances end with a short fireworks display. 4s well as the &arious su!!er festi&als there is also
theEdinburgh &nternational Science Festival held annually in 4pril. :t is one of the largest of its kind in Europe.+,56/